Vo1 . LIY...N° l7,ftV¿ NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, IHH3.-TWELVE] PAGES. PRICE THREE TEXTS. GBESHAM AS OLIVER TWIST .OOE»S NOTHING BUT ask FOR "MORE" ABOUT THE AI.MANCA AFFAIR. TTHEV THE Ar» INTERIM LIOHTHOC8E IXSPECTOR r.ETTRNS. PERHAPS BTATB DEPARTMENT OrWlClAlB W'Ll. 1-1/ K IT MORI COURAGE -MIMNWHIl.i: MR I HI. '.COMPARES rotes** with the Spanish minister AX1» TALKS A KITTLE TO RE¬ PORTERS THE TR1BCTÙA1 OF A PRIVATE SECRETARY. [ET TKLCOKaPH To Tliu TRIBUNE.] Waahlngl I | Chile in« Pi, Bldenl Is »ngaged In the Inspection of üghth usea s m*>- where along the coast of North Caro] na it is Im- lalbli that the Stati Department should trans¬ act public business of any Importance. Ne iher the Aotlnp Secretary n r h.s Immediate superior, rotary ..;. sham, would dan lo take any Btepa to vindicate the nag without firm consulting the Light! ise Insp - ad Interim, or until after thai Important functi narj had consented to resume u .. Icsa pxa I character of Presl lenl I United States. For | thi se sin pie i the da«.-'¦.¦ . ,;" i w á--~ li ; mei is In the case >. the Alllança, x- cept, perhapa the publication In New-York of Acting Secretar« '.; tter to »Captain Cross- man, aaklng for "further details"; few stray and totally Irrelevant remark« by Ihe Spanish Minister hi r an i the rather 11 . :' Mr. Depew published In The Tribune thia morning and ' v ;i ,!l" ¿ature of "n -ws " THK ItKSl'Li OF "COMPARING NOTES." It i i wit h a imewhai owlish solemnity this afterno n that Stat« I .. ¦- partaient If I Sefior Muruaga have pared tes" n tl law api II able lo the ni the Spa - v Thin comparing »f not esultt-d In reau tatlntr an by \U >rn#y-«ai er il Stanl n In July, 1S6 I Ion read as I- krwe: A cruiser of ¦> right I kit m tl . >:,<,t! : .. racter »ti '.a-.- ship she may meet at p.- i not u perfe : one, «ivl the vl unlahe bj caí ..¦. »n 1 con!.- a by dete. -i The party r..ak::.ii the own . ..- ! si.'i> may take for the purpose .¦:' aseen g tl nallt) of another - peril. 'i'h¡a right of Inouiry . »r¡ b- exercised only on the hl»h ¦ ffieei ha- the rlghi to go Into the harbor of ; v i- ?. wl h which hli Government I* pea . - int the natl ty ol a vessel which la lying there FMatlng to this opinion, SefJ r >' ¡r-: i^ is quoted this aftern on as saying that "the Span¬ ish gunboat kepi within Ihe strl I letter of ihe Ian as laid down by the Uniti i States; first, In 'raising hi r own colon .¦.¦¦. g a : k shut across thi ; »w« of the !plinquent.' " Sefior Muruaga Is an oxperienc piornal and the 1 »-¦ lags, It is imp mil I«, ii erefore, i ¡- .< ve that he . l have malnl »It I for » sit gle moment that [ the Alllanç i I In the « gree analogous to the case diso ssed bj A General Stani >n. The latter presumes that ; ¦ merchantman fir»¦¦! ai m-of-war has re- i t hi'isr het » and d ire her nation¬ ality, Capí n '. .man's protest, on th« trary, shows '.'-..it he hoisted the United States tuiK aaTUBcdlately upon f--ightii»fr the Spanish gun¬ boat, . thai an elaborate exchange of eour- 1 a ensued l I Dring began. r 11 er question, apparently raise«! by Sell - Mui t whether the sh tte gun wa«j almi ; r.-t. Is certainly Immaterial, as far aa . « t: m of Inter atii na'. law is concerned, Il I h' most only I iv agg ivated the ffet and possibly In« .. a«« the * 111 f »r d images, ha the Spaniard a better gunner than he Û. |, It dd ne i thii g mors. "APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS" SENT. A thor ..- day gras aa Interview which a ting Secretan U a' ter some pen - I ...¦.¦¦ of newspap ... , time ii. the State Department, t. t h . gel Infoi . jr.it to their papers, aa matter f rma Ity, the j'< .; : ei of thi Ml« hlgai mal »Mr, UhL" said tl .:¦.¦ pi - t . .-;. -ii <; ivernn "Or i ave u Uona been given to the American Minister In Madrid to file such pro¬ test another m< mber of the party Mr. I a dignll I impre» Ive t - is If weif I down bj the r' ; and thei J | .. . _>,r, v. I.«.:i sent" "What i I an ... ... "i . »priati.' I believe," " Acting Seci ; his full h«-l«) ' mercury in th" wall .. i alarm li 'a gayel I t at lib arty to i great m The v.«;- irs thei..;;.. T "aj pro) : to Meure i it i "'un r s! le of I %...:.«; n of the ministration. It -.. I th«- President his last ; ill report «,1 i he Germa :¡ < U< ral ai \pia to hl «. fu -.- r ' r A Sain«ia a: I surren '.¦¦:.-.¡x ail . «trategl ;i!. gain« nacy of «General Harri that a P « ricial d' >. en lo d ¦ f an ofHi er of h - own i ting, .i I | lead those a rival « emy. The >n:n- nurse It aeems, the s- is preraarlng lo f;l: '¦'¦' now. ¦ tralghtl vai I tale i»l » ' ime particulars It IS It is I It It must I pi 1 ., .. .,tii vli \m\ after J . leard ;r i:' 'ore i p sing ma hlnei y ol the .,',';"'-'-- nt .,!, be sei In motion. [I is a pr.i- ','; I'm- heart of a patrl il i >ap f ¡r «MÜRBER BEGINNING TO BE WORRIED It If Interesting, also, to i »te that Private &*"".¦'¦:, Thurbei is beginning ; . feel alarmed *'°' arduous taak of Inspecting the light- ¦casaa along the North Carolina coast and look¬ ing r ,r ¦.¦¦r; ,. r'ylng principles" among the Inlets ^ the Virginia shore ma) Incapacitate hla chief "¦. returna ti .n¡ attending I ¦ the dlaeharge '''.''¦ ... .,;,,, dutlee tiirin that In- k''i i" demanding prompt reparation from 'l I »re are the troubles In New-Orleana «.".»...a .-': i-. Englishman waa Imprudei rough b<r ' hea against a bullet and ha« canned ¦,r Julian Li utter a mild complaint In Colorado .ja»» Italians have been killed, and .-is ¦¦ conse- ';''.'". Ha ron Fava proteata. There are Oer- wf?Jr*rti France and Denmark wishing t«i kmiv ,1, *"* .','" going to «i" about certain rommor- " qaesttona whlek the«« have the bad taste to **">> Imi rtant Th«n are m»., Japan aad ,,"'' to h-;m metilatlon wns offered, and who ¦und read) to atop k\;irni each other as aoon g' wveland is ready to si ip killing «.neks no, «spscting llghthouaaa. All these litri. nüitter«. of J*J»s«Kjuence whatarcr, muM A-ait until the ¦gpector returns. P'»j>r Secretary «".r«'shani is at 25 Ar':*W"i keeping discreetly sick; his As- laaita, ¦"¦tary wrings his hands and deplor.-s rat" that maken hlrn I he target «if wicked »i'Poslt'.on papera, and gantle Thuiber double- t. opa hl« motlone agalni the b .*¦¦* h »ur that will bring hin maat« bu« » t atter I to bu \V.\s IT Till; SUEVA ESPAXA? HIIK IS BKUKYKI. ".. lit: .il' '.». VK.-Hir \YHI'-H FIRED ii'« »N Till" ".1.1.1 \ v \. Tampa, Fla., March 14. In H aval .. up to the time of the departure of the Olivette, no «roí ha been r reive«! regardn tl ng upon ihc steamer Allicanca bj a Spanish nunbo.it. "If the outrage occurred, ...-¦ th<-r. i* no reaaoii 10 doubt from the .n of Captain 'roean an, «aid n :.,-i-' Lav« be« " " " -'' " ci-ultter Nu« ».. Eapafia, whl« h hae been | Kinr, i. ,i. - .. -i ¦' i«- patrol The Nu.-va K-:.:. :-. la known i.n th( eaat .,,,., is ..:. i|...- of runnlnK III teen to aevei ¦¦ n kn an ho ir, wh h eu.se w which "" .Mil u '! '' " Al :. \ FARRICATK »X. HE 9 VYS. .nir. npAXini mixistf.b poksn r bki.ikvk that THK AI.I-IAN'A WAS FIRKH Waahlngi n. Mai h N Benor Mnruagu, ic S| in- I«, M" -'. ...;:.-'"-1 '¦.' opln "i ' ,-, »tory ot Captain Croseman »f the firms on the , waJ a pure rabrlcatloi ..- all effori on :. th« ., .¦.. Span'-ii gu ... Itlea In Cuba ha ..< been unsucc ¦.I have ¦. » 1 -'i cablegram from the i Oen« of '"'¦..' -lit he »1 stei nnsa to m.» tel. »r the .. . ... i... , l. » ....-¦. nythli »ill (fair. 11 >m tatloi rlea to made at Santiago .-. Cuba il .. -I ;.' - !.. ;; .. »» ;-. HIlppOSfMl ,'.,.¦. \\ ll.tl.'.I! ¦. i. ¦' .. hy u Spá n vi KBi tl.».:..: th«pul Into ;. Spanish port and » - i Spm (I :i!.«:i 1er V nd it I* nent. In i.t. Lancea, I ' -, l ra ke, ai rat a In the vleinl "Of .-. ui >... until it..- whole itt« 1 " ..!».¦ »erj en :..¦..'¦-. an i to ihla end I have air« id y sent u bl ram t.. Spain, informli ; th« i I giving ., t.. laely ih< o\ Inlon* of t "What 1 onaider wo ild be fall men!, hi:.I '.i the (Government ol the I'nlied aa well, would he for thla Uoverni the affldarlt* .>. Captain Cro anil Ms paasengera 1 urn huh. thej will igree »ith a*, h oihei an 1 1 belle*, e that la the . taken." Th,- Minister raid he would ¦<¦... Infori by cable from Cuba ..- soon a* .i lea ml be !, by the .. m horitlea there It wa »täte«! at the Btate ! »epai 't noon, .t, ! . monee to a «lu .] though "exi-eedingly l!i..|\' that Capta »» ¦. i. r«-s|K)ll it, |. -r-...ii lo the >.-,.¦ S. retar» 'hi for an .it!. ..i .. Ii und « » . iree of '. hi \ f the ....¦- el from t point of Cuba iche to the Nava lnt«-lllgei have l.i. .": leavor ng I v- tl it ..!..! "!l Ihl \ -. not au ..¦-.. led Tl ey say thai boata In Cubai nlsh« 1 by Capí in of I u Uni old and of the aame pa ¦¦ ff< r n CO ma. March 14 N'othlna .. y aa to a S .- The 1 -;..¦ . 1 telegraphed to Sani go ar.«l THE FI-AO ''':i T' "I"s THE SHIP REXATi 'Ii M< »RG '¦'¦ -. |ht TF.-.r:- '. » Pll ro r ) Washtngl >n, Mai '.';-.-. it broad ai pal ¦. ,.,...-. tloi i. hi* ninirj are keenly Intereated in the Mitai «"¦. Ion a ith « 'i r,:. ii . '.: had n hi Interest to |e t. H> -..«¦.k«- not only of the un* s. anlard and ? tl the ultimate t< I of the Mnphatl -n li:i- opll wei advlnahta und» r 1 » he i that an Am« ai bj -, n '..¦ Ci ¦-¦; ¦.:.-¦¦ ., I!> »ng ....... «ill ..... lha " '- in lime of j : ....... rv i., that there! ¦. 'e*J State . i. and !. TI <-I Ol :'¦ 1 v. Itl I nth« I J.llhll | i .,, I'D i /:.,'...