TIDINGS JULY 2015 Tidings - elysiumit.comelysiumit.com/christchurch/Tidings/Tidings July_15.pdfTIDINGS JULY 2015 CSI CHRIST CHURCH (Diocese Of Madhya Kerala) Palayam Trivandrum Telephone

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Page 2: TIDINGS JULY 2015 Tidings - elysiumit.comelysiumit.com/christchurch/Tidings/Tidings July_15.pdfTIDINGS JULY 2015 CSI CHRIST CHURCH (Diocese Of Madhya Kerala) Palayam Trivandrum Telephone


CSI CHRIST CHURCH(Diocese Of Madhya Kerala)

Palayam TrivandrumTelephone : 2305902

Office : 2726033Email : [email protected]



Editorial BoardRev. Dr. Mathew Varkey

Rev. Saji Cheriyan MammenMr. John Kurien

Mr. Saji Sam GeorgeMr. M M John

Mr. Renju PhilipMrs. Susan Ebby

Mr. Godwin MathewMr. Ebby KuruvilaMr. A.J. ThomasMr. Soman John

Mr. Rakesh Jayaprakash

Rev. Dr. Mathew VarkeyChrist Church ParsonageDBRA-61, Near DevaswomBoard Jn, Nanthencode,Trivandrum-695 003Mobile : 94471 76033Telephone : [email protected]


Church WardensMr. John Kurien 9847175080Prof. K.V. Thomas 8547247910Church SecretaryMrs. Omana Abraham 9745692727Lay TreasurerMr. A.J. Thomas 9447020738Internal AuditorMr. Abraham Mathew 9847181820Church Committee MembersMr. George Ninan 8289909503Mr. Godwin Mathew 9895332868Mr. Hezekiel V.S. 9447071185Mr. M.M. John (Munduparambil) 9544689029Mr. Joshy Mathew 9809788681Mrs. Laila Jacob 9446018091Mr. Luke P.K. 9495880774Mr. Mesfin Zachariah Abraham 9847062108Ms. Nimmi Rachel Mathew 9995458461Mr. Reuben Daniel Koshy 9895223223Mrs. Susan Thomas 9447751085Diocesan Council MembersMrs. Mary Mathew 9447054335Mr. Renju Philip 9846065640Mr. Saji Sam George 9447303524Mr. Suku C. Oommen 9447059920Mrs. Susan Ebby 9447890411Dr. N.O. Varghese 9847065697Senior PresbytersVery. Rev. Mathew Mathew 2559965Rev. Dr. Jacob Verghis 2432560Rev. Mathai John 9447958556Rev. Shiju Samuel 9447613389Rev. Joseph Samuel 8281291203Rev. Dr. George Joseph 9447452473Rev. A. Viswasaraj (Tamil) 9495349325Church StaffMr. Aji George Jacob 9495304997Mr. S. Samuel (Joy) 9495300681Mr. K.C. Thomas 9846807826Mr. Roy Daniel 9605242882

July 2015

Asst. VicarRev. Saji Cheriyan MammenChrist Church ParsonagePRA/248, ParottukonamNalanchira,Trivandrum-695 015Mobile : [email protected]

Online Edition - http://www.csichristchurch.org/Tidings.aspx


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Vicar’s Reflections

A Servant’s Duty

Dear Friends,

We are called to be servants of the Servant Lord. A Bishopof the early Christianity used to call himself as “servantof the servants of the Servant Lord.” Our Master becamea servant for our sake. Jesus said. “I have come not tobe served, but to serve, and to lay down my life as aransom for many.” There are so many references in theNew Testament regarding the aspects of servant-hoodof our Master and the need of our attitudinal change. Inthe Gospel of Luke we come across the parable of theunprofitable servant (Luke 17:7-10). This Lukan parableis a stark and stern lesson of duty. Duty always demandsnever ending obedience. Obedience is the cornerstoneof all success. Or in other words we can say, successdemands obedience.

St. Paul, while writing to the church in Philippi says, “theattitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had.Jesus by His own free will gave up all He had and tookthe nature of a servant..... He was humble and walkedthe path of obedience all the way to death..... For thisreason God raised him to the highest place above andgave him the name that is greater than any other name.”(Philippians 2: 6 - 8)

Duty and desire are frequently in conflict. St. Paul says,“Woe to me if I don’t preach” (1 Corinthians 9:16). Hiswill and desires every day conflicted with duty and thewill of God. Instead of following his inclination, he did thewill of God, however unpleasant to his nature. The parable

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I¿Ømhn≥ {]obtc,

Zmk\mbn Xo¿∂ tbiphns‚ Zmk∑mcmbn´mWv \mwAdnbs∏Sp∂Xv. BZna ss{IkvXh k`bnse Hcp _nj∏v,Xs∂Øs∂ hntijn∏n®Xv, Zmk\mbn Xo¿∂ tbiphns‚Zmk∑mcpsS Zmk\mWv Xm≥ F∂mbncp∂p. \ΩpsS I¿Ømhv\ap°pth≠n Zmk\mbnXo¿∂p. tbip ]d™p: “ip{iqjsNøn∏m\√, ip{iqjn∏m\pw, At\I¿°pth≠n Fs‚ Pohs\adphnebmbn sImSp∏m\pas{X Rm≥ h∂Xv”. tbip{InkvXphns‚Zmkykz`mhsØ°pdn®pw, \mw Zmk∑mcmbn Xotc≠Xns‚BhiyIXsb°pdn®pw thZ]pkvXIØn¬ [mcmfw ]cma¿ißfp≠v.

hnip≤ eqt°mkns‚ kphntijØn¬ Zmks\°pdn®pwbPam\s\°pdn®papff at\mlcamb Hcp D]a (eqt°m. 17:7˛10)tcJs∏SpØnbn´p≠v. Cu D]a \ΩpsS ISasb°pdn®v i‡hpw,hy‡hpamb Hcp [mcW \evIp∂p. A\pkcWamWv ISabpsSASnÿm\LSIw. {]tbmP\ap≈ the°mcmbn ]cnWan°Wsa¶n¬ kºq¿Æ A\pkcWw AXymhiyamWv. hnip≤ ]utemkv^nen]y k`bv°v IsØgpXptºmƒ ]dbp∂p : “{InkvXp

Jesus told may be rigorous in the hearing, but we muststick on to its purpose – Love of God. Jesus emphasises:“The servant does not deserve thanks for obeying orders,does he? It is the same with you. When you have doneall you have been told to do, say ‘we are ordinaryservants. We have only done our duty.’” May we be fruitfulin our duty so as to receive at last the approbation ofJesus. Let us reflect upon our attitude to service. In ourwork are we in danger of wanting to get credit, cravingrecognition for what we do? Remember that “we aredebtors to mercy alone”.

God bless you all.

Yours in His vineyard,

Rev. Dr. Mathew VarkeyVicar

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tbiphnep≈ at\m`mhw Xs∂ \nßfnepw D≠mbncn°s´”.AhnSpsØ {]IrXn ssZhØn‚ X\nabmbncps∂¶nepw, AhnSp∂pssZhtØmSpff kaXzw apdpsI ]nSn°Wsa∂v hnNmcn®n√.AhnSp∂v kzbw iq\yam°ns°m≠v, Zmkcq]w ]q≠v, a\pjy\mbnP∑saSpØp. _mlycq]Øn¬ a\pjy\mbn ImWs∏SpIbpwsNbvXp. Aßs\ AhnSp∂v Xs∂Øm≥ XmgvØn, acWtØmfwF∂√, Ipcninse acWtØmfw Xs∂, A\pkcWap≈h\mbnXo¿∂p. “AXn\m¬ ssZhw AhnSpsØ G‰hpw kap∂X]ZØnte°pb¿Øn, kIe \ma߃°pw aosXbp≈ \maw \evIn”(^nen. 2:5˛9).

