Történelem angol nyelven középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1913 EMBERI ERŐFORRÁSOK MINISZTÉRIUMA Név: ........................................................... osztály:...... TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2020. május 6. 9:00 Időtartam: 225 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2020. május 6.

TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVENdload.oktatas.educatio.hu/erettsegi/feladatok_2020tavasz...false. My latest voyage is a proof of this, as I found a continent in the Southern regions, which

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Történelem angol nyelven középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1913


Név: ........................................................... osztály:......



2020. május 6. 9:00

Időtartam: 225 perc

Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati








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1913 írásbeli vizsga 2 / 24 2020. május 6.

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Important information Give clear answers and make all your work unambiguous – even if you need to make corrections in your text. Try to be concise and keep to the point. Do not use more space than is provided. Only write the number of words or items specified in the task. (If you write more, your answers will be evaluated in the order they appear.) Please write in blue ink.

When working on the exam tasks consider the following. • Read the instructions carefully. • Do exactly what the instructions tell you. • Check how many sub-tasks the task consists of, and make sure you do all of them. • Study the sources provided (pictures, diagrams, texts, maps). Please keep in mind that

the English translations of sources are intended to render the meaning of the original texts, but not their sometimes archaic style.

• Consider your answers carefully before writing them down so that you do not have to correct them later.

• Use the resources that you are allowed to use for each task: the maps of the secondary school Historical Atlas [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] and the bilingual dictionaries. People, topographical data and concepts can only be evaluated when correctly spelled.

We advise you to follow these steps when dealing with the shorter or longer essay-type questions:

1. Identify the place and time of the given event or problem. 2. Use the given sources and the map [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] to understand the task. 3. Collect the general concepts (for example: development, change, production) and the

time-specific concepts (for example: serf, guild, personality cult) that can be used to describe the given event or problem.

4. Include the information contained in the sources, or the conclusions that can be drawn from them, in your answers.

5. Identify the events leading up to the given situation, its causes and its results. 6. Include your own knowledge as well as your own opinions and personal perspective. 7. Make drafts or outlines before writing your answers if necessary. 8. Make sure that your sentences are clearly structured, and that your ideas are easy to follow.

9. Your whole answer should have a clear structure. Check your grammar and spelling. For your information:

The following will be considered when your essays are evaluated: • understanding of the task • proper and relevant content that satisfies requirements • logical overall structure and accurate language.

Good Luck!

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1913 írásbeli vizsga 3 / 24 2020. május 6.

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I. SHORT ANSWER TASKS 1. This task is about the ancient Athenian city state. Do the tasks using the excerpts and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item.) A) ‘[The] city states […] banish from the city for a time those who seem to predominate too much through their wealth, or the number of their friends, or through any other political influence.’ (Aristotle, 4th century B.C.) „[A] városállamok […] azokat, akik szerintük gazdagságuk, közkedveltségük vagy egyéb politikai befolyásuk révén túlnyomó hatalomra tesznek szert […] a városállamból egy megállapított időtartamra eltávolítják.” (Arisztotelész, Kr. e. 4. század)

a) What is the name of the political device described in excerpt A)? ................................................................. b) Originally, what was the aim of the introduction of the political device described in excerpt A)? Give your answer using your own words. ................................................................. B) ’It relies on the many instead of the few; […] According to our laws, all men are equal in private matters; but a man’s reputation; that is, how highly he is regarded by the community, depends on his merits, not on his family or social status. If a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by poverty or by the obscurity of his condition.” (Speech by Pericles from Thucydides’ works, 431 B.C.) „Nem kevesekre, hanem a többségre támaszkodik […]. Törvényeink szerint a személyes ügyeket tekintve, mindenki egyenjogú, de ami a megbecsülést illeti, hogy a közösség előtt kinek miben van jó híre, itt nem a társadalmi helyzet, hanem a kiválóság ér többet, és ha valaki olyasmire képes, ami a város javára van, szegény sorsa és így jelentéktelen társadalmi rangja nem áll útjában.” (Periklész beszéde Thuküdidész művéből, Kr. e. 431) c) What is the name of the political system described in excerpt B)? ................................................................................................................. d) In what way was the equality mentioned in excerpt B) ensured for Athenian citizens? Write down a political device or practice. ..........................................................................

4 points

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2. This task is about medieval Western European society. Decide which statements refer to the legal relations in medieval society which are illustrated in pictures A) and B). Write the number of the statements in the box/boxes under the appropriate pictures. In one box, write only one number. There is one extra statement. (1 point for each correct item.)

