The Bon Marche I'ikf Strrel Second Avenue Union Street Elliott 4100 Girls' New Winter Coats at $3.95 and $7.95 A Two-Day Sale of Coats at Two 55 Special Prices ' . J'.* EXCELLENT WINTER CX)ATS AT *3 *\ Siifi 2to 6 and 6to 10 Yeari j ?' i \ Girls' Coals, made of a good, heavy pebble cheviot. / ?if /*! I \ lUt on 1> \u25a0 mil lint- . wiili large novelty collars, |L. | M-?-4- ---^1 trimmed with plush, nt hrown. black. na v\ ?* 1 m / ? FUR TRIMMED COATS FOR *7.95 pi IH/ Sizes 6 to 14 Years \ Fur Trimmed I'oat*, just a* pictured here -made "Y"Y\ * of heavy frieze coating with collars and deep T" I V y ' cuffs, smart-looking patch junket* and full belts. jL- i? ?-1 fK I Another style. of wind velour. ha* a standing col- m j- tilt'J \ lar of fur fabric, and full novelty belt, and conies )79Mr (V « in brown, navy and j;reen ' -o ODD LOTS OH CHILDREN'S WEARABLES RADICALLY REDUCED Girla' $1.75 and |1.»5 Fall Ore****, /JQ Girla' Gym Suita. »lnn««r atyle* *. | Cf| In all. aiirs 12 and II onl* OJ/C 1«> anil 12 *f*r*. of s*lalr» V* Glrla' $1.25 Flannelette Kimonoa, QC Girla' $1.25 Waeh Or*****. of Klnnhaiu. Qg dark pattMW <>t "DC ? in it a< %/OC Glrla' 11.25 Sateen Bloomer*. lu-av\ Miaaaa' $5 50 Fiber Sweater*. fcQ QC weight. aliea i. S and I>'. at /3C IB in all. at The October Sale of Gloves f~Jj Starts Sharp on Time In spite of unusual conditions in the Glove world ? In spite of the difficulty of obtaining kid Gloves of stand- ?. 1 * \ ;ll "d make at special prices? This helpful sale starts promptly on time, with as good Glove values as we have ever been able to offer. $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Kid Gloves $1.35 Sizes s,'_. to 7' j. This is the best bargain of all. In Washable Cape Gloves, full pique sewn. in [>carl. ivory. »and. pnttv, tan. with one large clasp at the wrist. In Novelty Embroidered Gloves, with contrasting effect*, of fine ch><icc '.elected >kin-. In Suede Kid Gloves, full pique sewn, with 2-cla>p». in gray «>r tan Perrin's Cape Gloves in tan, l-cla-«p. Pull Pique Kid Gloves, in black with white embroidering, with 1 clasp. October Sale of $1.00 Lambskin Glove*, m Pair Oi/v, L*mbskln Glo*e« In gray, beaver. tan ami black, \u25a0ixea S4 to 8. but not every color In every *I**. OtrroMm atyle. with two faatener* at the wrlat and on« row of embroidering Women's $1.25 Kid Gloves., QC~ 1- and 2-Clasp Style, Pair... > In this sale will be found Iclaap Dreaa Kid Gloves In white, black, tan. bruwn and fray; also 1 -etasp Cape Gloves In tan? wme a little aolled from handling Sties S'i to lln the tot. Women's $1.50 Cape or Waahable Glovea, Pr. } $1.15 One-rtaap Waahable tape Glove#. In tan and gray. no me half pique rape* in white or black, with one large cla*p. Velvet Morhaa In sra>. an t him light-weight Glace Kid. Site* '\u25a0» to *'» A Sale of Women's Long i <T 1 ft C Kid Glotss, Special, Pair \ Ijoai White Kid Gloves In sires to 7. »lth wide cut arms and neatly embroidered barks, also about 60 pairs of Perrtn'a l.on< Kid Glovea In shy, gray, mode and green. _t pp*r Maia »!«?( Buy Your Fall Footwear at The Factory Sale of Shoes' What though some of them arc Factory Second* and slightly imperfect, the re- markably low prices more than make amend* for that. Remember, real Shoe Bargains arc about the hardest things in the world t<> find nowadays. -Iptrr Mais flw. Maae. Woman's $3.50 and MOO Shoe*, of patent leather. Woman's Shoea, worth to |4 00. all £| QQ gunmetal calf or glazed kid; styles. with turn or welt soles. i>alr. . 1 «90 * P * lr '''. * 13.30 Daete Blue Valvat Lacs Shoaa, QQ Womsn'a Tan Shoaa. worth to 14 00. *a OQ Ujtlu welt w> ,? ( ? lr $1.70 lace or button style vfci Women's Shoaa, worth to to.oo. *n £»Q Woman's $4.00 Russis Calf Sutton *1 qj> In all leathers, pair $4.D0 Shoss. with welt soles. pair Woman's $4.00 to $6.00 Shoaa, d|o QQ Tan Shoaa, worth to 12 SO; children * ( | &Q lace or button style, a pair Vfc.JO pUM | li4a . rol ? M ? u ?, 1 .DO Womsn'a SS.OO Patant Leather Lace Shoea, with mouse brown buckukln tops. £*) QQ Infants Soft-sols Shoss In fancy OQ. B p,ir or plain colors, pair £OC Women'a $5.00 Golden Brown Suede Little Oenta' Shoes. *? nn Button Shoes, with round to-s. pair. VmiOO sixes 9to 13V*, |>alr $ 1 .£0 ?u*»r Mala Maar. Chlldren'a Shoea of patent leaiher, n Q Carpet Slippers, the old faahUyed kind. | q h M i 3to 8. pair J7OC for men or women, a pair i«7C . . . ? Women'a Shoea of patent leather. #0 fiQ ° ®h0# *' heavy calf. CO button style, with kid or cloth tops. pr.VMtOO sizes 9to 13V4, pair V 1 >UO Children's $1.50 Shoes, of gunmetal *s Women'a $3.00 Satin Pumps, dark *1 a q :alf with heavy soles, sizes sto pr. Jl >«0 blue, for evening wear. pair. ... $1 «40 BARGAIN FRIDAY IN "HOME SEWING" WEEK Silk Remnants 25c a Yard A good old-fashioned sale of Silk Remnants at 25c a yard. Short end*, and "am- ple pieces of Silks and Silk-and-cotton mixtures. Some good waist and dress lengths, lots of smaller pieces for trimmings and the like, in plain and brocade pongee, chiffon poplins, messalines and crepes I<> to .V> inches wide. , ? . ?I »»« Mala Ktaor. 