>¦ I'd Wil in arm« . .-. .i a-era either In' a ... t.. ¦...-'.¦-....¦ m nu.a* be alio A ... ... .. ihia ro.intr; ¦. -.. ,.'..¦:.,¦ . ¦ l-OIII ' HI ..,-.. .. pretend -,--.. I'nited .. .... ... .,.-.. t, ,'..,. ' Ig of II ,,.'...: -,- UI i..'..... ... .-..¦: f Captain Cm tllHIl II ' 'ii 'he ¦.. ¦¦'¦¦;; I ,., '. Spain. ,. 'i ' -..i ...... ¦. Hier. He m ». i,. ..-r n H nuit' i but th. ho., d v. bile eoui'hi "i .. ,.:,.... ..¦ '.ir I take It. In ¦ r ""I'1 Tl i. II n-'i' i: '.. I. :. avlng Urn« I«, -how v .-. i ,.,. a1» rommmi rh ,!. Cermai y or Krai ..mil. . ..i i t; .1 tir |< le I. would Hit lie, \\*hi /. omplalnl ol In II Injury ihe ui.'th'irl leu do noi . d< tails ol .. || prove h la case n le pal Ibt and sub- ....pi, ntlj I car the othi i Id« befor* taking action After much reflection on the - ibje am of Ihe opl .. ¦: ihai we .-«i" ". .'" prompt .... aari n ve in auch ma ti \\ hat "' more, I would at om fllapatrh a Heel warship* t., Havana, '."i In it.«- aplrli of Jingoism and '.... In th* way f threat Hut th» r* I* h aerloiia naiirrectlon going on in Cuba, »amere we have exiemrive political and »omtnei lal Interewta I do n«,; want to ¦< tlclae ihe atithorltte* bul ii I* mj ..¡.'.ni ... th:.! when the revolution k>- out l»»n of A.l.iiirni Meade'* aquadmn ehou^d have Rom dl- rectlj i.« Cuban water* I .-< that lha fieri la en ¦..<K".l in évolution* In th" Weal Indie» Thi r* erclnea ¡ire Importani n, ihe wn- ..f training and «ii<«.;i>lii.. for the men Thej oould, however, have been «-olid... !'-.i aa well In Cuban water«, end .»t ih. aame time American Intereet* it. that ijuarter w .¡l.i hava i.eer. better protect« Ha l one oi more Amertran ».-s-i> been at Havana doubt ' Ihe Indlecreei Bpanlnh commander won)«] have aeaault- «.«I the A1l:ani,it. But ihif« u noi i, Th" Cuban revolution ;.. nmr» y. rlo-;y u,.,- \. »uppos* The hirst appropriation« voted by the Corle* j.»..v that. Miefe la «Iko an inaurrectloñ reported In the Philip¬ pine Islaii-ls. fln<l BpaUn has li^r,,ir,.. i.i.mi..-. ¡i. vv-»\ oi the Alliaiii.ii nfTeii and foi othei obvlou* rea »tona. H would i«e prüdem t.» »end warahlpa Cuban wateiM. TT.eir presence there v.ou'.d hav- a (roo-l moral effect; and beside*, we owe it t., our 'lljrnlty to make a representation of fon to back Continued en Third Page, .1 MOVE BY CUBAN EEBL ORGANIZING A PROVISIONAL OOVI MENT, WITH MARTÍ AS PRESIDEN RISIKOS REPORTE!» IX Tin: BASTERN PAR' THE isi.AM' \ PIMBrSTEH tU'ARE ATTAM TEIJWRAPH CENSORSHIP IN SPAIN Tampa, Fin., March U. When the Olivetti rived here to-night from Havana a rush made for the passengers, In search of «' revolutionär) news A Cuban, who hau com an Important mission, atated that a provlf Government had l..1 organid .. and that eral Martl h id be« 11 n ade Pro\ isl nal Presli General lomez "»as ma le general In ret Un lona army, as now organlz I, con of ii.000 infantry and 3,000 avairy, The Cti ai ai me with machettes and Ifies, while Spanish force* are armed with rifles and the at) w 11 I, n h i»- extremely cluins). K.1-1 Saturday .1 Peace Comtnis««l««n In be of the Government visited Mansllla ind onfe with ; Insurgent omniander, General El with u 1 lew in in Ing hal flic r and u m 1: in lnj il iwn thfir arms ind take oath lleglsnci to G«vi iment, In w 1- th.»» h 1I1I !... p.-ir.l :>. The n ' ;. m¦¦¦ Mai n 1 la 1 la, ne rebel !. h lei of th« lasl Insurr« and i' ¦.: T" r 'turne 1 Misted. Gen M I them mn. oui .. 11 Mt ene I to 1 r led ". 111 :. Il lir ill ' li i\..¦ camp r ¦.¦..!,¦ penalty ol tu .\ :; fI .:¦;!." \: I '. 1*1.11 ,!'..' ¦. f gi -.'¦.'¦ .n n, a T ¦.. In St. N'eh I ,1 :. :. Itun.i »r severa layi Ls n In 'I'.i m pa that a 1 lull j.. it a \ . '. M an I »all I Cuba tin T i< s«lay- n a I '1 " l i-' . i In N and .!-..¦¦. .-. ind |.i. s* .. n< i-«J«'iiti:i|. ¦.. h< int'!», if a .1 -,.. ig-n! and r ¦..in« » ¦....I Hating that he n nanu of all th« ». ; \ 1. .1. 1 rida '!'.¦. W ¦.-.. ,,!. H) -...; ,. '.. it loi thi Spai Mil Ister ai u s riie ns gra '.'. thing ' i'ast r. was rnlng Ihe Ma .... ... -, put y V .1 M Minister at V und tl '. ? m irms. : htng sms 11.. 1J t r n take in 1 .: B| priva ' ! ... I. The G ha \i I ted t pass '. the ki eg I.I HUNG I'll w;'.-» INSTI.L.-; , . -s M ' ' IV M.' r A«l < III N A I II EH i- \iai 11 .-...¦ . .' A It is 1 ; ing m liidemnli ' ....¦. rhe Japanese « ing ¡1 montón and K '.¦ .. bj it i" paid "I'll! 'I I:::' I! ' 'hit a«ly to sum . thern s«ius«li The Kmp« and D01 ag< En près» .»..in« Ki Hui 1 1 1 that 1 ni The, u| brang from them the '.¦ rahl« iif 1 ''1I1 a, a '>. »h, thej .' prep 1 ¦; vi h 14 The .. ntr *».'. « a porn graphs: .. itai k-l th.'; I 1 f i'i1rea Ing «if Mai b 11 1 ¦. pull -1 will . pul ! Ano! I,. 11 g, uní uta k. tl '.. but WM i-nty «. J.-ipane.aM loss was six a ain«le« Mai \ ... mi- m. 1 i| 1 ira graph 'I Ti bui.a' ayi In i'-fi ren ...¦.¦¦ ru \ ;¦- vlihoiil I :..peí i tl in of the oui- ..¦ I'uwi ts. Wa« hin« »n, Mai h 11 The State I.irtm« 1 1 h hi lo the report froi V. thai Bppe iled the Unite 11, 1 1 .- n 1 ' " lo operate I ih< p-. >ns with Japan They thlnl 1h.1t. et If he »poi ; pi >ve 10 be u nvi, foi 1 'ow : . the matti ¡11 this stage ol the es< .. p.lings A MISSIXU 1/// I'll / U iv. 1: A KAVIS, fil'T "! WORK, WRITES Lirrrn:: ».Nil IH IPPK Ml. .-'m. !. M Ma ks, il : ¦¦"¦'. Baat Righty-et«jrhth St., calle«! al Polie« 11 .,...¦. r -i. |aj an sal thai li- brothei i, Kilward \ I > ivl I went v-two yea 1 old. of No. 1,715 Madt«a»n-avi hs :.. in Ing sin« M »ndi last, and that he might ive mmltl ul< Id »lar* l«l it .vis wai ,, membfi of rompan) <'. "f 'in- mi, llattalloa, an that in- ha<i been 'im "f «"ri. foi son.nu Ol ili'- da) he dl ippean-d Davis wrote a letter to hk srlfe, who Is oníj sight.1 years old and 10 whom h<- had !.. n married six m m the, telling lier 1h.1i when she '¦..'... it he would t»- m. lead as a dooi i! also wi »t« .1 KM. r to ths captain of nti company, lying thai be would socn !". shovellina ilihe bottom of ti.,1. Davis «-,,* last ¦*... ai the '"ni 1 .»! une-hundrei-and lenth-at and Th iv.-, .m Monday night, In compsn) with a numbei of ¦.I'.ini- men of whom was a friend The styl ¦.' htm letters «n«l bis general character lead those who know hint b«ss( !.¦ Eiellevs that -nil alive -_. «. DEOPPED DEAD IE inr. railway BTATIOE Gsorg* 'I Bpall, of Stratford, Peon., «1r.i¡nie.i deu.i on ih« atalrwa) "f th" elevated ticket ofTW in the Grand Central Station lata yestsrday afternaoa. ii was at lirai thought Hui be ha'l n fit, and an ambulance was summoned from IHower Hospital, lint the man was iI^h<1 when th" iimliuliui«-«« ar lived Sj.all. Who «n1« about lift v years old, is ¦uppoaad t'» have been an Insurance tiroker He was Identified bj .1 tag <m hi- key ring, which arnv«» )ii« name and address The ta« also stniw«d him by a member of 8t. John's l>«iae. No, K F sad A M of Stratford He a,a'i nrora .. Oread Army button in bli pocketa were found s whit« handkerchief wii his name stamped on it. m gold watch and chain, i'iir of steel bowad eyeglasses, a poi-ket krif« ini'i lâll in innn^j There wen .ilne m num- i.atm of lneuran«*e pamphlets arid in|»»-rs The iiodv was nmovd to the polios Htatlnu In the Grand entra! Htatloa, and from ihrr«» to ;h« Morgua A telegram waa sent to Btratford notlíjlnj the dead marra relatives last night. FOR THE BOTANIC AL GARDEN ENCOURAGING PROGRESS BRING MADE. THF piM OF $.,o:,.o«io RAtfttrn, Ot*T OF *taO.0tM TH" QCIREI) : *> l í AID WIM !'!.: HIVKS' T«. THE l'it".ii:.*r i'.v THI! CITÏ WTTVE WORK T.i ni: nrcnt'N IN A PHORT MTMf* > meeting of th" corporal .;.-. «if the New-York Botanical Garden was h Id yesterday afternoon .-.t tho room* of the Geographical Society, N'.>. 11 West Twenty-nlnth-at, at which Important de¬ talla fur the formation uf a gre u pleaeure «ground t'.«r New-York Clt; were dlacuesed. Th ui.-.-iitih' waa in aecret leaalon, but enough of th- detalla were -riven out t,. ahow thai great Btrlde in ¦»curing ,i botanic gardi n for New Y k ha-» been taken, and that it will n-.t t..- long before actual wort, «.n the building and ground will begin. It w.!,* announced yesterday that *?ir<¦ r..<. '. had beeii aubscribed toward the 1250,0»» which i.« !..- ".'in.-ii i,\ law before th-- garden cîorporatoni can 1.n work. A bill waa puss,-,', in th. Legislature »nd signed by th.. Governor, April :"». 1891, j.r .- ¦riding !... ihi establishment of a "Botant« Gar¬ den .'iti'l Museum and Arboretum in Brona Park, m the i-itj ..: New-York, and t<> Incorporate the s--' Fork H tanl il Garden for carrying on the »an,.-." |{) the provision* ,.r tbla bill. Ihe ror- ; ¦; of the U »tanlcal < larden muet ralee » re fi »m the time the bill beca ne a in tu., sum ..''$2 .'«.«... i,-. ubt*crlption. 'A'i'--:i thin ;.» don« the .it> I* r**<|ulr« to *«*l a* f land ii .I by i h.i poi In l.. ¦¦ \ '¡i k, ami to .- -.¦ b nd* fur í <i.» ¦. t-. Hun ol -'ii'.ii.i bull ling and plant for the pi ¦;,¦ ma .: nui.f he gar- .'.. i,, rali b) i!.. e »rp la i»- m .i it..».» ¡,s n nu '. ':¦.¦ for an i a Bi ' I great advantaged a great dt) -i- any p.«rk d .". un ll woi I' is aituat'-d il !.!.., m Ha i Bridge, ind f i f th I'll bi tl.it The i .t k ontuln* ab ut T. I. through the middle >.f It ru Bi i Rivi r, one m..-! pli'iurrsiju« email atreama in the viclnlt) of New Vurk It l- ¦» favorite re« rl ., in th» s" the nti th« ; Bota Garden, ao that a | lion f th« .