TONIGHT ONLY B A TH E v H In » «e\<'n l<>rt v|> plctuiiiattoa of f?_ K.lwatv! ShrMon'a W famous <1 ram ». "Egjpt" » r»v mam'n of ivpsy A THE CALL OF HER PEOPLE "A Maiden's Tr\i«t." 2 reels of Mack Sennett Keystone comedy. WALLACE URLJTZER t! melodies IIIASTERS Continuous 1 Ho 11 Admission 15c ? Children sc. COCKROACHES An^UUWwi Stearns' Electric Paste Full Directions In 15 Bold winrwl>'r« and | u. ft. utinmm Innr* It +\u25a0 \u2666 |-ru_ r.14 KkiMa f«* ami I n#l « \u2666 tr.i.rTtni m | -- 1 ?? ?? ll#*n< litfifrt J '>* llrnrrlMll Oi»|!<n, aot .J » » I * ??' -? I I Is »1 <!\u25a0'» Crtrtt m <?«!? Can llMk* Ik ?' i I No 1 I" *? > I ???' >' r«Cl»Unl p»r lt> ? rnr ETHEL ""? w "" ht BARRYMORE IN THE GREATEST ALASKA STORY EVER SCREENED 1> »ceNt piwm "the white ravfn" "THE WHITE RAVEN" The Bijj Scene: A Famous Alaska Dance Hall?a Pack of Cards ?'a Beautiful Woman the Stake ? New York's Broadway the Destination. BIG SCENES AND BIG CLIMAXES g FOLLOW WITH PUNCH AFTER PUNCH M 15c I)PV CHILDREN FRIDAY H MXLmoTL ~ y I Loge 9eat« 2"5e | R| JOHN HAMRICK \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 TODAY fS *"<2' i. In ' - \u25a0 j IT'S A GOOD PICTURE Today It you could emphasize the old-fash- Only? ioned, honest wyrd good to the Nth do- New gree and underline it a dozen times, you Show couldn't over-exaggerate the quality of , Thur»- this picture. It's (ieorge Behan's master- day I piece?a comedy drama. GEORGE BEBAN IN 'The Marcellini Millions" TOMORROW House Peters and Louise Huff In a Brcery Romance High Up In the Sierras "THE LONESOME CHAP" »- J at Pike MARKET REPORT! ? .?/Ik «'?! . rw» par lb ..... llaroaradUh !.*?<. pw Ik 4 I#t ? *f* Par <'i(a-? h»«h«uoo I |«f | X CtU Okr« - t**r MB l>nl'Hl» - AuMrttlK ilrMti. |ff 4»f . ..... }?. Wi|| 1 f4 ImfUf ? C»1 i»*' hnnrhta |i P«r»«tp« !'?» M--II ||* I'ftf lb. |( |'rpp#r* I sf lb \u25ba lor.la II i ? par Mfk .. t &<* J Of#«n. lb | \u25a0 fVpc.MU NibrMkt, p«r tb o>*. 9 |{«<|lthr« ' *bl |»f dot ;| Rhubarb r»r lb |ju V(uta>«agaa Taklrnt lani4li»« l.ufl 171 lam.pa - f*al . r»«r ?*<-!* ... « T»ll«» Yakim* Oama ... 4i oo K*" t 71 0. L«<»U tl( ?? ot rum ApplM? m.rm.n *'mmp I :? l»r.i r.tnklng IM#IH Mom# tlanufy 1 i|o* to *!"?"» « »vt a Arktiit* HI ark j 0.4$ Ytilow Nawtona j « tir.pWrult - _g" IM ll«w*y ? K»» 1 llf| ~ fttraln*d |A Ori»n|»» «mall . , UlrtabmlM r*j. jo P t# i *ii ? frtr? r>M Vr><»>r« fn» i Poultry, % *al and fork !* \u2666 | kin.ller* 1»I 7 - j Hprtng « hlrkrna " Ilurk*? Kal "j im llrtx I nd*r 4 lh« 4 lr>a ai.l «v*r i rig*<>!?? «;<>«d tit*. <iu« I«?r k* v ? l»'*aa*'l ;\ ml K»ncr 4ft to lift-la. . J I K<»o«(#ra « »ld llva . .. | park?<iood block hog* bailing MM "rtiHif tm Buttrr. K«u« and < li#>«aa !\u2666" \u2666 | lluttrr? \u25a0 atlva \V .\u25a0htng'<n rrrsmn r<i 1,0, j Natlva Washington rraamar> l»r!«k n I Kffih California. mba Kraah California. I«r|r|< . Km* S*la< t ran h C h'M* ? |>nm**H«" w».*al II |.lmbur|»r !*tf 10 ' Orrgon trlplat* II Wisconsin trlpl-ts II Wisconsin twins II Young Amartaa ,tl (nonlrj llnj and <«rala (Prlca p*ld wholoaalsri 14 + \S limit 102 00 Alfall* ?No I 21 0< A Half it JH«II 10 00 Alfalfa and Moluaara >2 00 llran 41.00 llarlay 40 60 I ( urn tVhola .49 00 torn ('rai'kfd 70 OS ( bops 47 00 Hay? I'ugat sound hay 24 00 K*«t*rn Washington timothy . 35 00 Kaatsrn Washington doubla com- pr*assd timothy 1* 00 WILSON TO CONTROL SHIPPING ORDER WAHMIXOTON. May i<; a i>iii placing In tlin Imndi of VVII mm thn Authority to dlrort freight Hlilpmmita UtHlor Hip finor- Knrti v rif-iin of thn nation will lio Introduced in cnngronn. I'ndor thn bill thn piPHltlcnt will be empow- ered to determine priorl'y of nil ahlpmnnts, The bill ban thn ap- proval of I'rfHldfint. Wllaon. It waa prepared by the dlrerllon of Atlor ney Oneral (1 rrgory. A company ha» been formed in Heward, Alaaka, for thn promotion of ahark flailing for coinmorrlul purposes. STAR?WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. 1017. PAGE J MEAT PROBLEM MUST GO INTO FEDERAL HANDS By BASIL M. MANLY Special Dlapatch. CHICAGO, May 15?I have \u25a0 pent today In Packlngtown at- tempting to discover for the reader* of The Star the truth \u25a0bout the meat altuatlon. Will meat prlcea go back to the old flgurea which flttei the average man'* pocketbook or will thay go even higher? I* there an actual shortage or are the American people vic- tim* of a hold-up? Have we enough available meat to go ahead with our normal con- aumptlon or are we In tor meatle** day*? Have high price* for meat reduced meat consumption? How much meat la being (hipped abroad and what kind*? What I* the hope for the future? I have talked to the bent meat expert* In the country, editor* of meat trade Journal*. repre*enta tlve cattlemen who are In Chicago to we 11 llvn stock pa klngliousa buyer* and manaKer*. and Chicago *hole«aler* and retailer* Plenty of Meat? Never Again! There are only two point* on wjilch these v«rte<| Interests are In accor! The American people will never again he ablo to eat In the care .free Style of the good old day* when n company dinner without two kinds of meat was a snide affulr. NOIt Wil l, MKIT PRICKS KVBR OO HACK AGAIN To TUB ni,P I,r\'Kl.H There Isn't enough meat now on the farms, the