36-in. $1 Poplins 59c Yd. Suit Patterns $5.00 Each Serviceable, finely woven Silk Poplin at Fine imported All-wool Suit Patterns, only 59< a yard. A yard wide, in the very to 3 1-3-yard lengths, 56 inches wide, best colors and Mark, fur dree-, skirts worth $7.50 to $10.00. Tweed- and fancy or waists; worth $1.00. mixtures in checks, stripes and mixtures. _ ?I |«|»er Main Floor. £, *- Friday Domestic Specials for Home-Sewing Week 36-Inch Scrims 10c a Yard OCWHIg Curtain Scrims, 36 Inches wide, tn a large aa- 8c CaIICOCS 5c a Yard sortrnent of designs and colorings, also Imitation 2 ' ooo Tards of Callcoea, 24 Inches wide, In drawri-work borders. lengths to 10 yards; light and dark shade*. Not n ? c ? i. , over 12 yards to each Curtain Scrim* 15c a Yard Now figured and drawn-work bordered Curtain / « C Outing 9c a Yard Scrims at ir« » yard Itlue, pink and greon com Outing Flannel, da-k ahadni. In plain or neat "jlnatlon color*. plaids and stripes, at *r a yard Krldaj, Marquisette 25c a Yard 12'/2C Percale* 10c a Yard Hcrim and Marquisette, sonic with dainty col- 3,000 yards of Percales, In lengths to 20 yarns, orcd borders. In shaden of blue, pink, tan and Neat patterns, full yard wide. at 10c a yard green, worth 30c to 40c. ?Turn Ki?,.r . .. . ? mira floor ?l,im»r Mala riMr. THB SEATTLE STAR BETS FIVE CENTS IN CRAP GAMEANDGOESTOJUG FOR TWENTY YEAItS AS RESULT COLUMBUS. 0., Oct. 6,?Twenty yeara In prlaon becauae of a five cent bet In a crap game Lifetime In prlaon becauae a hat didn't fit. The above are but two of the freak cauaee why men are apendlng their daya In the Ohio penitentiary, according to a report made today by Bertillon Officer Robert Mile* The twenty-year man waa convicted of manelaughter after lolling a man who refuaed to "fade" & cente In a crap game In the aecond, the aaleaman aald the hat fitted, the patron aald It did not. In the quarrel the patron ahot and kilted the hatter. Some of the other freaka: Four robber* facing one to 20 year a for loot totaling 97 centa and three etr«et car tlcketa One manelaughter convict killed a man becauee he refuaed to ehut a door, thue keeping a draft off the elayar. The creditor eald the debt waa 95, the debtor eaid $4. The debtor le dead, the creditor la aervlng e life aentence More than a ecore are in for drawing and ualng knlvea, moit ly In trivial quarrela. Several burglar* are doing weary atretchea for the aake of booty not In eicea* of th* pay of a good day'a ehoveling. 'FREE LOVERS' ARE TRUE TO MATES AT THE HOME COLONY By Jack Jungmeyer HOMIi COLONY, Wash., Oct. S.?'They talk a lot about swapping wives, but it's seldom done. "Women advocates of free love have a jealous fit if their husbands so much as look at another woman." Such is the picture of life at Home Colony, largest anarchist settlement in the United States, drawn by Donald Vose Meserve, "Judas Iscariot" to Lmma Gold- man's followers, who lived here many years. Here Donald Meserve, confidant of the Goldman followers, turned tip for the Burns detective agency David Capiat), soon to lv tried a second time in con- nection with the Los Angeles Times dynamiting. Schmidt, convicted in these cases, was found In Meserve on clues picked up at Home Colony. Anarchlata who preach dynamite, \u25a0 Tolstoi nott reainianta and rrl>«li .of all ahade* agalnat the social or Ider. from food faddl»t« to aelf-atyl 'i-d Mmlaha, live together In tnore lor leaa aroltjr and tolerance; a lout j 400 In ail. Fr«« Levara Dtcorout "I'ldlxbl; a iloimi com plea pra< tlr» ao-callel free love. living «o gathqr without marriage car- ?Wfcjf," said Mmm*' Hut they ar* a* decorous, rear thalr children an properly and are aa falthful-to home ties aa moat legal It organ I led families "In fan, ninal of their anarchism Is etpended In gas.' No two agree on any subject "The town In haunted to fear of dtcka' - plain clothes man I lonia ("'ilonlau who hav* never harmed a mosquito thrill to the liellar that they are helna shadowel "Moat of them ara simply fnnnv ?not bloodthirsty' Faur Massiahs Knocking "A treat many Ruaalan Jean have latterly entered Home Colony.l 1 a |th a direct action brand of an arrhlsm There are four 'Mesal-; aha.' each 'knocking' the other 1 1 one old man |wn attoui In women » ; dresses. claiming It'a more health , ful t)ne or two llva In cave* Home In tree houses And there are perhaps a doien Kmma (Sold | man disciple* There la a co-operative afore the only sucreasful thing they have ever attempted A dance hall and plcnlca key the aortal life of the no'ony. "The neMlement liegsn In INI when a few anarchists took up the land for the tavr* and aold It to other arrival*, under a life term |en*e, At I:' iO ait acre "International anarrhlaea vlalt llome frequent Iv. and radical prop- agandlata are constantly coming In while the residents often le*\e In , termlttently to work outalde 'Metween fre,< love dlacuaalona. moat of Ihain raise chickens very successfully!" MILLIONS SPENT TO IMPROVE RAILROAD t»T PAl't. Oct 5 f*or IS year* the average Isily expense of op- eratlng the tnllea of the Northern Pacific rt Iroad ha* been 1141.