Training Programs - Icebreakers

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  • 8/17/2019 Training Programs - Icebreakers




    Icebreaker: Discovery Questions

    These are questions that can be greatteam building icebreakers, starting an extended training session,team teleconference, retreat, staff meeting etc. These questionskind of remind me of that childhood game "Truth or Consequence"!#$_____________________________

    Team Building Icebreakers





    Felt HatsEach participant is given a premade red !elt donutshaped circle o! appro"imatel# $% inches indiameter &'athleen can be contacted i! #ou would like either to borrow( or to learn how to make

    #our own) and given the instruction to !orm some t#pe o! hat out o! the !elt piece. *articipantsare given enough time to make their hat( and each person e"plains the hat the# created. This isa +uick( and !un( wa# to ,break the ice.,

    Names & Adjectives -sk each participant to take a !ew moments to think o! an adective that starts with the same !irstletter as their !irst name &e.g. ,err# arilee,). 0tart b# modeling it #oursel!. Then move aroundthe group asking each person to state their name/adective combination. -dditionall#( participantscan be asked to share ,where the# work(, or other pertinent in!ormation. -t various points duringintroductions( or at the end( ask !or volunteers to remember each o! the names( with adectives(that have been volunteered thus !ar. Rein!orce the e!!orts and successes o! volunteers.

    Names & Stories -sk participants to introduce themselves( with each person talking brie!l# about the mostridiculous thing the#1ve done in their working li!e.

    The Napkin Game -sk participants to !orm groups o! e+ual si2e. 3ive each group a napkin and e"plain to them thattheir task is to !old their napkin as small as possible( but still large enough !or each small groupmember to place a toe on the napkin.

  • 8/17/2019 Training Programs - Icebreakers


    The Stone Sharing Eercise


    Enough small( attractive( varicolored stones !or ever#one in the group &perhaps !rom the shoreo! one o! the 6inger 7akes). Have the group sitting in a circle( close enough to each other tohand o!! and receive stones easil#.

    IN0TR58TION0 TO THE 3RO5* &with rationale):

    ,This warmup e"ercise is designed to help us get in touch with three aspects o! li!e thatcontribute to our overall health and wellbeing: a right relationship with ourselves9 a rightrelationship with all other living beings9 and a right relationship with the earth.,

    ,-!ter ever#one has selected a stone !rom the basket that I will pass around( we will each sharebrie!l# with the group: $) our !ull name and some mention o! its possible meaning or signi!icanceto us( its !amil# or ethnic origin( etc. &e"pressing right relationship with onesel!)9 ) an animal thathas been special in our li!e( as a pet( e.g.( or as an obect o! !ascination and interest &e"pressingright relationship with all other living beings)9 ;) a place on earth that is special to us as a place

    o! beaut#( com!ort( good memories( inspiration( rela"ation &e"pressing right relationship with theearth).,

    ,I will start( and when I have ! inished sharing( ever#one should pass their stone to the person ontheir le!t and receive the stone !rom the person on their right. This is the process that we will!ollow a!ter ever# sharing.

  • 8/17/2019 Training Programs - Icebreakers


    6rom: @ohn 3ormle#( Health Educator( 3annett Health 8enter( 8ornell 5niversit#( Ithaca( N=$A%B;

    !all Toss " Gro#p $#ggle

    Icebreaker !or Ca# o! a multida# training session. 3ood !or a group o! at least $ and up to ;Dwhere some people know each other( but the whole group is still getting ac+uainted:

    Have ; tennis balls hand#. 3et the group in a circle.

    6acilitator tosses $ ball to someone in the group whose name the# know sa#ing their name andthen the other person1s name &e.g. 0and# to @ohn). @ohn &person who receives the ball) tossesball to someone whose name he knows &e.g. @ohn to *hil). *hil tosses to someone whose namehe knows and so on( sa#ing both names all the wa# around the circle. The ball is tossed to eachperson one time onl# until ever#one in the circle gets it and all names have been said.

