US Arisaka Manual

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  • 8/6/2019 US Arisaka Manual


    , RESTR ICTED s.c:urity Information


    RIFLE, U. S., TYPE 99 , JAPANESE CAL. .30

    ll ESTR ICTfO Security . Informo tion "

  • 8/6/2019 US Arisaka Manual




    Par.t Qte I CCI'letructton and Functionehaptor 1 fW'le

    I Construct1

  • 8/6/2019 US Arisaka Manual


    Chspter J InSpeCtiOll




    1 General Inspection.A. Care

    C FunctiooD Damage

    II Inspect ion Before and Ute r l i r ingII I In spect ion of Stared RiflesChaptsr I RitlsI Construotion

    , Barre l GroupTho Inside of th e b arre l is dIvided in to .. r if led s.otloo. challber,

    bolt face seat.The r if led eeetion conai st 8 or tour 1'ight twiet ri t l lnlS ...boae land

    eurface ia CbrO oII plated. The c h a a r i a shape,d to tit th . cartr idleand it s rear par ti on ls rounded to farlll a bol t tao. ee .t .

    The bol t ace lJ8at aid e in guiding the eQlullition and baa an extractorgroove on the r4!:ht aide. Tb8 outsid e aurface or tb e rear ent!. of bol t talleseat is threaded . m e r the re ceiver i s screwed 00 to tb e barrel , it 1ealigned dth the ltarker.

    The barrel a t t aclmant e coneiet of rear eieht and rear eight baae, frontsi ght and fr ont al lh t ba se .

    The rear Bight ba 8e is IIlOUTlted on tb e rear of the barrel and 1a pre-vonted from moving by e s trali rear sigb t Osee sore" and a 8N li rear sighttipx'ing ecrew.

    The rear s ight leal' is pivoted by a rear s i lb t Joln t pill and lIILintaine10'llored and r a i sed positions through rear a i lb t sprinl IICtion. The rearsight I eat' is graduatJtll fr om JOO to 1500 u te re by etobed l ines _paced into


    100 meter unIte. Both sidell or th e rear deh t lea t ar e notched a t t ho above -mentioned in tervals to engage t he rear sIght sl ide eate'l when th o upper edg eof tIle sl ide c oIncides with t he previoue17 III!IntIoned e tc hed line s . Thecirc ular peop 8Ie:ht formed at th e bottou by lOfferIng the rear s i gh t loafhi used f ar f ir ing at ra ngeG of 100 mters . The 8olll1circuls.r rea p & ght.forllOd. by rais inS tbe rear s ight loa! ' and. slide 18 used fa r firine ra flee::lof 2CO !tOters.

    The farward edge of the rear s i ght leaf SllI' i fig 18 dovetal led and f i t sin to Llw rear s l Sh t ba se . It i:J held in place by se t SCTen . The rroJec -ti on on the upper surface prevents th o rOtlr uight leaf frOI'll tlOvi ng to ther ight or l ef t . Tho I s curved upMrd so t ha t it COnstan t ly exe rt supward prOSSlU'8 on th e 10'Pl8r ond of th e rear r i ght b a f .

    The lIi l d . 111 in s erted 001.0 th e reer s ight Ie",f and is held in t hedeaired position by Mana ot a s;:,ri n g loaded catch . The 1'e8r slht set

    8cru on th e upper r igbt s ide pr eV8nts t.., elide !'roJ! s U pping ofC . ThsIIprln leeded el ide catch h acrewed on e.e ch aide of t he e Ud" by a s l N "pin . The ce nte r peep s i ght is a l iened ...!t h th e front s ight t or t i r ing rllngesof JOO to 1500 IIIOte u . The catch of th e s lid8 thl' OIlf!h tho aoti on of th8ap r i ng enlag8e t he UOOVOS OIl bo t h s i des of th e rear s i gb t laaf IiIDd boldsth e sl ide in it s 'VarioUS e lewted poslt1or.e . Q, eac h s id e and a t the backof the elide :Is an an t iair craf t leed Bieht arlll. The anti .alroratt load8ight arBl has two scaled notche8, 2 and J . a t th e bottOIll. Notch 2 fa ~ e d fa r f ir ing on a ir cr aft tr aveltng direct IlOr iz onta l diste.nces to r 600 yard aat sneads of 125 lII.1ldS per hoW' and Notch 3, a t Hf'6edS of 185 m.1ltls perhour . The an ti a i r c ra ft le ad s i ght 801'111 i tl attached by antiaircraft IMdU scr81'18 . The Bj'r ln g attached to the botton holda th e ant ia i r c ra r t a1'1IIin foldeJ and ex tend ed posit l or,s. v.:aine it s oporat.ion t lle a1rcl, .ft issllaned d th t l u : f on t and "eN' s ight ana fjr8\! upvn when it 8nUlr n the


  • 8/6/2019 US Arisaka Manual


    proper notch on tl'.e bottol!) of th e antilti.rcraf t lead elj;ht &ri l l .The tr on t slg!'lt blade is dOTIltallod t ightly ir ,to t he tront sieht bass .

    The l 'rout s lght be.!le i s a t.tached t o th e forward end or the barrel and heldin pOIl1t lon by the l 'ront sight base pi n which 18 in se r ted hOrl 10ft to right .The lJne fC'l'Did wlth the ! 'ront sight base u d th e tr ont sight is determinedby ~ r o - i n 8 Two hould6Ts which pr oject upward frO.f!l th e front S18ht ba.St'ltlerve S!l CUfU'da to r t he si6bt blade.

    B Heceiver CroupThe receiver houses th e bol t . The upper aur f a.ce or t he receivOt bea

    tf ;O BO\l8611 holes . The one r.hlch Is c ut ou t !'r om the to p t o the r igh t eid8S8rV68 (W 8 reCelV6l' port during loe.dtnB eoo as e ll ejection port afteT tir ing.The cnTtridf,(o clip hous inG i s forlllSd by t he rear Bect.ion. Tha othar holesel'YSS as a path fo r t he bol t handlo . It 16 s lanted tonrd o th e tr ont on"to faci l i ta ts th e ac t i on of tl:tl bolt when i t is !lulled back .

    T'nere Is 8 Ions 11I.rrow reces!! along each Bide of the rece!ver in whichthe bol t rides . Serial or th e r i f le and t he nellIS ot the manutactUl'-in e fLT _ are 8n81'avOO below the groove on the le t t aids . .1 alot. wbich engagalthe bolt retainer Me s , and li p of ball ntainor , and an eJeotor groove ar efou r.d on t.he r lar l e t t s ide.

    The sear ri n seat is loeated to the rear of th e rectaneular opening attho bottom. Tho safety lock hole i8 locat.ed on the forurd aection of thesear r in seat ar.d f!rinE pi n ca Leh hole in t he rear leclion . The fonardancl rear receiver 1ll8s are drilled f or lor.g and short receiver screws. The

    \ l l ar e us8ll to attach th e tr igger guard to the receivfll'. The butfer aoo.recoil pIate aro at tached to torward and rear l ugs , respectively , til'ld se r vet o lrc.nsm1t rscoil IIhock to the s toc k du r i ng f tr ing .

    en each s ide of the inner surface ia a long1t.ud1nBl groove which per-td ts the rld lng of bol t looking l ug and ext.rac t or . The ronard portion of t.hl



    uoove 1B wWened to house t be boH lOC l'J.llg lu g . en th e to r llUrf ac e of thIshousing 18 a gae par.t which pe rm t s g88 t o osotlpe . An ongraved Crtlst i slOCAted in the for1l'!l.rd por tion of the ga s port , and an engraved figure"Type 99" , reading ~ l i l l e ft to r ight, is l ocated t o th e N IM' or t ~ e gilaport . The f'r on t end of the inside groove 111 alao ... !dened to provide passagefo r th a bol t retainin g lug. At th e Teal' of t he Tecs iver ther e is a groovetor th e t ue on the setety knob and anot.herpoove for the s&ar catch . .1 U O Oil whioh th e safety catch lug ride s 18 locat.ed 111 the sxtended pOl"t ion ofthe receiver , Th h g .oove curves to the left. wld n r 'S8 &8 8 eu ld e and lockfu r t he safety cstch lu g when the rUle i s ee t 1,ri sa fety pos l t i oll .

