Page 1: 5 productivity hacks to save you at least an hour a day

5 Productivity Hacks to Save You AT LEAST 1 Hour a Day

Christopher Small

Law Firm Marketing Mastery


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My typical day

• To do list all set.

• Ready to work hard and knock stuff out.

• Then the phone rings.

• Then my assistant comes in.

• Then I get on Facebook.

• Then a client calls.

• I look up and it’s 6:30 and only 2 things are off the list.

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I got tired of it.

• So I came up with some ideas to end my lack of productivity.

• Here are 5 productivity hacks that are guaranteed to save you at least one hour a day.

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1. Tame the Telephone

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Do You Have a Telephone Policy?

• Not just how people answer the phone, but how calls are dealt with.

• Is it written down?

• Easiest way to save time is to tame the telephone.

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This is my policy.

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1. Is it a new client, a current client, or an old client?

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2. New client – get their info and schedule a consultation.

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3. Current client – (1) is it an emergency? (2) No. Then schedule a

call back between 12-1 or 4-5; NO EXCEPTIONS.

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Before hanging up with client, find out what issue is – if assistant can answer

it, answer it!

Include information on calendar note.

Immediately send email to client rehashing conversation and phone call


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Why do this?

• No interruptions while you are working.

• No checking to see if you want to take the call.

• You can see exactly who you need to call and exactly what they want before you call.

• Time Saved – an hour by itself.

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2. Wean yourself off the email crack

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How often do you really need to check email?

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Productivity Hack – Set an Alarm

• I check email every two hours, trying to work up to every three hours.

• I set an alarm to go off at 10, 12, 2, and 4. In between that time the email is off.

• How much time do you spend “putting out fires” that are only fires because you read the email?

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3. Plan Your Day the Night Before

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There are 3 things you MUST do tomorrow.

• Write them down first on your list.

• Then write down all of the things you want to do (with the extra time you have).

• When you know what to do you don’t have to spend any time thinking about it.

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4. Do the hardest thing first.

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• Stop carrying over the thing you don’t want to do.

• Knock it out at the beginning of the day.

• It will make the day easier.

• It will feel like you’ve accomplished so much more.

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5. Delegate

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• Written policies and procedures.

• Written processes.

• It’s okay for someone else to do something.

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Who can you delegate to?

• Assistant.

• Associate attorney.

• Contract assistant.

• Contract attorney.

• VA

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• Call me and ask – 206-601-2545; Skype – chris.m.small; [email protected]