    THEN( !acilitator starts again and tosses the balls to the same person &0and# to @ohn to *hil(etc.) onl# this time with balls in succession &not at the same time) sa#ing both names( both


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    3ive participants $D minutes to !ind an obect that represents either how the# !eel toda#( whatthe# aspire to( what their ob !eels like( what the#1d like to let go o! to be presentthepossibilities are wide open.

    *articipants can either hold on to their obect or put it on a cloth in the center o! the room &thisassume people are in a circle on the !loor or in chairs).

    Have each participant share with the group what the obect means to them. =ou can either go inorder( let someone volunteer to be !irst and then go in order or let it go according to whoever isread# &this option o!ten !eels best).

    0ome considerations:

     -bout si2e( I1ve done this with up to $ people and it probabl# took ;D minutes. ost people don1tgo on ver# long.

    It helps to have access to nature because o! the greatl# increased store o! obects to be !oundthere but I1ve also done it in homes. I think it could be done in an o!!ice environment i! peoplehad enough time to wander around looking !or something.

    It is help!ul to emphasi2e that the# don1t have to !ind the ultimate obect and the# shouldn1t thinktoo hard about it but ust let obects speak to them( e.g. whatever seems to catch their e#eshould be considered. This is also a good e"ample o! ,challenge b# choice, in that participantscan choose how much the# wish to share o! their ,inner li!e, based on the notion that learningre+uires some willingness to risk.

     -lternative &!rom

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    HaThis e"ercise asks the participants to pass the word 1ha1 around a circle. This activit# is generall#more e!!ective when used during the later stage o! the training program or session.

    Time Re!erence: -ppro"imatel# B to minutes.

    3roup 0i2e: ariations:

    $. The trainer ma# use another word in place o! ,ha., 6or e"ample: ,#uk(, ,har(, or ,tee hee.,

    . The group leader ma# ask all o! the participants to repeat the ,ha1s., stopping onl# to let theperson whose turn it is pipe in with his or her own.

    ;. The trainer ma# continue the e"ercise !or ! ive minutes. regardless o! how man# times the,ha1s, go around the circle.

    Toilet *aper 3oRound*urpose: 5se !or short introductions at the start o! a ,heav#, or ,intense, kind o! meeting in order to lighten the atmosphere.

    aterial: $ roll o! toilet paper &i! #ou ,borrow, it !rom an o!!ice bathroom( be kind and leave some!or #our colleagues)


    *ass around a roll o! toilet paper and sa# something like ,ust in case this meeting gets a littlemess#( ever#one needs to take some, &with no other +uali!iers or instruction). Then go on withother business &agenda( minutes( ,housekeeping, items...) as the roll makes it wa# around theroom.

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    0ome !olks b# nature will take man# ,s+uares, and some ust a !ew.. once ever#one has had theroll( and #ou1ve !inished other business( ask ever#one to introduce themselves and share withthe group as man# ,things, about themselves as number o! ,s+uares, the# took =ou can suggestthe ,things, be generic or make it workrelated.. #ou choose.

    Have !un

    To Tr#ths & a )ie


    To allow people to get to know and appreciate one another better( through discovering bothcommon and uni+ue interests and e"periences.

    To help level the pla#ing !ield within a group through making human connections that aren1trelated to either organi2ational or power structures.

    To help people begin to be more com!ortable talking and listening with one another.

    To begin to !acilitate the process o! people e"posing something o! themselves and their ideas toa group.

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    This e"ercise can also be done ,electronicall#, with groups that aren1t ph#sicall# located together(but have been ,assembled, to work together on some task !or e"ample a cross!unctionalcommittee or a committee o! a national association that has !olks !rom across the countr#participating. It takes a little longer a group o! seven I once participated in took a month o!calendar time to do an email version o! this but it provided the same bene!its.