-I T*o. or f&3.741 *SS a year, according to ? statement Issued by the road todav *n additional 119.T5? dally, or t?,222>.90& yearly. I* *i>ent for permanent lmi>rovementa Several plana for extensions now in hand are expected to Increase the permanent Improvement expenditures UNCLE SAM SELLING UN DTO INDIANS OKIaAHOMA CITT, Okla . Oct. S.-?t'ocle Ham. real mihk dealer, nas acre* of Choctaw «n«l Chickasaw Indian land on s«le here today. and will do business unlll the «<nd of the month No i>erson will be allowed to purchase more than l#« irrra rhnlllrit as agrtcul ttiral land nor mot* than 64" acres classified a* grating land RED TAPE TIES BRITISHER TO SERVICE liONDON, Oct. s?The5 ?The Hritlsh army Isn't overlooking any bets Private Knight of CabUom mm discharged from the service May 24. 1»15, suffering from tubercu'osle contracted In training Hut hi* name went marring on thru the branrhea of the war de|>artment »htle red tape unraveled at half a dozen polnta. In M*>, 1916. as lay on hi* deathbed ai horn#. Knight received a summons to report lo the color* Ma)' IS Another warrant rame August 10. and another August »4 il|« mother ha* not vet convinced the war office that Ita order- never will be carried out. THREE IS A CROWD IH THIS VILLA6E CLKVKB. O. Oct 6 So voluminous. loud and pointless «?* the polltl nl chatter on the streets after dark, that the city dads to pro tect the «acred right* of the sleepers. felt called upon to prevent the chatter Their remedy work* It la now a misdemeanor for three persons to gather In one place on the streets after dark And. asjhe penalty la »50 the chance* for gathering and arguing are allm. FRENCH FLYERS SUCCESSFUL BY HENRY WOOD U. P- Staff Correspondent LISTER OPENS HEADQUARTERS PARIS. Hept 22 ?l My Matt.) France'* eleven *tar aviator*. or "acp*," a* they are known In Franc*. have "officially" brought down no le** than Onnan ma chine* a* their combined "lias" hi* numtn>r would ei*l|y rnach 150 If there were Included the (»er man flyer* than have nl*o been brought down by them "unofficial ly." The French government only credit* Its avlntora with the ma- chine* that arn brought down within the l-'rench linen. *o that It can be "officially" eatahllahed that neither the machine nor the pilot* can ever ag-iln aerve the enemy. In addition to these "official" k\ll*. each of the aviators included In France'* Hat of eleven "acea" haa brought down not lena than two and aome aa many aa *even machlnea that have fallen within the German linen, and for which they are consequently not given "official" credit. Moat of the flraat b»ttler. which were fought long ago. were over In a day. The famous engagement* Waterloo, *ix hour*; Hedan. lu'a hour*; Oravelotte. nine hour*" Mara la Tour, ten hour*; Konlg grati, eight hour*; Alma, three Mid one-half houra; three i day*; Uottyabur«, three day*. Ii(» Lister ha* o|,ened 111* per- sonal campaign bend quart era In room 201. Hallway Kxch.mge build- ing This announcement was mad. Thursday by C. It Jackson, slate tux commissioner, who will be in direct chargc. \u25a0I l> Irenholme wil" nsslst In conducting the democratic gnber mitorlnl campaign while ft. \v Hohs will have chitrge of the pub- licity work (Jov. I,later 1* dls*<Hlsfied with State Chairman Koggrty. who, It |* charged, ri presents the reaction- ary wing, and will make an Inde- pendent campaign. In IhU connection, l.l*ter'* friend* are blaming George Turner, democratic candidate for senator, for permitting Kognrty's re-elec- tion. Turner disclaims respousi blllty. 2 KILLED, 12 HURT WHEN TRAINS CRASH Al.TO(l\\. Ph.. ()c| Two men "ere killeil and 12 Passenger* and three trainman Imdly injured io (lay. when a fa*l passenger train on the Middle dlvi«ion of the Pennsyl- vania railroad crashed Into a stock train cronslng on to another track near Lewlatown. FRHEHCK&NELSON Bath Robes $3.50 WARM Blanket Clotl. Robe* with -leeve*, V-neck and front fasten- ing trimmed with satin ribhon hand*. In combina- tion* of blue with red, Kray with white, rose with gray, gray with red, fea- turing a dainty rose pat- tern Price 93.50. t Blanket Cloth flo li e \u25a0 111 l«rK» aquara collar model, *Ith alr>*vra and V . n<«'k trimmed with *' I<l e Mat lit ribbon hand*, and raatenlnc In froni with ford looj>a and aatln but* ion* In red, light ? blue, roi», delft, lavender or ''oiM-nha*en with white, with w»lat- llr»«- enflrrlod 1,4 » tie rord. w PrVM M.M. Othar Blanket Cloth and K!d«r- down Hath ltot.fi ai R,V(M>. *nd «7.00. ?He* on*l Floor. Playroom Wall Panels At Reduced Prices Till! W all Paper Sec- tion offers several at- tractive panels, printed on sanitary, washable papers ami suitable for children's rooms, at a sharp reduction from regular