Unclaimed APRA royalties: Nonmembers If your name is on this list, please contact your local APRA AMCOS office to confirm that royalties are being held for you and then submit your online APRA membership application APRA AMCOS offices: NSW & ACT [email protected] VIC & TAS [email protected] QLD [email protected] SA [email protected] NT [email protected] WA [email protected] NZ [email protected] Aaron Gregory Abapo Alejandro Abblitt Ryan Abbott Kim AbbottAtchison Zaccharia Abdi Mohamed Abdi Abel Jason Abouchaaya Roy Abraham Pai Accurso Romina A'Costa George Adam Dean Adam James Adams Miranda Adams Paul Tane Adams Toby Adderley Nat Adhitya Ken Adie Aaron Adura Carlos Agema Hayson AgergaardOlsen Iben Agis Kent Agius Josef Agostino Tristan Agust ("Black Brothers") Ahern Marcus AhmadHall Leon Aiden Paul Aitken Toby Aiya Liklik Gabi Akaperepere Akep Bernard Akerman David Akinrinmade Gabriel Akita Masami Akolo Tevita Alba Christopher Albeck Mick (C/W Mccormack R) Alberts Andrew Alberts Liam Alberts Ziggy Alczar Alejandro Alduca Alec Josie Alexander Callan Alexander Ian Alexander Nicky Alia Jane Alimic Age Allan Bernice Allen Bec Allen Conan Paul Allen Daniel Allen James Richard Allen Jimmy Allen Kenneth Paul Allen Rob Allison Georgina Allison Jim Almasi Alexander Alpha T Alpurrurulam Band Alston Andrew Althaus Sebastian Althorpe Dean Ambi M (C/W Pigram Stephen) Ambrosine Jules Amer Glenn Amir Iqram Bo Amory Jess Amour Jaycen Amoy Roy Andah Samson Andersen Dean Anderson Bill Anderson Bruce Anderson Josh Anderson Mark Anderson Michael E N Anderson Mitch Anderson Mitchell Anderson Scott Anderson Tim

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  • Unclaimed APRA royalties: Non-members If your name is on this list, please contact your local APRA AMCOS office to confirm that royalties are

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    Aaron Gregory Abapo Alejandro Abblitt Ryan Abbott Kim Abbott-Atchison Zaccharia Abdi Mohamed Abdi Abel Jason Abouchaaya Roy Abraham Pai Accurso Romina A'Costa George Adam Dean Adam James Adams Miranda Adams Paul Tane Adams Toby Adderley Nat Adhitya Ken Adie Aaron Adura Carlos Agema Hayson Agergaard-Olsen Iben Agis Kent Agius Josef Agostino Tristan Agust ("Black Brothers") Ahern Marcus Ahmad-Hall Leon Aiden Paul Aitken Toby Aiya Liklik Gabi Akaperepere Akep Bernard Akerman David Akinrinmade Gabriel Akita Masami Akolo Tevita Alba Christopher Albeck Mick (C/W Mccormack R) Alberts Andrew Alberts Liam Alberts Ziggy

    Alczar Alejandro Alduca Alec Josie Alexander Callan Alexander Ian Alexander Nicky Alia Jane Alimic Age Allan Bernice Allen Bec Allen Conan Paul Allen Daniel Allen James Richard Allen Jimmy Allen Kenneth Paul Allen Rob Allison Georgina Allison Jim Almasi Alexander Alpha T Alpurrurulam Band Alston Andrew Althaus Sebastian Althorpe Dean Ambi M (C/W Pigram Stephen) Ambrosine Jules Amer Glenn Amir Iqram Bo Amory Jess Amour Jaycen Amoy Roy Andah Samson Andersen Dean Anderson Bill Anderson Bruce Anderson Josh Anderson Mark Anderson Michael E N Anderson Mitch Anderson Mitchell Anderson Scott Anderson Tim

  • Unclaimed APRA royalties: Non-members If your name is on this list, please contact your local APRA AMCOS office to confirm that royalties are

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    Andersson Lasse Andersson Tommie Andres Fabian Andrew Andrew Andrews Andrews Chris Andrews Corey Andrews Danyn Andrews Isabella Andrews James Andrews Leon Andrews Nathaniel Andrews Neill (N.D.A.) Andrews Nia Andrusko Keiran Angel Scott Aniba-Waia Jeff Ankor Dennis Ann Polly Annabel Jay Annand Nicholas Annud Dunna Anslow Corey Anthony Alex Anthony Christian Anthony Nick Antica Lyndsay Antman Mitchell Antoinette Nicholas Ben Antonellis Joseph (C/W Wilkes Antonio Marc Ap Arnold Apex Simon Aphotic Mote (Portal) Appleby Daniel Appleby Greg Arapakis Pelaya Araujo Abilio Arbon Matt Archer Cyril Archer Sterling Arddhu

