TOU XXXII.. NO. r-H. SEATTLE. W ASHINGTON*. TIirHSDAt, OCTOBER 21.N >7. Breakfast Bacon 5 3 Hone Too Pot, Hot Too Lean? Juat Right? I AI ||c Per Poand " jf' I'l'f (2^ This Price Today. I I*. "j** \ gyiey tacit if «ot ?tlaftctorr. * 1 I P ? a =.«, r%y fIVC. r & LEVY-? WASH . J ii m ii n i raws. that de--iar-" "t. I befler* th* pt e4- of the Rff«fc3eac party not t-~r a day r-or a year, cot with varyta# Me-ty, but fcr all tltse. as the bert eTpre*s*ois f creed and the safest guide to those who. erjwyfe* the rrarrekr;« rtffct* of cfaeer.ship. wc-.i p~i»*r» to K*et sta grave dewtarida.** Geort'f k ? in Rr««khn A Henrr ???ting til® F""*wt'k".yn Academy of M -«>r ciiied forth aa aogleaee -*t at fi the boT.d'.ng to vt*r- fk>wt2g The prtr tpal attra- ion was t.-.e eppearaaee s= Brooklyn of Henry for -he *m tmte darfag the campaign. Sir. wa.« r r ee*v*d with tremet-.de -* r- »t t-e - daaioa of w-t<" be .- gars as addr*»s that was tsterru; *ed peatedfly by prolonged app.ia.«e. tna ie fc's ragioasary apo«al to t-e "true rary' In t's rise of Tr, tnas i S<»rv»n. A ae<;ord me* *3-8 "\u25a0 :d .a *e ?,er- mo'it Aresae rsk. Brooklyn, where an tnsmenae aadfer.r* waa addre -*d bj- Mr. ?Jeorg' and ea - C ongrtawma n Tom L. Joha- aon. of Ohio. th L<»n (ials« (irrmun * ntM. P»*h Low addr-s«-d a large rr.-etittg la F"; .= -::rg tor. ? -t- The comatftt e of the Manhattan Deosoeraey?3t*dkler Demo-"- rary?unar.imooaly indorsed the CI txeas* UsSots ticket and iiwusd an address giving thrtr reasons for »o doing. The St»ck>r Democracy has more than on- e polled Sf; 'WS votes and ts composed pnr .pally of Getrmaas. tieorßeiie Br«-««*h H»alrd. The breach Sn the Her.ry ranks taused ~y the ref- K al f tne L"r -3 Dem- ocracy to indorse the C!tia<-n«' Union and the Jeff rsor.lan Democracy uck- . and later Henrj* Georges refusal to a.ltw n* r.ame to appei.- at the b<*ad cf the ( 'iit<rd Demorra y ticket, wu he«>d ialght in a eonf':r*-nce between the United Democ- racy and the Henry Ogorge campa»4?u roaimate* Mr. Georg will receive th* fu,. support of the United I>r-rr:j»:ricy. District Assembly, Nx ©. Kf.jb s of Labor haa »ad rw-d Henry George. Tne ass-'-mbty aaa fifty Assemblies la this dis- trict. Henry t.rorgr an IsihWasli*!. Writing to a Grrman-Amencaa club, Henry Georgr «aya: "I do not b*-iieve in any excise In ar.y form. The attempt to prevent people from drir.king by taxes and exci=-s upon iiqoor lncr*-as« v » cost®, pr >iaotes adultera- tion and def-ais. I tfc.ak. the very end It nas in view. "All K' h taxes are promotive of mon- opoiy and corporations. Beside* what to the government from them a much larger amount Is taken by private pariie*. who find a profit in the main- tenance of the taxea. As was the case wuh our whisky tax. it is also with taxes of that nature. The institute them, but to repeal there. Li- cense taxes have always instituted and have always constituted an element of corruption, which Is made to furnish means by which political rings maintain themselves. I aa free trader sn the full *???"? -e cf the term, and put everything upon the ba.«ls of equal rights. I think that the province of the government is to prevent one individual from Interfering with tho equal rights of another. "As to the question of Sunday closing. T beiieve in individual freedom. These persons who wish to go to church on Sunday should not be Interfered with ;n any way by a person who wishes to sell or drink liquor or Sunday the person who wishes to drink or sell liquor on Sunday should not be interfered w'th by the person who wishes to go to church. The Swbbath was made for mxn, and not man ftar the Sabbath. The law should merely see to it that i'.quor selling is conducted in decency and in order A man's conduct should be governed solely by his own cons.-Mer.ce. so Jong as he pre- serve* the public peace." Sp< aking at a m:>i meeting at Ma- jeanr ti :. H-nry Ge rg« said "For the republics r.cw I care nothing but it Is to the republic that is coming that I bow <i.»n to wor" Ip Not a r. ; .blic .-? f tramps and millionaires, not a republic where one man has the power of a cxar, not a republic where the women faint and children go hungry, not to this republic, but to the on# which Is yet to come a republic of Ood. a Christian re- public In the true sense of the word."" J->hn C. Bheefcan th» Tararranv bal! leader, received the following dlspat h Joday from Mayor Ha-nson. ef Ch ~>go: "Will be with ycjj October 2* by a large delegation of Cook county Dem- ocrats." T«»e Rl(t*rn-M Will f niinrf. r ;???;-!?>-« of \u25a0?! sort* a-" grestty 'r*»r- ested In the prcbablc effect of the 1 rt»r- --ne-s displayed in the mur.lcipal campaign upon the results in the stats at large. The effects prlrc!ral!y discussed are af- fecing 'he choice of W" ,ce a ; 1 Park r. re*-lective'y the Repufcil* an an<i Denso- crattc aomlnres for rhtef Jurfge of "ha court of appeals, and those of the legisla- tive candidates Ir.dtvtJuaUy. It Is conced- th» par'lsars cf Lew a-d Tracy, if not stronger than that between George ant Tammany. Is ilkoly ta be more wtdespreal Coat.aued cn page X inn \u25a0| at Afnlict in Ln Case Far iff as tver. JURY MUST NOT SEPARATE Ja !§?- Will Kt»*p the Tw»lve Tugv &-r Till "ararlav. R-porta as to the Vote Vary rron* One to Thrr» Huldlng Oat for \c- qaittal?\ Majority Aerdlrt !'r«- l""'J. bet llrraly R'facd. aatl Tat hill Drrllßrt to «>lie Farther 1 natractlo na? Itr t grrt la Hmpvr una Hopefal? \ aatiaia Raid ,k * Caart Boom ami Carry Away f.trrf thing Portable as Relic*. if ?ae ; :ry had any eomewstra-lot -o w*li* on «a«rk>Jß cf fact H* wasted so knsw tf ': wi« eav» -cat ivrlita evi- dence »'? -re tier. ft.' ide ft entfr-'.r and \ then coa«!4er «eh«r ev'ience iri ma&e up . * ve- -T: from ;? Judge Tats.. : u 1 :h* qtsear'cn **s *3 Improper er.e for him | aasw- r. ** Tea r.avs your tnstTae'lor«a 1 'is hfatrr "yc i w re r' '3 r- .? :\i- . : v>ti and return to the T-j.r-.htr -?--< l--a'::r. if :h fa*-.-- ' r-s- wx* all t*ia* oecarrfd ' The as.i-mr-.--r i-f jury aas frw* th* be*"- \u25a0 rjg tisat 'he ? .rp la daite'i »i* sot esrahti--ed wtti -.* .sac d»rec n»a* te oaviace t-era that Mrs Li.-gert * d-*d TSey eoe--ai :hat ihey are in JJTV bocad to nvt Lo-tgert the - eae.lt of tr.e i doubt. t.aetaert Fall of Hope. was «*tir early and as jcul j at* ? ft*«ry breakfast. **l w;.l be *ctv.t>t- :?*.! I am e-.-e." ex .-Jatmed he. sm.iing. "Next time I'm CM '. dto 4h* urt - \u25a0 n I wll; ieave * » free 'as:.. j*wmt j :r I sha :l ev-r sear will be that ver- dict of act guilty. Ir *.Joe a Jtm verdict, too.* l oad » mncHnc Henrd. After the Jury had bfra wot ba-k to j tV.r roam, trey ariried loudly fer a .me 1 »sd w*r* at it a*rd *a4 fa at when h»sch ; ! Vrst* *rrtv*d. Tsera at* «sm« load :aik;njt dartas Us* pro«rea# of the meal, j.'.atr - g tsar w.Tk was tr r.« it tr>« taMe. Da n< trie tlttnaoa there was 10 mgrt cf a ver- d:cu ao w-rd of any kxnd :%me tram > or west ato the Jtstl® r.«u whor- the rc-r* were iocJte<l ap. At Usst could be h*jtrd and the t<m-« ted: ated ?Bj but an a'tn.»j»ft<r* of A: 7 o'clock dinner *a> taker, to r. j and ihey <*aaed w >rk for the nigh:. After d;naer the COJJ »ere qu; .:*>>- put up ia t..« aaaU rooms adjoining *he court room, and !t waa not ion* before each one held a ju- ! r .r or a bailiff, and work waa over until tomorrow. U ill Try the ( aw (gala. Thera eery little thourht new of any- but a d.a^jfreamer t It la the gert- eral or*tr.:on that HarU-y w 11 pmve Srm to t>va end. and that he may ke*r Hot- bird with b'ra The eouaael for the de- fense still at:rk» to their asaertion of a c>min* a but Attorney Phalen j aa>'« di.« aa often aa he »ay« | "acfjulttai." The state i* now looking for * 'i:sfcgreem«>r.t. with a smail hope ! Kin Hoi's Up a Sfaorp and Hobs the Box. MURDERER KELLER GONE. Et-Aaditor Troy, of CUI am, to R* hir \iihi froa Alitki,f»r irinL Dliapprari grf of LJadfora at « »»n t Irfuosfed for by a New Tkf»r»- E*rH-«« '(porta Hria( Orlira From by the Mfwan >»or and H hllmMtt-r M !»<\u25a0»- IIIrsnl **lu«i-krrpr» nl Coat leted? Urnmai *?>. <i nit ton Cur Pn«lpoort»?E«prrt loans »\u25a0 the Italian* Vrrouat%. SPOKANS. (Vt. JO-A sjw -ial fr m Vnlcntown TCa*h . »ay«: Th# stage runn.n* betw «n Irfwifton m l fuloritown wna h«ld up !