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Stockport School

Table of Contents



Story 4

Recipe – Chicken and Mango Salad with Flatbread 6

The Science 7


Story 8

Recipe – Cod Burger and Cheesy Chips 10

Science 11


Story 12

Recipe – Lamouseyfran 14

Science 15


Story 16

Recipe – Turkey Burger, Chips and Fruit Smoothie 18

Science 20


Story 21

Recipe – Sarnip and Sausage with Apple Sauce 22

Science 23

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Story 24

Recipe 26

Science 27


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Future Food

Future Food is an exciting multi-disciplinary project from the Centre for Urban Education, which partners teachers and pupils with scientists, writers and chefs.

We have considered many of the issues around food production and distribution, and imagined different possible futures. The project has culminated in intriguing tales and some curious and delicious dishes.

Throughout the project we have encouraged imaginative thinking as well as a thorough understanding of the issues around food – science, sustainability, nutrition, emotion, ethics, and aesthetics.

We have also considered some of the legislative, economic and cultural issues and learned about sustainable development as well as health concerns. Future food has encouraged the young people to develop personal and learning skills, such independent enquiry and team working and to becoming effective participants, self-managers, reflective learners and creative thinkers, as well as developing their literacy skills.

For further information please contact the CUE office at [email protected]

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Can changes be made?

One quiet day in the countryside, Daniel Joe was sitting peacefully under a tree eating a cucumber sandwich. He was thinking of what he would do if he was the prime minister. He thought and thought and thought and somewhere along the line he decided that he wanted to go into politics. So he thought of his campaigns and his ideas and became the local MP.

Gradually he acquired more and more power and eventually got a firm place in parliament. He got up from his place in the back benches and began to speak. The words came out of his nervous body and said ‘I’m here to show my ideas and to make some changes,’ and he went on and on and on about his mind and what he would do if he was the person who could change things. Everyone thought he was mad and shouted abuse at him and were bullying him for his thoughts about life. But he carried on whether anyone liked it or not and said what he thought and eventually after a very long time one person said ‘I’m with Dan on this one.’ Dan was over the moon that someone had listened to him and had changed their views of him and life in general was a lot better for him when the word spread.

After a while of changing other people views and opinions he eventually plucked up the courage to write a letter to the Prime Minister to arrange a meeting. The Prime Minister agreed to the meeting and arranged a date to talk about the economics of the world in this current climate. His plan was to change the country to all-natural energy.

The day had come, the most important of his life so far. He was meeting the prime minister on his own. The black car pulled up outside the location where they were to meet. He was scared stiff, the thought of him and the PM of the country, the one who makes all of the decisions which could put the country into disaster or into economic heaven. The moments were getting closer, his heart was pounding, the door opened, he put on his best smile and saw the prime minister he was shaking so much, they shuck each others hand and then went inside to talk. After a while they both emerged from their meeting and for once, they were both smiling and happily talking. He went home all joyful and merrily. In his mind was ‘One day, I’ll be the PM’.

The elections were on the way, and Daniel put his name down for the election after being specially nominated by his party, the Conservatives. He campaigned every day for a month, every day he improved his speeches and his communication skills were on the rise. The voters were on his side for once, and he met his dream girl from his school, it seemed life couldn’t get any better for him. But it did.

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He won the election by 34% of the votes. He was ecstatic. He was happy. His dream had come true. On his mind night and day was ‘What am I going to change first?’ That was all that he thought about. It dominated him. He finally came to a decision; he wanted a couple of little countries in Africa.

Although he was strongly against war he wanted resources such as the land, so he could create water farms and the sun for solar power and waterfalls for water power from. He thought that the countries had no money to develop it, so if he stepped in then he could help them. He negotiated with them for a while. Eventually they came with a decision. No. He was devastated, but he had another option, invade. He prepared his army, including himself for war, then it begun. He sent ALL of his army to these countries. 1 week later they came back defeated by the Africans. They collected every single soldier in Africa to fight the British. 40,000 out of 50,000 of the English had been killed in the Battle for Africa. But the Prime Minister kept on battling.

