  • 7/21/2019 duARTS2015-2016ExecutiveBoardApplication


    Executive Board ApplicationduARTS 2013-2014

    Please e-mail a completed copy of this application [email protected], April 11 at

    11:59 PM.


    Monday, April 6 at 11!" PM - Applications for elected positions due.

    #ednesday, April $ at $%% AM - &oting for elected positions begins.

    'hursday, April " at 11(! PM - &oting for elected positions closes.

    )aturday, April 11 at 11!" PM - Applications for appointed positions due. )unday, April 1* - Appointed positions inter+ieed and selected.

    Monday, April 1 at %% PM - 'ransition e/ecuti+e board meeting.

    Voting Detail

    &oting is open to students ho are a part of a duA0') member organiation in one of the folloing

    councils Marketing, A 2appella, 2horale and 3nstrumental, 4ance, 'heatre, and Affiliate. 'he +oting

    form ill be a 4uke5roups election and ill reuest a 4uke 78'34 and duA0') affiliation in addition

    to candidate selections. 3f you are unsure about your +oting status, please contact [email protected].

    Decription o! "!!ice

    'he #reidentiselected by member groups, calls and presides o+er the 8/ecuti+e 9oard, ensures that

    duA0') is functioning ell, sets the agenda and priorities, and maintains a broad +ision for the arts on


    'he Executive Vice #reidentis elected by member groups, calls and presides o+er the 8/ecuti+e 9oardin the President:s absence, assists the President in his;her duties, and manages duA0') contributions to

    other pro

  • 7/21/2019 duARTS2015-2016ExecutiveBoardApplication


    duA0') ebsite and social media presence, and prepares the eekly e-mail blast to all undergraduate


    'he Vice #reident o! #rogrammingis appointed by the 8/ecuti+e 9oard, o+ersees the Programming

    'eam, and holds principal responsibility for de+eloping goals and e/ecuting logistics for duA0')?s toannual e+ents - the Arts >esti+al in the fall semester, and Art2on in the spring semester.

    Applicant *n!ormation

    +ame, ale' amill

    .raduation /ear, 201

    #re!erred Email, ale'amilldu)eedu

    #one +um&er, 2235062

    Availa&le "!!ice

    Please bold each office for hich you ould like to apply. ou may only run for a single elected position,

    but you otherise may apply for as many positions as you ould like. 3f applying for multiple appointedpositions, please indicate your order of preferences.

    8lected =ffices President

    8/ecuti+e &ice President

    Appointed =ffices &ice President of 2ollaboration

    &ice President of Ad+ocacy

    Vice #reident o! (ar)eting

    Vice #reident o! #rogramming

    &ice President of >inance 'reasurerB

    7ritten Repone,

    4escribe your artistic;organiational e/periences and accomplishments. #hat is your +ision for the arts at4uke and ho you ork toards it in your desired officeC Please limit your response to one page, single-


    * apologi8e in advance !or te &revit' o! ti repone *9 un!ortunatel'9 :ut !ound 'our email a&out

    m' &eing recommended to appl' in m' ;:un)< mail&ox 3 think my most notable organiation

    e/periences and accomplishments ould be 1B helping found a research group at my high school, and by

    publishing research;presenting it at a conference, recei+ing a total of *!%%% dollars to continue the

    program, *B founding a committee of students and teachers to assist the understaffed guidance

  • 7/21/2019 duARTS2015-2016ExecutiveBoardApplication


    department at my high school ith personalied educational paths to college or hate+er post-graduate

    plans one aspired toB, and B creating a student internship ith the library, resulting in my becoming the

    head intern, and organiing opportunities for other students, increasing library +isits from *% to 1(%;day

    in one academic year by +arious means of outreach and acti+ity -- sa+ing the future of the library by

    doing so. My most significant artistic achie+ement thus far is getting offered a *!%%% dollar role in a non-union, feature film.

    'o be blunt, my +ision for the arts at 4uke is much more grand than 3 e+er think ill be achie+ed, but e

    surely can try. 3 ish to ultimately end on the same playing field as ale and 2olumbia and D)2, etc etc,

    hen it comes to the arts. 3 ant to help harness all the uniue, creati+e energy and intelligence on 4uke?s

    campus, and gi+e it a producti+e and orthy outlet so much so that people find that careers in the arts are

    attainable and certainly orthy of, at least, our consideration and, optimistically, our li+es. 3n a marketing

    position, 3 could help direct the attention toard and shape the con+ersation of happenings, tools, and

    resources. 3n a programming position, 3 could thoroughly define and flesh out my on and certainly

    other?s aspirations for the program and ork toard ays to make them realities.