71. TRIGLYCERIDE AND FATTY ACID ANALYSIS BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY A. KUKSIS ABSTRACT Extension of gas chromatographic methods to the analysis of high molecular weight compounds has permitted the study of natural lipid mix- tures without a prior transformation into simple fatty acid esters. It is now possible to separate and measure in a single chromatogram the amounts of cholesterol, diglycerides, steryl esters and triglycerides present in a total lipid extract. has required a perfection in instrument design and in working procedures not ordinarily demanded of equipment used in isothermal steroid and fatty acid analyses. the advanced apparatus design and optimized operating parameters have yielded improved resolution and better quantification. When combined with thin-layer chromatographic methods for the separation of lipid classes and for a resolution of saturated and unsaturated homologues, the modified gas chromatographic techniques have permitted a nearly complete fractionation and quantification of all components of natural lipid mixtures. The resolution of steryl esters and triglycerides When applied to determinations of fatty acids, however, The paper describes some of the advances made in the design of the gas chromatographs and in the preparation of high quality C O ~ I ~ S re- sponsible for these achievements. The discussion of operating parameters is limited to the consideration of programmed temperature separation of mixtures of total neutral lipids, triglycerides and simple fatty acid esters. INTRODUCTION The invention of gas chromatographic techniques for the separa- tion and quantitative estimation of fatty acids (1) completely revolution- ized the field of lipid chemistry and for the first time provided an indi- cation of the true complexity of natural fats and oils. This development led to the eventual introduction of the polyester liquid phase6 (2) which permitted the analysis of many complex mixtures of fatty acids with rela- tive ease and reproducibility. ings of thermally unstable polymers as stationary phases, are best suited for the study of the c16 and c18 fatty acids which make up the bulk of the common animal fats and vegetable oils. They are unsuitable for the sepa- ration of natural fatty acid esters such as glycerides and steryl esters. These methods, which utilize heavy coat- Successful gas chromatography of intact natural lipid esters (3) had to await the discovery of the thin-film techniques (4) used in steroid separations, and temperature programming. achieved (5), however, have also required modifications in the basic design The separations presently

Triglyceride and Fatty Acid Analysis by Gas Chromatography

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A . K U K S I S


Extension of gas chromatographic methods t o the analysis of high molecular weight compounds has permitted the study of natura l l i p i d m i x - tu res without a p r i o r transformation in to simple f a t t y ac id e s t e r s . It is now possible t o separate and measure i n a s ingle chromatogram the amounts of cholesterol , diglycerides, s t e r y l e s t e r s and t r ig lycer ides present i n a t o t a l l i p i d ex t rac t . has required a perfect ion i n instrument design and i n working procedures not o rd ina r i ly demanded of equipment used i n isothermal s t e ro id and f a t t y ac id analyses. the advanced apparatus design and optimized operating parameters have yielded improved resolut ion and b e t t e r quant i f ica t ion . When combined w i t h thin- layer chromatographic methods f o r the separation of l i p i d c lasses and f o r a resolut ion of saturated and unsaturated homologues, the modified gas chromatographic techniques have permitted a nearly complete f rac t iona t ion and quant i f ica t ion of a l l components of na tura l l i p i d mixtures.

The resolut ion of s t e r y l e s t e r s and t r ig lycer ides

When applied t o determinations of f a t t y acids, however,

The paper describes some of the advances made i n the design of the gas chromatographs and i n the preparation of high qua l i t y C O ~ I ~ S re- sponsible f o r these achievements. The discussion of operating parameters is l imi ted t o the consideration of programmed temperature separation of mixtures of t o t a l neut ra l l i p i d s , t r ig lycer ides and simple f a t t y acid e s t e r s .


The invention of gas chromatographic techniques f o r the separa- t i o n and quant i ta t ive estimation of f a t t y acids (1) completely revolution- ized the f i e l d of l i p i d chemistry and f o r the first time provided an indi- cat ion of the t r u e complexity of na tura l fats and o i l s . This development l e d t o the eventual introduction of the polyester l i q u i d phase6 (2) which permitted the ana lys i s of many complex mixtures of f a t t y acids w i t h re la - t i v e ease and reproducibi l i ty . ings of thermally unstable polymers as s ta t ionary phases, a r e bes t su i ted f o r the study of the c16 and c18 f a t t y acids which make up the bulk of the common animal f a t s and vegetable o i l s . They a r e unsui table f o r the sepa- ra t ion of natura l f a t t y ac id e s t e r s such as glycerides and s t e r y l e s t e r s .

These methods, which u t i l i z e heavy coat-

Successful gas chromatography of i n t a c t na tura l l i p i d e s t e r s (3) had t o await the discovery of the t h i n - f i l m techniques (4) used i n s t e ro id separations, and temperature programming. achieved (5), however, have a l so required modifications i n the bas ic design

The separations present ly


of the gas chromatographs, the perfect ion of the dual hydrogen flame ioniza- t i o n detector , and the development of methods of dual column operation. The success of the s tudies w i t h the high molecular weight materials and the sub- sequent refinements o f t h e general conditions of gas chromatography have yielded b e t t e r separations and higher recoveries a l so w i t h the lower mole- cu la r weight compounds including the simple alkyl e s t e r s of f a t t y acids .

This paper discusses some of these developments and indicates how the improved methods of gas chromatographic analysis can be e f f ec t ive ly combined with o ther chromtographic sys t em and chemical procedures of invest igat ion t o y i e ld an e s sen t i a l ly complete account of the composition of most mixtures of na tura l t r ig lycer ides .


The procedures described here a r e chief ly those developed over Short, thin-fi lm the l as t few years i n the author 's laborator ies (3,s).

columns prepared by coating diatomaceous earth supports with s i l i cone polymers have been used f o r t he resolut ion of na tura l t r ig lycer ide mixtures s ince 1961. have taken place i n instrumentation and column technology. is a b r i e f account of the present s t a t e of the work together with a com- mentary on i t s more c r i t i c a l features.

The method has been gradually improved as new developments The following

1. Instrumentation

Effective gas chromatography of na tura l glycerides requires the Although the basic pr inciples optimum i n apparatus design and operation.

of good design have been wel l known f o r some time, there has been con- siderable reluctance on the p a r t of the manufacturers t o incorporate a l l the fea tures in to any one instrument. Testing of gas chromatographic apparatuses f o r t r ig lycer ide separation i n our laboratory has shown t h a t only one of the four leading manufacturers examined had produced an in- strument l i n e which could be used f o r glyceride separation without modi- f i c a t i o n . Although the unsat isfactory instruments were i n several re- spects superior t o the sa t i s f ac to ry instrument, they contained one o r more design f a u l t s which rendered them unsuitable f o r these separations. more adequate instrument makes a r e ident i f ied i n the legends t o the f igures . (6) t o be capable of the separation of na tura l glycerides without modifi- cat ion.


Only one o ther l i n e of gas chromatographs has been reported

a ) Temperatures

Triglyceride analyses require temperature pro gramrned ope rat ion Linear temperature programmers with propor-

The most

w i t h temperatures t o 35OoC. t i o n a l heat input are of the most general application, but ce r t a in non- l i n e a r programs may be b e t t e r su i ted f o r spec i f ic resolutions. usefu l temperature programs f o r metal columns have been those providing regular increases of 2-SoC per minute i n the 200-325% range of oven tem- perature . Glass and s i l iconized metal columns have permitted programs of up t o 2OoC per minute without any noticeable lack of equi l ibra t ion of the solutes .


