
Bond-Aid: Nepal 2013-2014Sponsorship Prospectus


About Bond-Aid Page 3Summary of Past Expeditions Page 4-5Bond-Aid’s Sponsorship Program Page 6Bond-Aid’s Sponsorship Packages Page 7Description of Bond-Aid’s Events Page 8-9Conclusion Page 10

About Bond-Aid

Bond-Aid was established in December 2011 by a group of five enthusatic Bond students. The mission of the organisation is to encourage and provide an opportunity for Bond students to participate in global aid work. Our commitments can be highlighted through our previous projects in Cambodia and Sri Lanka. In addition we are continuing our work to help developing countries grow economically and socially. Bond-Aid members believe that it is important to contribute to our world by ensuring that every person has an equal access to food, education and health.

Bond-Aid provides students with various opportunities to administrate these forms. Some student volunteers have the opporutnity to work in the local communites in either the orphangeor, hosptials or community schools. In the orphanages students are able to have a culture connection with the orphans.While others enjoy the opportunity of working in local schools teaching English. Both of these opportunites creates a diverse learning experience in which the orphans, school children and Bond students can benefit.

Bond med students volunteer have the opportunity to work in the local hospital alongside doctors and nurses. These students are able to utilise the knowledge they’ve gained during their studies to assist and aid in the limited amount of medical resource.

This December 2013, Bond-Aid will be volunteering in Kathmandu, Nepal for four weeks , providing assistance in hospitals, schools and other community development projects. We will be providing aid in the form of education, community infrastructure, social support and health care.

About Bond-Aid

Bond-Aid was established in December 2011 by a group of five enthusatic Bond students. The mission of the organisation is to encourage and provide an opportunity for Bond students to participate in global aid work. Our commitments can be highlighted through our previous projects in Cambodia and Sri Lanka. In addition we are continuing our work to help developing countries grow economically and socially. Bond-Aid members believe that it is important to contribute to our world by ensuring that every person has an equal access to food, education and health.

Bond-Aid provides students with various opportunities to administrate these forms. Some student volunteers have the opporutnity to work in the local communites in either the orphangeor, hosptials or community schools. In the orphanages students are able to have a culture connection with the orphans.While others enjoy the opportunity of working in local schools teaching English. Both of these opportunites creates a diverse learning experience in which the orphans, school children and Bond students can benefit.

Bond med students volunteer have the opportunity to work in the local hospital alongside doctors and nurses. These students are able to utilise the knowledge they’ve gained during their studies to assist and aid in the limited amount of medical resource.

This December 2013, Bond-Aid will be volunteering in Kathmandu, Nepal for four weeks , providing assistance in hospitals, schools and other community development projects. We will be providing aid in the form of education, community infrastructure, social support and health care.

Past Expeditions: Cambodia 2011-2012

The small island off of India , Sri lanka colliquley known as the “ The tear drop of India” became the chosen destination for the 2nd annual Bond Aid expedition. Despite 26 years of conflict, Sri Lanka has become of the fastest growing economies with a lotot of rich culture and resources to offer.

Bond-Aid wanted to provide an opportunity for Bond students to experience what Sri Lanka has to offer. Through their aid work,they would also engage in an exchange of language and culture. Which would continue to broaden their horizon.

Similar to the selection used during the inaugural expedition to Cambodia, Bond-Aid committee members selected a wide range of applicants ready for an adventure and to volunteer .16 enthusiastic volunteers from many different faculties were selected to the accompany the trip leaders. These applicants similar to the last participants had an excuberant of abilities and skills to offer. Weekly group meetings were held to plan sponsorship, resource donations and fundraising initiatives.

The journey to Sri Lanka was long but worthwhile. Through the success of the fundraising and sponsorship, Bond -Aid was able to contribute a significant amount of resources such as clothing and supplies to the children. The student volunteers were placed in variety of locations where there assistance was greatly needed such as :

• volunteering in a boys and babies orphanages

• teaching monks

• teaching various subjects to the village children

• Placement at the Lakeside Adventist Hospital and Laksal Ayuveda Hospital

Each week members from each placement swapped placements enabling everyone to work in a variety of areas and positions that interested them.