ranges, and In the feeding vnrds to supply the demand of people who are ready to pay fancy price* for meat if you are going to blame any- body you will have to pick on old I>ame Nature, who provided that csttle. hogs, and sheep should be able to lncr«vi*» and multiply their kind only a little f.xater than hu- man being* If we could plant cow a like corn there might be a wav out; but we can't' It Is n fact e*tabll*hed by offi- cial statistic* that our population Ik rea*e* faster than our meat ? utiply T'.il* lielng the case there are Juat two way* In which prices <-n be brought down to anything like old levels a decreased de- mand through general curtailment of meat consumption, an* the lop- ping o'f of any exce«a profits that 11, IV exist In the business of meat production and distribution Indication* ar«» that a* long a* there ar< ship*. purchase* for for |"lKt» consumption will Increase Eat More Than Ever All the figures available Oint that In Spite of high price* Arnerl can*, tak.-n aa a wh«>le, are eating more me.it now than ever before Whatever the cause, the fact re mains that there 1* no prospect of decrease In consumption, unles* the government take* a hand and estab!t«h«* meatle*>* day* or meat card* or some other very draatlc schema. The only poaelbie hope of meat price* within the reach of the common people lie* In complvt* government control over the meat Induatry from th* time the snlmal leave* th* raege or feeding yard until It reachea the coneumer. Thl* i* not my conclusion alone?it has the backing of no lea* an suthority than J. Ogden Ar. mogr, who has suggested th»t during the war, the federal government ihould s*sume con. trol of the entire Induttry. THOSE AWFUL CRAMPS Suggestions That May Save Much Suffering Marysvllle. Pa "for twelve \e»r* 1 suffered with terrible I - ..,.1.1 1 cramp* I would I ia\e to sta* in bed several | Ia v s every I nonth I tried . ill kind* of rem die* and was treated by doc- \u25a0or*, but my 1 rouble contln I'd until one , lav I read aliout I I.v dla K. Pink U him s Vegetable Compound and what It had done tor others. I tried It and now I | am never troubled with cramps atid feel like a different woman 1 nnot praise I,villa K Plnkham's Vegetable Compound too hlgh|\ and 1 am recommptidlng It to m> frlPtids wiio suffer as I did.' Mrs ticorgp II Nay lor, pox 72, Marys v'.lle, Pa. Young wompn who are troubled v Ith painful ir Irrpgular periods. IM knrhp. headache, drugging down sensation*, fainting spells or Indl- f,e«tlon should lake I.ydls B I'lnk- I Jim's Vegetable Compound. Thou- sands have been restored 10 health I \ this root nnd herb remedy. Write for free and helpful ad vice to Lydla K Plnkham Merit cine Co. (confidential I, Lynn. Mans. Only women o|icn and reud uucli letters. Cynthia Grey's LETTERS (A inliia (ircy's (iood Form H:NTI,EMAN I* l not net enaarllv In lovn with it Klrl bei-HiiHit he hnateiin to tie her ahoeitrliiK. to faaton hei Klovn or to per form any other email personal nervine Hut bo ii niia uu I urn them- attention* In eoine ao'iul circle* that the man who Id fairly polite run* the rlwk of linvlnK bla courtesy misinterpreted Young Men, Answer lliis Question for Miss (ircy and Norma Q. ?I have alway* enjoyed your fOlumn, I'eopte'* differ- en t view- point* on vari- ous questions have Interest ed me very much. I am a high achool girl and I go to a great many dance*. Now, what puulu m* I* thi* At a great many of th* dance* and all of th* (how* th*r* ar * about Cyntfila Grey twice a* m*ny boy* who com* by themielvet, or with other boy*, a* th*r* are boy* who escort girl*. What I* the reason? I* it that theie boy* cannot get acquainted with girl*, that they enjoy th* company of glrlji, or I* It the high co*t of living? I would lilt* mo*t awfully well t4 hear from you, Mr. Bachelbr Boy. NORMA. A your* I* not the ftmt comme|nt of thl* nature I have heard. Older head* than 1 nnri h*Te pot ered thl* growing clannish i" « uuiong our young men e i>l .'in.en. hut no solu- tlon 1 \u25a0 *t has bee'i offered One h ' ?1. y to walk down the main tb ufare* of our city In the en 111* and »ee the numei o-T i 011 pa of boy* and of girls to rv*l|lte the truth of your 'utatnenta WHAT IS TUB KBAStN? WHO KNOWS? MENTALLY CONTROLLED Dear Mi** Grey:?ln answer to "Hheah" as to whsther one person can contfol the mind of another: ! Meat dec dedly YES. This mental control of others Is the curse of the age. The one who is controlled not being aware of it, thinks It Is his own choice or volition, under which he speaks and acts. It Is a very common usage a great deal of It being done by mental suggestion. The writer has seen little chil- dren so the victims of this baleful practice as to turn In hatred towards t|hose whom they formerly loved arid whole neighborhoods estranged by It- All of us know some person who. when we are in their company and some on* Is present whom this person dislike* or i* jealous of, we are afraid to he cordial or friendly toward*, altho personally we may have nothing aosinit them. WE ARE BEING MENTALLY CON TROLLED Whole famille* are con- trolled by on* member, whole neigh, borhood* by one per*on. who con trol* their thought* and actions and