The Villain Team-Up or how Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis alter innate immunity in concert The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Fichorova, R. N., O. R. Buck, H. S. Yamamoto, T. Fashemi, H. Y. Dawood, B. Fashemi, G. R. Hayes, et al. 2013. “The Villain Team- Up or how Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis alter innate immunity in concert.” Sexually Transmitted Infections 89 (6): 460-466. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2013-051052. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1136/sextrans-2013-051052. Published Version doi:10.1136/sextrans-2013-051052 Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:11855845 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA

The Villain Team-Up or how Trichomonas vaginalis and

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The Villain Team-Up or how Trichomonasvaginalis and bacterial vaginosisalter innate immunity in concert

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Citation Fichorova, R. N., O. R. Buck, H. S. Yamamoto, T. Fashemi, H. Y.Dawood, B. Fashemi, G. R. Hayes, et al. 2013. “The Villain Team-Up or how Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis alterinnate immunity in concert.” Sexually Transmitted Infections89 (6): 460-466. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2013-051052. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/sextrans-2013-051052.

Published Version doi:10.1136/sextrans-2013-051052

Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:11855845

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Page 2: The Villain Team-Up or how Trichomonas vaginalis and


The Villain Team-Up or how Trichomonas vaginalisand bacterial vaginosis alter innate immunityin concertRaina N Fichorova,1 Olivia R Buck,1 Hidemi S Yamamoto,1 Titilayo Fashemi,1

Hassan Y Dawood,1 Bisiayo Fashemi,1 Gary R Hayes,2 David H Beach,3 Yuko Takagi,4

Mary L Delaney,5 Max L Nibert,4 Bibhuti N Singh,2,6 Andrew B Onderdonk5

1Laboratory of Genital TractBiology, Department ofObstetrics, Gynecology andReproductive Biology, Brighamand Women’s Hospital,Harvard Medical School,Boston, Massachusetts, USA2Department of Biochemistryand Molecular Biology, SUNYUpstate Medical University,Syracuse, New York, USA3Department of Microbiologyand Immunology, SUNYUpstate Medical University,Syracuse, New York, USA4Department of Microbiologyand Immunobiology, HarvardMedical School, Boston,Massachusetts, USA5Department of Pathology,Brigham and Women’sHospital, Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston, Massachusetts,USA6Department of Obstetrics andGynecology, SUNY MedicalUniversity, Syracuse, New York,USA

Correspondence toDr Raina Fichorova,Laboratory of Genital TractBiology, Department ofObstetrics, Gynecology andReproductive Biology,Brigham and Women’sHospital, HarvardMedical School,221 Longwood Ave RF468,Boston, MA 02115, USA;[email protected]

ORB, HSY and TF allcontributed equally.

Received 22 January 2013Revised 17 May 2013Accepted 24 May 2013

To cite: Fichorova RN,Buck OR, Yamamoto HS,et al. Sex Transm Infect2013;89:460–466.

ABSTRACTObjectives Complex interactions of vaginalmicroorganisms with the genital tract epithelium shapemucosal innate immunity, which holds the key to sexualand reproductive health. Bacterial vaginosis (BV), amicrobiome-disturbance syndrome prevalent inreproductive-age women, occurs commonly in concertwith trichomoniasis, and both are associated withincreased risk of adverse reproductive outcomes and viralinfections, largely attributable to inflammation. Toinvestigate the causative relationships amonginflammation, BV and trichomoniasis, we established amodel of human cervicovaginal epithelial cells colonisedby vaginal Lactobacillus isolates, dominant in healthywomen, and common BV species (Atopobium vaginae,Gardnerella vaginalis and Prevotella bivia).Methods Colonised epithelia were infected withTrichomonas vaginalis (TV) or exposed to purified TVvirulence factors (membrane lipophosphoglycan (LPG), itsceramide-phosphoinositol-glycan core (CPI-GC) or theendosymbiont Trichomonas vaginalis virus (TVV)),followed by assessment of bacterial colony-forming units,the mucosal anti-inflammatory microbicide secretoryleucocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), and chemokines thatdrive pro-inflammatory, antigen-presenting and T cells.Results TV reduced colonisation by Lactobacillus butnot by BV species, which were found inside epithelialcells. TV increased interleukin (IL)-8 and suppressed SLPI,likely via LPG/CPI-GC, and upregulated IL-8 andRANTES, likely via TVV as suggested by use of purifiedpathogenic determinants. BV species A vaginae andG vaginalis induced IL-8 and RANTES, and alsoamplified the pro-inflammatory responses to bothLPG/CPI-GC and TVV, whereas P bivia suppressed theTV/TVV-induced chemokines.Conclusions These molecular host–parasite–endosymbiont–bacteria interactions explainepidemiological associations and suggest a revisedparadigm for restoring vaginal immunity and preventingBV/TV-attributable inflammatory sequelae in women.

