I'tMPElATUUS ........ " .. " .. " .. .. " .. " " " " .. , . , . ..... 1 , . f 9 f IO f.b. II Opinions :MOlIt of Ull are broad-minded enough to admit that there are two lIidel to every queation-our own .lde, and the side that no Intelli- lent. Informed. sane and &elf-n- .pectln, citlscn could poulbly bold. Health Insurance Plan Applications are .tlll beln, ac- cepted for Group Health Insurance from all NOTS employees. Infor- mation reprding thl. policy may be had by contactin, PegJY ),fa. cll.te. Ext. 711528. or by In- terview between 10 Lm. and 2 p.nt.. eaeh workln.. day In the Bulldln,. The Insurance plan haa been found bighly IaU.faetory .Ince accident or hocpitallutlon COllta are paid from tbe first dol- lar charged. Friday, ,February 13, 1959, Offtce, Domln.. Bid.... Top Deck The OTS Liaison Office in Washington, D.C., and at OTS, under the cognizance of the Head of Central Staff, was established in 19S1 at the request of the Bureau of Ordnance to provide continuous liaison between NOTS and various Bureau divisions. Outlet! of the Llaiaon Officer have clfle Standard Time between the broadened In .cope Ilncc that time Station and the L1alaon Office III to Include liaison with other agen- Washington. cle., both government and private, The call Is to iranlmlt uncla.ul- In Washington and .urroundin, fled meuages con.ldered ur,ent areas. and requiring an amwer within Staffed with a Uailon Officer fh'e day., and can be utlli:r.ed by all from NOTS whose tour of duty la StaUon peraonnel Contact on the for .Ix weelu. and a full-time ad- Station for the liaison call la Cen. mlni.lltratlve aul&:tant.. a 1\"OTS em- tral StaIf. Room 202. Admlnistra- ployee residing In the Wuhinl"lOn Uon Bulldln,. Ext. area. the r>."LO duty la ....I'"ed to i\lItlon D. Blatt. He&d of tbe "'1).0 departmenta on a rotational basis. oratol"}' Braneh, Code PI&8l, p(O:r_ In addition to the pfOlram bene- formed tbe duties of om. fita whleh result from the lllllIl&:t- eer for the period from .I.nuar)' I.S ance of thl&: office, experience as to February 1&8. Ahln It. da. the Station'l Liaison Officer I. ex- cobse ... Head of J)bJlllllement En. peeted to provide a number of sen- IineerinK Di\·lsion, Code nt, wllt lor Station personnel with direct act as Ual!lO" Officer for the "'eb- pel'llOn-lo-perlOn contact.'l with Bu- rUllr)' n to Mareh 27 period. reau personnel who deal with NOTS programs and problem•. The Washinlr10n LIDlllOn OfOc:e is tocilled In the BUreflu of Oldltlinee. Uoom 4.2-16A, M.ln Na,'Y Building, 18th and Constitution }l.'·enues Washln(lon, D.C. 11 .. a "lIorne awa)' from bome" for tbe :SOTS ,'llOllor to the area. It ......1.U1 peJ'1ll()nnei on travel with Itineraries and botel arrana::ementa; appointments with peJ'1ll()nnel In the area, providea office and stor- a,e for classified material, clerical help ... nccesaary, or any other problem the traveler may have. Slation pe..... nnel are urged to check Into the Ual80n Office upon IIrrh"lll In thll \\'Ilshlnl{ton area aa this Ilrovldea II. COI1\·enlent point of ClOlltact with tbe Station. Duties of the Ua*,n Officer In- elude follow up on m.eua,es trans- mitted via the lialaon call. Thla eaU 11 made daiJ:;y at 9:.15 a.m.. Pa- NOTS liaison Office Serves Vital Communication Function Hew 'Wing of All Faith Chapel Completed; Dedication Services Set for Next Sunday Dedication services of the new wing of the All Faith Chapel will be held at 3 p.m_ next SundaYI February u. The edjfice will serve as worship center for the congregation as well as Parish House for all faiths. Vllltln, dlgnltarlea who will takl part In the dedication servlcCl arel Rear Admiral E. B. Harp, Jr., CHc" USN, Ol.trlct Chaplain of the Elev_ enth Naval Olatrict: and er F. H. Rickel, CHC, USNR, Aaoo .latant Diatrlet C:r.apla1n of UNO. The pro,ram will be opened bij the anthem "0 How Amiable" .una: by NOTS Community Chureh Choir fol1o",-ed by the Invocation by Mon- .Ignor J. F. Ryan, Paalor of santa Barbara Mluion.l. Don Sln,cr, sludent Rabbi of NOTS HebftW Temple. will read the Scripture and a quartet con_ .laUn, of Mr. and Kn.. Eldon Dunn and Mr. and lin. Perry Stone wUl .In, the P.ll1m of Dedication. Captain T. J. Dumont. Publld Work .. Officer, will perform the dedlcatlon presentaUon and cap- tain W. W. H011lst(':r, StallOD Com· m.ander, the acceptance. Dedication prayer will be dell... ered by Rear Admiral E. B. Harp. Jr.. of UNO, folowed by the Ae- knowleda:ment by Dr. Max Dubm. Prealdent of NOT'S Hebrew Con- .. reptlon. In additlon to hia pal">' Uelpatlon In the .ervleea. RAdm. Harp .. U1 .peak at the U Ln'1. PfOt.. eatant lIoernce In the All Faith Chapel. Followln, the anthem "Cod SU- pl1!m(':, To Thee- We Pra,.- by the choir, Cdr. R. H. Rickel. also of UNO, will deliver the dedication addres•. The Reverend J. L. Reid. Jr., Pa.tor of NOTS Community Church will elO6e the dedlcatlon ceremonies with the Benediction. Social Security Man Will Answer Questions Anyone wi.hina: to file a claim PhoM;llllSM, 726lI2, 116M f'red Riehard Richards to Speak At Stove Pipe Wells "Death Valley and Your Camera" will be the tllle of an illustrated talk to be presented by Fred Rich- ard. at the Stove Pipe \Vells Holel, Saturday. February 21, at 8 p.m. The public I. Invited to altend. Rlchanb, a ,raphlc aria coordi- nator for TID, will .how hi. col· ored slides of Death Valley and ex- plain the technique used. In photo- ,raphing them. Hia talk ",-ill cover effecth-e eamera angles. IIghtina. choice of .ubject. composition. de- tall. and He h.... .bo aerved as a color conault&nt for the Photograpbic So- e1ely of America. and .... a ..Ion jud,e for the international Color Exbibits. Hi. work b .... been ex- hibited at the Museum of Modern Art, New York., and the ElllItman Kodak at Rocheater. Richards holds the rank of :Major In the Civil Air Patrol. an auxiliary of the U. S. All' Foree, and is com- mander of CAP Cadet Squadron 84 at C:r.in.a Lake. Activities Planned For JP Employees .1unlor ProfeuionaI employeea at NOT'S, .Ithough jU3t eDteriD, their ehOieD profe.. lon following coll(':Ie ,raduation, are not forgotten upon arrival here. Since tbe R.e<:ruit- ment Panel activity I. directly re- .pon..lble for the hlr.l of many J.P:. each yelr. and for the tem- porary employment ot .tudenu In trainee position. during lummer vacation., the R.e<:reatlon Commit- tee has become an active part of the Recruitment P.nel. Acti'ities to be Offered J.P:. and Summer Studenta durin, 1859 Include: field trip to Death Valley on Saturday. March 7. coordinated by John Feemater; a danee .t the Community Center in ),fay: .w1m party and trip to Whitney Portal In July; trip to babella in AuC- wt.. a Hobby and Club Day and a Recreation Day. both In September. October's activitlet! will be a trip to Coso Hot Sprln,s and a \Vlves' tour of the Station. Final program of the ye.r will be the field trip to the gholll lown of Calico in Novem- ,"". All Junior Profesaional3 and au.mmer .tudenta. their wives, hut- banda or (IIe-ta may participate In the activitie.. ThOle who wish to ,"0 RAdIO. & B. Harp, .Ir. to Death Valley on March 7 .hould 1 _ make !'eWrv.tlons for bua tran.- portation with John Feemster, ExL t328. immediately. Station-furnl.hed buse.. lIeatin« 70 adulta, will depart at 7:30 a.m.. from the Community Center park- for Social Security benefiU or hav- Ing lot. TbOie makin, tbe trip .re In, que' tiona rep.!'dln.. 80elal $eo asked to brlnl plentc lunche. anI!" eutity, WUllam -Yamamoto, beveraget;. Social Security Admlnlltratlon rep- reaentative at thc Security Office, ).Ialn Gate. Tuesday. Fcbruary 17, and \Vednesday, February 1& He will be at the Gate from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. each day. U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, Celifornill File Now for Housing I'el'llon» ""llIhlna: to be eOllllld- ered for houalnl", olher than that In "'hleh the)' now ","ho are not on the ptelient hpullin .. list. must CUe .. application on or before February %7, 19.59. an· Douneea Co .I. FaUptter, Heed. H_intr D1rls1on. Applications by Feb- ruary n wUl become etfllCU"1l on thIl lIo-.ln, list .·hkh .·Ill be In eCfeet from April 1 thrOUlh September .. FomlS are a,..u..blll at the BouslnJ' Offkre. AppJlea..la must file their reque-t during rep1a.r "'orklnlt' hOll .... The office I. 011- en Mondll)' through Frida)'. from 7:SO-1t:SO ..Ill. and 1%:30- .:30 p.m. ROCKETEER Budd (loU. Editor Whol_ y •• _ - dti tI . ........ I" ""'lbll I" ,,- _ II-. 0fId _tionl _M.... SigaurnIIY pllEClKS ENTR.I&S-raul Some- lIOlI. OIIl1la Lake Golf Oub pro, eheek' the entrtes for tomorrow'/! "OIICII UOII'W)" 9·Hole Oolf Tour. nament while H-ye.r-old Dale !\Ieall. winner of last. week', tourna- mellt. -.en.s ."-orbed In seleetlna: the proper ball for tomorrow' ,olfinl frll)·. Da),-Iong festivities will bighHght the dedication of the China Lake Golf Club House tomorrow. Beginning at 9:30 I a.m., activities will include a 9-hole tournament, driving I and putting contests, dinner and dancing. Capt. W. \Y!. Hollister, Station Commander, will present trophies for the day's winners at dedication ceremonies at 4 p.m' l said Club president FJoyd Rockwell. The Club House culminate. eight yean later. Tt was not until June, yean of work by memhcn to bring 19M that NOTS' golfera were able China Lake one of the flne.t counes to pIll)· and eompete on the pr...ent In the area. In 1900. the .land eourac graa course wblch was desllned by WlU constMlcted, followed b)' the nationally known golfer Billy Bell. G'.-acre ,rau drivlnl ran,e foul' and la maintained by greenkceper Pat Cropper. The coune waa built ,,;lth money from the recreation fund .... a part of Special Services' activltie-. entire operaUon is seU-tupportlna:, at no coat to the laxpa)·era. The new Club House. completed In October, J903. Is a U-.haped IItructure compriBed of three But· ler Huts. and containing locker wash rooma, a .nack bar 0JlCn dally, the loun,e and the Pro Shop whcre golf equipment may be pureha.ed or clubs rented. The building, with about 4600 square feet or floor .pace, i.lI a creat Im- provement over the orlglnJIl club bou_half a Quonset Hut. moved from the sand course. Every resident of the Indian Wells and Searles Valley. ia in· "ited to atund tomorrow'. openlnl activltle.. The entire day'. fmlvl- ties wlll coet U:ll5. ""hieh Inelude. dinner, the tournament 8lld danc- In,. Non-elub memben will pay the 11.26 f..-tlvltle. ehar,(':, and only $1 more for green fees. Anyone may participate In the driving and put- ting eontCita for an added 215 eenla for each rivalry. Memben;blp In the China Ulke Golf Cub la open to all mllitary peJ'1ll()nnel on the StatioD and to all Ch·n Service empwyeea aa well (Continued 00 Pa,e 4) Only 23 yeaI'! of a,e. the Poll.h planlU-not related to the RUllllian compoaer-has captivaled world- wide audience. and crltla with his pollahed technique 8lld hi. aensl- th'e playln, reflectinl ton.1 beauty. excellent control and a real under- atandln.. of each compo"Cr'. Intent. TchalkoW..lky·. personal history la filled with the harron; undercone durint: the German inVatlon of Po- land In li3ll and the .uceeeding )'ean .pent In hldin, or In eaeap- Jna: n(':\lf dangers. Somehow, with obvioul determination and pene- verance, the younpter manal"ed to find pianos and to study wherever be went. He entered the National Conler- vatory In Pari. In 1948 and two year. later, won the coveted Firat i)1edal. Upon rcturnlng to Poland Tuesday's Civic Concert To Present Tchaikowsky's Brilliant Piano Artistry In 1"1, he bepn the .tudy of com- poaltion and haa thlt acti- vity .Ince. He h ... completed a en or more composltioft3 and dur- in, hi. firat Amcrlcan tour In was workin, on a concerto. The planl.t was a at the 19M Chopin Competition In Warsaw. Follow ing concerti throughout Poland and In Yugo- tlavla and Bulgaria, he entered the Queen Ellutbeth Competition In Bruuel. In June. 1M3 probably the world'. moat Important m.ualc.1 rivalry. A prise winner .1_ that conte.t.. Tchaikowaky made a profound 1m- preulon on audience.. critles and judges, amon, them Arthur Ruben- atein, who coMlders the young man aa "one of the fine-t pianltU of his generation; be I. even better than that-he II a wonderful ml.l.lelan:· Vol. XV, No.6 Golf Club House Dedication Festivities Will Be Tomorrow nille performanoe lie.ts rna)' be purchalled from 6;Sf-3 p.m. at lhe thenlre boxofnee the e'·tnlnlt of Ihe pl'rforlllnnce, for $t.5(I, p.::3. P and ,= Third In the aeries of oUUland- In, mu.leal attractions aeheduled for prNenlation to Indi.n \'Vella Valley rNldenUl will be th(': brilliant plano artl.try of Andre Tch.lkow· ky at the Station Theater ne:ltt Tue.oay, February 17. beginning at 8:Hi p.m.• declared Dr. lvar High· berg. pre.ldent of the Board of the 1'l"OTS' Civic Concert Assoclatlon, .ponlOr or the programs. Tehalkowlky's concert will In- klude Mourt', "Fanla..lia and Sonata In C Mlnor M ; "'Sonala in E nat Ma- jor." Cpw 31. No. 3. by Beethoven: Bartok'. "Musique- Noeturnea": three ),(a:r.urku by and Chopln't "Ballade No. S" and "Four Etude-.... 