Contents: JANUARY YOUTH EVENTS! Youth & Family Ice Skating: Sunday, January 8 Kids Club: Sunday, January 15 Middle School Retreat : Friday, January 20-Sunday, January 22 (See page 3 for details) A SUNDAY IN CHRISTMAS Sunday, January 1 10:00 a.m. Worship EPIPHANY SUNDAY Sunday, January 8 9:00 a.m. Worship The Visit of the Magi THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD Sunday, January 15 “A voice from heaven said, ‘This is my son.’” THE SUNDAYS AFTER THE EPIPHANY Christ Jesus revealed to the nations 9:00 a.m. Worship The season following Epiphany begins and ends with a festival day, each connecting to the Epiphany theme of Jesus revealed to the world. The season opens with the Baptism of our Lord and closes with the feast of the Transfiguration where each time a voice from heaven declares “This is my Son”. From the Pastor ................................................................ 2 News and Events............................................................... 3 Youth & Family Ministry .................................................... 3 Worship............................................................................ 4 Study ................................................................................ 5 Service & Social Concerns ................................................. 5 Pictures: “Music for the Holidays”..................................... 6 Pictures: December Events ............................................... 7 Notes & Announcements .................................................. 8 With Our Ministry ............................................................ 9 In Our Prayers .................................................................. 9 Serving In January ........................................................... 10 January Calendar ............................................................ 11 The Spirit of Christ at Los Altos Lutheran Church Worship Service, 9:00 AM 460 South El Monte Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022 Coffee Fellowship, 10:00 AM Office Hours: Mon/Wed 8:30 AM -1:00 PM & David K. Bonde, Pastor Tue/Thur/Fri 8:30 AM-3:00 PM Office: 650.948.3012; Fax 650.948.3098 E-Mail: [email protected] Vol. 58, No. 1 January 2012 www.losaltoslutheran.org Rejoicing in the Word + Sent in the Spirit

The Spirit of Christ - Los Altos Lutheran Churchdocs.losaltoslutheran.org/newsletters/2012_nl/nl_2012_01.pdf · Youth & Family Ice Skating: Sunday, January 8 ... The Spirit of Christ

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Contents: Contents:

JANUARY YOUTH EVENTS! Youth & Family Ice Skating: Sunday, January 8

Kids Club: Sunday, January 15 Middle School Retreat:

Friday, January 20-Sunday, January 22 (See page 3 for details)


10:00 a.m. Worship

EPIPHANY SUNDAY Sunday, January 8 9:00 a.m. Worship

The Visit of the Magi

THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD Sunday, January 15

“A voice from heaven said, ‘This is my son.’”


Christ Jesus revealed to the nations

9:00 a.m. Worship The season following Epiphany begins and ends with a festival day, each connecting to the Epiphany theme of Jesus revealed to the world. The season opens with the Baptism of our Lord and closes with the feast of the Transfiguration where each time a voice from heaven declares “This is my Son”.

From the Pastor ................................................................ 2 News and Events ............................................................... 3 Youth & Family Ministry .................................................... 3 Worship ............................................................................ 4 Study ................................................................................ 5 Service & Social Concerns ................................................. 5

Pictures: “Music for the Holidays” ..................................... 6 Pictures: December Events ............................................... 7 Notes & Announcements .................................................. 8 With Our Ministry ............................................................ 9 In Our Prayers .................................................................. 9 Serving In January ........................................................... 10 January Calendar ............................................................ 11

The Spirit of Christ at Los Altos Lutheran Church

Worship Service, 9:00 AM 460 South El Monte Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022

Coffee Fellowship, 10:00 AM Office Hours: Mon/Wed 8:30 AM -1:00 PM & David K. Bonde, Pastor Tue/Thur/Fri 8:30 AM-3:00 PM

Office: 650.948.3012; Fax 650.948.3098 E-Mail: [email protected] Vol. 58, No. 1 January 2012 www.losaltoslutheran.org

Rejoicing in the Word + Sent in the Spirit

Page 2 Los Altos Lutheran Church January 2011


It seems odd to be writing a meditation for January before Christmas has happened, but here we are. And the season that is to come, the Sundays after Epiphany, has a character of its own. Yes there is the echo of Christmas throughout those days. Yes, we continue to sing the song of the angels: “Glory to God in the highest.” Yes, the star and the testimony of the magi linger over this season. But we will leave the child behind quickly. The story moves on to Jesus baptized and anointed with the Spirit of God. The story moves on to Jesus summoning disciples, and beating back the dominion of sorrow. Demons are cast out. The sick healed. The good news preached.