    Receiver attachlr.ents consist of. bolt , ejector , slar , t riseer ,and reooll pl at e .

    7 The bolt retainiJIg la tch esselllbl] f i t s on th e l ef t reM' elde of thereceiver. The sear catch always rroJect s out th rough th e act ion ot bolt re -tain ing Spr1n8 at tached to t he bolt retainer . It engages t.he boltretatning lug and l b d t e th e bacDiard II'oOVtllIlI!mt of t he bolt . In ord er torlllOye th e bol t f rO I l th e receiver, the bol t r e ta in ing lat.oh 111 pulled ou t todbengase th e catch. The ejector is attached to t.he bolt retalntne latchMaeroly by th e latch scre" aNt pr ojocts into the eJector eroovo or th ereceiver by th\! act.ion of ejector spring st.lached t.o t.he bolt. reta11ling latchBpt' i(18.

    Then tho bol t 15 br ought t o t !!e r e u th e I jector riding 011 t he ejectorer oove st. rike s th e botto. of t he certr1ilge end th rou tloe certrldee ou t tothe riGht. The cetch of th e bolt. re ta ining la tc h elves proper pooi l lon tothe ejoctor "'hen th e boll is 1'8l:!Oved .

    6 The sear haa s t i ring pin catoh on th e rear end and a M rety lock 011the !'r ont end , and is a t lB.ched t.o the seer pin seat or t ha receiver by l".8ansor the eear pi n .


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    Tho t rigger 16 attached to the seAl' with s t rigger pi n and fOJ'lDa ala r go and sltBll wavelike knoll . The large knoll engaees the lower surfaceof t.h. rec . ive r and adjusts th e projection of th e f ir ing pi n catch w!thinth e receiver. The catch 00 th e t ron t end engages the bottoll! of th e BeAl'and seta th e J'I08it i on of th e trigt ;er. The sea r ara-lng encircling Ulesa fety l ock, pivots around th e aear pi n and a lp yt. hold a th e f i r ln g pi ncatoh in projected posit i on ' r i thln the re ceiver .

    When th e t r ~ g e r is pulled to the fi r s t pMlle (when t.he trie-ger pla y16 taken up) J th e sear spring 10 forced, and the bJ g knoll turna whUeenijag1ng th e lower el.ll'fsce of tlle reclever. 5in.llt.aneoullly lI'ith the engsE,Lngof th e knoll d th the lower surface of the receiver, the f ir ing pin catch19 lowered to a certain extent . When tho tr igser i8 pu ll ed to th e secondphase ( ~ h . n the sea r i 8 engaged), the sear 8pring i s subjected t o 'urtherprU8ure, the r i r bg pin il l lowered C'urther, ond the safety lock iaplaced in tt e safety lock groove of th e receiver. 'l'hI'ough such action ofth e Nfety lock, ssfety action 19 creeted. III short., the opening ot thebolt handle is pre'\'ented during dbcMrt:e and th e pulling of the t rigger isprevented when th e rUle i s ha l! cocked.

    9 The reoot! plate is attached to th e rear of th e receiver. The rear lu gtho receiver Ie inser ted tnto t ~ s forward hole . It. h conr.eoted to thet rig ger guard by 6Cr&1iing th e tr igger guard Icrew into t.he threaded hole inthe rear end. Together d th the buffer, it tranelflits recoll to th e stockduring d i scharge . Furthermore, tocether with th e trlCEer gua.rd it s tr(!ngth-en s t.he r i f le

    C Bolt10 Ths bolt consisting of the r ol lOlfing j"tIrta 1& aUachM t.o tlle re ca iver I

    Bolt houaing , f i r in g pin , firi l lg plll spring, sa fety cstch, extractor, andbol t o(.over.

    11 The bolt housing contaIns a f ir ing pi n olll\JWer , r t : a r d portion of

    6 '

    which is recused to limit the for1f&Xc.1 l.'Ot.lon of the f1r1rlg p in durIng t i l ' ingthe f ront eDd or it a head is called the breech surface. Tho embanked

    1\18 . t t.he bead f'lmotl,one together with the lIll"tractor t.he cartr Idee laextracted. 1'be lUBe on both aides of the head are oalled the bolt lockinScatcb.a aDd th e lu a to th e r&r of tbe lort bolt lug 15 called thebolt rete.1niJlg IllS. 1M narrow goo" . extending t.iJrough tho centero otthe groove oONlect. with the f ir ing ph . cbubar and porll1te glle to escllpef ro . th e F l _ r . The bolt l"eta1zling lug engages the bolt re ta iner andl i . Idt . the back .. d movement of the bol t . The ell ipt ioal hole I!I1.dway be -t .. . the boll looking lUiS and toward it s raar p e r ~ t 8 the ga. to escapetrOll th e bolt housing and at tbe SBIr.8 tillie lrlCUCllt th e positIon forassembling tho extractor. TM I'I%trector collar .h ich adjoins t.he boltreta1nini lu g Is attaohed to tha extractor and perllih natlD'al turnws Two aballcnr groov811 OIle to the r ight tront and one to t.he bott.oll !'ront orthe bolt handle, ar e f O \ D ~ (-:J the bolt. houdog . The r ight tront grOOTe11 th e alot tor the sai"ety lot'k durine: fir1r1e. and the bo t OG front ia forthe we t y lug during th e backward I:IOveuot at the bolt. when t.he Bearoatoh presses the aea r dOllD . Approxi .. .el y OIIe- 1''''11' of the circullf'er enceto the sear ia ou t of f in fork shape . The elcD8ated out-off il l called theonall-obaped sflotion and t.he shortfl r cut-off i6 oalled t.he 8uic l r cu la rseotion. l'he ana l l- abaJ'I6d section , tgget.her wi th the turn1! i of the bol tboWlinf: serves to withdraw the f i r in i pin ao it anisgea t.he sear catch,and it a bottom portion b e o g r : : ~ a th . s lo t for sear cut.oh dUJ"lll8 firi r .g. ThoS8D'11C1roUlal' seot i on becomes th e s lo t fo r the 8e/ll" catch when th e r ir ingpi n 18 "ithdra'll1l. A collar on th e rear end of t.he bol t hOUflini engageath e grogve on th e 111aide of the sa fe ty knob snd holds ti e bolL houllin8 andthe sa fet y knob t.ogether.

    emall proJeotlor. at the rear o! th e bolt bandle engages th e notchcut tnto th e outs ide of th e sa r.t y knob, and duriLg safety , together with


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    th e sa fet y catch, prevents the bol t bandIt'! from 0t'erdl1g.Tb& f1r1:r' i pin assembly, consistit!g of str iker end the flrl lS pin

    SlF iI1g operates in tth e fiXing pin che ll!ber of the bolt hous1l!C . The r ight.inside eur face at tbs rear of the fUiI1g pi n hae e longitu:l inal grooveterm1r.ating et th e equare opening in it s forward cnd. TIlie opon1na i:lconnected to the long narrow openirg on t.he upper sur fece, These uoovaeand serve as pa,esHges for tho projecti on on the sa fety knob shaft(juring tl.6selT.bly and dbasseu:bl,. . Furthermore , the l ont; r:arrOYo' op8iningserves as a raes8(lt'l fo r the !:'l'ojecticn on the se!'ety knob shaft d uring th efal'wo.rd 1:I0tion of the firi l lg r>1n end prevents t he f l r ~ pill froll t.wpingfreely . The proJecting portion at. the l'ea r of the f i rwg pin Is calledthe ~ e cetch. The sea r catc h engagee th e f ir ing pin catch 8.Ild comprflsflt!;1;1t he f ir ing Sprblg. The slI'all circula r port h. the froot I s a ga s escape .

    1) 'Ihe f ir ing pin ~ n g housed in the f ir ing pi n spring cbu.bll r activatesthe f!.rit le pi n lind reintaille th e pos ition of t he 86fety device.