decide* whom they thall a**ociate with. More ni"*ery I* caused by this cursed practice th*n by any mod- ern day evil. Out there I* only pum*hment coming to tho*e mental robbers and thieves who seek only discord to gratify their Jealous malice, fojr "a* they sow, so shall they reap." F. E. L. WOMEN RUDE Q.?l hive long been a reader of your letters and answers and have enjoyed them very much, and now I hope you will give me space for one. Why is it that women, as a rule, are so very 111 mannered nnd rude In public?! I have observed this so much, notl only here, but In most every city I have been In. In get- ting on street cars I have had wo men deliberately »hove me out of their way and crowd in front of me. I am a married man with fe male relatives of my own and have I a high regard for a womanly wo- man. but mutt say that thl* Is one phase of female character that I should like to have explained to me. S. G. A -Tod iy. more than ever lie-! fore, we 11 ave two iIIhIIdcI clhhhph of women the ones who earn their bread and butter, and the one* w ho don't. The former, especially the lower type, thru constant dally as-i noclatlon with men In a business way. become more masculine. When I havp bppn unfortunate' enough to be caught In the six! It's Up to You rati jroti affonl to allow that chronic |roul)l<> to wear you out or no mo acute condition to become chronic by the tine of patent medicine* or nelf treatment, when (ho host of medical attention can l)« had for a small fee? I do all klnd« of work the bent that, I know how. I uno Medicine, Electricity, Maaiaee, Vibration, llKht nurtfery and all modern rational method* of treatment. The regular fee Ik $1,00 paid canli, medicine Included. Dr. Evans 401 Peoples Bank Euilding, Second and Pike Street. Hour«: 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m.; Sunday, 11 a. m. to 12 REVOLUTION IS THREATENED IN THE REICHSTAG AMSTERDAM, May 16.?Ger man officialdom I* taking no chance* of the popular revolu tlon to achieve democracy hint ed at In apeechea of extreme aoclaliat leader* In the ?'elch- ?tog yeaterday, according to ad vice* received here todjy. The chancellor'* curt to accede to aoclaliat demand* In amplifying Germany'* war aim*, hi* apparent auppcrt of the junkerlte* all have arouaed the greatest anger among the toclallit* Forewarned of po*alble public demon*!ration* of <i 1 na|>p,r> :tl. In- fnrin 11 Km lirrc today ilr land II" OrinHii government !\u25a0»?! ??Htabll-h- --<m| *troimlv IniK'UHfil polio- ciarli In It#»rlln and other large rltlr* to | put down any po**tbln disturb- ance* Soclalilt* Demand Peace Te*t «f the remark* hy the *o r|:ill*| leader*. Hcheldemann and l.edebour received today ahowid how bluntly tbeae two oppo*ln< leader* of eoclallat fartlona warned the Imperial chancellor of poaal'ne trouble If *ln<ere peai <? atepN were not In view ' IVftre by agrepment would be good fortune for Kurope," Hcbelile- maun declared "Ninety nine per cent of all people* look \ Ith hope and longing on Btocsholm. If I'rnnce and Great llrltain renounce annexation and Germany Insists thereon, we ahull have a revolution In the country. It ha* not roiio *0 far an that yet. since Ute en.'my had not renounced annexation ' Revolution Threatened "llerr B'hetdernann must take "p eudgcl* against the goternni' nt,' said Geo I.edebour, leader of the anti war and antl-government so- < lallsts ;i* opposed to the Schelde- tnann pern e and pro itovernment faction, "If he does not want strong word*. * lilch do not shrink even from the snnoutirement of revolu- tion to he followed by deei.s "We are convinced that evnts mail happen in Germany in they have happened In Kiiaslm. ? ? ? we must noon introduce a republic In Germany and we shall *00.1 pro Ihikh that that the constitution om- mlttee take preparatory step* .o that end " Speaking In the relchstag today, IHtvld. socialist member, declared: "Tlx- < hancellor bu not replied to our demand*. hut his referent' i to jiosslbte * Ith Iti'-iii are tno*t valuable " GIRLS STAGE PLAY Junior auxiliary girl* of the Kplscopal churcbe* of the city will present the historical play, "Two Thousand Mile* for a Hook." at the close <tt Uie convention of the dto- ? e*e of Olympia Wednesday even Ing Hie play will be staged at fc o'clork. In the guild room of St Mark 11 church. TRIES SUICIDE TWICE lllojl Tanaka. Japanese sailor \u25a0 !>oard the Tama Maru. was thwart >-d In two attempts at suicide Tues- day. lie was pulled from the bay at Pier 4, where lie bad Jumped off After being reeuacltated at the city hospital, he tried to hang himself with a pair of suspenders from the bed post. SEATTLE A LEADER Seattle and Grand Rapid*, Mich are the only cities In the Vrlted States where vocational guidance work Is being carried on. according to Mrs. Anna Y. Heed, who has re turned from a seven months' tour thru 24 cities of the Kast, where she studied public school systems ami Industrial condltons. h'i lock cnish, 1 have boon for."'