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Part 1

1m children in Britain at risk in violent homes (I) · 7% of young may suffer effects of domestic abuse

· UN report says 275 million are affected worldwide

John Carvel, social affairs editor Tuesday August 15, 2006

The Guardian Nearly 1 million children in Britain may be suffering the physical and emotional scars of domestic violence, according to a UN report today on the global impact of aggressive behaviour in the home. It said the number of children across the world whose lives are blighted by physical, sexual and psychological attacks is conservatively estimated to be 275 million. They included between 240,000 and 963,000 children in the UK.

The estimates were commissioned by Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general, for a study that is due to be presented to the UN general assembly later this year. It suggests that up to 7.2% of children in Britain may be affected by domestic violence, compared with 2% in Denmark, 6% in France and 14.3% in Portugal. Amaya Gillespie, director of the UN study's secretariat, said: "We are just beginning to develop a clearer global picture of the problem and be in a position to call for action by governments and communities to stop the exposure of children to domestic violence."

Estimates of the number of children witnessing violence were based on national surveys of how many women are exposed to violence in the household. The UN assumed that 60% of this violence is witnessed by children. Countries with the worst problem included Turkey, where up to 24.8% of children are thought to witness violence in the home, Mexico (21.5%), the Netherlands (12.3%) and Italy (11.2%). Low rates were recorded in Greece (2.2%), Sweden (2.4%), Spain (2.6%) and Iceland (3.3%). 1. Identify the types of abuse mentioned in the excerpt. 2. How many children are affected by domestic violence in Great Britain? 3. Who commissioned the survey? 4. Pay attention to the following expressions:

to call for a solicita, a apela la to be blighted (to blight) a fi vătămat (a vătăma, a dăuna) The PM called for action to fight the enemies. The normal development of children is blighted by violence.



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în limba engleză, există patru tipuri de substantive: - substantive comune : dog, man, table - substantive proprii : France, Madrid, Tom - substantive abstracte : beauty, charity, fear, joy - substantive colective: crowd, group, swarm

în limba engleză, genul substantivelor se stabileşte în funcţie de obiectele/fiinţele/conceptele denotate. Genul este important doar în alegerea pronumelor corespunzătoare. Sunt masculine substantivele care reprezintă bărbatul, calităţi bărbăteşti sau masculii animalelor: men, boy, bull – pronumele folosit: he/they. Sunt feminine substantivele care reprezintă femeia, calităţi femeieşti sau femelele animalelor: women, girls, cows – pronumele folosit: she/they. Sunt neutre obiectele fără viaţă, animalele sau copiii al căror sex nu este cunoscut de către vorbitor – pronumele: it/they. Vasele maritime şi maşinile sunt considerate uneori ca fiind drept feminine, mai ales atunci când vorbitorul se referă la ele cu afecţiune.

o serie de substantive, care denotă fiinţe sau titluri, au forme diferite pentru masculin şi feminin: boy/girl, gentleman/lady, son/daughter, father/mother, king/queen, earl/countess, duke/duchess, etc. Unele substantive din această categorie au o singură formă pentru ambele genuri: baby, infant, relative, child, spouse.

majoritatea substantivelor care denumesc profesii au aceeaşi formă pentru ambele genuri: artist, cook, driver, dancer, doctor. Principalele excepţii sunt reprezentate de cuplurile: actor/actress, conductor/conductress, heir/heiress, hero/heroine, host/hostess, manager/manageress, steward/stewardess, waiter/waitress. De asemenea, forme diferite prezintă şi substantivele compuse cu ajutorul cuvintelor –man/-woman : salesman/salewoman. Uneori, diferenţa este eliminată prin folosirea cuvântului –person: salesperson.


pluralul substantivelor se formează, de obicei, prin adăugarea unui s la forma de singular: dog/dogs, house/houses.

- s se pronunţă /s/ după p, k sau f. În celelalte situaţii, se pronunţă /z/. - atunci când s este adăugat după ce, ge, se sau ze, finalul cuvântului se pronunţă /iz/.

cuvintele care se termină în o, ch, sh, ss sau x au forme de plural în es : tomato/tomatoes, church/churches, brush/brushes, kiss/kisses, box/boxes. Regula




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nu se aplică în cazul cuvintelor de origine străină sau abreviate : kimono/kimonos, soprano/sopranos, kilo/kilos, photo/photos.

cuvintele care se termină în consoană+y, au pluralul în ies, prin eliminarea lui y : baby/babies, country/countries, fly/flies, lady/ladies.

cuvintele care se termină în vocală+y formează pluralul prin adăugarea unui s : boy/boys, day/days, guy/guys.

