Page 1: Gee. - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI·

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,I Lice:n~ed Auctioneerl!:~j I~;:T=, ="::' =G=i b;b::o=n::s=-=R=a=t:::h=w=e:::JI~ i:[: ~ f-~I

ITHE. LABEL Shows the date toH;~t: which your subscription is paid, See f~m

that it is right. t ~ _ ~~f'

, . I ,

---_ .. -.. - -------_._------ .-----------~-~----- ---

--~. - -- -.-------~--~ -- --~-,---- ....... - --~ -


I will sell your goods ano for a very small Discount you can have your cash day of sale. Prices reasonabl. and satislaction guaranteed.

N. 'VIl:,SON. ~['A.A

. NO, 27,

VOL. XI . Trehernc, Manitoba. Friday. April, 1st, 1910

Ready - to - Wear ,

Suit5 ' .:::: More Popular than Ever - ~

When a man cnn wnlk illto onr clnlh· i ng department and choo<e frnll! ~l1ch 1111

f:laborute as~ortml!llt as here Ilwnits hilll -choo:,e the style he Illost desire~, in lIlat~rial nnd :;hnlle hest snited to hint, alld in nil prohabiliLv without lin ;tHera· , lion necessary--there is cCltainly ulltold satificnction. Tho~e who prepare now for En~ter have c\'ery fldvantage In the way of perfect range of si?e~, color nssortmentll, and the benefit of nvoiding t he rush and h II rry.

The nUlllerous sale!! already of onr 10,00,12.00, 15.00 and $18,00 Suits afiSllre 11S that we hal'e the right kimls.

Easler Easler Easter , Easter Hats Ties,Gloves Shirts B~ols

C.W. BarKwell

I Spring Necessities Bluestone and formalin-A first·cln~s qunlilY

either of these goods no.w OD hanel. Call'oml get our

before going' elsewhere.

Horse Clippers . Stewllrt's No. I Rotllry Power Clipper, the"kiml YOli eli!?

a horse with in ten minutes. Our price . , •...• ~9.oo Baker's Ball-Benring Clipper, nn AI clipper Cor those who

cannot afford the Rotary, • • • . .'. . • , . . $2.00 ench , 'rhe Newmarket Ciipper , •• ", ~ .. , " $[.90

.. . ' ,,'.. .. Bnl:er's Gem Clipper, 110 bnll bearings '- ·35

J. P. S Tl?A UBE, , ,

DR, I.AMONT, . , M. D., CuM 'lJnlvcrslLf or Mallitoba. llo,nOlI[ graduato. J .,

Ottlo. t.tu1 re.hl"uof1. BOYDft l:n. Phono 2 •• OOlee, 8tnplftll otoole. HourI,2 tu:; "~. tn.

DR. O. W. S'l'API.1tS

V· ETRRINARV SUROKO:'. 00100 and .... t· dfmau un~ door lIor .. h of Ilanie'. Uar08111

ShOll, llroo.uwa)', \Teldpbonu, I I., ,

, 'I

Mt}ster ViSits lIJIasohs

Grand Lodge Officers P n y Omcinl Visit to Traherne

, \ Latter Day Saints'

What a Frieln}' cVl'nillg!

~r. w. Bro. llain of 13ni"sel'ain, Sllint~ held a cqncer.t ill their MUll .. Grnlll! ~Ia'\tcr of the (Jralill church nt ~kl'rcerr' 'A.grcnt Lnllg-e of ~l ani tuba ,nCCOIll pa lIiell en t h IIsimlt ie <:1 owd In rIIc,I'oll t [rom .Ihe Grnn(\ SCcl('tary, M. W. Blo. [:lr alld nenr, l,"jO\';ng nn cxcell<!nl Ovas,o[ Wiullipeg, IInll R. W. )\10, pr0 l:rnnlllll·. al~1I 1I1lppel' llrov;ded AlaiI', of Elm Crcek, Il. D. G. M., 1>1' t he ladies of lire, I.nller Day p.till nn officinl Visit to Mn~onic S,tints' chl1lch. : , District NO.3, at 'I'rchel ile on Fronk Honlle wrp; clec1ccl to the Tue~cJny night, Mnrch 29th • a III I chair IlIHI lillerl thnt jlo~ition i 11

were the gnests of Trclternc r.ndgc· rigllt nlderm3nk 5t"le. NO.5!. The \'ario\ls c1i~logu"s alIc,rcl

On accollnt of the had weath lInlimiterl am.usement and l!lll~hter. the tll1'l10Ut ",n:'; not as lurge as had 'I'he Mi~se~ i\lntoKS, Brock. Mol" , . h~en hoped for.' hilt the brethren gan nnd House sltowed COIlSpicll­of both Hollnlld allll Hathwell OilS ahility, • Mrs Wilson stands Ollt lodgcs iliadI' nn cxtrn effort (Illel emincnl)y us UII ncir{'ss nlld clocllt­nttended in good 1Il1mbcrs. Lodg iOllist. ~am McCllllough ill n host Wfl~ opelled nt 8;io p.11I" alld the in himselr. A IllQjith-orgnn sch.'ct­Granel Offil:erH welcomed. A I ion hy Freel COlpcr wn~ grc~th' rO.;i0 an arlje-lIrnll1enl \\'a~ mode to apprecinteel. MbJ Brock and Sam the Onlurio Honse, where :,tillC McCullough Ilelij:Slted with Scotch lIost Leppanl had pnJl'ill"," a Slimp' SOllgR. which 'w!!rc exqllisitel I'


tUOllS bfllllJuet to which [nil j l~lI"CI remlcrccl, fully r1\!~el\'ing thc en-wns clolle. ' thu~iastic plnlldits of tlie aSRembled

A return was then mo(lc to the :.;elllcrs. \!iss Hop~:e gay,c a souple . .

hull, where bllsine<R '\\,as continued of recitations with lilliI'll dexterity. . , . Ilntil 1.30 arter which J.,oclge was !\fi~s !\farks alsl1 recited, nnd closed. tI~e the words (,f the worthy chair-

'['he melllllers ofTreh~rne r.ougc mall, "fnitlv Oum;nexer! him." reel I'ery grateful t:> the ontsicle The singing 0 f the doxology

1,:~."..;, .... I"~~"who made sllch eITorl~ to nntad n righ t royally nnd quickly spent evclling.' .

Dinrrhoea should be curcil with­nut loss of time nnd hy n medicine which like Cha\nberlain's- Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not , -only cures prom but p,roclllces

IInplens!l!lt effect~. It

TR&BERNE, MAN .. W11l b. lu R.~bwoll .... kt" from! p,m. tn ~ 1~~~~~S;:;S7z~7:*~±f;

'>1. 'rtdor •.

. Meeting

No Appeals Agnlnst ~ssassment-Weed ,Inspectors Appointed

The _Ith. rt'glllnr I1IN,ting of the council felr the year 1010 Wfl~ hdcl n t.he Illllllicipnl office. Trehernt',

0:1 Wednesday.

Treherne's little leather House is t he place to go to get

yonr HaruC:5s, both lor

work or driving. Alwnys

the best 011 hlll1d, double

or single.

Whips, Dusters and Brushes a specially.


WATCHES If evel- in our lives we were

able to "WATCH" YOll to your satisf<lctiol1, it is right now­while YOll are reading this.

\Ve won't say anything- ahout the dwaper g-rades -- n(\t Ihis till\e.

IJut ~tartillg' at

0$13 . .50 anri g,)ing' "I' to almo~t :lny figure a \Vatch sells at, lhi~ slore is cer­tainly in a posil ion 10 talk \\<"atches .

Wortd's SlIlndard Makes Only Only movements thllt we will guarAntee

Sizes to suit Styles to satisfy Prizes to Please

The minutcs of the Inst re~lIlnr

l1leetill~ hal·ing heen renll and mloplccl the Council, on motioll of COUllcillor~ Sharpe nnrl, ~nt as n court of rl!vi:;ioll, for the pnrpose of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI· journt!d'. Repair'dlg 110111' while ),011 wait at Dril'n,', that':. 0\11 \Yatch arnou·

lllCIlt. ~Nothin~ is nll11e c'ln\·i'H .. ~in'r The Old Stand , ~

tl1,\n a ILI",-. /


On Illotion of Conn. Lee, second­ed by Coun, Shal pe, the .follo~\·ing were appoin .cd Illl1nicipnl wceel in­spectors for the year 1910:-'

Ward I, Irvine.ScarrolV. " 2, Richard Slflples.


" :;. John Carter. " 4, John Loullsbury.

/. Conn. \:Voodlllan 1II01'tcl, sec­ondell by Coun., that COUll. Hmr.lewood be appointed ferry COIll­l1lis~ioner for 1910, and the np' poinlmen t was made.

By·law 46R, for the pllrpose of repealing by-Inw No. 432 WflS in­trod lIced 'b n motion 0 f COIIIIS. Sharpe anel Lee, aud on motioll of COllIIS. ·Woodman amI Hazlewood was read a sccoud alld third tiUle alld passed.

Conn. Sharpe moved,seconded by COUll. Ha7.lewoocl, that by-law No. 469, ror the' purpose of establishing herd law in <!ertain portions of the Mnnlcipalityof South Norfolk be

trodilced fllld read' a first· time,

"'''''.' "''', allli 011 motion

• Cassandra School' Report.



IIARNESS JlIAKER Jewellel'y, Watch nnd Clock Repnirlng

B I'on d 11':1\" , TI'eherne ISSU,:R OF MoIIUIl.lOR I.ICENl:IRti

---- ------ - - . - - -----~---------

. ForIllaldehyde lJs1tall:y called .F'ormait·7te

40' per cent. volume I

/tor cleslroy/11 ..... f!. 5 mId £11 {/V/tetlt, Oats, Barley,' also j;'/ax '(;tVilt.

For General Disinrectillg, Formaldehyde is :;uperior to nil other rlisi nfectollts. Use 01l~ to two ounCl'S to n qunrt of water and /lush sinks,

damp. Jlln~('s, stahle

Gee. Grahall1 ,


Druggist and Optician Treherne, Manitoba

---- ------• ,

LIVERY STABLE Ontario HOUSH , -A ftrst class HI'ery nnd fccd busi- Railway Ave., Treherne


oessi good relinble horsesi stylish r Ileatcd by lIot Air, Lighted by rigs-cl'erything IIp-to-date. Elcctrici tv. '

Prompt nnd obliging £el'l'ice. . Special attentloll te-

Drnying !Ind tenming. The Commercial Trade

S[\mpl\~ Rooms in counectioll Special attention to Commcrcial~ • J. E. Lcppard

J, H. SMITH P.honc No. 15 Proprietor


Under the heading' 'Condensed Adver-

011' ,~~




. "


. .,

Page 2: Gee. - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI·

NT' Poor Memory. ! A Brooklyn mintster w~s recently 1,)Jf!lronched on the street by n ymtT!lg ,,,,m:<n who enquired wlwther ho were

DON'T 8B AFR-AID that Sunll:rht 50ftI' .... 111 spoil

r,0ur clothes. "hcre are no njurlous &:hemlcnls In Sun­

light Soap to bite lIolell In even the most dellcato f.brl&:. $5.000 Bre uffered lO any­one flnlllnll: aliultClration In

Sunlight Soap. • ,. "" " , -'- ( ... ~, .. '

no: th<! R{!v. Dr. Bllmk. "Yes," said the minister, who sceEn­

od v.t II loss to idorut.iiy tbo young '1111'lson.

.. DOll't you rllmcm bill' me P" nekoo till! lIirl, lllughingly.

"I'm IIfrnid I do 'not," 'MIid the gooo mnll, II\>ojO'Juticnll),. "wm you uC't Illvfl m<) just 11 IitLlG Jlint·"

"Well, ' con.MnuC\t t.ll0 YOllng ,,"omnn, "I c(!l'tninly thlnik ·thnt you O\lgllt W I'<lJl1Gmhur mc, evcrn if it hllll bOlln 60 lung II time.. Why, Dr. ,BlnmJe, you 11I1IIti7.W\ JllC hum in I3roeoklyn, just be-101'0 m;r Illoved West .• You 11(\11'( IlICRn to say tl1lIt you','e lorgot­hill 1111' entiro!J' P" ----,-

"Your hils blind is II' vorl' populnr "'1111, isn't ho?,'

"I JP'C!H'" so," siqhetl tJll) wife. UH~'S h"'n IIble to 6iny home three nigoJlwln :.he lnl't t\\O mOIl~hs." - Detro~t Free l'tl'-"'.

Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia

"r ot nl<! sel! SOIllO ot "Ollr blnck r 'r'\ll1 - I wondor why Shnkcspenro kid ~lo\'l,"," slIid " lndr to ;1 ShOpma1l. I ~~lrSo so much o· thlllt exprre.:;don. 'go

".'I'hlllc m'o lwL t.ho Inlc.'!t style, Illte I \\",11 - Wnll, 1 cxppc' he wis 100 IIH'>"" ",)'0 Ilfll .. "I, w.hell Lhe gloves . much 0' II gC'nUman tue feonish the II'ru' 1'1",IIIC(,(1. sentonee.

Hyo:.~, Illwitwn/' r~llhc'l the s,\]-op' Innn t f we 111\\ e lInd theln i..n sloolc _jAl'Z or 01110 CITY or TOLl:DO. ,

I .,. ,. LUOM CoUNTr. r 85.

Hll. Y ,tl\\ () (' '!'YH. FnANX J. mAkt'8 (lnt.h t.hat ho Is BcnlOi U I didn't lh1nl{ you "ore, beoTLu:;c PArt.ller 01 t.ho arm 01 F. J. GII&NEY ~\ co .. dolol

fhe fll.~ll1on IlIl))~r S"YS bIlLel- kid8 hnvc bUflloa" In thrt City or Tol~do. county Bnd State • ~ • • "'. nrott!snld. nnd thot Mid Orm will I1ny tllO SUIQ of tnn silichos, and VICO vorSIl. I dee the lONE lIUJo/l)IlI:D DOLLAR!! lor .nth nnd •• try tan s~ilohC''J, uut not the VI CO VCr,5l1" fi'!~L.~! g:~!:::~ g~~cBnllot bo curod by tho WIO 01

The ShOPlll<llll rX]lI/!ll1ed ·tJ"lt vIce I FnANK J. enENEY. yetl..~l~ WI'S Frcn.oh fer sov~n butt"n~ Sworn to beforo rno ant1aubacrlbed In my pre&enco.

... .. ~ .' UJI!t 6th day ot December, A.. D, 18511, ~o ~IH; bought IllIee plllIs.-DetrOlt l~t A.W.QLEASON. Freo 11 cs..o,. -.- r NOTAny __ __ _ __ _ _ nail tJ CI\tn.rrh Curo til taken Intcrnrllly nnd BCW

IUrl'cUr upon t.lle 1>100(1 And mucous surfncca of tJ


Iyalcm. Sun(! fOf t~tlmonll\I", Iff:O " F J CIlENEY '" CO .. Tol04o, _.

f=old hv all nrtl~ItI"18 7!ic 'Iuko 110.11'9 JlarullY 1)1I1A 101 aonaUO!LtloD.

• .>

is the word to remember.' when you n2ed a remedy'


"YO'l hllvo b'en wiLh yom' firm foJ' a 1.lllle." dnld '1 mun lo his old l;CllOOI fellmv.

fiVes," HllSWClc<l ,llis friend, 'With n p",Ucnt ex,l)re3si')fi af countenanro.

"WI'nt's - YOlll' POsi~101I1" HI 0:111 n,n c~npl{)y{ 43."

::~~;l.b l'\'~:lill~~ ~1~JO~~11(;10~1;(1 ol,h(OJl'I 'Ie Volle,,~ [t's 1ih this. When tho ~u\ nOI w!Lal, b')lIwt.hillg dnn". h" \Pl)s 'he c~-".h'et·, "-11<1 the {l1'!lhlOl' cl':lls. ,IJlO boolol;r.~pel', In"l i,he .booutkeJ]leel' tells 1111'. 1 do it. '

EVERYBODY _ WHO EATS BREAD Bhould ovoid dnnger of Impurities In delivery from

the home. Insist on your bnker wrappln~ his broad in

I tho oven to

EDDY'S BREAD-lVRlPPERS Wo IIro tho orlginnl manufncturors of brond wrnPPorB

by !eading bakors of OtLllWII, Toronto. and otter Cltie~. , .





