ii- E QTEP TO THE OF TOWN COUNTY AND STATE i V r WTAIi RlVJbvF10RIDA FRjDA flAY 7 1015 11 w Ii III iii h t 4- f J t r l I f I 7i I r t- ft IWo t t 1 JII r- t r LI r r I IVE iX j l 01 Ii- o IN EST X f i I NQ 34 r- LlIL t t 4 akcttLe eir air l Y 1 aft w NEVVS ti 4 r L r z > > < > + Profc Trusalerp Intertlnj Address r Theigradudting class ofPubli High Schools of CryBtalj lv4 were held the first Bapijs1 church riday 281016- JPiof teclier- pfthe second departments tli resident niinistqrs ofthe town sProf Turner Supt of the Count schools and the citizens came ou enthusiastically GRADUATES Miss Eva Rawls Essay Night pift the Stars Miss Rawls work was solid olear cut and practical Her vplo was clear distinct and firm strength of lier 6ssay naturalness imagination bal ancJDg reason login not by enthusiasm Her es hard an aim to do all Miss Elsie Miller Subject DivingforPearls was pf order as well ho topic sne had openec many a that wa all but empty but the effort 6 opening ihe empty ones gave hoi fiber for the v victory of success These young ladies later jn life the families aiitffrieHds of Crystal River areassured- Prof Harry TrusslerDean of Thftyeroiiy pf FJpr- idfttatGaine ivilli gave the ad 5r i j Jfj himwlf T ut the high honor as well We will not try to quote his splendid speech but tile seed thought he left in the writers mind was this in substance A University should not only be a place where a young person graduating from a smaller iusti tution of learning should seek a higher degree but a place to seek and attain a deeper enlight ment encouragement and in- spiratioii as well The Dean enthusiastically showed the practical utility of an unrestricted courso not only in the higher but the highest education His splendid address embraced laws logic and Law logic without ties religion without theological husks hiding the Divine nucleous of iniperish able truth True education an eqUiftbriitm of a total or collQctiVe interest which will give what we call a universal or or equilibrium which is justice ITniverbal or cooperative edp nation isjust a and international friendly vigilance committee which shall lovinglyyet sanely demaud ail citizens tp even bu on their best benaviorV f We ivanta sano state of raindt a bf heart ia and ihduitriaU and yet abso Utol separate UI1t h r u s brings e the showed honest work and liJ1R8w ll f ontaJ il ti w small in num 7 ns fJaf uqtf ruu i- fytheb 1 11 rq1art will t fit I Law the the D1 and not Uni- versity I r witho brutality tonce led te nicali J supreme greatbig nation- al I v 1 ce i t i r r ki I tiIAf- L J wl- w r d Y yr rn4 eveuin App 1 M was in it over- done showed promising sltoll ulti- mate The rt fibers utrflar n rosalts suety o i1 tium the ix heard from y h p of religion t T r aggressive 4 one another 4vj t ti l < < > > ¬ > < < + + ndo Breezes t beenXp0eiidi virinte here relatives ani- iIfHendsi rfiluruM to herhomo t Walker laBtTuesday L L Knight of Dunhellqn rasa Business hero pr last Friday Evening pr 0 S Miller of feathleqn was here on proftisfiiquaj vtyusi ness last sf her nnof Dun neUon A N Russell of Inverness was the guest of Mr R four o five nV6nths jnl returned oil laat JD Edwards paid a visit td- Tqrkey Creek and Ovedioti Saturday Sunday last Mrs Sc L Llpyd of Jhverness- wa the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs Baker of the End on last Sunday Mrs W H Anderson ant children left on Wednesday last for a visit to her father- H y Taylor of Gulf Hammock Hugh Ross of Gaiter was u business visitor here on last from IttieunrntlBm dp so ninny Itjiouaund other people are floitlgf whenever aft attack comes on bathe tlio sore muscle or joint with Slo nri Liniment to rub Jtln Ju t apply the Liniment to the surface Ibis wonderfully penetrating It goes rtght to the eat of trouble and draws the Get a bottle of SlojiuBTjlnlmonfc for 25o of and have it in the house Colds Sore and Swollen Joints Lumbago Sciatica and like ailments Your money back if not satisfied but It almost in- stant relief from each other ecclesiastically on the one and political graft and bossism on the other The first step is oultured the second step a judgment third- a purified conscience True and full education is the only to real or true life Since the fall