Estates / landed



use of land

payment in money

and/or in kind




1. The subordinate party had the right to exemption from customs duties and could pay the annual tax in one sum.

2. The subordinate party typically did not pay tax. 3. The subordinate party had to do corvée/socage. 4. The subordinate party was obliged to go to war with weapons or to send soldiers at

his lord’s request. 3. This task is about the reign of Prince Géza. Do the tasks using the source and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item.) ‘’The fair Lady [Sarolt, Prince Géza’s wife] drank copiously and mounted a horse like soldiers, what is more, she even killed a man in her hot-headed temper. This infected hand would do better to spin and control her anger with patience. […][Géza] was extremely cruel; in his hot temper he killed many. When he converted to Christianity, he took aggressive measures against his unruly subjects in order to reinforce this faith, and fired by his zeal for God, he swept the old sin away. […] He sacrificed to Almighty God, but also to various imaginary gods. When his prelate reproached him for this, he said that he was rich and powerful enough to do so.’ (Chronicles of Thietmar, bishop of Merseburg, 11th century) „[Sarolt, Géza fejedelem felesége] szép úrnő szerfölött ivott és a lovat vitézek módjára ülte meg, egy embert pedig haragjában felhevülve meg is ölt. Ez a megfertőzött kéz jobban tenné, ha orsót forgatna és dühét türelemmel fékezné! […] [Géza] roppant kegyetlen volt; hirtelen haragjában sokakat megölt. Mikor kereszténnyé lett,

3 points

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1913 írásbeli vizsga 5 / 24 2020. május 6.

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indulatosan lépett fel tusakodó alattvalóival szemben e hit megerősítéséért, és a régi bűnt az Isten iránti buzgalomtól felbuzdulva elsöpörte. [...] A mindenható Istennek és különféle képzelt isteneknek áldozott. Amikor főpapja emiatt szemrehányást tett neki, azt felelte, elég gazdag és hatalmas ahhoz, hogy megtegye.” (Thietmar merseburgi püspök, 11. század) a) What did the author of the text mean by the expression ‘old sin’? ..................................................... b) Why did the author of the excerpt depict Prince Géza as a cruel ruler? Circle the number of the correct statement.

1. In order to support the authority of the reigning couple.

2. In order to show the contrast with his son, who later became (Saint) Stephen I.

3. In order to prove that the process of converting the country to Christianity was

completed as early as Prince Géza’s reign.

c) For what political purpose might Géza have been using Christianity? Circle the number of the correct answer.

1. By spreading the Christian faith he increased his princely authority.

2. By spreading the Christian faith he proved that he accepted the Holy Roman Emperor

as his feudal lord.

3. By spreading the Christian faith he hoped to change his wife’s views.

d) Using your own words, explain the dual nature of Géza’s relationship with religion, as depicted in the excerpt. .......................................................................................................................................................

4. This task is about the Age of Explorations. Decide whether the excerpts below refer to Magellan’s or Columbus’ voyage, or neither. Write an X in the appropriate column of the table. Put one X into one row. (1 point for each correct item.) A) ’We owe our lives to the captain, as in his last moment all the islanders ran to where he fell. [...] His glory, however, survives his death. He was perfectly competent in all the arts of navigation, which he proved with his voyage around the world, something nobody else had dared to undertake before him.’

„Megmenekülésünket kapitányunknak köszönhetjük, mivel végpillanatában az összes szigetlakók oda futottak, ahol ő elesett. [...] Dicsősége azonban túléli halálát.

4 points

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A hajózás mesterségének tökéletes birtokában volt, amit világ körüli útjával bizonyí-tott, amire ő előtte senki sem mert vállalkozni.”

B) ’This is how this task became mine, not to try to get to the East by land, as had been the custom before, but to set out Westwards, so on a route that nobody had – as far as we know- taken before.’

„Ily módon jutott osztályrészemül a feladat, hogy ne a szárazföldi úton igyekezzem Kelet felé, miképpen az eleddig szokásban volt, hanem nyugati irányban indulnék el, tehát oly úton, amelyet tudomásunk szerint mindezideig még senki sem járt be.” C) „[Az indiánok által Kubának nevezett sziget] nyugat-délnyugati irányban fekszik, […] úgy veszem ki, hogy [Japán] szigetéről van szó, amelyről a legbámulatosabb csodákat mesélik, és amely a térképek szerint, amelyeket láttam, ezeken a vizeken kell, hogy találtassék.”

’[The island which the Indians call Cuba] lies West-Southwest, […] I reckon it is probably [the island of] Japan, about which wonderful tales are told, and which, according to the maps I have seen, must be in these waters.’ D) ’The old ones reckoned that most of the world south of the Equator was sea and not land […], and even if they recognised that there might have been some sort of continent there, for many reasons they denied that it would be inhabited. But this reasoning is false. My latest voyage is a proof of this, as I found a continent in the Southern regions, which is more populous and has more animals living there than in our Europe, or in Asia or Africa for that matter.’

„A régiek úgy vélték, hogy az Egyenlítőtől délre a világ nagyobb része tenger és nem szárazföld […], és ha el is ismerték, hogy lenne ott bármiféle kontinens, sok okból tagadták, hogy lakott lenne. De ez a vélekedés hamis. Utolsó utam ennek bizonyítéka, mert találtam egy kontinenst a déli vidékeken, amely népesebb és több állat lakja, mint Európánkat, vagy éppen Ázsiát vagy Afrikát.”