    Aress Harrold Arieleke Ariti Shane Anthony Armstrong Gomara Armstrong Kerry Armstrong Michael Arnold Ap Arnold Christina Ingrid Arnott Arnott Lorenzo Arnott Tim Arthur Grant Arvanatakis Michael Arvidson Liz (Hi Five Writer) Arzarkhel Asche Madison Ashe Rick Ashley Cameron Ashley Miriam Ashtiani Alex Ashton Amanda Ashurst Prue (C/W Stewart W) Astelle Dvanti (C/W Councillor Aston Jesse Atege Gedix Athans Nick Atkin Ryan Atkinson Elise Atkinson Kasey Atkinson Tomas Atlaw Seifu Daniel Atrill Luke Tobias Attard Aaron Atwell Samuel Atyeo James Austin Dave Austin Kate Austin Tara Autret Duke Avellis Jordan Avery Jonny Avis Lachlan

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    Awaiting Registration Confirma Ayma Rene M Ayo Eli Ayo Oli Aziz Yousif Azzopardi

    Baartz Dan Baaruhl Babekuhl Daniel Backhouse-Smith Durward Badalassi Rene Baduk Christopher Bae Cynthia Baffari Enzo(C/W Cummins Steph Baglin Ross Bagust Kels Bailey Bingo Bailey Howard 'Chingy' Junior Bailey Sean Bailey Steve Bailey William Andrew Benjamin Baille Kathie Baillie Cal Baines Magdalene Baird Jonathan Caleb Bajric Borris Baker Corey Baker Devan Baker John T Baker Jonathan Baker Mitchell Baker Norm Baker Samuel Baker Simeon Jade Baker Tom Baker Travis Bala Boss Honey Kween Balaam Dylan Balch Chris Balch Tim Baldry Tom

    Bale Jason Balen Clancey Balfour Ian Scott Balius Jeremy Ball Adrian Ball Peter Ballantyne Hannah Bam Bam Bambach Maximilian Bamford Laura Banag Udd Banfield Kristian Bang Anh Bangarra Isata Bangarra Yarrie Bangerz Mc Bangoura Mohamed Cherif Banko Daniel Banks Catherine (C/W Tankard R Banks Jy-Perry Banks V (W/ Collins) Bann Chantel Banytis Paul Baquie Micah Baraka Jeff Barbaro Vinnie Barclay Benjamin Barclay Felicity Barclay Josh Barden Liam Barfield Dylan Barham Nathanael Barker Cal Barker Josh Barker Scott Barkly Shire Council Barnabas Daniel Barnaby Harley Barnard Billy Barnes Jeremy Barnes Jeremy Paul Barnes Mai

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    Barnes Mark Barnes Mick Barnes Paul Tristan Barnes Rangi Barnes Shane Barnett Alex Barnett Andrew Barnett-Pierce Adam Barnhill Gregory Barra Wally Barraclaugh Luke Barraza Patricia Barrett James Patrick Barry David Bartle Lucinda Joy Bartle Sam Bartlett Robbie Bartlett Samuel Bartlett Stephen Bartley Hugh Bartley John Bartolotta Adam Barton Ian Barton Phil Barton Scott Barwick Stuart (C/W P Berechre Base William Baskaram Bobby Basnett James Bass Tim Bassiray Darius Bateman Chris Bateman Ryan Bates Marc Bates Tim Bathman Alec Batrouney Will Batters Wayne Battersby Josh Battiato Leonardo (Co W Wheatm Battour Emile Batty Jack

    Bauer Johannes Bauermeister Samuel Christian Baulch Matthew Baum Michael C Bausch Michael Bautista Baxter Tasha Baxter-Briton Ryan Bayer Devon Baylis Darcy Beach Kylie Beall Gareth Bear Andrew Beard Craig A (C/W Tsiavos Nic Beard D Beard Dase Beattie Matthew James Beauglehall Jack Beaumont Josh Beavan Mark Bebbington Riley Beboer Brent Becker Sean Beckett Alec Beckingham Davey Bede Benjamin-Korporaal Bedford Nicholas John Bednikov Sen Bee Libby Beeby Ros Beecher Jeremy Beechy Chris Beeler Jarred Beeler Timothy Been Casey Beer Elyse Beesley Shauna Beevers Ashleigh Begg Mitchell Behrens Max Bekele Yoseph H Belford Nicholas James

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    Bell Acton Bell Brian Bell Craig Bell David Bell G Bell Grenville Gavin Bell Hamish T Bell Jason Bell John Bell Mick Bell Mitchell Bellair Stephen Bellamy Casey Stephen Belling Huw Bellissimo Salvatore Belousoff Jed Beltzer Emiliano Benbouzid Sarah Benck Dave Benck David Benco Chris Benco George Bender Jordan Benger Joe Benham Brett Benjamin-Korporal Bede Benke Tina Benkwitz Jan Benn Rhys Bennett Hobey Bennett Jake Bennett Kevin Bennett Mitch Bennett Philip Bennett Rohan Bennett Scott Bennett Wayne (C/W Mastrosavas Bennett Zackary Bennie Dino Benson Emily Benson Jimmy Benson Mike

