Page 1: APRIL 2019 ANNUAL COMMUNICATION · APRIL 2019 ANNUAL COMMUNICATION 137th Grand Lodge of Arizona Annual Communication June 6-8, 2019 Tucson, Arizona GRAND LODGE AWARDS SUBMISSION DEADLINE

Printed Every Month

137th Anniversary

APRIL 2019


137th Grand Lodge of Arizona

Annual Communication

June 6-8, 2019

Tucson, Arizona




445 S. Alvernon Way

Tucson, Arizona 85711

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Arizona Masonry

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DEGREE A SUCCESS White Mountain Lodge No. 3, Gila Valley Lodge No. 9, Ray-Winkelman Lodge No. 24, and Apache Lodge No. 69 com-

bined forces to stage a very memorial outdoor degree at the base of the Superstition Mountains. Over 100 masons and two

sitting Grand Masters attended the very memorable inaugural Outdoor Degree.

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LODGES… DOWNTOWN LODGE NO. 86 Society of Washington Lodges are member Lodges are those regular Lodges recognized by the Grand Lodges of the United States who are com-

mitted to supporting the George Washington Masonic National Memorial and who make a one-time donation of $2,500.00. The Member Lodges

will receive a portrait of Washington with a plaque attesting their membership in the Society. The Lodge will receive specially-commissioned

Society of Washington Lodges jewels and lapel pins for the Officers of the Lodge This special designation has been achieved by less than 25 Lodg-

es total within the United States. Thank you Downtown Lodge No. 86 for your support! GM Craig L. Gross, PGM Scott A. Thomas, DGM Greg A.

Vasquez, JGW Randy Jager, with many other Grand Lodge Officers and official visits from Marion McDaniel and Oasis Lodge where there for the






142nd Annual Installation of the Grand Lodge of New

Mexico A.F.&A.M. MWB Ralph A. Easley Grand Mas-

ter of Masons in New Mexico.

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Alonzo Bailey

White Mountain Lodge No. 3

3rd Grand Master of Arizona

Bailey was an manufacturer and mining operator, residing at

Globe, Gila county, was recognized as one of the most influential

and public-spirited citizens of his town. A native of Dresden, Ohio,

he was born February 5, 1847, and is a son of Lawrence and Laura

(Graves) Bailey, natives respectively of Brookline, N. H., and Cro-

ton Falls, Mass., and both of English descent. Lawrence Bailey

moved to Ohio in 1830, there married and became a large land

holder. He died in 1871 and his wife in 1867. "Until attaining the

age of nineteen years, Alonzo Bailey resided at home, meantime

receiving his education in the public schools and Kenyon College.

After the death of his mother in 1867, he went to Colorado and for

two years was engaged in farming and dairy work at Fort Lupton.

Subsequently he engaged in contracting with the Santa Fe and the

Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroads in Kansas and Texas for three

years. In 1872 he removed to Silver City, N.M., where he erected a

sawmill, kept a set of books, and served in various other capacities

for local concerns. His residence in Globe dates from 1877, and

for a year he engaged in merchandising. From that time until 1900

he was continuously devoted to the same line of business, but in

that year disposed of his interests. "For some time he acted as presi-

dent of the Old Dominion Commercial Company of Globe, estab-

lished in 1891. "From the earliest days of his residence in Arizona, Mr. Bailey had been interested in mining, and for

some time was a principal owner in the pioneer property and a large investor in the Old Dominion. For several years he

was associated with Alfred Kinney in the ice-manufacturing business, the two partners having developed the plant from a

capacity of one ton per day to that of twelve tons. The firm adopted the use of a Holden regaled ice machine. In connec-

tion with the plant is a soda-water works. "Fraternally Mr. Bailey was prominent in Masonry, having been initiated into

the order at Silver City, N. M., in 1876. He was a charter member and first Senior Warden of the White Mountain

Lodge No. 3 (Master in 1882) and Globe Chapter No. 7, was a member of Arizona Commandery No. I, K. T., of Tuc-

son ; and Al Malaikah Temple, N.M. S., of Los Angeles. In 1884 he served as the 3rd Grand Master of the Grand

Lodge of Arizona, which he had assisted in organizing two years before. He was Past Grand Master of the Odd Fellows

for Arizona. In the Episcopal Church of Globe, of which he was an organizer, he serves as senior warden. Politically he

was always been a consistent Democrat. He was a member of the constitutional convention of Arizona and served in the

council in the thirteenth legislature. Among his interests are important real estate holdings in Globe. In 1880 he married

Sarah Kennedy, a native of Kansas, and a daughter of John Kennedy, a pioneer stockman of Arizona, who was drowned

in the Verde river in 1892. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey had three children, Wynette, Edith and Gertrude.