of Adam the struggle foi human existence has been on and will go on And human groups made up of individuals- will continuo to develop char- acteristics abilities and differences of energy and of ambitions which must have fair play The right to discover to in vent to try out new ads good expetiments to new things in a new in abettr and more direist zealously aflirpied and Theseways rind means are the children of yea the highest In other words these are the and means of sanctified latentin people- of a democratic comm6uwcalth And tlio whole world is today as before taking gut of all problems and conditions through J A H c 1- J Mo vii J iss a11ni i Will > 1 M Splre biiBundaq n f I West s lo- q Hna1Dsn1r I and that NOneed 1Pt t hand do t 0 r ew d i- i jtJ- i t 1 I 1tbbIta van 1Vese wh hRs the 1 ou Friday v1stta brother lae- tbirW Ptdtandrv jldren- vvho have belle speudittg tlio pas Saturday after- noon r and Yoiirgbe Ncftry glaaqe- If you in- telligence means import- ant avay ana defended education ways common- sense a ion never tho y > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > + + LEVEL DOTS good now fo rain the farmers areall bus fryiUg to get the get hero Although i o dry cor I- Jiroiher Bibcker filled his te gularappofiltmehts last f atiir day night niid Sunday mof pint at 11 a m in the cliurch VBotli services ere well attended i Bro Slaymaker with two 6- Jtiis and Miss Helen Park Sunday morniii- to services and took diiiHer with friends then returned with Bjr- qjllocker in time for hint tp fit lliifi appointment at Lecanto pibnic time has gown and last Friday through the of Hough Brothers and mrtker tpitake advantage of it Ir ej in a successful down near Crystal River retuicued to Mr Houghs house late in the afternoon and from there went pntaInglis and fillet an appomtnientto preach in the church They report a full house and attentive congregation- Mr W B Holder and family Mr J BrWinn and family with Misses Julia and Bossie OllifF enjoyed a fish at tho Rock last Wednesday Mr and Mrs Hamilton showed ejMrx Miss Alma I7e vines has bee speudiug a week yitfe beraunti Mrs James Bertiuer upvon the Withlacdoohee river rt 1 Mrs H L Hough is visiting friends in Ocala und Martin this MH L Hqugliia mother from Dunnelon him Satur- day night aniattended services here that nights Mrs Eflsie Delano ijvith Miss Tooke from Tort tnglis were og Mrs Delanos father Mr Bertine last Saturday and at tended ser vices liero that night Julia Ollift has been a little indisposed from billions ness but is convaiesing Whilo the formers of jed Level interested in Dr Babbs discourse 4 of thorn advocate till hog vaccination Mrs Williams MrTom Will fame mother died at the home of her daughter early Tueaday morning was laid to rest by the side of her husband the Red Level come tery Mrs Lizzy whps lius baud is in the asylum lia a position as house keener an old lady and husband In Holder XO SQ to Wear Out Your Cold Wear Out Instead Thousands keep on suffering Coiifthts anti Colds througbt neglect and delay ydmself an easy to serious ailments and epidemics AS thoresult6f neglect edCod7 Coughs and Colds sap your In stages pr Klng Nc- wil8covr fa vrh rou rij cjr lh e flrtit your headjO arstU you breath fro ly spa tlle ftlAy- V VV- Tv l r tore It b I t f JitU girl eO t kiit t R s L were fi 1 fry frY Im f il t- anks week t vie Miss c sud Lay rt 1 Tier n WIll k 8tr n bt anb vl lfty ul l chccted bet t 1 1 i f FRED are and be a very looking ye1t s Rfslt fry and Block heat U wore fet Mrs Moso HOru take r Try and You Why prey you fell so tudltart talclnya once M- 1r d l ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > < Lecanto Briefs was a visitor ii A Gabql of Ocala trdns oting business here Mon- day of this John arid Bryan Barnes To Allen and Bennett King wor callers at Crystal Sunday v Messrs Pounds jnd Ware traveling salesmen of Gaines- ville were visitors her Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs J f Wolfe sppni Saturday and Sundayin Crystal the guests Pf 0 L Russell Wolfe of Lakeland spent a short while here morning with his brother J Wolfe Mrs Losch Harry p Fairmount spent Sunday here as the guests of Mr and J Y Barnes Miss Nellie McQuarrio Miss Jeffle Davis gave another