The column i n l e t heater should provide uniform heating of the in- l e t end of the column and the in j ec to r compartment and should be capable of maintaining i t s temperature s e t t i n g without superheating despi te the r i s e i n the oven temperature. For spec ia l appl icat ions there may be a need f o r a programmed temperature operation of the in j ec to r heater a l so . Isothermal s e t t i ngs of 280-325'C, however, have proved adequate f o r most appl icat ions.

The de tec tor compartment should be maintained a t a constant in-

Although temperature var ia t ions of dependent temperature, usua l ly the maximum working temperature. of 340-350°C has proved sa t i s fac tory . a f e w degrees may take place without any noticeable e f f e c t upon the resolu- t i o n o r recovery of the compounds, the retent ion times do change. For t h i s reason, high qua l i t y work involving the measurements of physical constants on the separated components requires r i g i d control of a l l temperatures.

A s e t t i n g

b) Injectors

The in j ec to r compartment should be joined d i r e c t l y t o the oven without any cold junctions t h a t require spec ia l i n l e t l i n e hea ters . The design should permit an on-column in jec t ion w i t h a conventional 10 yl Hamilton syringe equipped w i t h a 2 i n . needle. The in j ec to r compartment should be of a small volume capable of accepting the in j ec to r end of the column i n such a manner (Figure 1) as t o allow the c a r r i e r gas t o sweep around the end of the column and insure a rapid and complete entry of a l l sample in to the column. The c a r r i e r gas should be preheated by passing through a s t a in l e s s steel capi l la ry wrapped around the in j ec to r block, and should en te r the in j ec to r b a r r e l j u s t above the Swagelok f i t t i n g accepting the column. sharper peaks, bet ter resolution and higher recovery of the injected mate- r ia l . Furthermore, on-column in jec t ion allows a sa t i s f ac to ry admiss ion o f the solute t o the column a t temperatures of up t o 7OoC below those required f o r f lash evaporation (325-350OC). The apparatus should be capable of dual, compensating column operation to minimize the e f f ec t s of l i q u i d phase bleed- ing a t elevated temperatures. This requires t h a t both columns be equipped w i t h on-column in jec tors which are maintained a t constant and iden t i ca l temperatures throughout the operation.

c) Detectors

It has been shown (5) t h a t on-column in jec t ion r e su l t s i n much

The de tec tor should be located d i r e c t l y a t the end o f the column without any extra spacing which requires special detector l i n e heaters and complicates the operation of the chromatograph. A dual, compensating flame de tec tor is recommended. Those of the non-metallic construction give l e s s noise and a r e f r e e of competitive ion col lect ion. The flame skould be de- signed f o r operation a t high flow ra t e s and elevated temperatures. A t t he high column temperatures the argon ionizat ion de tec tor becomes eas i ly con- taminated with the bleed of the l i qu id phase and is l e s s s a t i s f ac to ry . The hydrogen flame detector , however, may a l so show unusual e f f ec t s which may be traced t o s i l i cone deposits on the flame j e t s o r the co l lec tor assembly. The presence of these deposits is demonstrated i n the l o s s of s igna l below a ce r t a in l e v e l of s ens i t i v i ty . The base l i n e appears extremely quie t and s t ab le as the background noise, column bleed and the minor components are not recorded. This l o s s i n s e n s i t i v i t y cannot be recovered by lowering the attenuation, and the instrument l i n e a r i t y is poor. S i l i c a and any carbon deposits can be readi ly remved i n the u l t rasonic bath.


The extremely wide range of the hydrogen flame detector , which can be obtained w i t h careful adjustment of hydrogen and a i r flows under normal operation, permits the use of a wide range of sample concentrations and a quant i ta t ive estimation of both major and minor components in the same run. tained i n the range 0-45 pg and f o r t r i s t e a r i n i n the range 0-20 pg. l a t t e r compound has shown a d i f f e ren t slope i n the 20-45,ug range. under the usual operating conditions a full scale t r i s t e a r i n peak represents only 10-2Opg of t r ig lycer ide , t h i s non-linearity occurs only i n overloaded columns and does not present a problem i n analysis .

It has been shown ( 7 ) that a l i n e a r response f o r t r i l a u r i n may be ob- The


d) Flow rates

High flow ra t e s (150-300 ml/min of nitrogen o r helium) of c a r r i e r gas obtained by means of low head pressures a re necessary if the tri- glycerides a r e t o be vo la t i l i zed and brought o f f the column as symmetrical peaks a t the lowest possible operating temperatures. The hydrogen flame detector i s r e l a t ive ly insens i t ive to small changes i n the flow r a t e of the c a r r i e r gas. Great f luc tua t ions i n the c a r r i e r flow, however, should be absolutely avoided as the concentration of the sample i n the de tec tor w i l l change w i t h the f l o w rate, which i n turn w i l l change the apparent detector response. Constant flow ra t e s of c a r r i e r gas may be maintained by means of d i f f e r e n t i a l f l o w controls which automatically ad jus t the flows t o com- pensate f o r the changes i n column resis tance during the temperature pro- gramming. Constant flows f a c i l i t a t e the operation of dual column systems and help t o maintain equal base widths of the peaks during l i n e a r temper- a tu re increase.

2 . Column Technology

Gas chromatography of t r ig lycer ides requires columns of especial ly high qua l i ty . Usually, however, those s i lan iz ing and support coating techniques which produce adequate packings f o r the resolution of s t e r o l s w i l l a l so serve t o prepare sa t i s f ac to ry columns f o r t r ig lycer ide work. optimum performance, ce r t a in fea tures of t he physical makeup of the column and the mode of operation a re important and deserve consideration. Specific columns and operating conditions a r e described i n the legends t o the f igures used t o i l l u s t r a t e various appl icat ions.


Glass, s t a in l e s s s t e e l , and aluminum tubes have been used w i t h equal success a s the column mater ia l . The g lass columns, however, provide b e t t e r peak resolut ion and allow f a s t e r programing r a t e s than s t e e l columns, which require more time f o r equi l ibra t ion due t o grea te r surface adsorption. Si lanizing the i n t e r i o r of the s t e e l tubes g rea t ly reduces the adsorption and gives columns,the performance of which is indistinguishable from t h a t of g lass columns. The dimensions of the columns employed have ranged from 6 in . t o 8 f t . i n length and 1/16-1/4 i n . i n diameter. of 18-24 i n . i n length and 1/8 i n . O.D. provide su f f i c i en t number of theo- r e t i c a l p l a t e s t o completely resolve most mixtures of na tura l t r ig lycer ides , without impaired recoveries. The s t e e l columns with 1/8 in . O.D. and 1/16 in . I.D. give the bes t resolution, but because of heavier w a l l require more time f o r heat equi l ibra t ion and permit only low ra t e s of programming. The



highest resolut ions a r e obtained on thin-wall 1/16 in . O.D. s t e e l columns which y i e ld about 1000 theore t ica l p l a t e s pe r foo t of column length. The decreased flow rates, however, may reduce the recoveries of the higher molecular weight mater ia ls . The grea t disadvantage of g lass columns i s the lack of adequate means of maintaining a sa t i s f ac to ry s e a l between the g lass and the metal in le t and o u t l e t por t s during a l t e rna te heating and cooling cycles.