    Benwell Steve Benwitz Jan Berend Joel Berends Dale Beringer Peter Berkley Mike Berry Rick Berryman Nathan Berryman Paul W Bertram Nicholas Berzins Hannah Besant Owen Best Bryant Best Clive Best Noel Bester Melisa Bethel Brian Betts Joshua Betts Michael Bevan Conor Bevan Ryan Bex Heather Bez Cora Beziuk Tom (Bezwun) Bhangra Satnam S Bhavan Chirag Biagi Nicola Bick Angus Bickendorf Kirsten Noel (C/W R Biddiss Brendan Biggins Kyle Biggs Cale Bignell Scott William Bilgi Shamik Bilinsky Adrian Bilip Daniel Billing Dudley Binder Clytie Binetter Thomas Bingham Rei Bingham Ronald Binks Daniel

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    Binns Dan Binos John Bird Adam Bird Josh Bird Lynda Susan Bird Nest Boys Bird Sarah Jane (The Flaming S Birmingham Tom Biscoe Teresa Bisgrove-Turner Madelin Bissett Jo Bisshop Bernard W Bizimovski Callum Bjaaland Gareth Isaac Blach Matt Black Arien Black Bradley Charles Black Dylan Black Hugh Black Zoe Blacka Damian Blackburn Tim Blackman Brett Blackman Donald (C/W Shirley X Blackwell Luke Blackwood James Blaine Albert Blair Harold Blair Michael Blair Stefan Blake Denny Robert Blake Hamish Blake James Blake Terrence (C/W Laidler Jo Blamey Peter Blanch Nick Blanken David Blathnaid Conroy Murphy Blayden James Bleakley Mark Bligh Charlie Block Joshua Tristan

    Blockley Stephanie Bloem Neil Blom Jan Nicholas Blomkamp Lucian Blood Kridik Bloom Jordan Bloom Thursday Bloomfield Moeaki Blue Jeff Blue Jemi Bluelion Bluerobin Blunt Alison Bodlam Matt Bodycoat Ali Bogembo Peter Bogese Rolley (Pka Saba) Bognet Godwin Eddie Boii Kelly Bok Mike Bolland Scott Bollard Joshua Bollard Theophilus Bolton James Bonagura Alyssa Bonds Alan Bonett Boyd Bonezi David Bonic Josip Bonin Jake Bonney Kerry Booker Frank Boote Jacob Booth Harry Booth Madeline Booth Yvette Boothman Ronan Boothroyd James Booze Tom Bopf Lucinda Borbidge Chris Borg Nick

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    Bos Mark Botica Kael Botsman Tarita Bouboulas Boue Crick Boula Christian Boula Teva Junior Boult Jules Boulton Corey Boulton Mark Bouraga Uru Bourke Frank Bowd Nick Bowdidge Matt Bowen Clare Bowes Colin Bowles Ryan Bowman Cooper Bowman James Bown Oliver Boyce Mark Boyd Deni Boyd Ian Boyd Kelvin Boyd Nick Boyd Russell Boyer Anthony Boyle Jules Boyle William Robert Boys Gowrie Brabin Rachel Bradbury Craig Bradbury Danielle Bradley Rhys Brady Michael Brady Michael Raymond Brady Troy Andrew Braes Cameron Braithwaite Mark Bramall Leigh (C/W Barton P) Bramall-White Victoria Bramley Jonathan

    Brammer Pauly Bramwell Mark Brand Tom Brand Trent Brandie Lachlan Brandon Josh Branlon Olly Brannon Daniel Bratby Samuel Braund Steve Braye James Breavington Ben Bredin Damon Breed Dylan Breen Breen Andrea Breen Daniel Bregnsdal Rob Breitenstein Benjamin Brennan Charlie Brennan Edward James Pierre Brennand Judd Brennon Tim (C/W Mead G) Brett Nathan Brewer Paul Brialey Leonie V Brian Elliott Brice John Bridgland Geoff Briggs Gareth Briggs Peter (Scrubber) Brine Christopher Briody Glenn Briody Leigh Briscoe Merindi Briskey Benjamin Brisley Kate S Britt Michael Britten Jack Britton Zak Broad Owen Broadhead Mitch Eric

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    Brocco Jacob Broch Kevin Brockenbrow Jamie Brockmuller Eugene Broeren Jayden Brohier Damon Bromage Michael Brooker Connor Brooking Jaz Brooks Adrian Brooks Beau Brooks Bill Brooks Cody Brooks Jai Brooks Jon Brooks Luke Brooks Sebastian Brophy Dulcie Margaret Brown Alan Brown Andrew Brown Andrew (C/W Christopher Brown Andrew David Huntingdon Brown Bill Burns Brown Bob Brown Brock Laurence Brown Cassie Brown Clarence Brown David J. Brown Desley Brown Grant Brown Henry Brown Ian Brown Jackson Brown Jake Brown Josh Brown Laurie Brown Marc Brown Mike Brown Nathan Brown Nicholas Christopher Brown Ollie Brown Phyllis