prices. They are five feet loni; and twenty inches high. Ihe subjects include "( upid," "Bedtime" and others. Reduced to 25* the panel Smaller Parel» Inches depleting Wa»h day. 1 "liak- Ing <lay" and other aublecta of Intereat to llttla house ?neper* reduced to | each. Animal Cut-outa, for applying on well papera. In sheets five f«et long, reduced to I.V and ?First Floor New Swagger Sticks for Women ?they are of snakewood and other bright finished woods, mounted with plain alerting silver for engrav. Itig of initial or monogram Moderately priced 11 00 to $4 00. ? t'mbrella Heritor Klrst Floor Ready With Well-Considered Selections of Women's Gloves /n f/ie Favored Styles AUTUMN finds our Cilove stocks well filled with the styles and colors that correctly com- plement the costume fashions of the day. T he grades of fdoves that make up thc">e stocks have been chosen with great care, to a->*ure selcct <jualitics in the >kins used. superior . dye and finish, and skilled, serviceable work- manship. ?Klr»t Kloor. GLACE GLOVES One- ami Two-clasp filare Kid Gloves with I'ari* point embroidery, in Mack, white and colors, SI-50 pair. One clasp Glare Glove* with Pails - point embroider). In blark, white, tan and era). 11.16 pair. Oneclaap Glad.- Kid Glove*, pique atyle. with heavy, 3- strand embroidery. In black and white, f1.35 pair On*-*!**!) Glace Kid Glove* in black and white. with con traitlnf t»o-ton* embroidery. ll.to pair. WASHABLE CLOVES One-cliap Washable Kid Giovea with plain embrold- \u2666?red back*. in pearl, canary, ivory, gray and tan, 91.15 pair. On*cla»|i \\'a»h»ble Kid Glove* with fancy two-ton* embroidery, In p«arl, Ivory, tan eray. allver and butter. $1.50 pair. One-clasp Wnshable Kid Gloves with two-tone con- trasting embroidery, in pearl. Ivory, butter, silver, tan and gray, 11.76 pair. Two-clasp Cilace Kl<l Glovea in black and white, with heavy "?trail') embroidery, $1.75 pair. Two-clasp Glace Kid with I'ariH tioint ??m- --broidtiy, in black. whit«. African-brown. tan and navy, II 'K» pair. Thrf«M , l»sp White Olac* Kid <j!ov«-», ovprnram ftiyla, mlth P»rl»-potnt or fancy riuliroldfrr. 12.25 p«lr. CAPE GLOVES One-clasp I an and White Cape Gloves. PXM >ewed. $1.75 pair. One-claap Washable Kid Glcvea with heavy crochet embroidery. In pearl, allver, tan. Ivory, butter and gray. $2.00 j air Two-clasp Washable Kid Cloves with lm|»»rUl em- broidery. in black, whit*. I>earl and cbauipagne, $2.16 pair. T*'-<-lasp WuhsM* KM (ilovpi «lth contrasting wrist hand. in prnrt, ivory and butter, 62 50 p«ir. One-clasp T»n fape Qlnm. I'XM a* wed, »1 :>0 pair. One<la»p Tan Cap« Gloves, PXM a*wed. IZ OO i*ir. MOCHA GLOVES Onec!a»p Mocha Glove®, pique i>tyle. Paria-polnt em- broidered. In gray and brown, f I '.0 jiolr. One-clasp Gray Mocha Gloves. allk-ltnr-d. with Parls- l>oint embroidery. $2.00 pair. ~ . .. .. . One-<la«r Washable Mocha Oneclasp Grav Mocha * Glove*, pique or I'XM style. pique or PXM atyle, with m-K or rontraitlr*: em In white, putty, gray, natural broidery. $1 pair. and mastic. |1">0 pair. Basemenf Salesroom The New "Mizzi" Hat $6.50 AP IQU AN T and ______ jaunty Ready-to-wear Hat that is becoming t«» yS many different types. .vjSflßSlttL As pictured, the slightly rolled brim is edged witlt j p' plaiting of double velvet i i and the narrow grosgrain |L Ay /ribbon band which en- Y/ J circles the crown ends with velvet penditits Price $B.{>o. - Baiemcnt J*al*«room. New Scrim Curtains For Bedroom Windows T lII.SK new Curtains are in designs especially suit- able fur the bedroom?all have the new Dutch valaqce, with top heading and casing, ready for hanging. Curtains with floral border design in pink, blue and yellow, finished with narrow lace? edge. $1.50 pair. Hemstitched Scrim Curtains, with picot braid edging, 91.10 pair. Scrim Curtains with .'-inch lacc' insertion in Filet pattern and picot braid edging, $1.10 pair. ? Haweinent Salesroom. Silk Nets, $1.00 Yard TIIF.SK soft Silk Nets make up beautifully over contrasting color or silver and gold cloth. The colors include black, white, pink, sky-blue, yellow, maize, navy, greens, rose and many other shades. Forty-two inches wide, $1.00 yard ? TT»Moment Salesroom _ . HP ME favored shapes in LecltneV A Leather Hand-bags, with HanrJ.RaO'C $1 leather-covered or metal nana Dags, frames fittcd with mirror aml coin purse, priced at $1.00. ? ?Raaement ha tearoom. Nut Bowls " 85c 1 AS pictured, well-fin- ished Wood Xut4|f Bowls in mahogany or finish, complete with awhile vil and hammer. Moc* n ,n ' atcly priced at 85«\ Hnt^r* ? Rutmtni SalraA'lllowa the In , fietala Women's "5 Union Suits 65c T I(i 11 P Fleece - lined Union Suits of a weight just right for im- mediate wear. In ankle length, with Dutch ncek and elbow sleeves. Sizes 36 and 38. Price 65<*. Fleece-Lined Vests and Tights 50c Garment Women's Fleece - lined I Vests with high neck and fl long sleeves, and Tights 1 in ankle length, sizes 34 to 44. Price 50c. Bailment 8al»« r00flfc