\ΩpsS ISabpw, C—bpw XΩn¬ Hcp am’cyw D≠v. Rm≥kphntijw {]kwKn°p∂XpsIm≠v F\n°v A`nam\n°ms\m∂pan√. AXp sNøphm\pff _m[yX F\n°p≠v. kphntijw{]kwKn°p∂ns√¶n¬ F\n°v lm IjvSw. BcptSbpw t{]cWIqSmsX, kza\km AXp Rm≥ sNøps∂¶n¬ F\n°v {]Xn^ew{]Xo£n°mw. F∂m¬ Cu ZuXyw ssZhw Fs∂ Gev]n®XmbXpsIm≠v Fs‚ [¿Ωw (ISa) F∂ \nebnemWv Rm\nXv sNøp∂Xv.At∏mƒ F\n°p In´p∂ {]Xn^ew F¥mWv? (1 sImcn. 9:16˛18).ssZhØns‚ lnXhpw, Xs‚ Xmev]cyhpw XΩn¬ APKPm¥cwDs≠¶nepw, kz¥w Xmev]cy߃°p]cnbmbn ssZhsØ{]kmZn∏n°phm\mWv ]utemkv Bthmfw {ian®Xv. Zmk\pwbPam\\pw XΩnep≈ _‘sØ°pdn®v tbip ]d™ D]aITn\sa∂p tXm∂psa¶nepw, AXns‚ ]nºnepff ssZhkvt\lsØ°pdn®pw, \ΩpsS ISasb°pdn®pw hy‡amb [mcW\ap°p≠mIWw. Iev]\ A\pkcn®Xn\v bPam\≥ ̀ rXyt\mSv \μn]dbptam? AXpt]mse \nßtfmSp Iev]n°p∂sX√mw sNbvXpIgnbptºmƒ, R߃ tIhew ̀ rXy∑m¿, RßfpsS ISa \ndth‰pIam{XamWv R߃ sNbvXXv F∂p ]dbpI (eqt°m. 17:9, 10).

bPam\≥ Gev]n®ncn°p∂ tPmenbn¬ \mw hnizkvXtcm?ÿm\am\߃°pth≠ntbm, AwKoImcØn\pth≠ntbm \mwtPmen sNøp∂hcmtWm? Hcp Imcyw Hm¿°pI : “ssZhIr]bpsSIS°mcmWv \Ωƒ”. ssZhw \sΩ Ghtcbpw A\p{Kln°s´.

{InkvXphns‚ ap¥ncntXm∏n¬

Ffnb the°mc≥

dh. tUm. amXyp h¿°nhnImcn

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Bi-monthly Worship and General Body MeetingThe next Bi-monthly Worship Service and Get-together will be held on1st may 2015 at 7.30 AM. Immediately after the Service the GeneralBody Meeting for 2014-15 will be conducted. Your prayerful presenceis requested.

Mission House at Dhamarachanpally and Education HelpYour prayerful participation and valuable contributions are requestedfor this noble cause, which is our Project for this year.

]cnÿnXn Zn\w]cnÿnXn Zn\amb Pq¨ 5˛mw XobXn cmhnse 7.30 aWn°p≈

hnip≤ kwk¿§ip{iqj°ptijw CShI hnImcn dh. tUm.amXyp h¿°n A®s‚bpw, Akn. hnImcn dh. kPn sNdnbm≥amΩ≥ A®s‚bpw t\XrXzØn¬, ]cnÿnXn IΩn‰n AwK߃\ΩpsS ]cnkcØv hnhn[ XcØnep≈ acßfpsS ssXIƒ sh®p]nSn∏n°pIbp≠mbn. At∂Znhkw Xs∂ Ah¿ ]mtdm´ptImWØp≈ ‘Soil Museum’ hpw kμ¿in®p. a≤ytIcf almbnShI, Pq¨14˛mw XobXn ]cnÿnXn Rmbdmbn BNcn®p. ss{IÃv N¿®n¬Cw•ojv Bcm[\bv°v dh. tUm. ]n.‰n. tPm¿÷pw ({]n≥kn∏mƒ,sI.bp.‰n. skan\mcn), aebmfw Bcm[\bv°v s{]m^. hntPmtXmakv Ipcy\pamWv (Akn. s{]m^k¿, kn.Fw.Fkv. tImtfPv,tIm´bw), hN\ip{iqj \SØnbXv. AhcpsS ktμiØnse{][m\ Nn¥Iƒ NphsS tN¿°p∂p:

kn.Fkv.sF. k`, hninjy a≤ytIcf almbnShI,]cnÿnXn {]h¿Ø\ßfn¬ G‰hpw ap∂n¬ t\XrXzw \¬InsIm≠ncn°p∂ Hcp kaqlamWv. 2015˛se ]cnÿnXn Rmb¿Nn¥bv°mbn, k` Xncs™SpØv, kpÿnc D]t`mKhpwD¬∏mZ\hpw, (Sustainable consumption and production) F∂hnjbamWv. Cu Nn¥Iƒ k`bn¬ kPohamIptºmƒ hr£w\Soepw, sNSn hf¿Øepw am{Xa√, A\nhmcyambn \mw hcptØ≠Nne PohnX{IaßfpsSbpw ssien am‰Øns‚bpw {]tNmZ\߃BWv e`n°pI. {InkvXob hnizmkØnse tI{μ_nμphmb{XnXzNn¥°v (Trinity) kam\amb Nn¥bmWv ssZhhpw {]IrXnbpwa\pjy\pw XΩnep≈ _‘w. a\pjy\v ssZhhpw, {]IrXnbpambpff _‘w \ne\n¿Øp∂Xn\v AXymhiyambn D≠mtI≠ 3attitudinal changes, at\m`mh am‰ßƒ ChbmWv:˛

1. {]IrXnbn¬ F√m PohPme߃°pw A¿lamb ÿm\hpw,hnebpw Ds≠∂v Xncn®dnbpI. ssZhØns‚ F√m krjvSnbpwat\mlcamWv.

2. \ΩpsS kIe kzØpw hkvXphIIfpw \ΩpsS]q¿ΔoIcn¬ \n∂v AhImiambn e`n®X√, adn®v \ΩpsS

hm¿ØIfpw Ipdn∏pIfpw

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`mhn Xeapdbn¬ \n∂v Aev]ImetØ°v ISambnhmßnbXmsW∂v Xncn®dnbpI.

3. B¿Øn kwkv°mcw shSnbpI. PohnX Bhiy߃°vth≠Xv am{Xw D]tbmKn°pI. `mhn XeapdpIƒ°pw th≠n{]IrXnsb IcpXnshbv°pI.

eqt°mkns‚ kphntijw 8˛mw A≤ymbØn¬ tbiphpw,injy∑mcpw IqsS Keoe°SeneqsS bm{X sNøp∂Xmbn \mwhmbn°p∂p. cm{Xnbn¬ Im‰v i‡ambn ASn°pIbpw, Ah¿k©cn®ncp∂ h≈w apßphm≥ XpSßpIbpw sNbvXp. injy∑m¿tbiphns\ DW¿Øn. Ah≥ Im‰nt\bpw ISent\bpw imkn®p.Ah im¥ambn.