    11 The I " r",t.y Imoh with the bolt hou!!inc snu t he f!ring r i nlIT1(l eneages the safety device . 'The rear ~ O l ' t l o n of t he ".nob i a knln-ledwith a srwll !lotch a t t.he le f t side and eefety knob 1\.14: etth e bott om The safety knob lug f i t s into th e groove a t the r ea r end ofth e reoeiver and prevents the Bafety knob 1\" 01:1 t.urning .

    flhen th e safet.y knob is locked hy preeSillg th e safllty blOb f orward andturnir,g t he safety knob l ug to t he l ef t during cocked pos i t.ioll of the bolt ,th e r ight s ide of th& notched aect ion or. the ouUide of t be ea fety knobent;ages the sooll projection on t he rear of t. he bolt Iland1e sed rre ventsth e rais inS of the bolt handle . C\le - ba lf of the inne r circumfe ra llce hasa she l f-l ike re("ee9 iOhlch engagee t he col l ar on th e rellr of th e bol t housingalld Musea it t.:I f unct ion to{:ethlll' dt h tho f i r i ng pi n epr ing.


    Tbe safety knob t!haft !Is the principal elelllllnt in th e bol t a s s e ~11111 projac t ion on the center of the sha ft f i t s into the l ong narro'll grooveand opertin8, at tho f ir ing pi n spring chal:lbor ana fllCilital.lIs th e asser.-.blyat th e bolt . During sssembly, tocetbsr wit h the eafety knob l ug, it pr evlilnts the f ir ing pif1 frortl turning.

    The safety device turn!) the f ir ing pin to the right , engages the Seal'cstch Lo the l t sear slot of t he rt!ceivllr , and prevliITlts oOl'll'ectioTl betweenth e sear a.nd f ir ing pin ,

    15 Tho eJltractor 1s 8 flat. piece under s pr ing te nei on . It s t ip engagesthe l'ear of cartridge and exlrttct.s It.. The projected section to therear at the t ip fi t s into t.he groove at th e head of the bol t casiI1g whichprevent s i t fr om slipping forward,

    The hollowed portion OIl the back surfeoe of th e extractor engages theproject.ed portion 0. the extractor coller au ! holds t he erlractor to theholt housing. ":'lhen the holt handle ie opened, the extraotal ' raMins int he ri eht in a ide UOOVfI of the receiwl ' without b e i n ~ affected by th e turnillg of t he bo lt. housing !l' ince th e e>:t.ractor collar turns frellly.

    16 Since the bol t COVill' is attached to th e receiver by r.eane of bent t iFson both sides , i t covllrs tha upper l!urf6Ce of th e receiver snd preventsdust frOI'! en tering t he receiver,

    17D )'e.gto"tille

    Tlle rraeadne consista of magezine body , t rigger guard and theiruccessories . The body is hax shaped end contains a follower !uid e mags.zinesp r iIlg. It is ussd f or loodlJlg tUII;;unit ion. !he fr on t and beck of the~ " b g a d J l e ar e attached to the t rigger guard to px'l'Ivent i t ! s Up ping ou tfr OIil t.he stoc k.

    18 'Ihe t:rieger tuard fo rms a ses t f or th e fl' and ellrW6 s e a shieldrar t !m t rigeer sl:d as r e-e I1 f Orcelf.ent f or t he stock gr ip . It is attachlld


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    t.o t he bottol.'! or tbe stoek with three emaIl lIorews. The long lIOuth towardsthe froot. holds the bottolD end of the IIIIgadne , The floor plate catch housiDg1B located at th e rear seotion or the long lIOuth.

    The 8bort 8cre1ll bole fo r the receiver Ie located at the forward ti p or th etr igger guard . The tr igger guard screw hole and a rectangular hole ar e roundat t be rear end and center , respect ively. ThuI, roolll. fo r operation ortr ieger is provided . The 5er:dcircular guard whioh proteots the trigger MSa al!lllll hole i n the front end as a recess tar t.he floor plate catch. A long



    se t lIore1l' hole ro r t be receiver is loeated at th e n a r of the other end.l'be t rigger guard tlcces60l'ies consis t of th e follower, megadn& IIprina ,

    floor plate , floor plate cstch , t rigeer guard screws 4nd the long e.nd shortse t tlCr8WS tor th e recoiver .

    The f oUO'I'Ier is fl long narrow rlate , the top surface of which 1.8 angled.It is contained i n tb e IMIga r.ine Ilr.d tcgether with t he magazine spring , rahesth e Sl!IlIrunitiOIl in th e rree:a2ine upl'l'srd. &. c lu p fa r holding th e mgu1neaprine I s located in the fr on t under side of t he rollower.

    21 The I!Wlgszine spring is an Rll" shaped flat. spring, th e narrow end of 'IIhioh


    is attached to the foll01l'er; tb 8 other end is conneo te d to th e floor plate .r t conet.antly e:li'erts pre s s ill'e to raise ammunition in the

    Tha hont er o of the floor pla te is atuc be

    , __ t ion and ill Ilttacbed to th e tr igger BUN'd by a slI'411guard semcircU.uu - ...screw .


    Tb. bot to . front section of the catch hall a claw and the rear Bllctionu inlet ted. ! u a U bole in th e center of th e body i s used 88 6 cetch hofo r a tool when the noor plate catch oan not he released b:y tinGer. An. r u p t l c d hOle on the to p sm"face or th e body tcsether with II 8tel l screweonuoh tt . IIOve_nt of th e tloor plat . eatcb.

    'I'ba sorell' 111 inserted into th e el l ip t i cal opening on the t op of thefloor plat . ce:tcb and screwed m to th e tr igger guard , The epring 1& f itteinto the RJ. 'IIith one eoo being supported by th e reAl' erod of the floor plcatoh houaing. It constan tl y e:zerts pr8B8ure or. th e cIa'll ar.d pr evth e claw fr o . releasing the floor plate .

    When th e floor plate catch Is pullod to the rear preslIUI'e I s appliedth . catch IIprIng, and this disengages th e oatcll frolll the floor plat.e, thercausing th e fl o or pla ta to ope n .

    24 '!'be t rigger guard Bcrew p 8 U 8 S through the sore'll sleeve att8.0h!Kl toetock aDd oonnects the rear. end or the tr igger guard to th e rear efl(l of the

    25 The lm g and short receiver screws pass through th e acrew sleeve attacto th e stock . Th. 10118 screw conneotl the rear end of the s8lld.circuler potiOD of th e tr igger guard to the rooar projection below the receiver aM tIlsbort screwl th e rorward end of the t riBeer euard t o th e forward p-oJeotiobelow the receiver. The short Bcrew i l the shortect one in Lhe tr igeer


    gUlird group.E Stock Group

    Tha rUle stock 1.8 mde or walnut and i ts entire surface is lacqU6l'oo1'bs r i l le stock i8 used to hold t he r i f le in f ir ing and ti S a wearon w

    th e bayonet. I t is attached to the. r i f le by mEtana of 6Cl' 8W6, uppElr b&nd tilower band. FrOIl! the standpoint of convenience, t he s t ock is divided intothree Eleot.lOlls ; nlllt08l1, the atock, erip. alld but t .


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    The stock has a cleanin8 rod chamber and cleaning roil catch housing inthtl flooot ar.d 4 magazine housing an the rear. 'l'hs acre. hole located at th eorlrog-.e !'root and of th e steek Is U8ed to r th e upper band olate . Tb. holesfollO'lling ar e used for upper band and lower band . reapect iva17.

    ... slIIBll hole is providvd ut th e reaT r ight ai d e for l 'apelr k , andgroovee ar e provlded 00 both flidel5 in order to fa oi l i ta te boldina ..hen t i r ing.The front. end is notched to f it th e upper \Jand plat.e and upper baod . '/faterdr.i l l .g ll hol e for tl')e cl oan i ng rod chaaber is located at th e tront botto.8er.tlon of the JrB.Rsdne hous!nJl:.

    The tr igger slot Is found at the Tear . j. longltuUnai groave which(l.coolNnodat.ea th e forward projection of the reoeivar 1& found in the upperfarr.ard Beettem of the stock . An aperture for th e butter 111 located at thebaCK of this groove. Two vert ical 1101s6 locat.od in the groove wbioh ILOCOIII-1I".008t88 th e and roa1' proJectiOlls of the recelvar.