The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1916 … Patterns $5.00 Each Serviceable, finely woven Silk Poplin at Fine imported All-wool Suit Patterns, only 59< a yard. A yard

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The Bon MarcheI'ikf Strrel Second Avenue Union Street Elliott 4100

Girls' New Winter Coats at $3.95 and $7.95A Two-Day Sale of Coats at Two 55

Special Prices'


Siifi 2to 6 and 6to 10 Yeari j ?' i \Girls' Coals, made of a good, heavy pebble cheviot. / ?if /*! I \

lUt on 1> \u25a0 mil lint- . wiili large novelty collars, |L. | M-?-4- ---^1trimmed with plush, nt hrown. black. na v\ ?* 1 m /


FUR TRIMMED COATS FOR *7.95 pi IH/Sizes 6 to 14 Years \

Fur Trimmed I'oat*, just a* pictured here -made "Y"Y\ *

of heavy frieze coating with collars and deep T" I V y '

cuffs, smart-looking patch junket* and full belts. jL- i? ?-1 fK IAnother style. of wind velour. ha* a standing col- m j- tilt'J \

lar of fur fabric, and full novelty belt, and conies )79Mr (V «in brown, navy and j;reen ' -o

ODD LOTS OH CHILDREN'S WEARABLES RADICALLY REDUCEDGirla' $1.75 and |1.»5 Fall Ore****, /JQ Girla' Gym Suita. »lnn««r atyle* *. | Cf|1« In all. aiirs 12 and II onl* OJ/C 1«> anil 12 *f*r*. of s*lalr» V*

Glrla' $1.25 Flannelette Kimonoa, QC Girla' $1.25 Waeh Or*****. of Klnnhaiu. Qgdark pattMW <>t "DC ? in it a< %/OCGlrla' 11.25 Sateen Bloomer*. lu-av\ Miaaaa' $5 50 Fiber Sweater*. fcQ QCweight. aliea i. S and I>'. at /3C IB in all. at

The October Sale of Gloves

f~Jj Starts Sharp on TimeIn spite of unusual conditions in the Glove world?

In spite of the difficulty of obtaining kid Gloves of stand-?.

1 *

\ ;ll"d make at special prices?This helpful sale starts promptly on time, with as good

Glove values as we have ever been able to offer.

$1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Kid Gloves $1.35Sizes s,'_. to 7' j. This is the best bargain of all.

In Washable Cape Gloves, full pique sewn. in [>carl. ivory. »and. pnttv, tan. withone large clasp at the wrist.

In Novelty Embroidered Gloves, with contrasting effect*, of fine ch><icc '.elected >kin-.

In Suede Kid Gloves, full pique sewn, with 2-cla>p». in gray «>r tan

Perrin's Cape Gloves in tan, l-cla-«p.

Pull Pique Kid Gloves, in black with white embroidering, with 1 clasp.

October Sale of $1.00Lambskin Glove*, m Pair Oi/v,

L*mbskln Glo*e« In gray, beaver. tan ami black,

\u25a0ixea S4 to 8. but not every color In every *I**.

OtrroMm atyle. with two faatener* at the wrlatand on« row of embroidering

Women's $1.25 Kid Gloves., QC~1- and 2-Clasp Style, Pair... >

In this sale will be found Iclaap Dreaa KidGloves In white, black, tan. bruwn and fray; also1 -etasp Cape Gloves In tan? wme a little aolledfrom handling Sties S'i to lln the tot.

Women's $1.50 Cape orWaahable Glovea, Pr. } $1.15

One-rtaap Waahable tape Glove#. In tan andgray. no me half pique rape* in white or black,

with one large cla*p. Velvet Morhaa In sra>. an t

him light-weight Glace Kid. Site* '\u25a0» to *'»

A Sale of Women's Long i <T 1 ft CKid Glotss, Special, Pair \

Ijoai White Kid Gloves In sires to 7. »lthwide cut arms and neatly embroidered barks, also

about 60 pairs of Perrtn'a l.on< Kid Glovea In shy,gray, mode and green. _t pp*r Maia »!«?(

Buy Your Fall Footwear at

The Factory Sale of Shoes'What though some of them arc Factory Second* and slightly imperfect, the re-

markably low prices more than make amend* for that.Remember, real Shoe Bargains arc about the hardest things in the world t<> find

nowadays.-Iptrr Mais flw. Maae.

Woman's $3.50 and MOO Shoe*, of patent leather. Woman's Shoea, worth to |4 00. all £| QQgunmetal calf or glazed kid; styles. with turn or welt soles. i>alr. . 1 «90* P*lr '''.


13.30 Daete Blue Valvat Lacs Shoaa, QQWomsn'a Tan Shoaa. worth to 14 00. *a OQ Ujtlu welt w> ,? (? lr $1.70lace or button style vfciWomen's Shoaa, worth to to.oo. *n £»Q Woman's $4.00 Russis Calf Sutton *1 qj>In all leathers, pair $4.D0 Shoss. with welt soles. pair

Woman's $4.00 to $6.00 Shoaa, d|o QQ Tan Shoaa, worth to 12 SO; children * ( | &Qlace or button style, a pair Vfc.JO pUM | li4a . rol? M ? u ?, 1 .DOWomsn'a SS.OO Patant Leather Lace Shoea, withmouse brown buckukln tops. £*) QQ Infants Soft-sols Shoss In fancy OQ.B p,ir or plain colors, pair £OCWomen'a $5.00 Golden Brown Suede Little Oenta' Shoes. *? nnButton Shoes, with round to-s. pair. VmiOO sixes 9to 13V*, |>alr $ 1 .£0?u*»r Mala Maar. Chlldren'a Shoea of patent leaiher, n Q

Carpet Slippers, the old faahUyed kind. | q h Mi 3to 8. pair J7OCfor men or women, a pair i«7C

.. .