JAMi:. 1: ••• Williamstown, Ont .• Jn1y 27th 1908,

"I slIffered all my hfe from cilfOIllC Constipation all(l no doctor. or remedy, I el'er tried hel ped me. "Fruit-a-lives" promptly cured me. Also. lost spring I h.d B had attack of DLADDER and KIDNEY TRounLE lind the doctor gn,'c me up bill "Ii'rult-a-lives" savcd my life. I alii 1I0W ovcr eighty yellTs of age .nd I strongly recommend "Fruil-n-tives" for Coustipntion and RiducI Trouble".

(SIgned) JAMES DINGWALL. Soc a bOl<. 6 for $2 .• ~0-or trinl box. 2se

-nt dealers or from Fruit-a-tiH.a Limited. OttawlL


Just What He Needed. "Reginhld, d<lur, YOll )lll~kcred u.p

YO'llr h'ps th<lll us if you 'I<llC going to koisG me," said the beuutiful OIeiltUic IIl<ngo'lou.,,1y, us she lilY stretched 011 vnc bBUcll sUl'veying tHe irolH;s of NC>!J­tUilV.!.

"1 intended to,' replied Reglllnld'l~lllgly, "but I tll!el1l to have go~ ,.,,,,11110 lH lIlY Jl1ouLh/


.. 1.'0 l' Jl~uNeu~8 snl{e swallow it .. " (l."(clllimed ~he young hldy. "You nced It OU;(lly 1n YG'lU: &ystem!" - Young. Ilillgllzinc. '

Only the uninformod enduro tho ugony of corns. l'ho knowing ones Ill,,,lv Hollowuy's (jom (jure find get relief.

A "mall boy in Y c.n1ecrd I cconlly be­('Ilml{l the proud PO&St'5<lor 01 fi donk%, -llOt s'li-h ,Jllf-;6()UIHJ a l' so young as i ~ !rrJig*ht hwv.e b~en. I·h ,,-'lor, It Hlnf;wer .. ed the pm pose of its acqUlsition, \\1hach WfA to afford buak I ides.

One day '1,1'8 UI clan ll'IIS onJoYI ride WhOll tJhc mi1IJste,' of the nnri~h met him.

"Hullo,' soony I" gl'<!etecl tJ,O minis­Vol. "Quite II 1',We- beoot YOoU hnve tlhcre/'

"Yes,''' rephael the boy, "hut I SQIP­poo<) i'here PJI'e 1\ grea1 111I~.ny of '<'1111 in the theologICal gur<len13." - Llppi[}-O.JI~~'S. ,.

What They Did for W. H Craine, and Why They Always Cure Rhe'uma­t1sm-Thcy Removo tho Cause.

The Major's Last Wish. >

The old mlljcT W.lS aearlng his .end. and Lhoof! about him were sayil1g con· soln~ry things, snys H[!,rper's \Yc~ltly

"Nm'llh mind," "aid Lhe dying m1J,n; "I have but on<l reGret."

"What is tllllt. mllinr?" ns-ked the clerfri'l11lLTl n.t h is ~idc. '

"Tlttlt I dHl llf.)t hILv.., n shot nt that old sountlrc!' Col. Dabney, sah," sllid the nmjo=.

"Denr ll',c, nmjor," rc,turnpd Lhe rlllr­gy1Jln~. I11~ICII sr.och-ec1. "Pmy, "hilt Iwos Col. Dabney dor.o to t!~erve tillS:"

"Nothing yet, suh," replied ~he maj­. "It is ~or b"c IIlsultB th:>t wiJl n.p­

mM lD hlB ()bl~ullry cj '1I1oC, 5,, that I ll'()/\lld Il ,"'ellga mys .. lf." I

A hlll~ girl w~nt to tile solley dhc !>~4ICr -day Il1ld nskcd for 1\ "penny bnl' of sC'a1J." The I'ha.11 nsc;istwrut, noL b>1-in'l s\uc as to tho Idn<l she wunted, !lsked: "WJl! you 111\\-0 i~ scented?"

"No." t,hn little one, innocently, "]'11 :lIlte it with l11e."

Recolrnizl"rj ns the 1ell<1in~ specific lor bhe destruction of worm~. MobhpT Grovns' Worm Exterminator hilS pro\'­I"n II boon to st1fferinl)' children every­where. n seldom fnils.

...:..----"McGoozlor. the forst hn.<;<)mnn, is

'pl1.~t.i·n' up n- big holler b(lC!l.U6C bnsc-obu.LI opl,lyers hm sll1ves ., I

"I .. he? Whp,t's ilis ~''llnry?'' "Thlrty-fi"e lnUlrhed." "Well. if q'e q~lits bo1nlt II slnve he

,hili! his old "'ro~e~slOn to fllJl bllck on." t·"Thnt'.!) th'ut'" .... "Wnahing bnttles in n pel]) f{lCtory I1t

sC'\'e[} II week." - Clev<J1nnd Plnin Denier. )

Bad Kick From a Horse Mr. 1. R. Kqlh'. o[ l\lllrlmrville. /I Itn"

SIIVS: "\Va hnve 1l10VOO Zlll11-Rllk Gf trreut "a;\1e 011 to'O f~rm. 'J wns Iticl;erl by II. horR" IIm1 . ...,,5Lr";ned a nasty \\,oun,1 whi,," !lnllUv t.l1,.n~d 10 nil omn !;orp., 1'J1JS Cl1l11iM:l l11'C 001l'oSV'el':' Ivblo pnlll. but liS ~c>nn u .. q Znm-'Bu]t \\'~g o'pplierl, 'I got l'elie[ I'll a short time Zu,m-Bltk comr>letely h<.mlcd hh{l wound.

"My fat.lHlI' Sollstnined a bod burn on his le-g, \\1hich for 11 long Lime wDuld not heal. Znm-Ruk h'lnlC{1 It, and bl'!:'tlgth t. on u cO"{Orlllg of new, heno1Lhy s!.:hv "Ii o,'c:r the woulld in II fow d:':'Y8." I

~'Im-Buk is nl.o Il sure el1l9 for ee-7.Nnn. 111c~r'8J btu1 leg, pilc.::l, nbsc('5ee3. colrl rrl 01;8, I Cll •• , ~cl'''lchffi, b'1l11l6. chiJdl'cn's lw,ho.~, IlIIld 1\11 skin dise"s­'>5. Obbuillnl)I-e, dlllg'ftisfs n.n;l s~oTr5. everywllelQ. BUo box. n' I'Pst fl'~c from ZMn-Buk 00., 'l'ol'ol1to ..... :lol' pl'lce.

]\Irs. Ymllll!lv\'c - Joh1l, nrc yO'll ",ware thaot y,ou hnven't ltls.~oo ana fo'1' II \\ol.>k?

:Mr .. Y"l.ln1/10ye -- Y-ycs, dM'lin~: I W'IS lust W:l1t111f,l to sec how Ion!! it lV'c'uld take ~ OlL to notice it. - HostOll TJmnscripL. 1


Revlv- the Jaded Condition -When anergy finlla.llnd the CI!rcs of business

_Pllcome. ir}e'aqm 96" whcn sys­tem Is outrof S ILs nnd thoro IS '!len­orill depl'os5iO'n. tl'y PICumelee's Veve­tnblc Pills. They will regulllte the IIotion of 1\ dcrnn~ed stomaeh nnd 11 disordered liver, IIn<1 yon inel like n new man. No onl! nc~d suffor a rIllY from dcbilitntnd digestion when so simple and efioetivo a pill can be got lit IIny drug sloro.

, ' O ( ' 'u1) I tl "W,hy don't ),011 Uk" .1onoo?" , llt:===::==========================:.l Toron,to, nt SpOCI • - n IMe "He's Ifllways orugglllg <about his ',: of SUGden ch.nnges cd tt'Jl11lpe.rotllI8 chil']ren" ..,.,.===="",=======""""."==,.",======,.",;.",= ..... =,;" ..... =;,,., Ilonn"", so mnny suf1enng poopl0 liB "n .. t Srn,-J.h'~ ,"II rl"llt"" C" ---, - -- ------- wen'ther the expel'ioov:m " t" " ,,'

II. thaiu{l, of 103 Gl,Hlston{l "No,: he's so proud of his p,neeR.',c~'S " LOCAL TREATM~NT FOR WOMEN'S D~ovnuJl:<no " 'd cd "WeLl, "~I,",t hrlVe )'<HI to boast oP"

thiS mtl' 18 of \\,1 reprJ;!] .. -. ," -1'11~"'<lJ,\I1{1 I.eNl(lr • n" n,·n.," . Cro i ne su flo red m1lll1, IC~":---,..:.:,-__ =--,="-_;;,' == ___ -''''''--

ITe is cUled It * * * * * * • ..

Following Instructions. I 'Dhe old brok<lt reLunmod Mld found

his new office boy gllzing lIb.; OVC'l' I I the rooillO}lS'. '10 hI" horror lind iIldil!'­n~ltiOO1 he iOourd thllt IllS costly Swiss clook WIll; IM'SImS fWI11 its IlCCUSWlIl­Col pInC<! ill the corner.

h Uoy ,,, hl1 drnl1fd1(ied in thunder,·tls !,cmcs, II wAle.! c is lIly clock?"

Bend for free sample to Dept.N.U., Na­tional Drug & Ohemieal Co.. Toronloo.

This Happened Out Wost. They teN 1\ story cr 11 r":I'mer, groW'll

tired of II'hent,..rn:3in~. "";'0 dedued to trade <hjs fnnn for a Dunaj} or city lots, SIIYd the SllturdllY J.o;vmtillg Post. Hc .)1·C'Jvt illto tewn nnd SIloW n ronl est[Lle I_gent u~ld arl'ungcd " trade.

T'ho o.gcnt hitchcod up n nd drove the fllrmer out to 5"0 t.he lots. Wohey I hey nrl'lved at the dC8Llnnt..on. the fu~m{lr looked over the IGis anJ maue 110 eont­ment

"Now, Lhen," snid t.he ngent, esa,,",­il',g the 1.I'ude to be made. "let's drive to YOllt farm. \\'hcle is it,,,

"Oh,1J roplied the fur-mer t,wc pns­sed th",t flbout a lml.c bllek conllng out" \


rre not II noW 1L1ld untried remedy - our gJ'I!JIHlInLh€ltS used Lhom. HILl! IL ceontul'Y nb'O, before Confc-d­el'ntlon, they weI e on sale in 1101lr­Iy ~vely drug <Yl' gCJl(lI'IlI st.oJ'e ill the Cllinndn or tlu,t day, IlJlld \\'(\'e th<l recogon,lzed cme IHI t,hell"HlIds of hOlll'.)" for ConsLi]ln,tion, ]iIldi­gootlOn, niIL::;uSJlfsB, ltholllllnti!llll ." .. :1 Kidney tlQld LivoJ' 'fIOllblM. To-dllY they Ill'e just ns crfective, ,iuOllt ns I'ellllblo as evel, 1l00d no-1.hing beLle I' hilS yet beon r:evised to

CURE COMMON ILLS. ========-~=-~=--~--

When m.e Liver is Out of Tune thewhole system is off the key -fltomach upset, bowels-slug_ gish, head heavy, skin sallow and the cyes dull. You cannot bc right again until the canse ofthe troublcis removed. Cor­rect the flow of bile, and gently stiinnlate the liver to healthful action by taking

the bile remedy that i~ safe to use and convenient to' take. A dose or two will relieve the nausea and dizziness, operate the bowels, carry new life to the blood, clear the head and improve the digestion.

These old family pills are the natural remedy: for bilious complaints and quickly help the liver to

"I d,:lJl't kl1Q\\', sir." wr.s Lho calm m<l ul1mmed response

"Dil(;n't I tell y<>u :not to go out un-tH 1 rJ:'t1Irnoo?"

leT didn't sllr II ••

"Where hllve yMI been?" "Ril/ht here, sar." . "Wh,,,t,' You menn 10 (.ell me thnt

you havc been sit.tlnl( right down thero r.nd fllJowC{1 sOllie olle '10 COime III lLnd 6\(\:11 the clcoek' Well. of 1111 llh{l n~nll,­skulls 1 evm met vou lire thl! IUlllt. WJllvt elt~use huve"5 ou for such care-lessncS15 1''' -

"A good ono. sir. W,hen I !l1'llt CMTlO heTe ,OU told me yml didn't wmlt II boy \\1ho \\Ol.I),J SIt rural1:nd IL1HI "",,(coh the clocl;. Sf.) I hnvell':t. glV.OIl it a glunce, sir.'J-Ch.icn.go Nows .

Hope for the Chronic Dyspept'c.­TIn ough Inck of considel'lbtion d the '>ody'6 ncocld mllny )lC!'l\,ons 1I11!)w dlR­~l-ders of Ihe di~e"ti"o n.PPII."nt"s to om]'ure I'ntil they b~ooll1" chronic. fit: ling days ILlld ll'ghl .. mHl S~lrrertng. ro rthcoe II COlll'3e oJ Pnrmelcc's Voge­

l)ilI~ is reeoml1wmled nS' n ~Iro aJ)()M Y WilY to I'Og>llitl hon! th.

Thes<3 pills !'Jm !;>pcri lilly eompolllndl,,1 tn ('omb: It rh~SI1)t'pRln rUle1 the iIlllnny

ills thillt foll"'~v III lis 11'1lo1Jl1. lind t1wy 1110 succ(!oSsDl.II 1I1\\'n~'S.

"U11<~!o .Terry, VOll think Ll·cl'c·" go­ing (0 be I~n "",( lui BIll'I"''' nn plic"" nome of I,hesc dIlYH. do YaH?"

"Gf!.sh/ Y(lFl 1 L·c'Ok rut tl1e (1i~b'lrt'C'" I.hey·ve get to fldI.' - Detroit Flce PI'Co:;;s

Scrofula disfigures and causes life-long misery.

Children become stronrr and lively when given small doses of

Scott's Emulsion every day. The starved body is fed; the swollen glands healecl, and the tainted blood vitalized. Good food, fresh air and Scott'& Emulsion con­quer sCl'ofula and many other blood diseases.

FOR g,U,n nv At,t, DRUCCISTS

Send lOc., nnUlI! or tmper Rnd this nd. for our bcnl1tlful Saving'S llnllk RUU Cll1h.l'1I Sketch. Hook J£nch bonk contniu!J B.

Good !.uck Penn)'. SCOTT &0 BOWNE

126 \VelhnlClon St., W"at, Toronto, Onl •

- --"He WaR cel't,"nly pO]lulnr with tho

people." 1 s,lId, "pcnlong af the tlolJey 1'<> ld SllIPClIlltullllcnt., \1 llo~n lo.,lgl1ll­lion h l!d I ecen Lly been IlOC('pt{'l1. " ITo slocmp·l I'IlXIOl)(; to do l'Y('lj,tlhing to

.. "Filtcen-tl\\Q : 1111 n p.dr TnfllHl1 giv-e t,lle-nl Slwfe tl'jUl~I}()l"t:lt,10n " 'J'ten.cher-.To.hllil1,}' ,Tim~on, Wlhy '\01.0 H·rhu.t wn~ the tIOllU1D," glowle<1 tho

yO"l J'I .... t pt 9C'1~ool ycSt.el~.!(lY? J)pp~lIfh 111 of !the poad "lTh fc ,I ..... H.ft1ty 1'II,pil--1'le:lSe, mu'am. I WfoS COll- 6chmue.:; Oil me nom' bankrllptlng liS.

"~l(>"c:n' Wthy, nllel' we )lIld ,hopped h,im 'H' 'I'" 'cher (in stu pI isn)-Floon "h,lI, found thnt he had planned to go to Lho

Pl'IlV? exp(!l1oSf.' o,f UUlI,!UP ilL ~ II " Pupil-Th'ne II.t lp1e rhlmphn's n.n' n (}111'" "ith n Icof fender for protection

)la{lke~ of cilenl cM~'l -'I'it-llil". I HliaJnst ruiJ'Ship5."-Ohlcngo News.


Is the Sfundnrd ,\rticJt! READY FUll USI~ IN .\N\'QU;\N'flTY

,,'ur m"khut IInnp. ,..,tl."ln4 w.lpr. r"lnu"f .. , old 11.lnl. dl .. ln'rdln4 .1".,,11. du ... I., dul" .. •• ,,1 'or mUll)' nll",r ,mrv,,,.co_. A ",AlII cl,lllul. ::U " .. Ad. SA I .. SODA •

aOLa. ItVKUl"WflIlM.


