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Content 1. 10 Fast Weight Loss Tips for Men

2. Fast Easy Weight Loss - Quit Eating One Thing and

You Will Lose Weight Fast

3. Fast Weight Loss Tips - A Great Start To A Slimmer


4. Fast Weight Loss Tip - More Water Cuts Several


5. How to Lose Weight Fast With Model Weight Loss


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1. 10 Fast Weight Loss Tips for Men

If you gain weight around the middle, also known as the "apple"

shape (like a beer gut, typical with men) then you've got more health

issues. People with this body type are at a higher risk for diabetes

and heart disease than those who are of the "pear" body shape. Fat

stored in the abdomen is more active metabolically than fat stored in

the hips and thighs. It will enter your circulation faster, which ups

your blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

However, fat on the abdomen is easier to get rid of, and anyone who

decides to eat right and exercise will shed the weight quickly.

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So what weight should you strive to be?

You can use one of the following calculations to determine your

target weight.

1. Your weight circumference-Take a tape measure and wrap it

around the largest part of your abdomen. Your goal circumference

should be less than 102 cm, or 40 inches (95 cm or 38 inches for

those of Asian descent).

2. Your body mass index-Take your height in meters and your weight

in kilograms. Divide the weight by the height squared. This calculates

your body mass index (BMI). Your BMI ideally should be below 25 if

you are over the age of 18.

Here are 10 great dieting tips to follow:

1. Limit your alcohol consumption. Alcohol is such a large contributor

to weight gain. Try to stick with just one or two glasses of red wine

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per night, and if you drink beer opt for a low-carb or light variety.

Also drink water in between drinks.

2. Lessen your food portions. Unless you are training for a major

athletic event, you can limit your meat intake to 200g of meat or

chicken and 300g of fish. Avoid returning for second helpings.

3. Instead of meat, fill your plate with salad or veggies, but limit your

rice, pasta and potato servings. Opt for healthy options like corn,

broccoli, peas, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes (which are also

good for the prostate).

4. Stay far away from fast food. This food is full of trans fats and

saturated fats and do nothing but clog up those arteries. When

eating out, quick but healthy choices include Subway sandwiches,

sushi, stir fry or grilled chicken. And no chips!

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5. Trade in your white bread for whole grain. Also switch sweetened

cereals with high fiber and whole grain cereals. These options will fill

you up faster and keep you full longer, so you will end up eating less

both then and later.

6. Always take the high fiber variety of any soup, crackers or cereals.

These foods will keep you fuller longer.

7. Have fresh fruit around that you can grab when you are on the

run. Options that you don't have to peel include berries, grapes and

apples. You can also cut up several kinds of fruit and have a big bowl

of fruit salad in your fridge to grab whenever you are hungry.

8. When you are eating out, have a small steak or some fish as your

main food. Have veggies or a salad for your side. Don't order food

that comes with a thick gravy or cream sauce. And don't feel

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pressured to eat all of the food--portion sizes in restaurants are very


9. Always eat breakfast. If you don't you will be hungrier by lunch

time (or before) and are more likely to make an unhealthy choice.

Just a bowl of whole grain cereal with low fat milk will suffice.

10. Exercise. Swim laps, join the gym, walk the dog, find a friend to

exercise with. Just get moving. You should have at least 30 minutes

of active exercise in your routine each day.

Following these weight loss tips can be very helpful in your battle

against mid-section weight gain.Visit

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2. Fast Easy Weight Loss - Quit Eating One Thing and

You Will Lose Weight Fast

Fast easy weight loss is totally possible if you have the right mind set.

So if you are serious about dropping some pounds super quick read

this short article and do what it says and watch your pounds melt


Fast Easy Weight Loss

What is the biggest ingredient in almost everyone's diet that keeps

them fat?


On average a typical person is eating 1/4 to 1/2 pound of sugar every

day! Hard to believe, right?

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The problem is that it some form of sugar is added to almost every

food that we eat. And most of us are not aware of it. These

sweeteners don't just make you fat, they also are responsible for

creating thousands of type 2 diabetics. Ingesting it at the rate most

of are, causes more heart disease, cardiovascular disease,

depression, cancer, and early death.

Are you aware how sugar is in nearly all processed foods? it goes by

many name so it is easy to miss. Educate yourself on the many

names it goes by and then read nutrition labels on everything you

eat and you will be amazed by how many foods have some form of

sweetener as the main ingredient.

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Sugar has many "aliases" - a few types you might find on labels: corn

syrup, dextran, dextrose, diatase, fructose, glucose, malt syrup,

sucrose, maltose, and maltodextrin.

This one ingredient is not only making you fat it is making America

very sick. Cut sugar out for fast easy weight loss and you will be slim

in a jiffy!

Get my free report that tells you how I got skinny fast in a totally

healthy way visit

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3. Fast Weight Loss Tips - A Great Start To A Slimmer


Weight loss can be a painful and gruelling process for a lot of people

as they struggle to lose another pound each and every week. This is

because they follow programs without really looking at their unique

situation, unique habits and needs. If you have no idea what current

state you are truly in, a dieting program will not necessarily be the

answers to your prayers. This article offers some super tips for fast

weight loss.