*»t n *h: about W p. m br iiuikM man, and th# t*ntte>* States mail and express treasure box rifted. Where the Ts«nes of 181)6 Are Again Raise I. NOT A MERE LOCAL FIGHT E*pab!iran Speakers Clearly show it*.National Character. While T»mnaanv and Georgette* to Imported * p«-a Ui-rt. They Are C ?Illa« the Help of Roth Money mail *pi »krr ? From the \L e*t?*eeretary Uli«* ami (,«T. Black «hnit That the *ame Forces Are 4rra>ed to richt the **air a* La«t \ ear?iirnrte I)e- --? *le»*a of ladlttrtHa! liberty. KLONDIKE A Commodious and Fast Sailing Steamer Will SAVE SEATTLE ON OR ABOUT JUNE 10, 1898, Afld c*ery ten days thereafter, taklag freight and pa»**eaiiera, & p»t Get Ther* 8' M.chseni island, A ska, mouth of the Yukon river, mak- SfaaaectJ n* with the river s--miners Wears. Cudaay, H«m.Hc« Heaiy Power *1K«Mbk: for Circle City, Mlaook Cre \u25a0 . Fort Cudah> *r.d Ki >nd;ke gold Reservation* for or freight Meamers «ia> no* be »ev,ured b> making a deposit. Ptafsr sn* Qua. t* Ri.ne* t.ougat snd scid investments tn minlnr property \u25a0At. aasiag eapeas* of sendmg sgeota. Our agents aiui experts are on tas £sa4 sad haw been for > «*rs. *\u2666 ef!l issue letters of credit on our c< mpany at its posts-Circle City. Alaska it Fart Cudabr. Dawson City and Xi m dike goi-i ft. Ids. Northwest Territory-at ttiuri- «f 1 per cent Ivgt »lock- ot * ppli-s of all kind* wiil be found at Fort Get There and IJam- toa «a the Lower Yukon. For particulars apply to tfcrtb American Transportation Trading Co. No. ttis First As esse. Seattle, U safe. DIMEC TORS, Ma J. Hesfr Miehaal Citdahy Chicsgo. in «??? Dawsoo. Klondike Go.d Fieldv Jotio Cu Jahy Chicago I E»I Wesr- **t. Cudshy N W. T. Ernest A H*mi! Chl-ago M avss A Weare Chicago, til. Fortius B. Weare Chicago. !fl. ALASKA TRANSPORTATION SERVICE, VIA lUHOPI KIHV. are building boats 'ipre**iy tar above service and getting ready to do busi- »e« ?# ar.d from the Alaska Gold F.eSda, and are prepared to furnish rates of ttawpor a-on for pas**n«era and fr«;sht between Seattle and Dawson City end tl SateraedUtf Now ?h»* time to *«t-ure yo jr passage and room for fts-Tt Boa: wilt *all from rjp or abou? Ma-ch IS fcifsrr atakirg definite arrar.gefti nts tor taking the trip, call on or aidrssa H. J. SPKFR & SON. \u25a0:*Mf First Avenue A Columbia Sts Rooms * and 9, K ,xwel Bi-.x-k Seattle. Wash Jardinieres... j A sew tin. sf imported J-rd n ass J ;«t rsce.ved a* the right time. !kw. Bright ar.d Neat. 35c tC 75c A Window Full. **? Jardtr.lsre stands la wsougat I:or.. Latest de»*g-a. Prepared Palms, Alt Sizes, $1.50 to $4.50. M. 6KLLEB & CO. Xas. ICT snd C!> First Af. CARPETS" Just received, a ear loarl «»t < ARPKT> direct from * mills. We can furnish your house from kitchen parlor. A full line of carried. I NSi\\ I i r a M KVTS, pCLTOX. CARLE wV CO.. 112.1 hir>t Av.. Seattle FROM THE SHEEP TO THE MAN The Subject Hint Put to Sleep Is in Our \\indo* With the Sheep. Washington Woolen Hill Co. Hss F. WILZINSKI, T S's \ :* f ,'f CtRXDI \IE OI'TICAI >FECIALISr. CV>nsult.at.ion l-'vorv Hay. SKILLED FITTING ?Mvmu . at. ? N ? - ; I " M pLRUYA CO.. j". 1 ".'. 1 ® * Ik. \*t. r Wajr as® 6ecc-4 Av. C&TiOSit<6Sl NEW YORK Oct 3S ?Th» cotr.lnir mun!- c. al ele- \u25a0 r. i rr r- ar, 1 rc .re of the attent;<»r of tne people and were held by every party this ev*n.ng. at wnioh the leader m the e-.jr wer« rein- forced on the p.atform by m-n of sat.snal refutation. The U hoi* Country W Gen. Benjamin F. Tracy candid* * fc-r mayor. Secretary of the Interior Cornelias X Bliss and Gov Frank N Black address- ed an audience of L3K> person* a: a licaa meett ag held tonight la toe Leno* lycsum here. Seer-tary BUsa, in the curse : of r.'j> remarks, said: "Trfr« are two candidates in this town ) standing on t.te OUcaco plaufunm?one ??luareiy, the other no: saying macn about it. Jut standing there jus: tne same. There has b-n criticism a boat; men comics from ffuaiß|tw and Oaio and Nebraska and oth' r places to ap>>ak to the people of >. ? 1 rh I .da rignt as a citiaen of tins |<)*b j com*- I have se*n H- .tor# T.. are*, on and F r »*»>- < me ri*re before and torn of our fri-nda. who now cri* ett» t»em for com Lac were then gad to them. They d:>i not eome to ten you * .-a- to do. but to find oui wiiat you are go.ng to do. "T..» s*a:e of Kansas Is raisin* money for George* campaign. A f ;nd to elect j «J*«-.r*a b being contributed by Kansas people I can jsay that I hear from ail ?-.v-r tne coun;ry. "What i* N«»w York go- ing to do" They "Are the peipk of New York a?.ng back on what they did las' year" Tha is th» question. T-.-re s but one thin* for tie great R publican party in Js!« state. It ia to get behind Gen B F. Tracy, ei-o- him mayor of this great city and have four year* of hor.est f <v»rrs.T,'',! in every way, and concur- rence with th* country is honest money | and the killing of anarchism and *v*ry- thln« that goes with the Chic Ago p'alform" | When Gen Tracy rose, he met with an j ovation, but It was not as Lasting the one he g'rt when he with Mr BIISS. fien. Tracy tn his speech dwelt largely on Brooklyn politics. anti made an argument the Citizens* I'nicn. The «».n«e %rn»> s »h« «*wr luar*. Gov. Biark of New Yo-k, was the r»*t stxeAkw. In tb« course ot hss speech, he said: 'The same srmy that threatened us iast fat" is again abroad, under the *ame com- mander* tn the «ann» cs ise with the same purposes, but moving tn smaller groups Every victory they wlr. r.cw ir separa** companies, every element cf strength you pe-?r :* them to acquire in d- a- rr r.ts. ! will he >.is»td against you in every content hereaf*»r. «h*i their faces a'" nuf I again in ore complete and vic- tor leus army. "The :s*uea now sre the t«s"es of '.set yvar There hs* been no s.rtrmpt to chanse thenr and they are not »vn fcr phraseology. "n every spot w .ere the first i* on it Is waged n l:t:-># cT the St Eouls and t*hicajro platform*, g -iiH'm arar-hi*m Junk mor.ev and v- erv * ;!<.'-«!red hvi-rtd t-*t stored thrcui-n the Chicago piatform of a year asro wlil rather Ir kno.s r.ext month around the polling places of ths* repubUc He w v ? | p t'-fen<h» tra" ar.arr.-y is r-us or..y | cir-e In four veer* th»* reoudfct'ten dIJ- ( honest only in national el»*"*: -s and Sj i will n* at other t!m s to *eep them corrt- | psay is hii.i*elf * dargero'is citizen ar.d i onworthy of hi* prtvilege* \-d yet m these tltnes we arr t M CM ' rv ?" us contents should be i Bor.-polltlca! I ne* I utterly repudiate O-\u25a0? je ?A: $ » tor.ight It was an- courieed from the office of State a Attor- ney D»ne»n that there would be no an- noonctment of a verdict In the Luetgert case before tt»e opening of court tosaor- row morr.ing Judge Turt.ill "home early ia the evening, l-avlr.g ma tera with Mr. Deneen who was to send him word in caae a verdict should be reached during the early part of the evening Tne a r- n< vs tor the defense also ief; ma te:s with ( Mr. Deneen and went home to a*a:t any ward that night come from the jury room. Mr. Deneen. pale-faced and red-eyed from lack of .-.cep. sat la his office until i 5.28. and th> n he announced that he would . wait no longer, and gave orders that his offii « ci jic-d. "T ere Is ai-solu'ely no chance now of an> *hir.g being heard fr- m the twelve msa before tomorrow reomir.g a: the ear..est." 1 said he. as fee left bis office. Hast Keep bi It Till ««tanlay. For a time r nUht it waa rumored that If the Jury should nt agr e tomorrow it would be discharged as soon a* it reports its inability to reach a verdict. This, however, is not the case It is the firm deterntlr.ari:n of Judge Tuthill to keep the Jury until Saturday night or late Saturday afternoon before he permits them to go with a disagreement. He has annour.c d that both state and defendant have sp:nt aao;. jr. n*y and tire and lb - M«e as been a? lcr.g and d.fT. alt to try that he wjl act consent to the discharge of the Jury until there ;* ah-alutely no hope whatever of a verdict being rea hsd. Harl»*y the Otistloate Man. 1 The Jury stands about as it stood -4 ho :rs ago. Re, rt.