INTRODUCTIONHomeostasis of the genital tract mucosa inreproductive-age women is challenged by residentmicroorganisms that vary depending on menstrualcycle, contraceptive and vaginal practices, and sexu-ally transmitted pathogens.1–3 Culture techniques aswell as modern genetic and metagenomic methodssupport the paradigm that both type and relative

abundance of different bacterial taxa are indicativeof vaginal health.4–7 A deviation from the norm,including increased numbers of certain species (eg,Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae andPrevotella bivia) and decreased abundance ofLactobacillus spp., has been coined as the syndromeof disturbed vaginal microbiota or bacterial vagin-osis (BV).4–6 8 BV is among the most common con-ditions seen by primary care physicians inreproductive-age women9 and is often combinedwith infection by the flagellated protozoanTrichomonas vaginalis (TV).10 The occurrence ratesand prevalence of BV and TV are believed to beunderestimated because both are commonly asymp-tomatic and neither requires mandatorily reporting.Common features of BV and TVare lack of effect-

ive adaptive immunity, high recurrence rate, high riskof reproductive problems (eg, chorioamnionitis,preterm birth, premature rupture of membranes, lowbirth weight, pelvic inflammatory disease) and failureof antibiotic treatment to break the inflammatorysequelae that complicate maternal–fetal interac-tions.11 Another common adverse outcome of bothBVand TV is increased risk of HIVand other sexuallytransmitted infections.11 Both BV and TV are asso-ciated with vaginal discharge and abnormal levels ofcytokines in cervicovaginal secretions.11 Althoughepidemiological findings link trichomoniasis to lowabundance of lactobacillus, causative relationshipsbetween TV and BV, and their combined impact onvaginal immunity, have not been elucidated.10

We hypothesised that the TV parasite selectivelyinterferes with patterns of vaginal colonisation andthat vaginal bacteria reciprocally modify themucosal immune balance and responses to TV viru-lence determinants, including its predominantsurface lipophosphoglycan (LPG),12 13 also namedlipoglycan,14 its ceramide-phosphoinositol-glycancore (CPI-GC), responsible for parasite adherenceand chemokine response,12 13 and the endosymbi-otic dsRNA viruses carried by TV (Trichomonasvaginalis virus (TVV)) that are sensed by the humanhost, causing inflammatory responses, magnified byantibiotic treatment.15 Here we newly applied a bac-terial colonisation model16 17 to test this hypothesis.

METHODSEpithelial cellsEpithelial cell lines Vk2/E6E7, Ect1/E6E7 andEnd1/E6E7, representing normal human vagina,

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ectocervix and endocervix,18 were maintained in keratinocyteserum-free medium (KSFM) supplemented with 50 μg/mLbovine pituitary extract, 0.1 ng/mL epidermal growth factor,penicillin/streptomycin (all from Invitrogen) and CaCl2(Fisher).18 Antibiotics were omitted in all experiments. Ect1/E6E7 and End1/E6E7 were derived from the same woman thusallowing an isogenic comparison of simple versus stratified non-keratinising cell types.18 All three cell lines, previously com-pared with their progenitors and a non-transformed organotypicectocervical-vaginal tissue model, have shown immuneresponses to bacteria and a variety of pathogenic determinantsincluding toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands, LPG and TVV, similarto those by their primary counterparts.12 15 17–22