demonstration in fancy sewing to the girls of the tomato clul here Monday evening Rev his regula- iappointraenthero Sunday night Rev Slaymak and wife an Mr R L Park attend ed Befvices from Crystal River by Jim jtfr were viBiting here Sunday MrsiHarmoMi was Miss Olive King 6fthiB pii Vy- jp Sunday afternoon at residence of brides pare ti on Crate Hiss Edit- Schwjnderaaii wok united ii marriag to SyKes Tlfe contraoBig are of the manufacturiiij enterprise of Houston and Lift Oply a few personal fripndi besides of the con tracting grilles wjefe present The eremOny of the Episcopaljlt ali performed in hii usual original dignified and im- pressive style Again the wedditfg b ells have ieal- edfortf Iwp oul0ovihbiit a single thoughtu- Twohpartsthat beat as Best wishes rice aiidDiscard- edjJlippers f rpm HE A GOOD THINQ On Sunday morning 0 Leigh nailed 16 hiswarm pefsotialtnend- LewM K Buoy of Crystal the following lottor J K RILEY Jacksonville Fla Aptll26 JOK Mr W 0 teJglv 5 Core of NeWS Crystal niverJa Dear Sirs V You will find and let me havethis paper for orio year and fully appreciate the writings W C hope that I iiiay Have Hie pleasure of rending nlahy mor la the future i Yours slncerelv L K KiLEY Austii Allen Qrytnl L vas r Y even- ing busfn Ricer ns Moud y J I r arpton- ft m H J O tja fO M i t the Mill ClYE 15ar em- ployees tb6rrel tiv s by ig h QP ot lat 1J- Tue daY V ning eJgJt ve I L i ITW- lIOLESAL onodnrt 1f l RIver I have road tho iCO S t h arid 9 c t j ij f r- kt J Saturday week Wolfe andson bits ant Blocker filled and Mra4 uinoeasst r Black eveM- ing t SykesSchwindeMn Street Mr was ReDr ever I one KNOWS Jnekaq a River 9 Mr from r Bl o In- here Cryetal River ReattyCo- A r 1 to- r r < > < > > < > > ° + JQIIN MOOa A NEGfiO WAS THE W ASSASSIN High Springs Slay 2 H L A 0 L railway watch inspector from High Springs was pliot and instantly killed at- Burnetts Lake last night at Ilj5tf oclock by a negro JohnMoore The killing occurred on account pfa watch sale The negro bought a watch from Inspector claiming to be a fireman the road When Pbljulliound sot and tried to take the watch lie negro shot him through the killing him The uegro is sill vat largo A possee country fgf Mr Polhill was a yoUng man from Columbia countyv being highly esteemed by a host of friends mourn his untimelydeathj- He will be buried near his home at Mikesville TiuiesUnion The Curse and Misfortune- of Strong Drink- BY It IV OABDWELLp Gentlemen I look tonight at it seems to mev I looK upon a picture of bjighted manhood This bloated face was ao y I and position d ft wife as beautiful iia wlbs he pl of herhpnoT i wa cup of a bripiing tMil child as sweetaml pWCiy v fade and withecand fuller the blighting curse pf a i- Vii3H4f love flame upon the 5 J ministered before it S 4L Extinguished the holy iflri Hmili11 death and itij i stead I had asperatiOnra l ambition as sacred nd a t if vj and pure as the but I broke and bruised beautiM and they I with of God upon their tHey are entombed their cries no wore without anda without ft hom0 All all has been stQ pr grave of my child and tha few I by my wrotchedy sunk fii sin and shame and sriM beware or you will find 5 self as I have found r im5rS w brighten iae ir orour loved odes At- Thre6 Gallon 1V I have for sate good cow wliieh is prtlpM Ii L BY NEGRO hill thatbewas l d T Mm t r i 7 J i Z SOl d This n lkedft J u 4 Jtr O II J t saw dissolve th r I father I had 1 2 t 1 Wings t tt- tfrol1the height of the Iidlrevell glorious i Child of my l Y J c J i lam a wife A faster rt f j t j- Vittl h6 r J more its W f1 JI 1 1 7 cift Look and f 1 1 this l woe i7 1oi S i ft f gone from home wife tram God b men and DH J ofm a If J w n i8f r- 4liI V- lJ l I 1 0 I 1 I f1- P r l 4 IjL- KIILtDr to the scour g r Y- rysol faiid thab once ha as fours sht mbj x- 11ii c v n friends and T dream but I dropped Dean tra f- it own s- in draught dowers of but 4 die a Mime lit gal r- and i Vii mornittg o youth tke iii brows llii heart aiid lielir ToBay husband without n- s i man a Heart that wakes noble impulse whisper oVthestill small swallswtid y up in this malestron X r- y touch vrpe a Hell and Drink by r yi r myself add Lets a tr Cevv For Sal E throO day r r f w- df r YQ d < > < > < > < < < + = <

Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-05-07 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00081/00252.pdf · speudiug a week yitfe beraunti Mrs James Bertiuer upvon the Withlacdoohee river

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Page 1: Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-05-07 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00081/00252.pdf · speudiug a week yitfe beraunti Mrs James Bertiuer upvon the Withlacdoohee river



r WTAIi RlVJbvF10RIDA FRjDA flAY 7 1015





t 4-

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l 01Ii-



I NQ 34 r-

LlIL t


4 akcttLe eirair l Y

1 aft



r Lr z

> >




Profc Trusalerp IntertlnjAddress r

Theigradudting class ofPubliHigh Schools of CryBtalj lv4

were held the first Bapijs1

church riday281016-

JPiof teclier-pfthe second departments tliresident niinistqrs ofthe townsProf Turner Supt of the Countschools and the citizens came ouenthusiastically

GRADUATESMiss Eva Rawls EssayNight pift the Stars

Miss Rawls work was solid olearcut and practical Her vplo

was clear distinct and firmstrength of lier 6ssaynaturalness imagination balancJDg reason login not

by enthusiasm Her eshard

an aim to do allMiss Elsie Miller Subject

DivingforPearlswas pf order as well hotopic sne had openecmany a that waall but empty but the effort 6

opening ihe empty ones gave hoifiber for the

v victory of success

These young ladieslater jn life the

families aiitffrieHds of CrystalRiver areassured-

Prof Harry TrusslerDeanof Thftyeroiiy pf FJpr-

idfttatGaine ivilli gave the ad5r i j Jfj

himwlf T ut thehigh honor as well

We will not try to quote hissplendid speech but tile seedthought he left in the writersmind was this in substance

A University should not onlybe a place where a young persongraduating from a smaller iustitution of learning should seek a

higher degree but a place toseek and attain a deeper enlightment encouragement and in-

spiratioii as wellThe Dean enthusiastically

showed the practical utility of

an unrestricted courso not onlyin the higher but the highesteducation

His splendid address embraced

laws logic and Lawlogic without

ties religionwithout theological husks hidingthe Divine nucleous of iniperishable truth

True education an eqUiftbriitmof a total or collQctiVe interestwhich will give what we call auniversal or orequilibrium which is justice

ITniverbal or cooperative edpnation isjust a

and international friendlyvigilance committee which shalllovinglyyet sanely demaud ailcitizens tp even bu on their bestbenaviorV f

We ivanta sano state of raindta bf heart iaand ihduitriaU and

yet abso Utol separate






e the

showed honest workand liJ1R8w ll



tiw small in num


ns fJaf uqtf ruu i-fytheb 1

11 rq1artwill


fitI Law the

the D1 andnot Uni-




witho brutalitytonce led te nicali



greatbig nation-al




i t ir r ki I tiIAf-

L J wl-w


dY yr rn4

eveuin App1


was in it



showedpromising sltoll



fibers utrflar n rosalts suetyo

i1 tium the

ixheard from






t T


aggressive4 one















ndo Breezest

beenXp0eiidi virinte

here relatives ani-

iIfHendsi rfiluruM to herhomo t

Walker laBtTuesday

L L Knight of Dunhellqn

rasa Business hero pr

last Friday Evening

pr 0 S Miller of feathleqnwas here on proftisfiiquaj vtyusiness last


her nnof DunneUon

A N Russell of Invernesswas the guest of Mr R

four o five nV6nths jnlreturned oil laat

JD Edwards paid a visit td-

Tqrkey Creek and OvediotiSaturday Sunday last

Mrs Sc L Llpyd of Jhverness-wa the guest of her parentsMr and Mrs Baker of theEnd on last Sunday

Mrs W H Anderson antchildren left on Wednesday lastfor a visit to her father-H y Taylor of Gulf Hammock

Hugh Ross of Gaiter was u

business visitor here on last

from IttieunrntlBm dp soninny Itjiouaund other people arefloitlgf whenever aft attack comeson bathe tlio sore muscle or jointwith Slo nri Liniment torub Jtln Ju t apply the Linimentto the surface Ibis wonderfullypenetrating It goes rtght to theeat of trouble and draws the

Get a bottleof SlojiuBTjlnlmonfc for 25o of

and have it in the houseColds Sore and Swollen

Joints Lumbago Sciatica and likeailments Your money back if notsatisfied but It almost in-

stant relief

from each other ecclesiasticallyon the one and politicalgraft and bossism on the other