A. pure Fruit Jelly Powder-just tho nnelt pure CAlves Foot JcUYdavorcd oDly by the puro hulL

Pure Gold Jelly Powders ( Hark R.,I,lered) •

• 01Tcryou"Dcttcr Quality" on the table-lea: work 10 tbe kltcbco. Our nook or:Uco'peli Bont l!'rtJo u, lend ),ou nur nlulble Unle book '~bc Secret of DcUdpul Dcucru " Jt tell. you bo .... to make any number of dainty dellcrt. Rild de-­.HcloQ. "lad. in ycry Unlc thac alld .1.I:1l01t no tro.lde at aU.

Pure Gold Mfg. Co., Limited

paek­.en.) rOll

VanW. . , 560

E.i!~,"'on"'lmIU can MClltion your

lIamcarwt .1IdrclJ,

TREE PULLERS T! you have land to olonr, 'llO milt,.

~iiiI~ ler where it It!. with stumps, StoJl.lld-... ~~. mg troos or 8mll 11 bush nl<l<lrg or

WIll&\I'S, 'we h.nvo t.he machlrlto Itnd appurnlus for dOl11g 1.lm worle. on<l \1'0 soll our maohlne on a gun'l'llinIt~o that it will work f",,­ter, be eMier nnd more OOllVt'Jl1licnt Lhoan IIny O<t.her moohlnle on the ;monl<et. It is ruse the OOlly Mon.! 1e."Jble Iron Stump imuohine mllde)

Do not fool UWIIY tlmo and money "o;ith old,lt<)d oosot iron 1lIo1t­ch.imes. If you writa for Cllialogue "S" you will get fuJI parl,oullllol1l.


L ,

Page 3: Gee. - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI·


I r I L~ I






Iri~Iec(I:: Why should I be? YOIl

d~,~:: k~~~d~~!r.0U?" AMONG PROUD RAJPUTS

THE YOUNGER SET Ages in the presence 01 0. man whOl\e greatest boast was that no :Moslem blood ever tamted hiS own, and that he had been true to the RnJPut motto,


at Salvationists Helped to Defeat Labor • La-;"y~;' . O'O.;"noghue,

I ruE RED FOX'S TRICKS _ "But not In that way" , "N-no; not In that wny. I ... ·wlsb , did." BRITISH LABOR M P TELLS OF

A t11rlll pn8sed t11rougb him, Afte!! I VISIT TO FEUDAL I NOlA,

I "He who keeps the faith IS preserved by God" He stood for the old ways, he told us When he goes out mto IllS domam 3,000 retamers follow him

It docs not pay lor p01ltlCllln8. to 3;'eolc carelessly, nnd it certnlllly be· h(~o\ es tho mnn seeklllg the populnr Imllchlse to trent lhe SnhntlOn Army '\Itlr respecl 1I1r J G 0 Donoghue the bnrrlster \I ho rnn for South To­ronto on the Lllbor tIcket \11th the



0. moment lie rein xed nnd lenned fol'o word. bls cliin resting on hla ellncbed I bnnds "Th~n let us go bnck to tbe Old·Fashloned Warrior People of Raj·

He sacrifices overy morning to hiS gods, he Sits on IllS Judgment seat and hears the petitIOns of his people hc keeps 1118 sword arm strong and crafty by hewmg at -' clay 1 mages Even his clocks decline ~ bow the knee to Co.lCUttB, as Ius o.ncesto'f3 de· clined to accept the yoke of the Mogul -so he lives holf an hour behind 01Ii· eial time, I do not kuow to what eno. mUles 01 heathendom I comlll .. """ .... self, but I ~ It was well tRat \he old should not die

In S\llte of All the Evils That Beset, H 1M tho Red Fox Thrive. and Manage. to Get Along Almost Anywhere-He Is n FlUe Mous.· Catcher nnd Is of Great ServIce to the Farmer

Auther .. '"Tile F ..... ln. Chanc.,- lit ..

o~ _, " .shlt W. CUm'"

(Oontmued ) , WBII unDllstnkable. Then wben he hnd I tnken the place boslde her she turned

ne looked up quickly, omnz~d ot her I towlU'll him vel"7 frnnkly, and he looked ndden bltterneHs lind sho looked bllck up t:J encounter her beautiful direct at blm nlmost Oertely, gaze

"I !::!oy as "ell lell YOII "hnt 1'\'e "Wbnt Is disturbing our trlend8blp?~ benrd" 8he snld 'I" nH not 1((11111( to 8bo asketL "Do you know? I don't. 1 at Orst, but It 1\ III. be nil nroliDeI IoWII I weDt to my room n.fter IUllctlcon nnd ~ner or Illter HasulIllind tolll m~ Iny down on my bed oud quietly dellbo Sb~ lenrnell-ns she mllnnlt". to lellrn 'crated And do yoo know whnt eonclu, evervthlng II little herore nm budy el~e 810n I bnve rellched'" bl"or. or It-tllIlI ,IIICk [(lIthyen round "What?" bo nsked out tbot Alln "UK behu~lnll \('ry CDr~ "'1'11at tbere Is nothing lit all to dI.-l"I<.ly "Itb HOml!' mnn-~omc Rilly, cnl· turb ollr frtend8blp and thnt whnt I low and probnblv hllrmletls Jouth 1\lIt snld to you 00. the beaeb wall toollsh there "08 II dl~grllcotul scene on Mr, I don't know wby I 8nld It. I'm n t Nee,rgnrd's ynellt. the Nlobrnru, I the Bort of girl wbo soy. auch lltup~d dOll t knolV "ho the people \I ere, but I tblngs, thougb I wall apparently tor Rutln(,ll octeel II\)OI?lulIlJly 'l'he Nlo tbnt one moment. And what 1 sold lJnulI unchor<d tu "Idl(con buy yester· about Glndys "'0.8 chlldlsb I nm not dny, nnd Allse Is !lbOnrd, nnd her t.u~· , jealous of ber, Captain Selwyn, Don't lJund 18 In New ~ orlt, lind HORomund tblnk me silly or pe"ene or sent/men. 118)8 he nlllln" to dlvorl'C ber In olle tnl will you?" WRy or lIuotber U~b the horrible lit, ':1 wish to ask 'Vou .,m thin .. de mlln with Ills rln~,. nnd b.lDlIh!s!" "With ple08u;0," eh: lIa~ "Go

Bhe sblldd,'rro. Wby, tho mere abend" And aho settled back. fesr\es&o bringing or such n Bult !DenDR ber 8(>0 Iy expectant dRI nlla, n .. mlltter wbnt ,cl'tl1ct 13 "Very well, then." be .. Id, 8trt"lng f,ronght In Her only 80h nllon haa to spenk coolly, "It; fa thJa: Will ;you been In rt'mRlnlnll IneonRplt'uouM nnd marry me. Elleenr n ":!DC girl wouill lIu\l' rellllzed It. I She turned pertedly wblte and But -nn(\ sbe IIIl1(\e n geRture of de- IItared nt him StuDDe4. And h .pnlr-"~ au ""e "bnt sbe hus done. pen ted bla QU~tlon. epeaklnc .1 ell'~ And, Phil, you know whllt she hns but unstendlly, a y, dOli I! to you, l\ hnt n mod risk sbe ,~ooiC "N·no:' she sold, "I CIII1DOt. Wb1-tn ... ~olng to YOllr rooms tbllt night why. you know that, don't 70U'/"

Who suld she IlIIa ever h('en In mv "W\1I you tell me ",b,. Eileen?" rooms?' be llemllllded, flU8hlng dnrkly "1-1 don't know Wh", 1 I think-I tn, his surprise , I\1PPOSO tbat It 18 because I do not

'Dill lOU RllpJlOSO I (1I11n t know It?' love you-that way" sbe UHI(Cll '11111·tlJ "Ob lIut 1 did, nllli "Yes," be sold, "tbat, of course. Ie Jt kelll 11m u\\ukc IIlgbts wOlnlug tbo renson, 1 wonder-do you SUpp080 Yet I knew It must bn~ p been nil light tbat-In tlmo-perbo~70u ml.:bt cnre -kno" Ing ~ ou .IS I do But do YOll tor me-tbnt wny?" ..

old tooting. Eileen." I '4CUu. we~" "Yes, we cnn. nnd "e w1l1-back to

tb~ old footlog wben notblng of deeper sentiment tUsturbed UII, You knoW' bo" I t I. A 000.0. who la locked up III pnradlse Is ne\ er IIIltlstled uotll be cnn climb tbe wall nnd look over. Now I hnve climbed and looked; auel now I climb bnck-Into tbe garden of your denr frlendsblp, vel"7 glod to be there ognln wltb you-vel"7, very tbank­ful, dear, Will you welcome me back?'"

Sbe Iny quite stili a minute, then Ball up stralgbt, stretching out both bonda to him, her bellutlfnl. fearlea erN brllllnnt ns rain waahed atara.

"Don't go away," she Bald. MDon" ever go nwny from our prden again."

"No. Eileen." ,. "Is It a promise-Pblllp'/" Her voice fell ell:Qulsltely low. "Yea, a promise. Do 70U take

bllek. Eileen?" • "Yes, 1 take you, Tnke me back,

Phlllp" Her hands tightened In bla: IIho looked up at blm, faltered, waited;

,tben In a tllinter voice: "And-and be a! g.good couraae. J-l am 1I0t vert old yet."

An bour Illter. wben Nina dlscovere4 tht!m there together, Eileen, curlfd up among tile cusblon. In the IIwlnglng sO!Ilt, wal rending aloud "Evldencetl of Alllatic lnl/uence on tbe Symbolism of Ancient Yucntlln," and Selwyn, astride a cbalr, chili on bls folded armll. WU listening wltb evident rat>tare.

(To be Uontmued )


Rou.. the Congregation, A cerloln Scntch mlnl~tO!r. 11 new

comer In the pllrl811, Ilndlng It hllllU~ sIble to nrrest th(' IlttenUoo of bl. <1I11·

greglltlon, bp-cnme deript'Mi te No ""lin' er did he oppcnr In tbe pulpit I hUll they promptly comp08ed tbemselves tl) sleep,

putana Are Proud of Theor Mediae· val Cu.tom. and Have No Wllh to Change-Ch.valry Rolgn. There a. In Europe Five Hundred Year. Ago ;....Sw.rd. Everywhere,

North from Bllroda the country be­COlUOS 0. greal grnssy pI am, very much like the South African veldt, parheu­larlY,between the Madder Hlver and Mngorst'ontem 'fhe men change They become more Jauuty III theu carrIage,

They part their beards III \he mid· die, and comb back the sides to their earB 'l'bey carry nnClen t guns and selUutnrs When t.he sun BlOks m the eve rung 0. thousand herds of ca.ttle wander home over lDnumer· able tracks convergmg on tile Villages ThiS IS RalPutnlla, the home of proud warriors and brnve women

Baroda, With a smile, says, "I am modern", ltnJPutnno.. With 0. haughty BUIU, says, '1 keep the old wllYs" Commerce nnd polttlCS have both m· vaded parts of It, some of Its chiefs bauker after Engltsh Phtlistlwsm But t.hese degenerncles are st.lll cxcepllons

The first Ralput clue! I met, says 1, Ramsay Macdonald, M P , 10 Tho London ChroDlcle. the well·known SIr Pertab Smgh, 01 whom so many roo mantle t.nleB are told, WW! deplormg the fnet that tho hnnd of age WIIS upou 111m, that there WIWI no chance of an­ot.ber wn.r, lind that tbo probability, thereforo was that 00 would have to die OIl n. bed

PIU B.,tanwca was nolJling to him except an eVidence that Ule Golden Age had pnsscd He was praymg to be allowed to lead his pulo tenm Ilgruust Bengal pohtlellws, and was promlsmg to do the necesanry damage with the mallets off the'stlcks Two or three dnys under tho same roof as Sir Pertab mado me underslnnd hiS silmt of Chltor

Oue evenln~, nft(,f to king up hlR I'''" sltlon, he rnpped sbnrply 011 tbe ledge III front of him uud IIddresscd hlH 8omnolent Oock I~ tones of se~ ere I,," mouHtrollee I

[,1 hernl orgnlllznllon at 1us bnck, sn~ s thnt he mndo thiS dIscovery when he "ent down to defrnt belore lIlr A Glnutle Mncdonell, 1\1 P at the Inst Peuernl elechons T\I a or three ~'enrs ngo one or two 8o-cnlled SOCIalists, \ ho wcro mcre1y malcontents WIth

no formu1nted eCOnOllllC view s 01 any kmd, got mto trouble WIth the police by mSlstlDg on nddresslDg pubhc 'ncetlDgs at street corners and refu.· Int; to move on when rudely Inter' by the 111en m Uluform They were nrrested nnd \I ero delended by M... O'Donoghue, "ho 18 counsel for I~'ost Inbor sympnthlzers "hen they ~et mto trouble In the Pohee Court, III combnttlng tho allcgntlOn tllnt these orntors \I ere 0. public nUlsnnco 1.0 thosc domg busmess m tho vlcm· Ity of their mectmgs, he remarked

Too well known to need descrip­tlOn, the lOY of the hunter, hated by

He smiled lIPprovmgly, murmured thnt some of IllS chlels were not so fmthlul ns Inmself, shifted his 8word, held out his hand, a.nd we retur.ned through th~ c~urtlers, the soldiers and the sUitors mto the nOIsy nnd the crowded coudyards far bolow,

CLEVER MANCHESTER BOY. How Many Grown-Ups Can 1'ake

Thil Exercile In Spelling

A Mllnchcster the other day gaVG out the followmg 1\.3 a dlei.atlon exercise One of the boys got 1t o.ll ngl}t Wl t.h ooJy tJlrl!<l nllS' takes We always had 0. 11Igh OPID­Ion of Manchester youngsteru, nud cot1Sl.der thll~ tJU.'l diel&t.ion feat WI!.! sornet.!nng of w hl"h both mMter and boy should be proud SchoolllUL'll<!rs In o\her parte of the country plense copy

"A mllci:l.mahgnod robbler waa a 8kllful gn.u!:Cr, who poegeI"''l<1 0. pOlg· nant dlsposltton and 0. pedllU". w,,«on, usmg an alpena~ 118 an matrument of coercion w tyranruze oorer hIS donkey, He was a Galilean and a Sadduooo, bu~ pht.bl8ical co.· ia..m, dlpht.herlB, and a bil1ous.· m· tenruttent erys1pelas ocaaelOnoo him nnnoyaDOe

"The g1psr Wlth the sobriquet of Siby 1 went mlo nn at seeing h= mea.sure some soochnnne wma· toes WltJ'OUt elt.llCr dyelOg or SlDge· mg tJle Igllltnble queWl that he wore: but he rCIIUlrked that be would bave prcrorred a woollen surtout

"Hlll cil'OlCC WWl not referable to I vaclllatmg, occlloSlonlllly rrournng. 1dlOsyncrnsy 'l'hcrc.forc he w03fully gnve utternn~ to the follow mil a;pophtltegm

"'LiIe l.'! chequerod, but sciuSlJl, heresy, nposlnsy, nnd villruny shall be pumshoo'

Ithe fnrmer, yet one of IllS bes; fflends, hunted, trnpped. and poison cd b~ experts every" here, the red fox holds Ius ow n III every sectIOn of the coulllry In Inct he nppcnr~

Ito thrive nnd morenge best unde~ tho most cllfRcult COll(lItlOns

Havo you ever dunng tho sprmR months \ lalted a fox den where n mother lox nnd larm1y reSide? 1(

I ru..t they \\ ero no 1Il0re of " nUlSl\OCO than the Snlvntloll \rrny ",tit Its out~ door sen Ices or \\ords to that e!fect l'he remllrl, "ILS ulndc of! hllnd With no deSIre to of lend the reltglous ('on· vlctlons 01 nnyone but With n vIew ~o helplllg IllS clients \n evelllng pl\pec, however, bOlllll .hort of a sub lect took Ii Up edltorln\1y, nnd nd· nlllllstered a cas\tt;atlOn lo 1>Ir o Donoghue for spenklng dlsrespeclr fully about the J rmy

'II.e elllSOQO was llpparcntly forgolr ten by the time lIl'llt lhe electIOns 01 l!lOB came on and Mr O'Donoghue found himself a mmdld'lte, makmg a ('Jlnvnss m 80u~h 'fo· ronto. III willch the electorale IS "I. most WIthout exception poor Then he found thnt tho cURunl remnrl(~ thoughtlessly mnde III ~he Poliee Court had provon verl~nb1e drngon'. teeth Bnd hnd roused ur> a ho.t of onOnlle8 lIe encountered the story that he w I1S nn enmny of the Snh n· lion Army on nil SHies, lind mlLny of the poorer clnsses of hiS constttuents woro outrnge..t nt the Iden