în cazul a 12 cuvinte, terminaţia f/fe se transformă în ves : calf/calves, half/halves, knife/knives, leaf/leaves, life/lives, loaf/loaves, self/selves, sheaf/sheaves, shelf/shelves, thief/thieves, wife/wives, wolf/wolves.

câteva substantive au forme neregulate de plural: foot/feet, goose/geese, louse/lice, man/men, mouse/mice, tooth/teeth, woman/women.

unele substantive au doar forme de singular: fish, carp, trout, cod, squid, deer, sheep : one sheep, two sheep. The fish were good.

substantivele colective pot fi urmate fie de un verb la singular, dacă vorbitorul se referă la noţiunea reprezentată ca la un tot unitar, fie de un verb la plural, atunci când vorbitorul are în vedere părţile componente : Our team is the best – Our team are wearing their new outfits.

o serie de substantive sunt folosite întotdeauna cu un verb la plural: - substantivele clothes şi police - hainele sau accesoriile compuse din mai multe părţi : breeches, pants, pyjamas, trousers - unelte şi instrumente compuse din două sau mai multe părţi : binoculars, pliers, scissors, spectacles, glasses, scales, shears - substantive precum : earnings, goods/wares, greens (vegetables), grounds, outskirts, particulars, quarters, riches, savings, stairs, surroundings, valuables.

câteva cuvinte care se termină în ics (acoustics, athletics, ethics, hysterics, mathematics, physics, politics) şi care au doar forme de plural sunt folosite de obicei cu verbe la plural: His mathematics are weak. Ca nume de ştiinţe, pot fi folosite şi la singular: Mathematics is an exact science.

unele cuvinte cu forme de plural au înţeles singular : - news : The news is good. - anumite boli: mumps, rickets, shingles - anumite jocuri: billiards, darts, bowls, dominoes.

cuvintele de origine greacă sau latină pătrează formele de plural din limbile de provenienţă :

- în cazul cuvintelor care se termină în sis la singular, pluralul este marcat în scris prin forma ses şi oral printr-o pronunţie diferită : /sis/ -- /si :z/ : analysis/analyses, thesis/theses, crisis/crises, hypothesis/hypotheses. - alte exemple : appendix/appendices, fungus/fungi, erratum/errata, memorandum/memoranda, phenomenon/phenomena, terminus/termini.

1. Give the feminine form of the following words: bridegroom, husband, man, gentleman, uncle, nephew, child, spouse, earl, lord, cook, assistant, host, heir, salesman.


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2. Complete with the appropriate plural form: 1. He bought two _____ (tomato) for the sauce. 2. The Smiths have three _____ (baby). 3. Currently, the European Union comprises 27 _____ (country). 4. His _____ (foot) were dirty. 5. He discovered the old house was full of _____ (mouse). 6. Give me two _____ (loaf) of bread, please! 7. The town has two Catholic _____ (church). 8. There are several _____ (fly) in my cup of tea! 9. That night he met a pack of _____ (wolf) in the forest. 10. Go brush your _____ (tooth)! 11. Don’t forget to send me _____ (photo). 12. The _____ (thief) were in my house last night! 13. The shepherd offered him three _____ (sheep). 14. After a day of angling he caught only four _____ (fish). 15. The _____ (man, woman) expected the war to end. 3. Complete with the appropriate verbs and pronouns, according to the meaning: 1. Our crew _____ (be) fulfilling _____ (its/their) tasks. 2. By winning the contest the team proved _____ (it/they) ____ (be) the best. 3. The police _____ (be) looking for the thieves. 4. The scissors _____ (be) blunt. You must sharpen _____ (it/them). 5. Politics _____ (be) a controversial field of study. 4. Give the correct plural form of the following words: analysis, crisis, thesis, phenomenon, erratum, fungus.


Cycle of family violence – The transmission of aggressive behaviour across generations. Children who witness parental

violence or are themselves abused are more likely as adults to be involved in spouse abuse, as an abuser or as a victim. They are also

more likely to abuse their own children.

