TOURNAMENT DAILY EDITION VOLUME XV. BO ZEMAN, MONT ANA , F RIDAY, MARCH 7, 1924 NUMBER 22 MUD! , "Hey Gimme One'' Yells Kid as the Pa pers Get Out I PARK CO, DEFEATS I i FERfiUS CO. QUINT PLAY BEITER !Speed Marks Days SAYS PREXY I Tourney Contests J Thrills Provi ded In A bundance It was one grand and glorious mud Declares That Standard of Sport - I 1 for Crowd in Las t bath. He looked like he had been manship and of Procedure TEAMS GET CH ANCE AT EACH By c. j Preliminary. driving for t he street cleaning de- Is Much Better. OTHER LL'I MOR NING AND AFTER OON S E TS "Hey, gimme one!" ·j F'LATHEAD-FORS YTH O UT I partment, if one were to judge froi;n HI GH BASKETBALL GOOD I "That one didn't get up here. HE'i external appea'rances. From h is _ _ _ I Eliminatlons Continue Dur in g Day's Seri es ; Butte and Billings HOOT 'NOTHER!" Gr eat Falls and Ronan Victors in ·head to his fee t . the're were little Bel ieves Tha t B as k et ball, E ss ay B att lee In Hottes t Contest of A ft ernoon ; Fergus "ll!Jly I have one, please?",, Opening Contest of the I splotchs of Ga llati n Val ie;r real es. and Ext emp are Hel p- and Bu tte Centr al Win in Morning Set. '"Don't we get any papers 1 E · tate liberally thrown. His face- . th St t •This way with •em." vemng. well it would be much more diplo. mg e a e. I oO--Oo ' First-water basketball was the matic not to mention t hat. "It is Grat ifying to noti ce the Butte. high will play Butte Central in semi -finals tomor- That is just a fair sample of the outstanding feature of the final I In he came kicking the excess off g eneral improveme nt in the style I row mornmg as a result of her defeatmg B!lhngs tl:is afternoon. uonglomeration of oratory, military game of the set played last night his boots, and trying to dig off his of play, th e standa rd of s ports- The game was fast from the start, but the iVIimng City lads pulled rders and wheedling tones that when Park tangled with Fergus glasses so. that the windows of his m anshi p , t h e general procedure away from the Sl.lgar Beeters for a 20 -15 victory. This victory <n:eeted me as I invaded theg round for the final preliminary game nught be open to a steady in each su cceeding Basketball means that Butte will play in the championship contest tomorrow , loor of the gym last night with " of the tournament. Undoubted- vision. T ou'.Ilam e n t ," s tated P: esident nifht. Either Butte or Butte Central must win and as a result pundle of papers under my arm and ly it was one of the two best "Well I'll be --." A tkinson, of the coll ege, m a spe- , . . . . tarted around the exterior of that games played so far, the first It is useless to mention the rest ci al interview th is morning. .. " " " " •.• •.•• •• 1 fnst second will go to the Cop- .-asketball court. There were several big eye opener being the game of that comment on the scene by "" "After the th irteen t ourna- : .. •• .. " •• •• II •.• :t II U :: , •• U' per City. t!Jnes I thought I would be robbed between Whitehall and Butte Exponent reporter. t M t St te 11 •• :t I Helena got away from Big . before I had dispensed with the bun- to cover the driver of the Exponent's feels so1!1e o ver t_he ;; Sandy in the second game of the Central Wednesday night. It's funny how that mud manage> mens, on ana a co e g e1 ··· WINNERS IN TOURNEY lie of printed matter uuder my arm. Park started with a free throw part which 1t h as h ad m prov1d ft d ·1 d t special car The editor has quit . . - 1 :: Custer County 10, Poplar 5 :t a ernoon an pl e up scores oo but somehow Dame Fortune (who- only to be tied a moment later. Park . mg a place and actmg as hosts : Butte Central 17, Whitehall 16 :-: fast for the eastern team. It lwer that lady is) rolled me a good- wa• at this period taking access to :;d for these contests . U Butte City 32, Flathead Co. 23 n• I looked like a walk away the first uck seven and I made the circutt long shots which could not connect, ":c>raetically speaking, there is n, B'Jr 18 G t F II 8 :: bodily injury. 2nd Fergu• pulled away to finish the manager. mor'! poor high scho<>l basketba!l. .. i mgs rea a s canto, and everyone with money 0 first quarter in the lead, 5-1. During " Helena 4 0, Ronan 13 :t on Big Sandy gave up in disgust. oO--- 0 c 0 0 I Of course some teams are better 11 Wh · h 11 23 p 1 But that One tr ·ip was worth ... · 0 _ 1 the second perio_d the Park m_en_ put I NSPE Tl N N than others but 1 . the Stat Tourn ite a op ar 8 :·. The second half Big Sandy ran b tt d f hed ' n e - :: Big Sanely 2 2, Forsyth 27 :: in the surprise and made the fast :onsiderable for it gave me a rather I up a e . er game mis ament every game is a good one, :-: Anaconda 23, Hardin 12 :-: 'Red and vVhite team outdo itself '.sty reVl ·ew of the State of Mon. 1 a tie, n-:>. The next tie came at while in the district tournaments the 1 1 ... G - b t F h d th t FOR SATURDAY reat Falls 16, Flathead Co. 12 :: I in order to keep it's margin. ana. I sav the state for there were ., u ergus 5 owe er winners have had to put forth their - .. R 23 F th " · : . . . to in the lead. It was m the fmal onan · • orsy 11 " The last game of the afternoon -epresentall\-es from e\·ery sction ot erlod that the Livin ston men made very best efforts to win from their :: Park 19, Fergus 13 was a royal fight from the first .h state that clamomed loudly for P 1 . t 11 1 k 1 d competitors to get to the state tourn- :·: FeTgus 26, Hardin 13 I: 1 . whistle. Anaconda walked away ,a rs. , -d somehow they gvt t_ ietr grea ra y W1 ns ·eep . ea - 1 0 f h ament. ...... H 1 S d pe "'' f If ti mg the attack. Scoring 12 porns to Al Departments pen or t e I e ena, 30 Big an 24 '.• from the Park lads in the opener, hem away ram me. 10 se pap- h F . t 11 f o b. 1 t th Occasion Beginning cONTESTS MAKE ; :: Butte High, 20, Billings 15. .i ,_but, the Livingston lads pulled had been gold bricks and all of t e . ergus a Y o " roug 1 em CONTRIBUTIO d b b b k th r ht well m the lead, and although Fergus at Three. N ! r. Anaconda, 19, Park 17. out of their dreams during the ·hat crow ad een ro ·e e ig ut up a wonderful fight they could I "The State College believes that I :t It last par tof the game and gave ouldn't have been any worse. catch up. I "Everybody welcome" wi.U be the 1 basketball, as well as the speaking 1 r. :: :: U :: :- : :-: :: :·! n U U II :-: :t I their opponents a stiff battle. oO---Oo Flathead and Forsyth were elimi- sle>gan of the vanous tlepa1tments and contests m·e makmg a i · I Anaconda won with a field b as - There were girls, young vam- nated in the tourney last night, by I of Montan.a State College. tomorro\' substantial contnbut1011 towards the I MUSICAL COMEDY IS ket as the gun was fired. Score, piers might be a better term, defeats at the hands of Great Falls! afternoon when an inspection of the educat1c.na1 expenence of the state 1 L 19-17. who I'll wager winged at n1e. and Ronan, while Park won its fil:st grounds v.-ill be conducted. The m- To with contestants who we I PROGRESSING F AST The victory was a last minute af- At any rate they got the papers !fray of the series in an exciting go . will start at 3 o'clock and 1 have prev1ously seen and _to I fair. Long broke the 17-point tie and they didn't knoek me down with the Fergus county lads. The I parties w1! have an opportumty to mamtam throug-h that clash a fme I ___ into which the game had evolved, and like the fellows adjoining them. first two contests slow and and un- see all of the departments of the regar_d for the rules of the game and I WORK ON PRODUCTION TO I as the gun went off the victory was Perhaps part of it might also be i teresting with the Electric men sce>r- I institution. the rights and feelings of other peo. J BE RUSHED FOR OPENER with Anaconda. attributed to the fact that they .n gh in t"e second period to I Several special featu'res are being pie, is an attairunent of permanent i I Anaconda opened the game with a mg enou •i 1 F h f · d dJ · I nsed such pleading tones that I giv them a win and Ronan gradual- prepared by the students of the col. va ue. <or t e nends an a mrers 1 Dates Set On Ap ril 8 an d 9 for rush and took Park off it's feet . There couldn't resist handing over a 1 . awa; from the Forsyth lege for the visitors. The depa1"tments of the different teams to come to the: the Presentation of An· was no basket work done dm;ng the paper. /,. for an easy victory. I of engineering, agriculture, science, contests with high hopes and defi- 1 nual Com edy. I first quarter, and the quarter ended oO---Oo 1 e . DOWNS hom economics, and art will be of nite confidence that their team. is 3-1 on personal fouls. The second Then the"re were elderly ladies special interest to those who make the very best, and then for those The annual musical comedy by the 1 Tound, showed that Anaconda could asking for papers. Somehow FER f h h d t f .. t the tour. 'I friends and followers to be true Looters is progressing rapid!;• in wake up, for the Smelter City lads .,- . . In one o t e ar es oug.i1 games . . . . !.heir requests seemed to sift through so far this tournament, the Park Co . !ELECTRICALS sportsmen m the fac_e _ of defeat, .s spite of all the other attractions went into the game with a bang, and ;he rest of the screeclung eat calls. . h S h 1 B 1 tb 11 t d f ted RA VE SHOW makmg for better c1tizensl11p. The which are going on at this time. Mr set the score 12-5 at the half came . . I H1g c oo as <.e a earn e ea . . 