    Trainer"*articipant $oin'+p "Icebreaker 

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    *urpose: To help us get to know one another better and answer an# +uestions #ou ma# haveabout #our trainer&s).

    0etting: - brie!ing room near #ou


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    The name game is simple( sa!e( and e!!ective !or most training audiences. It should be avoidedin mi"ed trainings where groups with historical con!lict are brought into the same room. In suchcases( the !ailure to remember someone else1s name can become a ,critical incident, and asource !or continued polari2ation.


    ?hile The Name 3ame is generall# timee!!icient( larger groups will re+uire more time. -llot atleast ten minutes !or smaller groups &B to $ participants). Couble the time !or greater thantwelve participants.


    $. E"plain to participants that #ou are going to ask them to pla# ,The Name 3ame., =ou will askeach person to introduce themselves( going persontoperson either clockwise or counterclockwise around the group. Each person will be asked to introduce themselves b# giving at leasttheir name( their a!!iliation( and an interesting topic o! choice &either #ou pick a topic such as1=our ideal vacation..., or pla#!ull# ask the groupasawhole what the#1d like to know about eachother).

    . The main task !or each person in The Name 3ame is to remember enough about each personso the# could start !rom the beginning o! the group and remember the names o! all those whohad introduced themselves thus !ar. Remind participants the# are not to take notes during TheName 3ame.


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    The# are also use!ul to use when coming o!! a break to help !olks re!ocus their attention on thegroup and awa# !rom whatever it was the# were occup#ing themselves with during the break.0everal such activities are described below &listed in alphabetical order).

    All %- Neighbors ./=ou need an odd number o! people !or this game that is a distant cousin to musical chairs.

    Ever#one begins b# sitting on chairs in a circle with the !acilitator standing in the middle. E"plainthat the person in the middle needs to !ind some ,neighbors., To do so( the#1ll make a truestatement about themselves and hope that it will be true !or others. Ever#one that ,identi!ies,with the statement has to then stand up and !ind an empt# chair. The person in the center is alsolooking !or a chair( so once again someone will be without a chair( and the# get to go to themiddle and !ind some ,neighbors.,

    The !acilitator then begins with something like: ,-ll m# neighbors wearing blue eans., -t this(

    ever#one who is wearing eans should ump out o! their seats and look !or an empt# seat. Theodd person out goes to the middle

    This game can easil# last ten to !i!teen minutes.

     -ll # Neighbors M &!or more ,sedate, groups)The group is in a circle( standing up. The !acilitator is standing in the middle o! the circle. E"plainthat #ou are going to make a variet# o! statements and #ou1d like ever#one who ,identi!ies, withthe statement to oin #ou in the center o! the circle !or ,high !ives.,

    The !acilitator then begins: ,-ll m# neighbors wearing white underwear., -t this( ever#one who iswearing white underwear should oin the !acilitator in the middle o! the circle !or a high !ive. 6olksthen return to their seats.

    The !acilitator then goes on through $D to $B other such statements. E"ample can include:

     -ll m# neighbors who:

    are wearing sockshave an older siblingwere born in a month without an R in itwhose last digit o! their social securit# number is oddhaven1t been caught speeding in a #earlike 6rosted 6lakesdon1t eat meatwere engaged to be married more than once

    remember the name o! =ogi

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    Its help!ul to have a prett# large( open space !or this energi2er. The !acilitator is it. ?hen she orhe tags someone the# lock arms and then ointl# attempt to tag someone else. -s each person istagged the# lock arms with those who are alread# it. The game is over when the last person is,captured., 0ome boundaries must be set up !or this activit# to keep !olks !rom roaming too !ara!ield. This game t#picall# takes less than $D minutes to complete.

