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Floraand Fauna


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• Name: Rafelina Calvo González• Grade: 3m• Nomber:5• Subject: English• Topic: Flora and fauna endangered• Teacher: Wendy Quezada• Shool: Alic New World Shool• Date: 7-3-2013

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introduction• This paper is intended to analyze the species are endangered. An

endangered species is one that is likely to be global disappearance, I mean a species becomes extinct when its last issue disappears on earth.

• Deepen especially the fauna and flora of the Iberian Peninsula, but also try to comment on some species worldwide.

• The main objectives of the project we educate our fellow present danger regarding this topic.

• Currently, each year we lose many different species, both plants and animals.

• This topic has always been of great importance to society, creating partnerships to help conserve the species as CITES, Green Peace ... although some (rather few) copies are being threatened by the same company, because their habitats are being destroyed. More than 19,000 plant and 5,000 animal species around the world have already been classified as endangered, and many thousands will be extinct each year before biologists can identify the.

• In this paper we analyze some causes of extinction of species and in two sections discuss the wildlife species that are endangered, both on the mainland and Andalusia and in the world.

• Later also talk of animal trafficking and possible solutions to conserve species as a final conclusion.

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Cause of endangered animals• Species are extinct or have reduced

populations for several reasons, but the main cause is habitat destruction due to human activities.

• As they evolve different species, most of which are adapted to specific habitat or environment that best meets their needs for survival. Without this particular habitat, the species can not survive.

• Human activities such as pollution, drainage of wetlands, savannahs conversion to pasture, deforestation, urbanization, destruction of coral reefs, and the construction of roads and dams, have destroyed or severely damaged and fragmented available habitats. Habitat fragmentation, isolation and division of habitats into smaller areas, have led to the species of plants and animals kept in these "islands" of habitat lose contact with others of their own kind. This reduces their genetic diversity, making them less adaptable to environmental or climate change, and leaves them highly vulnerable to extinction. Sometimes fragmented habitats become so small that they can maintain a sustainable population.

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Factors damaging artificial flora• Factors damaging artificial flora are basically pollution, acid rain and


• 1. - Pollution: precludes the growth of many plant species, because the presence of chemicals in soil alters the life processes of plants. If you look at the vegetation in Santiago, note that its location is restricted to the vicinity of urban areas. There is a wide variety of species, as in non-urban areas, where man has had a lesser degree of influence and are lower pollution levels.

2. - Acid rain resulting from industrial activities and transport pollutes the atmosphere and is responsible for the destruction of vast forests. It also affects the soil, which is contaminated with acids that hinder or prevent the growth of new plant species, thus favoring soil erosion. In Europe measuring stations were installed acid content in acid rain all over the continent. Thus, compared to high levels can restrict the emission of industrial gases.

3. - The forestry and agricultural practices: Deforestation produces the extermination of different plant species. Mishandling of agricultural activity can also alter the resource flora, since it requires the soil to live and their existence is strongly tied to this resource. Any alteration to suffer the ground inevitably affect plant species.

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possible solutions• 1-not throwing plastic sea can

drown fish and other aquatic animals

• 2-replant forests, habitat loss is one of the main reasons why wildlife is disappearing

• 3-not throw water pollutants, water pollutants if strip is poisoned wildlife and eventually dies

• 4-stop poaching, is another major cause of the disappearance of wildlife

• 5-not mistreat animals

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possible solutions• 1-Conserving forests and using them

rationally, without destroying the most valuable species and allowing it to regenerate its own seeds.

• 2-To provide firewood and other forest products should be planted fast growing trees, which can be built in a few years.

• 3-You can also plant trees among crops (Agroforestry).

• 4-Another way to solve this problem would agroforestry systems, which are those that remain certain species of trees and is made a crop or livestock associated with the farmer gets an income without destroying, of two or more different items preserving the environment atmosphere.

• 5-not burning forests

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Some endangered animals

Cigua palm• The palmchat, the Cigua Palmera in Spanish, is

the national bird of Dominican Republic, and its scientific name is Dulus dominicus.