- .. ¡"ti *... i, on h aid .. ,.--,. bj many to the :¦. lb« i' T are i n strict . to a n pai ta of ('.: on» l'-n ; f gieat natural pi bly be ired l he u*e ft .. ¦¦¦¦. di :.. tUvinu r.. t: » It--, UK M' »N Kl Kvet ,i ... » -. I. line not oi t t " » .i- ,..¦...' i I t t tu ..... | | ... pont Mori .'.,-. ..' nd | . I he fli si ¦-.¦.' great ' »I Garden pi f aupporter* from tart. « ' Ile | t , a T . i t»1 flnai I we have .rlth a ¦ . t id be e wc -hall b and the f land T ' ."¦'... lha ik ol irate i v . ..I .: .. We got un mi the se. on«l I.' is*». There su glvi I It " t, al.an Ion thi* ilrat I that ...... |1 n - i" . rlpi »m will gotowa Ihe | i i present I «, ... . and « ,| ,.ibt that t rl bed in a |,va If 'n.l.I, It hae noi ilr**ad> . .red T.« all pi ictl .'I Intenta and |.»i11»>-> .. i. ,1 Ganlen Is assur-d, an I .. ... ..,,:.. the deta .... ml w ik i »pethai In " :.. ..(- to t. the Ilrat d< t,.A.,. ., ik ng ground I ^"..' the l«e f any | ¦ti. :,:. 1 now we -. pin I two ..'.' an '¦"- will *in -.¦ '"" bealnnlns ol whni ...,;.; ' »tanlcal ga R'ol !" TO l'.i:«.1N WORK BOON lir Nathaniel I. Bi I»' '»¦* Columbia .' Tl .We annoi .». pr» ei give the (a f .ui plana t the publl >. l"" 1 can «»> .. ,: ,: ,;,,,; n |.i-..i.-.t I* In m >«t (mon .,., »v.- Will pt..l..it.l.\ be¬ gin ... live work on II In Fh »rl ilu - rhere in man! detail* In Idental lo the starting »1 a greai ent« rpr*se like this yd to L* arranged, bul we are rapldlj get I Uta these u r way. .»'¦ we ».ill be ni', org m; "i In a few week* Tlie corporal M ol the Botanical t.ar.len are Hell, !,,w. Charle« P John H >*.-»a !.. Chtirle \ I«..- .. Addlaon Br.iwn. Park« (.mlwln. H pottei Charle* Butler, hdwli »pel*, llus S'anderbilt. Nathaniel l. Brltton, Mor- n- K. Jeaup, -I Plerpi'ni Vlor«aan. A»ra-Srj^ -.r- :,.-r- ii Mills, Charb' F Ch »n 11« r, Hi- W \fevera.vWilliam C S. »Ichermerh »rn, Oswald ottendorfer. Tlmothj F Allen Henrj B 11 .»:. William «: Chna\ », John H K Samuel Sluane, William II R«>bert*-on. Stephen I Nn ,. BI« hard Wataon Gilder. Thoma*. Hogg. N'el n Smith, Samuel W. Ealrchlld. !-'11">r ,:M'V," la) William II S Wood, «îeorge M. Oliott. Charleg I'. Cox, Jame« R. PII ;ini1 l "r"y K I'yii.'. A PUGILISTIC ENCOUNTER. THE UAKAGnR-J "K CORRKTT MCI.,! T01"*''-' ORirm BXf-HAxnK unvR 'rM'-' IN T,,,: miJCMAM H'>i s^: The raeta of n lively bara-knaekto 9§*i »*al <>'*- curre.I enrlv Welresrlav momltlg In 'h° reading- room of the roieman House between Corbetfi »»...linger. W. J. Brady, and Charlea Beban, the manager fur Vo.ing «irlfT... leaked OUI laat Bight. According to the atory. the Bghl .*«* ehort ami sharp, nn.l ha.l not the ,'on.eei,»nt» bet« se^rati-d either trocid have been ¦ go«! wkject far the ear. geon'H car' on Itrady's face, nra.lv MJ^ jwtll» M». but nulckty reco-eered and W "}." "',1"1"- »,r,K- Intr him In the ne. k and flooring Mm. Sa ther of the in<*n .onld he se, n las! i.lKht. b'lt «y'e-vltniiaaea ware buay telling th* atory In the gaM. TROOPS m 7 1\ WISCBE8TBR. Va. NEGROES THREATEN TO RERTt'E A PRISONER AND in l.'N Tin: TOWN. Winchester, Va», March 14. -For th» s°c.in'l time lince the war Winchester Is practically under mili¬ tary control, «m March .". Thornton Parker, col »red, was arrested for ittempted aasaull on Mrs. Melton, living near MMdletown this county. Parker, after i Ing fully Identified .>- the assailant, was lodged In Jail here and Indicted on Monday by ¦ special <,r.ind Jury and hla triii set for to-morrow. Threats of lynching have been made, an'l th" a groea of thli city have expressed th.-ii intention m rescue Lbe negro and burn the I in Rupprc-ssed excitement and Indignation have been manifest for Beveral days especially when th" ne- gri es peradi t ,\:i i groups '.:i Tuesday r.ltiit were .: -i rsi by the police. Th- municipal i then i'"i' ici lie clti un 1er military protection to-night Three companies sev- entj live men ol the ïd Vlntlnla Regiment, under Colonel .1. i' (taker, arrlvi l here on the 7:30 p. m. train, and are virtually In charge. Kverything «as nui"! at a o'clock to-night, an the presence of the troops will probably prêt nt an) irther disturbance. s m.\s ni: u im ii im: BUMPERS TWO WOMEN LVI.» MIAKEN If ON AS ELf-.- VATETl SHCTTJ.E TRAIN IN THIRTT EOPRTH ST he engine attached ne of th.» shuttle train'« between the Long Island Ferry end th" Thirty- fourth-at, station of ihe Thlrd-ave. elevated road sma.he«! Into the bumpers at the ,.iti"i terminal about 12 m o'.-;."'K t/eatrrla» afternoon, and two women were severel) Injun I. The elevatiwi <.! .'. ¡rea" 'St eci In regar 1 to p tciiîly, of the East Thirty- ¦. tl .-¦ wh< n ¦ m m n is« if hi ha I heat of the ., iifi : . s to make sn \ .;i on the platform of tiic station ¦' -'¦ fr 'in tlospll II* IWO :\ mei w.'l M it."I Flslier, «Uty-eighl ... i: F..urn an«l ¡.-- :i ,. ty-tw.» ' N ..'.¦ Hi rk mer Brooklyn 1 .. .>. »m in ¦.- - ¡he ... :¦:;¦¦! to go to a h".-y.- tl |. :. utile aii« sent h< .,!.¦.! r mgei woman ., me !-,..! ,"ii- I of the li ni .¦' »ken It was learned (hit there was nur n«lu toron the -, ,'i:.. of le irge W. ,i m. i. n -n raps of co i ü : i it >\ ¦* ,i Hreni u ¦... bo was ai tea i of i.i ! t n" . tins with ti." !. was reported that th.» woman, l.ydla Thomp- h., was hurt in the accident waa l.ydla pi on li r - ii- i;..,|,.-. .. Hospital I ti ..'¦' «»¡li lte.1 the fact thai ihe lnjure<l i Thon m. who -, i.».. Herklmer-si Brooklyn rlhe a suffering fron ¦. I». but li .r oniiti ¦. t night. Is not serlo s ai l -' n .Il I»«- «Ilscharg i from the host PRESERTIXG PEACE IS SEW-ORLEASS. i n V fJRi II S RES! Ul IV« iRI I'NPER PROTEC- TI« 'N "" rili »»I'M * s i' I NVw "I-,--.. Mai h 'i About li o'clock this ng ihe Washington Artillery, commanded by KI bantson ting of two nea Hot jt 120 men armi I a irmory and pro« .... led d i* ntown. When I > .. del i 'olonel R|i hsnls in ,,, i- ¡,. »¦ tanl * ilk«*d to the s nith- In sheus, where ti..- were met by f the road :' m .. was u..\..\ to ha-. I In the i '.'-1 and i 'olonel Itlchanlson procee«l««>d oi th« levee to find the best it ton for th« - In the mean titn>» tin li >f Sergeant M i 'al .. i a i ol Iters. Kverj b ly '»a» pt mo« only thosi w h ha ! bus ne is on tu.- wharf oi going n ferry « ere .'.;!¦.,.. it. freight ii > « hi« h offet . . : otm In the '.-..' u »I ;a iiiTi.r III ind a unohstpn t,-i range gun was train« : tow .trl Ht Phlllii . ind tl .. Air the en t of ttie Market. <-<imma I he whole part Mini i i. ¡retting I. a ill '. he result Í.4.1I1» iHoinr aataMIehod .i "«lead Una." be- I whlt'l was ;.nttted to 11 !>. -, ¦.. »a to clear the sl<!« atre« . f .':¦¦ crowd pusnina ick as far as (teeatur- ¦.¦ li r- i m--, amoi that a «rk a mid he I weri v«, a". , t Tl mlxe I >nt. sh iwing bad c»-a i v: or« leeij u'i lo k ' proi ¦ en larj went s tton was roll« ere for two ir;.au the red Into the .. \ ..., ..f id the "ie-i r iwl. Ing ll lers, wa r.-htn* the nan I 4th I »fate tr ops \v-r.» .. . rlune . e front. Details - -. work t these p m«l no trn has oe ,i iVhite men were t.itulini groups llstance on an * te the i."<t .. in go about th« " w irk In pea«-« H'.e negro« -.».¦IK .- ... and militar) i ¦¦'¦ tloi I . leve« »'III ¡ . sei Its form« <U < o'clock the negroes ..:f work at a and wi '.m* , it tla returned to th*-ll 'i "I Orders wen Il ] r the troops to remain on irther mil éSfílSC PROECTIOS FOR ITALI.iX*. i¡iiVERN'»R M'INTYRE ' » '¦¦ i HIS INTENTION OF ni. .i.i uvn THE I .AW In "I »RAI> qriKT Kt WAIJlK.XHIRa I ,,:¦.¦-.! ron« r - J ir) In l um nf the Italians « ,:i ha \\ alsenb irg a rdlct to the effect that th« A. .. \,\\ i,;, peraoru unknown, The !..:...»»,!,< the communications whl h passed between A I lug Italia . and < lovernor Mi I<r.\ re . ..!;»¦.- ..a the subji of l hing of I li ,. i. .. .' March H IW To Un ¡xi-« llei \ A VV, M it nor >'f .-: i ha ve fro that at or n oi v\ '!«. li irg, ol this morning ai», n i o'i-li '. two It.tilans ere i 'i., n fnim the i mo in«l ..- ni ih !¦.. .ir" .a. v n in.,! ".',;. ¦;¦¦¦-¦: I Si III in the .¦,.',. :\ ul a . ifa lltlt) s ire tbn inannei There- t. I, Joeeph l'ii Italian .."Hani for tli!« . ¡"\ el n .!' of th" Stale to ik" su us ma; *.¦¦ n< ar« to Insure pro- te on fm hi htnl | rop« it. if th« Ita lans in i nI) of the minorities n th« A iluei mo (\>ii!it\. Very rev|i n ..¦, .i «, i,.,-,! .i iM.i». A Una ¡'..i. tn liver, \1 irel. 13, »¦. .-'.i i: plying t.. your comm in .'.it on of March 13, ju- i. - \"i. have «¦!>. iioi '.i ..i i.it have telegraphed to th« rlherifi ol »Va »nig foi Ion con ruing I he .:....: :. ¦. -. an«I to pn t his prlsonei in 1 will take such m ht» r ai«fp n.»w.tr> ami can be taken within suthorit: rre.l ."i ni" bj law t insur protei tl »n he ind proiiert) of the Itali.u usi lj In the said Huérfano i'oiinty, t!i" same as if th.-\ wen« American citizens have th« further tumor to that It !- not w; i. now ti : i me thai the Ital lans in question are noi American citizens lt«»t«pect- fully, your "i" '!;"tii serv ml. AI/HKRT W M'INTVRB. Governor. Th.- ; >\. mur h is i.- ..-.,. a telegram from Baron Fava al Wash ngton isklng him to proc«s«sd at once ai i"- -t ih.- murderers if ;!i" Italians at Waisen burg. Governor Mdntyre will aci at once. i»r. «'i.», Italian consul I. also r.Ived a telegram from Baron Fava directing him lo go lo Walsenb irg to night !i" III ihe; Thi « morning It. t*uneo received ¡i telegram from the Italians ol Walsenhurg asking him for protec t ¦' He assured them t^.u' he had the word ol the Governor that i)i"\ would !». protected, and added thai the milRary was read) ¦. depart si a mo- in«»iit's notice in Cuneo does not anticipate any f'iithi-r tr<i'ii.i.'