b ) Packing6

O f the l a rge va r i e ty of chromatographic supports t r i e d , the s i lan ized diatomaceous ear th preparations have yielded high qua l i ty columns most frequently. Mesh s i zes of 60-80 and 100-120 have given maximum column eff ic iency even w i t h shor t column lengths . high temperature s t a b i l i t y and low polar i ty , s a t i s f ac to ry t r ig lyce r ide separations have been real ized only with the s i l i cone l i qu id phases. (General E lec t r i c s i l i cone gum), W-1 (Dow Corning f luoroalkyl s i l i cone gum) and JXR (Applied Science polysiloxane polymer) have a l l given s imi la r separations. d i r e c t appl icat ion of the desired thickness of coating of high temperature s t a b i l i t y without extensive conditioning and s t r ipp ing of the v o l a t i l e mate- r i a l . Other s i l i cone polymers of high thermal s t a b i l i t y and of po ten t i a l appl icat ion i n t r ig lycer ide separations have been introduced under the t rade names of OV-1 and OV-17 (Applied Science Laboratories). s i l i cone polymers and have been claimed t o give some 25-30%less r i s e i n the base l i n e than SE-30 when programed t o 34OoC. Polysulfone (Applied Science Laboratories) is another polymer of high temperature poten t ia l with some separating cha rac t e r i s t i c s similar t o those of W-1. It is a s o l i d up t o approximately 24OoC and i ts thermal s t a b i l i t y has been ra ted above t h a t of JXR. Experimental techniques su i tab le f o r the preparation of the support, s i lan iz ing , and the appl icat ion of the coatings have been described by Homing e t a 1 (4). r e l a t ive ly low cost from re l i ab le manufacturers o f gas chromatographic supplies.

Because of the requirement of


The extremely low bleed of the JXR polymer makes possible the

These a r e phenyl-

However, excel lent column packing6 can be obtained a t a --

c) F i l l i n g and conditioning of columns

The requirement o f maximum eff ic iency demands t h a t the shor t columns be uniformly packed and t h a t the packing re ta ins i t s s t ruc ture dur- ing the i n i t i a l conditioning and through the heating and cooling cycles of normal operation. a r e packed with the help of the suction of a water pump, but column loading under pos i t ive pressure (15-25 p s i ) of i n e r t gas may a l so be used. f i l l i n g the o u t l e t end of a su i tab ly shaped tube is closed with a l i g h t plug of s i l i conized g lass wool, extending a few mm from the end of the tube in to the column i n t e r i o r . If mechanical v ibra tors a r e used, care should be taken not t o f r ac tu re the support pa r t i c l e s and t o expose adsorptive s i t e s . The column i s f i rmly f i l l e d t o about 35 mm from the i n l e t end, and a small s i l i conized g lass wool plug i s pushed down the tube t o r e s t against the packing. under c losely similar conditions. very high flow ra t e s but because of loose packing require longer column lengths t o obtain column ef f ic ienc ies comparable t o those avai lable i n t i g h t l y packed shor t tubes.

Usually the narrow diameter (1/16-1/8 i n . ) s t e e l co i l s


For a dual column instrument, two columns a re packed simultaneously Columns packed by gravi ty s e t t l i n g give


Before use the columns a r e conditioned by heating t o maximum oper- a t ing temperatures and keeping there u n t i l the low molecular weight residues have been polymerized o r bled of f . To avoid contamination, t he o u t l e t end of the de tec tor i s l e f t f r e e and the c a r r i e r gas ( s l i gh t ly below i t s optimum flow rate) is vented without passing through the detector . Depending on the l i qu id phase, the time required f o r conditioning may vary from a f e w hours t o several days. The first f e w runs seldom give en t i r e ly sa t i s f ac to ry re- coveries and b r i e f periods of addi t ional conditioning are required.

The conditioned column is tes ted f o r i t s a b i l i t y t o resolve a standard mixture of t r i l a u r i n , t r imyr is t in , t r ipa lmi t in and t r i s t e a r i n . Under properly adjusted working conditions, the four t r ig lycer ides should be eluted a s symmetrical peaks w i t h the approximate retent ion temperatures given i n Figure 2 . The base widths of the peaks should be narrow and the peak spacing su f f i c i en t ly wide t o accommodate two even carbon number tri- glycerides d i f f e r ing by two carbons between any two adjacent simple glyc- e r ides . Besides assessing resolution, the i n i t i a l runs w i t h the standard glycerides of known concentration a l so serve t o determine the extent of the ac tua l as well as the proportional recovery of the d i f f e ren t glycerides. With the common flame ionizat ion detectors , sample s i zes range from 1-50 jig o f t o t a l glyceride. The usual peak seen i n separations of t h i s kind is 0.5-2 pg f o r a s ing le component. The proportional recovery of t he standard glycerides m y be appraised from a comparison of the peak areas , which should r e f l e c t nearly correct weight proportions.

The l i m i t of s e n s i t i v i t y i s about 0 . 0 l p g .

-act recoveries of the various glycerides necessary f o r quantita- t i v e work may be determined by careful ca l ibra t ion of the system wi th accurately measured amounts of su i tab le standards. The correction f ac to r s derived f r o m such ca l ibra t ions (Table I) may be used f o r work w i t h na tura l glyceride mixtures t o which they a r e applied on the bas i s of molecular weight. Because of gradual column de ter iora t ion and detector fouling it is necessary t o recheck the cal ibrat ions per iodical ly . For work w i t h erucic acid r ich o i l s and marine o i l s , the columns and the apparatus are t e s t ed w i t h glyceride standards containing t r ia rachid in and t r i e ruc in . Columns t h a t do not show responses i n the indicated range should be recon- di t ioned o r discarded. Since the performance o f the column is determined using the complete system, it should be kept i n mind t h a t fac tors o ther than the column may be respcnsible f o r poor recovery and resolut ion.

3 . Separation of Natural Glycerides

Work w i t h standards has shown t h a t the method separates glycerides according t o the molecular weight o r carbon number, although some resolut ion due t o differences i n molecular shape may also be demonstrated. Ordinarily, saturated glycerides a r e not resolved from t h e i r unsaturated homologues. For t h i s reason the most e f fec t ive separations are obtained wi th those na tura l glyceride mixtures which contain a la rge var ie ty of f a t t y acid chain lengths . Coconut o i l i s made up of t r ig lycer ides containing c6 t o C18 f a t t y ac ids . f o r new columns. S imi la r e lu t ion pa t te rns can be obtained f o r palm kernel

It is very easy t o resolve (3) and may be used as a t r i a l mixture

oil, and the o i l s of the Lauraceae, Lythraceae and Ulmaceae p lan t famil ies , a l l of which are r i c h i n l a u r i c acid (8).