    Hone- I )ove 0o#In this game ever#one is sitting in a circle. -s the !acilitator #ou will normall# go !irst. The obectis to identi!# someone in the circle( go up to them( and sa# ,Hone#( I love #ou( but I ust can1tmake #ou laugh, with the e"press purpose o! making them laugh. The person #ou are sa#ing thisto has to look at #ou and work at keeping a straight !ace. I! a!ter three tries at getting them tolaugh #ou haven1t succeeded( pick another target. I! the# laugh or even smile the# move into themiddle o! the circle and select a target. =ou can do ust about an#thing to get someone to laughe"cept touch them. 6unn# !aces( strange voices( props( etc. are all !air game.

    Once a person has been made to laugh( the# can no longer be a target. The game goes on untilthe last person either breaks down and laughs or withstands the !inal three attempts at gettingthem to laugh. Note that depending on the si2e o! the group and the abilit# o! !olks to keep apoker !ace( this is o!ten not a +uick game. Nevertheless( its alwa#s a lot o! !un.

    Hospital TagIn this activit# ever#one is ,it,. The obective is to keep !rom being ,tagged, b# another pla#er(but to tag as man# other people as possible. The !irst time #ou are tagged #ou have to put ahand on where #ou were tagged !or instance( i! #ou are tagged on the top o! the head #ou thenhave to pla# with one hand on top o! #our head. =ou can then resume attempting to tag others.The ne"t time #ou are tagged #ou have to put #our other hand where #ou are tagged that time.The third time #ou are tagged #ou1re dead &sit down to signi!# this) and can no longer attempt totag other people.

    It helps to have a !airl# large( open space !or this activit#( but it normall# helps to set up someboundaries to keep !olks !rom roaming too !ar a!ield. Cepending on people1s creative ,tagging,abilities this can get prett# interesting. It shouldn1t take more than ten minutes !or this energi2erto run its course.

    *erson'to'*ersonThere has to be an odd number o! people !or this activit# to work. The !acilitator stands in themidst o! the group and asks ever#one else to pick a partner. E"plain that #ou1ll give them !romtwo to !ive commands that the# must per!orm as a pair. The last command is alwa#s ,*ersontoperson, and ever#one( including the person giving the commands( will have to scramble to !ind anew partner. The odd person out gets to go into the middle o! the group and provide the ne"t seto! commands.

    The game begins with the person in the center &initiall# the !acilitator) giving instructions such as:,Elbow to elbow, and the pairs must put an elbow to elbow. The !acilitator can then sa#: ,Ear to

    ear, and the pairs then have to put an ear to an ear( as well as keeping the elbow to elbow. Thenthe !acilitator sa#s ,*ersontoperson(, ever#one !inds a new partner( and #ou go on to the ne"tperson calling out commands. Cepending on the group( this can get prett# interesting

    0top the game when #ou !eel like it.

    Secret AgentIn this game its best to have a prett# good si2ed( open area. Have !olks begin b# standingaround in a circle. Tell them that there is someone in the group out to get them a ,secret agent,

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    and onl# #ou know who the# are. Each individual also has a ,bod#guard, who onl# the# knowabout.

    Then( +uietl#( without pointing( and without telling an#one( each individual identi!ies tothemselves who their ,secret agent, is !or this game. -!ter ever#one seems to have made aselection( have them then select another individual +uietl#( without pointing( and without tellingan#one who will serve as their ,bod#guard, !or the activit#.

     -!ter ever#one has made their selections let them know that the# are now !ree to move around(but the# must keep their ,bod#guard, between themselves and their ,secret agent, at all times.This can get prett# !unn# and interesting as people move about. It o!ten turns into utter chaosbecause o! the odd combinations o! ,bod#guards, and ,secret agents.,

    0top the game when #ou !eel like its over.

    Introd#ce 0o#r *artner 

    *air o!! the audience. Have the teams interview one another. Then have each take a turnintroducing the other to the audience at large.

    =ou can prepare +uestions ahead o! time or provide ust general guidelines !or the interview.