• This family is endemic of La Hispaniola, and there is only one member. The Cigua Palmera lives in any environment but prefers settling in the palm plantations. There are many of these on the Saona Island.

• Habit:The Cigua Palmera builds its nest on the palm branches with twigs. Its nest is pretty large when compared with the size of the palm tree and the size of the bird itself.

• Endangered cauce:1 to 1 delas causes of its extinction is the destruction of their habitat.

• 2-selling hunting for this animal.• 3-abuse• Solution:• 1-prevent hunting• 2-create organizations deconservacion• 3 follow-protect palm.

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Some endangered animals

Panda• Panda bears are solitary animals, during most of the

year. They do not hibernate. Knowledge of the habitat of the family groups and the survival of the young challenging for researchers, although some are known to take refuge in dens and holes in trees. Moreover, the giant panda's eating habits are another problem when it comes to their care and breeding, as it feeds almost exclusively on bamboo, which is not very nutritious, to which must be added that this plant species bloom at certain times and wither soon after, which sometimes leads these animals to starve.

• However, the greatest threat comes from cutting bamboo plantations caused by man. In times of famine, pandas approach areas inhabited by humans to feed on plants and gardens and crops, although come to attack the hens sometimes not constitute a serious threat to people, except when they occur chance encounters at a very short dista

• nce.• Solutions:1-no bamboo cutting harboles• 2-do not hunt them, to make skins• 3-set them free

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Some endangered animals

humpback Whale• is a species of baleen whale family

Balaenopteridae. The species feeds mainly on krill and small fish, has a wide repertoire of feeding methods, including the remarkable technique of bubble net.

• Like other large whales, the humpback whale was hunted. Because of overharvesting, its population was reduced by 90% before the moratorium implemented in 1966. Since then the population has recovered partially, but entanglements in fishing gear, collisions with ships, and noise pollution, remain a source of concern. calculating a total population of at least 80 000 copies. Today is one of the objectives for whale watching, mainly along the coasts of Australia, New Zealand, South America, Canada and the United States.

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Some endangered flora

mahogany• Mahogany is the wood of two species of trees

Intertropical Zone: The West Indian mahogany and mahogany, both belonging to the family Meliaceae. The main feature of this wood is its color, ranging from dark red, red wine and lighter shades depending on the variety, to pink. There are other woods from tropical Africa and Madagascar which, although not actually mahogany, often called "mahogany" or "African caobillas" and belong to the botanical genus Khaya and Entandrophragma also Family Meliaceae like Mahogany and sapele.

• The mahogany are the best example of fine wood, highly prized in cabinet for being easy to work, while resistant to pests (termites, beetles, etc..), As well as its appearance.

• cause: 1-the illegal sale• 2-felling

• Solutions:• 1-for illegal logging.• 2-protect mahogany

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Some endangered flora


• This plant is very compact, forming with its branches and leaves a cushion so hard, to be pilloried attack to break it. That is exactly what farmers do to seize the heights as firewood, as it has many resins and, therefore, very high calorific value. In some times and areas, llareta burned up in artisanal mining industry, which is still partially now. So their population decreased significantly.

• This should be taken into account very carefully. This species is well adapted to the harsh life of the high puna dominated by cold, drought and high solar radiation, grows too slowly. One square meter of cushion formed by the llareta may have taken centuries to develop!.

• Cause:1-cut• 2-abuse• 3-marketing• Solutions:1-prevent the illegal sale• 2-not cut• 3-give necessary conditions

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Some endangered flora

Rosewood• Rosewood or rosewood is the common

name by which is known to several tree species or wood, from inter-tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, America and Asia.

• They belong mainly to the families of the Fabaceae (Dalbergia and Pterocarpus like) or of the Bignoniaceae.

• Cause:1-burning• 2-felling for comencializacion• Solution:1-comencializacion avoid

plant• 2-avoid burning

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• In conclusion, the flora and fauna are absolutely necessary for the measurement environment and to humans, each has its special value, one more than others, we can consider that today our wildlife are deteriorating due human being and therefore we are affected in our entornoy if so will damage segumos inrreparable. to day we must respect our wildlife and make our home without them this world would not be the same.

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