Columbus Magellan Neither A) B) C) D)

4 points

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5) This task is about the tripartition of Hungary. Below you will find maps depicting Turkish military campaigns, and four statements. Decide which statement refers to which map. Put an X in the appropriate box of the table. In one row, write only one X. (1 point for each correct item)

Suleiman’s 1526 campaign Suleiman’s 1529 campaign

Suleiman’s 1532 campaign Suleiman’s 1541 campaign

Statement A) B) C) D) a) As a result of this campaign, Ottoman Hungary emerged.

b) This campaign moved away from the river which was the main supply route.

c) During this campaign, one of the rulers lost his life.

d) Two royal seats lay in the path of this campaign.

4 points

1526 1529

1532 1541

A) B)

C) D)

Glossary Német-Római Birodalom Holy Roman Empire Lengyel Királyság Kingdom of Poland Moldvai Fejedelemség Principality of Moldavia Havasalföldi Fejedelemség Principality of Wallachia Bécs Vienna

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1913 írásbeli vizsga 8 / 24 2020. május 6.

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6. This task is about the events leading up to World War I. Do the tasks about the emergence of the systems of alliance using the sketch map and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)

Systems of alliance at the beginning of the 20th century (Dates indicate the year when the

alliances were formed)

a) Of the alliances listed below, which one is depicted in the sketch map? Circle the number of the correct answer. 1. Triple Alliance 2. Tripartite Pact 3. Holy Alliance 4. Alliance of the Axis Powers

Glossary Nagy-Britannia Great Britain Németország Germany Franciaország France Olaszország Italy Oroszország Russia Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Szerbia Serbia Románia Romania Országhatár 1878-ban Country borders in 1878 Szövetségen belüli ellentét Conflict within the alliance Szövetségen kívüli ellentét Conflict outside the alliance

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b) Which countries do the following statements refer to? Choose from the states named on the map. 1. Two great powers with whom this country shared borders formed an alliance with each other, so at the beginning of World War I this country already had to fight on two fronts.

………………………. 2. This country had strained relations with two of its neighbours. With one of them it made territorial claims concerning border areas, with the other the conflicts emerged during the colonisation of Africa. In spite of this, this country made an alliance with one of these aforementioned neighbours before World War I. However, it entered the war on the opposite side.

………………………. c) Using historical terminology, name the system of alliance indicated on the map which emerged last. ………………………. 7. This task is about the Austro-Hungarian Compromise. Do the tasks using the excerpts and your own knowledge. ’7. The Hungarian parliament [...] votes separately on the expenses of the Hungarian king’s court. Thus voting for and covering the expenses of the court is not considered a common affair. 8. The diplomatic and trade representation of the empire abroad and measures to be taken in connection with international contracts are among the tasks of the common foreign minister, in agreement with and with the consent of the governments of both parties. 11. As a result of His Majesty’s constitutional royal rights concerning military affairs, all matters relating to the whole army, the Hungarian army included, as well as to the auxiliary section of the whole army, to the unified command, management and internal organisation of the army, are considered matters to be administered by His Majesty. 12. However, the country retains the right to occasionally bring the Hungarian army up to strength and vote on the budget for recruitment, and also to set the conditions for the budget and length of service. 16. The Hungarian parliament recognises financial affairs as common inasmuch as these are expenses concerning [...] matters recognised as common. 17. Any other state expenses of Hungary shall be decided in a constitutional manner by the parliament, on the recommendation of the Hungarian responsible government; the Hungarian government shall be [...] solely responsible for levying, collecting and managing these, like all taxes in general.’ (Excerpts from article XII:1867)

