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Editing Concepts

Canel OsmanUnit 16

Establishing Shot• The purpose of an Establishing

Shot is to set up the context for a scene. This informs the audience where the scene is located as location has relation to the character, genre and narrative. Is a shot that typically has a distant framing, that shows the spatial relations among the important figures, objects, and setting in a scene. Establishing shots, are usually used in the start of a film or new scene change, as they introduces us to a location and the space relationships etc.

An example of where an Establishing Shot was used was in the sitcom ‘Friends’ where the episodes usually began displaying ‘Central Perk’

The 180 Degree Rule• In film making, the 180 degree rule is

used as a guideline based on the relationship of the surrounding, objects and characters in the scene. There’s an imaginary line called ‘The Axis” which keeps the camera on the other side to connect the characters on the other side. The "180° rule," shown in the diagram below, dictates that the camera should stay in one of the areas on either side of the axis of action. By following this rule the filmmaker ensures that each character occupies a consistent area of the frame, helping the audience to understand the layout of the scene. This sense of a consistent space is reinforced by the use of techniques such as the eye line match or match on action.

Shot Reverse Shot

• Shot Reverse Shot is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character, and the other character is displayed looking back at the other, which the viewer assumes that they’re looking at each other. It is often used for conversation or reaction shots. This techniques is mostly used for conversations. An example of this is in Eastenders, this shot is used a lot in EastEnders as there’s always characters having a conversation with one another.

Eye Line Match• The film technique Eye-Line

Match is associated with the continuity editing system. This technique, is based on the viewer seeing what the character is seeing in their eyes. This is achieved by the camera first displaying the character looking off at something or someone then a cut of what that was then possibly a cut back to the character.

Graphic Match• Graphic Match is a cut between

either two objects, two spaces, or two objects that graphically match. This helps establish the continuity action in the film or television show, which links on the action of the film or show. An example where Graphic Match was used in ‘Psycho’ right after Marion Crane is murdered in the famous "shower scene", the camera shows blood flowing down the drain of the tub, then fades to a shot of Marion's eye.

Parallel Editing• Is a form of editing that alternates

shots of two or more lines of action occurring in different places, usually simultaneously. The two actions are therefore linked, associating the characters from both lines of action. An example where this was used is in The Godfather. The use of Parallel editing used reveals two baptisms occurring, one in water, the other in blood. This manifests the meaning of life and death.