    Brown Pieta Brown Ray Brown Rob Brown Sam Brown Shane Brown Sophia Brown Stacey Maree Brown Tim Brown Timothy Brown Timothy Gethin Brown Tom Brownbill Chris Browne Deirdre Browne Patrick Browning Mutu Brownlee Richard Bruce Andrew Bruce David Bruce Derek Brun Michael Bruneel Janos Bruni Joseph Brunning Joe Bryan James Bryant Dean Brydon Thomas Buchanan Liam Buchanan Nina Buchanan Ruth Buchler Kirri Jeannette Buckeridge Lucy Buckingham Martin T Buckland Jarryd Buckle Leland Buckley Michael Buckskin Jack Bueno Sandro Bufalino Samuel Bulgarelli Ryan Bull Geoff Bull Peter (Cw William Bannist Bullas Stuart

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    Bullen Chris Bullock Louis Bunce Jesse Bunks Billy Bunn Iain Bunt Mason Burak Julian Burberry Productions Burchette Rob Burdett Felicity Burg Nicholas Burgan Patrick Burgess Graeme Burgess Ian Burgess Matt Burgess Nathan Burgess Nathan Peter Burgess Ray Burgess Taylor Burke Chris Burke Marty Burke Matt Burke William Burke William Martin Burley Ryan Burn Adam Burns Jarod Burns Richard Burrawanga Dimathaya Burrison Burton Joel Burton Luke Burton Tiffany Buruso Francis Bury Cameron Bury Holly A Burzynska Jo Bush Music Club Businovski Ben Buss Lee Busson Pa Butcher George

    Butcher Luke Butler Chris Butler Michael Butler Paul Butler Rhys Butler Tom Butterworth Tim Byrne Ben Byrne Bryce Byrne Harry Byrne Julian Byrne Selina Byrne Tim Bystrom Per

    Cabatingan Neil Cabrera Alex Cabrera Rommel Cadder Brad Caddy Ben Cadell Colin Cadman Alan Cahill Thomas Cain Joe Cairns Anders Cairns Jacob Mansfield Cairns Nathan Calcagno Lorenzo Calcagno Mischa Calderon Uriel Calderone Vincent Caldwell Andy Caldwell Tom Callaghan David Callaway Joshua (C/W Carson) Calle Michael Calleja Tony Callinan Jordan Calnin Hayden Calvert Tim Cambell Daniel Cameron Calowen John

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    Cameron Randy Cheonneth Camilleri Adam Camilleri Jacob Campbell Alex Campbell Andrew Campbell Andy Campbell Colin Campbell Colin John Campbell James Campbell Jared Leigh Campbell Katie Campbell Lee Campbell Luke Campbell Marcia Campbell Ollie Campbell Peter Campbell Scot Campbell Stu Campbell Stuart William Campbell Trey Campbell Tyler Campton Ricky Candian Paul (C/W Djakiew Dean Cannings Michael William Canny Jamie Cantwell Luke Cao Xixi Caramia Stefan Carcamo Rene Carchedi Marcus Carchesio Eugene Carey Ben Carey Ellen Elizabeth Carey Joel Carey Paul Carey William Carini Mike Carlsson Didrik Carmack Aaron Carmody Andrew Carnahoff Stephen Carney Gavin

    Carol Patrick Carolan Patrick Carosi Carlos Carpenter Keiran Carpenter Shannon Marley Carr Dan Carr Darren Carr Michael Carr Michael (Cw Brassil Brian Carr Michael (Cw Olivia Robbin Carr Paul Carr Reuben Hunter Carr Tim Carrick Jed Ulan Carrie Blaq Carrol Lloyd Carroll Jess Carroll Patrick Carroll Phil Carroll Sam Carroll Shane Carruthers Jazz Carson John Carter Andrew Carter Andrew (C/W With Hofbau Carter Brock Anthony Carter Dean Carter Nathan Carter Thomas Carter Tim Carter-Cusack Carter-Tulk Bodhi Cartridge Helen Caruso Blake Casanova Marie Casarotti Alex Casella Julian Casey Bill Casey Josh Cashman Josh Cashmere William Casley Daniel

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    Casley Oscar Casley Scott Cassells Michael Cassey Vanessa Castellano Jessica Castillo Julio Castillo Rene Caswell David Caswell Luke Catchlove Simon Cathcart Michael Catlin Lee Catt Joshua Charles Cauchi Aaron Cauchi Leighton Caulfield Lisa Caulfield Lisa Marie Caulfield Ryan Cavallo Chris Cavanagh Michael Cave Clinton Cave Mitchel Cavell Luke Cavell Matthew Caves Stono Cavill Iain Ccfa Sione Cecchetelli James Ceraso Joseph Ceraso Paul Chadwick Winston Chaile Donny Chakroborty Debasis Chala Laurette Chalk Matthew Chalker Darren Graham Chambers Charles Chambers Paul Chan Daryl Chan Pietrek Chandler Troy (Aka Destroy) Chandler Wayne