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Part 2

1m children in Britain at risk in violent homes (II)

The report, Behind Closed Doors: The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children, found: · As many as one in 14 children in the UK may receive poor exam results because of the effects of domestic violence at home. · Children may suffer from a range of effects including low self-esteem, aggression and adjustment problems. · Young people who grow up with violence are more likely to be abused themselves and may suffer some of the same behavioural problems as direct victims. Nicola Harwin, chief executive of the charity Women's Aid, said: "Children and young people can be enormously affected by domestic violence, whether as witnesses of violence in the home or direct abuse from a parent. The UN figures will be published today to coincide with the launch of a campaign by Body Shop International to establish internet forums and focus groups to encourage children to speak out against domestic violence. Dame Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop, said: "Domestic violence is one of the biggest human rights challenges of our time. If we don't take action now then society will continue to suffer as these young victims become adults." The campaign quoted an account by "Jenny", now 17, who witnessed domestic violence while she was growing up. She said: "At school I felt like I was the only one going through this, and I used to feel guilty that I wasn't at home to protect my mum." The NSPCC said it has been calling on the government to provide counselling for vulnerable children in all schools. 1. Identify the nouns from the article. Try to include them into one of the four categories of English nouns. 2. Which are the effects of domestic violence according to the report? 3. Pay attention to the following expressions:

to be at risk a fi în pericol, la risc a range of … o serie, o gamă (variată) de whether… or… fie …. fie/sau/ori… Drug users are at risk of being infected with HIV. – Consumatorii de droguri sunt în pericol de a fi infectaţi cu HIV. Our behaviour has a wide range of effects on other people. – Comportamentul nostru are o gamă largă de efecte asupra celorlalţi oameni.



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It does not matter what you do whether you leave or stay. – Nu contează ce faci, fie că pleci sau rămîi.

A: Susan! Great to see you again! B: Great to see you! A: How you’re doing? B: OK!

C: Hi, John… Hi, Mary. Nice to see you. D: Nice to see you too. How’s Gloria? C: Oh, she’s very well, thank you!

E: Good morning, Jane. F: Good morning, Ms. Smith.

G: Hello, Charles. How are you? H: Fine thanks. And you? G: Fine.

I: Good evening. J: Good evening, sir… madam. Welcome to the Grand Hotel.


1. When do acquaintances shake hands in your country? they don’t shake hands at all every time they meet during the day when they meet for the first time during a day when they say goodbye 2. When do people bow in your country? they don’t bow they bow only to Heads of States they bow to superiors they bow to customers acquaintances bow when they meet

3. Which of these groups hug? no one hugs women hug women men hug women, women hug men men hug men adults hug children 4. Which people kiss each other when they meet in your country? no one kisses in public in my country close relatives people in love good friends acquaintances colleagues strangers



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Scottish Flag

Scotland, country, administrative division of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain. The crowns of Scotland and England were united in 1603, and the governments of the two countries in 1707; Scotland has retained, however, its own legal system, its own Church, a substantially different

education system, and the right to issue its own bank notes. Since 1999, a Scottish parliament of 129 seats has sat, independent of parliament at Westminster. As a geopolitical entity Scotland includes 186 nearby islands, a majority of which are contained in three groups—the Hebrides, also known as the Western Isles (Eilean Siar), situated off the western coast; the Orkney Islands, situated off the north-eastern coast; and the Shetland Islands, situated north-east of the Orkney Islands. The terrain of Scotland is predominantly mountainous but may be

River Tweed

Cuillin Hills – Isle of Skye

divided into three distinct regions, from north to south: the Highlands, the Central Lowlands, and the Southern Uplands. Clans, the traditional keystone of Scottish society, are no longer politically powerful but maintain a symbolic importance. Originally, the clan, a grouping of an entire family with one head, or laird, was also important as a fighting unit. The solidarity associated with

clan membership has been expanded into a strong national pride. A number of traditional industries, including the manufacture of food and drink products and of textiles (especially high-quality tweed and knitwear) and hosiery, remain important. Prime among the first group is the whisky industry. Scotland has some 110 distillers, located mainly in the north-east. About 80 per cent of their output is exported to more than 200 countries. More than 75 per cent of the land is used for agriculture; approximately equal areas are devoted to arable farming and grazing.

Whisky Distillery

George Square - Glasgow

The most populous city in Scotland is Glasgow. The conurbation of Clydeside, which includes the cities of Glasgow and Clydebank is the largest marine-engineering centre in Britain, although today work is linked mainly to the offshore industry rather than shipbuilding. In addition to Edinburgh, the capital, other important cities are Dundee, Aberdeen, and Inverness.