"I nttrlbute 10 thnt mnlter moro thnn nnytillng eiRe tile sIze of tho mil· JOrlty ngnms! lIle," slud Mr O'D(})lo· gltuo rocent1y ------

CERr .. I JOCULAT10,'i,

not, one of nnture s trents Ims been mIssed 1 n crosslIlll n pleco 01 "oods one flne spring nlternoon I was air Lrncted to a pineo by n most peculln~ nOIRO MO\1Il1l lorwnrd \\ Ith extreme cnubon, I npprenched the brow of 1\ 11Igh 11111 on the bnnkB 01 the NoUn, \I nsngn River, nn Ideal SJlot lor 0. lox don The nlternoon sun shono \I nrm on tho 1I11181do and I lLpproached cnrelully But Iho dlsturbllllCO ceas. cd when I arrived nt the spot \Vhnt appeared to be n well·\\ om puth down lhe hill cnused me to remnm qUIet and n" alt results Suddenly n. Lnwny, ~ ellow IIIt1e nntrnnl nppeared Ilnd dlsnppeareM severnl tlmcs At Tnst Ite "ns lollowed b)' n hal! dozen mope ~ounll faxes 'Ihon the roW .tllrtod once more, nnd down the b111 on thClr pnth "cuI rolhng, tumblmg,l nnd growllllg, n bundle of youngl rogues At the bottom they would brenk nwny nml rush up the lull n. Ihstunce, then dl"llppenr lllto 0. hole only to appenr IlIgher up or lo\\e .. dow n the 11111 from some under· grouncl paBsnge, nnd repent the tum· bllng net A shMp cr~ III n thlcketl close hy told me [ hml been seenl by mother lox, and the little lellows woro gone m n flnBh All \\ us stili but Irom 11 couple of ho1eR thero; couhl be seen u moment Inter n. smnll po III ted nORe und shnrp eyes CUrlOU" to lenow tho ,hlnger 'Ihe mOlllent

Lnte Nicholas Murphy, K C, Tried I movClI frol1l 1lI~ POSltlOll I wns s('en IIml nll '1Il1lshed (,;xnlllll1lng tho

.. uppose other people would holll you "I don't know," She glanced up at\ DR Innocent ns I elo? E\ en Elleen- him tenrfully, fnsclnnted, yet repelled. the 8"el'tl!Ht \\ bllest, most loyal little '',1, don t know," she repented pitifully. 80ul In the \\ollcl-\\nB troubled "hell "Is It~nn't you help thlnldug of me Roonlllllllll blnted ot some Bcnndal In thllt way? CIlD't you be ns you touch In); ~Oll nnll Allxe Slie toll1 me, w.cre?"

be 8nld, "It's not

Whoever comes to Indio. and does not Sit d owu on the plam below Clutor With 0. lustory at illS elbow and 0. piau Oil hIS Inp, nnd then go up the hlll­on I1n elephnnt If pOSSIble-to the rumed temples, palnces, bn1.BarB, tunks, n.nd the sttll nlmost perfect tow· ers, nllght liS well hnve st.o.yed at home My friends nre dlnrung 1t IOto my enrs that there lB no Indio. I do not know but Chltor gives me someth1Og "0 go upon

"The Sibyl, bccornmg paralyzed by hnemarrlinge, lifted lIer eye.<! to the cupola of ~ho Co.pLtol to conceal her unpnrallelcd embarrllSSlOOnt, mIL1anjt hIm a rough curtsy, but not hnmas· 109 hun wllh mystifymg, rnrclyl\lg and stupefying innuendoes She gnve him 0. bouquet of fuehs\J!l., rnlgnoootte and dn.hlias, 0.00 Il oon tnlDmg Uns heterogoneous collec· tlOn 0. treatlSC on IPneumomcs, nn Apocryphu, a book of hieroglyplucs, n lecture on M<mdelssolm, a kalel­doSOC?pc, 0. drn.ohm phial of lpoc3CU­nnha, 0. elc.nonet, 11 Vlolonccllo, oil 'oomelum of symm6trlCBl proportlonB.

Hard to Prove n Grave Chargo Henders of the dntly pnpers nre

n\lllre thllt 111 one 01 lho large Amen·

den I found n number of holes for' (ull)' fifty feet un the lull '1110 path I hnd boen mnde by lhe young foxes,l nnd no doubt "M nil Idenl p1ny, ground ,u tho loot of tho 11111 "M

but slw did not tell nw \I lin t !lOSII' "No, 1 enn no longer help It. 1 dou't mund hn[l 8uld-the mlscbler 1lIl1l,nr l" wnnt to help It, Eileen"

His rllm hnd bccome quite cololles8 "But-l "lsb you to," IIhe snld In 11 He un U\lNteudy lIullll to hi' low voice "It which 18 com· mouth, touching bls nlllstnehc, nud 1111 lng betvi"eD us don't YOll see It grny c~cs nnrro\\ cd meuuclngly, Is? Don't wbllt

• nosnmuud-spokc or Bcaudol taL- doing to Eileen'" be rcpented. "Is thnt poss~ hoW' It Is ".I"t" .. ble 1" Whom am 1 to -- .• _-_._--, " .• -

!tound these walls trlldltion has woo ven most sncro(! gllrlnllds Wendmg ono's wny up the long Zlg·zng rond, Wb1Ch IS flanked nil along by' mB8Slve IYnlls Ilud spnnncd every now nnU aglLm by a frowmng gal<!, one may stili imngme that he hears the trBlllp of the HnJPut cnvnlry gomg out to die, and It IS easy to translate tho hUIll

"Oow long do you 8U\1POSC 0. girl CUll Whnt am I to 1I~~f~~~~fl'~~J.~; live nllIl not bcor scnrtdnl at SOUIO turns Into dltrerentl i."i,·nn,v. tbv.,~llr.' lIort?" Bnld Nlnn "It's bouod to rnln toward me?, 1-110ved,y~)\1BO.'d(!llt'ly·""· !Jr:!:ira',M~i~'*~I~,:~!~ti~:~~~~~::~it:l~ 110000 tlmo or at her but I prepnred my , 10 fellrlessly," ."

VOIces nnd other BOunds winch como down and go up from the VII· lages at the top n.nd bottom of the hill us the bndal Boug women gOlllg 1.0 their awful death by hre III the cnvern of the palace rn.ther thnn bo come pnsonerB III the hnnds 'of the

0. daguerreotype, nnd 0. gUllar "The gauger, who WII.S, by the by,

a trafficlnng recltfler nnd a pa:nsh· loner, thankoo her oordinlly She, apologlzll1g, nnawC'l"oo

II~~~ lIuck'8 ~n~k tlo Sld1Cll Sal wo tblngs" • Tears ~~~:~.;~~~.~i~~::~[~i~~·~~§~'t~~~j:t:lii~~::,,~,~IP:~::;:~!~~~:~,~pr.: au soy, ns ste Se WYII, 'thnt hend nndUt11ey on~:~~I~'~~'~!:I~~~1

Rosamuud spoke of me-In tbut wny- turr' f b fl bin til Ellleen 1" s ° er gown, as g

" , In the 8uulIgbt. t les It ooly mndo the cblld angry, "Denr" he sn.ld ritl

Phil, so don't worry" • ' ae y, "No' I "ou.t "or.... N I_I 't. nlterell between us. I love

, • J 0, won way too.n

I You nre Quite rl~ht. Nlnn But tllo "D·do YoOu really?" she pity of It, thnt tI:::ht. hnrd shellc.l wo- -lIbrlnklng awny from him.

I mall of the "O;ld to do sucb n tblng ''Tru!:I', to • young girl I ,Ing of "ItOS~1f1l1nd Is lt0811D1l1nd,' snld NIDII, ened.

"Wltb n sbrug I"rhe IIlItldote to ber oned, .pecles Is ab,'lolls "

"night. tbaule God" snld Selwyn bet\\ ecn bls teeth ';\len8 Bllnll In cor-pore !lllllol I mess her IIttl!l heurtl Ifilld you told rue this, Nlnu'

Be rosclnnd Inushed n,lIttle, a curl· :~J~i~~~~~:~i~~~;~;i~ei:£~~· OUli I!.ort or IlIug11, aUlI Nina watcbed him, perplexed

"WheN! ure you golug, Phil?" Ihe ,··!norA

asked, '

"I don't I,now, l-w11ere Ie Elleen7'j!J;~:~t1;~lt~i',I~~~~~~~~~~:~~1 "Sbe's I~ Ing dow<l-n beudnebe, prob- I,'-"'Wi;ii;~;! ~;~iiiil~ ably too mucb sun and Blllt woter. c

Shall I fend tor her?"

Sa. Snsllnno Is there. Isn't ~L_. OH'

And be entered tbe bouse ftnded tbe stolrs

The little Alsntion maid ~I~.'!!~~~'~ til Il corner of the l~ .":'tl'hl.'" and flIte lurormed rSe,lw)rn tllot,',madlj. mo\SClle bud:'bnd ze hend. ,;,,;~,::~~;

But lit tho Bound or COIlWlirsl.H.,", tbe corridor gay volQo .camo:; to tbem trom o8klng who

8be for ".'.'."--


" 'l'hero ILre vnnous degrees of WISdom, all problc.matl(::ally rntenble but llone compllrable to the sylloglsm

I eXlstmg lxltweon all e1iglble clhpslH nnd 0. tnsyllllblC diaeresIS' "-'f1t­ElLs


The whole plllce 18 0. vast temple of cluvalry Through lhese nurrow lanes Rnd over these rumed heaps ono should go bare of liend nnd foot 1 he sun set whilst we hngered there Sud· denly tho lund was filled WIth tho ben.tmg of tom toms, ltghts fhekorod [rom tho temples, tho hum of prnyers rose on every hnnd, queer forms moY·

10 the gllthermg gloom 'fhe speil ~ PugilistiC Opera Singer, the Mighty Past foIl upon us At Mr John McCormick, ,the well·

_ .•.. : •. Ohitor tho PIlSt IS dend, nnd kllown English opera smger, IS pns· ItB grave at rughtfall BIOIlutely 10nd of "n's the in the new capital of the greatest .. he 8nys

uualll,ur, the Old TWle Btill hve~ When met day, \ , Ui.t"t1!8 :N.atlorio.l 0. short

StoPB far out from the was f>IDglnJ(

t~W[~?:: i'~t2t~~~~~i~_' n8 an unclenn nt Covent Garden He : of 0. temple, and interested III tlie fight (d,aL ho a or 80 to Brrltllgement.a wIth the firemnn

'T:c;w'eii:h'if over the h'Ull know how tlie figh~ WIIS gtlla~ ,W[UI,c aud tem. Mr, McCormick w,ae' .~~g'~~~ fireman apopeW'(ld'·_·

CltlOS n doctor WIlS recently on trlnl on 0. chnrge of lIIurderlllg IllS Wife s uncle by 1Il0Culutlllg hlln "Ith typhOid germs Such chllrges which seem fnlllnstlc uut IlN not beyond tho regIOn of POSSibIlity, huve been mnde not IIllrequellt1y Sillce the germ lheory 01 (hsense became ncccpled b~ sctontlsts OYer I\!tccn years ngo the Into Nleholas Murph~, K C •• hlld n caso of tho klllci which he desl red to have vcntlilltod III the pllbhc prlllts It mny b~ sUld thnt he dId qot sue

for tlto most sensatlOnnl editor rwould hnvo Silled nt such II slory

nnd there would hnvo to be n prnna fnclo ense of overwhelming strength before II Oanndllln uc\\snapor would touch such n story to dill' '1 he C.ISO m questIOn wns 0110 that mvo1ved n POhtlCllll1 long smco dent!, "ho was nt thnt tllne very [,rOlllment III On· tUrlO Oharges of disreputable can· duct mills prl\llle lifo \\oro mudo ngnlllst hllll, nnd the c1l1ef \\ Itness agnlllst Inm "ns Il ) oung \\ omnn who hved III IllS home us II sort of corn· (lalllon to Ins WIfe Her 0\1 n ehnrllc· ler, w111ch w ns g09t1, was not 1m olv· ed, aod she wns nppfll elltly In good henlth also when sho fell ill With some shaht SIckness Imd wn.s trenled by 0. ph) SIClnn who wns relnted to tho polltlClnn III questIOn She neveT rnl hod, nnd beloro the cmlllnni charges nnd the hbol ncllons UrlSlllg from tho chnrgos enme to trlnl sho hud suc· cum boo to gnlloplllg consumptIOn

To IllS dYIIlS dllY Nicholas Murphy, whB IV ns counsel for the young wo° mall and who was responSible for brmgmg the original charges to hght, nverred thnt Bho wns 0. Victim of Lu· bercular mocullltlon at tho hands of the physlclnn, but ho could obtnln no crOdence for hiS theory III any quarier,

Il 11l1lCh Inrger entrnllco to tho den At the moulh of thIS entrnncc \Ins ",' perluct litter 01 rehlse !lInong wlllch 1

1 noticed wmgs of dueles turl,oy., geese, elll~1 ens, crows grouse, und other SIllILH birds nlso lect o( .nmll pigs nlld hIm US, fur 01 !tllres \\ ood chucks, nnd lIIus1,rnts, ns \\ell n~ rc· luse from II slllughter house fully two n111es dlstllnt I'hls fox e1en wns; nbout one·qullrler of n lillIe from tbo bllllelmgs of II Inrmer of illY I Ilcqunlll\'llnce 1 cnlled n\' 1us plnco nnd modo mqUlry regnrdll1ll' mlsslI1gl lowl, etc, nnd "as "<Bured by nil the fnml1y thnt fowl, "erc nev-' er lIlolested by foxos, nnd that tJlQSO mnrnuders ahoys "ellt SOIllO ellS· lfinco to stnul fo,\ I InqUIry rovenled


the fnct tllllt {flrmcrs t"o nnd lhroo miles chstlUlt woro contnlm\'rng thOir I Bhnro of fowl tm\ nrll tho Iwep of the I fox IlIInlly

However III the COurBO 01 n lew I months theso losses would be fully I ropnu.l £~OXCR nrc great mousers i

Dunng lho t" llight hours morlllng I und ovelllng, they mlly be seon 1111 lho grnlll flelds hun tlllg smull roo \ dent that would tnnke fnrmmg ILl· I 1Il0st Impossl b1e wero It not for the, tireless energy of tho foxos III hun!.-I rng and destroyrng thelll No doubt I this grent supply of food durrng tho 1

summer nnd nu\'umn months IlC' counts for tho Inrgo numberB of' foxes nlwnYB to be found m fnrm.: Illg (lIstrlcts

Bontlllg With n fnend one evenmg on the NoUnwsngll.' River, \10 \\erol

n couple of flocks of young ducks willch With tho mother

duck,~, swn.m lownrd us ThiS nctlOn on tho pnrt of the ducl(slsurprlsed U8 as we hlld 0.1\1 nys noticed young duck· hngs make to the shore or hulo In weods My fmmd notrced nn nlllmni sW1mmmg m the wnter: lYe went uf· l<!r It, 0. fow strokos of our pnddles brought us eloso enough to seo It WIIS

red fox thut scrnmbled up the bank \ho denso gro" th 01 fCffi5 At

LIH,.",,,mn moment IYO SillY nnother foxl m tho weeds \lntchlllg tho

ducks nnd ourselves Thon wns re venled to us nnother of tho fox's eun· mng trlcks Ono fox hnd gone mto the wnter nnd wns endeo.vonng to drlvo the mother dueles nnd helpless young to the shoro where his couled· ernte wns rendy to pounco upon thelll Wo allowed our l,onL to drift down strenm SOllie dlst.nce The ducks fol· lowed us for 0. time, thon went us nnd disnpponred down stren.m foxos 0. npenred on the

.,s:fllcoon-.'cl took 0. Bhort look nt us nnd way My friend's only C?I~~:~r,f' "Tho rogue81 I wonder lmvo dl\lded the spoil?"

On' nnother ! pnrty of four

or nt



Page 4: Gee. - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI·


ADVERTISING RATE:S 1 wk. 1 mh. !i ml,li. 1 yr.