{]IrXn apgph≥ ssZhØns‚ IchncpØmWv. kIeØnt\bpw \n¿Ωn® ssZhw, kIeØnt\bpw \nb{¥n°p∂h\pamWv.ssZhw X∂ {]IrXnsb kwc£nt°≠ NpaXe, \sΩGev]n®ncn°pIbmWv. \ΩpsS NpaXe \ndth‰p∂Xn¬ \mwhnizkvXcmtWm?

Hma\ F{_lmw (sk{I´dn)


PRAY FOR OUR CHURCH‘Pray without ceasing’, St. Paul exhorts the church.

A prayerful church is a powerful church. Hence we are boundto pray.

I request your attention and earnest prayers for the followingmatters:

� An overall revival of the Church� Those who are sick and bedridden� A positive judgment for recovering our Parking Area� For the matrimonial matters of our youngsters� Celebration of the Bicentenary of our Diocese� Activities of various Church Organizations and Area Prayer


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tIcf Iu¬kn Hm^v NÀ¨-knsâ B`n-ap-Jy-¯n 2015 Pq¬9þmw XobXn i\n-bm-gvN cmhnse 9.30 apX 1.00- a-Wn -hsc\´³tImSv skâ v {KntKm-dn-tbmkv ssZhm-e-b-¯n sh¨v h\nXmkwKaw \S-¯-¸-Sp-I-bp--m-bn. {]kvXpX kt½-f-\-¯n \½psSk`-bnse kv{XoP-\-k-Jy-¯nse ap¸-tXmfw kv{XoIÄ ]s¦-Sp¯p.IqSmsX kv{XoP-\-k-JymwK§Ä {]tXyI Km\m-em]\w \S-¯p-I-bp-ap- -m -bn. Km\-ip-{iq-jbv¡p kv{XoP-\-k-Jy-Iz-b-dnsâ IzbÀamÌdmbn {]hÀ¯n¨ t\mIvkv kmdn-t\mSpw Io t_mÀUp hmbn¨{io amXyp tXmakv (a-\p)- hn-t\m-SpapÅ \μn Adn-bn-¡p-¶p.

kv{XoP-\-k-Jy-¯nsâ B`n-ap-Jy-¯n 2015 Pq¬ 24-þmw XobXncmhnse 10.00 -aWn apX 1.30 hsc kv{XoIÄ¡mbn Hcp Iym³kÀ\nÀ®b Iym¼v kwL-Sn-¸n-¨p. Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw BÀ. kn.knbnÂ\n¶pÅ tUm. caWn shkvfn, tUm. Pb-Ir-jvW³ F¶n-hcpsSt\Xr-Xz-¯n \S-¯-s¸« Iymw]n sSIv\o-j-·m-cmb {ioaXne£van, kPn-X, Pb´n F¶n-hcpw kl-I-cn-¨p. GI-tZiw 80kv{XoIÄ Iymw]n ]s¦-Sp-¯p. Iymw]nsâ \S-¯n-¸n-te-¡mbnBIvknkv _m¦v, ({io tImc G{_m-an-t\mSp {]tXyIw IS-s¸-«n-cn-¡p-¶p) \´³tImSv s^U-d _m¦v, ap¯qäv ^n³tImÀ]v, F¶o[\-Imcy Øm]-\-§fpw Fkv.-_n.än ÌmNyq {_m©v amt\-PÀ{ioaXn kqk³ amXyphpw GXm\pw Nne kv{XoP\ -k-JymK§fpwkm¼-¯nI klmbw \ÂIn. kl-I-cn¨ FÃm-h-tcm-Sp-apÅ \μnAdn-bn-¡p-¶p.

Organization Corner

Ecology Forum2015 Pq¨ 5 World Environment Day Bbn BNcn°s∏´p.At∂Znhkw \ΩpsS ]≈n tImºu≠n¬ hnhn[ C\ßfn¬s∏´25 ssXIƒ \SpIbp≠mbn. CtXmSpIqSn \ΩpsS ss__nƒKm¿U\n¬ Xmsg∏dbp∂ hr£ßƒ/sNSnIƒ D≈Xmbn ImWmw.

1) ap¥ncn, 2) AØn, 3) Henhv, 4) Ip¥ncn°w, 5) ssk{]kv, 6)ss]≥, 7) amXfw, 8) \mcIw, 9) Nμ\w, 10) _Zmw, 11) B¬acw, 12)tX°v, 13) ssaem©n, 14) ]p∂, 15) Xpfkn, 16) Idph, 17) ]qhw, 18)Acfn, 19) AcpX, 20) AIn¬, 21, Im™ncw, 22) th∏v, 23) Ip¶paw,24) tZhXmcp, 25) Ce™n, 26) sIm∂, 27) aZ\ 28) AtimIw


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Are You Aware? World’s No. 2 Soil Museum is in Trivandrum. It is thefirst of its kind in the country to have the World’s largest collection of soilmonoliths and display materials.]mtdm´ptImWØp≈ Cu tkmbn¬ ayqknbhpw, Ct°mfPn ̂ mdw{]h¿ØI¿ IpSpw_mwKßtfmsSm∏w kμ¿in®p. hnImcnbpwAkn. hnImcnbpw Environment Day˛se F√m t{]m{KmapIƒ°pwt\XrXzw \¬In, kapNnXambn B Zn\w BNcn°s∏´p.

Aflmb s^temjn∏v

Pq¨, Pqsse amkßfn¬ BWv ]¿°m¬, Im´d∏≈n, B{‘manj≥, N¿°mcn anj≥, ssakq¿ anj≥ F∂o anj≥ hb¬{]tZißfnse kvIqfpIfn¬ ]Tn°p∂ ]mhs∏´ Ip´nIƒ°vkvIqƒ bqWnt^man\p≈ XpI Ab®psImSp°p∂Xn\p≈kw`mh\ kzoIcn°p∂Xv. Hcp Ip´nbpsS bqWnt^man\v 400cq]bmWv. 50 Ip´nIƒ hoXw 7 kvIqfpIfmWp≈Xv. BsI Hcpe£Øn \mev]Øn \membncw cq]bmWv Cu C\Øn¬ {]Xo£n°p∂Xv. GhcpsSbpw klmbklIcW߃ {]Xo£n°p∂p.]¿°m¬ anj≥ tlmw Hm^v eu (t_mbvkv & tKƒkv) At¥hmknIfmb ap∏tXmfw Ip´nIsf \mw k‘n®phcnIbmWt√m. HcpIp´nbv°v Hcp h¿jtØ°v 6000 cq]bmWv sNehv. \ΩpsSk`mwK߃ H∂pw c≠pw Ip´nIsf hoXw k‘n®phcp∂p.AXn\p≈ XpI Hcpant®m KUp°fmtbm ASbv°phm\p≈Ahkcap≠v.B{‘manjs‚ Iognep≈ A≠p‡≠ k`bnse k`mip{iqjIs\ k‘n°p∂Xv \mamWv. amkwtXmdpw Aømbncw cq] CuC\Øn¬ Bhiyap≠v. DZmcaXnIfmb k`mP\߃ IqSpXembnCu kwcw`Øn¬ klIcn°Wta F∂v A`y¿∞n°p∂p.ASpØ c≠p h¿jtØbv°p≈ `mchmlnIfpsS sXcs™Sp∏vPqsse amkØn¬ \StØ≠XmWv. AXn\p≈ \S]SnIƒsNbvXphcp∂p.F√m h¿jsØbpw t]mse BKÃv amkØnse H∂mw RmbdmgvNAflmb Rmb¿ Bbn BNcn°s∏Sp∂XmWv. A∂sØ F√mBcm[\Ifnepw Aflmb s^temjn∏v {]h¿ØI¿ apJy ]¶vhln°p∂Xpw U]yqt´j≥ {]kwK߃ D≠mbncn°p∂XpamWv.\ΩpsS CShIbn¬ \n∂pw aq∂p t]sc U]yqt´j≥{]kwKIcmbn a‰p ]≈nIfnte°p \ntbmKn®n´p≠v. \nh¿∂p\S°pI F∂XmWv Cu h¿jsØ hnjbw.Aflmb RmbdmgvN \SØp∂ dn´bdnwKv If£\n¬ GhcpsSbpwDZmcamb kw`mh\ A`y¿∞n°p∂p. \mw {]h¿Ø\w \SØp∂XvAßs\ e`n°p∂ XpI D]tbmKn®mWv.