Following the return to Bond University, Bond -Aid wanted to continue raising funds and resources for the school children and hospital in Sri Lanka. Therefore in collaboration with the Bond University Medical Students ‘ MedBall’ Committee, the final contribution of $ 9000, was raised. A conseses from both Bond Aid and MedBall committees believed a monetary donation to Kandy’s first cancer hospital would be effective. This would be a sign of a lasting improvement in the community.

Out of 50 applicantion , 17 students exhibited the suitable qualities that Bond -Aid needed for the first expedition to Cambodia. The 17 students were from a wide range of degrees, expertise and skills. During the preparation for the expedition , Bond-aid held four fund-raising events which included raffles, cake stalls and hot-dog eating contests.

The arrival to Samroang, Cambodia was an explosion of excitement, eargness and optisim. The group wasn’t phased about the dangers posed by land mines nor Malaria. They accepted it as a challenge that they needed to overcome similiarly to what the locals endure throughout their daily lives. The student volunteers dis-bursed into about 5 different groups that focused in their area of interest.

Some of the highlighted ventures that had taken place included :

• Attending the schools from 8am-4pm, the student volunteers engaged in many different activities with the students. These activites would help to encourage the local students to learn English in a fun environment. In addition to teaching English, lessons were taught on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

• Other students volunteered at the orphanges. This was a great opportunity for them to engage in cultural exchange with the kids. Many of the students on the trip were unfamiliar with Cambodian culture.However through their interaction with the orphans they were able to learn a subtstanial amount.

•The Medical student volunteers had the opportunity to work at the local hospital. A typical day included working alogngside the doctors, tending to patients. The students volunteers were able to use the knowl-edge they used in their medical classes . This created a hands-on learning experience for the medical student volunteers

When the student volunteers weren’t voluntering , they had time to learn more about Samroang and the other regions of Cambodia. In Samroang the group helped the loacls with their Christmas celebration and acquired more language lessons in Khmwe. Trips were taken to Phnom Peh, Siem Reap and Battambang this helped to enhance the groups cultural experience.

After the completion of the expedition to Samroang, Bond Aid continued to support the school, orphange and hospital. The fundraising continued to maintain the connection , experience and aid. After a couple of weeks after various fundraising events the goal was met.

Past Expeditions: Sri Lanka 2012-2013

The small island off of India , Sri lanka colliquley known as the “ The tear drop of India” became the chosen destination for the 2nd annual Bond Aid expedition. Despite 26 years of conflict, Sri Lanka has become of the fastest growing economies with a lotot of rich culture and resources to offer.

Bond-Aid wanted to provide an opportunity for Bond students to experience what Sri Lanka has to offer. Through their aid work,they would also engage in an exchange of language and culture. Which would continue to broaden their horizon.

Similar to the selection used during the inaugural expedition to Cambodia, Bond-Aid committee members selected a wide range of applicants ready for an adventure and to volunteer .16 enthusiastic volunteers from many different faculties were selected to the accompany the trip leaders. These applicants similar to the last participants had an excuberant of abilities and skills to offer. Weekly group meetings were held to plan sponsorship, resource donations and fundraising initiatives.

The journey to Sri Lanka was long but worthwhile. Through the success of the fundraising and sponsorship, Bond -Aid was able to contribute a significant amount of resources such as clothing and supplies to the children. The student volunteers were placed in variety of locations where there assistance was greatly needed such as :

• volunteering in a boys and babies orphanages

• teaching monks

• teaching various subjects to the village children

• Placement at the Lakeside Adventist Hospital and Laksal Ayuveda Hospital

Each week members from each placement swapped placements enabling everyone to work in a variety of areas and positions that interested them.

Following the return to Bond University, Bond -Aid wanted to continue raising funds and resources for the school children and hospital in Sri Lanka. Therefore in collaboration with the Bond University Medical Students ‘ MedBall’ Committee, the final contribution of $ 9000, was raised. A conseses from both Bond Aid and MedBall committees believed a monetary donation to Kandy’s first cancer hospital would be effective. This would be a sign of a lasting improvement in the community.