Somehow, he came out alive. After a couple of months of bad press, the Prime Minister prepared for another invasion of a different country, and this time he came out triumphant. The country wasn’t as big, but had better resources than the African countries put together. It was a small island in the Caribbean Ocean, where there were lots of exotic fruits. The local traditional dish was a chicken and Mango salad with pomegranate sprinkled over it. He renamed it after St George. The new English owned island was called ‘St George’s Island’.

It was a huge economic haven. It was turning over millions with its exports because of its location. They were able to build wind farms and hydro-electric stations in the waterfalls and solar power stations, so the energy was really cheap. The English loved it - the economy was getting better, they could afford more, and more importantly, they could enjoy life more.

Then after Daniel’s reign of the country, he had a thought, “Do I want to carry on?” He thought long and hard about it, and ran for PM again. And in his first speech the only words that he said were ‘I’ve made a change’.

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Chicken and mango salad with flatbread

This is the speciality dish of the small African country which Daniel Joe conquered.

Diced chicken Mango Carrots Lettuce Peppers Strong bread flour Oil Yeast Salt Pomegranate juice Pomegranate seeds 1 tablespoon of Garam Masala 150 ml water

Chicken and mango salad.

1. To cook chicken rub it in oil and Garam Masala and cook six minutes on each side or until cooked through on frying pan.

2. Peel and slice mango into wedges. 3. Slice peppers and red onions. 4. Toss salad.


1. Pre heat oven at 200°C. 2. Mix together in bowl the flour, salt, yeast, oil and water until a sloppy

dough. 3. Knead well. 4. Leave for 45 minutes to rise. 5. Divide dough into four pieces. 6. Using rolling pin flatten each piece into circles 1cm thick. 7. Leave for 5 minutes. 8. Cook in oven for 18 minutes or until golden brown.

Story and Recipe by Matthew M, Chris B, Callum P and Ben W

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Can Changes be Made? – The Science

This story responds to the need to find alternative sources of energy. Some of our food has a very high carbon footprint – it takes a lot of energy to produce and transport – and results in a lot of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Most of our energy is still made from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, which are becoming more expensive and which will one day be unavailable. There are many alternative solutions – wind power, water power, solar power. One disadvantage of many of these alternatives is that they require space. There is a limited amount of space in the UK and it is also needed for food production and building, while at the same time people are keen to preserve green spaces and our natural habitat.

Daniel Joe as a young idealist and as a battle-hardened Prime Minister.

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The Flood That Changed The World

2050. The ice caps are melting. There is nothing the scientists can do to prevent it, so now it is time to prepare for the flood. Floating land is made which helps keep housing and animals safe.

By 2052 the ice caps have melted and the world has flooded, there are now only 2,500 acres left in the whole world.

Meanwhile Jeffrey and his assistant Bob in their lab are focusing on developing new forms of fish by genetic modification to increase the amount of meat in one fish and so they can feed more people. After all the reason Jeffrey became a scientist was because of his love of marine life and he loved to go fishing with his dad when he was only a little boy before his parents died when he was only 13. His parents died from radiation and were also scientists and he wanted to follow in their work. His brother who was 10 years older than him and was with his parents during the radiation accident but he is now in constant care and is on the verge of death.

The lab looked very scientific, fish tanks scattered around the room filled with fish from a range of big to small being taken one by one to be experimented in the dissection room to try and save the worlds population from starvation, the floor and walls were painted ocean blue.

In the dissection room Jeffrey and Bob were extracting fish DNA to experiment in the lab to try to create the perfect fish. The dissection room looked like a theatre in a hospital, cutting lasers and syringes scattered from bench to bench with fish lying next to them, and the smell of fish was tainting the whole room. “Are you sure this is the right way to do this?” complained Bob. “Yes I am sure” confidently replied Jeffrey. “You’re the boss!” said Bob.

At midnight Jeffrey hears a loud bang. When he runs up the stairs he finds that his research and test subjects are gone and he finds a big hole in the wall and a note on his research bench, it reads: “A Ha! I have taken your research and I intend to dispose of it, as you were messing with the natural balance of nature”

Jeffrey heads to the most common place to dispose of things these days, Mt. Magma the most destructive place on earth. When he arrives, he discovers the thief on top of the volcano, he gets up as fast as he can and takes back his research before throwing the thief into the volcano as he fights back.