GhcpsSbpw klIcWw {]Xo£n°p∂p.


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01-07-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday03-07-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday05-07-2015 6th Sunday after Pentecost

Stewardship : Transparency and AccountabilityBicentenary SundayImcyhnNmcIXzw : kpXmcyXbpw DØchmZnXzhpwOT : Exodus 36:2-7 Epistle : Phil. 4:10-20Psalm : 116:12-19 Gospel : Luke 19:11-276.15 a.m. H.E. (Tamil)7.15 a.m. H.E. (English)9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam)6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel

08-07-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday10-07-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday12-07-2015 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Theological Education : Knowing and Doing Faith(Theological Education Sunday)sshZnI hnZym`ymkw : hnizmkØns‚ ]cn⁄m\hpw {]mtbmKnIXbpwOT : Exodus 3:1-12 Epistle : 2 Timothy 2:1-13Psalm 111 Gospel : John 12:20-266.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil)7.15 a.m. H.E. (English)9.45 a.m. Matins (Malayalam)7.00 a.m. H.E. at Zion Hall6.00 p.m. H.E. at Zenana Chapel

15-07-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday17-07-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday19-07-2015 8th Sunday after Pentecost

People of God : Salt of the Earth and Light of the World`qanbpsS D∏pw temIØns‚ shfn®hpwOT : Isaiah 49:1-7 Epistle : Ephesians 5:1-5Psalm 27 Gospel : Matt 5:13-166.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil)7.15 a.m. H.E. (English)9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam)6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel

22-07-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday24-07-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday26-07-2015 9th Sunday after Pentecost

Ordained Ministry : Marked by the Wounds of Christ]´Xzip{iqj : {InkvXphns‚ apdnhpIfm¬ ASbmfs∏SpØnbXv


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OT : 1 Samuel 22:12-23 Epistle: Galatians 6:11-18Psalm 56 Gospel : John 21:15-196.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil)7.15 a.m. Matins (English)9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam)7.00 a.m. H.E. at Zion Hall6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel

29-07-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday31-07-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday02-08-2015 10th Sunday after Pentecost

Walk with Heads Held High(Laity Sunday)Bflmb Rmb¿ : \nh¿∂p \S°pIOT : Leviticus 26:3-13 Epistle : Romans 6:7-16Psalm 112 Gospel : Luke 13:10-136.15 a.m. H.E. (Tamil)7.15 a.m. H.E. (English)9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam)6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel

05-08-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday07-08-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday

Roster For Reading Lessons

ENGLISHDate First Lesson Second Lesson

05-07-2015 Mr. Vinod Das Mathew Mrs. Susan Verghis12-07-2015 Mr. A.G. Abraham Mrs. Babitha Sara Philip19-07-2015 Dr. Ebenezer Rajakumar Mrs. Daisy Varghese26-07-2015 Mr. Franklin Knox Mrs. Elizabeth Soundararajan02-08-2015 LAITY SUNDAYMALAYALAMDate First Lesson Second Lesson

05-07-2015 Mr. A.V. Abraham Mrs. Santhamma Mathew12-07-2015 Mr. K.M. Abraham Mrs. Susamma Stanley19-07-2015 Mr. C.C. Cherian Kunju Mrs. Susan Thomas26-07-2015 Mr. M.V. Daniel Mrs. Susy Eapen02-08-2015 LAITY SUNDAY

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� Al l SundaysSunday School – 8AMBible Study (Youth Fellowship) – After theEnglish ServicePrayer Meeting (Almya Fellowship) – Afterthe Malayalam ServiceHindi Service atCentenary Hall – 4.30 PM

� Al l Fr idaysChoir Practice (English) – 5.00 PM

� Al l SaturdaysIntercessory Prayer (Youth Fellowship) -4.30 P MChoir Practice (Junior Choir) – 4.30 PMChoir Practice (Malayalam) – 5.00 P M

Programme for July

� 10th – FridayIntercessory Prayer - 10 AMBible Study (Golden Age Fellowship) – Afterthe Intercessory Prayer.

� 14th - TuesdayPrison Visit–(Women’s Fellowship) – 2 PM

� 18th – SaturdayBible Study (Women’s Fellowship) - 3.30PM

� 24th - Friday Visiting the Sick (Golden AgeFellowship) – 9 AM

� 25th - SaturdayHouse Visit (Women’s Fellowship)–10 AM

� 28th - TuesdayPrison Visit (Women’s Fellowship) 2 PM

Area Prayer Meetings

Time Area Name ID Phone03-07-2015 Fr i d ay4.00 PM Kowdiar - Kuravan Mr. C. Thomas Varghese 261 2434056

(Centenary Hall)05-07-2015 Sunday4.30 PM Pattom – Plamood Mr. Abraham Mathew 9497592453

J-43 A, Jyothi Nagar09-07-2015 Thursday5.00 PM Nanthencode Mr. Thomas T. Kunjummen 219 231180010-07-2015 Fr i d ay5.00 PM Kesavadasaapuram Mr. M.I. Oommen 157 253157812-07-2015 Sunday4.00 PM Med. Coll. – Kannam Mr. John James 430 A 2440767

Chennilode Res. Assn. No. 89 (S.J.Nivas)4.30 PM Poojapura – Karamana Mr. P.T. Prasad 1137 235860319-07-2015 Sunday4.30 PM Peroorkada Mr. George D. Varghese 891 24344834.30 PM Pongu - Sreekaryam Mr. P.J. George 1044 255186426-07-2015 Sunday4.30 PM Peroorkada Mr. Roy Mathew 825 24387935.00 PM Kowdiar - Kuravan Mr. Vinod Thomas 248 243106630-07-2015 Thursday5.00 PM Nanthencode Mr. Joseph George 559 2318734

