The Truth about Thriving in Change William S. Kane Copyright, William S. Kane, 2010 Copyright, William S. Kane, 2010 Copyrighted Material

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AgendaAgenda►► TodayToday’’s business landscapes business landscape►► Defining changeDefining change►► Getting started: Gut check timeGetting started: Gut check time►► Why are you losing sleep?Why are you losing sleep?►► Where to from here? Where to from here? ►► WhatWhat’’s it going to look like? s it going to look like? ►► Engaging others Engaging others ►► CommunicatingCommunicating►► SustenanceSustenance

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TodayToday’’s marketplaces marketplace►► Political unrestPolitical unrest►► Stock market uncertainty Stock market uncertainty ►► Global economic turmoil Global economic turmoil ►► Lack of consumer confidence Lack of consumer confidence ►► Heightened unemploymentHeightened unemployment►► Inflationary concernsInflationary concerns►► Technology advancesTechnology advances►► Price pressuresPrice pressures►► Fickle customersFickle customers

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TodayToday’’s workforces workforce►►

Changing demographicsChanging demographics►►

Generational differencesGenerational differences►►

Lack of challenging and meaningful work (55% are not Lack of challenging and meaningful work (55% are not satisfied with their work satisfied with their work –– Conference Board, 1/4/10); 8 in Conference Board, 1/4/10); 8 in 10 are so frustrated, stressed, and overworked, they will 10 are so frustrated, stressed, and overworked, they will look for a new job postlook for a new job post--recession (recession (Star LedgerStar Ledger))


Employee mobilityEmployee mobility►►

Lack of traditional carrots or raises (2.8 % is projected Lack of traditional carrots or raises (2.8 % is projected merit pool for 2010 merit pool for 2010 –– WSJWSJ, 1/4/10), 1/4/10)


Your high potentials (Your high potentials (HBR, May 2010, p. 56, May 2010, p. 56--7): 7): 1 in 3 admits to not putting in his/her best effort1 in 3 admits to not putting in his/her best effort1 in 4 believes he/she will be working for another 1 in 4 believes he/she will be working for another employer in a yearemployer in a year

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In an organizational context, change is

►…the process by which you confront and/or overcome challenges or seize new opportunities by perpetually transforming the organization from its current state to a state deemed more desirable through tapping new or improved ideas, suggestions and processes and applying them toward previously unrealized potential.

►Its mantra is “better, faster, cheaper…”Copyrighted Material

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Providing contextProviding context

►Whom does it impact?

►What does it impact?

►What are the three most important elements of organizational change?

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Is organizational change fun?Is organizational change fun?

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A reality check


Describe an unsuccessful or rocky change initiative that Describe an unsuccessful or rocky change initiative that a leader made in an organization of which you were a a leader made in an organization of which you were a part. part.

What did the leader do or not do that made the change What did the leader do or not do that made the change initiative unsuccessful or rocky?initiative unsuccessful or rocky?


Describe a successful or relatively smooth change Describe a successful or relatively smooth change initiative that a leader made in an organization of which initiative that a leader made in an organization of which you were part.you were part.

What did the leader do or not do that made the change What did the leader do or not do that made the change initiative successful or smooth?initiative successful or smooth?

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Participant examples

Unsuccessful/Rocky Transitions:Unsuccessful/Rocky Transitions:••••••

Successful/Smooth Transitions:Successful/Smooth Transitions:••••••

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About change…

““It is not the strongest It is not the strongest of the species that survives, of the species that survives,

nor the most intelligent that survives. nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that It is the one that

is most adaptable to change.is most adaptable to change.””