<l to the rear ranks of the mob when attempting to board a ear, anil the offenders were more often men thun women. Perhaps these wo- men feel that since men regard them as men in the working world the\ trmst use man methods to get ahead I would be very clad to print comments on this subject, espe- cially from the women who have been ctitlclied. Q?l am a widow 23 vesrs of age an J have a little girl 3 years old. My husband has been dead five years. My health Isn't good now, i and I want you to decide the fo I - | lowing for me: The man I love is 34 years old He believes In easy work, such as violating the law*. I am almost sure I will have to work In order to keep my baby and me If I marry him. He is kind-hearted, a good sport, likes dances and good times, etc. He always tells me there isn't another girl in this world he loves like me. He gets very jeal- ous If I speak to my gentlemen friends. The man I don't love is a good provider, ha« a business here In the city, has - - -etty eight-room house, well furni ed, Is 24 years old, and thlnko \u2666h" world of my baby, mother and ? Whom should I met v? Do you think I would learn to live the man I don't love, but only care for as a friend? I must have a place to ( care for my child properlv. AT SEA. A.?lt Is useless to say fiat the mnn yon should love you < unnot. There Is no use In raving against fate Hut there is number point to he considered?hoi i r and Ju 'Ice toward an honorable m n. V 'ti tho yon should mairv him, t tr sacrificing your love for \our child's sake, you would be doing the man a great wrong, sel- dom comes after marriage sn sel- dom that llie risk Is too grot. And ten .chances to one, slmul 1 > you marry tho other man, your love for hint would soon die. To love a man always, you must re- spect him, too. Ills traits of dis- honesty and Jealousy forbid that. Don't marry either one of t.heni Keep a clear conscience and look the world squarely In the fa e, anil the world In turn will give you a square deal, ll may he a hard, long, uphill fight, but things are bound to com* your w«.v. COLLIER TO PLEAD W. I. Collier, confessed embez- zler and former head of the defunct NorUiern Hank & Truat Co.. has been granted until Friday to plead to n charge that he appropriated 163,0*0.35 of the bank's funds to Ilia own uses. He was .?chtduled to plead before Judge Krerett Smith Tuesday aft"moon. but asked for an extension of time. IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS You ha\e swollen fret and hands! Stiff, achy Joint*' Sharp-*hooting. j rheumatic r«in* torture you. You 1 lax* achlnir hack. pain In the lower! abdomen. difficulty when urinating! | lx»ok out' The»«« are danger signals. Trouble la with your khlneys. Urle acl«l poisoning, In one form or an- other. l.aa art In may lead to \u25a0 ir. :«> Of f>tal Hrlght'a dlscaso If, iiot checked. Ort <#<">!,r> MKDAL TTuarlem n|| Capsule* Immediately They are ? inn oM preparation, used nil over thai world for . rnturles combining nat- ural healing oil and herbs. well ; to phynldana find used by ' thousands in their dally practice. . The ('apßUlfn nr»» n«>t an experiment- : al. m;«ke««htft. "patent meillclna" op nalt.'' w how fffect In only tempor- ary. They are a standard remedy. \u25a0 and act naturally, gently and quick- j l> Hut when you go to the drug- I.lnt. Insist on getting the pure, orig- inal Haarlem oil in Capsules. He fiire the name <;<»I.1» MKPAL Is on I fI» box, and thus protect >ourself ugulnst counterfelta. l or aalo and guaranteed by The Owl Prug Co. Satisfactory Terms Always THE Grote-'RANKIN CO. I (>! to f t\f (,/ / (,rnrra! Manaqrr \u25a0 I i,, |,| M|,|, . |||,| I JOIN THE RED CROSS - \u25a0 zt \u25a0 The'St&y Satisfactory Range Is Made Proof Against Damage from Ru»t by Vitreous Enameled Flue Linings ' Trad'- vour okl ' / 1 Va \ jtove as part payment on a Monarch. CHILDREN'S BEDS At Reduced Prices Several ry!c <>f Metal ami Wood Beds are marked for clearance. Well constructed, equipped with metal faltric spring and finished Vernis Martin, ivory I and white enamel. (*\\ I dren's Bads.. .95.9S Grote-Rankin ?PIKE AT FIFTH?Grote-Rankin $2.50 We will fit a gold \u25a0 tilled frame with npherical len- *es leath- er case, com- plete (or $2.50. Thin includes a careful anJ accural* examination. Ninth Year in Seattla. Curry Optical Co. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 3072-73 Arcade Bldg. Bring This Ad With You YOC CAN CIKT H KM. WITHOUT TUB KMI'I Allmwl« the (.lands »rm a *peHalty. ' 'If.jea. Kara. Nom, rhr.«c. |5Sk t lie»t IJhnmißliMii, I Hood Rr mi<l Skin Allmmta, I'aral* . «»t«. Quirk. reliable mrnl for I'rlvlr Ailment* «nd all mi«nkmi.i»ni. 111 nod ir»in of wrry kind. I*erma« nrnt bfllfrmrnl for low * - tullty. Hrlentlfie »plnal trent me«it. TnHfth l>r. Macy, !0:»-5 fcp- Hide., Kill Siiond Avi*. »01d General Brag can't go very far as a salesman unless he is backed up by the goods. ?and it is better to let cus- tomers do the bragging. Many shrewd money-savers who have tried our dental work are bragging about the our service. They will tell you that?these offices are neatly furnished, electrically equipped and CLEAN; and that they appreciated the fact that only those vi- tally interested in the business and in their welfare, worked on their teeth. We not only GUARANTEE our work?WE IN- SURE IT and promise satisfaction. FREE EXAMINATIONS JgBP% Crowns .... $4.00 up up Filling 50c up Second and Spring

