4 'A . M . E d itio ri THJ VOL. 15. NO. 98. .Hogy^ 01 ^ forEconomi Extending^ WAR VETERAN THOUGHT DEAD .W6ITS MOTHER TACONIA, WMh.. July M' WUUam M. Rob»rtM« sol bome from the World war iM t nlclU ind BuiprlMd his mother. Mrs. AUe« Ooty. -I uniu i-ou drat kno« «to ■ nm." he ^ But 1)19 mother knew. ••My boyi MV boy!- My prayers ^ have been •wwcredl" elic cried. , Robertaon left home before lhe ’• wor. inter eniUied tind »er\'cd In Prance where he wm gotoefl. He has been In Oeorslft for never- Bl years. Ills inoiher thought he lisd been killed in the war. IDAHO INDIANS NEAR END OF SUN DANCES POCATELLO, July M a*) - Un- (Iftunltd by htftl nnd tova Ifirlf n> ftw l nnri rtrlnV -nnrf «-IH ' " only occaslonul re-i>. Indians of thi BnnnocK nnd Shoshone tribes wltl vtoltlnR members of the Washakli and Sioux were nearlnu the close o _______ Uic-.unnuaJ _syn dances tonlglit Since Wednesday cvenlnR Uie Indl- ai» have continued a monotonouj advance and retreat to nnd from thi nun dance imle nnd by dnnce am prnyer hnvc ^ouRht henllh throuRi ^hc rays of the «un nnd divine ac of tiu- crest splrh.; More llinn 40 Shoshone Indian started the d.iiice near old Fort Hoi with 30 men and women taking psr In the Bannock Creek cercnicnle! Thplr nun.bcrs w.-re only sllBhtl: thinned the half-way mark o the thrce»oiiy cerfimony wtu passci and IhMe quitting the dance re ^ mained wlihln the willow enelosur where Ihey eontimie to fast. Th dann wiU-cIom tJatttrday forenoQi and after a day of rest n feast wll be spread lor all tne Indians. TURKEYS ROUT WORMS'- ^ IN FIELDS OF 0RE6QI EOSEBUnO. Ore- July 2J fflV Turkey* sn routing tnvadlnrhordi of army- wttrru In the OougU i One raiSTcJ^ reported that ^ turkeys ho^ r a d lcated t b e ^ r t ^ - trr tB«r^i7*>**JiWf*-nuir bers of tho birds nre being Uam " ;• ported dally Inlo' lhe_ (w'rdcn di; IrlcU ofMelrose and Dllliird. ” Turkeys may be safely usei growers have discovered. In prn< llcally nil aren.s exccpt that planle In htoccoU whleh. a« a diet, » fowls prefer to worms. The army worm Invnilon threa' - ened lo destroy mont of The garde crops In the valley. EPlDEMlC'Or CHOLERA SWEEPS ACROSS CHIN - ■_ MUKDEN.:,Mar.cliffu£U(>._t{j*ltt J'lly 30—Cholera, now epldcm In China, U icpreadlng to many se< tlons or Manchuria. Serious ou breaks wero reported todny In ni merouRcHlct.The «on,v w u n t Ouw lino, wh-.-re SOOeases and 130 deat have be^n ^or<led~- idahobureau ' awards -- ^— ROAD-WORK CONTRACT - B01S7. July 29 (/I^-BId* on »« _______ MQ-uorULOfailehway work wert o; en«d tfiJay by the bureau of hlsl ways nnd convractji awarded. Dunn and Baker. Klamath- Fal ^ Orr<;on. won the contract for oil au ft • — fiielna IG.S miles of highway In A< 5 __. _____ nnt\_Ca«iOTi coutiUw._J.5.mWe5. I __________It on Ihi Annarort htPhwnv unrt nillea fcvtwerii St.ir and Desert ce nel-s.T!>Pb;dwa»mOJ. For bJi;dlng Ihe Topaa underpi In Banrock eoun'.y and Rradlnit ai , mirfaeln-; in eonneetion wllh U. t Oreen River Lumber company, are' River. W.-omlnK, wa* low bidder illB l. A bid Of iS736 uon the eo triici for Sutherland Burns, Ida: Fdls, iMf revision of one half m of the Old OreRon Tr.ill west CJeorgetown ip Bear Lake county. JO For grading and drulnln; 16 ini: ^ of the Lemhi Itlghwiy between Lei hi and Lendo:c,'J. A. Terteilng a sons. Spokane, wa^ low wllh I39J farm prices ADVANCE 5 POINTS DURING MONT WASaiNQTtiN. July M C-D A general advance of 5 points the level of farm price* durlnij l month ended July is, was report • today by the department of ag: culture. The Improved condition was t tributed to a »t\acp uplura in prit of hogs, cattle, egg* and cotton a 10 minor advances In other comn; ------------- ^tmii:i. . The July 15 farm price Ind complied by the bureau of acrlci tural economic* stood at 47 per ct of the pre-war average, the gi being the largest recorded sir July. ib: o. The July 15 index was 2J poll • below that ol a ycar ago and li - Uwn one half of the average July Indices 'for the precedltij fi years. The biiresii added, howev that "there Is ^omr comi>enAaUon y Uils xomewhal di'coiiractng plctui In tlm t there aeie fharp declines . the price* of fommodlllcs tl; farmer* buy and in, thf- v.ages hired farm Ubor during the pi year. E T \^ tsAsso w m . uzunni or AaaocjiATXD ro x M ■___ itlines lie Campaign Across Land Nine-Point Prooram Includes •I' Every Industry and Draws J ;;, Outstanding Leaders ol Nation Into Consultation ' * Dr JOHN F. aiESTER fAssoclaud Preu SUff Writer) W ASHINOTON, July 2®-PlatU for a eonccjted push toward naUonal economle rehablllta- lhe tlon—reaching from coast lo coul In and Inlo every Industry—wert'oul- lined In a nlne-poInt program todaj Cf. by President Hoover, he! ^peaking <iuleUy, the chief execu- Itlve counted off (a newsMpermer {called to hls offlcc. one pdlni aflei another of a project upon Which h< and adminUlralloii leaden, ore a< es ", Quickly he enumerated plaiu U Un. replace slum districts, stlmulali tMai programs for railway replacemen °,,h and repair, broaden livestock am ti'JlJceacr louns, cjpand a « llt faciiitiei ..I,., I nnd speed up the movement of agrl cultural commodities. 6 of Wlien these variegated effort# ar gm I further ndvanced. the presiden idl-jsnld. tile '’business and industriil lous'commltices composed of promlnen the I men In eiich of thi] 13 federal rc and laerve districts whl be called Inl URh conference "w llh a view to estab »cl llahlng united and concerted oclloi on a broad front throughout Ui iBHs country." (]all Should all Uiese leaders come l nart the national capital simultaneous! lies, the gatlierlng might well esUbltsh litly new high In efforts tb Improve th : of nation economically. Tlie commit u (d ues concerned were formed upon th re- prcsldenfs suggestion after a grou sure ol buslnesi men In Kow Yprk band Tlic ed togeUier tor coordinated ^tffor Mr. Hoover said he spoke lods of hls Ideaa and efCorU because < “ some erroneous soeculatlon" cot eemlns conferences held by hie secretaries BbUls and U m ont. dlre< [HN t07> of the Iteeonstniction corpon Uon' and olher*. Threading through almost U ichUre work ot tha program, he tin 'roe* outllnul acUvlUea of the UJOO.OO( «*“ .000 Rfconstnicuou corporation, tl lycsurday -«W> the naming TUe- c ’*Tlc»-Ar»SllIer, UUca, N#w Yor a aiii! ‘b T iu . prtsidehl----------- lumH n» iirsrSemfin'nir-pr •!y*-.sram. the president spoke of bell -‘‘“ i-orBanlslnff the corporation's w jSl.^0.000.000 powers' for (Inaiicli self-liquidating prnJecLi. An ei ‘giheer of standing he uld.^rlll : lappolnted na cholrman ol a bon tnc-ol engineers to ndvbe the corpor Itlon as to how employment mny UtlmulBted through early order* f“*njm4lerlal. I The chief executive's mention of slum-clearing cnnipalgn was 1 first public Intimation that he co lUA ‘c'nP'sltd immediate action aloi Irtft thU litie. Pund.1 for the work wou _ . come from the Reconstruction co iltt^j^.porauon. _______ _______ _ icmicl' president also bronchrd f jfc- lhe first Ume plans for railway r ou(. placement and r«palr ax arf aid nu- cniploymem and a speeding-up industry through the placing ot c eaUu , ! One of ihe mulor eftorts. to sore j (Continued on Page 37col77) "^ IT liira N G ! WSTOP LO I sur- Ada a . 01. J m porlctLIrio-Assassmal Qd.ll ___________________ _____________ 1 Three Brothers Prominc ,'i“ i I" Bootlegging Activiti •• *•'* 1 . jreen er at i PITTSBURGH. July 29 {-Ph-Oi eon- iof gangland brought death lo4ay Idaho'three czara of the undemorld rt,l|e Johnny, Jim and Arthur Volpe. Jl o f . The three brothLrs. long noto.'lt ty ifor their bootlegging actlvlUes miles |the Pittaburgh district, were si down In a Wylie avenue coffee sh . and'^y ** trio of Imported gunmen. I9J33.1 Arthur died Instan jWiih slugs In their heads. John SQ shot In the chest near the he« 'C struggled throu;^) -Uie door to i MTU street, Another shoi rang out a '' • '* Johnny collapsed In the gutter. A priest, passliut by. hurried — tho fallen booUegger's side and i ^ lhe' gasped hls last breath. lOrted I In the coffee snop. scene of agrl- underworld bombing three yei OKO.. police found Santo Blzzano, s at- waiter, crouched jMhlnd a count pilcta mumbHng almosi ineoheremiy: 1 and T don't wanna be shot. I do nmo* wanna be ohotl.’ But he had been shot—In i Index body—by one of the bullets Intent rlcuJ* for lhe Volpes, His condition « cent not serious. gain ■Tlie three killers leaped Inlo since waiting w at the curb and st away. >olnU Tom M ulvlhlll, homlelde detecU 1 less eaid hp heard two months ago II re of the Volpes*were on "the spot." l ; five district In whleh the shooUng occ: fever, red U In the heart of the a: on In where the Votpes «ere "muacl sure" In.- ies In Louis Volpe, a brother of that thies slain loday. Is the lat'. of cs of elsn. He was m Jail un a llq psst ehsrse at the time of the shcj ing, ' ' . j _____________ TBB ONLY A y iN : ____________^ IS I Cow W ith Glass S-: ^^W ndoW ^IrrSideT; ’n --------- Seems. Satisfied ST. PAIIL, MINN.. July 39 MV- . J m ''Betty.” the cow with a (la u win- III dow.' munched gnLu as. ttsual to- day luid leJt very weU. A veterinarian placed ft glaas. two by three Inches, in Betty's jrJeS yesterday *o the effect of fqods on dlgeatlve acUon might 'flWS ^ studied conveniently. The glaas ‘f"* Is mounted on a allver plate, flf D. E. Hale. Chicago, soilmol and poultry specialist, owns tho co*. A local anesthetic was used In the itlon opitmilon^ “ThLs window allows stomach contents lo be taken out any time for laboratory work wllhout any pain or discomfort to tho cow," Plat« he oiW. “ And, U wUl be %grea; )wara ftid ioj.*cIenee because the dl- illlta- gesUvi^fictlon can bo studied -at “t any time. out- ..pen suid.college had a eow with a hole In Its side which waa theiv‘ rlne )-ears. It died last spring xecu- from old age. irmen "But so far as we 'can find out alter, this the first cow In the world ch he to -idve a real window wllh a re at transparcni cover for protecUon. The experiment ts to Iry lb prove tu to several nutrition theories." ■iulale \ iment ; and ____ js f iL lO 81E8 i im rw E i Into estab- r'iiie For Seventeenth Consccutiv me to Session,-Secajrity Value leously ' ve^ihe Continue on Upward Swin mmli- _____ ' ttroun new VORK. July 29 U -^ ig n n band- showed "all clear ohead" in the si ifforL curltlcs inatkcu nguln today, ui railroad times surged nheud. pul loday ing prices gfri'emlly to the beat lev use o f since early May. ‘ eoii- Both siocts and bonds conUnui ' him lo advance, closing higher for ll dlrec- cighlli oul o( the pasi nine irodli 'H>ora- tes.'lotui, nnd bonda for Ui«-Mve: icenM' succtsalt* ataaipn. T l« stwj >t the jtits markets Ignored a modem wioo - jn tlie A number of IruSlng aluina cloa nnUlU Wllh uilvimcci Ql It ng of tloimlLcjidrose$12totcxTheda: f York. turnoN-erin the sWKk axclumtn^w --------- - T i pn n * miff-s.' or buu. uuu lo i'tft r-p ro - ■jfeerdaya.'The lUi ylrlded-to.ptx ii-taklng at limes, but ended (he w I now alon Around tlio day's be:l levels, laiiclnK Brokprs-reporled that buymg » " st'” coming from many cll J}. I throughout the country, nnd fn abroad, und thai the advance « orpo,-a-lnKai„ aecelenited by repurehaacs mny be | j ^ad been sellng short der* of ^-ay up In expectation of a let , rlcnl rcacUon. on of n ts hLs Buying of the rnll.-i. a number le con- which luive doubled in price In t along pnst few weeks, was accompanied c would rumors that the Rrcoiisiruellan . 3H cor- nance, coiporation mlRhi exu ___ loana lo renovate i-quipniPiU, ird for fo'ircaata that good crops would « vay re- bring a pickup In trafllc. nnd by aid to dlcatlon* that the carriera are . -up ofitermUiea lo pare"thelr costs f ; ot or- I ther. A meellnR o[ ewcullvra ' callefj'for August ll to consider f . spread . ther economics.________________ The weekly mercantile reviews i , provided some encouragement. ( 1 ,^ agency aald the Improved scntlm [in ----- dld-not-appeaf aa-yet to have-b 111 translated into any real liicreosc ■ w buslneas activity, but Intimated bi , ness leaders fell the way «-aa cl fin for.recovery and Uuit work of I r o l l Reeonstrunion Flnanee corporal L l.n u might soon -be fell. Tlie revl found thai retail trade lud b w fll maintained for thU tmie of y inalCS- improvemem in apota IDAHO GETS MONEY 1^,11155 FOR FOREST ROA OaDEN, Utah. July 39 l-r>-Kc , sen’lce hradquorlers here receivi ^ u n s leiegram from Washington today o«ay 10 proving the program of forefti orld - cqnatructlon--ln the district comi Dl>e. in j Utal;. part* of Wyoming. Idi itl° ™ Nevada ai,d Arizona, rc shot The projects outlined Include:' ee shop IDAHO—Secllon of lhe project en. tween DuboU aM Monlda. »m ; nstantly three bridgea on the roaln high Johnny, to Uie ir s i entrance of YellOwsl ! heart, north of Warm river. *50,000; a to the tlon of a cutoff between Montpi sul and and Aficn, Wyoming. »?5-000;'a c.-. . tlon between Idaho City and Loi Tied, ta on the naln route through the B md ad- national forest 1170.000; a porUo • as he the Sawtooth Park highway bet» of an ChallU. I3U.000.. L j; " : PUGILIST TAKES AWFUl ;oun»r, SHIPPING FROM Wl I dont -------- PORTLAND. July • 29 lA -In the "Come quick!" someone iclepht mended police last nlghu "A man is b Ion was ing up Ills wife." -A prowl car sped to the'sc into a The officers found BUI Bleu, Id sped mer heavyweight pugilist, I elolhes were lorn and blood-spal elective ed. HU upixr Up was ballered; igo that eye was black. 1-" The Bill's wife had done Uie )ob. g occur- ______ __________ il^ S M S.ERS TAKE $10,( of the BltEMERTON. Wash., July 3S t of the Two unmasked men held-up a Uquor I First 8lnte bank, Bremerton, to • shool-.nnfl ffrapea wiih eurrrnry and j \ei cstlm.’ led a ^ o r e Umd |to . i ASSOCIATED PRESS NB •nvm FALLS, IDAHO. SATUBC ed ? WIMGROUNOS tU5. _____ iih i Chaniiellor ol Gertnany,' ir Trans-Atlantic Broadcast, ^ Gives Detailed AccounI , Of Condition In Home U nc lach _____ lime any By JOHN A. BOUMAN ow," (AssoeUted Prtas Staff Writer) xeat Trv“ “ ^ * ChaneeUoi dl- K Fram 'von Papen, whose cabl d *1 ^ net ts made up of men power ful in the Junker and mUllary casU eow of the old Imperial government, as was sured the United Slates In a irans iring AtUnllc broadcast tonight Uia neither' he nor his ministers wen I out tnaneuverlnj ' for a Oennan die- .-orld lator^hlp. :h a KU address. In which he masalle< Uon. tho Versailles treaty, look on adde< tfove slRiilflcaneo becailse of iwo factori At home Germany U embroiled h I the campaign for the relchst«B clee uons Sunday, and abroad she Is in volved ’ In » new difference wltl Prance. ^ i A few hours before Uie clioneel I lor went on the nir. hU forelsi I minuter. Baron Konstantin voi Nmatht-told-thfl-f^nfh amhasta /P dor (hac when Defense Mlnlste Kurt von Schleicher threatened tiv \L oUier day to arm Oermany U th< other nations did not dUarm. h' il>oke tor every member ot the Oer , man Cabinet and for the whole Oer LltlVe man naUoh. ,i..A« Versailles lim it aiUcS Qermany's armed forces ta thi . , number needed to preserve Interlo W in g order. The von Papen radio 'spcecl 'ponsored by the InlemaitonAl IU ;iBnBl» *'orum founded:.by_Ira_flcl80i ^ .MorrLi. Amirlcan dlplomBti.-nn» li r ttiid English..a languajo-the cftanceUo ,'pull- American, way whei t *e*cl ~conilnued on Page 3. Cbi. «.) S iiM iw s iT y = SISBDllllillHlIllTlfll cloatd MINNEAPOLIS. July ia (,n • lla Na- senator WlUlam g. Borah. lrt«h< c day's chairman of lhe senate forelsn *] girwaa talrs commiltee. tentgUvely j.Qtaf> eonvocalkvi of uudenu at the Uttl he #cs- verslty of Minnesota next wecll. foU, Allbbugh efforu have been mad to aet the date far TiiP.sday or WeC iTu* Senator Borah w« . Vl™ unable lo- make such arrangemeni 1 from jin ii because of his work at Wasf ce was inston. of The sprccli. one of a series ► lori on «gftn lest Saturday tilght In a n: a tech- Ilonal radio hookup, he Indicate WUl be on the subject of forels nber of debts. International problems ar In the American farmer. nled by ------ -- Ion Fl- ' -------^ ------- extend . , _ ^ ----------- I by In- ----------------------------------------------- - are de- ls fur- - ;ra was ler fur- ewa aleo ^ nt. One { ntiment } ve-been - C- rease In f ^ ed bual- I «‘« r . ... /VS . _ of the u joratlon A reviews 0 / ' / Id been ^ I / g g , J .......... lOADS —Forest ii ^ ;. Idaho. .. i JJJ^ / highway f/M // / Owstone. Inwto ' Z w /j i //// - );-asec- -/'/^ 1 Lomao / he Botse jrUon of. \ I \ . I IT WIFE -i % L’ S ' ~ U « scene. ^ ' eu, for- :■ Blira 10,000 up the] ----------- !>• lodsy. • ,^/F^fe and ail-1 HI0W0.I WWSPAPER IN TWIN F j tBDAYjilORNlNG. JULY 30. 193 I <lk>iirt Test Fails .; . : ^ o g In-DiBpute= K - -------- H ra lB -A B -e g llr NEW YORK. July 30 WU a gowl Idea MarUtfate IIIU Orcenapan had today, only the II i n dumb. The Volte ll*'' and Carmichael famUlea both claimed him so the maglstrale ordered them lo different aides • in ot the room and had them all.- "Here, Chief.” coMed Wll- Unm Carmichael and hU daugh- ler. EUa. Tlio black and U n PO- ,,,n| dog bounded over. "Here. Jack." called LouU __j Voile and hU father, Joseph. ,dliu The dog came running back. Then P a tro lm a n James O'Rourke called: "Here.Teddy," , and w rj almost bowled over, cr) "Here. Fanny," the magistrate »Uot ronuibuted. and the tioB le»p- cabl- ed 10 Uie bench. . Jwcr- Mngutrate oAenipan gave casle up and ruled no cue had been as-1 establUhed. The dog remained rnns- [ jn Volte’s possession: . that die- ------ ---------- --- s iP lE DISCOVER! ctors. . . Coroner Finds no Inques Necessary,-As-Nole-Ex lister 1 the plains. Cause of Traged .he — ... JEROME. July M (Special lo Tli Newst-Loul4.RcAume; about 50, lot mer llvli.g nbout eight and one-ha: Imlia • milea ean of here, aeni his hired ms i w l l o tlw nelghbora to buy aome eat tcrior I ftboul flo'clock this evening, and whe . I the hired man returned he foun >cecn, • Mr. Reaume lying dead, w llh a ; I Ba* i calibre plitol at his side, iclson-' A now-found In Mr, Reaumo trunk s'jbslanUaled the theory Ilu he had Uken hl.s ou-n life. Ill' ll: note he lad written, trtv Ws Tlnar A, - cUI alfulra-were In k< xU condttloi but tha; he waa Ured of living. ^ Mr. Ro-aume waa known to lia^ II been dMrondenl for aeveral week I I Further Investigations carried on l W/-.E. Sinclair. Jerome counly coi i n i l oner, wii'? wis called aC 7 p. M, l I lu ll showed thnl M , Reaume apparenUy had laUcd In I 1'flr.n attempi lo take hla life. A plei p) — of hose, found iyldg near the o|« 'rtahw.' wtiwlQ^ni llie roMi In whleh lit w: n a f - . fouDcnicifTr wa.s cbnneeted wlUi U K e ^ CTluuat oi'the car. m o ^ , left rm U»ri*traeh li^ide ihc room.- - - t ... k.. [' Coro:ii-r Sinclair sold nd. liH|uc made ^ would l '; nrcessnry, Wed-K^ ,Mr. Rfaiiiup l.s Minlvcd by ti I was sbns, Claude Re.mme. Havre. Moi menu tans, .mu Joe Renume. Dunseli Vash- North U.ikota: unr] by two brothci James Rr-ntiinr, \Vli;ow CUy. Nor es he Dakota, and W llli.im Reaiime. Sa: a na- U Crux. California, cated. He had bcnn.a.resldentof the Je arelgn ome dUirlct for more than six >'eai s and The body U in charjte of Uie L’He I Uson mortuary. 'he Porgottei^Man-Hunt . r ............................... , W J M __________ _ CuPi'Dtfh r.M tS COVNTY AIL1 1932______________________________ ilB o m is A E i W ork I ll.' _____ . II- Police Superintendent Face: President Hoover’s Crlt- icism of Administratior Involving War Veterans te p. tBy The A»Mkl&ted Pjc»)- -TTrASHJNOTON. July 20-DU v'e ‘ Vv hU blue uniform fo en I * » eo »1civilian atUre for Uie fin cd ' ^>nie In many strenuous days an< rnlgliL-, Pelham D. Olas^focd. pollc I superlnlendent. abienled hlmsel I from tho bonus-dUturbsnce scene to I day und calmly faced Pre.'ldeii( Hoo *nn!er's criticism of his admlnUtratlor • iW : There rere rumora the retired ar . iu »’y senctal Intended lo resign, bu I'Oloiiford denied them. *I n dLMrlcl eommU ’ l ] | r doners today, the president said th •llU bonus ntbrchcta "were undoubteslt -ied-to-b»^lete-thaHl*e-elTlHiuthorl ties could be inumldaicd with impun Uest bccause of attempts U> concUlot them by lax enforcement of city o< dlnancsj and laws In many dlrec IPdv commissioners sent a reply t j Mr. Hoou-r'a cousUc lelter remind jlng him they"wrre still reaponslbl [ for law nnd order In ihe city, but the '.Tlic I tald ll would have to be made publl ; at the While House. No one th o -hall would say whether lhe reply hadAe* man reeclvarf. wlicn General Olassford had no apolc tound s>c.< to make for hU own part or Uu n j8 ; of his nu'n in ihelr handling ot U ; veteniiiA, HU flrat atalemeni waa lime's‘ clcnlat ol lhe commlMlonen'. repot that 1>0 incsldeni yesterday Uiat t p.ihe ever ha.1 ndmUted Uie situation wi Inan-Toui of iwllce control' or. requesit Ittlon,' troop lutervenllon. SNflI[DUTimKllTOIl g ; ISlH H O llflPili piece; .— T-. 0|>en 1 PROVO, Utah. July 39 (41 — D «was Oeorpe H. BrlmhaU. IB. presldei il the emeritus of B'rlgham Youn? unlve run- '.f.liy heio. ,wy found dead Uom, ^,day. PoU&j.said a Urae-c^bre^U ^u£at■wa.s found b«ildfl-lil*-bod>t - ' The hcily.waa found by lhe wldo y two Mrt. Flora Robertaon BrlmhaU, u Mon- on hei* return from a ahopping tn iselih. Dr. BrlmhaU had been conllned ither*. hU hom ; tor niore than Uiree mont: North lollpwlns a siroke of paralysis. San- . Dr. UrimliaU waa a naUve of Si UkcjCity. He waa named preside e Jer- of ihe u.»iverslty In 1903. >-cars. Dr. BrlmhaU nl/o w a acUve j’Her- clvle work and In the Lolter-D Saints church. U If Oni - " - w ' --Ti S' V- ■ rit(ht, 1933, by The New York Tribune, loi f I . f i'‘’ ^ ____ :- TOD ^ rw E .ritu y R anks e d e ra l T ro t In Nation; aces Hoover Makes G rit- Terse Remarki Jlion WASHINGTON. July 29iAV-fert paragnphs enunciated today b ra n s president Hoover concerning the bo oua-seekers' actlvlUes; ■There U no group- no matter wha u lU origins, that can be aUowed elthe LnuJ ^ violate the laws W UiU clly c lnllmldau< lhe govemmenl." I and * clvirgovemment of Washlni police must .function uninterrupted.- ln«IX cannot lolerate Uie abuse ( uXL constltullonal right by those wh •iinrT wo»W dcslroy all govemment. r •rt ar. matter who they msy be. GovemmeB 1 but be coerced by mob rule.- ■Tha tlrst obligation of my offlc nml^» \r to uphold and defend the eonsll Id the tuUon and the authority of the lai bteslly This l pi-opose a^ayis' lo do,**' ithort----------------- = = = = = ---------- i WIlSiGTONPRESS ttlSSEiiESTllCTI inslble it they . ------ * “X Police S till Hold 55 Wa Veterans and Others I J'uS; Jail Followino Clash! Ot Uie _____ report WAaHiNGTON, JtiOr 20 trtv-atw lat he Of Uy bonus riou la brief facU ar >n waa figures, with many of the latten t uesied Umalea: KUled, t vetcroo. Injured, &3, five aeriously. Tear gas vIcUms 30. • v. IIU Ariesu 139. iin . StUI held m Jail as. mostly veteran - Ineliullng 3S radicals tor Immlgri IflU rt tlon-autborlUcs; 10 for technical it lu l U vestlgatlon; nine for dUorderly coi duct and one for Inciting a riot. Veicr,;ns and apeciatoraUivolved — Dr. rioting 7000. ealdent veterana and hangers-on evlel ir o m ^ by troopa. between WOO a d 400a beiwooa lOOO ajJA.IW-*-., , .. -~"Trooprf''parttctpatf<ig Tdo."*- - wldo«'. Radl.-ala involved m cUshu. t ill, up- tween 3U0 and &00. lg trip. I RadlcuL) marched out ot elty tod ined to : by police, 70. months Veternnii evacuated voluntarily 1 ts. dty from Camp D»nltl^ a prlvt of Balt iraet In AnacoaUa. 300. esldent Veterans who went into Vlrgll - last night and were ieaeorted bs Uve In ont} cut of the city by poUee U>d er-Day via norUiwest route 330. Vctcrsiu leaving forwarding ■ dresa Anaeostla postotflce. mi Of them going to homes, between 1 und 200. • ^ Largest nurabcr-orVeifratff a h»ngera-dn In Washington sit 0 ______ tlme-velerans' adiplnUtraUon es mated UlCO-poUee fl0ur«d-betwe — 13 ono and WJMo------------------------ Veteratu who ' received govet mem transporta Uon home 67SI. ______ 'Trooia In reserve at Port My tallon. 'm ifin'w rM itM rfronrpi .Howard, Baltimore; Thirty-foui liiJantry_ deUchment ..from * •Meo?ie. Maryland, Thirteenth < Rineers, Fort Humphreys. Vlrala one platoon of tanka. Company Wrst-unk reglinanli one maohu sun troop. Tenth cavalry, TWIN FALLS-DESTINED PRISONERS PLOT SCAf ----------------BOIBF,. ■July‘'3 0 ~ ^ ’» -B 0 U e '» l got a ihUling tlirlll today, desp the mounting tempcraturea. Advijcd to open a package depot ed by ;wo young men and two gi In a dni.( aiore here before they w yiken lo T»'ln p'alU In connect wUh an automobile theft charge. 1 lice secL.ird the package from a di (.tore a-iil unbound 11. Out upon 1 ^ table rolled a pistol, liammer dra back and In all waya ready for 1 ^ lion. U AM fully loaded. There « a Quick readjustment of officera « ^ fouml ihenuelvea in front of U, ^ companion pistol woa leaded b u t' ^ cocked. i- The hammer of the charged 1 \/ was quickly lowered. / The package wao depoalied. po were advised, by a group of two n _ and lab «lrU arrested here lan Mi 32 , day rof'iw in FalU officers, Tho m jgX now helu in the Twin Palla jail. Wayiie Uylley and. Leonard Bega -"U; who said they weri\from South I kola biiv mcnllonedV>o elUes. ' ;\j (tlru »crc AUce stone and Joseph W Deatlu, bolh 13, who gave Mayp Utah, as their addresa. They arc 1 : W<i by Tw'n fj|Ila officera as male '</i wltne/jTS. ^ CASSIA COUNTY FARM yr GROUPINCORPORAT ^ BOIBE. July M ( j JV-C mIb Qa ly Potato Growers' Cooperative _ soclatlon loday filed articles of con>orallon w llh Uie .aecrelary suie with a view to handlUig counly crop o f potatoea. Incorporaiora were Prank J. K shisnlk.'Burley, and George Dur Victor Smith. WlUiam R. Glerl and Ira T.' Short. Heybum. I t «aa the second sueh organ! 1 Ilon lornied In the paat two d: lhe Minidoka aasoclalloh flUng j e. Inc. terday. •DAY: .Pair and warn£ : W ¥ :;i S P A G E S -S C E N X a 'i;^ sDwindle i ops FinisH • la l C a p ita l “ The 'Riotous Challenge to ks Government Authority Has i™ Been Met S w iftly and »- Firmly,” Says President rhat- —— tBy The Aasoclated Prcaa> ' ^ X T 7 A8KINOTON. July a — In \i\t one final gu and fire attack Tederaltroops late today awept i H* a«-ay the last vestiges ot the bonus .. army encampmenU In downtown ^ Waahlngton and heard their job * ^ pronounced well done by Uielr com- mander-ln-chlef. President Hoover. Confident Uiat order at last had H been reatored after riotous eUshea and hand to handbalUes between p»* mim. lice and veterans, the cavalry waa returned U> Port Myer. Vlrglnta, and r“ the infantry Uken In Irueks to the Waahlngton (tuarteraaaWr depot, a 8 blocks trom Uie WhlU Houae, where 11 woii quartered for the night. jiu t aa the tear-gas and torch- bearing troopers aod doughboyi wer« ttrlng their Ust veteTan-ahanty-and— T l? acaturlng the few straggling bonus* I n seekers In aU directions. President I w Hoover announoed to Uie nation that "the riotous chaUenge to govemnenC auUiortty.had been met swUUy and Mgr flrmly'.- Uajor Oeneral V .' H; • UoMler. In deputy chief of stall, sold the mill* taiy ptiasea fA the traubVta w m >heS -IIJ , now a Job for the DUtrtct ol ColumbU police force." ha added. "Of .coune Uie tr^pa will eonunue }toiT tolendahand-whereUw^oUoeneed - ana uiisUnoe. But the'Usk U to keep t M* the eampen from drlfUng baek tnto - the city and to prevent crDvdi Irom congregating, lhe campen are leaving Waahlngton In U ^e num- ben and a.pari ol our troopa bavt been withdrawn as thera will no longer be need for large patroU ot l«r»* soldlen." ' i In* LUu SeereUrr Burley ood Ua. con* Jor Oeneral Douglas MacArthur. >t. chief of SUtr, Oeneral MosdUr em- edln phaalsed .that.atUr Uw ara« teolt-- charge ot the situation yeaterday rieied not a clvUlan nor a soldier was ln> )0a Jured ao far u the War department wea been ^ to leam. ^ _ •:; -i •;a!pv5mineol_^mnot be e o fe ^ .: bymobrole.-lhepnatdenteald-em—3 '• **■ phatleaUy. Ha bas ordered a grand * Jury InvesUgaUon to* bring t« book the InsUgaton of yesurday'a clashes. If Thlrty-slx radical msmben of the nvau -bonus expedlikmary force" had' been arrested by police aa-they-left- rgmu a meeting In an abandoned chureh .back In SouUieast Washington, about 75 more of their number were escorted ^ out of Uie elty, and a general exodus I of hundreds ol veterans made head- most vay through Ute day and evening, m IW Dlatrict of ColumbU oftlclala call- ed the fr«tut fUfT Inquiry : I and Monday.------------------------------------------- ^ one The R k Cross formally offered catl- transporUtloii home to women and tween chUdrea of the,marehen. ------------- ^Th*-pmld»Dt-ani»ouneed-lbe-Jus— ivem- dcponment iras prtaains lU In- quiry into the violence resulting tn Myer. thgj^^uiflmggm^jyLtiOHeesediUie^ 12* ^ hope threulprlU woul^l be brought nd A>rt eavalfT’ oeeurnd-aa the'day wuiMT' I ^n- While the horxmen kept the streeu klnia; clf*r.-a-grearwall of black smoke ny B. pouted out over the area aa the ihine- Infantrymen applied the torrh to ev- erything that would bum and then awept on aeveral blocka tarther and '0 deatroyed one or two amaU icampa 'antr ^ aplculUire department. ARE Mony gaa bombs were exploded. Tlie velerans. prtnclpaUy from V tr-" «lnia.-Ohlo-and-Texa8.-wh»-had-Te-— esDite mained In the encampment near the capllol after yeelerday's gaa at- nniit. tack, evacuated In short D tdefon , -iri, Iho opproach et cavalry. , O f between 3000 and 40ft0 squat> ectlon lera who had been evicted from fed- .. trt- eral property by the mlllUry. at leaat idc^g billeved tonight-^ potice me to have sUrttd awuy from the cltj drawn while the remainder were scattered In varluua aectlona. Large galher- vaa txrt allowed, a who those veiemna who want It A ^ by *-ay ot MaryUnd. ut not " number of sUte trucks converged In Ulta vicinity. Many of the largo d one Broupa whleh turned north today aald they were going to Johnstown, colic- PennsylvanU. wl>ere they planned to omen orsaniie for a new advance upon Wa/.hln(rton. ifflen 1^>c soldiers who.stood guardrail Jl are “wt night and most ot today at lhe • n'aika fringes of the camps, the biggest' of h Da- wlilch had been deatroyed by firti The had Uttle to do- “nhme Seme were uaed In directing traf- ivtw'e In Anaetelia. with a amUe but ■c held 11'm ily, they waved the easily rec<«- nliable, ramshackle can knd tnicka of the bonus marchera away from the clly. directing them on thefr ray I through MaryUnd raUier than across th« bridges Into the capllail proper. »TF^ Some of the exodua bortf~paJnnil ^ marka of ye^erdaya conflict wlUi police whleh preceded the call for Couo- federal Uoopi. ve as- c ic Carlson, twnua marcher from of In- Oakland. CallfomU. was reported ry of MUI In a serious condition from a lg the police bullet wound. Oeorge Scott ot the Waahlngton police. hU akuU frac- - Ker- Ured by brlcka tn lhe tlrat eaeoim- Jurfee, lere. aUo remained In a cntlcal con- ItrUch diuon. 'The death loll, hover, atlll atood anUa- ,i ot\t. The, lone vlctUn waa WU- ' days, Hushka, 37. Chicago, ahot by a g yes- - lC0QU£ucd on page 3, CoL 3>. i

WfAssoclaud Preu SUff Writer) 8 - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...The experiment ts to Iry lb prove tu to several nutrition theories."

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4 'A . M . E d i t i o r i

T H JV O L . 15. N O . 98 . ■

.H o g y ^ 0 1^ forEconomi Extending^W A R V E T E R A N T H O U G H T

D E A D .W 6 IT S M O TH E R

TACONIA, WMh.. July M ' WUUam M. Rob»rtM« so l bome from the World war iM t nlclU in d BuiprlMd his mother. Mrs. AUe« Ooty.

- I u n iu i-ou d ra t kno« « to ■ nm." he ^

B ut 1)19 mother knew.••My boyi MV boy!- My prayers

^ have been •w w credl" elic cried. , Robertaon left home before lh e

’ • wor. inter eniUied tind »er\'cd In Prance where he w m gotoefl. •

He has been In Oeorslft for never- Bl years. Ills inoiher thought he lisd been killed in the war.


POCATELLO, July M a*) - Un- (Iftunltd by h tft l nnd tova

■ Ifirlf n> ftw l nnri rtrlnV -nnrf «-IH' " only occaslonul re-i>. Indians of thi

BnnnocK nnd Shoshone tribes wltl vtoltlnR members of the Washakli and Sioux were nearlnu the close o

_______ Uic-.unnuaJ _syn dances tonlglitSince Wednesday cvenlnR Uie Indl- a i» have continued a monotonouj advance and retreat to nnd from thi nun dance imle nnd by dnnce am prnyer hnvc ^ouRht henllh throuRi

^ h c rays of the «un nnd divine ac of tiu- crest splrh.;

More llinn 40 Shoshone Indian started the d.iiice near old Fort Hoi w ith 30 men and women taking psr In the Bannock Creek cercnicnle! Thplr nun.bcrs w.-re only sllBhtl: thinned the half-way mark o the thrce»oiiy cerfimony wtu passci and IhMe quitting the dance re

^ mained w lih ln the willow enelosur where Ihey eontimie to fast. Th dann wiU-cIom tJatttrday forenoQi and after a day of rest n feast wll be spread lor all tne Indians.

T U R K E Y S R O U T W OR M S'-

^ IN F IE L D S O F 0 R E 6 Q I

EOSEBUnO. Ore- July 2J fflV Turkey* s n routing tnvadlnrhord i of army- wttrru In the OougU

i One raiSTcJ^ reported that ^ turkeys ho^ r a d lcated t b e ^ r t ^

- t r r tB «r^i7*>**JiW f*-nu irbers of tho birds nre being Uam

" ;• ported dally Inlo' lhe_ (w'rdcn di; IrlcU ofMelrose and D llliird . ”

Turkeys may be safely usei growers have discovered. In prn< llcally nil aren.s exccpt that planle In htoccoU whleh. a« a diet, » fowls prefer to worms.

The army worm Invnilon threa'- ened lo destroy mont of The garde

crops In the valley.


- ■ _ MUKDEN.:,Mar.cliffu£U(>._t{j*ltt J 'lly 30—Cholera, now epldcm

In China, U icpreadlng to many se< tlons or Manchuria. Serious ou breaks wero reported todny In ni merouRcHlct.The «on,v w u n t Ouw lino, wh-.-re SOO eases and 130 deat have be^n ^or<led~-

i d a h o b u r e a u ' a w a r d s

-- — R O A D -W O R K CO N TRAC T

- B01S7. July 29 (/I^-B Id* on »«_______ MQ-uorULOfailehway work wert o;

en«d tfiJay by the bureau of hlsl ways nnd convractji awarded. •

Dunn and Baker. Klamath- Fal ^ Orr<;on. won the contract for oil auf t • — fiielna IG.S miles of highway In A<5 __. _____ nnt\_Ca«iOTi coutiUw._J.5.mWe5.I__________It on Ih i A nnarort htPhwnv unrt

nillea fcvtwerii St.ir and Desert ce nel-s.T!>Pb;dwa»mOJ.

For bJi;dlng Ihe Topaa underpi In Banrock eoun'.y and Rradlnit ai

, mirfaeln-; in eonneetion w llh U. tOreen River Lumber company, are' River. W.-omlnK, wa* low bidder i l lB l. A bid Of iS736 uon the eo tr i ic i for Sutherland Burns, Ida: Fdls, iMf revision of one half m of the Old OreRon T r.ill west CJeorgetown ip Bear Lake county.