. He will mU" ^t^*|ls to apprehend the murderers. « »f the m .-i i who were killed near Walsenhurg nul in the jut 1 ther.-, Joseph Wellsby wan an Amer¬ ican twenty-three \.ura of «gc und unmarried. /.u'etto. kili«"l «m the roH.i. ha.i latel) come from Italy, where he ¡«sfl ¦ wife and four children; he had taken out first papera Francisco Ronchotto, killed in jail, was an i fallan eitiz.-u. unmarrtad, and thirty rears old. Antonio Lorenzo, killed in Jail, whs an Italian cttla n. Unmarried, and twenty- three reara of use. of the athera, (Haccaklna und Vtttarl, htnl tajiín «mi drat papara WrtlM^ntiiira. t*M. March 14 «julet reigns aealn In th" Italian colony here. Whits the fr!en«U «if the murdered men are «-Mil Intensely excited, there im little probability that they will attempt to renor: to violence. There are a larg«- number >.f Italiana In Denver, and they are loud In their denunciations of th«- aiay,.rs of their c'untrymen, but the«, have iiiM.I" no effort to Organise and ¡ire closely watc»iej ti> ths police, for whom the» have a wholesome ri'Biie.-t. only on» of the victima was an American I ettisea. TWO NEW POLICE hILLö. TO FORCE THE MAYOR'S HAND P.EORr.ANIZATTON OF THE DEPARTMENT BY THE COMMISSIONERS. THE USXOW COMMITTEE DECIDES fPON A MOTJ* MES HI PAHTIPAN Pt-AN FOn THE F.UrCTIOM ANT» API'i'INTMENT 09 THE I-'Ot'R MR1I- HKP.S Of THE FOUCS BOARD.A TEAK ('WANTED FOP. INVESTI- «;aTIN«í THE QIAI.IKH'A- TIOXI OF MEMBERS or 'iHE inn» rORMBD I-'op.iT-j. ¡UT TF.I.IÎ'ÏRAPII TO THK TRint'NE.] Ail any, Mardi 14 if the hills wtitch were mad« pul.lli' t..-nlgh: by the members of the LSSOW In- veatlgating »Committee are paesad by the l,egia- Lature it Is plain that Mayor Strong will have to decide at once whether he will retain in ofltoa James .I. Martin, »Charlea H. .Murray and Mtchaejl Kerwln, the Tammany Hall Polte» 0>muil**a*l<a*a**i of N-w-V .rk. Th.. billa say that the Hoard ol police which in rgtstencc at tha time they t*s» come law« ghall remain in offlce'untll January I, i «-. or until the end of Mayor String's term. Tli. v My further that this Board of I'.illee shall r-. irganiaa 'u.¦. Police Department of New-York. Republl «ti politlclana g.-tieraliy regard the tun . m attempt bj Thomas >'. Platt t. force the hand of the Mayor and learn his intentions re- gai ling the Board of Police; whether, for la* itai ". Murray and Kerwln, appointed Potloa Commieslonen by Mayor Gllroy at Mr. Platt's request, are to I.» retained in Office. This new leglalatlon la thus an amendment of tha power ' i «moval law, for that law gives Mayor Strong until June 28, 1895, In whl 'h to appoint P »lice Com. i. Thle, it. « ffe ». abridges that period to one month, ao far 'is the Police rnmmla**V*ii>*ri ;,-,. eon «erned, Mr. Platt has a baraaatnganxiety learn whether or not Murray ai,«i Kerwln are be relegat id I » private life. They are pot or¬ naments f th" Republican party. No one would Tiiink fur a moment of claiming that they wer-î representative New-Tori* Republicans But li they are removed Mr. Platt thinks he can pos« M a martyi and 'laitn other patronage from >; ivern i Mort« n and the RepaMtcan Législature. Por lèverai «lays it has been apparent tha' M; Biatt's; followers In Albany, under Instruction from him, were seekit.g for a grievance. Com> missioner Brookfleld'a announcement of his ln- .enti.'ii to give .lilies to some prominent antl-Platt Republicans Of N'ew-Y«.rk, has b«-en welcomed by then. "I wish Brookfield would write a b«»«>k," aald Louis F. Payn to-day, a* th .ugh paraphras¬ ing the express! n: "Oh, that mine en>my would Wl '.. a book!" and then he added: "Yes. I wish he arould writ« u boi k contain.ng a full list of such appointments as thoae he ann«.unced to¬ day :h:ü h" Inunda making. It would help us mightily." Senator Lsgow wil. submit these n^w bills t-y the Senate to-morrow. They «'annn get upon tii - calendar In a printed form until Monday evening. They inns; lip print.-1 three 'ia»s before 'L ¦¦.¦ can h»- considered. It. will not be until Thursday, then, that they can be legally acted upon in a final form by th» Benate, Th* day following they may be acted upon by the Legislature. If thai sh.-'iM happen Mayor Strong would have fifteen days to consider them. If he should veto them It would take th«- Legislature four or *.Ue «lavs to pass fh«»m again. Thus, If they should be passed over Mayor Strong's veto, they Aould r:.«t reach Governor Morton until ahmt April 10. But Mr. Plait's followers arould think it to their advantsge to know positively «»n that date whether Murray and Kerwln were to remain or to lose their places. Possibly they reason 'hit, should Mayor Strung ptovs stea'ifast, the legis¬ lature c.iu'.d be U^«'.l 10 retaliate in RHM way upon th- May r. or at least 10 give Mr. Platt s..tue patronage in the Interior of th.- state. The ¡i«'x »w Investigating Committee"! hills ar* ¦»» ;.'. number. One eava that tha Hoard ,.f P shall have four members, and the other pi -.; lea that thle board ahall re» rganlse the PU- Department, The most Interesting feature «M the n um ¦'. Police bill Is it« provision that at the end of the terms of the Police Commissioners m office nt th" tima when it becon es ¦ law «>n January 1, lift, they shall be aucceeded by four Commlesloners, elected In Kovtmber, IH7. The i.i -partisan principia is rejected In this bill, f «r a non-partisan dtlaens* parts under it Is author- iged t-> ele» t two of the members of the board. The two candidates f .r Police Commissioners re. reiving the highest number of rotas are to bs ired elected, and t!u> Mayor of the city is to nominate aa the «iher two "the two pet*soM who shall have received th.> highest number of votes next to the two persons who shall have been elected Police Cotnmlasaoners of the city." Benator Lesow thinks that un 1er »u h a liw two Republicana and two Democrats would In» pvltably be elected as Polies Commissionsre ; but, of v urse, tills Is n««t certain. Another notable feature »I the Board of Polies Mil is its «Teat: m\ of ill- office of Chief «>f Pottes und DefHity Chief. TI Police Reorganisation Mil l* interesting in thai It practically gives the B ard of PoHce of .\.'w-Y rk a >ear in which to make an Investi gatlon as to the qualifications <»f membera oft police force and to remove them from office. The i.fti ere under trial arc not to hive any c .tinsel, and th" right ¦«'" review in the courts It denied. There la this to b- said, also, that the Lesow In¬ vestigating Commltt»ee, by Introducing the bills, ally reject»* In advance thi.se regar.ling ih» Board of Pol »and Reorganisation of tue Pottos Department of Mew-Torh just framed by the Commit!.f Ten. These measure« are, dia- metrlcatly opposed t.. th.- oommlttee'a bills, and tn.'ir provision! cannot be reconciled. The Lesow Committee met this afternoon and i »pted th..*> bilis as its own. Benatora Cant r and Bradley, the Democratic members of tha c mimift, e, dissent from the favorable report. Henal >t- Lesow will ask the Benate to-morrow to ,:.il».' them a special or.1er for >'0:i-ido! ati.n ua Thursday next THE BOARD <>>¦' POUCI BILL. Tha principal features of the B >:ir.i of p ;i ebiii are ,.s follosrs: The Police Commiaalonera «tin an- In ..flic,» whau il.ii. act simit take effect t-n.»U. unleaa aooner re- moved, reapisrtlvelj bold then offices until !he ftru day ..f January, UM, and until their aucceeaora ahall have qua lined, in case of th>- creation of a Vacancy In office by th«* removal, resignation or death ..f a Police Commlaetoncr, or at the expira- tton of th.- term of o fit e of unv Police Commis- atoner .»f the city of Kew-Tcvk in office when this ...i shall lake effect, prior to the l«l of Januar»., ISM, i lie Mayor ,.f said city shall within ten »Jays thereafter appoint his buccommot for his unexptred term; provided, however, thai the su«-, essor so ap¬ pointed shall not belong to and be of the samo political faith and opinion .in State ami National laauea as n.e majority .«f said board, as then run. stunted After the 1st day of November. 1M>7. there ahall be elected in the city .r New-York two Poiic« » ommlsaloners of sntd city, who ahall hold their reapeçllve ofgeea for a term of six vear«, from tha first «lay of January eucccedlng their election an.l Until their successors are duly elected and «hall have ij.ialine.1 The Mayor of the cltv of New- i »rk shall, immediately after the vote* are can- vusstd. appoint by writing two additional Police oiiimtsKloner* of aald city, to be associated with tie two Commissioners who »hall have bsen elected, iiml whli-h ("ommtsaioners so to be appointed ahall be those two person* who shall have received the high eat number of votes tiexi to the two persona wl.o shall have be-xi elected Police ('ommtsslonera of sail city. Rai,'. Polie- C »nimlaslonerr so ap- ">li.ti"t shall hold nrtlce for a term of six yeara r«>m the first «lay of January succeeding their ap- »olntmeut. and s»hall not be subject to removal mm offl -e «luring their reapectlve terms, except ipon «hargea and for cauae. after an opportunity «> be hranl In defence. If a vacancy shall occur Otherwise than by expiration of the term ¿f ojßoe