    Chaplin Char Chapman Benn Chapman Brett Chapman Clare Nica Chapman Harry Chapman Lindsay Chapman Matthew Chapman Michael Chapman Peter Chapple Jonathan Chaquebor Brendan Charlie Alcine Cheedy Shane Cheese Stan Cheeseman Jake Cheesman Ryan Chen Theo Cheng Jackson Cherax Destructor (Aka Poosh) Cherrie Zoe Cherry Beau Cherry Scott Antony Cheslyn Jack Chetland Christopher Chiang Natasha Chico Ye Jose Chiplin Sam Chisolm Luke Chores Chrighton Clinten Chrisanthopoulos Gina Christia Vi Christiansen Benjamin Christie Evan Christophel Al Christopoulos Arthur Chylek Adelle Louise Chyzh Andrew Cisco Danny Citino Anthony Claessens Ben Claffey Conor

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    Clancy John Clapp Matt Clare Alex Clarenbold James Clark Benjamin Clark Chris Clark Daniel Clark James Clark Mitch Clark Nick Clark Samora Clark Sean Clarke Bruce Clarke Christopher Clarke Christy (C/W Mcnaulty D Clarke Graham (C/W Mcnaulty D) Clarke Hubert Clarke Jackson Clarke Mat Clarke Paul Clarke Steve P Clarke Sylvia Clayphan Ben Clayton Adam Clayton Daniel Clayton Petera Clayton Tom Cleary Cho Cleary Kelly Cleator Taeson Cleeman Jarred Clennar Greg Cleworth John Clifford Nicholas Clifford Nick Clifford Sean Clifford-Smith Oscar Clisby Steve Clish Joel Clissa Nicole Clocherty Michael Close Denis

    Clough Dale Clough Shane Coad Brodie Coad Kathryn Coantic Sylvain Benjamin Coates Jason Cobbin Peter Cochran Julian Cochrane Alana Cockburn Kimberley Coco Alessandro Coffey Essie Coffin Birth Cohen Didier Cohen Leonard Cohen Seth Coker Clinton Coki Coki Colbert Alex Cole Jack Cole Jeremy W Cole Lionel Cole Syn Coleman Charlie Coleman Jamie Coleman Kaicey Coleman Stormey Coleman-Brown Susannah Frances Colin Lucas Colla Chris Collerson Nic Collier Elizabeth Collin Chris D Collingwood Brett Collins Adam Collins Atom Collins Dav Collins Geoffrey Collins Josh Collins Miguel Orlando Collins Sean P Colvin Jim

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    Colvin Will Combe Nicholas Comben Daniel Comiskey Brad Comiskey David Condello Stef Condessa Chris Conlan John Conlon G Connal Jimi Connell Simon Connell Steve Connell Will Conner Will Connolly Scott Conroy Patricia Consani Sebastian Constable Benjamin Karl Conway Patrick Conwell Mark Cook Albert Cook David (Cw K Mccabrey) Cook Dianne M Cook Gavin Cook Harry Cook James Cook Joe Cook Matt Cooke Alex Cooke Andrew Cooke Daniel Cooke Rachael Mary Cookson Joseph Cooler Ferris Coomber Rit Coomber Tassagon Coombes Jay Coombes Robin Coombs Jay Cooney Jason Cooper Ben Cooper Diane

    Cooper Jesse Cooper Matt Cope Piripi Cope Tim Copley Kids Corben Tom Corcoran Ciaran Corcoran Michael Corke Phoebe Corke Timothy Cornell Christen Cornell Joel Corrigan Oscar Corrigan Shan Corson Megan Cortett Morrison Cory Joshua Cosgrove Cosgrove Christopher Cosm Tom Costanza Tomas Costello Andrew Costello Brendon Liam Costello Louis Costello Patrick Costen-Neilsen Hugo Costin-Neilsen Hugo Cother Matthew Cottee Dylan Cotterell Robert Cotton Gabriell Cottrell Michael Coulson Ian Coupe John Couper Cameron Courtis Rob Covell Roger Covington Pete Covino Jim Cowan Gerry Cowley Bronwyn Cox Ashley

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    Cox Benn Cox Matt Cox Roland Cox Shane Cox William A Coyle Adam Cozens Daniel Crabb James Craft John Craig Alan (C/W Jackson Michae Craig Cook Craigie Eric Crain Robert Crates Johnny Crave Jean-Charles Crawford Geordie Crawford Peter Creek Brendan Creek Nicholas Crichton Cameron Crick Timothy Crinis Caleb Crockett Andrew John Crockett Matt Crocqhenri Lucero Crofts Hannah Crofts Nathan Leslie Crommelin Guy Croome Darin Crosbie Dylan Crosby Josie Cross Jack Cross Kevin Cross Michael Crossin Carl Crowe Dean Crowley Adam Crowley Esther Crowley Joseph Crowley Samuel Crumb Felipe Crutchfield John

    Crutchfield Kerri Cryer Phil Cue Ben Cuevas David Cuffe Alex Culity Marten Cullen Andrew Cullen Dave Cullens Paul Cummings Mitchell Cummins Joe Cummins Kris Cundith Keymeoh Cunnew Nate Cunningham Jack Curd James Curham Louise Curley Jarrod Curnow Natasia Curr Nathan Curran Jeffrey Curran John Curran William Curtin Alex Curtis Andrew Curtis Pete Curtis Tom Curyer Steve Curzon Matthew Cush Peter Cuthbert Arani Cuthbert Callum Cuthbertson Marcel Cutters Cuzens Robert Czapla Dom Czimmermann Chris