    Take o!! !rom ,...and the cheese stands alone,This e"ercise should have a ver# skilled !acilitator emotions can run high. 5sed b# 0haronCittman on occasion in -IC0 training. ?orks well with coworkers who know each other well.

    Have ever#one stand in a circle. -sk a series o! +uestions. 0tart out with simple( common+uestions( e.g. all who like red enter into the middle.

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    *re'*ost /345 6birth dates75se this !or groups whose ages run the gamut and #ou want some sensitivit# to the impact agehas on our perspectives o! the world. ostl# used !or a!!irmative action training because $KA isthe #ear that marks signi!icant civil rights legislation. 6acilitator poses +uestions about people1se"periences( or level o! com!ort with various ethnic/racial issues.

    1Alphabet Search1Civide audience into small groups. 0earch #our person !or obects that #ou have on #ou ranging!rom -. *lace items in buckets. 6irst group or person &i! done individuall#) to get all lettersrepresented wins. E"ercise can e"plore how diverse we are insight into our individual selves. I!done as a small group lends itsel! well to a small team building e"ercise as the group workstogether through the alphabet.

    8iversit-*la# small snippets !rom various musical pieces and various t#pes o! music &e.g. classical tohard rock). 3et the audience1s reaction to the di!!erent works.

    The 5 9sInsight into various personalities Name a cartoon character( color( car( and cuisine that bestdescribes #our personalit# and tell us wh#.

    ;hos Here<This is a ver# popular introductor# e"ercise. 5se it in the beginning o! a workshop as a warmupto talking about identit#( diversit#( inclusiveness.

    I! it works( this e"ercise will elicit !eelings !rom group members related to personal identit# andacceptance( e"periences o! bias and discrimination( desire !or connection without compromisingintegrit#( etc. 6acilitators should be prepared to deal with such !eelings.


    $) To orient the participants to thinking about identit# and identit# group membership &I am (, and ,I am a member o!/I belong to the group .,)

    ) To make e"plicit the diversit# o! the group

    ;) To get participants thinking about the !eelings attached to

    &a) belonging to a group

    &b) not belonging to a group

    A) To help !acilitators identi!# which identit# groups are present

    B) To help !acilitators assess how receptive the group and individuals are to thinking aboutidentit# and/or di!!erence &com!ort level o! the group)


    *articipants will be able to:

    P identi!# the identit# groups the# belong toP identi!# the identit# groups present in the roomP talk about !eelings attached to identit# group membership &or nonmembership)P talk about themselves and others in terms o! identit# groups.Cescription:

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     -sk participants to stand in a circle.

    Tell them that #ou are going to read a list o! +uestions about their identities.

     -sk participants to move to the center o! the circle when the# hear a phrase that describesthemselves.

     -sk them to pa# attention to the !eelings the# have when the# hear certain descriptions( whenthe# stand( when the# don1t stand( when others stand or don1t stand. The# should notice their!eelings and each other when the# are inside and outside groups.

    Remind them that some identities are risk# to claim in certain settings. &6or e"ample( it would bedangerous to identi!# as @ewish in Na2i 3erman#.) *articipants ma# elect to ,pass, and remain inthe outside o! the circle.

    &E"ample: who here is over ;DG Those over ;D should move into the middle9 those under ;D orwho choose to pass should sta# put.)

    0-*7E 7I0T O6 CE08RI*TION0:

    3eneric: ,?ho here... the oldest childG the #oungest childG a middle childG an onl# childG

    ...has more than three siblingsG

    ...has more than !ive siblingsG

    ...comes !rom a blended !amil# )i.e. has stepsisters and/or stepbrothers)G

    ...was raised b# a single parent !or most o! their li!eG

    ...was raised b# two parentsG

    ...has a divorce in their !amil# histor#G

    ...comes !rom/grew up in the suburbsG

    ...comes !rom/grew up in an urban areaG

    ...comes !rom/grew up in a rural areaG

    ...has a dogG

    ...has a catG

    ...has horsesG

    ...has other animals &name)G

    ...likes sportsG

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    ...likes moviesG

    &=ou can make up #our own along these lines.)

