T:01 451 9708 / 086 795 8133 W:www.tallaghtexpress.com E:info@tallaght express.com Volume 2 Edition10 Places of distribution: • The Square •Kilnamanagh & Fortunestown Shopping Centre •Superquinn Knocklyon •Brookfield Enterprise Centre •Kilinarden Enterprise Centre •Tallaght Adventure World•ITT Tallaght • Most Takeaways • SDCC Offices •Rua Red •Civic Theatre Tallaght •Leisure Centre & many more Features: Greater role for research and evidence in child and community services ? See Page 2 Brand new to Tallaght, We recognize people who make us smile Page 4 The “Tree Of Hope” Is growing on Page 6 See our super fashions pages 10,11 Read our game and movie reviews on page 12 You can win tickets to “The Civic Theatre” on page 14 Another brand new feature. We talk to Tallaght people living abroad on Page 16 Are you on the job hunt. See our Do’s & Don’t’s on Page 17 Kids, win a prize in our Colouring Competition on Page 18 Call 045 447291 www.mcldirect.com €570 Deliverd TALLAGHT CAN SMILE WINNER Brand New Features Tallaght Can Smile Tallaght History Letters To Home Don’t miss inside .... MORE OFFERS ON WWW.DUBLINLEAFLETS.COM Tel: 086 795 8133 T’s & C’s Apply 5000 A6 Flyers From €99 APRIL Special

Volum 2 issue 10

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Tallaght Community,Tallaght News, Tallaght Can Smile. Everything thats good about Tallaght

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T:01 451 9708 / 086 795 8133 W:www.tallaghtexpress.com E:info@tallaght express.com Volume 2 Edition10

Places of distribution: • The Square •Kilnamanagh & Fortunestown Shopping Centre •Superquinn Knocklyon •Brookfield Enterprise Centre •Kilinarden Enterprise Centre •Tallaght Adventure World•ITT Tallaght • Most Takeaways • SDCC Offices •Rua Red •Civic Theatre Tallaght •Leisure Centre & many more

Features :Greater role for research and evidence in child and community services ? See Page 2

Brand new to Tallaght, We recognize people who make us smile Page 4

The “Tree Of Hope” Is growing on Page 6

See our super fashions pages 10,11

Read our game and movie reviews on page 12

You can win tickets to “The Civic Theatre” on page 14

Another brand new feature. We talk to Tallaght people living abroad on Page 16

Are you on the job hunt. See our Do’s & Don’t’s on Page 17

Kids, win a prize in our Colouring Competition on Page 18

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Report recommends training for policy makers in evidence based decision making.

Research and evidence should play a much greater role in informing planning and funding decisions about services for children, families and communities - according to a new report. The report Leading Community Change: Delivering Better Outcomes in an Irish Community strongly recommends that child and community services be incentivised to re-align delivery and resources towards evidence-informed models. The report says that acknowledging limited or no outcomes, and introducing change should be seen as positive rather than a failure. The report says that training should be provided to policy makers and influencers to improve understanding and use of research to inform decisions. The findings are set out in a comprehensive report on work coordinated by the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) in Tallaght West from 2007-2013. During this time CDI developed, coordinated and evaluated seven prevention and early intervention programmes with a budget of €16m that targeted 5,000 children and families. CDI CEO Marian Quinn said that the Tallaght experience highlighted the need for much greater emphasis on how national and community based children’s organisations and services work together. “The report calls for a national framework, to which all Government departments and agencies sign up, that provides the protocols and policies for interagency collaboration, including referral processes and information-sharing to maximise the effective utilisation of resources to support children’s well-being.” “Some Children’s Services Committees (CSCs) have developed such protocols and CDI recommends that a national information-sharing protocol is agreed and included in the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People.” CDI’s work was part of the Prevention and Early Intervention Programme (PEIP), a Department of Children and Atlantic Philanthropies co-funded project to improve outcomes for children in disadvantaged areas. Other programmes were run in Ballymun and Dublin 17. The Leading Community Change report was launched by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances

Fitzgerald, who said it provided a wealth of learning which would be useful not only for the children’s sector, but across the community, voluntary and public sectors as a whole. “We are continuously working to improve children’s services and community work. This report provides very useful guidance on how we can continue further in this process. We will be reviewing the findings and encourage other organisations to also do so.” Further recommendations in the report include:

• Those with line management responsibilities in the child and family sector should be provided with training in relation to mentoring, enabling reflective practice, effective needs assessment and planning processes.

• Senior staff should be supported in developing a positive organisational culture, in diffusing leadership across structures, in assessing team requirements and in logic modelling (a framework that focuses on the achievement of agreed outcomes), utilising evidence to inform planning and assessing impact.

• The commitment to using evidence to inform planning and service delivery, should underpin decisions across all Government departments and agencies and this principle should underpin the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People, in order to ensure the best return on investment in prevention and early intervention services.

• Departments should commit to giving serious consideration to the implications of the CDI and other evaluations, for professional training, service planning and service integration.

Newly appointed CDI Chairperson Suzanne Guerin thanked the Minister for her supportive comments and said she was delighted that the scope and scale of prevention and early intervention work had been expanded in the €30m Area Based Childhood (ABC) programme which is being co-funded to 2016 by the Department of Children and The Atlantic Philanthropies. CDI is currently coordinating a range of interventions in Tallaght West as part of the ABC programme.

Report calls for greater role for research and evidence in child and community services

Tallaght residents pictured with the Minsiter for Children and Youth Affaits Frances Fitzgerald and Childhood Development Initiative CEO Marian Quinn at the launch of the CDI report ‘Leading Community Change: Delivering Better Outcomes in an Irish Community’.


4 www.tallaghtexpress.com

Tallaght Express has launched a new campaign to find people who can make us smile.

The first winner of our monthly award of “Tallaght Can Smile” is someone most of us know as the newspaper man in the Village. Jacek Sowa greets everyone with a smile. Even on the coldest of days he has that given ability to cheer us up.Jacek was nominated by Noreen Fulham who thankfully brought the idea to our attention.

Is there someone in your community who carries a smile when you see them? We all know one person in particular who provides a service with a smile all of the time. Somebody in the public eye like a lollipop lady, community garda, shop assistant, sports team manager, community nurse etc, etc,

We are all fed up with miserable weather and doom and gloom but there are some people who keep smiling through all diversity and situations to make Tallaght people feel warm and forget about what’s

going on even if it’s only for that few minutes while in their company.