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rotes** with the Spanish minister




Waahlngl I | Chile in« Pi, Bldenl Is

»ngaged In the Inspection of üghth usea s m*>-

where along the coast of North Caro] na it is Im-lalbli that the Stati Department should trans¬

act public business of any Importance. Ne iherthe Aotlnp Secretary n r h.s Immediate superior,

rotary ..;. sham, would dan lo take any Btepato vindicate the nag without firm

consulting the Light! ise Insp - ad Interim,or until after thai Important functi narj had

consented to resume u .. Icsa pxa I

character of Presl lenl I United States. For |thi se sin pie i the da«.-'¦.¦ . ,;"

i w á--~ li ; mei is In the case >. the Alllança, x-

cept, perhapa the publication In New-York of

Acting Secretar« '.; '¦ tter to »Captain Cross-

man, aaklng for "further details"; few stray

and totally Irrelevant remark« by Ihe SpanishMinister hi r an i the rather 11. :' Mr. Depew published In The Tribune thia

morning and ' v ;i ,!l"

¿ature of "n -ws"


It i i wit h a imewhaiowlish solemnity this afterno n that Stat« I .. ¦-

partaient If I Sefior Muruaga have

pared n« tes" n tl .¦ law api II able lo the

ni the Spa -vThin

comparing »f not esultt-d In reau

tatlntr an by \U >rn#y-«ai er il

Stanl n In July, 1S6 I Ion read as f« I-

krwe:A cruiser of v» .« ¦> right I kit m tl .

>:,<,t! : .. racter »ti '.a-.- ship she maymeet at p.- i not u perfe : one, «ivl

the vl unlahe bj caí ..¦.

»n 1 con!.- a by dete. -i The partyr..ak::.ii the own .

..- ! si.'i> may take for the

purpose .¦:' aseen g tl nallt) of another- peril. 'i'h¡a right of Inouiry

. »r¡ b- exercised only on the hl»h ¦

ffieei ha- the rlghi to go Into the harbor of; v i- ?. wl h which hli Government I* pea .¦

. - int the natl ty ol a vessel which la

lying thereFMatlng to this opinion, SefJ r >' ¡r-: i^ is

quoted this aftern on as saying that "the Span¬ish gunboat kepi within Ihe strl I letter of iheIan as laid down by the Uniti i States; first, In'raising hi r own colon .¦.¦¦. g a

: k shut across thi ; »w« of the !plinquent.' "

Sefior Muruaga Is an oxperienc piornal andthe 1 »-¦ lags,

It is imp mil I«, ii erefore, i ¡- .< ve that he

. l have malnl »It I for » sit gle moment that

[ the Alllanç i I In the «

gree analogous to the case diso ssed bj AGeneral Stani >n. The latter presumes that ; ¦

merchantman fir»¦¦! ai m-of-war has re-

i t hi'isr het » and d ire her nation¬

ality, Capí n '. .man's protest, on th«

trary, shows '.'-..it he hoisted the United States

tuiK aaTUBcdlately upon f--ightii»fr the Spanish gun¬boat, . thai an elaborate exchange of eour-

1 a ensued l I Dring began. r 11 er

question, apparently raise«! by Sell - Muit whether the sh tte gun wa«j almi ;

r.-t. Is certainly Immaterial, as far aa . «

t: m of Inter atii na'. law is concerned, Il I

h' most only I iv agg ivated the ffet and

possibly In« .. a«« the * 111 f »r d images, ha the

Spaniard :¦ a better gunner than heÛ. |, It dd ne i thii g mors.


A thor ..- day

gras aa Interview which a ting Secretan U a'

ter some pen - I ...¦.¦¦

of newspap...

, time ii. the State Department, t. t h .

gel Infoi .

jr.it to their papers, aa matter f rma Ity, the

j'< .; : ei of thi Ml« hlgai mal

»Mr, UhL" said tl .:¦.¦ pi -

t. .-;. .¦ -ii <; ivernn

"Or i ave u Uona been given to the

American Minister In Madrid to file such pro¬

test another m< mber of the partyMr. I a dignll I impre» Ive

t - is If weif I down bjthe r' ; and thei

J | ... _>,r, v. I.«.:i

sent" "What i I an... ...

"i . »priati.' I believe," "

Acting Seci ; his fullh«-l«) ' mercury inth" wall .. i alarmli 'a gayel It at lib

arty to i great m Thev.«;- irs thei..;;..T "aj pro)


to Meure i it i

"'un r s! le of I%...:.«; n of the

ministration. It-.. I th«- President his last

; ill report «,1i he Germa :¡ < U< ral ai \pia to hl fî


fu -.- r ' r ASain«iaa: I surren '.¦¦:.-.¡x ail

. «trategl ;i!. gain«nacy of «General Harri

that a P« ricial d' >. en lo d

¦ f an ofHi er of h - own

i ting, .i I | lead those a rival« emy. The >n:n- nurse

It aeems, the s- is preraarlng lo

f;l: '¦'¦' now. ¦ tralghtl vai I tale i»l»

' ime particularsIt IS It is I

ItIt must I pi1 ., .. .,tii vli \m\ after

J . leard;r i:' 'ore i p sing ma hlnei y ol the.,',';"'-'-- nt .,!, be sei In motion. [I is a pr.i-

','; I'm- heart of a patrl il i >ap f ¡r

«MÜRBER BEGINNING TO BE WORRIEDIt If Interesting, also, to i »te that Private

&*"".¦'¦:, Thurbei is beginning ; . feel alarmed*'°' '¦ arduous taak of Inspecting the light-¦casaa along the North Carolina coast and look¬ing r ,r ¦.¦¦r; ,. r'ylng principles" among the Inlets

^ the Virginia shore ma) Incapacitate hla chief"¦. returna ti .n¡ attending I ¦ the dlaeharge

'''.''¦ ... .,;,,, dutlee tiirin that In-k''i i" demanding prompt reparation from

'l I »re are the troubles In New-Orleana«.".»...a .-': i-. Englishman waa Imprudei roughb<r ' hea against a bullet and ha« canned¦,r Julian Li utter a mild complaint In Colorado.ja»» Italians have been killed, and .-is ¦¦ conse-

';''.'". Haron Fava proteata. There are Oer-wf?Jr*rti France and Denmark wishing t«i kmiv

,1,*"* .','" going to «i" about certain rommor-

" qaesttona whlek the«« have the bad taste to**">> Imi rtant Th«n are m»., Japan aad,,"'' to h-;m metilatlon wns offered, and who¦und read) to atop k\;irni each other as aoon h«

g' wveland is ready to si ip killing «.neks no,«spscting llghthouaaa. All these litri. nüitter«. ofj° J*J»s«Kjuence whatarcr, muM A-ait until the¦gpector returns. P'»j>r Secretary «".r«'shani is at

25 Ar':*W"i keeping discreetly sick; his As-

laaita, ¦"¦tary wrings his hands and deplor.-srat" that maken hlrn I he target «if wicked

»i'Poslt'.on papera, and gantle Thuiber double-

t. opa hl« motlone agalni the b .*¦¦* h »ur thatwill bring hin maat« bu« » t atter I to bu

\V.\s IT Till; SUEVA ESPAXA?HIIK IS BKUKYKI. ".. lit: .il' '.». VK.-Hir \YHI'-H

FIRED ii'« »N Till" ".1.1.1 \ v \.

Tampa, Fla., March 14. In Haval .. up to thetime of the departure of the Olivette, no «roí habeen r reive«! regardn tl ng upon ihc steamer

Allicanca bj a Spanish nunbo.it. "If the outrage

occurred, ...-¦ th<-r. i* no reaaoii 10 doubt from the

.n of Captain 'roean an, «aid n:.,-i-' Lav« be« " " " -'' "

ci-ultter Nu« ».. Eapafia, whl« h hae been |Kinr, i. ,i. - .. -i ¦' i«- patrolThe Nu.-va K-:.:. :-. la known t« i.n th( eaat

.,,,., is ..:. i|...- of runnlnK IIIteen to

aevei ¦¦ n kn an ho ir, wh heu.se w which "" .Mil u '! '' '¦ "


.nir. npAXini mixistf.b poksn r bki.ikvk that


Waahlngi n. Mai h N Benor Mnruagu, ic S| in-

I«, M" -'. ...;:.-'"-1 '¦.' opln "i '

,-, »tory ot Captain Croseman »f the firms on the

, waJ a pure rabrlcatloi ..- all effori on:. th«

., .¦.. Span'-ii gu ... Itlea In Cuba ha ..<

been unsucc¦.I have i¦ ¦. » 1 -'i cablegram from the i

Oen« of '"'¦..' -lit he »1 stei nnsa to

m.» tel. »r the.. .

... i... , l. » ....-¦.

nythli»ill (fair. 11 >m

tatloirlea to made at Santiago .-. Cuba il

.. -I ;.' - !.. ;; .¦ .. »» ;-.

HIlppOSfMl ,'.,.¦. \\ ll.tl.'.I! ¦. i. ¦'

.. hy u Spá n i«vi KBi tl.».:..: th«pulInto ;. Spanish port and r«

» - i Spm (I

:i!.«:i 1er V

nd it I*nent. In

i.t. Lancea, I ' -,

l rake, a i

rat a In the vleinl"Of .-. ui >... until it..- whole itt« 1

" ..!».¦ »erj en :..¦..'¦-.

an i to ihla end I have air« idy sent u bl ram

t.. Spain, informli ; th« i

I giving ., t.. laely ih< o\ Inlon* of t

"What 1 onaider wo ild be fallmen!, hi:.I '.i the (Government ol the I'nliedaa well, would he for thla Uovernithe affldarlt* .>. Captain Cro anilMs paasengera 1 urn huh. thej will n« igree »ith

a*, h oihei an 1 1 belle*, e that la the. taken."

Th,- Minister raid he would r« ¦<¦... Inforiby cable from Cuba ..- soon a* .i lea ml be !,

by the .. m horitlea thereIt wa »täte«! at the Btate ! »epai 't

noon, .t, ! . monee to a «lu .]though "exi-eedingly l!i..|\' that Capta»» ¦. i. r«-s|K)ll it, |. -r-...ii lo the >.-,.¦S. retar» 'hi for an .it!. ..i .. Ii und «

» . iree of '. hi \

f the ....¦- el from t point of Cuba:¦ iche to the Nava lnt«-lllgei

have l.i. .": leavor ng I v-

tl it ..!..! "!l Ihl \ -.

not au ..¦-.. led Tl ey say thaiboata In Cubai -»

nlsh« 1 by Capí in of I u Uniold and of the aame pa ¦¦

ff< r n COma. March 14 N'othlna ..

y aa to a S .-

The 1 -;..¦ . 1telegraphed to Sani go ar.«l <¦

THE FI-AO ''':i T' "I"s THE SHIP

REXATi 'Ii M< »RG '¦'¦


|ht TF.-.r:- '. » Pll ro r )

Washtngl >n, Mai '.';-.-. itbroad ai pal ¦. ,.,...-.

tloi i. hi* ninirj are

keenly Intereated in the Mitai «"¦.

Ion a ith « 'i r,:. ii .