    The 10'llCr baIld locat&d in tN!! oenter of th e stock 1& atuched by maan&or 101'1el" hIt-nd screw. narrow, long . IJJ'Id service holes tar tbe c1ean1Ila;ro d chamber ar e f owd in th e rear , inter ior of the oleaning rod ~ h a m b e r . e;rip Bactior. faci l i tat .es gripping or tbe r i t l e dl.U"iJlg f ir inS .

    The hut t la !Tade f rOD t. o l:8\.1,rlel5 MI d t08f1ther by mans of dovetai lJOints ar.d 1.:1 TTovlded ldt!l butt sl1ng "wlvsl arod but.t r l a t e . The fQMIardend of th e butt. 11; re1nforcoo by'" re c oil :llate and tr 1 aee r guard. The rearend ,j f tb e 'butt Is protected by the but t , la te . .a. s crew sleeve 1& in8ertedin to t! ,e hol e located at the rear of th e re coil plate .

    ..... 00 -olate upper bend. cleanl-"g27 The s tock uttaclulJlnts conslat w. upper..... . rod cb t.c h, hand gw:.rd cateh (ahort r i t le only), 10'/o'or band , burrel '. but t s l ingslOivol , b;Jtt plata, bend gu.o.rd, .end cleaning rod .

    nd , tl s tock and i8 attebh6d1M upper banlj :-18tl! covers the fL"not e 0 1et o t ha uppe r bard by oaans of uppal' bend pla te 8C1"01l . 1b notch8Up;>OJ't S t he b e n d .

    12 '



    The upper bBnd together the uppe r band plate covers th e head ofet.ock and compresses tr n barrc l fl'0I:, the top. It. u l1t ted to the cleaninro d catch base by ceans or two :'Icrews . The u ppe r ban d p13t.e atUched tthe uppe r band by inser tba upper hand plate ,cre" rr u lll r i6h t t.o le f t throthe screw hole located in tr e forward section of th e uppe r band. The ba.1lug round on the lo"""r port ion of the upper band is used fo r attaching the

    'n'e cleaning I"od catch consis ts of the body , spring and seat. A holfo r i n ser t ing th e clean1nf: ro d i s made in th e bod,;( Wld th e seat . The bodoperates "i thin the seat.. 'fbe sp ri na fi t ted in th e sprin.; s lot , IXlnstantJappUes pr8lJsure to 1he cleaning ro d caten and CauS08 th e hole cL the seaand the hole of body to lock . 'Ihus th e body eJIi(8ges the recess of thcleaning 1"

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    spring pi n an d nu t and !'rom both s id e s, IIlIl1nt:l1.ns th e rnonopod in tolded orerec t podUon. Whm th e .. ,nopod. i.s J.blded, etc. , th e rr :.nt end hooke:on to lh e upper band screw. The lower i rl6 of th e mOl'loj)Od h prevented bylockin g. The :!pring pin i s inserted trom th e ri gh t s ide 81 d locked from thele f t s i de with a I1\lt.

    '(be s 'ld.vel of ths r i f le is attached to th e bottOlll ot the lCMur band andthat of th e short r i f l e to the left s i de of th e 101'l'er band . I t 1.8 used fo ra t taching th e s l ine. The monopod Can be bent conveniently acco r ding to thenature of the t errain .

    The buffer is an a ngular shaft i nse r ted from fight to le f t into the bufferhole located in f ront of the /lBgazine housing of the stock . It is locked ont he l ef t side by means of a nut. It sustains th e forwar d project ion of ther eca var and together with the recoil plate transmits the reooil IiJ.ri ng fi ret o toostod

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    slides up th e car t rid ge ranp loeatetl in f r on t of th e m a g a d ~ por t a t th e bottomof the receiver and ert.ers the charrber. At this instance the extractor engagesth e rear gtloove of th e cartridge in preparation fo r extraction.

    (e) When th e bolt is completely closed and the t rigger pulled, the sear islowered, th is disengaging it. fm lll tJle cocking lever . The cO'lllressed f ir ingpin .spring dr ives th e firin g pin forward unt i l 1ll e firing pi n st ri kes th e primerof U\ e c &rtrilJge .

    At th i s t iwe th e b:llt handle wil l ne t open since the safety lock hasengaged.t.h&:sai'et;rlock groove of 1l'le bolt . Furthermcrs, when the breech is no telosed prope r ly, the tr isger cannot be pul led since the safety lock will no tbe in Jl.ttfe liith th e groov e. ThIllI', a safety meansure is provided.

    ( d - ' J 1 t h e -bolt handle i e raised and t.he bol t 1:9 broudlt to the rear, th eej ector, by means of ejector splings, !!Iters the ejector groove of the bolthousing and ejects the ca r t r idge, tIidi has been extracted by th e extractor.When th e Lvlt. is pu .. le d back fu l l.7 , it. is prevented rn.:.m sl ipping ou t of thel'e cfl'\. vl!r nCe thl! bolt. cR I!nVle"'" t.h . holt . r " ' t . a ~ n t n e ; lu g .

    (e ) When t ne bolt is again brought forward, the rext roU'1d is loaded, dis_charged , 8:td eject.ed in t.he Sa'lle manner lUI the pr evious round .

    (r ) When a l l of the rwnds have been 8X?8nded the follo er catches the boltface and pre vents i ts advll1ce. This to th e f i rer tha t the I!I8.gazineis empt.y .

    39 Safety CIl1 be Il'aintained by th e saTety lock ann s af e t:.y knob . The functionof the sai'et.y lock has been explained in (c) of 38 . The safety knob in ope ra -tion prevent.s th e bolt. handle frolll o p e n i ~ and locks the tr i gger . In shert ,th e safety knob is operated in th e followill6 IMrmer . When th e safety knoh ispressed forward , turned 45 deg rees to ri l!J1t., t.he safety knob catch entersthe wrved gr oove in th e r e sr of th e receiver and locks th e safety krob. \'lhenth is is done, the small projection at Ute rear of th e bolt. handle eng ages t.heraces" 0:1 t.he outer fringe of the safety knob Md prevents the bolt handle


    and wlt from opening. At th e sane time the f ir ing pi n turns with the safknob, the sear ca teh moves from th e firil'l6 pi n eatch, enters th e le f t reeeMId disengages th e f ir ing pin from the sear, thereb:1 locking th e tr:!. l!ser.

    When the 811.fety knob is l ocked, th e posit ion of th e semici rcular cu tthe rear upper 18ft of the safety knob is chanSed t.o an upward posi lion.CMpte r 2 Accessories



    Accessories in clude th e fo l loong :Accessories bagContentsLubricating cordSwab andswab containerCle aning ro d ti pAwc.Ll1ary eleaning rodCleaning rod gui.dsCleani ng rodSling (Different for lons r i f le II1d shc r t r i f l e)Ar.nunition pcuch , Type J.' r o n arnJIIllnition pouch

    Rear alfWlluniti on pouchA u ~ n i t i o n pouch, TypeAmmunition pouch, type CCartridge beltllil container, Type A, 2 1/2 ounces Oi l container, Type B (0 . 03 l i t er ) 1 1/4 ounces


    AUJllImition pouch, Type A, B, MC C j eartJ:;'idge belt ; o il cont.ainer, T(21 /2 ounces); o il container, Type a (11/4 ounces) are used accordto respective maintemnce classificat . ions.


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    41 The accessod . bag is made of c&nvall, i. te n inche:=! 101'18 and two an done.oeighth inche:=! wide. I t i s opened al d closed by Il IIa'lS of a buckle typestrap ar d contaiM th e follo'll'ing :

    (1 ) cord' 18 used to clean the bore when time allows wring aarehell or

    mJDbat.. I t consista of a he!!p cord and we i&/1t with an ove r-&11 length of one/IIeter . When using,

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    'AIIJlunitlon pouch 'tn>e C is a/IIIUnit.1on pouch 'tYpe 3 without th e be l t lrIdti ghtanil'll: strap (buckle strap. button) .