The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1917-05 ... · TONIGHT ONLY BAvTHE In » «e\

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Page 1: The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1917-05 ... · TONIGHT ONLY BAvTHE In » «e\


BATHEvHIn » «e\<'n l<>rt v|>plctuiiiattoa of f?_K.lwatv! ShrMon'a Wfamous <1 ram ».

"Egjpt" » r»vmam'n of ivpsy


"A Maiden's Tr\i«t." 2reels of Mack SennettKeystone comedy.




Continuous 1 Ho 11Admission 15c ?

Children sc.


Stearns' Electric PasteFull Directions In 15

Bold winrwl>'r« and |u. ft.utinmm Innr*It

+\u25a0 \u2666|-ru_ r.14 KkiMa f«*

ami I n#l

« \u2666tr.i.rTtni m| - - 1 ??


ll#*n< litfifrt J '>*

llrnrrlMll Oi»|!<n, aot .J »»

I * ??' -? II Is »1 <!\u25a0'»

Crtrtt m <?«!?

Can llMk* r« Ik ?' i

INo 1 I"*? > I ???' >'

r«Cl»Unl p»r lt> ?

rnr ETHEL""? w




»ceNt piwm "the white ravfn"


The Bijj Scene: A Famous Alaska Dance Hall?a

Pack of Cards ?'a Beautiful Woman the Stake ?

New York's Broadway the Destination.



MXLmoTL ~y ILoge 9eat« 2"5e | R|

JOHN HAMRICK\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


fS *"<2'

i. In ' - \u25a0 j


Today It you could emphasize the old-fash-Only? ioned, honest wyrd good to the Nth do-New gree and underline it a dozen times, youShow couldn't over-exaggerate the quality of

, Thur»- this picture. It's (ieorge Behan's master-day I piece?a comedy drama.


'The Marcellini Millions"TOMORROWHouse Peters and Louise Huff

In a Brcery Romance High Up In the Sierras"THE LONESOME CHAP"

»- J

at Pike

MARKET REPORT!? .?/Ik «'?! . rw» par lb .....

llaroaradUh !.*?<. pw Ik 4

I#t ? *f* Par <'i(a-?

h»«h«uoo I |«f | XCtU

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l>nl'Hl» -

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ilrMti. |ff 4»f . ..... }?.

Wi|| 1 f4ImfUf ?

C»1 i»*' hnnrhta |iP«r»«tp« !'?» M--II ||*

I'ftf lb. |(

|'rpp#r* I sf lb ?»

\u25ba lor.la IIi ? par Mfk .. t &<*

J Of#«n. lb | \u25a0fVpc.MU NibrMkt, p«r tb o>*. 9 o« v»|{«<|lthr« ' *bl |»f dot ;|

Rhubarb r»r lb |juV(uta>«agaa Taklrntlani4li»« l.ufl 171lam.pa -

f*al . r»«r ?*<-!*... «


Yakim* Oama ... 4i ooK*"t 71 0.L«<»U tl(?? ot


m.rm.n *'mmp I :?l»r.i r.tnklng IM#IHMom# tlanufy 1 i|o* to*!"?"» « »vt aArktiit*HI ark j 0.4$Ytilow Nawtona j «

tir.pWrult -

_g" IMll«w*y?

K»» 1 llf| ~fttraln*d |A

Ori»n|»» «mall . ,

UlrtabmlMr*j. jo P t# i *ii?

frtr? r>M Vr><»>r« fn» iPoultry, % *al and fork

!* \u2666| kin.ller* 1»I 7 - j

Hprtng « hlrkrna"

Ilurk*?Kal "jimllrtx I nd*r 4 lh«

4 lr>a ai.l «v*r

i rig*<>!?? «;<>«d tit*. <iu«I«?r k* v ? l»'*aa*'l

;\ml K»ncr 4ft to lift-la. . JI K<»o«(#ra « »ld llva ...

| park?<iood block hog*

bailing MM "rtiHif tmButtrr. K«u« and < li#>«aa

!\u2666" \u2666| lluttrr?

\u25a0 atlva \V .\u25a0htng'<n rrrsmn r<i 1,0, j

Natlva Washington rraamar> l»r!«k nI Kffih California. mba

Kraah California. I«r|r|< .

Km* S*la< t ran hC h'M* ?

|>nm**H«" w».*al II|.lmbur|»r !*tf 10

' Orrgon trlplat* IIWisconsin trlpl-ts IIWisconsin twins IIYoung Amartaa ,tl

(nonlrj llnj and <«rala(Prlca p*ld wholoaalsri

14 +

\S limit 102 00Alfall*?No I 21 0<A Halfit JH«II 10 00Alfalfa and Moluaara >2 00llran 41.00llarlay 40 60

I ( urn tVhola .49 00torn ('rai'kfd 70 OS( bops 47 00Hay?

I'ugat sound hay 24 00K*«t*rn Washington timothy . 35 00Kaatsrn Washington doubla com-pr*assd timothy 1* 00


WAHMIXOTON. May i<; a i>iiiplacing In tlin Imndi ofVVIImm thn Authority to dlrortfreight Hlilpmmita UtHlor Hip finor-

Knrti v rif-iin of thn nation will lioIntroduced in cnngronn. I'ndor thnbill thn piPHltlcnt will be empow-

ered to determine priorl'y of nilahlpmnnts, The bill ban thn ap-proval of I'rfHldfint. Wllaon. It waaprepared by the dlrerllon of Atlorney Oneral (1 rrgory.

A company ha» been formed inHeward, Alaaka, for thn promotionof ahark flailing for coinmorrlulpurposes.




