THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JANUARY 1906 9 SCHOOL BOARD WILL SUE COMMISSIONERS After Money in the fine and Forfeiture Fund NEARLY 9IOOOO INVOLVED Twice the Board of Public Instruction Requested Transfer of the Fund in Campllanca With What They Term Law and Twice Were Refused Beoaatt of the rfu al of the K ef ComraUiioorr of Altchia to comply with the rrquvtt of the Board of Fublh Instruction fur the soaks is the Fine end Forfeiture j Faad of the cotiBtj eicetding 1 KO it looks cloudy cad a law mt er this mosey will be the retail Dr j J L Kelley aprriatrndent of the i Beard of Public In traction ha attracted by that board to mike pies Kataariv tuw nU MUris jsU s- 1C At the lea session of the Legislature- a aalitloa was prctented signed by a large nuaaber of registered voters the couaty requesting that body to f AM a law requiring the Board of Commti ioncr to pay into the fund all ae eraed feels ia the Fine and Forfeiture Feed exceeding fiOOO to be uied for teaoel Barpoaes This bill was introduc- ed enacted but at the July meet tat at the coatBiNlonen the school beard ia a petition stated that if the ceaaty eaauBiMtoaer would release the fad requeued it would an extra levy of two sills school tax as sere ateaey waa seeded for the up port ef the schools The commission n related to transfer this money for the tenets that the board held the law aaeoatUtBiioaal inatraach M the bill eagat to interfere with county legis laden aa the bill covered only tie akaaeoaaty The extra twomill tax WM levied total school ux even slit At the January meeting of the com teieaera the school board through Its raBreteatatiTe Soperiatendeat Kel I They Coat lOUR t bra I f Coal heel I U I I w a 2 Ore t 4 w recurs semi tonuahy r ova sakiag the ¬ + fof tint U iabd for the bet were agaia refused upon tke tame ground of oattitatlonal Ity aeaaa the rout to recover the tjr taroajrji the protest of law will be iattitated la tpeakiag of the matter Superb taadeat Kelley stated that the law appeared to his tad to the Board of Paella Instruction to be perfectly in accordance with right tad Justice aad tow and that they coald see ao- reaaoa why the aoeuntoioners refused to transfer the tends which amount at present to I15M539 This fund i provided for expenses of the running of the court he ad and is each year gaiaing far in excess of these ex- penses It is the only purpose or which it tan be used and for years the naoney been lying idly in hank without interest and the taxpayer of the county are receiving no benefit whatever If the school board had received this money last July the ex- tra twomill levy would hire been aanecessary On the other hand the commis- sioners are of the opinion that the law is unconstitutional in that it deal with Alachua county alone They con tend that the LexUlature butt 10 authority to act in the premises and until the matter U settled by proves of law they propose to protect the fund Following is the bill a e the Legislature session of 1W5- B it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida Section 1 That all fund in the hands of the county treasurer of- Alachua county Florida to the credit of the Fine and Forfeiture Fund of said county exceeding four thousand dollars shall be paid into the tchool fund of said county find the commissioners of said county shall draw their warrant in furor f the Board of Public Instruction there- of for all such fond on their Ural meeting in Juiy and January of each year and the warrant o drawn fhall be cashed into the school fund of the county without any treasurers com- mission therefor Sec 2 That thi act shall take ef feet immediately upon it Ueeuminc a laws Approved May 17 lfc6 Took