Women'a Shoea of patent leather. #0 fiQ° ®h0# *' heavy calf. CO

button style, with kid or cloth tops. pr.VMtOO sizes 9to 13V4, pair V 1 >UOChildren's $1.50 Shoes, of gunmetal *s Women'a $3.00 Satin Pumps, dark *1 a q:alf with heavy soles, sizes sto pr. Jl >«0 blue, for evening wear. pair. ... $1 «40


Silk Remnants 25c a YardA good old-fashioned sale of Silk Remnants at 25c a yard. Short end*, and "am-

ple pieces of Silks and Silk-and-cotton mixtures.Some good waist and dress lengths, lots of smaller pieces for trimmings and the

like, in plain and brocade pongee, chiffon poplins, messalines and crepes I<> to .V>inches wide. , ? .?I »»« Mala Ktaor.

36-in. $1 Poplins 59c Yd. Suit Patterns $5.00 EachServiceable, finely woven Silk Poplin at Fine imported All-wool Suit Patterns,

only 59< a yard. A yard wide, in the very to 3 1-3-yard lengths, 56 inches wide,best colors and Mark, fur dree-, skirts worth $7.50 to $10.00. Tweed- and fancyor waists; worth $1.00. mixtures in checks, stripes and mixtures.

_ ?I |«|»er Main Floor.

£, *- Friday Domestic Specialsfor Home-Sewing Week36-Inch Scrims 10c a Yard OCWHIg

Curtain Scrims, 36 Inches wide, tn a large aa- 8c CaIICOCS 5c a Yardsortrnent of designs and colorings, also Imitation 2 'ooo Tards of Callcoea, 24 Inches wide, Indrawri-work borders. lengths to 10 yards; light and dark shade*. Not

n ? c ?

i. ,over 12 yards to each

Curtain Scrim* 15c a YardNow figured and drawn-work bordered Curtain / « C Outing 9c a Yard

Scrims at ir« » yard Itlue, pink and greon com Outing Flannel, da-k ahadni. In plain or neat"jlnatlon color*. plaids and stripes, at *r a yard Krldaj,

Marquisette 25c a Yard 12'/2C Percale* 10c a YardHcrim and Marquisette, sonic with dainty col- 3,000 yards of Percales, In lengths to 20 yarns,

orcd borders. In shaden of blue, pink, tan and Neat patterns, full yard wide. at 10c a yardgreen, worth 30c to 40c. ?Turn Ki?,.r . ..

.? mira floor ?l,im»r Mala riMr.



COLUMBUS. 0., Oct. 6,?Twenty yeara In prlaon becauae ofa five cent bet In a crap game

Lifetime In prlaon becauae a hat didn't fit.The above are but two of the freak cauaee why men are

apendlng their daya In the Ohio penitentiary, according to areport made today by Bertillon Officer Robert Mile*

The twenty-year man waa convicted of manelaughter afterlolling a man who refuaed to "fade" & cente In a crap game Inthe aecond, the aaleaman aald the hat fitted, the patron aald Itdid not. In the quarrel the patron ahot and kilted the hatter.

Some of the other freaka: Four robber* facing one to 20year a for loot totaling 97 centa and three etr«et car tlcketa

One manelaughter convict killed a man becauee he refuaedto ehut a door, thue keeping a draft off the elayar.

The creditor eald the debt waa 95, the debtor eaid $4. Thedebtor le dead, the creditor la aervlng e life aentence

More than a ecore are in for drawing and ualng knlvea, moitly In trivial quarrela.

Several burglar* are doing weary atretchea for the aake ofbooty not In eicea* of th* pay of a good day'a ehoveling.


THE HOME COLONYBy Jack Jungmeyer

HOMIi COLONY, Wash., Oct. S.?'They talka lot about swapping wives, but it's seldom done.

"Women advocates of free love have a jealous fitif their husbands so much as look at another woman."

Such is the picture of life at Home Colony, largestanarchist settlement in the United States, drawn byDonald Vose Meserve, "Judas Iscariot" to Lmma Gold-man's followers, who lived here many years.

Here Donald Meserve, confidant of the Goldmanfollowers, turned tip for the Burns detective agencyDavid Capiat), soon to lv tried a second time in con-nection with the Los Angeles Times dynamiting.

Schmidt, convicted in these cases, was found InMeserve on clues picked up at Home Colony.

Anarchlata who preach dynamite,

\u25a0 Tolstoi nott reainianta and rrl>«li.of all ahade* agalnat the social orIder. from food faddl»t« to aelf-atyl'i-d Mmlaha, live together In tnore

lor leaa aroltjr and tolerance; a loutj 400 In ail.

Fr«« Levara Dtcorout"I'ldlxbl; a iloimi com plea pra<

tlr» ao-callel free love. living «ogathqr without marriage car-?Wfcjf," said Mmm*' Hutthey ar* a* decorous, rear thalrchildren an properly and are aafalthful-to home ties aa moat legalIt organ I led families

"In fan, ninal of their anarchismIs etpended In gas.' No two agreeon any subject

"The town In haunted to fear ofdtcka' - plain clothes man I lonia

("'ilonlau who hav* never harmeda mosquito thrill to the liellar thatthey are helna shadowel

"Moat of them ara simply fnnnv?not bloodthirsty'

Faur Massiahs Knocking"A treat many Ruaalan Jean

have latterly entered Home Colony.l1 a |th a direct action brand of anarrhlsm There are four 'Mesal-;aha.' each 'knocking' the other 1

1 one old man |wn attoui In women » ;dresses. claiming It'a more health ,ful t)ne or two llva In cave*Home In tree houses And thereare perhaps a doien Kmma (Sold |man disciple*

There la a co-operative aforethe only sucreasful thing they haveever attempted A dance hall andplcnlca key the aortal life of theno'ony.