    Da Costa Borja Da Rin Joey Da Silva Andre Murilo Da Silva Cristina

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    Dacy R Dadsey Scott Daglish Dairiol Jordan Dakin Nathan Dal Forno Fabian Alexi D'Alessandro Paul D'Alessio Gigi Daley Terry Dalgarno-Webb Samuel Lucas Dalla Venezia Luke Dalley Michael Dalli Jayc Dalton Estere Dalton Robin Daly Francis Benedict Daly Joseph Daly Todd Dalziel Cameron Damajah Mc D'Ambrosio D'Amico Christian Dan Nick Dandan Daniel Sepon Daniel Ben Daniel Lee Danielo Daniel Daniels Jay Daniels Solomon Daphne Claire Daragville Jake Darash Darby Alfred D'Arcy Elliot Dargaville Jake Darmanin Martin Darrow Jordan Davey Michael David Jules Davidson Ben Davidson Lachlan Davies Bradley Jon

    Davies Cameron Davies Glynn Davies James Timothy Davies Leigh Davies Rhys Davies Rob Davieson Oli Davis Adrian Davis Byron Davis Daniel Davis Joseph Timothy Davis Ken Davis Kieran Davis Owen Davis Shannon Davis Shaun Paul Davis Zoe Davitt K Dawes Josh Dawes Sam Dawson Billy Dawson Chris Dawson Luke Dawson Maddy Dawu Michael Day Harry Day Timothy Day Tom Daymond Matthew Dazzo Andre De Calmer Samuel De Fleur Zenon (Po) Heirowsky De Godoy Pinheiro Jose Henriqu De Haas Sebastian De Lucca Tiago De Mello Marcus De Monchaux Peter De Rooy Evert De Rose Dave De Santis Daniel De Silva Sunil (C/W Williams) De Vreeze Lucy

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    Deacon Harry Deadman Harry Deakin Joel Dealing Matt Dean Ashley Dean James Dean Jessica Robin Dean Marck Death Luke Debrito Ciro Decay Decoite Ryan Decsi Daniel Dee Jay Dee Kevin Dee Liam Deed Callum Deemahn Deep River Deeth Simon Degaris Matt Degoursat Mike Dehaney Adrian Del Dean Del Fante Luke Matthew Del Villa Angel Dela Roche Nathan Deleon Alexander Delgadillo Giovanni Delgado Adrian Delin Johan Delohery Patrick Demitris Alex Demo G Demos Paul Dempsey Tom Denholm Lochlan Denman Ash Denman Bree Denman Carina Denman Chris Denman Jarriet

    Denman Jordan Denman Kelly Denny Steve Denovan Lynton Dent Leah Dentata Lara-Lux Denyer Damien Depetro Zac Depiazzi Kira Ilene Derari Mosley Deroberts Andrew De'Souza Troy Dessent Jordan Deter Julian Devenish Tim D Devenney Joe Devine David Devine Sean Devitt Ryan Dewhurst John Di Cesare Luke Di Giovanni Edoardo Di Nardo Matt Diab Janette Diamond Kathy Diaz Julian Dick Garry Dick Lindsay Dick Stephen Dickson Alex Dickson Suzanne Diction Benny Diggs Damian Dilizia Julian Dillon Cody Dillon Sam Dinjar Josh Dishington Sam Ditto Dives Josh Dixon Nathanael Dixon Raphael

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    Dixon Simon Tjungarrayi Diyama (C/W Maxwell David) Dj Kronic Dj Sny Djakapurra D'Mellow Matt Doan Julian Dobo Sounds Dobson Jake Dodd Andrew Dodds Cameron Dodge Cooper Dods Matilda Dodson Ryan Dolahenty Brad Dolan Jonno Dolan Luke Dolan Michael Dolbear Leigh (General Lee) Dolla Dominic Dolling Mark Doman Mark Donald David Donegal Baden Donlinger James Thomas Donoughue Nicholas Donovan Lucy Doolan Jan Dooley Michael Dopper Paul Doria Alex Doria Chris Dornbusch Anna Dorrington Harry Dosoruth Robin Douchesne Michael Dougall Glenn Douglas Greg Dow Ben Dow George Dow Travis Dowell James

    Dowling Angus Russell Dowling Ezra Elfinstar Dowling Korey Downey John Downing Benjamin James Downing Nicholas Dowson Sam Dowson Samuel Dowton Josh Dowton Joshua Doyle Claire Doyle Owen (C/W Wells Mark) Doyle Sean Doyride Don Dozier Gary Dr. Months Drape Rohan Dreja Simon D'Rekka Desman Drew Ben Drews Christopher Driscoll Talon Driver Joe Drooger Barry Drowning The Light Drummond Tom Duarte Sean Dubs Luke Ducat Stephen Ducer Brett Duff Samantha Duffy Dominique Duffy Martin Duggan Pj Duguid Ethan Duigan Joseph Dullo Walter Andreas Duman K Dunbar Lydian Duncalfe Zach Duncan Chris Duncan Luke