TV LPG and CPI-GCUR1, a TV isolate that carries three TVV species, was previouslyobtained from a symptomatic patient, cloned and cultured inDiamond’s modified media as described.15 We chose this isolatefor our experiments because it represents the majority (>80%)of those in our collection in being infected with multiple TVVspecies.15 For LPG extraction, parasites were harvested in latelog phase (24 h) by centrifugation, washed twice withphosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4) (Invitrogen), consecu-tively extracted with methanol/chloroform (1:2) and solvent Eand purified on an octyl-Sepharose column.13 The CPI-GC corewas released by mild acid treatment (100 mM TFA) of LPG asdescribed.13 LPG and CPI-GC purity and lack of endotoxincontamination were confirmed as described.13 Both LPG andCPI-GC were used at a dose of 240 μg/ml based on previouslyestablished lack of toxicity, peak of inflammatory dose responseand corresponding relevant multiplicity of infection.13

TVV virionsTVV1 virions were purified, identified by gel electrophoresisand assessed for intact structure by electron microscopy afternegative staining with uranyl formate as described in detail else-where.15 Virion concentrations were estimated by BioRadprotein assay against a bovine serum albumin standard andassuming 120 capsid protein molecules (75 kDa) per virion.Virions were stored in aliquots at −80°C until used in stimula-tion experiments at ∼1×1011 virions/cm2 of epithelial surface.15

Bacterial colonisation and TV co-infectionLactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillusjensenii, G vaginalis and P bivia were originally isolated byvaginal swabs.23 These isolates were identified using establishedphenotypic criteria and identification was confirmed using theMicrobial Identification System for long chain fatty acid analysis(MIDI Inc).23 For this study, we chose Lactobacillus spp. thatare characteristically common and/or stabilise the vaginal micro-biota in women without BV, for example, L crispatus and L jen-senii.24 25 The L acidophilus strain was chosen because it hasshown non-inflammatory homeostatic properties and representsone of the few taxa that have thus far shown promise in rando-mised trials for the cure of BV.26 A vaginae was acquired fromthe American Type Culture Collection (BAA-55). Bacterial sus-pension in antibiotic-free KSFM medium were added to conflu-ent epithelial monolayers (at 2.2×106 CFU/cm2 for all bacteriaexcept G vaginalis which was highly virulent and used at a10-fold lower dose) for 24 h under anaerobic conditions toallow for colonisation.17 After 24 h, non-adherent or looselyattached bacteria were removed with the culture medium. TV(1.25×105 parasites/cm2), LPG (240 mg/ml) or CPI-GC(240 mg/ml) were then added, and epithelia-associated bacteria

as well as immune responses were assessed after another 24 h.Synthetic TLR2/TLR6 ligand MALP-2 (25 nM; AlexisBiologicals) analogue of Mycoplasma fermentans lipopeptidemacrophage activating lipopeptide was used as apro-inflammatory control. At the end of each stimulationperiod, supernatants were unless specified collected for solublemediators and epithelial cells were lysed for colony-formingunits (CFU) counts, used for viability assessment or used formicroscopy.16 17 For CFU counts, epithelial cells were washedtwice with PBS and hypotonically lysed in HyPure water(Fisher) for 15 min. The lysates were seeded on agar followingadjustment of osmolarity by adding equal volume of 2× PBS asdescribed.17 Bacterial suspensions were also allowed to grow inparallel in the absence of epithelial cells in the presence orabsence of TV to determine the initial multiplicity of infectionfor each microorganism, the degree of growth of each duringthe experiment and direct effects of TV. In some experiments,epithelia-free bacterial suspensions or colonised epithelial mono-layers were exposed to a combination of 100 U/mL penicillinand 100 mg/mL streptomycin (both from Invitrogen) or100 mM metronidazole (Acros Organics) previously shown tobe non-toxic to epithelial cells15 and incubated for 4 h followedby plating on agar for relative assessment of extracellular andintracellular CFU.

Cell viabilityEpithelial cell viability in the presence of LPG, CPI-GC,MALP-2 or TVV virions was assessed by the non-radioactiveCellTiter96 MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay (Fisher). Cell viability in the pres-ence of TV and bacteria was assessed microscopically and by thetrypan blue exclusion assay (Fisher) because the microorganismsalso convert the MTT dye and thus the MTT assay is not anoptimal choice for coculture conditions.