The Christmas message is gentler, kinder, easier to receive: a faithful God, a promised king, a world made new. The Sundays after Epiphany call for disciples.

On Christmas Eve and Christmas day we hear the words from John:

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.” (John 1:9-12)

They are beautiful and comforting words if you don’t look too closely at the theme of rejection. But a little later in John, when Jesus is talking to Nicodemus, we get the disturbing analysis of the human heart:

“This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light.” (John 3:19)

Christmas declares that the true light has come to the world. The Sundays after Epiphany ask us to follow that light. And this is where being a Christian gets challenging, for we prefer comfortable illusions to the light of truth.

We don’t like to do self-examination. We like that nice general confession at the beginning of the worship service rather than the “searching moral inventory” required by AA. Some Lutheran liturgical scholars tell us that the confession itself is

optional, having its roots in the personal prayer of the priest before the liturgy. What that observation avoids is the fact that the act of confession wasn’t optional since private confession was required before attending mass. That general confession sits out there in the traditional Lutheran service lest we surrender self-examination entirely.

Luther wanted to tear confession away from the medieval church’s elaborate system of penances and indulgences (controlled by the hierarchy), not free us from confession. He wanted us to understand that forgiveness doesn’t come from pope or priest, but from the suffering and dying of Jesus. It is offered freely, but it was not free. Christ Jesus paid the price.

So the catechism asks us to be disciples, not comfortable Christians; to be children of the light not the darkness, to live in truth not illusions.

Which takes us back to Bethlehem and the kneeling shepherds, and the kneeling magi, and the kneeling mother and father of this holy child. Herod rages; he will submit to no one but himself. But we will kneel. We will follow. We will come to the light. And there we will see debts lifted and demons driven out. There we will find blind eyes seeing and deaf ears hearing. There we will see the Glory of God.

And there we will hear Jesus say, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.”


Special thanks are due to all those who contribute so much to preparing the Sanctuary and conducting our worship services and events in Christmas. We recognize especially the amount of work that is put in by the musicians, the altar guild, the Sanctuary arts committee, the folks who arranged the concert, those who arranged the festival, those who prepared the Christmas party and delivered the gifts, those who moved chairs and tables, who ushered or read or washed dishes or a myriad other tasks – on behalf of all who benefited from your service, thank you.

Pastor Bonde

January 2011 Los Altos Lutheran Church Page 3


Please see pages 6 and 7 for pictures of our recent events!



DRIVE Los Altos Lutheran Church hosted their annual Christmas Party and Toy Drive on Friday, December 9th, at 5:30 p.m. The theme, “Around the World” encouraged many delicious dishes of internationally flavored food. The evening was filled with festive music. A huge thank you is extended to those in attendance, brought food, donated gifts to the toy drive, helped in the kitchen, and all of our musicians! The toys were blessed the following Sunday morning by Pastor Bonde, before being donated to Mountain View Community Services Agency for distribution. Our Generosity has always been much appreciated.


PROGRAM Special Agent Angel successfully directed four angels to oversee the safe arrival and spread of the wonderful news of the birth of our Savior during the Youth Christmas Program. The entertaining play, packed with hilarious one-liners, told the story of the birth of Jesus from the point of view of the angels. The youth from our Sunday School and Catechism classes did a fabulous job acting during the Sunday morning worship service. A special thanks to Kate Burdekin, Kris Stanfield, Candace Smith, Wendy Phillips, and Scott Stanfield for all of their help with this years program!


HOLIDAYS” The air was filled with the joyous music of Christmas and the pews and balcony were filled with guests as the internationally award winning Los Altos High School Main Street Singers, directed by Mark Shaull and accompanied by Debra Yowell, as well as our own very talented and professional organist, Jin-Kyung Lim, presented “Music for the Holidays” on Saturday, December 17th.

The concert, to benefit the Community Services Agency of Mountain View, Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, raised $1,900. All the money donated will go to CSA to provide vital social services for local residents, the homeless and the needy.

The concert and benefit were made possible by Kathy Roskos, who so generously funded the Main Street Singers performance. She also headed up the organizing committee of Pastor Berkland, Kris Stanfield, Sandi Wilkening and Shar Thorson. A special note of appreciation goes to Natalie Lucha, for all her assistance in the office.