13, 1959. Friday, February World Prayer Day Celebrated Tonight The Indian Welt. Valley CouncU of United Church Women "'ill ob- .er'\'e the 1m \Vorld Day of Pray. er at 8 p.m.. tonight at the Grace Lutheran Chul"Ch In Rid,ecrl"'llt. The \Vorld Day of Prayer chain be. ,-Ins In the TonlR I1landa u dawn breaks over the.e tropic lalell and throughoulthe day ob3ervances will be held In 14<1 countrie., endln, with the IICtUn.. of the sun on SL Lawrence Island, AllllIka. Each year this "Crvlce I. planned b)' a different country. Thi. year'. "Crnee comea from the ChrLstlan women of EOPL The committee Included women from Angliean and Evanl"E'-lieal ehurches. but moat of the membera we're from the Coptie chureh. ao anelent lnatitution which has underyone many hardship. In its .trunle to keep .Ii'·e Ita faith. These deKend.nUl of one of the olden Chri31lan aeets chose for the 19M theme-··Lord. I Belic"e:' The purpoae of the Day Ia to unite all ChrJ.Uans In a bond of prayer. to pray for all the people of the world and to make an offerln, for Christian mi.. iona at honn and abroad. Offerln,. reeei\'ed are used for work with the mlgranta and American Indian.. Interde. nominational Chrl.tian colleges In Asia and AIrll:a and Chriatian lit. erature abroad. Repre"Cntati'·e. from the Grace Lutheran Church. 1\"01'S Commu- nity Otur<:h. St. Michael's Episco- pal Church and the Rid,ecrest Community Methodi.t Church will participate In thc program. The public I. Invited to attend the service. To Be Dedicoted Sunday lIAlUi\UNG IT UP-C'hlna Lake (lolf Club membertl narold Turrter (Ieftl l!Ind dim !lunette,. eaJl attention 10 the "Open Houllf'" i-hole Golf Tourna- moent ,,-hleh -st.rl lomorrow at i::Ml Lm. on the toeal eoun.e. All retll· dents of Indian \\·eIl5 and SearlC5 m.)· eompele. :or."EW \\-ING-Enelrcled al rillht lA the ne"" "inl{ of Ihe All Failh Chapel which "'IUlien'e a!I ",-onhlll «nter for the Hebrew ConK"n:'ption as well B!l I"rb,h Uou,;e for all faUhli follollinK: SUlld.)··1I dedication lief\'lees. China lake Schools Preparing Science, Math Fair Exhibits THE ROCKUEER Irishman tried out for varlou patta. but his dreams were dampell· ed when he learned that without memberllhlp In the then closed Ac- lou' Equity he would receive nn IIftlary. Next best to aclunl partici_ pIllion In Iheatrlcal productlonl, he felt.. was projection work. and he re-entered that field shortly be- fore filing for American ahlp. Rory received hll first papera In IlH9. and In December. 1953. he proudly related the receipt of Amulean c1t1u:nshlp. "The mOllt thrillinc of all my ex- periences wu receivin, American O'Connor mentioned. "and J IOmeday hope to travel throughout the country. learnlnc more lbout It and Its people." He has two ,i.tera llvin, In London and expecta, IOmetlme, to vl.it th('m. Oi3playlng .Incere and real contcntment with hi. ure. Rory's .tlll .trona: IntereU In show bu.lne.. and the "nice thlnp In occupy thouchta and effort..s durin, much of hia free time. Women's Quartet Harmony Group Slates Songfest \'(Tomen interested in de- veloping their talents along the "harmonious" avenues of barbershop quartet singing are invited to attend :t song- fest and organizational meet- ing in the Anchorage at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 21. To hl,hlia:ht the me.-ting. ilIe popular CoroneU(IlI from P-..adenJI and Judy Randall. Vice Re,ent cf the Far Wet;tern Ol.ltrlct.. will be here to .lUmulate Intere.t and des- cribe the function of ilIe orp.nlu.- tlon. Known as the "Sweet Adeline•• Inc.," an international non-profit ,roup detigned to edueale Ita mem- ben In the art of four-part har- mony. the organization I. the fem- Inine counterpart of the Society for the Prell(!rvation and Encourage- ment of Barbenhop Quartet Slng- Student underatanding of .lelen- Ing In America (SPEBSQSAI. tiCic concepts "'ill again be ably A tnlrted ,·oice. Of" leehnlcal nm- demon.llrated Saturd Y. February alcal not 28. at the fourth annual Science bul an "ear" for music. or 50me and Math Fair to be held on the knowledl[e of harmony Is Burrou,h. Hip School Campu. Each Individual chapter I. an .... - Exhibits ue being prepared by set to Ita community. Sweet Ade- each Irade level. from klnderp.rten linea are the flrat to offer thei:> throua:h senior hirh ciUlle.I. and talent for entertainment at civic each exhibit or demon.tratlon will events and charitable functioft3. 111 prelent a COUI"Sl! of !Clentlflc .ludy addition. a Sweet Adcllne chapter undertaken by the group prcparlng promote. harmony among women, thc dllplay. Each presentation I. both vocally and Iplrltually. expected to demonstrate a mllthe- The .tructure of the national or- matical or .lelentlfle principle. ealily ganlUltion Wllll set up In Tulsa. underatandable to visitoll: how- Oklahoma, In October. 19(7. and lever. junior high and high .chool presently boa!lls almon 200 chap- student!! will be available to dill- tera with Individual mcmberahlp3, CUllS their projecta during the houn of of the lo"'alr. Elemenlary dl3plan----tud,. unitt Little League Prospects direeted by the teache.r covering topic ehC*'n by the c1au-""1II be May Apply Nex.t Week "Ct up In the Burrougb, auditorium Applicat'ons for China lAke Lit· and will present not only the prin- tie LeaJ"Ue baseba.ll playen will bo:o eiple involved. but abo what aetu- dl.tributed through the aehooli ally happened in the e1...... room In next Monday. February 16, it was development of the lItudy unit. announced thi. week by plal'en' Space travel it the pro)eet of one agent Pete Nicol. The appllcatlonl rirat and .econd grade group; a lIhould be returned to the .chooill pre.entatlon on lumber, the growth by February 19, whcther or not the pattern of treel and the Ulle' of boy played last year. wood wtll be made by a fifth grade Any boy who wlll not be 13 yearl e1us and a ,Ixth grade dl3play wlll of age before AUJ"Ust 1. 1959. Is feature underwater actlvitlel. eligible. It i.lI a policy of the loeal Junior High and High School ex- Lea,ue that e'·ery boy who applies hibits the work of Indlvlduall or will be as.slgned to a team. Imall. Informal ,",ups-will be dis- Tryouts will be held March 7, 14, played In the Junior Win.. of the and 21. Thi. year. _II 8-year-olds High School building. ExhlblUl In _ ___ be assigned to the AAA League photography and IndU-'ltrial ArUl and 111'111 not lJ'}·Ollt. All other boyl will be pre"Cnted this )'ear for the not already the property of an A. firat time. LcaJ"Ue team m.U31 U')'out on one Past Seience and Math FaJra have of thelle daYI. drawn parents.•upervl.$Ors. mC'm- Meetings of China lAke Little bell of teaehera' collegel. teacher•• League are held the flut principal.. college studenta.• den- and third Monday. or each month tlsta and many other. intcrelted In in the Safety Building at 7:30 p.m. student IlcHvlty in Idence. Most of Adult. who are able to help are In- them hflve becn impreued by the vited to attend these meelln,s. development of local Itudentl In Three new managera were Iclcct- science and by the pr('S('ntatlons Chief Petty Offlcera' fee. nte $15 ed to replace retiring managen; at displa}·ed. monthly: enli31ed men under E-'l the Ian meeting: JOl" Hibbs re-I---------------I rating. S3 per month. Non-mem- place. Buck Iknton of the Dodgera; CI bH may enjoy a full day on the JOl" Seibold replac:.l Raoul Landry U ouse tOUr!Je for the S3 f('('ll on of the Giants: and John •• weekends and holidays. or $2 du,," Rudy Zagala of the Tij(:- (Continued from Page 11 ing the week. Enll3ted men below era. All the retirl"l" managera are !olemberahip for civilian. and off!- E-i pay only fifty cents per day or cong .... tulated for their effort aoll is $8 per month. phu an addl- Sl.25 for weekends and holiday. .-ervlce to the Ullie LeaJ"Ue. tional $:1: for full family prh1Ie&e.. &Teen fee.. him Into memberllhlp with the Britllh Film Inullute, whosc Am. erlcan counlerpart Is the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scienc- ea, and into learning the dclaih, and duties of film projection. Gre-tettt Alh'elilure 1t w.... says Rory, his adventur- ous spirit which led him to emi- pate to the United State.. Tripi! to England and .tudy In Spain and France didn't 38t\..lfy hb interest In other eountries and other peoples. "I decided to come to Amerlc<t while in Spain." Rory remarked. "but It was nol until February, 19(.3, that emigration quotaa allowed me to come." With no prospecta of a job. but with the $A,OOO that unsponsored emigrallts were required to have, O·Collnor. after a few week's ex- ploration of Ncw York. uavclcd directly acrOIlll the country to Angeles. Still hopeful of a career In show bulnell.l, the 36·year-old I o Pot. f.b. 18 r.... 19 f.b. :0 Capt. Begins Meeting In order to pin more insight Into employee "iewpoint .nd to provide an opportunity for employee, to uk que-tlons of leneral nature. capt. \\'. W. Holli..lter. Station Comm.nder. h .... begun the "Cries of 33 AlI- Hand. Meetlnp with personnel of .11 departmenu. The first meeting was held .Monday for Command Admlnlnration Department employC('L All perlOnncl may .ubmit que.lion. to thcir department head In ad- vance of the meetingl scheduled for their department. ThclIe question. ""ilI then be forwarded to Lt. L. J. Previati, Admlni..llrative A.uistant to the Commander. The February schedule of All-Hand. meetlngs I. u follow.: r..... PI.... Cod' fib. 20 3 p.m. M. LoA> 3,)0 p.m. Com. 17 Ca••tI,IO 30 f .... 2.S 3 p,rn. Corn. Ce,,'" 51 3.30 p... Corn. <:-",.. 65/l'jIa f.b 26 3030 p m. Com, c: ....... 751l'jIa 10 ",M. Iol tab feb.. 27 2 p.m. ta_ 0".• otg )0 Call'" 30 , .... 27 3 p.rn. 0". IJdv.3O eIa 5 ely IlS poulble, theatrical equipment giving really profellllion- al prelcntatlon •. Built by the Pub- lic Work. Department under hi. direction. the double projection .,.stem w.... initially utilized In 8t'ptember, 1903. Empbaslzln, that the use of film -movie or .tUl-remains a princi- pal means of pre.entlng Informa- tion. the proj(octloni.at added tbal .me 180 people In two !"OnfeN-nce rooms. may view film. pro)eeted b)' hi. unique arrangement. Rory'l domain. thc Projection Room. Ilea betwC'en two large con- ference room. on the flnt floor of the Lab, with its floor built up about three fC'eL abo\'e the rest Ot the building. Two lines of four pro- jectorl each arc arranged .0 that e\·ery machine Ilrojeets through Its own "porthole" into one of the conference rooml. Control panels are placed agalnU the walla and b<;neath the portholes and pro"lde PCOdECTIO:i nOO)I-Cor)' O'Ccmoor worlis at a nUM"hine on one bank of In tM J'rojedion UllOm in Lab. Shown, lower ri#bt, Is the "'ide projec:tor. the finot or four nJaellinn eomllO""ina: the second bllnk of projcc:lor!ll in O'COllllorli dual s)"lilem. MI'ortholelJ" ma)' br l>een .bo'·e the eqwJNuent, "hile the control partelli .re liet· aplnlSt the "',dtlio ju-!>t betow the porlhol.... Page Four Irish Projectionist Gory O'Connor Designed, Operates Unique facility in Michelson Lab B" Glenna Ma)'d"1/- "Most of all, I would have liked to have been a singer," confessed Rocy O'Connor, Michelson Laboratory Projec- tionist and designee-operator of the Lab's dual projection facility. "Music has always been a part of my life and an unaccepted offer during school days to study in Italy has caused the greatest frustration of my life:' he added. M !ruh .. the leprechaun, .. ready access to whichever projee- frieDdly .... the little men of Ire- tora are in operation. )and'. folklore. and directly ne.- Vied constantly for Intra-station <:f'nded from Roderick O·Connor'. meetinp or orientation of mitor.. the lut King of Erin. deposed In the dual projection facility h .... the 11th Century. Rory·. every word earned wide approval for its de- and action I.yplfiea his Europe.n sl,ner. binh and education. IlJI modified by Earns 6-\'ear Scholarship the IIpirlt of adventure and hi. en- An aptitude for and excellent thuslutlc approval of hb adopted work In language- earned for him country. a .Ix-year lIcholar.hlp to the Irl.sh O'Connor came to the Indian College in Salamanca, Spain, fol- Wells Valley In the ran of 19W. He lowing preparatory .chooHng In flnt worked lUI projectionist at the Dublin and Belf.... t. Ire I and. Ridge theatre In Rldgecrelt. and Awarded a BaChelor of ArU degree then. In April, accepted a In ct.......ica In 1936 by the Spanish position .. clerk with the Chin" Unh-eraity, he WQ repatriated to Lake PoIIt Office'. He retained thia France at the inception of Spain" last job for three yean. until. In CIvil War. The remaining two April. 1964. hla .tatu as a new yean provided for by tbe aeholar- citizen allOWed him to accept a .hip were utilised In the .tudy of CIvil Service appointment ILlI Pro- philosophy at a I.lniven;ity in Paris. jectloni.t at Mlehel.3on Lab. re.pon. With education an Integra! part alble for all Station projection of his nature, O'Connor taugr:t equipment. Latin and hi. tory In Engli.h and I>e&il{n!l Ollal Projcetor high .lehooill for the ten years Recognbln, the need for more following 1938. adequate equipment. O'Connor de- Teaching, although hll livelihood, signed the Lab'. Dual Projcetlor\ was not hil first cnthusla.m. Con- Room Faclllty, to approximate WI .tinulng lnterl"3t In the thealre led ,.