« vary Trom nir. * for the death penalty to three for a -qu t al. to eleven for death and one for The one juror hold ng out for Luetgert ia Hariey and it is thought 'hat if he wr»uld change front, there wou'd be little r.me | lost in arriving at a verdict. Juror Hoia- Hnd ia al*-, *- lit#' with favoring the ac- qn.ttal of the prisoner, but it is thought hs ; W'-.nl 1 corns around au kly if Hirley could be Induced to vote for a con*T:t|on The feeling am> ng the Jurors *ho ars In favor of the death penalty is h!eh j | against Hariey, and they have done s me j plain talking to him At one time this nr. .rnirg th*y even sent to Judge Tuthill to know, amorg other things, If eleven Ki'-n could compel one man to vote with th-m, or if a verdict would be valid if but eleven men signed it. This Is the only Incident that gave to the state the idea that there was but one man stand- i Ir.g between Luetgert and a death sen- j tence. I he Jmisf «end« Them Hack. At I) o'clock this morning the fcail'T eject-i ail newspaper men from the court room and a few minutes later Judsrs Tith'.ll »n? He call-d f he J'ary Into court at 1031 and sent for Luetg«rt. State's Attorney Deneen gave the fac*a of the c -rference to the Associated Press, saying: "L e-|fert was sent for ar. i came Into : court smiling. Th«n the jury was bro'.rit In I was apparent at once who had been i tanging the j.ry. Judge Tuthill inquired < ? w y* V-. Vj. <r» V %#? V V ?""' 4 " Only One Way to Get It. It' you want accurate information about the Klondike, it is ob a naV.e n just one wav, and thar is to se< ire the * . «§<>> s ec:ai edition of the Post-Intel i fencer. Tnere is ava »etv . ot pubuca'ions on the subject, but not one comes so near meeting al requirements as that publication. It is a marvel * of compactness, completeness and general excellence. Nothing is omitted. Ask some one who has seen and read ... * it. He will teil you all about it. Then 30 to th- business o- v- fice ot the Post Intelligencer and ge: one or more copies aad .: send them away. A ?' njii arV - ,**?? a*"*. WW «A» A »' 4of oHo# ivH<? i K<>K< \u25a0 ; S* V¥¥Y v i'V'» l, f¥¥ , »'if¥V v V that Hariey will agree to a conviction, and certainly not to the death penalty. The state's attorney Is. however, con- fident that the Jury will be with h!m to the extent of ten or eleven to one. "I will have ten ef them. I feel sure." he said tor.ight. "although It Is possible that I may have only nine?but nine will be for the state, without the slightest doubt. If a disagreement !* a result of the trial, the case will be tr.cd agala as soon as possible." Mr. Deneen Is a hard flgrbter. and he smiied grimly tonight when a«ked if be intended to try the case again. "Why, most certainly we will," he said, "and we will put up a stronger case against him the second time than we have tn this trial. Then. too. Mrs. Luetgert will have Just that much mor» time to show up and. as of course she will not do that. It will be worse for Luetgert than It is now " The room in which Judge Trh SI held th# trial has been cleared of every- thing portable by a hand of rellc-hur. ers. who took advantage of the temporary ab- sence of the offlclals. Th»y arrie-i off all the stationery from the Judge's d'sk his gavel and the few ornament* rema.nl-g They cut up th* wooden writ ng bench- es used by the reporte-s Into places a foot square Wtien the bailiffs returned, they removed the pape-s from th- drawers ->f toe }udg» ji desk and <?» ??are'y fastened the »le trie bult# and g'ohes Judge Tuthltl was ar.x! ss to pres*rv# h's rav ! and Ink- s*ar.d as mem#ntoe« for h!s wife and when he learned that tfeev had been carried off. he c*"d visor us language On the stage's arrival at the top of the hill. the robber* Jumped from their piic * of fon?**:mfnt and demanded the treasure box and mall poU~hea. Th«*e w t »r - §|v n up. One ox the passenger* win cm pell d to hreak op»n the tr«*sur* boa with an a* held in readme** after whi- h the ata*-e *j* ordered forward. Noi.« of the pas- sengers »>re mo.ottd. t On the arrival at Lewiaton *he dr'ver t telephoned the stage proprietor h»r* wo went *t oate to th' seen ?. accompanied by ! the p.stmaster ar«! »*pr«a« a<r*nt T e : poMma»:er and >n>reaa a -err from L<ew- !s*on also hurried her# Th* .nteßf* of the pouches were found rifled of va.ushi*** and wrapper* and artides not wa-.tel i were atrewn 03 the ground. There is ~o trace of the porpetrator*. It la believed that but tittle booty wa« aeruted. LEWrSTON Idaho. Oc 20 The ho 1- j up took place on tha U*W| a hill, miles fr m h<*re. All tie pt«» ng. -* w h one exception, nay ther > was hut a 'o e highwayman Instead of -hr-e as r< d from CnJontown. Com ng up the tftrU e to the hill a **ll. masked man In t e read commanded lrlver Harry X<-ls to ha!* and throw down the box and mat If* p it - 1y told th» p*«*er.«er* to «;t still ai l tfc<v wot-Id not h* harmed. Then he ordered T F. Cooper, a hoy, to climb down and ; break op»n the ho*. The v>v romp! lei ' Finishing the Job, the highwayman order d . h rr. ba~k to the state* *nd comma.!- 1 "drive on." \u25a0 j A San Francisco drummer *aid: "W"e should have a* lea.«f a drink oat of : this." and the robhe* replied. I *No damn drfva on * T:* POST-INTELLIGENCER TIG RESOLUTE GOES OUT TO MEET INCOMING STEAMERS FROM ST. MICHAEL. tug Resolute left Seattle last even- ing t}r tft# Strait* with a corps of Poat- lat«Hl*eac*r correspondents aboard. Uiled to pick up *t Cap* Flattery the strainers Humboldt ar.d Portand due fr >tn S' M . K aet, Ala>ka. It 1* probahe neither c-f the steamers w.\l arriv* if'* 0--gber at * * earliest, bit t e rea.i- agement of the Post-lr.tr s rcer prefers being a few <!*>"? e*riy r* ~ r ? »a an hour late. even though «!*? ar d *!? p^r# » is coaa*d»r*r>. This par-r »r * eat |-e teid with the first papers of > the United State*, and resiers -f tha ' i> '?\u25a0\r.rt *err*-r rc*y rest as- irM that no putilcatloa in the country w. ex-el r *j rt of the ia*»st news from *."? N>ctJ» bratifht by the expected Meam- #ra Every detail that WWtfl conduce to a perfee «rv': eof the rw» looked for by the P'tiand sni H-nofceidt has | rar«Pi'.y gttecded to On board ona of the at east-rs w Horace McCJura, the f;e. *; c*-:r«sr> r.Jent whj left hers on the F -rtlacd w.th the express purpose od IT IK'RF the round T.-VS**. F* has *V.Y advantage of interviewing any return- g T-kmers and the iaf?rm- *n K s Ula « I s:t:.-a to c *a.r, can he rv -d u.r.>n as a 1 <?? )> y accurate, complete | and «« prejudiced. Hew ester. *iVf the r,««» t at w'J com* d wn bo u, of c .rse. a rear r f conjecture. The atearr. r Humboldt w-.a probabtr arrive first. «s it is uadersti d that TraJlc M* ? *g»r Charles H Hamil- ton. ef the X rth AET-U S; u * Trad g > a by * " t-'h ve«s*ls are char" red. Intended vt> hold t*se Portia- * at Sr M .-hasl se> lorg as ? -".»re was a pcttsr*- t ri passer s-rs < m- <-« 4 -wo ths -* V s aeka 0> ---r 4 -a h*r w*y north, land arrm-1 ;a St. ii. _A.e. asc «i 0-* tot r 11- Th*re was no r- ? «*ity of dri&y th*re. and the Humboidt probably >(\u25a0 on the : ? ..-a v :? ag» C--tober 1- or H A* «he U the fastest boat on the run and has before made the :-yage in eleven days, tnclt. ling a atop of several hour* for <r-al. her arrival at the Ci?« may be looked for next Saturday, Sun- day or Monday The P rtlaad will not leave St Michael, at the earliest, until October IS. and m.-y po<*l- :y waU later. Th-it * 'uld tr.ng her h«. r * *j;y time from Octet* r 3S to October X. It is reasonable to expert that the Port- land will bring the treasure of the North Arr. rtean Trar.sp-rtar.ian & Trading Com- pany and a majority of the K " .K ra if th»re are any. The company srer.t to the e'xpense of fitting the F ?? md wfh a Msi n run in the particular exp. -ta'ion of tiav ni to f:ard treas .re zr. the -own voyages. There in. of course, a char.-# that no people from Daw*>n Cry w.I! ar- rive at St. Michael th .e fall. The «?»*:*. era Be;'a. Marsruerite and P B. Weare. «. n a ? r: . ra a£i>- ird we . .'.a »»j st 1- Ed In gettlrg down the river, are s to he froten op n-ar N .ia-o. The a psssenger*. If she should rea l St. Mi S- **l, will come down on the Jlumboldt or Portland. M.rsera on either the ftelU rr Marguerite would fom» down on the E*- c- *ior. which run* to San Fra n nco. The tug Reflate, wl-.i -n will cruise ff Cape Fishery, awaiting "Re trf**-ire sh ? is "he largest tug ever owned la th s and ran turn * wV«I with the swiftest tugs on the So-.rd. fl e «a< rt er.rly j r- r.ased from the Or »gr>n p;« p.