    The curtrldge bel t is made of canvas and reinforced on top and bottor:l bylMther . I t is fast.ened around the waist by ~ a n s of th e buckle s trap andtightenin..,; strap . I t hal! larga, medium, and small pouches . Thera aTe two.l.&rge pouches which hold on e ha:ld grenade each, si x rnediun pouche!l whic h holdte n r o u n ~ or .",munltion each, ard on e 9111311 pouch Witch holds an 011 container .

    011 container 'IYpe A consis ts of the body, applicator, c u e s A Rld B,and screw cap. Oi l c ontainer Type B,ts r:I: the bo

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    53inclLcating the color of th e t.race.

    Cartridge t racer cill. 0 K25 " (T-lO) . Th h cartr idge 11 used in machineguns primarily but. fN!t3 be used i:'l r if les a b o .

    '!tie differel:e between this ca r t r i dge and t he cartridge t r ace r ca l 0 ,1111 hi tha t th e ruUe t from thi:J cartridge has a diM trace up to a?prox1mat.ely100 ya r ds , then the brilitlt t race begins 81d cont i nues to approximately 1, 000yards . The color of the bJ . l let ti p 11 ol"llT8e.

    54 Cartrid.6e blank ca l 30 1&1909. ' !hb cartrlda:e is used fo r silDl1l.a.ted f i re



    in lII&I"Ieuver s ...-.d exercises, s ignallng PUl'ilOSeS an d salutes . I t is readi -l,y ident1t ied s ince it has no ru l l e t .

    Cart ridge dummy cal. .30, 162 . This cart r idge i s ussd fo r trainina; per_son ne l in the operation of loadlng and un loa d!.. ng r i f l es an d s inu la t ing riflet i re and in th e i nspection o f weapoM, It is easi ly identif ied by the t hreeholos dr i l led in th e ca rtridge casc and the absence of a pr i mer .

    Cart ri dge , Rifle Grenade , ca l 30 , 10. 'nils cartr:l.die I s lcaded withl ive craine of black p.,..d..r And f o r ty gra1.n$ or ' l IIOk.l .au powd.r. This c:art_rl c1g e Is used only with s tmdard rifle srenades . . d srenade proJectJ.on adapters .Length o t cartrld&e is 2.49 inch 'the ca r t ridg e be readily Ident:J.tiedby th e characteriat ic ns" petal rose c ri ap of th s IIIQ.L thoPart 'l'w:Il Handling:Chapter I Disassembly and

    57 There ar e two types tA dilJ&.!selllb.l,y, regular an d s pecial. Hcwever, th especial d1suumbl,y shal l be l1.mited to repai rs and other J1II c&.S8a ry instancesperlo1'l'll8d by Orcin.. e peraonnell l ld th e basic principle sha.ll be that it isno t ClD nducted i n ge neral . Alao th e users of arM and sd loola ar e Jr 0hibiteddisanemblies other than those mentioned 1n thie c hapter. Except in sp ecial lymentioned cases , th e as sembly sha l l generoll,,:r be conducted In th e reverse order



    All fa r as th e disassemb.lJ md Ib.mnbl ar e CO:'lcerned, th e 1'"ollOlll!JJSt. be noted carefu lq an d "flY defecUve parts o[ t.he r U le must berepai red,y.

    I Nor:tlll disa9sembl.,y and asselcol158 Parts that can be 3 : ; l b l e . d by th e usbg unit .

    Regular diaassmnbliea are:.11""bol tc18anln,g r od

    follower spring an::! th e follaJlerThe aa nerr.b l,y and disassembly of the s l ing ar e as 1bllows:( l) In order to disassemble th e r i f l e sling ,

    (a ) Unfaste n th e link catc h and break th e connection withupper band .

    (l::) Lcwer the strap .(c ) Unfasten th e buckl (d ) "When th e end of th e s l in g is Wlfutened fro:u th e strap(e ) 'nIe sling becomes detached from Ule bJ.tC.

    (2) In order to aasOllble th e r i f le Sling ,(a ) Slip th e sling through the luck Ie .(b) The Sling ia sUpped through so tha t th e stitches or tst r ap ar e on th e le f t s ide of tt . r i f l e .(c) Pa.!s th e IS"l d oX th e s l ing fr o lll th e rear through t.hs bJ

    , l in g swivel,( d) Pass the s trap thrl)u,gh.(e ) Paas the m d or tAl , l in g t hr ough the buckle f ~ m th e

    s Utat or th e dlaassemb.l,y. (t ) Fasten at the apprOpriate eyslet..

    22 ' 23

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    (g ) Place the end of the sling into 1.he atrap.(h ) Push th e strap up unt i l it s bela. th e ruck1e.(i ) Connect th e front en d of th e sl ing "ith th e lower band

    -safety knob wil l beCOIte detached fnlal th e bolt hcusing.

    (2 ) Firing pi nRemove from the 'r:olt housing

    3'11'ive1. 0) Firing pi n spring.0) DiaaSSelllbl,y of' th e short r i f l e sling. Remov e from th e atr iker

    (a) Unfaoten th e l ink button and detach fr o m th e lower band.(b) The removal of th e ruckle, strap an d the spring catch are

    th e 8M1e 88 with th e r i f l e .(c) In th e very end, tlle spring catcn is detacned from th e ru t t

    slina swivel.(4) Assembl of th e sh(l("t r i f le sl ing.

    (a ) Fi t th e buckle.(b ) In8ert the 8trap.(c ) F it th e spring catch 80 that th e open and close aection

    faces tne stock.(d ) After th is , th e steps ar e th e same as w\.th th e r i f l e .

    60 In order to dstach the bol t , place the r i f le in a horizonta l positionwith t he barrel facing up; while 8upport.i. ng th e rifle wi th t It! l e f t handgra"p th e bolt handle " i th tm M.Stt hand and place in an upright po3ition.pul l it completel,y backward. tllen open th e bol t catch to the le f t withth e l ef t thumb, Q'\d pul l th e bolt handle s l(ll'l'l3 backward to 18l11OVe fromth e r o c ~ v e r

    61 The bolt is disassembled in th e following o r de r after th e bol tcover is r i ~ t removed.

    (1 ) Safety knobHold th e bolt ' .1 th th e le f t hand and place th e palm of th e dB'l t

    hand on th e re

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    axle 1s fi t ted into th e rarrOlf groove on the In$1de of th e r ea r part.o! th e t i r ing pin, thtn pressure i l ' l exerted. I t it does not. enter evena t te r appl icat ion of pressure, tu m dlght l,y to l ef t or r i . " t 110 thatproper contact ia made. After the l I&l 'ety knob enters, turn it compietel,yto the 111ft then rel ieve the pressure .

    (e) l! th e sear lu g of t.he tlr lng pi n is l1tted by mataltointo th e lnall.-shaped portion at th e rear of the bolt. hOUsing. grupth e bol t housing 'll'ith th e l tItt. hand, prllss th e saffl t l knob aufficientl,ywith tt l! nilt hand and tu rn th e sear lu g to tlle r11ilt. along th e snailshaped part . After i t stops, reapply pressure and "hen the fir1ng pi nspring willlllOVe no further, th e sear lu g 13 1l.tted into the semicircularpart . Then tb e safety knob is rotated to th e le f t . I t il l now correct lTauembled.

    (t ) If throu61 error th e bolt is placed into th e racsiverwithrut aaaembl,yi", the extractor, withwt forcing an,ything. f i r s tascertain th e po5it1on of th e safety knob lu g . Then af ter guidingit ca"rectly to the right, ax.tract UtI! b:llt dO'l'll,y. v."nen th e ex-

    tractor ia detached bI!IClllse or jamming during t i re , af t er theextractor col la r 13 1II0ved to the dght e1de , th e bolt is puahed fo rward carefully an d the sxtractor il l I8&&ed I'd. ttl the extractor collar .'then the bolt 1s p.i.Ll.ed oeck. Also when the empty cartr1d&e caseremains 1n the cartridge chamber due to jamming, a clean cleaning rodis inserted into t te bore and th e car tridse ejected befa"e engagingth e ejector.