Mother Teresa once quoted “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”

Tallaght Express want to recognize these people and would like residents to nominate someone who can bring a smile to their face and each month we will select a smiler and present them with a little momento just to let them know that we know how valuable their smile is.

Please send your nominations to [email protected] or [email protected]

Feel free to contact us on 014519708 anytime.

Jacek is pictured receiving his little reward for being so happy from Noeleen Fulham, the lady who nominated him, and local Independent candidate for Tallaght South Dermot Richardson. Obviously he smiled for all his photos.

Photograph by Maggie Doherty.

“Tallaght can Smile”


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We have been asked a number of times about “The History Of Tallaght” so we have done a little research and after speaking to Eamonn Maloney TD, who himself had written a book a few years ago entitled “Tallaght- A Place With His-tory”, suggested I contact South Dublin County Libraries who in turn kindly give me some information to get this series of articles on the history going. I have read a book entitled “All roads lead to Tallaght” by Partick Healy and with permission from South Dublin County Libraries have taken a little bit from it which I thought very interesting. If you, as a reader and a fan of Tallaght history have some old stories or photos from the old days in Tallaght that you would like to share please get in touch, I would love to hear about it. Please contact me, Con Colton on 014519708

The Old Road to Tallaght

The Green Hills THE old road to Tallaght was by way of Dolphin's Barn, Crumlin Road and Walkinstown. Here the Greenhills Road commences along what was at one time a series of sandhills covered in fine green sward. This was for many years quar-ried away for building purposes, until, towards the end of the 19th century, the only part remaining was the ridge along

which the road passes.

At Kilnamanagh the Greenhills road was crossed by Tymon Lane. The branch on the right leading to Ballymount was until recently, narrow and crooked, a sure sign of an ancient highway. The left hand branch, which was part of Tymon Lane, was altered about 1960 so that it came out nearer to the Cuckoo's Nest licenced premises. The reason for this alteration was that the lane at this point passed over the highest part of the Greenhills, and as the sand and gravel was removed, the lane remained with an almostvertical drop on both sides. This became so dangerous that a new section had to be laid out, level with the floor of the sandpit. It was not long until the disused portion of the road was demolished for the valuable materialwhich lay beneath it. Down to the time when this road was altered, the ruin of an old residence named Palatine House stood at the junction. This house was formerly named Airmount and on Taylor's Map of 1816 it isnamed Gayfield.

Old Mile StoneOn the Dublin side of the crossroads is still to be seen an old milestone belonging to the time when this was the main road to Bless-ington. It is of granite and is triangular in cross-section with inscriptions on two faces.On one face is DUB 3 and on the other is BTON 14. This makes a total of 17 miles

which is close to what was then believed to be the distance to Blessington in English miles. The earliest milestones were in Irish miles which were longer than English miles (Taylor and Skinner, 1778, give the propor-tion of Irish to English miles as 11 to 14). On the earliest road maps of County Dublin the milestones were all shown in Irish miles and the distance to Blessington as 14 Irish miles. This appears on Taylor and Skinner 1778, John Taylor 1816 and Duncan 1821. On these maps the 3 mile stone on the Green Hills Road is shown as a little north of Walkin-stown roundabout, the 4 mile stone between Tymon Lane and Tallaght, and the 5 mile

Another Brand New Series:The History Of Where We Live

stone in Tallaght Village. Since the stone in question is in English miles, this 3 mile stone should have been well on the Dub-lin side of Walkinstown roundabout.

There actually is a similar one in this area which gives the distances as DUB 2, BTON 15. During the war years all fingerposts were taken down to confuse invaders. It is possible that these old milestones were also removed and were later put back in the wrong place.

With kind permission of South Dublin County Libraries.

Artist’s impression of the Cuckoo’s Nest as a coach inn circa 1760 — Margaret Kennedy

6 www.tallaghtexpress.com

Last year I saw some communities across Ireland having Vigils for world suicide day on September 10th. I thought there was a great need in Tallaght for this as so many people in our community are hurting from the pain of a loved one lost through a suicide or are living each day with mental health issues.

I called in a few favours from friends and was able to have a Candle Light Vigil in Dodder Park (opp Ahearns Pub) last Septenber 10th.

I was hoping a few people would turn up and to my surprise over 400 people attended. It was a very moving experience. It was so successful and so many people found support in this, it will be returning this September 10th same location once again.(this is NOT a fund raiser event) all people need to bring is a candle or balloon or photo of their loved one.From this event, another event came on board called the Tree Of Hope, my friend Phyl Stubbs came on board to help me and between us we arrange for a tree to be planted, naming the Tree. (The Tree of Hope).

The tree is a symbol to all in our community that have lost a loved one through a suicide or living with depression etc, that we support them. Our wish is as the tree grows in strength so will the people and help them cope.

The event takes only 10 minutes. Phyl and I will do most of it and all that is needed isA Tree (hopefully donated by someone, they cost around 20 euro (cherry blossom tree 5ft)in any garden centre.A position to plant plus hole dug before we arrive A priest to bless the tree (not essential as we will have holy water with us)

A person or persons to turn the first soil in the tree it is nice to invite someone that has been effected by a suicide.(It’s a very simple event but sending out a powerful message) We have planted many tree’s of hope already in the com-munity.

So if anyone would like a Tree Of Hope Planted or indeed will sponser/donate a tree to usplease get in touch with us and we will arrange it.Please see Tree Of Hope Facebook or call 0863672209.Thank you to everyone for all your support. We look forward to seeing more of you as we plant our trees in the commu-nity.

Noeleen Fulham

The “Tree Of Hope” Is Growing

Ardmore Dodder Valley

St. Aengus ParishSt. martin De Porres Aylesbury

CARP in Kilinarden


€470,000 Citywest Park investment welcomedFine Gael TD, Minister Brian Hayes and Fine Gael Tallaght South Candidate David Yeates has today confirmed that works on the long awaited Carrigmore Park in Citywest is to commence at the be-ginning of May. The confirmation



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was received following a meeting organised by Minister Hayes between South Dublin County Council, Davy Hickey Properties and Brian Durkan Developments.

Minister Hayes stated “I am delight-

ed that outstanding issues with the planning and taking in charge of the area have been resolved. I am particularly grateful to Davy Hick-ey Properties who are committing €470,000 to the development of the park. They have a long history in the

area and their commitment to finance the park is a great boost to Citywest.