The bovine milk fa t , although somewhat more complex, contains a comparable range of t r ig lycer ides . The e lu t ion pat terns recorded f o r t r ig lycer ide mixtures of t h i s type have been shown by the author on several occasions (9,lO). and goat milk. Because of the presence of small amounts of odd carbon number and branched chain f a t t y acids i n the milk f a t s , the re turn t o base l i n e be- tween adjacent peaks i s not as complete as f o r coconut o i l . The two-hump e lu t ion pa t te rns a r e very cha rac t e r i s t i c and resemble those observed f o r cow's milk. Figure 4 shows the e lu t ion sequences noted f o r dog and human milks. Cue t o a v i r t u a l absence of bu tyr ic acid from these f a t s , the f i rs t hump i n the glyceride e lu t ion pa t te rn does not appear. In a l l cases the milk fats contain a much wider range of glycerides than the body f a t s of the corresponding species.

Figure 3 shows the e lu t ion pa t te rns recorded f o r sheep

Figure 5 shows the e lu t ion pat terns recorded f o r the t r ig lycer ides of sheep sue t and beef tallow. peaks ind ica te t h a t most of the f a t is made up of t r ig lycer ides containing two c16 and one c$8 acid, and one c16 and two c18 ac ids . pa t te rns a r e obtained f o r t he t r ig lycer ide mixtures of o ther t i s sues of these animals.

The la rge proportions of the C50 and C 5 2

Comparable e lu t ion

Figure 6 gives the e lu t ion pat terns recorded f o r the t r ig lycer ides from chicken and goose f a t . Again the t r ig lycer ides o f C 5 0 and C52 carbons predominate and there i s a supe r f i c i a l s imi l a r i t y t o the sheep and beef f a t t r ig lycer ides as well as t o the glycerides of the dog pancreas and rat l i v e r shown i n Figure 7. More extensive comparisons have shown t h a t the differences i n the glyceride e lu t ion pa t te rns a re frequently g rea t e r between d i f f e ren t t i s sues i n a s ingle animal than between the same t i s sues o f d i f - f e r e n t species. Thus the glyceride mixtures of plasma, l i v e r , kidney and hear t show considerable s i m i l a r i t i e s among some species, ye t the glycerides of t he kidney and the l i v e r of the same animal may d i f f e r widely. l a t t e r observation i s i l l u s t r a t e d with the elut ion pat terns obtained f o r the kidney and l i v e r of t he same goose shown i n Figure 8. s i m i l a r i t i e s o r differences may frequently be very pronounced, the e lu t ion pa t te rns could conceivably change with d i e t and even vary from one indi- vidual t o the other , and a r e unl ikely t o provide any well defined character- i s t i c s .


Although these

The separations obtained with a number of the common vegetable o i l s were shown i n one of the o r ig ina l publications from our laboratory ( 9 ) . The predominance of the C 1 8 f a t t y acids i n these o i l s r e su l t s i n a major peak f o r the C 5 4 glycerides with much smaller amounts contributed by the

:?go foun8'in these o i l s . A s shown by calculations of recovery (3) and by chromatography a f t e r hydrogenation, the areas of the eluted peaks a r e cor rec t even f o r the most highly unsaturated o i l s . i den t i ca l e lu t ion pa t te rns f o r raw and hydrogenated samples o f l inseed oil.

and C glycerides which account f o r the l e s s e r anounts of the c16 acids

Thus Figure 9 shows

Figure 10 i l l u s t r a t e s the resolution achieved f o r menhaden and herr ing o i l s . acids and contain t r ig lycer ides with carbon numbers of up t o C 6 6 . Because of the progressively decreasing retent ion times observed f o r the higher members of the homologous se r i e s under l i n e a r temperature programming, the longer chain glycerides show Considerable overlap on the shor t columns.

These o i l s a r e r ich i n unsaturated C18, Czo, and C z 2 f a t t y


Somewhat longer columns (24 in.) and narrower column diameters (1/16 i n . ) give b e t t e r peak spacing. The e lu t ion pa t te rn i s not mater ia l ly improved by a p r i o r hydrogenation of the o i l . obtained f o r o the r marine o i l s and erucic ac id r i ch p l an t o i l s (11).

Comparable e lu t ion pa t te rns have been

The comparisons of the t r ig lycer ide e lu t ion pa t te rns can be g rea t ly upgraded by a preliminary separation o f the t r ig lycer ide mixture on the basis of unsaturation on s i l i c a g e l p l a t e s impregnated with s i l v e r n i t r a t e (12). A s a r e s u l t of it, it is possible t o compare the d i s t r ibu - t i o n s among the saturated, and the mono-, di- , and t r i -unsaturated glyc- e r ides of d i f f e r e n t t i s sues and animal o r p l an t species . t r a t e s the separations obtained on s i l v e r n i t r a t e p l a t e s f o r a sample of l a r d . there has a l so been a resolut ion of ce r t a in pos i t iona l isomers, which may be separately recovered and analyzed i n the gas chromatograph. Figure 1 2 shows the e lu t ion pa t te rns recorded f o r the d i f f e ren t bands and the o r i g i - na l f a t . The quant i ta t ive proportions of the bands may be determined f r o m the peak area of tr idecanoin which can be conveniently added t o the t r i g lyc - e r ide mixtures recovered from the p l a t e .

Figure 11 i l l u s -

In addi t ion t o the segregation based on the number of double bonds,

The composition of the d i - and t r i -unsaturated glycerides can be fu r the r analyzed by subjecting a port ion of the mater ia l recovered from the p l a t e t o a permanganate-periodate oxidation p r i o r t o gas chromatography. This oxidation quant i ta t ive ly converts the unsaturated triglycerid.es in to saturated glycerides containing aze l a i c ac id residues (13) . Following diazomethylation the oxidized glycerides behave i n the gas chromatograph as t r ig lycer ides containing one, two, o r three l a u r i c ac id residues. Figure 13 shows the e lu t ion pa t te rn recorded f o r the oxidation products of whole lard. the standard glycerides, the overlap between t r i a z e l a i n and t r i l a u r i n is not complete, but it is close enough t o permit e f fec t ive ana lys i s . f i r t h e r - more, the overlap with the corresponding even carbon number glycerides in- creases as the number of aze la ic acid residues per molecule decreases.

A s it can be seen from the p a r t of the p r i n t superimposed upon

This method of analysis i s equally well su i ted f o r the determina- t i o n of the t r i g lyce r ide composition of vegetable o i l s , and f i s h o i l s . Because of high unsaturation, the f i s h o i l t r ig lycer ides cannot be ade- quately resolved by the common techniques of s i l v e r n i t r a t e thin- layer chromatography, as glycerides of more than 5 double bonds remain a t the or ig in . This d i f f i c u l t y , however, is l i k e l y t o be overcome by modifica- t i ons i n the g e l and the developing solvents .

The appl icat ion of these methods t o the analysis of fats of in - d u s t r i a l importance is i l l u s t r a t e d with a sample of margarine prepared by p a r t i a l hydrogenation of f i s h o i l s . Figure 14 shows the resolut ion ob- tained on the s i l v e r n i t r a t e p l a t e . The combination p r i n t given i n Figure 15 shows the glyceride composition of the various bands recovered from the p l a t e . t r ig lycer ide bands can be e f f ec t ive ly estimated by means of tr idecanoin used as in t e rna l standard.

