In today’s video, you will learn about positive influences on the community. In particular, we will focus on contributions the group makes within the community We will also look at advocacy which includes raising awareness within the community, educating the community and promoting the rights of the group. So let’s begin with contributions homeless people make within the community. Unfortunately, the public perception of homelessness is often negative; communities may view people who are homeless as a nuisance, a drain on social resources or even a threat. Homelessness and unemployment are often associated with one another but a significant number of people who are homeless contribute to their communities through the jobs they hold. Employment opportunities are limited and homeless individuals often rely on seasonal or casual work. The income provided by these jobs is often minimal; not enough to give them the resources needed escape the cycle of poverty. People who are homeless may positively contribute to communities a variety of ways. For example, by participating in volunteer work, building a sense of belonging within their own social groups, or by escaping the cycle of poverty to become inspirational leaders for others. There is a long list of global celebrities, including Kurt Cobain, Jim Carrey and Steve Jobs, who were homeless at one point in their lives. Although homeless individuals can participate and engage with communities, they are frequently ostracised or discriminated against. A majority of homeless people also do not possess the necessary resources (such as knowledge, money, energy or time) to meet their own basic needs. As a result, some are not in a position to play an active part in community life. Let’s look at advocacy Advocacy involves publicly speaking up for needs and concerns of a particular group.. Homelessness Australia and Yfoundations are just two of the many organisations which advocate for homelessness in Australia. Homelessness Australia state they “work with a large network of organisations to provide a unified voice when it comes to preventing and responding to homelessness”, Whilst YFoundations state they “work collaboratively with members, NGOs, government departments and community members, to provide policy and structural advocacy, services for young people, health projects, and research and sector development.” Organisations like Street Smart aim to raise funds and awareness to benefit for people who are homeless. The Australian Human Rights Commission conducts research and provides legal aid and advise. Meanwhile other agencies run local and national events, run educational programs and promote the rights of homeless Australian. V6 - POSITIVE INFLUENCES ON COMMUNITY ATTITUDES

V6- positive influences on commuity attitudes...In today’s video, you will learn about positive influences on the community. In particular, we will focus on contributions the group

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Page 1: V6- positive influences on commuity attitudes...In today’s video, you will learn about positive influences on the community. In particular, we will focus on contributions the group

In today’s video, you will learn about positive influences on the community. In particular, we will focus on

contributions the group makes within the community

We will also look at advocacy which includes raising awareness within the community, educating the

community and promoting the rights of the group.

So let’s begin with contributions homeless people make within the community.

Unfortunately, the public perception of homelessness is often negative; communities may view people who are homeless as a nuisance, a drain on social resources or even a threat.

Homelessness and unemployment are often associated with one another but a significant number of people who are homeless contribute to their communities through the jobs they hold. Employment opportunities are limited and homeless individuals often rely on seasonal or casual work. The income provided by these jobs is

often minimal; not enough to give them the resources needed escape the cycle of poverty.

People who are homeless may positively contribute to communities a variety of ways. For example, by

participating in volunteer work, building a sense of belonging within their own social groups, or by escaping the cycle of poverty to become inspirational leaders for others. There is a long list of global celebrities, including Kurt Cobain, Jim Carrey and Steve Jobs, who were homeless at one point in their lives.

Although homeless individuals can participate and engage with communities, they are frequently ostracised or discriminated against. A majority of homeless people also do not possess the necessary resources (such

as knowledge, money, energy or time) to meet their own basic needs. As a result, some are not in a position to play an active part in community life.

Let’s look at advocacy Advocacy involves publicly speaking up for needs and concerns of a particular group.. Homelessness Australia and Yfoundations are just two of the many organisations which advocate for homelessness in

Australia. Homelessness Australia state they “work with a large network of organisations to provide a unified voice when it comes to preventing and responding to homelessness”, Whilst YFoundations state they “work collaboratively with members, NGOs, government departments and community members, to provide policy

and structural advocacy, services for young people, health projects, and research and sector development.”

Organisations like Street Smart aim to raise funds and awareness to benefit for people who are homeless.

The Australian Human Rights Commission conducts research and provides legal aid and advise. Meanwhile other agencies run local and national events, run educational programs and promote the rights of homeless Australian.


Page 2: V6- positive influences on commuity attitudes...In today’s video, you will learn about positive influences on the community. In particular, we will focus on contributions the group

Next we will explore raising awareness within the community.

International and Australian organisations employ a variety of strategies in order to raise awareness homelessness in Australia. In addition to national events, like Homeless Australian’s Week and Youth Homelessness Matters Day, government and non-government agencies increase public knowledge of

homelessness through school programs, political lobbying, media campaigns and other community activities.

In 2014, for example, a pop-up street store was temporarily installed in Melbourne as part of a world-wide

initiative to address the stigma of homelessness. People were encouraged to donate clothes to the store, where homeless people could then ‘shop’, free of charge. The store created a public space where homeless and homed members of the community could meet and communicate.

Raising awareness of homelessness in Australia has numerous positive benefits, including: • Increasing the visibility of homeless people and the issues they face

• Humanising homeless Australians, reducing discrimination and stigma • Mobilising the public to speak up for the rights of homeless individuals • Providing the tools homeless people need to advocate for themselves

Now we will look at educating the community One of the most effective ways to raise awareness and increase advocacy is to address common

misconceptions about homelessness. Educating Australians about the factors, -- which lead to homelessness and the consequences of living without a steady home environment, -- can help to challenge negative stereotypes. Education could be provided through schools, community programs and the media.

When communities are educated about the issues homeless individuals face, they are more likely to: • Advocate for homeless rights

• Push for legislative change • Cultivate inclusive environments • Avoid discriminatory practices

• Hold corporate and government agencies accountable for public welfare

Providing education to the homeless community is also important. People who are homeless cannot benefit

from the services and support available unless they have knowledge about them. Education can also offer homeless individuals an opportunity to contextualise their experiences, feel a sense of belonging and improve sense of identity.

Finally, we will look at Promoting the rights of homeless people. Promoting the rights of homeless people is integral to the process of ending the cycle of homelessness and

poverty. A majority of homeless Australian’s lack the resources, (such as knowledge, money, energy and time) to advocate properly for themselves.

When government and non-government groups, charitable organisations, communities and individuals advocate for homelessness, they take on social accountability and responsibility for people who lack the power or privilege to speak up. Promoting the rights of homeless people raises awareness, increases

education and fosters social change.

Page 3: V6- positive influences on commuity attitudes...In today’s video, you will learn about positive influences on the community. In particular, we will focus on contributions the group

It is essential that homeless people are provided with opportunities to participate in advocacy so that promotions, and the solutions the propose, remain relevant and accessible. Involvement in advocacy campaigns can help empower homeless Australians and be an important part of the process of regaining

control of their lives.

Promotion, like any advocacy strategy, can take a variety of forms ranging from television and print

advertising, to social media campaigns. In 2017, the ABC highlighted a series of workshops, which were being run by young homeless people in partnership with New South Wales Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP) and the Australian Theatre for Young People (ATYP). Programs like these tackle key issues

associated with homeless, while also empowering homeless youth to talk about the personal challenges they face.