4 points

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„7. A magyar országgyűlés […] külön szavazza meg a magyar király udvartartása költségeit. Az udvartartás költségeinek megszavazása és kiszolgáltatása tehát közös ügynek nem tekintetik. 8. A birodalom diplomaticai [diplomáciai] és kereskedelmi képviseltetése a külföld irányában és a nemzetközi szerződések tekintetében fölmerülhető intézkedések, mindkét fél ministeriumával [kormányával] egyetértésben és azok beleegyezése mellett, a közös külügyminiszter teendői közé tartoznak. 11. Őfelségének a hadügy körébe tartozó alkotmányos fejedelmi jogai folytán mindaz, ami az egész hadseregnek és így a magyar hadseregnek is, mint az összes hadsereg kiegészítő részének, egységes vezérletére, vezényletére és belszervezetére vonatkozik. Őfelsége által intézendőnek ismertetik el. 12. De a magyar hadseregnek időnkénti kiegészítését s az újoncok megajánlásának jogát, a megajánlás föltételeinek és a szolgálati időnek meghatározását […] az ország magának tartja fenn. 16. A pénzügyet annyiban ismeri a magyar országgyűlés közösnek, amennyiben közösek lesznek azon költségek, melyek a […] közöseknek elismert tárgyakra fordítandók. 17. Magyarország minden egyéb államköltségét, a magyar felelős ministerium [kormány] előterjesztésére, az országgyűlés alkotmányos úton fogja elhatározni; azokat, mint általában minden adót, a magyar ministerium [kormány] […] saját felelőssége alatt veti ki, szedi be és kezeli.” (Részletek az 1867. évi XII. törvénycikkből) Below, you will find decisions which were reached in certain questions. Decide whether these questions were considered as common affairs or not. Underline the correct answer. Write the number of the article of the law quoted above which directly supports your answer on the dotted line. There are three extra numbers. (0.5 points for each correct item.) a) In 1879, as a result of negotiations conducted by Gyula Andrássy a secret alliance was concluded with Germany. Was this considered a common affair? yes / no Number of the article: ........ b) In 1881, factories producing certain products were granted exemption from certain taxes and duties until 1895. Was this considered a common affair? yes / no Number of the article: ........ c) In 1912 the size of the Hungarian national army was increased. Was this considered a common affair? yes / no Number of the article: ........ d) Complete the following sentence with the appropriate historical terminology. (1 point) The Austro-Hungarian compromise led to the creation of a two-centered; that is, a

.............................................. monarchy.

4 points

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8. This task is about National Socialist Germany. Match the excerpts below with the statements in the table whose content refers to them. Write the letters of the excerpts in the appropriate boxes in the table. Write one letter in one box. You can use a letter more than once. (1 point for each correct item.)

A) ‘The export of foreign capital from Germany was strictly limited […], the so-called […] Conversion Fund was set up. From this point on, everybody who had foreign debt was obliged to pay their instalments here. […] Following this, Schacht [President of the Reichsbank] decided that loans could only be repaid after a 50% devaluation; the bank repaid one half of the debt in cash, while the other half was paid only in bonds, which could only be redeemed later, and only in marks. Furthermore, this sum could only be used for certain purposes, for example for tourism, or more often to purchase German export products.’ (Economist Gábor Vigvári)

„Szigorúan korlátozták az idegen tőke kivitelét Németországból […], létrehozták az úgynevezett […] Átváltási Alapot. Ettől az időponttól kezdve mindenkinek, akinek külföldi tartozása volt, ide kellett befizetnie a törlesztőrészleteket. […] Ezek után Schacht [a Birodalmi Bank elnöke] úgy döntött, a hiteleket csak 50 százalékos leértékelés után hajlandó visszafizetni, a bank a tartozás felét visszafizette kész-pénzben, másik felét viszont csak kötvényekben, melyeket később lehetett csak beváltani, ráadásul csak márkára. Sőt, az összeget csak bizonyos célra lehetett felhasználni, például turizmusra, vagy még gyakrabban német exporttermékek vásárlására.” (Vigvári Gábor közgazdász)

B) ‘The biggest orders went to the armament manufacturers. Since in this period the restrictions imposed by the Versailles treaty were still in effect, military expenses had to be camouflaged. For this purpose, the Mefo, or Society for Metallurgical Research was created. […] Mefo paid for the orders in bonds, which were then redeemed by the Reichsbank. Until then, the bonds were earning interest.’ (Economist Gábor Vigvári)

„A legnagyobb megrendeléseket a hadianyaggyártó üzemek kapták. Mivel ebben az időszakban még érvényben voltak a versailles-i béke korlátozásai, a hadikiadásokat álcázni kellett. Erre a célra hozták létre a Kohászati Kutatóvállalatot, a Mefót. […] A Mefo a megrendeléseket kötvényekben fizette ki, amit aztán a Reichsbank [Birodalmi Bank] váltott be. A kötvények addig is kamatoztak.” (Vigvári Gábor közgazdász)

C) ‘As early as 1934 significant German debts occurred […], while in 1936 they owed as much as 463 million marks to the countries of the [South-Eastern European] region. The Germans constantly claimed that they wanted to pay what they owed to South-Eastern Europe by industrial exports. However, the truth was that the programmes for the internal transformation of the German economy and for rearmament were financed by these small countries.’ (Economic historian Zoltán Kaposi)

„Már 1934-ben jelentős német tartozások gyűltek össze […], 1936-ban pedig már 463 millió márkás tartozásuk volt a [délkelet-európai] térség országaival szemben. A németek végig azt állították, hogy ipari kivitellel akarják a számlát kiegyenlíteni Délkelet-Európa felé, a valóság azonban az volt, hogy e kis országok finanszírozták a belső német gazdaságátalakítási programot és a fegyverkezést.” (Kaposi Zoltán gazdaságtörténész)