FESTIVAL The afternoon of December 18th was filled with fun events at Los Altos Lutheran’s Christmas Festival. One of the highlights included pony rides in the parking lot! Inside the toasty fellowship hall, children from our Sunday School and the neighborhood had many craft projects to choose from. There was also hot chocolate, popcorn, and tasty Christmas goodies to enjoy while watching the latest Veggie Tales movie, The Little Drummer Boy. Fun was had by all during this afternoon of fellowship. Thank you to the many volunteers who helped make this festive event possible. Also, thank you to Susan Cretekos and her pony.

THANK YOU FROM THE CHURCH STAFF A special thank you to the entire congregation for their support of the congregation’s ministry through their time, talents, and donations. We appreciate your continued efforts as we conclude this year and prepare for the next. Through your dedication, we look forward to fulfilling the mission and vision of Los Altos Lutheran Church.

Pastor Bonde, Pastor Berkland, Jin-Kyung Lim, Natalie Lucha & Wil Mandac


YOUTH & FAMILY ICE SKATING Join the families of Los Altos Lutheran Church for an afternoon of ice skating! Although we don't have frozen lakes like our Lutheran neighbors in the Midwest, we can still skate outdoors at the San Jose Downtown Ice Rink! San Jose sets up an outdoor ice skating rink in their downtown area

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under a ring of palm trees. We will meet at the church at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 8th to carpool to San Jose. The cost is $13.00-$15.00, including skates. Don't miss out on this timeless winter activity! All are welcome.

KID'S CLUB It's time for Kid's Club again! This month we will break out some board games! Due to the time change for Sunday School, Kid's Club will start at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 15th, as Fellowship Hour ends. Lunch will be served. Please bring your favorite board game so that we have several choices to pick from. Because lunch is being served, an RSVP is required to Kate Burdekin by Wednesday, January 4th.

MIDDLE SCHOOL RETREAT The Middle Schoolers at Los Altos Lutheran Church are going to Mt. Cross Camp for the weekend! Mt. Cross is holding a JAM (Jesus and Me) retreat for Catechism students from Friday, January 20th to Sunday, January 22nd. Our youth will get to worship, participate in devotions, play games, eat good food, and relax in God's beautiful Creation. Contact Kate Burdekin ASAP for more information and to reserve your spot for this fun-filled weekend retreat!

Upcoming Activities

YOUTH EVENTS A schedule is available in the Sanctuary’s entryway with each month’s youth and family activities.

Sunday, January 1st: No Sunday School or Catechism

Sunday, January 8th at 9:15 AM: Sunday School resumes, meeting for its new schedule (from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM, during Worship after the Children’s Sermon and returning before communion). See article below.

Sunday, January 8th at 12:30 PM: Youth & Family Ice Skating (Downtown San Jose)

Sunday, January 15th at 11:00 AM: Kids Club (Lunch & Board Games, RSVP to Kate Burdekin)

Sunday Classes

SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING TIME IS CHANGING On Sunday, January 8th, Sunday School will change its meeting time. It will no longer be held from 10:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. after Fellowship. Instead, Sunday School will be held during the worship service. Children will be dismissed after the Children’s Sermon to go to Sunday School, and they will return to the service before Communion. The timeframe is approximately 30 minutes, from 9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Kate Burdekin will be teaching the elementary aged group, and Wendy Phillips will teach the Pre-K and Kindergarten group.

Children that come just for Sunday School but do not attend worship service can go straight to the Sunday School classroom. Kate Burdekin will be downstairs to welcome them by 9:10 a.m. each Sunday.

After Sunday School, children under 5 are welcome to go to the Nursery with Wendy Phillips for the remainder of the service, or join their parents in the worship service. If children in the nursery are too young for Sunday School, volunteers will provide Nursery coverage during the 30 minute Sunday School period. Volunteers currently include: Cathy Long, Candace Smith, Tom Parsons and Lori Parsons. Additional volunteers would be welcomed.

Sunday School and Catechism will not meet on January 1st.



THE EPIPHANY: January 8th, 9:00 a.m.

BAPTISM OF OUR LORD: January 15th, 9:00 a.m.

THE SUNDAYS AFTER THE EPIPHANY: Worship Service at 9:00 a.m.

VOLUNTEER TO BRING COMMUNION BREAD One of the many ways to participate in the worship service is to provide the bread for Holy Communion. If you are interested, Kris Stanfield coordinates this ministry’s schedule for us.

January 2011 Los Altos Lutheran Church Page 5

COME TO PRAYER INTERCESSORS Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the library to gather in prayer.