    (g) When th e bolt is f1 t ted into th e receiver, the cor r ectness of the: b:llt assembl,y is rechecked , th e catches on both sides ofthe !:olt covers ar e t i t ted into th e grooves on th e outside of the


    =receiver, the bolt retainer is openlKl outward, th e bol t puehed forward ,magu ine platfOTIII de pressed downward and assembly complet.ed . Then thet.rigger i s pulled an d tt e fi in g pi n 13 left. in t.he sear catch position .

    62 In removing.. ttl e c leaning rod. place th e r HIe in a vertical po.s1. t ion.wit.h the barrel lacing frontward . WitJ'l th a left. hand graap below thecleaninc ro d catch and press the catch with th e I1IWl1b. Then U f t a ltt.he cleaning rod.

    63 In re movin& thl! follower spring IIld th e follower, pul l th e floorplate catch. th e floor plate opens, grasp i t "il1l th e left hand .With th e riiV\t IwJ:I. gras p th o 10ll'or blade of the spring slightly abovethe bent port ion, l i f t upward slightly and pull back"ard. Thill it willbecome detached from th e floor plate . The follol'fer and th e followe rapring ar e also disassembled in thl! satle I!I8mor .

    II Special disassembl,y and asselllbl,y . (Dy Ordna1ce peraonnel onl.y)64 Special d1.sassembl,y is I!xe\::utlil d af ter th e regular diSMsembl,y are:

    f ront upper band an:l. th e Uj:lper band plAte band .Hand guardBarrel 80:1 receiver (base maintenance only)I6agazineFloor plate catchC l e a ~ rod catchIiItt plateButt s l ing swivel


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    Ycnopod65 The order of th e special di5as,embl11S as tollows

    (a ) Front. stlf lt bu e and Iront !d.ght.Uter the ca1lked pi n is extracted froll l l:1/1lt to l e t t , t .. e seat.

    ie tipped forward. 'lbe s ight can be pounded ru t either tftIm th e l e f tor l 1 ~ t . Care lIIlst be exerciseli net to damage the f ron t sigt i ; bl4de.WMn realilSelllbl"d i t !D.lst be zeroed-in asain, th e ol d laarker l ine erasedand replaced by a new fIlIU"ker 11ne.

    (b ) Uf:peT band and tm upper band plateRemave th e l ef t and rl&1'tt aCTOIIS and the plate bolt, and detach

    with th e plate.(c ) Lowet' bandPlace th e barrel lacing 18ft, unscrew th e alll&llacrew and remove

    together I I t th the monopod.(d ) Kand guardB&rrel ia placed facing upward, Grasp th e front end of th e hand

    ra i l an d I8I11tl'le together " the metal trame by pul l ing alo.l,y to th ef1'Ont while .s11Sttly l i ft ing upward.

    (e) Barrel and re cEli.verAfter removing th e long and short receiver screws and t bI trigger

    guard ac rew, place th e r i f le in a level pos!.Uon with th e barrel facirl$up, gra s p th I r I ICd.vel' wi n tn e ri gh t. hand an d t. he front. si gh t sect.ionwitn t.he l ef t hand, t.hen ~ l O O V e upward . Next. det.ach t.he rec01.1 plat.e,

    In order to disassemble th e reAr Si gh t, th e rear Axle pi n isremoved lind t.he rea; s i / t l t detached. The rear sigh t spring is dls-asseJllbled froa l t.he base by nUlOvl ng th e ,mall re/U' sight. ~ r 1 n g ecI'G'lfand t ipping i t lfBitl,y forward. In th e dl3aufllrbl,y of th e sUde,

    28 '


    Cir!lt. rtl mave th e smU 1 :rear s ight screw and detach the :lli de fromth e rear S i lP t , Next, Ul\screlll th e le f t end sUde pi nsthen d et..lch th e sUde catches and slide catch aprings !rom th e s li de.In the disa:lsembl,y of th e ant ia i rcr a f t lead s ight. anns , the a:'ltiaircraft lead s igh t ar m sc rews ar e Ul\a crtnred and th e a 1!llS r emoved. Th esprings ar e rext detached. The spring wil l beCOll:e detached it p t t ree millimeters fr oa th e outs i de in'lfard.

    I n t.he disas9l!mbl,y of the rear sight base, th e r e ar si ght basesc rl!,rl 1s re moved and the bas e pulled ou t to th e f o re , In th e d1a _&l58emb),v of th e bolt retair1!lr an d th e ejector, af ter pulling ou t th e toll.retai ne r spring , unscrl!l'f t,he ool t ret.ainer pin. The n detach th e bol tret.n1ner 1'rom the recel.v er and th e ejector Crom t:olt r etainer. Theej ect o r sp ri ng 13 inser t ed in th e bolt retainer la tch ~ p r i n Indisassem'ol,yine th e sear anc! th e t.rigge r, th e s ea r pin b ext.rll.cted,t.hen tile s ea r an d th e t r igge r ar e detaChed CltIlIl th e re ceiver . Next.,the t.rigger pi n is re moved II'\d the t.rigger det.ached troo Ute sear .

    (f ) Jo!.l8azineIn th e disassea:b4' or the IfAga zi ne, th e trigger guard is det.ached

    fr O!:! Ut e !ltock. the front pi n eJtt.rac ted , and th e f loor plate re movedCroln th o t.ri6ge r guard . Then th e &l&gadne can b e readll,y disassembledall i t is mer el,y insert.ed into tk e l Q . ! . ~ a : r ; 1 n e chal"..ber in the s to d

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    (g) Floor plate hThe floor pla te ca tc h is disassembled by rlJllovin& 0. slIIIlll !lcrew

    to th e roor of th e t rigger guard, then pulling 1 t ou t to,;ethlJl" withth e spring.

    ( h) Cleaning rod catchThe cleaning r od catch h rellJ:lved by pushing it inward fI'Qm th e

    outside . In :ouch cases th e base an d th e spri ng of the cleaning r o dcatch d1$as5eQ'.bles together from th e srock .

    (1) Butt plate'llle l u t t plate i s d i sassemble d by unscrO'lling th e wood SCTo-liS .

    When allsenil 4rin,g t.he longor wood scre-H is SCTawed in at th e lowerend 6Ild th e shorter l'Dod screw is screwed 1n a t th e t.op,

    ( j) Dutt s li ng s llivel'rhe but t sl ing :nlive l is disas s emble d by removing th e wood

    scre;'IS. With th e r i f le , th e lo nger wood se re-If is screwed in on thes i de th at 1s closer to I.he front end and t he shorter wood SCTelf ont.he side that. 15 closer to th e rear end . Wth th e short r i f le th e:.lant ed !;urface is placed facing the r ea r end . I)e. sure that error

    no t r.-.ade a3 to th e t ront and the rear sides .(Jt) Monop odThe monopod 1s disassembled fr o m th e l ower band, th e spring

    pill II'\d nu t ar e removed then th e sp ri ng detached, th e l f o p o d baSI! pi n is I'ereove rl. then the Irlnopod base i s detached fr om th el oweI' band, and the mOlOOpod from th e ~ p o d base.

    66 Care IliIlSt. be exercised in th e llpecilil. diSIISSB lllbl,y andassembly of t.he following cases .

    (a ) During th e disassembly an d a3 sembly of th e upper andl ower band.s , t.he blUing of th e ba rI'el !Just not be scraped of f andth e s tock tLllst nn t dau:.aged .






    ( b) ~ u 1 n g Ule dl sassemb l,y of th e hand guard, care Il1ls t be ta k en inorder no t to damage th e aetal !'ru e and th e rear m d .

    (c ) 'Rhen I'emovin.: th e barrel a nd receiver, the fr on t and the rear Imbe re mov ed evenl,y fr om th e stock, otherwise the stock may be dB./lB.ged.

    (d) The barrel and th e recldver ar e 'Hsas s embled onl y when re p lacemeor ttl e barrel is necessary .

