Page 1: 5 Reasons you should be on LinkedIn: Your new career starts here!

5 reasons you should be on Linkedin


Page 2: 5 Reasons you should be on LinkedIn: Your new career starts here!

• 93% of recruiters will review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision. (Jobvite Survey 2014)

• Just because you aren’t looking for a job doesn’t mean that potential employers aren’t already looking at you. If one of these recruiters were to google your name, what would they find?

• LinkedIn is the largest professional network, with over 300 million users. With the ability to connect with workplace acquaintances, publically display your work and follow big name businesses, LinkedIn is basically Facebook for your career.


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If that wasn’t enough to convince you, here are 5 reasons why you should be on LinkedIn.


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• A résumé is like a dentist appointment. The longer you put it off, the harder it is going to be to fix up your teeth if there are problems. Imagine rushing your résumé at the last minute and forgetting to add one of the most important projects you worked on, because it happened three years ago! LinkedIn not only provides a platform to keep this information up to date, but you can literally just copy and paste from sections of your profile into your résumé.

• Make sure you keep things current and fresh. Just like a résumé, your profile always needs to be updated and tweaked.


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• There has been a shift in the way recruiters employ staff, choosing candidates based on their values and how they would fit in the workplace.


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• There has been a shift in the way recruiters employ staff, choosing candidates based on their values and how they would fit in the workplace.

• While you might want to concentrate on your study now and deal with searching for employment later, recruiters are going to be looking for interns and casual/part-timers during the course of your degree.


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• There has been a shift in the way recruiters employ staff, choosing candidates based on their values and how they would fit in the workplace.

• While you might want to concentrate on your study now and deal with searching for employment later, recruiters are going to be looking for interns and casual/part-timers during the course of your degree.

• Without a LinkedIn profile for these employers to see, this could be a massive opportunity missed. Even if your peers are not actively looking for a job right now either, if they have a LinkedIn profile they are already a step ahead.


Page 8: 5 Reasons you should be on LinkedIn: Your new career starts here!

• There has been a shift in the way recruiters employ staff, choosing candidates based on their values and how they would fit in the workplace.

• While you might want to concentrate on your study now and deal with searching for employment later, recruiters are going to be looking for interns and casual/part-timers during the course of your degree.

• Without a LinkedIn profile for these employers to see, this could be a massive opportunity missed. Even if your peers are not actively looking for a job right now either, if they have a LinkedIn profile they are already a step ahead.

• Talent sourcing – there has been a big shift in the HR recruiting process. Companies are now searching and sourcing their own talent pools instead of asking for applicants.


Page 9: 5 Reasons you should be on LinkedIn: Your new career starts here!

• There has been a shift in the way recruiters employ staff, choosing candidates based on their values and how they would fit in the workplace.

• While you might want to concentrate on your study now and deal with searching for employment later, recruiters are going to be looking for interns and casual/part-timers during the course of your degree.

• Without a LinkedIn profile for these employers to see, this could be a massive opportunity missed. Even if your peers are not actively looking for a job right now either, if they have a LinkedIn profile they are already a step ahead.

• Talent sourcing – there has been a big shift in the HR recruiting process. Companies are now searching and sourcing their own talent pools instead of asking for applicants.

• You may not realise it, but LinkedIn is a great way to keep track of the connections you’ve made. It’s almost like collecting business cards, except the person’s details remain current as they update their profile.


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• If you already have a job at a company where you are happy working, having a LinkedIn account can still have its benefits. If you continuously update your successful projects, achievements and skills gained through your current role, people higher up the food chain may take notice, be reminded of your potential and consider promoting you. You never know, your LinkedIn profile may come in handy at your next performance review.

• Having a LinkedIn account doesn’t necessarily mean that you are looking for a new job. It is a great way to show pride in your work and build a strong online reputation.


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• Sometimes when you achieve something amazing at work or university, the first thing you want to do is tell someone. This can be off-putting for your friends if you are a lively Facebook user.

• When you post on LinkedIn, the people in your network will be the people who are genuinely interested in your achievements, not your holiday pics. This is why distinguishing a Facebook and LinkedIn profile is important and why you should tailor particular information for each channel.

• Remember, you can also congratulate other people in your network on their job anniversaries and professional achievements. This can help build long-term relationships for the future.


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• If you want to succeed in any industry, the best workers always do their research and make an effort to be as informed as possible. These industry leaders often go on to become ‘Influencers’ on LinkedIn. Influencers post articles, tips and information about what is happening in the industry and how changes affect your career. It’s pretty worthwhile keeping an eye on these leaders and reading their advice… and LinkedIn provides that key connection for you.

• LinkedIn provides a platform to gain valuable skills beyond what is taught in the workplace, including tips and tricks to improve team building and organisational skills. You can remain updated on everything currently trending in your industry and stay ahead of the game. Remember: this is a brilliant opportunity for gaining valuable professional development for free.


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There are so many benefits to setting up a LinkedIn profile, no matter what stage of employment you are at.

If you want to set up a LinkedIn account, but are not sure what to do, this is what your LinkedIn profile should look like.

LinkedIn is an important tool for many companies and recruiters, so if you’re not on LinkedIn, maybe it is time to consider an account.