We pray every Monday for Sunday’s requests, Come and be a part for what God shows us is best,

We take turns in prayer as we sit in a circle, If we don’t pray - - we miss the miracle!


BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY Every Wednesday we meet for Brown Bag Bible Study at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Feel free to bring a bagged lunch. Coffee and cookies or fruit will be provided. We are currently studying the book of Revelation.

MEN’S BREAKFAST Wednesday mornings, the Men’s Breakfast continues its tradition of food, fellowship and learning. All men are welcome to come by and enjoy the company. Join us at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesdays, or 9:00 a.m. on the third Saturday of the month. Currently, the book of Revelation is being studied.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY AND LUNCH The Women’s Bible Study and Lunch meets the third Sunday each month at 11:45 a.m. Please note the change from the second Sunday to the third Sunday. We normally have our meal first with the Bible study following. All women are invited. The Bible Study is led by a member of the group.

Women’s Bible Study and Lunch will next meet on Sunday, January 15th.

A VIDEO/DVD CLASS is held the third Sunday of the month during Education Hour, at 10:45 a.m. This course involves a video/DVD film and discussion of the topic. The next class will be Sunday, January 15th.


FOOD DRIVE FOR PUEBLO DE DIOS We wish to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who so generously donated to the food

drive in November. After church on November 20th we filled the back of the Wilkening’s car with nonperishable food and delivered it to Pueblo de Dios in San Jose. On that day Pueblo de Dios was having a free distribution of food, clothing and furniture to those in need. We met many wonderful people and they were all so appreciative of the gifts you sent. Besides the food, we delivered a check from the church for $975 ($850 from the Endowment Fund and $125 from special donations). Thank you for sharing your blessings with those in need.

Shar Thorson, Social Concerns Committee

COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY TOY DRIVE Because of the generosity of everyone who came and brought gifts to the annual Los Altos Lutheran Church Christmas Party, we were able to deliver 11 large “Santa Bags” of toys, stuffed animals, games, new pajamas and clothing to the Community Services Agency. Your gifts will brighten the Christmas of many needy children.

It is a joy to give as well as to receive and we know that all of you who donated gifts will be blessed with that joy. Thank you for your gifts of love.

Shar Thorson, Liaison CSA

SUPPORT NETWORK The Support Network is a nonprofit community outreach program that helps women and families suffering from domestic violence.

The Support Network is always in need of donations, such as: clothes for women and children, toys, Gift Cards (Target, Safeway, Walgreens, CVS, Lucky’s, Walmart, Gas Cards, Phone Cards), bedding, and always diapers. All items should be new or in good condition.

Donations should be left at the designated area in the entryway to the Sanctuary, labeled “Support Network”. For details please contact Kay Reed.

SUNNYVALE FISH FISH needs your donations! Donate clothing for children and adults, towels, bedding, blankets and canned food, which are picked up every Tuesday morning. Donations can be left in the wooden box in the entryway of our Sanctuary.

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FRIENDS OF THE CONGREGATION Gary Pflueger, the second pastor of our congregation, passed away on Tuesday, December 6th. He was 93 years old. I served under him as assistant pastor from 1964 to 1967. He was living in Boulder Creek, California at the time of his death. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ruth, one and a half years ago.

In addition, former members Homer Paulson, living in southern California, and Paul Natwick passed away within the past couple of weeks. Homer was 90 years of age, and Paul was 76 years old. Paul was the youngest brother of former member Clarice Wangsness.

Pastor Berkland


RAISE UP VOLUNTEERS If you are considering a volunteer opportunity, please contact Natalie in the church office or speak with one of our Pastors. Thank you for your willingness to serve.

Usher Schedule Coordinator: Prepare a quarterly usher schedule and provide it to the office beginning January 2012. The schedule will include Sunday Worship and special Worship Services (ie: Christmas Eve, Holy Week, etc.).

Memorial Service Coordinator: A liaison between the church and the family which includes: being present prior to the service for flower deliveries and coordinating a reception (if requested).

Sunday Lock-up Duty: Be responsible for locking the building after Worship on a rotational basis. Leaders to serve on Council


The Women’s Bible Study Lunch group recently donated new candles for the altar. Thank you for your contribution.

DONATE SUNDAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS Each Sunday, the floral arrangement behind the altar is donated by one of the members of our community. Following the service, they take the arrangement home to enjoy throughout the week!