    (e ) When the tr igger !!!lard screws an d ttJI recel.ver screws ar e beingscrewed in , be sure thf&' are turned evenl,y, otherwise the tr igger guard fMbecome t i l t ed an d ClI'\not be p roperl,y tightened; aLeo when the sma.l.l screwno t tightened properl.Y, it afCec ts the accuracy of the n f l e . ~ e n f'1 r:i ngth e contact point between th e stock al d th e recd-ver is often damaged whenbar r e l r eooils .

    (f ) During B.SBcmbl,y. th e pins and screwe IWst be inserted in the di rtion stipulated.Chapter 2 Precautione in IUrldling.

    The point to be ncted in th e tes ts mentiO'hed below is thg,t th e ea.sil,ydamaged parts must be handled with care. Althrueh th e other detail:! a r eidentical to thoBe described in th e manual on preservati on of arms . th e mpoints ar e

    '!he IllUzzle, f ront s ight . rear sig l t , and the bol t rust no t be allowedto touch th e gl"Cllnd.

    When th e r i f le is no t i n us e th e bo lt is clolled Bl\d tt .! i n ~ p in isplaced in the atte r -Cire position

    The use of wood, paper, cloth , et c all a cap for the !!Uzzle mus t beavoided because of the pOBsibility oC damage to th e barrel.

    70 The aowunition i s f i r s t loaded into th e ID!lgazine en d then inserted inth e chamber by the b:dt . When th e 4fMIUnition il l placed d:L rec t 13 in th e cand th e bolt closed the e:xtractor wil l be dalllBged.


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    71 After exposure to dust, th e bore, conditions perad.ttLng, should be cleanedberore t i r ing . The muzzle section should be spot checked.

    72 wtMIn exposed to rain or snow th e I:ore aust be cleaned as soon as timepermits. The presence r moisture in th e in te r ior r: the r i r le JrOllle5rustinn.

    7J The plugging of mU27;le 'Id. th vaseline or greMe in order to preventth e entry or "ater into th e bore DWlt be avoided because if t i red "hile p.luued,it cause th e barrel to bulge or burst.

    It the monopod 1.a bent du r ing use, it ia cOlTfleted th e soldier him-sel l i t poeaible.

    7$ Precautions that should be ta ; en in :lUbzero areas.(a ) It misfires oocur frequentl,y, d p e th e o il rrom th e bolt. atlselllbly.(b ) When k ~ i n 6 th e r i f le inwors af ter use, proper 011 w et be applied

    to it . 'Ilte s l ing /lUst be kept May from f i re s . end it i s also necessary totake preceutions agslnat free7;ing 118 the leather sl ing cracks eaail,y.

    (e) ' D.lring th e period6ti!e r i f le is no t in u se. 1t. m..,.t. b", ~ p t , in II"arm pla.ce or indoors as much as possible to prevent it from rreering. ITkept Outdoors unavoid&bl,y, it must be covered 'Id th a blanket ur a atr"lt mat.It pOSsible a fi 8 hwld bo buil t indoors to prevmt am- trouble lIIhen cslledupon fo r unexpected fi ing .

    (1) When a r i f l e i8 cu r l ed in from out of doors, th e change ot tem-perature induce, moisture to fol'lll on th e metallic parts causint; it to rust .Theretore, i t rust be wiped off: th e bore especially Jl.Uat be cleaned.

    (2) 'nIcI hulllidity or buildings in $llnero aresa e quipped ' heatersbecomes exceedingly 10'lf and unle:ls th e 8tock 13 oiled , i t " i l l becolne exces!livl!_l,y dry. Aa th is Callses th e stock to war p, t.tle r i r Ie rack mu et be placed ina position ae fa r a9 poS!Jible fr o m th e l'2:ate r, anu huud.dity must be ma.1ntainedat the proper .level.


    7. n" l 'olloldng precautions IilUst be exercised in tropical areas.(a ) It conditions psrlllit, open the bol t rrequentl.Y when t i ring and

    by vent.ilatint; wi thin the bore in order to ai d in th e dissipation of t .a t(b) Kxpoaure to direct sunll,ght teats th e gu n causing ttm wooden pa

    to warp. 'lherefore. i r conditions perndt, place in th e shade or in a l ocwiUI a steadJ d r a n .Chapter J Packing

    77 In pecking r i f l es , in add1t:!on to th e consideration of th e III:!thod ofshipping and th e dh tance , it it! necsssary to take lnUl cONl icieration th eweatmr iI ll d th e season berare deciding on the uegre. and th e metlx/d. 78 The fol1CMing precautiDns ahoold be taken with the inner paCking.

    (8) Dip r i f le in preservative (coslIIOline) as directed in Til. 9 ~ 5 0 (b) I t i s necessary t ha t th e supports and braces of the crate be rig

    fixed to prevent dllalage Ul th e contents when th e crate ia placed on iside, overturned or jarred "while in t rans i t .Part ntree PreservationChapter 1 eare

    79 'rne care 13 generalJ,y a.s rullomll


    Care of th e bore and c h ~ r . !.Oare o f th e bol t mechanismCare of the other parts or tt z r i f l e and the wooden parte! o f th e leather articlesl :are of Unen lin d CO tton go ods

    In the care of the bore , place th e r i f le in a level poeition on a stor a rack, rer..ove the bolt , inser t the cleaning ro d fi t ted with the cleanrod ~ d e or a cleaning rod f itted with a claaning rod ti p on which a pa tis t ied, int.o th e b:lre, an d llm'e it slowly .forwards and backwards. Afterepeatin g Lnis several limes {and when the bore is c lean} a p p ~ a thin coa il in th e 3tJf\e marner.


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    . a1

    When cleaning a r i f le . rotate tn , c le aning ro d ti p t o follow th e r i f l ings ,fX) reov er . it is necessary to revolve the r if le appropriately in orde r to

    the. rubbing of any one part icular spot in th e bo re .De care ful so ttJl.t t.he c l e a n i n ~ ro d t.ip aJd the c l . e a n i ~ ro d do no t

    directl,y rub alainst the surface of the bore. At the sa n e t 1me check to seeif Ull s is conwcteci correct ly , and a v oi d th e use of ben t rods.

    The care of th e chambe r con31st" of inse r tin g th e chamber cleaning ro df itted with a ra g in th e s lo t on it s f ront. e nd in order t o remove th e ol d oi lor to apply fr esh oi l .

    ,\s tne bore is chromium pla ted, e x c ~ s i cleaning is unnecess ar y. There_fore, it is necessary to obso rv e th e condition of the bJre an d th e s ta in on tn erug , and adopt a su i tab le metbod an ti f re quency o f cleaning

    In th e ca r e 0 (" the b>lt. 83sembls , a f t e r the ol d o il an d duat have be enremoved fr u m alch r t , appl..v o il somewhat rrore heavily on tbe wo rn ~ a r t s ofth e 001 t. by of a brus.'l or an ol.l,y ran . and ll Jh t l,y on oth er pa r t s .

    The use of a cleani!'\} ro d in the c l e a n i an d oilirui. of tn , ins i de a,le or til ..: bolt i1O'J9 i nd, corne r s , ~ r o o and th e housing d: th e f i r in gpin s ;>l"i"1t, i s reCUfilmenJed .

    ~ i n c the bol t face i s chror.jUlu ;>1ated as b tfJe bore of the barrel lCtlre lUSt ue exercis ed in h B l l d l i ~ it .

    s:! Olli o il and ou st ar c re.a.oved f rom th e othe r s tee l pa r ts wi th a ra s


    ~ t e r oi l i s Ilpplien witJl an 01l,:.r ra g . A sar.eTlhllt greater IlIIIrunt of o ilis 3.ppuad to pina an d functi .min g parts . '!he expose d surfaces of th e woo:!parts ar e cleaned wit.h a rag . Any oil. th a t adheres to t.he wood pa rt s I ~ i l l boo

    off .It is neCeSsary to a ~ u > l t th e a mount of o il appile.1 u s e i f an ex-

    ce3sive amc.u.n t i s appl ied. it no t only increasos thl! adhe!'1Jnce of dust , butt.1'e excess accU/lIUlates in th e lower p3l'ts an d leaks ou t on t o the stock C8usin.&

    34 '


    it to become s ta ined; Il)r8over. it !Ilf\Y be blown in to the eye8 of the b\lruwhEn f i r ing .