Bond-Aid’s Sponsorship Program

Sponsorship Program Summary

As Bond-Aid organisation continues to grow sponsorship becomes ever more crucial to the club’s longevity. Sponsorship is vital to maintaining the unique experience that Bond-Aid offers students. Bond students are able to have the opportunity to volunteer and gain a valuable culture experience. It is also an invaluable resource that allows us to expand the scope of our fund-raising within the community, both on campus and off. It is our wish to work closely with all interested to form mutually beneficial

agreements, fostering long-term corporate partnership.

Benefits of Bond-Aid’s Sponsorship Program

Sponsorship with Bond-Aid provides an excellent avenue for corporations to expand on their marketing opportunities, and to present themselves to a diverse, academically stimulated and hardworking student body. As Bond is a fast-tracked university, Bond students graduate sooner and therefore are career-ready younger than other university students. Consequently, Bond students generally have a mature approach to life and look towards large corporations that can provide stability to them after their time at Bond. Bond-Aid endeavours to provide each sponsor with a multitude of advertising and promotional opportunities, as well as providing on-campus events to be present at. By sponsoring Bond-Aid, your business will be demonstrating its interest in, and commitment to, the development of globally aware young leaders and dedicated workers across a broad range of professions. It is through your sponsorship, and support, that Bond-Aid can provide Bond students with opportunities to begin enacting the global changes they hope to bring about later in their careers, as well as giving them a platform from which they may learn many of the skills they will implement in their professional life after Bond. Therefore, sponsorship provides a valuable opportunity for your company to secure loyal and reliable, future clients.

Furthermore, Bond-Aid’s program provides the perfect opportunity for your company to do its bit to help the global community, providing sorely needed aid to developing nations around the world.

Sponsorship Packages

Gold Sponsorship Package

An annual investment of $2000 includes

• Company logo displayed prominently on all Bond-Aid t-shirts, worn by volunteers.

•Opportunity for company to advertise through Bond-Aid’s social media (Facebook page, website etc.)

•A4 Page advertisement in Health Science and Medicine faculty publication Pulse once a semester.

•Company recognition at all Bond-Aid fundraising events.

•Company logo displayed on all Bond-Aid promotional ma-terials (flyers, posters etc.)

•The option to have a representative of Bond-Aid present about the program at one or more events of the company.

Platinum Sponsorship Package

A three-year investment of $5000. The platinum package offers the benefits of the Gold Sponsorship for three years, with the third year half price.

• Company logo displayed prominently on all Bond-Aid t-shirts, worn by volunteers.

• Opportunity for company to advertise through Bond-Aid’s social media (Facebook page, website etc.)

• A4 Page advertisement in Health Science and Medicine faculty publication Pulse once a semester.

• Company recognition at all Bond-Aid fundraisers.

• Company logo displayed on all Bond-Aid promotional materials (flyers, posters etc.)

•The opportunity for the company to promote and present and promote at key Bond-Aid fundraising events (See Events Descrip-tion over page).

Bronze Sponsorship PackageAn annual investment of $500 includes

•Company logo displayed on all Bond-Aid t-shirts, worn by volunteers.

•Opportunity for company to advertise through Bond-Aid’s social media (Facebook page, website etc.)

•Company recognition at all Bond-Aid fundraising events.

•Company logo displayed on all Bond-Aid promotional materials (flyers, posters etc.)

Silver Sponsorship PackageAn annual investment of $1000

•Company logo displayed on all Bond-Aid t-shirts, worn by volunteers.

•Opportunity for company to advertise through Bond-Aid’s social media (Facebook page, website etc.)

•A4 Page advertisement in Health Science and Medi-cine faculty publication Pulse once a semester.

•Company recognition at all Bond-Aid fundraising events.

•Company logo displayed on all Bond-Aid promotion-

Bond-Aid has four tiers of sponsorship packages available for external businesses. These tiers are:

Bond Aid conducts a series of fundraising events in order provide sufficient amount of resources to the developing communities and the ease of the trips itself. About 7 events are conducted throughout the years that involves the community and Bond students.

Breakfast with Bond-Aid

Breakfast with Bond -Aid is one of our most successful events. It started September 2012 for Bond-Aid to fundraise and spread awareness about our upcoming expedition. Due to the success of the first event, it has now become an annual fundraising event.

Tickets are sold as a primary means for fund-raising to provide a lavish breakfast for about 50 Bond students and staff. The team leader from Bond-Aid discusses the upcoming expedition while reviewing Bon-Aid previous trips.