First Prize At the recent South Georgia Fair held in handome Kirtiy Smith quilt presented by the chapter to it Mrs Turner Brewer was awarded prize which was a compliment to smi Chapter as as the owner moos pat b Wayernts the erttar first I renewed tote r has 1 r coun- ty ly- r I y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ + ± ± Whole Foot Nothing But Proud Flesh Tried Different Physicians and All Kinds of Oirtmerts Walk With CrutchesOhio- Man Says CUTICURA REMEDIES THE BEST ON EARTH In the y ar 5 vl l f m right foot w f Mi The litlo toe down to the hw art tilt i hv ictan- v ul Kiirhir iiif INC u r iL ifv up- ti iie f ny i t I I f wrh i vr- p lie f iii r it j that vjtlt Aork- x he Loiriin V lifil the rt ii1 with N 7 nit kni f UK l v rfiihit U tn y hole LJ j f t ird up Vr al vo n v i ll w liLiie ijt X flh 1 Mtl npotiiV for f r VM ami trittl iitTtTtiit ihy uun un l i4ii nf uiat uithiTitih It L ixtwn month s c 1 a Cuticira S i ai l Uintmtit f r tenth fi t Th tir t t months the RonfliV did seem to work I ke on uhs tWin both In two week fter tra I av a change in my liril i hen 1 U cti Oircieiif irfton the div and ktf it ip fr M ven months j vi h J i up tj t the carne u if 1 Ii r liui tr It w tight nu Mi n irue I topped jfi Oriura II tLiiH on Gods earth 1 UMI irkitR at the day afcr live years of suffer cut uf Ointment and S rp vvj only 6 but the uerc mere like 600 You can piililih my name ail refer one to write to rie aUxit Cuticura Remoiiir I will an wor all letter if postage i rnrlor John M Lloyd IS S Ave Alliance Ohio 21 1905 C tn Ei ra t allot tittrreU T t tw Tt f f rr ry 3B Uni n ti ikh a Ir m rf rj I A- Xt Mi rc cf Cttlinirm c R i fOR fOUR YEARS tt U 1 i I t I hen t Inil 4 a To m I i merit I ilk m lIt ilura riot but m t ho- t nt C art dON I J 1 1 I I rm of M t j h4 i l tu I UI J I- WJlll t4n u CVlIi 1a loll 111 UI JIiIC SUcFERED AGONIES i n e T It c r i t t pr sal itT only not ht can and sing Cut runt slid e u any rum i cop ret ltd tt 101 i dntrt 1i r bt1L r r l orp fr r < > ± < > > > > < > > > < + + + + + + ± Bryan E thusl r iy Received Manila Jan S J Brvan- e l by offirisls and jxo- p of naoo fleet fn aJ Noeros Mr Pryan In rf nun o an nht a c rx Ke much In rno ane tenor a a Mnriv HP to thc na- tives o hAW pr r ncM In h Amr can p ipr that the work of Siirnii was a proof of the co xi of the federal Negroes Dont Like Africa Ocllla Oa lan 5 Ha Sro to Africa aixvr hr vars aso r turned heir Sun ay an thry are now a lvisnff r srf to tar away from Africa an to that effiTt Hil Scot Uf three years aco wi ahoii 57 oh rs an aiicu flfr n of them are ahva The e her tn the a moneys to coit hone on Rothschild Free Trader London Jan UM toth chJld In- n spp ch In iii virr of h protection- ist cinJa Th nu Frtderirk Hal sy the rin ni mJ r announced himself a a f rra I T n favor ot fh n 2 ltri n of a Mriff rwaty c r foifrnrg H aM he had r vi r hlMcn fc1 tars har he was a fret n T H t j l sronsly to the of uf h pco lutely Harmless Tie failt of Kivtnj children medicine i omt- timei more Jia trjii tlan the from which tl ey are stifleriri Krery mother hould know that i wUr lam i ih Remedy i perf otly afe fur children to take I contain unites log hurmfil anti for coiuh cud ami croup i unurp td For ale by all druggists Conditions Are Satisfactory Mari J Jan i A ices paper print- r l ds uh gnat Fruniisco yes Both n itv and clvl off r jr v wn j j l lam WI r I ia f I I the 1O rnmnt 1j1 six ch r front t ray pub on h t with I tX3 n lout Assn I 0 II I tin ill i IIJ 1 ri IUp1I UIC li t AU Itn IOpc r hI to 1U I IIr say t r II b ro c h trrn- J Ir ilr r Ct t i aly r rety r r n wee tP aIn ednca tonal in a ion arcs tn ate t l i has seer a back the r pe- Chawr11n Count ctndy