UIl~ CnJulllu... ••••.•• ~J (Xl ~I:',l.(l $h) W :100.00 .. ·hr ...... lJllnrtul· Uul..... a;:\ I.!.:,I) a:!,lJ(l 1\000

'If l;ul...... .......... :!.:,o I:'.\.IO;;!U no liO,OO ~.Il'rtnl· e ... l........ .... 1.:10 :"UU U.t.ltl :tli.OO .1"10,,, 1;1>1. .......... :. ..:, S.Il<) .~,1kI ~'Il.m )uo tueil .•.•• ,_.... a ((] 10.0U 'rlu, .. IJO\'f' rill uti tl" nnL II PI'Ir. to Itlll!llHIl ,dlch.

Tell Some Sick. One It Is l~rec! II It Fails,

'Vllt you do nn act. ot Jh1Ulftu1L1' Will you loll .omo licit ITI.1lI1 01 thl .. "I'

remarkablo ollor, .. Tell blm ()r bur, th.t you have lcurned of Ho

Dlcuiclnc dO certain thut it .• mall"r M)" \0 Iho .Iok, "It II abaoluU.!r and ullcondlUonally frl:U It It 1,,11:1,11 • ~

~\n.1 )'(1\1, no dot.btf AlrNItl)· kno" of Dr. SbooP'/I ite:.totlalh'b uurl lu potluln.rlty.

"~dr ~,." l)('un tllt.- stUJul1\rrt rom. :e;;,,~:~~,"~,t~r,\R.\I,'no~I~~~l"Y. alltl Jleurt uiJwtlnti

.. , lIa,'sc;s (01' Salo Wallte"

Ilorst's for ;ale.' Appll' to I Woman' 10 take cnre nf Bank'of JOIl HOWH, 'j' ITarniltlln nffice. ~pply .

. Treh~llI~ BANK 01" HHIILTO!'l, . " , 'I' I 76·28 p. st'cl. 27 ,,·10, 1=. r" lerll~.

To,. Sa'o ! . Oxen to,. Sa'e • . . I

Two 50-It. hlJilding loIs in Trc­hemc.' . J'T1ce nlld pHlliclIlurs lrolli

~ I' ". . TJ~t~s Or-PICH, .

'('\\,o gooel Apply III

yol:e O:<c'n for salt:.

Jos. ROCK, Jllt~rtltlllllloutli. tOlulOffi,lIIeUl ugs.leg,,1 nollcnl!. ur l!u)tll1lul lit It Lrllllslturv l1HltUO I"eltul nud ),Jl1ld"l!u! t!lhurtit!ili~. tlr8t iruunllou,12 couts a I.,w, 15UloMOqlll1lJt. iuportitml!l X ('fJlrL!S Il lIuo NU\.iCf'" or ]nllt, slrayu(l, louml. wnn}DlI f;!l"" ~H j'nllU nnt. iulturtloll. 41r thrufl intlnrtll")lIf1 fur til 1M). ~. ,}u"Y tnr chnlluu or uth'nrt(se· m~lIta 1t,II"L I!(I rot..'HIVtnl thnu 'j'uf!lulnl'

_~I">OP·..· Trellerne: ~t:,~;t!:'~;~;;~1nUlt~~~i~\<::~~:?~1 :,,::;' ~,r

N. D. d~ LOllTlI~~.



JlRlIJ.\\·, APR. l~t., IOlO. • ~ , --"~ ~---:::-::-==::::-.::--- - "_.

AFILE OF THIS PAPER CAN BE seen al the oHico of Messrs E. &

I. Hnrdy & Co., 3D, 31 and 32 Fleel St., ~ondon. Eng .. free of chnrge; and Ihnl firm will be glad to "oceive news, sub­.cr_iplicns nndaclvcrliscmcnts on bchnlf "If The Times.

~(Ijj'ff"'!.~" ~ < Synopsis of Canadian North-West

land Regulations, \.!"\·IIOUOU \\holfttll4'p.,llnh",,,l flC i\ lIi.mlly

f\. (lr IWY tnllio uvur 1'" )"llIr~ !lld. mitt hOIlIt,~ ,coRd'n qunrtor·!'"to,!on (lr"\"II"hlo Ut'.

mluftlll Inull III ""ll1hol",. SIIKlmll·IHl\\UII fir '" 1I,f1rtM. 'rlt" 1I111,lIcRllt ,"1Itlt nlJftunrl11 POf"oli

- \ lit. tile Dnmiulnn ,,"lId!! "&lIW('l' or 8nIJ .l.tOlle), "or thodistrl('I, I';nlrji h)'III'oX)'lIIny hn fJ1tulu I~t. nut 'Ulnlle,', nil rM~nin (·nwllllnn ... h) hlt.hur. 1II(llliur, MIll. dlt\lJ:llter. l,rou'('1 ur tlitltor o[

• ~ iUIP.lldlltlt hfll1111ftl.mlflp r. ])ut-Iull -Six IIHtIlUIt;' r"",lclt'llco IlIJIUl nnd cui.

th'Rtloll nfth" IUlul ill t'n~h or Ihilln !·"nrM. ;\ hnlnc.IAlHlu IIluv l1\n wiLllilJ nll10 III IIIK or his hllllwl:Ilund on II rU11l1 or III l"lItll "hfh,,. ncrnlol. 1'01,,1), 11\'.'"1'11 Itwl (lI'lmpl",1 I", hilll or h\' hiM 1,,'hl1l', 11101 h"I', IHlII, IluII,.:h\Or.1'1I11 hOI' ur 11lblol. ,.111 ("Irlulu dh.trlcln " hlllllctiterHlnr III f·(tI{Jl1 ,rlln IIdl 11.,. 1IIn Y prCH'llwt n fll'" rl fJl··Bltl't,lun n Inllg-

, IIhlu his IIUUlO"INIIi (,rico ;f'.l.(j(t Ilnrnrrol

1)nl.lI.18 -~Mu .. t llllud\! lilx IIIhlJttlif. in u:1<'1i or ~ x yultr~ from .!ntn fir hUl1Iui!lollci t'IiLrY \11Ir.lllclIIII'Lllo Limo rcquiru.llu Uflrn 11I1IIIQIIlolii putuul) IlIHI

~'clI1Lhutu fifty !lcrUII o:drll. • A hOllll)fltond"r",,11H hll8 nxhull!1tcd hitS hOlllc~

dQ not dn~ tim ~tntnnch. nor t'Umulnte Uto noar" or J'liJru'Yat-lf,r til" t Ja nll \,'ronN'.

Dr.ShooP'!I ltostomllvu g009 cllrll{" to CQfl.'W 01 thoso pllmonta-tJu') InnlnK'. IRlLerJ"'Ir.' 1I11dd" or conlrol1huf non·cs. '.Ami herein lJO!I the kO),lIotfJ to JUY I'itlOOl'$". '

Whon th(.JlIt Ill'rvml ,,"I RJrStin mRfln won Anr! IItrOlUt. thun tllUt Is tllo certulu (!nd of lllt iiucb .lcIuJ!!!"! •

Torno It I. n """"I ,,,U.lnollon thnt r nm tho on!>' f,h)'ldclun alll" to ""Y t41 tllO tmtTl'rll1K HIck. "']'uku In), IHc:l'CrilJUoll for fnJ1 :$0 flu.\'I',lwll If It fl\II,~ to 1H'lp you. tho l!lItJro l!,.pcm~u hi mlnu-Ilot) onl ~,"

:i'lum 7/)"",~'j(nllll t"P. sid: lake (111/1 chance on amI otller lllerli'!III~1 111Iw.,e mal,cr dure 1/ot urll:k itjttvt a.~ .L (10 by this1'cmal'kuu/e q/'l't1'1 "

J "lro lin \'0 n. Ith~urnntlo 1l.t'I11t'(ly-nmt (hnt rnm('uly l!l ('O'I~rt'll iJ}' 11111 l'itllht! hlt'III!l .. 'U1 "!'\o Jll'lD. 110 tIllY" VJotcrti\:t' 1111\11. •

Jh·~lch·:t. )'011 oru hl'~ In (,f1n~II.1L 1IIP. just 11 )'011 wOllhl )'onr homu ph)toll'hlll, My mh'lt" (ilu 1100k hulow UIU YOUNt-ulHl without C'O!lt.

J'erhnras" word or t"o rrom U1~ will ('lenT up !lomo surloll~ ulluuJllt. 1 hU\'llhelpell thollnnllfls UpOIl t.h()I1~I\ nIl. by my I'l'h IHIt llre~~rhllloll or llOrM)rmlnd,'lco lll"", to y k;-,t I.:lTorL 1,4 surul)" worth }'t)ur "hnl,1!! J'·lllIe:.t.

Po let mo !4ullfl yllt1 lUI off1er ",t once. Take the tnl'~"llgn 10 IOnl11n 51ek lrltmtl,

A Ilo~tlll \\ III hrhHt lhu Ollflortl1l1lry. 1 wtll hl\\'o lUi honc!;t Iltltt trlll't'\OI thy tlru.·

,I!lit to who1l1)'ou elUl COil \'ouhmt)y ;0 [or lhlJ:;o d'~)' h'!'it,

)jut f\.r.;t. llfi1.: mt! lor UII-lists nro not nutluul/..t>f.l to Kivu

~f) wrlltl 1Il11,~lnw aUHI ~\, l' memiJ<:r tllnt tOlllnrrt'W 11l'\"t'r "lItnl'''',

Hr. Hhoup. jto:r. 1:.!. llurln\!. Who Whlr.1i look .".11 I I.ud YOll1

No. , On UrSl1op!\in. No.2 011 tilt' It,.IIrt '-0. a On UI" 1'lIln",'

No. <4 J··or Womon No f. )lor MI'II No. tj On Ithllll1n1ltl"tn


To Lot r ~ ~tcud rflJht "lill 1',lIIun\. lJutnin II 11Iu'(mlpLhlll

..... }r~mIlY t;a\(u n 1IIIrrhnMIHI hUIIHHttU8d In corlnlu ')'~' t .1It1trfcts. )lr rn $:1,00 "or Iwru, Dlllios-Must.

,",""1,',",· rl~lIldo pix lIIuuthK III ollch (It Lhff!l! )'Oltflil. cllilt. The joh of l:lcaring the ~crub 01T ""·_""'C".·' vnLo fitt)' (lClllH IIlhll'tflCL II huuso \Hlrth $.'WO.OU. ,'\0 acre,. Vcn' little oak. For


11'< \1'< COny. ]loplll)' or tho MlnhtN ,'f Lhn tuLurinr.

N. U.-lhumllwrl:.eecl pnhHclIlIoll or Lhis 11<1. \'or1l8l)fllollt will uot lut (lUill {or. '

p.lrticlJlal s npply 10

26 27-1'

J ou:~ '1'. Ros~ Trehcruc

or r I 'j' 10 •.......••....••....••.....•..•..•..•..•. , ........................ . .•. , •....• , •••.••.•.•..• +-!. '* filrm<' er~ ,:;:! -'---:---~NO-(-IOO---,', . ., • ':' I .:. ',' ,', ',' .f, ',' o •

: .:.' 'I' " .:. Having opened a Machine ~

On nn(1 [Jfter (!l1te. if Chopping is not sdl1~d for ",hen delivered, it will be chalgcdot the rate.of7c. pct' hag.

C. \VIECmIAN. :i: nnd Implcl11ent \VareholJs'! ill .,. .:0 Trehrrne, 1 beg 10 solicit a t .:. lIhnre Or )'Ollr IllltrnnnOc. I ',' March r61h, 1910


.• n y .:. will hnlHlIe t,he ','

..; .:. It ~~ Y ,.. ,. ~ ,!. ). ~ t

.0 v ~ X II~ ,I. ~ ~,

Give me a call placing Sprin!l

"Ei~ht:'r~om f1'oi11l! hcil1~e iI11';'<ee herne; good cli')' .r.cllnr; cistenil ,1!/J acres of lond; Slnl,I,,; good well. Terll1~: -)1 cnsh. halrlnl'e 011 ell!lY pnymellts. Al'pll' cllre of,

T I ~IE!; 'freherne;

S"lId O,.,S (0,. Sa'"


This Province hns.l r ,1.6<),n8~ Clcrc,; or loncl, .6,or<),2on 1I(,1t'1l of wnter lIurface to dmw 1110i~tt1re fr011l for t\gllct11tural purpose:;, therefore we 1\1\\'n)'~ hal'e suffidenl t1ioi~ture Yn insnre n crop<' <

There ilI'yct acres 111l()CCllpicd In be h(Jll1esl~a(led nr pitre h OliN!. . ..' [' •

, The poplllnlion in r<)or II'ns 255.2rl;1I1~,llOW III 101111(1 nllm-bers 400,O()O or nearly douhle in St'I't'n yen,s. .

·'Yinnipcg- In 1901 had II populntion of 42,240; 1m!; n()w 11.'i<ono or more thnn dOllbled its popnlnlion in se\·en'yeliis.

The lrnnSl'lHlalion facilities ure tllll1ejsl' perfect, tht're being :1516 l11i1ell of rni~wa,' in th~.P1ClI'im'e. ~1I ~nc1illlill){ from \vinllipr~., Three Irans-contlnental trnlwi kUI'c \\ 111111 peg every .lny lind It _ IS : oillva 11111lter of n frw 11I01l11iS when Ihere will hi' liI'c, Ihose tn be' added being the Gronel Trunk I'neinc and Ih~' Cnlladinn Northern. . ,These are indicntioi,s of the Province's pF(l~rt'ss in nil direetiolls

rind is ihe placc to cast il1 ),cJllr lot. ns 110 olher cOllntry ('nn show the sallle increase ill the same tilllt,. < '<>,'

, , . .' I ( __ ~ ___ ~ ____ ..;.,.


. TO VI,SITO~S-"Do not pass Winnipc~ \\'ithont seeing' GOI'­

emlllcnt 'and railway.lllnels for :iale, aud ohlalning .full inroflllatipn AH to hOl11esteAc1~ lind "pportlltJities for i11\'estment. '

.1 , . R. P. RUBLIN.

Premier ur Muuttc)LR ltud MIDieterot Agriculture , .. , . ~ - I ~Ior spoclnllntormntion RI1Jlly to

Jo • .,ph Burhe. J7~ Luitltu Av" Wlunil'c!;, .&lUll,

. ,ns, t1ar'ncy, , 77 YUI k bt .. Torc1Ilto, Onto

Table .howing· 'returns >', I !

from wheat Brleted at the ml!!,

Total. . Cost (If (jristil1g . ,

Net "aluc of return , .. Ifyoll sell ,')0 bllsht'll-l of No.

,bushel, you get

• I ",'

,). \./

.. ~ . <, (

• • • •• ,... I

I Northern Wheat nt 94c per

•. ,,?,:! .• ~~~ , "". ,"' •. ,. " ..... '\\ '- ..• , '~j~,"""' .. ~~' ~.\, ...... , ... , , ,t".'(


The Central Store -

It Pays'to Read the . .

CENTRAL STORE ADS. is now here for New Summer

The .season buying your Suit or Overcoat. When you buy it yo,u want it to be cor= rect in every detail === splen= d,idly made, \vith shapeliness . . that stays '"'' suits that prove the wearer's good taste =s:

such are our New Styles for Spri~g, 1910 •

Suits: .'0, 12, 15, up to $25 . Overcoat.: $8, 10:; and $12

Smart Things in Men's Furnishings


The mnn who wnuts the latest thing in a 1lat -- Ihe newest thing in a Shirt -' Ihe rip;ht thing in a Tie­smart Gloves or IIo~iery, or n pair of up-to-dal<: Shoes­will find them HEHH' - ,ruo(lerntely priced.

The SprinJ.:' Styles are ready - amI handsomc.



~----~----~----------~------~----------.-.-----~----~--------~------____________________ e.

TROWSDALE & ""cCIONALD rite Cent1"al'-Stol/e

• ~ ~\ < .11'chenze, ll:fanitoba <

, '.



(I UCould 1 .. 1'Ie consumJttives· ~'f~' any Klven comn.,unity be seen at .. o_,,,-tlme. or pass in rama before the "J~eople. public of''ttIeima&" ituda

the Ion mi&,ht be '~rous~1. A Isastar shocllS "~'wo"l"'and

e the sympath,-"o-rlmlllioL,s. A usand deaths are :nothlnc as

:.~ClonI'lDared with the deaths .. 'from 'con­Y''''lun.'' LAWRENCE F. 141.ICK, ".0 .•

M~:'I,~~:~~~:l~~~~~~ e~ "e"rtf' Phltlpa Inatltut. Ic;p tN. a.wdw •. T .... "tm.nt • (If Tuborculuuia. .."

reasons, surely must inA!ucnce .tnr:n \and "".\~'orrlen!to h~lp in ~he;gr:at wo'rk be,ingocarricd1on by;the . .

patients I ha've tal 'Yas" ol.)ene~

, ' <

? I

; . , "



• • , i 1 , •

\ 11 , ' , , . , . " , .