    84 Leather goods ar e cared 1'0r by applying a thin f i lm of Noats Foot Oi



    on the to p 8u rface with a piece of ra g . Appl,y spari ngl,y. then wipe ar f texcess wi th a dr y c l oth .

    When sp pl,yb g 01 .. to t} e leath er sling, it mus t be rubbed CrOSSM. seand not. lengthll'i5e.

    AI\)' o il rwoainin g on te;or;til.e fabric products II1l5t be reClCIVed as itOaraages th e fibers .

    I f any lllildew is d et ec te d. clean immedia tely wi th e1tner a d r ;! or acloth . 1I0000ev cr , vtLen this IJlltbod is net. adequate. care IlU!It be exercisedbecal, i t freqlOlltly promote s fli r Uler g rowth; moreover, a rag once usedr e l ~ o v e miJ.dew IllIst not be used on othe r unaffflcted le ather par t s .

    Soi le d we b canvas ar e washed in soa;>y wa te r .r ; i u f i re , th e r i f le is cleMed a nd cared fo r as a>nrtltions p

    II Care B e f ~ Firing"':are befcr e f i re consi5ts of a th o rou4t cleaning of the bore and th e

    dlauber follO'lied by an applicllt ion of a thin f i l ta of o il . An "Pil li cati::lnan I!Xces:ilve amou.t.n of oi.1. becomes a hindrlillce. \\hen firi . ng blank a m ~ n . ia 9Or.lewhat gre ater IlIIIrunt of 011 shoul ::i be appl ied .

    II I Care .l.ft er Fi r in g68 As th e quali ty of the a f t e r-f i re care areatl,y inf luences tl1e $ ~ r v

    of the r i f le , i t is neCesSllry to ex ercise special ca re . In ad 'l i tbn togenera l d ll1ly ca re th e fo l lowing ca r e mus t ue rendered .

    (a ) Ilhen exposed to wash the co nta lllin:1ted pa rts as soon 115 p05with th e bo re c.1.eanirm fluid or a $oap"y solut ion uaiR!! s swab. or clean wbore o il .

    (b ) After removi ng th e cootamlnant a'l d di r t "1it h a ra G. appl o il .


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    (c ) When th e parts d ~ c t . J . . y exposed to gas ~ u c h as the bolt. face, f ir ingpi n hruaing , .- d t.he st.riker ar e l e f t withm t cleanin&, 1 t hinders f i r ing ,tDDreover . it . r e l l u l t ~ in corrosion, making proper care e ~ p e c 1 4 1 l . Y n e c e s ~ a r y

    (d ) l! t.i hle is not available fo r proper ca re i:nr.:led1at.el,y followin!, f i re .appl,y a l l ~ r a l quantit.y of o i l ,,1 th II. thong ; teq:.ora r ll preventi ng corrosionand a t the sarne t.ime loosening th e cCtltami:l.S.nt makin& cleaning la te r easier .

    (e) Every effol"t lIJJ!

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    (b ) Receiver(1) Chcn . de nectionand looseness of t. r igge r iJlar d , (3) loose m.!Lgazine, (9 ) l oose tr igger gua r dsc r ew and l ong (short ) sc r ows fo r rece!V llr , (10 loose woa:\ scrows fo r 'outtplate and bu tt. s l ing swi ve l , (11) us e of wrong part numbers .

    C funct i onPrincipal points of in s pec tion( 1) Malfunction of safet j ' knub(2 ) Malfunction of safety lock(3) ka liunct.ivn of extractor

    Wal!unc t.ion of eject...lrWalfunctiun of f ollower

    38 '


    ( 6) ttl r u (14) Faulty tr i gge r mech anbm(15) Faulty fun cti on of bayonet in mounting and dlslIKllnting .

    o DlI.IIlagePrinCipa l points of i nspect i on(a ) Bo re and chat:ber

    ( 1) Bulge, (2 ) pit.s , (3) .bend, (4) wear, (5 ) dent s .(b) Receiv er

    (1 ) Weak bolt luss anti ej ect or ~ r l n g s , (2 ) weak f loor plate cdsprlng , (3) dents of uppe r surface of recoi l pl at.e and safety knob l U6 gr

    (c ) Bol t.(1 ) Enla rgement 01' 1'iring pi n hole , (2) dent. on bolt fa ce, (3)

    armnd sna i l- shaped section , l4 ) wear on la-ller surface of b ol t. .(d ) F in ng pi n

    (1) Bend and wear on firil16 pi n : malfonuation of str ike r poin(2) we ar and tenr on seal" catCh , (3) excessive p l ' t l j f ! c t i o ~ ba h face (amof pr oj ec ti on ahwid ran ge oetween . 044 and . 059 inch) , (4) bent, weak , osagging il rl n8 pi n ,pring .

    ( e) Ext.ractor and safety kno\)(1) Wear o n extractor cl aw an d weak: tlxtr actor sp ri ng,(2) loose sa fe ty knob shaft and wear in sa fet y knob l ug.

    (f ) Fr on t s i ~ t( 1) 1.0:1088 front sight. base, (2 ) def18Clion of front s ight , lJ )

    or wor n f ront s1 gl\t.(g) Rea r sight .

    (1) Faulty rea r s ight pi n , (2) I I I B . U u ~ t i o n of rear s ight (3) lr ea r a iWt , (4 ) loose tn d cr eaky slide I'Ilth i r reguhr graduat.ion, (5) de npeep .:d!'tlt , (6) peeled ru s t proof coat i ng sid,ht and f r ont ' iWtt) ,( 7)(9)

    loose ant ia i r c ra f t lead s ight arllls , (8 ) bent. ant ia i rcr a ft lead s ight,'Ilea;'; an d bent antiai r cra!"l l ea d sidl t arlll spring .


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    (h) 5bJck( 1) Cracked. and dented stock , (2) enl..,rbed groove fbI' r ecal.l pa t e

    ( l /J2 inch allowed) . 0 ) bent stOQ(, (4) cracked .rid loose lund guard, (5)bent cl eani n& rod , loose cleaning rod nead , 3l d worn thread, (6) brolcen snapr ing fu r s 11ng.

    (1) Leather tnd her.1p it.1:!f1l8(l ) Cracks, (2) scars and dall",ages , () unraveled se &lllS .

    (J) Acce.s8orie.s(1) Crooked Md bent cleaning rod ja g. l tOrn threads anc! co rr oded

    st ee l sect ion, (2) bent and lNrn cleani/'E rod, () dan:a.gcs to sc rew ca p f oroi .. can, weak oil can case , an::! o il ca n leaks .

    II Inspec t io n I3etore and After H rl ng98 aefore and af ter r 1 r i ~ various pa.rts, especiall.Y th e bore , &I'd chlWber ,

    Special in$pection IILll:rt be made fo r the pre s ence 0 1' foreign ~ " I I . t t e in th e boreand challtler befoce t i r in g.

    Pr io r to zeroing-in , a ~ e d parts whim wil l a lfect th e accuracy o rsaroing- in IIl.lst be carefully noted, in ep ecte d and, it necessary, re paired .

    When large aro:llnts of gas leaks f r om th e rear du rin& Uring , in spe ct ionroc iM'egulari t ies rlllst be na de o n th e changer , tolt face , tol t l oc\(.in g lug,firing pi n head , extractor, Md boll. r e t . l l i n ~ housin& .II I In sp ection of St ored RUles

    99 Prior to storage , special att.e ntion !!lust be pd d t o the J%'esence r:f I"USt.m a t c h i ~ of J.Ilrt nwzbers, proper !'Unction , an:! proper a;>pUcation o f preserv a-t h e . re and chamber must be axamined with sp

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    NOMENCLATURE LIS! (Fig . 1) Cont 'd47 . Plate . floor48. Gtuird, t rigger49. Catch , fl oor plate50 . Screw, forward. tr igger guard51 . Screw, rear . t rigger guard52. Sc r aw, recoil plate53 . Rod, cleaning




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