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D) ’The pressure on the labour market was relieved by the 1000-mark wedding bonus, given on condition that the woman withdrew from the labour market. […] Finally, the introduction of forced labour in 1935 […] also removed excess manpower from the labour market.’ (Historian Maria Ormos)

„A munkaerőpiacon enyhülést hozott az 1000 márkás házassági segély, amelynek feltétele a nő kivonulása volt a munkaerőpiacról. […] Végül tehermentesítette a munkaerőpiacot […] a kötelező munkaszolgálat bevezetése is 1935-ben.” (Ormos Mária történész)

Statement Letter of excerpt

a) During the crisis management, certain decisions were influenced not only by financial considerations, but also by aspects of ideology and family policy.

b) The rearmament programme played an important part in overcoming the crisis.

c) State-directed foreign trade also promoted the acquisition of capital needed for investments and of export markets.

9. This task is about Hungarian history during World War II. Do the tasks using the sources and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item) A) ’Fighting against Bolshevism is doing our duty, and this poor, dismembered, looted country gave all it could with joy. [...]. Our arms industry is working mostly for Germany [...]. Since March 19 of this current year we have provided 2,700 officials and 119,654 people [i.e.: we have sent them to the front at Germany’s request]. And having shown such unconditional sacrifice, I would not be able to say what we could possibly be reproached for. [...] My only reason for asking you firmly [...] for everyone’s sake, to withdraw from here the occupying forces and the secret police, is so that the old, trusting relationship between comrades in arms can be restored.’ (Letter of Miklós Horthy to Hitler, June 6)

„A bolsevizmus elleni harc kötelességteljesítés, és ez a szegény, megcsonkított, kirabolt ország örömmel adott mindent, amit adni tudott […]. Hadiiparunk túlnyomórészt Németország számára dolgozik […]. Folyó év március 19. óta 2700 tisztet és 119 654 embert adtunk le [értsd: küldtünk a frontra Németország kérésére]. Nem tudnám megmondani, hogy ilyen fenntartás nélküli áldozatkészség mellett mit lehetne még szemünkre vetni. […] Csak azért szántam el magam arra, hogy nyomatékosan kérjem […], mindnyájunk érdekében rendeltesse el innen a megszálló csapatokat és a titkosrendőrséget, hogy visszatérhessen a régi, bizalomteljes fegyvertársi viszony.” (Horthy Miklós levele Hitlerhez, június 6.)

5 points

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B) ’For a thousand years, but especially in the last decade, the fate of our people has been influenced by the neighbouring Colossus [i.e. Germany]. We drifted into the unfortunate war against the Soviet Union under the effect of this influence too. […] When I send my delegates invested with full power to the armistice negotiations, I am asking you to spare this unfortunate country.’ (Miklós Horty’s letter to Stalin, end of September)

„Ezer éven át, de különösen az utolsó évtizedben, népünk sorsát a szomszédos kolosszus [értsd: Németország] befolyásolta. Ennek a befolyásnak a hatása alatt sodródtunk bele ebbe a Szovjetunióval folytatott szerencsétlen háborúba is. […] Amikor delegátusaimat [küldötteimet] teljhatalommal felruházva elküldöm a fegyverszüneti tárgyalásokra, kérem Önt, hogy kímélje meg ezt a szerencsétlen országot.” (Horthy Miklós levele Sztálinhoz, szeptember vége) a) In which year were the quoted letters written? ……………………… b) What was Horthy’s aim with the request worded in excerpt A)? Circle the number of the correct answer. 1. He wanted to restore Hungary’s independence.

2. He wanted to make an alliance with Germany.

3. He wanted to offer military help to Germany.

c) In these two letters Horthy gave different explanations for a decision he reached during World War II. What was this decision? ………………………………………………………………………………….. d) What characterised the military balance of power between Germany and the Soviet Union at the time when the letters were written? Circle the number of the correct answer.

1. There was an equal balance of power.

2. Germany was beginning to get the upper hand in the war, forcing the Soviet Union

continuously onto the defensive.

3. The Soviet forces were advancing, forcing Germany to give up previously occupied


4 points

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10. This task is about the disintegration of the Soviet Union. (complex task) Do the tasks using the sources and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item.) In the second table below, you will find descriptions of countries. Which countries do these descriptions refer to? Write the names of the countries in the appropriate boxes beside the descriptions. Choose from the countries listed in the first table, which contains data on countries in the post-Soviet region. One country can appear more than once.