The first step is oulturedthe second step a

judgment third-a purified conscience True andfull education is the onlyto real or true life Since thefall of Adam the struggle foihuman existence has been onand will go on And humangroups made up of individuals-will continuo to develop char-

acteristics abilities anddifferences of energy and of

ambitions which must have fairplay

The right to discover to invent to try out new ads goodexpetiments to new thingsin a new inabettr and more direist

zealously aflirpied

andTheseways rind means are the

children of yea thehighest In otherwords these are the andmeans of sanctified

latentin people-of a democratic comm6uwcalthAnd tlio whole world is today as

before takinggut of allproblems and conditions through







iss a11ni iWill



M Splre biiBundaq n





lo-q Hna1Dsn1r




1Pt t







i jtJ-it 1


1tbbIta van 1Vese whhRs the






tbirW Ptdtandrv jldren-

vvho have belle speudittg tlio pas

Saturday after-noon r


Yoiirgbe Ncftry glaaqe-If you





avay ana




sense a ion

never tho














good now fo

rain the farmers areall busfryiUg to get the

get hero Although i

o dry cor I-

Jiroiher Bibcker filled his tegularappofiltmehts last fatiirday night niid Sunday mofpintat 11 a m in the cliurch VBotli

services ere well attendedi

Bro Slaymaker with two 6-

Jtiis and Miss Helen

Park Sunday morniii-to services and took diiiHer withfriends then returned with Bjr-qjllocker in time for hint tp fitlliifi appointment at Lecanto

pibnic time hasgown and last Friday throughthe of Hough

Brothers and mrtkertpitake advantage

of it Ir ej in a successfuldown near Crystal River

retuicued to Mr Houghs houselate in the afternoon and fromthere went pntaInglis and filletan appomtnientto preach in thechurch They report a full houseand attentive congregation-

Mr W B Holder and familyMr J BrWinn and family withMisses Julia and Bossie OllifFenjoyed a fish at tho Rocklast Wednesday Mr and MrsHamilton showed ejMrx

Miss Alma I7evines has beespeudiug a week yitfe berauntiMrs James Bertiuer upvon theWithlacdoohee river rt


Mrs H L Hough is visitingfriends in Ocala und Martin this

MH L Hqugliia mother fromDunnelon him Satur-day night aniattended serviceshere that nights

Mrs Eflsie Delano ijvith MissTooke from Tort tnglis were

og Mrs Delanos father MrBertine last Saturday and attended ser vices liero that night

Julia Ollift has been a

little indisposed from billionsness but is convaiesing

Whilo the formers of jedLevel interested in DrBabbs discourse

4of thorn

advocate till hog vaccination

Mrs Williams MrTom Willfame mother died at the homeof her daughterearly Tueaday morning waslaid to rest by the side of herhusband the Red Level cometery

Mrs Lizzy whps liusbaud is in the asylum lia

a position as house keener anold lady and husband InHolder

XO SQ to Wear Out Your Cold

Wear Out Instead

Thousands keep on sufferingCoiifthts anti Colds througbt neglectand delay ydmself aneasy to serious ailments andepidemics AS thoresult6f neglectedCod7 Coughs and Colds sap your

In stages pr Klng Nc-wil8covr fa vrh rou rij cjr lh e

flrtit your headjO arstUyou breath fro ly spa

tlle ftlAy-


l r

tore Itb

I t

fJitU girl

eO t

kiit t R s L

werefi 1 fry



il t-








Lay rt 1


n WIll


8tr n bt anb vl lfty ul l chccted

bet t11

i f





verylooking ye1t s

Rfslt fry and




Mrs Moso HOru


rTry and



you fell so

tudltart talclnya once


d l





> <



Lecanto Briefs

was a visitor ii

A Gabql of Ocalatrdns oting business here Mon-

day of this

John arid Bryan Barnes ToAllen and Bennett King worcallers at Crystal Sunday

vMessrs Pounds jnd Ware

traveling salesmen of Gaines-ville were visitors herTuesday evening

Mr and Mrs J fWolfe sppni

Saturday and Sundayin Crystalthe guests Pf 0 L

Russell Wolfe of Lakelandspent a short while heremorning with his brother JWolfe

Mrs Losch Harry p

Fairmount spent Sunday here

as the guests of Mr and JY Barnes

Miss Nellie McQuarrioMiss Jeffle Davis gave anotherdemonstration in fancy sewing

to the girls of the tomato clulhere Monday evening

Rev his regula-iappointraenthero Sunday nightRev Slaymak and wife anMr R L Park attended Befvices from Crystal River