Inflammation-associated proteinsThe following chemokines were measured in culture supernatantsusing electrochemiluminescence multiplex assays on a SectorImager 2400 (Meso Scale Discovery): interleukin-8 (IL-8,CXCL8), chemoattractant primarily for neutrophils; regulated andnormal T cell expressed and secreted protein (RANTES, CCL5),chemoattractant primarily for T cells; macrophage inflammatoryprotein-3α (MIP-3α, CCL20), chemoattractant primarily for den-dritic cells; and interferon γ-induced protein 10 (IP-10, CXCL10),chemoattractant for T cells, monocytes, NK cells and dendriticcells. Secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) levels weremeasured by Quantikine ELISA (R&D Systems).

StatisticsData were analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) (GraphPadPrism, V.5.0). p Values <0.05 were considered significant.

RESULTSInoculation of live TV reduced the CFU numbers ofepithelia-associated L acidophilus and L jensenii by more than twolog10 values (figure 1A). L crispatus and G vaginalis showed atrend of decrease, which however did not reach a log10 difference.Live TV had no effect on P bivia or A vaginae. LPG, CPI-GC andTVV had no significant effects except that epithelia-associated Gvaginalis was slightly increased by CPI-GC. These data suggestedthat the live TV was responsible for the observed reduction inepithelia-associated bacterial CFU numbers.

The CFU reduction caused by TV was not due to epithelialdestruction as confirmed by light and electron microscopy

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Figure 1 Effect of Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) on bacterial colonisation in an in vitro cervicovaginal colonisation model. (A) Colony-forming units(CFU) associated with endocervical epithelial cells 48 h postcolonisation and 24 h after exposure to live TV or purified TV virulence factors. Barsrepresent means±SEM of duplicate measurements representing consistent results from five independent experiments. ***p<0.001, **p<0.01,*p<0.05, live TV, lipophosphoglycan, ceramide-phosphoinositol-glycan core and Trichomonas vaginalis virus virions different from medium control,two-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post-test. Similar results were obtained with vaginal and ectocervical cells (data not shown). (B) Electron micrographsfrom the vaginal colonisation model. Arrows in the higher magnification image (upper panel) indicate adherent or internalised Atopobium vaginae invaginal epithelial cells. (C–H) CFU numbers assessed after 4 h antibiotic treatment of epithelia-free bacterial suspensions (C–E) or vaginal epithelialmonolayers (F–H) precolonised with bacteria for 24 h. Data are means±SEM of duplicate cultures representing one of three experiments. med,antibiotic-free medium, p/s, combined penicillin–streptomycin; metro, metronidazole, Vk, vaginal epithelial cells. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001,antibiotics different from no antibiotics, +p<0.05, ++p<0.01, +++p<0.001, supernatant different from lysate. (I) Reduction of planktonic orepithelia-associated CFU after 24 h infection with TV. Data are means and SEM from duplicate cultures of vaginal (Vk), ectocervical (Ect) andendocervical (End) epithelial cells representing two independent experiments. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, TV—infected compared withnon-infected control; ++, p<0.01, +++p<0.001, planktonic compared with epithelial-associated CFU reduction (two-way ANOVA, Bonferronipost-test).

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(figure 1B). Cytopathic effects of TV were observed in older invitro studies that used overly high parasite load (4–8×106 TV/mL).27 In our model, we applied a lower multiplicity of infec-tion (∼1 TV cell per 5 epithelial cells or 4×105 TV/mL), whichis much closer to the level of a typical infection diagnosed bywet-mount and thus more clinically relevant.28 At this dose, TV(the UR1 strain as well as many other virulent TV isolates)causes a robust inflammatory response within 24 h in theabsence of cytotoxicity.15

To examine whether certain bacteria may have found refuge andremained viable within the epithelial cells, we performed experi-ments with antibiotics capable of killing extracellular bacteriausing bacterial species that were less affected by TV: L crispatus,P bivia and A vaginae. Combined penicillin–streptomycin usedroutinely in cell culture completely suppressed the growth of thesespecies while metronidazole suppressed P bivia only (figure 1C–E).The exposure of colonised epithelia to the penicillin/strepto-mycin reduced only the levels of L crispatus (figure 1F). P biviaand A vaginae survived poorly in the extracellular compartment(assessed by agar plating of cell culture supernatants) but main-tained viability in epithelial cell lysates suggesting they were prob-ably protected by being localised intracellularly (figure 1G,H).