Some important economic and social indicators of the states in the post-Soviet region

following the disintegration of the Soviet Union (1991) Area

(1000 km²)

Population (million people)

Percentage of Russian population


Proportion of original population


GDP*/head (dollars)

Proportion of GDP*

(The Soviet

Union = 100%)

Armenia 29.8 3.4 1.6 93.0 2700 0.9 Azerbaijan 86.6 7.7 5.6 83.0 2400 1.7 Belarus 207.6 10.4 13.2 77.9 4200 4.2 Estonia 45.1 1.5 30.3 61.5 4400 0.7 Georgia 69.7 5.2 9.3 70.1 2900 1.6 Kazakhstan 2717.3 16.9 37.8 39.7 2600 4.3 Kyrgyzstan 198.5 4.5 21.5 57.0 1800 1.8 Latvia 63.7 2.5 34.0 51.8 4100 1.1 Lithuania 65.2 3.8 9.4 80.1 3800 1.4 Moldova 33.7 4.4 13.0 64.5 2700 1.2 Russia 17,075.4 148.0 82.0 82.0 4200 61.1 Tajikistan 143.1 5.9 7.6 62.3 1600 0.8 Turkmenistan 488.1 4.1 9.5 74.0 2000 0.8 Ukraine 603.7 50.8 22.1 72.7 3100 16.3 Uzbekistan 447.4 23.4 8.3 73.7 1600 3.3

* GDP: Gross Domestic Product

Description Country

a) The proportion of the Russian minority was the highest in this country.

b) At the disintegration of the Soviet Union, this successor state was economically the most advanced.

c) This was one of the economically most advanced successor states of the Soviet Union; 18% of its population consisted of minorities.

d) In this country, the proportion of the minorities exceeded 50%.

e) About one fifth of its population was of Russian ethnic origin. As a result of the significant size of its population, it contributed greatly to the economic productivity of the Soviet Union.

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American President George H. W. Bush (1988-1992) meets Soviet/Russian leaders. f) Which picture was taken before 1991? Write the letter of the appropriate picture on the dotted line. …..

11. This task is about the history of Hungarians living beyond the Hungarian borders after 1945. Do the tasks using the source and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item.) ‘At the previous peace treaty, on the basis of their right to … [X]... many nations were granted the right to live together with, and in the same state as, their ethnic siblings. At that time we were denied this right. In the full knowledge that justice is on our side, and on the basis of unchanging natural and divine laws, we are asking those who have authority over us – all authority has been granted from above! – not to crucify our peoples with a new verdict on the old cross. My fellow believers, beloved in Christ! [...] Our own self-esteem and the responsibility we bear for the fate of the future generations require us to protest in defence of our rights and against the passing and execution of an unjust verdict.’ (From a sermon by the bishop of Gyulafehérvár, 1946) „A múltkori békeszerzésnél a/az …[X]… jogán számos népnek tették lehetővé, hogy fajtestvéreivel együtt és egy államban éljen; tőlünk akkor ezt a jogot megtagadták. Igazságunk tudatában és a változatlan természeti és isteni törvények alapján kérjük azokat, akiknek fölöttünk hatalma van – minden hatalom onnan felülről adatott! – ne feszítsék népünket egy újabb ítélettel a régi keresztre. Krisztusban szeretett híveim! […] Önmagunk becsülete és a jövő nemzedékek sorsáért reánk háruló felelősség követeli, hogy jogaink védelmében tiltakozzunk egy igazságtalan ítélet kimondása és végrehajtása ellen.” (A gyulafehérvári püspök beszédéből, 1946) a) The bishop spoke against the likely ‘unjust verdict’ of an international treaty. Which treaty was this?


6 points

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b) To which international treaty does the underlined section of the excerpt refer?


c) Name the legal principle marked in the excerpt with an [X].


d) Who was the bishop of Gyulafehérvár who gave the sermon? Circle the number of the correct answer. 1. Vilmos Apor 2. József Mindszenty 3. László Tőkés 4. Áron Márton 12. This task is about the structure of political institutions in modern Hungary. On the basis of the quoted excerpts from the Fundamental Law, decide which institution’s or official’s duty is described. Put an X in the appropriate column of the table. Write one X in one row. (1 point for each correct item.)

Excerpt from the Fundamental Law Government President of the Republic


a) ‘... shall adopt and amend the Fundamental Law of Hungary.’ „Megalkotja és módosítja Magyarország Alaptörvényét.”

b) ‘ […] shall adopt decrees in matters not regulated by an Act or on the basis of authorisation by an Act’

„A […] törvényben nem szabályozott tárgykörben, illetve törvényben kapott felhatalmazás alapján rendeletet alkot.”

c) ‘… shall elect […] the members and president of the Constitutional Court.’ „Megválasztja […] az Alkotmány-bíróság tagjait és elnökét.”

d) ‘… shall set the date for general elections of Members of the National Assembly, local government representatives and mayors.’

„Kitűzi az országgyűlési képviselők, a helyi önkormányzati képviselők és polgármesterek általános választását.”

4 points

4 points

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Please read the following instructions carefully. You must do two of the following tasks. You must make your selection according to the following rules: You must do: one short task on world history and one long task on Hungarian history. The short task on world history and the long Hungarian task must be about different periods – one on the period up to 1849, the other on the period after 1849. (In the chart, the periods are separated by a double line.) Study the tasks carefully.