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The next morning, Bob arrives at work, but not to help. He says “I am sorry Jeffrey but I quit because I do not want to harm the natural balance of nature” Jeffrey replies by saying “Please don’t leave me Bob, I can’t do this with out you!” Bob walks away and says “I am sorry,” as he walks out the hole in the wall.

Later that day, Jeffrey’s order of Plutonium arrives in the post and he says “I have got no choice but to do this on my own”. He puts on his radioactive suit and approaches the plutonium powered machine but he is too distraught to check the machine to make sure that nothing was damaged by the thief. As he places the plutonium inside the plutonium powered machine and closes the air tight seal he heads to the glass window on the side. He sees the crack in the window and tries to run for cover but he is too late and it implodes.

The next day Bob comes to visit him in hospital. He finds that he is already dead and it is too late and Bob says “I knew it wouldn’t work Jeffrey. I told you and I wish you would have listened. Rest in peace my friend…” Once a year on April the 7th Bob would visit Jeffrey’s grave and place a fish on his grave.

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Cod Burger and Cheesy Chips

In our story there are more fish than other animals like chicken to eat and the fish will be genetically modified so that they have more meat and they will taste even better than they do now. The cheese is now very expensive, and having cheese would be a luxury, whereas fish would be common.

Cod burger

Lettuce Shrimps Salsa sauce Breadcrumbs 2 Eggs 1 clove of Garlic Flour Cod cut into cubes

1. Mix 1 egg, flour, and cod together with garlic. 2. Add water slowly to bind together. 3. Form into 2 balls and flatten into patties. 4. Dip into egg then breadcrumbs- twice. 5. Pan fry on low heat in a teaspoon of oil.

Potato wedges

Potatoes Mozzarella Water

1. Boil water. 2. Cut and peel potatoes to desired shape. 3. Leave in boiling water for 3 mins. 4. Over 220 degrees C - pre-heat baking tray. 5. Place potatoes on tray then spray with oil. 6. Cook for 20 mins or until golden brown. 7. Season to taste. 8. Top with mozzarella slices then place back in oven for 2-3 mins until

cheese melts.

Story and Recipe by by Daisy Dixon, Josh Smith and Callum Beesley

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The Flood that Changed the World – the Science

Scientists are almost completely in agreement that the earth is warming up and that this is caused by a blanket of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. One of the consequences of this global warming is that the ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising. Measurements show that sea levels have risen between 10 and 20 cm. Predictions vary as it is not known just how the massive ice sheets will respond to global warming. Some studies suggest the rise could be around a metre by the end of a century, which would threaten many big cities. This story is very much a worse case scenario, but the possibility of land masses shrinking is something we may have to prepare for.

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Henry bites back!

Henry fled away as quick as he could on his hovercraft, because the Society of Fit and Healthy People were chasing after him.

“Fatty. FATTY!” they chanted. “You’re a waste of space.”

He arrived at his house where more people waited with signs saying FATTY and even louder chants “FATTY, FATTY”

Henry had tears in his eyes. He knew what he was but didn’t need to be told from other people. Henry closed his curtains and pretended that no one was there as he always did.

Henry remained in his chair for weeks; he didn’t want to move because it just upset him to see the angry people chanting out side. It had been months before he heard a knock at the door. “Knock, knock” He answered the door and a man popped his head around.

“Hello I’m Graham and I’m here to help!” I believe everyone deserves a second chance!”

Henry answered “Why would you want to help me?”

Graham explained “I am the scientist who invented the hovercrafts but now I regret it because I see what it’s done to people and how it’s wrecked their lives! I have invented a new meal called the Lamouseyfran, taking this twice a day for the rest of your live and you will be as fit as a fiddle. The only down side is that it is expensive to make. However I think you need it the most so I’m going to give it you for free!”

Henry looked shocked “But why would you do that for me?”

“I’m here to help so don’t worry about it. I’m a nutritionist I’m paid to help people.”

This was the first person who had ever tried to help Henry. He felt relieved that finally he had someone to care for him and make him feel like he was not a waste of space.

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Graham put Henry on the road to HEALTH with the right healthy diet and exercise he needed and the delicious Lamouseyfran twice a day and he never looked at his hovercraft again. In just two years Henry was in great shape and was able to do the things he couldn’t before.