To investigate whether alterations in bacterial colonisationwas caused by TV or epithelial–TV interactions we conductedexperiments in the presence or absence of TV comparingepithelia-associated with planktonic CFU (figure 1). TV signifi-cantly suppressed or destroyed lactobacilli and G vaginalisunder planktonic conditions, and in the case of L acidophilusand L crispatus, these effects were enhanced in the presence ofendocervical cells. P bivia was not significantly affected by TVunder planktonic conditions and showed a tendency towardeven higher numbers in colonised TV-infected epithelia. Avaginae did not grow under planktonic conditions but showedhigh numbers in the presence of colonised and TV-infectedcells. Electron microscopy confirmed lack of cytotoxicity in ourvaginal colonisation model, as previously shown,16 17 and alsoconfirmed abundance of intracellular A vaginae (figure 1B) andP bivia (not shown). The ability of vaginal bacteria to resideinside the cervicovaginal epithelial cells is a phenomenon thatwarrants further investigation.

To investigate the effects of TV and its virulence factors onmucosal innate immunity in the presence of vaginal bacteria, wefirst measured levels of the pro-inflammatory chemokine IL-8,which is induced by TV, LPG, CPI-GC and TVV in the absenceof bacteria;12 13 15 RANTES, which bridges innate to adaptiveimmunity via T cell recruitment and is secreted in response toviral infections and TVV-infected TV;15 and the anti-inflammatory microbicide SLPI, naturally abundant in humancervicovaginal secretions.28 For these analyses, we compared thethree BV-associated spp. with L acidophilus and L crispatus, pre-viously shown to lack pro-inflammatory activities.16 17

IL-8 (figure 2A) was universally upregulated (>twofold overmedium control) by live TV, LPG, CPI-GC and TVV in theabsence of bacteria; by each BV spp. or MALP-2; and onlyslightly by L crispatus and not by L acidophilus. The combin-ation of TV with each BV spp. or MALP-2 significantly ampli-fied the IL-8 response over TV alone (>twofold) or bacteriaalone (especially A vaginae, >twofold) and the same was truewhen LPG or CPI-GC were applied. The increased IL-8response was even more dramatic when TVV was combinedwith each BV spp. or MALP-2, suggesting a synergistic relation-ship: >20-fold over medium control, >fourfold over TVValone, three- to fourfold over TV in the absence of bacteria orpresence of lactobacilli, and >eightfold over lactobacilli alone.

In the absence of bacteria, RANTES (figure 2B) was inducedby TV and TVV but not LPG or CPI-GC, as expected from ourprevious work, in which RANTES upregulation was dependenton TVV dsRNA sensing in the context of multiple TV strains.15

RANTES was upregulated >fourfold by A vaginae or G vagina-lis, less by P bivia (∼2-fold) and not by lactobacilli. A vaginae,G vaginalis or MALP-2 significantly amplified the RANTESresponse to TV (∼2-fold) and even more to TVV: 30- to 40-foldover medium control; five- to eightfold over TVV alone, TV inthe absence of bacteria or TV in the presence of lactobacilli; and>18-fold over lactobacilli alone. In contrast to A vaginae andG vaginalis, P bivia suppressed TV- and TVV-induced RANTES.Purified LPG or CPI-GC suppressed the RANTES response toA vaginae or MALP-2.

SLPI (figure 2C) was significantly suppressed by live TV andeven more by purified LPG or CPI-GC, both in sterile andbacteria-colonised epithelia. SLPI was slightly upregulated by Gvaginalis, MALP-2 or TVV, but was nevertheless suppressedbelow baseline by TV, LPG or CPI-GC, even in the presence ofG vaginalis or MALP-2.