Period Number Tasks Task type

World history

Up to 1849 13 Catholic revival-Counter-

Reformation Short

After 1849 14 The budget of the European Union Short



Up to 1849 15 The reign of Joseph II Long

After 1849 16 Economic policy of the Rákosi

period Long

After studying the tasks, circle the numbers of the tasks that you have chosen. In the table below we have indicated the two possible options. Mark your choice by putting an X into the appropriate row. Mark only one of the options.

Numbers of the selected tasks

Your choice marked with an X

13 and 16 14 and 15

Only do the two tasks that you have selected. Write your answers on the dotted lines below the two tasks of the same type.

Before doing the tasks please study the Important Information on page 2 of this booklet. You can make drafts while working on the answers. You will find the evaluation criteria after each task. The scores will be decided by the correcting teacher.

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13. This task is about Catholic revival and the Counter-Reformation. (short) Using the source and your own knowledge, describe the answers which the Counter-Reformation gave to issues of faith raised by Luther. ’Following the example of the orthodox Fathers, the Catholic Church accepts and venerates with equal piety and reverence all the books of both the Old and the New Testaments -- seeing that one God is the author of both – just as it does the sacred [but non-biblical] traditions pertaining to faith and to morals [...] that have been handed down without interruption.’ (Decree of a Council, 1546)

„Az igazhitű atyák példáját követve, mind az Ó-, mind az Újszövetség összes könyveit – minthogy mindkettőnek az egy Isten a szerzője –, nemkülönben mind a hitet, mind az erkölcsöket érintő [Biblián kívüli szent] hagyományokat, amelyeket […] a katolikus Egyház szakadatlan folytonossággal megőrzött, egyenlő jámborsággal és megbecsüléssel fogadja el és tiszteli.” (Zsinati határozat, 1546) 14. This task is about how the European Union functions. (short) Using the source and your own knowledge, describe the revenues and main expenses of the European Union.

Distribution of the revenues of the European Union (2017)

Hagyományos saját forrás


Forgalmiadó alapú befizetés

(Magyarországon: áfa)12%

Tagállami hozzájárulások


Egyéb bevételek17%

Glossary Egyéb bevételek Other income Hagyományos saját forrás Traditional own resources Vámbevételek Customs duties Forgalmiadó alapú befizetések Value added tax-based revenues Magyarországon: áfa In Hungary: áfa (VAT) Tagállami hozzájárulások Contributions from member states

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Number of the chosen short task on world history: ….

Your answer:

















Criteria Maximum Achieved points

Understanding of task 2

Location in place and time L 2

Communication, use of special vocabulary C1 2

C2 2

Acquisition of information, use of sources

S 3

Describing reasons behind an event, critical and problem-centred thinking

E1 3

E2 3

Total/Exam points 17

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15. This task is about the reign of Joseph II. (long) Using the sources and your own knowledge, describe the methods by which Joseph II ruled, their ideological background, and the content of his most important decrees. Briefly include what happened to the decrees later. ‘This is a short summary of my thoughts, and my words and example are here to prove that I am driven to follow these by my sense of duty and conviction, and everybody can rest assured that I will make sure that all this is implemented. Whoever thinks the same way, and as a faithful servant of the state dedicates himself, disregarding everything else, to service, will like these words. However, those who only seek profit and reward for their work, and regard the service of the state as being of secondary importance, should confess this honestly, and leave their office, as they are neither worthy or suitable for it, as fulfilling it needs complete devotion to the state and the absolute surrender of themselves and their own comfort.’ (Joseph II, 1783)

„Ez gondolataim rövid foglalata, szavaim és példám bizonyítják, hogy ezek követésére kötelességtudatom és meggyőződésem vezet, és mindenki biztos lehet benne, hogy gondoskodom végrehajtásukról. Aki hasonlóképp gondolkodik, és az állam hű szolgájaként minden mást figyelmen kívül hagyva magát a szolgálatnak szenteli, annak előbbi szavaim kedvére lesznek, aki azonban hivatalában csak a hasznot és jutalmat látja, az állam szolgálatát azonban mellékesnek tekinti, az vallja be ezt őszintén és hagyja el hivatalát, melyre se nem méltó, se nem alkalmas, mert annak betöltéséhez az állam iránti odadás és saját magának és a maga kényelmének teljes feladása szükségeltetik.” (II. József, 1783)

‘I am the emperor of the German Empire, consequently the other states I possess are provinces, which together form a unified, single body, and I am the head of this.’ (Joseph II, 1785)

„A Német Birodalom császára vagyok, ebből következően a többi állam, melyeket birtoklok, tartományok, melyek egységesen, egyetlen testet alkotnak, és én ennek a feje vagyok.” (II. József, 1785)