►►Charles DarwinCharles Darwin

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Getting started: Gut check time

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If your values don’t agree, it’s probably time to flee

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Service awards aren’t what they used to be


StayStay if if -- you will be an active you will be an active participant in the change participant in the change process, have a chance to have process, have a chance to have an impact, have an opportunity an impact, have an opportunity to help create the organizationto help create the organization’’s s culture, have a track record of culture, have a track record of success, may learn new skillssuccess, may learn new skills……


LeaveLeave if if -- you donyou don’’t believe in t believe in the organization, have a the organization, have a damaged relationship with your damaged relationship with your boss or peers, feel boss or peers, feel ““stuckstuck”” in in your position, donyour position, don’’t trust senior t trust senior management, or not having fun management, or not having fun anymoreanymore..

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Why are you losing sleep?


Market changes Competitive pressures

InefficienciesUnreasonable customers

Obsolete technology Morale

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Look for the root cause(s)

Your ability to analyze and understand the current state of your organizational affairs – i.e., people, processes, systems, finances, and structure is critical. This involves ongoing troubleshooting, gap identification, and root cause analysis. Therefore,…Copyrighted Material

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Do your homework Do your homework ►► Conduct outside research Conduct outside research ►► Gather internal information: WhatGather internal information: What’’s working? s working?

WhatWhat’’s not?s not?►► Analyze available metricsAnalyze available metrics►► Seek input from all stakeholdersSeek input from all stakeholders►► Consider competitive and customer Consider competitive and customer

perspectives perspectives ►► List all viable alternatives, including doing List all viable alternatives, including doing

nothing nothing

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Look ahead►► Make your initial Make your initial

diagnosisdiagnosis►Determine your

desired end-state

►Determine initial feasibility

►► Forge leadership Forge leadership supportsupport

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Examples of vision statements►

Microsoft leads the way in providing access to a new world of thinking and communicating.

To be our customers' most valued resource for creative, consumer-preferred and technologically superior flavors and fragrances (IFF).

Our company's mission is to extend and enhance human life by providing the highest-quality health and personal care products (BMS).

Electrolux will be the world leader in our products, which make everyday life more comfortable, easy and safe.

Provide innovative leadership and interdisciplinary education that will enable the generation, integration and translation of scientific knowledge to optimize research, development and utilization of medication for the benefit of all. (American College of Clinical Pharmacology )Copyrighted Material

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Strategic objectivesStrategic objectives……

The power of strategy is derived from its ability to direct employees’ actions and secure their commitment to your competitive advantage.

Like a roadmap, strategic objectives answer – with some detail, “What do we need to accomplish?” in order to make the organization’s vision a reality.

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Strategic objectives…►►

Less is more Less is more –– having a few highly motivational objectives having a few highly motivational objectives is far better than drowning in detail.is far better than drowning in detail.


Strategic objectives have a 12Strategic objectives have a 12--30 month outlook.30 month outlook.►►

In format, objectives should be SMART : In format, objectives should be SMART : Specific, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, TimeMeasurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time--bound.bound.


Applicable strategic Applicable strategic ““categoriescategories”” should be tailored to your should be tailored to your organizationorganization’’s needs. They generally include: s needs. They generally include:

Markets and customers Markets and customers Products and servicesProducts and servicesBusiness processesBusiness processesPeople and reward systemsPeople and reward systemsStructure and facilitiesStructure and facilitiesTechnologiesTechnologiesCopyrighted Material

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Examples of strategic objectives►

Mission Driven Objectives: I. Membership: Continue to increase our diverse membership base I. Membership: Continue to increase our diverse membership base through through excellence in recruitment, retention and communications practiceexcellence in recruitment, retention and communications practices. s. II. Education Programs: Offer a diverse range, in both content aII. Education Programs: Offer a diverse range, in both content and format, of nd format, of educational programs and information that promotes the applicatieducational programs and information that promotes the application of clinical on of clinical pharmacology in drug development and applied pharmacotherapy. pharmacology in drug development and applied pharmacotherapy. III. Research Forum: Serve as a platform to facilitate discussioIII. Research Forum: Serve as a platform to facilitate discussion of scientific n of scientific research and its translation to foster interdisciplinary innovatresearch and its translation to foster interdisciplinary innovations that advance our ions that advance our Mission. Mission. IV. Public Policy: Proactively advocate and interact as advisorsIV. Public Policy: Proactively advocate and interact as advisors with key with key regulatory/grant agency leaders to engage/advance innovation in regulatory/grant agency leaders to engage/advance innovation in drug therapy. drug therapy.