Local Citywest resident and Fine Gael Local Election Can-didate David Yeates has

warmly welcomed the news stat-ing “I moved to Citywest 17 years ago when no facilities in the area existed. I have waited many years for a park to be developed and today’s announcement is a great day for the people of Citywest. I am particularly grateful to my col-league Minister Brian Hayes for helping resolve the outstanding issues and to Davy Hickey Prop-erties for providing the finance.Minister Hayes concluded “Davy Hickey Properties who will be carrying out the work have con-firmed that contractors will be on site in early May with an expected end date of mid Autumn.”

The GAA were con-gratulated by Eamonn Maloney TD on the occasion of their visit to the Dail to brief the Transport

and Communications Committee on the broad-casting contract between the GAA and SKY TV.

While congratulating the GAA, Deputy Ma-loney reminded the committee that the Irish community around the world were delighted at the possibility of seeing some of the games.

“Within hours of the announcement of the deal, I had a call from the Irish Club in Melbourne, Australia where they were celebrating the deal and checking the schedule of games that would be broadcast this summer. Congratulations to the GAA for thinking of the Irish Diaspora throughout the world. “Much comment on the deal has focused on the connection between SKY and Rupert Mur-doch. There was never a doubt in my mind about the outcome of negotiations for this deal. With a contract in one hand and a hurley in the other hand the GAA would always be a winner.


8 www.tallaghtexpress.com

Novena in thanksgiving to the most sacred heart of Jesus. He never fails to listen when you call. Dear heart of Jesus in the past I

have asked you for many favours .This time Jesus I ask for this very special favour. Take this favour dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it then it will be your favour lord and not


Say this prayer for 3days and promise publication and your favour will be granted.God hears all prayers. No prayer ever goes unanswered.

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers PB.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit.(Pray for 3 days or 3 hours straight)

Holy Spirit,You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the devine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and You who are in all instances of my life with

me, I want to thank You for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be seperated from You no matter how great the material desire

may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen.

In Jesus Christ, your Son’s name, I ask that You grant me ( Mention specific favour or intention here )

While making the request, you must promise to publish this prayer or circulate the favour.

This prayer should be said for 3 consective days. After the 3rd day the request will be granted , no matter how difficult it may be.


This prayer musT be said for 3 days and afTer This your requesT willbe granTed. prayer musT be published. Very graTeful Thanks. f.b.

Send Your Novena’s to:[email protected]

NOVENA’SThis is a Free Service

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Entertainment Pages

Inside Tallaguide

Game Reviews

Movie Reviews

See the latest homeware trends

Read what Tallaght people are do with their Easter eggs

Tallaght Entertainment

Win tickets to the Civic Theatre

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12 www.tallaghtexpress.com

Game Reviews Far Cry 3 Rio 2

Movie ReviewsIn Far Cry 3, you find yourself stranded on a tropical island, a lawless place ruled by piracy and human misery. You dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles you choose to fight down to the allies or enemies you make along the way.

→ MUCH MOREMITCH DYER SAYSGames Where Violence Isn't CoolThe Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series -- Season OneHotline MiamiSpec Ops: The Line Rook Island. In his eyes, killing is not cool. Not yet. The emotional weight only gets heavier as he tries to save his missing friends from slave-trading psychopaths. In turn, Jason’s gradual transformation from coward to killer unfolds in a natural, believable way, which compensates for the narrow revenge premise. As its unpredictable, often uncomfortable story comes unhinged, Far Cry 3 challenges players’ principles: How far would you go to protect the people you love, and what kind of person would you become to get them back?“Jason’s allies and enemies don’t feel like video game characters – they feel like people.Jason begins his evolution after escaping the clutches of Vaas, the mentally unstable leader of a pirate gang and the man who’s kidnapped his friends and family. Before having you hunt down Vaas, Far Cry 3 focuses nearly an hour on teaching you survival skills. Jason scavenges supplies, harvests plants, and crafts useful items from animal skins before ever firing a gun at a man. Choose not to take advantage of the wildlife at large and you’re missing out on important upgrades; bigger wallets hold more cash to buy better weapons, weapon holsters house additional firearms, and larger rucksacks store more goods. Motivation drives exploration because there’s a purpose for everything on Rook Island.

The many secrets hidden in its gigantic, open world aren’t arbitrary video game collectibles. Lost letters from World War II detail past struggles on Rook Island. Stray memory cards detail the depravity of its drug operations. Disregard the first-person shooter veneer – yes, this is a violent action game, but that’s a small slice of a grand adventure. There’s a history to Rook Island that bolsters the astonishing sense of place established by the captivating culture and scenery. You’ll explore ancient underground ruins, walk among the locals, and buddy up with the leaders of the native Rakyat tribe. It’s this allegiance that puts Brody on his dark path.The Rakyat can give Jason the power he needs to save his friends, brother, and girlfriend.Loss of control is an important theme throughout Far Cry 3. Jason and the majority of the main cast have a hard time keeping it together, either because they’re coming

unglued or have already lost it. Jason’s allies and enemies don’t feel like video game characters – they feel like people, largely because the fantastic performances are among the best acting in video games. Vaas’ manic outbursts make you fear his volatility; his madness is amusing until he snaps. His boss Hoyt is frightening because he’s as intelligent as he is irrational. As a wise old butler once said, some men just want to watch the world burn – Hoyt wants to profit on scorching the earth. Meanwhile, Vaas’ rivalry with the Rakyat gives him a reason to put Jason down.Jason, while not necessarily likable, is a great lead because of his relatable flaws. He and his friends lived a posh, pre-paid life in Santa Monica, but immaturity strained his relationships and ambition. Murder is the first thing he’s been good at and he starts living for it. “It feels like winning,” he tells a freaked-out friend. And it does. The allure of Far Cry has always been the open-ended tactical choices available during each encounter, and the variety of ways you could take down targets. With dynamic variables like aggressive wildlife and roaming pirates, your stealth and aggro options open up more than ever. I loved letting bears and tigers out of their cages in pirate outposts – the animals took care of the dirty work for me and I’d claim the enemy’s checkpoint as my own.

The satisfaction of claiming an enemy stronghold as your own is the same regardless of how you get it done. These bases become hubs for selling loot found in chests, buying better weapons, and attaching scopes and silencers. Better yet, they’re fast-travel spots, allowing you to navigate Rook Island’s breadth efficiently. Outposts are a great convenience, but they also represent something larger. Maps are cluttered and often confusing, too, so navigating to the next objective can be challenging. Taking over control points in the adversarial modes ends up as aggressive games of tug-of-war that any shooter vet is more than familiar with.