JO For grading and dru ln ln; 16 ini:^ of the Lemhi Itlghwiy between Lei

hi and Lendo:c,'J. A. Terteilng a sons. Spokane, wa^ low wllh I39J

f a r m p r i c e s A D V A N C E


W ASaiNQTtiN. July M C-D A general advance o f 5 points the level of farm price* durlnij l month ended July is, was report

• today by the department of ag: culture. •

The Improved condition was t tributed to a »t\acp up lura in prit of hogs, cattle, egg* and cotton a

• 10 minor advances In other comn;------------- ^tmii:i. .

The July 15 farm price Ind complied by the bureau of acrlci tural economic* stood at 47 per ct of the pre-war average, the gi being the largest recorded sir July. ib:o.

The July 15 index was 2J poll• below that ol a ycar ago and li- Uwn one half of the average

July Indices 'for the precedltij fi years. The biiresii added, howev that "there Is ^omr comi>enAaUon

y Uils xomewhal di'coiiractng plctuiIn tlm t there aeie fharp declines

. the price* of fommodlllcs tl; farmer* buy and in, thf- v.ages hired farm Ubor during the pi year.

E T \ ^tsAsso w m . u z u n n i o rAaaocjiATXD ro xM ■ ■___

itlineslie Campaign Across Land

N in e -P o in t P ro o ra m In c lu de s

• I ' E v e ry In d u s try a n d D ra w s

J ; ; , O u ts ta n d in g L e a d e rs o l

N a tio n In to C o n su lta tio n

' * Dr JOHN F. aiESTERfAssoclaud Preu SU ff Writer)

WASHINOTON, July 2®-PlatU for a eonccjted push toward naUonal economle rehablllta-

lhe tlon—reaching from coast lo cou l In and Inlo every Industry—w ert'oul-

lined In a nlne-poInt program todaj Cf. by President Hoover, he! ^peaking <iuleUy, the chief execu-

Itlve counted off (a newsMpermer {called to hls offlcc. one pdlni aflei another of a project upon Which h< and adminUlralloii leaden, ore a<

e s " ,Quickly he enumerated plaiu U

Un. replace slum districts, stlmulali tMai programs for railway replacemen °,,h and repair, broaden livestock am ti'JlJceacr louns, cjpand a « l l t faciiitiei ..I,., I nnd speed up the movement of agrl

cultural commodities.6 of Wlien these variegated effort# ar gm I further ndvanced. the presiden id l-jsn ld. tile ' ’business and industriil lous'commltices composed of promlnen the I men In eiich of thi] 13 federal rc and laerve districts whl be called In l URh conference "w llh a view to estab »cl llahlng united and concerted oclloi

on a broad fron t throughout Ui iBHs country."(]all Should all Uiese leaders come l nart the national capital simultaneous! lies, the gatlierlng might well esUbltsh litly new high In efforts tb Improve th : of nation economically. Tlie commit u (d ues concerned were formed upon th re- prcsldenfs suggestion after a grou

sure ol buslnesi men In Kow Yprk band Tlic ed togeUier tor coordinated tffo r

Mr. Hoover said he spoke lods of hls Ideaa and efCorU because < “ some erroneous soeculatlon" cot eemlns conferences held by hie secretaries BbUls and U m ont. dlre<

[HN t07> of the Iteeonstniction corpon Uon' and olher*.

Threading through almost U ichUre work ot tha program, he tin

'roe* outllnu l acUvlUea of the UJOO.OO( «*“ .000 Rfconstnicuou corporation, tl

lycsurday -«W > the naming TUe- c ’*Tlc»-Ar»SllIer, UUca, N#w Yora aii i! ‘ b T iu . prtsidehl-----------lumH n » i i r s r S e m f in 'n i r - p r•!y*-.sram. the president spoke of bell -‘‘“ i-orBanlslnff the corporation's w

jSl.^0.000.000 powers' for (Inaiicli self-liquidating prnJecLi. An ei

‘giheer o f standing he u ld .^ r l l l : lappolnted na cholrman o l a bon

tn c -o l engineers to ndvbe the corpor Itlon as to how employment mny UtlmulBted through early order*

f “ *njm 4lerlal.I The chief executive's mention of slum-clearing cnnipalgn was 1 first public Intimation that he co

lU A ‘ c'nP'sltd immediate action aloi I r t f t thU litie. Pund.1 for the work wou _ . come from the Reconstruction coiltt^j^.porauon. _______ _______ _icm icl' president also bronchrd f jfc - lhe first Ume plans for railway r ou(. placement and r«palr ax arf aid nu- cniploymem and a speeding-up

industry through the placing ot c eaUu ,

! One of ihe mulor eftorts. to sorej (Continued on Page 37col77)

" ^ IT liir a N G! W ST O P LOI sur- Ada

a . 01. J m p o r lc tL I r io - A s s a s s m a lQ d.ll ___________________ _____________

1 T h re e B ro th e rs P ro m in c

, ' i “ i I " B o o t le g g in g A c t iv i t i•• *•'* 1 — . jreener at i PITTSBURGH. July 29 {-Ph-O i eon- iof gangland brought death lo4ay

Idaho'three czara of the undemorld rt,l|e Johnny, Jim and Arthur Volpe.

Jl o f . The three brothLrs. long noto.'lt ty ifor their bootlegging actlvlUes miles |the Pittaburgh district, were si

down In a Wylie avenue coffee sh . and'^y ** trio o f Imported gunmen. I9J33.1 Arthur died Instan

jWiih slugs In their heads. John SQ shot In the chest near the he« 'C struggled throu;^) -Uie door to i MTU street, Another shoi rang out a ' ' • '* Johnny collapsed In the gutter.

A priest, passliut by. hurried — tho fallen booUegger's side and i

^ lhe' gasped hls last breath. lOrted I In the coffee snop. scene of agrl- underworld bombing three yei

OKO.. police found Santo Blzzano, s at- waiter, crouched jM hlnd a count pilcta mumbHng almosi ineoheremiy:1 and T don't wanna be shot. I do nmo* wanna be ohotl.’

But he had been shot—In i Index body—by one of the bullets Intent rlcuJ* for lhe Volpes, His condition «

cent not serious.gain ■ Tlie three killers leaped Inlo

since waiting w at the curb and st away.

>olnU Tom M ulvlhlll, homlelde detecU 1 less eaid hp heard two months ago II re of the Volpes*were on "the spot." l ; five district In whleh the shooUng occ: fever, red U In the heart of the a: on In where the Votpes «ere "muacl sure" In.-ies In Louis Volpe, a brother of

that thies slain loday. Is the lat'. of cs of elsn. He was m Jail un a llq

psst ehsrse at the time of the shcj ing,

' ' . j

_____________ T B B O N LY A

y i N :____________^

I S I C o w W i t h G l a s s S - : ^ ^ W n d o W ^ I r r S i d e T ;

’ n ---------S e e m s . S a t i s f i e d

ST. PAIIL, MINN.. July 39 M V- . J m ''Betty.” the cow w ith a ( la u win- I I I dow.' munched gnLu as. ttsual to-

day luid leJt very weU.A veterinarian placed ft glaas.

two by three Inches, in Betty's jrJeS yesterday *o the effect of

fqods on dlgeatlve acUon might 'flWS ^ studied conveniently. The glaas •‘f " * Is mounted on a allver plate,

f l f D. E. Hale. Chicago, soilmol and poultry specialist, owns tho co*. A local anesthetic was used In the

it lo n opitmilon^“ThLs window allows stomach

contents lo be taken out any time fo r laboratory work w llhout any pain or discomfort to tho cow,"

Plat« he oiW. “ And, U wUl be % grea; )wara ftid ioj.*cIenee because the dl- illlta - gesUvi^fictlon can bo studied -at “ “ t any time.out- ..p e n suid.college had a eow

w ith a hole In Its side which waa theiv‘ rlne )-ears. I t died last spring

xecu- from old age. irmen "B ut so far as we 'can find out alter, this the first cow In the world

ch he to -idve a real window w llh a re a t transparcni cover for protecUon.

The experiment ts to Iry lb prove tu to several nutrition theories."■iulale \ iment; and ____ js

f iL lO 81E8i i m r w Ei Intoestab- —

r ' i i i e F o r S even te en th C o n sccu tiv

me to S e s s io n ,-S e c a jr ity Va lueleously ■'ve^ihe C on tinu e on U p w a rd S w inm m li- _____' ttroun n e w VORK. July 29 U -^ ig n n band- showed "a ll clear ohead" in the si if fo rL curltlcs inatkcu nguln today, ui

railroad tim es surged nheud. pul loday ing prices gfri'emlly to the beat lev

use o f since early May.‘ eoii- Both siocts and bonds conUnui ' him lo advance, closing higher for ll dlrec- cigh lli oul o( the pasi nine irodli

'H>ora- tes.'lotui, nnd bonda for Ui«-Mve: icenM' succtsalt* ataaipn. T l« stwj

>t the jtits markets Ignored a modem

w io o -jn tlie A number of IruSlng aluina cloa nnUlU Wllh uilvimcci Ql I tng of tlo im lLcjidrose$12to tcxT he da :f York. turnoN-erin the sWKk axclumtn^w--------- - T i pn n * miff-s.' or buu.uuu l o i ' tf tr -p ro - ■jfeerdaya.'The lU i ylrlded-to.ptx

ii-tak lng at limes, but ended (he w I now alon Around tlio day's be:l levels, laiiclnK Brokprs-reporled that buymg » " s t'” coming from many cll

J}. I throughout the country, nnd fn abroad, und tha i the advance «

orpo,-a-lnKai„ aecelenited by repurehaacs mny be | j ^ad been sellng short der* of ^-ay up In expectation of a let

, rlcn l rcacUon. on of nts hLs Buying of the rnll.-i. a number le con- which luive doubled in price In t

along pnst few weeks, was accompanied c would rumors that the Rrcoiisiruellan . 3H cor- nance, coiporation mlRhi exu ___ loana lo renovate i-quipniPiU, ird fo r fo'ircaata that good crops would « vay re- bring a pickup In tra fllc . nnd by aid to dlcatlon* that the carriera are . -up ofiterm U iea lo pare"thelr costs f

; ot or- I ther. A meellnR o[ ewcullvra ' callefj'for August l l to consider f

. spread . ther economics.________________— The weekly mercantile reviews i

, provided some encouragement. ( 1, ^ agency aald the Improved scntlm[ i n -----dld-not-appeaf aa-yet to have-b111 translated into any real liicreosc ■ w buslneas activity, but Intimated bi , ness leaders fe ll the way «-aa cl

f i n for.recovery and Uuit work of I r o l l Reeonstrunion Flnanee corporal L l . n u m ight soon -be fe ll. T lie revl

found tha i retail trade lu d b w fll maintained for thU tmie of y

ina lCS- improvemem in apota


1 ,11155 FOR F O R E S T ROA

OaDEN, Utah. July 39 l-r>-Kc, sen’lce hradquorlers here receivi^ u n s leiegram from Washington todayo«ay 10 proving the program of fo re ft iorld - cqnatructlon--ln the d istrict comiD l>e. in j Utal;. part* of Wyoming. Idiitl° ™ Nevada ai,d Arizona, rc shot The projects outlined Include:' ee shop IDAHO—Secllon of lhe projecten. tween DuboU a M Monlda. »m ;nstantly three bridgea on the roaln highJohnny, to Uie i r s i entrance of YellOwsl! heart, north of Warm river. *50,000; a

to the tlon of a cutoff between Montpisul and and Aficn, Wyoming. »?5-000;'ac.-. . tlon between Idaho C ity and LoiTied, ta on the na ln route through the Bmd ad- national forest 1170.000; a porUo• as he the Sawtooth Park highway bet»

of an ChallU. I3U.000..

L j ; " : P U G IL IS T T A K E S A W F U l ;oun»r, S H IP P IN G FR O M W lI d o n t --------

PORTLAND. July • 29 lA - In the "Come quick!" someone iclepht mended police last nlghu "A man is b Ion was ing up Ills wife."

- A prowl car sped to the'sc into a The officers found BUI Bleu,

Id sped mer heavyweight pugilist, I elolhes were lorn and blood-spal

elective ed. HU up ix r Up was ballered; igo that eye was black.1-" The Bill's wife had done Uie )ob. g occur- ______ __________

i l ^ S M S . E R S T A K E $ 1 0 ,(

of the BltEMERTON. Wash., July 3S t of the Two unmasked men held-up a Uquor I First 8lnte bank, Bremerton, to• shool-.nnfl ffrapea w iih eurrrnry and

j \ei cstlm.’ led a ^ o r e Umd |to

. i


• n v m F A L L S , ID A H O . S A T U B C

e d

? WIMGROUNOStU5. _____

i ih i C h a n iie llo r o l G e rtn a n y , ' i r

T r a n s - A t la n t ic B ro a d c a s t,

^ G ives D e ta ile d A cco un I

‘ , O f C o n d it io n In H om e U n clach _____limeany By JOHN A. BOUMANow," (AssoeUted Prtas Staff W riter) xeat T rv “ “ ^ * “ ” ChaneeUoi

d l- K F ram 'von Papen, whose cabl d *1 ^ net ts made up of men power

ful in the Junker and mUllary casU eow of the old Imperial government, as was sured the United Slates In a irans

iring AtUnllc broadcast tonight Uia neither' he nor his ministers wen

I out tnaneuverlnj ' for a Oennan die- .-orld lator^hlp.:h a KU address. In which he masalle< Uon. tho Versailles treaty, look on adde< tfove slRiilflcaneo becailse of iwo factori

At home Germany U embroiled h I the campaign for the relchst«B clee

uons Sunday, and abroad she Is in volved ’ In » new difference wltl Prance. ^

i A few hours before Uie clioneelI lor went on the nir. hU forelsi I minuter. Baron Konstantin voi

N m a th t-to ld - th fl- f^ n fh amhasta / P dor (hac when Defense Mlnlste

Ku rt von Schleicher threatened tiv \ L oUier day to arm Oermany U th<

other nations did not dUarm. h' il>oke tor every member o t the Oer

, man Cabinet and for the whole Oer LltlVe man naUoh.,i..A « Versailles lim itaiUcS Qermany's armed forces ta thi

. , number needed to preserve Interlo W in g order.

The von Papen radio 'spcecl 'ponsored by the In lem aitonAl IU

;iBnBl» *'orum founded:.by_Ira_flcl80i ^ .MorrLi. Am irlcan dlplomBti.-nn» li r ttiid English..a languajo-the cftanceUo ,'pu ll- American, way wheit *e*cl ~ c o n iln u e d on Page 3. Cbi. «.)

S i iM iw s iT y = S ISBD llllillH lIllT lfllcloatd MINNEAPOLIS. July ia (,n •

lla Na- senator WlUlam g. Borah. lrt«h< c day's chairman of lhe senate forelsn *] girwaa talrs commiltee. tentgUvely

j.Qtaf> eonvocalkvi of uudenu a t the Uttl he #cs- verslty of Minnesota next wecll. foU, Allbbugh efforu have been mad

to aet the date far TiiP.sday or WeC iTu* Senator Borah w«

. V l™ unable lo- make such arrangemeni 1 from j in i i because of his work a t Wasf ce was inston.

of The sprccli. one of a series ► lo r i on «g ftn lest Saturday tilght In a n: a tech- Ilonal radio hookup, he Indicate

WUl be on the subject o f forels nber of debts. International problems ar In the American farmer.

nled by — ------ --Ion F l- ' -------^ -------extend . , _ ^

-----------I by In- ----------------------------------------------- -are de­ls fu r- - ;ra was le r fu r-

ewa aleo ^nt. One {ntiment }ve-been - C-rease In f ^ed bual- I“ «‘« r . .. . /V S . _

of the ujoratlon Areviews 0 / ' /

Id been ^ I /

g g , J ..........

lO A D S „

—Forest i i ^

;. Idaho. .. i J J J ^ /

highway f/M // /Owstone. •

I n w t o ' Z w /ji//// -);-asec- - / ' / ^1 Lomao / he BotsejrUon of. \ I

\ . I IT

W IF E - i

%L’ S ' ~ U

« scene. ^ 'eu, for-:■ Blira

1 0 ,0 0 0

up the ] -----------!>• lodsy. • ,^ /F ^fe and ail-1

H I0W 0.I


tB D A Y ji lO R N lN G . J U L Y 30 . 193

I <lk>iirt Test Fails . ; . : ^ o g I n - D i B p u t e =

K- -------- H r a l B - A B - e g l l r

NEW YORK. Ju ly 30 WU a gowl Idea MarUtfate

I I IU Orcenapan had today, only theII i n dumb. The Volte l l * ' ' and Carmichael famUlea both

claimed him so the maglstrale ordered them lo different aides

• in ot the room and had them a l l . - ’ "Here, Chief.” coMed W ll-

Unm Carmichael and hU daugh- ler. EUa. Tlio black and U n PO-

, , ,n | dog bounded over."Here. Jack." called LouU

_ _ j Voile and hU father, Joseph. ,d liu The dog came running back.

Then P a t r o lm a n James O'Rourke called: "Here.Teddy,"

, and w r j almost bowled over, cr) "Here. Fanny," the magistrate »Uot ronuibuted. and the tioB le»p- cabl- ed 10 Uie bench. . ’Jwcr- Mngutrate oA en ipan gave casle up and ruled no cu e had been

as-1 establUhed. The dog remained rnns- [ jn Volte’s possession: . that

die- ------ ---------- --- —

s i P l E DISCOVER!ctors. . .

C oroner F in d s n o Inques

— N e c e s s a r y , - A s - N o le - E xlister1 the p la in s . C ause o f T ra g e d

. h e — . . .JEROME. July M (Special lo T li

Newst-Loul4.RcAume; about 50, lot mer llvli.g nbout eight and one-ha:

Im lia • milea ean of here, aeni his hired ms i w l l o tlw nelghbora to buy aome eat tcrior I ftboul flo'clock this evening, and whe

. I the hired man returned he foun >cecn, • Mr. Reaume lying dead, w llh a ;I Ba* i calibre plitol at his side, iclson-' A now-found In M r, Reaumo

trunk s'jbslanUaled the theory Ilu he had Uken hl.s ou-n life. I l l ' ll: note he lad written, t r t v Ws Tlnar

A , - cUI alfulra-were In k<xU condttloi ■ but tha; he waa Ured o f living.

^ Mr. Ro-aume waa known to lia^I I been dMrondenl for aeveral week I I Further Investigations carried on l

W/-.E. Sinclair. Jerome counly coi i n i l oner, wii'? w is called aC 7 p. M, l

I l u l l showed thn l M, Reaume apparenUy had laUcd In

I 1'flr.n attempi lo take hla life. A plei p) — of hose, found iyldg near the o|« 'rtahw.' wtiwlQ^ni llie roMi In whleh l i t w: n a f - . fouDcnicifTr wa.s cbnneeted wlUi U K e ^ CTluuat oi'the car. m o ^ , le ft rm

U »ri*traeh li^ide ihc room.- - - t . . . k.. [ ' Coro:ii-r Sinclair sold nd. liH|uc made would l ' ; nrcessnry,Wed-K^ ,Mr. Rfaiiiup l.s M inlvcd by t i I was sbns, Claude Re.mme. Havre. Moi menu tans, .mu Joe Renume. Dunseli Vash- North U.ikota: unr] by two brothci

James Rr-ntiinr, \Vli;ow CUy. Nor es he Dakota, and W llli.im Reaiime. Sa: a na- U Crux. California, cated. He had bcnn.a.resldentof the Je arelgn ome dU irlct for more than six >'eai s and The body U in charjte of Uie L ’He

I Uson mortuary.

'h e P o r g o t t e i ^ M a n - H u n t

■ ■ ■ .

r............................... ,



__________ _


r . M t S CO VNTY

► A I L 11932______________________________

ilB o m is A E

i W o r k Il l . ' _____ .II-

Po lice S u p e rin te n d e n t Face :

P re s id e n t H oover’ s C rlt-

ic is m o f A d m in is tra t io r

In v o lv in g W a r V e te rans

tep. tBy The A»Mkl&ted Pjc»)-

-TTrASHJNOTON. July 20-D U v'e ‘ V v hU blue uniform foen I * » eo »1 civilian atUre for Uie f in cd ' ^>nie In many strenuous days an<

rnlgliL-, Pelham D. Olas^focd. pollc I superlnlendent. abienled hlmsel I from tho bonus-dUturbsnce scene to I day und calmly faced Pre.'ldeii( Hoo

*n n !e r 's criticism of his admlnUtratlor• iW : There re re rumora the retired ar . i u »’y senctal Intended lo resign, bu

I'O loiiford denied them.* I n ’ dLMrlcl eommU ’ l ] | r doners today, the president said th • l lU bonus ntbrchcta "were undoubteslt -ied-to-b»^lete-thaHl*e-elTlHiuthorl

ties could be inumldaicd with impun Uest bccause of attempts U> concUlot

them by lax enforcement of city o< dlnancsj and laws In many dlrec

IPdv commissioners sent a reply tj M r. Hoou-r'a cousUc lelter remind jlng him they"wrre still reaponslbl

„ [ for law nnd order In ihe city, but the '.Tlic I tald l l would have to be made publl ■ ; at the While House. No one th o -hall would say whether lhe reply hadAe* man reeclvarf.

wlicn General Olassford had no apolc tound s>c.< to make for hU own part or Uu n j8 ; of his nu'n in ihelr handling ot U

; veteniiiA, HU flra t atalemeni waa lime's‘ clcnlat ol lhe commlMlonen'. repot

that 1 >0 incsldeni yesterday Uiat t p.ihe ever ha.1 ndmUted Uie situation wi Inan-Toui of iwllce control' or. requesit Ittlon,' troop lutervenllon.

S N f l I [D U T im K llT O Il

g ; I S l H H O l l f l P i l ipiece; .— T-.0|>en 1 PROVO, Utah. July 39 (41 — D

«was Oeorpe H. BrlmhaU. IB. presldei i l the emeritus of B'rlgham Youn? unlve

run- '.f.liy heio. ,w y found dead Uom,

^ ,d a y . PoU&j.said a U rae-c^bre^U ^u£at■wa.s found b«ildfl-lil*-bod>t - '

The hcily.waa found by lhe wldo y two Mrt. Flora Robertaon BrlmhaU, u Mon- on hei* return from a ahopping tn iselih. Dr. BrlmhaU had been conllned ither*. hU hom ; tor niore than Uiree mont: North lollpwlns a siroke of paralysis. San- . Dr. UrimliaU waa a naUve of Si

U kcjC ity. He waa named preside e Jer- of ihe u.»iverslty In 1903.>-cars. Dr. BrlmhaU nl/o w a acUve j ’Her- clvle work and In the Lolter-D

Saints church.

U I f Oni - "


w ' - -T i

S ' V - ■

rit(ht, 1933, by The New York Tribune, loi


I . f i ' ‘ ’ • ^ ____ :-


^ r w E

.r itu y R a n k s

e d e r a l T r o t

I n N a t io n ;a ce s Hoover Makes G r it- Terse RemarkiJ lio n WASHINGTON. July 29 iAV-fert

paragnphs enunciated today b ra n s president Hoover concerning the bo

oua-seekers' actlvlUes;■There U no group- no matter wha

u lU origins, that can be aUowed elthe L n u J ^ violate the laws W UiU clly c

lnllmldau< lhe govemmenl."

I and * clvirgovemment of Washlni police must .function uninterrupted.-

ln« IX cannot lolerate Uie abuse (uXL constltullonal right by those wh

•iinrT wo»W dcslroy all govemment. r •rt a r . matter who they msy be. GovemmeB 1 but be coerced by mob rule.-

■Tha tlrs t obligation of my offlc nml^» \ r to uphold and defend the eonsll Id the tuUon and the authority of the lai bteslly This l pi-opose a^ayis' lo do,**' ithort----------------- = = = = = ----------

i WIlSiGTONPRESS ttlS S E iiE S T llC T Iinslbleit they . ------ *“X P o lice S t i l l H o ld 5 5 W a

V e te ra n s an d O th e rs I

J 'u S ; J a il F o llo w in o C lash!Ot Uie _____

report WAaHiNGTON, JtiOr 20 trtv-atw la t he Of U y bonus r io u la brief facU ar >n waa figures, w ith many of the latten t uesied Umalea:

KUled, t vetcroo.Injured, &3, five aeriously.

Tear gas vIcUms 30. • v.IIU Ariesu 139. i i n . StUI held m Jail as. mostly veteran

- Ineliullng 3S radicals tor Immlgri I f lU r t tlon-autborlUcs; 10 for technical it l u l U vestlgatlon; nine for dUorderly coi

duct and one fo r Inciting a riot. Veicr,;ns and apeciatoraUivolved

— Dr. rioting 7000.ealdent veterana and hangers-on evlel i r o m ^ by troopa. between WOO a d 400a

beiwooa lOOO ajJA.IW -*-., , .. -~"Trooprf''parttctpatf<ig Tdo."*- -

wldo«'. Radl.-ala involved m cUshu. t ill, up- tween 3U0 and &00. lg trip. I RadlcuL) marched out ot elty tod ined to : by police, 70.months Veternnii evacuated voluntarily 1 ts. d ty from Camp D » n lt l^ a prlvt of Balt iraet In AnacoaUa. 300. esldent Veterans who went into Vlrgll

- last night and were ieaeorted bs Uve In ont} cut of the city by poUee U>d er-Day via norUiwest route 330.

Vctcrsiu leaving forwarding ■ dresa Anaeostla postotflce. mi

■ Of them going to homes, between 1 und 200.

• • ^ Largest nu rab cr-o rV e ifra tff a h»ngera-dn In Washington sit 0

______ tlme-velerans' adiplnUtraUon esmated UlCO-poUee fl0ur«d-betwe

— 13 ono and WJMo------------------------Veteratu who ' received govet

mem transporta Uon home 67SI. ______ 'Trooia In reserve at Port My

tallon. 'm i f in 'w r M itM r f r o n rp i .Howard, Baltimore; Thirty-foui liiJantry_ deUchment ..f ro m * •Meo?ie. Maryland, Thirteenth < Rineers, Fort Humphreys. Vlrala one platoon of tanka. Company W rst-unk reglinanli one maohu sun troop. Tenth cavalry,



----------------BOIBF,. ■July‘'3 0 ~ ^ ’» -B 0 U e '» lgot a ihUling t l i r l l l today, desp the mounting tempcraturea.

Advijcd to open a package depot ed by ;wo young men and two gi In a dni.( aiore here before they w yiken lo T»'ln p'alU In connect wUh an automobile theft charge. 1 lice secL.ird the package from a di (.tore a-iil unbound 11. Out upon 1

^ table rolled a pistol, liammer dra back and In all waya ready for 1

^ lion. U AM fu lly loaded. There « a Quick readjustment of officera «

^ fouml ihenuelvea in fron t of U, ^ companion pistol woa leaded b u t' ^ cocked.i - The hammer of the charged 1 \ / was quickly lowered./ The package wao depoalied. po

were advised, by a group of two n_ and lab «lrU arrested here lan Mi

3 2 , day ro f'iw in FalU officers, Tho m jg X now helu in the Tw in Palla jail.

Wayiie Uylley and. Leonard Bega -"U ; who said they w eri\from South I

kola biiv mcnllonedV>o elUes.' ;\j (tlru »crc AUce stone and Joseph W Deatlu, bolh 13, who gave Mayp

Utah, as their addresa. They arc 1: W<i by Tw'n f j|I la officera as male '</i wltne/jTS.


y r G R O U P IN C O R P O R A T

^ BOIBE. July M (jJ V -C m Ib Qaly Potato Growers' Cooperative

_ soclatlon loday filed articles ofcon>orallon w llh Uie .aecrelary su ie with a view to handlUig counly crop o f potatoea.

Incorporaiora were Prank J. K shisnlk.'Burley, and George Dur Victor Smith. WlUiam R. Glerl and Ira T.' Short. Heybum.

I t «aa the second sueh organ!— 1 Ilon lornied In the paat two d:

lhe Minidoka aasoclalloh flUng j e. Inc. terday.

• D A Y : . P a i r a n d w a r n £

: W ¥ : ; iS P A G E S - S C E N X a 'i;^

s D w in d le i

o p s F in is H •

la l C a p i t a l“ T h e 'R io to u s C h a lle n g e t o

ks G o ve rn m e n t A u th o r it y H a s

i™ B e en M e t S w i f t l y a n d

» - F i rm ly , ” Says P re s id e n trhat- — —

tBy The Aasoclated Prcaa>' ^ X T 7 A8KINOTON. July a — In

\ i \ t one final g u and fire attack “ ’ Tederaltroops late today awept

i H* a«-ay the last vestiges ot the bonus .. army encampmenU In downtown

^ Waahlngton and heard their job * ^ pronounced well done by Uielr com-

mander-ln-chlef. President Hoover. Confident Uiat order a t last had

H been reatored after riotous eUshea and hand to handbalUes between p»*

mim. lice and veterans, the cavalry waa returned U> Port Myer. Vlrglnta, and

r “ the infantry Uken In Irueks to the Waahlngton (tuarteraaaWr depot, a

8 blocks trom Uie WhlU Houae, where 11 woii quartered for the n ight.

j i u t aa the tear-gas and torch- bearing troopers aod doughboyi wer« ttrlng their Ust veteTan-ahanty-and—

T l? acaturlng the few straggling bonus*I n seekers In aU directions. President I w Hoover announoed to Uie nation tha t

"the riotous chaUenge to govemnenC auUiortty.had been met swUUy and

M gr flrmly'.-U a jo r Oeneral V . ' H; • UoMler.

In deputy chief of sta ll, sold the m ill* ta iy ptiasea fA the traubVta w m

>heS - I I J , now a Job for the D Utrtct o l ColumbU police force." ha added. "O f .coune Uie tr^p a w ill eonunue

}toiT tolendahand-whereUw^oUoeneed - ana u iisU noe. But the 'U sk U to keep

t M* the eampen from drlfUng baek tnto - the c ity and to prevent crDvdi Irom

congregating, lh e campen are leaving Waahlngton In U ^ e num- ben and a.pari o l our troopa bavt been withdrawn as thera w ill no longer be need fo r large patroU o t

l«r»* soldlen." ■'i In* LUu SeereUrr Burley ood U a . con* Jor Oeneral Douglas MacArthur.>t. chief o f SUtr, Oeneral MosdUr em- edln phaalsed .tha t.a tU r Uw a ra « teolt--

charge ot the situation yeaterday ■ rieied not a clvUlan nor a soldier was ln>)0a Jured ao far u the War department wea been ^ to leam. ^ _

• : ; - i •;a!pv5m ineol_^m not be e o f e ^ . : bym obrole.-lhepnatdenteald-em — 3

'• **■ phatleaUy. Ha bas ordered a grand * Jury InvesUgaUon to* bring t« book the InsUgaton of yesurday'a clashes.

I f Thlrty-slx radical msmben of the nvau -bonus expedlikmary force" h a d '

been arrested by police aa-they-le ft- rgmu a meeting In an abandoned chureh .back In SouUieast Washington, about 75

more of their number were escorted ^ out o f Uie elty, and a general exodus

I of hundreds ol veterans made head­most vay through Ute day and evening,

m IW Dlatrict of ColumbU oftlclala call­ed the fr«tut fUfT Inquiry :

I and Monday.------------------------------------------- one The R k Cross formally offered catl- transporUtloii home to women and

tween chUdrea o f the,marehen.-------------^Th*-pmld»Dt-ani»ouneed-lbe-Jus—ivem- dcponment iras prtaains lU In ­

quiry into the violence resulting tn Myer. thgj^^u iflm ggm ^jyLtiO HeesediU ie^ 12* ^ hope t h reu lprlU woul l be brought

ndA>rt eavalfT’ oeeurnd-aa the'day w uiM T'

I ^ n - While the horxmen kept the s treeu klnia; c lf*r.-a -grea rw a ll o f black smoke ny B. pouted out over the area aa the ihine- Infantrymen applied the to rrh to ev­

erything that would bum and then awept on aeveral blocka tarther and

'0 deatroyed one or two amaU icampa 'a n tr ^ aplculUire department.A R E Mony gaa bombs were exploded.

Tlie velerans. prtnclpaUy from V t r - " «lnia.-Ohlo-and-Texa8.-wh»-had-Te-—

esDite mained In the encampment near the capllol after yeelerday's gaa a t-

nniit. tack, evacuated In short D td e fo n , - ir i , Iho opproach et cavalry., Of between 3000 and 40ft0 squat>ectlon lera who had been evicted from fed- .. trt- eral property by the m lllU ry. a t leaat idc^g billeved to n ig h t-^ potice

me to have sUrttd awuy from the c l t j drawn while the remainder were scattered

In varluua aectlona. Large galher- vaa txrt allowed,

a who those veiemna who wantIt A ^ by *-ay ot MaryUnd.

ut not " number of sUte trucks converged In Ulta vicinity. Many o f the largo

d one Broupa whleh turned north today aald they were going to Johnstown,

colic- PennsylvanU. wl>ere they planned to omen orsaniie for a new advance upon

Wa/.hln(rton. ifflen 1^>c soldiers who.stood guardrail Jl are “ wt night and most ot today a t lh e • n'aika fringes of the camps, the biggest' of h Da- w lilch had been deatroyed by f ir t i

The had Uttle to do- “nhme Seme were uaed In directing tra f- ivtw'e In Anaetelia. with a amUe but ■c held 11'm ily, they waved the easily rec<«-

nliable, ramshackle can knd tnicka of the bonus marchera away from the clly. directing them on thefr ray

I through MaryUnd raUier than acrossth« bridges Into the capllail proper.

» T F ^ Some of the exodua bortf~paJnnil ^ marka of ye^erdaya conflict wlUi

police whleh preceded the call for Couo- federal Uoopi.ve as- c i c Carlson, twnua marcher from of In- Oakland. CallfomU. was reported ry of MUI In a serious condition from a lg the police bullet wound. Oeorge Scott ot

the Waahlngton police. hU akuU frac- - Ker- Ured by brlcka tn lhe tlra t eaeoim- Jurfee, lere. aUo remained In a cntlca l con- ItrUch diuon.

'The death loll, hover, a tlll atood anUa- , i ot\t. The, lone vlctUn waa WU- ' days, Hushka, 37. Chicago, ahot by ag yes- - —

lC0QU£ucd on page 3, CoL 3>.


f l l i OBSEH . illllE DELEUTIIIIIS' i

J l i y i i jseries of Independent Trade ~3

Agreements Among British I Dominions Gains In Favor I Over Empire Preterence I

I . W K i l l I

O TlAW «!®s!®qbim iti «' ■ IIM i m p ^ le c o Q ^ e ia it^ ■•nea a n b t t t o n ln g l^ m k th * ■

broad procrtffl Of E n i iB r a im ^ 9 « - ■ M wldtW dUouiMd befon U tf Fes* - B ic rtoM w g u , tn ty t l * * ^ ^ ' >1 •e rltt o : lndep«Mcni tr« 4 i : i t l

. meou ftUiong me domlnleiu. , , -m Tnota wbo th ink to c l i e < { . - H

1 scanlsy BcM wla'i lU tem ent Vy«tM<Uy 10 wblch be uked -U

' the domioioae to rtmerober ihe lr J{■vorable trade baUaee w ith the ^

' Unhed Klnsdom when they aaked isSot xurthrr advasUcei. aad la wblch ^ he u ld tha t o re a t s n u m expecuto keep ber ta rU b low eaougb to her . cc luduitfiea can coopeM on a fa ir baau.with thMC o f tbe dominion*. &

O luve latlan e iron i NaUopal- t ru t fe«Unf-By India. South . t t

Africa and tha U Uh m e a w u , none ___o( whlBlj wUl perm it the conference « =Ul lh> t Ui>r I^nnilritf them- _ _•e lm n o :ln U g ra lp « (ta .o f th fS rU - R WUh Kmpire bui independent nallona B faafflUatad w llh U. i Q

D Continuing progreta o f nego< ^

laUral trade. agreerasnU aa .eon< uasl«d w ltb offlQlal alienee on the ^ a u tu i o f the em pln unity proleet, . * '

Malcolm Uacoonald. aon of the » BntU b premier who U here aa »

' apokeman to the f ir ltU h preu, aald today ih r United Kingdom haa made ^ no definite decUlon on .any domln* lon. r ^ u u t fo r pre tercncj..

. The work o f the conferenc* appar* enlly ha i been toward prlvaU trade irtatlea between varloue delegatiotU alne* the daJegaWe were Informed P*' Ihat Oreet Brita in oan offer Uttle a i- _

— jiu n a * » . agrtflultural commodltlea n of whlon the-empire produeee a «ur- H

Theea bl>latcra>'-«»|Mtattoni have ■ -been ot 'auch eharaetvr tha t they < f lvMuId be amenable toiubeequent em- Mpire unity, bul |hey at« po(;eoniid* U eted to f i t tn* w ith ahy workable echemk ot Xn ier*lm >M U -iM e{ •

Tha agretmbnu thua f i r d i not euggeit protective U rlffe agalnitgood! eomlng from otber counUiee polkof the oommonwealth, and In that whkrupeot th iy are «on»lder«d to eo* (y Iioeklevlth theprlne lp lQ of th e fre e it longpoealbla exehange of gooda between F<the varloue paru o f the empire. no t

k tU of another. ” enAmerioan obeervera heard today acai

that the dominion aUo wae nego* oti ItlaUng an agreement Wllh the U nit* 0ed Kingdom concerning caUIe to be evicfattened for the U rllU h market. *roiT h ti waa regarded aa a rtauU of the ton.ta r iff war between Oreat B r lU ln and yantha irU h atate by rtaaon of earwhich the BritUh eupply of freah conbeff /rom Beutbeni Ireland may be Um'th ru U n M . ^nd

-JflTflyEIIIOTlflriE--«F5TllTtDI0P5 wai

S018B. July: ff l J *v ^ n a g im a iio a

low the f tn t t lx montha of a year -t - .ago^a report o(.tbe:buretu o( motor — IlSeiM i lU ieS today.

RegUtration to Jnna M wiia T3.- ” , ■ eaautomobtiea compared w ith M .- K ,

911 automobile! licensed In the f l r i t ! ; * ■■ ais montha ot a year ago. r

Revenue from the llctnae aalea dropped atr eorreapondlngly from 111^03^71 a r« ir ,»go. I 0 . j u n j 3 l

---------Oreream in lice n w -o f-n ta rly - tll t .-t;claawi at aulomotive equipment WM noitd except In tra tlen where * . there w u a ita rtling IncreaM from , ‘ 3074 a year ago io 7478 IhU year. - A l the bureau It v i i explained the . J Increaie wai broiighl about In large „ part"by m iny termers and other* operating ueiler* initead ot llecni* lng Ihelr ttucU.

Llerntlns. v ith correspondlns r r revenuci tor tbe t in t alx month* thU year toilowi:

AutamobUrs 73.403 — tl.100.076:' truck* 10,4*l-VM.431f motorcytlcr. ‘ r - 3S1—«1.330; comtneroUl truck* C 3 « .i- -ttJ .730 ; ehaufteura 393-gS»4: L tralten. 747S-I»037. Temporary U- ' cenaei brought in U.006. .

Thrre wat a marked reducUon In I dealer*, lhe number scaling down A front 337 a year aso to 3SS at pret* ^

'ent. with d«alrr llc rn K t receipU [£ d r y in g from 2o:ao to 16.080. [a


O iaA H O U A OITV. July »9 C/P>- I The country-will be-bsck-on'ttv (e t t -■next winter. Senator Slmer T hom u. ■Deaocrat. Oklahoma, ta ld In an ad* ■draee here today. ■

■ifigWow le no time to te ll.” he aald. ■^ ^ p «nat you have and buy whal ■yon can.” - ■

He predicted further cuts In the Mnational budiet lo eongreaa* Deeem- Hber **ation. B

•We cannot live w ith a 14.500.000.* ROOP •overameAt on a MJOOWO.000 H a*UonBi>tneon>e." he tald.

Ibomae aaid he d idn 't blame the .M ateuavtrauon fe r the depreulon. bot fo r b trd lneu'tn admitting there

’ * waa eri«).

lU pert B«dl* BenleB. ftampaea

Bonus Seel

t u £ . i i x 2 S H B S S l8 h 3 E a l3 B M *

SSOCIATBD PRESS tglephoto r a ba ttle no«r the capitol in Wax m ah:her w & i killed w ith a bull troopa were ordered o iit to rc ji


'CW OXBOW =rSIF«Ha~in ini:

iV ln 'F a lU v ls liiily Umperaturu > the 34-hour period preoedlng s ,. M.>eaUrday ranged between »1J , nd 56 degreea, according to the re - ‘ u rr o f D ; B. Oheyne.’ govermnenl eather ob tervir hero. The day *■«* a rlly cloudy and the barometer, ' RUng alowly, regUtered 35M Inches 15F. U . W ind was in the weit. Hu* ild lty ranged betveen sa and 23 er eent o f aaturatlon.

