The Scientific Revolution

The Scientific Revolution · Effects of the Scientific Revolution The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened These discoveries revolutionized the way average

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Page 1: The Scientific Revolution · Effects of the Scientific Revolution The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened These discoveries revolutionized the way average

The Scientific Revolution

Page 2: The Scientific Revolution · Effects of the Scientific Revolution The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened These discoveries revolutionized the way average

The Scientific Revolution in under 5 Minutes


Page 3: The Scientific Revolution · Effects of the Scientific Revolution The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened These discoveries revolutionized the way average

The Scientific RevolutionAnd new philosophy calls all in doubt,

The element of fire is quite put out;

The sun is lost, and th’ earth, and no man’s wit

Can well direct him where to look for it

’Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone;

-John Donne, “Anatomy of the World”

Page 4: The Scientific Revolution · Effects of the Scientific Revolution The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened These discoveries revolutionized the way average

What was the Scientific Revolution?■ From 1542 to 1700

■ Development of new ways to study universe

■ Old authorities no longer blindly accepted

■ Application of mathematics to natural world

■ Creation and spread of new ideas and discoveries

Page 5: The Scientific Revolution · Effects of the Scientific Revolution The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened These discoveries revolutionized the way average

The Philosophical Medieval View

■ Aristotle & Ptolemy from Greece supported the

Geocentric theory:Earth was an unmoving object

located at the center of the universe- the sun and planets moved around the Earth

■ Religion guided views too: Christianity taught that God had placed Earth at the center of the universe.

Page 6: The Scientific Revolution · Effects of the Scientific Revolution The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened These discoveries revolutionized the way average

Aristotle(384BC – 322BC)

■ Greek philosopher

■ Developed geocentric model.

■ Philosophies had long-lasting effects on philosophical theories.

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Claudius Ptolemy(85AD – 165AD)

■ Greek astronomer, mathematician & geographer

■ Expanded Aristotle’s geocentric theory.

■ Introduced trigonometry methods.

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Before the Scientific Revolution

■ Science was called “natural philosophy”

■ Science mixed with moral philosophy, theology, numerology, alchemy & magic

■ Ancient Greek sources highly trusted

■ Few experiments were performed

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Causes of the Scientific Revolution

■ The voyages of discovery and colonization

■ Ancient & Medieval works translated into Latin, then vernacular languages

■ New inventions & institutions that promoted sharing of knowledge

Page 11: The Scientific Revolution · Effects of the Scientific Revolution The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened These discoveries revolutionized the way average

Conventional Thoughts

■ The Catholic Church supported the Geocentric Theory because it was consistent with religious doctrine that god had made the earth a special place in the universe

■ For 1,500 years, the Church supported almost all of Aristotle’s scientific theories as fact

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The Scientific Revolution Arrives

Challenging Old Ideas

■ The Scientific Revolution involved challenges to the traditional way of understanding the universe

■ These ideas were controversial because they challenged accepted truths, respected ancient scientists and the Roman Catholic Church

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Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

■ Sun-centered universe – heliocentric theory

■ Earth is no different than

any other planet

■ On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543)

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Nicolaus Copernicus (cont’d)

Conflict Over the Theories■ Copernicus was so

fearful of being considered a heretic that he waited until the last year of his life to publish his theory

■ However, his ideas spread despite Church condemnation and were eventually embraced by others.

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Heliocentric TheoryGeocentric vs. Heliocentric Models


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Heliocentric Model■ Earth is not center of

the universe

■ Earth is just another planet

■ Earth revolves around the Sun

■ Night and day caused by Earth’s rotation

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Nicolaus Copernicus (cont’d)

Scientific Discoveries Validate the Heliocentric Theory

■ The later findings of Johannes Kepler, a Danish mathematician, used data to prove the Heliocentric Theory

■ He also discovered that planets have elliptical (not circular) orbits around the sun.

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Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)■ Uses experiments &


■ Planetary movement is a mathematical formula

■ Planets move around the Sun in elliptical orbits NOT circles

■ Confirms Copernicus ideas

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Galileo Galilei (1564 -1642)■ GALILEO – designs 1st telescope

w/lens & sees movement of stars & moons (similar to the movement of the planets)

■ Church believes heavens are fixed, unmoving & earth is central → they are furious w/Galileo!

■ Galileo accused of heresy (crimes against Church) → 1633 brought to trial before Catholic Inquisition & he recants his statements

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Galileo Galilei (cont’d)

■ Galileo used the telescope (which he invented) to study the movement of the planets and published works supporting Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory

■ Wrote Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632)

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Why did the Catholic Church care?

■ Galileo was CATHOLIC!

■ The Protestant Reformation

■ Events had disturbed the faith of many Christians

■ Movements in the heavens which contradicted Church doctrine

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Conflict - Galileo vs. The Church

■ Catholic clergy brought Galileo before the Inquisition, where he was forced to recant his findings under threat of excommunication and torture

■ Despite his public recant of his theory, they placed Galileo under house arrest for the rest of his life in an attempt to silence him

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Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)■ Universal law of motion →

every object in universe attracts every other object

■ Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687) - Explained gravity (what goes up must come down)

■ Universe is a giant clock- all parts work together but God set clock in motion.

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Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton was the pioneer of modern physics

■ He was an English scientist who developed the law of gravity to explain the movement of the planets

■ This further confirmed the Heliocentric Theory

■ His theories asserted that all celestial bodies are attracted to each other by an invisible force directly related to the mass of the object

■ Newton believed that God had designed the universe like a giant clock, with gravity dominating its motions

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Francis Bacon(1561-1626)

■ English politician & writer with an interest in science.

■ Criticized ancient philosophers on how they arrived at conclusions.

■ Urged scientists to experiment in order to arrive at conclusions

■ Developed Scientific Method

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The Scientific Method

■ Observation

■ Research

■ Hypothesis

■ Experiment

■ Analysis

■ Conclusion

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Francis Bacon (cont’d)

■ This method was championed by Francis Bacon.

■ He was an English writer who felt that scholars had assumed Aristotle’s teachings to be truth without testing them.

■ He emphasized the need for experimentation over simple observation in arriving at conclusions.

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Rene Descartes (1596-1650)■ French scientist &


■ Developed analytical geometry (links both algebra & geometry)

■ Developments provided new tools for scientific research.

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Key Inventions

■ The Dutch invented the microscope ■ Inventor Antoine von Leeuwenhoek created a

high powered one■ Evangelista Torricelli – barometer ■ Galileo – thermometer

■ Farhenheit – improved thermometer

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Effects of the Scientific Revolution

■ The power of & faith in the Catholic Church was severely weakened■ These discoveries revolutionized the way average Europeans thought

■ Began to question the role of religion in education■ Began to solve life’s problems using logic & reasoning

■ Leads directly to The Enlightenment movement■ Logic and reasoning can also be applied to solve the problems of

human societies■ What is the best way to govern nations?■ What is the most effective economic system?■ What is the fairest way to structure society?

■ These new ideas will challenge the authority of Monarchs as well as the Church

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Critical Writing Assessment: The Scientific Revolution

Each assessment must be written in Paragraph form■ Describe 3 major events and inventions that helped

lead to the Scientific Revolution between 1300 – 1600AD?

■ How the following early scientist change the way Europeans understood the world around them:

Nicolaus Copernicus, Galilio Galilei, & Isaac Newton

■ Describe how the Scientific Revolution both further weakens the power of the Catholic Church as well as inspire new movements in thought?