% ir . i Company by George W. 9:eta n and E. E Calne, Her original rao: w.ae ti>" ?? f wis built In I*'*4 of East-rn timber H'r bottom 1* \u25a0 ,ver»i wfh co;-per. Iter ?i- --g-.-te* are of m horse p .wer i-id * r- built in Philadelphia. Tne of th* R«* -re are a* * '-*s Length 1-\u25a0 feet; breadth, 2P T feet, de; t.. i% ' * tonnage, fl 3d. Sh» ta inded by Capt. Thomas Kelt a. Th* Rcooiuto w U proceed d re-'tly Neah hay. ar.d oa'-l th* app of the k,ok»d f r tmo ;n ? he ctra.ta r a few otiiea "it .de. la ioe.y w-of -r » chaaoeo will be takes of either th C»v«>- land or the Humboldt *: pp. g by. and tie Re»o|u*.o d'.rirg murky w- rber w H He about three art J»a In* !e f Car» Flat- tery. On rlear days .f th»re tull te *.-h. th* t>jg wUI take a run outa'de t v the north and keeping about twenty m ?>« ?r*m th* Var.' u-- * »'ir.d »h-.re At l*. « ?esaaoa of tha year d sagr-e*-,le w-a*h r prevaii* "n the a'rait* and the newapa?er w Q hava to malataia a a.iarp lo k- oot. The s-»aar.»r Clevela-d. dua to arrive here from S*_ Michael t'vday or tsmorrcw w.2 likely havo few if ar.y passenger* from the Yukoa. U re defia to information C4T ta eapec'ed by n-r -f the bab e arnvai of ti*«".eaaers u {?. *3*. THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. EIGHT-PAGE EDITION r s ' ? -= < >? .* -e by tVf N't as * a ! »;*.!?* dSaa?n>**t<NL r.v« i«r. - Kr»-jt« atfl SCTfrrs? AffUl : t « \ *?\u25a0* .n-.-rra-d irot th* mv.- ]? ate 1 mk us and r#ra~ tnt» >»? tti# so*. T\# fwrwd paper* arer# nwt destroyed. Tlt#y fv* no p'at#«*eiK of th# ars vunt leas, y - n - " *c ' a 4 tfe# robber trad# a Mf haal. The »? ff*r» th# s .is# w*r# CoL JkM Ua» SpMtan#: T. F Ov pcf. teirl O. W Mart -t and C E. SVw- r% Sat Fr*a.-,JC*>. and W. P. R«adft»jn, l>w.*ton. KEI.I.EH'* CLEVER IWIPE. How tack*'* Vnrdrrfrffflnllr Kluv. ,-d 5. # ? *? »-v«?.»h *\u25a0\u25a0> ?*# ! V »RT rvV. NS> N'P <v«;. Vf 3 Kc >' who a at J G Lurkv at iUlw.«w laat Saturday ifterrw'ort. I* atHl at ?arjs>' and iwtS.ng whoteror ha® b#*n b#«rd *>f h n « -o* h# abrn >rf.l bt# *un and t«>.d s*;# (thbors at th# **«#\u25a0 t*s «»?,..> rit that # .lift '<Nt to to Port TowruerJ and f:vr Mmwtt "'l 1* j WK«n S!*#riSt Ham;!:, a and Prowrcut'.nc , A: r +t- r irrU ?\u25a0 '. \t ftrtnnon Sfcir.- '\u25a0 dav morfin*. thty tr?-r# *urpr)»-.*d to rtnd 1 that t\ '>rr had I*>«b ai''ow#d to {a**-#, a,.d thejy r#*<?.. y gu> » >"d that b* bad 4e- t vivi ; < : . ra a .ts Js!« *t>>ry about givmc tp to th»» autborUie*. Thy> local and *^on- »:.»! ? a : a iiK ?: : a. > »»w »r..| taikcd *;th KrK«r alter th* abvjttn*. but . - -.'m.J not hav* bwea taJien thf-re ji I:.< -,i .. *i.«. And hav -.nig a r«; at* an for l»:.;| x "t voau «r.l a rt:t vr*aii. - -.of. Btichtwn mmwl .0 tbtafc :b*t !b* ahuot- !: < . . : ai:s- '. o rnu. i anyway. an 4 f th*- fcbei.flt aiatea that in »;>.:»- ,4 tats nut w i eS ra th* Cuf- cwjfr * jury a su to sboa thai tb* mur- der ara» a nauai < old-biuuO«d and ufipro- i trolled crime, c.f thr :n«m;<«m o< tfio | jury appatentty wanted to Urin* In a urn ' ot v#nlUM. ? . . F A. iw .a t«>a* < aa* m.*»- tns ba.urda> u.sr. w nd u » i thai tne inardcitr to«« tt and crOMtd o%er to K>. a and thero took th* ; - Nil fr i a, a -..a; .... ? «>f four mi.ea, from which point a t »at runa daily to Js#at;.». Tsua ruu lj tt« rratty toua tt, r»av«- h:m tn Huod../ ; !\u25a0 ? ".j.. .-!.!\u25a0 .«? tt «>jt rt-aiixcd thai »? | :r>...K .0 tuajta »».» r ,»»> a>w aoUitt Wtiu thill* li.at Kt tifij w«i.; u t:». t ?? * ? ..i «, a i,«r- .a lam..y »aa vlsiitn< at tn« urn ut i..e «.>o*ctu«. a«i.rf at»«> * v..;;. - .... m< .. > «.a ,? a- t. *(td a i?u* a. count at I'atxtnuL Hia a a:.a ta«> » t ai .*al ijr at in non as kuwi tu«) rtvat u of Uia tt .. j. i ?»' are a the otb«r hand, who th...* iiu»t k«?..*?»? hi*.- iiaa* into turn bwod> t*»aa Uoi »t Briau<Mi. n n#r« tout a '»\u25a0 ? ? a,.0 c#uid frue.d htm for au in- UeiUiitr piTlut), tfutU ttw o(Ui(ta tie *.UJ..U v CUftti iV/, tutrfe, aiiU cau<.« i.o *> , i : ai... ?. j . jl i«-,na Ui pur- <u«ra. \u25a0 » J. Ke.Ur la aa a man ii X<ar» i>» Aj|f, ii.ii v. .<\u25ba,.» ita u-»» * .iuj auit a vvry tnt ta««, a.Hi »on» a ton* m«ia»a«*ne, n.,4 *j. . iuiX b> i<.* it-u. ti.a f.i t(»> *.f.i, -i.uj 11,. re ij» a u*m ,u»a on i.,s !u»ir nf. w. . ii wick, ltd '? ... , r. ui »»'« to u4t« a >*.,bJO matlu <l. 11.1. \<l lot \ lift <H iMUL iberifl ... »rrr? K»r«er t«d|. tur-i.i t rrt Hci»«>r». 8 ; e, i.ji ?? I'oMdatttiliwccr, ttjfti j Oct. JU. ?v*^u. r j. *\u25a0o -\u25a0 ; 'to» iu..M c 'Utuy. ?*a *, < *> \u25a0\u25a0 OU :n a rki > -aierday for a .a** a, truant with requisition pjpera 00 tat |«v*fitur of Ais,-.k4 for mo aurrvnd* r 01 Jxj.m W. Troy, former guoiutr at Ctkl* iem o.'oaiy. La .-barged »»-h (in^i* j t«e.n-:u. tfte r*< of uu auotior g of. live n«*ve r centiy it*rti experied, and ui# \u25a0 report is aa*. to *h>»w in aU. 'w, mi.;. o( nr.iCa ars td nave oeen m»n» [ ed Into caah tltnou: btiag accountatf f*f, by «: t.. r tna auut. «? or some one e.ae »a t au:nority la tne office. Tr..'> >s n >w a! tlaaguay, and m not mail- ing any efron to k o u of reu< h of tno f-»; tv u in far;, u a *? ? \u25a0 1 1 *:!?'» *\u25a0>\u25a0«: waa « *!iii.g &«? fora hv fj'ft. and nout>«*d ii;a ,ca Wiiere he could be found in caae tha book* of ia o.'i-. wer' not a., rigftt. ilia broth* er, *k » is te;.cr in a "oank in fori Town*- 1. rti..*,. * lift it of th»* - riff'a trip to Sk-sg .«»> li says tii .*iieriff wlil nit bring ;;,v k MJs miin, b. < *..»»- h jumaei/ ii.ta already no,ifl<d hi* orother that ha >a »- iti ' .1. and he eapet ;* nira down on tha urn trip of t.v «"! / at Avat;.e, wruia , fttit! < n n;* «a> aocth The Troy f.jti; > on> of the otdeac and moat prom- . . nt ta (TUilaa \u25a0 way, and the hoya a«» ?m ;hat -r.e i-r" -a nr >«trutioa la tile re. ! suit ? work .1 enemies. Tho fi >r aia ty« prifrslnt-nt In Dr-m*' er.it I ?: tnd *t.i a. ar. i '»id j-u .i \u25a0 ff; e many yeara. ?>N . i.Kr .* Kxi ft I' V g. at. w; h .tid of O ft, 1., m exported tha auditor'* tioakt tor th# j p ? ifr is Jir iry 11, 1 1, 1 1 j J;v«* . »In -is report to the rounty emu* n. ? rs tha' the aeconntx are In a ? ci t.i ?'-n : ->r through -k of gy*:r-m. "T"~ " if*. tr> *hrt)!y to btomo and that there Is ample evidence to t ;-.'i«"- ih«» srjf ? s -** :he hoard of e~no* n 'g-ijm of and a in tie ir: gulart: a W irrmta have a ipparentJy at tha WUt of a-.e or - ! Sir. Young say* ti"»t 1 \u25a0 tp !»>?" »r' g ft ' b*en prtr- i inxi i'.inaSv a I nxt OOtraJsa of i»»j» I ' A 11.r<- r, .m> r of w irranta n.»* »'? -i rit ' w ~ it- \u25a0''* tha* duplicaia art out and will in tlm* tat pra- *? I !it p Tner waa no .v.^ck on ar *'unta e:w»en the tr*as irer and *.no w --e H ,-t th're mum d.-.ri ??;>j/'»rtur ,«y for fraud. I l\l/HiH» Wtl II IH, iKIPVEtI. His Sfrre Tiifo.i I l.lpUl on tho ?franr- ni»asi>e.ir'i»rc n » < h-nf i. ? Ir.'e': *? ff. « !:« ! r :y JlherifT F;r < - -- 1 C *' I«*tnpsey and County Af Ji 1 A I eral In the vir»nlty of Calvert lake. ? ? -'\u25a0» i"'- g 'he mystrrli diaappasr* * M . \u25a0 h ?. ?* \u25a0 f ' w*r- ??' .I'd th" ciAinofl r^ 4* L.- if .r* a. way* had rcnsixl»*r. . *\u25a0 ? ,'ir *-.» p;»' g«-*a to th»*e hints. Ho told the nHgh- t ? ' \u25a0 «? - w- re tryir g » rr \u25a0 \u2666 in ;«tr p w»>r to g-t his proj>. r fr -..r. d th.->* 1 \u25a0?>!. d » t ;r.e r.rr k: "d or otfcerwts*- Stade »sy w th him. - h.-.d - -\u25a0 !\u25a0 ? ? .*?' 1 I. '' a girl of to rook for the hjir.fl*emptoved. To th* pro*. «. * ! th t :. et * r-' ,m-d fr fr. ' depte«)ltor 3 WtH - i n \u25a0 ' ? ! df.iw- f: "i ' a ,<4- B *\u25a0 " -h" . »h' * t ? ff f - v -no hoijw #»o -ho - - -r .1 or ear y .n to n ,n i '9* ?\u25a0mttvr 3S she <satra* thit « ?> an jwak"r,e<i his coming Into h*9 rn. 8 .fc t ?" im what he war. -d, , t, - r rr rt- »f jropossala to "r. a r- ' » 4 r H a house about dtyttght that mocntng. tal MM r<ot been baa'd of stare. The priao ! Mtonaey i* tftoftnad- to think that » ? ' -,r ? ? > tfc» - 'i la \u25a0M to ?wed##. IlklVfSfa HIT THE TOt fcHi. *hrrl> twrel» f onilsiiet Ml* Held at Pirrelt, and <?a»y Dep«rt. { tfporla: to the Poet-Thtelllgeao*g; .TT fr \u25a0 yi S - " Ciarr » dli t rt' , s ?,.* wrk if pu' **? »':oa *-*h ? - -»? of * i; rr. .g r >a T if j . < - ?; \u25a0) - ? ? -? . . ar. i Heary Ji k-» -t^