11 • . !'hey ge>t the papers too '.n spite of the Fergus County team by a score of The engme_ ers. have pr<!" I State Co,.'ege considers the basket. I Davenport feels that with the casl to a close. . ilie threatening storm brwmg arnund 3 pared a spec13] exhibit m. the en. ball, wr1tmg and "'5say contests as I and choruses that have been chosen I Park came back the third quarter hem. Mature men, interested in 19 to 1 · I gineering laboratory for all visitors. distinctly worth while and as occupy- he can assure all that even though and it looked as though they might !ertain players, or certain teams, Fergu.s assumed the early TheTe are "tin can 11 motors, water 1 ing a proper place on the State's it is heavy it won't fall through. win in spite of the lead was them. ll'ould give a wishful look, and some- m the first half and lead m the scar- pail forg es, freak motors, and doz- Educational Program." The dates of April Sth and gtlt They connected for 8 points while . d mg until almost the end when Park . . . 1 , i\n . d t 4 Th t t >aw I iust grabbed a paper an b 1 . d d t"ed the ens of other things m the electr1ca have been secured and with good . aeon a go . e quar er wen >assed it over. cah'" up e un an ' laboratory that hold the attentio_n cf Mr. Stuot and two sons, of Bill- luck and a lot of work the show will 16-13 in favor of Anaconda. Then oO---Oo sco:·c. At end. of the quarter the all who stray 0 ,•er to look at the ings, are visiting at the Sig Alph came the battle. Both teams fought to a score - oYl .1 :0 1 m favor of Fergus, . nk house. be given on those dates. The scenery for first with long shots. Park was But when I got around ' th h If f d th JU J manager seems quite optimistic an·j but a',. >c "-""'·"· oc e a oun e Othei· departments have pre•,,a"red the most successful in this sort of • oth Tarkington would have de- 'coi·e ' ' · 0 ·" good exhibits for the visitors. There i Jack Moberg, of Livingston. is " now is whether or not he can have play and the score went 15-16. Am- c1·owd of grammar-school boys- I d 1 says that all he is won-ying about lighted in the scene before me. In the scond haif Fergus came back ate many things to . be seen that will I guest at the Sig Alph house du'ring everything ready by the time the cur- mos made a personal, tied There wasn't Herman and Ver- I strong and contmued to lead until make people more curious than ever. tournament. tain goes up the first night. The the score 17 all. Longs ftnal ... hJ.'o\V man. and the dog, put there were I the last half of the last quarter, when material for the. scenery is all here cinched the game for the Anaconda ! Park staged a fine rally and came out five. dozens of Penrods, and count- I on the long end of a 19 to 13 score. p 1 • • l E t and work on it will start with a bang Th r . less Sams. I saw one little ma- I The l ine-up: re lml nar zes n x emp the first of ne:<t week. Park (17) Allen (9) _roan sweater bob up fl·om no- Park Co. (19) Fergus Co. (13) RJ; H ld Ti 'h M CHORUSES Emmons (3) where topped with a face of lS or ntng LOOK GOOD I Allen .......... Chesterfield ere e I I Right Forward freckles and crowned with a mop Right Forward It has been <>:1ven out on quite Long (Z) . ········--·· Mofield (O) of brown fuzz. He shot out two Mofield Tetzloff --- ' good authority that the mens chorus I Left For\\ ard hands toward me, and a screech Left Forward TOURNAMENT NE . WS SPEECHES ARE DECLARED 1 1 this year is one that will make all I Healy ( 4 ) Inskeep (6) followed. I replied "'ith a paper, Inskeep ........ Ball ON THE AIR TONITE OF VERY HIGH CALIBRE the unattached young women sit up; Central and that combination dropped Central --- . and remember that this is leap year. I Botzen:;ardt (S) .............. Kiehl (0) back int<> the mob, content to Kiehl ····-- McCullom KFDO, Local Broadcasting Set Final Contest to be Held Satur; J We have also heard . that the two 1 , Right Guard read and leave me go. Right Guard Sends Out Tourney Dope; day Afternoon at the I choruses of women are a sight for Farlen (OJ ...... --·· .. .. . Ebert (0) oO---Oo Ebert ···- ..... -················ McChestney Regular Programs Emerson School. tired eyes. They are going to have I Left Guard The referee's whistle ended the, Left Guard · .some swimming lessons that mar be 1 Substitutions-Saru$O for Mofield, a ttle for news. The papers were I Officials-Hartwig, referee; Glynn, -·-- The winners, given able, to teach all something we Mofield for Caruso; Heal:.· for Em- ne, and the game was ready to I umpire. News of the tournament is beml=!" not m o'rder of rank, or r..he pie- I dldn t know before. mons, Long for Johnson, Johnson for rt on the second quarter. Back Substitutions-Mattson for Kiehl; broadcasted twice a day by station hmmary extemporaneous speaking The plot of the play is centered Healy. the sidelines, I turned and be\)eld Smith for Tetzloff, Gary for McChest- 1 KFDO on 240 meters. Morning and contest held Friday mornmg al"e a,;\ •round Jim a young college studen1 Officials-Referee, Romney; Um- wall of white. Those papers 1 - ne;-. afternoon results are sent out at follows: who has been disinherited by ihis pire, DeWalcl. add ist!ributed werq being de- RONA:-1 STOPS I eight P. M. and the evening results Oleta Brewington-Fromberg. rich uncle . The reason was that the BUTTE TAKES utced. ·poRSYTH 1 are· sent out at ten P. M. E rnest H. Brown-Fergus County I uncle started to drown and as the F.\.ST ONE Ronan put the finish to the Forsyth The college has a regular program Lois Bushwell-Terry. I young man couldn't swim some one Butte took the first game of this Tom :McGowan was a dinner hopes last night to the tune of 23 to for br oadcasting every Monday and Ivan Caraway-Billings. else l'escued the uncle. Jim has been afternoon from Billings by a s.·:ore the Bet.a Epsilon house Thursaay. 11, in a game that was fairly fast I Wednesday night at eight o'dlock. Edward Cooper-Butte City iHg.1.1 promised a job at Palm Beach but of 15-20 in one of the fastest encount- 1 (Contrnued on page three) There are going to be several inter_ Bernice Crane-Gallatin. upon his arrival there he learns that ers seen on the tournament flo)r this . LI. o_ yd Myers, of Harlowtown, ;s 1 .. - .. " :t :t U : U :: U U :·: U' 1 esting and entertaining featuTes Edward Fuller-Helena. hs job has flown. The sha1·ks arP vea'r. Worden, Thierkoff AhO , 1 tmp- at the Beta Epsilon house ; •• U broadcasted in the near future. The . Carl Rosenbaum-Great Falls. quite bad at the beach and oppot- ;vere all going good for Butte, with l'ing tournament. 1 , ... HI GH POINT MEN It Glee Club is going to give an hours The contest, to the tunely ( ·?) carry off the Life-saver Worden dropping in most of the count- -- - ·-- :; Ii I program with a solo by MT. Bunny udges, was a superior one in every the day that Jim arrives. ers. J. Lewis and Phyihian did work I .. d f b b th Male way, and should assure an unus- 1 broke and so accepts the. po.s1t1on a. of the first quality for the Yellow- ' :t -Player - Team - Pts U an a ew num ers y e h to . TICKET SA.LES ' Q rt t Th s A E h tr h ually fine final contest, which will life-saver which leads 1m m sev- stone champoms. MOUNTING HIGH I :t Rottier, Helena ········--·-·······36 :: lua de . . e . . . ore esb be held Saturday afternoon at 1 :3_0 j eral strange predi_caments. . ' The game started fast, with all f our U Kain, H<0lena ........................ 33 a rea y given one program th o'clock in the Emerson school aud1-' From then on Jim has the time or gua1·ds working too perfection, and --- i U Worden, Butte ................. _ .... 25 It expecting to gwe some more m e torium South Grand Ave. Holders I his life. He "falls" for the resort'' neither side was able to count a field At the close of the games 1••• H. Hurd, Big Sandy .......... 25 It I near future. of toU::,, ament season tickets will bo flirt, and the life she leads. him of. goal in the first quarter. Cornwall l ast night, the ticket receipts Egan, Ronan ...... ...... ., .. 18 :: I It wou ld be g'reatly appreciated if admitted free. A charge of ' twenty- feni an excellent oppljrtumty for tallied a couple of gift throws for according to Prof. Ho l mes who U Bessey, FI.athead --··-·· ........ 16 :-: anyone getti ng the college station five cents will be imposed upon all some clever comedy situations. Billings, two points of the period, and is in charge of the s al es, were It McKenzie, Butte Central ... 16 :i wou ld write Mr. Everett Cutting, others who wish to attend the con. According to present plans, there Theirkoff counted a free one for Butte. $3,700.00. Th is is the s al es at ;: E . B'essey, Flathead ...- ... 15 :: 42 West Koch, Bozeman, Mont., giv- h I The score at the end of the period the window and does not in- Co 14 :-: ing their name and address and test. T here a're no game,,. or other will be several of t e most ar was 2-1 in favor of Billings. At the U Ball , Fergns · ·· Jr h they heard tl18 broad . meeti n g"S at this time and all who . songs of the show broadcast rom elude the season tickets. 1 ii ii te w · en ( Continued on page four) I KFDO, on 240 meter9. (Continued on page three) I casting. :·: :i u tt :t :.; :: !·: :-: :: u u u = ___ _:. ___________________________________________________________ _