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If you want to lose weight and if you want to lose it fast then you

have to observe yourself. You have to know what exactly you are

eating and drinking, how many calories you are overeating and

whether there is any emotional eating involved in your eating habits.

This isn't hard for you to find out. It is very simple. All you have to do

is spend a few days in observation. Write down everything you eat

and drink. Do not miss anything - everything counts towards your

daily calorie input and you need to know these details to be

successful with weight loss. Drinks can add to calories too so don't

leave these out either. When you have this information you have a

much better chance of losing weight and losing it fairly quickly

because you have the information you need to know exactly what to

do in order to shift it.

So many people do not take the time to observe and to note down

what their habits are. This is their downfall but it doesn't have to be

yours. Take the time and start learning about yourself and how you

can change it. Once you have that information you have power and

can cut out calories without feeling deprived. You could start with

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drinks and then work on snacks. Instead of having your snacks you

could incorporate eating 2-5 pieces of one type of fruit before every

meal. This will help prevent snacking, prevent overeating of the main

meal and will leave you feeling more satiated. Of course it will also

add lots of nutrients to your diet you may have been lacking.

Of course there is also the fact you must tackle your issues with

exercise. By incorporating more raw foods into your diet, you will

find that you will have more energy and be more likely to be

enthused by exercise. But if not, there are other ways to get yourself

enthuse. First pick things you enjoy and if you have no idea what you

would enjoy try things until you find something. Do not limit yourself

to the gym because the gym is a boring place and most people will

end up quitting as a result.

So to conclude: make sure you know what you are up again and plan

according. Also make sure you exercise but make sure that you enjoy

it. Life is about enjoyment not pain and misery!

For more healthy weight loss tips check out healthy weight loss diet


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4. Fast Weight Loss Tip - More Water Cuts Several


Does drinking in a lot of water truly a fast weight loss tip? A small

survey tells it might assist you burn down several more calories daily.

It's about fifty calories per liter and about twenty-five calories per

bottle-full of water.

- Drinking in a enormous glassful of water whenever you look athirst

and ahead before a repast or nosh fills up the stomach concisely and

brings in you experience better and block off eating up rather.

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- Breaking up physical structure fatness and physical structure

musculus during weight loss brings forth wastefulness that must be

wiped out through the kidneys. Drinking in adequate water is

significant to stay fresh the kidneys operation to polish off this


- Favorite high-protein dieting bring on more junked productions

from digestion, let lone from breaking up laid in fatness. Kidney

operate is even more crucial while on a high-protein dieting.

- Drinking in a lot of water doesn't "redden fatness."

Every day eight glass of Water

A survey leaves few support for the general-purpose fast weight loss

tip recommendation to drink in 8 glassfuls of water daily while diet.

For almost folks that would add up a liter or 2 to their steady water

consumption. The additional calorie-burn would be just about

hundred calories daily if drinking in 2 liters almost common.

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Risks of taking too much water

Do not begin drinking in an additional congius of water every day -

that could kill you, particularly whenever you're fasting or eating up

really small. Water taken up must be in counterbalance with physical

structure saltiness - electrolytes. The physical structure requires

keeping up saltiness balanced or run a risk hyponatremia with heart

attack and sometimes death. Drinking in too much water reduces the

saltiness in your tissues and blood and could pop you. Sensible jocks

have passed away from drinking in overmuch plain water and rather

than replacing salinity. Dieters shouldn't soak up into drinking in

congigii of water daily in hopes of burning down few more calories.

Drink in an extra some glasses, sure. However a gallon is overmuch.

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Walking and Drinking

Physical exercise such as walking drives the metabolic process to

advance and physical structure water to be straying through

increased internal respiration and sweat. Footers ought to drink in a

great glassful of water every 60 minutes ahead before walking, and

then drink in about a cupful of water every land mile. Once you wind

up walking, drink in a glassful of water. Guideposts for the half

marathon and battle of Marathon now tell to "drink when desirous"

instead of tugging water, appropriate to forestall hyponatremia -

drinking in overmuch with putting back electrolytes.

To catch up with more fast weight loss tips Visit

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5. How to Lose Weight Fast With Model Weight Loss


Let's face it, dieting is never going to be an easy ride and it is always

going to be something that most of us will struggle with at some

point during our lives. Most of my clients that come in to see me,

have usually followed the same endless pattern of yo-yo dieting

where they gradually gain weight, diet for a month or so, lose a bit of

weight...maybe a lot of weight, then stop the diet and go back to

their usual way of eating and then, of course, the inevitable happens;

they put it back on again! And so this cycle will probably go on a few

more cycles before they give up completely and surrender to a

lifetime of over indulgence and being over weight.