    Ismrelated: ,?ho here... a manG a womanG

    ...considers themselves middleclassG

    ...considers themselves workingclassG

    ...considers themselves economicall# poorG @ewishG 8hristian or raised 8hristianG o! another religious backgroundG a person o! colorG whiteG HispanicG -sianG

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    Other +uestionsG




    Icebreaker: Ciscover# 4uestions

    These are +uestions that can be greatteam building icebreakers( starting an e"tended training session(team telecon!erence( retreat( sta!! meeting etc. These +uestionskind o! remind me o! that childhood game ,Truth or 8onse+uence,$K;  


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    mingle and see what each others logo looks like. ?hen it looks like the entire group has mi"ed(instruct ever#bod# with a similar logo to !orm a small group. =ou ma# be surprised at how man#similarities there are in #our group.


    =a reall# want to knowG

    Each participant is asked to give his/her middle name and tell how or wh# that particular namewas chosen !or them. The !acilitator should begin the process and i! appropriate( do it with a littlebit o! humor to encourage others to share.


    New and 3ood

     -sk participants to share something Qnew and good that happened to them within the last week.This is a +uick and energi2ing icebreaker which can help the !acilitator stress the positiveaspects o! new e"periences.



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    B. I! I had a million dollars I wouldS. 0ecretl# I wishS. I! I could change the world( I wouldS%. I! I !ound $DDD in a vacant lot I wouldSK. I! I had a magic wand I wouldS$D. 0omething that reall# bugs me isS


     -re =ou -lertG

    This is a !un and +uick activit# to stress the importance o! being alert and observant.

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    # 6avorite *lace To 3o ?ith 6riends# onth o!

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    Cirt#...clean...crumpled...or !inel# creased...#ou are still priceless to those who love #ou.

    The worth o! our lives comes not in what we do or who we know( but b# ?HO ?E -RE.=ou are special....donUt ever !orget it. 8ount #our blessings.......not #our problems.


    TIE -N-3EENT

    0ponge 6un

    *repare be!orehand b# cutting two sponges into several small pieces and !inding a large drinkingglass. To begin the activit# ask the group to think o! all the things that keep them bus# and takeup a lot o! their time. *lace one piece o! sponge into the glass !or eachthing the group names( until the entire glass is !ull and there is no room !or more sponges.

    Then pour water into the glass to illustrate how i! we understand our priorities we are able to !indtime in our to do the things that are important.


    Tra!!ic lights - nonthreatening communication tool.

    *rior to the session prepare strips o! colored paper( green( #ellow( and red. Cistribute three to!ive strips o! each color to participants as the# enter the room. Cispla# on a chalkboardor !lip chart what each color represents.

    3reen V QI am con!ident I know the answer.=ellow V Q I have an idea( but I donUt know i! itUs a good one.Red V Q IUm at loss !or the answer.

    *articipants are o!ten a!raid o! being wrong or o! sounding ignorant in !ront o! others.?hen asking +uestions o! participants instruct them to hold up the colored strip o! paperindicating their answer. It can also be used to evaluate the e!!ectiveness o! training.


    8ommunication -wareness

     - demonstration how preconceived ideas prevent us !rom hearing what others want tocommunicate. *rint the !ollowing letters on a !lipchart or chalkboard.


    Cistribute a piece o! paper to all participants and ask them to !orm two words !rom the letters. -!ter a !ew minutes ask participants to share their results. >er# !ew people will use the letters towrite(

    QT?O ?ORC0 as instructed.

    The point o! the e"erciseG Ever# message passes through a series o! !ilterssender( message(receiverthat var# depending on se"( age( trade( or other characteristics o! the communicationinvolved. -wareness that the !ilters e"ist can improve communication.