TOURNAMENT DAILY EDITION ~xpon:cnt VOLUME XV. B O … · , loor of the gym last night with " of the tournament. Undoubted- vision. T ou'.Ilam e nt , s tated P:esid t nifht. Either

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Page 1: TOURNAMENT DAILY EDITION ~xpon:cnt VOLUME XV. B O … · , loor of the gym last night with " of the tournament. Undoubted- vision. T ou'.Ilam e nt , s tated P:esid t nifht. Either


~xpon:cnt VOLUME XV. B O ZEMAN, MON T ANA , F RIDAY, MAR C H 7, 1924 NUMBER 22

MUD! , "Hey Gimme One'' Yells Kid as the

Papers Get Out


PLAY BEITER !Speed Marks Days .:3:!:v~:::;_:::"· SAYS PREXYI Tourney Contests

J Thrills Provided In A bundance I t was one grand and glorious mud Declares That Standard of Sport- I 1 for Crowd in Last bath. He looked like he had been manship and of Procedure I WI~NING TEA M S GET CH ANCE AT EACH

By c. j Preliminary. driving for t he street cleaning de- Is Much Better. OTHER LL'I MOR NING AND AFTER OON S E TS

"Hey, gimme one!" ·j F'LATHEAD-FOR S YTH OUT I partment, if one were to judge froi;n HIG H BASKETBALL GOOD I "That one didn't get up here. HE'i external appea'rances. From h is _ _ _ I Eliminatlo n s Continue D ur ing Day's Series ; Butte and Billings

HOOT 'NOTHER!" Great F a lls and Ronan Victors in ·head to his feet . the're were litt le Believes Tha t B ask etball, E ssa y B attlee In Hottest Contest o f A fternoon ; Fergus "ll!Jly I have one, please?",, Opening Contest of the I splotchs of Gallatin Valie;r real es. and Ext emp a r e H elp- and B u tte Centr al Win in Morning Set. '"Don't we get any papers 1 E · tate liberally thrown. His face- . t h St t •This way with •em." vemng. well it would be much more diplo. mg e a e. I

oO--Oo ' First-water basketball was the matic not to mention t hat. "It is Gratifying to notice t h e Butte. high will play Butte Central in t~~ semi-finals tomor-That is just a fair sample of the outstanding feature of the final I In he came kicking the excess off general improvem ent in t h e s t y le I row mornmg as a result of her defeatmg B!lhngs tl:is afternoon.

uonglomeration of oratory, military game of the set played last nigh t his boots, and trying to dig off his of play, the standa rd of s ports - T h e game was fast from the start, but the iVIimng City lads pulled rders and wheedling tones that when Park tangled with Fergus glasses so. that the windows of his m anship , t h e general procedur e away from the Sl.lgar Beeters for a 20-15 victory. This victory

<n:eeted me as I invaded theg round for the final preliminary game 1 ~tellect nught be open to a steady in each s u cceed in g Basketball means that Butte will play in the championship contest tomorrow , loor of the gym last night with " of the tournament. Undoubted- vision. T ou'.Ilam en t ," s tated P:esid en t nifht. Either Butte or Butte Central must win and as a result pundle of papers under my arm and ly it was one of the two best "Well I'll be --." A tkinson, of t h e colle g e , m a s p e - , . . . . tarted around the exterior of that games played so far, the first It is useless to mention the rest c ial interview t h is morning. .. " " " " •.• •.• •• ••


fnst ~-r second will go to the Cop-.-asketball court. There were several big eye opener being the game of that comment on the scene by "" "After t h e t h irteen t ourna- : .. •• .. " •• •• II •.• :t II U :: , •• U' per City. t!Jnes I thought I would be robbed between Whitehall and Butte Exponent reporter. t M t St te 11 •• :t I Helena got away from Big

. before I had dispensed with the bun- to cover the driver of the Exponent's feels so1!1e ~atisfaction. over t_he ;; ~ Sandy in the second game of the Central Wednesday night. It's funny how that mud manage> mens, on ana a co eg e1 ··· WINNERS IN TOURNEY ~

1 lie of printed matter uuder my arm. Park started with a free throw part which 1t h as h ad m prov1d ft d ·1 d t special car The editor has quit . . -1:: Custer County 10, Poplar 5 :t a ernoon an pl e up scores oo

but somehow Dame Fortune (who- only to be tied a moment later. Park . mg a place and actmg as hosts :·: Butte Central 17, Whitehall 16 :-: fast for the eastern team. It lwer that lady is) rolled me a good- wa• at this period taking access to ~~~'t, t~~~ ~~~ :;d t~:wci~.:'ia~~~ for these contests. U Butte City 32, Flathead Co. 23 n• I looked like a walk away the first uck seven and I made the circutt long shots which could not connect, ":c>raetically speaking, there is n, ~; B'Jr 18 G t F II 8 :: .~th.out bodily injury. 2nd Fergu• pulled away to finish the manager. m or'! poor high scho<>l basketba!l. .. i mgs • rea a s canto, and everyone with money

0 first quarter in the lead, 5-1. During " Helena 40, Ronan 13 :t on Big Sandy gave up in disgust. oO--- 0 c 0 0 I Of course some teams are better 11 Wh · h 11 23 p 1 • But that One tr ·ip was worth ... · 0 _1 the second perio_d the Park m_en_ put INSPE Tl N N than others but 1. the Stat Tourn ite a • op ar 8 :·. The second half Big Sandy ran

• b tt d f hed ' n e - :: Big Sanely 22, Forsyth 27 :: in the surprise and made the fast :onsiderable for it gave me a rather I up a e . er _P~ssmg game a~ mis ament every game is a good one, :-: Anaconda 23, Hardin 12 :-: 'Red and vVhite team outdo itself '.sty reVl·ew of the State of Mon. 1 ~-'Ith a tie, n-:>. The next tie came at while in the district tournaments the 1


... • G - b t F h d th t FOR SATURDAY reat Falls 16, Flathead Co. 12 :: I in order to keep it's margin. ana. I sav the state for there were ., • u ergus 5 owe an~ er s~ur winners have had to put forth their -.. R 23 F th "

· : . . . to ~o in the lead. It was m the fmal onan · • orsy 11 " The last game of the afternoon -epresentall\-es from e\·ery sction ot erlod that the Livin ston men made very best efforts to win from their :: Park 19, Fergus 13 ~ I was a royal fight from the first .h state that clamomed loudly for P1 . t 11 .t~ 1 k 1 d competitors to get to the state tourn- :·: FeTgus 26, Hardin 13 I:


. whistle. Anaconda walked away ,a rs. •, -d somehow they gvt t_ ietr grea ra y W1 • ns ·eep. ea - 1 0 f h ament. ...... H 1 S d •

pe "'' f If ti mg the attack. Scoring 12 porns to Al Departments pen or t e I e ena, 30 Big an Y· 24 '.• from the Park lads in the opener, hem away ram me. 10se pap- h F . t 11 f o b. 1 t th Occasion Beginning cONTESTS MAKE ; :: Butte High, 20, Billings 15. .i ,_but, the Livingston lads pulled .~ had been gold bricks and all of t e . ergus a Y o " roug 1 em CONTRIBUTIO ~~ d b b b k th r ht well m the lead, and although Fergus at Three. N ! r. Anaconda, 19, Park 17. ~:I out of their dreams during the ·hat crow ad een ro ·e e ig ut up a wonderful fight they could I "The State College believes that I :t It last par tof the game and gave

ouldn't have been any worse. ~ot catch up. I "Everybody welcome" wi.U be the 1 basketball, as well as the speaking 1r. :: :: U :: :-: :-: :: :·! n U U II :-: :t I their opponents a stiff battle . oO---Oo Flathead and Forsyth were elimi- sle>gan of the vanous tlepa1tments and WJ·i~ing contests m·e makmg a i · I Anaconda won with a field b as-