A s noted e a r l i e r , the proportions of the mater ia l i n the various

These gas chromatographic systems a r e equally e f f ec t ive f o r the resolut ion of t o t a l neut ra l and i n ce r t a in cases t o t a l l i p i d mixtures. chromatograms of t o t a l neut ra l l i p i d ex t rac ts of plasma and lymph show an



essen t i a l ly complete resolution of a l l the l i p i d components present (14) . There is no s ign i f i can t overlap between the s t e r y l e s t e r s and the t r i g lyc - er ides . It has s ince been demonstrated t h a t the t o t a l l i p i d ex t rac ts of these body f l u i d s can a l so be analyzed i n the gas chromatograph and good estimates f o r cholesterol , t o t a l phospholipid, cholesteryl e s t e r s and t r ig lycer ides obtained i n a s ingle run. Fig. 16 shows the neutral plasma l i p i d s of man and dog. Under the conditions of gas chromatography the phospholipids a r e pyrolyzed t o the corresponding propene d i o l d i e s t e r s i n about 60% yield. with retent ion times comparable t o those of diglycerides, and emerge well ahead of the steryl e s t e r s . chromatography f o r the determination of the l i p i d composition of plasma and o ther body f l u i d s without p r i o r extract ion. The l i p i d e s t e r s appar- en t ly completely sublime from t h e i r l ipoprotein complexes a t the in j ec to r temperatures and appear as symmetrical peaks i n the e f f luent . Figure 1 7 shows the e lu t ion pa t t e rn recorded f o r 3 pl of f a s t ing dog plasma.

These d i e s t e r s a r e e luted from the t r ig lycer ide column

Eventually it may be possible t o use gas


Conventional gas chromatographic analyses of f a t t y acids a re per- formed on the methyl e s t e r s using heavy coatings of l i q u i d phases. the isothermal conditions generally employed, these methods a re bes t su i t ed f o r the determination of the common C 1 2 to C 1 8 saturated and unsaturated f a t t y acids . mixtures containing both shor t and long chain homologues. Posi t ional and s t e r i c isomers of the common unsaturated f a t t y acids a r e not resolved and there is d i f f i c u l t y i n the quant i ta t ive estimation of peaks of long re- ten t ion times. These problems may not be serious when dealing with ex- t r a c t s of t o t a l l i p i d s i n which the unusual acids make up negl igible pro- port ions. t a n t when attempting t o reconstruct the ove ra l l composition of a l i p i d m i x - t u r e from the fa t ty ac id determination of completely resolved l i p i d classes and individual e s t e r groups. Attempts t o solve t h i s problem have been made by seeking new l iqu id phases that would be capable of resolving a l l f a t t y acids , and by incorporating in to the present gas chromatographic systems those design and operation features which have proved successful i n the separations of o ther compounds. Other improvements in the methods of de te r - mining f a t t y acids have been sought through short cuts i n the preparation of f a t t y acid e s t e r s . appears t o be of l imited p r a c t i c a l app l i cab i l i t y and w i l l not be discussed.


They a r e not fully sa t i s f ac to ry f o r the scanning of acid

Accurate estimates of a l l f a t t y acids become extremely impor-

The determination of f r e e f a t t y acids present ly

1. Column Technology and Instrumentation

Since s t ab le l i qu id phases of po la r i ty high enough f o r the resolu- t i o n of f a t t y acids have been slow i n forthcoming, the major improvements i n the gas chromatography of fa t ty acids have been made by designing in- struments t h a t permit work with v o l a t i l e phases. In these e f f o r t s the dual column systems have proved most s a t i s f ac to ry and have allowed temperature programed operations o f up t o 5OoC above the normal working l i m i t o f the common l i q u i d phases. With increasing i n t e r e s t in programed temperature separations there has been a gradual switch towards the use o f columns with thinner coatings of s ta t ionary phase.

80 .

a ) Liquid phases

Polar l i qu id phases i n the form of various polyesters have been most useful f o r f a t t y acid separations. l i q u i d phase have been applied extensively to the separation and iden t i f i - cat ion of f a t t y acids i n the form of meth 1 es te r s (1). These phases a r e l imited to temperatures not exceeding 220 C . proached a s ign i f i can t amount of the l i q u i d phase v o l a t i l i z e r s and bleeds in to the detector . the polyesters and thereby r a i se t h e i r m a x i m u m usefu l temperature l i m i t . By introducing various terminating agents and by a judicious choice of the e s t e r i f i ca t ion ca t a lys t it has been possible t o increase the upper l i m i t of the working range t o about 250-270°C. creasing the bleed r a t e of the polyester columns i n the working range has been the copolymerization of ethylene glycol, succinic acid and dimethyl- siloxane monomers (EGSS-X, Applied Science Laboratories). The mixed s i l i - cone-polyester polymers a re l e s s polar than the simple polyesters but a r e s t i l l capable of maintaining su f f i c i en t s e l e c t i v i t y f o r the unsaturated f a t t y acids t o give complete separations. The u t i l i z a t i o n of 1% coatings of t h i s phase permits temperature programming with s ingle columns i n the range of 120-225°C, without s ign i f i can t baseline elevation (15). The capec- i t y of such columns i s su f f i c i en t f o r work with flame ionizat ion detectors . A s a 10% coating t h i s s ta t ionary phase is idea l ly su i ted f o r t he isothermal separation of methyl e s t e r s i n the C14 to C24 range, a l l of which can be eluted within 30 minutes. The shor te r chain f a t t y acids can be e f fec t ive ly determined a t selected lower isothermal temperatures. Another po lar e s t e r packing t o which spec i f i c a t t en t ion has been ca l led i s the tetracyano- ethylated pentaery thr i to l (TCEPE) . Its upper thermal l i m i t is only 15OoC, but when used a s a 3% ccjating on Aeropak 30 i n a 10 f t . x 1/16 i n . O.D. column (Wilkens Instrument and Research) it has been claimed t o permit complete resolut ion t o a l l t he common f a t t y acid e s t e r s within 35 minutes a t 105OC.

Columns containing 10-25% (w/w)

B A s the upper l i m i t is ap-

Several techniques have been developed t o s t a b i l i z e

The most useful method of de-

Non-polar l i qu id phases have generally higher thermal s t a b i l i t i e s than the polyesters , but have the i n a b i l i t y t o separate the c18 and higher unsaturated f a t t y acids which contain 2 o r more double bonds. Because of t h e i r g rea te r temperature s t a b i l i t y , non-polar l i q u i d phases a re excel lent choice for separating saturated f a t t y acids w i t h chain length l a rge r than 22 carbons. Columns packed with 10-17$ Apiezon L grease have been widely used (1). Separations o f the c18 homologues a re possible, however, a l so with the non-polar l i qu id phases when packings of about 3% l i q u i d phase a r e used in combinatior! with 1/16 in . O.D. x 20 f t . columns (Wilkens In- strument and Research) which generate over 20,000 theore t ica l p l a t e s (calculated f o r methyl s t e a r a t e ) . polymers (SE-30, JXR) give the lowest bleed r a t e s and a re pa r t i cu la r ly well sui ted f o r temperature programming and quant i ta t ive work which does not require a resolut ion beyond the molecular weights. A s t ab le mater ia l recommended f o r preparative sca le gas chromatography of f a t t y acid e s t e r s because of low bleed r a t e (up t o 25OoC) i s the beta-cyclodextrin ace t a t e . This phase, however, w i l l not resolve methyl s t ea ra t e and methyl o lea te .