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Alonzo Bailey

White Mountain Lodge No. 3

3rd Grand Master of Arizona

Bailey was an manufacturer and mining operator, residing at Globe, Gila county, was recognized as one of the most influ-

ential and public-spirited citizens of his town. A native of Dresden, Ohio, he was born February 5, 1847, and is a son of

Lawrence and Laura (Graves) Bailey, natives respectively of Brookline, N. H., and Croton Falls, Mass., and both of Eng-

lish descent. Lawrence Bailey moved to Ohio in 1830, there married and became a large land holder. He died in 1871

and his wife in 1867. "Until attaining the age of nineteen years, Alonzo Bailey resided at home, meantime receiving his

education in the public schools and Kenyon College. After the death of his mother in 1867, he went to Colorado and for

two years was engaged in farming and dairy work at Fort Lupton. Subsequently he engaged in contracting with the Santa

Fe and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroads in Kansas and Texas for three years. In 1872 he removed to Silver City,

N.M., where he erected a sawmill, kept a set of books, and served in various other capacities for local concerns. His resi-

dence in Globe dates from 1877, and for a year he engaged in merchandising. From that time until 1900 he was continu-

ously devoted to the same line of business, but in that year disposed of his interests. "For some time he acted as president

of the Old Dominion Commercial Company of Globe, established in 1891. "From the earliest days of his residence in

Arizona, Mr. Bailey had been interested in mining, and for some time was a principal owner in the pioneer property and

a large investor in the Old Dominion. For several years he was associated with Alfred Kinney in the ice-manufacturing

business, the two partners having developed the plant from a capacity of one ton per day to that of twelve tons. The firm

adopted the use of a Holden regaled ice machine. In connection with the plant is a soda-water works. "Fraternally Mr.

Bailey was prominent in Masonry, having been initiated into the order at Silver City, N. M., in 1876. He was a charter

member and first Senior Warden of the White Mountain Lodge No. 3 (Master in 1882) and Globe Chapter No. 7, was

a member of Arizona Commandery No. I, K. T., of Tucson ; and Al Malaikah Temple, N.M. S., of Los Angeles. In

1884 he served as the 3rd Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Arizona, which he had assisted in organizing two years

before. He was Past Grand Master of the Odd Fellows for Arizona. In the Episcopal Church of Globe, of which he was

an organizer, he serves as senior warden. Politically he was always been a consistent Democrat. He was a member of the

constitutional convention of Arizona and served in the council in the thirteenth legislature. Among his interests are im-

portant real estate holdings in Globe. In 1880 he married Sarah Kennedy, a native of Kansas, and a daughter of John

Kennedy, a pioneer stockman of Arizona, who was drowned in the Verde river in 1892. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey had three

children, Wynette, Edith and Gertrude.

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Arizona Masonry Scottish Rite working St. Vincent DePaul

Phoenix Scottish Rite Masons @ St Vincent de Paul's Phoenix.

A very rewarding and great experience serving those less fortunate at The Society Of St. Vincent De Paul.

Caliente Coffee Club tours National Guard Practice Range Long time Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 Coffee Club took a field trip to the local National Guard shooting range to learn how they

are preparing today’s National Guard. A group of 30 took a tour by bus tour of the entire facility and then were able to watch

some of the battle maneuvers. A good time was had by all and a return trip is already in the works

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Arizona Masonry

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MW Craig Gross receives award from DeMolay

Most Worshipful Grand Master Craig Gross, was presented with a framed magazine from the Arizona De-

Molay State Association archives, commemorating 100 years of Masonry. Along with the magazine, a com-

memorative coin celebrating 100 years of DeMolay was also presented. DeMolay appreciates the support

and partnership with Masonry.

Arizona Masonry

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2019 Phoenix Scottish Highland Games The Masonic Family, worked together on this event for this great event! We had members from various Masonic Bodies

such as: Master Mason's at the Membership Booth, Noble David Shaff as the lead for the Membership Booth, Scottish Rite

members worked the Wee One's Area (Children's Area) along with York Rite members, DeMolay, Job's Daughters, Shrine

Clowns (Men and Lady clowns), Daughters of the Nile; and we even had an ASU young men's Fraternity group assist - the

Acacia Fraternity. The Grand Lodge ID Program members were there and had 15 children registered in the ID program.

We had almost 400 children in the play area and they had to have at least one adult accompany them while exploring and

playing in that area. Great fun and fellowship over the weekend and we are looking forward to helping the Caledonian Socie-

ty with the games in 2020 with more members of our Masonic Family to help a both the Membership Booth and children's play area