There were girls, young vam- nated in the tourney last night, by I of Montan.a State College. tomorro\' substantial contnbut1011 towards the I MUSICAL COMEDY IS ket as the gun was fired. Score, piers might be a better term, defeats at the hands of Great Falls! afternoon when an inspection of the educat1c.na1 expenence of the state 1 L 19-17. who I'll wager winged at n1e. and Ronan, while Park won its fil:st grounds v.-ill be conducted. The m- To el~~~ with contestants who we I PROGRESSING FAST The victory was a last minute af-At any rate they got the papers !fray of the series in an exciting go . spec~ion will start at 3 o'clock and


have ~t prev1ously seen and _to I fair. Long broke the 17-point tie and they didn't knoek me down with the Fergus county lads. The I parties w1! have an opportumty to mamtam throug-h that clash a fme I ___ into which the game had evolved, and like the fellows adjoining them. first two contests slow and and un- see all of the departments of the regar_d for the rules of the game and I WORK ON PRODUCTION TO I as the gun went off the victory was Perhaps part of it might also be i teresting with the Electric men sce>r- I institution. the rights and feelings of other peo. J BE RUSHED FOR OPENER with Anaconda. attributed to the fact that they .n gh in t"e second period to I Several special featu'res are being pie, is an attairunent of permanent i I Anaconda opened the game with a mg enou •i 1 F h f · d dJ · I nsed such pleading tones that I giv them a win and Ronan gradual- prepared by the students of the col. va ue. <or t e nends an a mrers 1 Dates Set On A pril 8 and 9 for rush and took Park off it's feet. There couldn't resist handing over a 1 . ~ulling awa; from the Forsyth lege for the visitors. The depa1"tments of the different teams to come to the: the Presentation of An· was no basket work done dm;ng the paper. /,. for an easy victory. I of engineering, agriculture, science, contests with high hopes and defi-

1 nual Com edy. I first quarter, and the quarter ended

oO---Oo 1

e . DOWNS hom economics, and art will be of nite confidence that their team. is 3-1 on personal fouls. The second Then the"re were elderly ladies [PAR~US special interest to those who make the very best, and then for those The annual musical comedy by the 1Tound, showed that Anaconda could

~,;etly asking for papers. Somehow FER f h h d t f .. t the tour. 'I friends and followers to be true Looters is progressing rapid!;• in wake up, for the Smelter City lads .,- . . In one o t e ar es oug.i1 games . . . . !.heir requests seemed to sift through so far this tournament, the Park Co. !ELECTRICALS sportsmen m the fac_e _ of defeat, .s spite of all the other attractions went into the game with a bang, and ;he rest of the screeclung eat calls. . h S h 1 B 1 tb 11 t d f ted RA VE SHOW makmg for better c1tizensl11p. The which are going on at this time. Mr set the score 12-5 at the half came . . I H1g c oo as <.e a earn e ea . . 11 • . • !'hey ge>t the papers too '.n spite of the Fergus County team by a score of The electric~! engme_ers. have pr<!" I State Co,.'ege considers the basket. I Davenport feels that with the casl to a close. . ilie threatening storm brwmg arnund 3 pared a spec13] exhibit m. the en. ball, wr1tmg and "'5say contests as I and choruses that have been chosen I Park came back the third quarter hem. Mature men, interested in

19 to

1 · I gineering laboratory for all visitors. distinctly worth while and as occupy- he can assure all that even though and it looked as though they might

!ertain players, or certain teams, I· Fergu.s assumed the o~ense early TheTe are "tin can11 motors, water 1 ing a proper place on the State's it is heavy it won't fall through. win in spite of the lead was them. ll'ould give a wishful look, and some- m the first half and lead m the scar- pail forges, freak motors, and doz- Educational Program." The dates of April Sth and gtlt They connected for 8 points while

. d mg until almost the end when Park . . . 1 , i\n . d t 4 Th t t >aw I iust grabbed a paper an b 1 . d d t"ed the ens of other things m the electr1ca have been secured and with good . aeon a go . e quar er wen >assed it over. cah'" up f,-~~' e un an ' laboratory that hold the attentio_n cf Mr. Stuot and two sons, of Bill- luck and a lot of work the show will 16-13 in favor of Anaconda. Then

oO---Oo sco:·c. At l~.e end. of the quarter the all who stray 0 ,•er to look at the ings, are visiting at the Sig Alph came the battle. Both teams fought to a

score - oYl .1 :0 1 m favor of Fergus, . nk house. be given on those dates. The scenery for first with long shots. Park was But when I got around ' ~ th h If f d th JU • J manager seems quite optimistic an·j

but a',. >c "-""'·"· oc e a oun e Othei· departments have pre•,,a"red the most successful in this sort of • oth Tarkington would have de- 'coi·e ' ' · 0

·" good exhibits for the visitors. There i Jack Moberg, of Livingston. is " now is whether or not he can have play and the score went 15-16. Am-c1·owd of grammar-school boys- I d 1 says that all he is won-ying about

lighted in the scene before me. In the scond haif Fergus came back ate many things to .be seen that will I guest at the Sig Alph house du'ring everything ready by the time the cur- mos made a personal, t~en. P~r: tied There wasn't Herman and Ver- I strong and contmued to lead until make people more curious than ever. tournament. tain goes up the first night. The the score 17 all. Longs ftnal ... hJ.'o\V man. and the dog, put there were I the last half of the last quarter, when material for the. scenery is all here cinched the game for the Anaconda

! Park staged a fine rally and came out five. dozens of Penrods, and count- I on the long end of a 19 to 13 score. p 1 • • • l E t and work on it will start with a bang Th r . less Sams. I saw one little ma- I The line-up: re l m lnarzes n x em p the first of ne:<t week. Anac:n~,~·(~~i Park (17)

Allen (9) _roan sweater bob up fl·om no- Park Co. (19) Fergus Co. (13) RJ; H ld Ti'h • M • CHORUSES Emmons (3) where topped with a face of lS or ntng LOOK GOOD I Allen .......... Chesterfield ere e I I Right Forward freckles and crowned with a mop Right Forward It has been <>:1ven out on quite Long (Z) . ········--·· Mofield (O) of brown fuzz. He shot out two Mofield Tetzloff --- ' good authority that the mens chorus I Left For\\ ard hands toward me, and a screech Left Forward TOURNAMENT NE. WS SPEECHES ARE DECLARED


1 this year is one that will make all I Healy (4 ) Inskeep (6) followed. I replied "'ith a paper, Inskeep ........ Ball ON THE AIR TONITE OF VERY HIGH CALIBRE the unattached young women sit up; Central and that combination dropped Central --- . and remember that this is leap year. I Botzen:;ardt (S) -· .............. Kiehl (0) back int<> the mob, content to Kiehl ····-- McCullom KFDO, Local Broadcasting Set Final Contest to be Held Satur; J We have also heard . that the two

1, Right Guard

read and leave me go. Right Guard Sends Out Tourney Dope; day Afternoon at the I choruses of women are a sight for Farlen (OJ ...... --·· .. .. . Ebert (0) oO---Oo Ebert ···- ..... -················ McChestney Regular Programs Emerson School. tired eyes. They are going to have I Left Guard

The referee's whistle ended the, Left Guard · .some swimming lessons that mar be


Substitutions-Saru$O for Mofield, a ttle for news. The papers were I Officials-Hartwig, referee; Glynn, -·-- The winners, given alph_a~eticall;o able, to teach ~s all something we Mofield for Caruso; Heal:.· for Em-

ne, and the game was ready to I umpire. News of the tournament is beml=!" ~n~ not m o'rder of rank, or r..he pie- I dldn t know before. mons, Long for Johnson, Johnson for rt on the second quarter. Back Substitutions-Mattson for Kiehl; broadcasted twice a day by station hmmary extemporaneous speaking The plot of the play is centered Healy. the sidelines, I turned and be\)eld Smith for Tetzloff, Gary for McChest-


KFDO on 240 meters. Morning and contest held Friday mornmg al"e a,;\ •round Jim a young college studen1 Officials-Referee, Romney; Um-wall of white. Those papers 1 -ne;-. afternoon results are sent out at follows: who has been disinherited by ihis pire, DeWalcl .

add ist!ributed werq being de- RONA:-1 STOPS I eight P. M. and the evening results Oleta Brewington-Fromberg. rich uncle. The reason was that the BUTTE TAKES utced. ·poRSYTH


are· sent out at ten P. M. E rnest H . Brown-Fergus County I uncle started to drown and as the F.\.ST ONE Ronan put the finish to the Forsyth The college has a regular program Lois Bushwell-Terry. I young man couldn't swim some one Butte took the first game of this

Tom :McGowan was a dinner gues~ hopes last night to the tune of 23 to for broadcasting every Monday and Ivan Caraway-Billings. else l'escued the uncle. Jim has been afternoon from Billings by a s.·:ore • the Bet.a Epsilon house Thursaay. 11, in a game that was fairly fast I Wednesday night at eight o'dlock. Edward Cooper-Butte City iHg.1.1 promised a job at Palm Beach but of 15-20 in one of the fastest encount-

1 (Contrnued on page three) There are going to be several inter_ Bernice Crane-Gallatin. upon his arrival there he learns that ers seen on the tournament flo)r this

.LI. o_ yd Myers, of Harlowtown, ;s


.. -.. " :t :t ~: ~: U :·: U :: U U :·: U'


esting and entertaining featuTes Edward Fuller-Helena. hs job has flown. The sha1·ks arP vea'r. Worden, Thierkoff an~ AhO , 1tmp- at the Beta Epsilon house ; •• U broadcasted in the near future. The .Carl Rosenbaum-Great Falls. quite bad at the beach and oppot- ;vere all going good for Butte, with l'ing tournament.