"( ,1 ,

< ,.


· .

I .1' r I , '<

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" I. (. ( , I'


, , ", ,


~ <,' I' I I (


r ~' (

" 'J



Page 5: Gee. - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI·

It. ,~,



.... ** .. ****u***~tie il*~*U·.u*e**.*.*'* •• 1W II :.~.~ •• o ••••• ~~.".·.~ ••• o: I ' W, D.Staples went in to the city ,I ~ , m:m ~3:t~~~QQO~~, ":,,.("·,l.l;..t"~';'~"'''''Y:.(\}.v..''''''{,IW;Z;;;-;;-! '. " d' I· , T'OCALS " ·'I on Mondny. . J:( S. i . 9.;

Rubson'" Lam"'el~ War •• -.- .L.- - - • Q; YOll will find .in our Shoe Stoe); YaTi!.'ty 1.'I101ll':h In ,'I~ op "..,. :----~--._;, - ~---:I ,~Irs A E, SlIlit!I' wellt to Win- I;( p".n'll unliciFlle evel\' pORsihlc:: Te'lllirClllcllt;' lind ~lIch :~

J --'----.,;.----~----,-:-.;.....:.--'--,-.;.....:.----,--,'--'--.., .. • I·or.nn~t Ahlt l.ooolllom8,,1I01I1 I'ool,t •• ' nipeg all l-louday. • ,'., gllnrnntee of satbfaclioll as YOll alwH"s oct with ulIr '

S"PR"I"NG AN' N'O' U'NCEM'ENT: : lI~d}.'."t.lullnd.rOUlIII·.rroh.~"., :1, S.1I SlIm:s. \\'enpprecintetheconhlellce that 'ou;lIIanv~hol! ::

:: . ' ! ··:7.:·;~I:::·~;::'~~~::::'~~I::' "i';~~~\'~I' ~,~'ri;~rl;r~I~)~t. Claude was oes 'cu~tllllltT..; ha\'e placed in ollr ubility tn hll)' goocl :;tnck.

... f '. ()~Ir Sho~ tr~dr~ is glowing- strmlily every ye[lr. We

f'rehtrne and Ihe beautirul Dnd'resourceful coulltrv sU,rroulldlTlg I' R"'cr yesterda)'. I, Miss Minnie Emll10nn retnrned We havc the agency for the following shoeg: • The It ilas m3e1c B nllme for goorl .. rop!l and gnod fnrlllers whtch COIIIIO!, frolll Willllipel!: all Fridny. . I J. & T. Bell's, George A. Slater's "Invictus" "Model" be surpassed ill Ihe Grt'ot Wt:st. 'fhe farmillg COTIIlllllllity are \V, J, Barroll wos lip from Hath· ' "Q Q I't ""el ." 1 ' , here 10 sta\'.' '. .: well on \Vec1l1escln\', I Miss Reith Smith retnrned hOlTle ~. ueen un I y, asste, tIe Rreat chlldrell's shoe, , i ' " , ! ' h" I for the holida}'s on Friela}'. nul! the old line that bt'ots Ihem 1111 ill lIea\'y Workillg And We Are tlere To Stay Wlfh Them Mrs Rnll EIIRIiFh hns cell qlllte I' _ Shoes. the "Williams' Make."

ill f()r the p~st week. . Mrs R. F. Steclt> was II "isitor You orc' buildinJ ft h~use ? 'We will gll'e \,011 'fn-ely : t to Cypress River Oil Fridny. ~ Call and5ee OUI', Ladles' Model 2 ftoe, 41:'f.I!O

l> , d 1 1\1 is~ A lice Willelt visiled o\'er - Q iJ <1''' ~ Ollr cXI.erience liS con'rAct"rs and also raw you P BnB • I)' It I t r tl' 1"6' 'I' ::.;;~:.;..:.=:.;.;,;:.:;..;;: _. Thnrsc1n\' ill Rothwell, . George Willett letllmed from I len S II1nuy 0 Ie M,OO ane ;; ,00 hues WIll llS

ror same, alld the hest of lltatenal. C", 1 thl.: Agrknltnral College all Fridny, I lIotly style. l' uilding 80. nil? YOIl, [IS a farmer, kllow hest the kind George'Mulholland was ill town I . , . l. • Our farmel"s fa"orll YOll wish 10 huil.I, ulld WI! 'WIlW Ihe IlIntcriul \·ou wish put into : rr~11I IlIlliallfm'll (III Frlcla". I fhe f~S~lIrl!OIn.e hroke tip on,the , e it. Gel it ~l1fely right here. .. '. 21lit, allcl th Ice IS IIOW lIearly Ollt. Q; Our Fal'mer's Favol'ite is nlso a new line we bat'e

, .• He\'.R.C.llnC\~I, .. PoIIClC'k\\elll '~. . , Q;

OUR ORDERS are all for gilt-edged stock and dry, for': 10 CYfJ"~s~ Ri\'er 011 '['llt!Sdll\'. Mrs ~,I,'!dl~wlng wellt. to, \VIrII11- ~ added, A uice B1l1cher lIIocle of Kungaroo Cal~, We

S'd' Fl' d II k' d' ffi' h • ' peg- 011 e( n~Rdayc\'ellll!g S Willi, ~ 'III!Jftf hought n large shipment of thcsc shoes and ,got n Specia'I' I lng, oorlng,an a In s a tn~s. Miss Nellie ElIIl1Ionrl rctnrtll'd I' , . '1'.' Discollllt, 'fhe Icgular plit'e would be $3 25. Ollr ~ale

Wal::h for our car of Nil, I B,C. Spruce Siding, ,the klla\ • 'home rrom Willnipeg 011 SlIllII'clu)'. '1' C. BI!1;elliwc.nt 111 to thc ~Ity 011 price while Lhey lu:-;t ......• , . , . " • 52.50 \OU like so wtli. .: \ hllr~clllY C\'t'IIIII~, lelllr11ll1g 011

. . ' • . Mr niH! Mrs p, HollemAn!> clrove MOlJ[la),.

MANITOBA TR£HERNE •• K.. 'nosstJ1'" MANITOBA I' ~~~,~ from'Swon Lake for over SUII- Mi~s MntHle McGownn returlled § TREHERNE J. R. 50 OTT' WI, "I .. home 011 'l'hursdOy for I he Euster 8 '

C~'-"""".iI •• ,".-..... "q '...................... Miss Florellce Scammell oTriverl holidnys. Q~~tO)~l:OXO~)jO~O'Q :Q:\).:O\)):I:O:O~Q):I.®"'O'~® ~J).l),,'1:I.."O:O~(((f~ , " home 011 Snlurday from Winnipeg Miss Richnnlsoll, of Trehcrne

.___ Normal. ' school staff, left on Friday for ey-••••••••••••••••••• ".. •••••••••••••••••••••• Miss 1\IoffAtt of the st'itoo\ stnfl', prl.'ss ~U\'cr. • • left for her home ill Winnipt>~ on Mrs,C, \V~ BOlk\\'cll IIlId 1\Itss : An Interesting Sight,i.!> • 'rlltlr:-;c\o I' , G1acl}~ Bn,k~'ell wellt ill to Win-

suru with Dr. bhoul ORO'UP slopped Iu 20mit·,:t Croun Hcnll'clr. III I

~ to.::.; "'ill FOurel)' prol~. ISo YOJUiticg, nil (lie ..

~rcs!-l. A 8UrO hod 11loasiol:s)'rutt-Wc,llrul-mlsts.


CORONA , (~~~~~~!t~~~~~M t~ ~.

:~ :klrs. Vigal' ~ .

!:. 0 U r lSI e~' .. ' l). r" 1· ,II' .::' Mr Clinkllllbro~l1Ier wns a' pass. ipl·g on MO!Hlny, _ ,enger 10 the !'it)' 011 Mondlly\eyen- . It: Lnr)oillle, of St: CintHIe, was ,1II ... 1~~!l<-;;;l'--:m':';,;!~*ll~,,!~.!:~;::!le,:!~;~i~?:1:<*

hlD'1i trnill, ' , ','

LUMBER COMPANY This is the senson when e\'ery­

body bc;:ins to figllre on putting lip new huildings or repnil ing old ones. 'We I\nve nnlicipnted tile needs of users lind have :;tol'ked lip wilh the choicest assortmellt of

ttl Graduate and Silver Med.lls\ It '" of Pinna and Organ ,. t~ UI Illlliulln nUll B"uj~ if t.lcl!ired) Jt t~ \\ III g\\"'1) It'bIIOrJll III Treherne 1t .J nt tho roeldcnco n( Mrs. Thoma .. \a ~~ L.,~. Urondwuy, Olur,)' 8"Lun11lY ,.. t~ (mill U,aOa.lII,cullllltOllcIIlK ~"ubrunrl" )f

• • • • • • • • • • II

jt1St Arril'ed,1 Intending purclHlser~ will do \\'1:.\1 10 see thiS, ond hal Il its m:lI1}" good leaturcs pointed 'Ollt. ' . , "

Great West tliih·llft Gani Plo'ws Embody Special Fila, ttlres which YOll will not fail to apprecinte, Let us slww )'Oll ! , , fftnnin2 Mills-"Chathall')" and "New Superior".

Fairbanks-~! orse Gasoline Engines

L~md PAckers

Aylmer Farm Scale M C Wheat pickler

Stickney' Gasoline Engines

,., II hlisincsH I'isilor to 'L'reherllc on • t ~ • H, McCall. of, Wi,llni pel!. \'i,$iterl FI iday IIml SaturdAY, : over Raster at the hOIl1!;, of !lTr " lInl'e }'OU; ,.,.(,S eXnl1lillen h.,. a '. Mrs Geor"c Willett. ' . , J ." speciAlist at the Ontario Hotel, 011

• Fn.d Collier retl1rnee1 from the Saturday, April 2nc1. , : country, where he hns heell .for • some months,' 011 Snltlrrlay. • • • • • •

. H. Woodmnn' was a husiness visitor from Halhwell iu Treherne all 'l'ue~dny and \Vedncsday,

RollI. Scarr'o\\', of Rn'thwell, was a Sunnay visi1tor at the home of M r n nd /vI r~ Enlls W illeL t. '

" ., . Mrs Germain, of Stockton. spen

the holidaY,from Thlm;day to Monday With. Mrs George Willelt.

• • • • • • • • • • M. H. Staples -

• • Treherne : Mi~fi Alice Willett returll('r\ on

Friday from ht'r school nt 02i1vie to ~penc\ the-holidays at home,

Audrew lIr.uorc and Miss Lily H~nders relllrmic\ from their peda­gogical lahors at Starbuck on Fri· • -•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• day. < ;.

:jtamp fj>hctC;J MACHINESHO We will make Stamp Photos

until the 12th 'OF

'Making Both E,nd.s Meet . . Grows mOllol ono~ls, \VI)):

not make one end

FISH Iwo or three tin es a week, Our prices nre cnsy and fish ex, elient. A fish feast for little money, Let LIS

~l\Ipply your wants,

RcguJllr tinily doliv~r)' "rol1ud tow II : ordors to bt! ill lint illtor thuu 9 n.m. Von Iltry orflerellol iV(lruclln ho"f riu,," Wf\Jo{OIl: ordors to bl) III 1)1 uviou& dnl',


Geo. S. Staples, Prop,

\,-'JU k at the Address Label to see , r Subscriptlo n is due

~ .. -..

Select lumber and

Building Material ever alTered in t!lis section. Ollr prices nre o!lsolntely rif:ht nnd bill of ql1Dlltilies lif:lIrcd correctly. So no matter whut YOll \\'qllt--one piece of Illmher or II complete hOllse or barll l?ilJ-

Let us figure on youl' bill.

toj 5th, f. W •••••••••• ~.

\Ve desire to annollllce the arrh'ai of nil exquisite

New Stoch which is worth your careful inspec.

tion, as II means

Your Choice a"the Lowest Price

A Filii SLoL'k of McCall's Patterns


Office nnd Yard on Broadwny Street, IMtLLlNERV AND DRESSMAKtNG , Treherne, Phone 67. . 'IRAILWAY AVE" TREHERNE

,~.~:.~ ... ~ .. ~.4~.~~.~ .•.. ~ .... 4 ••••••••.•••••••• , .............................. .

.. ~...;;;;;;..E ,QUALITY STORE

it • Rite Clothing ,

l1anufactured by , . , I

W. Peck' & Co!, .. : 'Montreal '. (or YOllllg Jllcu i YOtlllg

: •



1 , ,

, ' I

.l J



' )


. /

- "

Page 6: Gee. - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI·


EFFORT TO CAPTURE TRADE. Privnte Message Received at Detro,t

Railways Will Have to Announces Amicable Settlement Edit a Few Years Ago. Make Further Reductions to -- KING -Situation at Ottawa

There 18 no more nttrnctIve port of Keep Grain Trllffic. SU IT TO ,END LI FE OF PAC -' Detro.t, l\11C'h -PnV'n!(l ll1tfotmmtioo Ii newspaper than the sOCiety oolumn, MontronJ. _ The Grand Trul1tk ~ml· CONCERN rocClvcd helc by n pron 11lCnt manu·

· lORDS \


It Was Not a Pleasant


-- nor tillY. more usofuJ te those whom \\lI.Y hll.5 decided to meet tho compot.i. r'ncturer f=m Wn .. lunglon, "nd "]!Jch 4I.lolution Carried in Upper HOUle It 18 Intended to serve Prejudice 'Ive l'l1tes on the earrlUge of ClUl4ldJon United States Government Tokes An- IS of un extmmely eonlldmttlul n~ture, • agnlnst the pubhooLton of ltem~ • m(l.kes pesslble Ula dcfin:te sb~nent

by Majority of Over Five Hundred I fonnerly considered nn offenSIve In- great IIltkes. to Lhe s"a· other Step ,n Prosecution of the thllt o.n nnllcable m:ttlcrncnt hus POSI' -Will Not Submit;; Bill-Actual trusion upon private nffnlrs now been q~loted by tile Chicngo Corporatlon- A Terrific twcly been nUlved /lot be~\\een On.n,nFIIIl

to be left to Government. hardly lingers in the most conserVR. Attack-Penitentiary Penalties. and the United Stutes over tho tnnff

f I _.. en~ tlve quo.rters. A record m! the publiD - fi questtons.

o.f ~71i ()i~1{,lo.rd pnnts of the oomlngs and gomgs of Ch.iongo, III - In the most !.crn c It mllY nlso be ndded thnt the agree· t rcfor:n the sOCIety people is held to be nlmost l'J!rtJnok ever dm::ctcd by the govern- ment" lU! teach",1 /lot the recent ,Ilb" 'Y o ullcxpec'l as essential as the pubHcntlon of the- .ce':n!;~ernl~J.ii.>n·.nlnO'll/!~(:'~f~:~J~ni:o~t mont aguinst II. tnl.Si, bhe de.pnrtment 'C()mercnce 41nd thllt by Its terms tihe

tl>n.t the races. or the hIgh nnd low on the "".".,e,rE ( taken aWlI" to I of Jllsitee reconUy mid b1lC foundatIOn Orunoldlnn govornmu:nt has hLtle left to

Ul n' "took market. I1nd reportS· of the fes· ' t th be \\l6hed for. r~~~~~~"l:J;'~r~n:vlleHnl1 ;;; tiVlt.iea of society appeal to at leMt for cr.unJnnl procccdings l'grul!J'IIS e Obtnwn -From Lbe Onncehan (IT1d of

~ In uppcr 11 very iargc mloorlty. It l.S Ilenel;lli. the Mte 1.0 Olncngo po.ckers III wl .. cll tile barlff cmbrOllh~ 'Mth the e~'~1.l~U"J. t"'·"'~I"ytRopposed Iy understood that 10 gllthC'l'mg U1la 011 th~ lJIt1loTY lerons arc provJded lIS tho leli.ol Stntcs. the S1Lunbotl seems 1\0 be <me

ad""'~ IS as foliowSo' clnss of ncws the workers aSSigned te Lhe In· pennJoty TillS fO.lnd1~tian rncludcd vn- ()f wMting [or fmt,1,rrr w"rri flV',"l :<.: . ..;,~r,';';:t. rlll~<Os'Lurwo·nOIl" n;J efficlcn1. 6ecO<lld thl1t branch nrc rl1ther hkely to bQ deu?~~~~ Jdetmcn.ta o.gll.lll~t the N ... tional Pnck- Wonsh:lllgton. The attrlt~ of the gOY'