Supporting Objectives:V. Marketing: Continue to enhance our efforts in marketing the CV. Marketing: Continue to enhance our efforts in marketing the College and its role ollege and its role in enhancing the understanding of the value and role of Clinicalin enhancing the understanding of the value and role of Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacology VI. People/Supporting Human Resources: Achieve exemplary governaVI. People/Supporting Human Resources: Achieve exemplary governance, staff and nce, staff and volunteer performance. volunteer performance. VII. Finance: Continue to maintain and build a solid financial pVII. Finance: Continue to maintain and build a solid financial position to meet the osition to meet the goals of our mission and fund our strategic initiatives. goals of our mission and fund our strategic initiatives.

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Examples of tactics…

I. Membership: Continue to increase our diverse membership base through excellence in recruitment, retention and communications practices.

I. A. Ensure that the College serves members through advanced communications to best meet their needs.

I. B. Increase our membership through targeted recruitment and retention practices.

I. C. Ensure our focus and efforts address members’ needs through periodic assessment.

I. D. Ensure our membership structure supports the needs of our members.

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Examples of tactics►

II. Education Programs: Offer a diverse range, in both content and format, of educational programs and information that promotes the application of clinical pharmacology in drug development and applied pharmacotherapy.

II.A. Journal – We will provide a journal of high quality, depth and esteem to effectively communicate new and applied scientific and clinical applications of clinical pharmacology.

II.B. Annual meeting – Conduct a multi-disciplinary annual meeting that provides an innovative and stimulating format.

II. C. e-Education – provide accessible diverse electronic offerings, through Webinars, Integrated Forums, on-line publications, etc. in alignment with the Mission.

II. D. Partnerships: Identify professional organizations, consumer groups, foundations, etc., to target for partnerships for education.

II. E. Core Curriculum: Recommend/identify and implement a core curriculum.

American College of Clinical Pharmacology, 2009 – 2012, STRATEGIC PLAN

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What’s it going to look like?


►►StructureStructure►►Talent contingenciesTalent contingencies►►Conduct a skills inventoryConduct a skills inventory►►Incumbent considerationsIncumbent considerations►►Values and behaviorsValues and behaviors►►Populating the organizationPopulating the organization►►Treat everyone with respect Treat everyone with respect

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Conduct a skills inventory

What do we have? What do we need?What do we have? What do we need?Who are the Who are the ““AA”” players to build aroundplayers to build around……

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Incumbent considerations Incumbent considerations –– besides performance and skills:

Attitude – Is this person customer-centric; results-oriented; committed; wants to make a difference; pursues excellence…?

Judgment -- Does this person exercise good judgment, particularly under pressure?

Energy – Is this person energetic and enthusiastic?►

Focus – Does this person understand and stick to priorities versus meandering?

Relationships – Does this person get along with others, are they team-oriented, and are they capable of conflict resolution?

Trust – Do they do as they say…Copyrighted Material

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Examples of values and behaviors…►►

Respect, Trust & Integrity:Respect, Trust & Integrity:►►

Treats others with respect, dignity and fairness. Practices patTreats others with respect, dignity and fairness. Practices patient, ient, empathetic and active listening. Shows understanding, toleranceempathetic and active listening. Shows understanding, tolerance and and concern for colleagues and others. Promotes honest, open and faconcern for colleagues and others. Promotes honest, open and facece-- toto--face communications. face communications. HonneHonne (speaks from the heart). Protects (speaks from the heart). Protects appropriate confidences and proprietary information.appropriate confidences and proprietary information.