The competitive incentives function much like Far Cry’s contemporaries, too, with weapons and attachments unlocking with each level-up. This speaks to the multiplayer’s overall ambition: It’s serviceable, but is afraid to do anything other than explore old territory. The extensive map editor, which allows for terrain deformation, the addition of wildlife (including sharks that swim on land, angry tigers), and custom-created objects, presents the chance to make something better.

Both online modes feel superfluous and out of place, but neither is bad. Both serve a purpose for a certain crowd, but the kind of person who connects with Jason Brody’s story likely won’t fall for simple co-op and a forced-but-functional competitive side.Source: http://ie.ign.com

The feisty Jewel and the nerdy Blu are back. They also have their three city slicker kids in tow who are going to the Amazon along with their parents to meet some more rare macaws. Is it worth it to accompany them on this adventure?

Critics say expect too much on this journey -- too much plot, too many issues, too many characters. Writes Betsy Sharkey of LA Times, “Wonderfully animated and well-voiced, Rio 2 is nevertheless too much. Too much plot, too many issues, too many characters. But not too much music. In trying to fly too high, the film does too much flailing and floundering to soar.”

Jesse Eisenberg (Blu) and Anne Hathaway (Jewel) are back along with Nico (Jamie Foxx), Pedro (will.i.am), Rafael (George Lopez) and Luiz (Tracy Morgan). This eclectic animal and human cast has new entrants who add a lot of fun to the film.

“Kristin Chenoweth is the irresistible voice of the poisonous frog and stands as one of the film’s best new additions… Thanks to Mars, Roberto’s a smooth operator, flirty and funny - and that voice. If there is a Rio 3, sigh, let’s at least lobby to have Roberto and Gabi, the lovely Broadway frog, take over,” adds Sharkey.

While the cast has its stars, it is the story and direction which fail to hold their own. Tom Russo of Boston Globe says, “The story flows, but not always freely, thanks to its manufactured feel. The filmmakers sometimes do better, surprisingly, by simply repeating themselves… The Rio franchise may well go on, too, but hopefully with a story that really does feel natural next time.”

The trouble is the team, led by director Carlos Saldanha, appears to be trying too hard. As Stephenie Merry of The Washington Post writes, “There’s the main plot and there’s a parallel plot involving an ornithologist named Tulio and his wife, Linda. There’s more, too, including an American Idol-like talent tryout, a love triangle between Blu, Jewel and her old pal Roberto (Bruno Mars), and a West Side Story-caliber rivalry between the Spix’s macaws and the scarlet macaws that share the rain forest.”

Just like the first film, music is the highlight of this film. “The musical numbers reach saturation levels, but the Latin-influenced jamming and singing are absolutely fabulous. Rio 2’s music might even save the 3-D animated action-adventure about endangered South American blue macaws from the terrible 2s that affect so many sequels,” says Sharkey.

“Rio 2 is curiously devoid of decent comedy, but the song-and-dance routines, which are beautifully choreographed, lead to the movie’s biggest laughs, especially when the contestants keep getting eaten by predators. All in all, though, the movie feels at once too busy and too derivative. That’s no easy feat, but it’s also one sequel-makers probably shouldn’t aspire to,” concludes Merry.

Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com


Main Auditorium

Civic Theatre

Colm O’Regan created the Twitter sensation @irishmammies and introduced the world to the gentle wisdom of Irish Mammies everywhere. In just six months he (or she, actually he’s not really sure any more) gained nearly 40000 followers including famous authors like Marian Keyes and Hollyood star Minnie Driver. And now he’s made a complete SHOW of Mammy.

Do you have a son working in something to do with computers?, Had you to ask the young one in the shop to put the credit on the phone? Did you have the pavlova? Colm O’Regan, brings the world of the Irish Mammy to life in a unique and dotey way. Make sure you bring along your own Irish Mammy to the Cat Laughs hit show.

Warning – this show may be best accompanied with tea and a bun.

‘Deadpan with Hilarious consequences’ – Irish Times

Thursday, 24th April @ 8pm

Admission: €15 & €12 concession

Tallaght Entertainment

The Burning Question

What happens to all the Easter Eggs when Easter is over?When we were younger my Dad

used to have a great time eating

all the eggs, we as kids didn’t

particularly like them, I think it was

just the done thing that people

bought eggs.

Geraldine 26 Kilinarden

I used to get loads of eggs,

probably because I was an only

child. All my aunts, uncles and

neighbours used to give me an

Easter egg. My favourite one

though wasn’t the big ones it was

those chocolate cream eggs,

probably because of the mess I

used to make with them. I would

have the cream all over the place.

Patricia mid 30s Knockmore

We were just allowed 2 Easter

eggs each. I loved Easter then

and the excitement of doing the

Easter Bunny hunt. My mam used

to hide eggs all over the house

but usually forgot how many there

was and after looking for ages she

would say that’s them all but sure

we would still find one or two on

Easter Monday. We ate the eggs

ourselves in case somebody else

would be looking for a bit. Brendan

21 Citywest

When we were kids we got too

many eggs at Easter like. We

would eat some of them but you

would get sick looking at them. I

remember one year we probably

had some still in the summer like.

My parents used to say if “you

don’t eat them you wont get any

next year” But we did..

Jo 30 Blessington

Irelands Got Mammies

Here are a couple of events to catch over

Easter in Tallaght

Metro Café BarLive Music / Karoke Every Mon & Tues -Last Orders 1.30am ALL BOTTLES - €3.50 ALL SHOTS - €3.50 ALL COCKTAILS - €3.50 SELECTED PINTS - €3.50


Our Open Mic Nights showcase the best in local talent and take place in our Café Bar throughout the year. If you are interested in taking part get in touch with us at [email protected].

Date: April 25thTime: 7pm Price: FREE

14 www.tallaghtexpress.com

TallaghT ExprEss Crossword sponsorEd by CiviC ThEaTrE

The first letter of each answer is written next to its clue in alphabetical order.Can you find the words then fit them correctly into the grid?