O f the non-polar phases the s i l i cone

b) Columns and supports

Although the f a t t y acid e s t e r s a r e r e l a t ive ly non-polar and highly v o l a t i l e , the gas chromatographic analysis of t h e i r mixtures can be


considerably improved by adopting the techniques developed f o r dealing with more polar and much l e s s v o l a t i l e compounds. Thus s i lan iz ing the i n t e r i o r of metal C O ~ U m n f o r the use of g lass columns improves peak shape and reso- l u t ion . Signif icant improvements i n column eff ic iency a r e real ized by using s i l iconized supports of narrow mesh s izes . Gas Chrom Q (Applied Science Laboratories), Aeropak (Wilkens Instrument and Research), and the high performance Chromosorbs (Johns Yanville) a r e a l l w e l l su i t ed f o r pre- paring high qua l i ty columns. Micropak (Wilkens Instrument and Research) columns (1/16 in . O.D.) of 10 t o 20 f t . length give vas t ly improved resolutions with most l i q u i d phases because of the grea te r number of t heo re t i ca l p l a t e s provided per f o o t of column length.

Narrow bore 1/8 i n . 0 .D. columns and the

c) Instrumentation

Advanced equipment design and b e t t e r methods of operation have f a c i l i t a t e d the r ea l i za t ion of good f a t t y ac id separations even with poor packings and badly packed columns. placement of the f lash vaporization chamber with an on-column i n l e t . change has allowed the appl icat ion of the e s t e r mixtures t o the column i n a narrow zone giving much sharper peaks and b e t t e r resolution, and has per- mitted work a t considerably lower temperatures.

O f major s ignif icance has been the re- This

The replacement of the thermal conductivity c e l l and argon ioniza- t i o n detectors with flame ionizat ion u n i t s has resul ted i n a more s a t i s - factory in te rpre ta t ion of the detector response and a more rapid quantita- t i o n of the eluted components. Flame ionizat ion detect ion i n combination with dual column operation has been most e f f ec t ive i n temperature pro- gramming of columns containing thermally unstable l i qu id phases. Other improvements i n instrumentation of the type described f o r t r i g lyce r ide separations a r e valuable a l so i n work with f a t t y acid e s t e r s bu t have not been repeated here.

2. Method of Chromatography

Wide ranges of f a t t y ac id methyl e s t e r s may be scanned on s u i t - able columns by the use of temperature programming. Excellent separations of the methyl o r bu ty l e s t e r s of fa t ty acids on the bas i s of molecular weight a r e obtained on 5% SE-30 columns (Figure 18) . This column provides the most effect ive means present ly avai lable f o r the quant i f icat ion of t he t o t a l f a t t y acids recovered from a pa r t i cu la r l i p i d preparation using an in t e rna l standard (methyl heptadecanoate) . The e lu t ion can be completed within 30 minutes using a temperature range of 160 t o 3OO0C and se lec t ing temperature increments and chart speeds t o s u i t the e s t e r mixture a t hand. Complete separations of a l l f a t t y acids can be made on 1% EGSS-X l i q u i d phase i n the temperature range 125OC t o 215OC using a 1 2 f t . column (15). Good batches of t h i s packing y i e ld excel lent separations o f not only the monoenes and dienes but a l so of t r ienes and te t raenes of various chain lengths. These packings, however, a r e qui te var iable and frequently batches a r e found that give no resolut ion of anything. Highly e f f i c i e n t packings prepared w i t h t h i s phase a l so allow the resolut ion of c16 and c18 dimethyl ace t a l s from the c16 and c18 f a t t y ac id methyl e s t e r s . the SE-30 and the EGSS-X packings a r e idea l f o r instrumental area integra- t i on even with s ing le column instruments.



Temperature programmed runs w i t h the diethylene glycolsuccinic acid polyester l i qu id phases (DEGS) may be obtained i n dual column, dual flame detector instruments. Good resolut ion of the methyl e s t e r s of milk f a t t r ig lycer ides , f o r example, has been achieved in some 20 minutes i n the temperature range of 100-235°C, when programmed a t rates of 4 t o G°C/min. A run w i t h the methyl esters of menhaden o i l may be completed i n about 30 minutes giving complete separations of a l l the saturated and unsaturated f a t t y acids including the C z Z Z 5 and C22:6 e s t e r s . Although the e f f ic iency of the polyester columns may be somewhat increased by decreasing the thick- ness of the coating t o about 6$ and thus a l so minimizing the column bleed, the advantages gained are o f f s e t by the shortened l i f e t i m e of t he column. A loading of about 10% l i qu id phase appears to provide a s a t i s f ac to ry com- promise. Baseline s t a b i l i t y i n the compensated analysis i s very good u n t i l the end of the run when a tendency t o d r i f t below sca le develops. This can be avoided by l eve l l i ng the program of f a t about 2 l O o C and completing the run under isothermal conditions. Certain preparations of ethylene glycol adipate have been shown (2) t o possess a considerably higher thermal sta- b i l i t y than the diethylene glycol succinate polymer, as have the s t ab i l i zed polyesters. The advantages tha t such e s t e r s may o f f e r i n programmed t e m - perature analyses of f a t t y acids , however, have remained uncertain.

The separations obtained by temperature programming the Apiezon l iqu id phases a r e comparable to , and o f f e r no advantage over, those noted f o r s i l i cone gum columns. qua l i t a t ive i n nature and has been r e s t r i c t ed t o isothermal separations of the shor t and medium chain length f a t t y acid e s t e r s . the separation of pos i t iona l and geometric isomers of unsaturated f a t t y acids and some branched chain ac ids . phases have been most sa t i s f ac to ry f o r these s tud ies .

The work with capi l la ry columns has been la rge ly

It is applicable t o

Apiezon L and the polyester l i q u i d

3. Ident i f ica t ion of Fa t ty Acid Esters

Relative retent ion times a r e conveniently used f o r t en ta t ive iden- t i f i c a t i o n of f a t t y acid e s t e r s because considerable data of t h i s type has been published. For a systematic characterization of the e s t e r s the gas chromatographic data may be expressed in terms of the equivalent chain lengths (ECL) o r the rrodified equivalent chain length (MECL). The ECL i s obtained by p lo t t i ng the logaritki;!i of re tent ion times of normal saturated monocarboxylic acid e s t e r s against the number of carbon atoms i n the corre- sponding acids . rather than the saturated es te rs , and u t i l i z e s re tent ion times r e l a t ive t o methyl s t ea ra t e ra ther than absolute values. The chain lengths of o ther compounds may be measured by comparing the retent ion times of the standards t o that of the unknown. The use of two o r more columns is recommended.

The MECL is based upon a p l o t with the monounsaturated

Although these gas chromatographic techniques a r e qui te helpful f o r determination of the t en ta t ive iden t i ty of unknown f a t t y acid e s t e r s , o ther methods should be used t o ver i fy t h i s information. Oxidation with permanganate-periodate, reductive ozonolysis and mass spectrometry have a l l been demonstrated t o provide much of the required information about the s t ruc ture of unsaturated and saturated f a t t y acid e s t e r s . The considera- t i o n of these techniques i s beyond the scope of the present review.