DWlLEIKGAPim(Continued From Pwe One ^

olloeman yeaterday in the ttruggle 'hk;h led dUUlet offlclaU to n o li- ^ r Prealdent Hoover they could no ■ )nger cope with the altuatlon. ■ For the thoutaoda ot veterans w ith ■

lO refu ie now but the alreeU or tho Iro«d <ind lu bfllBnilnM ,B«g<»nt m

rthat they bora on thelr back*, the ood queatlon bocama aeute- q i

E fforU were being made by lead* in to arrange fo r repIenUliment o f , canty food auppllea a t varku* po Inu ui the way to Johnstown. i

One group -of 350 veterana va* ivicled at noon today from waler* ron t bllleU in Southweat W aahlng' ~ on. A* they headed fo r the railroad 'arda In the hope o f catching a box lar i l t t to the Penn*ylvanlaclty..thoy !omplalned they iu d been given no ime lo preparv their noonday meal tnd were aU rtin i thelr Journey on impty •tomaohs. ^

Rnm« nt.tha t« lO Tni ih n tft «n JiQ hlfhway tound tranaporUllon ib o a ^ t r n k a 'o r d e ^ p la ^ a t ih e tr ’ - . lUpotal by Governor Albert O. ch Ritchie. Maryland. Jutt ouUlde er: Waahlngton. th-T h k n j5 T n M i-.t ro g W *T n jtD « t« 7 .'”n s bidlcated by the ^ tu m o t re* .dk

Virginia, y M t » ^ from Fort Ueado^.vai

U*a4Aiuyiuio —* ---- - • — - -The ruin* ot lhe b i j cam ira l Ana*.' trl

M t la were-kept •n tire ly -o le a ro d -o f^ veUrana. A l the olher encamp*; ar menu, occulonai.veterans.were. a l i „ . lowed to ulvage belongings w hloh ' 15 Ihey lud been unable to carry aw ay,.**'

One group ot more tiutn 300 vet* m trana who hod toug lii *helte» for.-en the n iih t In VlrglnU eacorted. wr ttM k w •W eth in iton-tiy-loo^trg tn ia -’aT lUte . _pr.|itf_«nd_.hpndfd. .n Q tt l i - * i iliTouRh Mar>'lAnd. TJie men m arch- ac Id in good order behind two Am erl- M ean flaga. R. H. Bhaw. Oalitoraia; - waa their leader. ro' Threuihoiit tbe nlsht and day a Jc itrenfthened luard waa maintained over the White Hwita where U wag m laM a number of thraatenlng te le- be ra m * trom .radtea) organisation* bi

• ______ • y«

- Take Y our Choice

ready to equip Republlcangand Democrata alike w ith *autom obllr ta w boo9tlnjr :the wwldcnUaT candidate#. •

Photo. - -c

ieekers A nsw er .E v if f i”6r

oto nhowfl encamped booue march Wa.ihlnirton, when o ffice rs gtartei bullet; th rough his heart, others rcstoro order and cl^ar ^ e oncx

S = ^ = - . ' . ' ----s

1— ------------------------ U i r i v e r s l t f l■ 6 .

! , r

. GEORGE D. TEM P LE TO N . 20, fltnbbi’d hU nunt, Mm. L illia n

t ’ llnm R. Bnbcock, ( r i j ih t) in ij] i covcrlnfc from several kn ife i

* (/P) Photo.

^ had been received. |u Three boniO-Kceker* were tentenc*^ etl lo tlx m on llii In Jail oii charge.1 .J of forolbiy oceupylng tovernmi-n,„ property, Tltey were booked na Pom­

eroy Gravely. Negro: Harold Erwlu n and Ralph >lcCabe. l lic Jattcr troni „ uicvciana. ' : " " " "r — Jan'.a«~X.- Fi(u.«r. Red Croaa v’icc - - I. clmlrmnii. inart? i!ie offer to the vet-1 f aran*' wlvca uiid ciiUdren. aaylnK

tha tu rn lxh lns 'o t auaUtence und l~tTap*portat;nn'woul[t"**grrntlyTTdccr"~* .dbconifort und-tutterlng.” .

j*' ■l.a u id hscu torcra 10 march from U'.e ’

fc '-trlel o{ Columbia oftlcera then turn* ■ 4i?od-.llifm-ovcr- to -u » - ilftte -t fo « « ra i»; and reiiirn i'tl to Wa.ihlnnton.

The group W.U Dcnnlttcd lo rest, t i; 15 m lnuir*. ntier an uninterrupted |T,.*waUc of beittpcij leven and eight

mile*, n i r n thry continued l6 H la ti- ,* ,-enaburiih. nhnre (hey ttoppod and, d. waited. Dll cxiiauAlcd group, fo r lh e ' a7aTTtTal-of-Rntt;nTn*<nrU4Hr'*iilcir~

a c rtS ^ jie .Viate th rou ih Frederick.” 1. MarylAiHl. tft th r PenntylvanU line.I j - Pmetif;»!l>- i i l f the tpen aJon* the

•roads »»ld they were bound for a Johnstown.'d O tflrcf.i lu cliarsc ot lh .-troop 4 M id the Inrsnuymen woiild probably I- be billeted for lhe tilnh l In th# clly, • « but the rtivalry troops lummoned

yeitenlAy by Becrelify Hurley late =* in tlie d.%y rrcroiied the Potomac

rlTCT to ilK-lr Fort M>'*r barraclu.1 Ottlcer.1 M ill order had bctn com-

* pUtely rea:cred ntxt they expected , no fu rtlie r trouble.

Marj'Ianc* oftlclaU eiUmated late In the evenini that 3303 veteran* had been c a n tr j on their way northward throuch nie rommnnwealth rturlnK the day In . '.ntc and county truclu.

Sixty M.irylnnd stale roRd trueki hauled ait average ot 30 veteraiu from HyaiUvllle and nlade^.^burs. near W utunnton. Uiroueh Fredenck lo Fm m liuburj, near the Pena^yl• vanu line.- County vehicles tranji-

. ported. KQO more. <Oovernor Albert 0. Ritchie np. !

proved the delalU and exeeutinn-Qf; the plan ot hn lpltti the veteraiu on I the ir way and feedln* thrm t l an 1

_ arraorjfjn r re d e r l f l j . ____I a ‘Dr*K'>k'e U e. menitier ot the nt.iie .roa tlt commLvilon. aald .MAryland I authorllie.i kept ■Oovemor Gltford I Plnehot, Pennaylvanla. adviied at

. ' the various croup* a t the state line. t« e added the u t lo tia l guard waa

■ not called out In any iw t of Mary.•, Und and that need for the u. e oftroopa w u not expeeted. allhouKh

■ tu te authorines reported they eould pUce <00 men from the First Mary-

-.Und Infantry a t any point alonk‘ the roulet w llh ln three hourt-Atid 600

i l • more w ithin eight hours, ng The northward .trek w m *up«rvt«- th ed by most ot the ttate poll.v force

of 7S men under Coptaln Edword 1 McKay Joluuon. cc:iinianda:ij. wiiu

Sg. a.«lstnrpe ntjo ot 20 Pr.nce Oeorsc'..'■ county poUcenen and eontublts. I

irehe rs l i th v in t r stonen and b r ic k # a ir te d to ru n th e m f ro m ffo ve rn m i lera in ju re t i hnd seven po llcefnen h i inca m p m -'n t.i.— (/P) Photo.

f-S tm ls ir t- lf ll ls -A T n rtrW I'

- - = — r^ ------- I T ' I n “ ~




20 , ( le f t ) c n n fe * « d to San Ion Unbcnck. (c o h to r ) A ln ii i ln s'ocict; im p o rte r a n il O ly m p ic Ranics d'.'lc;; fe woumla in f l i c t c d by th e U nivurh

y, . I . . w \ t . L K E . u l l i . ld d inK day.<< m jiy end, bus vntercc

te G leason L . A rc h o r \v.ntchi's h i i « perg.— t<P) P hoto .

, ■ N ew Picture O f 1teId — ~rd


JOS~EPH S T A L IN , hen.i o f th e I p h o to g ra p h e d 'on th e rc v lc w i;

c.. as h c ap p ln ud dd n parade b f I claag.— t- 'b Photo.


"bn O rd e r W ith F ly in g M i

0 , S A T U R D A Y -M O E N IN C .J tIL

Missiles . . |V0

8 a t the policc a t the s ta rt oC tii* nm cnt property. One bonuB me t h u r l, two Bcriouily. Federal

-------- --- ed


V:.- col

^ E h H i b i

ourlcth'‘ I’ '!1(

s<if.-CalifornIa,-police th a t ho J cicty matron, a.s she slept. W il- we '.lc;;.'ite3 from Manila, wag ro* rei .u rh ity o f C a lifo rn ia student.— »i

: . ‘ of ——l l ' - .—. ______ — - alt

To Study L aw j«


- bo be


il.id to the tim e when hls crtion*

LTcd a Boston law gchool. Dean f h im sign his m atricu la tion pa- ”

— ~ .........' cf Russia’s S ta lin *


the Soviet R u a ila n government, ow ing atand in Moscow recently b f eportamen fro m the workers'

D IA -W . 1632 :, ■ -.


'(C M i i t e i iM m m P iw O M Ihe served the Im perta l'fovem - i f la u a t a t Washington. - y H

T b * trea ty o i VeraallietlJljra ten- f las t Colonel Ton Papen said; ig th * Imain eattee nt tha y fth e fle n iO Bt ^ ; j i t r a ^ l ^ laatto o f 3

" ‘'W C .vbe re ts Nattenal eocU llsn fttha Pssdst qipvement ltd by A tfolt f 'R l |^ ) . aspires to natlqoa} regenera- .t l ^ - : the chaneelior declared. '“ QetamuQlsffl l i directed, ag a ln it v U)e euitoral fo un da tion 'o f our na*tlonal sooUl l ife and l i , therefore, a -revolatlenarr a o v*m *n i aiut.B dan> :■l * r t* . ths oountry ao d ,to tha ■'world." ^' Bs refsrrad to a sUtemertt In a ibbok'on Oermany by. O e « « *-N . »Shmtter. Ameriean author, to the 7 »(r*et th a t th * principle of Ocnnan un ity .U d lv«nlty.

may be rtgh t." h t com­mented. -bu t the Queit to r order ” aod Buthority constitutes a (unda- ' mental trend In the Oerman. char- ttta r."-

Baferrlnir to the poUUcal. eventa *,bf p i t l u t few neeki, the chan- ,e t it« s a ld : *T h * ouUlde world does rnet quit* reaUke th ft^g e rin ka ^ 'va a {endangered by an a l p ^ o f d v t l z war due to extremut jenalon.'

Tba CommunUlc be continued, v had buUt pove rflM flgh ting u n iu ’ t throughout PruaalT and the recent 1 , disordera vere due mainly to theirlliegal activities, which no covcrn- C ment could continue to tolerate w ithout relinquUhIng IU own au-

* ' ^ ^ t r now gas been ne tU b lU h - ed throughout Oermany.** he tald. "T he J govemment w ltl aso „

tUnces la disturbed ■ * . nT h* adminUtratlon ot Prv**U by

a federal eommluicner n*rer waa p Intended to be pcimanant and the inaependencrof-the-O erm an'iiB trs t wUl not b« vioiattid. the chancellor promleed. He expressed the iiopo Sunday's eUctlons would JuiUfy tbs m euur** th a t hU govemmsnt bas .T taken. ' ' ' m

“Sinca my appointment aa ;ehan- x celior.*'. he. aaid,'*tfcars t» y i boen (j expfetaed abroad le tt thU flo n ra - ment m ight fovor dlcUtorahlp ' in Oermsn>’. Kelther n jn e lt n o f my ^ eolieagues w ill support' such i tr mmre.'*

He concluded: '- : ’Lot-4u-buiM-u|w«.beiter-JatiiTC7 conquering the .world b* iwnqucring f! ourtslves w ith Ood’*:heip .ln a ip l t * * It of ibW arU r fo r t in '^ ^ m tn -

Foreign u in ls u r von Ntura lh 'a statement to Frcncll Am bauador . Andre Francols-Poncet was an an.i- * ' war to a protest by the ambaaaador about a radio U lk last Wednesday by Central von Behlelehar.

HU protest wat followed by an- ' other In Parlt whtre Prtm ler Her­rlo t to ld Dr. Leopold von tfoete!). the OcrniDn nmbusiador; tha t the i speech was tactless ntid Inopparliine.Jte objicted parUcuiarly to a paas* *ga which referred to Ihe Trench |

hypocritical. {MeanwhUe. a* the eampalBn for

next Sunday'a rcich iUg election' went In to the laal day there were reporU thn t atorm tr.oops of Adolph Hltler’a Katlonal SoeUlUt party were conoenlratlnfl In various parU of Oermany. Thla oecaaloned aome alarm despite auuraneea by the Rovtmmenl th a t every precaution had baan Uken to m aliiteln the ptaee du ring 'and after the voUns.

The reports tald every ' trooper- haa“ be3n-or(Jered-to-proViae=hJin^- te it-w llh three day 'a ra ils iu and th a

rest of hU regulation marching equipment. M olor (rucks In ' iu f f i -

■ c le n n JO ifm ^ r'to . tn n s p m is r t t bodlu o f men v.;erc unld to. have been .planted a t rtrnteglo polnU throughout the country.

Thrre w u a almllar moblUcatlon- tw o-m ontha-ago-iufo re-ths-presl-.

denUsi election, w ith rumors of a •■march on Berlin t“ order. Nothing

T 'iTTTTntri.iMlleaders said the ir Ideti wn« lo keep 4h*-hot-bead*d youngimen-oU- the

: *^Tet<»-awy^Ut.et-irwflH.— {

Jacobs Plans Fight Campaign

NEW YORK, July J9 (fll — Joe- -J*eob*.-wan*«er-of-M*je.8ehm*llng.- , ja m t.b jc k today fiotn a vU lt w ith

the heavywelgh{^tighter In Oermany to annouiic* ih a ^ lh e termer cham­pion wotild fig h t somewhere In the United s u te s in September.

■Wc have offers to box In Chicago. Detroit, at.d New York,” hc said, “ bui H will take a.week to tletlde."

He said flchmellng, who leat hU heavyweight title lo Jaek Shsrkey here laat month on a 19-round de-

' cUlon th a t arouaed much controver­sy. wou’4 ta ll fo r New York Auguat 1«.

i' ^^dacobesaid Sehtnelin^'vns In sphn- ' did condlUon. hunUng >nd golfing

each day on hU estate near BerUn.

A group o f MUtUslppt farmers buy teed pota toa In the spring trom northem itate* and pay for th tm Ul the fa ll with potatoo*.

Profsstor C. a . Lowry, M urray sUte teaohert' collete, Kentucky, ha* a giant bullfrog which k liU bird* t h t t flu tte r to the brink of It* pool.

F ifty Indiana cities have gardan- ts i p ro jtcu under way th i* aummer a* a focm et unemployment relief.

Radio SerrU*. Saapimi MbsIc Cfc - PhaBenos;=;**T.— ---------------------

D A N C E T O N IG H T: at

D A N C ELA N DD ROSIE UAYN Eit, and Ilia V a nd a lsly * * F tw Tlekeu

A S p e a k e r ’ s C a t c h [

- '■ ;;

1 „

r. n« £

' i n

, t L ; j B ! | | 9 9 B B i i ^ 9 K 2 J c

ON H IS F IR S T f is h in g t r i p t ;e t lu r in if hi« Tcxa.s v a ca tio n i *■ ) Speaker John N ance G a r* '■ , i no r d isp IuycJ th is c a tc h .- ^ : d. (/PJ P hoto . ,1



« E X T E N D IN G AC R O SS L A IJ D ' >r _____ - t

(Continued From Page One) . (-------------- — — — (

employment, he ■eM. wiu bo a |movement t? shorten working hur*. |The chief excmtive w ill confer a t ■

1° the White Uouie Monday w llb rep- (rc’ entatives nf a New England con- t terence on rc-emt,lnymcnl. weking

I f a unified and tar-flung effort to * thU tnd.

I l l lhe a tuck upon agricultural i

^ cons t ro o l io n c (^ rn tlon Ithe Kpearhecd,. Ke tal,d he h M re* qu(st«d Paul Bettor, the fs rm io tn commlsaloner,,snd .Secretary U ^ e . to place' themselve* at the disposal

^ of tho corporation to *lihulate Uve- " stock and feeder loens.0* Tlie eorpnrallon. he added, now is ly devoUni; particular attention under j

r - I ......................!t.

M e a t S p e c i

2 A t T h e C i t y

55 A n d t h e K i n

; ; ; w h e r e y o u a i .w a

;; I.„in or Rouml i r . |hc S ln i l t , lb ......................l O L j

‘‘i Pot Q „ !5= = ^ a r g aS ' V S T B ^ H K V . ■ f 7 r „!i- rounii..........

Pork ■ Roiittl, S inlU P o u n d .............v . i. r . .. O L

Pork Stcnk, 1 O n —Pound-.........

dK r P H O S E - ie ib - ■

" S h o o i SeI

*'** S h o t G u n i j t f f A l l K igo.SUl .

Iteyfle- '■

12 G;.., W in ch e s te rPtj- H a m m orle ss .............................lng 12 G il. W in ch e s te r

H a m m e r .................. .................12 Ga. W in ch e s te r ^

in” U sed Guns ............ ...........

:UiU' 22 W in che s te r

R if le ...........................................lan- 22 L o n p R e m in g to n Lcsm o

S hells , b o x ................................22 L o n ir R if le Lesm ok

Cfc Shell.4, Iw x .................... .'3 2 G a: F ed era l S lis ll.s ;

s s a t b o x ..................... ..................12 Ga. F e d c fft i H i P o w e r 1a t b o .x .................. ........ .............

[ f f 20 and 10 Gn. H i P o w e r Shi l . .nt box ................................

A l! o th e r B ra n d * o f S hells th e w o r ld s c h a m p io n am mis o n ly , box :....... .........

W il l n ilo w y o u $5.d0 on cheaters o r a u to m a tic s .

G E R R I S H 'S S P O R I252 M ain A v e , S o u th

HOTEL STflCKiLDEIl5' iNWIEECLftiA po**lble hlteb tn the eontempiat- .

edials or tbe Rogerson hot*]. Twin FalU. Ul bankrupiiAr proceedings, de- ■ veloped m legal argument In the dU- .tflP t tffiirt.tifTfl yctttnlay,----------------------- --

the jurua ictibn of th * bantniptcy court w ith rtipe ct to credUort' dalma more than four months old.

The question waa presented In con- neoUon-^th a suit instituted by Rob­ert Rogtrion and other stoekboldera for appointment of a *peeUl receiv­er of the iJotel property now In tho hand* ot L . A. Chapin. Twin FaU*. as trustto U-. bankruptcy.. The siockholdera’ attorneys Tu r­ner TC. Hackman. Tw in FalU. ^nd E.D. Reynold*, Jerome, attacked tho •• . - vaUdlty Of 185.000 m ortnge claims by Wllllam HOOP*. Tw tn K lU W g h w contractor, and argued, since theso mortgagea covering the hotel prop­erty wrro executed In August, im , they ante*daUd the four*montb llm - lU ilon, and th a t tho dUtrlet eourt rather than the bankruptcy courl ahould take Jurisdiction.

M r. Hoop*, th rough hU attorney.Prank L. Stephan, Tw in FaUs. sought abatement of the hotel itockholders' v suit pending adjudlcatlcn of the ho­u i company's atfiUrs in bankuptcy procecdlnB*.• D lstrlfli Judge W. A. Babco^. look the qucsUon under advisement, allow- ln<( counsel on eaeh side 10 days m v lilch to prepare and file briefs.

It* new powers to financing tlie movement o f agrltaiHural cotnjio-.^- d ltle i Intoconsumptlon ‘'w ith a view to StlmulaUng demands throusli' restoration o t orderly marketins." Private agenclcs. ne said. aUo maybo called lnto_Pi“ yj..__ ___ ____ ______ _

The olher p o in ij J n l j l j r)ne-pJy program Included expansion- ot crcdh.*>facllltles. particularly where ceniumpllon o f the goods concernetf Ii assured, sw ift organization of the itome'loan bank system and. lastly,"other avenues ot cooperation b f- twceii Ihe governmest In aid to public and prlvaU agcncles."

Tlie pack o f canned o>-ster* In the Unllcd BUtes In the season end­ing June 30. was valued a l $1,043,130.

preceding scoion. •

Flag smut, a serious wheat dls- <au In A u jlra lU . and on* now found In IlllnoU, M lu ou rl and Kansas, u ipreadlng persUtsntly.

Fnr experl radio larriee. Can r j Bampton Muslo Co. Phene 101—Ad».

e i a i s T o d a y

. M e a t M a r k e t “

inney M arketi’A Y S (J E T T H E B E S T

:!k"ut .......18cL n m b S h o u ld e rs , I O A '

" j i ^ n i i j ......... .■■......... -—

! ^¥SZ'l.._......25c

P o rT n ^m lsa g e i O P w T T■ 3 Pound# ...................^ D L- W e ine rs a n d ' O K / * J .5 o Io g n a . - 3 J b s . ---------------------------------

cI pS ......

" r : ~ . ■, - w B - D ^ t v E ^ ^

i a g e H e n s

oit fsF -Kinds—New and Used

...... ... .......J43.50' ■$35 00

Sl 0.00 to $ 25 .00

.................$16.15 ■nok

......_75cr Sheila, 7 9 C

shcV ii, ’ " ■ 7 5 c

iis y o t i 'w a n r a r V T e r c ^ u P " n m u n itlo n J l

an an y o id g u n tra d e fo r \ \ i n -

IT IN G g o o d s STORE

O u td o o r E ve n ts C la im M a jo r . B

S t ia re ' o f A t te n t io n o f H

W SSi t n d u rg a n iz a i io n s

SU KU 5m\j » <8p«d»^ to T tw HN e n ) - B u ltl'i w e lt] eroupt IhU | H

. wcelc tuve enjoyecf ro&Qy' tuncUoo* I SouMoor>,'=&d(llng In K ru l and In* I M crculng attcDdanee. j

-O ld Man Pepreulon” ' v t* no-: where in sight when 300 member* § ■

and their lamUlu o( the Methodlal OMchurch celebrated Ihclr annual p ic- ■ ■nlc a t t5-.e cliy park Thuraday. Pred Wm Orodeon. tuperlnicndent oT Uie

•4<elhodijC achool. appointed com* | J |m liu e i which directed tbe day's lea* ,■ tlvltle*. Harold Hobron .and. B-Crawford were In charge o f tne • <

A program waa preaented ^ ro ro theCedar Draw club -when Uiat body ,gallttred w ith Mra. M 1alaied by Mra. Clyde Bwing, w eonw - ,day ar*emoon, T h ir ty membera lls* ,“ n M t i S — . u « . p n « n u u o „ o I |ft "atyla *chool“ On the pro jram ,were Mra. Lee Enta, M n . Oeorge Ear- ,heart, Mlsa Helen Brackett. Ruin , and rr*nc«s Brackett. M arjone ja -mleion and Ruth Shelton. Vlaltora i preaent wtre Meadamea Pox. W ilhite.Stanley Bonar. Elhel MacDonald, -----Boise, .ind George BarhearU The etub ' - v lU hoM a ctiUdren’a plcnle In thecity p ir lc Auguat W. • __

Chriatl;m Worker's Circle met at Mthe home or M n . W. W. W hitm ire ■

j-jrhu afliu -.fttlc ):apgn. l flL-a j h o a J)a a . J linezs aeulon and aoclal afternoon. ■Mra. Jolru Bergener. In the alucnee ■of Lhe president, conducted the ahort ■bualnesi seaslon.^^VlJl^ra ^present ■

" s f i l iT J / r iV iw r M if t a la d a;:d “ H'daughter, Mrs. Barry K lnter. ■

. Clrole tiurober (even o f tlie Camp Hof Supreme rore*t Woedmen enjoy- Bed ft ao:lal meeUng at the c ity park HT hu rid iy aftemoon w ith 20 mem- ■bera {treseDt. M n . C. Ben Roaa, atate ■organizer, and Mr. and Mra. M offat. ■were out-of-town vlAltora present. ■Mr. M offat i i the atate maoag'er ot ■tho PacUic woodmen. ■

M. C. club waa pleasanUy enter- I

sftemo;>n, when members sat down Ito a.table to enjoy, delicious .refresh* ■ments ii.*ranged by tlie "Oeasert club.** ITwo tables or contract bridge vere ■in play following. ■

The Willing Workers, a sewing club Hof the Syringa district, met yester* ■day w ith M n. Walter .Shaver wUh ■H memtxra' cind two guesls, Mra. HOtto Hahn, snd Mrs. A. W. Johnson, ■present. The club members worked a t !H embroidering tea towels.

.Sewing projects were forsoiten rr yesterde)iurhen the SklUull piogeraSewing t'iub gathered for & noslal a f- “ temo::) and picnic under tho dlrec*

•tlon Of M n . Warren Siarkey. leader. riD r.,Ltroy J. MUchell oppeared a t F

the W h o a u g c h u ftli la a flub llcp ic*' 'asnutlo ii o n i io Plney'Wobd scnool

* Thurcday evealng, before on audienceesUmat:>j at 150. The program con- I.aisled 0! piciures showing the de- ivelopment of the sehool. whleh was ~founded by a Negrouand n number of ^ aelecttoiu oo the plano-aecordlan.. Twenty youog people, imcfnbers o.

the ChrUllan church, gathered at the partor.age Thunday evening for

_.tbelr.JtcJUy.p:ay nlght,.Thes«.young I speople are planning a week's out- w,ing m the mountains, beginning Mon- .hBi day. Ausust 8. They w ill ge to Red

. . . .WTO. steward,tondldale fo r con- all c

grcts for the Liberty parly, addre«a- kuc«ed an audience of 100 a t the c ity ha il I’ loylThursday evening on the subject. Oth<'•Money, Interest and Taxes.- _ and

■ ----------- ---------i — ; was


^ J E RO M S .^u ly^^tS t> e< a i-t^T hTNews)—Dlstrlet court, meeting In mi chamben,-was occupied-durinr the*latter part o f last week and the f-.-n flrat part of-thto week w ith a caseInvolving te*i;4> f the county o f- ,1 , flcials. An oltemaUve w rit of man-damu* la aought by w . s . M artin f?,-?:agftlnst E ir l P. Kennedy, couniy J i. ,

_ treasurer^anil tax .collector. .ftnd-.U m tilL board ot coiintv

•which is composed of Harold Mor*rls, o . L. Thoreson. and L. P. Bhep* i l . herd. Th* case centen nround pro* perty of'V/. H. Day which he boughtfrpm the coun'y M iy B, After the ■aale.-Martln. on May 11, attempted 1“ ” 'to pay tho taxf.i nn the property.' “ n. whereby h j hoped .to secure owner*ship. Fac«i5 legui.'.Ics In ihU move, “ hd

. he then pio ftedfd to mandamus “ Otl;the commlsslonerj to declare the a pri

.aale void. In order that he m ight !>«rbe allowed to pay the taxes on tbe ^ '’cn property and thus secure pbsseslonof It. ; T t

Evidence at the tria l dlscloted the »lUiproperty.still Jn Uie nam o'of Oer- afieitnide Oaka as far as county records ed llshowed. She. however.' hsd deeded Fed(

‘ n ' “ '•n had w . ;derted It to Brigham Hanson. He liUhhad made uiea to a man by the by jname of Hepworth, who had loier Inir

none Of t h ^ tnuM ctlon . had been Clou recorded wlUi the w onty. men

^ ®«'clay beard the ney . n i , »»e. then took the T?n\

evidence under wnslderatlon fo r 10 days before rendering « decision. ‘ m

Couniy offic ia l, .re not S m - u “ a *d as 10 the outcome, u tha _

-W tfo n e c l-th e T la xe a f r o m J l ^ S t = U he Is'glven the decision or i f the W. P. Day purchase U upheld, the ■ county receives the purchase lum vrhlch exceeds the laxea.


tc The Newi I—Castleford v is io n . th la «-eek Ineludrd Ihe following;

Mlaa Eisle MUler. a teacher In scboois a t Bania Monlra. Cnllfomia,

' is Tisltlng a t the home of her M artin MlHer.'

Stewart Miller. Wall-i Walla, who has b?en vl»iung uere, has returned to bis home. _ ^

>-"'Metnb«ra'.at Uia radieii'«L>nB . I• Al.-the caplt^l’a bonus army J ^niade anether th ru rt . a t ' tha ^ - ;w n lts HOUM enlj>;te >« acat> m• tered wfrn pollee elutss. Nina ef H

thslr number wera Jailed Includ- . . ■ Ing waller elker et .Waahlng- ■ ton wne WSI ehaaed vp a tn a ■ and cama down only w ti(n blua ■ coal* (hraaiened to ahaka Mm h eul. Ssma ware carried tM m the ' . ■ m ile* and others w«re:tiustltd ■ • •’•I »:ene by atrens arma ■ 01 the law. (Aaaoclattd Pr«a« ' ■ Bhe«o»t - ■

' Divorce Courts F(

B s H M

kS A C L IM A X to a Bcries o f m at TalmndRC K e a to n f i le d su (t fo a jia in s t B u s te r K e a to n , th e s m ilt Mr.H K e aton , s is te r o f N o rm a Rc'rcon actresees, eh a rg ed “ e x t r P h o to . ; ,

5 = ! ^ s = = ^ = s » Oal<


Mrt. S. fl. W tlium fPhone 3M . I wcr<


Mrs. Martha-McKee cnterUniW -*^,^ JO Mountsln View Club Wednesday " " tternooii aislstcd by Mra. Naomi irters.-Rhlidren’s day w u 'observed,11 chllUten of club members being m uc*ts ur.d they spent the •afternoon'* i6r’ (laying a variety of Interevlng games.; Keat m er guesa were Mrs. Dean MlUer,Qtij; nd_Mr*, 8]wichoJE3fam>JlolUcalli.io.\| ■M answefed with cute sayings o ti The Mldrcii and charily work was dU-1 piaj iBsedrTtie remainder"iSnho ainef-ivM . oon wiw ipe n fio ila lly .-M ri. Robert! wiii jn i - in ja a a a in .n if t »inh f t r n rF t img rA m y tt. tenih . .

M rs .. Jo!:rt O-.Ram usaca-colet* t i l ! f lined a number of .ne ighborhood “ " l lends 111 honor of her grandmother, l,i_ , Ira. Mary Walker, who Is here from * « Os AnRi'lts vl.*l;lng her daughter,In . Harry Wallace, and olher rela- ‘ ves, and Mrs. Tliomas Madding, sla- w . . ir of M r Rasmussen, Alton, Wyo- >r",. ttngrgtTo-tg-K-Bug=mt- h»~htime. tPDen!e-inU ‘ bnag'o~ w')^p layed 'and •freshments served at the close ol .t, ,, le sftemoon.-

Mrs. Lester Bockstahler. Evanston, c. llnols, and M n.E . R. Esieson.Prcs- akU Ul. Idaho, who are visiting at the u-oi Dunlry l:omc of Uiclr parenu. Mr. pnic nd Mrs. o . S. Pomeroy, were picai- ntly surprUed Thursday evening by prouj> of old irlenda. A picnic sup- 4 -f-

er was eer 'ed-on the lawn and the fcnlng spent with com'ersatlon.

------- BThe wcmen's Progressive Club met im M rj, W. V. WlUon Wednesday flem oin . Mrs. a . A. Dates conduct- d lhe biistne.'s ne.wlon and the Rural edera:ion report was given by M n.7. Z. Iron. The while elephant fu r- P^*’ Uhed br M n. K. H. Carr wm n-on ” • ‘ y M n. Patrick Wynn. An inieresl- lg and Instructive ta lk on Parlla- A len lart law waji given by Mr*. H, W. clut Iouch<*k. guest or the club. Refresh- gusi lenU ner^ served. Mrs. E. N. W hit- clut ey w ill entertain the club August Aug enfh. clut

— IpstMUa Lois Sullivan. Butte. Mon- for

ma. gueil of her aunt. Mra. R. z. can'

T O N I G H T. . Shado w

S C O T Y S M IT H an.

-------- A d f f l i s s io i i 'P r M T J

“ E n jo y V o u rs e lf a t S fi

— --------- -----------

i t d e ^ I c ^ t o p ^ ^ F s n -


E S l i

s F o r Keatons ' ^|j|

-T — M p * . ~ - r ~

' ' V x

® spd

Day , Blsh

dale■ tbe


' t o t

Pur . Mac

■ .<r. • ' N . - K j Q *

. - . a t i

in a r i ta ! di.iputef?. M rs , N a ta l ie “ *t fo r d ivo rce in Lo s AnR cIea ^im ileleHs.com cdinn o f th e f i lm s . _m a and C onstance T a lm ad ge , ' —e x tre m e m e n ta l c ru e lty .’ ’—- ( / ^ | j

Oale, Tenth Avenue East, was guect I of honbr. at an Informal bridge par- I ty glvea by M n. W. O. Walts a t ber I home oil TTilrd avenue north T h u n - IB day oflernoon. MUs Sullivan waa I I

. presented w ith a guett favor and ahe . U and M rf. W. H. Madden. Kimberly. i M

' were winners ot lhe prises fo r blgh | I I tecre. Qi-tsts In addition to tbe hon* H

rufce |* el c-^t^g;~ff.^^^Mftdden.^MTil■ ' B ;R .E .O a K M rs.S .O .a ee .M lssC a th ' - f l erlne Bacon, Miss Annabel Gee tn d I IM l^Lo u l^M a dd en , Kimberi^;___ II

Membnn of the PalU Avenue Jun- H , lor'C lub, accompanle'd by Mrs. Berte I I , KeaUer ond son. Ted. and Mrs. Dare 1 I I I Qelis aod eon. Wayne; wenl on a h ike ; ■‘ io-\h«-Blw-Lak«a-Pft7Tn-Wtdnead*y;5- IThe tima was spent swimming an d ' I plaiJng lames. and a plenl; w « ser* I

!vfd. .n w next meeting of the c lub !. I w I ll lK a t ChchomeofAlerbethSyea-:. E

. Jacen SJurson and Nornion An* laur cntcrtatned at a “ hartf 'U ff l» " ' party-arHhe-Anlauf Tanch last eve- ' nlng. TM-enty-seven penon* were ' prewnt, Oames were enjoyed on the lawn, followed by Ih'o serving or Ice rream nnd cake. Quests preaent were Monty e junon, Ruth AnUuf, Elhel = A jilau f.,E dg^_W eI^^ ^

Hubbell, E ii iA sjurzon. Melba H ln* .-•haw, M ilo Sawyer, Orln Raymond.Lea Chrlslenaen. Doris Hlnshaw. A l­fred Kuykendall.-piorenie p ra tl. M.C. Ballcnger, Helen Oott. w arrcn akUiner. Ines Plelds. Elmer Mallon. LeoU Hl.1. Olenn Young, Irene Kao* pnlifk nnd Roy Young. ' -I

4-H CLUB [ ^ E R S MEET*BURLEY,'July 39 (Special to Tho

News)—A t local leaden’ meetings of 4-H cluba now being held under lu - perruion o f D. E. Warren and ML*.i' MagdalcM Clements, rirrangemenU are being made and committees ap­pointed for community fa ir exhibit^In the various countlea of the Soulh Central dUtrlct.

Achievement day for five girls' club near Deelo has been-set fo r Au­gust 23. Miss Hazel Mellne's sewing club w ill observe^Acblevement day August 73 anjU flss L illian Peterson's club. AuguSiaj. Miss Clements w ill Instruct In preparaUon of exhlblU for ahowlng. and Judging of sewing, canning and baking .____________ ___

r T O N I T EmlandI and IJ IS B A N D

E v e n ln jf T Icke ta 65c ,

t S H A D O W L A N D " j


a n ^ c K c f e r g ' ~ ~ S I1 E

i h Ib ' ^T n g ^ W i A I W M B i ^ y T i l News]

4 iiy <

• — Thi

A ii gTOUC. cr Nc

k l y a t - j r M K ' , ‘ ' to athas. I

. m iite faUs, • ouist,

. -M B W ‘Uatjx

1 :1 ' c laa K : ch ru

C. p. ' . . or J.

they ----------La<

v S l bosei1 Mra.

L l l l n l D E L i S L J i Theby M

" ' — ' ............................... er. >

w m emoENPs' i_ BBPY E0 [ST fll[5 T |»-°

T LeBURLEY. July 29 (Special to The !* / , f

News)-Ptiner»l serrloes tor James , , Henry Worthington. TJ, who died at s p * g a a irw e a n j£ S v T ra ia n itfH t7 ttT were held at. th# Burley tabernacle “ of the Chureh of Jesus Christ, U t te r . "Day Saints, * t a P. M. today. wlUi Bishop Prod' Chrtatenion. Spring* ™ ; dale, offlclallnz. In term ent was, tn the Burley c im eury, under direction of the Payrse »sd KtobalV xnorW*Ty,

Mr. W orthingtoo, vas? bora in atid' OrantsviUe, Ouib, 73 years ago. He sout tpent teveral y^M trclgh tlO E between sen, Ogden. ICelton «B< Hatley. He mored | out < to Burley tn lOM.' 'Bfi Is survlred by Mi his t«o ecoa In Spmgdale. W am q, a pa Los Angeles, his s f l d ^ vUe, MxaUL T ^ t. Purdy W orthlngtoa:!:Aiui&. ArsaUi^ s(Kn MarUn, Malad>'aad«lster and b ro b i' er, Mrs. Alice Poulton, Oafley; and #»p|

IS. S. WorUilngton, Burley.

N liit of etghtoen brass l o ^ ploced on a padlocked renUuranC C! a t LoutsvWe. Kentucky; were Ktolto. to 1

. ' socit''Siamese twins" among fUh tre

a common occurence in M lch lfftn M lakes and tlreajns, -the-atale.~fUh « .p i dlvUlon reports. ' Or«i

■ = = = ~ = = ^ , S

Heads Finalnce Boai^ ^ i :

- 1 ..........^


■ r ^ CAPI K i ^ H I 3 Wb.

r - der,don

' of tI . c' l y i n f l B f ' p ^ t i l l p n ^ B r M

I 1A T E E S ^ P O H E R E N E !. C leve- : la ntfc-To n n e r -U n ite d ■States - t

- o e iia to r f r o m O h io ,’ -has been nam ed s s a *d lrc c to r o f ^ th o R c c « l! t ru c t!o n F ina nce {« „ co rp o ra tio n —</P) P hoto . ec t

Sdiurda^I A T T H R E E

Fresh ■! HamburRer

.H I I ) S . 2 . 5 c C i i

. ' Fancy Pot Roasts, Shoulder Pork Roa WhuleShoulders \ Whole-Shoulders. Lean Beef Stew, II Veal Stew, fine wi( Lamb Stew, noth ii Pork Shanks or St

' -* - Pork' Back'Bones, Frying Chickens,. Tonn^ Rabbits, W Skinned Hams, haI f you th in k .we don ’ t m i d o w n t th e In de pe nd en t i I F Y O U W A N T T H E B l

! l n d e p e r i d (

Tw rn-FA U f-iD A H orSAT in tD

m W S I I T FILEB rPILER, July 3» (Spec ltl-to The |ews)<~BociaiacUvlU»iia V U tr )» v i -eea uumetoua Ulla week, aad a m r r ■ sI other wuresting e m u M « iHaa* i:

V1 a t a ueigbborliood ptfl3f;We<toeai » ^iiy -eveuuig at the . hoCM ,oC t t t f (

«Tf lUewlamea H. E. UUM«r. F . »Si sr. Z. O. Walter. Pred‘ «un>oa, c :. 7».e>, L. R. Petenoa, O. B. b « * lanTJid 'A . g.'-8chclteB. r ~ " ~ -i -The D Lko iaa nn aar^« lkLW n-M eW. Sunday. August 7, t t the /a lr - roundr. A ll lormer resldenU oTe lth ' r NorUi or South Dakota t re u r t« t » attend Tlie Dakota aatoclatioo 1*J sppciiited the foltowtof. com- i [ilitee; Mrs. W. O. W ltb tm ; Twto . ■sUs, ch ilA ia n ; M n. H. B .JUm m er- S uist, F i.fr ; M n. Briggs, M tirtaugh; '■ ■ Jstpcr .Sjgard. HollUter; O. -W. Pot* ? er, rU c i, and J. W. Reed.SutU. Tb<^ Jiisea u,« in lft and oraee. H u n ^ rlth Mrs, Reams are p laysm nd 'sa* ' '' lenUon. i-ri-The yaung people'rfiidtdky'M tieol -

:laa .o f the M annonlte<& ttuutn io , :h rU i cnurch and their teacher. U rt .