Ballads with Bond-Aid

For all the musicians, singers, and MCs at Bond have the opportunity to perform at an Open Mic Night. The performance are usually held either at the on campus Bar, ‘ Dons’ or at local cafe or restaurant.

Tickets offering a meal, beverage and splendid show are sold to students, staff and faculty members at Bond. Currently Bond-Aid is looking to establish a partnership with a venue willing to be a sponsorship for the program

Wednesday by the Water

Wednesday by the Water, WBTW, is a free sausage sizzle that’s is provided students every Wednesday of the semester. The event is hosted by Bond’s student association, BUSA, who provide a free themed BBQ.

Bond-Aid had the opportunity to collaborate with BUSA and hosts a themed WBTW for Cambodia and Sri Lanka. The event attracts over 500 students and is a furthered opportunity for sponsors to be promoted.

Bond-Aid’s Fundraising Events

Charity Night at Don’s

Don’s is the on campus that attracts students for either a discounted meals with live band or themed parties once every Thursday. It creates a great atmosphere for the entire body for a relaxed night of socialising and unwinding.

Bond-Aid took advantage of this opportunity to host an event at Don’s. Featuring DJs and a dance floor, Bond-Aid typically incorporates fun fundraising activities. Afterwards free bus provide transportation for students to Bond’s official partner nightclub after the event.

Baking with Bond-Aid

Twice a year, Bond-Aid members and students of the Health Science and Medicine Faculty to contribute towards a bake sale. This fundraiser is incorporates an array of sweet treats sold to students, staff and faculties at Bond. The money raised goes directly to our donation for our country in need.

Bond Medical Students Ball

In 2012, Bond -Aid was fortunate enough to be selected b Bond’s Medical Social (MedSoc) student organisation as the official MEDSOC CHARITY OF 2012. This partnership saw Bond-Aid aligning with MedSoc to present the Medical students Ball, a formal event held at the Q1 Hotel in Surfers Paradise. This event attracts hundreds of students from Bond. This fundraising partnership is one that Bond-Aid hopes to continue long term.

Bond-Aid’s Fundraising Events

Charity Night at Don’s

Don’s is the on campus that attracts students for either a discounted meals with live band or themed parties once every Thursday. It creates a great atmosphere for the entire body for a relaxed night of socialising and unwinding.

Bond-Aid took advantage of this opportunity to host an event at Don’s. Featuring DJs and a dance floor, Bond-Aid typically incorporates fun fundraising activities. Afterwards free bus provide transportation for students to Bond’s official partner nightclub after the event.

Baking with Bond-Aid

Twice a year, Bond-Aid members and students of the Health Science and Medicine Faculty to contribute towards a bake sale. This fundraiser is incorporates an array of sweet treats sold to students, staff and faculties at Bond. The money raised goes directly to our donation for our country in need.

Bond Medical Students Ball

In 2012, Bond -Aid was fortunate enough to be selected b Bond’s Medical Social (MedSoc) student organisation as the official MEDSOC CHARITY OF 2012. This partnership saw Bond-Aid aligning with MedSoc to present the Medical students Ball, a formal event held at the Q1 Hotel in Surfers Paradise. This event attracts hundreds of students from Bond. This fundraising partnership is one that Bond-Aid hopes to continue long term.

Bond-Aid prides itself on its exceptional volunteering and fundraising program. The organisation strives to help mold leaders and philanthropists of the future, while offering aid to struggling communities around the globe. A sponsorship of Bond-Aid allows you to connect with upcoming leaders and philanthropist of tomorrow, in a gesture of generosity that will not be forgotten.

Please note that while our sponsorship packages are quite specific, we are more than happy to tailor them to meet the needs of our sponsors. Furthermore, the options offered are by no means exhaustive, if you have another idea of how you’d like to show your support, we welcome the opportunity to arrange an agreeable partnership.

On behalf of Bond-Aid , thank you for taking the time to consider our prospectus and hope that you can appreciate the significance of your donation.

To discuss how a corporate partnership with Bond-Aid may benefit you please, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately.

Kind Regards, Asale Collins-Anderson Sponsorship Director | Bond University Bond-Aid M: 0479 197 552

Email: [email protected]



“The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” ― Mahatma Gandhi