'-L"mbNr is 1l0LmcrelY aJIl IM"-'" pllol't emborrlL8Bcd .Wlth volunteer I1ld Bul to mnke a 109 comPl'llY nnd encll Df Ita ten sub- emment here, bucked ,by CXpit'C6llJOinS .cltllC ~BnL16h constitutlOll, b~t.~is M-I when the dlllly press of Canndn firs\ ...... " .• ~ water route Sl<unry corporatIons and the fihng of of opmwn from 11.11 opnrt1l o[ the coun· ................ for tho woll-bemg 01 the lIt.a:to I begnn to melude sOCIety matter m 11.11 Vila Geor- the Slut cnJculotlt~l to ond the corporn- try seem!\' to bn one of ",nt tight" until :::::i'71'10 bultlll~n of pUIIlIuncnt columns the pubhc ottltude W68 far nn'(lr'R1o<~:Lrom::I;;:\.;;~~::t'T k I taen hfe Gf thnt .jiJ5,ooo,ooO c~mocrn. somethlllg IL little more ~lLnVlble IJltllon ...... • ~ dJ1J t run - I'm - A SUIt to drssolve tho Nl\tlonnl Pook- ILn expTesslon of nYV>d \\111 and a same·

"Tlll1t BI1CII'1\ chll1nber cun best be cron • bA put on n:n • fil d '11e Unl'eeI o~ ~.c. '1- ..• , b" tile r"[OIIII '''nd coal&.utu- A young neWRpnpermnn in nn enst. mg campllnv "liS e In" L "hat vague pi oml"e o.f roollploOM Inv • .......... ...,..., ~ ~ to h h d ._ .• I;~~~]~~·~~;:j~~~~j~~:~, quot.c.l by the I S'~\A:G Clroli~t court Wllthm five m~n- ~ for ConndllLn pTodtl-!~ f)ll,'n~n" I·l.e Al-n 01 tile Ilouso of Io.rds, Ilnd em wn, W 0 liS stnCC grn un .... "'. rl,"nls cd I h --I '-'P .. "", ~' ... " .... to ~ k f f I 1 .~ • utes nftm- ~,he 1 erM gram Jury IIU TJrute<l Strutcs muket IS rccClve<i from

"11hult Lhe n,.'ccssary op.rtUlIlllnnrry to In ran s 0 pro esslona po I· brok~r>l there 15 a I roLumcd Its 10111( hll't of IndlctmC'll1s W h ngt eueb. reionn IUld rccoll' .. t1tutIOll IS the t.icians. many yenrs ngo con.oolve<~ the J?Ut mnd'l by .... l!'atnFt the pneklng OOI1coms. in Judge ~\8 I OJ]

..x:cpLuncc of Lhe prmmple thnt that. 0 chromcle of the more Impor IIBSOCJn,tio.n of five Ln.n<lis' court As the SUll~ Is based It is rcooll'ruzoxl that there IS a po68eS61O'1l of " should no t&n~ haPrmngs m locnl socIety cents from Fort on Identlcully the HI,me avcrdencc ns I(.rowmg movement nmClll!l the poL'uol1J 101ll!er in it8el~ give the rIght t» SIt would ad n piqllnnt flavor to th~ on bon~a at Mop· I that wl11ch tooultcd In the In(lfelments len.d<'JrB In the .states m favoT o~ frCCl' and vote ill the house of lords" columns of Ius pnper, lind whIle thq not be sUf!1caent to T(lL.~111 n.nd I1JS the eVIdence will 11.1.1 be Wlllgh- trnde betw'ccn the two neJghbo.rmg

London-The Inrge 'l11nJoTlty by l~ea Will! still fennentmg m his .om. huISiI1c.l!e m Oanadlltn .chnn.neJs un· cr.1 m the CIVJI pr?ccedlllgl> It WeB nd- counllTles, but n.t flhe SllII1le time it IS 'Whiob Lhe house of lords 001"l'Ied 1,01'd bltl()us brntn. he heard that II. bier. lmos followed by i\ cut In toe ocoon miMed III the fcdeMI bmld~ng !that fe<lrrcJ thlut., liS hru; beC'll thp. cnse m llo6eoory's thllrd I eeolu lton , whIch ary ligh\ from Doston had T',ie from Montroal to~ wndon oflnd t.hese proccoxhnp;s doubtless would be the Pllst, there onght be some trDuble ~II WIth the 11()nootary r.rUlclple, IS V~Slted 1\ retired concert soprnno LISvIIYrpCel I' '. f .., hut the beginnJng of future prosOCl\l· III Implementing by leglslabon In con· .-adler the rcgl.atr~,tlon o[ p.'Ous opmdOll hiS own town. The newspaperman L1,PPl1lg mes Tunmng rom m.on- tIona gross oflnd the sonnte any promlQC 01

forerunller of nny effectlvD Te- ImmeeiJately called llpon the lady and treql arc q\lol~ II rotc of fOUT lind 0 ShouM tlte 8U.t to dJ/lR()lve the NR- lower du1.le<I 1log:U'lll3't the productG the 8000nd ohrumber. 1lhe re· made known his obJoet hn-M ccnt41 IL. bUl!>hel from MontTenl to tlicmlul Packllllg comp,my succoed III Its ,'Iueh Cannda espccluJly dcsHes to

1IOI1u.t.iitm \\'118 adopted by a vote 01 176 "I understand, Mrs. P .... he began. ],andon, IljlMnflt 263 cCIIlte quoted by pnMlOM. It WlI\8 declared, the lnolVld· ;nnrket In the States, parlleull.vlr to TJle roooillbon .. aiel,that n nee- "you had BOrno people 10 last even· Amerlcon !lnes from New York to Lon- ul pa.ckers nnmed 111 thc smt lIB de. Dnd dai.ry produce lumber, sllJngl~, _ry Ipr() to tlho refollm rund ing to meet Dr. --, of Boston P~ clon, 'lllaklllg th ... r.ntc from 1!'0rtt WII. cndl\nLs would h"Te been proven VIo- cattlc, same wool fnbnos, etc. winch ~rucUon of the ehn.mber, oa pro· pie are much Interested 10 the Clr, Lmm to London by the CaJUld)1lJl ront" Inotors of the antl.tnlM. lAW oflnd as are now more or leSs barred by II. 111gh Y.ided In tho "ret lind socond rClS:>lu- Curn8tan~ of the doctor's visit, anel 10]-3 ccnt.~ /I bushel. compn.rcd WIth such I\JJlC'll.nble to that 1"", and sub- t;a.riff wall.

.,tLimlIA nlrendy agreed to WIIS thc ~COOP- perhaps you will not mmd tcllm« me, 91·2 cerut& V~II Netv YOl1k StenmshJp joot to Its penal t,CS The penalty so ' ------flnnec of the prlnClplcs tJI4It t,he for my pl1per, whnt form Qf enLerlain. lines here say t11cy cannot roo"lce the proVIded 13 n InllXlmUm fine o.f ,5.000, Scheme to Avoid Coal Famine. _ion of II. pecrage III 11self no ment you adol,ted for tbo doctor and Moon rwte unless tlley lack boUast. 11 penitontl.1.f1ry s"n~ence of one real'. Lethbridge. Alta -At a mootlllg of longer afford vhe TIght to SiLt and vote your frIends." Mon fo"r "Readv Made" Farml. or both TJle Ind'V1dunl pnckem nlLlll- the 0 P R. officluls and ceml opcra.tom in the houM or lords. , "Certainly not, Mr 0.," said ~h~ cd os defendants '1 the CIVIl smfa, IUW o.f I,ethbrlde cltstrict lind Crows NCflt

nIO debwl.o rovcllied n strong fenlmg Il1dy. "not.hlllg cDuld !tuvc been slm· London - The fir~t pnrfy fOT the who. th~IB become \tn.ble to Pr06C(lutlon, PoMs rccently, It WRS dllCldcd to t.nke .eenomst the resolutIon 4Llld Lord l.11t.ns· pier. We nrrungoo our chaIrs about Oanoolnn Pllc1fic Rlllhmy CO'lllpnny's crJ[nmally under this p1nn are. Ed· steps to got dCalers nnd cons'Ume<ra of downe IltIt.d to Lhe'l11om.bIirs to- the fireplnce thtl.S, nnd, nnd talked" "Tf'1uly mnde ' fllTms nre nndy to sail warr! '1IIdr.n. LOl11s F. SWift. Ed"lIrd coni La buy II. supply In the summCll' Wrd the d<'Jba~e that the "Yes, Mrs P," Bllid the reporter. All the members of the party m .. r· F. S"llt, ChnB H SWI~t T,. A Olll" mont.1n for tho '''nler time. ObVlofltlil1g

way tW.CT\l{Jce "and ufter that?" rIe<l and include men o! various oeoo- ton, Frn.nk Fowler, J Ogd,m Armour. tho dang~r of coul fMlIlne. .......... _. He adeled. "A "And nIter that, Mr. 0 .• we went PlltliOns.

rcsoJutJon and and stood on our hands 10 th~ every ITV.)w,ber o[ tllla romer."

IL hcrcdltl\ry "'Itle .. "What. 1I'(ites ond aU, Mrs P 1" !!,I!!I.~~e:~.~.~~.follo\\'O()(I and eJ(plu~ned "Ladies and nil, Mr. 0 "

only revoulJlllo( the lU~n· And the mlluguration of Ule socIety w.I·i.;~\h thDY bdlJevcd the Teferm column was tmnpornrlly delerred

4!ilI,o.uld No bll! wDuld b;P S'llbm~tj,. wns for some govol11ll!1leno!. of

Lo do 'fhlH eVI,lenL!y IfTI!Jlhl'R "r(~ :~~i;li'~li!~ no redol'l11 of tho House of Lords r,; be 1l11l.l<l'11Atkm from !the ConMrv·

_ .... 'vc Slde unt,L n Conoorv.pJtive gOiVem· '''--' Js 1ft omee --...,,---

, I

Or. -T~O:~~L~I'~~~a:'RI;.~~~s -Art! THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Receiving H 'gh Praise :

Thomns O'Hllgnn, 111 A, Ph D. tho LESSON I. - SECOND QUARTER, !soLed Canndian cntlc, PDot nnd Itt I FOR APR I L 3, 1910 / tcrnteur, whose recently pubhshcd es· says ~re reCIllVlng such lugh praise Text of from leudlag Callu(han lind Amunclln cntlcs, IS one of Cnulltiu S Illest brtl· hant YDung \\ rlters Dunng lho last fifteen years he has been dDmg splen· dId work In tho Helu 01 hterntur6

the Lesson, Matt ix, 18·34. M.mory Verses, 28, 29-Golden Text, Mark ix, 23-Commentary Prepared by D. M. Stearn ••

and makmg II. name for lllmself Ho '1~lls lesson gives on nccount Df fonr first attrnete(1 mllrl-ed attention by h,q <llfforent ncts of h(lllilng I1pon Iho d1f­Songs 01 tho Settlcments anu Ius Ca. {orent peoplo - tho rul", 's> d.\lught.e-I ~

., S d p t\\clve yeurs of age, the "O'1lIILll 1~ nndlan Essn, B Illlu tu le5 III oetry ) OMS SIck, the 1m a bhnd men une! the re\ICal n WIde lIequlLllltnnee With ht.- dOIllOll possc,;scd dum L MatLhc\\, ornture 01 \he Domllllon. l\[n~k !lond I/uko recol d tlle first 11\10,

Dr. O'Hagan IS of lrlsh dC8cent and but MILtthow nlone tells 6f the others of good old Kerry stock He was edu. All arc eq,vally ellsy W Ihm to \l hO'ffi anted at St l>illchnel's College and ot.- II I 1 I fi lawn Ulllverslty, graduatlllg there In nO .1lI11t IS ( Itliellit \1 lell b letre.8 con 1-

donoo In Hun. 'I.'he pnnClple cf \ WIth high honDrs III Enghsh, 2!l holtl~ 1111 throuf(h, "Acoordlllg too JAltlll, l"reneh and Germl1Il. ulld suh. your dmth bo It unto vou" BII~ \\C

sequcntly took II post graduate course ",oust ~11I\~.y~ ll'OlllcIlloor It.hwt I,hero at Cornell Ulllvorsity. where he \Iere 6Il1nplc..~ of the kl1lgdoon wilich studied Itterature under Prol. Oorson. \\jUl l,hen at hnnd bud beenllM of HJs. tho emmeut Brow ning nnd Shakes- rejectIon postponed till He shall com" perlnn scholnr. He fDllowed tho 1l~.nUl. As I understand It, we OOIlTIOt. tellclullg profeSSIon for SOIllO years ell'poci kingdom m<;. 111 and hos tuken n. deep mterest III tho I tlw; IlogC of Ill'" reJcctlon except liS 110 educatlonnl ndynncement 01 the I mlLY 111 gTlllce sec fit to grunt Cllthohc schools o[ Ontllrio Ho has t.horn But Il8 tho Rl(e dra\\s to 11 close, held clasSical and modern langungc. w:hlch 11. IS. mpldly dOlllg, we lIlny look mastershlps III soveml of the 10ILdmg krr groater SIgns ns the klllgd<flll of Iugh schools of Canllda and has beon hCII,c>n lignin d"t',eth nIgh l\[IIY \\e. a voluminous contributDr to noany of like SteJ)lIC1I, be fllll of £ruth ILIld Df the leading magllzllle9. perIodIcals th(! Holy Gh06t, full of [.Util nnd and newspllpcrs of the doy. H,s Writ.- power Ill!! IS chlLrBcterl7.ed by a /lne hterary 'lhe oth<JT nccounol.s of the fin5JI. lwo' style !Lnd II fimsh that stamp hUll as healmgs nrc fOU'lld III Mark v .ond IL writer of SUjJerlor m(mt Luke Vlll 'rhcre \10 arc told thnt the

Durmg 1903 nnd lllO4 Dr. 0 Hl1gas mo.n S 11,IloIlle ""16 Jmrus. 1ihll1. ho \l"OS IL traveled m Europe and he hns enJoy- ruler 01 the S)'1l.lgogue, Ulat he fcll ed great succeS8 on the lecture plat.- dQW'1l "t .TC'Sus feet lind bcsO'1.lll'lttl. Him lorm bolh 111 Canada and \hc Ulllted f\lrCl,Uj', for hJ8 htUe daughter 11'115 States He has lecturci:! at the Catho- IYlllg lit the pomt of denth, ILml shIt Ite Wmter School at New Orleans, the \\~ ... hiR only dllugJlIer. Jesus nro.o Columbirm Catholic Summer Scbool, ILlil follo\led J",~us ,ul<l ~o {ild HI8 DetrOit, and the Champlam Summer dlsclplcA, lind IIlllch people also foJ­School, Plattsburg, nnd hos I1ppearoo lo\\ed Hun lind throllg(!d HIm. COll­on the lecture plntform III llel,rly 1111 BRier tho 1I11l{lCty of thc Inther's hearrt the leadlllg CIties Df tHe AmoricaD nnd IllS cxpcclntlOn, for, n.lthc'lgh JIO UllIon hiad nol hmtr<1 the words "I Wll! como

Dr. O'HIIglLn IS II. momber 01 tho '.!ld helll her" (Vlll, 7), \WIS not thO' Cnnneilnn Club, Hnnll!ton, of tho Cel- 1.o1d JQ:lUB Ohns4. With hun, and "~L" tIC SocIety, Montrol1l, tho Irlsh·Amer- not that IL~Sllmnce enough 1'01 .Tmr\ll;' Ican HIstorical SocIety, the AmenclIll But 111 tho throng tillut prCOlScd upon HlstDrlcal Cathol1e SoclCty nnd the IIulI Ulero "liS oUle dt"olllie hCfll't--.rL Oo.thDhc Congross Df EurDpe He hilS WOllllln \1110 hu(1 bretl I1lhu~ lor h\e!\o­specllllly prepared poems nnd rood ,COllI'S II1ld. 11IIVlllg spout 1111 th .. t Rho­them lit a number of noted col.bra. had upon physlcluns mig ~lolJllug !Jet­tlons, such ns the Moore centenRry tel. but mUter gre" \\orse SIll} celebratIon III BelleVille, tho Jublleo hRV111{l hoard of J 08\1<1, h.ld Sllch conO­of'St. IIhchnel's College, 'roronto. III donce,,111 HIm LhQt slle smd wltlllU h()l­ID03, IUld tho dedlentlOn of tho Me. solf, If 1 IIllly to;~clh but 1118 clothes rnDrJllI Church to tho JesUIt :Murtyrs I shull he \\ hole She acc'{)rdlllgly Ill. PonotangulshcllO, III 1002 Among pressed through the clo\HI hehll,,1 hllll IllS Iloted pubhshcd \lorks IlIIlY be touched tho bOldm of HI' HnllllCllt mentIOned Gl,tC of Flowcrs ISS7 lind 111<'3 Illsttntly hcnk~l Df hm IlLness. Dreamland. 1893, lind Ius rcccdt \I or": of 1I1n;1l~ yems EBsa) S, .L1tcrtlry, Cnt1CILI Imd IIlston- J\[ost ~II,tcfuJr 411HI glndly ",ou1<l

I HIS rher pDetlclLI works re ellO hllvc shpped 1.\\ II~ \llthout ltou-~~Ived 111gl~~OmmclldntlOn frOIll.r D blnng ,H1J1l [urthm. but He hud more­\vlltber Dudley C Warner Kntho- fOI hel Ihnn sho hlld <Im<.'d to elCpect.