The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle ... · to K*et sta grave dewtarida.** Geort'f k? in Rr««khn A Henrr ???ting t® til® F""*wt'k".yn Academy of M -«>r ciiied

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BreakfastBacon 5 3

Hone Too Pot,

Hot Too Lean? Juat Right? I AI

||c Per Poand " jf'I'l'f(2^This Price Today. I I*. "j**\

gyiey tacit if «ot ?tlaftctorr.*

1 I

P ? a =.«, r%y fIVC.r & LEVY-? WASH .J

iim iiniraws.

that de--iar-" "t. I befler* th* pt e4-of the Rff«fc3eac party not t-~r a

day r-or a year, cot with varyta# Me-ty,

but fcr all tltse. as the bert eTpre*s*ois f .«

creed and the safest guide tothose who. erjwyfe* the rrarrekr;« rtffct*of cfaeer.ship. wc-.i p~i»*r»to K*et sta grave dewtarida.**

Geort'f k ? in Rr««khnA Henrr ???ting t® til® F""*wt'k".yn

Academy of M -«>r ciiied forth aaaogleaee -*tat fi the boT.d'.ng to vt*r-

fk>wt2g The prtr tpal attra- ion was t.-.eeppearaaee s= Brooklyn of Henryfor -he *m tmte darfag the campaign. Sir.

wa.« r r ee*v*d with tremet-.de -*

r- »t t-e - daaioa of w-t<" be .-

gars as addr*»s that was tsterru; *edpeatedfly by prolonged app.ia.«e. H« tna iefc's ragioasary apo«al to t-e "truerary' In t's rise of Tr, tnas i S<»rv»n.A ae<;ord me* *3-8 "\u25a0 :d .a *e ?,er-mo'it Aresae rsk. Brooklyn, where antnsmenae aadfer.r* waa addre -*d bj- Mr.?Jeorg' and ea -Congrtawma n Tom L. Joha-aon. of Ohio.

th L<»n (ials« (irrmun * ntM.

P»*h Low addr-s«-d a large rr.-etittg laF"; .= -::rg tor. ? -t- The comatftt e of theManhattan Deosoeraey?3t*dkler Demo-"-rary?unar.imooaly indorsed the CI txeas*UsSots ticket and iiwusd an address giving

thrtr reasons for »o doing. The St»ck>rDemocracy has more than on- e polledSf; 'WS votes and ts composed pnr .pally ofGetrmaas.

tieorßeiie Br«-««*h H»alrd.

The breach Sn the Her.ry rankstaused ~y the ref- K al f tne L"r -3 Dem-ocracy to indorse the C!tia<-n«' Union andthe Jeff rsor.lan Democracy uck- . andlater Henrj* Georges refusal to a.ltw n*

r.ame to appei.- at the b<*ad cf the ( 'iit<rdDemorra y ticket, wu he«>d ialght ina eonf':r*-nce between the United Democ-racy and the Henry Ogorge campa»4?u

roaimate* Mr. Georg will receive th*

fu,. support of the United I>r-rr:j»:ricy.

District Assembly, Nx ©. Kf.jb s ofLabor haa »ad rw-d Henry George. Tneass-'-mbty aaa fifty Assemblies la this dis-trict.

Henry t.rorgr an IsihWasli*!.Writing to a Grrman-Amencaa

club, Henry Georgr «aya:"I do not b*-iieve in any excise In ar.y

form. The attempt to prevent people

from drir.king by taxes and exci=-s uponiiqoor lncr*-as« v

» cost®, pr >iaotes adultera-tion and def-ais. I tfc.ak. the very endIt nas in view.

"All K' h taxes are promotive of mon-opoiy and corporations. Beside* what

to the government from them amuch larger amount Is taken by privatepariie*. who find a profit in the main-tenance of the taxea. As was the casewuh our whisky tax. it is also with taxes

of that nature. Theinstitute them, but to repeal there. Li-cense taxes have always instituted andhave always constituted an element ofcorruption, which Is made to furnishmeans by which political rings maintainthemselves.

I aa free trader sn the full *???"? -e cfthe term, and put everything upon theba.«ls of equal rights. I think that theprovince of the government is to prevent

one individual from Interfering with thoequal rights of another.

"As to the question of Sunday closing.T beiieve in individual freedom. Thesepersons who wish to go to church onSunday should not be Interfered with ;nany way by a person who wishes to sellor drink liquor or Sunday the personwho wishes to drink or sell liquor onSunday should not be interfered w'thby the person who wishes to go tochurch. The Swbbath was made for mxn,and not man ftar the Sabbath. The lawshould merely see to it that i'.quor sellingis conducted in decency and in order Aman's conduct should be governed solelyby his own cons.-Mer.ce. so Jong as he pre-serve* the public peace."

Sp< aking at a m:>i meeting at Ma-jeanr ti :. H-nry Ge rg« said "For therepublics r.cw I care nothing but it Isto the republic that is coming that I bow<i.»n to wor" Ip Not a r. ; .blic .-? ftramps and millionaires, not a republicwhere one man has the power of acxar, not a republic where the womenfaint and children go hungry, not to thisrepublic, but to the on# which Is yet tocome a republic of Ood. a Christian re-public In the true sense of the word.""

J->hn C. Bheefcan th» Tararranv bal!leader, received the following dlspat hJoday from Mayor Ha-nson. ef Ch ~>go:

"Will be with ycjj October 2*by a large delegation of Cook county Dem-ocrats."

T«»e Rl(t*rn-M Will fniinrf.

r ;???;-!?>-« of \u25a0?! sort* a-" grestty 'r*»r-ested In the prcbablc effect of the 1 rt»r---ne-s displayed in the mur.lcipal campaignupon the results in the stats at large. Theeffects prlrc!ral!y discussed are af-fecing 'he choice of W" ,ce a ; 1 Park r.re*-lective'y the Repufcil* an an<i Denso-crattc aomlnres for rhtef Jurfge of "hacourt of appeals, and those of the legisla-

tive candidates Ir.dtvtJuaUy. It Is conced-

th» par'lsars cf Lew a-d Tracy, if notstronger than that between George antTammany. Is ilkolyta be more wtdespreal

Coat.aued cn page X

inn\u25a0| at

Afnlict in Ln CaseFar iff as tver.


Ja !§?- Will Kt»*p the Tw»lveTugv &-r Till "ararlav.

R-porta as to the Vote Vary rron*

One to Thrr» Huldlng Oat for \c-

qaittal?\ Majority Aerdlrt !'r«-

l""'J. bet llrraly R'facd. aatl

Tat hill Drrllßrt to «>lie

Farther 1 natractlo na? Itrtgrrt la

Hmpvr una Hopefal? \ aatiaia Raid,k * Caart Boom ami Carry Away

f.trrf thing Portable as Relic*.

if ?ae ; :ry had any eomewstra-lot -ow*li*on «a«rk>Jß cf fact H* wasted so knswtf ': wi« ;« eav» -cat ivrlita evi-dence »'? -re tier. ft.' ide ft entfr-'.r and

\ then coa«!4er «eh«r ev'ience iri ma&e up. * ve- -T: from ;? Judge Tats.. : u 1 :h*

qtsear'cn **s *3 Improper er.e for him ;» |aasw- r.

** Tea r.avs your tnstTae'lor«a 1 'ishfatrr "yc i w re r' '3 r- .? :\i- . : v>tiand return to the T-j.r-.htr -?--< l--a'::r. if:h fa*-.-- ' r-s- wx* all t*ia* oecarrfd '

The as.i-mr-.--r i-f jury aas frw*th* be*"- \u25a0 rjg tisat 'he ? .rp la daite'i »i*sot esrahti--ed wtti -.* .sac d»rec n»a*te oaviace t-era that Mrs Li.-gert *

d-*d TSey eoe--ai :hat ihey are in JJTVbocad to nvt Lo-tgert the - eae.lt of tr.e

i doubt.t.aetaert Fall of Hope.

was «*tir early and as jcul jat* ? ft*«ry breakfast. **l w;.l be *ctv.t>t-:?*.! I am e-.-e." ex .-Jatmed he. sm.iing."Next time I'm CM '. dto 4h* urt

- \u25a0 nI wll; ieave * » free 'as:.. j*wmt j:r I sha :l ev-r sear will be that ver-dict of act guilty. Ir *.Joe a Jtm verdict,too.*

l oad » mncHnc Henrd.After the Jury had bfra wot ba-k to

j tV.r roam, trey ariried loudly fer a .me1 »sd w*r* at it a*rd *a4 fa at when h»sch ;

! Vrst* *rrtv*d. Tsera at* «sm« load :aik;njt

dartas Us* pro«rea# of the meal, j.'.atr - gtsar w.Tk was tr r.« it tr>« taMe. Da n<trie tlttnaoa there was 10 mgrt cf a ver-d:cu ao w-rd of any kxnd :%me tram >or west ato the Jtstl® r.«u whor- therc-r* were iocJte<l ap. AtUsst could be h*jtrd and the t<m-« ted: ated?Bj but an a'tn.»j»ft<r* ofA: 7 o'clock dinner *a> taker, to r. jand ihey <*aaed w >rk for the nigh:. Afterd;naer the COJJ »ere qu; .:*>>- put up ia t..«aaaU rooms adjoining *he court room, and!t waa not ion* before each one held a ju- !r .r or a bailiff, and work waa over untiltomorrow.

U ill Try the ( aw (gala.

Thera t« eery little thourht new of any-

but a d.a^jfreamer t It la the gert-

eral or*tr.:on that HarU-y w 11 pmve Srmto t>va end. and that he may ke*r Hot-bird with b'ra The eouaael for the de-fense still at:rk» to their asaertion of a

c>min* a but Attorney Phalen jaa>'« di.« aa often aa he »ay« |"acfjulttai." The state i* now lookingfor * 'i:sfcgreem«>r.t. with a smail hope !

KinHoi's Up a Sfaorp and

Hobs the Box.


Et-Aaditor Troy, of CUI am, to R*hir \iihi froa Alitki,f»r irinL

Dliapprari grf of LJadfora at « »»n t

Irfuosfed for by a New Tkf»r»-

E*rH-«« '(porta Hria( Orlira From

by the Mfwan >»or and H hllmMtt-r

M !»<\u25a0»- IIIrsnl **lu«i-krrpr» nl

Coat leted? Urnmai *?>.

<i nitton Cur Pn«lpoort»?E«prrt

loans »\u25a0 the Italian* Vrrouat%.

SPOKANS. (Vt. JO-A sjw -ial fr m

Vnlcntown TCa*h . »ay«:Th# stage runn.n* betw «n Irfwifton m l

fuloritown wna h«ld up !*»t n *h: aboutW p. m br iiuikM man, and th# t*ntte>*States mail and express treasure boxrifted.

Where the Ts«nes of 181)6

Are Again Raise I.


E*pab!iran Speakers Clearly showit*.National Character.

While T»mnaanv and Georgette*

to Imported *p«-a Ui-rt.

