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DSS for operation of the lateral reservoirs during flood periodsRadu Drobot, Aurelian Florentin Draghia -AbstractOn the lower Danube (downstream Iron Gates) the river banks on the Romanian side are proteted b!d!kes onalengtho" ##$$km%Di""erent towns alongtheDanubeRiver, likeGiurgiu, Oltenita,&alarasi, 'railaandGalatiarestill threatenedb!"loodslosetoorhigherthan#(probabilit!o"e)eedane% *he "loodplain is divided b! transverse d!kes into agriultural +ones whih ould be usedas polders "or storing water during high "loods% ADeision ,upport *ool (D,*) was developed b!-*&'in order to evaluate the h!draulionse.uenes (water level, ma)imumdisharge) "or di""erent senarios o" polders aidental ordeliberate "looding% Aspeial sub-model "or breah development (breah elevation and lengthevolution) was set up% Since the hydraulic simulations are time and other resources consuming, ahydrological model for flood propagation was used% A"ter parameters alibration and validation, basedonregisterede)eptional "loodsin/$$0and/$#$di""erent senarioso" poldersinundationweretested%1. IntroductionAttheendo"1I1thandbeginningo"11thentur!landrelamationworksstartedintheDanube meadow and espeiall! in the river Delta% *he "irst embankments were reali+ed at2ahmudia(304ha)in#567(Dithmer and8angerweld) and&hirnogi (#$75ha) in#6$3(,harm, Dithmer and 8angerweld)% *he latest relamations date "rom#657, the totalproteted area reahing almost 967%$$$ ha% A number o" 93 enlosures were reali+ed all alongthe Danube (Fig% #)%In natural regime, the meadow had a retention apait! evaluated at /$%9 billion m9%A"ter theembankments reali+ationaninreaseo"more than#m o" thewater levelomparedtothenatural regimeoursin'railaandGalati townduring"loodsloseto#(probabilit!o"e)eedane%'eside'railaandGalati thereareothertownsalongtheDanubeRiver,likeGiurgiu, Oltenitaand&alarasiwhiharethreatenedb!"loodslosetoorhigherthan#(probabilit! o" e)eedane%Fig% #% :nlosures along the Danube River on the Romanian territor!Galati area has a speial situation, being loated between the on"luenes o" two importanttributaries; ,iret River (upstream Galati town) and