Download pptx - Evaluation Question 5


Q5: How did you attract/address your audience?

The survey showed that a lot of readers like to participate in music events. This is why you can find a plug on the contents page announcing the possibility to win tickets for the Leeds festival.As the majority of the audience lives in the north and north-east of the UK it is important to promote events close to the residential area. With Leeds and Manchester being two biggest cities in the north/north-east of the UK it attracts a lot of young people aged between 15 and 25 who are the target audience for LIVE!.






Covering a variety of different artists

Articles about current music events

Advertisement for music venues



The survey showed what the average reader expects from the LIVE! magazine.

Specialisation on certain artists

The main article covers the specialisation on a certain artist as well as the desire for an interview. Here though the interview is presented wrapped up in a narrative text. This relaxes the firm structure of just an interview text which can be sometimes boring and stops readers from finishing the whole article.

The contents page shows what the magazine offers. This means the reader sees the full range which expects them in this issue. The audience is satisfied as their desire for a variety of different artists is fulfiled. The featured artists are in the age group 15 to 25 what represents the target audience and creates a sense of belonging.

The front cover announces that this issue contains free posters which answers the audience’s request for freebies.

So each page (front cover, contents page and double spread page) has a different function and everyone of them helps to attract readers by fulfilling their expectations they have towards a music magazine.

The front cover is the most important page as it is the one the consumer views at first and has to stand out from the other magazines in a store. The main heading “New and Hot” announces that this issue contains sensational, current news no one should miss. The idea of being the first one to know about this new artist appears attractive to the audience and lures readers into purchasing the magazine. Also the word “Exclusive” printed in red and emphasized by an exclamation mark promises a content you will not find in other magazines. As the front cover offers specials and new information but also announces to cover familiar artists like Paramore and Rihanna the reader’s needs for the latest information and information about their favourites are equally answered.