Teamwork Teamwork WaWa::►►

Uses a participative and collaborative approach in planning actiUses a participative and collaborative approach in planning activities vities and decisionand decision--making for the benefit of the whole. Promotes group making for the benefit of the whole. Promotes group harmony by constructively dealing with cultural diversity, conflharmony by constructively dealing with cultural diversity, conflict and ict and adversity to build bridges, not walls. Helps clarify roles and adversity to build bridges, not walls. Helps clarify roles and accountabilities across teams. Actively mentors, supports and accountabilities across teams. Actively mentors, supports and recognizes the contribution of others. Encourages a recognizes the contribution of others. Encourages a ““safe to saysafe to say”” environment by giving, accepting and acting upon feedback.environment by giving, accepting and acting upon feedback.

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Examples of values and behaviors►►

The Pursuit of Excellence:The Pursuit of Excellence:►►

Strives for quality, continuous improvement and excellent in allStrives for quality, continuous improvement and excellent in all aspects aspects of work processes, products and services. Facilitates innovativof work processes, products and services. Facilitates innovative e approaches to addressing challenges and opportunities. Inspiresapproaches to addressing challenges and opportunities. Inspires others with a others with a ““can docan do”” attitude, takes initiative to achieve results and attitude, takes initiative to achieve results and envisions ways to make a better tomorrow for envisions ways to make a better tomorrow for KPIKPI. Leads by example.. Leads by example.


Personal Growth and Professional Development:Personal Growth and Professional Development:►►

Demonstrates initiative by taking on expanded responsibilities aDemonstrates initiative by taking on expanded responsibilities and for nd for learning new skills. Stays current with developments in the scilearning new skills. Stays current with developments in the scientific entific and business fields, sharing and applying knowledge as appropriaand business fields, sharing and applying knowledge as appropriate. te. Accurately represents own competencies and seeks help when needeAccurately represents own competencies and seeks help when needed. d. Strives to achieve a Work/Life balanceStrives to achieve a Work/Life balance


From Kyowa Pharmaceutical, Inc., Princeton, NJ, 2007From Kyowa Pharmaceutical, Inc., Princeton, NJ, 200739

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Treat everyone with respect Treat everyone with respect –– whether staying or goingwhether staying or going

Recognize and respect the diverse offerings and backgrounds of all parties, whatever their gender, generation, culture, age, religion, work style, or comfort level with ambiguity.

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Engaging others

►► Building bridgesBuilding bridges►► Introducing changeIntroducing change►► Beginning buyBeginning buy--inin►► Teach othersTeach others►► Create a learning Create a learning

environmentenvironment►► Invest in othersInvest in others►► MotivateMotivate►► Manage performanceManage performance

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Building bridgesBuilding bridges►►

Trust is the glue that holds together all Trust is the glue that holds together all relationships.relationships. It makes organizations It makes organizations ““work.work.”” It is the most significant It is the most significant predictor of individualspredictor of individuals’’ satisfaction with satisfaction with their organizations.their organizations.


Trust is a character issue.Trust is a character issue. You have You have direct control over it. If you want the direct control over it. If you want the trust of your team, you cannot delegate trust of your team, you cannot delegate responsibility for or claim ignorance of responsibility for or claim ignorance of values or ethics. values or ethics.


There are only two ways to earn trust There are only two ways to earn trust ---- having having congruence between your words congruence between your words and your actions, and showing that you and your actions, and showing that you care. care.


Research tells us that most of us gain our Research tells us that most of us gain our understanding of the corporate world understanding of the corporate world through upward observation. through upward observation. Your team Your team is watching you!is watching you!Copyrighted Material

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Only 3 ways to introduce change

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Begin Begin ““buybuy--inin”” cascade cascade The number one predictor for high performance is a team’s ability to know how its goals are aligned with the company’s goals. The team has to understand its contribution to the bigger picture.