Special Dlapatch.CHICAGO, May 15?I have

\u25a0 pent today In Packlngtown at-tempting to discover for thereader* of The Star the truth

\u25a0bout the meat altuatlon.Will meat prlcea go back to

the old flgurea which flttei theaverage man'* pocketbook or

will thay go even higher? I*there an actual shortage orare the American people vic-

tim* of a hold-up? Have weenough available meat to goahead with our normal con-aumptlon or are we In tormeatle** day*? Have highprice* for meat reduced meatconsumption? How much meatla being (hipped abroad andwhat kind*? What I* the hopefor the future?I have talked to the bent meat

expert* In the country, editor* ofmeat trade Journal*. repre*enta

tlve cattlemen who are In Chicagoto we 11 llvn stock pa klngliousabuyer* and manaKer*. and Chicago

*hole«aler* and retailer*Plenty of Meat? Never Again!There are only two point* on

wjilch these v«rte<| Interests are Inaccor! The American people willnever again he ablo to eat In thecare .free Style of the good old day*

when n company dinner withouttwo kinds of meat was a snideaffulr. NOIt Wil l, MKIT PRICKSKVBR OO HACK AGAIN To TUBni,P I,r\'Kl.H There Isn't enough

meat now on the farms, the ranges,and In the feeding vnrds to supplythe demand of people who areready to pay fancy price* for meat

if you are going to blame any-body you will have to pick on oldI>ame Nature, who provided thatcsttle. hogs, and sheep should beable to lncr«vi*» and multiply theirkind only a little f.xater than hu-man being* If we could plantcow a like corn there might be awav out; but we can't'

It Is n fact e*tabll*hed by offi-cial statistic* that our populationIk rea*e* faster than our meat? utiply T'.il* lielng the case thereare Juat two way* In which prices<-n be brought down to anythinglike old levels a decreased de-mand through general curtailmentof meat consumption, an* the lop-ping o'f of any exce«a profits that11, IV exist In the business of meatproduction and distribution

Indication* ar«» that a* long a*there ar< ship*. purchase* for for|"lKt» consumption will Increase

Eat More Than EverAll the figures available Oint

that In Spite of high price* Arnerlcan*, tak.-n aa a wh«>le, are eatingmore me.it now than ever beforeWhatever the cause, the fact remains that there 1* no prospect ofdecrease In consumption, unles*the government take* a hand andestab!t«h«* meatle*>* day* or meatcard* or some other very draatlcschema.

The only poaelbie hope ofmeat price* within the reachof the common people lie* Incomplvt* government controlover the meat Induatry fromth* time the snlmal leave*th* raege or feeding yard untilIt reachea the coneumer. Thl*i* not my conclusion alone?ithas the backing of no lea* ansuthority than J. Ogden Ar.mogr, who has suggested th»tduring the war, the federalgovernment ihould s*sume con.trol of the entire Induttry.


Suggestions That May SaveMuch Suffering

Marysvllle. Pa "for twelve\e»r* 1 suffered with terrible

I - ..,.1.1 1cramp* I would

I ia\e to sta*in bed several

| Ia v s every

I nonth I tried. ill kind* of rem

die* and wastreated by doc-\u25a0or*, but my

1 rouble contlnI'd until one

, lav I read alioutI I.v dla K. PinkU him s Vegetable

Compound and what It had done

tor others. I tried It and now I |am never troubled with cramps

atid feel like a different woman 1

nnot praise I,villa K Plnkham'sVegetable Compound too hlgh|\

and 1 am recommptidlng It to m>frlPtids wiio suffer as I did.' Mrsticorgp II Nay lor, pox 72, Marys

v'.lle, Pa.Young wompn who are troubled

v Ith painful ir Irrpgular periods.IM knrhp. headache, drugging downsensation*, fainting spells or Indl-f,e«tlon should lake I.ydls B I'lnk-I Jim's Vegetable Compound. Thou-sands have been restored 10 healthI \ this root nnd herb remedy.

Write for free and helpful advice to Lydla K Plnkham Meritcine Co. (confidential I, Lynn.Mans. Only women o|icn and reuduucli letters.

Cynthia Grey's

LETTERS(A inliia (ircy's

(iood FormH:NTI,EMAN I*lnot net enaarllvIn lovn with it

Klrl bei-HiiHit he

hnateiin to tie

her ahoeitrliiK.to faaton heiKlovn or to perform any otheremail personalnervine Hut bo

ii niia uu I urnthem- attention*In eoine ao'iulcircle* that theman who Idfairly politerun* the rlwkof linvlnK bla

courtesy misinterpreted

Young Men, Answerlliis Question for

Miss (ircy and NormaQ. ?I have alway* enjoyed

your fOlumn, I'eopte'* differ-en t view-point* on vari-

ous questions

have Interested me verymuch.

I am a highachool girland I go to agreat manydance*. Now,what puulum* I* thi* Ata great manyof th* dance*and all of th*(how* th*r*ar * about

Cyntfila Grey twice a* m*ny

boy* whocom* by themielvet, or withother boy*, a* th*r* are boy*who escort girl*.

What I* the reason?I* it that theie boy* cannot

get acquainted with girl*, thatthey enjoy th* companyof glrlji, or I* It the high co*tof living?

I would lilt* mo*t awfullywell t4 hear from you, Mr.

Bachelbr Boy. NORMA.A your* I* not the ftmt

comme|nt of thl* nature I haveheard. Older head* than 1 nnri

h*Te pot ered thl* growingclannish i" « uuiong our youngmen e i>l .'in.en. hut no solu-

tlon 1 \u25a0 *t has bee'i offeredOne h ' ?1. y to walk down themain tb ufare* of our city In

the en 111* and »ee the numeio-T i 011 pa of boy* and of girls

to rv*l|lte the truth of your


MENTALLY CONTROLLEDDear Mi** Grey:?ln answer to

"Hheah" as to whsther one personcan contfol the mind of another: !Meat dec dedly YES. This mentalcontrol of others Is the curse of

the age. The one who is controlled

not being aware of it, thinks It Ishis own choice or volition, underwhich he speaks and acts. It Is avery common usage a great deal ofIt being done by mental suggestion.