    Crawing O!! the Top o! #our Head

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    This icebreaker works well with groups o! $D or more people. 0et up Think o! items that #ourgroup can draw V e"amples would be dinosaurs( televisions( cats or bic#cles. The moreinteresting #ou make the obects( the more interesting the drawings. I! #ou know the number thatwill attend in #our group( make up small slips o! paper with the names o! obects on it them.

    0a# #our group has $ people attending( choose A di!!erent obects to draw and make $ slips.?rite each obect down ; times V #ou will then have !our groups o! three participating in eachgroup. *lace the slips in a hat or bo". =ou will also need paper( pens( and books large enough toput the paper on top o! to draw on. -t the beginning o! meeting participants will get a piece o!paper( a pen and a book &not too heav#)

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    *articipants are then asked how the movements in their group a!!ected the remaining teammembers. Cid members o! the group communicate wellG Cid personalit# traits emergeG ?asthere more than one leader in each groupG How did team members !eel when movements weremade without knowingG

    8onclude the e"ercise b# rea!!irming the importance o! working as a team.  

     - lighthearted personalit# pro!ile the *ig *ersonalit# *ro!ile

    3ood !or a lot o! laughs and gets people talking.

     -sk participants to draw a pig on a blank piece o! paper. No peeking at #our neighbors pig

    3ive no !urther guidance and do not e"plain the purpose o! the e"ercise. ?hen participants are!inished( share the e"planation that the pig serves as a use!ul test o! the personalit# traitso! the artist. I! the pig is drawn:

    $. Toward the top o! the paper( #ou are a positive( optimistic person

    . Toward the middle o! the page( #ou are a realist;. Toward the bottom o! the page( #ou are pessimistic and have a tendenc# to behave negativel#A. 6acing le!t( #ou believe in tradition( are !riendl#( and remember dates including birthda#sB. 6acing !orward( &looking toward #ou) #ou are direct( eno# pla#ing devilUs advocate( andneither !ear nor avoid discussions. 6acing right( #ou are innovative and active( but donUt have a strong sense o! !amil#( nor do#ou remember dates. ?ith man# details( #ou are anal#tical and cautious%. ?ith !ew details( #ou are emotional and care little !or details and are a risktakerK. ?ith !our legs showing( #ou are secure( stubborn( and stick to #our ideals$D. ?ith less than !our legs showing( #ou are living through a period o! maor change$$. The si2e o! the pigUs ears indicate how good a listener the artist isWlarge is good.

    3uaranteed to get a s+ueal !rom #our participants


    TIE -N-3EENT

    6or an e"ercise #ou could give !olks a list o! AD( or so( values and/or issue areas. -sk them tocircle the $D that are most important. Then have them narrow those $D to B( then ; ou couldstop there or go to one). The point is that the# must choose what is reall# important to them andbase their choices o! how the# will spend their time on what is in accordance with their values.

    Cesign a T0hirt

    The purpose o! this activit# is to get group members ac+uanited with each other. -!ter pairingo!! the group in teams o! two( give a piece o! paper shaped like a Tshirt and colored markersto each participant. Instruct them to spend !ive minutes conversing with each other. ?hen timeis up( ask them to use the Tshirt essage 6orm to design a Tshirt !or the other person. -!ter!ive minutes( ask participants to discuss their teeshirt design( introducing their partner to thegroup.

    Cepending on #our time restraints more time could be allotted !or this e"ercise. 8hallenge the

  • 8/17/2019 Training Programs - Icebreakers


    creativit# o! #our participants b# providing additional art supplies( e.g.( #arn( scissors( glitterglue( colored paper.


    6or an e"ercise #ou could give !olks a list o! AD( or so( values and/or issue areas. -sk them tocircle the $D that are most important. Then have them narrow those $D to B( then ; ou couldstop there or go to one). The point is that the# must choose what is reall# important to them andbase their choices o! how the# will spend their time on what is in accordance with their values.