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ContributionsFrom 29-05-2015 to 22-06-2015MEDICAL HELP Rs .A Well-wisher 5,000A Well-wisher 1,000Mrs. Santha Mary Joseph 1,000Mr.Philip John Varghese 1,000EDUCATION HELPA Well-wisher 5,000A Well-wisher 1,000HOUSING HELPA Well-wisher 5,000FOOD FOR THE NEEDYMrs & Mr. M.Y. Rao 1000Mrs. Molly Varghese 1000Mr. Cherian George 100,000Mr. Bini Philip 2,000Mr. D. Alexander 1,000Mr. John George 1,000Mr. George Cherian 1,500Abish/Minu/Emma/Emma/Joanna 4,500Mr. Johnson David 5,000Mrs. Santha Mary Joseph 1,500Dr. Mohan John Mathew 3,000Mr. Joseph George 1,000Mr. Jolly John Thomas 1,500Mr. Jibu D Solomon 2,000Mr.Joseph George 1,000THOTTAPRADESHA MISSIONMr. Binu Joseph 700UTTARANJAL MISSIONMr. Binu Joseph 1,000PARKAL / JANGEDU MISSIONDr. Y A Ajith 3,000Mrs. Annie George Varghese 1,000Mr. Binu Joseph 1,000Mrs. Santha Mary Joseph 1,000

MALAYORA MISSIONMr. Thomas Joseph 1,000PTP Area Prayer Group 1,000KUTTANAD MISSIONMr. Thomas Joseph 1,000PTP Area Prayer Group 1,500PARKAL ORPHANAGEMrs. Santha Mary Joseph 1,000CHARKARI MISSIONA Well-wisher 1,000Mr. Thomas Joseph 1,000Mr. Binu Joseph 1,000Mrs. Santha Mary Joseph 1,000MYSORE MISSIONMr. Binu Joseph 1,000Mrs. Santha Mary Joseph 1,000ANDHRA MISSIONMr. Akshay Ajith 2,000Mr. Thomas Joseph 1,000Mrs. Santha Mary Joseph 1,000THANK OFFERINGMr. George Cherian 1,000Mr. Jerin K Thomas 500Mr. George Cherian 1,000HOME OF LOVE GIRLS/ BOYSPTP Area Prayer Group 1,000Pattom Area Prayer Group 1,500Pattom Area Prayer Group 270PTP Area Prayer Group 1,000VEHICLE FUNDMr. Bibin Hezakiel 500CHURCH PRISON MINISTRYMrs. Susan Eapen 500

ATTENTION PLEASEThe ancestors or close relatives of many of our members areburied in our cemetery. Members of the Congregation arerequested to kindly furnish the details of those tombs in theform available in the Church counter.Church Wardens

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Birthdays - July 2015

1st Sujith John John 2305839Mrs. Sarah Pearse 2448115Mrs. Alice Thomas 2314661Prof. Anie Thomas 2447910Ms. Sheba George 9495389134Johan Alex Pothen 2531788

2nd Mr. Jacob Marshall Lee 2448472Ms. Jasetha Serah James 2531185Mrs. Achyamma George 2362440Ms. Aleyamma Mammen 2325094Dr. Minu Jacob 3044399Mrs. Tina Varghese 2431634Mrs. Reena Solomon 2332816Miss. Sandra Dileep 2437010

3rd Mr. Mathew Joseph 9495871703Dr. Grace Mary Valson 9958867720Dr. Dhanya S Thomas 2445202Subin V Sam 2534062Miss. Sasha S Cheriyan 2303176

4th Ms. Roshni Abraham 2316573Mr. M I Oommen 2531578Mr. Ashok David Thomas 2362585Johann Joshua Knox 2444337Miss. Abigail Kurien Abby 9388471205Bryan Jacob George 4722813424

5th Dr. Mini Joseph 2494282Mr. Rajesh Koshy M 2446470Mr. Sunil Thomas Koshie 2502384677Titu Mani Thomas 2434056Mr. Abraham Philip 2446960Mrs. Susamma Stanley 2364545Mrs. Shibi Cheriyan 2437010Ms. Susan George 4722585399

6th Dr. Anita Saul 2430691Mrs. Sarah Thomas 2445515Mrs. Santhamma Thomas 2311800Mrs. Mary John 2325242Mr Jacob J Puthuparambil 2364057Ms. Sneha E Oommen 2446385Aju Jacob Mathew 2551450Miss. Nia Rachel Eapen 2574449Miss. Joslin R Justin 9495363244

7th Dr. Christina George 2530761Mrs. Peggy Solomon 2440091Mrs. Marykutty Abraham 4722888486Mr. M Koshy John 1126171046

Mr. George ChackoMr. V Sam James 2534062Miss. Ann Saju Joseph 9946509898

8th Dr. Alexander Mathew 2558694Mr.Mathew T Kunjummen 2351640Mr. Jacob Mathew 3057840Ms. Sindhu Mathew 9497011175Mrs. Anitha Thomas 2556032Ms. Ann Mathew 2435335Ms. Lisa Baker 9747067199Miss. Simone Thomas 2541263Pavan Kurian John 3998211Miss. Sarah A Sebastian 2434483Ms. Niya Elizzabeth Binu 2442123

9th Mrs. Joe Annie Mammen 2733815Mr. John M John 2311693Mr.Thomas T Kunjummen 2311800Mrs. Annie Titus 2327570Mrs. Beena Abraham 2369058Mrs. Moncy Kurien 2592296Mrs. Sunitha Manoj 2446668Mrs. Blessy Koshy 2373834Ms. Nina Susan Verghis 2730219Ms. Hridya Hanna Idicula 2357038Ms. Michelle G Mathew 2306250Miss. Norah Alice Jacob 9496276293

10th Mrs. Rebecca Jacob 2732197Mr. Saji George 2442985Mr. George M Cheriyan 2483090Ms. Sarah Isaac 2724115Mrs. Priya Philip 2437459Mrs. Bianca Jones 2732197Mrs. Eva Berny Abraham 2362779Mrs. Thanu E Koshy 2434103Roshan John 9895568525Miss. Mannah Sara Jacob 9043614652

11th Mrs. Geetha Philip 2383588Mrs. Sebreena JamesMr. Binu N Sam 2541286Mr. Bobby Jacob Daniel 2530496Nidhin Varghese M 2340501

12th Mr. A A GeorgeMrs. Doris Albert 2743068Mr. Varghese Thottathil 2448378Adv. Jojy Koshy Jacob 2727424Mr. Oommen Silas Thomas 8884975111Mr. Nithin J Cherian 2540158

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Birthdays - July 2015 contd..13th Mr. Joy C Mathew 3102220

Mrs. Valsamma Vinod 2300062Mr. Prem Mathew Kurien 9388471205Mrs. Cinily Isaac 9387943065Mr. Kurien Thomas 9895208909Mr. Thomas Chandy 2301519

14th Mr. Roy Simon 2353963Ms. Suzana Jacob VMrs. Marykutty John 2531789Mrs. Bindhu Biju Tharian 2597783Mrs. Shikku Modayil 2557012Mr. Joseph John 2326640Mr. Umesh 9645847972Kevin B Moffat 2435521Nevin Koshy Jacob 2531184

15th Ms. Ashisha Itty 6563001565Mrs. Sheena Bobby 2435356Mrs. Shiny Ann Itty 15163280020Mrs. Lila Abraham 2740722Mr. Saji Varghese 2440100Mr. Zachariah Varkey 2306702Mr. Manoj B Mathew 9447022731Mr. Derry Philip 2724141Miss. Ridhimol R 8089942291