, ... HIGH POINT MEN It Glee Club is going to give an hours The contest, accor~ing to the tunely ( ·?) carry off the Life-saver Worden dropping in most of the count--- - ·-- :; Ii I program with a solo by MT. Bunny udges, was a superior one in every the day that Jim arrives. .~e ~ ers. J. Lewis and Phyihian did work

I .. d f b b th Male way, and should assure an unus-


broke and so accepts the. po.s1t1on a. of the first quality for the Yellow-' :t -Player - Team - Pts U an a ew num ers y e h to . TICKET SA.LES ' Q rt t Th s A E h tr h ually fine final contest, which will life-saver which leads 1m m sev- stone champoms. MOUNTING HIGH I :t Rottier, Helena ········--·-·······36 :: lua de . . e . . . ore esb ~ a~: be held Saturday afternoon at 1 :3_0 j eral strange predi_caments. . ' The game started fast, with all f our

U Kain, H<0lena ........................ 33 ~'t a rea y given one program ~ th o'clock in the Emerson school aud1-' From then on Jim has the time or gua1·ds working too perfection, and --- i U Worden, Butte ................. _ .... 25 It expecting to gwe some more m e torium South Grand Ave. Holders I his life. He "falls" for the resort'' neither side was able to count a field At the close of t h e games 1 ••• H. Hurd, Big Sandy .......... 25 It I near future. of toU::,,ament season tickets will bo flirt, and the life she leads. him of. goal in the first quarter. Cornwall

last night, the ticket receipts ~ Egan, Ronan ...... . ..... ., .. 18 :: I I t would be g'reatly appreciated if admitted free. A charge of ' twenty- feni an excellent oppljrtumty for tallied a couple of gift throws for according to Prof. Holmes who U Bessey, FI.athead --··-·· ........ 16 :-: anyone getting the college station five cents will be imposed upon all some clever comedy situations. Billings, two points of the period, and is in charge of the s ales, were It McKenzie, Butte Central ... 16 :i wou ld write Mr. Everett Cutting, others who wish to attend the con. According to present plans, there Theirkoff counted a free one for Butte. $3,700.00. T h is is the s ales at ;: E . B'essey, Flathead ... - ... 15 :: 42 West Koch, Bozeman, Mont. , giv- h I The score at the end of the period the window and does not in- Co 14 :-: ing their name and address and test. There a're no game,,. or other will be several of t e most edpo~u ar was 2-1 in favor of Billings. At the

U Ball, Fergns · ·· Jr h they heard tl18 broad. meeting"S at this time and all who . songs of the show broadcast rom elude the season tickets.

1 ii ii te i~ w ·en (Continued on page four) I KFDO, on 240 meter9. (Continued on page three)

I casting.

~ :·: :i u tt :t :.; :: !·: :-: :: u u u = ___ _:. ___________________________________________________________ _

Page 2: TOURNAMENT DAILY EDITION ~xpon:cnt VOLUME XV. B O … · , loor of the gym last night with " of the tournament. Undoubted- vision. T ou'.Ilam e nt , s tated P:esid t nifht. Either


NEN~ 1~-------------- \ft11d so~ poor Popla1· wti:. 1hude t.o\ Did you bear this in the rloor rush I wise bird nearby, THE WEEKLY EXPO .l · BATTING' sa1fer ibrougli the selfir.!rness of lwo oafter the Park-Fergus game? "Sag you will."

I C:e>1gning CQ-eds. kid, what do you tlrink of that girl And she didn't.

"but I don't tbink

Published every 'luesday of the College_ yea r by the staff c.nosen from the 1 ou will noti<:e the c~:pJl.!S:non of on the third row over there? You stude..'ltS of the Montana State College of the University of M011tana, FOR ELI self-satisfaction whi<'h is spre!ld all know the one with the funny Hiking What's all this scandal about the

Bozeman, Montana over h1S countenance. This is. al- bat." And the girl td.rned to be- officials closing the Legion Hall-Aceeptance for mailing at ~pedal rate of postagP proV1de« for in Section •'-- -------------! ways manifest when he bas oeen

11?- hold a most dignified profe~sor at Metro Dance last night. Too many 1103


Act of Oetober 3, 1917, authorized February 17, 1919. ticed into conversation by some ialr ber elbow. "Oh, excllSe me, 1 dark comers we bear.

HARRY McCANN -~~-~-~~~-~:::o:::~~ef -· ----- ------- ·---- -(24) I

BOOSHOO damsel. I thought-Bernice where are you! Inc his :-nad ef~orts to ~.)~~eal ~ls Gee. I'm lost-may?e I ought to stop 'I Mrs. J. T. Cook, of Billings, Wa$ '1\ bn.:-1:ful v 1sage iiom the t.,.~ze of m. right here and wait.'' a luncheon guest at the Chi Omega..

GLENN BOYER ----------------------·- City editor --·------ _ -----· ___________ (25) RICHARD EUCKBY _______ _________ _sports editor __________________________ (24)

PEGGY BYRNE --------------------·---- Society editor -··--------·------------ (26) JOE DeHART ---·--·----------- __________ Tournament Cartoonist ________ (24)

~~. \~~/· ,------...,._,.-,, qw1'ng co-eds, he can be toun'l hid- ''Yes maybe you ought" said a I house Monday.

~ ing in front of the candy counter 1

from si~teen to twenty-four hoers a ============================== d•y.

May we warn young ladies not 1.1

feel slighted should this amorous WHEN YOU WANT

I young being fail to speak to ther:i, since he is usually ingrossed in deep

REPORTERS I Ann Jones __ ----- --·-----------------(27) Bert Julio _ ··-- -- -- ·-·--------------- (24) Jake Forbes ··- ----···-------------··· (25) Alta Atkinson _____________ (26)

Leonard Searle ·--···----------·--- (24) I Ray Squire ------------···---- -----·-· (24) I Harry Brentford _______________ __ _ (24)

, ____ G_le_a_n_i_·n_g_s_o_F_t_h_e_D_a_y ___ j

Ths sweet young inocent. thing just drifted in from the tall uncu: to see her boy here win the tourna ­ment. The poor boy, he is sucll a wonderful :player, but th~ coach don'"" like the way he plays pinochle •• he won't get much of a chance t11

Ott Romney was right. Anyone who paid any attention to the make all state. She is sure her fel­crowd last night when Park beat Fergus would have agreed with !er could win the meet if allowed to the director of Physical Education at the College that "this is a play, but you know these ccaches. time to forget worries, and let our emotions run free." "Wi.ldly / The poor girl-she only bi ought a

. . . . carpet bag and one leather-lmeJ excited" would be a mild e.,:11ress1on fo.r the totTents of emot10ns i tooth brush, but she is just wil · that rolled OYer each other like thundermg cataracts, as the crowd about the town. She wanted to see cheered the Park team to victory. The demonstration rocked the a sheet car so bad, and just think, building. But after all, it's strange how quickly people get back there wasn't a one in Bozeman. to normal after a game like that. She didn't know that Bozeman wa,

as big as it was, and such wonderful big office buildings at the college. Goodness! it. must be nice for eac:'l student to have his private offic~ and have the teachers come around and watch his efforts. No wonde: college students were so smart.

This young lady thinks it would

though over such weighty subjects a~ world peace and economics, an<l might for the sake of science ne- 1

glect these little details oi social ti-1 quette.

Fish in the ocean, Fish in the sea, Marcel wa '"es and hair nets lllade a fish out of me.

"What's that?" "That's the basketball coach." "I thot all coaches had wheels.'·

"I'm only a pebble in her life .... ·•well, why don't you try being ::\

little boulder?"

"Where have you been? 11

"I had a date.·· "With th.at dirty shirt?" ''No, with Clara."

"iias my mail arrived?" "Yes, but I wish you woitlcln't

speak of him in that way."


come, Anne-try to talk a little common sense!''

''But, Freddie, I wouldn't take such an unfair advantage of you.''

