Page 1: E-Rate 101: Basics of the program Fall 2007 Pam Pfitzenmaier 515-669-8159

E-Rate 101: Basics of the program

Fall 2007

Pam Pfitzenmaier


[email protected]

Page 2: E-Rate 101: Basics of the program Fall 2007 Pam Pfitzenmaier 515-669-8159

What is E-rate?

• Discount Program for Schools and Libraries• 20-90% discounts on telecommunications

services, Internet access, internal connections and maintenance for internal connections

• Annual $2.25 billion program nationwide• NOT a competitive grant program

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Who is eligible to participate

• Libraries

• Schools

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Library Eligibility

• Non-profit, public libraries

• Eligible for LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act)

• Can be:– single library– consortia– library system

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School Eligibility

• All public schools:– school districts– AEAs

• “Other school programs” as determined by Iowa Department of Education (see DE Directory)

• Non-profit, private K-12 schools with endowment of $50M or less

• Must meet federal definition of elementary or secondary school

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What is My Discount?

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Two criteria make up discount:

• Poverty• Location

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• Based on National School Lunch Program Eligibility

• As a school, you are allowed to use October 1 data or “most current figure available”

• Libraries use discount from school district in which they are located.

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Location Location • Urban/Rural defined

by Counties

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Iowa counties which are urban:

• Black Hawk• Dallas• Dubuque• Johnson• Linn• Polk• Pottawattamie• Scott• Warren• Woodbury

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Discount Matrix

Percent of Eligible Students

Urban Rural

Less than 1% 20% 25%

1% - 19% 40% 50%

20% - 34% 50% 60%

35% - 49% 60% 70%

50% -74% 80% 80%

75% -100% 90% 90%

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What is funded through e-rate?

• Four categories of service– Priority 1 (funded first)

• Telecommunications Services• Internet Access

– Priority 2 (starts with neediest applicants)• Internal Connections• Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections

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Eligible Telecommunications (priority 1)

Eligible Telecommunications (priority 1)

MUST be provided by regulated telecommunications carrier

e.g.– local & long distance– distance learning (such as ICN video)

Including all taxesand surcharges!

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Eligible Telecommunications (priority 1) cont.

• VoicemailVoicemail

• Satellite dish service for 2-way Satellite dish service for 2-way communications (NOT satellite TV communications (NOT satellite TV subscription)subscription)

• Cell phone service Cell phone service

• CentrexCentrex

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Eligible Services: Internet Access (priority 1)

Eligible Services: Internet Access (priority 1)

• Internet Access Services

• Web hosting service

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(Eligible Services: Internal Connections priority 2)

(Eligible Services: Internal Connections priority 2)

– Wiring– Routers– Switches– Hubs– Network servers– System operating

software– Wireless LANs– Private branch

exchange (PBX)

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Eligible Services: Maintenance of internal connections (priority 2)

• Maintenance of previously purchased internal connections (does NOT include end-user equipment such as computers)

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Proposed changes for FY 08

• Centrex as basic phone service

• How distance learning and video conferencing may be eligible as Internet Access

• A definition of eligible web hosting

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Discounts come in 2 forms:

– Discounts on bills OR– Reimbursements

from service provider (service provider gets reimbursed by USAC)

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How Discounts Work

$100 (existing) bills you would pay You apply to for discounts

You get 55% in discounts

You now only owe $45

The vendor’s bill drops by $55

Vendor gets $55

from SLD!

Vendor invoices USAC/USAC approves


How Discounts Work

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How Reimbursements Work

10/9/2007 CDE/VET/E-rate/CTF 2000-2001 (BEGINNER)

$100 (existing) bills you would pay You apply to for discounts

You get 55% in discounts

You apply for reimbursement

You pay 100% of bill

Vendor sends

you $55!

USAC approves paperwork/sends check to


How Reimbursements Work

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General rules of e-rate

• Competitive bid on SLD web site for 28 days

• Application in ‘window’ to SLD each year• SLD funds on rules of priority

– Priority 1: Telecom and Internet Access– Priority 2: Internal Connections and Maintenance

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“2 in 5 Rule”

• Applies only to internal connections (priority 2)

• An applicant can only get internal connections funding in 2 out of 5 years

• Questions about this? Give me a call.

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Fair Warning!

• Not an easy process• Lots of paperwork• Rewards can be great!

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What about the tech plan?

• Must contain required 5 elements

• Must be written before filing the 470

• Applicant must be able to provide the plan and proof of the date it was written when asked by PIA

• 4 of the 5 elements are in your approved district/school CSIP

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More on tech plans

• The Iowa Department of Education has provided a template which needs to be completed and sent to the AEA by November 1

• When you e-mail that, copy yourself to keep an electronic paper trail for use when/if PIA asks

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More on Tech plans

• USAC (PIA) has started asking to see–Your approved tech plan

–Your tech plan approval letter

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What to say about the budget

• Statement such as, “During the 2006-07 school year, our district spent $XXXX on hardware, software and professional development to support e-rate activities. We used $YYY from the General Fund and $ZZZ from Title I and $JJJ from other grants. We anticipate our district will spend the same amount in 2008-09 and will use the same funding sources.”

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More about budgeting

• If planning to request E-rate funding for internal connections, indicate where the non E-rate $s will come from.

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Tip 1: Get organized

• Create a notebook

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Tip 2: Get frequent updates

• Listserv:

[email protected]

• USAC offers frequent updates

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Tip 3: Get support!

• Have a backup person in your district/library

• Build support with your business office, supt/director and tech person

• Contact your AEA e-rate expert

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Who are the E-rate players?

• Congress• FCC (Federal Communications

Commission)• USAC (Universal Services

Administrative Company)• SLD (Schools and Libraries


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Now You Know the Rules….Let’s Walk Through the

Application Process

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Application Process at a Glance:

1. Form 470: Now until on or about December 1.

2. Wait 28 days! Must wait that long!

3. Form 471: “window” opens in November and closes in February (dates not yet set)

4. Wait for questions from PIA

5. Funding commitment decision letter

6. Form 486: file to confirm services

7. If getting reimbursements, form 472

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Form 471

Form 471: “window” opens in November and closes in February (dates not yet set)

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Next steps

Wait for questions from PIA, e.g. Questions about your funding request Verification of your discount Copy of tech plan and/or approval letter

Funding commitment decision letter File form 486

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Online form 486

• New online 486 version

• Improved over earlier version but still has technical glitches

• If you have technical issues, call 1-888-203-8100 and report them

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• Must file form 472(BEAR form which is now available in online version)–Rumor has it that small providers

won’t participate in the online BEAR

• If filing on paper, must use most recent version

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Year 2008-09 Details (funding year 2008)

• 7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009 services provided

• Application “window” opens at least 30 days after Eligible Services List is released by FCC

• If you don’t file form 471 by deadline, funding will be denied (although Bishop Perry decision has altered some denials)

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Resources to Remember

• SLD web site:• SLD Client Service Bureau: 888-203-8100


[email protected]• 515-669-8159