16th Mr. Joji Denny 2340576Ms. Neethu Baby George 9447228760Mr.Rejeev Koshy Thomas 2373975Mr. Mani Joseph 2733209Mr. Thomas Kurien K 9447827909Mrs. Elizabeth Mani 9895711090Mr. Vivek Panavelil Chandy 2436947

16th Mr. George Oommen 2598940Mrs. Kavitha Achu Cherian 2439989Ms. Leenu Elsa Eapen 2360220Juvin Kuruvilla John 2434892Joel Jacob George 2591028

17th Mrs. Achamma George 2559975Mr. P J George 2551864Mr. M Mani 2324921Mrs. T C Baby 2483090Dr. Usha Puliyel 9249779434Mrs. Alice Ninan 2333866Mrs. Usha Abraham 2442380Mrs. Lissiamma K D 2541196Mr. S Prakash 2370986Mr. Simeon K Prasad 2494415Mrs. Ruth J Peters 2301709Miss. Lorain Thomas 2433598

18th Mr. Sanjay Itty Mathew 2309386Mrs. Mariam David John 9895420270Dr. John Kurien 2446989Mr. George Thomas 2733992Miss.Anju Achamma John 2532779Miss. Nivedita S V 2731884

19th Mr. Joseph S 2379595Mr. Thomas Mathen 8089183002Mrs. Saramma George 2551864Mrs. Sally John 2541463Ms. Jolly Mathai 2303754Mrs. Nisha Ann Eapen 2447741Riyan Rajeev Koshy 2446470

20th Miss. Beni GMiss. Rechna Miriam Korula 2434056Mr. Salim Thomas Ninan 9447309700Mr. George Varghese P 2445549D Shalom Vishwas 9495453493Johaan John Sibu 2449272

21st Dr. Thomas George 2432436Mrs. Omana Abraham 2742727Mrs. Shirly Mary Kurian 2433118Mr. Jiju Philip Thomas 2438085Mr. Jerry Mathen Jacob 2732197Eapen John 2440767Mathew John P 2440650Joshua B Mampalli 2593496Miss. Shreya Mariam M V 9446504778

22nd Mrs. Renjini John Koshy 2432324Mrs. Sarasu John Punnen 2316696Mrs. Leelamma Mammen 9447006033Ms. Megha Elsa George 2732030

23rd Mrs. Sophy Joseph 2372949Dr. P V Joy 2591518Mrs. Mary Thomas 2361836Mrs. Sosamma Mathew 2554173Ayden Mathew M 2301581

24th Ms. Kezia A Eapen 2319228Mr. Verghese Chacko 2720895Mrs. Omana Abraham 2318429Mrs. Marykutty Chacko 2356130Mr. Daniel George 2725002Mr. Prasad P T 2358603Mrs. Majoe M E 2743393Mrs. Srujana Merugu 9008945533Mrs. Shelly Edwin 9539733100Dijo S Kurian 2593096


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25th Mrs. Achamma Koshy 2432988Mr. Jose Jacob KoshyMr. Jacob George 2551217Mrs. Anitha Rachel Thomas 2439389Lt Col. Santhosh J Varughese 2541463Dr. Reuben Paul Jacob 9656617831Nathan Kuriakose 2592315Miss. Rebekah Susan Pothen 2531788

26th Mr. T K Mathew 2448021Mr. Daniel Mathew 2433480Mr. Jen Abu Koshy 9895008154Mrs. Anitha Varkey 2306702Mr. Raja J 9745544701Jevin Jojy Koshy 2727424Miss. Santra Roy 9446555778Miss. G Rebecca Charis 9447498216

27th Mrs. Susy Pothen 9712665715Mrs. Susan Mathew 2365023Mr. Biju Mathew 2507070Ms.Jennie Susan Mathew 2443506Ms. Merin Mathew 2435335Miss. Reenu Rajan George 2596701Alan John Varughese 2541463

28th Dr. Sosamma JohnMrs. Achamma Lalu 9539733100Mrs.Nirmala Sarah Koshy 2570479Mr.Sushil Philip Verghese 2720895Mr. Samuel Koilraja 2383167Miss. Dhanya S 9645847972Ken Mithran 2540197Joel Abraham Koshy 2448982

Birthdays - July 2015 contd..Noah M Derry Philip 2724141Reubel Mathew Roy 2438793

29th Mrs. Reena Kurian 2448070Mrs. Kanakamony S Jones 4426742100Mrs. Susan Rachel Thomas 2312304

30th Mrs. Anju Elizabeth George 2539119Mr. Reji Joseph 9249643709Mr. Sajith Jacob 9037015874Mrs. Mary Jacob 2442998Mrs. Laila Jacob 2363355Mr. Abraham J Ampattu 5163858529Dr. Suseela Mathew 2551231Mrs. Anie Jula Thomas 2357038Dr. Billy Paul Wilson 2308685Mr. Jijoe K Varghese 2431634Mr. Sonu Mammen Abraham 2362779Dr. Ricky Koshy Benjamin 2430851Miss. Karen Mithran 2540197

31st Mr. Jasac Ariat 2351732Mrs. Leelamma Mathew 2437010Mrs. Anna Thomas 2540221Mrs. Sulekha Jacob 9447965405Mr. Saki Koshy Abraham 2311713Mrs. Lissy Eapen 2360220Mr. Roy T C 2114815Mrs. Mary William 2442998Mr. Vibin Vinod 2300062Mrs. Ann Mary Oommen 4722813424Sajin Edwin 2326839Dion Lal 2433341Miss. Varsha Rachel George 2437079


NEW CHURCH DIRECTORYThe new Church Directory is to be published shortly. Membersare requested to support the project by submittingadvertisements, which may include Memorials to their lovedones, details of their extended families, or details of theirbusiness enterprises.The brochure containing the application form and other detailsare available at the Church Office and the Church counters.

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Wedding Anniversaries - July 2015

Ju ly Hu s b an d Wife Contact No2nd Capt. Joseph Isaac Mrs. Mary Isaac 2724115

Mr. Abraham Ninan Mrs. Raimol Abraham Ninan 2312447Mr. Anish Raj Mrs. Liji S Joseph 9497272464Mr. Jibu Daniel Solomon Mrs. Reena Solomon 2332816

4th Mr. Juby Mathew Kuriakose Mrs. Sharon Mammen 2592315Mr Prince George Punnen Mrs. Smitha Prince Punnen 236187

7th Dr. V Koshy Jacob Dr. Anne Jija Tharion 2446941Adv. George Mathew Mrs. Leeli G Mathew 2312841Mr. Dinu Philip Alex Mrs. Tintu Susan John 82818 53756Mr. Noble Mammen Chacko Dr. Suma Chacko 2325449

9th Mr. Sunil Jacob Moffat Mrs. Simi Sunil Jacob 243552110th Mr. Abraham K Mathen Dr. Preeti Yohannan 08025489086

Mr. S Dinakar Mrs. M Vasantha Priya 2449321Mr. Siju Kurian John Mrs. Annamma Meena Siju 2449272

11th Prof. Kurien George Mrs. Rajamma Kurien 2443168Mr. Saji Varghese Mrs. Anitha Varkey 2440100Mr. Pradeep M Joseph Mrs. Merin George 2733209Mr Johnson John Mrs. Gigy Elzy John 2436773

