Page 1: An endangered species is a species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction.speciesorganismsextinction

Endangered Species

An  endangered species  is a  species  of  organisms  facing a very high risk of  extinction.

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Philippine Eagle● The  Philippine Eagle  (Pithecophaga jefferyi), also known as the  Monkey-eating Eagle,

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is an eagle of the family  Accipitridae  endemic  to forests in the  Philippines. It has brown and white-coloured plumage, and a shaggy crest, and generally measures 86 to 102 cm (2.82 to 3.35 ft) in length and weighs 4.7 to 8.0 kilograms (10 to 18 lb). It is considered the

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largest of the extant eagles in the world in terms of length. Among the rarest and most powerful birds  in the world, it has been declared the Philippine  national bird.

● It is  critically endangered, mainly due to massive loss of habitat due to deforestation in most of its range.

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● Killing a Philippine Eagle is punishable under Philippine law by 12 years in jail and heavy fines. The Philippine Eagle is  endemic  to the Philippines  and can be found on four major islands: eastern Luzon,  Samar,  Leyte, and  Mindanao.

● The complete breeding cycle of the Philippine Eagle

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lasts two years. The female matures sexually at five years of age and the male at seven. Once paired, a couple remains together for the rest of their lives. If one dies, the remaining eagle often searches for a new mate to replace the one lost.

● The Philippine Eagle was

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known initially as the

Philippine Monkey-Eating Eagle because it was believed to feed on monkeys (the only monkey native to the Philippines is the  Philippine long-tailed macaque) almost exclusively; this has proven to be inaccurate. Like most predators, the Philippine

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Eagle is an opportunist that takes prey based on its local level of abundance and ease. It is the  apex predator  in its range. The primary prey varies from island to island depending on species availability, particularly in Luzon and Mindanao, because the islands

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are in different faunal regions. The primary prey for the eagles seen in Luzon are monkeys, birds, flying foxes, giant cloud-ratsPhloeomys pallidus. Philippine Eagles primarily use two hunting techniques. One is still-hunting, eagles seen in Luzon are in which it watches for prey activity

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while sitting almost motionlessly on a branch near the canopy. The other is perch-hunting, which entails periodically gliding from one perch to another.

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Philippine TarsierThe  Philippine tarsier (Tarsius syrichta), knownlocally as mawmag  in  Cebuano/Visayan 

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and mamag in Luzon, is a species of tarsier endemic to the Philippines. It is found in the southeastern part of the archipelago, particularly on the islands of  Bohol, Samar,Leyte and  Mindanao. It is a member of theapproximately 45 -million-year-old family

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Tarsiidae, whose name is derived from itselongated "tarsus" or ankle bone. It is the only member

of the genus  Carlito, after the species was removed from the genus  Tarsius. The new genus was named after Carlito Pizarras, known as the tarsier man, the field manager at the Philippine

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Tarsier and Wildlife Sanctuary on the island of Bohol. Pizarras is a long-time champion of tarsier conservation in the Philippines.Its geographic range alsoincludes  Maripipi Island,  Siargao Island,  Basilan Island and Dinagat Island. Itwas only introducedtoWestern biologists in the 18th century.

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The Philippine tarsier is not a large animal; it measures only about 85 to 160 millimetres (3.35 to 6.30 in) in height, making it one of the smallest primates. The mass for males is between 80–160  g (2.8–5.6  oz), usually lighter for females, somewhat heavier than other. The average adult is about the size of a human fist and will fit

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very comfortably in the human hand. Like all tarsiers, the Philippine tarsier's  eyes  are fixed in its  skull; they cannot turn in their sockets. Instead, a special adaptation in the neck allows its round head to be rotated 180 degrees. The eyes are disproportionately

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large, having the largest eye-to-body somewhat heavier than other size ratio of all mammals. In Bohol, the Philippine tarsier was a common sight in the southern part of the island until the 1960s. These huge eyes provide this nocturnal animal with excellent night vision.

The large membranous ears are

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mobile,  appearing to be almost constantly moving, allowing the tarsier to hear any movement. For the past 45 million years, tarsiers have inhabited rainforests around the world, but now they only exist on a few islands in the Philippines, Borneo and Indonesia. Since then, the number has dropped to around 700 on the island according to the

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Philippine Tarsier Foundation. Once protected by the humid rainforests and mist-shrouded hills, these mysterious primates struggle to survive as their home is cleared for crop growing. Due to the quickly growing human population, which causes more and more forests to be converted to farmland,

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housing areas and roads, the place where the Philippine tarsier can live its secluded life is disappearing. Along this line, the dwindling of Philippine forests has posed a grave and significant threat to the survival of the Philippine tarsier because this results in the destruction of its natural forest habitat. Indiscriminate and illegal.

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Visayan Spotted DeerThe deer is small and short-legged yet it is the largest  endemic  species of deer among the Visayas.