P. Schnell, motored to tba bpna i( J. P. Bever Friday'eTenlDf where hey enjoyed a welner re tsV ,, SI^- L a<H».^ld-*oelely-h«l»%-apeettl------ :ncelln;: Tuesday altentoob< in the ' josemen; of the Methodlft church. ' tflra. 8. A Hoffman led derottonali* _ rhe program eonsklted o f offerings >yMrs.t: A .B ee m ,M n .a .Il.a he a r- I I I ;r, MUscs Sue Olenn BUBC*. Bea- D :rlce Pctrnon, H lld t eo ilebrlgb t. Viola- Ebcrsole, LUUan H tU e, and ■ Mrs. L. C. OUllIan. During the so* I ;lo l hou; tea was served by Mrs. S. I

Beem. assUted by her dtufb ten>Mrs, H. E. HammerquUt and M n . „W, F 'T l t l l f ■______________• .J J

Legion Auxiliary w ill hold Its regu- isr meetlRg next Tuesday.tftemoon u the home of M n . T. D. Connor. A pot-luck tea w ill be serred. ^ ’

T, ..A trt payitio Woman's Home Missionary so*Mety or (lie MethodUt church T nu rs ' ,gv ]syaficrroon.Mrs.Showerapreslded. . . , Mra. Be^s leW yga l,M n.o ;H .Shear* ,,‘ J tr, MUses Sue Qiennipunee, Bea* trlcc pewrson, Viola Eberwle. HUda CngUbrlAht and L illian >TltUe pre- ‘ ‘t unte'd Uic projram. Mr*. W . S. TltUc atid 'M ls.1 UUlsn'-nUle, Rapid City- south Dhkou, and M n . ,Ow.P. ^en* !? , len, 'UmneapoLU. Ulaneaota,, were out of town guests, . i

M n .L . P. Pelerton entertained wlUi „ o r party Tuesday comidimenUng Mrs. * p;bra French. Tbe Mtenioon was ifKnt; locfeliy. . J,‘g'

d E D A R D R A W -S O C IA L

O R G A N IZ A T IO N S 'M E E Tablt

CEDAR d iCa w . July 39 ISpeclal Thi to The tiews)—Seveni Cedar Draw of t social groups enjoyed' meetings thU ° week. st«j

Ml£s Pearl Noland was hosteu for >18, a-pariy ot-chUdren-froro-tbe the Draw Bible school M ondtya fte raopa ava n ^ t y children were preaent, ' den [JComrades o f Spanish W ar Veter- ran i M ' Of the Oenenl Lawton ctmp. ^ Tw in FalU. and their famUlea, en- « » J0|»d ft lUcnlc oa the lawn o f tbe^C. ate a : McNcaly homa near PUer 8up* day. These In attendance were the are families oi C. Peebler, John Extrand, «!< peter Pearson, Ssm Hull, Obartaa * f i Carder. Edgar L liller, and Lloyd cor Wbltsel. and the MUses Nola Car* der, Adda Thompsoft and M n. Tbeo- K l dora Thompson, as honorary member , of U » Auxiliary.

Cedar Draw Community dub met * a t the home of Mrs. Edd Brackett. ™

alae.-Bwsibcrs.nnawsred-' roll 7twiet*en> eight guests. The program coo^ d of musle and demoostra- “ «O BTBy-a:«:B tm !nft>dJr dlrecUoo ^ o C r - ^ '^ e le n BrackeU.

B U R L E Y GROUP M E E T S S••- 'I- ■ PO'

r 5 j(W L E T .’TO^»--3S-IHp«Un6T*ejittJ I m w —A reception was held Tuei* > d w .fV fo m g the lawn of tbe i m m fleholer homc_Ja honor_oI Boi

P f»r«m , BQUldef, ^<J5a s ao.-W flo-ifB -TM tm r n w y = y ^

of^tev. and Mts.-o . o . at- raa ..; - «- T toriroest iU t w u'm adeup-o rthe • coogtatatlon • of the prest>yterlan eh chureh and oUier friends who called of durtng .lhe evening, Punch, and wa* , fera were lerred, w llh Mesdames an Seholer. Daren and Barclay in mi

ijr Meai; SE Q U A L I T Y ft

I n d e p e n d e n t M k b

C e n t r a l M k t .

C i t y M a r k e t , K i m b e r l y "

t s , B e e f o r V e a l , I b . ............

t o a s t g r a i n f e d , I b ...................

s Y o u n g P o r k , H ) ....................

-8 , S p r i n g L a m b , I b . . . . . . . .

, I b . : ...................' ..................................

w i t h d u m p l i n g s , 4 l b s . .......

h i n g h e a l t h i e r , 5 l b s . ........

S p a r e R ib 8 , _ 3 l b s . .......: ........

•8 , p l e n t y m e a t o n , 6 l b s . .

3 , ..................2 5 c H e n s .............

W a l k e ' T ’ s q u a l i t y ...................

h a l f o r ^ h o l e ............ ..................

m ake q o a l i ty lun ch meat.s aee ou n t m a rk e t F r id a y n ig h t and Satu i ! B E S T A T T H E R IG H T P R IC E

A L t O F O U R M A R K E T S

dent Meat €(

BD AY M O R N TN G r^T 80, 19:


" * i r T T ', - —


w aa s tru c k b y a gale a tid aanH w ere tra p p e d In a c lassroom -Jw l

i r i i i i f i n ^M IIBW G O U N PIIIEBT U

' -------- landRUPEilT. July » iSpeeUl to Tbe tur«

we«i>= p aymeBt- or -gwuT.i s "au r in y j- M the year ending July 11 reduced M lor tM ^ idoka countra bonded IndeMcdntd Dan to |I|,W ,9« , i t was showA here to * a .s i

C oU eetiw ! of . current taxes for t iw 10SO lery amounted to S3 per «ent ohal of the lo ta l amount levied. Coltee* dam Uon o{ current ta x u f(» m i lery aerr amotmted to 73 per cent of Ute tfital^tee. amountiRvied. . . ,, «««~AllboU'|h Uw to ta l current. UaM Bt tabl IU U eryw asl0331p« i'eentleut|t>a Den for tbe 1030 levy, the financial cOMUH hoa Uon ot the'county thows som^.Un> prot provement over the firs t six m datbi M ia Qf m t or the same period ot a 'fe t r Heji sgo, according to a summary ,<itre-«. The peru of C. H. DarU, publlo auditor a t t aod accountant in ebarge ot the au« wlU d it ; , '. ' • • • • ~ 7 : | / ’ iC ha

Canvnt expense w a rra a tk !« ( f com stand July 11.1B33, amounted to 301M with 13791.70 avaUable ut o f fr ! v t t rentexptni«.fundaadltON03avaa< M l able 10 the w airan t redempUon fu iiC Thls leftaneLw arrantlndabtedaaia - o l« 6 .« lt ie .

Ourreni expense warrants out* K standing, July l l , 1U9, amounted to "^ e 118.737,03, WlUt 13108.07 araUable Ui cUn th» n p^nM fnn^ |676j0 ,SChlavaUabld lo the treasury note re*|10. dempUon fund. ThU le ft a net war* rant inaebtedneu Of l u m w . ■ '

"A ll lecorda are found to bs tn ex* cellent condlUon, neaUy and accur* * ately kept County' commUalonen T and ofneen o U ^ d o k a -oounty o r ' are to U) congratulated upon thetr,urg wUo economical handling .of a ffa in eu: .of the coiinty.** the auditor stated on lim completing the audit, ]be


Tbe NewD—Among Kimberly ar*|Nei

week jrc re .the JoU o irlng i.........._ |batM lsi Josephine cameron, Salt COI

Lake City, u here fo r a month's car is lt- wlUj -reUtlwa,- _____.- . bat

M r. and Mrs. Prank Powen le ft n>r Wednesday fo r Loa Angeles to at* 79 tend the Olympic games before go* _ Ing to San BemardUu^ wbere Mr. ~ ^ w e n <rtll coach athlcttea tbe coa-

Mrs. Carrie Chapin reUimed Wednesdsy. from Honedale, Ore* gon, w h e re ^e epenLa.montb r ls li* in g -ra la U v«» .-l- -............. . —

J i a t a r ^ t t - ^ u n day f or CaUfor ala.

' - - -- ‘ charge. Musle was furnished by oirls of the P/esbyKrlan Sunday ichool. *

A r t r / enjoyable erenlng w u (Penr and the guests o r honor - received msoy beauUful gifts.


P urePork i Sausage !

- 3 lbs. 28c - -...---8c....... -.... 10c•:.... ........ 8C........... lOc.........- 6c.............25c '-----..... -25c

- . - - - .............2 2 c - - . ,

I. .....................25c i - — .... 20c I............. - ............2 0 c i

...-;...... 16c -o u r A id a to rag e w in * . ' i

i tu r d a y m o rn in g . • |: E w b H A V E IT A T

i ^ o m p a n y

m z ...... ..

a W i i g - S h i p : S i n k 9 H 9 ^ a d

r rc a d e ts - Io a H h e ir -H v e s -w h H T rth rt i inH in th e B a l t ic bob o f f th o coas i - t M ^ ^ n . th e docks.— (/F) P h o to .


OA8TLSPORD, July » (Bpedsa X I to The News)—A swimming party Nci and a club meeting were social fee* beoi tu re d iM h e last weeHln CasUetord. K

M H . J. J. HUtK .tM k btiial>Ci7~7 3nC itM e T ju io r; Epworth league to tha tiid n a nb urt naUtorhim Wednesday fo r Tht a ,fw lm and picnic, lunch. 8ul

a t^ lh e ^ *^o m ^ o f '* *M ls s MaJgaltie Thomai wlUi Mrs. O. L. Tbomas u aftt chairman o f the meeUng. and Met* U. dames A . ^ Vogel and E. D. Logan « « aerrlng on the.refresbment commit* Clei tee. . D uring Uie business hour I t waa decided to send meat and rege* Uie U b le i to ttie bealUi camp a t BuhL DonaUons - k il l be coUectad at the Vie hoauCor Ulss B ra & o « n . On Uie ^ program were musical numben by / Miss L ilian Hejunanek, Miss Bessie HejtmanekandMra. Ray Wilkinson. >t The.nest JneeUng.-wlU ba A vg u it-U Tht a t Uie home of Mrsi 0 .‘ L. Tbomas, tafi w lU i Veadamei .W.-a. ThoouU add tba Ohattea'Koyer on’ the'refreshibenu » c o i ^ t t e e . ..................... .... • ^


' KIM BEBLY. J u lj 90 (SpMJll la 1The Newt}—Klmbcrly'a baby health tcUnio w ill be held In the loeal high i school aut^torlum on August 0 and10. under auspices o f the t^dtea' /Pioneer club, and directed by Mrs. i

IB . E, Potter, chairman t>f the pub* j‘ llo welfare department o t the club, /i t was announeed here to n igh t j

I The cllnlo U-open to a ll eh lld rn u J o rp rtiichooT tge, and'jifbtbBrt an urged to register their children J

, eu ly . as t te regUtraUon w ill be I limited. County healUi offlceri w ill

|be In charge. ’

|W IND ~SW EEPS KNULL ;I I KNULL, J u l z ^ (Special to n ie ..News) — Wednesdays windstorm; .n w fly iiTftpLtIi«prftfif n f f lh a alana . ibam on Uie E. M. Ooesett pUee.

r con iiauw lile repairing wUl be ne*I cessary before hay la stored. This Jbam^haa-baea-a landm ark foe the . ( lurroundlng terrlUvy f w ' IB i~ U k t '

35 years. ' . . ‘ r

O p e n s ^Never have we been

-patrong;:gucli^xcept Guns, R ifles and Ami

S in g le B a rre l G u ns , A u * to m a tic e je c to r , 12*IS *20 o r 410 G a A Q$8.75 V a lu e .. 2 ) D > i / 0

12 Gfu D o u b le B a rre l iln m m e rle s s G u na 125.00

ror'“l . „ $ 1 3 .9 812 o r 16 G a. S tevens H am m erlcss P u m p G uns. F o rm e r p r ic e $ 4 3 .6 0 ^

_ $ 2 4 9 £ _- 2 2 R IFLE I

22 R i> - 1 e , S h o o t s 22 S h o rta , L o n g a n d L o n g R if le Sheila . |7 .7 5 V a luo

' $3 .98 Diamond

r t r » l n l l i r i * l r N I o B 5 T a l » v e ) . j la s t o f H o ls te in . T h e c a d e ts . .


KN U LL, J u lr » tBp«Jal.to l b * ■ - K cw i)-K n u ll SOOUI M U flU it l u n >eoD numeroua In the last weeki'

KntiU UUuInn. n irrU n s t * ln a' uiipQ aesston a t Flier, w iu i f i le r ^ uid Buhl MUalonary s o c l^ a rhursdty tfternooo. KnuU and Bubl itippUed the procraat and P Un

~WeJcosi» «>H cJtm met T T iund w ~ tftemoon a t-th e home e t U ta. K t l DOaaett W tae ra o t the gtrU , . vere guests,* and U ln U tg d tU h t Slements, R upert d lit i le t bome lemonstraUon agent.' an iited w lUi Jie studies. UUdred:WBddeU pre- ' dded;*and’ M arjorte and -Vlrglni*Vietor were admitted as new n e m * ' bera.

A lawn pa rty was giren In bocer - Of U ln SoaaB Saunders. Pecatello. at the home o f U ary m e n O riete . Ihuraday ereoln*. Games and a ta tty ptfll a t to itlid amuiemealt fo r ■ the erenlng. ' .


Leare Tw la PaUs___DaUy' eeasaetton wHb W o t ' Bevad Onisn PtcUle T raia Mo.

l l M Sbeebone a t ______ ■.A trlre HaUey _________ StMPALLeare UaUey_______ ,^«iOOP.M.Arrtre Bboataeae ___S tUP.M .Arrlre Jeewme------- __g :O er.M .MeeU Weet B m M Calea Padne. . ..


A ^ r e Tw la _________ I t VEast B o n d Unloa Padtle leartag'

2 t t« A .M .Twta Fans*WelU Stage learaa 11:00. A. M . Arrtrea WeUa, Ne*TBda I l l s P. U . DIreet ceanec*Uob Sowtbem PaeWe East aad West, alae Ptelfle Oreyhaaad

Bast aad Wart

n iO r iE STAOB7

M o n d a y■n a b l e t o o f f e r o n r

ptional j*v- —m m u n i t i o n —

■ M i l l

w in c h e s te r 12 G a. A u to ­m a tic S h o t G uns—

$39 .50 ;L o a d e d S h e l l s

K le a n B o n : ' Q C i *She lls . 20 G a------ 0 3 tK le a n B o re Q A / »She lls , 16 G..........J 7 1 /UK le a n . B o ro ( P i A A She lls . 12 Ga. t M U U

W in c h e s te r P u m p G u ns ‘' in a l l s izes an d prices.

S SPECIAIS1906 .22 W in c h e iite r B® . pe ater. S h oo ts 22 L o n g o r L o n g R if le , |2 1 .5 6 . V a lue—

$16.15 Hdw. Co.

' ' • I ' ' W " ' " ' ' g f e raiH FAliS DAILY. NEWS I ' r

..... Or«

■■■’ V : ; > J r i ^ W S i ■ m » i i 'ST JiB- fig Man

s? S F ® ^ . ^ sS i £•■“ * * *•••■ ttw auaW uw*. ^ ; '-»A'i(i

’ M SKBB o r A l M m r u r ^ r ^ T

s r S r S r a - S aeUiMWM c n a iM u tWi^BMis ftBtf w Um iOMt a m puUWM M n ta Au m &t M rapubHetOOB M V M U di»< oma I

. p»K>w fcm tt H«. f i r m .- W la m M iModkwd ^•n t » n > M * ombMi at tta .A nd ii M por

a iasu ‘g y r h a a ? ““

f J J!sS H ’i S : £ S ! £ S a ,2 s “ ' i s r s t i 5 s . » " s s ‘ - . { 5 s : l U

J i S » 1 i 'S . S p S S 5 S b f o * - « » .n ae i

; .............‘» « « ‘ra u O T « « ^« w o AHO *0000111

n ^ ' i ’SSTmcta. t a m M N M L » MdU. M tu * . J,

--- --------------------------------------- _ ipeadi, TUE *0 N V 8 A *M Y “ Th

I f . though IMU i t *eenu tocredlWe. tbe t<lcnUty o t th t bonu* Ketata u

a Bcoenl »«iref»Uon ijt mltcWcr m atlDs bum* aod radlcaU of every *“ •txlpe, ihe pJoturt prefen:«i /root a IflM rn m tn i iia iu jp u iia -« u w g e tiie r dlHerenl to »h »? lt w u a Jew reeJu aifo.. lla(^ln4 tMoui arm r beeo eompoa* r | |P | ed (otlreljr ot bonatUe Tcteran* U u i)[Jp{ •dUtlnUl to beUcTo' that there would <have been much, i f any. of Tiotlog o r Iother unlawful- actlvUyT Oemonitr*- ' Uoni o f a peweftfl kind, there m l*ht bave bwn plekeltlnc perhapi but WlUt aounderlrtng note of dvUebedt* the pi -•oM 'andoolhlnB a la U ofdow orlgh t a u w

' dUreiara fo r law and order.I t w i^ ) l Mem that in Thunday'a genera

jioUtheBOTcmmeotwunot'deaUoK, Beci at the ou tK t, w llh an orderiy group go ip * o r |rou(« of petltWnlo* e x ^ d le re

. but wltu a it unruly and disorderly pgf^j. , 0i 6b . i f th U U the caie’ tt u a m atter lo thi• fo r coniratuUtioo.that.the' to re ro - O t * ment fortea w ere 'n iutl to the oeca-elon; U It la n o t. it U 'u n fo n ^ te u r , x tha^ fo i:>* advUed a coune of actloa entire wat ever atreed t^ by either leadera „ _ ' • trtct. Io r men. ^ d litrlc

P*” ’ <^ . “ A.

" n ra ^B O N p R A W ,B S o

‘ Mayor Jaotea J. Walke'r’a w rtttan , defenw filed w ith Governor Rooaa- Bennl velt la an In teru tlng coUeeUoo o f Ute i t worda ano phraiea but not muohelie.

The Honorable Jimmie ihow i h im - W IN M lf ao adept In the geoUe a t t o t PAI dracgtas » red h tn lo g aerou tbetf«n « t I i Ww . but h« fa ll, to »«. B IIplala whal I t wai he iav« for.-tho Newi

• atoek, bond! and money g tft i o f h u .T^eh fr itn o i- who Fere d u y t ly jn *■ MJMtw i j r t f t t in i j t e T O w ^

franchlte i wUhIn the g ift of to« count M ajor. J*’«

People wUl-be Ilow to beUeve tha t •ta eyB e H M iy iln vM U ^tta ^^ t-w w *- - ly a poUttcal move d u lfo e d to draw tor, 1 publT: BttenUoo f i m more M rlous Wdv

- lawwe. -er t h a W u d ie - e e a b y r :^. fa in . ai iM ted bJ *»>|vw i iM . tb l g m nic

.U anctablc in the cooduet o f tb t . in d a ld io oulry. AUo they w ill be dow lo d u ^ l S'«*j

• -regMOfPher the ebarje* OTTJio lM - Umony. - ~

I t WlU bt. intereiUiig to lee wEat RU Oovern.>r, Rooievelt w ltl do about

SS,_____________________________________ AU


O Id-f«hloned commercial backing c)lr^ J l l w v l S') hftve twome a lin u t t loat mcD;

ar:, in u-.ul Anierl:aa tIiiancUU ceu- Sor^l te ti. dur..ij‘ the IU I th J ^ y e in . c o a r “ P ' m lU tf* opcriilHg under ihe Recon- j p •trucllou Km»nc: Corporiilon *ay ' j j i th > /h iw been overwhelmed by man- J* t>< ulacluror? ead nurch&uta vbo com* pU ln or InabUUy lo get crtdiU , a j * they meU lo. to Uke care of.tjie.pye> ha:> ducilsn 0: go:d*. Theae a r i 'n o t the ,E*l**r, "big teilo««," but'men';m|dwfty tbe MUabm leveU, aod, most o f . a l i . in i i .the.“ i itii» m e e . : - • ‘ f " A “

. Wedlt re u il«eetos' to b a n beeo e o o d u e t« l'liu ie - rn ^ ly on t b ^ t h it I f fmaoclal be lp , |« y w e re .e re n .th e 'b U .b iu U K u in iU - Buiv tutloba^blg b in k i. rkUroids, aod lo Mr. on-lt.'w ou ld pcKolate down to tbe J®” * U itle W low i. I t m ir . but tbe proceu U ito jf. ^ k e n ba ie come to b* ao k « i critical and exacting ta ih i m atter »on.

— of credit tha^ lo u u *re almost tm- poslUe 1C B«. ewn- wJib'mmWe' xourccf, good ehiracter u d u ie fu l Uale purpotfs. '

AU tbU; tbe fedenl c ^ t dUpeiu-. OM era hope, if gola'i 10 be changed. They, aay th tre U roough credit avaUable 0 / now, ana general caddtUoni ate eooiJgb *cunder. to juttUly » Io o ko - g j? ' log up aU around, and a ahmktng down mi of crcdu irom the to^.o f tbe flo a o - M n.c l^ b o p j« r iJU heW togu___________errl^

-<• Q tt it t 'U a ir . to f f lo ii comaualUaf. maoy «maU io v i i w ill do mora good o . h thaa J l l r * large ooe t Tbey ihouM cami help publl: piychology eipeclally.U t j l u w t tM is i w mew., J J J

.. txano,MOOT AET TfT^>l'«iin*;Ansili9aiu Rtfi nn muea ^tm tw l lac'ttt^rapcdaiiy la tioic. ■ ■ I t lU H «i>«a euoM m n grd tb t anaatartiB et Ufe. A rt uuxiih '. M d •o iu lh ln t we do no: J Hte “ ctfcT and aa attcrtbougbt. to J Ho o o iid a ^ m r<U tater* M |t bave.beea attended to. B iu t U ib lg U Uue, i t l i batd to ac-

' Btber.’da^ ’ta c im U o d - - a lo w o r ^ l r«r pu tteu la rljr noud u artuuc. ■

tni o r bard Umei. aad (icdlng tha i ■I pebpU were ae t coming to them. J H M M 'tO 'io to 'tb e people w ith aXb aurket,'* Tbey b ind a big bau Ha btlftir itree tt bung up their pie- ■M a itd tbloga aU ever, provided I H’ m odcfi aldeabowi, loeludlng rap- HM rtnltureaadallboucunbygood . BUta. ' t f r a a p d . tor ntreihmenu. ■

the word around aod'waltod . H* bu ila jta . -I caae w ltb , '« to thielr HaM m eat,^a»prthjui twelve thou* Hid. | > i ^ ;ire««U4 Into the'.hall. . M U g . t o ' i f t f lk Ttie> itood around.' I nued.alk.VTeep before the main ex- |S S lu , ciamorltt’ I t l UftU mipecuon1 ea'xrr <o,buyi They waited tn long «iue*;tb) ,^ X ‘ Uieir own p o r ir i iu O de .-T be y -^us ie da rta nd artUU ite d ly 'fo r houra. And they bought. tbat whole place in one day, V ,'a d li^ m i ^ tbouiand doUm. e | Thais I ahould ever hive lived to . T

thta day." the Incrtduloua ar-* Icept aaylng to each olher. - ^ e Jt-bavc.bien_.be.lter th in we •ugh-.", Ma«be they wm.,Maybe _ I people w ire , too. Maybe thetr art ^ 1 never been handled right, never ^H prMnntnH _ WB* a w y laggaiUre eipertnwnt. ^

i l c i p n s IJO LOCAL PERSONNEL |

•ODSN. July 39 <6pecUI to The I n>—AnooMDcemenU regarding ■ ■

penonn il o f tiie. Amalgamated ■ n r company: otfseial ita t t tn the ■ Ith C en tn l Xdaho dii(rle l. were < ■ ia.bere todaj> by.U. A. Bennlng. ■ eral nuniger.lecauie of. unusually . excellent . ■ ipecU tor a big beet crop in ■ ho th li year, an Idaho d litr lc t ■ being created. Mr. Senoiog re* ■ l l . .IV H . .Talbnao. wbo haa been - ■ the Cache- VaUey territory in ■ 1} fe r aeveral yean, w ill be the ■ r Idaho d istrict manigrr. and bU ■ douftrtan w ill o i in Twin F a lli. ■ Tallmmn'i duties will cover tbe ' ■

Ire • Idaho territory. . which In* | H les. beildei tbe Twin PaUa dl»i ' ■ t . tlie Burley, P iu l and Rupert H Tlcta. Ho wUl repreient the eom* ■ ly Id Idaho. ' H A. R . JUgar. who h u done auch ■ client work In the Twtn - FalU ■ rlto rr aa. local manager. wlU.be.! ,T T ae'agricultural (uperiotendeot-ot m IT

entire Idaho dUtrlet.” w ld -M r. luilng. "M r. Hagar will h ind le a ll f ■ Itr ic tly igricultura l opentlon i." in

----------------------------- 01IN ID O K A C O U N TY P IC K S M


ailP l-RT .T.ilv M tn Th>iwi)*>Klrctloo Judgei tor tbe nine !=s= KincU In Minidoka county lelect* ‘ recently lo eene i t . t h i general P IL

«UoQ tbU.faU were ipproved thU * j t “l T a i p f e a r ^ i S r o r a n r

iS M U ta f tu r ^ ^ d .b y A .H .J e n * j l 'SI , clerk ot the board ot eouatjr mmiMtooefe.-tollowi: — -------R O P C tT T ^nm a fig rlg aa ttry ic - r, P. D. Umbert. Edna Slnelalf. ‘ a lve8choler,Mlna Bumilde. Ba»- ^

. ~ _ T ' f ZROPERT. num bff 3 — Mae-Kett» I

l i o o d a ib v ld e n a e - i I o l i ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ewart.'Ada Uulauer. - whoRUPERT, imm<>:r 3 ~ .H . M^CoU. tiaXtilpix iliU i. lU te Drown, Mae doaei. dayilude Pouell. P lo ^ Prull. l>omRUPERT, number « - R. B. Moy. M:» . }t. it. Judd. Porreit Marklasd. fiomuy Bhiaiiigton. Leiter Oulley. Ramn rl Cole. ■ . exts:AUKQirtA - Fred Stepheni. M . B. ingK

yiiiTfij —5firII. Mr». Rube Moncur. Mra. C h it

1U E Y D U R N -E the l Welch, B. r , ir^'leiuen. John B. Redtord. Lavi cDaMii. Ulancne Wllcoi. Margaret »ffp*on., ‘niERSON — U u n Moncur, Joo tJ * ‘ !hodd«, I n T . Short. Joile Barrr. T^‘ p. Morcan. Mary Birlow. .

M IN IU O K A -J . A. Kautman. A. ' t.ouii.^bury. Andy HeUon. L illian • «

ayra. Blanche Sears. Clara Hen- » g'i nser. . |yn» 'CAtrir-P itram lng ta c n n rK e n ry r— M atkjoan. Paulla», HardlB. -Verlie br:r ) ;r. Agnes R oV iH |)t.'A tidU V a n h h i very. > - ‘ i l»o»-

— . *,-■ I . Mr.A K L E Y C ^ S P IC N IC S 3 “

CAKIXV’, Ju iT m lap ec la l'to -T ha lttlib ew a)-M em bet,0f tbe cburch his- i j r try clou of lhe Oakley Second w a rd -r .n unday ichool. and thetr te ach e riJ ir - Ir. M (l Mrs. r re tm in W hittle, cn, *, i r tyert a « ln e r ro u t at tbe Ookley, a i im Wedneeday evening. • •• 1 V a i Metnben ef the e lu i pneenk w tr* M eot JJilc. I r i n L « . Key BoWa-', >xer >n. R:ue| Severe, Cleooi Lee, Sam- ura. llwn. fCeil Severe" Bayd K itoU f. 1 Mai alpb-Severe. Marlaa-Walker.JBdBai 4ay Lmmons. O u Craner and Yjoano M *ie . . C ii,


OAXUrV. Ju ly 39 (Spiola) t« I t a ' ew i) - Oakley am n U aad'de-1 inu re * in the l u t veek included le'follew ing: _M n.'O tetU & nal*. and M r. and

tn . Dewey Hale, s m u » e Clly, rrlvcd In Oakley Uic Wedneeday —IKUt’ for B TUIt.----------- ------------- ----------M ward lU le . R U el^tah and W. L< . Hardy are a l BoilsiU r enjoying ane imping and fUhlnt. e<^MU* Helen Erlciaon. lU n ien . U V luest a l the bome ot Mr. and M n . Nlh l ia B a k w . • “ — uiwi

. /T W m . g A L t f l P A lL V N E

• .. CoIoHiirPa

T W O V J E W S o f m arehlnff nobles tlo n o f the M ystic S h rim M n Si Shrinci^s puged Uie d t y ha ll du

M itz i Doea A .G arbo ! |g ||

We! F u t and of t

• tr l 'ban

. to e



t i n


H B 9 9 H 9 9 ! H 9 9 S p wrii

M IT Z I GREEN, ju v in l lo f i lm °™ actreaR, added to her llg t o f ' Im ita tions when sho dem* onstratcd In Chicago ' how I ahe would plby tho role o f G reta .Garbo tra ve lin g in* cognito from Hollywood to Sweden.— (/P) Photo. -

FILER RESIDENTS yiSlT'I j r a S T J u F w ” (Speclai to -iJte Newi)—Pller arrlvaU and departures in the laat week Included the foUow- tog; j — M n^O . F -Je a im aad.aoni. Mel*. ; T Iim iH e itty .w b o K fc te b e e n g u « t3 - o f M il. Jen i;n 'i ftlsUr. Mrs. O. N. ; -VnffiM elin ti-and - tamUyr*.dopertart=| -Mendayloe-VeHowetoooparkeareute.

who have been g u e iy ^ M r. HarrU'" lis ter, Mrs. p . Richmond, fo r aevenl daya. departed Thunday loc tbelr. home, at Luellen. Nebraska.

Mm. Plorn French, whe makes her bome B»h her daughwr. M n . Sari Ramsey, w ill depart Saturday tor an extended vUlt at Longview, W uh- Inglon. ^"■ b^ ?'d.- iu l i r y i i iJ -fa u l 'Harper.— vbo nere gueiti a t the A. W. BarQc. cat home, dr'parted today for Namrs

Roy M :t; l ir lelumed today to ta .Like City, wiscre ha i i employed ii. tha Weiicm Union office. atU i &p:iid.iig hu vacation w ith bU moth­er. Mrs: C. Me'pClir.

Warren Potter departed T hu nd iy j fo r Carfy. •. Mr.r .M. Yaw. Des Molnei. low*. Ls '

Bgue.v. n ; : ” ii-m eot her lon.-Harr,

:— M l' j . . Bmlth. who Im^ ' lb r :n .1,. •. * ; »umm*r eohool 0:[the r .y .' * i tJoicow. uI lionie lc.- u v :;l. v. t l j her parer.lc.Mr. I.;-;! L. M. sm ith.

I II- 1; i;ajrm rrqv;!;t and E. A. iDpem «!rp;;:ed Tuetday on a biu l- .•trM 1.1UI ; ;.-asurc trtp ta HaUey ana

rtta lm nr <r;tr:------------------ — ------------i Jr.. and children and Mtsi - r . i 11.. i;ir a;mon spent Tueiday wllh IK -•..•.fi Rl M iglc H ou iprlngs, i l'a ..'lEli Davis h u returned atter I a tr.o-»eek visit w llb relative! at I VaXtmi, Waihlngton..I Mr*. Waller Cole h u a i ber gtfesli , >ier /aJh»r. CharJej Dryden and tit- ! u n . MLues Harriett. Hasel and I Maude Dr>den. who arrived Satur-4ay Cfom Celiromia.--------------------------

Mrs. Ed Noh h u returned from'' C ilito rn ti. where ahe ipent leveral monlhs.-

j -----------— - - - - ■ , '•

! Real Estate traiuhn

rwaUhad by tbe fkteevMWBtatt . T iU* Osaraatf C o ttpu y

JULY 29 Leaw: Union Ceniral L lt i Insur­

ance company to John W. CampbeU 6^4NW. N C m vU -lO -U .

De^d; Mary A. N lhart to James L, N lhn il. I I ; io f.ft. block UO. BublUiwniita. . "

NEWS. TBTO F A t t a ' ID A B O , S

P a r a d e s u a i z l ^ j t l s n Fram

les in civic center du ririR -thc f if t ; II San Francisco. AIL o f the 15,0 [ during the parades.— (ff) Photo.

JEIRIiyi>|T8PH!(EB FBUBLEY, July » (Special to ;Tbe “ J

Newi) - r Burley Onngen. mefetlng. Wedneiday night., beard Oeorge B. PUUber. Rupert, ipeak on the,^U ea h o " and mutual relatlonihip of memben -o" * of tbe order.

He u ld that the genita l 'object | itr lven lOr by the Patro'ni of Hue- . j . , , bandry was fourfold: the declara- tkxi'O f intent Including alma to de­velop a better and higher manhood; It to enhance tlw attraction and oom- otrc fo rt ot farm homes a iy l to i tm g th - era eti atuchmenta to our purlulta; to to r foeter mutual undenUndlng artd <«r w“ .f' operation: to maintain IntolatAUhe orRa lawa o t our country. • '

Mr. FleUher ' aUo explained. tbe ol t working! ot tbe Onage. tire ta»ur- erx, ance tor country homei. M n . MU* plal U rd U lgh . u critic, gave lugges* pl"ti tioB i for improvement and appoint- 71 ed M n. Letter Bate critic to r tbe cn n liig ^ l l n g . pt,n

I t wai explained that complaint had been made by coal dealen tb U farm en and othen were taking fuV wood trom the publle domain w ith - Pi out permUslon. Sueb perm lulbn dati couJd_bc_tiiia liic iL .n_W H J»fcC W Jw i writing Archie D . Ryan, general land 1 bird: oince^ Salt,Ul^e,.City. .. . ' lu i

utt You hi

~ advefti

Fridi you wi

I m e i v t E


' But- , “ th inn

■_ gaina. - to .run

tisfng sharp

:■ prises!

_ __________ '• Tn f. can dr


• Wh( the pa

), s A T O R P ^ r T g c m w iN u ; r o c t

aiTuisco ^ flijl

8 !Ne«*'Addy,

i h f P r o m i



"Mki H l BH M o M i ^ H H f t a l l o t ae


t te tb ' .vaitw


camiy a ! IH 9 iK 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ber c( i r W H B B f f P l I l o f m



' ctlt f v k \ a W W B W g a ^ ? p M > l Rois SJgiLii I — ll lJ l l ia M M S g g & e S j ton

pwdfifty -e ig h th nntionnl convcn- 15,000 b rillia n tly uniformed to. F IL

.. p fitn liBfllWFRii ftT BIIPFRTFORM MSBKElfi UNIT s

_____ . I dUtiRUPERT. July » tspeel/il J o 'n jc . rW

New) - 'seed in d grain growen numbering « gatfttred n t the court* | p^r. housj b l Rupert Thunday,evening ;j«)|p flh eaU of Iho.board of dlrcQiora ot nu : the Minidoka County Seed Orowen’ tory association tor consideration of plans ing. tor tormlng a local marketing auo- _ clntalon to work tlirongh the Farm* w ie era’ Satlonol Grain corporation. *

I I WM voted tlic place the detalU q, otrcorganlzlDR.thcrre?ent»eedBrow* j^ e era’ MsocUUon to Include g n ln and ( to m aki a set up that w ill comply with the Ftarmem N itlonal O ra J n lw . organlastlon. ' j

jeM»Wiule, Ogdnil reprcientatlve' ■ & ol the Intfniiountalh O n in Orow* j ette *r«, WOI pre.^nt a l lhe meellng. ex* tn® plaining dft.iUs ot the marketing | plan proposed. . 1 ^ “

The board of dlreetw i of the pres-' , 1,51 ent *cfd aasxlatlon •Includes C. S. ^ phllipps. Wheeler McGill. C. C. Nel- j,(j„ son. O. W. Paul. O. H. Peterson and j Arthur T . flm lth. ;

. ------------.jROProfrMor C. 8. .Lowry. M u rra y i'

state t(>nch*ni' cullegc. Kentucky, |

bird* that Jlutter to ’ the brink o f l D I t l pool. . I ■ -■ • Ns«

o e K ^

^uJ^AMveriising /I ttW ^opping ■ trip

have noticed that on ac •flismg in yotn:^wspap(

•iday, for. instance, we car: w ith your over-Sunday sl it stores have the ir favor ain merchandise.

ut—here’s thp t i p ^ n da nnest,” you sometimes d IS. I t stands to reason th: un their announcements ig columns arc less crowc rp on the seemingly dull les!. ' ' •

L iac tfjve doiL’t t h e draw an honest yawn and

»y.” . ’ . ,.'

iTien i t coittes-to advertisii paper tha t one can affon

tr.'s rS o a ■ ■

S S p i ' iBURLEY. July a t (Bveciai to.Th? - »ewt) - A meeting called tay-0 . L. I 9 |ddy. CkAla couaty ebainaan fo r , ■omotlng tbe use e t Hairy producu.! ■aiaddreeedbyMn.ftvaLeeReeder.' ■

iwnUtlves e f dvle elube and otber ■ la n l itU o i ii o t B u rliy were preeent. ■ M IL. Reeder, aald tb a t by r c a w o ; H

r aa'acoumulated^aurplui dr datry'1 ■ rodoeU and .'dSMMaed ealei.’ kn ■ nsitency aow coatEODted the dairy ■ id u itq r-o f idaba-^flbe dUeuaied 9 letbddi Of g iv u v .p u b u d ty 'to tbe M im« Of mUl; a i « ^ produet . ■M r i . t i . a Congleteg) urged oarer- ■

m Voq a campaign o f education. ■Sg, M .M . Buchanan. Cusla iHbool ■uperlnlen^ent. to ld abeut lh e In - ■r e ^ uie o f mUk ' in ths% booU ■rmigbt abou t' by aa educational ■ amp«igivF-R>BeinK lofthe'cbam- ' ■«rofoom {aeibe.'i0okee(tbe>-alue ■t milk In epm bat&tr dieeau. M n . ■4 w Freer "uriged - fa rtnen to take ■ noro eve of theirjaUfc. aad ibewed ■hat,goodmUk terved cold wM'atdre ■Al&lable. Jack Petergen u k l th a t a ■ lalry luncheon miBettng. m lght.beiven by tha B o ta rr t i l ib . p r Chairman Addy aiipolnted C. W. ^ 1

Uat. Lew Freer and O. R. Congle- . I on n committee to ^ t on a dairy b ufoducti bcotb a t tbe eomlng com- „ nunlty fair.

:|LER RESIDENTS ILL t _____ ' * C

PfLER, July 20 (Speelal lo The . i 'Jewi>—Several Filer reildenu have jcen- reported lutterlng 'fcom Illness ^fM nJu ry-in -th ^ lu H m k,------ ---- ----------- 1

C. F. Sehnell lUffered aivere m - lury to bU leg Monday wbUi employ- rd on road work to r the highway PII lU trlct. ' . 5(1.'U U f £hlher Spurley U riebverlng rom a lew ra l daya* Ulneu. •' F

Ralp Harper, ion o f Mrs. LoU H u = . r ■KT. whJ haa been a patlent ln the. ‘ w ip lu l at Nampa fo r u>-eral w teki •CMlvIng treatment fo r Intlamma- r ory rheum aUim,li reported improv- Ne« ng. » ■ ■■ -V- otc l

■ I ortem n IN CEDAR c DRAW

CEDARDRAW.JuJyM (Special to °hli The KevD—Arrlvala and departures ,-.1 c f Cedir Draw m U e n t i and vU lt- 1 o n .tbl^ wetlc Included the to U o w - | „ ,

. , « r : and M n ; r t i j u i S tndley have • tu rn ed from Marto. Hot Springs. I A otter spending lome time there In I tary the hopes o f Im p r tM jr i lr» . .B ln d - so:lle y i health. -------- otfe

Dr. and M n . T . K WUy. BoUeH c ipent the week end a i the home of tlje lr dauihter. M n . Han-ey Oundy. .k .

M ia Lenore E nnli h u returned home after attending iummer = siliool at Mucow.


... •- .. ‘CCl;DUHL.'July :o ISpeclal to The the

Nsws)—Oovemor C.‘ Ben Rom has 'a lti

[ . 4 R P 0 >

D A Y SManager sends a

p toGenileReaders

some days there is mo iper than-on other days.

arry many riifssages to h< shopping. Certain depa

orite days for advertisi

days when the paper sec discover the biggest b

that some advertise’rs pre ts q;i days when the adv wded. And thus by loolti ull days' you encounter s

here’s ever a time when nd say "nothing in the pa

liing-newp, there’s nothin: srdtvm iss!

,— i ^ i l r f ^ W t n e ^ - : ;

to b Ida]oet<

t'O- or I

ju i]



lUOIn 1


C L A IR E B l / R N E T T E . “J,: (above) w he n questioned by police, sa id G eorge D . j Tem ple lon . u n iv e r s ity s tu - t dent, to ld h e r ho w he s ta b - ~~ bed to dea th a t L a s C alla:), in C a lifo rn ia , I l ls a u n t , M rs . ^

. L il l ia n Babcock o f M a n ila , c .m d dem anded she* fu rn is h i hia a U b l . ^ P h o to . - I g ;


— ^ rigPILER_July 29 (Special to The In.