Women's Quartet Gory O'Connor Designed, Operates Harmony ... · fita whleh result from the lllllIl&:t- eer for the period from .I.nuar)' I.S ance of thl&: office, experience as to

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I'tMPElATUUS........" .." .." .... ".. "" "" ..

, ., ...... 1, .f 9f IOf.b. II

Opinions:MOlIt of Ull are broad-minded

enough to admit that there are twolIidel to every queation-our own.lde, and the side that no Intelli­lent. Informed. sane and &elf-n­.pectln, citlscn could poulbly bold.

Health Insurance PlanApplications are .tlll beln, ac­

cepted for Group Health Insurancefrom all NOTS employees. Infor­mation reprding thl. policy maybe had by contactin, PegJY ),fa.cll.te. Ext. 711528. or by pe~nal In­terview between 10 Lm. and 2 p.nt..eaeh workln.. day In the HOu..lln~

Bulldln,. The Insurance plan haabeen found bighly IaU.faetory.Ince accident or hocpitallutlonCOllta are paid from tbe first dol­lar charged.

Friday, ,February 13, 1959,

Offtce, Domln.. Bid.... Top Deck

The OTS Liaison Office in Washington, D.C., andat OTS, under the cognizance of the Head of CentralStaff, was established in 19S1 at the request of the Bureauof Ordnance to provide continuous liaison between NOTSand various Bureau divisions.

Outlet! of the Llaiaon Officer have clfle Standard Time between thebroadened In .cope Ilncc that time Station and the L1alaon Office IIIto Include liaison with other agen- Washington.cle., both government and private, The call Is to iranlmlt uncla.ul­In Washington and .urroundin, fled meuages con.ldered ur,entareas. and requiring an amwer within

Staffed with a Uailon Officer fh'e day., and can be utlli:r.ed by allfrom NOTS whose tour of duty la StaUon peraonnel Contact on thefor .Ix weelu. and a full-time ad- Station for the liaison call la Cen.mlni.lltratlve aul&:tant.. a 1\"OTS em- tral StaIf. Room 202. Admlnistra­ployee residing In the Wuhinl"lOn Uon Bulldln,. Ext. 7294~

area. the r>."LO duty la ....I'"ed to i\lItlon D. Blatt. He&d of tbe "'1).0departmenta on a rotational basis. oratol"}' Braneh, Code PI&8l, p(O:r_

In addition to the pfOlram bene- formed tbe duties of lJa~o om.fita whleh result from the lllllIl&:t- eer for the period from .I.nuar)' I.Sance of thl&: office, experience as to February ~ 1&8. Ahln It. da.the Station'l Liaison Officer I. ex- cobse... Head of J)bJlllllement En.peeted to provide a number of sen- IineerinK Di\·lsion, Code nt, wlltlor Station personnel with direct act as Ual!lO" Officer for the "'eb­pel'llOn-lo-perlOn contact.'l with Bu- rUllr)' n to Mareh 27 period.reau personnel who deal with NOTSprograms and problem•.

The Washinlr10n LIDlllOn OfOc:e istocilled In the BUreflu of Oldltlinee.Uoom 4.2-16A, M.ln Na,'Y Building,18th and Constitution }l.'·enues ~"'V,

Washln(lon, D.C. 11 .. a "lIorneawa)' from bome" for tbe :SOTS,'llOllor to the \\'a~hlnrton area.

It ......1.U1 peJ'1ll()nnei on travel withItineraries and botel arrana::ementa;appointments with peJ'1ll()nnel In thearea, providea officet~ and stor­a,e for classified material, clericalhelp ... nccesaary, or any otherproblem the traveler may have.

Slation pe.....nnel are urged tocheck Into the Ual80n Office uponIIrrh"lll In thll \\'Ilshlnl{ton area aathis Ilrovldea II. COI1\·enlent point ofClOlltact with tbe Station.

Duties of the Ua*,n Officer In­elude follow up on m.eua,es trans­mitted via the lialaon call. ThlaeaU 11 made daiJ:;y at 9:.15 a.m.. Pa-

NOTS liaison Office ServesVital Communication Function

Hew 'Wing of All Faith Chapel Completed;Dedication Services Set for Next Sunday

Dedication services of the new wing of the All FaithChapel will be held at 3 p.m_ next SundaYI February u.The edjfice will serve as worship center for the Hebre~

congregation as well as Parish House for all faiths.Vllltln, dlgnltarlea who will takl

part In the dedication servlcCl arelRear Admiral E. B. Harp, Jr., CHc"USN, Ol.trlct Chaplain of the Elev_enth Naval Olatrict: and Command~

er F. H. Rickel, CHC, USNR, Aaoo.latant Diatrlet C:r.apla1n of UNO.

The pro,ram will be opened bijthe anthem "0 How Amiable" .una:by NOTS Community Chureh Choirfol1o",-ed by the Invocation by Mon­.Ignor J. F. Ryan, Paalor of santaBarbara Mluion.l.

Don Sln,cr, sludent Rabbi ofNOTS HebftW Temple. will readthe Scripture and a quartet con_.laUn, of Mr. and Kn.. Eldon Dunnand Mr. and lin. Perry Stone wUl.In, the P.ll1m of Dedication.

Captain T. J. Dumont. PublldWork.. Officer, will perform thededlcatlon presentaUon and cap­tain W. W. H011lst(':r, StallOD Com·m.ander, the acceptance.

Dedication prayer will be dell...ered by Rear Admiral E. B. Harp.Jr.. of UNO, folowed by the Ae­knowleda:ment by Dr. Max Dubm.Prealdent of NOT'S Hebrew Con­..reptlon. In additlon to hia pal">'Uelpatlon In the .ervleea. RAdm.Harp ~..U1 .peak at the U Ln'1. PfOt..eatant lIoernce In the All FaithChapel.

Followln, the anthem "Cod SU­pl1!m(':, To Thee- We Pra,.- by thechoir, Cdr. R. H. Rickel. also ofUNO, will deliver the dedicationaddres•. The Reverend J. L. Reid.Jr., Pa.tor of NOTS CommunityChurch will elO6e the dedlcatlonceremonies with the Benediction.

Social Security ManWill Answer Questions

Anyone wi.hina: to file a claim

PhoM;llllSM, 726lI2, 116M

f'red Riehard

Richards to SpeakAt Stove Pipe Wells

"Death Valley and Your Camera"will be the tllle of an illustratedtalk to be presented by Fred Rich­ard. at the Stove Pipe \Vells Holel,Saturday. February 21, at 8 p.m.The public I. Invited to altend.

Rlchanb, a ,raphlc aria coordi­nator for TID, will .how hi. col·ored slides of Death Valley and ex­plain the technique used. In photo­,raphing them. Hia talk ",-ill covereffecth-e eamera angles. IIghtina.choice of .ubject. composition. de­tall. and expaau~

He h.... .bo aerved as a colorconault&nt for the Photograpbic So­e1ely of America. and .... a ..Ionjud,e for the international ColorExbibits. Hi. work b.... been ex­hibited at the Museum of ModernArt, New York., and the ElllItmanKodak at Rocheater.