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Teach others how to treat you

Your Commitment

24/7 Availability►

Visible ►




Proactive communications and feedback

Cannot guarantee employment; can help with employability

Your Expectations



Punctuality, deadlines, and preparation

No surprises: Keep stakeholders informed

Keep it away from the water cooler

Selfish interests are not welcome

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Create a learning environment…

“Leaders should try to remove individual and collective learning impediments such as “fear, criticism, being ‘right,’ mistrust, and judgment.”

Chawla & Renesch, 1995, p. 303.Copyrighted Material

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Create a learning environment ““Help employees gain an enhanced sense of responsibility and Help employees gain an enhanced sense of responsibility and achievement, along with new opportunities to learn and grow achievement, along with new opportunities to learn and grow continuallycontinually…… through job enrichment, by applying these principles:through job enrichment, by applying these principles:

Increase individualsIncrease individuals’’ accountability for their work by removing accountability for their work by removing some controls.some controls.Give people responsibility for a complete process or unit of Give people responsibility for a complete process or unit of work.work.Make information available directly to employees rather than Make information available directly to employees rather than sending it through their managers first.sending it through their managers first.Enable people to take on new, more difficult tasks that have notEnable people to take on new, more difficult tasks that have notbeen handled before.been handled before.Assign individuals specialized tasks that allow them to become Assign individuals specialized tasks that allow them to become experts.experts.

HerzbergHerzberg article summary, 2002, p.19article summary, 2002, p.19Copyrighted Material

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"What's in it for me?" "What's in it for me?"

and and

"Why should I care?""Why should I care?"

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Integrate skills development in performance management

►► Be clear in discussing and outlining expectations Be clear in discussing and outlining expectations and goalsand goals

►► If possible, provide stimulation through a variety If possible, provide stimulation through a variety of tasks and autonomy of tasks and autonomy

►► Make the skills development initiative meaningfulMake the skills development initiative meaningful►► Provide ownershipProvide ownership►► Be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,

Relevant, TimeRelevant, Time--bound)bound)►► Link skills development with the overall appraisalLink skills development with the overall appraisal►► Hold individuals accountableHold individuals accountable

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Feedback is an obligationFeedback is an obligation

Almost 9 out of Almost 9 out of 10 people want 10 people want to know how to know how their work their work contributes to contributes to the bottom line.the bottom line.

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► Business strategy: How will we grow our business? How will we win a disproportionate share of customers in the markets we compete? What is our competitive advantage? What strategic capabilities enable our competitive advantage to become a reality? What strategic capabilities will be necessary to win our future?

► Strategic focus: What customer and wealth creating capabilities are essential? What are the obstacles to our growth and what should we do about them? How do we accelerate growth? What are the metrics indicative of our growth/strategic success?


What employees want to know What employees want to know and understandand understand……

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What employees want to know and understand…

Performance focus: What is expected of me? How well am I to perform? Do I have the needed competencies? Do I need new/different competencies? What work impacts our success with customers? What work impacts our ability to change our desired price? What work reduces production costs? What do I do that creates wealth for the firm? What are my work priorities?

Performance management: Who has an impact on my work? How well am I doing? How do I get specific, timely feedback on my work? Who do I go to that can remove obstacles to my efforts that impact our competitive advantage and create wealth for the firm? Copyrighted Material

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What employees want to know and understand

► Performance consequences: What happens to me if I do a great job? What will happen if I do not perform at the expected level? Is extraordinary performance expected/highly rewarded in roles that impact our competitive advantage and/or create wealth for the firm?

►Outcomes: Employees understand strategy; Employees are able to deliver strategy; Employees engage in strategic behavior; Employees create wealth

Huselid, M., Becker, B., & Beatty, R., “The Differentiated Workforce,” 2009, p.120.Copyrighted Material

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Sustenance►►Motion is not progressMotion is not progress►►Promote continuous improvementPromote continuous improvement►►Recognize contributionRecognize contribution►►Keep a pulse on your teamKeep a pulse on your team►►Your role as teacherYour role as teacher►►Your role as mentorYour role as mentor►►Invest in yourselfInvest in yourself

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Motion isnMotion isn’’t progresst progress►

Determine what salient, quantitative, real-time information is required to track the implementation of your skills development initiative:

Yellow flags -- i.e., recruiting costs, employee suggestions, grievance activity, employee turnover, labor costs, plant/facilities costs, customer feedback, changing demographics, etc.