r rar ltrrr oat a ro ost nattv s lat t tier And s I i < < > > < < > > > > > > > > > > ± = + ± = + + + + + ± + + + ANTITOXIN STAYED CEATH Treatment r s Le Back to Little Boy Avar J a i u- ij I1 jau t rrs rac an a 1 to htn i r m M rts iraion in f a r trtrt ThAt Tairsdi F riy o taro at rjt fhRt r u T sur jru trtati i f at TAI MLvt of ant In AVin corny A wr r of woun L frrr nk rar 1 from oy pis Th anl t r n r coniNflt h J i f an In n in rht prafico of m ioJno hoich ii has krow n to ie x nt In j New York t was inausuratt I tar pfrc n c of r fntn or law where ho develo I win the ilay af r- wvunj ac r Cfiv u 3b only nn nr two ar In where f e S a nJcffj tint m from rvp TO vs p rrfna of rtcoveric had only two or three More Deaths than Births Macon Ga inn S Tie nuns health r j nr for he rjry Just pl ei Sorrctary Ma nf Tg ol th ari f T altjj shows LCS no rc- ifdf l J6 Mrie for the 12 sonUi On other hand the birb- bavi bv 1 S a apninst 101 dt aj Thee are 10 ncgroe and lO- whivs 5r Macon according to tiU r Smallpox Ties Up Phone Exchange tMciiso Jan S A dispatch to th Tribune fr m F Vane lad MV that in the oftioc- tle up the senice for five hours Fri- day When Manager Mo ierinjr informed that Lillian AValbott had disease Ju the health officers and they stint the live girl operators tome Four Killed by Explosion rhlca rt Jan S It is rer rft l hat 1 CMO pour of ilynamitv vxpod l near the stun rru hlni plant of Do- If and Syeh ril at Corey Ill about miles troth this city and that four ttcn been kiled Sew r r A tt I Jr u t If 7i o J it tan 1 Aa r j cps n t t a t Ij n 1 o i i r I I com- b W u I ttr t m pox ttel one nut it f 0 C e- nn i nuIrr a- t i t r4 tta 1i r- Crihr airSi- it t 0 y te f M- rnlanL a h art eto t Bias tort Le sat t a r wo ttw- A tltrr 1 trtl fn hr Ir r tog araly Iraot caIc a c roe r 4t use Hen vale e anti rte rat days the been and the s ftrt rt was the save < > > > > > < < > < > < > > <> > < > > > < = = + + + + < To Cure a Cold in One Day rake I XAT1VE KROMO H Jiiire rah i DrucKi r futiij m ny if it hilt to core K V mi each box 2fo- Vhnt riiinoni l ny in t li ijtt imply pro hli i It i r vi t riuui m- truit1 i u linear 11 of t It u py tenijuriitf- i tlt wth sin appii itimi it irtl kroW i te V of r i ni iT lllJ iie uuMmi rti- r t if the iimiy i- t iy f i tiu- n vir limit luHriil thit t vi r eti viicli hi to 1 IHT tin i irr il iitl ei j I f 1 1 utiiiit u of y i t liiiti w h th u a tury tfriit t pr- Uiuf nt SitfliteJ v ftit I l lit ti r t it Irtiu iiiii- r uf ur tuly ii t ti ml- v r posit It iht r uiil of H t riii III prrteUS 1 fr tiidt inlilitUtn of ii v fruit f Te- Jt iMi f fi i U s tr t IO- U Ml- Im triii I n tirv i i iff r iJv ri I i I v I r- i 1 ti r I il iv T in li vfi ii I 1 iu r T 2 out mi- f r tl li ir- n i Not ritlliirf- M i st t viitic- tt fr lly ni iri iv- Mi f n r ji rte y HI ji t t theri IM Tlit ti t orr i f I iiii I III tit sttti Tf i tintff i lat 1re cud 1 II rHU lIt II iI H t I 11 r 1 r1 f 11 11 1 t t ward rtantvm I IJtit r iLl n l n It I used 10 Ir 11 lit i tIlri hr It III r I Plrt hlt ti IJ Is r r I 11 I I I 1 t r 1 I 11 1 1 1 1 I ti rove s Venn s l ti i ttb t L I r in L ally atltl iGy- n Ira ti iy tll s tin l h f Ira 1 rlr N s t v In t y 14 th t uatS t It t I9 Iiiu 1IrHI- t tttlltltrtrn rn- tir Itr p j r 1 t ntri vl t Itt l t lot WI 121 t r 11 t1 t- I ttr p In- i t 1 f i i t l t but Ilt r > > > > > > > > > > < < > > > > > > > + + + > + + + + + + rcnc i c cr ixty ears wJ- Che Pcytoral Of cousc- he J if it priihaMv O in the faTlv it fiu- seh rtTicJv for cofc T- oR of I d C to t > an o I 1- t III I I i II II 40 oucilis h r test U V rM1 Mt ar r 1 > > > > + + ULIl SAP THE UNDERMINE DM S rc it rtic t heal ate 1 it nstatit menace t luuth