Choose a memorable week, or a Sunday for which you are grateful. A donation of $30.00 can be

written to Los Altos Lutheran Church with the indication that donation is for altar flowers. You may place the donation in the offering plate on Sunday, or in the envelope attached to the flower chart.

Flowers for January 2011: January 1 – Volunteer Needed January 8 – Volunteer Needed January 15 – LoAnn Stone January 22 – Volunteer Needed January 29 – Volunteer Needed

Please remember to take the arrangement home with you following the service. If you are unable to do so, you may stop by during office hours to pick it up.

GREETING CARD PROGRAM Each month greeting cards are sent to the homebound, recovering, lonely, sick, and people simply who could use some cheer! We are in need of greeting cards and names of people to send them to. If you have extra cards please leave them with Natalie in the church office, as well as the names of family, friends, or acquaintances that might enjoy receiving a greeting card. Cards let others know we are thinking about them regardless of their situation. See Natalie in the church office or Stu Wobber for details.

MARY-ALICE QUILTERS GROUP The Mary-Alice Quilters Group meets in Luther Hall on the third Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. No previous quilting experience is necessary. Upon completion, quilts are donated to the San Jose Family Shelter.

eWASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM eWaste4good is an organization that will pick up your electronic items (eWaste) for free and provide proceeds to your charity of choice. Los Altos Lutheran Church is listed as one of the designated charities on their website: www.ewaste4good.com.

To participate, fill out the Pickup Request Form on their website, and select Los Altos Lutheran Church from the list of charities. If you would prefer to call, their number is: 1-800-317-3112. They pick up the items from your home.

January 2011 Los Altos Lutheran Church Page 9

EMPTIES4CASH Thank you to all of you who contribute your used cartridges to this program. This money is used to provide supplies for the Tape Ministry to our members who are unable to attend church. A special collection box is provided on the patio on Sunday mornings or in the office workroom during the week.


MASTER PLAN TEAM STATUS The Master Plan Team met four times from November 1st through December 8th to discuss different plans for restrooms for the church “campus” as well as access to them from the Sanctuary and different levels of our fellowship hall (Luther Hall). In addition, based upon a recommendation of our architect, the team also used a structural engineer to determine the safety of the Sanctuary with some of the proposed changes to the walls in order to provide side aisles. The engineer determined that not only were our proposed changes very safe, but some increased the structural integrity of the Sanctuary.

On Sunday, December 18th, the architect joined our worship service so that he could address some of our issues, including line of sight, depth of the platform, the “work area” around the altar, functionality of the communion rail, occupancy loads and access to the fellowship hall.

The team will continue working with the architect to achieve its stated goals and continue its discussions with the congregation in January. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Jim Wenks

FINANCE UPDATE: TREASURER’S REPORT Net Income from Operations: November 2011

YTD Results @ 10/31/11 ................................. $(22,227)

Income in November ...................................... + 20,831

Expenses in November ..................................... - 28,476

YTD Results @ 11/30/11 ................................. $(29,872) Sharon Patterson, Treasurer

COUNCIL ACTIONS At its meeting on December 14, 2011 the Congregation Council took the following actions: Opened with a Bible reading and prayer. Actions of the 2011 Council

o Approved the minutes from the November Council meeting.

o Reviewed past and future activities: Christmas Party Christmas youth program Music For The Holidays Christmas Festival

o Received reports and discussed the ministries of the committees.

o Received a report from the Pastor Approved a copyright letter of

understanding between our staff and the Church

o Received the financial report for November. Approved Amendment to the Play Yard

Fund agreement o Received a report from the Property

Committee o Received a report from the Sanctuary

Remodel Committee o Received a report from the Nominating

Committee Actions of the 2012 Council

o Elected the following interim officers. President – Bob Smith Secretary – Kris Stanfield Treasurer – Steve Smiley

o Appointed authorized signers for the bank and investment accounts.

o Reappointed the Financial Secretary and Bookkeeper

o Set the meeting dates to be generally the 3rd Wednesday of the month starting at 7:00 p.m.

PASTORAL ACTS Kenneth Fred Martin IV, son of Kenneth and Caroline Martin, was baptized on Sunday, December 18th by Pastor Bonde.