To further investigate the dual (pro-inflammatory andimmunosuppressive) effects of P bivia, we performed additionalexperiments in which TV infection was conducted in cervicalcells colonised with either P bivia or L acidophilus, which hadinvariably shown a non-inflammatory profile (figure 2A–C andprevious investigations16 17). Four chemokines were measuredsimultaneously by a Meso Scale Discovery multiplex. Again,similar to the results in figure 2A,B, P bivia induced vigorousIL-8 production and amplified IL-8 production induced by TV(figure 2D) but caused only a low RANTES response and sup-pressed TV-upregulated RANTES (figure 2E). MIP-3α was upre-gulated by either P bivia or TV alone in the presence or absenceof bacteria, but together they yielded lower MIP-3α inductionthan P bivia alone (figure 2F). Similarly, IP-10 was upregulatedby either P bivia or TV alone, but was completely suppressed bytheir combination (figure 2G). L acidophilus, in contrast, neitherinduced chemokines nor altered responses to TV (figure 2D–G).

DISCUSSIONOur findings indicate that TV infection significantly reducedepithelia-associated Lactobacillus spp. but not BV spp. Theresults thus provide evidence for a cause–effect relationshipbetween TV and BV and support clinical observations thattrichomoniasis is associated with a specific vaginal bacterialcommunity in reproductive-age women, characterised by a lackof significant numbers of lactobacilli and a higher proportion ofstrictly anaerobic organisms such as A vaginae, P bivia, G vagi-nalis and other BV spp.10

Since we frequently observed A vaginae and P bivia withinepithelial cells, we hypothesise that some types of vaginal bac-teria, particularly BV spp. and especially A vaginae, may escapethe hostile vaginal environment and attacks by TV by localisinginside epithelial cells. In our experiments, antibiotics at dosesthat killed planktonic or extracellular bacteria had less effect onP bivia and did not reduce A vaginae CFU obtained from epithe-lial lysates, suggesting these bacteria may remain viable at signifi-cant numbers within epithelial cells. It cannot be excluded,though, that these and other bacteria might form a surfacebiofilm that makes them more resistant to antibiotic treatmentand perhaps also to TV or TV products. Our findings thuswarrant further investigations that may suggest novel potentialmechanisms for managing recurrent and antibiotic-resistant BV.

The combination of BV spp. with TV significantly affectedthe host immune response to the individual TV virulence

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factors LPG and TVV as well as to the live parasite as a whole(schematised in figure 3). Importantly, our experimental resultsshow also a remarkable causative relationship between alteredepithelial responses and the type of vaginal bacteria populatingthe epithelia at the time of TV infection, with Lactobacillus spp.lacking and BV spp. possessing the ability to alter differentaspects of LPG- or TVV-driven responses.

The fact that TV teams up with A vaginae and G vaginalis toinduce much higher chemokine responses (represented here byIL-8 and RANTES) on the background of significantly reduced

SLPI due to LPG/CPI-GC signalling suggests a mechanism forinflammatory damage accompanied by recruitment of CD4 cellsand weakened antiviral barrier thus facilitating viral co-infectionsincluding herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus and HIV.SLPI is an innate-immune mediator with direct virucidal effects,which is produced and stored at abundant levels in mucosal epi-thelial cells and keratinocytes.16 17 SLPI is also capable of dam-pening inflammatory responses to LPS.29 We have recentlyshown that vaginal SLPI levels decrease in women with tricho-moniasis in a manner dependent on parasite load.28 Higher

Figure 2 Effect of Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) and bacteria on chemokine levels in an in vitro cervicovaginal epithelial model. (A–C) Levels of IL-8(A), RANTES (B) and secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor (C) measured in epithelial-cell supernatants collected 48 h after bacterial colonisation asindicated (1–7, bacteria identified below panel C) and 24 h after exposure to TV isolate UR1 (TV), lipophosphoglycan (LPG),ceramide-phosphoinositol-glycan core (CPI-GC), Trichomonas vaginalis virus (TVV) virions or MALP-2. Data are means±SEM from duplicate culturesin one of five independent experiments. ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05, TV, LPG, CPI-GC and TVV different from medium control within eachgroup, two-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post-test; +++p<0.001, ++ p<0.01, +p<0.05, medium+bacteria or medium+MALP-2 different from ‘nobacteria’ medium control, one-way ANOVA, Dunnett post-test. (D–G) Levels of IL-8 (D), RANTES (E), MIP3a (F) and IP-10 (G) assessedsimultaneously by Meso Scale Discovery multiplex in epithelial-cell supernatants collected 48 h after colonisation with Lacidophilus acidophilus andPrevotella bivia and 24 h after exposure to TV (1–6, conditions identified below panel G). ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, different from medium control,+++p<0.001, ++p<0.01, P bivia different from P bivia+ TV, one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post-test.