9 They’re paid for services rendered (9)10 Shown to be unfit during a gym session (5)11 Games period (7)12 Undisclosed military rank (7)13 Three points go to my opponent (5)14 Good ones can always grow better (9)16 Sporting event one’s bound to compete in (5-6,4)19 Cricket finalist? (4,3,2)21 Guide back to border (5)22 It reminds chaps to give me priority (7)23 Gift for the poor — a

welcome gesture (7)24 A student on board having a dance (5)25 Haricot bean, for exam-ple, not a starter (3-6)


1 Fortuitous bit of scoring? (10)2 Noel’s tower of strength (8)3 It won’t play a principal part (6)4 Novelist makes friends across the Channel (4)5 Photograph monster that’s seen in the garden (10)6 Benefit from investment is cut about a quarter (8)

7 Site includes a splen-did residence (6)8 Something troubling your eye, initially (4)14 Young and inexperi-enced musicians? (10)15 They watch sport etc as recreation (10)17 Set me up with intel-lectual? Hard cheese! (8)18 Nothing lost, having everything provided (3,5)20 Naive politician caught in a web of lies (6)21 Enclosure sheep is held in (4,2)22 Just think, she may inspire you (4)23 Animal quarters? (4)

Solution from last Issue

WIN A PAIR OF TICKETS TO Civic Theatre Tallaght

WEIGHING-INLoose End Studio


Presented by Cailín Deas Productions

Written by Ger GallagherDirected by Caroline FitzGerald

Weighing-In is a fast paced comedy about life, love and dieting and how we all need to adjust the scales to find the right balance. Set in the Ea-si-Slim diet clinic we meet the highly driven Pam and the motherly Breda. Both attend the weekly weigh-in and strike up an unlikely relationship. Pam has reached her target weight and has only joined up to maintain and brag about the weight she’s lost. Breda has diligently attended the Easi-Slim meetings but just can’t manage to win the battle of the bulge – until Pam comes along to power walk her into shape. With her low-calorie intake and rigorous exercise regime, Pam intro-duces Breda to life in the fasting lane.

‘No flab on this weighty drama’ - Evening Herald


Tuesday, 20th May - Saturday, 31st May 2014 @ 8.15pm Admission: all tickets €12 Special Bealtaine offer on Wed 21st May & Wednesday, 28th May @ 3pm all tickets €10


Talk to Tina Tallaght Express’ very own agony aunt is here to help you. No problem too big, noprob-lem too small, Tina is here to give you the advice you need and steer you in the rightdi-rection. Don’t worry, it’s completely confi-dential, just send in your problem to inatal-

[email protected]

Dear TinaI am a 15 year old boy and I hate my life. I am in school

doing my junior cert and I am probably one of the few in my class that actually wants to stay in school and do well. The

way I see it is that if I manage to pass my leaving in a few years I might get an apprenticeship and eventually a good job. The

problems is that all the lads I hang around with are into drugs and drinking cans, robbing out of the shops and mitching from school. I can’t tell them that I don’t want to do this. They would jeer me and probably beat me up. I am afraid not to go out with them because of what they will do but all I really want is to do well in school and get work when I’m older. Most of the people where I live are on the dole and I don’t want that life for me. Ben.

Dear Ben,Good for you knowing what you want for your future. What you need now is some help to make that happen. Is there anyone you can trust to talk to – an older brother or sister, parents, the guidance counsellor in the school or perhaps a counsellor in one of the community group projects near you? Talking to someone will help you to stay strong and work towards achieving your plans. Often gradual change is best. Can you gradually move away from the lads that you are hanging around with now, stay home more in the evenings and catch up on your homework or study? What about joining a local club like football, sport, kickboxing or something like that and making new friends who have the same interests as you. The trick is not to fall out with the friends you have now but gradually move away from them, replace them with new people and become too busy to care what is happening with them. Best of luck with the Junior Cert.

Dear Tina,About a year ago a new boy moved into our estate. We are both 22. I really fell for him and my friend told him. He told her we would be perfect for each other except for the fact that he had a girlfriend already. He told my friend he really liked me and thought I was

really attractive but he was happy with his girlfriend. Last week I heard that he is broken up with his girlfriend. Should I contact him and ask him out? I still fancy him like crazy.Help, Stephanie.

Dear Stephanie,It would probably not be a good idea to ask him out just now. You don’t want to be the rebound girlfriend or having him show his ex that he can get another girl straight away. Give him time to get over the last relationship. The fact that it lasted for at least a year shows that it was quite serious and he is still licking his wounds. Try to get to know him and develop a friendship. If there is an attraction there he will ask you out if he is free to do so.

Dear Tina, I am a 40 old woman and have never been married. I have had a few relationships but they didn’t last very long. Now I have fallen in love – what I think I have never felt before in my life. My boyfriend is great. He is romantic, funny, caring and always looks after me – in fact he spoils me rotten and I love this. The only drawback is that he is only 26. I feel too embarrassed to go out in public with him so I tend to cook at home, have movie nights where we rent films, eat popcorn and such in my house. We have gone out a couple of times and he wants to hold my hand or kiss in public and I feel dreadful and just want to get back indoors. I see how people look at us and all I can think of is being seen like a desperate, ridiculous “cougar”. It hurts him that I cannot cope with how other people would judge us but, for the moment anyway, he is very understanding. This is tearing me apart because I genuinely do love him and hate hurting him.Frantic, Deirdre.

Dear Deirdre,Okay you know the good points here – you are so lucky to have found a man to love and who loves you in return. Obviously he is not embarrassed by the age difference when he is out in public with you and he is kind and understanding when you are uncomfortable. It is not realistic to think that you can continue your relationship in secret for ever. You will need to brave the outside world sometimes. The more you do this the easier it will get. You say you can see how people look at you – so what? You are happy and in love with your boyfriend. He is happy and in love with you. Why not put your energy into the relationship instead of wondering what other people think? It could surprise you to know that usually people are so caught up with their own stuff they rarely have much time to worry about other couples. Also you say he is getting hurt by your reluctance to go out with him. Ask yourself which is most important – stopping hurting him or worrying about what the neighbours think? The neighbours will soon get used to seeing you together and stop even thinking about it. Enjoy your loving relationship and let it blossom.

16 www.tallaghtexpress.com

Letters To Home We all know someone who has emigrated and left Tal-laght, may it be for work or just to see a bit of the world. Would you like them to tell us how they are progressing in their new venture?

We are asking people in far off fields to get in touch and let us know what its like to live in another country and adapt to different things like time difference, culture food etc. We contacted a couple of emi-grants who kindly wrote to us and sent us a couple of photos from where they live now.

Tell us about yourself?

My name is Adam and I’m from Old Bawn in Tallaght. I finished

studying European Studies in IT Tallaght last year, and I’m

currently teaching English in Santiago, Chile.

What made you emigrate from Ireland?

Well, I love living abroad and think it’s something that everyone

should do at least once in their life. Before Chile, I lived in Spain for

the 3rd year of my degree and was part of the Washington Ireland

Program in the USA this summer too. I also travelled to countries

in Europe and the Middle East during my college years, so South

America was an opportunity to see something new.