For those who are ill, recuperating or in special need: Bob Reed; Joyce Taylor; Kerstin Jansson; Kathryn Carlton, sister of Laurie Kurgas, and

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husband Jeff Carlton; Kristine Taylor; Martha Crick; Bruce Malerick; Mabel Chesnut, Louise Onnen, Norah Houseman, Don Bremer

For those serving in the military and their families, especially: Seth Wright; Chad Garton,

Jon Yager, Austin Kawabata; Jacob and Jeremy Bauer

For our bishop, Mark Holmerud, and our presiding bishop, Mark Hanson

The continued growth of the congregation in our faith and life.




Assisting Minister:

Anne Corwin Jack Tuttle Steve Smiley Bob Stanfield Deb Mandac

Ushers: Marilyn

McCammon Carl Gutekunst & Robbin Kawabata

Don & Sandie Pearson

Paul & Anne Corwin

Gloria Germo & Marilyn


Greeters: Gloria Germo & Cathy Peglow

Rick & Elizabeth Showecker

Del & Marlene Beumer

Carl Gutekunst & Robbin Kawabata

John & Sharon Patterson

Lector: Paul Corwin Lucy Carter Erik Berkland Jim Wenks Steve Smiley

Acolyte(s): Nicole Parsons & Reed Showecker

Patrick Selover & Lauren Selover

Jarrett Winter & Erika

Gutekunst Reed Showecker Nicole Parsons

Offering of Bread:

Janett Ford Kate Burdekin Gloria Germo Waltraud Kelley Kris Stanfield

Coffee Hosts:

Ralph & Marion Bridge

Paul & Anne Corwin

Dianne Wiklander &

Kerstin Jansson Jack & Jan Tuttle Berkland Family

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 New Year's Day Sunday in Christmas 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 7:00 PM NA

2 (federal holiday, office closed) 9:30 AM Prayer Intercessors 7:30 PM Al-Anon

3 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers

4 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible Study 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 3:15 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM E-Team Meeting

5 7:00 PM AA 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal

6 Epiphany 11:30 AM Men's Fellowship Lunch 8:00 PM AA

7 7:00 PM NA

8 Epiphany Sunday 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Fellowship Time 10:45 AM Catechism 12:30 PM Youth & Family Ice Skating 1:30 PM Rooms 3 & 4 in use (accordion band practice) 7:00 PM NA

9 9:30 AM Prayer Intercessors 11:00 AM Luther Hall in use (Coldwell Banker Meeting) 5:00 PM Chefs Who Care Dinner: Le Petit Bistro, Mtn. View 7:30 PM Al-Anon

10 9:00 AM Green Thumbs 5:00 PM Chefs Who Care Dinner: Le Petit Bistro, Mtn. View7:00 PM Widows & Widowers 7:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal

11 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible Study 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 4:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting5:00 PM Chefs Who Care Dinner: Le Petit Bistro, Mtn. View

12 3:00 PM Luther Hall in use (Jr. Manners Cotillion) 7:00 PM AA 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal

13 8:00 PM AA

14 9:00 AM Altar Guild7:00 PM NA

15 Baptism of Our Lord 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Fellowship Time 10:45 AM Catechism 10:45 AM Video/DVD Class 11:00 AM Kids Club 11:30 AM Women's Bible Study Lunch 7:00 PM NA

16 Martin L. King, Jr. Day (federal holiday, office closed) 9:30 AM Prayer Intercessors 7:30 PM Al-Anon

17 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers 7:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal

18 9:30 AM Worship Committee 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting

19 10:00 AM Mary-Alice Quilters 7:00 PM AA 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal

20 Middle School Retreat (Mt. Cross) 11:30 AM Men's Fellowship Lunch 8:00 PM AA

21 Middle School Retreat (Mt. Cross) 9:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible Study 2:00 PM Sunny View Retirement Home Visit 7:00 PM NA

22 Middle School Retreat (Mt. Cross) 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Fellowship Time 10:45 AM Catechism 7:00 PM NA

23 9:30 AM Prayer Intercessors 7:30 PM Al-Anon

24 Newsletter Articles Deadline 10:30 AM Luther Hall in use (Garden Club of Los Altos) 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers 7:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal

25 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible Study 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study

26 7:00 PM AA 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal

27 8:00 PM AA

28 7:00 PM NA

29 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Fellowship Time 10:45 AM Catechism 7:00 PM NA

30 9:30 AM Prayer Intercessors 7:30 PM Al-Anon

31 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers 7:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal

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The Spirit of Christ newsletter is published monthly by:

Los Altos Lutheran Church 460 South El Monte Avenue Los Altos, California 94022 Postmaster: Send address changes to Los Altos Lutheran Church.