Arizona Masonry


WB Dwyane Hoyt

The habit of freemasons to travel and to visit other lodges, or even affiliate with them, is one of the oldest and most widely

practiced customs of the Craft. In operative times, well before the emergence of the Speculative Craft as we now know it,

masons were itinerant workers who were forced to travel to renew their employment as each building project was complet-

ed. This fluid nature of the Operative Craft led to the formation of trade societies, known as lodges, to protect the profes-

sional integrity of their occupation, and to enhance the moral and social practices of their members. It is surmised, not with-

out some evidence, that the modes of recognition were originated in the operative period as a means of identifying the genu-

inely skilled mason who came to visit a lodge in search of work. It is therefore reasonable to deduce that the tendency of

masons to visit other lodges is very old custom indeed. Many of the oldest extant masonic manuscripts contain charges asso-

ciated with visiting, and the reception of visitors. Visiting as a Right As has just been outlined, the right to visit and sit in eve-

ry regular lodge is one of the oldest masonic customs. This custom hinged on the theory that all lodges are only divisions of

the 'Universal Brotherhood'. Indeed, in some areas of old, visitors could even vote at lodge meetings. However, the growth

and spread of the Craft saw many variations in forms and procedures develop, and the evolution of the Grand Lodge sys-

tem as we know it today. In turn, this necessitated that the concept of visiting as a right undergo changes. The movement

towards qualification of the right to visit appears to have begun in the early eighteenth century. There are records of lodges

in this period setting out limitations to visiting, in terms of the number of visits a non-member mason could make to a lodge

in a twelve-month period; and limiting the types of meeting a visitor could attend. Certainly, by the end of the eighteenth

century, visiting had ceased to be a right, but rather a privilege. Visiting as a Privilege The situation today is that visiting is a

privilege-indeed, it is one of the greatest privileges of masonic membership. It must be immediately stated that a mason has

no absolute, prescriptive right to visit a lodge wherein he is not a member. However, with that fact clearly stated, it must be

observed that visiting as a privilege is most definitely encouraged and welcomed in every regular jurisdiction. A regular free-

mason in good standing will always encounter masonic hospitality and brotherhood in his travels.

From: MASONIC WORLD GUIDE by Kent Henderson. Pages 6-14.

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A gift for our Masonic Brothers in Curacao

By Brother Rod Collins, P.M.

My wife Michele and I, along with two other Brothers and their wives, had the pleasure of visiting Curacao while on a Caribbean cruise in 2016. The ship docked there overnight. I had previously contacted the Masonic lodges on Curacao and advised them of our visit. Members of several of their lodges met us and our wives at the ship to greet us. They took us on a tour of their island including stops at two of their lodges where we were served refreshments at the first lodge and lunch at the second. That evening, I and the other brothers with us were invited back to the Building of Vergenoeging and Phoenix Lodge Igins in Papiamento, to attend a Tiled Masonic funeral. The services were in Dutch, because they are charted under the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands. Each of us was provided with an interpreter. The Masonic service was an incredible experience which we thanked both the family and the lodge for allowing us to be part of the services. While there we noticed this painting in the lodge.

It motivated my wife and I to make a quilt inspired by this painting. Over the next two years we ended up making 5, two large and three smaller wall hangings.

One of the large quilts

On Wednesday, February 6 of this year we again had the pleasure of meeting our fraternal friends on Curacao. We pre-sented them with the above Masonic quilt, as a token of our friendship and a thank you for the wonderful time they showed us in 2016.

Present to accept this gift were MW Brother Lyrio Gomez, Provincial Grand Master, MW Brother Tom Domhoff, Past Provincial Grand Master, W Brother Carl Renardus, WM Lodge Phoenix, W Brother Leslie Brug, WM Lodge Ignis Frater Nitatis # 296, and Brother Abdoel Harris, SW Lodge De Verqenoeqing #22 . The group was very surprised and pleased to receive the quilt. They promised to display it, with a plaque of acknowledgement, in the Building of Vergenoeging and Phoenix Lodge Igins in Papiamento next to the painting.

MW Gomez informed us that a new lodge was recently charted on Bonaire, joining those on Aruba and Curacao under the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands. We are hopefully looking forward to visiting this new lodge on our next trip to the Caribbean.

We encourage all of our brothers visiting the Caribbean, especially Curacao, to contact the local lodges. Their Masonic fellowship will add to the enjoyment of your trip.

Arizona Masonry

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In light of today’s societal expectations, DeMolay and Freemasons share a common challenge in

regard to our public image. Both organizations would like to think that we are admired by the

community for our membership. Every one of us likes to take pride in what we do in the groups

that we are involved with, and Freemasons and DeMolay are no exception. We all face the same

challenges in regard to growing our membership, and our outward appearance is directly responsi-

ble for our lifeblood. A candidate for Freemasonry is “prompted to solicit the privileges of Ma-

sonry by favorable opinion conceived of the Institution.” --our public image.

But we cannot delude ourselves into thinking about Masonry from the outside in. Much as it always has, the challenge that

lies before both of our organizations, is that the truth of who we are, and what we represent must compete with the plethora

of misinformation and conspiracies that have been published, broadcasted, and run rampant on the internet. As frustrated as

we may be, we cannot deny that we are currently living in a society where we are judged negatively by a simple photograph.

The image of skull and crossbones or a young man in a robe holding a sword, is, unfortunately, far easier to “judge” than it is

to research.

It is, of course, our desire to project and promote through brochures, Facebook, or any other form of media/social media,

images that we feel are appealing representations of say, a degree, installation or initiation. As we should be, we are proud to

display our members (both DeMolay and Masonic) in their finest regalia. Members in robes, surrounded by candles, kneel-

ing before an altar are all images that we as Masons and DeMolay are familiar with, and look at through “educated” eyes.