One day he was passing through his local park, he saw all his old haters, The Society of Healthy and Fit people and they congratulated him on his successful diet. He moved to New York the next year with Graham who was now his best friend. They went running weekly together and had been ever since Henry lost his weight. Within a couple of years Henry had a wonderful little girl and a beautiful wife who was expecting another baby. He couldn’t be happier with his lifestyle all thanks to Graham. He had the perfect family, life, house and friends and that is how Henry’s happy ever after happened.

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Lamouseyfran Recipe!

2 Passion fruits 1 Mango 1 Pomegranate 1 Papaya Tin of Lychees 5 Strawberries Carton of Orange juice 1 Ginger root 4-5 pieces of ice

1. Clean the work surface and set 7 bowls out and a chopping board. 2. Peel the mango and the papaya. Using the sharp knife cut up into

medium size pieces on the chopping board. Don’t use the skin. 3. Cut the other fruit up using the sharp knife on the chopping board. 4. Open the tin of lychees. 5. Grate the ginger; you will need no more than a pinch. 6. Spoon out the inside of the passion fruit and pomegranate, don’t use

the skin. 7. Place each food in a different bowl. 8. Set the blender up and place a handful of fruit and a spoonful of

passionfruit and pomegranate into the blender 9. Add 4 to 5 cubes of ice as well. 10. Blend.

Story and Recipe by Holly Bardsley, Lauren Chapman, Eilish Frost and Ellie Maudsley.

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Henry Bites Back – the Science

The easy availability of food, particularly high calorie foods, combined with our comfortable lifestyle has meant that there are concerns over rising levels of obesity. Seriously overweight people are more likely to suffer from a range of health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. The message from scientists has been consistent over the years – eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and take regular exercise. Lamouseyfran combines a good variety of fruits in a very tempting combination and would be a great supplement to a healthy diet and exercise regime.

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Mc. Healthy

There once was a boy called Bernard. He lived in America with his mother and father. He was in love with Isabella his childhood sweetheart. They were torn apart when his dad developed an illness due to being severely overweight. The only way he could get better was if he flew to England and had a life saving operation. This meant they would have to move there so Bernard’s father could recover and they could start a new life. Unfortunately this meant leaving Isabella behind.

The day of the flight Isabella accompanied them to the airport, they embraced for one last time and he left her forever. On the plane Bernard and his dad were playing a card game, ‘SNAP!’ shouted Bernard. Suddenly the plane started to spiral out of control. Everybody started screaming as the plane went crashing down into the freezing cold ocean. Most people drowned or died but Bernard was the only survivor.

20 years on and Bernard is living in a small modest cottage in England working as a caretaker at the local school, He is left with burns that cover his body. He lives a quiet and lonely life, he doesn’t need material things to be happy all he needs is his beloved cat, Ernie.

Bernard lives a routine life, everyday he comes home from work makes him self a cuppa and turns on the television. He sees an advert for healthy eating, it makes him remember the happiest time of his life, when his mother and father were with him living in America and how if only his dad would have had a healthier diet he would have still been alive.

Bernard has a dream that he will one day return to America and open up an organic and healthy restaurant and find his one true love Isabella but Bernard is too scared to use transport. Bernard knows what he has to do. He sets up an account on and after months of searching for his dear Isabella he finally finds her. Even with the burns all down his face, she instantly recognises him. They talk for hours on end, he tells her about the horrific plane crash and his dream.

Isabella finally gives Bernard the courage to fly again, and get over his fears. He was hesitant at first, it took a lot of convincing but he finally moved back to America when Bernard arrives Isabella is waiting at the airport for him where they last saw each other 20 years ago at They instantly recognise each other and it was like he’d never gone.

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Bernard and Isabella start a family and open up the restaurant called McHealthy. It’s a success! They become a world wide sensation and the world conquers its obesity problems, thanks to Bernard and Isabella.