N ew s).-^to Voung o f the Decatur soicehardt U again conilgnlng a choice Haottecing 01 S^mpihtxe rama jo..the soannuil state ram lale wblch w ill te tyheld at FUer Wddnecday. Auguit 10. 80Other btfeden trom thU vicinity M.who arM U o consigning to th li lale terinclude A. E. Boene. D ; R. Catbro. - 'John Ootl. R. B..Beatty. C. W. Coln« tntrr snd BonaWPleree. T w in FaUs, 111 ihiHampihire b re ed e^ . ............... . . . ert

I According, to M. C. a a n r. secre- I tary of the Idaho Wool O row en-M - I lojlauon, Quality comFaras welLwlth otferlngi at prcvlaui la le i.

colonel E.’ O. Walter. FUer. w ill Oo ig i ln aAiUt In the ram sale as In Nl the p u t._____________________________(II ____________ ty,

accepted an InvllaUon to ipedk a t no Ujc ChrUtlaa church hero Sunday tU morning 11 A. M.. according to a Cc letter received by the pastor. ChrU tr l

:5. Beimy. from the ottlcs o f the fo: '•PDvempT. Ooveroor Row speaks ot tU the Kansas picnic at 3 p. M. in the by

.'altemoon. .V.T'.vtnot

" -■ ■■ th

~____________ ;______________. pi


• - tl:


a _________ “

T8 °

more jI'S. ■ ------------------~ ^

I) h e l p


Using I M

seems t bar- jre fc r idverr lolting r sur-

mone ^____ ^____paper

. /

j in g i i t .

— L w a w t i v ^ i s e m f f l i t i — --------, H a IMt I. B - ,v

> « fW J a a tn tM K Il'* lth e n != t» c 3 - i l l r s M ^ o f tbs Board of pardorj 0 be b ild a t tho s ta te Ho;t:e. Eolie.*}*>»• i l r t t W ednaday-ot--------ictobrrj l3 n . mase appllcitlon lor , pardon ftom that ccrtaln Judgment if .eoayleUoa-or Forgery, jn a ie and n t m j l i ^ U e D u in c v c iu r t ot Ida*10. in attd-for Twin PaUi County, on ir about June agih. ;oaa.

^V raP ITW .S H E P FE R . ;

luly IDtii, iw a . '


tn tbe DUUlct Court ot tbe Elev­enth Judicial DUtrict of the s u ie o f Idano. la and tor Twin Falls Cornliy.M w n d t n t Sthool D Um cl No. 0

-■ ' —v » _^ F. Craven ana Mdellty *nd De-

joratlon, D e fe nd an u^***^ *Notlco-i; hereby given that oa July

0.1933, a vyrlt of atuehment w u u - lued out o t the above entitled eourt n the above entlUed actloh. a tuch - ng the 'iiroperty o f the above aam- :d defendant K F. Cnveh to r Uie mm Of tSOOO.OO.

IN WITNBSS WHEREOF, I have nereunro aet my hand and the seal i f this Court, thU 33rd day of July,1033.

HARRY C. PARSONS.. Clerk, of the D Utrict Court.-

tSealiBy FRANK J. SM ITH. Deputy. .

A L U S SUMMONS In The U u ir lc t Court ot tbe Eleventh-

J u d lc la lD U trlc t ot tho S U te o t Idallp. W ltb ln aad for TwU) Falb Couflty.J. Leo Breeding and Prances A.

Breeding. Buiband and wife, p u in -. . . . . . -----------------------Oeorgii W. Hammond and Edna H.

Hammond, -huiband and wlte. Sotie Payette Lumber Company, a corpor­ation. J. H. Kimball, w . J. Thiel and the unknown b e lri and the unknown devUeea o f S a n Robertion. Deccu- ed. claiming or having claim to any right, title or estate to. or Itite rc it In. the Southweit Quarter of the Souihw*i( Quarter and the South H alf ot tbe Northweit Quarter ot the . Southweit Quarter ot Sesuon Twen­ty Five (2S>. in Township Nine (9>. Soulh. ot Range Fifteen US). E. B.M.. in TF'tn PeUi county, Idaho. De- tendants.- The s u te ef Idaho-iends Oreet-*- Inga to ths unkaown he ln and*or the unknown devisees ot Sara Rob­ertson. Deceased claiming or having claim to any right. tlUe or eiUte to. or Interest In the Southwest Quarter ot the Southwest Quarter and the South H alt of the Norlhweit Quar­ter ot tho Southwes; Quarter of Sec* aon Twenty Five (25>. In Township Nine (0<. south, of Range Fifteen (1ft). E. B. M:. In Twin FoUs Coun­ty. Idaho: «4

Yoa. and eaeh of you. ore ijereby no lltlcd ' (hat a co.mplalnt h u been tUed agaln it you In Uia DUtrtct Court o f the Eleventh Judicial Dis­tr ic t o f the State of Idaho. In and fo r l> - ln Falla Cijunty. by the plaln- tlfta named above, and you are herei by dlricteff" and'T^qulred’ to app**f — and plead to tbA-iAld complatntw lih- In twenty (20) days ot tho lerj-lce o t thU lum m oni; and you are fu r­ther BOtlflcd that unless you lo ap­pear and plead to said compbint wUhln the tlm e^ere ln specltled the p la in tiff w ill take Judgment against- you aa prayed In the cald complaint, designated as supplemental complaint therein.

- I. Krwiipht ta quiet, lath e -p U ln lltt i the tllle ot lb e , r « l___estate and prcmUes above desirlljcd, to retiuire the defendanU. and each

-o f them to M l fo rth the nature of.hU;

Citato rnd premues, and to have the - cou rt adjudge and decree tha t the

‘ gald defendanU, jn d each ot them ■have no r lg h t..tltlp , or-eita te:to. or Interest In the ra id real esUte and premises, and th a t the t ills of the

a i i ' ' i o " a i f 5 , ^ ; a r . . r a -' ■each ot them from asserting any c li lm U^erfto adverse to the.p la ln-

‘ o iven under my band and the Malo f the ta ld c a n r ta t Tw in f« lU . M a-— ho. th la l i t dr.y o f July. 1 833.

HARRY C.,PAjWONS, (SEAL) Cicrk DUtiTct Court.

SWEELEY t i 8WXELEY. ’— >ubcnir»-i.fnr P ln ln ilfft ............

BIJMMONR ,In the Probate Court of Tw in TaUi

County, SU le ot Idaho, i H, S. Cowling. P’jUnUft,

P. P. LIchtenite lo and S. A. ACJ^ erman. individually, m d « P ^ « " ?

‘ " to e T b t Xt c OP l ^ c i ^OREETINOS TO THE . ABOVE Ka MED DEPENDANTS;. - '

You nre hereby summonW to a i^ pc?.r I to obovo 'be held M the County Oo«>l in U ld County. In jih e abo-/e en-_ i l t le d ia r ik . »-ilhln five days trotn the < fl® h 5 e rv lc e of thU Summon* J u r a iM p lf lerved w ithin th is Coun­ty, « ^ e r v e < j elsewhere, then i r t t ^ • in twenty days.trom the date or vlre o f thU Summons upon you. plead to p l i lm l f f i complaint on «»• m said Court, or p la in llft wlU Judgment agaia ii you ,u pn j'« ° said complaint. .

TlxU acUon U brought by the p l« n - U tf to recover Judgment against tno detendanu to r the sum ol together w ith interest thereon a l ra;e o f itve n per cent per «o n ^ front tho is t-aa y o f o c t o ^ ■»*« and tho fu rther sum ot 'reuonaslc a ttc roe y i f««.Uw ry note, dated AuW «

“ S f e - '

i n '

■ b a v I . KINNEV,J a il* w*® E i-O ins io ,

^ r k o f the- Probate court, ^

■ A M t^ e * ° ^ r 'Plaintiff. j

CiirCis^fOfficials bp e c t

A t First Prograni2 0 0 0 -P ie c e B a nd a n d C h o ir

, 01 1 0 0 0 W ic e s F e a tu re

O p en in g o f W orld -V V Id e:

- ^ C o n t e s t , l o r 2 0 0 0 A t h le t e i '■

By PAUL Z1M A1£X ^N(Auoeiated P n t t BporU W ilt<r>

L0 8 ANOELES. Juiy » - V lw „• Pra»xdent Ohwle* Untlha otflclal d l*a lty et me p n l l- ,

. ed a u ilM to Uw Bwne* «>*OWisDikd tfidi.y .k rr tv lfl| here to pro* d lu S m c ^ n lS T o X WtenaUonjU clBAtlo tomorrow.

Ha aumUHd a ll M lk ot. poUtla w ith * Kntur« u d ImmedlaUly lauDChud in to the jp l r lt o( the worU* wide ipo rts c v n lra l which w ill uke the *potU«ht,wllh the opening cere­mony in the packed O lm p lc stadium twforo 105,000 peruo*.

A 3000-pIece band w ill pUy the • anthein, joined bjr & choir ot ^

1000 m o e j u the.vlee p ru lden t ap- ^~ . peats lu the Jiufe coneretc bowl

eacorted by Count Henri de'SalUet--------Lato»irrH»r«gldaBt of tbaJntara aUon- —. - -«L01ymt)lo-yederat!oD..*nd-Wim*m -

U u y O frtliAd , praaide&t o ! the U a lh ~ ' Olympiad committee. • .

Then :oUowi the grand parade ot i U • the'natlona with aooo ot the world's f

rtnest athletes paw iof in rerlew In their multl'colered uniforms. Mr. Ourtls w ill be Introduced to the r is t assembly by Mr. Garland as they

' stand In the irjbute ot honor, sur- rounded by dlgollarlis oir th» world.

In one hushed minute he w ill apeak 10 words m behalf of rresldent Her- n bert Hoo>i'er; ^

" I proclaim open Olympic games of Lo t Angeles, celebrsUng the tenth

. Olymplau of the modera exa.”And th o i. the latcroAtlonal classic.

. a te n e v a lo t lha Oreek games o f old.WIU offlclaUy s u n . A lanfars from

' tn im peurs in tho peristyle wUl an- _ swer his icords. The Ol>'mplo salute

. from 10 cannon w ill echo and resound' through the grest boffl.

The Olympic torch atop the pen- I style Wilt be lighted as the choir chants the Olympic hymn. The o ffi­cial banner of the {smea w ill be hoUled to the top of the m u t. as 3000 dovea burst (orth from -the en- irr.nce archway of the stadium. -

Robcr: Oordon Sproul, president of the ijnlversUy of CalUomU, wlU deliver the dedlcaUon addreu and - pronounce the bcncdlctton after .which Ueulcnant Oeoreo C. CaUian. Unlled Slates Navy. represenUng the United su tes In his fourth Olymple is

• 'S tn e i. w i ir iu e the esth of th« in - « tematltfi.al game» In behalf o f Ihe u alhleles df the io r ld . »

42 Nations Bepfeaeat«d o The ceremony w ill be slaged In a

. flag-bedecked Mttlng, w ith 43 na­tions of the «-orld represented In the N parade. di

I'oday's preliminary activities m re n maiked by the attempi and fa llu r* lu

- : o f -u io - * ljw u h Federation to get * P . . hearing on the floor ot-the_lntCfc. tt

..;..naUonal amateur congress on.thft n?-, _ McUon o{ the entry of Paaro Nurm i U graatest-d lsunca 'nm neubs world sa

r:::::J j*4_evcr. known. H ie, ffi^ng F lnnsl _ entry was turned down a t a meeting L

- - o f the round i of the federation'Ista c< yesterday tn a swKt move headed by J. a.- Edstrom. flwedeo. prcsJdeat of

•, -the org in lz»tlo iu . .................. The icaeraUon alto wrote 90 new n.

world's i.ecordt and three marks a :■ cqusllln i; world', rteord i Into l u a r- u

chtvia iM ay. 8-The vtce preiUcnt was greeted a t ec

. the rs lln n d station by 2000 persof» nl - th is momlng after a tr ip from w a ih -

Ingion. He extended to those gath- Pi------ered-her* for-the-gam eathrcord ia i fji

g reeting of th*'pretldent, who was nunab.e to open tho ceremonies as had tc orlginaliy been planned.

In a' brief addrcts a t Las Veiss. HNgy«rf« l!H‘ r^lyht thw vl^g gien route here, defied (hose who prt>- poscd to heckle tn d chide h im about le me eouuafirmydlfficuittea m wash- -■ Inston.

"Vou c<«ward2!" he shouted. "I'm n o iftfra it jo f anyofyou l” A

Thla oriernoon Mr. Curtls present- rc ed AmeJit E a rh m pulnam, trans- n

■■ AUantlo fUer, with the distinguished cc ' ( lying c;ost and lsler joined wltn

Oovemor Jamej Rolph,. jr.. In dedi- a csclns (ho new stale building here.- Si

TonUIiL_Mr:.CurlU-was.iUe_tion- - ored sun> at the preildenVs d lM M

snd fomiidTjancf, which brought to­gether a coemopolltan croird of the world's leading dignitaries. M r. Oar- land vA i the chief speaker, sues.<ni 1] the belUf that the Olympiad w ill 80 li a ong way -toward bringing about a c nstlcTO - among the C

— • •


BOWS ^ DSNVEIt, July as — Q e M k

N-lchols. Bufta lo: New York. °rSSJ! ? ►ised ligh t heovyw tlih i e h a m p l^ y ^ the National Boxing assoelaUon

------ n lght-los t-a -io -nm B d~de id ilon ' to ^H im Jenklni, Denver Negro. Mich- ^

' olstltle w u not a t stake. *' T lie champion aclmlttcrt t ^ de- f cl*lon wa* "fa ir." t

Both fighters we.e under the ligh t heavyweight lim it of ITS pouada.


nlng seven of the 10 rounds. Fldat LaBarba. Lo^ Ai^ie!rt. former

. -wtwld'a nyweSfhi thw ip ion . easily I ...ga ined -the decUlui—ovsr -Vaitaa •

M illing of the Pftlllppt'ies In tbe J( •“ In event of the U clcn boxing vj show tonight. They are feather* hiwflghts. lc ,

R e iS ib pS e A p i y n

8 ^ 1. H lftC C HpgLD l

F O U R O K T H E F A T H E J IL A N J Jo tta th a re b o th reeord brciak th e 100 m e te r* . H an s S lewer

— th e - ^ e n tc r u p c d a l i te a - in - th e

Portiimd Deifrate Missions, 8 to 7

D an H a fe y ’s, H o rae H un a n d

E c k h a r d t 's D o u b le • T ie

G am e a t 7 - A l l in N in th

PACIFIC COAST L C A G V Ite l lloUyweod a t SeatUe ,

Oakland a t Lea Angald ' Mtetioea a t.re rtU oa

Bacnuneala a t Ban Fraacbeo'

S T A N D I N G SO B b *. Wan Latt Pet.

»im“ n « c iw 'Z Z Z : ^ ! n ts . I m 'Vot Aan>*a - M M JU ’a«itu* ........_________ JS as .4:1Baerunrau ------- u .tsa.S S i S l i = = 5 fl-

PORTLAND, July » (iP) - Dan Hafey'a home run and Eekhar^fa double which aeored'two Kltsloc3' • runners. Ued up Ui« game at 7>aU la tho n in th Inning tonight but the P e rtbn d -ae a rtn ie t Uu bre ik aadUie v ldo rjf,.e .io_ i l a U « tenth.______

T he .ii-o rr-. r h eM issions------- 300 000 0» 0 -» 10 >1,Missions— .,300 000 OM 0 -7 10 3 •'

L le te r and Holm an; Bboras, A. <Ja-'] cobs and Fltspatrlelt. ,

_ 8 T A * S -«.-aE ATTLB -» --------{'8BATTL8. July « (/P) — Home •

runs by -D u tch " Holland and M e l' Almada. Indiana outflalders, tied up ( Ih t.scata. tn th e alnltUf toBlght- a tT S-all, but Uie Hollywood Stars forc­ed over the vrlnnlog run ta the ) n ln lh to win, 8 lo 8.

Allen Strange worked Phil (Lefty) ,| Page for a walk, advaneed on In - i neld outs and scored on a f ly to .th e !« outfield, barely beating ths th row , to the. plate. (

The score-* R H EHollywood -------OU 000 001-0 13 3 (BeatUe ....a- ......OQO i n 020-4 11 3 ,]

Baturles; Shellenbaek and Bass- t ler; Page and BotUrtnl. ________ S


Aided by seven San Pranclsco e r-|( rors and several w ild throws. Sac-n ramenlo trimmed ihe Ban Prsncls-) co Seals, g to 1, today. ij

The K o r ^ R H E (Saertmento .....(ilO 303 301—« 11 0 ,

- San Pranclsco ..010 000 OOO-l 8 1 <H«tt>rlCK- Wlvnti anil W lrts; 1|

In lin e . BUnonl an4 Brenzel.

OAKIi < -5 , ANOELES < | LOQ A N O n iS , July 3» w v -R a l- ,

lying w ilh three runs In the seventh ; I tnning of the afterpiece. Loa Angeles i . copped a double-header from O ak-'; ' &tnd tonight. 30 to 0, and 8 to S. |i

T lie locals liammered Agule Walsh, I "Dutch'' Ueber and Emil Mallho.! who was called In from the outfield, f all over the lo t In the f l n t game.j The second was a pitching duel Iw-1 tween <n>arley Moncrtef and 'R oy; Joiner, the la tte r blowing up tn the U st round. • I,

Mallho had a perfect evening at bal, getUng arren s tn lg h t hlU. V

Plrat g a m e - R .H .X .; 'Oakland .....L.,001 001 040- a 10- 8 ' Loa Angeles ..040 SOT OIz-30 17 0 1

Batteries: A. WaUh. Ftiber, MalT-.l, horant-ta-Veque^smithvSUtsel-aniH Campbell. f

Secondgame— i R .H .K. 'Oakland ----------- 103 000 t- 4 8 1Los Angeles____.110 010 3—0 13 3 i

Bsttertea^ Joiner. Ludolph and L« 1 T eq jjl^ yo ffc r le f and Cronin. . , Ij

P o c a t e l l o B o x e r ;

L o s e s t o N e g r o '

• BAN FRANCUICO. July 3# on — il John Henry L«wU. Negro, ligh t hea- '< ryw flg h t from Protcott, ArUona.

. rBnd<“d msged JlTim y Itanaah, Po- l icateDo, a s ^ d dabb ing here to -^ i

l ^ p i c Laurels For F^t!

/ / H



lA N D 'S b e iit In I I13 O ly m p ic s a rc r (» k in R p e rfo rm e ra , th e fo rm e r in s w e rt is th e G erm an d e ca th lo n s t - th e ^ a v e H jt^ -H f fV 'fh o to ; ---------------

7VOO*RE ' \ / ' PAft®ON M E - ^ fA I6 1 > ! / / dTTtONC Lt^UOR

■ I____ N f iV 6 R W .S ^

Kr ^ V ^ N v u P s !

- J n igh t to win by a technical knock-' « ( | fo u t In the fifth round of a sched­

uled 10-rou'nffTnaln event. 1 Hannah was so wobbly from a

Iteady shower of blows, tho referee stopped the bsule after fta lf Uie l l f lh round h td betn fought: LewU opened up from the f l n t gong and

• bounced rlghu and le lu o f ! Han- S e nah'a head and.body a t «111. Hannah

s i s ? MMslc ” Be^wuTnever able tT gain ths lead.

4sa, U w U weighed 17B pounds and •H! ' Haanah 178 pounds.

I In asU-roundseml-wlndup. "Ace” u n Conloil. Spokane middleweight, and C l's '"C h ick". Raines. Chlcaso. fought a )C3' draw..*u ..................'-------------

Z BICkSIX—r E <ar n * AMoeiatM rrtM )'I s tMMjiDc u AD It 11 Pet.

. A ihM iA _ t o v 3SS IU la t .aaa n iM

j - ; 5 . s s " i s s s z S T s n n s r s ? '; Jell«r. AM 89s . „ M 3T3 41 lU J4)

dDeSirHurd Wins~ OTI Shoot In Utah

irc-[ SALT LAKE C n ^ . J u ly aJ I f f ) - the Dean Hurd, Salt Lake CUy, who has

'only, two jw ars of compeUUvrshoot- ty ) ,ln2 behind him, today won the ln-,iroub le-irophy *hoot...lh fl_opfnlag. Ine ««rent In 'Ute annual . U tah ’Stat« ■ow- Am ateur.TrapthocUn* atsoclattoa'

tournament.E Ending the 80.target event In a. I tie w ith Uie 1S32 winner. C. E. * |H ilU h , Eureka, Utah, and Sare H.

"• [S h a m M j^ e ^ ^^ U l ^ C lty^v jte rtn .

'~ [ ih b o lo f f i1 o ‘ wln. ~ ln the firs t Hurd land Sharman each broke 24 out of ,36 targeU while HuUh h it 33. In,

e r-!ihe sccond shootoff. Hurd broke 30 « - | l o 19 for Sliannaa =“ • I Blx ou u o f- iu ie ehooters competed

'In the event, a prsctlco round pre- K ceding the opening <ff the touma- 5 ment proper tomorrow when the

‘ ‘ .doubles and the firs t ha lf of the fts . stale singles w ill be dred.

The oul-of.«ut«shooKra.whoate not eligible fo r auy of Uie trophies.

• and th s lr scores follow: B. W. Ren- fro, Dell. Montana. 48; Dr. E. O.

n in Free,' DUlon, Montana. 4 i: J. O. J IM ,C ount, Pocatello. 44: W. B. Talent, ak- DUlon.- 44: Rey Forrester. DllWn. 44,

|and Pete Westergafd. DUlon, 43.

«:|Good Sagehen Hunt&ig Looms

I BOISS, July M M V -o « x t (Uhln» and good hunting o f lage-hent over

ithe week end IncludUtg Monday the - !o p e n ln g 'o f the bird season, wjre

; jiProm lsed today by Uie state gamt " Siwarden. A. H. Eckert.

He said reports that the crop of —^ iM rds WIS short did not correipond “ T w ith hU own obterratlona. in a

. tour o f tbe Camaa Prairie oountry ' . east from Palrfleld. he said, he saw

. many broods of >oung birds and the broods were excfWlonally Urge, cwitalning rarely teu than eight young aage bens;

The game deparunent wanU every hunler to get hU lim it but not lo wasto birds or lake more thaa the

• n Umltr he said.• V The ssme applies to (Uhlng, ai\d

hs has aaked deputy game wardena — iu> gather Informatloa <n llshing

ea--'condltlons both to sulde persons na /w h o ask them d lr tr l ly and to tend ?o- Into the fU te came deparlment for to-^general dUtrlbutlon. -r=-

Vngeles'^therland j

f 'r f ^ s m v v w r r/ ' ■; l

• Iare show n above. H lrs h fc ld a n d i r in th e s h b tp u t an d th e la t t e r i n ) I s ta r w h ile th e shape ly g i r l i n |

I Borotra Defeats Ellsworth Vines

French Star Who Thouflht He Was Too Did Turns in Unexpected . Net Victory

.. PARIS, July,.39 l^ T = J e a n _ ^ re j^I Ira. who 'thought he was too old to P [plsy tennis, tonight was t lw t o u t

'o f PsrU, vtctor over the American P Wimbledon champion, BUworth J V lne t,^., as France-swept tbe t i n t = two mitches o f the series w ith ttaa

lUnlled sutes In . defense of the ,Davl» cup.

The cotorful, well-loved Borotra. 'drafted for the French team against

'* * hlA wishes, swept to convincing v lc - ^ lory over liU young opponent 8-4,

f l. j, j . j , 0.4 while Henri Cochet won as expected, from Wilmer Allison,

tnd 5.7, 7-5. 8.J..sn-1 The unexpected defeat o t Vines iisn ju3t about dashed any hopes the *P— Annrle iiu -hgd—of- reasmiar i M > lo trophy Prance won -at Germantown

. ■ 'In 1037. ,They must win tbe next Uld three malchu. the doubles tomor-

'low.and the two singles Sunday, to ice” win the cup tnd ihs t appeared t o and be an Impoulble insk w ith Borotra t a playing the best lennU o t hls lUe

and Occhet t l l l l the matter of olcL The Freneh Btllery. which waa

unusually sympathalc toward the ?— Am nlcsn pJtyert, acclaimed the___victory of Borotra tlm ost hytterlea l-

]y and well Uiey m ight Meeting an opponent 13 years younger, w ith a

^ derastaUng servte.* a ^ m o re -p » -

■ w n tra te g y of his many year* o f tennU w ith a burning will lo win and com-

_ pietely sm6Uisr»d— Uis— vsrsatUo

C w hefw a* appsrentty worried a t , times by the slashing game of A il l-

a h son. a ' tast-mlnuU telectlon foe m ■fultnmi.t'L .hut, he alwara

J u d Uie tlrokes to win po lnu when «7— they were needed, w Cochet will pair w lth'another veU M t- eraa of mtny CavU eup btillea. U>e jactues Bnignon. against AlUson and

llQB-Jobn-Van I^ n In doubles tomorrow l t t« and tben w ill meet Vines tn the laat Ito ti'm aU h 8uwS»i. (ottewVng lhe Bo io-

.tra-AlUsoii corttest.n a.' ___ —


Sidney B. Wood s wpremaey on the

ner, Gregory iUnRln. continued to -* day as Uie youth fu l New Yorker

SJvsen lhe Scabrlclff tennU' * ' ’%hamplon«hlp (or the second lime In , . ithree years. The scores were 1-6,1

e-3, 8.3, fl-4.I The womtn’t doubles UUe w e n flo Helen Jacobs and Sarah Palfrey,

‘ t*® defeating Josephine Crulckshank., tne s u jta Ana. CallfomU. and M rs. I

rMarJorte Olsdman Van Ryn. PM la-' delphU, 8.3. 7-_5 ___ . ^ . I

“ " r KEEP DOUBLES . T ITLE I 5 - CHICAOO. July 29 ( / fv -w il iu m l

• 0 ',T . •niden 11. Philadelphia, andBruce Bamct. Texas, kept th ff na-

■ tional profeulonal doubles tennis '• championship In America lodsy by

routing Ksrel Koteluh. Czecho Slo- vakU. and Albert. Burke, France. e-3, 8-1. 8.3.

P o c a t e l l o N i n e

^ W i n s B a l l G a m e

POCATELLO. July 2fl'(/P>—BUly Black. t;ir« -ycar veteran, pllcher o t

the Pocalello A m erlvn Legion baae- 3 ot ban lesm. liad ihlngs his own way "Od today. hoJdmg'tht Payette nlno 10 n » two short tlnitlcs tnd beaUng U kb i. ntry 10 toO, Ir. theflrst «smeof the Ihree-

game ttate chtroplonthlp • Legion the Junior ba«S>tI) lerlM.

Js W f e S ;the ------ - •

REYNOLDS WINS ai\d CINCIKHATI. July M («V~Jack lens Reynold*, C lnelm 'ttl cUlmant to ^Ing the weltfrweiRht wresUlng eham- lons plonthlp, iaccei»:iilly defended h t* tend "Utle" tonight by defeiUng Oordon for Arqutte. Tscoms. In two atra lghl

i f a ^ '


Averfs H ( p ^

C le y je la n d -'T a ke s . S e 'i i i» ; . on

ilH o m s D la m o n d ^ l^ ^ i i C on -; ■

te s ts t o O n e io j i l ie t lu o e ; i

. . IV a n k e e s ’ l e a d : ; l 8 ; | ^ u e ;

A M n u c A K u w a u i : .Bwtoa a t s t L a v u - ''- : ,

W tthlagtan a t OU«ag* .New York a t O e tm t

Phlitddpbla a t C Im la iid


id n l lu ii ’ phU i f . u . - JM‘n Z i l s — - a ^ i nin - L - ' o ' AM- t e " ■

= ■ ' "(By The Assoolat«d 'Fn ta) CUCVELAND, July 39-One terrific

ttU o p -E a rl AerrUl’i tw en ty-fU U i hotne run o f Uie season, brought the Indians a 4-to*3 Tfctory o m Um New York Ysnkeet today and.gare Utem

— the series, three gamea to one. The S dtfeat reduced tho Y a n )^ le td to

T'.s games.^ six' innlogs. Cleveland couldn't

p t a-run ott-Vernon: Oosaes whUe k» itie Yankees nleked '‘O U a f Brown

fw thne h lU aad a 3-to-O laad In tte fourth. In the aerenUi. howerer.

i n lha otlbe broke loose. BUl CUseU epened w ith a single .aod WlUle

r y Ksoun clouted a triple to t the first n a . Thtn w llh tw o ou t aad two on b»9, AverlU drove,h igh orer the

'P r r tfh t fl»M w«1t to fInUh ■ fm if.run^ n lly - . . . . . . .ta t The Ysnks slaged a one-man at^ an um pt to recover In the n in th when t h -Babe" Ruth, Uie tirs t man up. h it rat erer Uie tame barrier (o r hts twent- «■ ninth homer of tha teaaon and hU

th ird In two days, but Brown set tbe next Uirte meh down la order and

r * . rteorded hU elevenUi v ictoty o f Uie ^ uaaon. He gtve only t lz h lU to Uw! 10- Irtzue letdert. - j-*• Oomet, the Yankee ace, was charg- on (d w ith hts Ilx th defeat o f tbe lea-

un asalDtt 17 vlctorlea. Re worked < l|h t innlnBt, yUMtof n lae h tU and

^ finn ing five.-iT h e ( In t ijso Yankee lU U m u lle d from O e hrtB T < Jo ub lJ rH t* l'r ia r«

S sad tie t l o f tecond and OroaetU'i a t double.» f- ;:N E W YORK AB R H O A E

Combt. c f 0 0 3 0 0I Sewell. 3 b --------- 4 0 0 2 4 0R uth, r f _______ 3 1 3 3 0 0Oehrlg, I b ______ .4 1 1 8 0 0U s e r l , 3b ______ 4 0 0 4 4 .0R o v , I f _________ 4 1 1 1 0 0

iJ* (SroaelU, as ______3 0 1 3 3 -0f ) * Phillips, c ........— 3 0 I 8 r a

Ootaes. p ------------ 1 0 .0 0 0Rbodee. p ______ ~ 0 O O O H O

- • • Q b ap m a ti___ — 1 .0 .0 _ 0 _ A J I

*B«tted fo r Gomel In eighth.C iaV E LA ffD A B R H O A ' *

- P«rter. r f ___ L _ 3 1 0 3 0.; 0t e w t t . as .^..— 3 - I 3 1 - r - o

UU ArerlJl.- er .4 1 3 J (T O« Vowalk, U ____ .1.4 0 1 8 0 ,0

Uorcan. l b ..... ......4 0 1 9 r : og* L-hS.,11 n -3 B IClSBcll. 7 b _______4 1 3 0 3 *0

e u Kamm, 3 b _______ 3 0 1 1 3 :0lea. C' Brown, p -------- 4 0 0 1 T OJw Totals • « 4 IB « fl u t X tw .York - «w>MQ O0i»3to - Oeveland ...... ;.000 000 40*i-4

. Summ ary: Two-bas« hlts-Oehr|g, Croaetlt: three-base h it - Kamm; home nina — Averlll. Ruth: stoira laees—Ifoag, Claiell: sacrifice—Oo- S ^ T o t ln * pllcher—Oomet

SENATORS 1«.3E0'WN» l(cr ; S T . L o tn s , July 39 i/rt—Washlag- nU Ion Benstors pounded three Prowale in pitchers today as W uhlngton took •6,1 Uis flna) game.of the series wlUi BL _LLotaU, lOto.8. .

lo l ^ Thomss, who recently scored •ey. Ihfee vlclorlet against 8t--Louls-4a n k .. Waahlnglon. tllowed the Drownt 10 trs .|u f« tle s In winning todsy's conteat, la - »Stho\Jth he weakened u> j l v t St.

. I LouU four runs In lhe ninth.. I WASHINGTON AB R H O A B

1 Judge, l b _____ _ 0 1 0 1 1 : 0a m llim ie l, i b ______ ..3 1 1 3 0 .0iDd U j^ r , 2 b ________ 4 2 3 3, 3 :0,a - U&sush, U ______ 5 0 3 5 0 ,0nls .CrpQln. u ------------ 4 2 3 8 4 .0by r f _______ 4 1 1 1 0 : 0

llo- weat. c f _________ 4 1 2 3 0 <fice. Rlngdon. 3b _____ 4 3. 3 l 0 0

B erj, c • - -s 0 1 4 1 0■njomas, p ____ s 0 1 0 0 0

T o la U ..... ... „....S8 10 18 27 0 0. - S T . LOOIB . AB R H O A El e Scharein. a b _____ 4 l l 0 fl 0

B<m», lb _______ \ 1 1 9 0 0UIT (aanpbell. r f -------- 3 0 0 3 0 0. (yo^ia. IX ________1 0 0 3 0 .1J l 0. PUher. J f _____ 2 0 1 3 0 0

r. echu ii*. cf J—..J 0 0 2 0 0t i wemio. 3 b ______ 3 0 1 I 2 0

.Orliaet. 3b ______ 2 0 1 1 1 0rerre ll, c — 3 0 3 4 1 0Benipugh. e -------- 3 » <> i » »Uwey. t t ________ 4 3 1 3 3 0Hebert, p ______ L.O 0 0 0 0 00. FUcher. p _____ I 0 1 0 0 0Kimsey, p : _______ l 0 0 0 0 0•JL Schulte______1 I 1 O O P

T o ta U _______ 8 10 37 11 1•Batted fo r Kimsey In nlnUi.

LCk W a*h lag lo tt_______ 31J too 310-10to 81. LouU __________000 010 014— 6

m - 8uaunarT;Two-bas«hlts-M yer3. ht« Kubel, Cronio 3. Bums. Scharein. Ion rrrreU ; Utm>base htt—H arru: ss«< {h i rUlce*-Weat. M yrr.-H arrlt: double

I playa ~ J u d it to Croala lo Judge.

lien OlyiPITCHER'S FATHER- DIES 1, R oaBacM ,-~bre.. J u i r a t .W —

,, Qeofge p . t^eaob. 48. fautero l Larry French, pitcher for Uia ..VttUbotB

• Oulto i uu y oa j a n y n w u - iU B Oiii '^ -

" ConsiderProUemsI - ■ ' - ' . . " . r i ___ ' "

i F is h in g S H e a m , ( je e r S u p p ly ,

e; -G a n ie ;B ird » a n d C li ib ’ » iE x r

; h i b i i ' ; ; c ^ ' A t te n f lo n

B T m u n ^ a t ly (Bpeelal t« Tbo

crtek ren u ln «loied to anglers abort ' UuiOraat.reserte Itnr. This action

' was U te n a t request of Albion iporta-. m e o r^ o reported the senUmsat tabe in fa ro r o f lUch action.................•s . 8. Stewart, torast superrUar.

to ld o t a reeent U ip wtUi Orange OUon, of the btologkai surrey. T b ^ pasted t h r o l ^ Shoshons baala.

J ; over the Monument hui pass, aad a made a suney of the western M Uon o f the Minidoka forest. Durlag |n a three dSys’ tr ip they saw aln*deer. LM He reported Amos Eckert, tU le gamai f w w lan, » hn w«« «Ua » tlh th« part*. IM M iM ]dag-t2tatU beiejbou]4-ba-fiv»

tim ts 'a a raaay deer la Ou to rtat, tlo ■ in d ia ve 's iV ti opinion that tbera is u, pt'.y iinw feed fo r lueb aa

I'w i^5 ta£S S ‘2o?nearly the nuiaberof m ts n e .b trd B ^ !tb e fo ru t U ut'tbere he should berSUwart added. He (aror- to •dstoakiaa tha larger s trtsm i e f tbe

f c t ^ rcserre, but not toasaiaUar n t teaa.’ w ith trout. These itrea ns Ue shovld be stocked and kept eloaed to m fUhtnnen fo r a year, and tbaa opea- In ed: a lltem auty wblle oU iar^ l^m tni er. were closed, he itated. eU ' IdaaU VaaUhlie Maid KuU, president of the OiMila n t o iu ^ M o presldtd, malnUladdlthat o» o id ,W m B h un llB g id B aU w « j< H i^.

t t ' aber(p« iod .en HnctLdlKuasion ensued as tba Dit qualities of bh ie.lu ircMIt- ^ ^ S a s . pelicans, a a t t ^ e r

fUb<«atlnB'blrda Dr. Faya KusMgy, ^e nupert. aaserted tha t he bad iaada nd examination o f aiaay atoauehs o f he I b llteras. and. found no fish, 'W. B. M ; MoOee. o f the sUte game depart-

I ment, ahd others,‘cUlmed tbat these 1 * birds aloag the banks of Snake r lv - !s- er deroured immense qpaaUUes of ed (tsi), inoludlag trou t and perch, nd T h m ■were thoutanda o l ha rw . i t

was da lm ad..O id psnaUilon taad been^dbUlned U> t t U a ^ t U ^

U's Beea Many D n ^McQec aald tha t Uiare was a good

E hatch of naUre netting ducks along0 Snake river, as fa r as BoUe ralley.0 There were also more geese, he said.0 He tojd of a report of crows taking

-0 ducka; egn, and o f oaa laatance• 0 where Uia-crow had crowded a duck

0 o ff l u nest and thea derofted U»a’ i ertra. He exnUl&ad Uiat AJam aalB l : 0 of frcwn lOdays to two weeks would r 0 yed uo rm e : crowa oa Bnske.. rtrar• 0 Ulands near Burley.

— iu ip should -be o b la £ ^ Jrom tbe r * - - itatg. 'IS- 'tn fo WT Oft'TB itinsUeh- ef I . traps' to keep trou t frem golag lato 'X canaU and getting leat In faiBMr*' - 0 fields. Large nvm bert-ar-U g-lrou t; •-« h*-m ataulnsdrP«rUbed ttr gatUng '•o 'ln to the'la tera ls'aad-ttacnea-anto . 0 b r i l l:3 d fUkls. ' '0 - President HuU was autbortsad to

H a w u ln tw iim ittt«es’ tQ ~pUreairtanf ‘ 0 preheiulve game exhibit a t Ute M ln l- : 0 Cassia ecmmunlty fa ir to be beid la :0 Burley, September IS aod 18.

^Myer lo-Croala to Kuhal,-Lerey-to

r * MelUlo to B u ns , Schan ln ta Bums;lo ilng pitcher—Hebert,


>»• OinCAOO, J u ly 39 WV-Chlcago Wblte Sex defeated ^oa tw . 4 to 3.

In the four-game series, tg- Tn a pitching duel betwem Sam ale Jones and Paul Andrews, each team » k was held to seren hits, but Andrews BL made an error tn the ftfU i to le t In

one«f the runs tba t gara tbe White red sox‘the)ead.-Red'’.R rcssbltahom e- la « ft-h t-M »ew »«H nntB fi-----------------10 BOSTON AB R H O A B

» t, OUon. 3b ------------3 1 0 J 7 0St. O llre r, c f ________3 0 1 6 1 0, Johnson, r f ______ 4- r 3 a o oB Jolley, I f ......____ 4 0 1 0 0 u

: 0 Alexander, lb ----- 3 0 1 14 3 00 Pickering. 3b ......... 4 0 0 0 3 0:o WarsUer, ss ....------3 0 0 '3 3 0,0 -nkU. c ; 4 1 1 3 0 0 . 0 Andrews, p ^ 0 0 0 3 .1

0 ••W atwood ----------1 0 1 0 0 00 I 11/0 T o i * u _________ 30 .3 r a V w ' '^0 *Batted-/o r Andrews In sU lb.0 CRldAOO AB R H O A B

— Funk, c f » I 1 1 0 00 Hayea. 2b ________ 4 1 3 3 8 0E Selph, 3 b ------------- 4 0 1 1 3 00 FoUiergUL I f _____3 0 0 t 0 00 Appltng, ta ------------3 0 1’ 4 1

) 0 Kreas, r f ______- J 1 1 2 0 0. 1 Blue, lb :-------------J 1 fl 13 1 0

' 0 Orube. c .... ^ 0 1 3 1 0' 0 Jones, p ______ - - 3 0 0 0 3 C: :0 ^-------------------------

0 ^ u u ------------—37 4 7 37 17 , 10 Boston ------------- 300 000 001-3

I 0 Chicago — .....IOO 030 01*—4i 0 Btnamary: T»o-base h it—Tate;• 0 three-base b it—Hayea: boou run—

0 K r ^ ; atolen bases-Orube, Funk; I 0 dottble pUys—Hayea to Appling l« ' 0 Blue, Piekerlng to, oUon to Alcxan-— der lo WarsUer, Otoon to Waratler

1 to Aleaaodar, JooM to AppUag to Blue.

-10 ,— 8 Only-thrae American league gamri rS, tcheduled.ela. . — . i I . ; ■

O f tba popplatloo o f Canada 4«J ibte per cent are rura l dweUera and 89.7 lge.: per ceat reside tn urbaa ceatera.

m i p i c C i

^W ilsoii Sets Paw

I ToBeat du ’dldals'IS " F o rg o t te n M a n " o f B a ie b a l l

O r iv e i O u t E ig h te e n th

ly , H o m e R im W ith O 'D o u l o n

X r B a se to O a ln 3 - 0 L e a d

o n ' ■' ' - — _____________ '

u n a h o h i l U A O u t . • ' ^ nu U aU a t Bostoa: to " OsKago at Brooklya

Ctortaaatl a t Kew Tork n r . FlUsbargh a t Philadelphia


Z ' g a r ... a , aH r. g iu a d ^ , -----------SI J t, M iS u ___ _ ’ ’" ’■•'•Si- a ^iTve . c iaciB jm t. , « — »»■ ^

' (By Ttie AsiocUted Fiesi)^ BROOKL'TN.' July » B u rly

, "Hack" Wilson, last year's "forgot-, - a f ten man" of- basebaU, set * wana M p a ^ today and bU Brooklyn team- ^ n ia tM 'foO ow td 'lt.td win tbeir f l n t ^ r t c t ^ la six gamea agalbatthelS t.' S Uiils'^OardlBal#; 7 U> 4, and to step ^ M M tha world chsmploas lato flf tb

• son agalast UW rlih t-fle ld screen w iU i O'Doul on b a s ^ gain a S to 0

^ lead. Prerlously Roatafeld bad ofi- >hat cned w ith a douUe.off - D i o r D ew U»* aad aeored oa a balk aad Strtpp^

fly .