'.: had n hi Interest to|e t. H> -..«¦.k«- not only of the un*

s. anlard and ? tlthe ultimate t< I of theMnphatl -n li:i- opllwei .¦ advlnahta und» r 1 »

he i

that an Am«ai bj -,

n'..¦ .¦


¦-¦; ¦.:.-¦¦ .,

I!> »ng.......

«ill a«


lha" '- in lime of j :

....... rv i.,that there!


'e*J State . i. and!. TI <-I Ol

:'¦ 1 v. Itl

I nth«I J.llhll | i .,, I'D

i /:.,'...>¦ I'd Wilin arm«

. .-. .i

a-era either In' a ...

t.. ¦...-'.¦-....¦ m nu.a*be alioA


... .. ihia ro.intr; ¦.


,.'..¦:.,¦. ¦

l-OIII' HI ..,-..

.. pretend -,--..


.... ...

.,.-.. t, ,'..,.' .¦ Ig of II

,,.'...: -,- UIi..'.....


f Captain CmtllHIl II ' 'ii 'he

¦.. ¦¦'¦¦;; I

,., '.

Spain. ,.

'i ' '¦ -..i ......¦.

Hier. He m

». i,. ..-r .¦ n H nuit' i

but th. ho., d v. bile eoui'hi"i .. ,.:,.... ..¦ '.ir

I take It. In ¦ r ""I'1Tl

i. a» IIn-'i' i: '.. I. :. avlng Urn« I«, -how v.-.

i ,.,. a1» rommmi rh,!. Cermai y or Krai

..mil.. ..i i t; .1

tir |< le I. would Hit lie, \\*hi/. omplalnl ol In II Injury ihe

ui.'th'irl leu do noi . d< tails ol.. ||

prove h la case n le pal Ibt and sub-....pi, ntlj I car the othi i Id« befor* taking actionAfter much reflection on the - ibje am of Iheopl .. ¦: ihai we .-«i" ".

.'" prompt ....

aari n ve in auch ma ti\\ hat "' more, I would at om fllapatrh a Heel

warship* t., Havana, '."i In it.«- aplrli of Jingoismand '.... In th* way f threat Hut th» r* I* h

aerloiia naiirrectlon going on in Cuba, »amere we

have exiemrive political and »omtnei lal InterewtaI do n«,; want to ¦< tlclae ihe atithorltte* bul ii I*mj ..¡.'.ni ... th:.! when the revolution r« k>- out l»»nof A.l.iiirni Meade'* aquadmn ehou^d have Rom dl-rectlj i.« Cuban water* I .-< that lha fieri la en¦..<K".l in évolution* In th" Weal Indie» Thi r*erclnea ¡ire Importani n, ihe wn- ..f training and«ii<«.;i>lii.. for the men Thej oould, however, havebeen «-olid... !'-.i aa well In Cuban water«, end .»t

ih. aame time American Intereet* it. that ijuarterw .¡l.i hava i.eer. better protect« Ha l one oi moreAmertran ».-s-i> been at Havana doubt ' IheIndlecreei Bpanlnh commander won)«] have aeaault-«.«I the A1l:ani,it. But ihif« u noi i, Th" Cubanrevolution ;.. nmr» y. rlo-;y u,.,- \. »uppos* Thehirst appropriation« voted by the Corle* j.»..v that.Miefe la «Iko an inaurrectloñ reported In the Philip¬pine Islaii-ls. fln<l BpaUn has li^r,,ir,.. i.i.mi..-. ¡i.vv-»\ oi the Alliaiii.ii nfTeii and foi othei obvlou*rea »tona. H would i«e prüdem t.» »end warahlpaCuban wateiM. TT.eir presence there v.ou'.d hav- a(roo-l moral effect; and beside*, we owe it t., our

'lljrnlty to make a representation of fon to back

Continued en Third Page,






Tampa, Fin., March U. When the Olivettirived here to-night from Havana a rushmade for the passengers, In search of «'

revolutionär) news A Cuban, who hau coman Important mission, atated that a provlfGovernment had l..1 organid .. and thateral Martl h id be« 11 n ade Pro\ isl nal PresliGeneral lomez "»as ma le general Inret Un lona r» army, as now organlz I, con

of ii.000 infantry and 3,000 avairy, The Ctiai .¦ ai me with machettes and Ifies, whileSpanish force* are armed with rifles and theat) w 11 I, n h i»- extremely cluins).

K.1-1 Saturday .1 Peace Comtnis««l««n In beof the Government visited Mansllla ind onfewith ; i« Insurgent omniander, General Elwith u 1 lew in in Ing hal flic r andu m 1: in lnj il iwn thfir arms ind take

oath lleglsnci to G«vi iment, In w

1- th.»» h 1I1I !... p.-ir.l :>. The n

'« ' ;. m¦¦¦ Mai n 1 la 1 la, ne

rebel !. h lei of th« lasl Insurr«and i' ¦.: T" r h« 'turne 1

Misted. GenM I them mn. oui .. 11 Mtene I to 1

r led ". 111 :¦ :. Il lir ill V»

' li i\..¦ camp r ¦.¦..!,¦ penalty ol tu

.\ :; f I.:¦;!."\:

I '. 1*1.11 ,!'..'¦. f gi

-.'¦.'¦ .n

n, a T ¦..

In St. N'ehI ,1 :.

:.Itun.i »r severa layi Ls n

In 'I'.i mpa that a1 lull j..

it a\ . '. M

an I »all I Cuba tin T i< s«lay- n

a I '1 "

l i-'. i In N

and .!-..¦¦. .-. ind|.i. s* .. n< i-«J«'iiti:i|. ¦.. h<int'!», if a .1 -,.. ig-n!

and r ¦..in« »¦....IHating that he n

nanu of all th«». ; \ 1. .1. 1 rida '!'.¦.

W ¦.-..

,,!. H) -...; ,. '..

it loi thi Spai Mil Ister ai u s

riie ns gra '.'.

thing '

i'ast r. was

rnlngIhe Ma



put y V .1 MMinister at V

und tl'.

? m

irms.: htng sms

11.. 1J t rntake in 1


B|priva '


I. The G ha


Ited t pass '.the ki eg

I.I HUNG I'll w;'.-» INSTI.L.-;, . -s M ' ' IV M.' r

A«l < IIIN A


i- \iai 11 .-...¦ . .'


It is 1 ; ingm liidemnli '

....¦. rhe Japanese «

ing ¡1 montón and K:¦ '.¦ .. bj it

i" paid "I'll! 'I I« I:::' I! '¦ ' 'hita«ly to sum . thern s«ius«li

The Kmp« and D01ag< '¦ En près» .»..in« Ki Hui 1 1 1 that 1

ni The, u|brang from them the '.¦

rahl« iif 1 ''1I1 a, a '>. »h, thej.'

prep1 ¦; vi h 14 The .. ntr *».'. « a porn

graphs:.. itai k-l th.';

I 1 f i'i 1reaIng «if Mai b 11 1 ¦. pull -1 will

. pul ! Ano!I,. 11 g, uní uta k. tl

'.. but WM -¦

i-nty «. J.-ipane.aM loss was six a ain«le«Mai !» \ ... mi- m. 1 i| 1 iragraph

'I Ti bui.a' ayi In i'-fi ren ...¦.¦¦

ru \ ;¦-

vlihoiil I :..peí i tl in of the oui-..¦ I'uwi ts.

Wa« hin« »n, Mai h 11 The State I.irtm« 1

1 h hi lo the report froiV. thai Bppe iled the Unite

.¦ 11, 1 1 .- ;¦ n 1 ' " lo operate Iih< p-. >ns with Japan They thlnl1h.1t. et If he »poi ; pi >ve 10 be u nvi, foi

1 'ow : . the matti¡11 this stage ol the es< .. p.lings

A MISSIXU 1/// I'll / U iv.

1: A KAVIS, fil'T "! WORK, WRITES Lirrrn::

».Nil IH IPPK Ml.

.-'m. !. M Ma ks, il : ¦¦"¦'. Baat Righty-et«jrhthSt., calle«! al Polie« 11 .,...¦. r -i. |aj ansal thai li- brothei i, 1« Kilward \ I > ivlI went v-two yea 1 old. of No. 1,715 Madt«a»n-avi hs:.. in Ing sin« M »ndi last, and that he mightive mmltl ul< Id »lar* l«l it .vis wai

,, membfi of rompan) <'. "f 'in- mi, llattalloa, an

that in- ha<i been 'im "f «"ri. foi son.nu Olili'- da) he dl ippean-d Davis wrote a letter to hksrlfe, who Is oníj sight.1 years old and 10 whomh<- had !.. n married six m mthe, telling lier 1h.1i

when she !¦ '¦..'... it he would t»- m. lead as a dooii! also wi »t« .1 KM. r to ths captain of nti

company, lying thai be would socn !". shovellinailihebottom of ti.,1. Davis «-,,* last ¦*...

ai the '"ni 1 .»! une-hundrei-and lenth-at andTh iv.-, .m Monday night, In compsn) with a

numbei of ¦.I'.ini- men of whom h« was a friendThe styl ¦.' htm letters «n«l bis general characterlead those who know hint b«ss( !.¦ Eiellevs that h« 1«

-nil alive-_. «.

DEOPPED DEAD IE inr. railway BTATIOEGsorg* 'I Bpall, of Stratford, Peon., «1r.i¡nie.i deu.i

on ih« atalrwa) "f th" elevated ticket ofTW in the

Grand Central Station lata yestsrday afternaoa.ii was at lirai thought Hui be ha'l n fit, and an

ambulance was summoned from IHower Hospital,lint the man was iI^h<1 when th" iimliuliui«-«« ar

lived Sj.all. Who «n1« about lift v years old, is

¦uppoaad t'» have been an Insurance tiroker He

was Identified bj .1 tag <m hi- key ring, which arnv«»

)ii« name and address The ta« also stniw«d him

by a member of 8t. John's l>«iae. No, K F sad A M

of Stratford He a,a'i nrora .. Oread Army buttonin bli pocketa were found s whit« handkerchiefwii his name stamped on it. m gold watch andchain, .« i'iir of steel bowad eyeglasses, a poi-ketkrif« ini'i lâll in innn^j There wen .ilne m num-

i.atm of lneuran«*e pamphlets arid in|»»-rs The iiodvwas nmovd to the polios Htatlnu In the Grandentra! Htatloa, and from ihrr«» to ;h« Morgua A

telegram waa sent to Btratford notlíjlnj the deadmarra relatives last night.


THF piM OF $.,o:,.o«io RAtfttrn, Ot*T OF *taO.0tM TH"

QCIREI) : *> l í AID WIM !'!.: HIVKS' T«. THE

l'it".ii:.*r i'.v THI! CITÏ WTTVE WORK

T.i ni: nrcnt'N IN A PHORT MTMf*> meeting of th" corporal .;.-. «if the New-York

Botanical Garden was h Id yesterday afternoon.-.t tho room* of the Geographical Society, N'.>. 11West Twenty-nlnth-at, at which Important de¬talla fur the formation uf a gre u pleaeure «groundt'.«r New-York Clt; were dlacuesed. Th ui.-.-iitih'waa in aecret leaalon, but enough of th- detallawere -riven out t,. ahow thai .« great Btrlde in

¦»curing ,i botanic gardi n for New Y k ha-» beentaken, and that it will n-.t t..- long before actualwort, «.n the building and ground will begin.It w.!,* announced yesterday that *?ir<¦ r..<. '. hadbeeii aubscribed toward the 1250,0»» which i.« !..-

".'in.-ii i,\ law before th-- garden cîorporatoni can

1.n work. A bill waa puss,-,', in th. Legislature»nd signed by th.. Governor, April :"». 1891, j.r .-

¦riding !... ihi establishment of a "Botant« Gar¬den .'iti'l Museum and Arboretum in Brona Park,m the i-itj ..: New-York, and t<> Incorporate thes--' Fork H tanl il Garden for carrying on the»an,.-." |{) the provision* ,.r tbla bill. Ihe ror-

; ¦; of the U »tanlcal < larden muet ralee» re fi »m the time the bill beca ne

a in tu., sum ..''$2 .'«.«... i,-. ubt*crlption. 'A'i'--:i

thin ;.» don« the .it> I* r**<|ulr« to *«*l a*

f land ii .I by i h.i poiIn l.. ¦¦ \ '¡i k, ami to .- -.¦ b nd* fur í <i.»