by Jim jtfr

were viBiting here SundayMrsiHarmoMi was

Miss Olive King 6fthiB pii Vy-

jp Sunday afternoon atresidence of brides pare ti

on Crate Hiss Edit-Schwjnderaaii wok united iimarriag to SyKes

Tlfe contraoBig areof the manufacturiiij

enterprise of Houston and LiftOply a few personal fripndi

besides of the contracting grilles wjefe present

The eremOny of theEpiscopaljlt ali performed

in hii

usual original dignified and im-

pressive style Again thewedditfg bells have ieal-

edfortfIwp oul0ovihbiit a single

thoughtu-Twohpartsthat beat as

Best wishes rice aiidDiscard-edjJlippers frpm


On Sunday morning 0 Leighnailed 16 hiswarm pefsotialtnend-LewM K Buoy of


the following lottorJ K RILEY

Jacksonville Fla Aptll26 JOKMr W 0 teJglv 5

Core of NeWSCrystal niverJa

Dear SirsV

You will find andlet me havethis paper for orio year

andfully appreciate the writings

W C hope thatI iiiay Have Hie pleasure of rendingnlahy mor la the future

i Yours slncerelvL K KiLEY

Austii AllenQrytnl

L vas






Ricer ns

Moud y


I r arpton-ft m H J O


fO M


t the



15ar em-


tb6rrel tiv s




QP ot lat 1J-

Tue daY V ning eJgJt veI

L i ITW-

lIOLESAL onodnrt 1f

l RIver

I have road tho iCO S

t h arid




j ijf r-








Blocker filled

and Mra4

uinoeasst rBlack












Jnekaq aRiver

9 Mrfrom r Bl o



Cryetal River ReattyCo-

Ar 1to-

r r













High Springs Slay 2 H LA 0 L railway watch

inspector from High Springswas pliot and instantly killed at-

Burnetts Lake last night at Ilj5tfoclock by a negro JohnMooreThe killing occurred on accountpfa watch sale The negrobought a watch from Inspector

claiming to be a firemanthe road

When Pbljullioundsot and tried to take the watchlie negro shot him through the

killing him The uegro issill vat largo A possee

country fgf MrPolhill was a yoUng man fromColumbia countyv being highly

esteemed by a host of friendsmourn his untimelydeathj-

He will be buried near his homeat Mikesville TiuiesUnion

The Curse and Misfortune-of Strong Drink-

BY It IV OABDWELLpGentlemen I look tonight at

it seems to mev

I looK upon a picture of bjightedmanhood

This bloated face was ao


and position dft wife as beautiful iia wlbs

he plof herhpnoT i wa cup


a bripiing tMilchild as sweetaml pWCiy


fade and withecand fullerthe blighting curse pf a i-


love flame upon the 5 Jministered before it S 4L

Extinguished the holy iflri Hmili11death and itij istead I had asperatiOnra lambition as sacred nd a t if vj

and pure as thebut I broke and bruisedbeautiM and they


withof God upon theirtHey are entombed

their cries no wore

withoutanda without ft hom0

All all has been

stQ pr

grave of my child and tha few

I by my wrotchedysunk fii sin and shame and sriM

beware or you will find 5

self as I have found rim5rS w

brighten iae irorour loved odes At-

Thre6 Gallon 1VI have for sate good

cow wliieh is prtlpM




l d




i7 J



SOl d Thisn lkedft J u 4

Jtr O



t sawdissolve th



father I had


2 t


Wings t tt-

tfrol1the height of the Iidlrevellglorious


Child of my l Y Jc J i

lam awife A faster rt fj t


Vittl h6 r Jmore its W f1


1 7

ciftLook and f 1


this lwoe i7 1oi


i ft f

gone from home wifetram God

b men and DH J

ofm aIf

J w n i8f r-4liI


lJ l I





P r l 4



to the




rysol faiid thab


ha as fours sht mbj x-

11ii c


friends and T

dream but I dropped

Deantra f-

it own s-

in draught

dowers of but 4


a Mime

lit gal r-


i Vii

mornittg o

youth tke iiibrows

lliiheart aiid lielir

ToBay husband without n-

s iman

a Heart that wakesnoble impulse

whisper oVthestill smallswallswtid y

up in this malestronX r-

y touch vrpea

Hell and Drink byr

yi rmyself

add Lets a


Cevv For Sal

E throOday r




df r YQ




< >