Now, if you will, put yourself in the “mind of a parent” looking online for a youth organization in which to involve his/her

child. Today, more than 60% of membership in Arizona DeMolay is contrived outside the inner circles of our greater Ma-

sonic family. By emphasizing only one facet of a complex story, the public can produce amazing distortions, both good and

bad. As innocent as these misconceptions can be, they do present a legitimate challenge and threat to the growth of both or-


That being said, although Arizona DeMolay has absolutely no desire whatsoever to eliminate traditional regalia, or to change

100 years of ritual, it must, seriously look at the way society interprets their public image and the impact that is having on its

membership growth and its very future.

As such it is Arizona DeMolay’s policy that no photos be taken during the Degrees (Initiatory and DeMolay Degree) and no

photos be taken of Degree costumes and other paraphernalia. Photographs can and should be taken following the ceremo-

nies, when Robes and other paraphernalia are stored away.

As stated, Arizona DeMolay cares very much for our traditions, and have absolutely no desire to be rid of them, change

them, nor are we in any way shamed by them. On the contrary, we wish to maintain them, and keep them alive and sacred,

by inviting as many young men into our Order as possible to carry on these amazing traditions. Unfortunately, our challenge

is that our organization is often judged by simple photos and conspiracy theories that are but a mouse click away.

No photo, brochure, or Facebook posting will substitute for the personal journey of an individual. What we offer must be

discovered to be understood. Only then will the member and their parent truly understand, appreciate and come to cherish

our traditions. Therefore, it is our hope that our public image becomes that of young men conducting meetings, learning life

skills, leading moral lives, and, most importantly having fun. Ritual, robes and regalia will come later, and will mean more to

them when it does

It has been said that a picture paints a thousand words. This is most definitely true. What words it paints, unfortunately may

be easily, and innocently misconstrued without having the experience of discovering the truth.

Arizona Masonry

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In the event that I am honored by being elected Grand Master for the 2019-2020 Masonic year I am planning a very special

Masonic Event trip to our Nation’s Capital and I would like to extend an invitation to you to accompany me.

Some of the highlights in the Washington DC area will include

- The laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Fourth of July - A tour of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial - Tour of the House of the Temple and White House - Fourth of July in Washington DC

If you are interested in attending this trip please sign up on the GL website to receive updates and so we may have a head

count for planning purpose

We will do our best to secure group discounts for all activities but you will be responsible for all of your own expenses, in-

cluding meals, admission costs and travel/hotel arrangements to include transportation to and from the airport in Washing-

ton DC.

I hope that you will consider attending this once in a lifetime trip with me.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Greg Vasquez PM (15) (34)

Deputy Grand Master

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Travel Day Group Dinner for early arrivals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Arlington Cemetery wreath laying-

Tour Arlington Watching

Fireworks on National Mall

Friday, July 5, 2019

Morning Masonic Group Tour Washington DC -

House of the Temple - White House

George Washington Masonic National Memorial Tour -

- Education presentation at GWMNM


Saturday, July 6, 2019

Tour of Washington DC -

Washington Memorial - Lincoln Memorial - Smithsonian Institute - National World War II Memorial

Sunday, July 7, 2019


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Arizona Masonry


Would you like to remember a Masonic

family member, Masonic friend or notable

Mason? Recent changes in the Arizona Ma-

sonic Code now allow you to purchase a

Memorial Life Membership for any de-

ceased Mason that you wish to memorialize

in your home Lodge. The fee for these

memberships is only 10 times yearly dues.

The Deceased Mason’s name will remain

on the Lodge’s register for Perpetual Mem-

bership in perpetuity and the Lodge will re-

ceive an annuity every year form this help

cover Lodge expenses.

Contact the Lodge Secretary for Memorial

Perpetual Membership Application

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Arizona Masonry

Norma Watson Sebastian, Princess Royal

Cordially invites you to attend the 53rd An-

nual Open Installation of Officers for

Daughters of the Nile,

Olana Temple No. 131

Saturday, April 6, 2019

at 11:00 am

Sabbar Shrine Center

450 S Tucson Blvd

Tucson, AZ 85716


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Please join the Brethren of Prometheus 87 as we travel to

Pioneer Living Museum and raise awareness and funds

for the Shoot'n for a Cure Gunslinger Round-Up! The

Pioneer Living History Museum is located at 3901 W.

Pioneer Road in Phoenix, Arizona.

The museum, also known as Pioneer Village, has 30 his-

toric original and reconstructed buildings from the 1880s

and early 1900s on its 90-acre property.