Red flags -- i.e., technology updates, raw material supplies and costs, key vendor and customer relationships, competitive intelligence, marketplace shifts, the political landscape, the tenor of the union/management relationship, liability concerns, etc.

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Recognize contributionRecognize contribution

Who, what, where, and when are importantWho, what, where, and when are importantCopyrighted Material

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Keep a “pulse” on your team

The Washington Post, February 18, 2007

“Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration at Army’s top Medical Facility”

Dana Priest and Anne Hull,

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Your role as teacher: Coach Wooden’s 8 rules of learning

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Your role as mentor

►Start by managing your team’s expectations. Your first act should be to encourage the team to push themselves and management in the right direction.

►Over the next few months, your words and behaviors should demonstrate a personal interest and a genuine commitment to your team…

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Your role as mentor Your role as mentor (continued)(continued)

►Within six to twelve months, your approach becomes more and more participatory. You invite substantive input into all decisions. You provide two-way feedback, coach, and facilitate open discussions.

► Let them (or watch them) take-on additional initiative and expand their former boundaries.

► In the final phases of empowerment, you become a mentor – whose role is focusing upon enhancing and sustaining what has been established.

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Invest in yourself:

►Anticipate – Does your VCR blink 12:00?►Stay “linked” to your customer►Be a consummate reader►Keep your network alive►Join professional associations►Pursue your own training and

educational opportunities

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Have a plan►

Avoid a few bumps►

Help Others►

Foster your own capabilities


Have fun!

and do it “better, faster, cheaper”

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In closing…

“You never conquer the mountain. You conquer yourself -- your doubts and your fears.”

Jim Whittaker, the first American to climb Mount EverestJim Whittaker, the first American to climb Mount EverestCopyrighted Material

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Your Facilitator

William S. Kane is a highly accomplished, bottomWilliam S. Kane is a highly accomplished, bottom--line oriented human line oriented human resources executive with experience in all aspects of global funresources executive with experience in all aspects of global functional ctional management. management.

He is the author of He is the author of The Truth about Thriving in ChangeThe Truth about Thriving in Change, published by Prentice , published by Prentice Hall ( 2008), which has been translated into Chinese, Russian, aHall ( 2008), which has been translated into Chinese, Russian, and Arabic. nd Arabic.

Bill has completed his course work toward his Ph.D. at the FieldBill has completed his course work toward his Ph.D. at the Fielding Graduate ing Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California. He holds three masterUniversity in Santa Barbara, California. He holds three master’’s degrees: a MA s degrees: a MA from Fielding in human & organizational systems, and a MBA in mafrom Fielding in human & organizational systems, and a MBA in management nagement and a MA in organizational psychology from and a MA in organizational psychology from FairleighFairleigh Dickinson University. He Dickinson University. He earned his undergraduate degree from Rutgers College. earned his undergraduate degree from Rutgers College.

As an extension of his academic efforts, Bill has collaborated wAs an extension of his academic efforts, Bill has collaborated with John ith John Wooden, UCLA's Coach Emeritus, and Andy Hill to create and conduWooden, UCLA's Coach Emeritus, and Andy Hill to create and conduct ct management training seminars for corporate clients seeking to lemanagement training seminars for corporate clients seeking to lead their ad their teams toward optimized performance (teams toward optimized performance (www.woodenwayleadership.comwww.woodenwayleadership.com). ).

Bill resides in Westfield, New Jersey. He may reached at Bill resides in Westfield, New Jersey. He may reached at [email protected]@aol.com

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