Richards holds the rank of :MajorIn the Civil Air Patrol. an auxiliaryof the U. S. All' Foree, and is com­mander of CAP Cadet Squadron 84at C:r.in.a Lake.

Activities PlannedFor JP Employees

.1unlor ProfeuionaI employeea atNOT'S, .Ithough jU3t eDteriD, theirehOieD profe..lon following coll(':Ie,raduation, are not forgotten uponarrival here. Since tbe R.e<:ruit­ment Panel activity I. directly re­.pon..lble for the hlr.l of manyJ.P:. each yelr. and for the tem­porary employment ot .tudenu Intrainee position. during lummervacation., the R.e<:reatlon Commit­tee has become an active part ofthe Recruitment P.nel.

Acti'ities to be Offered J.P:.and Summer Studenta durin, 1859Include: field trip to Death Valleyon Saturday. March 7. coordinatedby John Feemater; a danee .t theCommunity Center in ),fay: .w1mparty and trip to Whitney Portal InJuly; trip to ~ke babella in AuC­wt.. a Hobby and Club Day and aRecreation Day. both In September.October's activitlet! will be a tripto Coso Hot Sprln,s and a \Vlves'tour of the Station. Final programof the ye.r will be the field trip tothe gholll lown of Calico in Novem­,"".

All Junior Profesaional3 andau.mmer .tudenta. their wives, hut­banda or (IIe-ta may participate Inthe activitie.. ThOle who wish to ,"0 RAdIO. & B. Harp, .Ir.to Death Valley on March 7 .hould 1 _make !'eWrv.tlons for bua tran.­portation with John Feemster, ExLt328. immediately.

Station-furnl.hed buse.. lIeatin«70 adulta, will depart at 7:30 a.m..from the Community Center park- for Social Security benefiU or hav­Ing lot. TbOie makin, tbe trip .re In, que' tiona rep.!'dln.. 80elal $eoasked to brlnl plentc lunche. anI!" eutity, ma~ WUllam -Yamamoto,beveraget;. Social Security Admlnlltratlon rep-

reaentative at thc Security Office,).Ialn Gate. Tuesday. Fcbruary 17,and \Vednesday, February 1& Hewill be at the Gate from 8 a.m. to11 a.m. each day.

U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, Celifornill

File Now for HousingI'el'llon» ""llIhlna: to be eOllllld­

ered for houalnl", olher than thatIn "'hleh the)' now retlld~ ","hoare not on the ptelient hpullin..list. must CUe .. application onor before February %7, 19.59. an·Douneea Co .I. FaUptter, Heed.H_intr D1rls1on.

Applications ~ived. by Feb­ruary n wUl become etfllCU"1lon thIl lIo-.ln, list .·hkh .·Illbe In eCfeet from April 1thrOUlh September ..

FomlS are a,..u..blll at theBouslnJ' Offkre. AppJlea..la mustfile their reque-t during rep1a.r"'orklnlt' hOll .... The office I. 011­en Mondll)' through Frida)'.from 7:SO-1t:SO ..Ill. and 1%:30­.:30 p.m.

ROCKETEERBudd (loU. Editor

Whol_ y ••_ -dti tI .

........ I" ""'lbll I",,- _ II-. 0fId


_M.... SigaurnIIY

pllEClKS ENTR.I&S-raul Some­lIOlI. OIIl1la Lake Golf Oub pro,eheek' the entrtes for tomorrow'/!"OIICII UOII'W)" 9·Hole Oolf Tour.nament while H-ye.r-old Dale!\Ieall. winner of last. week', tourna­mellt. -.en.s ."-orbed In seleetlna:the proper ball for tomorrow',olfinl frll)·.

Da),-Iong festivities will bighHght the dedication of theChina Lake Golf Club House tomorrow. Beginning at 9:30 Ia.m., activities will include a 9-hole tournament, driving Iand putting contests, dinner and dancing. Capt. W. \Y!.Hollister, Station Commander, will present trophies forthe day's winners at dedication ceremonies at 4 p.m' l saidClub president FJoyd Rockwell.

The Club House culminate. eight yean later. Tt was not until June,yean of work by memhcn to bring 19M that NOTS' golfera were ableChina Lake one of the flne.t counes to pIll)· and eompete on the pr...entIn the area. In 1900. the .land eourac graa course wblch was desllned byWlU constMlcted, followed b)' the nationally known golfer Billy Bell.G'.-acre ,rau drivlnl ran,e foul' and la maintained by greenkceper

Pat Cropper.The coune waa built ,,;lth money

from the recreation fund .... a partof Special Services' activltie-. ~eentire operaUon is seU-tupportlna:,at no coat to the laxpa)·era.

The new Club House. completedIn October, J903. Is a U-.hapedIItructure compriBed of three But·ler Huts. and containing lockerroom~, wash rooma, a .nack bar0JlCn dally, the loun,e and the ProShop whcre golf equipment may bepureha.ed or clubs rented. Thebuilding, with about 4600 squarefeet or floor .pace, i.lI a creat Im­provement over the orlglnJIl clubbou_half a Quonset Hut. movedfrom the sand course.

Every resident of the IndianWells and Searles Valley. ia in·"ited to atund tomorrow'. openlnlactivltle.. The entire day'. fmlvl­ties wlll coet U:ll5. ""hieh Inelude.dinner, the tournament 8lld danc­In,. Non-elub memben will paythe 11.26 f..-tlvltle. ehar,(':, and only$1 more for green fees. Anyone mayparticipate In the driving and put­ting eontCita for an added 215 eenlafor each rivalry.

Memben;blp In the China UlkeGolf Cub la open to all mllitarypeJ'1ll()nnel on the StatioD and to allCh·n Service empwyeea aa well

(Continued 00 Pa,e 4)

Only 23 yeaI'! of a,e. the Poll.hplanlU-not related to the RUlllliancompoaer-has captivaled world­wide audience. and crltla with hispollahed technique 8lld hi. aensl­th'e playln, reflectinl ton.1 beauty.excellent control and a real under­atandln.. of each compo"Cr'. Intent.

TchalkoW..lky·. personal history lafilled with the harron; underconedurint: the German inVatlon of Po­land In li3ll and the .uceeeding)'ean .pent In hldin, or In eaeap­Jna: n(':\lf dangers. Somehow, withobvioul determination and pene­verance, the younpter manal"ed tofind pianos and to study whereverbe went.

He entered the National Conler­vatory In Pari. In 1948 and twoyear. later, won the coveted Firati)1edal. Upon rcturnlng to Poland

Tuesday's Civic Concert To PresentTchaikowsky's Brilliant Piano Artistry

In 1"1, he bepn the .tudy of com­poaltion and haa pu~ued thlt acti­vity .Ince. He h... completed a do~­

en or more composltioft3 and dur­in, hi. firat Amcrlcan tour In 1~1

was workin, on a concerto.The planl.t was a pri~_wlnner

at the 19M Chopin Competition InWarsaw. Follow i n g concertithroughout Poland and In Yugo­tlavla and Bulgaria, he enteredthe Queen Ellutbeth CompetitionIn Bruuel. In June. 1M3 probablythe world'. moat Important m.ualc.1rivalry.

A prise winner .1_ that conte.t..Tchaikowaky made a profound 1m­preulon on audience.. critles andjudges, amon, them Arthur Ruben­atein, who coMlders the young manaa "one of the fine-t pianltU of hisgeneration; be I. even better thanthat-he II a wonderful ml.l.lelan:·

Vol. XV, No.6

Golf Club House DedicationFestivities Will Be Tomorrow

nille performanoe lie.ts rna)' bepurchalled from 6;Sf-3 p.m. at lhethenlre boxofnee the e'·tnlnlt of Ihepl'rforlllnnce, for $t.5(I, p.::3. P and,=

Third In the aeries of oUUland­In, mu.leal attractions aeheduledfor prNenlation to Indi.n \'VellaValley rNldenUl will be th(': brilliantplano artl.try of Andre Tch.lkow·• ky at the Station Theater ne:lttTue.oay, February 17. beginning at8:Hi p.m.• declared Dr. lvar High·berg. pre.ldent of the Board of the1'l"OTS' Civic Concert Assoclatlon,.ponlOr or the programs.

Tehalkowlky's concert will In­klude Mourt', "Fanla..lia and SonataIn C MlnorM; "'Sonala in E nat Ma­jor." Cpw 31. No. 3. by Beethoven:Bartok'. "Musique- Noeturnea":three ),(a:r.urku by ~m.nowlkl

and Chopln't "Ballade No. S" and"Four Etude-....

13, 1959.Friday, February

World Prayer DayCelebrated Tonight

The Indian Welt. Valley CouncUof United Church Women "'ill ob­.er'\'e the 1m \Vorld Day of Pray.er at 8 p.m.. tonight at the GraceLutheran Chul"Ch In Rid,ecrl"'llt.The \Vorld Day of Prayer chain be.,-Ins In the TonlR I1landa u dawnbreaks over the.e tropic lalell andthroughoulthe day ob3ervances willbe held In 14<1 countrie., endln,with the IICtUn.. of the sun on SLLawrence Island, AllllIka.

Each year this "Crvlce I. plannedb)' a different country. Thi. year'."Crnee comea from the ChrLstlanwomen of EOPL The committeeIncluded women from Angliean andEvanl"E'-lieal ehurches. but moat ofthe membera we're from the Coptiechureh. ao anelent lnatitution whichhas underyone many hardship. Inits .trunle to keep .Ii'·e Ita faith.These deKend.nUl of one of theolden Chri31lan aeets chose for the19M theme-··Lord. I Belic"e:'

The purpoae of the Day Ia tounite all ChrJ.Uans In a bond ofprayer. to pray for all the people ofthe world and to make an offerln,for Christian mi..iona at honnand abroad. Offerln,. reeei\'ed areused for work with the mlgrantaand American Indian.. Interde.nominational Chrl.tian colleges InAsia and AIrll:a and Chriatian lit.erature abroad.

Repre"Cntati'·e. from the GraceLutheran Church. 1\"01'S Commu­nity Otur<:h. St. Michael's Episco­pal Church and the Rid,ecrestCommunity Methodi.t Church willparticipate In thc program.

The public I. Invited to attendthe service.

To Be Dedicoted Sunday

lIAlUi\UNG IT UP-C'hlna Lake (lolf Club membertl narold Turrter (Ieftll!Ind dim !lunette,. eaJl attention 10 the "Open Houllf'" i-hole Golf Tourna­moent ,,-hleh -st.rl lomorrow at i::Ml Lm. on the toeal eoun.e. All retll·dents of Indian \\·eIl5 and SearlC5 \·al1t'~· m.)· eompele.

:or."EW \\-ING-Enelrcled al rillht lA the ne"" "inl{ of Ihe All Failh Chapelwhich "'IUlien'e a!I • ",-onhlll «nter for the Hebrew ConK"n:'ption as wellB!l I"rb,h Uou,;e for all faUhli follollinK: SUlld.)··1I dedication lief\'lees.

China lake Schools PreparingScience, Math Fair Exhibits


Irishman tried out for varloupatta. but his dreams were dampell·ed when he learned that withoutmemberllhlp In the then closed Ac­lou' Equity he would receive nnIIftlary. Next best to aclunl partici_pIllion In Iheatrlcal productlonl, hefelt.. was projection work. and here-entered that field shortly be­fore filing for American cltl~n­

ahlp.Rory received hll first papera In

IlH9. and In December. 1953. heproudly related the receipt ofAmulean c1t1u:nshlp.

"The mOllt thrillinc of all my ex­periences wu receivin, Americaneitl~nship, O'Connor mentioned."and J IOmeday hope to travelthroughout the country. learnlncmore lbout It and Its people." Hehas two ,i.tera llvin, In Londonand expecta, IOmetlme, to vl.itth('m.

Oi3playlng .Incere .all~facUon

and real contcntment with hi. ure.Rory's .tlll .trona: IntereU In showbu.lne.. and the "nice thlnp InIIfe~ occupy thouchta and effort..sdurin, much of hia free time.