Arizona Masonry

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DeMolay Officers and State Princess

visit Glendale Chapter

Hands across the border AZ and NV

Grand Chapters of Easter Star Event Newest Select Masters of Phoenix

Council No. 4

Scottsdale Lodge No. 43 raises a

good man

Bethel No. 13 doing some great


Sun City Lodge No. 72

initiates a good man

Another Master Mason is raised at

Glendale Lodge No. 23

State Officers visit Phoenix Chapter


If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


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A Fellowcraft Degree at Arizona Lodge

No. 2

Pinal Lodge No. 30 attends hockey

games Oriental Lodge No. 20 awards 2019 Me-

sa Public Schools Science Competition

Jerusalem Daylight Lodge No. 66

using the Facebook “Add to your

story” feature

Another successful Scottish Rite Re-

union weekend in the books

Glendale Squires thanked for serving

dinner to Acacia Lodge No. 42

A wonderful Second Degree at Yu-

ma Lodge No. 17

Montezuma Lodge No. 35 hosts a

“how to be a Freemason Night”

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


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March Stated meeting at

Tucson Lodge No. 4

March Stated Meeting at Prometheus

Lodge No. 87 Two new girls for

Wilcox Assembly No. 7 IORG

If the Master of King Solomon Lodge

No. 5 says he will be there with bells

on… he will be there will bells on

Fish Fry at El Zaribah Shrine Dinner does not stop serious Masonic

discussions at Arizona Lodge No. 2

Globe Lodge No. 3 Stated Meeting An Initiation at Aaron Lodge No. 49

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


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How to do a research paper education

at Hiram Daylight Lodge No. 73

Newest DeMolay members with

MW Craig Gross WSA Oriental Guide group

Official Visit from RW Robertson to

Scottsdale Lodge No. 43

Bethel No. 21 Having some magic show fun a the De-

Molay lock in at the PHX Temple

Sabbar Shrine joins 21st century

with video streaming capable Stated


Acacia Lodge No. 42 hiking 8 miles

to Beaver Creek

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


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Oasis Lodge No. 52 special event at the

Gaslight Theater

Pinal Lodge No. 30 visits the

McFarland Memorial Education at

Oriental Lodge No. 20

Social event with Hiram Daylight

Lodge No. 73

Ray Winkleman Lodge No. 24 Stated


Ready for the El Zaribah St. Patricks

Day dinner

Sphynx Court 85 LOS Donated

130 stuffed animals to El Zaribah’s

Potentate’s project

A great turn out of the Military De-

gree team at Scottsdale Lodge No. 43

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


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A new Entered Apprentice at Glendale

Lodge No. 23

Sun City Chapter DeMoLay Pizza

Party Pig Roast at Peoria Lodge No. 31

George Washington Masonic National

Memorial Board Member

MW Scott Thomas at the Annual

Communication fo New Mexico

A new Master Mason is raised at

Pinal Lodge No. 30

Education Night at Central Arizona

Lodge No. 14

Ascension Lodge No. 89

Festive Board

Third Degree at

Kingman Lodge No. 222

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


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A double Entered Apprentice degree at

Gila Valley Lodge No. 9

Getting ready for WSA Hunters Paradise Lodge No. 85

working at Feed my Starving Children

Sabbar Shrine Potentates Reception

A friend is Initiated into the Fraternity

at Oriental Lodge No. 20

Pioneer Lodge No. 82 Stated Meeting

The newest Entered Apprentice at

Chandler Thunderbird

Lodge No. 15

Sy Harrison Lodge No. 70 visit Chan-

dler Lodge No. 15

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


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A new Entered Apprentice Mason at

Builders Lodge No. 60

Clean up day at

Acacia Lodge No. 42 KSA in the East Valley

A white out does not deter the

Motley Crew from visiting their

northern Brothers

Where is the “Dam” Box? Does

Winslow Lodge No. 13 still have it?

A Master Mason is made at Paradise

Valley Silver Trowel Lodge No. 29

Potentate’s Reception at

Sabbar Shrine

The Motley Crew from Sy Harrison

Lodge No. 70 visits Flagstaff Lodge

No. 7

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


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Another new Entered Apprentice at

Glendale Lodge No. 23

The Passing of a new Fellowcraft at

Aztlan Lodge No. 1 A new Entered Apprentice at

Epes Randolph Lodge No. 32

MWGM Craig L. Gross visits the

Phoenix Scottish Rite

A 90th Birthday at

Sunnyslope OES No. 47

Public School Awards given out by

Gila Valley Lodge No. 9

A new Entered Apprentice at Chan-

dler Thunderbird Lodge No. 15

The Brotherhood of Masonry and


If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


Page 28: APRIL 2019 ANNUAL COMMUNICATION · APRIL 2019 ANNUAL COMMUNICATION 137th Grand Lodge of Arizona Annual Communication June 6-8, 2019 Tucson, Arizona GRAND LODGE AWARDS SUBMISSION DEADLINE

Grand Secretary visit Sy Harrison No.