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Adults range from 125 to 130 cm (49 to 51 in) long from the head to the base of the tail, 70 to 80 cm (28 to 31 in) in shoulder height and 25 to 80 kg (55 to 180 lb) in weight. This species is easily distinguished from other species of deer in the Philippines by the distinctive "A" pattern of beige spots which dot its deep brown back and sides.

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Other distinctive features include cream underparts and white fur on the chin and lower lip. The animal's head and neck are brown, but lighter than the body, and the eyes are ringed with paler fur. Males are larger than females and have short, thick, bumpy antlers. The deer breed from November to December, although mating

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could begin earlier. Males have a roaring call to attract females. Calves are born after a  gestation  period of around 240 days. Weaning takes place at six months and the calves are mature from 12 months. Sales of venison to local markets and speciality restaurants, and live trapping for the pet trade have all contributed to the species'

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dwindling numbers. Isolation and reduction of population is likely to have led to some herds becoming moribund. While cross-breeding with  R. mariannus  has been observed in captivity, the lack of a common range means this is unlikely to be a problem in the wild.

Due to the severe pressures faced

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by the deer, the  IUCN  has twice listed it as an  endangered species: firstly in 1994 (when it was de-listed within the year) and again in 1996 (which listing has continued until the present). The limited numbers of the animal in the wild (at least 300, down from almost 1,600) has led to the belief that prospects for its survival are bleak.

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The species' range once covered the shoreline up to at least 2,000  m above sea level. Its habitat is in dense  cogon  grassland, and primary and secondary forest. Most of its habitat consists of areas where its diet of young shoots of cogon grass and young low-growing leaves and buds are plentiful.

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Besides areas that are dense in vegetation, it could also thrive in places it could  graze They may also visit burnt-out forest clearings for the floral  ash. Due to the now restricted range of the deer, it is impossible to ascertain the preferred habitat of the species.

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Philippine Hawk Eagle● The Philippine Hawk Eagle (Nisaetus philippensis with earlier name as Spizaetus philippensis) belongs to a

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species of bird of prey in the Accipitridae family same as Philippine Eagle.

● This hawk eagle is endemic to Philippines and lives in subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest which is now considered bu IUCN as vulnerable due to loss of habitat and hunting.

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● The size of hawk eagle is about 65-70 cm with long crest of four to five feathers, up to 7 cm long, protruding from its crown. The plumage on the upper parts is dark brown, and the dark brown tail is striped with four to five darker, narrow bands.

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● The head and underparts are reddish-brown with black streaking, and the throat is whitish. The wings are broad and rounded and barred flight feathers can be seen in flight.

● An estimated of 1000 to 2500 hawk eagle were remained in the whole Philippine

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archipelago and the trend is decreasing. Conservation measures are being implemented numerous protected areas, including Mts Isarog and Makiling National Parks, the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park and Bataan Natural Park/Subic Bay on Luzon, Mt Canlaon on Negros,

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and Mt Kitanglad and Mt Apo Natural Parks and Mt Malindang on Mindanao, and Rajah Sikatuna National Park on Bohol and recently on Mount Irid-Angilo-Binuang of the Southern Sierra Madre in Luzon.

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● Deforestation for plantation agriculture, livestock and logging throughout its extensive, predominantly lowland range is the chief threat. Habitat loss is exacerbated by considerable hunting and trapping pressure. The species strongholds appear to

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be Luzon and Mindanao where 200-220 pairs and 320-340 pairs respectively were recently estimated. Therefore, the global population is probably best placed in the band 1,000-2,499 individuals. This equates to 667-1,666 mature individuals, rounded here to 600-1,700 mature individuals.

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Visayan Warty Pigs● One of the most endangered species of wild pig, the Visayan warty pig occupies only 5% of its original range.

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● The Visayan warty pig, like many island species, is relatively small in size when compared to other wild pigs.

● They stand 2½ to 3 feet tall. Males (boars) are much larger than females (sows). Their long, mobile, disk-like snout helps them root around in the earth for their favorite foods.

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The males possess large canines that protrude from their mouth as tusks. They have a prominent line of white fur across the snout that extends along the sides of the ose a threat by interbreeding with wild Visayan Warty Pigs, producing genetically hybridized offspring.

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ted populations on two Philippine islands. Threats to their existence include habitat destruction, population fragmentation, persecution as a result of their crop raiding habits, and hunting by locals for food. Domestic pig populations also pose a threat by interbreeding with wild

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Visayan Warty Pigs, producing genetically hybridized offspring.●Visayan warty pigs are considered critically endangered. The Philippine government has established rescue and breeding centers to

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●help preserve these beautiful animals. Regulations are in place but enforcement is difficult. Visayan warty pigs presently live on two Visayan islands located in the central Philippines: Panay Island and Negros Island.

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They live in dense, tropical rain forests where rainfall may reach 94 inches per year.

● e most pigs, Visayan warty pigs are omnivorous, which means they will eat just about warty pig breeding starts from November to February or March.