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Mc healthy recipe

Turkey Burger, Chips and Fruit Smoothie

Turkey mince, Organic Vegetables - Lettuce, Onions etc Wholemeal buns Potatoes Bread crumbs Salt and pepper 1 Egg

1. Wash your vegetables meat and hands. 2. Pre heat the oven at 220°c. 3. Put the mince in to your mixing bowl; season it with salt and pepper. 4. Add one egg to the seasoned mince and two table spoons or bread

crumbs. 5. Now bind them together. 6. Form two balls and press in to patties. 7. Line the grill tray with tin foil, put the rack on top and put on your

patties. 8. Put the patties in the grill and cook each side flipping them over when

needed. 9. Cut in half to check if there cooked through (if they’re still pink put them

back in the grill till they’re browned all the way through). 10. Peel potatoes, and cut into chips. 11. Lightly grease the oven proof tray. 12. Put the chips in to a pan of boiling water for three minutes. 13. Sieve the chips from the boiling pan. 14. Take out the oven tray and put chips on top. 15. Cook on a high heat for twenty minutes or until golden brown. 16. When your burger and chips are cooked take them out of the oven and

grill. 17. Put your patties on the buns and add lettuce and onions. 18. Present your meal on a plate. 19. Now enjoy!

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Banana and Strawberry Smoothie!

Strawberries Bananas Milk Ice Cubes

1. Wash your fruit, and your hands. 2. Peel your banana and chop off the leaves on the strawberries. 3. Put 0oz or strawberries and two bananas in to the blender. 4. Add one cup of ice cubes, three quarters of a cup of milk and three

tablespoons of sugar. 5. Blend your mixture until it’s smooth. 6. Pour into cups and enjoy!

Story and recipe by Levi Mulligan, Rebecca Megson, Harriet Day, Milley Stanway.

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Mc Healthy – The Science

This is another story which focusses on some of the health issues around being seriously overweight. But this time we are concerned with avoiding putting on too much weight. This story also touches on the potency of advertising and how we can be led into making choices which may not be in our best interests. Fortunately on this occasion they were. There are many things we can do to reduce our consumption of saturated fats – grill rather than fry, use leaner types of meat, and substituting fruit smoothies for milkshakes. The recipe also recommends organic produce so that we think about the health of the planet too.

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Sarah’s Story

I’m Sarah and I’m 19. It’s the year 2061 and petrol levels are running low. This worries me as a single mum as it will be extremely difficult to get from place to place with my son Tim, if I can’t use my car or any public transport. We need to find a substitute for oil so we can make more petrol and fast! If not it will disturb our natural way of living.

It’s Monday morning and I’ve just seen a new advert on T.V advertising a new fuel for cars which is potatoes. Apparently the starch in the potato contains a lot of energy which can be used a fuel to start cars. Sounds like a great cheap and environmentally friendly idea for a new fuel. On the way back from dropping my son Tim at school I fill my car up with the new potato fuel. It works well and there seems to be plenty of it.

It’s Monday evening now and I’m in Asda buying some food to make dinner of sausage and mash for me and Tim, when what’s this…there’s no potatoes being sold in the entire shop! I go and ask the manager and he tells me that potatoes can no longer be sold as a food product otherwise we will run out of fuel again. We need to find a substitute for potatoes and fast!

The following morning I go back to Asda and look for different food that could be a good substitute for potatoes I buy various foods and take them home to experiment. After trying various foods I come across parsnip and Swede which both work well and I manage to create a new recipe called ‘Sarnip’(which is a mixture of parsnips and Swede) with sausages and apple sauce to replace sausage and mash.

I immediately go back to Asda and present my new idea for a potato substitute. The managers at the supermarket think it works well and tastes very similar to potatoes so it turned out to be a great substitute. Everybody’s happy now as we have found a substitute for potatoes and oil.

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Sarnip with sausage and a mouth watering apple sauce

We were trying to find a substitute for potatoes to go with sausages to make sausage and mash. Our recipe is called sarnip with sausage and apple sauce. In this recipe we are making pork sausages with fried cubes of Swede and parsnips, and then make a thick-ish apple sauce.

A pack of sausages 1 Swede 1 parsnip 2 very large apples 2 Stock cubes Half a Lemon

1. Preheat the oven at 220°c. 2. Peel and cube the vegetables and the apples. 3. Place the sausages on the grill. 4. Place cubed parsnips and Swede on a baking tray and spray some oil

on them and season. 5. Cube both apples and place in a pan with boiling water, simmer till soft,

then drain the water and then mash the apples. 6. Add two vegetable stock cubes with 200 ml of water into the apple and

simmer. 7. Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon into the apple mash. 8. Season to taste. 9. Tuck in and enjoy!