70 for a Degree

Glendale Assembly No. 8

Stated Meeting WB Jim Watson with the Education

A Brother is passed on the Equinox

at Montezuma Lodge No. 35

Rainbow Girls Assembly No. 9 A visit to Pinal Lodge No. 30

East Valley Lost Dutchman

Outdoor Degree

Bethel 19 received a care package

from Bethel 3 in Price, Utah

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post,

please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at [email protected]

Lodges around the


Page 29: APRIL 2019 ANNUAL COMMUNICATION · APRIL 2019 ANNUAL COMMUNICATION 137th Grand Lodge of Arizona Annual Communication June 6-8, 2019 Tucson, Arizona GRAND LODGE AWARDS SUBMISSION DEADLINE


Erected in the 1920s and 30s, it soars 333 feet as a beacon of Light and knowledge, educating and inspiring all who visit it.

Recognized in 2015 as a National Historic Landmark, the Memorial is one of the most impressive and iconic buildings in

the area around our nation’s capital. Our new fundraising endeavor, The Landmark Century Campaign, aims to support a

thorough restoration of the Memorial. And we can help! Today, the Memorial is a museum like no other in the world. Everything we do revolves around our vision: “to inspire hu-

manity through education to emulate and promote the virtues, character and vision of George Washington, the Man, the

Mason, and Father of our Country.” Open seven days a week, the Memorial offers

detailed exhibits and guided tours that teach the general pub-

lic about George Washington, his life and virtues, and the

role that Freemasonry played throughout his life. Further, the

Memorial is an important space for the performing arts, so-

cial gatherings, public events, and educational seminars. And,

of course, it is an active

Masonic temple, housing two Craft lodges and regularly

hosting visiting lodges from

around the country. The

Memorial is a central hub

connecting Masons to one

another, and connecting the

Craft to the

public, our nation, and our


For the past decade, the

Memorial Association has devoted tremendous energy and resources to the renovation of

the Memorial. Major exhibits have been added. Interiors have been repaired and

repainted. Lighting has been updated. But the most considerable work is the top-to-bottom

restoration of the building itself—the first such renovation since the Memorial was complet-

ed nearly a century ago.

Beginning at the Memorial’s pyramid level, we have begun a multi-year project to

perform all needed structural repairs. Stone by stone, are repointing the mortar and

protecting the building from water penetration. When completed, the building will be in

better than new condition.

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial stands as the

most distinguished monument to Washington ever build by a

private organization –THE MASONS

Your generous help

is essential in

reaching that goal.

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Masonic Trivia

Do you have some Arizona Lodge Masonic Trivia? Please send to us so that we can include it in a

future edition!

Alonzo Bailey was named a Regent of The University of Arizona in March of 1917.... although he has passed away on February 14, 1917. Word did not travel very fast in the early days of the Old West. Bailey was a Past Master of White Mountain Lodge No. 3 and the 3rd Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons in Arizona!

The Phoenix Theatre Company is a

professional theatre company locat-

ed in Phoenix, Arizona. Started in

1920 by a theatre troupe known as

the Phoenix Players, the theatre is

among the oldest continually operat-

ing theaters west of the Mississippi

River. On November 26, 1050 on

the invitation of his Honor, The

Mayor of Phoenix, Nicholas Udall,

MW Nelson Roach of the Grand

Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons

in Arizonaconvened the fourth Spe-

cial Communication of the year in

the Phoenix Masonic Temple for the purpose of laying the cor-

nerstone of the Little Theater Building. At the appointed hour,

the Grand Lodge was opened, called from labor and taken by

bus to the site, and from there marched in procession to the

building and performed there ceremony. The address was deliv-

ered by Most Worshipful Brother Barnett E. Marks, Past Grand

Master, acting Grand Orator. The Grand Lodge returned to the

Masonic Temple and was closed

The 13 gold & red rays on AZ's flag represent the sun setting over the west-

ern desert & the original 13 colonies. The center star signifies copper pro-

duction. The field of blue is the same "liberty blue" as the US flag. Blue &

"old gold" are also Arizona's official state colors. Designed by Colonel

Charles W. Harris, the first flag, carried by the Arizona Rifle Team to the

National Rifle Matches in 1911, was sewn by Carl Hayden's wife, Nan D.


Colonel Charles W. Harris was Adjutant

General for Arizona from July 3, 1912 to

June 3, 1919, and again from January 1,

1923 to January 6, 1929. Col Harris re-

tired as a Brigadier General after serving

Arizona as The Adjutant General for 13 years. He was a pioneer Tempe resident. His ca-

reer began when he joined Captain Carl Hayden's Company "C", First Arizona Infantry, in

Tempe on July 3, 1903. He served in the National Guard of Arizona for the next 25 years.

After service in the 7th Cavalry during the Spanish-American War, Harris rose rapidly in

ranks of the First Arizona Infantry to be appointed Adjutant General of Arizona by Gover-

nor Hunt on July 3, 1912, shortly after statehood. He was also director of Selective Service

during World War I. General Harris died at Los Angeles, CA, on August 4, 1929. Charles

W. Harris was a very active Mason and a member of Temple Lodge No. 15, WB Carl

Hayden was a long time Mason and Master at Temple Lodge No. 15

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Masonic Trivia Sheriff Scott White of Tombstone Historic District passed

through Tucson in 1894 en route to the asylum at Phoenix

with a man named Alfred Smith, who had been ordered com-

mitted to that institution. It was a very peculiar case of insanity.