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vaginal SLPI levels may have protective anti-HIV activity as sug-gested by studies in HIV controllers.30

The immunosuppressive effects of P bivia warrant furtherinvestigation. Suppression of IP-10, MIP-3α and RANTES mayserve to evade the arm linking innate to adaptive immunity sincethose chemokines in combination are particularly important forrecruitment of antigen-presenting dendritic and Tcells to the siteof microbial invasion. Our data also suggest that the effects ofTV on the vaginal immunobiome depend on which BV spp. areprevalent at the time of TV inoculation. The fact that TVVcauses a tremendous (in some cases over 30-fold) amplification ofthe inflammatory reaction to TV is a point of particular concernand suggests the need to include antiviral and anti-inflammatorycomponents in the combined therapeutic–preventative approachto trichomoniasis leading to or occurring in concert with BV.

CONCLUSIONSOur findings have important implications for understanding howTV and its major virulence factors LPG and TVV affect themucosal immuno/microbiome and for designing better therapeuticapproaches for combining antiparasitic therapy with attempts torestore the normal microbiome by introducing Lactobacillus-basedprobiotics and preventing TV-attributable BV and inflammatorysequelae. Further experimental and clinical studies should followfor identifying the molecular targets for novel drug therapies pre-venting additive or synergistic pro-inflammatory and immunosup-pressive effects of TV, TVVand BV in concert.

Key messages

▸ Trichomonas vaginalis reduced epithelia-associatedLactobacillus spp. but not bacterial vaginosis (BV) spp.

▸ T vaginalis and BV species in concert amplified pro-inflammatoryand suppressed protective innate-immune responses.

▸ Virulence factors of T vaginalis that altered epithelialresponses in concert with BV species include the surfacelypophosphoglycan and endosymbiotic dsRNA viruses.

▸ Future therapeutic/preventative approaches should combineantiparasitic therapy with microbiome restoration and targetthe pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects ofT vaginalis and BV.

Handling editor David Lewis.

Acknowledgements The authors thank Maria Ericsson at the Harvard MedicalSchool Electron Microscopy Facility for technical assistance.

Contributors RNF conceived and directed the co-infection model and conceptdevelopment, cloned the UR1 isolate, wrote the manuscript, and coordinatedreviews and coauthors’ contributions. ABO, BNS and MLN contributed to conceptdevelopment and provided critical review of results and interpretations, ABOprovided microbiology expertise and characterised vaginal bacteria isolates; BNSprovided the original UR1 isolate and expertise in Trichomonas vaginalisbiochemistry; and MLN provided virology expertise and TVV virions. ORB, HSY andTF conducted the experiments, cell viability assessment and data analyses; MDcharacterised and expanded bacterial isolates; HYD, BF, OB and TF performedbacterial cultures; ORB and HYD performed immunoassays; DHB and TF cultured Tvaginalis, and GRH and BNS purified LPG and CPI-GC; and YT purified the TVV1virions. All authors read, provided critical comments and agreed with the finalmanuscript content.

Funding This work was supported by the National Institute of Allergy andInfectious Diseases (1RC1AI086788-01, 1R56AI091889-01A1 and 5R01AI079085)and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development(R21HD054451).

Competing interests None.

Ethics approval The original protocol for collecting Trichomonas vaginalis isolateswith patients' informed consent was approved by the IRB boards at SUNY UpstateMedical University (Syracuse, New York, USA) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital(Boston, Massachusetts, USA).

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with theCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, whichpermits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work isproperly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/

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