The greatest asset a person can possess is a fighting jaw and an over-abundance of good sportsmanship. It's the jaw that makes him try the impossible, but to the sportsmanship goes the credit of seeing the thing through regardless of the defeats, or set-backs he may encounter. The aim of all the high school athletes at the tournament should be to play the game for the game's sake. It's a hard doctrine to see when the glitter of that coveted silver basketball blinds your vision, but never-the-less that is the prin­ciple upon which the entire matter rest. It is upon that principle of sportsmanship and clean playing that some high school basket­ball player, will be awarded the Bobcat medal.

be just too lovely to live at the . . . Dorm with all the big girls, an I Eh sympathizes w1th you Chucll. they even have electric light• in all ~_She had been gone 24 hours. 31 the rooms. Yes she is c.·oming: tJ I minutes, and 15 seconds when oul' college next ya;, of course, she is devoted lover could stand it no lo!lgH· only a sophomore in iHgh School, and phoned to Butte so, he could a' but she has been taking one of thos~ least hear the fair lady s voice over two year high school correspondene~ the wire. courses also and she is getting just too big for such a small school. Eli wovld 1ike to know very much

why Heniy Jacques calls everybody "Bobbie.·

If~ iv.,#."1•'.1.l tn call A.11"1 ? fi;ibhi' because she does re.semble Bobbie J·mes; I 1t wh_ rail Bro\\·nw l~<·h­bie7


Spalding Athletic Goods Your Inspection Invited



The Home of Home-made Candies.

The Extemporaneous Speaking Contest preliminaries are com­pleted, the Essay Contest over, and tomorrow afternoon will occUl· the last bit of the "intelectuaJ'' part of the ournament when the · final extemporaneous speaking conterst will be held in the Emer­son aduitorium. But the speaking and writing activities are only part of the intellectual activities on this week. Ever player that goes on the basketball floor must exercise bis thinking facilities or he will be a "dead timber" in the frame work of his team· play­ing. Running about on the gym floor, turning unexpected flip­flops and "time out fo1· wind" appear to be activities in which a "weak mind and a strong back" is the aim. That policy may work for digging ditches, but not when playing basketball.

"Be a good sport," how often do you hear those words? Why they are the slogan of clean American men and women. Well, do you yourself carry them out? Last night there was a girl at the game whose conversation ran like this-"This is the slowest game I ever saw; those boys couldn't make a basket if they wanted to! Oh, this seat's hard! Gosh isn't it hot! I don't see much to this tournament business anyway!" Is that your line of talk, or do

Eli wants to knovJ why A rvid Woodahl went home from Voeatfonal Congress and got busy and succeeded in making the Great Fal.-; team. Good going Woody old boy, yon got what you went afteT.

Eli wanted to 'know why Brownie and Emmett made the big rush to ge tfront row seats at tournanwl1t Now he knows.

Why did Steve take the job of policing on the bill? That's easy b guess.

I They're Here--

. you take the discomforts along with the benefits and have a good time anyway? We like people to really be good sports to cheer for a losing team-to keep quite during free throws-to be fair and square in the things you say and do. Good sports in high school make good sports in college and after like. "Let's go," as Ott Romney says !

I wish it were possible for us to c!rive home to the whole American people the conviction of needed concern for our educa­tional necessities. Our hopes for the evolution of a constantly im­proving system ( f human organization will find their justification in the widening, the deepening, the universalization of that intelli­gence and that moral consciousness which furnish inspiration for every human advance.-Warren G. Harding. -

~ ~ ;,

Spring Time !s Dress U p Time

-This message of Spring St<its is for you. Newest ideas in the English models, whkh will appeal to ail college men. There is lots of life and snap in the new patterns and mix­tures. Our prices will plea ·e - nu, too.

$27.50. to $47.50

-Business ls Good, We Make It So---

THE MEN 9S STORE McCracken Bros.



Warnings To High School Students :;; When you see that dark haired. ~

demur, dreamy-eyed damsel ·.-,itb tht' g. black pumps and open W· • •. S i. irk- po

ings, take careful note o • .,, .., ... :;u u roundings, be · su're your wn ... cb and Z money are firmly fixed to your per­son, then move over or shove O\.'er1

as the case mny be and make room for her-becaui:;e she's harmless.

This ll:OOf don't know just how ne happened to get here- He pitched hay all 'all and didn't Rel it all out of his clothes, but th en that is nicer than sleeping on the cold floor. He got on the bus at the depot and they turned him loose at the college. c.·ost twenty-fice cents t )0! He got lost among all those big building•, couldn't find the restaurant and got awfully hungry. He wanted r-0 know where he could find the Pust Offic''• That curly headed painted beauty no, he didn't wan't to mail a letter, with the rolling eyes swaggering but, you know back in Ekalak:i1.: manner, who oozes into the hall after wher<> he came from the restaurant all the seats a're filled and crowds \\·as i·ig:ht next door to the Post Qt- into her own re~e1·vation, and then fice and he thought if he could find glances around to observe the effect this here Post Offi<'e he woul<l find of her entrance--watch your step the eatin' house. Gosh! but h wa;;; young man-for she's a vamp. hungry-too bad they quit printing porkers on postage st.amps! The young lady who comes in and

walks gracefutlly to her see.t, sir c.h.nv-n and watches the games, th~ just as gracefully leaves in a most un<·onc:erned manner-lay off her! She's my girl.

{f' ~ ~) I Eli wonders how the city editor '\ ~ ~ot that little piece of pink clot•1

C/5J.~ \'hat's tied on his desk light. Boyei· l~ ~' says it's a handkerchtef. The '.re•t ~ ;.'.~ ~ 'P :~ ~ I of us wonder where he got it. ·

f( 1 ~'?, ~} 1 D.d you notice om· Spur >COr<!rs ,. I during that last game last night?

All ~ight vou humorists, nominate (j ~¥ I them for c~lleJ?c yell leaders.

\\~' J!Y I Found in the Exponent office: One compact, a notebook full of dates,

lnt1·oducing Tepee, the Pilot, th -1 lwo lip sticks, and several cigm·et int boy from Poplar. H> ,.,,iied I.is stubs. Will the owners kindly «ol! w•y through that wonJeriul High fo1· them. The city ed!tor sn»s the ·,ehool and his smile infrrtcd half tl1l' I are useless so fa'r ns getting out :fen1ale ftOIJl''R._ion. Now he is smil- paper is conrerned. :ng h i-; \Va, ·i~o the hc-v 1 t~ ot' ~.nn­

dl'y fah· co-eds who h?., .. ~ "''t :-ic­u:-:bmcd themselves to his pn·den1...e,

Big Chief Plenty Lovrs was on his "''Y to sand the gymn flcor nm~ Jtmove the roof, 01·1 pait t it sky coi­

High sch""ol y;sihr in cnfp l'' r:, a Vienna roll: uSay wnitl'\1:-:~

your cook to chase thC' mice lh r his flour barrel."

c;, but was unnecessar1lv t.)etajne1! I Even some of the llelenn ancl P: .. 1·: Cy the above pair of varn~inl! hal11ni. crowdl were shocked iat the )!\'11 (1 he picture s.pel\l<s for it self n~~•- J Danee--Some shock!

-The , -ew Spring Suits. You want to see 'em! Absolutely different than anything ever shown before . Wide trousers, short point vests, full back coats with pockets set low. Just take a look, you

won't be urged to buy.

HOLLOWAY'S Where Quality Is Higher Than Price


~\G 5 6

55-PHONE-5~ ~1~! 6 51


ORTON BROS. Bozeman Phone 39f !

Page 3: TOURNAMENT DAILY EDITION ~xpon:cnt VOLUME XV. B O … · , loor of the gym last night with " of the tournament. Undoubted- vision. T ou'.Ilam e nt , s tated P:esid t nifht. Either


; M t s c ll I Basketball Teams 16-4 ;ead at the end of the half. i Central j.Fall maintaining the lU>d, and""-·

I t t g i '\\orden opened the scoring in the Fogo-.. r,...._ I on ana a e 0 e e II Selected on Show third quarter with' tree throw do-I -·· ···-······-···········-· Anderso'11headunabletopiercetbeopposingde-

ed Right Guard fel)se or conne<:t "ith the basket. Th"

II Mt by Bergham, and then began I Reardon ···-··· ··-······-··· Wnlten; gun ended the game, 16 to 12, in Grat

Bozeman, Montana I --- to find the hoop from the floor, drop- Left Guard Fall's favor.