  • Unclaimed APRA royalties: Non-members If your name is on this list, please contact your local APRA AMCOS office to confirm that royalties are

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    Duncan Owen Duncan Peter (C/W Lira Michael Dundon Ben Dunlop James Dunlop Jeremy Dunlop Sam Dunn Adam Dunn Ian Dunn Qwade Dunn Vaughn Dunskombe Oskar Dunstan Ema Dunstan Matt Durand Frederick Dusting Chris Duthie Lachlan Dux Rohan Duxbury Stephen Dwyer Anthony Dwyer Chris Dwyer Wayne Dyason Kevin Dyer Andy Dyer Beau Dyer Jan Dyer Neil Dyer Timothy James Dyson Kane (C/W Martincich M) Dyson Spencer

    Eagle Antony Ealey Jennyjane Eamer Sean Eardley Matthew Earles Josh East Alexander Eastey Duncan Eastgate Dave Eastmam Ryan Eather Daniel Eaton Robin Eck Gary

    Economou Jim Eddowes James Eddy Lachlan Eden Mark (Cw Scott Davy) Eden Melanie Eder Felix Edgar Scott Edirisinghe Vic Edkins Nick Edmonds Samuel Stuart Edquist Esther Edu K Edwardo Edwards Adam Edwards Anne ('Precious Cargo' Edwards David Edwards James Edwards John (J Point) Edwards Kevin Edwards Nathan Edwards Peter Edwards Rob Edwards Scott Edwards Shane Edwards Tracey Efremidis Kallin Egan Amos Eida Sarah Eilenberg Timothy David Eisner Jessica (W/ Chambers) Ejjami Tarik Eldershaw Hamish Elia Elia Eliah Elieff Elischer Roderick Hugh Eljay Elks Timothy Ellerbeck Trish Elliget Brendan Elliot Howard Elliot James Elliot William C

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    Elliott Clinton Elliott Sam (The Bellastrades) Elliott Stewart Ellis Adam Ellis Andrew Ellis Antonio Ellis Dale Ellis Glen Ellis James Ellis Joel Ellis Kalyani Ellis Kosta Ellis Matthew Ellsi Blake Ellwood Joshua Elmosnino Davina Elston Glen Emerson Toby Emil Augustine Endersny Endz Endicott Will Engebretsen Joss Engel Adam Engerer Matthew Enginarter Engledow Zac Enosa Ron Enright Matt Enright Nick Enright Ryan Entwhistle Bob Epiphone Jake Epoff Ruslan Epps Matthew Erdem Devrim Eriksson Frederik Ernst Leon Esmun Shylow William Esquivel Alan Essyhafo Charles Eugene Ben Evagelistis Kristian

    Evangelista Marco Evans (C/W Von Bamberger) Evans Christopher Evans David Veer Evans G Evans Lee Evans Mckaylah Evans Michael (Tronskonski) Evans Mick Evans Morgan Evans Phil Evans Rod Evans Samantha Evans Sandy Evans Stephen Eve B And The Beatcutters Everett-Jones Rachel Everol Anthony Everyday Ewart Florence Ewert Doug Ewert Douglas Ronald Ewi Scholfield Steve Ewin Kane Ewings Michael Excell James Eyles Daniel James

    Fabros Phillip Fafale Barnabas Fafale David Fafale Kairi Fag Priest Fahey Nicholas Fairall Mitchell Fairbridge K J Fairburn Ann (Co W Leek Stephe Fairhall Lydia Faith Selena (Solomon Selena) Falconer Matthew Falkland Mark Fallon Kathleen Mary

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    Falls Danny Fanrsworth Sarah Fantone Rob Faoro Dan Faoro Daniel Farge Will Fargo Ryan Farmer Caitlin Farquhar Farrell Ryan Farren Tim Farris Eugen Farrugia Daniel Joseph Farrugia Dylan Farrugia Jake Farrugia Mark Farrugia Shaun Fatal Jimmy Fatih T Faulkner Shane David Fawshore Kenny Fazakerley Luke Fazel Ashley Fear Isaac Fearnley Michael Thomas Fearon Niccy Federico Gabe Feeney Barry Fego Bobby Fehres Christoper Fehres Christopher Leslie Feiler-Clark Simone Feliciano Bernadette Felix Raphael Fell-Smith Seaton Felton Norris Fenech Paul Fenton Nick Ferguson Ian Ferguson Joshua Paul Ferguson Luke Ferguson Suzy

    Fernandes S Fernie-Harper Daniel Fernz Matt Ferry Mark Fetch Adam Fetherson Richard Fett Seeka Fickerley (C/W Von Bamberger) Fickler Ben Field Anthony Field David Field Twins Fields Alan Fields Warren Finch Ant Finlay Ewan Finlay Ryan Finley Peter Finmore Dylan Fiorenti Stefan Firkin Daniel C Fisher Leigh Fishers James Fiskerud Audun Hjertholm Fitch Mark Fitz Tim Fitzallen Paddy Fitzgerald Adam Fitzgerald Joe Fitzgerald Thomas Fitzgerald Thomas Henry Fitzgibbon Andrew Fitzpatrick James Fitzpatrick Jeremy Fitzpatrick Liam Fitzpatrick Noel Flanagan James Flanders Arthur Flanders Benjamin Flanders Michael Flandrers Arthur Flannery Alex