’Under such circumstances half a deed is worthless. Thus I, in order to avoid every possible complaint by the Hungarian and Transylvanian estates that might have a grain of truth in it, annul all the general decrees and measures brought during my reign, and restore them into the state they were at the death of her Highness the late empress. From these I exclude only the decree on tolerance, the new measures connected to the situation of the clergy, and finally those referring to serfs.’ (Joseph II, 1790)

„Ilyen körülmények között semmit sem ér a fél tett. Én tehát, hogy egyszer s mindenkorra elejét vegyem a magyar és erdélyi rendek minden elgondolható, a méltányosságnak csak színével is bíró panaszának, minden uralkodásom alatt kelt általános rendeletet és intézkedést eltörlök, és őket azon állapotba visszahelyezem, melyben Őfelségének, a boldogult császárnénak halálakor voltak. Ebből csak a tolerantia-patenst [türelmi rendeletet], az új lelkészrendezésre vonatkozó intézkedéseket, végre a jobbágyokra vonatkozót veszem ki.” (II. József, 1790)

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16. This task is about the Rákosi period. (long) Using the sources and your own knowledge, describe the most important measures of the economic policy of the Rákosi period. In your answer, include the effect the economic policy had on living conditions. ‘The Congress concludes that the policy conducted by the Central Leadership in order to restore the Hungarian national economy and launch Socialist construction was correct. With the completion of the three-year plan in two years and five months in 1949 the period of reconstruction was concluded. With the five-year plan the renewal of our national industry started. In the first year of the five-year plan, with the help of the activation of our national economy’s hidden resources, […] the devoted labour of our working people and with the support of the Soviet Union we were able to perform significantly greater tasks than we had originally aimed to complete by 1950 on the basis of the five-year plan.’ (Decree of the 2nd congress of the Hungarian Working People’s Party, 1951)

„A Kongresszus megállapítja, hogy a Központi Vezetőségnek a magyar népgazdaság helyreállítása és a szocialista építés megkezdése érdekében folytatott politikája helyes volt. A hároméves tervnek két év és öt hónap alatt történt megvalósításával 1949-ben befejeződött a helyreállítás szakasza. Az ötéves tervvel megkezdődött népgazdasá-gunk újjáalakítása. Az ötéves terv első évében népgazdaságunk rejtett tartalékainak feltárása, […] dolgozó népünk odaadó munkája, a Szovjetunió támogatása révén jelentékenyen nagyobb feladatokat sikerült megoldanunk, mint amelyeket az ötéves terv alapján 1950-re eredetileg kitűztünk.” (A Magyar Dolgozók Pártja II. kongresszusának határozata, 1951)

Number of working hours needed to earn the price of some products in 1938 and in 1952 (based on average salary)

Year Man’s woollen winter coat

1000 bricks 1 kg of leg of pork

1938 178 73 4.4 1952 243 178 6.5

Contemporary poster

Glossary Békekölcsön Peace loan Béke 5 éves terv Peace 5-year plan Virágzó ország, Flourishing country, boldog nép happy people

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Number of the chosen long task on Hungarian history: …. Your answer:

































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Criteria Maximum Achieved points

Understanding of task 2

Location in place and time L1 2

L2 2

Communication, use of special vocabulary

C1 2

C2 2

C3 2

Acquisition of information, use of sources

S1 3

S2 3

S3 3

Describing reasons behind an event, critical and problem-centred thinking

E1 3

E2 3

E3 3

E4 3

Total/Exam points 33 Sources (texts, pictures, tables, graphs) appearing in the test booklet: 2. https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/161723-peasant-vector-pack https://imgur.com/gfr4ueI http://www.medievalchronicles.com/medieval-clothing/medieval-peoples-clothing/medieval-mens-clothing/ 5. www.tudasbazis.sulinet.hu/ www.mti.hu 6. Száray Miklós: Történelem III. (Forrásközpontú történelem) Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 2013. 10. Krajkó–Rudl–Szónokyné: A Szovjetunió utódállamai. Szeged, 2001. https://www.ncpedia.org/media/george-hw-bush-and-boris https://www.thesundaily.my/world/gorbachev-hails-bush-for-role-in-ending-cold-war-MI192385 14. http://ec.europa.eu/budget/figures/interactive/index_en.cfm 16. image: Czeglédi. Offszet Nyomda.

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maximum achieved

I Short answer tasks

Task 1 4 Task 2 3 Task 3 4 Task 4 4 Task 5 4 Task 6 4 Task 7 4 Task 8 5 Task 9 4 Task 10 6 Task 11 4 Task 12 4

Total 50 I. Achieved points rounded up

II Longer, essay-type questions

Task 13 17 Task 14 17 Task 15 33 Task 16 33

Total 50 II. Achieved points rounded up

I. + II. Total score for the written exam 100

Date Correcting teacher __________________________________________________________________________

pontszáma egész számra kerekítve

elért programba beírt

I. Egyszerű, rövid választ igénylő feladatok II. Szöveges (kifejtendő) feladatok

dátum dátum

javító tanár jegyző