Of course, there’s also the Irish economy to take into account. I felt

that there weren’t enough opportunities back home at the time, but

hopefully that will change in a few years.

Why Chile?

There are lots of jobs

in Chile for native

English speakers. Plus

you have the chance to


a different


and learn



at the


time too.

I’m also

here as

I got to


Michelle Bachelet

– the president of Chile –

in Dublin a year ago. We

talked for about 10 minutes

and she personally invited

me, which was pretty cool.

Tammy’s Adventure in OzMy name is Tammy, and I am 21 years old from Cookstown Tallaght.

Two years ago I dreamt of travelling to Australia to experience this wild country that I had heard so much about.So after working hard and saving my pennies, in January 2013 I hugged my family good bye and headed to the land down under for a working holiday.I landed at the city of Brisbane, Queensland, and spent the first six months here. The city reminds me very much of home except for the fact that it is warm and sunny for the most part of the year. I worked mainly in childcare and on the weekends did many day trips to the local beaches on the famous Sunshine and Gold Coast, making the most of the clear blue skies, sunshine and sand between my toes. I had the opportunity to visit Australia Zoo, where the late Steve Irwin held his famous crocodile shows and set up his animal sanctuary. Life in Brisbane was lots of fun and I had many great nights out enjoying the nightlife of the city.

The next stop on my journey was Darwin – the top end of Australia. It was here that I witnessed the most spectacular sunsets, which were enjoyed while swigging on a pint of cold beer. It was here that I had one of my craziest experiences- getting a lift to the Lytchfield National Park in the back of a friend’s work ute. It was a wild ride there sitting in the back on the tool box, the car filled with a bunch of backpackers. After a day seeing the spectacular scenery, it was on our way home that trouble struck- we ran out of fuel! Stranded on the highway (a backpackers worst nightmare), we had to hitch hike 50kms to the nearest fuel station and then hitchhike back to the car so we could finish the drive home.After my month in Darwin, I had made up my mind that I wasn’t finished with my Adventure in Oz so decided to do my regional work so I could get a second year visa. I endured an 11 and half hour bus ride with another Irish friend to start it at tiny town called Thangool. As part of the work we managed a local pub and it happened to be when construction on a major project was taking place and there were hundreds of workers in a camp just up the road. They would come into the pub to party on their down time and many of them were Irish lads. There were many fun nights and road trips and it was here that I made some of the best memories and richest friendships and experiences. I really felt like an Australian local. The only staff member who had a full license, I became the courtesy bus driver and couriered many a drunken sailor back to their work camp!

Once my regional work was done I surprised my family and headed home for Christmas. I will never forget their faces when I walked through that door. I spent the time back home working and catch-ing up with friends before again heading back to Oz. I arrived in March and after one month seeing old friends in Brisbane, I decided to head back to the bush to stay with my good friend Katrina in her cottage in a pretty town on the Dawson River.

Here the adventure is only just beginning. I have already been so busy tripping around the countryside and recently had the opportunity to visit an Aboriginal community to run a kids holiday pro-gram with my friend. It was a very eye opening experience and the kids loved me and were fascinated with my blue eyes.Another big pastime is spent on big properties – from 3000 acres up to 85000 acres. Most of the time we are catching up with locals but my friend is a keen horsewoman and so she has been teaching me all she knows while I watch her train horses. Before I came I knew nothing about them but I am starting to realise it is a lot like working with children. The day where I actually ride is still to come, but I am sure it won’t be long. I look forward to seeing everyone when I return home but until then I will keep enjoying the journey, free as feather xxx

Tammy Dixon



DO’s and DON’Ts on Job Interview

A job search can be hard work and very often is frustrating,

however as this is your chance to make an impression to your future boss , there are Do’s and Don’ts that you should make sure you follow in interviews.

Do take a practice run to the location where you are

having the interview or otherwise be sure you know where it is and how long it takes to get there. You don’t want to be late.

Don’t rely on your application or

resume to do the selling for you. No matter how qualified you are for the position, you will need to sell yourself to the interviewer.

Do your research and know the type of job interview

you will encounter, prepare and practice for the interview.

Don’t chew gum during the interview.

Do dress appropriately for the industry to show you are

taking the interview seriously.

Don’t interrupt the interviewer before

they have finished asking you a question and never finish their sentences for them.

Do expect to be treated appropriately. If you believe

you were treated inappropriately or asked questions that were inappropriate or made you uncomfortable, discuss this with a Career Services advisor.

Don’t make derogatory remarks about past

or present employers.

Social Entrepreneurs Ireland has launched their nationwide search for people who have innovative ideas and new solutions to solve some of Ireland’s social and environmental problems.

The annual competition, now in its tenth year, has backed 169 social entrepreneurs to date and invested €5.4 million in direct funding to projects in areas ranging from community and active citizenship, education and learning, environment and sustainability and mental and physical health. Social Entrepreneurs Ireland is the country’s largest and most active funder of social entrepreneurship and is this year providing €420,000 in funding to nine social entrepreneurs. A further €180,000 worth of support will also be made available to successful applicants, ensuring that they are equipped to scale and grow their organisations in order to impact as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.

Fintan Warfield, Sinn Féin’s Representative and candidate in Templeogue-Terenure, said:

“I would urge as many of Dublin’s brightest and ambitious social entrepreneurs as possible to submit their ideas to some of Ireland’s most entrenched social problems which exist across the state and work to have a positive impact on our society. “Closing date for entries to the 2014 competition is 5pm on Monday, 28th April. Following a multi-stage review process, the winning nominees will be announced at a ceremony in November 2014. For full details on the Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Awards Programme, and to access the application form itself, please visit www.socialentrepreneurs.ie”

Dublin South West Applications Invited to €600,000 Support Programme

18 www.tallaghtexpress.com

Name:..........................................................................................................................................................................Age:.....................................................Phone Number:.............................................................Address:.......................................................................................................................................................................................

Kid’s Corner The week’s funnies

Q: What does a nosey pepper do? A: Gets jalapeno business!

Q: What do you call a fake noodle? A: An Impasta

Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?

A: An Investigator

Q: What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?