I^.A U ie .fo u rttt w Siade-a elngte>and' : Gukeforth'a uiple. then WUson cut toe looao again In tho fifth . He rapped

ens. K (touble drtve to Joe Strlpp,', who DSer aUo had h it for two baaea, iu rp r li. Mtr. ed the faaa by reaching U ilrd abead •d a o f Oelbert'a throw wben CueintUo l o t h lttoshort.ttopaodtben 'seored-on . * • Wright's fly.a rt- -Daay*' Vanee, who started for lese Brooklyn and rang up hU elarenUi n r - victory ot tha season, equalling h i* t ot ID31 winning record: w u forced to reh. retire In the sUth because o f a Ume ». Vt back. • •had . ST. LOOU AB R H O A B

Frtsch. 3b ----- 8 0 3 0 3 0good Bottomley, lb ..—~~3. 0 3 7 1 Cieag • H allahan________0 0 0 o o eilley. BUdes, r t -------^ _ - l 0 0 3 0 0laid. ColUns. r f. l b ______ 8 0 1 3 0 0king OrsatU. c f --------8 0 1 0 0 1ince J. WlUon, o :_____ 4 0 0 8 0 0luck Gelbert. ta ________4 3 3 1' 4 ■ C

lha Dean.i> a 1 1 0 3 C&Kn «*-,Man<'iisft-„„>.->l 0 1 0 - » -«o u l l stout, p _ - _ - _ U ) - 0 - 0 0 0 -Orlre r . - - ...........

TotaU ______ >_40 4 14 B4 13 1tb a l - t Ran-for-BettoRiley lB M xQ t.-^^^t ^ • •B a lte d - fo r rD s ia d to a J fh ^ irH r

T r ~BBB8aXYM A B R H o A 1Roaeafeld, cf --------- 8 1 3 ' 4 0 Cfllrlp p . lb _______ a. 1 I I 1 0o T J S i,- if . r = i ; : : j - r - o ' 4 - - o - e l4 .-:W U si9a;rrf-^ss=? fc*-»r*r» r<

«>'® Cucclnello, * — 4 0 1 3 3 0. Wright, ta ----------- 4 0 I 1 1 0

'<* Sh s 1 a fl e II* “ *• Bukeforth, o _____ 3 1 1 3 0 0*to‘; Lopes. 0 ------1 O 0 3 fl «“ “ Vance, p -------------- 3 0 0 fl 3 fl

Kslmach, p _______ 1 - 0 1’ 0 0 C— - Qulna, p ___0 1 6--C

T - to -T o ta U -...— ,...-m.4 3 -7 -‘U-37-IO--0im s; BU LouU --------«n 000 300—1

, . B rooklyn__________ 300 131 00»—1Biimmaiy: Two-baae b l t i - W a t .

Uns 3, Oelbert. Bottomley 3, Man- icago cuso, Rosenfeld. B tripp, U WlUon; to 3. ‘ ■

i 7 '” 'D 'e p c

- —0 ^l3 0 I B I I i ! R W n 9 ! K I3 0 .


r r ^

i i

run—■unk: lg tova n - ■ ’ 'rstler ^I f » * / J

M kSt>«r)S>m br Pames *»»««*•• »1 *m m gM

SSirST' rKK; “ I#I 83.7 tra. *

9 fi|||n' tbTM-baaa U ta-Oslber^' home r u n - I i . WUsoa;' aaertfleei‘ - g g M Btrlpp, ODoul; double p l« ir- ;« rtM h .jJ H to I^eeae to Bottomley; wlna tncjSW

, :pitcber Vaaod: ,lostng p ltc b C T .r> ^ H JJeaa

• lag beld lo tbiee hUa la seven h -nlngs, the PltUbunh Plratea

■for n u r runs o tf AdoUo Uiqua. t f S 9H . J ) i C ^ U i ’a a d d c fe d te d 'n i« 'a S a a ta r^ ^ 4 t o ' i . today. I t was' tb rir.

II s traigbt rietory atter losing the f tfs t la a u o f tbe serlea and tbe t b M

K b lum ph fo r B ill HarrU. whe to ir le d '^ |« " moat o f Uie WUU; for . Uie Sues. / .. FITT8BUROH AB R H O A n U Waner. c f — i - i 0 * 4 0 ; 0 J • • J ina ey ' n I 0- ,0-: O -O v^S 'd • Dugaa. r f _________I 0 .0 ;1 .0 . 1

, F . Waner, rf . cf — 4 i 1 « ®- V flTVaughan, u --------4 . T . i ;2Traynor. 3b ~4 0 0 1 0 >41 v ^ . Comoroaky. If _ T , 1 1 0, 0 ,« '-

. suhr. lb — 4 0 fl 11 0 0• pie^. 3 b _________a 0 - 0 . 3 a . «

Grace..e .. . . -------^.4 ,0 0 4 1 , 0 .■ HarrU . p _______ 3. 0 1 -0 a 0 yM, a w e to ^ p . . .— .-.1 0 0..P f l. 0

• 'Tb taU .U — — 5J. 4 7-37 10 I 'M • Ran fo r L. Waner tn elghUu . ' »


CrlU . 3b ......- - . - a I I 0 8 0 . #o t t , r f ___________ 8 0 1 3 0 0 «l^ r r y . l b ________a 0 0 14 ILindstrom. e f -------4 0 1 4 0 ^ . S

u Hogan. C’ - . ; - : . :_ -4 0 1 3 0 \ ,-.im ••• scbumaeher _ o 0 fl f l ' f l ,0 '- - .9«> XngUsta. 3b. ss — 4 0 0 0 « , i ' lS f M Z tb a ll, at -------J 0 0 0. *1 0S • F u llU _________ 0 I ,0 0 0 0 ' ’gIJ* Verges. 3b -----------1 O’ 0 • 1 0 0

Olbson. D ft 0 0 0 0 D r ty itUen-....— 1 fl 0 0 0 0

m '.T o ta U ' - : i 3 t 5 8 a T l4 1 n- • Batted for ManhaU taelgfaUv 1 ,^ , . * * B a ilo d fo r l t t q i ie J n fo ^ iU- »*«H aaforB ogaB lanlaU i. ep ••••Batted for GIbaea la nlntb. '.rjS P itUburgb ------------g

' Mew Y a t 000 aOfl 0 1 0 ^ -??la t- Bummaiyi Two-baj^ta lt.— H a d - .'.?v dg atrom; atolen b w r< ie B o re tiT ; wla? i i Blng ^ tc b e ? ; iB a ^ -- - - 'K y j

‘ I - P H n im i i 8, c m c iN ifA 1 7 1 ^P^ PKXLADBLFBIA, July. J l W» — i, J

T. -CiaelaaaU today, te d lrM e theJoBr"

u t .HoUey barled for tbe PblU aad ' *d acattered tha Redf nine hUa. V lr - . r ho gU Darla h it bU twem h home run o f I i . ' t h e aaasonthtbd-ieVwiUi w ith tb a . , ad bsies'empty. 'A fter h itt in g la 18 Uo games, O. DarU weat w l t ^ t a

OOJCWHATI AB R H O '.A Ztor GranUiam. 3b-------i t I S 8 1llh High. 8 b ....3 0 0 a ' o 4)IU» Hendrkk. lb -------4 0 3 8 fl' 0. , j .,to H erm an.-rf .— 0 1 .9 .fl (K

me- Lombardi, e --------4 0 0 0 ,0 • I ' '.Cmbtree. c f ---------4 1 1 3 0 0 '

B R < ^ ^ , U : -------^4 0 ^ ; ft ^

.0 -Frar.-p ------* - 0 a ■ o - ' l .fl0 • Lneaa ________ 1 0 0 0 0 00 ■ --------- ,.

' 0 T o la U ________ J8 a 9H4 9 'a - .0 •Batted fer Frey In nin th.0 PB ILAOB.PBIA AB R H O A B1 O. DarU. c f --------- 8 0 0 4 0 - 0 .fl BarUU, a ------ 8. 0 3 I I '0

■fl m ain, r f _________5 1 3 S fl 0fl H un t, l b _________3 0 3 « fl 0

^-fr^Whl taey, ................ - t - . » - a.i:a - 0 ------' 0 Lee. i t . , .............^ 1 3 . 5 ; i 0 ..— V. DarU. 0 ..— — a I a 4 0, 0 ! ^ i _ M ^ ; a . — .1.4 .0

n r * ' W B i T i i : , —- -iir~ h ~ i3 37 o . i rI 0 ClnclnnaU --------------Ofll 100 000-^3

fl Philadelphia ___ e^OVt 100 lO'—8r-o -"Sum maryi^Two-baifr b lU ^ -JT e r-r ' "

0 Wbltaey; double playa-Doraeber t fr a Henrlck. Frey to to Hm|-

I 0 dnck."'I 0 — —‘ 0 Ohlcago-Bosten gaaia postpoaed> 0 on aocount of wet grounds 'u.O= Tfie m u tfie id Ught on Mantocket luo-llgh tsb lp -was aeea-by-a s te a m ih lp - i^ 1—4 aiasler 48 mUes away.•_7 . - — :----------------------'at- ProapccU UiU year ladicate hum­an- per crop ot cberrUa in Ontario and on: BritUh ColumbU.

e n d a b l e

R e s u l t s ^

g r U

D ^ malt syrup*' MOP FLAVORCO

" B u lls ” R e r a a ln In C t iH ro l

^ T - % ^ t - M 9 f l ( « t - a n d - 0 v a r m i n a

W e a k A t t a c k b y B s a r s

f - I M A R K E T S A T A G L A N C EOTW. YORK. Ju^y 39 W>-

X.. S tocks: SiTons: n U i .r e s tu n ftdv»nee.

B anda: S trong: n i l s rciums V letd.

Curb : S trons; uUUUes rUt ? , rtuwply.

F o n tg n c K h t o i t t : 6tctd7> 'tUiriUtg e u r .

.C otton : H ith e r: ( lm ttock •* n u rk e t: n in s In . E u te m w d

C e n tn l sU te t.S u sa r: Q uiet; stesdy spot nur>

k j t.C e(fe«^-I!l|h e r: tn d e b uy ln f.-

CHICAOOW hea t: B u y : Improved erop

n e v s N orthvest; veak cables. C orn t' Bm 7: good n la t Ut C«a> i

^ . . t n l W est: UrBcr rccelpU tn Cbl-yl' c a ie . < '

O atlle:O u llands tea< l]rtoveaL i I H oes: tow er. ^ {

O r JOUN L. c o o u n r<Ae:o£lsicd P re n Plnsnelal W riter)

NKW YORK, Ju ly 2 9 - ^ th o u tb Iradins w as lets actlre and n e t s y

. crAge n e ; s f t lu n a rro v tr . buUi Itlllp--------}MwHh»bett«r-o(-tb»aTguin»nt-la-to.L ____ dsY-i stock m arket and kept enough

ilcam in th e cjU nderi tp le n e n te r anoUi;,r general expuu lon tn quoUd

Tsiuei.' Both tlia re s and l ie a ^ m et profit*

. (aU n r pBrttaitarJy la th e raom lag k only to encounter enough new b u yu ------ l o , to te n im s Ibelr rlie. stocks took

td strongest in th a rail division, a l- ibough-K tU Jtlu a lw n n v e i l Most

N ladustrlals ware a UtUe n o re sober, I - . . . . b u t le ra ra l specialties received freah I ' In ip tn tio n . The avtrage advanee - • - was ju s t a point. Volume totaled a,*

- sh a re s .' ' 'B u rlng of carrier MnlUei appeared

p re ^ U M te d ^ w ash fn iton diieui*[ slona for tb e g ran tln f of loans to U - . . . r a i l r o a d s to faellltate malntensnce r Aod repairs. IB addition, leading ira -

tem« Mn fs liig urtouilfr about the businen o r smoothing out eompetl* Um dUneultlM a n d e thvw lH n e e t-

. log tbeur m utus) problems. Although th e n wotUd be no toolo Uka a pick* QD In U aU ia to ehan i* the railroad p l e t ^ . proTesslonal open tor* vere probablr satlifM l- with -what- newe had come td hand.

New V ork Central. Cnion pacinc, S a n ta Fe, Chesapeake and N n n sy iran la and Oetaware and Hud- con cUmned ( ro n nearly a lo more

------- th a n a pulats.w bU e Norfolk and Wes*te m m c s u . Rail equipments were strong. espeetaUy locomotive com- panjr shares. U nited,SUtea Steel p re-

------ le m d - s x m e d - p w e eags> ‘to anU^

eiumingi thav.tiBfavofahle.aotloa «n Its dliK U nd OMt October, advancing nearly 4 points a t the best. The com-

, moo w lu i Ameriean Can. W esU ng-' heuie. D u Pont, Oenera) Motors. N a-

. Uonal Biscuit. S a s tn a n and a num ­ber or olL er old-Une ravorltes. closed (ractlonaliy higher. American T ele-

* phone (inlshed up a u to gOU. IU to p price, w hich compared w ith tbe re -

. , centTow o t 7014. Also inn b B a-po m r c lsss wero CooioUdsted O as, Amert* oan Tt)bocco B. AUled Chemical, In*

^ ■ u rn a tle n a l BoMoess U achlnM , l>eo* ==r=-9ltii.QMx W lo ew l^ C a m an fc -sto eto

crease ro r e a i t r o terrlK iy i t t e ^ m In about three y e a n . A ubum Jum p-

. . e d m o r o t h a n l ■

•-----------W ill e n e e t would h ird Jy have beens u ^ U e d b r a correcUre rescUon; indeed, steps tow ard “coasoUdaUng

r= ^ o a f a e n a e t ''w tn tw n t te a B ia w u v b ro k era it ><«■>—t advtoea as- a Ukely a(tenna'4 ) to the rally which h u n m through eight or the la st nine i m * ejon*. T h e Impetus s tU ln e d .b r the rise in - IU more recent phU M t t be-

____ lng af-ributed parUy to b u rtn r b r't r* d e i i“wKoT»id W « t f u n i ^ s 2 u l ly

^ ^ ^ ^ 0 oppose the tr e n d 'a n d who now

- T w in F a l l i H s r k e k

l ^ a s ™ . J » i t ^ up----------« i j aCowi

- - “ U -g g g s___ ~ ^ H ?!

L*(hem h»Bf. 3 iM. ubai l ” ~.iis

■XV .------K U l'o.Butlcrfst ___ tti.

^ b55* z i z z i . v ~ T : r ; 3 i i r z L ‘Z tt.«de^»T» iiMtnti a m i K m btttu

wbMt sbs h u rM45 5 S !S!i~ ------------ aStock fooe. l«o.pend lota_________ «xM tn t k m v h m ___Oleklow « b n l __________ 37.

M a u m n *Oorab ai>w----- -. .. , ■■■ , . - l >

Ontoo«. B«nim4ds ______________ *

------- S S S . S S I = = i J ! “f SU U ug,. . . .

s a -----------■uach tural;« . .____________a<J

-• Ooloiu. ouaeb - ! ^ ■ Sit,Tm M M ~

> Oucitmbtn ------ «.ll tn v b rm n ----------- la

psU IOM ----- ----- <

OTMa b w n -------------- *B u tu r. t tm a t r j____ r t

. ■ ^ “ ‘^ c r i T i i u n --------------«

S S ? ‘w i ^

t am u t ' ■

•<— -

........ ' ■ -7 ^ ". StMk.Market Average?.

■ _ W ss.". 5 S t i K : « S a s K S S S

&'?icjss -.ss £Sb o v .U M .U t2 M M40 1«S« IH.TO

w en t r r in c ror « tu ra . I n addillon. much WHS-made today or the (a* v onb la reserve bank tta tem ent, espe* ctaUy tlie slackening or goremm ent security purchases im ieb w u U ken SJ evldeM« of a* heslth ler banking d tu a tlo a . \ ,

M ercanitla rW M m r u m te d an tn- creais I n opU m U m rtitB pugh Brad* straeV'a sa id u d id no t a p ^ r to have been tran s la ted in to "iby real tn* c re u e or activity.’' Stjinnger senti­m ent, t b r agency asserted, teemed based partially ■’on the general feel* Ing th a t w ith no disasters tn sight th e stage la being aet ro r recovery,'*

; a n d slso o q a fV B llag th a trec o n itru c- tlon rinknda c^rporatloiTJissltUnee. sa enlargod. would soon mske ItscU actively felt.. Duik’s si^ld a lm oit aU branches or commercial endeavor hsd

‘j bcenenoounged .

' ' OOVSBNklBNT BONDB I NEW YORK. Ju ly 30 (/tv-O niled

s u t e s government bond quoUtlons closed:

, , IJberty 9 H t aa*4t ______ 101.8fi t lb e r ly r its t-4 U s 32.47.-------- 101J5Z Liberty (ourth->IWs MOB.____103J1lU U berty rourth ,4H s as-s# reg _ lo aae

^ m u S — !” ’?f? T ressury 9%t 40*0 ________100.1

T reasury 3 S s 43-47 --------------B3J0. T reasury 3*is 41*41 Mareh__ 100.‘ T re u u ry 3>ii 4«r4# ______ #758* T ressury 3s 6 t* M ___________0 8 jf

I . ; MONEY-I t NBW YORK, Ju ly » - Csll r . money! steady : a per cen t all day. h Time loans: S teady; M to »0 days » lU to m : (our and six m onlhs lU .* Co iU per cent.

Prim e commereUl paper a u to a>,i. !d Banken* acceptances: Unchanged.I* —10 BAB 8ILVBB

N E W Y O R K .Ju lr3#{ ;p> -B arsll* ver it«ady and unchanged a t 38^c.

/ " ' METALSh NEW YORK. J u lr » WV-Copper{ :* Q uiet: electrolytlo spo t and future id su e .ro , T in ; J * lrm ; ip o t and nearb r re tai.«0: lu tu n 191.80.

iron : Q uiet; unchanged, c. u a d : S iesd r; ipo t New York l a j j ;0. E u t S t LouU ta J0 .t- Zlno; Q u((t: E u t S t. Louis spot re and (u ture taJO.1. Antimony IS.

)* SUGAR -NEW YORK. Ju ly .39 (A'>-Raw *U-

JT I * I j e O O ? R » n g « o w i 5 r a t i J 3 ? ) i“ for spott. Buyers seemed ready to pay^ th ii prl.-e, but holders genenlly were“» asking MJO and lhe only isle re*“ ported waj 30.000 bags ot»■ pines fo? A uguit-September sh lp-• ' ment a i taM .“ ! fu ture* moved w ithin a rango of 1” point throughout tho seu lon and* closed n n unchanged on all o r ih« ^ active positions.

Tht» ilay'i hiitlw>»«J* tons. S tpum ber closed I I , December" llJW .Jsnusry 11.01. M arch g lM . May ^ 11.10, Julv ll.lB.^ TTie re/tnrd iJtustion w u unchang*? ed w iia~ renn*n i i* t iB O t-M n o " io

m s r n v i l l O T a w i i r v i r r i g a l z r o i" r Uttsr.seiory proportion!, b u t new

builnew v u light and supplied througn second h s n d s a t around |1

_ tw Jine_tTM ulal?d.___________ _ -:en ' — ----------............................... —tn; LOB ANOELES PRODUCE ng Ti-\g t x i n n r a t..iy .fp ,ip., P roduce , M changf; B utter 07.000

'*>«»« 1700.pounds;-eggs

Butler in bulk 31c.2 “ -E gg ii-U nchanged___________ .:

Poultry; Unchanged.


s a B utterfa; Jlc. ‘Poultry; BroUers 18 to 20c; fryen

11 to 30c; rest unchanged.

Eggi; United S taU i e x tru , large IJO U U c; mediums 18Hc; snu lls U '.kc

Cheeie: p ia u lie .

u e CHICAOO PRODUCE I.M OHICa o o : July 39 « > -B u tU r ;

specUls. n score. 19>io to lO-Sic; cx- i r u , 9] leore, I 8 \ c : e x tn tIri'.v'OC

^ Ib OJ Kon*. I T ic to 18c; firsts, S3 u J a 89 score, ijc to J 'c ; sccondi, M te

tn icon. tJc to \f.c: lU nd iw ls , M score, c^ntnllsed cartoU. 1 8 V \c .

E n i; .R e c e lp u 7074 ciues; ftrm: lOe unchanged.Ila poultry: ReceipU 38 trucks:

ftrm : Vnchanged. ■"

PORTLAND HAY . ira. PORTLAND. July 29 t,7 - IDiy

Jjeady; unchanfcd.


.7K DENVER, Jaly t9 (Spedal t« T b N *w ii-.Um l» u U Denver lodayi I H. Sm ith. Ketcbnm. 6 loads icM •

.IM OBU a t 4 m > U 81 peonds a v m r « t* Armoor: D s m h Sheep com

s * ^ n y .-K eieh 8 m . 4 toads 11 » o v i« J t e M.IO tlrmlsbi l» ..8w lft: B rw k ea

ridge. K etchan . load 89 pennds tos U o«U ftt 4 cents $g.l« to Sw U t..


JOO CinCA OO „Jnly S9 <U ff D A PoUtoea: ReeelpU lU carloads: e

j a » track » 8 : tota l United SU lea ahlp - » e m e n u 281; weak. lappUes m odente

tradlBc Ilow: C obblm M baow t N< lUO I TOe to 78c, (tw 80e. decayed 80o i n w * • » - • partly traded U « I I S d tn y e d Me to 80e: M lanaaol4.n C u t r oidM N ft 1 »se.

J. . ....................... .

„ • UP *m ftO O G H\>ui WA.7BftaUIN. COMNSCTtCtJT. i l i f . WHICH r e m s a a u i'c r tf ra to ^ i l S . p . BTHAW A L L 6W S HpM Bg * ; TOVtfKl. IM THIS3 :io : N e i o H M R M O o o . v ^ .

UM '• “ a m • A TTACK o i j FO ftT . - n c o w o a A o c k ik AMD

MM CRCWn POIMT IM N 6M “ ■TO S O « K , M6M (JAO»A= - w M e f t s o o y A M D — l _


•p e . A U S M T O L S A O iW e M . aent A fto l r te C R S S N . .Ucen MOOWIAJM BO SS M THB king A T TA tK i.W M ICH W A S *

, < t j c C 6 S 5 P i X . ' l in - •rad inave H '

tn* '•nti- -----------------------------------------------------


I 1 ^ 1had (8 / Tbo ASMClsUd Pros)

Allied Cbto * 'D ra l .8 S 4 M *Aiiu CBsinien _ _ k e i* , *«

ss : ,r‘ •

s S iW r-L i Iij: Uin ^ u m o n * a > 1 0 ;__ « . tL i«»0MU«HOT B t y ---- - 1 u l i I

M l C*nr t ^ u o c . 7 ^ Vi

SI. 'ir. M;- fc 5 » . - 8

b h m le r cw p ------- *,Csll Coca c o l* ----- .. ..1... ss'k n (« SJS

Colum OM Sb II»c ._ lOU » I *,‘X- Com M lTfflU_____ , 7Jays Com M u ia w ------- | j l u ij

*’* S l> 011*0*1_____H s*{ j ‘lT ‘ " i : g l ;

U u l ^ l ’HI Mem.__ 3>l, 7I4* » ] |c u tm u t Kodak ......m * 43 ,, *4 ,B ccuio Mw « Lft S « i

• sll* tn o R B.------------- - S 4»i sSVc ueofrai B tetru u * t:U la ii

i ! '- n.:S i ' , , ! ! i

•pen iwodyear Rub&er ... . 12 \ lu ;, 13 Iture Uooojrwtf nubb tr PC 39 3» 39

Or«b»m r u « « _____- l t i Mi J'.j. r w g S t i M - ' h ' i , ; S ! Si;

In l lU r m ts r ____ _ 17% )e>* 17V.2.9S; In i N lckil------------ - SH 0 SjkIn l T ti a Tel___ fit, ty, e>i

KraDNOtl CoB>«r .... s ) , 7U Bti•P®* K nirier a Tell ____ u 3 ^ '«

Sr. i!SiUcKoopott Tm . . . . 37 U3« 3«tiui*m l On>«r ......... 3 ' 2ta 3U ld Cont Pet ------ e n e>. 01,UiMOurl raellio . .. 3 3*« 3

r su - U laeu il rscKlc p t .. 7 0 e>i

* P V NMh uoinm n n m . ii»iw ere l u t Cuh R pt a. ..... p% , o>. si,


' OODEN, July 39 (/I') tU S D A ) - M nr. Rogsr RKe:pu 889, Including lU ica m ruy m arket:U ea(!yrtopH .«O on beit-18a ISToT to 333 1)UUBB 'Urlt t-m s ; few m tx «

new w elghu (4.50; few heavy bu tchcn iptKd 337 pounds t4; packing sovsi3.7& tc XI l i t3 ; douMe dcek-Ioad lU pound Nc-

- b raska Aoffs 15 v lth 13B pound ov- e r t k t s ^ r g c t s : • ^

; C a ttle RecclpU 83, Tor msrket:sU ady; load -mUed h«lten-»3.50:

’’ •000 c u t te n tround 12: rcw bulU « C<-egga. ^ --------------------- -— - -

' Sheep. RccelpU lU lS , Inctudlnt 340 ror market: ene double 78 pounc

- - - Oregon ran t* Umbs 1340, Irelgh pa id to c o u i: double deck load V

------- - pornid 'O rtB tin 'tefden 13.75 n a r —-B ' ___M > - P0HTL.4ND LIVESTOCK

. PORUAND, Juiy 39 ( 0 8 IA) — Hobs; Rccclpts* 200; marke

_ fjuoUblr aiMdy. tO ISL _CaUl«:R«M lpUM.-oalves-10t m a r 7 — m tm* bm qUoUbH ahiUnd tteady l a w Sheep; R « e lp U .1100; two doubli IP.4C. decks lim bs Just a rrived; open m ar

k e t.


r g : A>-HD'tVT iUeel[ii;-^OW-r«low. 'geh;* 'g n eraJly ;ft-; 4pots lio iower; (op t4 JO M ta Choice 180 to 34M 'ta few 3W to380pound1 ^ e r* |4 30 iou .i5> hu lko thcavybu tch S ' e n unwirt; l iK h t l i ^ u 14 to f4 JJ f i ^ - low s IS to 2JC Io»cr, 13 to I3J0 .

Cftttif: ncfc ip ii OSO: calvei i k ucks* ilro n s to 15c high

* e r; otlKr oI*.v<e* i tr sd y ; steers an yearlin]} vlrlu'iilly ab ien t; .U\ilk bet cow* 1240 to »4i b f i t a round I4 J(

m v v r ilrn 15; fev tosds ilockci I3.7S tOt4.SO,

8 hr(?' Hccclpu 2000; f a t lamtP strong 10 IJc higher, best vM terr

shoving rrlnclpa l up turn ; top fs.t lo r t io lo id s choice range lamb: top natives I5.7i; bulk good to choli

a T h o naUvH s s ju 10 |S.79; medium qua « , E . I 'y ^ eommon k lnd i do* ^ gg to l3 ; [(V ( It evrA(1.50 down.

CIIIC.\CO LIVESTOCK o a C i — 0HiCA<30rJtiira»-«>f>-4U-e-D'it eken* —How; R ecelpu 18,000; dosed (a l U toaa 1 actlto un ve lg h u betov 320 pound . , mostly J t o 10c b tlov T h u n d ay ; sob

undervriKhti steady; heavier ireigh v e ^ Ilow; bids and sales 10 lo I; o r morj lover iljan the a v en g e 1

' 3 te b(!o» high tim e; good to cho>< I 180 to n o pounders 14.7 to l iM : ti

|4 .9 i: a o to 290 pou n d e n *4 40--------- 14.70: iOO to 410 pounden 13.70

•4.33; UO lo 170 pounders 14.40 D A ) I4 J5 ; pigs 13.75 to 1435; packll

te : OB M v i 11.25 to 13.83; im ooth Ugh ih lp* welghU 13.75 to 84.10: exlreo

l e n to , weliini ao v n to | 3 ; sh lppen to< Iri No. 3000; eitlm ated lioldo%rrs 3000.80o <• Cstlle: Recelpta lOOO; calves 50 IS« to '.r«ig Ifd t tc c n and ycar'Jngi a i f t r B w o ta lle w iho r: (cd* about t t s s d j ; bu

•, jcO B jp fU laignu ien ; tn d c d u U , we

tW iT fALLS DAIL-U L Y N l ^ S : T W m > A T ; t s r r o A I l

H Y Y f If'5 I

i _______ >S9<


y Y O R K

!!:S S S J p i m i — « : i : i i

” ! : i 5 ; . r r S , f f . = , : J i : r s s s f f l : V . f t .

i . i i l l f f i :

■ i P n s t i J i j :

~ ^ o m i f oil f ”. . . -1—^ , v t f i i)* Uoconr Vscuiim— . 10 ■ 9>4 1%<4 Boulh C*l Miwn . . . 23‘j n , »**

nouthcrn l'»eino __ I J ', I « l iBUOdard Urtniti — H ' - U*.<

U a u M U*J * airr - 14 f 13 H; a u n d ir t oil C*l.-.-.3S , « 34',<. UUnd oil H J ------ 30 4- Vj O lrir.n W»tB«r----- JJ . 3U 3A,

BIUdelMCkrr Corp — 4S 4*« 4 'jH : S M 3 , » . r - : IJ;. 1|!: ffi!

l i U?d'^rw^‘ D no li'~ l} ‘ i a u « 1 3 ’!(2 Union Cubide_____-ao>i lo u . 3ou; Uaion OU C*1_____-I1<. I t I tf i

3S>« Unloa m in e --------« su UUf i UnllMl Alrcralt____13 lOti i t ^

m : . o"B*?nd“ iTOil5’’:;:: jo jt iS l; aol;S l ; 8 S ? , ; ? r : . ; : : : = : * . =SU

i f i i!(! aS! S !i

Mlw Y O lS t" j i i ]? ^ 'M r^ u ib m w 13 kai qiioiitioiu dated:39 ^ Am»ric»n Ouper rover.__ _ an,9»I CitiH fl»r»ic« ......... - - - 4'*

Cecirlc Dond and Sivare ■ — ■ B);BlKirle nonet and Bliu* p t___ S '.i

10 H*cU Uinlni --------------------------- 417V« Kla«a» lliidaon'------ ----- -------- 13S'b Crrct COnuUdalM ________3V>g ii sundan l OU o( iDdlani------------31^elk Tr*h» Luj . .....................................l',j

. U Walpetn compan y --------------- - *im J * n rc i,a w in s ■ •3«la 8udi«r, Epp'r>on, Orubb aad eompsDy. 3 Inrarporaled. Dolt*fll. Trt Coil Coqi .................................. lia3 American ro»cr *od U|hV---------- T<j8ii Betlrle m t r and U|hl.,..-............... S»»

_ 7) , Amuican rcrtlsn Power varrant* l i t-■ 4 _ juaetican-a** ‘ "O Bectrlc.______ aa.,

Ii»i CommmUl Boutnern w arranu.— US t. United Oaa v a n an u (iMdl X’le

IB>r Corn Trvuit Shart* t b ld ) ------------ lIJOU • Naiional ntieutl --------------- --------31VT Aotrum AUtO-------------------------- « ’<

“ “ to 23c lower, g n ln fed she stock about

5 Iteady; t-iassers w eak; bulU dull and weak; >calen firm : s tocken and (eeden vreak to 35c lower; moit

___ ilaugbtcraleen«llgibl*-to^gitd4<U 0;-light tu tto ry - kinds occasiohsUy

, , aow nw ftrd to l33S orbe low ;(ev»ho rt red4up t3 |7A O :on lyoddheaaabove ;

r IM te « f cow* eligible to over |4 o r un-

vcale« .largely I7.° ^ Sheop: RecclpU 7000; clojcd stca-

” ®' -dy to strong; ip o ts -sh a d e mgher; gaatt lA gheire natlvfc laipbs icallnl00 16^ lW inai-»3.73‘ tD- M iS ; (ew

^ w i l l io u Choice natives M.SOrthrov-niitf~'f3Ji} t6~l4; rattge la m y Btaent;

-.33 pounU -Callfom U yearling »-e:h*

OMMIA LIVESTOCK ^ ‘d ff7 OMAHA. Jtllr.3® Ml lU 8 D A I -- —" in o ji : -B K c lp U MOO;-closed- liUrly

acuve; UghU aiid touUhers itcad>-; lo v s a tuady .to 10c loa-e;; lop i4.50

S D lor load strictly choice around 190 a rkel pounds; top I4 J3 ; bulk good and

choice liM’ to 350 p ounden 14.25 to n m r» -* M o ^ 4 y M o -iO ftjw tto<iera_i3,jK>_to

SUble' I 4 .3 5 ;a o v ia n d iu g il3 to t3 ,5 0 ;(e e d - m a r- ^ i ’ PlS* *3.78 to 13; shippers look

(3000. •1 CatUe: RccelpU 1300; calve* lOO;

I : killing c;aisea closed m odentely ac-fl r>' " ’'e , (ully steady; stockera and (eed-^ tfj. |f|ftf.»T; fT» «»»•*'•« y»«.llf'y.

mostly 17 to M JO; choice lOie pounc n o in yearlings W J3; fed h e lfe n M.35 tc

*7J0; cholc* heifers a round loo( ‘0 M : few loads I4 J5 to 1440; cui- Iwund* 17.85, bulk beef cov* K.7! ler grades ll.JO lo I2 J0 ; low cut-

■ ! te r . m ojlly 11.75: medium bull* I26< h i- h l .io 13.75; odd. head « « ; pncU ca . .n r f ' lop vealen 1530. t w r ahee-): RccelpU 0000; closed »i«ad; * * s f t- ,‘® '»trong; nine e a n n n g e lamb

>5,73 s iraJght and w ith "lighi »ort ro rted native lam bs up to >5.75

i.m h* eholce g n d e (ed clipped Umbs 8 " p “ •>■’ 1

$3.00 > .nge U m tji 1435 to I4.J0. u n b i; • '

1 . SAX t^ N C I B C O U V ISTO C K do w n ' SAN FRANCISCO. July 39 (^1 (t

S D A l—Hogs: R ecelpu 650; slov ' bu tchers mostly 10c lo v e r; lo u r load ! I ts to 191 po,und CaUfornlas ts.40 t

-D-A >-:H JOM w»toads U lahs.and load Cal 1 (a ir- K om U s lauold; packing lo v i S3.5 )und3, downt ‘: so m e ; Cattle: ReceipU 85; slov. nominal e lg h u ,ly steady ; Quality pla in ; inquiry fo to 15c dealn b ls light s te e n around (8; iw >ge oc car»MO to K l pound local (ed sleet cholee I5.S0. w tth four per cen t ih r in l 0 ; top about load s ts e n ond la l* ; load com1.40 to m oa to medium cows 13 to ttJO ; od ■70 to lo ic ltte r3 llJS ;g o o d q u o u b le a ro u n1.40 to I3 M : oiuTs quoted to 13.50. calvet ick ine R ectlpU none: nominally «i«id} ligh t- good a round 350 pounders quo;abl itrem e MJid; choice ligh t vealen to 18.I took Sheep; R ecelpu 300; dull, ivothir X done; .< n c lly choice lamb* quotab s 500; s r ra n d IWO; tvodecks-vooled laml ^.-ent; on u l : . ^ ea rtln is quou;>:f tlSO i : bulk M.50: choice lljh t eves 13 g;.-'0; 13' , w esk T h u ad u y deck U rgely m edJua i

1 I.. . ---- ..

IA H % . S A T flltP T rO tO H W IK G T


v / ^ P t i J R e o ' ^ -/ S T O R E S A NO \

•A A ftT IL L BR NIf C A M S IM V E R S ifX y HAMOS F O R \UA IjyjfcSHlMOTOWS • U '1 W M W J S j

1 MAO v f iS w / I A t . r T T ( .e . e p / M m f f J B sJ .A


^ [ptT ieaM D tf

pound Ruoled CaitfornU U m bi MJO; sorted 30 per cen t 1340.

: K A N S A S iC l^ LIVESTOCK ; ; KANSAS' CITY, Juiy*3^ W>) (U B

D A)—H ogs:'RccelpU 3500; uneven 5 to 15c lower, above 350 poundi

I showln;! m ost decUne; to p 1445 on ??* cholee 180 to 210 pouittfers; de « ^W « I 170 to 2tM) pounden 81.40 to i4 4 0 ; ar. 370 tfl.340 pounden . 14.10 to 14.40; i|?» c h o lc? 4 » pound bu tcb en 1845; ^ t * 71V te r gn d e 140 to 180 poundera 14.10 l»t to 14.40: SOWI 13 to »340;-rew 1344:

Stock p igi steady. $3.75 to I4 J5 ; ectl- j i f m ated holdoven 300.« Cattle: RecetpU 500; calves 100;

bulk of run on ihrough billing; m a r- is j ke t m oiyy cleanup; tw load loU of- » . cred ; p a rt loxd g o ^ y farllng s te e n

4<h-to-chder-vealeTs-m osily*4 to l4 ;-fsw i > relected kinds 1540; stockers and

(eeden unchanged;' m oden te sup - Iji'. ply held by d e a le n >4 Sheep: ReeelpU ISOO; killing elass-

cs I'.eady; top native labibs 14.75:' 3 (' better k’rades m m lly $440 to 15.75.

ii‘J ' ' *■ • 'iJt! ! DENVER SHKEP iJ’* DCNVER, Ju ly 39 t/P> tU S D A )—

Sheep: I teeelpu 8500; Includea 13 if lj losds CallfomU Iambi. 33 loads Id a - 11 hos; quality mostly good; better

(trade na;lvc lamb* 83J5 dow n; ask- 4 ' lng considerably above 16 on best

W i CalK om iui'and Idaho's; sheep and W* yearUngs steady; lew jearU ng w eth- 231 e n $335; Inbelween grades e i ^ e a ^ U !i to $140.

aar* . BOITTON WOOL j n BOSTON, Ju ly 39 trtV -The In-

■ r r crease' ln~ »alg r-betn f ye p o rtc d - tn J , . the vool m arkel Is mostly of th e fln-

» J j er territory lines, bu t inquiries are 4 more numerous on 5Qs a n d on lower

I qiinUtles lhan fOr eome ttm e. Quot* ai^« ttoni cn both combing a n d clothing I'.j wool show strengthening tendencies * a.i dcalcn refuse o tre n th a t aro

only illshtly below asking prices. *a,. -------- .


” ia APPEARS .UNCHANGEDViii • —« v BOSTON, Ju ly 39 M V-Tlic Coni- _ merctal Bulletin o t Boston v ill say

tomorrow;bout "The m arket U subiU nllally un* and changed for tho week. M anufacturers and have been endeavoring to buy wcol noit cheaper again thU ft'cck but not $40;- w ith-m uoh~succeaa..O ealcrs.-hoK - isUy ever, say there U ‘no W f to the hort markel. Dem and covers nearly every ove; description o t wool but especially fa­un- T o n the fine combing wools. •

lOlcT e h havrBecnThow lng-m orv-dlspo- sltlon to hold woob (rom sale. evi>

itca- dently looking forw ard to bcttci her; prices In the (all and winter. Prlce.- ‘lln l are (Irm evc^w here In the Wfsi •few and m in e bright wool s ta tea th e btal rov . Delaine clips h a v i -been sllghtlj lent; dearer.Ton* • w c i g n niHiLeu aim uu iiiu llj e:h* steady. .There arc atlll cqnsiderabli

stocks of medium to low grade crou bred wools le ft in South Americ: and New Zealand bul fine wools li th e prim ary m arkeU a ra a U a d y .--

"T>» plece*BO(^ m arkel u a bl broader but th e V ice equation Kli

! U dom inant. Clearing o r the indu* •tn trta l a tm oiphcre In th e dreas good *®2 rield is helpful.

,* n a -M ohair is quiet, again a flc r th i ® recent heavy aales a lthough lal ?-|0 weighW-«f-4opa-bava-ba»n soW a

prUcA w n i4 in r» ld in n in - l3 e to 14 for beat original bag halr."

'The Bulletin will publish the rol lowinif quoUtlons:

Domestic—I l : * Ohio and Penniylvanla fleecn

DeUlne unwa.%hed 14c to 15c; Iial jj^^Ttfiodd—^ b h i r —l$cr—three-eH hi , “V blood corobljj* 14e to 15c; quarte

hlood combing I3 '»c to I4c.Michigan and New York rieecu

DeUlpo unwashed 13c to 13c; hiy **•]* blood combing 13c to 14c; tlue l

eight* combing 14c to iSiquarter blood combing 13Sc to H

WiKonsUi. MUsourl and avrrnt , IndU na and New Sn g lan d ; Ha

blood 13c lo l ie ; three-clghU bloc 13c to 14c; quarter blood 12c to 13

Domest/a eraded: - « r * t comblf 34c to 35c: second combing 33c to 33.