Women's QuartetHarmony Group

Slates Songfest\'(Tomen interested in de­

veloping their talents alongthe "harmonious" avenues ofbarbershop quartet singingare invited to attend :t song­fest and organizational meet­ing in the Anchorage at 7:30p.m. on Saturday, February21.

To hl,hlia:ht the me.-ting. ilIepopular CoroneU(IlI from P-..adenJIand Judy Randall. Vice Re,ent cfthe Far Wet;tern Ol.ltrlct.. will behere to .lUmulate Intere.t and des­cribe the function of ilIe orp.nlu.­tlon.

Known as the "Sweet Adeline••Inc.," an international non-profit,roup detigned to edueale Ita mem­ben In the art of four-part har­mony. the organization I. the fem­Inine counterpart of the Society forthe Prell(!rvation and Encourage-ment of Barbenhop Quartet Slng- Student underatanding of .lelen-Ing In America (SPEBSQSAI. tiCic concepts "'ill again be ably

A tnlrted ,·oice. Of" leehnlcal nm- demon.llrated Saturd Y. Februaryalcal ~ka:round ~ not ~,>'. 28. at the fourth annual Sciencebul an "ear" for music. or 50me and Math Fair to be held on theknowledl[e of harmony Is desirabl~ Burrou,h. Hip School Campu.

Each Individual chapter I. an ....- Exhibits ue being prepared byset to Ita community. Sweet Ade- each Irade level. from klnderp.rtenlinea are the flrat to offer thei:> throua:h senior hirh ciUlle.I. andtalent for entertainment at civic each exhibit or demon.tratlon willevents and charitable functioft3. 111 prelent a COUI"Sl! of !Clentlflc .ludyaddition. a Sweet Adcllne chapter undertaken by the group prcparlngpromote. harmony among women, thc dllplay. Each presentation I.both vocally and Iplrltually. expected to demonstrate a mllthe­

The .tructure of the national or- matical or .lelentlfle principle. ealilyganlUltion Wllll set up In Tulsa. underatandable to visitoll: how­Oklahoma, In October. 19(7. and lever. junior high and high .choolpresently boa!lls almon 200 chap- student!! will be available to dill­tera with Individual mcmberahlp3, CUllS their projecta during the hounof ~,ooo. of the lo"'alr.

Elemenlary dl3plan----tud,. unitt

Little League Prospects direeted by the teache.r covering ~topic ehC*'n by the c1au-""1II be

May Apply Nex.t Week "Ct up In the Burrougb, auditoriumApplicat'ons for China lAke Lit· and will present not only the prin­

tie LeaJ"Ue baseba.ll playen will bo:o eiple involved. but abo what aetu­dl.tributed through the aehooli ally happened in the e1...... room Innext Monday. February 16, it was development of the lItudy unit.announced thi. week by plal'en' Space travel it the pro)eet of oneagent Pete Nicol. The appllcatlonl rirat and .econd grade group; alIhould be returned to the .chooill pre.entatlon on lumber, the growthby February 19, whcther or not the pattern of treel and the Ulle' ofboy played last year. wood wtll be made by a fifth grade

Any boy who wlll not be 13 yearl e1us and a ,Ixth grade dl3play wlllof age before AUJ"Ust 1. 1959. Is feature underwater actlvitlel.eligible. It i.lI a policy of the loeal Junior High and High School ex­Lea,ue that e'·ery boy who applies hibits the work of Indlvlduall orwill be as.slgned to a team. Imall. Informal ,",ups-will be dis­

Tryouts will be held March 7, 14, played In the Junior Win.. of theand 21. Thi. year. _II 8-year-olds High School building. ExhlblUl In_

___-'~_'Iwillbe assigned to the AAA League photography and IndU-'ltrial ArUland 111'111 not lJ'}·Ollt. All other boyl will be pre"Cnted this )'ear for thenot already the property of an A. firat time.LcaJ"Ue team m.U31 U')'out on one Past Seience and Math FaJra haveof thelle daYI. drawn parents.•upervl.$Ors. mC'm-

Meetings of China lAke Little bell of teaehera' collegel. teacher••League dlrecto~ are held the flut principal.. college studenta.•den­and third Monday. or each month tlsta and many other. intcrelted Inin the Safety Building at 7:30 p.m. student IlcHvlty in Idence. Most ofAdult. who are able to help are In- them hflve becn impreued by thevited to attend these meelln,s. development of local Itudentl In

Three new managera were Iclcct- science and by the pr('S('ntatlons Chief Petty Offlcera' fee. nte $15ed to replace retiring managen; at displa}·ed. monthly: enli31ed men under E-'lthe Ian meeting: JOl" Hibbs re-I---------------I rating. S3 per month. Non-mem-place. Buck Iknton of the Dodgera; CI bH be~ may enjoy a full day on theJOl" Seibold replac:.l Raoul Landry U ouse tOUr!Je for the S3 g~ f('('ll onof the Giants: and John )1aeho",·.k~' •• • weekends and holidays. or $2 du,,"r~place. Rudy Zagala of the Tij(:- (Continued from Page 11 ing the week. Enll3ted men belowera. All the retirl"l" managera are !olemberahip for civilian. and off!- E-i pay only fifty cents per day orcong....tulated for their effort aoll ~ra is $8 per month. phu an addl- Sl.25 for weekends and holiday..-ervlce to the Ullie LeaJ"Ue. tional $:1: for full family prh1Ie&e.. &Teen fee..

him Into memberllhlp with theBritllh Film Inullute, whosc Am.erlcan counlerpart Is the Academyof Motion Picture Arts and Scienc­ea, and into learning the dclaih,and duties of film projection.

Gre-tettt Alh'elilure1t w.... says Rory, his adventur­

ous spirit which led him to emi­pate to the United State.. Tripi! toEngland and .tudy In Spain andFrance didn't 38t\..lfy hb interest Inother eountries and other peoples."I decided to come to Amerlc<twhile in Spain." Rory remarked."but It was nol until February, 19(.3,that emigration quotaa allowed meto come."

With no prospecta of a job. butwith the $A,OOO that unsponsoredemigrallts were required to have,O·Collnor. after a few week's ex­ploration of Ncw York. uavclcddirectly acrOIlll the country to ~Angeles. Still hopeful of a careerIn show bulnell.l, the 36·year-old




Pot.f.b. 18

r.... 19

f.b. :0

Capt. H~lIisterBegins AII=H~nds MeetingIn order to pin more insight Into employee "iewpoint .nd to provide

an opportunity for employee, to uk que-tlons of • leneral nature. capt.\\'. W. Holli..lter. Station Comm.nder. h.... begun the "Cries of 33 AlI­Hand. Meetlnp with personnel of .11 departmenu. The first meetingwas held .Monday for Command Admlnlnration Department employC('L

All perlOnncl may .ubmit que.lion. to thcir department head In ad­vance of the meetingl scheduled for their department. ThclIe question.""ilI then be forwarded to Lt. L. J. Previati, Admlni..llrative A.uistantto the Commander.

The February schedule of All-Hand. meetlngs I. u follow.:r..... PI.... Cod' fib. 20 3 p.m. M. LoA>

3,)0 p.m. Com. c..~!er 17 Ca••tI,IO 30f .... 2.S 3 p,rn. Corn. Ce,,'" 51

3.30 p... Corn. <:-",.. 65/l'jIa f.b 26 3030 p m. Com, c:....... 751l'jIa10 ",M. Iol tab feb.. 27 2 p.m. ta_ 0".•otg )0

Call'" 30 , .... 27 3 p.rn. ta~ 0". IJdv.3O

e I a 5 ely IlS poulble, theatricalequipment giving really profellllion­al prelcntatlon•. Built by the Pub­lic Work. Department under hi.direction. the double projection.,.stem w.... initially utilized In8t'ptember, 1903.

Empbaslzln, that the use of film-movie or .tUl-remains a princi­pal means of pre.entlng Informa­tion. the proj(octloni.at added tbal.me 180 people In two !"OnfeN-ncerooms. may view film. pro)eetedb)' hi. unique arrangement.

Rory'l domain. thc ProjectionRoom. Ilea betwC'en two large con­ference room. on the flnt floor ofthe Lab, with its floor built upabout three fC'eL abo\'e the rest Otthe building. Two lines of four pro­jectorl each arc arranged .0 thate\·ery machine Ilrojeets through Itsown "porthole" into one of theconference rooml. Control panelsare placed agalnU the walla andb<;neath the portholes and pro"lde

PCOdECTIO:i nOO)I-Cor)' O'Ccmoor worlis at a nUM"hine on one bankof ~uiJNIH'nt In tM J'rojedion UllOm in iUie~lsoon Lab. Shown, lowerri#bt, Is the "'ide projec:tor. the finot or t~ four nJaellinn eomllO""ina:the second bllnk of projcc:lor!ll in O'COllllorli dual s)"lilem. MI'ortholelJ" ma)'

br l>een .bo'·e the eqwJNuent, "hile the control partelli .re liet· aplnlStthe "',dtlio ju-!>t betow the porlhol....

Page Four

Irish Projectionist

Gory O'Connor Designed, OperatesUnique facility in Michelson Lab

B" Glenna Ma)'d"1/-"Most of all, I would have liked to have been a singer,"

confessed Rocy O'Connor, Michelson Laboratory Projec­tionist and designee-operator of the Lab's dual projectionfacility. "Music has always been a part of my life and anunaccepted offer during school days to study in Italy hascaused the greatest frustration of my life:' he added.

M !ruh .. the leprechaun, .. ready access to whichever projee­frieDdly .... the little men of Ire- tora are in operation.)and'. folklore. and directly ne.- Vied constantly for Intra-station<:f'nded from Roderick O·Connor'. meetinp or orientation of mitor..the lut King of Erin. deposed In the dual projection facility h....the 11th Century. Rory·. every word earned wide approval for its de­and action I.yplfiea his Europe.n sl,ner.binh and education. IlJI modified by Earns 6-\'ear Scholarshipthe IIpirlt of adventure and hi. en- An aptitude for and excellentthuslutlc approval of hb adopted work In language- earned for himcountry. a .Ix-year lIcholar.hlp to the Irl.sh

O'Connor came to the Indian College in Salamanca, Spain, fol­Wells Valley In the ran of 19W. He lowing preparatory .chooHng Inflnt worked lUI projectionist at the Dublin and Belf....t. Ire I and.Ridge theatre In Rldgecrelt. and Awarded a BaChelor of ArU degreethen. In April, 1~1. accepted a In ct.......ica In 1936 by the Spanishposition .. clerk with the Chin" Unh-eraity, he WQ repatriated toLake PoIIt Office'. He retained thia France at the inception of Spain"last job for three yean. until. In CIvil War. The remaining twoApril. 1964. hla .tatu as a new yean provided for by tbe aeholar­citizen allOWed him to accept a .hip were utilised In the .tudy ofCIvil Service appointment ILlI Pro- philosophy at a I.lniven;ity in Paris.jectloni.t at Mlehel.3on Lab. re.pon. With education an Integra! partalble for all Station projection of his nature, O'Connor taugr:tequipment. Latin and hi. tory In Engli.h and

I>e&il{n!l Ollal Projcetor Irl~h high .lehooill for the ten yearsRecognbln, the need for more following 1938.

adequate equipment. O'Connor de- Teaching, although hll livelihood,signed the Lab'. Dual Projcetlor\ was not hil first cnthusla.m. Con­Room Faclllty, to approximate WI .tinulng lnterl"3t In the thealre led


FISH UOOK HARGE--"Ieasurin"100 feet oul from the ba-.e .nd 1Mfeel from the water to lloe toppoint. the ....illh Hook II> upeoe.ted 10be put Into operation .ll.reb 1;$ Inthe POP-UI> Pro".nun where It wtllc.tch dumlU)' missiles In the .Ir110 Ihey can be reco\'t"~d withoutd.ma.e and ~u§Cd. The baree ItbelnK built for NOTS by the Lon~

Ue.ch N.val Shlp)'&rd. The retrie,·•In~ enline. detil,,"~ .nd built byNAEF, III mounled on • Cat.mar­an bIIrge comlMlSed of two 1'0barlell with. connecting IIlnleture.The b.r"", alJlO has II. housin" fot'the retrieving engln", .nd .n In..trumenl '·.n for ojleratlonJl,

Being Built for NOTS

Passive Defense Film"1 n d u. t r I a I Deeontaltlin.tion

),fethocb" is tbe title of a PlWliveDdl!1Ue film aeheduled for three.howlnp today-.t 12:30 p.rn.. 1 p.m.••nd 1:30 p.m. in the Building 7confel'f!nce room.~

Bridge EnthusiastsTo Meet Monday

The NOTS Bridge Club will holdlUi next meeting Monday evenln&,.February 16. at Wlllard YouthCenter. All NOTS bridge enthusl­&aLi are Invited. Persons intere.tl!dIn p.nlclpating are asked to con­tact Bob Sullivan, Ext. "41, (or par_Uculara.