4. Preparation of Fa t ty Acid Esters

The f a t t y acid e s t e r s necessary f o r the gas chromatographic analy- sis may be conveniently obtained by transmethylation of the l i p i d s o r by a methylation of the f a t t y acids recovered a f t e r saponification. Both tech- niques have been extensively employed and a var ie ty o f reagents u t i l i z e d (16) . Special advantages have been claimed f o r 5% perchloric acid solut ion i n methanol a s a rapid (10 min.) methylating agent f o r free f a t t y acid6 a t l o w temperatures (55OC). Because of the small quant i t ies of l i p i d usua l ly involved i n work w i t h b io logica l materials, the preparations of the methyl e s t e r s a r e bes t conducted by means of transmethylation. extract ion of the acids inevi tably r e su l t s i n losses due t o foaming and numerous t r ans fe r s .

Saponification and

Useful i n quant i ta t ive work combining thin- layer and gas chroma- tographic systems is the finding t h a t complete t r anses t e r i f i ca t ions of a l l l i p i d s may be obtained i n the presence of the s i l i c a g e l scrapings from thin- layer p l a t e s , including those containing s i l v e r n i t r a t e . Refluxing o r heating i n sealed tubes with 10% (w/v) su l fu r i c acid i n dry methanol f o r 1 - 2 hours a t 8OoC i s su f f i c i en t t o convert a l l l i p i d s to the methyl e s t e r s except sphingomyelin which requires about 1 6 hours. The time f o r the t r anses t e r i f i ca t ion of the sphingomyelin may be shortened by increasing the reaction temperature t o l l O ° C . hydroquinone pro tec ts the l i p i d s from peroxidation. The use of methanolic su l fu r i c ac id f o r the procedure i s preferred i n view of the reports claim- ing contamination from the use of methanolic HLC a s a methylating agent i n the ultramicroanalyses. Nevertheless, transmethylations with methanolic HCL as w e l l as BF3-methanol have been found highly sa t i s f ac to ry i n a number of labora tor ies . The methanolic su l fu r i c acid procedure has been adopted a s a t en ta t ive method by the American O i l Chemists' Society f o r the pre- parat ion of the methyl e s t e r s of Cg-Cz4 saturated and unsaturated f a t t y acids ( 1 7 ) .

Nitrogen atmosphere and a c rys t a l of

The quant i ta t ive analysis of shor t chain f a t t y acids o r mixtures

These e s t e r s a r e somewhat less v o l a t i l e than the methyl of shor t and long chain f a t t y acids a re improved by a preparation of the buty l e s t e r s . e s t e r s and permit more sa t i s f ac to ry concentration during the evaporation of organic solvents. The buty l e s t e r s can be prepared by subs t i tu t ing butanol f o r methanol i n the c o m m es t e r i f i ca t ion mixtures catalyzed by mineral ac ids . e s t e r s of f a t t y acids derived from mi lk f a t t r ig lycer ides on diethylene glycol succinate. The f a t t y acid e s t e r s should be analyzed as soon as pre- pared. a t low temperature f o r 24 hours. For longer storage they should be sealed i n - a g lass ampule under vacuum and placed i n a f reezer .

Figure 1 9 shows a programmed temperature separation of the buty l

They may be kept i n an atmosphere of nitrogen i n a screw cap v i a l


The described techniques permit the accumulation of a f a n t a s t i c d e t a i l of information regarding the composition of any f a t . Such e f f o r t s , however, may not be wisely invested unless the source of the f a t i s ade- quately defined and reproducibly sampled. An analysis of a t o t a l l i p i d ex t rac t of a whole organ i s of l i t t l e biochemical i n t e r e s t . t i s sue and c e l l u l a r f rac t iona t ion must precede any l i p i d extract ion.

An ef fec t ive There


may be a fu r the r need f o r the i so l a t ion of individual l ipoproteins o r l ipoprotein groups, if the design and purpose of the diverse mixtures o f na tura l l i p i d e s t e r s i s t o be determined.


1. A. T, James, i n D. Glick (Editor), Methods of Biochemical Analysis, Vol. 8, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1960, p . l .

2. W. R . Supina, H. A. Szymanski (Editor), Biomedical Applications of Gas Chromatography, Plenum Press, New York, 1964, p .271.

3. A. Kuksis, J. Am. O i l Chemists' SOC. - 42, 269 (1965).

4. E. C, Horning, W. J. A. VandenHeuvel, and B. G. Creech, i n D. Glick (Editor), Methods of Biochemical Analysis, Vol. 11, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963, p.69.

5. A. Kuksis and W. C . Breckenridge, J. Lipid Res. (1966), In press .

6. M. L. Yates, H. L. Conrad and J. S. Forrester , Bul le t in AB-509, Micro Tek Instruments, Inc. , Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

7. C . Li tchf ie ld , R. D. Harlow and R. Reiser, J. Am. O i l Chemists? SOC. 42, - 849 (1965).

8. C . Li tchf ie ld , E. Miller, R. D. Harlow and R . Reiser, J. Am. O i l Chemists' SOC. - 43, 102A (1966).

9. A . m k s i s and M. J. McCarthy, Can. J. Biochem. Physiol. 40, 679 (1962).


11. R. D. Harlow, C . L i tchf ie ld and R . Reiser, Lipids (1966), In press .

A. Kuksis and M. J. McCarthy, J. Am. O i l Chemists' SOC. 41, - 17 (1964).

12. F. B. Padley, i n M. Lederer (Editor), Chromatographic Reviews, Vol. 8, Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1966, In press.



C . G. Youngs, J. Am. O i l Chemists' SOC. - 38, 62 (1961).

A. Kuksis, Can. J. Biochem. - 42, 419 (1964).

15. E. C. Horning and W. J. A. VandenHeuvel, J. Am. O i l Chemists' Soc. 41, - 707 (1964).

16. A. Kuksis, i n M. Lederer (Edi tor) , Chromatographic Reviews, Vol. 8, Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1966, I n press .

1 7 . Report o f t he Instrumental Techniques Committee AOCS 1964-65, J. Am. O i l Chemists' SOC. 43, - 1OA (1966).



Calibration Factors f o r Simple Triglycerides under Optimum Operating Conditions

Weight $/Area F Double Li tchf ie ld m k s i s and

Triglyceride 'n Bonds e t a 1 (7) Breckenridge (5)

Trio c tano i n 24 0 1 . 1 2 1.00

Tride can0 i n 30 0 1.04 1 .oo

Tri laur in 36 0 1.00 1 .oo Trimyristin 42 0 0.96 1.00

Tripalmitin 48 0 0.98 1.00

Tripalmitolein 48 3 1.01

Trimargarin 51 0 1.05

Tr i s tear in 54 0 1.09

Triolein 54 3 1.03

Tr ie la id in 54 3 1.06

Tr i l ino le i n 54 6 1.10

Tri l inolenin 54 9 1.12

Triarachidin 60 0 1 . 2 1

Tri-11-eicos enoin 60 3 1.10

Tribehenin 66 0 1.43

Trierucin 66 3 1.34


1 .oo




Fig. 1. Posit ioning of Column i n the In jec tor Assembly. A, c a r r i e r gas i n l e t ; B, packed column; C, Swagelok nut ( f ront and back ferrules not shown); D, i n j ec to r bar re l ; E, i n j ec to r nut and s i l i cone s ep tum .