They Are C ?Illa« the Help of RothMoney mail *pi»krr ? From the

\L e*t?*eeretary Uli«* ami (,«T.

Black «hnit That the *ame Forces

Are 4rra>ed to richt the **air

a* La«t \ ear?iirnrte I)e-

--? *le»*a of ladlttrtHa! liberty.KLONDIKEA Commodious and Fast Sailing Steamer Will

SAVE SEATTLE ON OR ABOUT JUNE 10, 1898,Afld c*ery ten days thereafter, taklag freight

and pa»**eaiiera,

& p»t Get Ther* 8' M.chseni island, A ska, mouth of the Yukon river, mak-SfaaaectJ n* with the river s--miners Wears. Cudaay, H«m.Hc« Heaiy Power*1K«Mbk: for Circle City, Mlaook Cre \u25a0 . Fort Cudah> *r.d Ki >nd;ke gold

Reservation* for or freight o« Meamers

«ia> no* be »ev,ured b> making a deposit.

Ptafsr sn* Qua. t* Ri.ne* t.ougat snd scid investments tn minlnr property\u25a0At. aasiag eapeas* of sendmg sgeota. Our agents aiui experts are on tas

£sa4 sad haw been for > «*rs.

*\u2666 ef!l issue letters of credit on our c< mpany at its posts-Circle City. Alaskait Fart Cudabr. Dawson City and Xi m dike goi-i ft. Ids. Northwest Territory-atttiuri- «f 1 per cent

Ivgt »lock- ot * ppli-s of all kind* wiil be found at Fort Get There and IJam-toa «a the Lower Yukon. For particulars apply to

tfcrtb American Transportation Trading Co.No. ttis First As esse. Seattle, U safe.


Ma J. Hesfr Miehaal Citdahy Chicsgo. in«??? Dawsoo. Klondike Go.d Fieldv Jotio Cu Jahy Chicago I

E»I Wesr- **t. Cudshy N W. T. Ernest A H*mi! Chl-ago Mavss A Weare Chicago, til. Fortius B. Weare Chicago. !fl.


*» are building boats 'ipre**iy tar above service and getting ready to do busi-»e« ?# ar.d from the Alaska Gold F.eSda, and are prepared to furnish rates ofttawpor a-on for pas**n«era and fr«;sht between Seattle and Dawson City endtl SateraedUtf Now .« ?h»* time to *«t-ure yo jr passage and room forfts-Tt Boa: wilt *all from rjp or abou? Ma-ch IS

fcifsrr atakirg definite arrar.gefti nts tor taking the trip, call on or aidrssa

H. J. SPKFR & SON.\u25a0:*Mf First Avenue A Columbia Sts Rooms * and 9, K ,xwel Bi-.x-k Seattle. Wash

Jardinieres...j A sew tin. sf imported J-rd n ass J ;«t rsce.ved a* the right time.

!kw. Bright ar.d Neat. 35c tC 75c A Window Full.

**? Jardtr.lsre stands la wsougat I:or.. Latest de»*g-a.

Prepared Palms, Alt Sizes,

$1.50 to $4.50.

M. 6KLLEB & CO.Xas. ICT snd C!> First Af.

CARPETS"Just received, a ear loarl «»t < ARPKT> direct from

*mills. We can furnish your house from kitchenparlor. A full line of carried.

I NSi\\ I ir a M KVTS,

pCLTOX. CARLE wV CO.. 112.1 hir>t Av.. Seattle

FROM THE SHEEP TO THE MANThe Subject Hint Put to Sleep

Is in Our \\indo* With the Sheep.

Washington Woolen Hill Co.

Hss F. WILZINSKI,T S's \ :* f ,'f


CV>nsult.at.ion l-'vorv Hay.


at. ? N ?-



M pLRUYA CO.. j".1".'. 1® * Ik. \*t. r Wajr as® 6ecc-4 Av. C&TiOSit<6Sl

NEW YORK Oct 3S ?Th» cotr.lnir mun!-c. al ele- \u25a0 r. i s» rr r- ar, 1 rc .re ofthe attent;<»r of tne people andwere held by every party this ev*n.ng. atwnioh the leader m the e-.jr wer« rein-forced on the p.atform by m-n of sat.snalrefutation.

The U hoi* Country W

Gen. Benjamin F. Tracy candid* * fc-rmayor. Secretary of the Interior CorneliasX Bliss and Gov Frank N Black address-ed an audience of L3K> person* a: alicaa meett ag held tonight la toe Leno*lycsum here. Seer-tary BUsa, in the curse

: of r.'j> remarks, said:"Trfr« are two candidates in this town

) standing on t.te OUcaco plaufunm?one??luareiy, the other no: saying macn aboutit. Jut standing there jus: tne same. Therehas b-n criticism a boat; men comicsfrom ffuaiß|tw and Oaio and Nebraskaand oth' r places to ap>>ak to the people of>. ? 1 rh I .da rignt as acitiaen of tins |<)*b j com*- I have se*n

H- .tor# T.. are*, on and F r »*»>- < me ri*rebefore and torn of our fri-nda. who nowcri* ett» t»em for com Lac were then gadto m« them. They d:>i not eome to ten you* .-a- to do. but to find oui wiiat you arego.ng to do.

"T..» s*a:e of Kansas Is raisin* moneyfor George* campaign. A f ;nd to elect

j «J*«-.r*a b being contributed by Kansaspeople I can jsay that I hear from ail?-.v-r tne coun;ry. "What i* N«»w York go-ing to do" They "Are the peipk ofNew York a?.ng back on what they didlas' year" Tha is th» question. T-.-re sbut one thin* for tie great R publicanparty in Js!« state. It ia to get behindGen B F. Tracy, ei-o- him mayor of thisgreat city and have four year* of hor.estf <v»rrs.T,'',! in every way, and concur-rence with th* country is honest money

| and the killing of anarchism and *v*ry-thln« that goes with the Chic Ago p'alform"

| When Gen Tracy rose, he met with anj ovation, but It was not as Lasting a« the

one he g'rt when he with Mr BIISS.fien. Tracy tn his speech dwelt largely onBrooklyn politics. anti made an argument

the Citizens* I'nicn.The «».n«e %rn»> s »h« «*wr luar*.

Gov. Biark of New Yo-k, was the r»*tstxeAkw. In tb« course ot hss speech, hesaid:

'The same srmy that threatened us iastfat" is again abroad, under the *ame com-mander* tn the «ann» cs ise with the samepurposes, but moving tn smaller groupsEvery victory they wlr. r.cw ir separa**companies, every element cf strength youpe-?r :* them to acquire in d- a- rr r.ts.

! will he >.is»td against you in every contenthereaf*»r. «h*i their faces a'" nuf Iagain in ore complete and vic-torleus army.

"The :s*uea now sre the t«s"es of '.setyvar There hs* been no s.rtrmpt tochanse thenr and they are not »vn

fcr phraseology. "n every spot

w .ere the first i* on it Is waged n l:t:->#cT the St Eouls and t*hicajro platform*,g -iiH'm arar-hi*m Junk mor.ev and v-

erv *;!<.'-«!red hvi-rtd t-*t stored thrcui-nthe Chicago piatform of a year asro wlilrather Ir kno.s r.ext month around thepolling places of ths* repubUc He w v ?

| pt'-fen<h» tra" ar.arr.-y is r-us or..y| cir-e In four veer* th»* reoudfct'ten t« dIJ-( honest only in national el»*"*: -s and Sj

i will n* at other t!m s to *eep them corrt-| psay is hii.i*elf * dargero'is citizen ar.di onworthy of hi* prtvilege*

\-d yet m these tltnes we arr t M CM' rv ?" us contents should bei Bor.-polltlca! I ne* I utterly repudiate

O-\u25a0? je ?A: $ » tor.ight It was an-courieed from the office of State a Attor-ney D»ne»n that there would be no an-noonctment of a verdict In the Luetgertcase before tt»e opening of court tosaor-row morr.ing Judge Turt.ill "homeearly ia the evening, l-avlr.g ma tera withMr. Deneen who was to send him word incaae a verdict should be reached duringthe early part of the evening Tne a r-n< vs tor the defense also ief; ma te:s with (Mr. Deneen and went home to a*a:t anyward that night come from the juryroom.

Mr. Deneen. pale-faced and red-eyedfrom lack of .-.cep. sat la his office until i5.28. and th> n he announced that he would .wait no longer, and gave orders that hisoffii « b« ci jic-d.

"T ere Is ai-solu'ely no chance now ofan> *hir.g being heard fr- m the twelve msabefore tomorrow reomir.g a: the ear..est." 1said he. as fee left bis office.

Hast Keep bi It Till ««tanlay.For a time r nUht it waa rumored that

If the Jury should nt agr e tomorrow itwould be discharged as soon a* it reportsits inability to reach a verdict. This,however, is not the case It is the firmdeterntlr.ari:n of Judge Tuthill to keep theJury until Saturday night or late Saturdayafternoon before he permits them to gowith a disagreement. He has annour.c dthat both state and defendant have sp:ntaao;. jr. n*y and tire and lb - M«e asbeen a? lcr.g and d.fT. alt to try that hewjl act consent to the discharge of theJury until there ;* ah-alutely no hopewhatever of a verdict being rea hsd.

Harl»*y the Otistloate Man.

1 The Jury stands about as it stood -4ho :rs ago. Re, rt.« vary Trom nir. * forthe death penalty to three for a -qu t al. to

eleven for death and one forThe one juror hold ng out for Luetgert iaHariey and it is thought 'hat if he wr»uldchange front, there wou'd be little r.me |lost in arriving at a verdict. Juror Hoia-Hnd ia al*-, *-lit#' with favoring the ac-

qn.ttal of the prisoner, but it is thought hs ;W'-.nl 1 corns around au kly if Hirley couldbe Induced to vote for a con*T:t|on

The feeling am> ng the Jurors *ho arsIn favor of the death penalty is h!eh j

| against Hariey, and they have done s me jplain talking to him At one time thisnr. .rnirg th*y even sent to Judge Tuthillto know, amorg other things, If elevenKi'-n could compel one man to vote with

th-m, or if a verdict would be valid ifbut eleven men signed it. This Is theonly Incident that gave to the state theidea that there was but one man stand- iIr.g between Luetgert and a death sen- jtence.

I he Jmisf «end« Them Hack.At I) o'clock this morning the fcail'T

eject-i ail newspaper men from thecourt room and a few minutes later JudsrsTith'.ll »n? He call-d f he J'ary Intocourt at 1031 and sent for Luetg«rt.State's Attorney Deneen gave the fac*aof the c -rference to the AssociatedPress, saying:

"L e-|fert was sent for ar. i came Into :court smiling. Th«n the jury was bro'.ritIn I was apparent at once who had been

i tanging the j.ry. Judge Tuthill inquired

< ?

w y* V-. Vj. <r» V %#? V V ?""'