Tluy vitality amt mi icnnisK t t ust hy ilramtnn the system of its very hfe fluids atil those liUd with ttc of these ulcers pr u e pon enl aii l almost jkspcrnte as frt trit tsl after another fails They jaliently apply salves wuiits pUsters etc hut in spite of ill thvtt the re refuses to lieu and tats r into the snrr und h deatiym the tissues xi win f to U 1 fistv and KMSS The utce f the trouble is in the 1 1 This vitil is filletf with ijpurtties and whirh are corMmtly 1 e l inti the re tr ulcer making it impossible tliejlace t heal It vl not Ji ttuKjien Ion external applications for a cure liccuise they iln nt teach the real an 1 auaMv tutu is experimenting with st h tnitment the m st tliy cm M keep the ulcer dean Anv s tetit will h al ts ti thit it may have the deadly Cancer Uhmd it A cwt can l e br u ht a mt only through a icite y that can chit quility of tf Monl ail thi is what S S S It j ns to t very bottom cf the trouble drive ut the poisons anti serins with whuh it ij tilled and purifies anti bin Is up the entire cir Sfto 4 culatton Ity the use If S S S the re is- W supplied with new rich 5f l wind the trouble soon stops and a1 vs 09 the place to heal naturil and permanently PURELY VEGETABLE SS S also rein ites svsUni and whcrc the consmutT has ten or broken down it quickly builds it up and restores erfe I health Write for special b x k on stirs an 1 ulcers and nivd ii idvlte uu are in need cither WIn SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA HFDUTTONCO DEA1LK5 IN Sea Island Cotton Sea Llaiul Cotrim Stetl Bagging and Twine Wm Leather Strips or Side Manufacturers of the James Doig English Sea Island Cotton iiin Supplies for Same GAINESVILLE FLORIDA US A G S MERCHANTS CO Retailers and Jobbers to Staple and Fancy Groceries rain Barton Sid sod Ftrfiliztrs SOUTH SIDE SQUARE GAINESVILLE FLOKID1 Highest market price paid for Eggs and other Pruloee VITALITY r- AND t HEALTH t n i I ill and ann rHli on tl I j lint d t is- m frt rI l rillS t f the the islrlrc tle tit lltilrted l j nl H lr c THE ESTABLISHED lseo I I I s THE sap the ttt d intn tt il ring > ctt t t i dots v ruts r far any Chickens > > > > < > < < + > + + A Complete stock Ha Corn Flour Meal Cotton Seed Meal and Rye AV handle only the VERY BEST good at the LOW PRJCES and vatiifactinn Jl T KIN Jacksonville arid Nev York CaiiinRat CHAKLKluN s C both ays The Finest SteaMships in the Coastwise Service The Clyde Xev England und Southern Line Direct Service Bcfwf ij JCKruN 11111 and PRllVIDENCK and Ail limn Calling at Charleston Kti nny Southbound NortntKiund F rum Vhnrf tram root of Cathinn t iik ourii Clvde St Jchns River Line I3eteen JACKUONVIUUK unit SANKOHII StopiitiK at PlfttkA Aftor jt Hfrrcford P land i nj Intr rn diau Ininlin i on John Riv r omnifticiiic Veiltn day Nor iibtr 15 1905- FK VMKKtf CITY JACKSONVILLE Bind llKKK Ill EY Are nproiiited to ail a follow I aTc Taik UtnIi iljr ic t atur dtiy at 3 p in later tsif pt inii jr at f 3 a in w UIlrI lLIt- or lMRVt1 i in- ArriveS30am ford 1010 Knterprie liKNKKAl PASS ANDTIlKRT OFFICK 1A V HAY ST JACK oVJII K o ran guarantee CLYDE LINE FOUR SAILINGS EACH I SA ILINGS that i t i 11 I 11 lll II rIll IIC rtULO n Jltlktln1it 3t fun k pr 3llnl ot lItrtpfon111ItlKnd 1 nn a am nm an U lre la Wtt s li ul11t Jt t I Lut llt ftrottt r 1 A l Inrr tf t lrI 1 h I Itrll iHtrll Ait1ttfI- I Sw y THE DAILY SUN 1 W p- f Oats always i c t WEE l i fuN Ian rn SEllriiWEEgLY Lewis r Francis l nuortl dully st atdruuo t Rr td flux ftrw p pin mice iam Palatka a Francis tu p a 3 rt F IRiNMU IFJtJtlt 1a N Her t F t Ftrtt t riot LL Frrt n II itr tteet 9PLnr a tu11u 1n11F u ktiFR P llrll1Ft t iiYotr- t tannl rr- ttr Sttrttrelt a eef r < > < > > > > + +