Fig. 2 . GLC o f Standard Triglycerides. Peaks iden t i f i ed by the t o t a l number of carbon atoms i n the f a t t y ac id moieties. Instrument 1 (A) : Aerograph 204-1B; Columns : s t a in l e s s s t e e l tubes,


20 in . x 1/8 in . O.D., packed with 3% (w/w) JXR on Gas Chrom Q (100-120 mesh) and assembled as shown i n Fig. 1; Nitrogen flow r a t e : 120 ml/min. a t room temperature; Injector , 28OoC; Detector, 34OoC; Sample: 1 y1 of 1% (w/v) solut ion in chloroform. Attenua- t i o n 1 x 16. Temperature program as shown. Chart speed, 6 min/in.

Instrument 2(B) : Beckman GC-4 with modified on-column i n l e t and spec ia l heater; Columns: s t a in l e s s s t e e l tubes, 20 i n . x 1/8 in . O.D., packed with 3$ (w/w) JXR on Gas Chrom Q (100-120 mesh); Nitrogen flow r a t e : 120 ml/min. a t room temperature; Special in- jec tor , 28OoC; I n l e t l i n e , 30OoC; Detector l i n e , 325OC; Detector, 34OoC; Samp e : 1 pl of 1% (w/v) solut ion i n chloroform. Attenua- t i o n 5 x 10 . Temperature program as shown. Chart speed, 0.2 in/min.


Fig. 3. GLC of Triglycerides of Sheep (A) and Goat (B) Milk. Experi- mental conditions a s given f o r Instrument 1 i n Fig. 2. Peak i d e n t i t i e s as i n Fig. 2.

Fig. 4 . GLC of Triglycerides o f dog (A) and Human (B) Milk. Experi- mental conditions and peak i d e n t i t i e s as i n Fig. 3 .

Fig. 5. GLC of Triglycerides of Sheep Suet (A) and Beef Tallow (B) . Experimental conditions and peak i d e n t i t i e s a s i n Fig. 3 .

Fig , 6 . GLC of Triglycerides of Chicken (A) and Goose (B) fa t . Experi- mental conditions and peak iden t i t i e s as i n Fig. 3 .

Fig. 7. GLC of Triglycerides of Dog Pancreas (A) and R a t Liver (B) . Experimental conditions and peak iden t i t i e s as i n Fig. 2 .

Fig. 8. GLC of Triglycerides of Goose Kidney (A) and Liver (B) . mental conditions and peak i d e n t i t i e s as i n Fig. 3.


Fig. 9. GLC of Triglycerides of Raw (A) and Eiydrogenated (B) Linseed O i l . Experimental conditions and peak i d e n t i t i e s a s i n Fig. 3.

Fig. 10. GLC of Triglycerides o f Menhaden (A) and Herring (B) O i l s . In- j ec tor , 325OC; Nitrogen flow ra t e : 200 ml/min. a t mom temgera- tu re . Other experimental conditions and peak i d e n t i t i e s as i n Fig. 3.

Fig. 11. Separation of Lard by TLC w i t h Plates Coated with S i l i c a Gel G Impregnated with S i lve r Nitrate and Developed with 0.7% Methanol i n Chloroform. tri, t e t r a , and polyunsaturated glyceride c l a s s .

Usually two peaks a r e seen f o r each mno, d i ,

Fig. 1 2 . GLC of Triglycerides of Lard Before and After S i lve r Ni t ra te TLC. Experimental conditions and peak i d e n t i t i e s a s i n Fig. 3.

Fig. 13. GLC of Oxidation Products of Whole Lard. A, oxidation products only; B, oxidation products plus standard t r ig lycer ide mixture. Experimental conditions as in Fig. 3. Peak i d e n t i t i e s a s ex- plained i n the t e x t .


Fig. 14. Separation of the Triglycerides of a Fish O i l Margarine by TLC with P la tes Coated with S i l i c a Gel G Impregnated with S i lve r Nitrate and Developed with 0.7% Methanol i n Chloroform. i d e n t i t i e s as i n Fig. 11.


Fig. 15. GLC of Triglycerides of the Fish O i l Margarine Before and After S i lve r Nitrate TLC. as given in Fig. 10.

Experimental conditions and peak i d e n t i t i e s

Fig. 16. GLC of neut ra l Plasma Lipids of Dog (A) and Man (B) . Experimen- t a l conditions as i n Fig. 3. Peak i d e n t i t i e s a s explained i n the t e x t .

Fig. 1 7 . GLC of Total Plasma Lipids of Dog. Peak i d e n t i t i e s as i n Fig. 16. Instrument 3: Aerograph Hy-Fi 600 D; Column: s t a i n l e s s s t e e l tube, 18 in . x 1/8 i n . O.D., packed with 3% (w/w) JXR on Gas Chrom Q (100-120 mesh) and assembled as shown i n Fig. 1. Nitrogen flow r a t e : 300 ml/min. a t room temperature; In jec tor , Z90°C; Detector, equal t o column temperature; Sample: 3 9 of whole dog plasma. Attenuation 1 x 16 . Temperature program as shown. C h a r t speed, 1 x 3 in/min.

Fig. 18. GLC of Fa t ty Acid Methyl Esters . C1+ t o C24 saturated f a t t y ac ids . Instrument 3 : Aerograph Hy-Fi 600 D. Column: s t a i n l e s s s t e e l tube, 5 f t . x 1/8 in. O.D., packed with 5% (w/w) SE-30 on s i lan ized Chromosorb W (60-80 mesh) and assembled a s shown i n Fig. 1. Injector , 25OoC; Detector, temperature equal t o column tempera- ture; Sample: N I H standard mixture F, 1 p l of a 1% (w/v) solu- t i o n i n chloroform. Attenuation 1 x 16. Temperature program as shown.

Nitrogen flow ra t e : 60 ml/min. a t room temperature;

Fig. 19. GLC of Fa t ty Acid Butyl Esters . sa tura ted acids . Chromatograph, Model 402 with modified i n j e c t o r i n l e t . Colums: glass U tubes, 4 f t . x 1/4 i n . O.D., 1/8 i n . I.D., packed with 20$ (w/w) diethylene glycol succinate (DEGS) on Gas Chrom P (80-100 mesh) ; Injector , 23OoC; Hydrogen Flame detector , 23OoC; Sample: f a t t y acids of bovine mi lk f a t t r ig lycer ides , 1 p1 of a 1% (w/v) so lu t ion i n chloroform. Attenuation 10 x 32. Tempera- t u re program as shown.

C4 t o C2o saturated and un- Instrument 4: F & M High Efficiency Gas





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DR. CARPENTER: I would l i k e now t o c a l l on D r . Donald J. Lisk who is head of the Pest ic ide Residue Laboratory here a t Cornell University. has been doing a grea t deal of work i n this area and of course h i s pes t ic ide and residue s tudies a r e o f v i t a l i n t e r e s t t o us in our la rge animal re- search a t the present time. D r . Lisk.


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