12th Mr. Samuel Abraham Mrs. Ann Jaya JacobDr. Vivek Oommen Varghese Dr. Dhanya Elsa James 2595697

14th Mr. George M J Mrs. Sherly George 2305839Mr. Chandy Thomas Mrs. Meenu Chandy 2301519Mr. Edwin Joseph Mrs. Shelly Edwin 9539733100Mr. Tiju George Joseph Mrs. Sheena George 9539733100

15th Mr. Anand Alex Mathew Dr. Dinu Cherian 3102220Mr. Kurian P John Mrs. Leelamma John 2727729Mr. Abraham Mathew Mrs. Mary George 9847742043Mr Blessen George Mrs. Kathryn Blessen George 2320276

16th Col. P George Thomas Mrs. P Mary Thomas 2350001Mr. P Ninan Varghese Mrs. Mariamma Varghese 2733815

17th Mr. V C Kurian Mrs. Susy Kurian 2437501Mr. Roy Mathai Mrs. Bini Roy 9446984518Dr. Binoy Stephen Mrs. Anu John Abraham 2362822

19th Dr Viju Varghese Thomas Dr. Dr Ravnit Grewal22nd Mr. K Mathen Mathew Mrs. Mrs Merin Mathew 230625025th Mr. Renju Eapen Kuruvilla Mrs. Asha Annie Mathew 234585726th Dr. P V Joy Mrs. Ponni Joy 259151827th Mr. Joseph George Mrs. Mariyamma Joseph 250041728th Mr. Joshua Anbunathan Mrs. Nell Merlin Thomas 245886029th Mr. Denison V Daniel Mrs. Sudha Mini Denison 949538068730th Mr. Benoy Mathew Tharian Mrs. Mini Benoy Tharian 2432130

Mr. Koshy Abraham Mrs. Mrs Suchithra Koshy 244898231st Dr. Alexander Mathew Dr. Elizabeth Mathew 2558694


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CHRISTIAN MARRIAGEMarriage is the legal and moral provision for generation among humankind. Marriage should improve the human species, becoming a barrieragainst vice, a protection to women, strength and support to man anda centre for the affections. Beauty, wealth or fame is incompetent tomeet the demands of the affections and can never weigh against thebetter claims of intellect, goodness and virtue. Happiness is spiritual,born of truth and love. Happiness is unselfish. Therefore it cannotexist alone, it requires all mankind to share it.The difference between man and woman is not an absolute one. In atrue woman there are often the so called masculine characteristics(e.g. courage, strength, toughness and firmness). In a true man thereare usually some feminine characteristics, something truly motherly(e.g. sensitivity, imagination, tolerance and patience). The union ofmasculine and feminine qualities constitutes completeness. Themasculine mind reaches a higher tone through certain elements ofthe feminine, while the feminine mind gains more courage and strengththrough masculine qualities. These different elements conjoin naturallywith each other and their true harmony is spiritual oneness. Jesus,the only true man, was not ashamed to apply to Himself the motherlypicture of the hen longing to gather her chickens. In God there mustbe both the masculine and the feminine because both man and womanare in God’s image. This reality has to be taken with very greatreverence. Faith in God the Creator, from whom man has his existence,and in Jesus Christ, is a necessary pre-requisite for mental health, fora man’s finding of his true self, and for self realization. How unhappyand incomplete men are without God!In His farewell speech and in His last prayer Jesus points out howterribly deep the need for inner community is within mankind. This istrue especially for a bride and bridegroom. Jesus makes it clear thatwe cannot follow Him in solitude. Jesus says ‘Dwell in me as I in you.No branch can bear fruit by itself , but only if it remains united with theVine; no more can you bear fruit; unless you remain united with me’ (John 15: 4-5 ). Christian couples cannot surpass these words. If theyisolate themselves inwardly from each other nothing will go well. Welove one another. We also love those who have gone before us longago. But above all we love the Vine, Christ himself, who is our support,our hope and our life.


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In marriage the husband should lead his wife to God; he is given to heras a helper in God’s stead. So too, the wife is given to her husband asa helper in God’s stead. Later on, if children are given, they shouldhonour their father and mother in God’s stead. In order to be realfathers and real mothers the parents have to be human beings in thetruest sense. Parents should be true Christians so that they can showthe children the way to God.

In his / her need for complementation, man / woman is nowhere moredependent on another person than in marriage. It can be seen in itsclearest in the sexual relationship between man and wife. In that union,that of becoming one flesh, a transformation takes place in both sothat out of the ‘I’ and the ‘You’ a new being emerges, the ‘We’.

Through the marriage partnership when man and woman are fusedone with the other, something else takes place which may show evenin their features. Often the man only attains true manhood through hiswife, and the woman only attains true womanhood through her husband.To be fruitful for each other by complementing each other, and to befruitful with each other for the preservation of the human race – forthese purposes is marriage blessed. The Marriage ceremony by itselfwill not open magically the door for a successful married life. It is thebeginning of a lifelong job of building relationships which requirespatience, understanding and compromise. Individuals who did not learnto distinguish between love and infatuation may after marriage feelthat their mate is not the person whom they have seen before marriage.Those who have married their mate with the expectation to reform him/ her may need help in realizing that this is a futile task and thatmarriage is not a ‘making over’; rather the calling out of (taking out)the best possible in the personality of the mate.

There is accumulating evidence that happiness in marriage is relatedto the nature of the childhood family atmosphere of the marriagepartners. Wholesome development of sex and family life is more likelyfor a child hailing from a healthy family where one gets love and affectionfrom parents, where parents have satisfaction in their maritalrelationship, where there is good interpersonal relationship betweenparents and children, and where parents are good role models tochildren.

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This bond of marriage which begins with two being of one spirit istaken so seriously by Jesus that He calls even a glance, a lustfulglance towards another women adultery in the heart. We can seefrom this sharpness what a horror adultery is in the eyes of God. Thewhole Bible protests against it. The Commandment “Thou shall notcommit adultery” is no less imperative than the one, “Thou shall notkill”. Chastity is the cement of civilization and progress. Without itthere is no stability in society and without it one cannot attain truehappiness. Honesty and virtue ensure the stability of the marriagecovenant. The one who has committed adultery should not be ignoredby the Church community.

Matrimony, which was once a fixed fact among us, must lose itspresent slippery footing. The bonds of marriage have to be strengthenedthrough a more spiritual adherence. Emphasis has to be given to theimportance of emotional maturity and of the spiritual foundation uponwhich firm human relationship should be based. Since we as Christiansview marriage as a sacrament and a covenant with God, as well as ofthe partners with one another, the Clergy have to be interested andinvolved in ensuring the success of the marriages they perform.Otherwise they are acting as little more than the agents of the civilpower. When problems crop up among couples, an intervention by theclergy at the right time may do good in preventing the escalation ofthe problems. Rather than giving a general advice like ‘all you need isto get right with God’ the clergyman can listen to both sides and try togive advice in specific areas which he has identified. If he finds thatthe problem is much deeper, and has something to do with thepersonality or unhealthy habit or negative attitude of one of theindividuals, he may refer them to mental health professionals. Theclergymen need not be an expert in dealing with the problems whichcrop up between the couple, but he can improve his knowledge of theprofessional resources available in the community. This would helphim to give intelligent advice to the couple or to their family memberssuch as, where and how they could get guidance before the crisisescalates. For e.g. deep-seated personality problems are likely tojeopardize the marital life. In such cases the clergyman who identifiesthis should suggest to the couple or the family members to seekexpert mental health advice in the beginning of the problem itself.