* th ird combing .-Ho lo I8c ; (pun combing 15c tfr 16c: good g n d in g 2 to 35c^ llrst kid 46c to 50c; secot kia 35c to «0c.

_ _ Cape winter r in t nom inal IBc 30c; summ er (In U 33o to 33c; ca;

Pl (U sum m erklnds53ctoSSc;Tin-keyb»slow; 38c to 30c; Turkey g t ^ 33c to ZS loads Turkey ta ir nom inal IBc to aoe. .40 to Scoured baili—..Calx T>inii tT m nntha (selpctis$340 35c to 36q; flna short 'l iT m o n i

33o to 34C; flna eight m o n ih s -i ilna l- to 30c.7 fo r CallfoniU : N orthem 30c to 31 i; iwo middle county 30c to 31c; aoulhe ileera 30c to 3lc, *• ,irlnk; Oregon: Pine and F ‘M SU ple 3 com- to»5c: (In e a n d P M P re n c h e o m b l

l;o d d 3ic to 33c; fine and P M clo th ing : r o u ^ to | 0c; n U ey No. t Stc to 33c^ alves: Territory, scoured basU— eady; * M ontana and aUnlUr: P ine sU] stable choice 35c to 37c; ha lf blood cotr 18. tof- 33c to 35c; threc-elghU blc )thing combing 30c to. 31c: q u a rU r blc otable combing 38c to 37c. lambs pulled: D elaine 40c to 43c; AA : l50 to 42c: fine A su p en 37; to 39c; ); I3tc , • )«rs35: to37c. uo <3 M ohair; Domestlo fo o d orlgti

STJULY. W>"1652~. " — T "

^ . £ r r - O O J G E T T E R S

T H S M A M Q -O P .*Wj9 0m 4i3v/A AN D


■ - ^ C ? Q P D jS R A V Y / .te n W O M A a A N Dn ^ F O f^ Y C A R S

Y O U V E T O U D ME 40 : - m A T W A 5 A



T H A T L O W H A rJG /Nling R a c k e t s t & r e \

F O R A N A W n J l - ]

^ i i i c E s s ^ 5 oiicHMim™ t M a te r ia l S e t b a c k s A.cc(jm-

I ta ^pany ^ B u y e rs ’ 'S h y n e s svery

A l te r T h r e e - D a y B o o ir

r By JOIIK jp. BOUCliAN rAsJociatod Press M arket Editor)

rlce.> CHICAOO. July 39—M atcrU l K t W{si backs in grain prlcea'ioday accom b ta f panlid . buyen ahyn tss foUowlng.i

[htly thre< 'day advance of m o n than ' ccn u in wheat.

:able rcucficd ju s t before the cloec, but < rou.- iracllotial rally ensued n t th s .last erica DearUh laclors Included n fu sa l o Is In the Liverpool m arket to follov ad--------vances Cl. th U .a ld c .o f.th e A tW u i\ b it and It wa* a a e r te d European import xtlll era veru bolding off.

idu*. W heal clw ed unsettled. U to l cen ;oQ<a under yeiterday*' I in b h , eo m S t

. \ o r r .o s iaa t decline lo advanci ' th e and provlMoiu. 7 to 15 cenU down,

(a ir Favorable w eather (or harvesUn d a t a n d - - th r a s h in g - I n th s - America B 14c-northw e»rhad a contrtbuUng-beinl*

,e l(e e t cn w heat. Country market fo l. I Ings w tre expected to show a n p l

I Increase rrom now oh a t sprtn I w heat centers. T here v u ta lk ah

e c e s ; 't h a t t-he recent »harp advanca I lu lf prices would tend to stlm ulaU tr

l|hu>«r*as»d-arrlvals>ol>~domettlc wlnt<arte r wheat.

I Buying suppo rt tor w heat waa faU « c s : ly Urge on price iclbacks, and ion h i ^ reinstatem ent of lines was apparei

Iue6. on the p a rt of ipeculatlvo buye ISe; I who h sd told ou: late yesterday i

> 14c. hlRlier prices.rrnRc Beneficial rain s over almoat tl H a lf , entire sou thern half o( the corn U

blood weakened th r c o m m arket. O a u prt 0 IJc. es v e n HeadSed by inllraaUons nbJRf cood export btulness In oats. T! b33c; seaboard reported (orelgn dim ai punh for r>-e.ig 24c, ProvWons were responsive to dow econd itu n s tn hog values.

IBc lo W heat— Open l l t f h Lew O o cape . Ju ly , old 50 5l> , 49K 50

y b f , i July, new 49«i 50‘i 49U 50 0 Z5c; Sept. old 5 t s 52*i 5 t 51 le. I S rp t.n e w 6 1 '’j 53S 50H Sl

I Dec..........3 t \ 4d MU «x l e d i - C m - ____________________: __lonthi J ^ y ___ 31 31 so»i 31is-8»d', Sept. ___ 33>4 31H 31

I D e c .___ J 3 S 33 33H a:9 31c; O a U -i l h m ' July ___ 17*4. 17S 18’i H

i-S e p t. :-----IB S lB*fc 18 11lie 3<c: D e c .___ 3t)S aOTi 30H 31mbingl --------- .ng 39c • CHICAGO CA SR GRAIN

' t CHICAOO. Ju ly 39 (;n - W he • : No. 1 crd 53c to B 3^c; No. 3 red I

aup le to 53 'io : No. l h a rd 83%c to 63V comb- No. 3 ha rd S3‘ iiC to 53c; No. 3 yell blood ha rd 6 3 ';c to 53c; No. 3 nerth< blood

KA 39e bag Texas spring I4e io 15c: f J9c; A original bag T exas kid 38c to 30e :.

Uons and Ne'iv M exican 13c io 1 riglnal Oregon 13c to 14c.

}— / - f T H A nr ^ o f t »- / ✓ > A S K flQ -'VOO r * “t / / T D S B s m ! . o «® : y / . I H B S H A D - ./O M C

/ y ■ A .a U f tH lM O I WAL*I - I l J f A M O y iH O tH

y '


S W <5 j , / ! r * i p IN T H E I J ©; e W A S ' t a E S p o f ) S l B I _ E ^ J L F U S S W -T O E 4 0 M E L A T E T o 1. . ^ ____________________ n IWi L««W.8»

g E l u s l v £ , G r £ f e


ness " loom *- V'y:

• :r_t ■ ~ M | p B

tor) ■ - U g

. . | | | & ' i M Than 7

I .lasL . - A T - I H S mta l of ^ J H K Jw a d *

nport* ^

1 cen t ^

M V 'own.'eitlng ' I - ' w ' ‘ e rlcan —CTTuaM ket- ■-

.? r iS GRETA GARBO, shy as e' Jc also by leaving the train a t a

,‘n rived in New York recon ‘ZL ^I fo r h er home in Sweden,

may abandon' film work 1 ..................... ,.

1 tomeiparent tp r ln z . &3e; No. 1 mUed 53<.;c b u re n 53Hc; No. 3 mixed SlUc to 52c. day a t C om : N o .l m lxed32 'ic; N o.3m

ed 33>;c to 33*;c; No. I yellow 33 ■at tbe to 33U c; No. 3 yellow 32>ic to a r n b c l t No. l.w h lU 33^ic. •U prtc* O aU : No. 3 mixed 18Hc to IBl Ions of No. 3 white lB%c to 19Uc.I. The Rye: No, 3 39c. lemaod ' Barley 26c to 34Hc.

T im othy seed 13.35 to $340.> down^ Clover seed IT U> 111.75.


SOU cloiod: Ju ly BOc; September 50' 60 . December B3Kc. C u h : Big BM « BluesUm 60Uc: soft whlU, vestBIU w hile 40c; ha rd irlnter, n o r ttM!» sp ring « .4 c ; western red 47Hc

l l I l M l s l i \ z m K iM B im N im -KIM BERLY. July 29 (SpecUW h ^ T he N ew s>-Club tessloni w e n red sac etal fea turea o t ihft la st week

l>63Hc: Kimberly.M rs. W. c . Pierce waa hoi

lOCtheni w edne tday afternoon for mem of th e Atoo dub . Pive game

f ’ bridge w e n p layid v lth U U a I ic: good Arlene WUson receiving high • 30e: Ar- At th e conelUilon r f ih$ games

io U c; freahm enU were /e.*ved.. Ut. 4Dd U n . U . B. OlU w

L - ^

u s ^ ,J fi V-* 1

* ' ''W j « A t o

S K B T l J ^ ^

i ' ^ f y X i A r L i n s y i L n i i j


1 ^ , 1 %■V V I cH’NAWAB ■'


s r ^ i ^ , ■

.8l«ffl«T C»blr»1 ptm________ . 7 - 3 0 '3 3

ita I n New York

ev e r , souR ht to avoid public g a ic ; a n c u tly in jf s ta tio n w hen sh e a r- en tly . She ia cxpectnci to s a ir so o n in. T h e re h av e been h in ts th a t sh e k fo r good.— (/P) Phm o.

; c to host a n d hoaless M onday n ight a t . c. dinner honoring Mr. and M n .. im ix - Prank Powers. Los Angelei. Cowr* 3 3 \c were laid to r M r. and 3 33c; Powers, Mr. a n d Mrs. P . W. H u w y ,

th e honoree*. and Mr. and MiJ. IBUc: o il! . C ard gam es and radio muiic

wefe diversions. ' , . .M n. J . L. Shepard en tertained a t

he r home of K im berly T h u n d ay a f­ternoon a t a law a .party for t le

c ity . M ils U e n d l th H ih n . ^ W heat Angelea, M n . 'P . c . Thom as. M n. SOiic; B . H. D enton. Mrs. H . Miller Prcc- Bend to r and M n . W . A. L. Stowe. M «-

western Olenn W hitney was awarded m sn r th e ro club s c o n a n d M n Meyer th e gucn 146, prlxe. MUs M argare t and Miss Bet*

ty Shepard assUted th e boitw a In —- — MTrmrltrachwn:— _— :— -

' L KNULL r e s i d e n t s . VISIT

s-fnBab A n denon . a r« J f“ ‘“ ^ ,

'’m v S ( ^ k '^ r t h S ^ t o t r t o S S aiK etchuiJ,.

. K a u . m u m « l r r f M ">•

'„ rS : ■“ S S V 'Iivijiiing her daughU r. M n . w . b. w e n jH arrU on.

» Y ,

^CMJjDU>Kl itoia

SYNOPSIS: B ondn K en i hks be bMn n r * i h a t tb e conid d tpeod ton npon Jo h n A n d m o n 'i tries4>hJp noc

. - < a d t lJ lU r tk d .» l im A ndm ati-«- Jfff frU nd C u d d y 'U n iT e r U u t J o b a T C la tc t t ln s back from Esrope. « lt»e i l n he b a i t f t t eablcd farr m h s 8*n> lo : «tl7 doe*. Bbe b a t b«ea wonder- theI ttf w betbef Jo h n .ittfpeoti a n r - IWUiinc aboBt ber te e n l m u rla g e M le Mark M errlm an. Bbe never In* oul t« n M to m a n y Marti, unleta h* lh( n a ^ e a la rte . am ooat o t no n c7, V and in ia e t tb e I t b m e ll r o p o a - Inl aJbte to r hia a t^ n o e alnce a h o . e t atked Jo b n lo |ly e him a potillon ' ' 1 in Ibe Conco. J n t l batere M ark pe< tailed, th e teatited b » » th e wouldl <U) m in h im , and a irced tv d d e a lr te ' marrjr him, onljr to reallxe now an th a t abe doea n o t'lo re blm aa th e ( th e n ib t . She llree.w H b 'ber aUter o( Flora, t t h o liaa m arried t o r mooer a t h e r fa th e r advltcd h e r iU te do h e n e lf . Sandra Ib n t 1* de> pa pendent npoa th e money of her Brolhcr-lD 'U w Den.

s e w o u s -B O W - caC a u iitarod a l her. -Dldn'C you

know . J c b n waa ,eeU log tn loday?" tti ^ h e u l i i d blankly.f She ah o o k . her head. "No —" ro

ihcn . th e laughed , '•Why thould 1 th know f Anyway . l . l can ’l eo In

to meet him.. I ’ve gol a n engage*, m eni." m'

I t w u not th e -trulh; bu t no t fo r wl ' tinyUilnt; In ’the world would chc a ;

liave alloa-ed h im ,to know It. (o John on h la way liome — alm ost hi

home .> and th e lioew nothing aboul It.. ta

'l itc re teem ed to be a o u te r 4itt)e __f.paoo' in h e r m ind, a n d as *lie

— Htoodr s taring a t 'C a ^ ty ' bewtlderea (ace. in to th a t apace crep t a pic- n tu re o( a g irl't lac« - ~ a preity lace i« wllh :i u u e y provoking im lle — "S N aihalJj 8ymon>. tc

C u t M sa fURiblinf wl-.h h i t ; a t wnicJi.

"W ell. . , bcUer -be o lf - then —" Sc lie mumbled. "D on't w ant to misa h im ." . Hb looked round the room FI aa If -ror In.iplrallon. ) "a iv e him lh your love, 1 luppote?'’ he querlefl oi vaguely.

"Oh yc». slve him m y love ol Uj course." fiondra ta ld llgliil).

She weni down lo Uie door w lin ' s» Illm ancl waved hlm ^ goodbye, but »icr slepa dragced m ftic moiinicd the tt.-u.'i a sa ln . and there waa a wi heavy fe'jIlnB a l her licari. lg

John wLs home, and he had no t m ■Jei her know. . pc

As a rule. If he had been In bl , E i i r ^ , . he eab ltd her w hen l i t a

Wen. It W.1R no conccrn of hera.bu i fho would U ke very good care fcito be o'.it n o t only tonight, bu t a ll hi

^ day lomorrow. and uimble to teehim If h» called or raiii; up. iif

ahe wenl to he r own room and■hui I h r door. di

There was a pho lograiiir of JohnA nderton on th e manlleplece, and ctth e went, acroM to ll and.looked a t tiI t wllh curious e y e s .., . jr

lie 'hnd cone away three days c: a fle r M ark ta iled . •

M ark had a io t forgoltcn he r th eknew: M irk jrauld never forget di her. bu t J o h n .

fiuppotinc th e had loat h l i gifrlend ih lj> -to r ever. m

Then th e laughed a t heraeir for ftithe thou g h t.' How absurd! T bey frhad only to m cel and everything oiwould bt' a s li had alwaya been, t u

S im , !•, wa« tlra n g e he Ijod n o i'y i- ..... mid he r 'th a t he w m coming home-. _

------------ ' — I fjifiondra waa going lo bed th a i h

B isht when F lo ra came knosklns a'._ t t '.h c r door. . ________________ ^

l- .c o n u t J n t l - ; _____ ^ .. w

Sho waa taeUng bprtd »Dd dUplr* l> ited; ahe h a d tp e n t th e evening n w ith tom e diUl people , 'ln o rder lo Ix

■W-V * 1 w-i

■ ACROSS Solntlon of Yatti

«. Ot**li. I'tmu luppir S t S M CI*. w « k ^ r i i - y r H H

P - n m J l f c , ; ------ l i c i g ' ^r ; :S Z ; ,K . d ie id u i c i m

i I'-Vn"” B Jll!: SiKj,,"'"

H o t o r a Aife. „ • , ‘--kv i j G t ^ i

'.'.'f'rn*’* " P o l ^ ^ b ‘i l | i l [e R i s ^ T l A l L ;

t >-'y. ’I

ii. Cer,n./cU, ^«1 |-.rl»lnlrg to DOWN . JU Vi-'rnl*rlnrm 'J''*''''"

, 3 -------------------------------p L" p

3 3 . ~ y -----

2 f 30 3/ . -------------- ^

13 i

3S J i 1 ■ “

► — W ' ^ ~ — P<«“ ' -*y

S --------- ---------------------------j —

'U d Q L ^ \ .X 0 U., ] .

M3 ia.n tu u e i

M out o l th e houie. U J o h n ^ d e r - ion called, and. a fte r a ll aha need not have troubled for he i u d n e i ' '

lown a few h o i a i j .,ab a 't ried B trd - to mako ekcuna for ‘h im even irb li* . tho,-cbUM .only iTcmtoJber t ija t th e - last t in e hfc relum od trom E urop»” h« had com e. cUrectlji to h e t ^ to Tlo^ < oul why aoi m et h im a c -ihB pl«r. ~\it - •

A p p a re u t ly i t t^ time ba w u not in ie ro te a to jmow the. explanation Of h er abtenc#r,«-’; vi:- ' Flora c o m o lM ihe room wrap*

pad in an e ta jw a te Jmingtng ro ;e and tm oking a elgarttle.

"I've had a row w llh Ben," »he; H announced briefly. , V

fiondra ta ld Rolhlnr;. ahe knew of w liat Iheae Tow f c o a l e d . ■ . 2

T bey were uBualljr a b u r* f ot slormlni; and n ag iln j on p a rt becauae the could no t Imme­diately get t^iheihlng th e w anted, . until. In 't h e e r duperailon , Bea cave way. 5

Flora t i t down on the aide of ^ the bed and tooked a i b er lU ter. .

"NO, U'a not itie urual lo r t o t row," »lie Mid. reading -Sohdra'a - thoughtt. " I i 't terlout thla time, .j In fac t . . I ’m going away."

"Alone?' Eondra atked w lthoul m utl i r t i r c i t , and sh e , wondered _ wlioie hosplinUiy *he heraelt could a ;k . teeint! itial Den did not care (or her 10 fjty in lhe botue ‘ wben hit wife waa n o t there. . -

"Alcme — aod for ever," Flora ‘ ia ld quietlyi .__Boiidr.t lo rced round. . '

'•Nonu-aic," aiie said, ahajviy- "It 'a q iilte -in ie .- F lo ra r - la ta h e d j- -

"I'm red-up. fed-up,, fed-up." ahe < ta ld w lili a llarce tiole In h t r voice. ‘ "SO fed*up In : tac t U ia i . I ' loet m y ‘

, icmiKr tonisM and told Ben m - j ' a ttly wiiai i tl\out;ht of him../ '

"And V Jiai do you th ink of h im ?" * Scndra cakcd.

She h a d to often .wondered: ‘ Flora ucvcr dUcussed he r hu t^and though th e treated |o «al-' { ouily. ■ - . - • • S ' ; '

•K ora Jlung her e ln fe l te In ta ; Uic cm ply g ra te .. . »• '

I " I Uuiik hc'a a . wonn, ’ > b t ,U»!d. • •, ~ ^

T here w u an olanueat allenco; 1 "Oh, 1 kriow he's kind"—" Flora <

i-en i on w ith u r o r f o f wekry rot*' Ignallon. "Dul kmdnb'u U revolt­ing whor. i t comet Irom U?e wrong : pcrion. I 'd ra the r hava my eyet blacked ly a m an } cared to r. ih a n a dlamt.T.d necklace from . , . well' from Den."

fiondr.i look up a b riuh and be- ban m echanically lo sm ooth her hair. - -

"Well — and to ~ w hat?" she lliikKl.

Klora fhruEged her tllm ahoul-- dert,

"O ne word led lo another, ot courte. and In the end th s worm turned. JJ? aeciucd m e o t n o t car- |n z for hmi — which Li true—and of 'carliiR Cot . . . for tom eonc else . . . which la abo true."

••Moaning, .Jowlyn F a rr?" Son* dm -ukcO .

"Yea. Ive often wondered If you gu ertid . X coto for him all right and ho knows ll. bu t it 's no ' use; he '3 {fot purltonlcai Ideas — your frlen^ ' M ark M errlman rem inds me of him n little ." fihe broke off to ask for A moment, • w ell, w hat do you th ink aboul It?" .. _ 2I_ U U alu iU -.a-m U tak cr lo haX'o- auarre lled with~B{n’~ l r~ y » i r" e a n T h a v o a n jih tn g belter.'* so n d ra ia ld-Ilowly. ;___________— r-lor* laughed billeriy.—."You TOi^ldi: You-fs a - l h o u i ^ 't im e s

Ihose Atm of I d e u im , • op jb ,. hm not how —" She lU rled up and beaan paetng the room^ rsaU m ly .

itte rday 's P iissls , to. armbnl r»r

A I E ■ « £ . ( !

a a l i m E l ■I 1 1 ^ 5 ,1 ^ 8 3 ' .

® S 1 | 9 M E D "■I 4? i. ”•N 'f o i T ^ s l i y "t r l j r i r r^ n ~ j :M i m tl- Fr»nrli ellj'

S P r B I J2,,J*«ilitT.o » s p t O t E

L ^ A j R l d T o l N l ™ n- nn. . 1:11

J .,.| , , of

4, I'rrhln <1. U'i>«arhuattla* U. Nrem'i.rfur*

i [ 7 f e f? I 'o I / / i / a

Jt — — — ——

' S I '--------------

” ^ ?a - - ‘-

"W/w , . ._______^ ;'■4 ' WM ^ ^

“ j ; 5 8 J ?

'o ^ --------------

\ m '

I -I . ■ . . . • .

. W M h CN t w (>UM >S III / o * ' ^ e * j A « t o N U « ' . > 1 6 e * R R J I t W « D I V

e /A B A R R A .» « l , f t UNC . f o PO O R f O * \ - u n ^

;*/ I l ppt I.. 1 ........ .IWB-«•- " w t i uw K \^rrk m n

F A JL Ib : OP COURSE Mh ol . t p P R iW JC E IT * - w ™ .f i ,

PA.Y ’ m i l WR. mmW R S T O I t N - :

„ I ----- s — J b s J

I TIME TABLESScbedolei.or P a a tta tc r I ra lB i a ad

. M otor BssMc ra tt in g T b ren ih TwiaFallal


V* T rain 84 leaves ............. « J :M P. M.T rain 5C4 leavea ....... ..,„ 8 :2 3 ,A .M ,

W ettboundli"; T ra in B3 leaves ................11:05 A. M.^2 T rain 883 l e a v u ............P. M.


. Da'lly Except SundayT rain 339 leaves ............. _2 :lO P . M.

NorthbouaaT rata 340 arrive* ............. 2;J0 P. M.

--------- ‘rW lO N -P A C IF IO -itA O E S ---------

s S r „ 4 : - ± = z ; . i V A - t i ; ’Leaves - 1 ^ ; ^ ^ . .............3:2i p . M. .A rr iv e s----- :----- -------------12:55 A. M,L ea v es------- ------------------I'.Stt A. M. ,

^Wettooand !,fl. ATrtTCS................................9:07 A. M. 1n i L eaves.----------------------- 8:1S A. M.^1, - p . M. I

Leaves -----------------------0 :« P; M. )JM Arrive? « — — — ._12:65 A. M. :

U a v e s ________________1:00 A . M. ;T hs eastbound lU ge a m n n g a t

tU 3 A. IL and the westbound tU ge ico; arriving a t OiiS p, m travel by, way 9ra a t Jerome- Wendell nnd nooetlns.

‘ OTIlEIt 8TA0B LINES ill . TWIN FALLS-SMOHUONB>ng Leave-------- » --------- ----- 7:30 A. f.t.>et Return _______ ______ S:30P.M .lan TWIN PALLR.WBLLSeU; U a v e ---------------------------U :q sa .M .. Arrive ................. ......_...:..,13:16 P . M.

be- ' ............................................ .her 'T i l letl you I enn 't s tand It any

longer. W hat do I get o u t 'o f tt? the Clothes, and Jewelry, and borlnp

dinner iwrtles and ma.^e.i of bor- lul-- ing frlend.1. and nothing belter to

loak forward lo — ever, l ahall o t get old and fat. and Oen will got

irm older and falter, and then somo a r- dny I tliall die — never having 1 ot Unown u'tial it m e u u to be happy, :las or to h iv e done anyihliig .w or tp

w h ilc .'- i te im 'tJ ip ‘oa wllh ti;-eni->. on* i r a . I simply ean 't,“ .

“W h u aro you golnjr lo do. you then?"8lit T m i.olng away. ,- l lo ld Den so. uc : nnd ilicii of rouKe he came round our and brs.ird and Implored —" ahe m e RBve a li'tle th lver of dUtaMc.' to ’'And wlicre a re you goln?"

do "I doni know. I'vc s'j. a little money |)Ji away — not a ureal deal.

aX'o- -of cf>iir*i’, bu t n*gttoV -*o »( l -—ou4- HIT iflbiPa.vri — a l iei e - i es n-brea th e r aid nnd beloni; to m.vtelf . . . l suppose

y o tijh ln x j'm m a d ?" , „ ri?on — Sondra fhook h e r head.----------nes -■ "1 think youll be sorry — if you tunr do "Inli. - .bu t ih a n ’t b» any more sorry, lhan tn d I nm noA'. iv s like llTlng In a cage ily . to lire In tW s hou te ; a stifling = cage. I'm a ttllT rou iir 'R nd I've got —- lO bC rrcp. th n f s a ll 1 know,’' - -

'Sondra st% r;d a i her sister. She j had -n e v tp - bollcvcd -F lora capable of to m jch lecUr.g. For some Ums rhe. Itad; guencd th a t .F lor» .aad . T D re ty r r t ^ l lk c d - o n e anolirerTBur then Flor* had Jurl tald—Joee*

_ _ lyn h a jjiu r ltf tn ls a ljd c a i___________Ye.i. he w u like Mark - Mark

I n iio had Inaltlad th a t they get mar* ;ie<l. •

Flora went on half appologetl*

lo The o;;ly thing th a t worries rae li — w liit^-lU you do? Y oj can ’t

. U*SeI*w ntl«i.you to , and ho 'w onx you k n o f th a t. I 'm a fraid it means cu tting , off your allowance - 1

r ih a n 't hf.ve any 100 mueh money of my cwn, and generousliy w at never f ljn 's long su it, as you know,

r Y o j’vs lo t the u ttle b l f m other left, of eourj:e. bu t th a i won't be

ii-ri m urh U K.' W hat will you do. Son­in dra?"

Sondra did no t answer, bu t ner »ic.iri be^an to b eat In a quick, frislitcncd way.

'• W hat could she do?

\ C hapter 18“I LOVE MADNEKH"

There -rere friends who r.ould lake : her for a tim e, of courte, Sondra

“ 1 ’.hotiRh', bu t one co-aid no t ro on for ever tponring for hoip ltallty ; btilde*

_ ,w hpii .;i »:as known th a t *hc hadn 't ; niiy monry. u-ould anyone be anxious ' .'or her company? s h e knew they


( t i > j 'f ' i M 5 5 a v ^ V r ‘ H 5 P i ^” B O S S -A B O U T R lO H T -

rw G PA V M A SrE Q ( IK A B T a e t

“ M E 'b O K A N O /w e t - u SO O N ?HAVE TU15 <5MCW BACK

a &a n Z * . f T k

— , -'T W IH PALLS daily ni

T H E G V M P ^

OH’ W L C Y O U iW 'N QO ItY , M IN y ]I w i - w yo\yt> Qrxr ■ ( — —

itN OOtiNta P fiO P U E -Z /^gu .- IA L L YOO 0 0 J / u S <■<

)« 6 ,0 » » IP -

M *jiW fcrr> .w- J UON'Y YM

&VER. <3AVI.L ,, / T r w l o i t i M w o t1 7 B . J l \ >T —

/ \ KNbW

, W ant Aia ■



i ---------— n ------------------------iAil Waal Ad| altvo ta d aellT* tad

^ i u y briag the boyer, i

M I ,

“ • B u s in e s s O p p o r t u n i t i e s ‘

vice aiaUoa, Ooodlng, Idaho. Write M °o* 308.

M- would notM. Flora said abrupUy. "1 wish to M. goodness you could marry John

Andersjn: can't you m^ke him get M. rid ot hu wife?"M '’I ’m not sun that- John has M. u)y overwhslmlttg deslro to marry M. me,’’ fiondra tald. "B etldu . . . laa'V M. u rather a contradiction, to advUo M. me to Jiut my head in the noose at you're »u anxious to escape? Do

lie you think ^ th o u M jiL ju iy happier -ay lhan you art, f t l manled tor

money."But yuu like John, dont you?'

Flora kald amajcd. ’A always r.t. thought you wu« frlghtTuUy (ond M. Of him.’'

"Pond 01 himi" Sondra echoed. M. "I'm fund or lou of m eo ,. but 1 M. Iwevn'i the le u t desire to marry = 5 ajiy of t!:em.’'iny 'i!hc(L ‘‘Somehow I thoughtit.7 It w u mare than lhat—1 tliot)ghl you InR were in iove ylih him,' sha u ld , lor- "In t"ve wtlh him " Sondra

iQ ruLccd her c}es and'looked .at ner ,bH rcflectlo:) in the mirror. “What £Ql made ;’U-i think ihal?" the Uked ane *lowly.Ins "Oh. I don't know — but when ipy, you're togeiher. you seem so suited. ,rth I've always fell lhat even If you5 JJ mnry.'.iinvbody fa«7~J»>iBrwiD »i*

wayi ba tho, one you ahould have (Jp married."

*‘l should think ho would be

Flora came acro:» 10 her sister, (he "What'a the mnttcr with i«?" she

wild in a strangely shaken voice. "We've cbangcd to—both of u*. We

tlte used to ba the greitr»l pals—we al* «al, waya told ea6h other everything— Bill i f t f Tythtnywe hoped for and d raa i^ lher^<l-*houl—and-we’ra-qulte changed, )ose i What'a the matter wllh ut, fiondra?"

fiondra Jerked htr shoulder to tree - l i t of hentster'ttc 'jch. — -

you • Ittf- I -auppose." ahe’-aaW• hardlIy. “Ahd Ih t' way wc’ve been

^ •e muthy about It—" but tt angered ling liar because the felt tho taars in tier■got eyw.- ...... — - ..... ■

-Flora turned away.She “You're harder than I am," nhe

aad^£Ut-EtV tend of unyone, Sondra— i^ ^ m o t-n a l l r fond—it'a. not happiness jee. —li't Jutt suffering aU. the time."___ "Are- you ro ■ fund of Jocelyn?"I,.fk ^ ' 'd r a uked.I t f . "I'd die for him.'

There w u a tragic silence, then tell* I 'to ^ on—"Out as far u he't

'concsrned, I csn die. Uo won't have iQ .'me on nny lerm<. poor darllrg."

.,n .t;8he laughed a lltlle. " It makes him ■Ttn ‘.angry-baeausa-ht'tJa-toe-wllh-me. ■onxlWe'd much ralhrr have ha_d,.a_(|ijlL !ans!"*'‘>*'’»>7 lova affair with some girl: _ 1 1 he'd have enjoyed being properly jneyienjegei and then getting married . .^ ( 'In tha orthodox way a t some fA.nh*

llonable church, and a month's hon- Mj.f eymoon tn Italy nnd all ths real of I t ^ ' l t . . . ** She broke off. only to admit Jon- '“ Ifcr ■ moment. "And I should have

'loved it loo. You know, la spite of ner 'C'^<n'lblng I am Jntl an ordinary

itrk ereature In my heart; Hopeleuly mlddle-elAsCk I tuppote. Since I married Bm everything’s bean a

,blg tlian — all the ceremony, and 02* !tcntallon. If only you knew how I :loiths a maid to help me dreu—"

lake I "Flora,”idral "Oh'you can-^lare." Flora raid I for .ilerianlly, ''It't tlie truth. thouKti I ■lde*|dcn’l suppose anyone’would believe dn't me I cmild have been perfectly louslhappy i ^ ^ liitte home —with Ihey Jocelyn. But l i t life. l.-ml U -thai

p — — —1- ____________ _________KArrsOr-_o e s j r CAN/'T________^ ^ y f ■ A N ' r

C / f e / rISU N A RU S - 2 2 L - 1 T O S Z ^ P . SIN THB

K M caV *I ^.BSCAUS-SL ' OF" T H S >T

JUPCJOSX) a^----------- 2V tSO 1

V A L rrrijE


? S ~ B R l t i G O V T

A-----------^ V ^ '

- I M Vr \ f

\WA.NY T O — _ V .. .

p- m u 'X n r c w a c e - ) - ^ 1 YM IhV 'Y tilA ’ / ' X J

:1 bM O U i . ^ ^ ^ — , M B


m Mtft.m II TO i d s ^ B s i r i

For Sale Miscellaneoj^NF.wT HAY "d ^ W ^ T o a U .

0290JU. /

BEWtV CUPS AND A R B E N A T ^ r , lead. Phona &, Moon’i.

FOR SALEXHAY IN SHOCK J?R dellverrd. Phona 0385-J-a. D . B.

Vosburg, ■


[ y deadly Ily. Phone 8. Mooa'a._______

'** W ^ U Y . SELL AftU TRADE USED _ • furnl'.ure, stoves a r d second hand— goods. Eberhari's. Phone 509W. 348

Main e o . '

!»n ONE OOOD USED TEN FOOT let ‘iVac’.or Binder and one P & O

rldhiK IlL-st PuUer. See O . C .,aould , A i Buhl, Idaho.

0‘V FOR- SA L E -sU L P nU R . 80LPUCtR I20 checxt nilldeAr dn Red Clover and n e Increases yield. Dlngls & fimlih,00 Phone 6. Twin Falls.

AOTO D O O R ' OLAfiS, WIND- shield!, and window glass. No

charge for'seiU ng glass.- Phone 8, lyg Moon's Psln i and Furn itu re Store.

“ ‘I QET,OENuiNE CRAZY CRYSTAIr^ and drink your way to health.

Mall orCert itllJd promptly for U JO ' ^ per bot. H. J. fichwltzer, th e Raw- fry leigh'D ctler. 2J« 3rd Ave. E u t . Twin ^ FaUa, Idalio,rhl -------------------------------------

•ou A REAL GLAND TONIC, 6U PER-• Tone Tnblcui for m en and women.

Ira eonquerfl dcprealon. Over two hun* tier d r td tho im nd «old In Collfornla. na l Send Sl,0>‘ for u ia l box to M onarch ied Material Co,, Kimberly. Idaho.

« n -------------— — —ed. we thculd always long for lhe jroulth ltig t we cah 'i have,"

, tthere was a profound lilence, which Flora broke nbniptly. '

‘ t . d idn 't know John w at back.** be th e said. ‘

“Y et.,he cr.me this evening." le r. -Have you teen him? ' th e ••Np."ice. -H s was a l the-Iheaire-ton lgh t—W e w ltb a B lr l"a l- " W u he?"K— "Yes, and th a t appalling C attldy

" I nice Cat*: he amu»(S me.*" I Kate him : h e 't a sppnger-and

rce 1 don 't believe he 's renlly u trlend ^ of-Jphn^ 'i^ it ju il lu lls him to hang

" I don 't bfllevR John lias ‘ ever Itig .gtvau .him a ctnf7'~B5ndfa-taldzda*- fKi ftnalvaJy. 'h e r - " J f a t - l n - t a ili.-p*fhau& .“ .Flora*

ngreed. “B ut there nre-'other-wnysr"• Sondra atlflcd a pretended yawn,

u ie - I 'm tired : do you mind tl 1 go to

^ " ^ e i 7 well; 8lia!l I k c you in tbsa— mow'lwg*" -------------lesi T hs two girls looksd-at ons-*n*-•" o the r.------- ---------------------« ? ' _l'Becaut« l'm-KoSiis-vV>'~c^lyi"-

Flora. laid .T iu - color faded from Sondra's

lieii facc: u n lll thlii moment »he had no t he 't really believed In h r r s lite r 'i tlneer/

Ity: abe w u ao,u.';?d to f lo ra 's Uttle teenet and had been iilmont tu re

I'lm th a t la ih e morning the would have

;irl: t h e ’old luxitrlou* rut. rrly "You really -mean to go?* the rled ftiked. ihortly . uih- "Yci."on- "You're mad." Sondra tald.1 of _Tlin e lder girl la’jRhed,rail ’" If 1 om. I lovo my tnsdnew.'' lave "You'll regret 11 all ynur llie,"! of -1. .m ust risk th a t. You always iary;have to take a rlik In big tliuigi," Mlyl Sondra stood lookliin'a t h*r »btcr r I liclploisly.1 a i "Yuu'll have chanacd .vour mind oJ* In the morning." ahe lald with a

w I confidence she wat far from feriius. Flora th o o t her head." I don ’t th ink ao."

raid -She w ant awoy then , nnd Eondra tl I iftood staring a t ihe.clo.’.rd door, level "W hat win become of me?" the ctly ;wn« u k ln g h e n elf blankly, . vtth Gondra a M o it U nshed ns ibe re- h a t jmcmberad th a t F lora had b»>ved

l-T L O N 6*- ^D r- _ e u T - iT T S - s o - H c r r - >/'T a -B E p . -

V '^ T A O T ^J A B — hUsJ J -

■ I

a— H

T JL Y a o , 1 0 8 1 ^ . ................— '----------11 .".I ^ B g a a e g


■VHUL- AX CAR Al m «ONe»l«NI bO N 'T C A R C WHETMKK MK DIO C N O T*- ‘JW e C X ^R S A RE fW R N & J

/ \ X aAY A fto u 'i

!gains-CW a n t e f c - M l s o s l i a n c o u s

2* TO pT r I M PAID FO R PAT HOGS. Imperial Uvcstock Oo. Phone

rr ______________________WANTED DEAD HORSES AND

- COM. Phone 0288J 13, nooa or kve- •R nines.

' WANTTO TO BUY YELLOW CORN and w h s a t . ' Hajres Ql-Orada

t c U alentry.__________ _____________

WANTED OLD AND DEAD ANX--------- m aU rIrO rPre«*M rphonsO lO JR U.SD Coyote P a rk ..

148 LADY V/ANTB~LADYCOMPANION on irfp by fipokane. M l/jouia lc

^ Lethbridge. Canada. Phone 405W.

O W ANTEO-*.UfiED~^PRmT^JARB Id, We niy cash. E berha rt'i New and

Second Hand Slore. phone SD9W. 348- Main S d.

iiO WANTED TO B O R R O W ~ B Y th , owner, tlSOO to 11800 on good mod*

ern home Will p ty good rate of in - _ terest, W rllo X *(, ears of Twin raU a D - Newa.No ___________________ ■ ■,8, ■ - --------------------- ,

Jier to be In love w ith Johni ,^ Bhe had never loved anyone' « • ^ eept JHark. nnd now, a fte r *oly a ‘ ■ monlli th e was ahcndy asking her*

le lf . l f .e v e n lh a t h a d rlaU y,b«en ‘J: love—ths headlong passloaate.'feei- ' ” ini: she had felt for him and which__ hnd ^wept h e r off her feet ro com*■Jl. pietely,cn So many people m arried tor w hat ji,J Uiey believed to be lo v e -th ey spent

^ few rapturous m on th i, or perhaps rch >'cars together, nnd then things

either began to go wrong, o r else they grew cnmraoniilnce and drab.

= r Mark believed th a t love never , , dlfd:-he had .to ld h : r th a i he would

love her In Just th e u m e way when cho was olll aud I19 u'lu OTd . . , oua

>n> hed thrilled to hear him u y tha t, • bu t wns i t the tru lh?

Perhaps some day the re would be another woman In h i t ilte and lie would long for his freedom.

Perhaps some day there would t>a ■ another m an in h s r lire—a m an who

I— would mean more to lie r than M ark had ever m e a n t. . . ’ .

How one's thoughls r a n onl

How little she really knew aboul M ark, fihe had danced iv iih him and

•nd dined with him . arid lived w ith him ind for Ju it twenty-foiir h o u n . b u t the

m on himself was a coa o le te s tran - • s e r l»-herr4l-w ei.ta t6iZ 3C ltI5H [c5^ ver Inn thought, and yet on tha other s«* hB rm --h6tw -lltU rh6-k iifit^al»ffn icf

tool H4. though t th e w u avee t and °f»-, p ^ . - a ^ v L ; ^ w 4 i o . ^ t hroa3h “ th e rose*'coIorcd rIbsscs of love. *'f*. iho ;c kindly g laiset th a t never quite ' lo refiM t th s tn ith ,rc—I__ Hh- «•»« wtff* ta t- lw ^h ig‘b s h eart was a queer throbbing dread

• - th s r n ir w i i 'B o in g to lM s”J ^ n ^ *dcij)oR,

, „ And jitst n o w -l f F lora rrally-w ent '/ i - away In the morning, ih e would

. need him so bedly, fa* O f coiiria ahe could go o u t 'to «o t MArk If th e worst eame lo the w ont

. It feemed a terrible way to pu l It.'

« « 'S u re ly "If lhe oest came to llie best" Ihould have been the right

9M w n y -h n r T n c n - to 'th in k r o rm m ir * ’ ” w h en 'th c j w iiulu'bc to je th e i auutrr

Out John had ta ld th a t Ilfs w W e »he M ark had none was "dam nable."

"Heat, flle.i. loneliness, tinned toed. tcTcr and an ever inerea.ilng longing for hom*—" th e remembered Wi words so faithfully.