"The neMlement liegsn In INIwhen a few anarchists took up theland for the tavr* and aold It toother arrival*, under a life term|en*e, At I:' iO ait acre

"International anarrhlaea vlaltllome frequent Iv. and radical prop-agandlata are constantly coming Inwhile the residents often le*\e In ,termlttently to work outalde

'Metween fre,< love dlacuaalona.moat of Ihain raise chickens verysuccessfully!"

MILLIONS SPENT TO IMPROVE RAILROADt»T PAl't. Oct 5 f*or IS year* the average Isily expense of op-

eratlng the tnllea of the Northern Pacific rt Iroad ha* been 1141.-IT*o. or f&3.741 *SS a year, according to ? statement Issued by the roadtodav *n additional 119.T5? dally, or t?,222>.90& yearly. I* *i>ent forpermanent lmi>rovementa Several plana for extensions now in handare expected to Increase the permanent Improvement expenditures

UNCLE SAM SELLING UN DTO INDIANSOKIaAHOMA CITT, Okla . Oct. S.-?t'ocle Ham. real mihk dealer,

nas acre* of Choctaw «n«l Chickasaw Indian land on s«le heretoday. and will do business unlll the «<nd of the month No i>ersonwill be allowed to purchase more than l#« irrra rhnlllrit as agrtculttiral land nor mot* than 64" acres classified a* grating land

RED TAPE TIES BRITISHER TO SERVICEliONDON, Oct. s?The5 ?The Hritlsh army Isn't overlooking any betsPrivate Knight of CabUom mm discharged from the service May

24. 1»15, suffering from tubercu'osle contracted In training Hut hi*name went marring on thru the branrhea of the war de|>artment »htlered tape unraveled at half a dozen polnta.

In M*>, 1916. as h» lay on hi* deathbed ai horn#. Knight received asummons to report lo the color* Ma)' IS

Another warrant rame August 10. and another August »4 il|«mother ha* not vet convinced the war office that Ita order- never willbe carried out.

THREE IS A CROWD IH THIS VILLA6ECLKVKB. O. Oct 6 So voluminous. loud and pointless «?* the

polltl nl chatter on the streets after dark, that the city dads to protect the «acred right* of the sleepers. felt called upon to prevent thechatter

Their remedy work*It la now a misdemeanor for three persons to gather In one place

on the streets after dark And. asjhe penalty la »50 the chance* forgathering and arguing are allm.


BY HENRY WOODU. P- Staff Correspondent


PARIS. Hept 22 ?l My Matt.)

France'* eleven *tar aviator*. or"acp*," a* they are known InFranc*. have "officially" broughtdown no le** than Onnan machine* a* their combined "lias"

hi* numtn>r would ei*l|y rnach150 If there were Included the (»er

man flyer* than have nl*o beenbrought down by them "unofficially." The French government onlycredit* Its avlntora with the ma-chine* that arn brought downwithin the l-'rench linen. *o that Itcan be "officially" eatahllahed thatneither the machine nor the pilot*can ever ag-iln aerve the enemy.

In addition to these "official"k\ll*. each of the aviators includedIn France'* Hat of eleven "acea"haa brought down not lena thantwo and aome aa many aa *evenmachlnea that have fallen withinthe German linen, and for whichthey are consequently not given"official" credit.

Moat of the flraat b»ttler. whichwere fought long ago. were over Ina day. The famous engagement*Waterloo, *ix hour*; Hedan. lu'ahour*; Oravelotte. nine hour*"Mara la Tour, ten hour*; Konlggrati, eight hour*; Alma, threeMid one-half houra; three

i day*; Uottyabur«, three day*.

Ii(» Lister ha* o|,ened 111* per-sonal campaign bend quart era Inroom 201. Hallway Kxch.mge build-ing This announcement wasmad. Thursday by C. It Jackson,slate tux commissioner, who willbe in direct chargc.

\u25a0I l> Irenholme wil" nsslst Inconducting the democratic gnbermitorlnl campaign while ft. \vHohs will have chitrge of the pub-licity work

(Jov. I,later 1* dls*<Hlsfied withState Chairman Koggrty. who, It |*

charged, ri presents the reaction-ary wing, and will make an Inde-pendent campaign.

In IhU connection, l.l*ter'*friend* are blaming George Turner,democratic candidate for senator,for permitting Kognrty's re-elec-tion. Turner disclaims respousiblllty.

2 KILLED, 12 HURTWHEN TRAINS CRASHAl.TO(l\\. Ph.. ()c| Two men

"ere killeil and 12 Passenger* andthree trainman Imdly injured io(lay. when a fa*l passenger train onthe Middle dlvi«ion of the Pennsyl-vania railroad crashed Into a stocktrain cronslng on to another tracknear Lewlatown.


$3.50WARM Blanket Clotl.

Robe* with -leeve*,

V-neck and front fasten-ing trimmed with satinribhon hand*. In combina-tion* of blue with red,Kray with white, rose withgray, gray with red, fea-turing a dainty rose pat-tern Price 93.50.

tBlanket Clothflo li e \u25a0 111l«rK» aquara

collar model,*Ith alr>*vraand V . n<«'ktrimmed with*' I<l e Mat litribbon hand*,and raatenlncIn froni withford looj>aand aatln but*ion* In red,light ? blue,roi», delft,lavender or''oiM-nha*enwith white,

with w»lat-llr»«- enflrrlod1,4 » tie rord.w PrVM M.M.

Othar Blanket Cloth and K!d«r-down Hath ltot.fi ai R,V(M>.

*nd «7.00.?He* on*l Floor.

PlayroomWall Panels

At Reduced Prices

Till! W all Paper Sec-tion offers several at-

tractive panels, printed onsanitary, washable papersami suitable for children'srooms, at a sharp reductionfrom regular prices.

They are five feet loni;and twenty inches high.Ihe subjects include

"( upid," "Bedtime" andothers. Reduced to 25*the panelSmaller Parel» Inches

depleting Wa»h day. 1 "liak-Ing <lay" and other aublectaof Intereat to llttla house?neper* reduced to |each.