4 "

Only One Way to Get It.

It' you want accurate information about the Klondike,it is ob a naV.e n just one wav, and thar is to se< ire the *


«§<>> s ec:ai edition of the Post-Intel i fencer. Tnere is ava »etv .

ot pubuca'ions on the subject, but not one comes so nearmeeting al requirements as that publication. It is a marvel *

of compactness, completeness and general excellence.Nothing is omitted. Ask some one who has seen and read...


it. He will teil you all about it. Then 30 to th- business o- v-fice ot the Post Intelligencer and ge: one or more copies aad .:send them away.

A ?'

njii arV - ,**?? a*"*. WW «A» A »'

4of oHo# ivH<? i K<>K< \u25a0 ; S*V¥¥Y vi'V'»l,f¥¥ ,»'if¥V v V

that Hariey will agree to a conviction,

and certainly not to the death penalty.The state's attorney Is. however, con-fident that the Jury will be with h!m tothe extent of ten or eleven to one. "Iwill have ten ef them. I feel sure." hesaid tor.ight. "although It Is possible thatI may have only nine?but nine will befor the state, without the slightest doubt.If a disagreement !* a result of the trial,the case will be tr.cd agala as soon aspossible."

Mr. Deneen Is a hard flgrbter. and hesmiied grimly tonight when a«ked if beintended to try the case again.

"Why, most certainly we will," he said,"and we will put up a stronger caseagainst him the second time than wehave tn this trial. Then. too. Mrs.Luetgert will have Just that much mor»time to show up and. as of course shewill not do that. It will be worse forLuetgert than It is now


The room in which Judge Trh SIheld th# trial has been cleared of every-thing portable by a hand of rellc-hur. ers.who took advantage of the temporary ab-sence of the offlclals. Th»y arrie-i off allthe stationery from the Judge's d'sk hisgavel and the few ornament* rema.nl-gThey cut up th* wooden writ ng bench-es used by the reporte-s Into places a footsquare Wtien the bailiffs returned, theyremoved the pape-s from th- drawers ->ftoe }udg» ji desk and <?» ??are'y fastened the

»le trie bult# and g'ohes Judge Tuthltlwas ar.x! ss to pres*rv# h's rav ! and Ink-s*ar.d as mem#ntoe« for h!s wife and whenhe learned that tfeev had been carried off.he c*"d visor us language

On the stage's arrival at the top of thehill. the robber* Jumped from their piic *

of fon?**:mfnt and demanded the treasurebox and mall poU~hea. Th«*e w t »r - §|v nup. One ox the passenger* win cm pell dto hreak op»n the tr«*sur* boa with an a*

held in readme** after whi- h the ata*-e*j*ordered forward. Noi.« of the pas-sengers »>re mo.ottd.

t On the arrival at Lewiaton *he dr'vert telephoned the stage proprietor h»r* wo

went *t oate to th' seen ?. accompanied by! the p.stmaster ar«! »*pr«a« a<r*nt T e

: poMma»:er and >n>reaa a -err from L<ew-!s*on also hurried her# Th* .nteßf* ofthe pouches were found rifled of va.ushi***and wrapper* and artides not wa-.tel

i were atrewn 03 the ground. There is ~otrace of the porpetrator*. It la believedthat but tittle booty wa« aeruted.

LEWrSTON Idaho. Oc 20 The ho 1-j up took place on tha U*W| a hill,

miles fr m h<*re. All tie pt«» ng. -* w hone exception, nay ther > was hut a 'o ehighwayman Instead of -hr-e as r< dfrom CnJontown. Com ng up the tftrU eto the hill a **ll. masked man In t e readcommanded lrlver Harry X<-ls to ha!* andthrow down the box and mat If* p it -

1y told th» p*«*er.«er* to «;t still ai l tfc<vwot-Id not h* harmed. Then he orderedT F. Cooper, a hoy, to climb down and

; break op»n the ho*. The v>v romp! lei' Finishing the Job, the highwayman order d

. h rr. ba~k to the state* *nd comma.!- 1"drive on."

\u25a0 j A San Francisco drummer *aid:"W"e should have a* lea.«f a drink oat of

: this." and the robhe* replied.I *No damn drfva on * T:*


ing t}r tft# Strait* with a corps of Poat-

lat«Hl*eac*r correspondents aboard.

Uiled to pick up *t Cap* Flattery the

strainers Humboldt ar.d Portand due

fr >tn S' M .K aet, Ala>ka. It 1* probahe

neither c-f the steamers w.\l arriv* if'*

0--gber at*

* earliest, bit t e rea.i-

agement of the Post-lr.tr s rcer prefers

being a few <!*>"? e*riy r*~ r ? »a an

hour late. even though «!*? ar d *!?

p^r# » is coaa*d»r*r>. This par-r »r *

eat |-e teid with the first papers of

> the United State*, and resiers -f tha

' i> '?\u25a0\r.rt *err*-r rc*y rest as- irM that

no putilcatloa in the country w. ex-el

r*j rt of the ia*»st news from *."?

N>ctJ» bratifht by the expected Meam-


Every detail that WWtfl conduce to a

perfee «rv': eof the rw» looked for by

the P'tiand sni H-nofceidt has

| rar«Pi'.y gttecded to On board ona of

the at east-rs w Horace McCJura, the f;e.

*; c*-:r«sr> r.Jent whj left hers on the

F -rtlacd w.th the express purpose od

IT IK'RF the round T.-VS**. F* has *V.Y

advantage of interviewing any return-

g T-kmers and the iaf?rm- *n K s

Ula « I s:t:.-a to c *a.r, can he rv -d

u.r.>n as a 1 <?? )> y accurate, complete

| and «« prejudiced.

Hew ester. *iVf the r,««» t at w'J com*

d wn bo u, of c .rse. a rear r f

conjecture. The atearr. r Humboldt w-.aprobabtr arrive first. «s it is uadersti d

that TraJlc M* ? *g»r Charles H Hamil-

ton. ef the X rth AET-U

S; u * Trad g > a by *"


ve«s*ls are char" red. Intended vt> hold

t*se Portia-* at Sr M .-hasl se> lorg as

? -".»re was a pcttsr*- t ri passer s-rs < m-

<-« 4 -wo ths -*

V s aeka 0> ---r 4 -a h*r w*y north,

land arrm-1 ;a St. ii. _A.e. asc «i

0-*tot r 11- Th*re was no r- ? «*ity of

dri&y th*re. and the Humboidt probably

>(\u25a0 on the : ? ..-a v :? ag» C--tober 1- or

H A* «he U the fastest boat on the

run and has before made the :-yage in

eleven days, tnclt. ling a atop of several

hour* for <r-al. her arrival at the Ci?«may be looked for next Saturday, Sun-

day or Monday The P rtlaad will not

leave St Michael, at the earliest, until

October IS. and m.-y po<*l- :y waU later.

Th-it * 'uld tr.ng her h«. r * *j;y time from

Octet* r 3S to October X.

It is reasonable to expert that the Port-

land will bring the treasure of the North

Arr. rtean Trar.sp-rtar.ian & Trading Com-

pany and a majority of the K "

.K ra if

th»re are any. The company srer.t to the

e'xpense of fitting the F ?? md wfh a

Msi n run in the particular exp. -ta'ion

of tiav ni to f:ard treas .re zr. the -own

voyages. There in. of course, a char.-#

that no people from Daw*>n Cry w.I! ar-

rive at St. Michael th .e fall. The «?»*:*.

era Be;'a. Marsruerite and P B. Weare.«. n a ? r: . ra a£i>- ird we . .'.a »»j st 1-

Ed In gettlrg down the river, are s

to he froten op n-ar N .ia-o. The a

psssenger*. If she should rea l St. Mi S-**l, will come down on the Jlumboldt or

Portland. M.rsera on either the ftelU rrMarguerite would fom» down on the E*-

c- *ior. which run* to San Fra n nco.

The tug Reflate, wl-.i -n will cruise ffCape Fishery, awaiting "Re trf**-ire sh ?

is "he largest tug ever owned la th s

and ran turn * wV«I with the swiftesttugs on the So-.rd. fl e «a< rt er.rly j r-

r.ased from the Or »gr>n p;« p.% ir . iCompany by George W. 9:eta n and E. ECalne, Her original rao: w.ae ti>" ?? f

wis built In I*'*4 of East-rn timber H'r

bottom 1* \u25a0 ,ver»i wfh co;-per. Iter ?i-

--g-.-te* are of m horse p .wer i-id * r-

built in Philadelphia. Tne ofth* R«* -re are a* * '-*s Length 1-\u25a0feet; breadth, 2P T feet, de; t.. i% '


tonnage, fl 3d. Sh» ta inded by

Capt. Thomas Kelt a.

Th* Rcooiuto w U proceed d re-'tly

Neah hay. ar.d oa'-l th* app of thek,ok»d f r tmo ;n ? he ctra.ta r

a few otiiea "it .de. la ioe.y w-of -r »

chaaoeo will be takes of either th C»v«>-

land or the Humboldt *: pp. g by. and

tie Re»o|u*.o d'.rirg murky w- rber w H

He about three art J»a In* !e f Car» Flat-

tery. On rlear days .f th»re tull te

*.-h. th* t>jg wUI take a run outa'de t v

the north and keeping about twenty m ?>«

?r*m th* Var.' u-- * »'ir.d »h-.re At l*. «

?esaaoa of tha year d sagr-e*-,le w-a*h r

prevaii* "n the a'rait* and the newapa?er

w Q hava to malataia a a.iarp lo k-


The s-»aar.»r Clevela-d. dua to arrive

here from S*_ Michael t'vday or tsmorrcw

w.2 likely havo few if ar.y passenger*

from the Yukoa. U re defia to information

C4T ta eapec'ed by n-r -f the bab e

arnvai of ti*«".eaaers u {?. *3*.


r s ' ? -= < >? .* -e by tVf N't as * a

! »;*.!?* dSaa?n>**t<NLr.v« i«r. - Kr»-jt« atfl SCTfrrs? AffUl

: t « \ *?\u25a0* .n-.-rra-d irot th* mv.- ]?

ate 1 mk us and r#ra~ tnt» >»? tti# so*. T\#fwrwd paper* arer# nwt destroyed. Tlt#yfv* no p'at#«*eiK of th# ars vunt leas,y - n -