¦. t-. Hun ol -'ii'.ii.i bull ling and plantfor the pi ¦;,¦ ma .: nui.f he gar-

:¦ .'.. .¦ i,, rali b) i!.. e »rpla i»- m .i it..».» ¡,s n nu '. ':¦.¦ for an i a

Bi ' I great advantageda great dt) -i- any

p.«rk d .". un ll woi I' is aituat'-dil !.!.., m Ha i Bridge, ind

f i

f th I'll bi tl.itThe i .t k ontuln* ab ut T.

I. oí

through the middle >.f It ru Bi i Rivi r, one

m..-! pli'iurrsiju« email atreama in the

viclnlt) of New Vurk It l- ¦» favorite re« rl., in th» s"

the nti th«; Bota Garden, ao that a |

lion f th« .- .. ¡"ti *... i, on a« h aid..

,.--,. bj manyto the :¦.

lb« i' T are i n strict. to a n pai ta of ('.: on» l'-n

; .¦ f gieat natural pi bly be

ired l he u*e ft .. ¦¦¦¦. di :..

tUvinu r.. t: » It--, UK M' »N KlKvet ,i ... »

-. I. .¦ line not oi

t t


» .i- ,..¦...' i

I t ttu

..... | | ...

pont Mori.'.,-. ..' nd

| . I he fli si


great ' »I Garden pif aupporter* from

tart. «' Ile

| t , a T

. it»1flnai

I we have

.rlth a¦

. t id bee wc -hall b

and the f landT ' ."¦'...

lha ik ol

irate i v



We gotun mi the se. on«l

I.' '« is*». There su glviIIt "

t, al.an Ion thi* ilrat Ithat...... |1 n - i"

. rlpi »m will gotowa Ihe | i

i present I«, ...

. and «

,| ,.ibt that t rl bed in a

|,va If 'n.l.I, It hae noi ilr**ad> .

.red T.« all pi ictl .'I Intenta and |.»i11»>-> ..i. ,1 Ganlen Is assur-d, an I

.. ... ..,,:.. the deta.... ml w ik i '¦ »pethai In "

:.. ..(- to t. the Ilrat d<t,.A.,. ., ik ng ground I "¦ ^"..'W« the l«e f any |

¦ti. :,:. 1 now we

-. pin I two ..'.'

an '¦"- will *in -.¦ '"" bealnnlns ol whni...,;.; ' »tanlcal ga

R'ol !"

TO l'.i:«.1N WORK BOON

lir Nathaniel I. Bi I»' '»¦* Columbia .'


.We annoi .». pr» ei give the (a

f .ui plana t the publl >. l"" 1 can «»>.. ,: ,: ,;,,,; n |.i-..i.-.t I* In :« m >«t

(mon .,., »v.- Will pt..l..it.l.\ be¬

gin ... live work on II In Fh »rl ilu - rhere in

man! detail* In Idental lo the starting »1 a greaient« rpr*se like this yd to L* arranged, bul we

are rapldlj get I Uta these u I« r way. .»'¦ we ».ill

be ni', org m; "i In a few week*Tlie corporal M ol the Botanical t.ar.len are

Hell, !,,w. Charle« P John H >*.-»a !..

Chtirle \ I«..- .. Addlaon Br.iwn. Park« (.mlwln.H pottei Charle* Butler, hdwli »pel*,

llus S'anderbilt. Nathaniel l. Brltton, Mor-n- K. Jeaup, -I Plerpi'ni Vlor«aan. A»ra-Srj^ -.r-

:,.-r- ii <» Mills, Charb' F Ch »n 11« r, Hi-

W \fevera.vWilliam C S. »Ichermerh »rn, Oswaldottendorfer. Tlmothj F Allen Henrj B11 .»:. William «: Chna\ », John H K

Samuel Sluane, William II R«>bert*-on. Stephen I

Nn ,. BI« hard Wataon Gilder. Thoma*. Hogg.N'el n Smith, Samuel W. Ealrchlld. !-'11">r ,:M'V,"la) William II S Wood, «îeorge M. Oliott.Charleg I'. Cox, Jame« R. PII h« ;ini1 l "r"y K




ORirm BXf-HAxnK unvR 'rM'-' IN T,,,:

miJCMAM H'>i s^:

The raeta of n lively bara-knaekto 9§*i »*al <>'*-

curre.I enrlv Welresrlav momltlg In 'h° reading-room of the roieman House between Corbetfi»»...linger. W. J. Brady, and Charlea Beban, the

manager fur Vo.ing «irlfT... leaked OUI laat Bight.According to the atory. the Bghl .*«* ehort ami

sharp, nn.l ha.l not the ,'on.eei,»nt» bet« se^rati-deither trocid have been ¦ go«! wkject far the ear.

geon'H car'

on Itrady's face, nra.lv J» MJ^ jwtll» M».but nulckty reco-eered and W "}." "',1"1"- »,r,K-

Intr him In the ne. k and flooring Mm.Sa ther of the in<*n .onld he se, n las! i.lKht. b'lt

«y'e-vltniiaaea ware buay telling th* atory In the gaM.



Winchester, Va», March 14. -For th» s°c.in'l time

lince the war Winchester Is practically under mili¬tary control, «m March .". Thornton Parker, col »red,was arrested for ittempted aasaull on Mrs. Melton,living near MMdletown this county. Parker, after

i Ing fully Identified .>- the assailant, was lodged In

Jail here and Indicted on Monday by ¦ special <,r.ind

Jury and hla triii set for to-morrow. Threats of

lynching have been made, an'l th" a groea of thlicity have expressed th.-ii intention m rescue Lbe

negro and burn the I in

Rupprc-ssed excitement and Indignation have been

manifest for Beveral days especially when th" ne-

gri es peradi t ,\:i i groups '.:i Tuesday r.ltiitwere .: -i rsi by the police. Th- municipali then i'"i' ici lie clti un 1er

military protection to-night Three companies sev-

entj live men ol the ïd Vlntlnla Regiment, underColonel .1. i' (taker, arrlvi l here on the 7:30 p. m.

train, and are virtually In charge. Kverything «as

nui"! at a o'clock to-night, an the presence of thetroops will probably prêt nt an) irther disturbance.

s m.\s ni:u im ii im: BUMPERS



he engine attached ne of th.» shuttle train'«

between the Long Island Ferry end th" Thirty-fourth-at, station of ihe Thlrd-ave. elevated roadsma.he«! Into the bumpers at the ,.iti"i terminalabout 12 m o'.-;."'K t/eatrrla» afternoon, and two

women were severel) Injun I. The elevatiwi <.!

.'. ¡rea" 'St eci In regar 1 top tciiîly, of the East Thirty-

¦. tl .-¦ wh< n ¦ m m

n is« if hi ha I heat of the., iifi : . s to make sn

\ .;i on the platform of

tiic station !¦ ¦' -'¦ fr 'in

tlospll II* IWO

:\ mei w.'l M it."I Flslier, «Uty-eighl... i: F..urn an«l ¡.-- :i

,. ty-tw.»' N ..'.¦ Hi rk mer

Brooklyn 1 .. I« .>. »m in ¦.- .¦ - ¡he... :¦:;¦¦! to go to a h".-y.-

tl |. :. utile aii« sent h<.,!.¦.! r mgei woman .¦

., me !-,..! ,"ii-

I of the li ni .¦' »kenIt was learned (hit there was nur n«lu toron the

-, ,'i :.. of le irge W.

,i m. i. n -n raps of coi ü : i it

>\ ¦* ,i Hreni u ¦... bo was ai tea i ofi.i ! t n" . tins

with ti."!. was reported that th.» woman, l.ydla Thomp-

.¦ h., was hurt in the accident waa l.ydlapi on li r - ii-

i;..,|,.-. .. Hospital I ti ..'¦' «»¡li lte.1 the fact thaiihe lnjure<l i Thon m. who

-, i.».. Herklmer-si Brooklyn rlhe a

suffering fron ¦. I». but li .r

oniiti ¦. t night. Is not serlo s

ai l -' n .Il I»«- «Ilscharg i from the host



TI« 'N "" rili »»I'M * s i' I

NVw "I-,--.. Mai h 'i About li o'clock this

ng ihe Washington Artillery, commanded byKI bantson ting of two nea

Hot jt 120 men armi I a

irmory and pro« .... led d i* ntown.

When I > .. del i 'olonel R|i hsnls in

,,, i- ¡,. »¦ tanl * ilk«*d to the s nith-In sheus, where ti..- were met byf the road :' m .. was u..\..\

to ha-. I In the i '.'-1 and i 'olonelItlchanlson procee«l««>d oi th« levee to find the best

it ton for th« - In the mean titn>» tinli >f Sergeant M i 'al .. i a i

ol Iters. Kverj b ly '»a»

k« pt mo« only thosi w h ha ! bus ne is on

tu.- wharf oi going n ferry « ere

.'.;!¦.,.. it. freight ii > « hi« h offet. . : otm In the

'.-..' u »I ;a

iiiTi.r III ind a unohstpn t,-i rangegun was train« : tow .trl

Ht Phlllii . ind tl .. .¦ Air the en t of ttieMarket. <-<imma I he whole part

Mini i i. ¡retting I. a

ill'. he result

Í.4.1I1» iHoinr aataMIehod .i "«lead Una." be-I whlt'l was ;.nttted to 11

!>. -,¦.. »a to clear the sl<!« atre« .

f .':¦¦ crowd pusnina ick as far as (teeatur-.« ¦.¦ li r- i m--, amoi

that a «rk a mid heI weri v«, a". , t

Tl mlxe I>nt. sh iwing

bad c»-a i v: or« leeij u'i lo k' proi ¦ en larj

went stton was roll«

ere for twoir;.au

the red Into the.. \ ..., ..f

id the "ie-ir iwl.

Ingll lers, wa r.-htn* thenan

I 4th I »fate tr ops \v-r.»..


rlune .e front. Details

- -.

work t these p m«l no trn has oe,i iVhite men were

t.itulini groups llstanceon an* te the i."<t

.. in go aboutth« " w irk In pea«-« H'.e negro«-.».¦IK .-


and militar) i ¦¦'¦ tloi I . leve« »'III ¡ . sei Itsform« <U < o'clock the negroes

..:f work at a and wi '.m*

, it tla returned to

th*-ll 'i "IOrders wen Il ] r the troops to remain

on irther mil



ni. .i.i uvn THE I.AW In "I »RAI>


I ,,:¦.¦-.! ron« r - J ir) In l um

nf the Italians « ,:i ha \\ alsenb irga v« rdlct to the effect that th«

A. .. \,\\ i,;, peraoru unknown, The !..:...»»,!,<

the communications whl h passed between A I

lug Italia . and < lovernor Mi I<r.\ re

. ..!;»¦.- ..a the subji of l hing of I

li ,. i. .. .' March H IWTo Un ¡xi-« llei \ A VV, M it nor >'f

.-: i ha ve fro that at or,« n oi v\ '!«. li irg, ol this morning

ai», n i o'i-li '. two It.tilans ere i 'i., n fnim thei mo in«l ..- ni ih !¦.. .ir"

.a. v n in.,! ".',;. ¦;¦¦¦-¦: I Si III in the.¦,.',. :\ ul a . ifa '¦ lltlt)s

ire tbn inannei There-t. I, Joeeph l'ii Italian .."Hani for tli!«

. ¡"\ el n .!' of th" Stale to

ik" su us ma; *.¦¦ n< ar« to Insure pro-te on fm hi htnl | rop« it. if th« Ita lans in

i nI) of the minorities n th« A iluei mo(\>ii!it\. Very rev|i n ..¦, .i «, i,.,-,!