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    Flavel Joshua Flavel Maurice Flea Dr Fleming Mark Flemming Andy Fletcher Geoffrey Fletcher Joel Flood Danny Floreani John Florence Nina Flores Jhonel Flyger David Flynn-Caswell Georgia Gaia Fogarty Luke Fogarty Mitchell James Foley Cale Foley Callum Foley Johnny Foley Owen Folwig Lawrence Fonooni Damon Foot Hayden Ford Blake Ford Casey Ford Mathew Ford Nathan Ford Nick Forrest Jake Forrester Matt Forster Emily Forster Kyle Forsyth Isaac Fortune Bec Fortune Mickey Foss Michael Foster George Oliver Hammond Foster Ryan Fountain Jake Fowler Clair Fowler Jeremy Fowler Liam Fox Cenarth

    Fox Graeme Fox Jon Fragos Bill Fragos Vasilios Francis Andy Francis Edward Franco Andre Franco Carlos Frank Julian Frank Mathew Franks Aaron Franks Robert Franz Benjamin Fraser Aarin Fraser Hugh Frawley Adam Fred Soque Frederic Stefan Frederick Hugo Fredericks Nathan Free Mark Free Patrick Freedman Will Freeland David Freeman Christopher Freeman Daniel Freeman Daniel Robert Freeman John Freeman Samantha Freestone Rendra French Narelle French Paul French Sandon French Sandon Robert French Shane Frencham Liz Frew Chris Frewen Nick Friedman Sar Friedman Wayne Friller D Frizon Luke

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    Frizzell David K (C/W Kovacich Frketic David Froggatt Michael Froggatt Paul John Frohmader Orak Fromfuc Dan Froml Aaron Froml Aaron (Rates) Fry Jacob Fry Jason Fryer Tom Fuamatu Andre T Fulcher Ailsa Fulford Jane Fuller J H Fuller Justin Kent Fuller Sib Fuller Timothy Fulurija Almin Funk Shaneal Furby Tom S Furlong Ras

    Gabellone Marcello Gabellone Tommaso Gable Howard Gabriel Gleeson Gaby Jack Gaetani Leonardo Gage Sean Galama Ronnie Galati-Grossi Francesco Galbraith Lachlan Galbraith Mitch Galbraith Talen Gale Dan Gale Keith Gall Grant Gallagher David Gallagher Keswick Gallagher Michael Tjangala Galloway James William Campbel

    Gambung Peter Gammal David Gammidge Will Patrick Gamo James Ganburged Bukhchuluun Gange Shaun Gangi Joel Gara Ivan Garbor Bela Gard Josh Gardiner Angus Gardiner David Leslie Gardner Mathew William Gardner Nicholas Garlett Allan Garlett Fred Garlett Glen Garlett Shane Garlett Stuart Garmaz Pete Garnam Bradley Garner Mike Garner Pippa Garrett Anthony Garrett Christopher Garrett Tony Garvey Keith Gascesca Jovan Gassin Emilie Gatenby Simon Gauci Cheyne Gaunt Andrew Gavet George Gay Philip Gaydon Mark Gayle Dallas Gee Isaac Geiger Thomas Geisreiter Kalin Gektor Phil Geldens Rebecca Gelling Matthew

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    Geno Kilamaino George Adam George Michael Georges Gabriel Nicolas Georgiou Andrew Geraghty David German James Gerostathos Paul Gerrard Ben Get More Ben Giacca Tony Giangualano David Gibb Sam G Gibbney Alexander Gibbs Owen Gibson Brett Gibson Jack Gibson Jai Gibson Johnny Gibson Louis Gibson Matthew Gibuma Audie Gijsbers William Gilbert Kevin Gilbert Scott Gilchrist Baden Gildon Matthew Giles Rhys Giles Thomas Isaac Gilfish Marcus Gilkison Jason Gill Andrew Gill Luke Gill Sam Gillard Cameron Gillard Mykel Gillard Richard Gillard Stuart Gill-Chambers Stirling Gillett Aaron Gillett Alex Gillett Lyn

    Gillies Arthur Gillies Cameron Gillies Freddie Gillies Sam Gillies Sarah Gillies-Parsons Dylan Gilmore Allan John Gilmore Jim Gilmore Thomas James Gilroy Joachim Giovinazzo Isabella Gittins Tim Giuffreda Paul Giusti Rachel Glare Brodie Gleeson Beth Gleeson Chris Glo Goldie Glover Luke Glyde Tim Goblet Elliot Goddard Sarah Godfrey Nick Godwin Charlie Goff Matthew Goffin John Dean Gold Ben Gold Yve Goldberg Barry Golding Jim Goldings Larry Goldsmith Rori Goldsworthy Leighton Gollop David Gollotta Domenic Golou Hitsy Gomara Armstrong Gomes Jean Goncalves Joao Gonzales Nick Gonzalez Adrian Musso Gooda Michael

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