Master point ..innel'S at the lutmeeting on February 2 were lUI fol_low.:

North-SoulhFil'St, BIU White and Bob SuUl­

van: Second, Jean and \Vendl!llAlexander; Third, Pat Kavanaurnand Uoyd Bierer.

East-West·FIl'1It, Irene \Vhlte and Betty

Yout.; Second, Blanche .nd LyleReust; Third. Bill and Jame. Der­by.

Noon-Time Program..Japan-Lo.nd of Encbantml!nt"

is thl! Utle of thl! color-~und movieIK'hedul~ for the noon-time enter­tainml!Dt procram on WednClJday,Febru.ry l.8. aeeordinz to FredEaton. p~m chairman.

Seats Still OpenFor European Trip

The reHrvation. Ii.t for theNOTS Overseas C1ub'lI Europeanvac.tlon Is two-thirds filled. ac­cordln&, to Leonard Semeyn. ch.lr.man. The chartered pl.ne can .c­commod.te 80 pasaenCel'1l.

The croup'. ,"&Calion beet'" Kay27 when they depart Los Angell!"rolnr vi. New York City. and land­In&, .t London on lotay 29.

One croup of vacationel'1l pl.n totour Southern Europe Ineludllll"En,land, Belclum. Holland. Ger­many. AlUtria. Swlturland, Iw,..Ueehteratein. ),Ion.co. _nd France.

Another crouP will tour 1rdand.Scotland, Enc1and, .nd France.Ot.bel'1l pl.n to rent. car and tour"on their own." E'.... ryone .-ill ren­dnvous In PaN a month later torl!turn home.

The uniquely low cost of the trip.leas than $lIOD, Is madl! ~Ible

principally beeaWle of tbe cbartl!r·ed .ircraft witb the ml!mbera .b.r.in&: the pro-rata COllI.

Chest X-RaysTo Be Taken

Hoopsters HoldingTop league Spot

Paaaden.'. baskl!tJn,1I team, man·aged by Norm McDonald. b holdingtop lpot In the Induetrial learnewith two other te.ma-P.sadenaPolice and Fire Department "8."And theae two teamt arc .cheduledto play each other, Which Il!avellonly one game between the NOTShoopsterl and the learue cham·plonlhlp for the 1K'C0nd .ueee8llveyear.

The NOTS team I• .scheduled fortv."O more pmes, thl!n learne play­offa wlll commence.

Golfers PlanHoi iday Outing

NOTS Paaad~na coIfl!1'1I areplamlinc to tab advantq:e of theforlhcomlnc bollday. Fl!bruary 23­by .pt"ndlD&' the dt.y .t the City ofSan Clemente Golf OoUI'1le.

Five .tartlnC tlmn. beJinnlnc .t9 a.m.. h.'·e been Rt up whlc~

means th.t 2:0 pl.Yl!n can parti­cip.te. The fee Ls $3 whlcll will cov"er l!ntry fee and priu!:l.

Golfen are .dvlaed to notlf,.Kick Salnn, Elr;l 2:18. or Bill White,Elr;t. «, of thl!Ir Intention to playon th.t day 10 that foun.omu withcompetitive handlcaJ)ll ma)' be .etu~

Discount Tickets}o{ e m b l! r. hlp In Dllneyland·.

·':M.rlc Kingdom Club," In .ddltlonto livinc certain dl.counUi .t DIa­neyland. abo l!nLllln ml!mben andtheir f.mili to • ten per cent dl.-count to W.lt DU:ney'. teehnl.rama production of "Sleepln" acau·....

Thfll.e membl!!'Ihlp cardl are.....II.ble through the Emplo)'eesService ()rp.nlu.tlon by contact.lll&'Bob Holll.ter. Room ~1. BulldlD&'~


Chf'mlc.1 En!l"ineer, GS-Il 1'0 No.!6Il6:., Oode 1'80';\' PC!rform appliedre....arch on • new high energyliquid propellant for torpedo tur­bine gall I"eneratonll. In connectlon""Ith eombulltlon uperlmenUl, worltInclude. evaluation and adjustml!ntof pby.leal and chemical proper­tiel of varlolU propellant formula·lion-. ad.pUon .nd dea.icn of celltl"tu, ~uctlon of teu data. andthermlldynamlc calculatlona.

File allplleatlonll ..ilh Roberta.I0l'Jenlien. Exteoslon 119.



' ....ofAHOIf lOW1COWSlCY

_no...ktw40y ..... s.onct., _ I .........,...

' ...... " Ify

(v!N1NQ"'SUIMAalHl SlAHAWIC"" (1.4 Min.1

JGhn lontloy••0'1\ Hol:wySHQf:TS, "COl foood" {1 MlnJ.'StyIorId..' fI...... II' 1tllt>J

WiudJ. g).oim;I~ l2t:£l?t:ATIf)~

Rocketeer DeadlinesNell'" Tul"td.y. ":30 p.m.Photen, Tuead.Y. 11:30 a.m.

""",..."GID!OH 0#- SCOT\ANll YAtO" {9! Mi...l

Jock Howlti ..., 0'0..... foo....lNo .,~. o""llablel

SHOltTS, "L9h' Ofl tn. "'I" {7 Mi... l"Spatll.. 00\1. 1,1;.1<1" (9 Min.l

MATlN!!",IUn5 0#- TIJ'OI.l" (70 MloI.)

Po~1 Koo>r.ldSHOITS, "lobi" Hoodlu>n" {1 Ml...1

"Wild .. Il H1ckol<"' o.,pl. N:>.. S (la MinJ.

F6doy, Februory 13, 1959


THUts.-1I1. na. 1'-20"NEVU Sru.t AHYlMINO $IrItA1t"194 MMo.I

.,Io.....~. st..,..,. .......!No~. 0Y0-Iob~I

SHOt7So "tol" ~" C7 Min.)"lolow tn. JCooo,1" {9 Mi>tJ

5UN..MOH. 1EL IS.""NO NAME ON TH! lUUIT"" (71 MilL)

".... _ •• Joan ho_

tNo ...,.............iloblelSHOrtS,""M Put TroubI." U Min.l

'T1aYeI Tlpo" (I' Mlt>J


SATURDAY 4 nL 21"l'IOHTlU SCOUT" (113 Mil\.l

TOftY Merl; ..SHOITS, "Thr.. eor....flI T_..... (7 Mll\.t"Wildl<1l Hoelok" Chopt..- No. 6 (la Mil\.l.


, ,.

W£DNISOAT 'EI. If"WHiff W1lO1l1HU$" (70 w..)

A WO<l Oi_, o..a-t....,SHOll, "uvo-t 01 S"'"'PY HoUoot" (32 MinJ

"I. M0I5TU" (IO Mlft.)51 Cochron. Ulo Milo". llll 51. C1r

GIl one! GOng.I.... c"ld-bloodod kllll"ll"."'G01"'" btutal boe"lngl "0'Id 0 .",1""11", of"K, ryplllfli b, llll 51. (yr. dGl 11>11 l\'IIkolII"" <tf 0 90",.,-<" Ill., T "01'19'. "Glv.MJ l_" "'.. ..., Mh. ,.. c , ond "lOll.1.ono1y one! lOGklng I", l_" ..., .....1SouIhor" odd '0 the m",,1co1 louch.

SHOIlT$. "A l .... 1ft lJo.ko" (9 Mll\.)"Nol KIno Calol" (II MlI\.I

rUU..W!D. fU. 24-2'",.....lY OIU" (t9 MIn.)

toborr Toylor. C.,.d Otooi...'C..._Sc~"""'l. Go,.,I'" ond

girls ond I>'GIWbol__ 0Ilc09G~-.-Iv -" .....- ... "- 1M GudJooy;.In ...__. "-t, __n1 n,ghtclub po _ plocI..", 1_1udo\ w;lh~ c ond lot;.. o.cr; donci....

Sl'tOIT, ".lc>hoonyo HI" (7 M. l

SUN.-MON. fU. 22·23"tH! SHUI" Of' ftACT1JREO JAW"'

,Joy.... """....".Id. lCon...lh Moor.W0I1.." '0001 In O..._Scope, O.lIlK'

c"I.... Plcel.. 0 "I.ndotfoot" f,,,,,, 16th eo...11,01)/ England In lhe mIddle of the wild "nd",,0011, .........rita" _It I, the _rv concolllhol h..pir-.l Ihi ...... ""lth "lenlV 01 "'!IV....J"1'" Ma"lf,.ld. dona holl 9"'...... hor"""'."";"n ",-'i..... 10 ......t. hllorlouoeorlcCll"... of .. II 'M IIa.h, I_I.. ""ho ......11<IU...-.l In 0 ITontl., ...Ioon.

SoItO*TS, "kocUl& """''' (9 Mil\.l~

By Je.,. Co"', Rt~d;o,. D;,eclurThere will be:l vuict)" of w:lys to celebrate Valentine's

D:ay if you're going to be on the Station Saturda)T.It )"OU ba"en't _n the Golf Club the National Cy.t1e Ftbr-.-a Foun- The Mobile X-Ray UnIt will be

House ainu lUi recent redecoration, datioll.. Teen.aa-el'1l and aU millary at !.be Foothill locaUon on Thul'1l-the Open HoUM on the 14th .,..ould and civUian penonnel are invited d.y and Friday, February li-20. forbe • wonderful tbne to vlait and Cel to atteDd. I cbest euminatlon of all clvUlan

al ted Ith th Ioc: I Ir employ~ .nd muttary penonnelacqu n we. &:0 ae- ),Ilaic will be by the 1Ie1 CobD and their dependl!ftt.t.Uvltle-. Wl!.tber permitUn&'. the Combo. 'I'ha will be the fJl'1It SU.toumament wlJl .tart at 9:30 a.m. tJon .p~rance of the re«ntly Pay cbeekt today b.ve attadled"ith lJPeClaJ creen fee. for llOn- fonned orcb8tra. There will be a .pec:lal IBM card whlcb ill to beml!mbel'1l. free refreshmenUi and door On- fiJJ~ In b,. the employee and pnn

to the rect.trar wben reporUnC for,'all!nUne 8e~m Dance will be awarded. DonaUoIUI of 'I the X-Ray examlnatlon. Cllrd. will

A VaJenUne Benefit Danu will be per penon will be ta.lien at the door. be Rnt to milit.ry penonnl!1 forheld .t the Anehorace on Saturday In ea&e )·ou .re not famlllor with rompll!tion by them and their de--el....nlnc from ':31).12 mldnlcht. Tbe this apoMorinc: orp.nlu.Uon, Beta pendenUi who are ineluded In t.h.LId.nn " .poraorecl by Beta SI~. Sigma Pbi is an InternaUonal ... acheduie.Pbl, and the proeeedl ..ill CO to rorlty wbOl'to pul"pOH is to providl!

a continuous pro&ram of flne .m The unit will Ht up operatloJU .tLbrouCh cultural, -oelal, .nd phl)&n- the north end of Buildln, ~ .ndthropic aetiviti..... It coJUlsUi of employees .hould report for thl!ir130.000 .cti~ memben comprU!n_I'-___ '"~"_.......;ll X-ray accordlnC to the followlna-

.- .schedule:UOO cbaptel'1l. T b e RJdieernt.China Lakl! chapter wu formed a The men of lhe ptl(I84 U!.0pli. X-Ray Seheduleyear .go. ...hOOlilnr amoq- ,,,",,-he e&ndidale$, ThursdaYT Februar)' 19

Since IMt Febrnary they h.ve han) elected Uobert W. Grau as A throUl'h C -- tI a.m.·12 Noon.,polUlOred many community and i\lan-of-the-\'ear. Pen.onal attitude. H throuCh M 1·4:30 p.m.IK'rvJce projeeUi IncludlnC: fumlah. produdh-II)", and adaptability .re Frid.)·. Fl!brua..,. toing the Rldeeereu HOIIpital with rl!quJ~ment.t for the lIdeetiolL His N throua-h T tI Lm.·12 Noonpuppeu for the Children'. ward. rewar4 wm be a week Ion". trip to U through Z 1-2 p.m.enterln&, a float in the De.ert Em. anothl!r aeth·lt,. of hili cbotee, LB .nd lotD Pel'8Onnelplre Fair parade, HCurlnC c.ncer An l!Kperlnlf:nl.1 macblnlst. Orau .nd ONR (Green St.) __ 2-3 p.m.film. wblch were Ihown on the II.s been wllb NOTS I>uadena for Retakea .nd Straa:rll!rl 3-4:30 p.m.