.i iM.i». A Una ¡'..i. tn1» liver, \1 irel. 13, »¦.

.-'.i i: plying t.. your comm in .'.it on of March 13,ju- i. - \"i. have «¦!>. iioi '.i ..i i.it havetelegraphed to th« rlherifi ol »Va »nig foi

Ion con ruing I he .:....: :. ¦. -. an«I to pnt his prlsonei in 1 will take such m ht» r ai«fpn.»w.tr> ami can be taken within suthorit:

rre.l ."i ni" bj law t insur protei tl »n heind proiiert) of the Itali.u usi lj In the

said Huérfano i'oiinty, t!i" same as if th.-\ wen«American citizens have th« further tumor to

that It !- not w; i. now ti : i me thai the Itallans in question are noi American citizens lt«»t«pect-fully, your "i" '!;"tii serv ml.

AI/HKRT W M'INTVRB. Governor.Th.- ; >\. mur h is i.- ..-.,. a telegram from Baron

Fava al Wash ngton isklng him to proc«s«sd at once

ai i"- -t ih.- murderers if ;!i" Italians at Waisenburg. Governor Mdntyre will aci at once. i»r.

«'i.», Italian consul I. also r.Ived a telegramfrom Baron Fava directing him lo go lo Walsenb irgto night !i" III ihe;Thi « morning It. t*uneo received ¡i telegram from

the Italians ol Walsenhurg asking him for protect ¦' He assured them t^.u' he had the word ol theGovernor that i)i"\ would !». protected, and addedthai the milRary was read) ¦. depart si a mo-in«»iit's notice in Cuneo does not anticipate anyf'iithi-r tr<i'ii.i.'. He will mU" ^t^*|ls to apprehendthe murderers.

« »f the m.-i i who were killed near Walsenhurgnul in the jut 1 ther.-, Joseph Wellsby wan an Amer¬ican twenty-three \.ura of «gc und unmarried./.u'etto. kili«"l «m the roH.i. ha.i latel) come fromItaly, where he ¡«sfl ¦ wife and four children; hehad taken out first papera Francisco Ronchotto,killed in jail, was an i fallan eitiz.-u. unmarrtad,and thirty rears old. Antonio Lorenzo, killed in

Jail, whs an Italian cttla n. Unmarried, and twenty-three reara of use. of the athera, (Haccaklna undVtttarl, htnl tajiín «mi drat papara

WrtlM^ntiiira. t*M. March 14 «julet reigns aealn In

th" Italian colony here. Whits the fr!en«U «if themurdered men are «-Mil Intensely excited, there im

little probability that they will attempt to renor:

to violence. There are a larg«- number >.f ItalianaIn Denver, and they are loud In their denunciationsof th«- aiay,.rs of their c'untrymen, but the«, haveiiiM.I" no effort to Organise and ¡ire closely watc»iejti> ths police, for whom the» have a wholesomeri'Biie.-t. only on» of the victima was an American Iettisea.











or 'iHE inn»

rORMBD I-'op.iT-j.

¡UT TF.I.IÎ'ÏRAPII TO THK TRint'NE.]Ail any, Mardi 14 if the hills wtitch were mad«

pul.lli' t..-nlgh: by the members of the LSSOW In-

veatlgating »Committee are paesad by the l,egia-

Lature it Is plain that Mayor Strong will have to

decide at once whether he will retain in ofltoaJames .I. Martin, »Charlea H. .Murray and MtchaejlKerwln, the Tammany Hall Polte» 0>muil**a*l<a*a**iof N-w-V .rk. Th.. billa say that the Hoard ol

police which i« in rgtstencc at tha time they t*s»

come law« ghall remain in offlce'untll January I,i «-. or until the end of Mayor String's term.

Tli. v My further that this Board of I'.illee shallr-. irganiaa 'u.¦. Police Department of New-York.Republl «ti politlclana g.-tieraliy regard the tun. m attempt bj Thomas >'. Platt t. force the

hand of the Mayor and learn his intentions re-

gai ling the Board of Police; whether, for la*itai ". Murray and Kerwln, appointed PotloaCommieslonen by Mayor Gllroy at Mr. Platt's

request, are to I.» retained in Office. This new

leglalatlon la thus an amendment of tha power' i «moval law, for that law gives Mayor Strong

until June 28, 1895, In whl 'h to appoint P »lice Com.i. Thle, it. « ffe ». abridges that period to

one month, ao far 'is the Police rnmmla**V*ii>*ri;,-,. eon «erned, Mr. Platt has a baraaatnganxiety

learn whether or not Murray ai,«i Kerwln are

be relegat id I » private life. They are pot or¬

naments f th" Republican party. No one would

Tiiink fur a moment of claiming that they wer-î

representative New-Tori* Republicans But li

they are removed Mr. Platt thinks he can pos«

M a martyi and 'laitn other patronage from

>; ivern i Mort« n and the RepaMtcan Législature.Por lèverai «lays it has been apparent tha' M;

Biatt's; followers In Albany, under Instructionfrom him, were seekit.g for a grievance. Com>missioner Brookfleld'a announcement of his ln-

.enti.'ii to give .lilies to some prominent antl-Platt

Republicans Of N'ew-Y«.rk, has b«-en welcomed

by then. "I wish Brookfield would write a b«»«>k,"aald Louis F. Payn to-day, a* th .ugh paraphras¬ing the express! n: "Oh, that mine en>my wouldWl '.. a book!" and then he added: "Yes. I wish

he arould writ« u boi k contain.ng a full list ofsuch appointments as thoae he ann«.unced to¬

day :h:ü h" Inunda making. It would help us

mightily."Senator Lsgow wil. submit these n^w bills t-y

the Senate to-morrow. They «'annn get upon tii -

calendar In a printed form until Monday evening.They inns; lip print.-1 three 'ia»s before 'L ¦¦.¦

can h»- considered. It. will not be until Thursday,then, that they can be legally acted upon in a

final form by th» Benate, Th* day followingthey may be acted upon by the Legislature. If

thai sh.-'iM happen Mayor Strong would have

fifteen days to consider them. If he should veto

them It would take th«- Legislature four or *.Ue

«lavs to pass fh«»m again. Thus, If they should

be passed over Mayor Strong's veto, they Aouldr:.«t reach Governor Morton until ahmt April 10.

But Mr. Plait's followers arould think it to theiradvantsge to know positively «»n that date

whether Murray and Kerwln were to remain or

to lose their places. Possibly they reason 'hit,should Mayor Strung ptovs stea'ifast, the legis¬lature c.iu'.d be U^«'.l 10 retaliate in RHM way

upon th- May r. or at least 10 give Mr. Platt

s..tue patronage in the Interior of th.- state.

The ¡i«'x »w Investigating Committee"! hills ar*

¦»» ;.'. number. One eava that tha Hoard ,.f

P shall have four members, and the other

pi -.; lea that thle board ahall re» rganlse the PU--¦ Department, The most Interesting feature «M

the n um ¦'. Police bill Is it« provision that at

the end of the terms of the Police Commissionersm office nt th" tima when it becon es ¦ law «>n

January 1, lift, they shall be aucceeded by four

Commlesloners, elected In Kovtmber, IH7. The

i.i -partisan principia is rejected In this bill, f «r a

non-partisan dtlaens* parts under it Is author-

iged t-> ele» t two of the members of the board.The two candidates f .r Police Commissioners re.

reiving the highest number of rotas are to bs

ired elected, and t!u> Mayor of the city is to

nominate aa the «iher two "the two pet*soM who

shall have received th.> highest number of votes

next to the two persons who shall have been

elected Police Cotnmlasaoners of the city."Benator Lesow thinks that un 1er »u h a liw

two Republicana and two Democrats would In»pvltably be elected as Polies Commissionsre ; but,of v urse, tills Is n««t certain. Another notable

feature »I the Board of Polies Mil is its «Teat: m\

of ill- office of Chief «>f Pottes und DefHity Chief.

TI Police Reorganisation Mil l* interesting in

thai It practically gives the B ard of PoHce of.\.'w-Y rk a >ear in which to make an Investi

gatlon as to the qualifications <»f membera oft

police force and to remove them from office. The

i.fti ere under trial arc not to hive any c .tinsel,and th" right ¦«'" review in the courts It denied.There la this to b- said, also, that the Lesow In¬vestigating Commltt»ee, by Introducing the bills,

ally reject»* In advance thi.se regar.ling ih»

Board of Pol »and Reorganisation of tue PottosDepartment of Mew-Torh just framed by the

Commit!.f Ten. These measure« are, dia-

metrlcatly opposed t.. th.- oommlttee'a bills, and

tn.'ir provision! cannot be reconciled.The Lesow Committee met this afternoon and

i »pted th..*> bilis as its own. Benatora Cant r

and Bradley, the Democratic members of thac mimift, e, dissent from the favorable report.Henal >t- Lesow will ask the Benate to-morrow to

,:.il».' them a special or.1er for >'0:i-ido! ati.n ua

Thursday next

THE BOARD <>>¦' POUCI BILL.Tha principal features of the B >:ir.i of p ;i ebiii

are ,.s follosrs:The Police Commiaalonera «tin an- In ..flic,» whau

il.ii. act simit take effect t-n.»U. unleaa aooner re-

moved, reapisrtlvelj bold then offices until !he ftruday ..f January, UM, and until their aucceeaoraahall have qualined, in case of th>- creation of a

Vacancy In office by th«* removal, resignation or

death ..f a Police Commlaetoncr, or at the expira-tton of th.- term of o fit e of unv Police Commis-atoner .»f the city of Kew-Tcvk in office when this...i shall lake effect, prior to the l«l of Januar».,ISM, i lie Mayor ,.f said city shall within ten »Jaysthereafter appoint his buccommot for his unexptredterm; provided, however, thai the su«-, essor so ap¬pointed shall not belong to and be of the samo

political faith and opinion .in State ami Nationallaauea as n.e majority .«f said board, as then run.stuntedAfter the 1st day of November. 1M>7. there ahall

be elected in the city .r New-York two Poiic«» ommlsaloners of sntd city, who ahall hold theirreapeçllve ofgeea for a term of six vear«, from thafirst «lay of January eucccedlng their election an.lUntil their successors are duly elected and «hallhave ij.ialine.1 The Mayor of the cltv of New-i »rk shall, immediately after the vote* are can-vusstd. appoint by writing two additional PoliceoiiimtsKloner* of aald city, to be associated with

tie two Commissioners who »hall have bsen elected,iiml whli-h ("ommtsaioners so to be appointed ahallbe those two person* who shall have received thehigheat number of votes tiexi to the two personawl.o shall have be-xi elected Police ('ommtssloneraof sail city. Rai,'. Polie- C »nimlaslonerr so ap-">li.ti"t shall hold nrtlce for a term of six yearar«>m the first «lay of January succeeding their ap-»olntmeut. and s»hall not be subject to removalmm offl -e «luring their reapectlve terms, exceptipon «hargea and for cauae. after an opportunity«> be hranl In defence. If a vacancy shall occurOtherwise than by expiration of the term ¿f ojßoe