The man seems perfectly rational save on one thing, the idea

that several men have conspired to do away with him. D.E.

Fitch, who lives near Tombstone, had an experience in a can-

yon close to his home. He met Smith, who drew a revolver

cocked and leveled it at him saying that his (Smith's) mind had

been burdened by the matter a long time and he wanted the

whole truth about it.

Smith went on to tell the astonished and thoroughly frightened

Fitch that he was satisfied that Ross, Thompson and Fitch had

conspired to poison him; that Ross had got Fitch to get him

some poison, which Ross had delivered Thompson who was

to give it to Smith in some whiskey. And he wanted a clear

statement from Fitch.

Recognizing that he had a desperate east to deal with Mr. Fitch

immediately acknowledged the entire charge, telling him the

poison he got was cocaine. But to reduce his reputed confes-

sion to writing Fitch proposed to Smith that they go to his

house, which was near at hand. The ruse prevailed and the

crazy man returned his pistol to his sheath. At the house, Fitch

got assistance, evaded the insane man,and the others arrested

him, took him into Tombstone, where a commission of in-

quiry found him insane and consigned him to the asylum. He

actually had a brother in that institution who was sent there

months before. Sheriff and Brother Scott White was an im-

portant member of King Solomon Masonic Lodge 5 for many

years, being initiated August 7, 1897 and was Sheriff of Co-

chise County 1893-1894 and 1887-1900, he later was into cop-

per mining, Superintendent of the Arizona Prison and later

Secretary of State of Arizona

April 26, 1883 the Santa Rita Lodge of Perfection No. 1 was instituted by Albert

Pike, 33rd degree Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

of Freemasonry, S.J who executed the charter on parchment paper in his own

handwriting,showing the list of the first charter members. The signing took place at

the old Masonic Lodge room on the corner of North Main and Pennington streets

in Tucson, later known as the old Orndorff hotel. Those charter members were

some of the most important members of the early Grand Lodge of Free & Accept-

ed Masons in Arizonaand to early City of Tucson, Arizona; Alonzo Bailey, Wil-

liam Beard, Benjamin Franklin Bivins, Con Burns, Ansel Mellon Bragg, Merrill

Pingree Freeman, Ignatz Seleg Fried, Samuel Hughes, Michael Alexander Kerr,

Robert Lloyd, James Albert Maynard, Rollin Rice RIchardson, George James

Roskruge, Albert Steinfeld, Charles Moses Strauss, Zan Linn Tidball, Henry

Dayon Underwood, Moye Wicks, Gustams Witfeld, James Albert Zabriskie, and

Louis C Hughes

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Masonic Education


IN THE COPPER POST For Information contact the Grand Editor at [email protected]

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AZ Stated Meetings Copper Corridor

April 1, 2019 Safford No. 16

7:00 pm .Stated Meeting

April 4, 2019 Pinal Lodge No. 30

7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 Ray-Winkleman No. 24 7:30 pm ..Stated Meeting

April 11, 2019 Yuma No. 17

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 13, 2019 White Mountain No. 3 10:00 am Stated Meeting

April 15, 2019 Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 @gilavalleylodge

7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting

April 18, 2019 Eloy Lodge No. 46

494580944085012 7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting

Northern Arizona

April 3, 2019 Mohave Valley No. 68 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 4, 2019 Flagstaff No. 7

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 8, 2019 Winslow No. 13 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 8, 2019 Kingman No. 22

OV from JGD Rusk 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 White River No. 62 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 Sy Harrison No. 70

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 Aztlan No. 1 @aztlanlodge1

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 Havasu No. 64 OV from JGW Jager

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 10, 2019 Williams Grand Canyon No. 38

OV from JGD Rusk

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 10, 2019 Central Arizona No. 14

OV from SGD Baker

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 11, 2019 Chalcedony No. 6

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

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Phoenix Area

April 2, 2019 Arizona Lodge No. 2

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 3, 2019 Paradise Valley Silver Trowel No. 29

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 4, 2019 Scottsdale No. 43

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 4, 2019 Montezuma No. 35 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2018 Wayfarer No. 50

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 Phoenicia No. 58

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 10, 2019 Sahuaro No. 45

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 10, 2019 El Quixote No. 83

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 13, 2019 Hiram Daylight No. 73

10:00 am Stated Meeting NEW LOCATION 340 E. Carol PHX, AZ

April 15, 2019 Ascension No. 89 6:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 15, 2019 Pioneer No. 82

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 20, 2019 Arizona Sunrise No. 88 10:00 am Stated Meeting

April 22, 2019 Hunters Paradise No. 85

6:30 pm Stated Meeting

East Valley

April 2, 2019 Oriental Lodge No. 20

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 3, 2019 Prometheus Lodge No. 87 @PrometheusAZ

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 Chandler-Thunderbird No. 15 @Thunderbird15AZ