,n. I:l Station, provldlnr refrubmenUi and more Ill.n nine ).l!.rlf. So th.t .atlst.ctory X-r.y pic·

• tuffed toy. for the children at Por.~~~at~e~.km...y "b·w'.ha"'r~ed",'"~'I''''h"I""·.1terville Hospital, and preRntlni a ~ ~ ,., - ,-v '-food baaket to a local needy fam- Per son n e I .",.~~.er than that of Iynthellc fam-ily .t Chrlltmaa. To IUpport thele .....proJecU, the membera have pro- S tat i s tic smated several money raI.ini pro-Jects throuchout the ye.r. Library Resumes

In addition to all the work In. lli'ew Emplo)'eevolved In theae community IK'rv_ Benjamin Scott, ell!ctronlc tech. I Fu II T'I m Se v'cie..... they b.ve had time for fun nlel.n, P804: Je.nnlne A. Wolfe. - e r I ethis paat year. Included on their clerk·.tenOJT&pher. P8l:l5; Arthur The Puaden. Technical Library

nt. 14 year'a IOCIaI calender were plcnlet, G. South.tone, macbinLst. P709; bu re.um~ .. full-tlml! .... rvleea form.l dinner, holiday p.rtln .nd Vera T. Hickey. typl.t, P2:J6; Sid- .chedule, .ccordlnC to • recentteas. Many of the membel'1l look ney Thunton (part-tlml!). power memorandum releued by J. H.forward to the Southern California plant enJineer. PS07; Margaret H. Jennlaon, dlvl.lon head. "TelepboneCouncil breakfaaUi which are held Trotter (WAE), library lWIil1tant, lin.... will be open. and referencebl-monthly .t 'Ome of LOll Ancelea' P80ge; and Jerry 1.. Simmon•. aero- and clrcul.tlon lIbl'1lrl.q will befin....t bc:ttela. nautical l!nJineer. Profellional De- on duty from 8 Lm. to .:30 p.m.,

U )'Ou \lo'auld like addition.l in- l'l!lopment Prorram.. 1I0nday-Friday." Mr. Jennl.an .... Id.fonn.tion about tbe Valentine Prvmotloll5 For the put IK'veraJ month.. theDance or membel'1lhlp in this club, P2Z--A1exander H. Cos. Jo....ph library hu ope~.ted. on • half-daycontact the preaident, lotra. Pat R. Galante, Ted E. Schell. .nd .cbedule utllb.lnc the mornl.n;-Simperman. Ext. 7....rt. Georre W. Hueb..... from contract boun for Inter-library dutlea.

Leathe",,·ork Instruetlon lpeclalbt (eeneral). GS-9 to GS-I0;Free leatherwork inlltl'\lcUon b Albert E. Nowlin from production

a',ilable to all membel'1l of the .peelalillt (ordnance rn.terl.U, os­NOTS Hobby Shop on f1m .nd 10 to GS-1t: and Esther &. Nitcb­

RL 17 third Tuesday. from 7-9 p.m. Hobby m.n from c!erk-t}-p!a:t., C8-3. toShop membertbip is open to mill- .toek eoatrol clerk, GS-4.

=rd:~=1::.~c~ill~~:: P:.a-FranC6 M. Johnson fromto the ilatruetor, Jobn H.UI'. lea.th- clerk-.tl!nocraPber• G$-3 to GS-(.erwork toob may be checked out l"M-Edwani G. P'arQ from me-­for use at Lbe Hobby Shop and a chanleal encilH'er. GS-5 to GS-7:f..t catalor ordl!r aervlce ~ .vail- Dorothy R. Bowman from clerk­able for purcbulnc loola and IUP- .teno&:rapher. GS-3 to GS-t; Thom-plies. .. J. McKinney from mathematl-

RAFT OubNe\u clan. GS-7 to GS-i; Calvin W.Don Hoggan. Director, announced Sweat from aerodyn.mie del'elop-

this week that pnparatlo", are un. meat en&inter, G8-9 to GS-1J; Rob­denvay for the "HearU and Flow- ert W. McGrew from enzj.neerlncen" Valentine Semi-formal dance de.lcncr (tool and care). GS-Io, to.t the RAFT Club on Saturd.y. pl.nner .Dd e-tJmator (machinist);February 21. ThiJI thould be a ld:erlln C. Vance from productionfine e\oe.nlng of daneln&, to the lpeelalbt, GS-I0, to pl.nner .nd~Con!ltellatJons" with refr....hmenu enimator: .nd Richard 1... Allmanand p~tty 1]80 HOIIteae.. Help II from phyllcbt, GS-7, to physicistneeded for decoratlnr, 10. any am- bound), GS-9.bitlous arti.UI wlll be Vl!ry ....elcome. Tennlnatlon!lCome and belp. Club membel'1l, -stella 1... Derlcln. librarian; Thea­please! Don't forget to clleck the dare C. Lal, engineering drafbmanRAF"r bulletin board for eur~nt (reneral); .nd Thomu P. Tucker,club eventa. Weekly plnr ponc and contract .~Ialilt.

pool tourney. are beld on Monday1------------7'-­and Thuraday evenlnp, wllh arrand prlJ:e for the monthly win- Promotionalners. Thl. week'. winner In pin.pong wu Elden C. Brown from Opportunl'tiesGMU. Burrougha High etuden!" '-'__. _Robert GUford, wal top man for I'thle ....eek'. pool tournament. Ball­room danee cla.uu are re&:ularly• cheduled at the Club every Wed­nelday evenlni at 7:30 p.m. Comeand leam the Cha Cha or Swinr.Further Inform.Uon on all prorr.mactiviUes can be obtained by call­Ing the ItaH on Ext. 72091.

Date Fefith'alFrom Febru.ry 14-23, Indio will

hold the annual f.Ir .nd date fn­th·aI. The Coachella V.lley desertI, the only place In America whered.tell are &,rown commercially. TheRi'·el'1llde County Fair combinedwith the N.tlonal Date F ....tlv.1 isheld .t the "d.te c.pltal" In an Simple FormulllArabian Rtllna:. There Is a SIa"e I ha"e a ,impll! formula for ev-Girt Market, Arabian NlihUi P.- erythin" r do. EVl"ry day. no m.ttera-eanl. one of the top hone tb~'1 what f'm doln,., I MY, 'Lord. rll doon the fair e1reult, and dally raeell the belt I un. .nd You do the-not of bo~ but c.mell. rest...·-Loretta Young, actreu.


......, G.II IdltGr""II,.. W... ...._. fd''''GknftO MoorHn Sioff WrlW

I.l. t,.... PH), Jolt F.>llar...... PHAN"-1_"",,",,0

..... IlIum..lion b, TocfWcollllfor-l.....-_.'A$ADENA



CM"" t"h. CGlif.Coplo;n w. W. H"III.I_. USN

SI,",;"n c..-ndat

Friday, February 13,


New ~ar Decals far Enlisted Men

POLYI'S OIIT-Se-.eant .f lbe Guard D";a:hl. Price poiDts out to n·Irk. Gfone Tabor (rlrhl-f...nll and Otbl Guld..,. thaI. the l!lllliited dril'er,dohn Shaw. will ha,-e to eet the Df'\O' areen bordfor decal .s dlreeted byIhe 11th.."D. Enlisted nw:n "h_ 1.51 name Mrln with the letten A. B.Co mu I report to lhe Tn.,nc Conlrol Office. L'1.ln G.te. between 7:"a.m••nd 4:13 p.m. durin" Ibe period of Fe~ t....~7 to oblain new decah.

Rocketeer Deadlinesl'ews, Tue.d.,.. ":30 p.m.PholOll, Tueaday. 11:30 a.m.


•••••••••••• aa ••••••••••

ElecUon of officer. for the com­In.. y.... r wu held by membel'1l ortbe Detert Art League .t their rea-'ular meeting lut week. In .ddition.the rroup voted to lponsor the an­nu.l Kern County Art F....tlv.1 dl..trlct competition to be held March14 and t:. In thc CommunIty Center.

The new Ilate of officers electedwere: Ha~1 Porter, pre.ldent; Ed·ward Hammerberr, vlce--pl'CBldent:Joyce C..aroll. tecrelary; DarleneHardcuUe, treB.llu~r: Adeline \VII­Iiams, progmm ehalrm.n: and Lor­raine McClunr, publicity ch.lrman.

Plans tor the comlnc year Includehavln&, IL monthly rcneral m~t1n&,

with a second montbly meetinc de-­vOled to the Itudy of t~nds In theart field.

The n CK t meeUnC, orll"lnalJy.scbeduled for Jr,lond.y, Fl!bru.ry 16.h.. been cancelled .nd will be hl!ldon Monday, ),t.reh 2 In.lead.

Tbe pul'JlO'le of the Dellert ArtLeacue i.l to encourage the .ppre­elation of tine 11m In thl! commu­nIty u well .. IIctual work by themembel'1l. Memberablp Is open toall Inten:l'ted .dulUl .nd bll"h .cbaolItudenta.

Desert Art LeagueOfficers Elected

Onl, par..... eur...nrly' -""'"<l 01'1 thl.5lotlon mov 0jIP1y lot 1M following PO'",_. "fld "P-tO-do.. f ........ ~ ohovId II. suo.mll1.c1 wt.n G""'''';''.

s..,w. Mool","",,'ic"'a, G$-13. 1'0 33062,CGdo 3S6J. T1.. It'IC~Iftbo'" of Ihi. posili""wlll "'""d I'" 0010 '.oucti"n Ironch. whlchI d..-.10Ill,. molhoonollcol lochnlq...., o lno 'he YOTlou. _ch, 1M d...al-_'" of ollt_Ic ond _1 1""""1e 00-........n. o...k.., ond e<o<>duc.lng rd1 I....10 '"IIT"....n' 'VII..... """Ivil. ond 1""'1I01'1.

Go...,ol !",l_. G$-12, 'P 3'12'. CG<Io.a~. It'IC"",bont II "'POn.1bl. for 1M eN·v.l_nl, 101' ond ••Gh"'tl .... 01 I~ ... I...9~lcNd mlulles.

n"'."nlc hchnld_ 0$.11. 'P HI31,CG<Io .024. l...lJITIbo.nl I. ,""""...iblol I", .~_

!*'ylolng 1M _0!10I'I of lhe guidanc:••Iee_Ironk ohoo ond 1M doslgn ond tolling "I''''''''1S' of 1M '-"01 9uidanc:a .,..1.....

Moo lic;"n. 0$.11. 1'0 un•• Coda«l6.J. ' I oning mothoo<tc>1lc"l 1.....,lgolion1ft I"-'''col bolUnfCI ond o""l"f01' 01 bolohl"<1 <Io!O.

MocltI<olst {bpar~"ll. Coda 40'1. Mol·I.., ........1....... ond ""1... of g .......