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Family members try to conceal the problem often and need to beaware that crucial time is lost by not actively seeking professionalhelp. The clergy has a role in this awareness building. During thetheological training, the students should be given, in addition tocounseling classes, basic theoretical knowledge in mental health.This will help the student to acquire skills in identifying mental healthissues. Later in their pastoral work such training would equip them tohelp individuals or families better by referring them to professionalswhen required.One of the important services of the Church in today’s context is thatof guiding married couples to build their marriage and family life on asecure foundation. Parenthood which is the most important job in theworld needs more attention and preparation. Specific trainingprogrammes have to be organized for practicing parents (whateverstage of parenthood they are in). This would help parents in dealingwith the challenges associated with the upbringing of children in theexpanding family. The practice of Christ’s teachings is a sure guide tomaintain quality relationships throughout married life.

Dr. Suseela Mathew (ID 118)

WELCOME !WELCOME !WELCOME !WELCOME !WELCOME !� Holy Communion Services of one hour duration in English are

conducted on Wednesdays at 6.00 PM.

� Convenient for those who are unable, for any reason, to attendSunday morning services.

� Those who are employed in Trivandrum, but are away duringweekends will be able to attend the Wednesday evening service.

� Please bring elders who are unable to attend the early Sundaymorning worship.

Change of Telephone NumberMr. P.G. George (Karyavattom)

New Phone No.: 0471-2982163

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HEAVENLY RADIANCE OF PURITYThe accused man was standing in front of the Council of Jewish leaders,elders and teachers of the Law. A radiant beam of angelic glory beamedfrom the face of the brave young man. His face did not hang down withshame or guilt, but was bold and upright. He was accused of speakingagainst the Temple of Jerusalem and the Law of Moses. A few falsewitnesses were also arranged to be present in the court.The month of June is observed with remembrance of the martyrs. It isnot too late to remember Stephen, the first martyr of the Gospel.Stephen was one among the seven men chosen to help the apostlesin the daily administration of the disciples who grew large in numberday by day. But this man with his special gifts and talents grew up tobe much above what was expected of him.The trial was not unexpected by Stephen. His Master had warned thedisciples: “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves:be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But bewareof men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourgeyou in their synagogues….”The accusers of Stephen had fierce arguments with him on severaloccasions, but the Spirit of the Lord gave him such great wisdom thatthey could not refute anything in his speeches. This was also theMaster’s promise; “For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of yourFather which speaketh in you.”Here was a man richly blessed by God and full of power, who performedgreat miracles and wonders among the people. But the enemies ofthe Gospel could not stand this any longer. The end of Stephen wasplanned.Stephen was given a chance to defend himself. The history of thedescendents of Abraham up to the building of the temple by Solomonwas delivered by him with crisp precision. The message was clear-God does not dwell in temples made by human hands. “Heaven is mythrone, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saiththe Lord; or what is the place of my rest?” This was not the way toplease God. The ears of the accusers were deaf to the true messageof salvation.

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Stephen’s message was not one of hatred. He started addressing thecouncil thus: “Brothers and fathers, listen to me”. It was also not amessage of self projection. It was a call for true repentance andsalvation. But he was not allowed to complete his speech. Themessage fell on deaf ears. They covered their ears with their hands,rushed to him in one lot, threw him out of the city and stoned him.How did Stephen’s face shine? Stephen declared the vision that hesaw. He saw the heaven opened! It was a sight that very few have everbeen or will ever be able to see while alive. He saw the glory of God,and Jesus on the right hand of God, ready to receive him.For Stephen there was nothing more to hope for. His mission wasfulfilled and the victory was won. Yes, his was a short life, a life livedin complete submission and obedience, full of burning zeal andpassion. He lived for the truth, bore witness to the truth and was readyto die for the truth.The brave young martyr’s only last dying wish, in a short prayer as heknelt, was to beg the Lord to pardon his executioners. He did not wantthem to bear the fruit of this sin. His Master also had pleaded to theHeavenly Father, pardon for those who crucified him. The true greatnessof this disciple was not in the miracles that he performed or the numberof people he had ministered to or baptized, but his willingness toforgive his enemies. If we do not forgive our brethren, all the worshipsthat we conduct, all the sermons that we hear or deliver and all thesongs that we compose or sing are worthless before God.The reward from God was the glorious vision which gave Stephen thepeace, calmness and courage to face the horrid form of death. Hismartyrdom was not an end in itself, but the beginning of a greatrevolution in the history of the church. This was the call of Saul whobecame Paul, his journeys and letters, which transformed the churchas we know and experience it today.My Lord, what a model of absolute purity and faithfulness!Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, create in me a forgiving spirit that I may feelthy glorious presence during times of deep crisis, surrounded byenemies. Amen.

Saki Koshy Abraham (ID 509)

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Kid’s zone

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ACROSS1. In Acts 18:18 we find Paul in Cenchrea, havingcut off his hair because he had made a ___ to doso4. Revelation 20:12 speaks of the “ ___ of life” thatwill be opened on the Day of Judgment6. While Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving theTen Commandments, Aaron crafted a goldenone of these for the people to worship7. Adam’s wife9. This arose when Jesus was in a boat on theSea of Galilee12. James 4:14 speaks of life as being one of these14. Aaron’s ____ turned into a snake15. Prophet who said, “ But you, BethlehemEphrathah, though you are little…yet out of youshall come forth…” Jesus.16. The Lord led the Israelites out of Egypt duringthe daytime with one of these18. Jesus was laid in one of these after Hiscruci f ix ion20. Noah’s second son21. Color of the cloth that Lydia sold22. The psalmist sought God’s protection as hewalked through the ___ of the shadow of death23. Jews’ religious teacher26. A sacr i f ice to God could be two youngpigeons or two of these29. The fourth gospel account30. Peter’s other name32. Ezekiel 33:7 speaks of a ___ who had been seton the wall to warn the people33. Samson saw this inside a lion34. Solomon, not David, was allowed to build it

DOWN2. The person in Pot iphar’s household who temptedJoseph to sin was what relationship to Potiphar?3. Christians are to rejoice with those who rejoice, and ___with those who ___4. These t iny creatures formed the basis of par t ofSamson’s riddle to his friends5. Little, Screech and White are types of this Bible bird6. Jesus’ first recorded miracle was performed at thisvillage in Galilee8. In Ephes ians 5:22-27, Chr is t i s dep ic ted as thebridegroom, and the church is His ___9. 2 Corinthians 2:14 speaks of how Christians will ___ inChrist10. Ruth was born here11. Matthew 24:31 says that in the future, God will send Hisangels at the sound of this13. Self-evident truth in concentrated form; intended toattract attention16. Another name for Peter17. Christians are to hunger and ___ after righteousness18. What Goliath the giant was19. Proverbs 23:23 urges us to “ ___ the truth and sell itnot”22. At Christ’s crucifixion, this was torn in two in the temple24. The son of Abraham and Hagar25. This Old Testament man was severely tested27. Bathsheba’s husband before she married King David28. And eye for an eye, and a ___ for a ___31. To perceive by the eye


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