They painted an unenllcing pic­tu re. ,

‘‘i'f, , She crept Into bed nnd lay aw ale S*' fo r a lo n j . tim e I'.srlng Into the

darknc*/,. trying to com fort hertell w llh Ihs belief th a t In the mom lns Flora would lau«h nt h e r over-nU ht

’ I' emallon. and thwl life would.go on In the same com fortaU s ru t.

Flora could no t possibly uproot them all r.o calmly—St w at her. duty to consider the m an th e had ti^ar-

, rk d . If th o had no though t for any- one else.(Copyright 1(33, by B uby-U .-A yru)

vfd (To Bo Oontlnued)

• *



s w ■ [ .

* M i ^ ■' ' S

OpportiF o r R e n t - r - F i i r n ls h e d ,•

35. O T O l" ROOMS A m F B O A ^ ' ♦ » .sne 44S W Mt Main.

_ TO R R E N T - Fm r-B O O M PURN- ND lahed. h o m e. Clots hi. CaU M-M.

ROOM AND BOARD, CLOSE TO. _ , ratea to two. 31S and Ave North.

S S 7U R N 18H S0 AND UNFURNIBHSD hotu^«. o e t te r t Real EiU te, Pbooe

___ 323 n r i s a w __________ _____________NX- ' ~p g > r f

roora furn lihed ap ittm eo t. |13. _ 415 W d t Main.

r o i m . l i o o M p o r n i a a b d y. a p a r tm e n t wllh good garade. M l __ M ain avenue e u t

n V E P O I N T B A PA I*UEN T8. 248 H ave m odern, furnished a part-

m eni* fo.- rent. Phona 1551M,

'b y h a v e a p a r t m e n t s T H A T ARE ,0d* **> »^2h t , also th e prlfes, 3 and 3 iB . rooms, furnished complete. T h t 6 x -

ford. 428 M ain North._____________

LONG'S A D — 8-ROOM MODERN = - . houie ,»2a.S0: 6 rn»m .m stf«ra « ia :

<*room t'.ouie I13.M: 4*room bouse , . tro o . A. N . Long. Phons B83.

iy a rO R R E N T-TO R N tSU ED APART* her* ' Jirent, ilko im i l l house without dla- Men advan tase of. heat, lig h t-o r w tts i reel- bUla. O nrago if desired. 343 Eighth hlch Ave. No.nm> — p—

NEW a AND 3 ROOMED APART- irhat m en tt. m odem, clots In. nicely tin* pen t U ied , ba th , att^KtlTs: aUo ilngli haps •p tr tm e n t . a l io ' tuinm ar e o t ta r ilngt apartm ents. Phons, I60S, Oalifom li eiflo A iartm enta .

^ F o r 'S a i i^ P o ij l i r v' o u I d __________ ______________________ _vhcii W A N T E D - POULTRV. B. ? -Blig- .H uater. PhoBsacH' . .. .

FO R S A L E liEOHORN FRY* Id be Phone 0483J3, Oeo. Bradley.

“ iBATURDAV'fi 8PEC fA L"oN FRY , . ^ era and heavy hens: d ru se d to or

der.. Phone 1113*W. 338 B euth M alt

■ losT ■Iking AMT T ^ liboul dog: long body; benciiT et*; M I aud twera 10 name B eU y.'K iS U Q 'J,'']

h im o rah a m . Kimberly. roul«3.,R «w artt lhe —_1___-. -^ _ £ < ! r ^ e n l - : d in H ! n i l» l l t lL

Jther APARTMENT. 130 '4th AVKNU:n i c r - £35l P h W T o a j ;----------^ ^ ^; and --- --------------------------oaah FOR RENT- »:B-HflQM._,HOPai love. ■ u « a rc n re x c e p rH e ir ra « f t i3 a * ii

BROSBEAU APARTMSNTB w m . electric range m d 0 . & R sfr lie tIreaa Phone i?7g. .

A QQOl? S p o Q iiS i s n n m w ..w ith .c a r tg e -Q n JD lh .A T en u s .2 u

BOUld »?ter August li t . Phone I3U .

, t to " F o T S a l i ^ A u t o m o b i l e s ”

dS F c m T m T w i l l d u v . W Rnfi • Box TCK-eare News.

righ t'" '^ 1 o' T O i r S A I . E ...........

L iilo M o d e l U r o "5” L o w e s t P r ic « 8food. - o'yoTit . « o i nlisinz Coupe ------- ---------------t D ^ X V

.....-_„S 215...$360

w ale -30 I>odgeJ the 'S fd an . . ' .......... ..............w m O Ocrtelf - js rh c v ro le l C 1 0 Am ln s Coacli ......... ......... ..........d l t J VnlBht -JO w ilp p e i C O O C :0 on sodnn ................... ..........

- r ...•- S2609 .....:....S345

Compare Theae Pric ta , J. B. WHITE CO.^ ------------ JUJ------ _

■ \

-I ?'?;'■» ., ■..r^ [ H g ^ t W1 - AT T W IS ■i K flSN B V -T W S & 3SS H N IG H T ? j*T )N ' W i s e - o a - r v r - * r 1B U L - O R W B 'L U / • ' “.I/ E a C W N T H IS y ,K ,. - . ’. V vV ;, 1

>^AUL K I^ T -

BU T VVETJE JUST Iw A S T iN a J p < . C ‘' « i ^

.. 11 . . I ■ I ............ . ' "1 >

J■ O M . W B U , - \ ;;

T '« T A t K ^ ■.s o /a s b o b y / I» ».. ■ £ )

^ 1 V '

u n itie s

llR E Mh. \

- Professional'D - : ----------------------DO ATTOSKKTB

^ p . o . D A l t - O r e r C lo r B o ^ t m

13. B w n t E T * • w n u R . T w. : o f f le u M eonnaaA uU dlB f.

in : _ B u iln w i: ',_ ■ r t O M B m o *•” '[8* B O M I PtV M B iN O * HBATINO

o o ^ h o w R o e a a a d Shops. 190 ' T b ird e u u Pboee 3 0 .

b A L L if lm N B P L U M B I N Q •3 U eaU ai Co<>8heet Meta) Works.

’*■ F o r beaU ns voublea. Phona 3I1*W.

— - . , " " 7 ' ~ ~ T ^ w i r i m

la : u > .* a cu o L 8 n u N S F e s * s f O B - uie 'A O B Oarbage hau led daUr*

P h o a e MO.

IT-Ilf. ----------- - ,- i . . .P . i II. -mm^t«r r .-A ^ S O W A H ..- n if iU n c . PA P V l t n b«atia8A it4 .kalM niU )iag ., W I tb

. fcTt.. t u t Phoaa. m w > ' .

It- For Silo^Fniilsi VegetablesIn-‘H e PO B 8A L8 APRICOTB, CALL WM5 5 Pf a t Av an t H ouw . ______" A P R iC O T S ro R B A liT A M O F A R U = . tm plcm tnU , Pbone O iURL

A P R lboT B TO R BAUTaOO Ao t T - ~ aon W eit. 1138 B u th el you plek.

. . t i$ O T ^ 8 M 5 iI5 5 f iR F S E B T d m ri w rtsfc Phoaa WU«n>o-

. , ' LARGE APRICOTB NOW READY, i n ' i mil« fou th K im berly B ask . W - Phone 47. K lm l^rly. -

FO R SALE c m a m n t B n e p e r loo ~ ibc. on tree, lU o pleked. C. Sly. I i

m ile .east of R o o t Crugber.________

p r ; , P IS CHZRRIEB, le LB. ON I R I K ^ ^ •■ am sil- tf tfa .faa y to n trk m m l l i i ^ .

e w j r .T w ia .» n w .M m L .B to J i e r t t ._

For Sale—Furn iture-

T erm a If d tilred . CUudo B r o w a M u - ^TH*. ile C o . ....... - ............. .. . , ---------

UBED FO R N IT tm E ; K ITO RSN ‘ n i l c a b lu t ; stoves, u w a , ehaita , rugs, g e t , and daTcnportj priced to leU. Mooa'a ,

Fo>‘Sale or^TraiJiZIl- Mrs T R A m r a m r .O R b e l l a l l

— kinds of u » d fu re llu re . alovea. and I r t m t i . a * p 0«»~pric« .— P h o n r - - M oon's Palot and FttrPim re' Btora.

^ situation!'Wanted”^MA’tT R N l'T Y ^K tJB arN O .^P *n t4« .


laundry Phone 9T3-J>

0 C a>E R rE N C B D , LADY WIBHBS w apartm en t house m anasem en t or c ) hotel lio’js tk e ip ln s . W ill go any- ,/v where. Phone 148T,lO ---------

15 __________I f t POUND.DILL F O L O ,S x n e r IdeaU-lO fy News office and p ig for ad.

'5 For S a l^ R e a l EstateiO ^ I D E N T LOTS W ELL L bC A rE D .•» your own price, Beautiful Plab 5 H atchery ilte . Fargo. Pbooe 4as. _


cheap, R B. Beatty . PhODS 03U Jt.


wWAT A R E X X J l ^— -------- -----------


1 \ v

K ik 600D Vl iVr

m ^ : ' ■Idffl

w y m w a * i i u L i


C o m p a r a t i v e F i g u r e s S h o w ~

D r o p to $ 6 3 ^ P e r P u p i l

L a s t Y e a r F r o m $ 7 5 J 1

A v e r a g e C o s t In 1 9 2 9

7 C a t o t etlueatloa ln'T«ln v. pubUo irhoQU h u beeo declining ^

•tcftdUy tb e p i« t (our y e tn , Mcord> iin r to tiffures m o d e publie by Uie i

• b o u d o t e<tuciU0B ye»W«U7. C o a - ; — p t n u n (l(u r« t ahow th e tv e r u e .

coet p e r pupU la i n o waa 175J l ; in - 1S30. I70.4S; in 1931. >8SJ0, and m

T h s d titriet'a (inaacU l lU U m en t I | . fo r th e r e a r rad ln c b u t June 90.

IUU buU dlnp and crounda. (umi* 4 tu r t , lU lo m a a d equipm ent valued | a t ta»5,78i;» . H im a n ouUUndl.ns 1 »3S9,000 bonded debt. '

R e v en u u trom all lources durlnc tb e paa: year totaled KU9.137.38. and expendittirea, e rld jnced Iw w arran u | \ Usued on a ll (undi. am ounted to I347.in.&3.

n te r e rem ained In th e U andi ot the dU trtet trea iu rer a t th« doae o( the y tu >7>,M1.U caah, and o ther u - a t u U ited were $30,000 bonda and I81.SMJ>3.delinquent taxes, making a to ta l of II81.0TO41.

W ith deduction or I9M«.S7 war-------n a ia : t>i>libl.> if ld n . TW Bn tm g !»•. —tun d renul i t n n n ti. _ t h f t ^ t a « n » n t ^

ahowed a lu rp lus oT tl00 ,3U M . ^ T h e dliUlot, apent th e . year past P>

•1M4S1.87 on aeeount o t th e g tnera l « ittn d Jot operation a s d n a ls te n a iM o t th a achool ayitom: lU-TSOJl In- f« U reat tund : t39.0l7J0 dn lU n i tund, and IU .7n .lf t truupo rU U on tund . ^

• T be principle lourcea o t re»enue were taxea vh le h yielded tim.HtSt •«< e tirren t and |lJ .87P Ja delinquent « taxea; 112,719 lU U , appo rtbnm en t » and t M j l l countyA pportlonm eot,

•a B d » # » o tu iu o o i . “. . ........... ...... Id

^ R f i V I T i e s H. ------- m

(SoeaTo D U U tt-M n . Harold Bop- lei e r le ft yeaUrday to r DUlon, Mon* ar t a : ^ to TlMt hea father. mi

Hooie A fter Trl(K*Ed Lowe and miJam ea B , T ucker,returned yetU rdoy m a tte r lO-d*y tr ip (0 the G randC tnyon . fh

8l«rk Paya V U t-A aon w u born , Ju ly 39, to Mr. and Mra. Bverett Irv - I I n t preacoU, T win ?alU . a t a private

lio n e F re n Lm* A acetea-O aylord Ojera returned y u te rd a y from Los

— AnBPlM_wh iw hB «pgnt 10 .weeks vlalttng reUtlvea.

' I • ^ . .1 . ' ' O'L e a m f o r W yominf—MU* G er- w

aidlne Nichols, HoUywood. le tt yes- dl terday for M oran. W yoming, a tte r a ir ^ I t o t three weeks w llb Mra. J . D. ei

B e ts ra A ftw G vU ni — Mr. and h Mra. S tuart H . T aylor retiim ed yea- f terday a ttem oon from a tew daya' t>

------- n u tta f tr ip to tho -S tan ley . B u l n b

......... t<Mere F lam H erliia — tiea W.

Sebwamb.. T arpon. Bpringa. Florida, ,. .^ _ lo n n e r reildejjt h tc e , a rrived yestcta, .o

. 'd ay -to io o k a fte r h U farm Intereits- fi In thU vicinity. ______ C

U a v e t U o a p lU llw . M. Van Kou- ^

th e T w in r a i u county hoipJtal yea- ® terday.-Hf underw ent a m inor opera- 1)

tlon th tre ^ ftw daya ago._________ j

Btakea V bit item — M rs. Wayne ^ . T Ibbeu. W alla .W*lU. ex .Tw ln-F rila

_____reilden l,_w um »d__her journey.^to JiDenver ta vUJt h e r p a re n u . Mr. and M n . J . o . N on le . a tte r a ahort visit • with y ^ r r f _____________

UDdertOM O p«ratlon ..M ary Jane J Qwln. li-year-o ld -daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs. w . W. Gw ln, 35S T h ird ave­nue north, underw ent a m ajor opera- t

---------tten -y ea « * fd ijr-» t-th t— Tw hi-|hrtls- a

Leave fw C o u t^ J J r . and M n . C.C. Dud!e» and children left thU c m ornlne lo r Berkeley. CaitfornU. -to i a tu n d Golden W edding annlver- , la ry o t U ra. Dudley s parenU , Mr. | and M rv W inum H effner.

V lilt Here—Mr. and M n . Gurney , . R. WUcon. Idaho PalU, are ipcndUjg ,

the lr vacation In T«’IA FalU vUtl- ] Ing a t :i<» home c t Mr. a n d Mrs. O tis , Hall. Mr. Varney. Mr. a n d M n . ja c k . SmiUi a w M r* yred Wlico*. ;

ReedTM Sad Newe - M rs. WlUlam ' M b u sh received word of the death o( h t r fa the r H en r; S U rr , In Abilene. K ansas, l u t Tuesday high t. M r.e ta r r

'« b survlvert by M n . M arlda Atnlp. and______ W alu r ?UfT. Tw in FaUs.besJdes Mrs.

F elbm h. he U also survived by three . o ther children In th e E a n . HU wUe

died la st S ep tem ber

Leave O n Trip—A party composed of Mr. aod Uts. Jo h n D. P la tt and

- tw o dU ldren. DaU ' J . W akem, Ed G ish and H arry Sawyer. Tw in Palls, and Xvan Bcates, S eattle , who h u been vUiUns he rt, le tt yesterday tor

______ tb e .c o « t, M r s jn a t t a n d her child­ren WlU vtslV In-P o rtland , whll& the re s l o t the party wUl go to L o^’An-

■ fetes fo r th e Olympic gam es.^

Baptists Betw B—A large delega­tion of BapUsU 're tu rn e d yesterday from the annual a U U sum m er con-

> ventioa a t Easley. whJeb cloeed a t noon. Othera rem ained over and wUl re tu rn today o r M onday, It w u

I By Ladlea t ChrtaU an C bareh I MTDBOASr. JU L T » I

" | * ' J | 'T W n ( PALLS OLA8B . \ W BA PfT STO BE f |

<i, ^

I W iff ie W il l is j H


' C

^ w u n ’i goln’ to aieep tb a t way. 1 waa Just say in 'm y prayer* wllhoBl Bftlbln' e n to make up for the Umes.1 go t Id bed f l n t U s t winUr."



VI-------- It

T w in F a l l s V e t e r a n s ' O rg a n - 5

i z a t i o n L a y s P |a n s f o r S

V i s i t o l l \ l a t l o n a l L e a d e r l■ U

~ P)lenryL .8 tevens.Jr.',na ttonalcom > «

m ander cf the A m ;« c an Legion, wtio v

d a ^ u j o ^ l n u o d u c e d a t Jnc" T)iwn*air~tneetlDg In T * tn patis ciiy" ■! p a rk Wconesday evening. H arry Be* I nolt, oommlttee chairm an in charge I o t arranecm enis (o r the national commander’a vUlt, announced yei­terday. Mr. s u v e n s , w ho recently re- tum ed from a u lp abroad, U lo vUii T v ln P a lls en rou te from the North* w es tP a c li lc c o u tto a lie n d a n a n n u B l - convenutjn of the WyomUig A men- * canL egiandepartm ent. *

M em beu o( the American U glon aod AuxUUry th routfhout loullicm r Idaho aro expected to take p a rt in ^ the reception here fo r the national ii coramanoer of the W orld War vet- erana' oryanUaUon.' T he'nu tlonat com m ander and Rots b Rutherford, Idaho PaUs. Idaho Amer- a lean Legioh dei>arcment commander, ti are to bu Inlroduced a t the open-atf i meeUng. i

Iniiiieduttely' before li)e public meeting tne national commander and r Idaho departm ent officers are to be I c u esu a t lun.'heon fo r member* of f the Legton and AtuU lary. 8


Mrs. MAEglj Belle Brlgcs. U . w U rof O h a r le s t D rtggs.M urUugh.aQdTca- Idem 9t Idaho (or about 10 y ean , died a l «;05 o'ciock l u t nU ht (oUow- Ing an oiieratlon a l Ihe county gen­e ral hoapltal here w here she had been a patlen '.ilnee l u l S aturday , pu n er- a l services. It w u announeed, wlU be held a t lhe BaplU t ehurch In Twin Palls a t 3:30 P. M .'M onday, and wlU be conducted by Rev. J . P. H uckU- berry, pMt^r of the church, in te r-

tery. . .Mrs. Brlggi w u th e m other of alx

surrivlmi children, Fergus Briggs. !&ejHUnx££>^aBsBzis0rMJt%.E>therr &lrt. .M rs-.flua le-Ja ln , M ra.,V flm a. Carlson and Wlille Briggs, a lt ofM u r u u g h .----------- --------^^ahe !raYcs a |s o th ree ^ ^ t h e ra.

[ nU ; T liom u Pealrs. K lam ath Falls! Oregon, and W. M. pealrs, U nglew .

. ------ - w.r U T T jm v T T O g riP w rw M b te g to D ^ t . WlthTier-lfamUyaaft.eama^tfcl te s :, Jio froni 'S lr to u rr .- : --------I T he body re su a l th e WtxIU m ortu-• *rj-. _______________

» JE R O w i F O L K S ^ V ISIT

• JERONTE, J u ly z o 's p e c i i l to The ■ News)—A number o f arrlvaU and

a sp s rtu re r- f !jn s3 m trT 5 u t“ « “i t « r- hnvf» (IfiirMl Id tr>cill ' B t«« thU

wefk.. MUl Helen M iller arrived In Je r-

s ome this »-tek to spend a th ree 0 week vaciUon w llti h e r parenU . Mr.• and M n . A. J . Miller. MUs M iller '■ t ) u been taking a coune In n i l r a e f .

I' sta led by Rev. J. P . H uckleberry.'* pa jtor cl the Flr^t Baptist chutcft* here. Thfrc waa a to ta l regU U atlon .* of 630. t.tilch was larger lh a n t u t k ycftr. and ttie p ro sram w u In every 1

way siiccrssful. Rev. IfuekJeberry f

. !^ Bctnm A fter VaeaUon—Rev. andf. Mra- Olen W. H utton returned ' yea- 1’ terday after a three-week ^'acatkln d in Oregon and W utH ngtoft.-Jrhey «. vuued with Rev. H utton 'a parenU , ;« Mr. and M n. P rank D. H utton. MU- « ton.'Oregon: a t Bellingham, W ash­

ington, with Mrs. H utton 'a parenU . Mr. fnd Mn.- J . L . OlKllen; a t Be-

o attle and Otyrapu, w here he p reach - 0 ed a t the Plrsl ChrUCUn ehurch U st <1 Sunday: and then vUlted w ith ool- *. lege chums a t Cen'trotU, W u h ln g - ^ ton. belore re lum ing home. Rev. r Hutton «il) (lU th e pulpit o t the

Chrls iu n churc h h a re Suaday m oro-- lng.

ly ';; FOR SALEId

“ Auto Door Glass . . . ^ W in d s h i e ld s an9

t W in d o w 'g la s s . No Charge fo r Setting .


= = ^ = = L


S t e v e A n d e r s o n , W h o F r e e d

R e c e iv e s P r i s o n - S e n t e n c e '

Sieve Anderson, 37, Red Owl. South DakoU, who pleaded guUty to a first' degree burgU ry charge tn connection w llh alleged forcible en try Into the C ontinental OU company warehouse a t Rogerson. tho n igh t o t Juno 30. m ust serve 1 -^ 1 5 -y e a r te rm tn the

, a u te p.-Udb'. under sentence pro- * nounced by Judge W. A. Babcock in

” dUU lct court he re yesterday.AnderMA exonerated h U com pan­

ions. George A nderson. Ift, Batt Lake s City, a n d F . a . L anon .' S l, Pocatel- lOk who were pasaenger* Jn bU car

j v h e n ofllcers overhauled I t a t R c«- ( erson jhorU y a f te r the aUeged burg- I lary. T he younger A hderson, wbo aald

Khe w u not rd a te d to th e convicted man, a n d Larson said SU ve A nder­son bad picked them up a t PocaUUo and U ken them to a ran c h In N e­vada where h e told them be though t Ihey eoutd get work In baying. T hey were um uceessful In securing em -

>* ploym ent In N evada a n d were re ­tu rn in g to Xdaho when the aUeged

3r burglary occurred.Sieve A nderson's a ttorney, W. L.

g r D unn, obtained l u t week a contln - . Uance o.' tim e fo r senU nce,.ahd ap ­

plied again yesterday to r a fu rther n . exunslon o t tim e to secure a fflda- tio VlU from Sot^lh D ak o u regarding

Andetaon's irpu taU o" i.

§MiiTlllNERnDlin I FUR PRfleilflM HEREJii ,br. Lcioy J . Mltchelt, lecturer and r , . en lerta lner. a n d an accordlan bond,

WlU appear here , a t the P re sb jte rU n church n : 8 P . M. Sunday, tn Iho In*

^ terest of the Plney Woods school for Colored people In MUsUslppl. Rev.

" H ow ard.Renwick Cannon, p u to r ot if* the chureh. announced U st.h lgh l.

i:h e (votrrant will consUt of old- favorite selections by th e accordlan band, ali.clng of SouUiem melodici,

sr- and selections b y Misa Ruth Bon­er. ham , (am nus tn child Im penoiU tlons

Uld readings In Ute so u th e rn dU - leei.

illc m e school to r whose benefit tn u nd program U being presented, w u tx founded In iOOO, by |i young N egro of named- Laurence C. Jones. I t has

grown from one s tu d e n t to one ot the ouU tandlng schooU of IU kind.



W tlh a sim ple service a t sunset a t I the graveside tn ,T*ln Falls cemetery I

I of a t 7 r . M. th ts evening, a fin&t m b -es- uU U to be p f td to W .-Zenas Sm ith,i n . Tw in Palls residen t and leader In |»w- business and eem m unlty activities;n - here for nearly a quarter of a cen-•ep lury, who died a t hU home e a r ly , e r- Thursday following illness of only a ibe few days duration. T here win be no i

vln procession from the W blU m ortuary vlU where the body now resU. and , :U- friends a ttend ing the service wlU; e r- assemble a t th e cem etery a t the ep- j

, Former s u te Senator Mnrltn T t Sweeley, an tnU m ate• ‘ trlend to r;

,g j, many years, wUl deliver a brief eu-I her- l0ZY-at-lh e-grayg»irto mj. p sn b e a r ir j ' have tjtsn ~ etioiu-nr

m J5in im on»-o ld"^rm e T i l t T l 'a l i r ___trlenda.___________: _____ ■_________

ew. = • - - " V« l n i « r a l S t. L u k 'e T H a s p ll i i r i :^

w ! O. Gilbert.

•j a tfo n ac tSc~A. a G ilbert h o m e .^

Bhicnert._D eaver.~are..cU lLln8— In- •tu- f^ f tte tlo this w eek j

MIm Prancea Daley le tt the (Irst — Dart-Qf.Uic_KccfcJoc.Denvcr.-Where 1 .i-T- She and M l« Wllla McGuire, J e r- ; » ! ' ome teacher. wlU to u r Colorado

p n k s for 10 days. ‘rh e ----------------------- -— 'and Expcrl Radio Service. Sampson I

-------------~ 7 m mtree ■ « « - i H 5 5 iMr.

. U S E Drr,. 1 O f M a n ;itcft H

‘S 1 ■ T f a d e d I n O n» tr» j a n d 4 . Y o u w

' " ' l s e l e c t i o n' 10» DeSoto' SU Pordor

•n ^ I • Sedan ............... ............ ....y**- _ 1939 Chevrolet '

H coupe ............ ....................■ 1930 Ford SU iidard I " Coupe ....... .......■ . 192S O akland Coach. New T■ Extra Good Oondttlon. good■ 19M Pord T udar . ■

i t h l Tires U ------------1929 Fo rd Pordor

„ i • Sedan. New T i r e s _________S -Rev Cabriolet ______________

. 1930 Ford BUndard o n u - 1 ___ Coupe ..........i............. .

■ 1930 Pord Tudor■ Bedan .................... ...... .............

= ■ 1933 Chevrolet Pickup ■ ■ ■ ■ U m onths old .......... ............

■ 1929 Chevrolet Coach.•L au model ...............One Ford Tudor Bedan, ono pride of the nation. License

W ill I t P a y Y ou

I Unioiv IVi g . I I Y o u r f o

■ 'iT ‘ T w i n F a l l i


/ : TBTllH F A ttS PAn.YL Y N ^W S . T W W , F A L L S .

S u r v e y s A i r L i n e >

Ed ■ . ' - J I m ' ! f'Lk ••

c ? "

I olUi

n-‘ 0

^ c30. e

’ Ssi 0^ - f v i M l IMk ^

Ike c

? ' ^ i[? : C A P T A I N W O L F G A N G V O N i

G R O N A U , G o r m a n • f l i e r , \t f w h o i s o n h i s t h i r d ' w e s t - , u® w a r d t r a n s - A t l a n t j c ' f lJ f fh t ,'h t c o n t in u e a r o u n d t h e ,!"* w o rld o n a s u r v e y o f a p r o - i m . p o se d a i r m a i l a n d p a s s c n - [re- ■ g e r r o u t e .— </I0 P h o t o . *ted *

;«-MOTHEROFTl«INFAlLS'i S' l«0MANDlE8ATffi83iI ’ Upon returning Sunday evening

lir ic rV ^T etP ina -tr lp to t h r m r c a b - ■; \ In on Warm Springs creek, where- '

'' .th e y locx Dr. H arriet Skemp, Ge- i r pcva. Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Josepn i k Blake lound a mctsage - awaltUiR , IL them atiiiounclng the death a t 6

o'clock ttiat m om lng a t Bonssclaer. ; Indian'!, oi Mrs. Blake's m other, Mrs.

^ M atilda Macy Parm er. , •Mrs. Fiirmer was alm ost id ears ot

Jn. age. She lived (or 6fl year* w ith her ' (o r husban.i, lUe U te Rev: A lbert G aila- |

tin Farmer. ot She A’w a -d ire c t descendant of

Ttiomas Macy. first se ttle r ot'T laii- ild. tucket if ltnd and p rogenltoco t ll-.e i lari Quuk?r Macys Of rter'canUle fanie [cl in Boiton. New York, and PhUadet- on. phla. Slie vox alao a direct dcscend- ons a n 'l'o f John Howland and Cllzabeih llA. TlUey Itowland, who came over in

the MaydoweK :hU Mrs. Frirnierispenl ihreo years here

wttii h ir claughter during which time gro »he ma le many friends. Because of hM the Inttnslve h eal there, M n . Blake

o( did no: n tiem p t the trip E u t for nd. the (u n c ra l . '

I ---------------------i= N i F U N E R A L S

, a t I*------ ■"ery I HARDESTY — Pim eral services .fb- wfft tK held a t- th e O n k e m orttu rr Ulr. chapel a t 3 P . M. Sunday (or Wit*

inMlam W alter Hardesty. 31, (ormer ties Filer farm er who was fatally In­e n -h u red l u t Sunday on Ihe Doillder iriy !dam project. Las V egu . Neradn. y t i * h e r e h e had t>een employed for noi three m onths.'Bervlcfis wltl be con-

t ry dueted by Rev, Ctiarles E -ltelm nn »ndlof th e PUer M ethodUt church. In- wlU j te rm ent wUl t>e In Tw in Falls ccme- ap -jiery . . . .

/ . I HAIiL—F uneral lervlces will be to r 'h e ld a t th e T w in PalU mortuary eu- chapel a t 3:30 P . M. Stmday for

■ .{ .tU a -^ e c tc f.JU ia b tth HaU. ??. wife

= S I N U S I N F E C T I O N

H a y F e v e r

^ --------rT cM ted--------- n i W l i MSneceaatany -

- In ^ -------€?OLOWlC------ 1IBBIG A TIO N I

s ; _ r „ c . ™ . , .le r-; A D m enU ......... ■ U K ^ado —' '

I D R H - W . H I L L«onI P h o n e 1 2 4 3 O T e^ P i s to n ’s

[> C A R S 1n y M a k e s l |

O n t h e N e w F o r d - V - S B ;

w i l l f i n d t h e b e s t - . * ;

ion in Tdaho |S165.00

-...-___S 90.00 I

;___ __ 8125.00 I_ S175.00 I

.sifio.on *___ 1 $195.00

. . . S265.00.___ __ $245.00 I

_ _ _ Z I" $ 2 4 5 :D 0 T |_______ u_$42500 I......_ .;__$25Q 00. r “.*____ $ 15.00•ou I f Y ou .P a y M ore’

M o t o r G o. I[ ' o r d D e a l e r Ia l t s , I d a h o . j

m m m - t i i m m K m■ ,/

Gimmeiisw n i E n s

! F e d e r a l R e l ie f F u n d I m p lie s

^ N o - d i n .W ith o u t E t f o r t

f “ I n ' R e t u W T n q U I r e r F l f l ®

I rerson# abandoning etfort now' to I make a living w lU t.the Idea o( get- I Ung help t a u r trom the | l , i 00,000 I of federal government funds th a t■ Governor C. Ben Ross h u announe- I ed he wUl aeeure fo r rellet of Ida- K ho's tndlgenU. are doomed to. dU- U appointment, according Co E. J .I Finch, Twin FalU. member of- Uie R board of county commUslonera and I chairm an of Twin FalU AaaocUUd■ Charities.I T ernu and condlUons under wblch B the relief fund u lo be dUJjuned

are no t yet available In deUU. Mr. N Pinch u l d yeaterday, following a . ponference w lth .P arker Carver, sec-

r e u r y to Uje g<f»eroor, in BoUe the Y f in l of Uie week.

“B ut," he added, "U U known def- inlUly th a t tb l i money U n o t go-

0- Ing to be given away. The s u t« m ust n - pay intereat on lhU money and pledge

lU. federal bighway a id money as security fo r repaym ent of the loan.

= .Any taxing un it, such as a county or municipality, may securc a p a rt of

. thU reUct fund, subject to two con­ditions, one th a t ll shall be used for employment of labor In some pro-

IQ ductlve enterprise., and tho other, h i thalr some evidence of Indcbtedneas

such os a bon ^ toue . muse be given

__W dfarc_w orkcra_ ln-B oU e.-M r-. Pinch said, a re preparing for harder conditions than those wllh which

,n they, iwd lo deal laal w inter, bc- caiiw. he said, llierc U w prospect

' ’S iticrc for an additional such, , ns operation of the soga r tacto.-y

» m afford la Twin FalU.A policy of lim iting auU U niK to

ot irniislent men to o n e d a y only seem- irr Cd to m eet with entlrt apprw aJ of la- the . BoUe weUftre workers, Mr.

Pm chsald .

.l-.e of W alter HaU. Eden, and resident me o( Idaho for 15 years, who died here et- o&rty Thuraday-follawing lllness.o t Id- neatly Uiree montlui duration. In- *in (erment will be In Uis T w in FalU in cemetery,

ere Mlctitlllnda. a . lown near the me 6o r* r« ol (hrre sUte.-t. geU it« of name Irom a comblnaUon o t Mtchl-

ike Ran. IlllnoU and Indiana.for --------

The c<wt per person for police protection In town^ of from 1000 to

_ t3,000 in Kentucky is *1.08.

Clark county fa rm e n in Ken- lurky produced 400.000 busheU of bliirRrn*.% last year ana received

— J280.000 (or th e crop.« s -----------------------------Iff 7“ l>f. r o « « - m no»e» corns and rai-ll* loinei for 11.00. Arch lUpporU tWc.ler Pbene S40. O ver Marfceterta.—Adv. n-

- . ---------In. •

' L A S T

ry - . e r * * mloi or b n k n . . .— _tjM i ndfrtnK— ' moioti____•- '•

“ • and rora»ne» ^

I wait on Hi*

isssns w i th— J A M E S — '-------------1= ^ \ _________ r A H N E Y

■ JO A N B L O N D E L LI w ith Ann D vorak. Eric Linden I and 13 fam ous race drlvera

J In theB Greatestf l lH . HpeetaetcH ; o t Ihe last


I , Aclded te a l ttre —• BILL BOVd 'G inger R e rc n

jm ' Fred K ohler .■ H obart B o rra rib■ M a rU p re v o a t’

I “ C a r n i v a l B o a t ”

Cool ' Next to t a i lComfortabJe .EpUode T.f

__________ fA ir MallMat^ IC -ac

I Eve. 10-U-3SO - c l i r ^ n " '-


J U S T F O R A L A U G H * — a n d W h a t a lin u R h !

M r JB I.L ^ | M H |

I' H —u d — Show

H Wsrna* Olbaoa Coaununu*H m O 'B ry UL * Buo.r ■ • «“ *rtiBa

j ,


M issing Girl


J .


i5 F A N N IE T U R N B U L L , 15- . y e a r -o ld V tts s o r c o l le g e s tu -

e* d e n t , d la a p p o a rc d f r o m h e r le w e a l th y h o m e in L a k e F o r ­

e s t , I l l in o i s , l e a v in g a n o te ^ s a y in g s h e f e l t s h e w a s a a t b u r d e n o n h e r f a m i ly .— (/P) [ J P h o to .

n . __________

" O f f i c e r s E s c o r t

s : G y p s y C a r a v a n e r s5r, —M Gypsies In tlve automobiles heiivi- :n iy laden w ith piucagera and thelr__ nnw .in lans. nassed " through Twin, PalU early yesterday afternoon.

w lt t Bu officU l escort U iat contlnu- " cd w tth ttiem unlU a tte r they lett

Buhl.Past experience w ith another

” Oyp.ty caruvsn Ctiat lin g e red ' too 'h long In Twin FalU l u t sfirliig, •■y prom pted officers here to toke ex-

traordlnnry preca-Jtlons w ben they to were advised by oftlcers a t Durley i n . shoVtly before noon th a t th e Gyp-1 ol aJes Jiad left Burlry and were on If tho road to Twin P a lls . '

Tiie cscort th a t (ormed h f re to mcei the Gypsies a t the c ity 's out-

~ sk irts Included membera o l th e po- , tlce and sherKCs force ond Fontaine

Cooper. State traffic otflcer. The ' , sU te officer continued w ith th e car-~ avan-Uirough B uhl.---------l! ' ' Thtt Gypsies were perm itted to

h a lt liere only long enough to re- plenl.ih gasoline supplies.

J," Ttift form er caravan, according to police reporu . Included besides the regular compliment of fortune tetl- er.i, ft number o t pickpockets, sneak thieves and short-change operators who spread over tho business dU- trict and plied their several shady vocallohs w K lvgreat diligence and .ipecd.



r ± f d ! ® jn l j r h a v e 1 j .keeping it dowt•j; th^ t comes-fron

L i. 1st QUji

Refui—1 —if-our-gasoline-i — -----way-and will d&en

W E iM in our pum ps the

■ o lin e 'o th e r statii 25'/->c per gallon £ to be 1st quality , and the price is ...

J The oil com], quality gasolii

goes to show «

____ H undreds of. day. W e i n v i t

I . ,i!

I L i n dJ l J D W rlb iilo ra f o / A . CTfc on Filtera, SpmJoii

PutnpB, A ir C lean ara ,; A m m elera . OU G au mJun. n a ls im d .R em o Orhc• ■ P A R T S P H O ftl# . . • • • ^

r ' ■

. JU L Y ^ 'lD S 2


Idaho 's annual Hampahlre b reed -: rj, e n ' mestUig h u been' called by th e ,

presldeni. L .X . B rtekenrldj#. TwUi' ■ P a tu . and wlU be held the night P befom tb e s ta te ram u ie . Ihe eve- *r. nlng of-A ugust». a t th e tai/grounds,

i\- engaged Ui the raU lng of purebred ^ Hcm pshire aheep, and u the anhuAi ** sU le ran i ta le brings together an

ouU tandlng o((erlng of purebred rams, raised principally by those en- g^ged In the H am pshire business,!

^ thU affords a n excellent opportun-


IQ l= O r a n g e T lTS ■ . '

S . HOUSES FOR S.Inu- G o o d 4 - ro o m ,h o u d c w i th bn left lo c u to d in c a .s t p a r t . $1250

ther 5 -R o o m m o d e rn h o m e w i th .**’ in c n b in c ts . C lo s e (o a choo l.

$ 5 0 0 ____________________

i*]jy 5 -K o o m m o d e rn h o m e w lt l iyp . I h a rd w o o d ' f lo o r s , f u rn a c e

on O i)ly $ 2 6 5 0 w i th t c rm .’i.

I to C h o ic e 1 - a c re t r a c t o n pav iOU'- m o d e rn h o m e w i th o a k flo ta ^ KOod r u r n a c e . l a u n d r y a n dThe f r u i t a n d b e r r ie s . A r e a lcar- c a a h .

; ’ to ........................................ FO R

" 4 -K o o m h o u s e , .59 .00 .? to 4 -R o o m h o u s e w i th b a th ,. ' h ' C -H o o n i ro 6 d e r n h o m e vJ'j,',; h e a t , g a rf lf re , 5 2 5 .0 0 .

r • b e a u c h S w« d y 1 3 5 Shoahone S o u th .

\ S a n 1

re we b ro u g h t the-gasT>ri iwn, b u t we g u aran tee evrom-our Diimps to-be------


in d ~ Y o u r Ile-fails-to-give-you-satisf

O F F E R T,he sam e g rade o l gas- a tions a re selling fo r | in and we guarantee'-it ity,' long m ileage gas ■ ^

Dmpanies in Twin Falls r oline from to 25V2 cent fr w ha t they would do i t gi

s o f loyal custom ers a re bu ivite'you, tooi to lie a^regu

A u t o m oL C . S p a rk PIuks. D islribueilometcrB. F u e l N o rth ea■rs, G oa S tra in e rs , -. ra d ia to rlu g es . R eflex Sig* W e alsoirb o n R em o re rs . keys foiH O N E 2 9 8 O FFH

‘ r

.. ity to hold UUs n.eetlng s i a con^

. ; viDlrfnt place la d j im e , he said. . J y

N M t. B r e ^ n r ld g e repo;U Uiat vartoUB m a tte n o ' In terest to the

P U r e b r e d .^ a e n wUI be dUcussed.

d- assocUUon. thehe *??**“ • culUn* of -flock*'Ul ‘•’6 H am pshire breed of

U, ®‘«ccr8.

S T ie LateJ^d Q assify*2 - .TRANSPORTA'nOM .n e h i i d i ^ ^ g f l e s by U dy In d tw<».

August 15. Reterenee

■r e s h i n g a n d<S ICED TEA .

0 S lE A :SALE AND REN T ^b n t l i a n d s le e p in g p o r c h . W e ll • i

150. T e r m s . v

t h h s ird w o o d f lo u r s , n ic e b u i l t - o l. P r i c e d f o r q u ic k s a le ? 2 1 0 0 . • ,

i t h s le e p i n g p o rc h glasH Od in , , e h e a t t o a ll ro o m s . G a r h g e .

a v e d d t r e c t . H a s n ic e t>-room (oor.s. C e m e n t b a R cm en t, w i th n d f r u i t room ti. A ll v a r i e t i e s a l b o r g a k i , o n ly 1 3 1 5 0 . §50& -

R R E N T ^

Lh, ? 1 2 .5 0 .: w i th f lln e p in g p o r c h , f u r n a c e

:MP & ADAMSP h o n e 3 0 4 ^

f t f B T

irice-dow n^and-arc;-:— — !very gallon of gas

LEAR GAS ' / j ■

S a i = r ; :- =


r O B A Y I

231ra ised the price on

n ts t o t week which g iven a free rein.

luying our gas every,[iilar patron^ T 1

►bile C o .

F 1 C E 'ln ” t H 0 ° P P H O N E 2D9 | |

. i t