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 11, 2019 Apache Lodge No. 69

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

West Valley

April 2, 2019 Peoria No. 31

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 2, 2019 Camelback Daylight No. 75

10:00 am Stated Meeting

April 2, 2019 Acacia No. 42

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 4, 2019 Glendale No. 23 @glendaleaz23

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 11, 2019 Sun City No. 72 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

AZ Stated Meetings

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Tucson Area

April 1, 2019 Marion McDaniel No. 56 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 2, 2018 Adobe No. 41

6:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 3, 2019 Aaron No. 49

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 3, 2019 Tucson No. 4

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 Oasis No. 52 @oasis52tucson 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 13, 2019 Jerusalem Daylight No. 66 10:00 am Stated Meeting

April 9, 2019 Nelson C Bledsoe No. 74 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 10, 2019 Epes Randolph No. 32

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 10, 2019 Builders No. 60

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 15, 2019 Anahuac No. 81 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 22, 2019 Downtown No. 86

7:30 pm Stated Meeting NEW LOCATION 450 S. Tucson BLVD , TUC, AZ


April 1, 2019 King Solomon No. 5

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 3, 2019 Huachuca Lodge No.53 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 4, 2018 Perfect Ashlar No. 12 OV from SGW Robertson

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 9, 2018 Mount Moriah No. 19 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 11, 2019 Wilcox No. 10 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 10, 2018 Nogales No. 11 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

April 13, 2019 Camp Stone No. 77

9:30 am Stated Meeting

April 16, 2019 Green Valley No. 71

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

April 22, 2019 San Pedro No. 55

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

AZ Stated Meetings

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Brethren, Friends, and Family,

This year the Masonic Charities of Arizona approved 18 grants totaling $30,000 to organiza-

tions throughout Arizona. These 501c3 charitable organizations provide much needed ser-

vices to their communities. Those services include assistance to our Veterans at the three

VA Hospitals in Arizona, Domestic abuse shelters, child learning disabilities, training and

assistance for people with special needs, support for soldiers abroad, Adult literacy pro-

grams and Personal hygiene kits for the working poor and homeless.

We are able to award these Grants from the income of our investment fund, Lodge and Per-

sonal donations and support from Grand Lodge. In order to keep up with the desire to ex-

pand our Grant distribution to more organizations and communities around the State we

ask for your help.

We have registered with the Amazon Smile Foundation. Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of

the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization selected by their cus-

tomers. For Amazon customers to select the Masonic Charities of Arizona to receive these

donations go to to automatically select us. Or you

can go to and you will be prompted to select a charity. Now you are

ready to shop and support the Masonic Charities of Arizona.

The Board of Directors of the Masonic Charities of Arizona extends our appreciation to

all of you for your support.


Craig Hutchison

Secretary, Masonic Charities of Arizona

[email protected]



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District 1: Keith McCormack

District 2: David Sahady

District 3: John Welsh

District 4: Clayton J. Howard

District 5: Lon Thomas

District 6: Mikel White

District 7: Vince Santos

District 8: Robin Settlemeyer

District 9: James Xie

District 10: Bill Carnell

District 11: Duane Brown

District 12: Michael Gatti

District 13: Eric Dupree

District 14: Tony Hernandez

District 15: Roderic Wagoner

District 16: Gerry Massey

District 17: Robert L. Hill

District 18: Lyle Adams

District 19: Patrick Zech

District 20: Brian Hanne

District 21: Dean Millard

District 22: Matt Morrales

District 23: Jim Watson

District 24: Manuel Ayala

District 25: Ryan Kann

District 1: Cal Magness (7)

District 2: Robert Beffel (43)

District 3: Manuel Ramirez (7)

District 4: Leigh J. Creighton (4)

Grand Master; Grand Lodge F. & A.M Arizona

Craig L. Gross (4)

Deputy Grand Master: . Senior Grand Warden:

Greg Vasquez (15) Boyd Robertson (1)

Junior Grand Warden:… .Senior Grand Deacon:

Randy Jager (52) Jim Baker (9)

Junior Grand Deacon: Senior Grand Steward:

George Rusk (20) Darrel “Po-Po Mandrell (15,75)

Junior Grand Steward:

Michael Dale (17)

Very Worshipful Grand Secretary:

James Rowan (43)

Very Worshipful Grand Treasurer:

Michael McGee (50)

Grand Lecturer:

Ron N. Allen (4)

Grand Chaplin:

Bill Enloe (73,85)

Grand Orator:

Brian Hanne (24)

Grand Marshall:

Brian Pilz (32)

Grand Editor:

Roger Biede III (9)

Grand Bible Bearer:

Jim Wild (56)

Grand Sword Bearer:

Ron Hill (4)

Grand Pursuivant:

Mark Neilsen (9)

Grand Standard Bearer:

Trevor Gillespie (7,13)

Grand Organist:

Peter Johnson (6)

Grand Tyler:

Carlos Tolsa (81)

MWGM Craig Gross

2018-19 Grand Master F. & A.M of Arizona

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