A: Every morning you’ll rise and shine!

source: http://www.jokes4us.com/miscellaneousjokes/schooljokes/kidjokes.html

Send your name and contact number to:

Tallaght Express,The Kennedy Building,

Main Street,Tallaght, D24

And you will be in the draw to win a Family Pass to

Tallaght Adventure World

Colouring Competition

Winner of our colouring

CompetitionBreanna Age 5


yummy recipesLasagna

IngredientsOriginal recipe makes 12 servings 1 pound sweet Italian sausage3/4 pound lean ground beef1/2 cup minced onion2 cloves garlic, crushed1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste2 (6.5 ounce) cans canned tomato sauce1/2 cup water2 tablespoons white sugar1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil leaves1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds1 teaspoon Italian seasoning1 tablespoon salt1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley12 lasagna noodles16 ounces ricotta cheese1 egg1/2 teaspoon salt3/4 pound mozzarella cheese, sliced3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

DirectionsIn a Dutch oven, cook sausage, ground beef, onion, and garlic over medium heat until well browned. Stir in crushed toma-toes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, and water. Season with sugar, basil, fennel seeds, Italian seasoning, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons parsley. Simmer, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook lasagna noodles in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain noodles, and rinse with cold water. In a mixing bowl, combine ricotta cheese with egg, remaining parsley, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).To assemble, spread 1 1/2 cups of meat sauce in the bottom of a 9x13 inch bak-ing dish. Arrange 6 noodles lengthwise over meat sauce. Spread with one half of the ricotta cheese mixture. Top with a third of mozzarella cheese slices. Spoon 1 1/2 cups meat sauce over mozzarella, and sprinkle with 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Repeat layers, and top with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil: to prevent stick-ing, either spray foil with cooking spray, or make sure the foil does not touch the cheese.Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Remove foil, and bake an additional 25 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before serving.

20 www.tallaghtexpress.com

Fair City’s Niamh Quirke encourages the nation to ‘Stay Silent’ and stand in solidarity with children who are suffering in silence every day.

RTE’s Fair City teen star Niamh Quirke is support-ing Childline’s campaign ‘Stay Silent So Children Can Be Heard’, in a bid to encourage the nation to hold a Sponsored Silence on Friday May 2nd to help Childline make the leap from a traditional phone listening service into the on-line world. Over the years there has been an explosion in new technologies and studies are showing that young people are turning away from the traditional phone call and moving to the online world for advice and support. This is why Childline has to move with the times.

Niamh and Childline are challenging the people

of Ireland to ‘Stay Silent’ for a minimum of 30 minutes. No Facebook, no Twitter, no emails, no texting, no speaking- signifying the damaging effects and isolation children experi-ence when they are not heard.

Fair City viewers recently watched as Niamh’s character, vulnerable Rachel Brennan, was humiliated, blackmailed, taunt-ed and mocked at the hands of bullies. Thankfully Rachel is a fictional character but Child-line knows that bullying is far from fiction for many children in Ireland who live in misery, isolation and fear through its impact.Michelle O’Farrell, 5th Class, Scoil Treasa Naofa, Dublin 8, recently held a Silence with her class. “The ISPCC's Spon-sored Silence campaign was a fantastic activity for 5th Class to participate in. The chil-dren challenged themselves to ‘Stay Silent’ for over 4 hours which amazed everyone! The campaign allowed for plenty of

discussion in areas of the SPHE curriculum; empathising with children of their own age and actively engaging in charitable efforts and fundrais-ing. Without hesitation, I would love to get involved with a future middle/senior class in the ‘Stay Silent Campaign”

Last year Childline received

‘Stay Silent’

nearly 700,000 calls and con-tacts from vulnerable children reaching out for help. Due to a lack of funding 1 in 3 calls go answered. We receive 5% stat-utory funding for Childline, with the remaining 95% coming from donations from the public and the generosity of our corporate supporters

For more information on how to host your ‘Stay Silent’ event, log onto www.ispcc.ie/staysilent and download your fundraising pack or call the fundraising team on 1850 50 40 50.

Donations can also be made via text by texting the word SILENT to 50300 to donate €2 to Childline.



Young Jack Woolley, 15, from South Dub-lin Taekwondo Club recently represented Ireland at the Youth Olympic Qualifiers & World Championships in Chinese Taipei as Irelands sole player. Jack fought at at Flyweight [-48kg]. Jack, current Irish National Champion has proven to be a great prospect for the future, and this event was intended to make a big impact on the international stage.

Jack kicked off his competitive events participating at the YOQ on centre stage at the massive Taipei Arena, where aloft on the raised platform he impressed with a great start, and gained a few fans. A tricky round 1 draw against his Bahrain counterpart, who was known for a good silver medal performance at the 2013 Korean Open. Jack had a cautious start, but picked up great momentum with his signature head kicking ability, eventually opening up his lead to 32-12, finishing the match early at end of 2nd round as per WTF rules where a match can be stopped at end of 2nd to last round if points exceed 12. In round 2 Jack met with a fighter from the Philippines, who was very similar in stature and ability.

The match went all the way to overtime after a 16-16 draw, where Jack kept his

nerve & nabbed a vital point in the ‘next point the winner’ scenario. R0und 3 was a critical game, the winner of which auto-matically qualified to the upcoming Youth Olympics, a feat never before achieved by Irish players. The high octane trade off saw Jack once again face off against Asian op-position, meeting with Kazakhstan, current German Open Champion. A grueling match all the way to wire saw the due all tied at 17-17, until the opposing Kazak coach raised his video replay card and managed to have 3 points wiped off Jacks score, thus leaving the match at 17-14, and destroying the hopes of the youngster getting to the Youth Olympics in Nanjing, China later this year. Immedi-ately after that game, Coach Master Robert Taaffe noted, ‘We are gutted, we had some very good appeals for head shots not come through in that match, but sometimes we get ones in our favour. We have 4 days until the worlds now, so time to reset, get the head down, review future match play & get on with the job in hand’.

After 3 more days productive training with travelling coaching team Master Taaffe, and Master Niamh Buffini [Strength & Con-ditioning] Jack was back in action again competing in the World Championships. The four-day biennial championships, which took place at the Taipei Arena in downtown

Taipei City, attracted a total of 793 athletes and 472 officials from a record 107 countries. A total of 90 international referees officiated at the championships. Round 1 saw Jack face off against the Romanian -48kg selection. Jack who ‘never has a boring match’ accord-ing to Coach Taaffe, kept his coaches on edge of their seat where he once again went all the way to golden point overtime, requiring the extra 4th round to see off his opponent 15-14 after the match was drawn in regulation time.