The writer has seen little chil-dren so the victims of thisbaleful practice as to turn In hatredtowards t|hose whom they formerlyloved arid whole neighborhoodsestranged by It-

All of us know some person who.when we are in their company andsome on* Is present whom thisperson dislike* or i* jealous of, weare afraid to he cordial or friendlytoward*, altho personally we mayhave nothing aosinit them. WEARE BEING MENTALLY CONTROLLED Whole famille* are con-trolled by on* member, whole neigh,borhood* by one per*on. who control* their thought* and actions anddecide* whom they thall a**ociatewith.

More ni"*ery I* caused by thiscursed practice th*n by any mod-ern day evil. Out there I* onlypum*hment coming to tho*e mentalrobbers and thieves who seek onlydiscord to gratify their Jealousmalice, fojr "a* they sow, so shallthey reap." F. E. L.

WOMEN RUDEQ.?l hive long been a reader of

your letters and answers and haveenjoyed them very much, and nowI hope you will give me space forone.

Why is it that women, as a rule,are so very 111 mannered nnd rudeIn public?! I have observed this somuch, notl only here, but In mostevery city I have been In. In get-ting on street cars I have had women deliberately »hove me out oftheir way and crowd in front ofme. I am a married man with female relatives of my own and have Ia high regard for a womanly wo-man. but mutt say that thl* Is onephase of female character that Ishould like to have explained tome. S. G.

A -Tod iy. more than ever lie-!fore, we 11ave two iIIhIIdcI clhhhph

of women the ones who earn theirbread and butter, and the one* w hodon't. The former, especially thelower type, thru constant dally as-i

noclatlon with men In a businessway. become more masculine.

When I havp bppn unfortunate'enough to be caught In the six!

It's Up to Yourati jroti affonl to allow that chronic |roul)l<> to wear you

out or no mo acute condition to become chronic by the tine ofpatent medicine* or nelf treatment, when (ho host of medicalattention can l)« had for a small fee?

I do all klnd« of work the bent that, I know how.

I uno Medicine, Electricity, Maaiaee, Vibration, llKhtnurtfery and all modern rational method* of treatment.

The regular fee Ik $1,00 paid canli, medicine Included.

Dr. Evans401 Peoples Bank Euilding, Second and Pike Street.Hour«: 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m.; Sunday, 11 a. m. to 12


man officialdom I* taking nochance* of the popular revolutlon to achieve democracy hinted at In apeechea of extremeaoclaliat leader* In the ?'elch-?tog yeaterday, according to advice* received here todjy.

The chancellor'* curtto accede to aoclaliat demand*In amplifying Germany'* waraim*, hi* apparent auppcrt ofthe junkerlte* all have arouaedthe greatest anger among thetoclallit*Forewarned of po*alble public

demon*!ration* of <i 1 na|>p,r> :tl. In-fnrin 11 Km lirrc today ilr land II"OrinHii government !\u25a0»?! ??Htabll-h---<m| *troimlv IniK'UHfil polio- ciarliIn It#»rlln and other large rltlr* to

| put down any po**tbln disturb-ance*

Soclalilt* Demand PeaceTe*t «f the remark* hy the *o

r|:ill*| leader*. Hcheldemann andl.edebour received today ahowidhow bluntly tbeae two oppo*ln<leader* of eoclallat fartlona warnedthe Imperial chancellor of poaal'netrouble If *ln<ere peai <? atepN werenot In view

' IVftre by agrepment would begood fortune for Kurope," Hcbelile-maun declared "Ninety nine percent of all people* look \ Ith hopeand longing on Btocsholm. If

I'rnnce and Great llrltain renounceannexation and Germany Insiststhereon, we ahull have a revolutionIn the country. It ha* not roiio *0

far an that yet. since Ute en.'my

had not renounced annexation '

Revolution Threatened"llerr B'hetdernann must take "p

eudgcl* against the goternni' nt,'

said Geo I.edebour, leader of theanti war and antl-government so-

< lallsts ;i* opposed to the Schelde-tnann pern e and pro itovernmentfaction, "If he does not want strong

word*. *lilch do not shrink evenfrom the snnoutirement of revolu-tion to he followed by deei.s

"We are convinced that evnts

mail happen in Germany in they

have happened In Kiiaslm. ? ? ?

we must noon introduce a republicIn Germany and we shall *00.1 pro

Ihikh that that the constitution om-

mlttee take preparatory step* .othat end "

Speaking In the relchstag today,

IHtvld. socialist member, declared:"Tlx- < hancellor bu not replied to

our demand*. hut his referent' i tojiosslbte * Ith Iti'-iii aretno*t valuable


GIRLS STAGE PLAYJunior auxiliary girl* of the

Kplscopal churcbe* of the city willpresent the historical play, "Two

Thousand Mile* for a Hook." at theclose <tt Uie convention of the dto-

? e*e of Olympia Wednesday evenIng Hie play will be staged at fc

o'clork. In the guild room of St

Mark 11 church.

TRIES SUICIDE TWICElllojl Tanaka. Japanese sailor

\u25a0 !>oard the Tama Maru. was thwart>-d In two attempts at suicide Tues-day.

lie was pulled from the bay atPier 4, where lie bad Jumped offAfter being reeuacltated at the city

hospital, he tried to hang himselfwith a pair of suspenders from the

bed post.

SEATTLE A LEADERSeattle and Grand Rapid*, Mich

are the only cities In the VrltedStates where vocational guidance

work Is being carried on. according

to Mrs. Anna Y. Heed, who has returned from a seven months' tourthru 24 cities of the Kast, whereshe studied public school systems

ami Industrial condltons.

h'i lock cnish, 1 have boon for."'<lto the rear ranks of the mob whenattempting to board a ear, anil theoffenders were more often menthun women. Perhaps these wo-men feel that since men regard

them as men in the working worldthe\ trmst use man methods to get

aheadI would be very clad to print

comments on this subject, espe-cially from the women who havebeen ctitlclied.