I C?urses are o_ffered in Architectural, Civil, Winner In Each District Comes; pi"g. two fiel~ goals in the quarter. Officials: Hartwig, referee; um_ 1 The line-up: Electr1cal, Industrial, Mechanical and Chem"'•} Le,.~s. of Biiiings, threw a pretty one pire, Glynn Fl ~ Other Seven_ Selected 'from the center of the floor, the end . I athead ( 12) Great Falls (16) Engineering , in Agriculture and its Various B S Substitutions: Custer - Marshall 0. Bessey (3) ... Gemberling (S)

I Branches, m Applied Science and in Household y howmgs. of the period, 8-ll in favor of Butte. for Stangland, Stangland for Ru1the•. ' Right Forward

I and ::~:s~~~ ~dings are now being added to The strength~ basketball dis. i !:'n:hr:l:;•:fi::~bo B~~~n~o:~~e~a~ ~..:~i~!· E.J~:~h. for McKenzie, IE. Bessey (~eit Forward Lowry l<il

I the equipment of Montana State College: A school 1' trilct is thfe thdecidin1t factor in th< d;obplpcd in one apiece, and with four 1FERGUS ENDS a"·by (2) Evans (9)

I with a wonderful campus. extensive equipment and Is~ _ection ° e 16 teams that par- !": ~ counters by Corwall on Abo's HARDIN'S CHANCE , Central

I competent faculty; with a fine student spirit in a I timpate in the state interscholastic I an . Lewis' fouls, brought the talley I Forgus eliminated Hardin in a one- Sherman (Ol Gerber )0

I FOR INFORMATION WRITE new ruling put into effpct this year I utte called time out for a rest, and D . h th 1

tally being 13-26. Ball, the tall negro unn (0) Thisted (!) town of finest environments. ' basketball tournament. That is the IBto 15-16 Wlth but a minute to play. I sided game this momin'1;, the final Right Guard

! Alf ed A k• p m t e selection of those teams that I _e Pay started Worden got away t f F L r G

r t mson, resident~.....! rwi I are competing this week for sta•e with an easy one from under the bas- cen er or ergus. was the outstand- e t uard Bozeman, Moniana B.JJ championship. ket, and almost immediately followed ing man on the floor, showing e..x- OfficiaJ,-Glynn, referee; Hartwo

The winner of first plat.e in each wiht a long one from the center of. the lcellent iloor work, and adding twelve umpire. 1.------------------------------....!- district comes by virtue of its su- floor. The game ended 20-15 in :favor points to the Fergus score. Hardin Substitution~Great Falls, '\Voodahi premacy in its indjvidual district. I\. of Butte. I fought gamely for their last chance I for Gemberlin!'.

second team is picked from those db- The line-up: lat a pince, but the Fergus guards ======='----'--==----tricts in which the ability U'1d show. I Butte (20) Billings (15) were too much for them, and they :---------------

LANfi'S f XCLUSIVE SHOES Is the place t<" buy your shoes for style and

wear-shoes ancl rubbers of all kinds


120 East Main Street

J. E. LANG, Proprietor

!Ah ( ) could not read1 the hoop. I

ings of the teams are of a better cal- 0 4 ·· ......... ...... ······· Cornwall (7) Ball connected with a sleeper for iber. In the Mining Di>trict the j Right Forward the first score of the game. Cal-

winers of the first places receive in- Theirkoff (3) ................ J. Lewis (4) houn got a counter for Hardin and vttat1ons to U1e tournament. This j Left Forward Ball followed with another for' Fer• year the sixteenth team wao chosen I Worden (10) ....... ····- Walker (3) gus. The first quarter ended 7-4 fo• when the winner of fourth place in Central Fergus. The second quarter started

~~: !~int~': te:::i;~a~~a;;~dth:he. -:~; Conchin (l l Ri~ht Gu;;:,j· Beeman \0) ::~::ly;h~~t~ln:.:rr;;,eg~:.~;:~o~:ar~ Central district for the right to come R. Lewis (2) Phythian (2) to the tournament. Left Guard din. When Fergus snapped out of it,

S and ran up the score to 6-13 for the

I Thi~ game was between Harlem ~lbstitutions - Billing~, Bergham, half.

of the :'-<orth Central district and I Blair.

