ديسلا رس . Examples of MCQs in ENT 341 course Mark the single most appropriate answer: 1. Hair follicles in the external auditory canal are seen in A. its whole length B. bony part C. cartilaginous part D.  junction of the bony and cartilaginous part  2. Marginal perforations in the tympanic membrane is usually due to: A. acute otitis media. B. barotrauma. C. otitis media with effusion. D. tuberculous otitis media. E. attico-antral chronic suppurative otitis media.  3. Patients with sensori neural hearing loss will have A. normal air conduction and abnormal air conduction B. normal bone conduction and abnormal air conduction C. both air and bone conductions are abnormal D. air bone gap


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.سر السيد

Examples of MCQs in ENT 341 course

Mark the single most appropriate answer:

1.  Hair follicles in the external auditory canal are seen in

A.  its whole length

B.  bony part

C.  cartilaginous part

D.   junction of the bony and cartilaginous part


2.  Marginal perforations in the tympanic membrane is usually due to:

A.  acute otitis media.

B.  barotrauma.

C.  otitis media with effusion.

D.  tuberculous otitis media.

E.  attico-antral chronic suppurative otitis media.


3.  Patients with sensori neural hearing loss will have

A.  normal air conduction and abnormal air conduction

B.  normal bone conduction and abnormal air conduction

C.  both air and bone conductions are abnormal

D.  air bone gap

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E.  non of the above


4.  The following is disruption of the nerve trunk

A.  neurotmesis

B.  axonotmesis

C.  neuropraxia

D.  synkinesia

E.  neurotrauma


5.  Which of the following malignant tumors has the best prognosis?

A.  pyriform fossa carcinoma

B.  nasopharyngeal cancer 

C.  vocal fold carcinoma

D.  esophageal carcinoma

E.  carcinoma posterior third of the tongue

6.  Stridor occurring immediately following thyroid surgery may be dueto:

A.  unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis

B.  combined superior and recurrent laryngeal nerveparalysis in one side

C.  bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis

D.  laryngomalacia

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E.  none of the above


7.  Trismus in common feature of:

A.  chronic tonsillitis

B.  chronic pharyngitis

C.  hypertrophy of the tonsils

D.  peritonsillar abscess

E.  huge adenoid


8.  A newborn with respiratory obstruction relieved by crying and

aggravated by sucking most likely has:

A.  choanal atresia

B.  vascular ring

C.  subglottic stenosis

D.  bilateral vocal folds paralysis

E.  croup


9.  A rhinolith is a:

A.  fibroma of the nose

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B.  long standing foreign body in the nose

C.  nasal osteoma

D.  fungus infection of the nose

10.  Intracranial venous sinus thrombosis due to chronic suppurativeotitis media is more likely to affect:

A.  cavernous sinus

B.  superior sagittal sinus

C.  lateral sinus

D.  superior petrosal sinus

E.  inferior petrosal sinus


1.  C

2.  E

3.  C

4.  A

5.  C

6.  C

7.  D

8.  A

9.  B

10.  C

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