Animal Cut-outa, for applyingon well papera. In sheetsfive f«et long, reduced toI.V and

?First Floor

NewSwagger Sticks

for Women?they are of snakewoodand other bright finishedwoods, mounted with plainalerting silver for engrav.Itig of initial or monogram

Moderately priced 11 00to $4 00. ? t'mbrella Heritor

Klrst Floor

Ready With Well-Considered Selections of

Women's Gloves/n f/ie Favored Styles

AUTUMN finds our Cilove stocks well filledwith the styles and colors that correctly com-

plement the costume fashions of the day.

T he grades of fdoves that make up thc">e

stocks have been chosen with great care, to

a->*ure selcct <jualitics in the >kins used. superior .

dye and finish, and skilled, serviceable work-

manship. ?Klr»t Kloor.

GLACE GLOVESOne- ami Two-clasp filare Kid Gloves with I'ari*

point embroidery, in Mack, white and colors, SI-50 pair.

One clasp Glare Glove* withPails - point embroider). Inblark, white, tan and era).

11.16 pair.

Oneclaap Glad.- Kid Glove*,

pique atyle. with heavy, 3-

strand embroidery. In blackand white, f1.35 pair

On*-*!**!) Glace Kid Glove*in black and white. with contraitlnf t»o-ton* embroidery.ll.to pair.

WASHABLE CLOVESOne-cliap Washable Kid

Giovea with plain embrold-\u2666?red back*. in pearl, canary,ivory, gray and tan, 91.15pair.

On*cla»|i \\'a»h»ble KidGlove* with fancy two-ton*embroidery, In p«arl, Ivory,tan eray. allver and butter.$1.50 pair.

One-clasp Wnshable KidGloves with two-tone con-trasting embroidery, in pearl.Ivory, butter, silver, tan andgray, 11.76 pair.

Two-clasp Cilace Kl<l Gloveain black and white, with heavy"?trail') embroidery, $1.75pair.

Two-clasp Glace Kidwith I'ariH tioint ??m-

--broidtiy, in black. whit«.African-brown. tan and navy,

II 'K» pair.Thrf«M, l»sp White Olac*

Kid <j!ov«-», ovprnram ftiyla,mlth P»rl»-potnt or fancyriuliroldfrr. 12.25 p«lr.

CAPE GLOVESOne-clasp I an and White Cape Gloves. PXM >ewed.

$1.75 pair.

One-claap Washable KidGlcvea with heavy crochetembroidery. In pearl, allver,

tan. Ivory, butter and gray.

$2.00 jair

Two-clasp Washable KidCloves with lm|»»rUl em-broidery. in black, whit*.I>earl and cbauipagne, $2.16pair.

T*'-<-lasp WuhsM* KM(ilovpi «lth contrasting

wrist hand. in prnrt, ivoryand butter, 62 50 p«ir.

One-clasp T»n fape Qlnm.I'XM a* wed, »1 :>0 pair.

One<la»p Tan Cap« Gloves,PXM a*wed. IZ OO i*ir.

MOCHA GLOVESOnec!a»p Mocha Glove®,

pique i>tyle. Paria-polnt em-broidered. In gray and brown,

f I '.0 jiolr.

One-clasp Gray MochaGloves. allk-ltnr-d. with Parls-l>oint embroidery. $2.00 pair.

~ ... ..

. One-<la«r Washable MochaOneclasp Grav Mocha *

Glove*, pique or I'XM style. pique or PXM atyle,with m-K or rontraitlr*: em In white, putty, gray, naturalbroidery. $1 pair. and mastic. |1">0 pair.

Basemenf SalesroomThe New "Mizzi" Hat

$6.50AP IQU AN T and

______jaunty Ready-to-wear

Hat that is becoming t«»

yS many different types..vjSflßSlttL As pictured, the slightly

rolled brim is edged witltj p' plaiting of double velvet

i i and the narrow grosgrain|L Ay /ribbon band which en-

Y/J circles the crown endswith velvet penditits

Price $B.{>o.-Baiemcnt J*al*«room.

New Scrim CurtainsFor Bedroom Windows

T lII.SK new Curtains are in designs especially suit-able fur the bedroom?all have the new Dutch

valaqce, with top heading and casing, ready for hanging.Curtains with floral border design in pink, blue and

yellow, finished with narrow lace? edge. $1.50 pair.Hemstitched Scrim Curtains, with picot braid edging,

91.10 pair.Scrim Curtains with .'-inch lacc' insertion in Filet

pattern and picot braid edging, $1.10 pair.? Haweinent Salesroom.

Silk Nets, $1.00 YardTIIF.SK soft Silk Nets make up beautifully over

contrasting color or silver and gold cloth. Thecolors include black, white, pink, sky-blue, yellow,maize, navy, greens, rose and many other shades.

Forty-two inches wide, $1.00 yard? TT»Moment Salesroom

_. HP ME favored shapes in

LecltneV A Leather Hand-bags, with

HanrJ.RaO'C $1 leather-covered or metalnana Dags, frames fittcd with mirror amlcoin purse, priced at $1.00.

? ?Raaement ha tearoom.

Nut Bowls "

85c 1AS pictured, well-fin-

ished Wood Xut4|fBowls in mahogany orfinish, complete with awhilevil and hammer. Moc* n ,n '

atcly priced at 85«\ Hnt^r*? Rutmtni SalraA'lllowa

the In

, fietala

Women's "5Union Suits

65cT I(i 11 P Fleece - lined

Union Suits of aweight just right for im-mediate wear. In anklelength, with Dutch ncekand elbow sleeves. Sizes36 and 38. Price 65<*.

Fleece-LinedVests and Tights

50c GarmentWomen's Fleece - lined I

Vests with high neck and fllong sleeves, and Tights 1in ankle length, sizes 34to 44. Price 50c.

Bailment 8al»« r00flfc