" *c' a 4

tfe# robber trad# a Mf haal.The »? ff*r» th# s .is# w*r# CoL

JkM Ua» SpMtan#: T. F Ov pcf.

teirl O. W Mart -t and C E. SVw- r%

Sat Fr*a.-,JC*>. and W. P. R«adft»jn,



How tack*'* Vnrdrrfrffflnllr Kluv.,-d

5. # ? *? r» »-v«?.»h *\u25a0\u25a0> ?*#

! V »RT rvV. NS> N'P <v«;. Vf 3

Kc >' who a at J G Lurkv at iUlw.«wlaat Saturday ifterrw'ort. I* atHl at ?arjs>'

and iwtS.ng whoteror ha® b#*n b#«rd *>f

h n « -o* h# abrn >rf.l bt# *un and t«>.ds*;# (thbors at th# **«#\u25a0

t*s «»?,..> rit that # .lift '<Nt to

to Port TowruerJ and f:vr Mmwtt "'l1*

j WK«n S!*#riSt Ham;!:, a and Prowrcut'.nc, A: r +t- r irrU ?\u25a0 '. \t ftrtnnon Sfcir.-

'\u25a0 dav morfin*. thty tr?-r# *urpr)»-.*d to rtnd1 that t\ '>rr had I*>«b ai''ow#d to {a**-#,

a,.d thejy r#*<?.. y gu> » >"d that b* bad 4e-t vivi ; < :

.ra a .ts Js!« *t>>ry about

givmc tp to th»» autborUie*.Thy> local and *^on-

»:.»! ? a : a iiK ?: : a. > »»w »r..|

taikcd *;th KrK«r alter th* abvjttn*. but. - ?« -.'m.J not hav* bwea

taJien thf-re ji I:.< -,i a» .. *i.«. And hav -.niga r«; at* an for l»:.;| x "t voau «r.la rt:t vr*aii. - -.of.Btichtwn mmwl .0 tbtafc :b*t !b* ahuot-!: < . . : ai:s- '. o rnu. i anyway. an 4

f th*- fcbei.flt aiatea that in »;>.:»- ,4 tats nutw i eS ra th* Cuf-

cwjfr * jury a su to sboa thai tb* mur-der ara» a nauai < old-biuuO«d and ufipro-

i trolled crime, c.f thr :n«m;<«m o< tfio| jury appatentty wanted to Urin* In a urn' ot v#nlUM.

? . . F A. iw .a t«>a* < aa* m.*»-tns ba.urda> u.sr. wnd u ?»

» ithai tne inardcitr to«« tt and crOMtdo%er to K>. a and thero took th*

; - Nilfr i a, a -..a; .... ? «>f four mi.ea,from which point a t »at runa daily toJs#at;.». Tsua ruu lj tt« rratty toua tt,

r»av«- h:m tn Huod../; !\u25a0 ? ".j.. .-!.!\u25a0 .«? tt «>jt rt-aiixcd thai »?

| *« :r>...K .0 tuajta »».» r ,»»> a>waoUitt Wtiu thill* li.at Kt tifij w«i.; ut:». t?? * ? ..i «, a i,«r- .a lam..y »aa vlsiitn<at tn« urn ut i..e «.>o*ctu«. a«i.rf at»«> *

v..;;. -.... m< .. > «.a ,? a- t. *(td

a i?u* a. count at I'atxtnuL Hiaa a:.a ta«> » t ai .*al ijrat innon as kuwi tu«) rtvat u of Uiatt .. j.

i ?»' are a the otb«r hand, whoth...* iiu»t k«?..*?»? hi*.- iiaa* into turn bwod>t*»aa Uoi »t Briau<Mi. n n#r« u« tout a

'»\u25a0 ? ? a,.0 c#uid frue.d htm for au in-UeiUiitr piTlut), tfutU ttw o(Ui(ta

tie *.UJ..U v CUftti iV/, tutrfe, aiiU cau<.« i.o*>

, i : ai... ?. j . jl i«-,na Ui pur-<u«ra.

\u25a0 » J. Ke.Ur la aa a man iiX<ar» i>» Aj|f, ii.ii v. .<\u25ba,.» itau-»» * .iuj auit a vvry tntta««, a.Hi »on» a ton* m«ia»a«*ne,n.,4 *j. . iuiX b> i<.* it-u. ti.af.i t(»> *.f.i, -i.uj 11,. re ij» a u*m ,u»aon i.,s !u»ir nf. w. . ii .» wick, ltd'? ... , r. ui»»'« to u4t« a >*.,bJO matlu

<l. 11.1. \<l lot \ lift <H iMUL

iberifl ... »rrr? K»r«er t«d|.tur-i.it rrt Hci»«>r».

8 ; e, i.ji ;» ?? I'oMdatttiliwccr,ttjfti j Oct. JU. ?v*^u. r j.

*\u25a0o -\u25a0 ; 'to» iu..M c 'Utuy. ?*a *,

< *> \u25a0\u25a0 OU :n a rki > -aierday fora .a** a, truant with requisition pjpera 00tat |«v*fitur of Ais,-.k4 for mo aurrvnd* r01 Jxj.m W. Troy, former guoiutr at Ctkl*iem o.'oaiy. La .-barged »»-h (in^i*

j t«e.n-:u. tfte r*< of uu auotior g of.live n«*ve r centiy it*rti experied, and ui#

\u25a0 report is aa*. to *h>»w <» in aU. 'w,mi.;. o( nr.iCa ars td nave oeen m»n»

[ ed Into caah tltnou: btiag accountatf f*f,by «: t.. r tna auut. «? or some one e.ae »a

t au:nority la tne office.Tr..'> >s n >w a! tlaaguay, and m not mail-

ing any efron to k o u of reu< h of tnof-»; tv u in far;, u a

*? ? \u25a0 1 1 *:!?'» *\u25a0>\u25a0«: waa « *!iii.g &«?fora hv fj'ft. and nout>«*d ii;a ,caWiiere he could be found in caae tha book*of ia o.'i-. wer' not a., rigftt. ilia broth*er, *k » is te;.cr in a "oank in fori Town*-

1. rti..*,. * lift it of th»* - riff'a trip toSk-sg .«»> li says tii .*iieriff wlil nitbring ; ;,v k MJs miin, b. < *..»»- h jumaei/ ii.taalready no,ifl<d hi* orother that ha >a»- iti ' .1. and he eapet ;* nira down on thar» urn trip of t.v «"! / at Avat;.e, wruia

, fttit! < n n;* «a> aocth The Troyf.jti; > on> of the otdeac and moat prom-. . nt ta (TUilaa \u25a0 way, and the hoya a«»?m ;hat -r.e i-r" -a nr >«trutioa la tile re.

! suit ? work .1 enemies. Thofi >r aia ty« prifrslnt-nt In Dr-m*'er.it I ?: tnd *t.i a.ar. i '»id j-u .i \u25a0 ff; e many yeara.

?>N . i.Kr .* Kxi ftI' V g. at. w; h .tid of O ft,1., m exported tha auditor'* tioakt tor th#

j p ? ifr is Jir iry 11, 1 1, 1 1

j J;v«* . »In -is report to the rounty emu*n. ? rs tha' the aeconntx are In a W«

? ci t.i ?'-n : ->r through l» -k of gy*:r-m."T"~ " if*. tr> *hrt)!y to btomoand that there Is ample evidence tot ;-.'i«"- ih«» srjf ?

s-** :he hoard ofe~no*n 'g-ijm of and ain tie ir: gulart: a W irrmta have b» a

ipparentJy at tha WUtof :« a-.e or - ! Sir. Young say* ti"»t1 \u25a0 tp !»>?" »r' g ft ' b*en prtr-

i inxi i'.inaSv a I nxt OOtraJsa of i»»j»I ' A 11.r<- r, .m> r of w irranta n.»*»'? -i

rit ' *» w ~

it- \u25a0''* tha* duplicaia

art out and will in tlm* tat pra-*? I !it p Tner waa no .v.^ckon ar *'unta e:w»en the tr*as irer and *.no

w --e H ,-t

th're mum d.-.ri ??;>j/'»rtur ,«y for fraud.

I l\l/HiH» Wtl II IH, iKIPVEtI.

His Sfrre Tiifo.iI l.lpUl on tho

?franr- ni»asi>e.ir'i»rc n » < h-nf i.

? Ir.'e': *? ff.« !:« ! r :y JlherifT

F;r < - - - 1 C *' I«*tnpsey and CountyAf Ji 1 A

I eral In the vir»nlty of Calvert lake.? ? -'\u25a0» i"'- g 'he mystrrli ;» diaappasr*

* M . \u25a0 h ?. ?* \u25a0 f' w*r- ??' .I'd th" ciAinofl r^

4* L.- if.r* a. way* had rcnsixl»*r.. *\u25a0 ? ,'ir *-.» p;»' g«-*a

to th»*e hints. Ho told the nHgh-t ? ' \u25a0 «? - e« w- re tryirg

» rr \u25a0 \u2666 in ;«tr p w»>r to g-t his proj>.i» r fr -..r. d th.->* 1 \u25a0?>!. d » t

;r.e r.rr k: "d orotfcerwts*- Stade »sy w th him.- h.-.d

- -\u25a0 !\u25a0 ? ? .*?' 1 I. '' a girl of !» to

rook for the hjir.fl*emptoved. To th* pro*.«. * ! th t :.et *

r-' ,m-d fr fr. ' depte«)ltor 3 WtH-

i n \u25a0 ' ? ! df.iw- f: "i ' a,<4- B *\u25a0 " -h" . »h' * t

? ff f - v -no hoijw #»o -ho- - -r .1 or ear y .n to

n ,n i '9* ?\u25a0mttvr 3S she <satra* thit

« ?> an jwak"r,e<i his coming Into h*9rn. 8 .fc t ?" im what he war. -d,

, t, - r rr rt- »f jropossala to "r.a r- ' » 4

r H a

house about dtyttght that mocntng. talMM r<ot been baa'd of stare. The priao

! Mtonaey i* tftoftnad- to think that» ?

' -,r ? ? > *» tfc» - 'i la\u25a0M

to ?wed##.

IlklVfSfa HIT THE TOt fcHi.

*hrrl> twrel» f onilsiiet Ml* Held atPirrelt, and <?a»y Dep«rt.

{ tfporla: to the Poet-Thtelllgeao*g;.TT fr \u25a0 yi S -

" Ciarr » dlit rt' , s ?,.* wrk if pu'

**? »':oa *-*h? - -»? of *

i; rr. .g r >aT if

j . <- ?; \u25a0) - ? ?

-? . . ar. i Heary Ji k-» -t^