$o>pw. 11octo..... ! ..._ (Goon.). G$.13.PO 21210 ..... 1. Coda )061. Candido>ta"-Id ....... ~OCMY ••par,....co po'ahfololy01 Ioc>dor <tf 10"'1., ..... or_ wuh hrOGd__brlil.... Ho ~Id i~

to ~ .... tIt _ O'!oc.IT ond oil,,,,,, ryot-. lespom:brM;n 1"-c pia....... _luct ~, ond~.. of .1OIarOn;O: 1 _' ....-,.1i'- ~;.. ,.,. __ a-it ""'",_ H,,_l. .....-1 11oItI~ k, Ext.7.,U. b, r.--., 20. 1"'.

1\oocoric.oI 1..._. Gs.f. 1'0 1»ft'. Codo

7017. D.Ii9.. oncl drow .Iocttiall pia... I....1aQriCOI C_ttvel_ 01 $>0,......

MKhooaicoI b9_ (Uti"';"). G$.lJ. 1'0

1'1". Codo JOn. ~blo-'''' ..........Col !,.._... do .I_~ ond <tf.,.-. 0-;"""; -.. P\Ibljc Woru Ooop<~ Toch (0-.). 0$.11, 1'0 13'»-1.

Codo S1n. o..;g., ond .....~ of ..UHObIit "",,0;_' ond __ ,yo!_I", _,__...... 0...1 ~op.ud ...o..cnc.......~ bot this Slot .

,.... ~I<o.'- ,.,. pooitioN witllW 1uIIort, r.-t lide-. ... 31. lAt.71 "" f.tor-y 20, 199.

RJdeec.rellt IWerl!Btion .UeyLComm.nder· Trollh)'

StandinrsTl!SIn Won Lost~~ ~ 7NAF 21 1tGllU-2:. 20 IIIvx-:. 14 I'MCGMT1J n 21Marine Barracks __ 11 2tGMU-61 10 26

High Team. 3 Gamu-VX-:i.Score 2,606; Hieb Team Game-­~OTS. Score 9-17'; HiCh Indl'ridualGame-Ken Vollmert. Score 246.High Individual 3 Gamea--Ke."tVollmert. SCOI'f! 638.

Armed Forte.'> ""ins8o\OlioK" saandin

Tl!Sm Won Lolit~rlnettes 41 13Sldcwinders 31 20EM. Club Wi'·.... __ 27 27Flrebee.s " "Alleycau %:1'% 2:",%r.ulltits _ 2i) 8iHObhots _ 20 31Chll!fl!lt.... 18't 32''1

"Irh Individual Slncle Game­ShIrley VaUChn. Score 201; HighIndividual 3 Gamn-Shlrley Vau­Cbn, Score ~t2; High Team SJnrleGame-Marlnett..... Score 690; HighTeo.m 3 Cames-Mo.rlnettc., Score1998.

rage Two

ART LEAG['E OFF"lC£JtS-:\'e\loI)' elected oUicers of the Desert. Art~ pldurt'il .bon IL 10 r.) are: Lorraine :)1eC1unJ', publlco.il)· ehalr.Jhall; Uaul Porler, pretlidenl: Ed Uanuroerberc. \ior-pr -Idenl; Adl!line"'1Uiam5. prolram ehainn&fl: and Darlene Hardcastle, II'I".-.urer. XOIpl't"llenl II> dOlce OI!i&roli. weret.r)·.

~"'Spo;i'Siants""~Station P~rsonnel Named InE B..........• ......oI. 3 Incentive Awards Report

NOTS' basketball te.m wu ell·mlnat~ from thl! Eleventh N.val The Quarterly Incentive Awards report reveals thatDlmlet Champioruhl~ lut Sat- during the period from October 1 through December 31uniay b)' tbe EI Centro N.val Air 1.6 . ed . f cis •

tion by a acore of 68-62. After J sustam supenor per ormance awar were approved.

line by 19 polntl, oUt JUen tilld Nine Superior Achievement Awards were presented to 21up the ball came 62-32 with • min- people. there being three group awards, Fifteen patentute Idt to play. oDly to ........ the EI d d I flu

ntro .quad .iRk three fut field :lw:l.r Sw~re rna e to a tota 0 18 peop e. [l'Ionctary :lw:lrds

soaIL Vern McDonald .nd "Hoot" dunng thIS three-month period amounted to $9,970.00.Gibeon were ouu14ndlnc on offen- Rl!C:iplenb of Superior Achtef"&- $.50, SOd_ SIo.l ..... 0 0 0..<10'01 ond &.6e wblle Don ),Iltchell wu our top ment ......rib were: I";" t.. c.o"..... U)) Po\ll !C. 0-.0, $»,(kfelLlive pl.yer. s-Ir-~ lot. ............ o-d c.nNt M. 0.. A. Colp;m.. 1Jll, r. G. er-ao ond

T....... t.2OO. A. T. e-. W one! J. I. ~. 1Jll.The Station Intramural Ba.;.ket· '-"t. ,...-.-, ...... f.. 1Iokher. $2DO. ~ AnloId o\ckoff. $SO; N.il I. ,.,..II IIeUOn end. thb "'eek with thlt A $250 ...... oword _ cIiwidM '*- .... two of U) ....... W1m- A. co.r. 1Jll.

VX.:' MA" t("41J1 ,meetinC Jun Smith'. v....... w. tfolia,. fYO/yft D. Ecloord. ..... 0...1 Horry W11~ ond W. A. GaT. $.51)..

touch Pilot Plu.t olquad Monday f. Joh>son. tto--d C. r-da:I. Eillon 50_ Le.n,-tb of Ser\iee _wants:nl,ht.t 6 p.D\. The VX.~ "A" te.m -..~ KGt.. 1..-: Unct.rr. kthoI D. w_ O...I.......all »-,oar - w. 0_LI undefuted .nd if they can eet ..'~.~ toooob:o cuod "'-'t toovo... 000r1 oad W. H......... 10----1'. T._,

... 1><'_. Pia " ... . W..- Da. I a ,iI. Iobort l. ...,... G.1r_~ T. l. ....... oTd

...e ....... n earn u,elr S2lIO, loy No frontU. $2llO<oncl Georvo J. W. ""I ' ....~ G. Cooi<. Doo;nogame with the undefeated NAF 511XI. H. DovIt. V. O. J--. Con ......, ond I. H.team Tu-s.y nlCht .t • p..m. will ,......"*0 0....,,; 'M: 5170 _ di'OWod SOcblt.._ttJe the Statlon cbamplonahlp. t..<_ Hot'old Moor', EIso $0_ and , ...-...1, 2O-..--AshWy 5. Hollett.

.......nW1l1......The lntramural Volleyball ....a· _ch, fT"'" W. '01<00. S2OO.

ean .tana the 2<ltb of Febl'\l.ry. We ~.~,Ucrtd c. ....ghoo-<l- nl'Omot:onalj Iwill h.~ alB-team learne compol'- $300. r ~ .ed of the follovo'ini te.m.: NAF. Recipients of Sust.lned uperlorNOTS, MCG!oITU. Clvlllan Person- Perfonnanee Awards Inelude: Q'nnnrtun:t:n "nel Department., En~neerlnc De- $upp.Iyl '_1 !C. Low. 5101). rr-" ~,

partmentTVX~. AOD No. L M.rlne s"",*,. 1'<uocI.na, lanoI... lot. Ilea. $100.••••••••••••••••••••••••Barrackt. AOD No.2. and C!oW-2:'. Avial~ Ordno_: Homo>- L. Ooyb, l2OO,An aU-Itar team will be .elected to,.", W. 0..1>:. 52lX1, tao J. G'bbono. 5200,

f III IHarold G. Hornot. S2OO, T......, H. IVllpo.

out 0 tbe m tAry un UI .t tbe end 5100, .......1' L ~lf, $100, Shln.y A.of our .-euon play on April 14 to r"le, $100 and Newlon E. Word. $300.Mnd to Loll Al.mltl» In the Ele- w..._ o.-..""-nl: l .._ ...... OIrI.llon,venth N.v.1 DIttrlct C.mpionehlpM 5200, Vlrlllni.. A. SapplnglOl'l. $IOO ..nd toll,on April 17. The Armed Forcl!'J S!Ior;dcn. $100.Volleyball Championahlp' are beini" "..,vIol_ ~.lc_nl' H...ce. D. 51""'01'1.held at D.... 1atoine~, Iowa. May 6.9. ~~~l,"siio.T"'\er, »00 ond ~O' N.

Comm.lltlul> Troph)' In,i_Ing, Mobol V, EIII•• $100.l..elllue St.ndinu 'an.......I, 51"nloo, Wl""rd, 1200.

Team \\"011 ~st '~bl;c w...l" J. t. INI ... 5200, D. 1(. Mor.l'l"AF .. ._._.._ .._ 7 0 Ilndoloo. 5200 Gnd W. A. 5to......rt. 5200.VX-5 MA" _ _. 6 0 u..o-",,,, Cod nea, '"ooda , Ooyld W.Pilot Pia till ""'*'...... S3OO, P, ,>c. f. bOl'l, 530Ch Wi!-

n _. Ilam s. , ... 100.... 5200, E......I er.-..ll. 52lX1,GMU,61 __ .__ 1I .. Go<lrgoo DIPPI'l, 5200, Harold I. o....z•• 5200,,Marine Barrack. __ 3 4 Sa... llhol. 5200, toui. A. l_., S3OO,"CD 2 II tloyd 1. Moudl1... SJOO, Dorr.ll E. MoItOl'l.iNCGMTU 1 II 5200, Oo....t M. MGor•• 5200, Cor'ou I.VX-5 "B" _. 0 6 Ni_~. S3OO, ...... M. too... S3OO, How·NOTS __ _ 0 6 ~t. Tolting'''''' $JOl) ond Jonn G. WOU'llh.

Nul W~k' Canle!! . _Mond.y. Fe~ruary 16. .t 6 p.m.- Su~rlor Aehlenmellt (Patent)

VX.~ MA" VI Pilot PI.nL A"..nl!; were made to:. Ayiof;on~: lilly I. Oom. $50 ond

TueMl.a}<, Febru.ry 17 .t 6 p.m.- H.....,~ "nd """"" S. 0.._. $.50-

AOD va. NO'TS. w_ 0.",,1, ~, Hor"ld O. Nulf....Tueeday, February 17 .t 8 p.m.- $50 and Donold J. 51_d. $.51)..

!'OAF VI. VX-5 "A". "_1..... 0.-,-" .loci< H. 1oab1,Bowlin

TbfI t,,-o bowliJ,. leam!> theSped:al n'I Dh"l5Ion .liellt toLuke Air .~ol'C'e fla!jto the putweekend didn't brln. bome all)'

trophl..... but lhe)' pul on a ,ood.ho~'.

Lt.. Coy Porter came In third intbe .inCle. with a 654 Rrlea. JoeDale .nd Bob Pau.Kh came In thirdIn the daubl.... with a 1.183 aerie•.There Wl!re ..2 teams eompetina:. Lt..Porter bad an over-all 2(H .'·eraaefor the olne c.mn he bowled. L'Iplaeilll" third In the ainCln Lt..Porter wu eompetilll" aplut 2:>1other bowlen.

The China lAke Bowlin&, A-.elation Ia holdlni lUi Elcbth AnnualP1ampionthop Tourn.ment becin­nln&, tomolTOW nl,ht. A total ot'766.20 will be dIvided. .mong thewinnln&, bowlel'1l. In the team eventthere will be .Ix prizell with a toppriZe of $100 coin, to the wlnnlncteam. There will be l!Icht prizesranline from $58.60 to $8 golnr towinnen In the double. eVl!nt. The1I1ncll~~ event will be divided Into;llixteen plac.... with thl! winningbowlcr pick In" up Uo.60. There wl1lbe $93 divided .monr the wlnnueIn all e\·cnUl.

The alnclCl and doubl" event,will be held at the Chin. LakeCIvilian Bowllni Alley. whllc theteam evenb wlll be held al the