To Sea Island Cotton

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After Money in thefine and Forfeiture Fund


Twice the Board of Public InstructionRequested Transfer of the Fund in

Campllanca With What They TermLaw and Twice Were Refused

Beoaatt of the rfu al of the K

ef ComraUiioorr of Altchiato comply with the rrquvtt of

the Board of Fublh Instruction fur thesoaks is the Fine end Forfeiture j

Faad of the cotiBtj eicetding 1 KO

it looks cloudy cad a law mter this mosey will be the retail Dr j

J L Kelley aprriatrndent of the i

Beard of Public In traction haattracted by that board to mike piesKataariv tuw nU MUris jsU s-


At the lea session of the Legislature-a aalitloa was prctented signed by alarge nuaaber of registered votersthe couaty requesting that body tof AM a law requiring the Board of

Commti ioncr to pay into thefund all ae

eraed feels ia the Fine and ForfeitureFeed exceeding fiOOO to be uied forteaoel Barpoaes This bill was introduc-ed enacted but at the July meettat at the coatBiNlonen the schoolbeard ia a petition stated that if theceaaty eaauBiMtoaer would releasethe fad requeued it would anextra levy of two sills school tax assere ateaey waa seeded for the upport ef the schools The commissionn related to transfer this money for

the tenets that the board held the lawaaeoatUtBiioaal inatraach M the billeagat to interfere with county legisladen aa the bill covered only tieakaaeoaaty The extra twomill taxWM levied total school uxeven slit

At the January meeting of the comteieaera the school board throughIts raBreteatatiTe Soperiatendeat Kel






I f







2 Ore




semi tonuahyr


sakiag the



fof tint U iabd for thebet were agaia refused upon

tke tame ground of oattitatlonalIty aeaaa the rout to recover thetjr taroajrji the protest of law will beiattitated

la tpeakiag of the matter Superbtaadeat Kelley stated that the lawappeared to his tad to the Board ofPaella Instruction to be perfectly inaccordance with right tad Justiceaad tow and that they coald see ao-

reaaoa why the aoeuntoioners refusedto transfer the tends which amountat present to I15M539 This fund i

provided for expenses of the runningof the court he ad and is eachyear gaiaing far in excess of these ex-

penses It is the only purpose orwhich it tan be used and for years thenaoney been lying idly in hankwithout interest and the taxpayerof the county are receiving no benefitwhatever If the school board hadreceived this money last July the ex-

tra twomill levy would hire beenaanecessary

On the other hand the commis-sioners are of the opinion that the lawis unconstitutional in that it dealwith Alachua county alone They contend that the LexUlature butt 10authority to act in the premises anduntil the matter U settled by provesof law they propose to protect thefund

Following is the bill a e

the Legislature session of 1W5-

B it Enacted by the Legislature ofthe State of Florida

Section 1 That all fund in thehands of the county treasurer of-

Alachua county Florida to the creditof the Fine and Forfeiture Fund ofsaid county exceeding four thousanddollars shall be paid into the tchoolfund of said county find the

commissioners of said countyshall draw their warrant in furor f

the Board of Public Instruction there-of for all such fond on their Uralmeeting in Juiy and January of eachyear and the warrant o drawn fhallbe cashed into the school fund of thecounty without any treasurers com-

mission thereforSec 2 That thi act shall take ef

feet immediately upon it Ueeuminc alaws

Approved May 17 lfc6

Took First PrizeAt the recent South Georgia Fair

held in handome KirtiySmith quilt presented by the chapterto it Mrs Turner Brewerwas awarded prize which was

a compliment to smiChapter as as the owner


pat b

Wayernts the























Whole Foot Nothing But Proud Flesh

Tried Different Physicians andAll Kinds of OirtmertsWalk With CrutchesOhio-Man Says


In the y ar 5 vl l f mright foot w f Mi The litlotoe down to the hw art tilt i hv ictan-

v ul Kiirhir iiif INCu r iL ifv up-ti iie f ny i t

I I f wrh i vr-p lie f iii r it

j that vjtlt Aork-x he Loiriin

V lifil the rt ii1 withN 7 nit kni f UK

l v rfiihit U t n y holeLJ j f t ird up

Vr al vo n v i ll w

liLiie ijtX flh 1

Mtl npotiiV for f r V M ami trittliitTtTtiit ihy uun un l i4ii nf uiat

uithiTitihIt L ixtwn month s c 1

a Cuticira S i ai l Uintmtit f rtenth fi t Th tir t t

months the RonfliV didseem to work I ke on uhs tWinboth In two week fter tra I av achange in my liril i hen 1 U cti