An exciting prospect with the local Chinese Taipei favourite was now on the cards, a match which was dubbed his ‘medal match’ by Coach Taaffe, who was excited this player was all that stood between the young Irish hopeful & the podium. Unfortunately

‘Made in Taiwan’ – A Performance to be Proud Of

the fairy-tale ending did not come, the 48kg, 6 foot tall Taipei lad was too much to overcome, a heavy 22-2 score-line perhaps flattered the local, but his form which ultimately brought an end to Jacks 2014 World Stage dream, and saw the humble Taipei fighter go on to win the 57 strong division & be awarded the title of ‘Player of The Tournament’ by the WTF. Upon return from the event Coach Taaffe noted, ‘We couldn’t be more proud of Jacks performance in Taipei, it was fu-elled by great support from back home & assistance offered by The ITU & SDTKD attending fundraisers. Hopefully this is a small stepping stone in the career of this young man, and I am sure he has opened up some doors for his juniors in coming years.’

Basketball filled the Community Games calendar last week when the Mixed Un-der 11, Boys Under 13 and Girls Under 13 competitions were held in the Basketball Arena in Tallaght.The Boys U16 and Girls U16's competi-tions were removed from the 2013 pro-gramme by National Community Games.

The Mixed U11 took to the court on Mon-day with 5 teams looking to progress to the next round. A preliminary match be-tween Ballyboughal and Clondalkin, saw Ballyboughal progress to the round-robin competition. A number of close games saw competitions go down to the wire, but it was Malahide that emerged with Gold medals, Ballyboughal took silver, Drimnagh took bronze, and 4th place medals went home with Balbriggan.

The Boys U13 were in action on Tues-day night with 4 teams from Ballyroan, Malahide, Ballyboughal and Drimnagh all taking to the court. Teams matching each other point for point produced some exciting games and some surprising results. Gold medals were decided in the last match of the night when Malahide and Drimnagh faced off. It was a fast paced game from the start with neither team giving an inch and it was Drimnagh that edged ahead and secured Gold, while Malahide took Silver. Ballyboughal

Community Games at the Arena

narrowly defeated Ballyroan, who returned to Community Games after a number of years, but in their first event they travelled home with 4th place medals.

The Girls U13 took to the court on Wednes-day with teams from Malahide, Drimnagh, Clontarf and Clondalkin all looking to secure a place in the Leinster finals. A number of electrifying games were played with amaz-ing skills on display. Drimnagh did the dou-ble and won Gold, while Malahide returned home with Silver. Bronze went to Clontarf while 4th place medals were presented to Clondalkin.

It was another hugely successful year for Community Games Basketball, and Congrat-ulations and Thank you to the co-ordinators, organisers, referees, coaches and participants who all helped to make it the success it was.

Next Action: Badminton, Spikeball, Camogie, Hurling, Outdoor Soccer, Skittles, Pitch & Putt, Gaelic Football, Hardcourt Tennis, Mini Rugby are all taking place after Easter, and entries are still being accepted for all events. Entry forms available from your local area secretary, or www.dublincommunitygames.ie.

For more information on competition entries, contact your local secretary, or Dublin Com-munity Games office, 872 8203

22 www.tallaghtexpress.com

Express Motoring

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. confirmed a four-year global partnership with the UEFA Champi-ons League including the UEFA Super Cup. This agreement represents the Japanese man-ufacturer’s largest ever sponsorship deal and will establish Nissan as an official partner worldwide from 2014/15 to and including the 2017/18 seasons.

“Innovating to excite is what Nissan does, and as partners with UEFA we are looking to introduce new ways in which to enrich the UEFA Champions League experience,” said Roel de Vries, Corporate Vice President and Global Head of Marketing and Communications for Nissan. “Europe’s most prestigious football competition will be an import-ant global platform for Nissan, and our aim is to show fans all over the world the excitement of both football and our cars. Both are created by amazing people who have a passion for what they do.”

As an official partner, Nissan will have extensive rights to the matches, pre-match training sessions, content, media, hospitality, events and the Final.

Commenting on the agreement, Guy-Laurent Epstein, Market-ing Director of UEFA Events SA, said: “We are delighted to have Nissan as an official partner of the UEFA Champions League as of next season. Nissan is a truly leading global company and is part of the fourth largest automotive group in the world. We feel that the partnership will provide a great deal of innovation and excitement across all markets worldwide, and we are convinced that Nissan can use the platform that the UEFA Champions League offers to further build on their current success.” Jeanne McGann, Head of Marketing & Communications in Nissan Ireland, com-mented “We’re very excited to be part of this initiative and the opportunities it provides; we look forward to an interesting four years ahead!”

According to de Vries, the UEFA Champions League reaches over 4 billion TV viewers a season and the deal will bring Nissan to new audiences and keep the brand at the fore over the course of the


European football calendar.

The UEFA Champions League is another example of Nissan’s dedication to exciting sports which already includes the brand’s proud sponsorship of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Olympic Teams GB and Mexico, Africa Cup of Nations, NCAA Football, Heisman Trophy, Canadian Football League and GT-R ambassador Usain Bolt – a renowned football fan.


Express Motoring

• New version of the MINI Country-man debuts at New York Auto Show.

• All engines now EU6 compliant,

The new MINI CountrymanEnhanced efficiency, refinement and new rugged styling cues boost appeal of four-door Countryman.

CO2 reductions across range.

• Cooper S output increased to 190 hp• Rugged new exterior styling and opti-

mised acoustic comfort.

• Enhanced driving performance, opti-mised aerodynamics and fuel consump-


• New colours available, including Jungle Green, Midnight Grey and Starlight BlueA new version of the MINI Country-man – the first MINI to feature four doors,five seats and optional all-wheel-drive – will debut at the New York.

International Auto Show, further boosting the brand’s advance into the premium compact segment.

Updated exterior design, optimised fuel consumption and emission figures –as well as innovative equip-ment enhancements – contribute to the more mature character and increased appeal of the new MINI Countryman.

With striking body design accents, re-fined premium characteristics in theinterior and enhanced efficiency, the new MINI Countryman builds upon the strengths of the previous model. An important pillar of growth for MINI with 350,000 units already sold worldwide, this model has every-thing it takes to attract new custom-ers into the MINI brand.

Increases in power output, improved aerodynamic properties and furtherefficiency enhancements (thanks to MINIMALISM technology), have resulted in better acceleration and top speed in some models.

All model variants now have low-er fuel consumption and emission figures, as well as meeting EU6 emission regulations. MINI’s ALL4 all-wheel-drive system continues to be available on MINI Cooper, MINI Cooper S, MINI Cooper D and MINI Cooper SD Countryman. The MINI ALL4 system comes as standard with the MINI John Cooper Works Coun-tryman.

The new MINI Countryman is available to order from MINI dealers nationwidein late spring.

24 www.tallaghtexpress.com