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  • 7/28/2019 Drug Table pharma


    Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side-Effects/AdverseReactions

    Nursing Co

    Haloperidol- Typical


    Unknown. A butyrophenoneprobably exerts antipsychoticeffects by blockingpostsynaptic dopaminereceptors in the brain.

    Psycotic disordersChronic psychosis requiringprolong therapyTourette Syndrome

    Patients hypersensitive to drugPatients with parkinsonism, incoma, and CNS depressionUse cautiously in elderly anddeliberated patients; in patientswith history of seizures; severeCV disorders, allergy, glaucoma,and urine retention, and thosetaking anticonvulsants,antiparkinsonians, or lithium.

    CNS: Severe extrapyramidalreactions, tardive dyskinesia,seizuressedation, drowsiness,lethargy, headache, insomnia,confusion,

    CV: Tachycardia,hypotension,

    EEG: Blurred vision

    GI: Dry mouth, anorexia,constipation, diarrhea,nausea, vomiting

    GU: Urine retention, menstrualirregularities,

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    Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side-Effects/Advese Effects Nursing Re

    Akineton- Anticholinergic- Anti parkinsonian

    It is a weak peripheralanticholinergic agent withnicotinolytic activity. Thebeneficial effects inParkinson disease andNeuroleptic-inducedextrapyramidal symptomsare believed to be due tothe inhibition of the striatalcholinergic receptors.

    Treatment for ParkinsonsdiseaseImprove the parkinsoniansigns and symptoms relatedto antipsychotic drugtherapy.Relieves muscle rigidity,reduces abnormal sweatingand salivation

    Hypersensitivity to Biperiden orany component of theformulation.Narrow-angle glaucomaBpwel obstruction, megacolonCaution in patients withobstructive diseases of theurogenital tract; patients withknown history of seizures, andthose with dangeroustachycardia

    Side-Effects:CNS: Drowsiness, vertigo,headache, dizziness

    Peripheral: Blurred vision, drymouth, impaired sweating,abdominal discomfort,obstipation, tachycardia

    Eyes: Mydriasis, photophobia


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  • 7/28/2019 Drug Table pharma


    CV: Ortho hypotension,bradycardia

    CNS: Drowsiness, euphoria,disorientation, agitation,sleep disorder

    EEG: Blurred vision

    GI: constipation, dry throat,nasal dryness

    GU: urinary retention

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    Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side-Effects/Advese Effects Nursing Re

    Chlorpromazine- Typical


    Unknown. A piperidinephenothiazine that probablyblocks postsynapticdopamine receptors in thebrain.

    Psychosis, maniaNausea, VomitingTetanus

    Patients hypersensitive todrug, in those with CNSdepression, and those in comaUse cautiously in elderly anddeliberated patients and inpatients with hepatic or renaldisease, severe CV disease,respiratory disorders,hypocalcemia,Use cautiously in acutely ill, ordehydrated children.

    Side-Effects:CNS: extrapyramidalreactions, sedation, tardivedyskinesia,pseudoparkinsonism

    CV: orthostatic hypotension

    GI: dry mouth, constipation

    GU: urine retention

    Skin: mild photosensitivityreactions

    Adverse Effects:CNS: Seizures, NMS

    Hema: Leukopenia,

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    Monitor for dyskinesia

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  • 7/28/2019 Drug Table pharma


    agranulocytosis,thrombocytopenia, anemia Educate to

    while taking

    Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side-Effects/Advese Effects Nursing Re


    Competes with histamine forH1-receptorsites. Prevents, but doesntreverse,histamine-mediatedresponses, particularly thoseof the bronchial tubes, GItract, uterus,and blood vessels.Structurally related tolocal anesthetics, drugprovides local anesthesiaand suppresses cough reflex

    Rhinitis, allergy symptoms,motion sickness, Parkinsonsdisease

    Contraindicated in patientshypersensitiveto drug Avoid use in patients takingMAOinhibitors. Use with caution in patientswith prostatichyperplasia, asthma, COPD,increasedintraocular pressure,hyperthyroidism, CVdisease, and hypertension.

    Children younger than age 12should usedrug only as directed byprescriber.

    CNS: drowsiness, sedation,sleepiness,dizziness, seizures, confusion,insomnia, headache, vertigo,fatigue,restlessness, tremor,nervousness.CV: palpitations, hypotension,tachycardia.EENT: diplopia, blurred vision,nasalcongestion, tinnitus.GI: dry mouth, nausea,

    epigastric distress,vomiting, diarrhea,constipation, anorexia.GU: dysuria, urine retention,urinary frequency.Hematologic:thrombocytopenia,agranulocytosis,hemolytic anemia.Skin: urticaria,photosensitivity, rash

    Stop drug 4diagnostic testing. Injection fI.M. adminonly. Dizzinesssedation, sytoxicity, pastimulationhypotensioare more likelderly or milkdistress.Warn patiealcohol andactivities thalertness uCNS effectknown.
