Tudor England

Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

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Page 1: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

Tudor England

Page 2: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

The Tudors

• Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses

• Henry VIII, son of Henry VII– Sought male heir to throne

– Broke Church of England from Rome in 1534

– Seized property of the monasteries

• Edward VI changed doctrine of church to truly protestant

• Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII by Spanish Catherine of Aragon (preceded by Lady Jane Gray, somewhat queen for 9 days!)

• Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII by Anne Boleyn

Henry VIII and his wives

Page 3: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

Mary I (r. 1553-1558)

• Devoutly Catholic daughter of Catherine of Aragon

• Tried to re-Catholicize England by repealing changes wrought by Edward VI

• 300 Protestants were burned as heretics: “Bloody Mary”

• 1554: Married Philip II of Spain (only nominally king of England)

• Policies created strong anti-Catholic sentiment in England

Page 4: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

Elizabeth I: Political “Politique”

• First successful female monarch in Europe: highly educated, fluent in English, French, Italian, Latin, Greek

• Her religion unclear, but nominally Church of England

• Unmarried virgin queen, loved Robert Dudley; believed national duty outweighed personal desires

• Used possibility of marriage diplomatically

• Moderation created English Renaissance, age of Shakespeare, Johnson, Marlowe

• Insisted on beautiful images of her self to portray power; loved by common people

• Selected able ministers to guide her (William Cecil), but maintained her own power Coronation Portrait

Page 5: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

Painting that is rumored to show Elizabeth and Dudley

Page 6: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

Elizabeth: Solidified English Church

• State church, with theology determined by monarch through Parliament

• All subjects obliged to belong to it

• Retained physical possessions and organization of the medieval church

• Protestant in practice: English-language worship, married clergy

• “Thirty-nine Articles” defined the church’s doctrines rather vaguely

The “ermine portrait”

Page 7: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots

• MQS, daughter of Marie de Guise and Scotland’s James V

• French-raised wife of Francis II of France during French Religious Wars

• MQS became focus of intrigue between England, France, Spain, and rebellious Low Countries

• Devoutly Catholic, with clear right to Scottish throne; next-in-line to English throne after Elizabeth

• Spain wanted to use Netherlands as base to attack England, seat Mary on throne

• After several plots against Elizabeth, Mary was placed under house arrest in London

• Executed 1587: death in part caused Philip II to launch Armada

• Treaty of Berwick: Elizabeth allied with Scotland and unofficially named James VI as heir

Page 8: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada

• English ships (Sir Francis Drake) plundered Spanish ships returning from America

• England supported anti-Spanish forces in Netherlands

• Mary Queen of Scots executed on eve of Spanish attack

• Drake burnt Spanish ships in Spanish port of Cadiz

• Armada sailed, first en route to Netherlands, before planned invasion of England

• 125 ships. 30,000 men• Smaller, more agile English ships

defeated lumbering Spanish galleons one at a time

• “Protestant Wind” drove Armada northward into terrifying Scottish seas, shipwrecks

The “Armada Portrait” commemorates the English victory (see ships in background)

Page 9: Tudor England. The Tudors Henry VII (Henry Tudor) won the War of the Roses Henry VIII, son of Henry VII –Sought male heir to throne –Broke Church of England

Political Consolidation

• Long reign provided stability after chaotic short reigns of Edward and Mary

• Unification of church behind moderate views led to peaceful stability

• Defeat of the Catholic “northern earls” safeguarded reign

• Financial support of Dutch rebels weakened Spain