I Off . · I I The •econd half opened slow, with

~~~""'""~~:!13.,.,~~~~~:!13.,.,~~~~'5:!13i3':l~"31i~~'5:!13~~ Butte of the Mining District. . 1crn s-Referee, Romney; um-.,,. The following are the nine dis- ptre. DeWald. both teams missing easy ones. Ches-

c========,.---===================== HE terfield opened the sroring with a







tricts with their representath·e tea'11s, LE..'IA DEFEATS sixteen in all. BIG SANDY '1ard 'hot from the fould line, Cal-

houn retailated with a nice one for No'rth Central-Big F<andy, 1st; _Helena took a 30 to 24 victory owr Hardin and Ball dropped another in

Great Falls. 2nd. I Big. Sandy, . by maintainin~ a lead following the tip off. South East-Custer, 1st; Forsyth, I dunng the first half that Big Sand;- Ball negotiated another sleeper, and

2nd. could not overcome. Big Sandy stag- a minute later worked the ball thru North East-Poplar. 1st. ed a rally during the second half that the whole Hardin team, and passed

South-Park Co., 1st; Whitehall, I 'o.oked like defeat for the Capitol to Smith under the basket for an 2nd. City lads. The offense by the Kain- easy one. The thi1d quarter ended I l-iinin.e:-Helena, 1st; Butte Cen Rottler-Scheewe, in tTiangular forma- 22-11 in Fergus' favor. In the last

I tral, 2nd; Anaconda, :!rd, Butte High, tion could not be stopped by the Big\ quarter Tetzlass subsituted for Smith 4th. Sandy guards, and is a combination and Wham went in for Perry. The


North Western-Flathead, 1st. that is going to make a strong bid quarter was slow, and the game ended Yel!o ... -stone-Billings, 1st; Hardin for the state title. Big Sandy fought 13-26 for Fergus county.

l'---------------------------------l 2nd. hard, with the Burd brothers work- The line-up:

=============================== Western-Ronan, 1st. ing in good form, but inability to Bardin (13) Fergus (26) !!:!13:9':!~~~~~~~~~~~~:!13~~"31i~~~~~~"31i~~"31i~~ 1 Central-Fergus Co., 1st. connect with the basket during thP Calhoun (6) .... Chesterfield (4)

first half lost the game for them. Right Forward The game started fast, with Hel- Perry (6) . Garey (2)

ena's offense working in good order, Left Forward LET THE and rolling in many counte'rs. Big- Ross (1) ... Sandy was unable to pierce the Cap- Central

Ball (12)

ital City's defense, and Helena man- Gilliand (O) .............. McCullom (4)

For the Idle Hour

Cigars - - Billiards




pealed for the Barrel on Main I street, and hop in while we press your clothes. Can doll you up in fifteen minutes. Up stairs over The Republican l Courier printing office.

J:~:;,:• ~;~;~;e;~:;1 Phone 127-W l

Yellow Bus Line ELECTRICALS fiET

MUCU PROMOTION aged to roll up a 2 to 7 lead during Right Guard 1,------------------ the first half. Ganney (O) ..... Smith (4l BE A NEWSPAPER COR-1

Sw·vey of Graduates of M. S. C . The second half proi:ressed slow- Left Guard RESPONDENT with the Rea.-Show Many Have Secured ly, both teams resorting to lonp; un- Substitutions-Hardin, Wham for cock Plan and earn a good in-

Good Positions. successful shots. Finally Big Sar:dy Perry· Fert:rns McChesmy for McCul- come while learning; we show ___ staged a rally netting counter after Jorn, Tet7Jaff for Smith. you how; begin actual work

The Electrical Engineers who have counter, an<: dra";ng rlose to the Officials-Referee, Glynn; Umpire, I at once; all or spare time; ex:-graduated from l\L s. C. are occupy-

1 Helena score. Helena tii<htened uo, HartwiJ.t. perience unaecessary; no can-

ing positions all over the United and during the half made ~nly te!l --------- vassing; ~encl fnr particulars. States and ";th a great \'ariety of I points; wh1.·1e Big Sandy ou:olayea PARK COUNTY DOWNS Newswriters Training Bureau,

~ Solve Your Transportation Problems

~ New Spring Footwear

-Our new spring footwear modes, creations of expert craft­

manship, denote most discriminating taste and clever de­

signing. There are numerous styles to choose from, whether

you are looking for a school shoe, afternoon slipper or danc­

ing pump, we have it.

-Flat heeled, strap slippers in suede, satin, patent or kid.

Smart numbei·s-

$6 to $7.50


For Your Poultry At this time of the season use-

Lee's Egg Maker and Blatchford's Egg Mash Makes 'em Jay whether they want or not. Queen In­

cubat-0rs for you r 1924 herd; the very best on the market.

Owenhouse llardware Co.

Kramer's Cafe and Banquet Hall

Over 190 Banquets served for colle~~ organizations during past oollesre year.

Thanking yeu for the past favors we will be glad to serve you again.


I different companies. A man is as- them m eV'ry stage of the gm11e ma'.<- FERGUS COU. "TY Buffalo, N. Y. sured of a position even before h t:; ing 17 points. The gun e:1ded the I 1----------·------' graduates in almost any l;ranch of game with Helena winning 30 to 24. (Continued from pag-e one) I the work he wants to take up. The Line-up: .thruout, and was marked by a couple four men who are graduating in E. Hel ena (30) Big Randy (21) of flashes of real tournament speer!. I WELCOME E. this year are all to take up po_ Rottier (12) Hurd. H. (U) Winner drew the first blood from sitions with the General Electr;c Com- Right Forward Forsyth with a field counter shortly A most hearty welcome to the pany of Schnectady, New Yo1·k . They Scheewe (O) Hurd. R. (]) after the game started, but Glenn soon basketball boys. Win or lose and are Lloyd Hansen from Choteau, I Left Forwa1·d evened the score with a pretty one we have the college seal jewelry Dick Buckby from Butte, .Jack Low- Kam. (18) ·e (7\ from the foul line. Allard dropped in many patterns. Makes nice

1 an and Carl Finch of Bozeman. I Central in an easy one to take the lead for souvenirs to take home \Yith you. I At the present time one hundred :\fare, Schu.- the Bitterroot boys, and Clark tied See our show window.

I and four num ha\:{' iecived degre~ . .:; Right Guard the ~core again. Fors:yt 1 ha.d numer- 1 LESLIE [, fiAfiE in Electrical Engineeling from ~Ion- ?lolorton ....... Calison (1). ous chances at the ba~ket, but could tana State Colle.;-e. Of this numhe. Left Guard I not find the way thru. The quarter

·five are dead. The res are holdin~ Officials. : De\Vald, referee. Rom- ended after the fin:. I score bY "\Yinner. i pm:itions rnn inr- all the way from ney, umpire. ) I to leave the score ~· t-o 1: ·. ~- R1)mm. owning their own com,pany to runing Substitutions: Helana - :'.\.loel I Ro1~an stepped out in the second I

1 a ranch. Twenty-se''en men are wit'i for Morton, lllorton for Scheewe. quarter and brought the tally to 7-i:l ! the Westinghouse Electrical and ~Ian_ Fergu' diminated the Hardin .quin- in their favor at the half. The third ufacturing Compan~r, 12 are with the tet thi~ morning and Butte Central quarter ended 9-1:3 for the Ronan out-

Jeweler and Optician Broken Lenses Replaced the

Same Day.

FASHION Barber Shop


General Electric: Company, 9 with adYanced another not1·h by giving the fit, with Forgyth pin.inly worried, arJ the Montana Powe1~ Company, 5 with Cu~ter men a 23 to 4 h·ouncing. off i11 their shooting. Ei:rnn ~cored the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul The Fergus-Hardin'1: game was a pretty one from the corner. and Railway, 4 with the Great Northern slow and lacked the punch that is Forsyth staged a real rally for a few, Railway, 3 with the Bureau of usually t•\illent in the tourney con- minutes that netted but on<' fif''d g-·1:»,

Standards at Washington, D. C., and tests, Fergu' taking the advantage by Glenn. Allard, Winn•."" and A>1l-, 2 with the t'hicago Electric Compan~·. all the wny with little difficulty. I )!'rien counted one apiece ju•t ahead I Some of the other position,; held a ,. Butte Central clearly hnd the ad- 1 of the gun, to bring the final tally Get Your Supply of Glo Co Hett

Fellow of Phy ~ics at the Univer~it' vantage o\er la!'t year ·~ champ!' and


to 11-2:l. j of Oregon, Profess or of E. E. at easily r2n up a 'c•>re that was within The lineup: I J. B. NEIL. Prc>prietor

Washington :,tnte college. Radio En- one point of six time" that of Custer, Ronan (23) Forsyth (11) I First-Clase Barbers gineer in the \i. s. I\ayy Yard at C1rnter displayed a few flashes of good Winner (6) . .. Glenn (8) Baths Phone 461..J

Mare Island. ('al., Superintendent of team work, but failed to connect with Right Forward '-----------------! the Electric Power Co. at ::-<aehe> baskets even when they had cinch A.llard (2) .. . .... Clark \0)

Wash., Consulting Eni('ineer at Chi- shots. Left Forward cago, Chief Electrician of the Clem- BUTTE CE TRAL Egan (9) . ... ........ .... Corcoran (3

mer Theatre at Spokane, Electric GETS MILES CITY Central Contracto'r a~ New Haven, Conn.. Custer County High suffered de- Storm (0) ........................... Grace (O

Principal of the High School at feat at the hands of Butte Central Right Guard

) I ) Students! ) Stockton, Mont., Manager of the to the tune of 23-4. The Minin!' Ahlgrein (6) ........ . ......... Lloyd (O

Flour Mills of Townsend, Mont. City lads had things very much their Left Guard own way, with superior floor work, Suhstitutions--Forsyth, Flora fo

SPEED MARKS DAYS and ability in connecting with the Coreornn. TOUR.NEY CON1'ESTS basket. With McKenzie and 0 - Fouls-Ronan, Winner, Egan, Storn

r ! 10 per cent Discount on yoer

Shoe Repairing 1

(Continued from pa)!'e one) start of the secotid period, R. Lewis of Butte tied the score with a free counter, and J. Lewis again took the lead for Billings with a pretty field goal from the foul line, the first of the game. Aho and Worden got a

" 1

basket apiece to bring Butte to a

"It's Wonderful" ::iriss \\'altz A. Nother s ays

she hasn't had such a good time in years. No! It isn't due to Tanlac, but is all the re­sult of t h e Big METRO Dance at the Legion Hall.

Rourke as the scoring machjne the.: I and .Ahlgrien; Forsyth, Grace, Cor were able to maintain the lead tht" I coran. Lloyd 2, Flora. out the game. Babcock, the tall fo<t Re1ereen-Glynn. center for Custer, showed up th.. Lmpire-Hartwig. best for the losers. · GREAT FALLS

The game started fast. hnvin(! n•·o j FL\ THEAD gressed several minutes befil·e eithc•

1 Flathead was eliminated from the

sid scored. Custer managed to hold J to~··nament by dropping the first Central down for a short time, till g&!"e last night to Great Falls to the Butte opened up und ended .he ha!'. c~unt of 16 to 12. The game was slow 9-2. During the second half Custer er.J nninteresting, except for occa­founc the baske~• but once, whilE •ionol spurts of good basketball. Central ran the score up 14 more Great Falls displayed the best floor _points. The game ended 23-4 in work. with Gemberling and Evans as Central's favor. the mainstay of their offense. Flat-

Ljne-up: head seemed at a loss to break thr: Butte Central (23) Cc,te• (4\ thea Great Fall• defense, and ll\i.sed Jovich, v. (2) .......... Stan1?land (21 many easy shots. The half ended

Right Forward w1th the Ele<:tric City lads leading

O'Rourke (12) ·······---·· Hughes (0) Flathead 9 to 3. Left Forward The second half wa' as slow and

McKenzie (8) ................ Babcock (2) uninteresting as the first "~th Great

I Champion Shoe Shop I I 211 E. Main I

I 00/o Discount · To College S tudents

---Quality Materials

---Work Guaranlced





i j

Page 4: TOURNAMENT DAILY EDITION ~xpon:cnt VOLUME XV. B O … · , loor of the gym last night with " of the tournament. Undoubted- vision. T ou'.Ilam e nt , s tated P:esid t nifht. Either



3::1.•e Universi ty and State · College Both Honor

Memory of Cook.

.rwo institutions of the l"ni­-cers,ity of Montana join to do .lcmor to ~iar'--us B. Cook, an lbnerican soldier who went do\\ n ~ t he Lusitania . In the main mf.rance to the College gymna­.si:um is p!RCl'd a bronze tablet )earing the names of a ll the for­mer students and gradua t.es of :Montana State who died in the World War. Cook's name is on that tablet.

The fact that the State lini­ttT.)itv at Missoula th ought ,mough_ of him to narne one of ibeir buildings af ter him is proof

of his pcipulari ty. He was a good student.J a tru.e sponsmnn and above al1 a gentleman a.n1? a scholar.

Marcus Cook ,-..·as one of the most popular members of H an1-ilton High School during his at­t.e dance there. and had a n~ ry good record as a high sehool ath­lete. Upon graUuation f1;om high school he enrolled as a fresh­man at M. S. G. and iook an active part in rnany student ac­tivities. F rom M. S. C. he went to .Missoula to a~ tend the l.:tll­versit y and became very· popular among the student body thet'e. \Yhiie h e was in attendance at t he U niversity the United States became involved in the ~•orld Conflict and hed on ed the uni­form fo'r U ncle Sam and march­ed forth to war.


-----------------; ! co k F :ms U U U:: U t·: }: U :·: U U U U !·: U' I Wm. Brittain and Frosty Pet ers , 1 Feminine R ooter in ~ ar - ere.

BASKii'TBA. -LL game. " Say those Park guys ought :::: :: of Billings, a nd Tommy Cavanaugh 1

D to be \Yeaving baskets instead of U SOCl.ETY :: 1 of Butte. art guests at the Ome,!!a

BOMB SHELLS s hooting "them." U P Beta house durinir tournament . .,,.... :: :: u t! u :·: :·: ti :·: i: u t: ::: :-: l t' ---

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