Story and Recipe by Charlotte Hadfield, Sam Naylor and Zoë Hird Green.

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Sarah’s Story – The Science

Scientists are continually researching alternatives to fossil fuels. Biofuels are ethanol based fuels which can be made from animal waste or wood chippings, and frequently crops such as sugar beans or grains. Potatoes are made of starch which can easily be turned into ethanol. While there are definite environmental benefits to biofuels this story touches on a very real concern – if we use land to grow crops for fuels, we have less land to grow crops for food.

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The story of Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele

Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele was very young when his parents died. He was just 3 years old. He can’t even remember how they died as he moved from his birth place of Scunthorpe and to Jambia to try and start a new life for himself. He was an only child and had no friends even in his early days as a toddler.

When he came over from Scunthorpe he lost most of his possessions as the ferry he was on sunk on the voyage. His only memory of his parents is the picture of when he was born where they are both smiling. It still brings a tear to his eye to think that he can’t see that smile and if he did see it, he can’t remember it.

Our story starts when Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele was sitting at the docks in Jambia with his only friend Diouf Diop. They were discussing the new business which is the farming of the sea. “You know what Diouf!” said Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele

“What’s that Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele?”

“I’m sick of farming on the land I’m going to buy a boat and start farming in the sea” said Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele

So that day Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele bought the cheapest boat that he could find and started the only thing that mattered. Sea farming.

6 months later the sea farming business took off for Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele and was raking in the cash. But as in life the land farmers became jealous of the sea farmers good fortune, so they brought together a group to take out on the sea farmers. They crept in, in the middle of the night in inflatable dinghies with motor engines and a bottle of cyanide each. When Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele came into his farming ground the next day he found only one thing and it made him freeze inside. Hundreds upon hundreds of dead fish and rotting coral. There was only one explanation. Land farmers!

Understandably the sea farmers were in horror to what the land farmers had done. They in turn created a group to take revenge on the land farmers, including Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele. So during the night the sea farmers stole into the land farmers grounds with mercury in hand and poured it all in to the soil in an attempt to take revenge. But due to an immense down pour of rain during the night all of the mercury drained through the soil and into the sea causing an even more devastating affect on the crops and environment of the sea farmers land. So now they not only had to clean up the poison from the land farmers but their own poison as well.

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Due to all of this Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele cuts his loses and goes back to land farming gaining a few Jambians (Jambias currency).

And he finally gains enough money to build a new house for himself.

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Cod curry

In our future there will be less land and more sea, so we feel the future will be farming the sea. The cod curry is an experiment to try different ways of cooking fish.

Cod, cubed Chopped tomatoes Chick peas Potatoes Curry Paste Rice Naan Bread

1. Cut the cod in small cubes. 2. Fry Cod with 4 tablespoons of paste. 3. For approx 5 minutes. 4. Add chopped tomatoes, chick peas and potatoes. 5. Simmer gently for 15 minutes then serve . 6. Place the rice into boiling water and cook for 12 minutes. 7. Rinse with boiling water. 8. Place Naan bread on a baking try. Put it in the oven at 220°c for 5

minutes. Story and recipe by Songwe Mwewa, Andre Brown, Conor Osbiston and Lewis Proctor

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The story of Claude Yaya Sissoko Makelele - The Science

This story also concerns a future in which sea levels have risen and there is a shortage of land. In this future people turned to the sea for food. However it would be important to manage fishery stocks in such a future. In many parts of the world overfishing has proved disastrous for fish stocks and populations of fish have seriously declined. Solutions to this have been to impose fishing quotas, to use nets which catch only bigger fish allowing the young to escape and mature, and to cook with less popular fish.

It’s also worth knowing that heavy metals such as mercury can become concentrated in fish and then move up the food chain, poisoning people.

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This project was carried out with the assistance of:

Helen Clare, Writer

Craig Yates, Deputy Head

Daphne Pyrah, Science Teacher

Coral Heyworth, Chef

Haleh Moravej, Nutritionist

Phil Harris, Sustainability Scientist

Jane Corrigan, Food Technology Teacher

Denise Salad, Food Technician

Roshan Rubin, Designer

Lesa Dryburgh, Communications Consultant

Claire O’Brien, Administrator

Nancy Barrett, Creative Director, CUE

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