The tool that could change everything 1 The Tool that could for Image Consultants Change Everything

The tool that could change everything 1 The Tool that could for Image Consultants Change Everything

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The tool that could change everything 1

The Tool that could

for Image Consultants

Change Everything

The tool that could change everything 2

What is IITTI?

The tool that could change everything 3

What is IITTI?

IITTI is a measuring tool for image consultants.

The tool that could change everything 4

What is IITTI?

What does it measure?Why should we care?

IITTI is a measuring tool for image consultants.

The tool that could change everything 5

What is IITTI?

What does it measure?Why should we care?

It measures the outcomes of training in a uniform way.

IITTI is a measuring tool for image consultants.

And you should care because it could change everything.

The tool that could change everything 6

It brings image consulting more into the


The tool that could change everything 7

How so?

The tool that could change everything 8

And that means more business for


The tool that could change everything 9

Do I have to do extra work to use IITTI?

The tool that could change everything 10

Do I have to do extra work to use IITTI?

You actually do less by not having to worry about designing and conducting your own

test at the end of your training.

The tool that could change everything 11

As we have said, it helps you measure the effectiveness of your training in a

standardized way.

Do I have to do extra work to use IITTI?

You actually do less by not having to worry about designing and conducting your own

test at the end of your training.

The tool that could change everything 12

And that makes you look more professional!

The tool that could change everything 13

How so?

By using a standardized certification testing system instead of your own home-

spun certificate, you eliminate the fundamental conflict of interest issue prevalent in the industry right now.

The tool that could change everything 14

How so?

The independent test will let you be head and shoulders above and beyond what is

done today.

By using a standardized certification testing system instead of your own home-

spun certificate, you eliminate the fundamental conflict of interest issue prevalent in the industry right now.

The tool that could change everything 15

Just imagine, you can eventually be able to proudly advertise something like...

The tool that could change everything 16

"Over 80% of our graduates have successfully passed the IITTI Exam!"

Just imagine, you can eventually be able to proudly advertise something like...

The tool that could change everything 17

"Over 80% of our graduates have successfully passed the IITTI Exam!"

(Well, of course, only if your training program is any good!)

Just imagine, you can eventually be able to proudly advertise something like...

The tool that could change everything 18

How will this change the world?

The tool that could change everything 19

It changes the world in two ways:

How will this change the world?

Your practice is seen as more professional. HRs will trust your work more because it is not you that says how good you are, but an independent testing body.


The tool that could change everything 20

How will this change the world?

You help further legitimize the field of image consulting into the mainstream.

It changes the world in two ways:

Your practice is seen as more professional. HRs will trust your work more because it is not you that says how good you are, but an independent testing body.


The tool that could change everything 21

How will this change the world?

When the market sees that there is an unbiased measuring tool, it is more willing to commit training dollars.


The tool that could change everything 22

How will this change the world?


When the market sees that there is an unbiased measuring tool, it is more willing to commit training dollars.


The tool that could change everything 23

How will this change the world?


Because corporate training is based on what they can measure.

When the market sees that there is an unbiased measuring tool, it is more willing to commit training dollars.


The tool that could change everything 24

Again, corporate training is based on what they can measure.

The tool that could change everything 25

Whatever they can't measure easily, they won't commit money to it because they can't justify its return on investment (ROI).

Again, corporate training is based on what they can measure.

The tool that could change everything 26

Just look at the ISO standards, they have helped businesses thrive and grow because everybody is "on the same page".

Whatever they can't measure easily, they won't commit money to it because they can't justify its return on investment (ROI).

Again, corporate training is based on what they can measure.

The tool that could change everything 27

Still not convinced about a single standard?

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Still not convinced about a single standard?

Imagine what the car industry would be like if every brand decided to work their steering wheels differently, or the brake and gas pedals in different positions?!

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Still not convinced about a single standard?

Unfortunately, this is what the image industry is like today!

Imagine what the car industry would be like if every brand decided to work their steering wheels differently, or the brake and gas pedals in different positions?!

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It is not a quality issue but a standard issue.

To move our image industry to the next level, we need to understand that:

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AICI has given the world

excellent quality!

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Now we need a tool to

standardize it!

The tool that could change everything 33

Sure, I can convince a few companies to use this standard, but what makes you think there will be

more business?

The tool that could change everything 34

Sure, I can convince a few companies to use this standard, but what makes you think there will be

more business?

It is the so-called "network effect".

The tool that could change everything 35

Sure, I can convince a few companies to use this standard, but what makes you think there will be

more business?

When Company A starts using it, and is seen to have a competitive edge, Company B will follow.

It is the so-called "network effect".

The tool that could change everything 36

Sure, I can convince a few companies to use this standard, but what makes you think there will be

more business?

So will Company C, Company D, and so on.

When Company A starts using it, and is seen to have a competitive edge, Company B will follow.

It is the so-called "network effect".

The tool that could change everything 37

Any other benefits besides companies?

Job-seekers will benefit when, at the end of the training, they can write this independent test.

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They can then take this certificate to any employers and get the credit for it.

Job-seekers will benefit when, at the end of the training, they can write this independent test.

Any other benefits besides companies?

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So it is win-win-win for all!

The tool that could change everything 40

Companies win!

The tool that could change everything 41

Companies win!

Job-seekers win!

The tool that could change everything 42

Companies win!

Job-seekers win!

Image people win!

The tool that could change everything 43

Wow! How can I help to lead this movement?

The tool that could change everything 44

Wow! How can I help to lead this movement?

Join us in advocating for this standard.

The tool that could change everything 45

Wow! How can I help to lead this movement?

This will give you a very good excuse to call up your corporate clients again!

Join us in advocating for this standard.

The tool that could change everything 46

Wow! How can I help to lead this movement?

Or write a blog about it!

This will give you a very good excuse to call up your corporate clients again!

Join us in advocating for this standard.

The tool that could change everything 47

Wow! How can I help to lead this movement?

Or talk to your AICI chapter!

Or write a blog about it!

This will give you a very good excuse to call up your corporate clients again!

Join us in advocating for this standard.

The tool that could change everything 48

You can do it informally or...

The tool that could change everything 49

You can sign up and do it formally...

You can do it informally or...

The tool that could change everything 50

as an IITTI Associate

You can sign up and do it formally...

You can do it informally or...

The tool that could change everything 51

and getting your name listed on the IITTI website.

as an IITTI Associate

You can sign up and do it formally...

You can do it informally or...

The tool that could change everything 52

Tell me more about being an Associate

The tool that could change everything 53

You will commit to writing a blog once every 6 months, or

Tell me more about being an Associate

The tool that could change everything 54

making a YouTube video every 6 months, or

You will commit to writing a blog once every 6 months, or

Tell me more about being an Associate

The tool that could change everything 55

making a presentation to your local chapter of AICI, chamber of commerce, or other business groups every 6 months.

making a YouTube video every 6 months, or

You will commit to writing a blog once every 6 months, or

Tell me more about being an Associate

The tool that could change everything 56

Who to contact to find out more?

In Latin America: Lilian Bustamante

In Asia: Christina Ong

In Europe: Riet de Vlieger

In N. America: Deborah King

Lynne Marks

Kimberly Law

Patrick Chun

The tool that could change everything 57

IITTI (pronounced as "ET")

A non-profit organization

registered in Vancouver, Canada

web: www.IITTI.org

email: [email protected]