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The thing is, as I always explain to my clients, if you need to go on a

diet then obviously you're doing something wrong in the first place,

and so, rather then dieting, what you really need to be doing is re-

educating yourself and taking control of what you eat. As we all

know, diets don't really work long term; what they do is offer you a

short term plan to weight loss, but without the education and

support throughout this process you're not actually learning about

where you are going wrong in the first place and how you can change

this in order to keep your self at a healthy weight for life.

So, rather then jumping onto the diet wagon, maybe you should

have a real think about whether you want a quick, short term fix, or,

a long term solution with improved health and gained knowledge

that you can then pass onto your family to ensure that they don't

follow in your footsteps.

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During my time working as a Nutritional Therapist I have noticed a

running theme. This is that people generally don't want to take

responsibility for their health and what they eat. Instead they seem

to be on a constant mission to find some kind of quick fix or magic

potion that is going to make them lose weight without actually

having to make any changes to their lives. Well I'm sorry to say it, but

this really isn't going to happen any time soon and certainly isn't the

right attitude to sustained weight loss. This said, there are a few

tricks that have been sneakily taken from the modeling industry that

you can use, which over time will help you maintain a healthy weight

or lose a few pounds without having to diet.

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Trick 1: Stabilize your blood sugar levels and stop cravings and fat


When you eat any kind of refined carbohydrate or sugar, you get an

instant sugar hit. This triggers your body to release Insulin which

then carries the sugar away from your blood and into storage as fat.

This can be prevented by only eating complex carbohydrates that

break down slowly, giving a steady sugar release into the blood. This

means that you don't get a huge surge of Insulin and so the sugar

isn't taken away to be stored as fat.

Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, rice and pasta should be

exchanged for wholemeal brown varieties and sugar should never be

added to foods or drinks.

Trick 2: Boost your metabolism to improve fat burning

A poor diet, along with lack of activity and muscle mass, can be a

sure-fire way to a sluggish metabolism and when your metabolism is

sluggish, you're going to gain weight more easily then you should.

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A slow metabolism isn't by any means an excuse for weight gain...

believe me, I hear this a lot! Unless you have been diagnosed with

hypothyroidism, a slow metabolism is a product of you not being

active enough and not eating at the right times. But luckily it is also

something that can easily be put right.

By increasing your metabolism you will also increase your basal

metabolic rate, which is the amount of energy that your body uses at

rest. This means that if you increase your metabolisms then you burn

more calories when doing absolutely nothing.

This can be done, firstly, by doing some exercise, even if it's only half

an hour walking daily. This will improve muscle tone which will help

to gradually increase your metabolism. The second way that you can

do this is by including certain foods in your diet. These foods are;

green tea, chilli, cayenne pepper, black pepper, turmeric, ginger and

jalapenos. So, try adding them into your diet, along with lots of water

in between meals, and give your metabolism the kick start that it


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Trick 3: Fill up on calorie burning foods

There are certain foods that are thought to require more energy for

the body to break them down then are actually in them. These foods

are thought to actually help you burn calories as you eat them and so

can be very helpful in weight loss. These should make up part of your

everyday meals and can be eaten in large servings. These foods

include; apples, cranberries, grapefruit, lemons, oranges, raspberries,

strawberries, tangerines, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, turnip,

carrot, cauliflower, celery, chilli peppers, cucumber, water cress,

garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, radishes and spinach.

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So tuck in and eat as much as you like! You don't need to go hungry

with these foods around!

Trick 4: Bring on the dairy!

Many people are under the impression that you should cut out all

dairy to lose weight. Although this does have some logic behind it;

being high in calories and fat, it has actually been shown to speed up

weight loss when eating 2 servings a day of natural yogurt or semi

skimmed milk. So try incorporating some as your snacks in between


Having a small glass of warm milk before bed is a great way to finish

the day. Along with giving you a slow releasing sugar throughout the

night (keeping your blood sugar levels stable) and helping weight

loss, it also aids sleep by increasing melatonin levels, which is your

body's natural sleep hormone.

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So rather then being a yo-yo dieter, try making these four simple

changes, along with the additional six tricks from The Model Diet and

start taking control of your diet and waist line forever.

Fed up with fasting? Crabby from your crash diet? Looking for a fresh

new approach to losing weight and feeling terrific for life? Laura

Lamont knows from personal experience exactly what that feels

like... She also knows from her days as a model and her current

practice as a nutritional therapist what to do about it.

[] contains a treasure trove of practical

advice from the women we love to hate: those perpetually slender

and 'effortlessly' lithe occupants of the catwalk and the fashion

pages - revealing that, contrary to expectation, many models work

hard to stay that way. Also including Laura's Ten Top Tips for weight

Page 16: 10 fast weight loss tips for men

loss together with her scientifically formulated eating plan and

scores of healthy and delicious recipes, this site will help you:

• Curb your cravings

• Boost your metabolism

• Shed at least 2 lbs a week while dieting and

• Maintain your ideal weight after that

If it works for models, can you seriously afford to ignore it?