Oircieiif irftonthe div and ktf it ip fr M ven

months j vi h J i uptj t the carne u if 1 Ii r liui tr

It w tight nu Mi n irue Itopped jfi Oriura II tLiiH

on Gods earth 1 UMI irkitRat the day afcr live yearsof suffer cut ufOintment and S rp vvj only 6but the uerc mere like

600 You can piililih my name ailrefer one to write to rie aUxitCuticura Remoiiir I will an wor allletter if postage i rnrlor John MLloyd IS S Ave Alliance Ohio

21 1905C tn Ei ra t allot tittrreU T t tw Tt f f rr ry3B Uni n ti ikh a Ir m rf rj I A-

Xt Mi rc cf Cttlinirm c R



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t Inil4a

To mI


merit I ilk

mlIt ilura riotbut





C art


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h4 i l tuI UI J I-

WJlll t4n u CVlIi 1a loll 111 UI JIiIC



ne T



r i t


pr salitT

onlynot ht can


singCut runt slid



rum icop retltd tt

101 i dntrt 1i r bt1Lr r l orp fr r



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> >>


+ +






Bryan E thusl r iy ReceivedManila Jan S J Brvan-

e l by offirisls and jxo-p of naoo fleet fn aJ NoerosMr Pryan In rf nun o an nhta c rx Ke much In rno anetenor a a Mnriv HP to thc na-

tives o hAW pr r ncM In h Amrcan p ipr that the work of

Siirnii was a proofof the co xi of the federal

Negroes Dont Like AfricaOcllla Oa lan 5 Ha Sro

to Africa aixvr hr vars aso rturned heir Sun ay an thry are nowa lvisnff r srf to tar away fromAfrica an tothat effiTt Hil Scot Uf threeyears aco wi ahoii 57 oh rs an

aiicu flfr n of them are ahvaThe e her tn the amoneys to coit hone on

Rothschild Free TraderLondon Jan UM toth chJld In-

n spp ch In iii virr of h protection-ist cinJa Th nu Frtderirk Halsy the rin ni mJ r announcedhimself a a f rra I T n favor otfh n 2 ltri n of a Mriff rwatyc r foifrnrg H aM he hadr vi r hlMcn fc1 tars har he was afret n T H t j l sronslyto the of uf h pco

lutely HarmlessTie failt of Kivtnj children medicine

i omt-timei more Jia trjii tlan thefrom which tl ey are stifleriri Krerymother hould know that i wUrlam i ih Remedy i perf otly afefur children to take I contain uniteslog hurmfil anti for coiuh cud amicroup i unurp td For ale by alldruggists

Conditions Are SatisfactoryMari J Jan i A ices paper print-

r l ds uh gnat Fruniisco yes

Both n itv and clvl off

r jr v wn



l lamWI r I




1O rnmnt

1j1six ch r front t

ray pub




tX3 n lout


I 0 II I tin ill i IIJ 1 ri IUp1I UIC

li t


Itn IOpc r hIto 1U I IIr

say t r II bro c h trrn-

J Ir ilr r

Ct t i aly r retyr r n

wee tP

aInednca tonal

in a ion

arcs tn ate

tl i has



the rpe-

Chawr11n Count ctndy


rar ltrrr oata ro ost nattv s

latt tier

And s



< <







> > >










+ +





+ +


Treatment r s Le Back toLittle Boy

Avar J a i u-

ij I1 jau trrs rac an a

1 to htn i r


M rts iraion in f ar trtrt ThAt Tairsdi

F riyo taro at rjt fhRt r u

T sur jru trtati i f atTAI MLvt of ant In AVin

corny A wr rof woun L frrr nk rar 1

from oy pisTh anl t r n r

coniNflt h J i f an In nin rht prafico of m ioJno hoich ii

has krow n to ie x nt In j

New York t was inausuratt I

tar pfrc n c of r fntnor law where ho

develo I win the ilay af r-

wvunj ac r Cfiv u 3b only nn nrtwo ar In where f e S anJcffj tint m from rvp TO vs

p rrfna of rtcoverichad only two or three

More Deaths than BirthsMacon Ga inn S Tie nuns

health r j nr for he rjry Justpl ei Sorrctary Ma nf Tg olth ari f T altjj shows LCS no rc-

ifdf l J6 Mrie for the 12 sonUiOn other hand the birb-bavi bv 1 S a apninst 101 dt ajThee are 10 ncgroe and lO-whivs 5r Macon according to tiU r