Q?l am a widow 23 vesrs of age

an J have a little girl 3 years old.My husband has been dead fiveyears. My health Isn't good now, iand I want you to decide the fo I - |lowing for me:

The man I love is 34 years oldHe believes In easy work, such asviolating the law*. I am almostsure I will have to work In orderto keep my baby and me If I marryhim. He is kind-hearted, a goodsport, likes dances and good times,

etc. He always tells me thereisn't another girl in this world heloves like me. He gets very jeal-ous If I speak to my gentlemenfriends.

The man I don't love is a goodprovider, ha« a business here Inthe city, has -

- -etty eight-roomhouse, well furni ed, Is 24 yearsold, and thlnko \u2666h" world of mybaby, mother and ?

Whom should I met v? Do youthink I would learn to live the manI don't love, but only care for as afriend? I must have a place to (care for my child properlv.


A.?lt Is useless to say fiat themnn yon should love you < unnot.There Is no use In raving against

fate Hut there is number point tohe considered?hoi i r and Ju 'Ice

toward an honorable m n. V 'ti

tho yon should mairv him, t tr

sacrificing your love for \our

child's sake, you would be doingthe man a great wrong, sel-dom comes after marriage sn sel-dom that llie risk Is too grot.

And ten .chances to one, slmul 1 >you marry tho other man, yourlove for hint would soon die. Tolove a man always, you must re-spect him, too. Ills traits of dis-honesty and Jealousy forbid that.

Don't marry either one of t.heniKeep a clear conscience and lookthe world squarely In the fa e, anilthe world In turn will give you asquare deal, ll may he a hard,long, uphill fight, but things arebound to com* your w«.v.

COLLIER TO PLEADW. I. Collier, confessed embez-

zler and former head of the defunctNorUiern Hank & Truat Co.. hasbeen granted until Friday to pleadto n charge that he appropriated163,0*0.35 of the bank's funds to

Ilia own uses. He was .?chtduled toplead before Judge Krerett SmithTuesday aft"moon. but asked foran extension of time.

IT'S YOUR KIDNEYSYou ha\e swollen fret and hands!

Stiff, achy Joint*' Sharp-*hooting. jrheumatic r«in* torture you. You 1lax* achlnir hack. pain In the lower!abdomen. difficulty when urinating! |lx»ok out' The»«« are danger signals.

Trouble la with your khlneys. Urleacl«l poisoning, In one form or an-other. l.aa art In I» may lead to\u25a0 ir. :«> Of f>tal Hrlght'a dlscaso If,iiot checked.

Ort <#<">!,r> MKDAL TTuarlemn|| Capsule* Immediately They are ?inn oM preparation, used nil over thaiworld for . rnturles combining nat-

ural healing oil and herbs. well ;to phynldana find used by '

thousands in their dally practice. .

The ('apßUlfn nr»» n«>t an experiment- :al. m;«ke««htft. "patent meillclna" op

nalt.'' w how fffect In only tempor-ary. They are a standard remedy. \u25a0and act naturally, gently and quick- jl> Hut when you go to the drug-

I.lnt. Insist on getting the pure, orig-

inal Haarlem oil in Capsules. Hefiire the name <;<»I.1» MKPAL Is on

I fI» r» box, and thus protect >ourselfugulnst counterfelta.

l or aalo and guaranteed by TheOwl Prug Co.

Satisfactory Terms Always

THE Grote-'RANKIN CO. I(>! to f t\f (,/ / (,rnrra! Manaqrr

\u25a0 I i,, |,| M|,|, . |||,| IJOIN THE RED CROSS

- \u25a0 zt \u25a0

The'St&y Satisfactory RangeIs Made Proof Against Damage from Ru»t by

Vitreous Enameled Flue Linings


Trad'- vour okl' / 1

Va \ jtove as partpayment on aMonarch.

CHILDREN'S BEDSAt Reduced Prices

Several ry!c <>f Metal ami Wood Beds are markedfor clearance. Well constructed, equipped withmetal faltric spring and finished Vernis Martin, ivory

I and white enamel. (*\\

I dren's Bads.. .95.9SGrote-Rankin ?PIKE AT FIFTH?Grote-Rankin

$2.50We will fit a

gold \u25a0 tilledframe withnpherical len-*es leath-er case, com-plete (or $2.50.

Thin includes a careful anJ accural*examination.

Ninth Year in Seattla.


3072-73 Arcade Bldg.Bring This Ad With You


Allmwl« the (.lands»rm a *peHalty.

' 'If.jea. Kara. Nom, rhr.«c.|5Sk t lie»t IJhnmißliMii, IHoodRr mi<l Skin Allmmta, I'aral*. «»t«. Quirk. reliable

mrnl for I'rlvlr Ailment*«nd all mi«nkmi.i»ni. 111nodir»in of wrry kind. I*erma«nrnt bfllfrmrnl for low *

- tullty. Hrlentlfie »plnaltrent me«it. TnHfthl>r. Macy, !0:»-5 fcp-

Hide., Kill Siiond Avi*.

»01dGeneral Brag can't

go very far as a salesmanunless he is backed up bythe goods.

?and it is better to let cus-tomers do the bragging.Many shrewd money-saverswho have tried our dentalwork are bragging about the

our service.

They will tell you that?these offices are neatlyfurnished, electrically equipped and CLEAN; andthat they appreciated the fact that only those vi-tally interested in the business and in their welfare,worked on their teeth.

We not only GUARANTEE our work?WE IN-SURE IT and promise satisfaction.

FREEEXAMINATIONS JgBP%Crowns .... $4.00 up


Filling 50c up

Second and Spring