Smallpox Ties Up Phone ExchangetMciiso Jan S A dispatch to th

Tribune fr m F Vane lad MVthat in the oftioc-tle up the senice for five hours Fri-day When Manager Mo ierinjrinformed that Lillian AValbott haddisease Ju the health officersand they stint the live girl operatorstome

Four Killed by Explosionrhlca rt Jan S It is rer rft l hat

1 CMO pour of ilynamitv vxpod lnear the stun rru hlni plant of Do-

If and Syeh ril at Corey Ill aboutmiles troth this city and that four

ttcn been kiled




A tt IJr u

t If 7io J it tan

1 Aarj

cpsn t t

a t


n 1 o i







u I


tm pox ttel one

nut it



C e-

nn i nuIrr a-

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To Cure a Cold in One Day

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DM S rc it rtic t heal ate 1 it nstatitmenace t luuth Tluy vitality amt mi icnnisK t t ust hyilramtnn the system of its very hfe fluids atil those liUd with ttc ofthese ulcers pr u e pon enl aii l almost jkspcrnte as frt trit tsl afteranother fails They jaliently apply salves wuiits pUsters etc hut inspite of ill thvtt the re refuses to lieu and tats r into the snrr und

h deatiym the tissues xi win f to U 1 fistv andKMSS The utce f the trouble is in the 1 1 This vitil is

filletf with ijpurtties and whirh are corMmtly 1 e linti the re tr ulcer making it impossible tliejlace t heal It vl notJi ttuKjien Ion external applications for a cure liccuise they iln nt teachthe real an 1 auaMv tutu is experimenting with st h tnitmentthe m st tliy cm M keep the ulcer dean Anv s tetit will h al

ts ti thit it may have the deadly Cancer Uhmdit A cwt can l e br u ht a mt only through a icite y that can chitquility of tf Monl ail thi is what S S S It j ns to t verybottom cf the trouble drive ut the poisons anti serins with whuh it ij

tilled and purifies anti bin Is up the entire cir

Sfto 4 culatton Ity the use If S S S the re is-

W supplied with new rich 5f l windthe trouble soon stops and a1 vs09 the place to heal naturil and permanently

PURELY VEGETABLE S S S also rein ites svsUni andwhcrc the consmutT has ten or

broken down it quickly builds it up and restores erfe I health Write forspecial b x k on stirs an 1 ulcers and nivd ii idvlte uu are in need



Sea Island CottonSea Llaiul Cotrim Stetl Bagging and Twine Wm

Leather Strips or Side

Manufacturers of the James Doig EnglishSea Island Cotton iiin Supplies for Same


G S MERCHANTS CORetailers and Jobbers to

Staple and Fancy Groceriesrain Barton Sid sod Ftrfiliztrs


Highest market price paid for Eggs and other Pruloee






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A Complete stock Ha Corn Flour Meal Cotton Seed Mealand Rye AV handle only the VERY BEST good at the LOWPRJCES and vatiifactinn


Jacksonville arid Nev YorkCaiiinRat CHAKLKluN s C both ays

The Finest SteaMships in the Coastwise ServiceThe Clyde Xev England und Southern Line

Direct Service Bcfwf ij JCKruN 11111 andPRllVIDENCK and Ail limnCalling at Charleston Kti nny


F rum Vhnrftram root of Cathinn t iik ourii

Clvde St Jchns River LineI3eteen JACKUONVIUUK unit SANKOHIIStopiitiK at PlfttkA Aftor jt Hfrrcford P land i nj Intr rn diauIninlin i on John Riv r omnifticiiic Veiltn day Nor iibtr 15 1905-


CITY JACKSONVILLE Bind llKKK Ill EYAre nproiiited to ail a follow I aTc Taik UtnIi iljr ic t aturdtiy at 3 p in later tsif pt inii jr at f 3 a in

w UIlrI lLIt-

or lMRVt1 i in-

ArriveS30am ford1010 Knterprie


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