I, ' Cl 1 I' b' t I lie hml II PCI-SOlI~1 \\ Old fOl hm hC1l1 t-rIlle lynnn, JIlr os D .• 0 er s, • IlS [ull of pe.lco wnd !UJ8UII1lI{'<l Before JeHrey RDche, nnd n host of Illmo~ Bhe coul,1 get n~\I'y .J~sIlS kumllng all cnttcs Dr 0 Hllgnn IS stIll a young thmgs, asJted who touched Hun, for mnn and mueh valuablo work Imny Ho .knew Mmt vlr~ue Iwtl goue out of still be expected from IllS brll lim! HUll. ~rlto dISCIples \lerc SUI plIs(>(1 /lit and faCile pon. HIS qllMtn:m, SCOllll; so 11llLIlY touohang

HUll. but the \I011l.11~1 CllIllO \\ Ilh fen!' A Difference of Viewpoints "lld tl'cmblmg. iel1 do" n befOtre HlIn

Mr. Frank Nelson, who III IlddiUon ILlld befrne nil the people declared \~h)' to. being the best known rncc·stnrter she IWKI to'llChcd HUll IIlld how ~he In CanadlL IS sportlIlg edItor Qt rho uutd been 111l1llc<1I1Ltely hen led 'l'hell 'loronto Globe, an old lalto sailor and OI!Jllle to hClr !the .Idded ullexpected severnl Dther thwgs bcslde; wns ono bl() III IllS pret~ou.s' lIol(ls to her of tho clnel wltnesscs ngnlllst tho MIl· I hCl~l1t "D~lIUgllbtC1, be of good cem­ler l1utt-bettlllg bll1m tho reeont spe· [Cl't, thy f'l1th hllth lllflde thee IIhole Clnl onqUlry Ilt Ottawn. Aftor he had Go I[l 'Police II1ld be \\~,olc of thy

Ius eVldenco. Mr W E Hnney plague." 111"lolll1 of the \1111 cst 6h(' of TorDntD, who reprosented the reilg. Blight hnve h'Ld beclIl1l.>e sho h.1d, ,'s It IDUS mterests bllcl, of the mansure, \ICre, stolon I' bllsslIlg. sho hlld 11,,, IIpprouched Nelson l1l tho corridor o\\'n \\"CJll,.1 ill "JJe,1<'o" 1'hen she nllght and salu have lll,d some Rj lIlptOlllll of tIlo T(CUI-

"Look here, Nelson, It's nil vory IllIle\! 01 hm trouble, and Lho dt \11 "ell fur you to tostlfy ns YOII dId, but \\ou1li be sUle to he on hlllld \\llh you must ndI111t that melllg brl1lgs S()IlllO U1l<CSli!U] SUbgCt1!dOIl6 but now Objectlon"ble characters mto tho aho had 1101. Ollly 1m CX]JCrJ(lncc, but country and that momg I1SSDclaltons HIS ll!fl\n~ble \\old t1wl ",he WOIS h""I­even l1dl1l1t obJectlOlll1blo chamc!.crs 0 I, 1l1ld hold II.! not culled her "dn ugh­to memberslllo" tel' , ancl W'Il,;Jt't thnt "ol'lh ,,'ll1le'

" repilCd Nelson. "ihprc's 11 Lot 1111 &oclet bohcvCls eon1es8 .Iesus of dIfference of opinion Ohust ]lubilcly l~lld sec WI\NlJt addltlon­ns to whllt conslttutos nn nl \\ III surely como to them

C!~'!~~~~~~~(~~O character. Now I used I But ali Lills delny h .. a Il<.'Oll>lllHly .t a very !lne orgalllzatlOn mado HII'll too ~Ilt<l Ito holp the l1ttlo

i:hirii~~~t only two elnsses of girl, 101 hefore he .renohcs the house pel)pl,e It would not ndnllt to lII0S0St"Ilgel'f.l come, 8Rymg tlwt she 18 IIlI)m.o~rsIllp under any conSIderatIon. dorud. As soon 118 JCSlUG hwrd It Jle

hke to know what they' sRld to J~lr\LS, "FOlia not, beheve OQ}ly. n,w ~Iw shilll be mnde whole" (Luko V.t:l~, 50) Alld q111Ckly It IS even so, IUld

seller." "ho IS nhvo nnd \\ell IUI<I ootmg IIko Raney. wny 1\011 child. Ollly the<.'T md

O!l~;ilr~i~I&Dn>. I bhe mothor nnd Pe!.cr •. Tmncs nnd John a! "CIO present at the r{llsmg to bfe--

\,i:;~~~2~:iilttl~:t&.;'*;~( tho Just seven, IIIclucling ,Tesus D'll(i the 0. ::to;~1!ie~l','lNe:lsonl~~:~~,:: hUle gIrl, tho unbelJevlng 6COmers nil

I, WIthout. l,ct us he "1II0&!' surely be-I~evem, irnO\\ lllg the eel"'ILln~y" of ull His word'S (Luke 1. 1-4) He is nc,('~ too late. MId ILO~hlllg IS too Jlnnl for" HUm who crOllted all thmgs

Two blmd men follow Him into tho-1ICXt houw. Illto which lIe entors, bel,:-­Rlllg JHm to h .. ve mercy on them. Hll!­

".Bcliove )'0 Ulat I ow~er,;.~!,,,:; , ThOlr n!IlrJtl~ltlvO'

A ccor<lJl'g to your (ZUlJltC'.l.'Ol1 " tJten H&s to'Uoh,

anCII, yet. un­eSllS ihmr hool.:>!',

spreud ILbrOlld HIS


Page 7: Gee. - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI·

.~ .... ·., .. ..::..,..~;:; ... o:r!:,:l .. _- . . ... . ~... . . • -"- "1,:' '- - •• U~ . -.~-, .

I j, ., •• • .... ,tt .., ~ ..... _4.., ~~~~ __ .... ~ • .,'''''''.r'''' .... ~.J."-" ,~."" .,.." "'" ... -,. . . TlMES.-- .-~ -oJ" ••••• -


YOUR KIDNEYS. I High Hand.d Action of " Vicar Gave Him His Chance.

Perhnps there is not nnother mnn 1ll preseni.'dny politics who has risen

I more rapidly thlln Mr.,Lloyd-George. , '£he son of a Unitarian schoolmnster I of Liverpool, he lost his father at nn

early age, nnd wns taken bnck to

I Wales by his motber 'and brought 'up n BapList. An uncle 6uperintended llis educatiQn, taught him to love

• good bOoks, and, in the end, saw him articled to a solicitor nt l'QrLmadoc. In Portmndoc he Bet up in business ,for himscll, nnd 'it wus not long ,before his chDJlce came •. The story is too long to be nnrrllwd here, but. it centres rouud the a.cUon of n coun­·try vicar who refused the dying wish of a poor Nonconformist quarryman

. to be buried by the aide of a beloved

. 'dnughter, and hod bim inicrred in­I\tcnd hl ihe portion of the grnveyard reserved ler suicidce. The meanness of 1ho net wu.s the more glaring. be­Clluse tho burial. ground "had been purchnsed and walled round ,by the subscript.ions of, Nonoon1ormisis. So incensed wero tho friends of th£) qunrrymnn by the action Qf the vicllr

Wh'l Golfer Cried "Forel"- that. they went to Lloyd-George lor Sir Ilnrry Johnston. t.lw Afrionn ex. advice. He looked carefully into the

plorM', pr,lised in \\ IlRhinglon tho in- vicar's legal position, Illld then nd­nOJllberublc and supcrb "1llt.'I'iClu~t golf vised the parishioners to force the C011 "'(f.l. gate of the graveyard, if refused lid-

"I rover 8MI' ICnything hI it," snd.d mission, and to dig up Il1ld re-inter he, ".vnd I l}uI'e bill <>IlC fnult to find. tho qunrryman. ,This was done. An You pcmnl too lllallY perS01IS to pro. nction for trcspass follQwed" with Illmu.<1e YOllr Ii ukll n8 thmlgoh they fines; then a reference to the county; were public pal"1(3. ,'h,",t is vory an- und finally o:n llppcnl to tbe High IH)Ytng Ilud !Cloo vcry <1ILIl!(Orcufl. Court of Justice, out of which Ilir.

"'1'h",c prem"naicrs lLl·e oItl'n me- Lloyd-GeOrgc came with fiying colors. fore"",j)" i~uonul1t. of gol!. It Wit" hcre As n spcnkcr Mr. Lloyd·George is' a ill Wa.<hlllglon, I believe, 1.lmt II plnyorr model of clearness and force, Qf ready o,'p,'I",,,"rI tl\O of ihmn eOllvc"si,ng. ' wit lind. dry, llUDlorolls n11usiOlls

.. 'WI",,!,' slIid 11 yOllng Indy prnmc- Ho' is not nfrnid of telling 1\ joke, ~Incl"r. 'J.' Lh"t mill! with I~ chill shoui.' evon though it mny bIi ngninst him­in/! "foro" for?' sell, !lS, for instance, whell he re·

"!Ie. COlli I'tI Ilion, ILnoiher Y'lung counts how nt. one of his mcctlngs, l:c,ly. nnswel'cd:- at. which there W/1.8 a qucstion of

Experime~ting ·90~t $ I' 00 _., $ i .00 Paid. for 'the 'Cure

, , An Appeal That Won.

The Qntre.phJ generu.1 (in tihc nmv ordorr) "US rallying her wavering broops.

"Women I" she Clied. "will you give way to nllmnish lears?"

Rheumatism disappearod when tho Mr. J.n.mcs, SllIlk., tl A munl nul' )of ittdC<!i",ion ran through poisons were removed from tho waites: "I havc gl'OM in tea- Ie rnll {S, W lercupOll tho loader shot

system by DR. CHASE'S 1fJfying to Lhe good the lust nr:row in her quiver: I tr.t.i'n~ by usiug Dr. "Will YCIll," she flercly demnnded, KI DNEY-LIVER .. lid Liver Pills. For four yenro "show the "lhHo fca.ther in /I sooool1

PI q_S. " e.rad from Rheum~tetIl iIl1' my .. ·sl~Ol.lI_'llI'hcn fell.thers nm not being wom?" E""Perimcnds nre sOIlTlotimcs neoos- dern nmd bnck nnd oould not. 1'he effoct Wlls electriel1'!' "Never I"

S'lliry ILTUI nlniost alway" o.""Pcnsive. It u.rms above the helln. I tried rOI!re<l .thc soldiery. ILn<l forming is 'uSUally wille to let others do the ex- the rem ... ~lil)S. LO!.s of ihum qUIckly III bnt~le arrny they omce more [>Ol1tmonlting 11000 lllOfit by their ex- &ure ('uru;., bu·t nono o~ the.m hurled thmsclvos on the enemy,-porienC'>. . roliol • .Puck. , "I 1"/1.8 then persuaded to use Dr. When Lt is Il matter of regtt!·nting OhlUle's Kidney Illnd Livffi' Pills ilnd Lifebuoy Soap 19 delight.fully re-

the liver, kidneys a.M bo<Ivels 61w_driv- ~(Y.)n fOWl<l rOOc!. By lollowing up thl freshing for Dw!Jh or Tollet. For Wash· lillg ouL 01 the syswm the poiS(JIIs trclltnwnt (I' "hor ugh cure wa~ irg ullderclot.!lIng ,t is Ullcqullolled. wlllel. Clluse rhclIH,uL!imlJ backache, bro,ught aboue lUI.:! wr six months I O1~lsoo Ililld l'ul'ified. tf lumbago 'IUTUI • other pllins ·o.'nd Mlhos. h~ve been frc~ from rit.HIDUl.tLsnt. It experience h~18 provCJ1 the Dr, ChlU!e's cost mt' lit. least one hlllllired dollnrs Muriel-Her trnin 'h moLher skimpy Kidney llnd ]Jk·ox Pills me tlLo most in ~xpel'imenLl1lg bl.!ore usmg' Dr. isn't it' ' eflcct.ivc tren.tane.nt nVllilo.ble. . ChllSc'e Kidnet lund I.ivcr Pills, which Myrtilla-Yes, I gucss It's one 01

They are differcat~, frOtlll QrdinMY cured me at 'ho coaL of 25· ce.nt..3 n those limited trllins that you see od. kidney mecHdnes in that they r.e«ul/litc bo,L" " U the liver, o.nd .bowels, n.s well os· the Y Oll CP!Il bo sure ,definito benefi- vertise . kIdneys, /1.11\:1 111 this WilY got at ~he cinl l'l'5nllll when you use Dr: Ch<nso's "I think n fow bo.rgllin ml~tinecB very source or !IIle tlOubla.. . Kidney nnd L1VC~ fills. Ono pill a might go welL" ,~et Qthers experIment iJ t1~ey "'.111. dose. 25 c\.q, II booc All or "At whftt prices?"

Ihos lettm- aholVs Wh~lo!. c.~'perunenrtwg EUlIlllnsou. Dlltes " Co" Toronto. "Oh, 49 cents ou.glrt to mnke nn .nt-com. one m~n •. ILlld mfif!y ,hllve !tnu ·Writ.c for freo copy 01 Dr' Chnse's tr,\lctive figure." - Louisville CClUrior-sQtnO\\"hat slmtlnT ox-pencat('e, RwipeJ, . JOlll'llUl. ' --'-----

"A Gmnd Medicint\' is tho encom­ium often pnssed on DickIe's Anti· Consumptive Syrup, nnd when the r'" suUs from 'Is usa nre considered, os bol'llp. out by m~<1y parsons who hnve ~mployed i~ in sto'ppin~ coughs lind t'rndicfltinfl colds, it is 11l01C thnn !trnnd. Kept. in the ltoUM it is al­,,,iys Ill. hllnd 1II1d it hns no cqual ns .t ,rNlrly ·remedy, If you havo not tried it, do so lit once,

!I1iss Ol<lgirl-On my bil'Lhclny pnpn !!ives me a I'ose lor every yenr of my ILl!C.

Mis!> C'ttl!>tiqtle-ln n yenr or so hc'll have to buy II whole I"rccnhouse.

"'1 BUppCSC thnt is lho ntllnbur of replying 'to some 'stntement.s of u lim',,< he h,ng missed tn,e b.,I1. A1I<1 certain bishop, a Wnlsh dCllconr in· dOf'S:t'l 110 srM11 ";!ll1'lYl'd .tbout it trodueoo him by saying thllt, in hi~ too,' "-\\'ru;hhlgton 8lm, . " opinion, that bis.hop WllS Qne of "th,'.

Free to Our renders. . biggest lillrs' in ereation; but," he The o?ly nourisl~inent that bread

affords is~thai: wllich ,the flour contains.

PILES CURED IN 6 to 14 DAVS PAZO OINTMENT is guarnnteed to cme nny cnso of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or P.rotrnding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Wrilo Murille Eyc Remedy Co, Chi. flddt.-u, "thank God. we have a mnteh

_CllgO, lor 4tl-plI((0 illuHlratetl Eye'Boole for him to-night." , Free. Write all about your Eye '£rou-l ,--",.;.' -"':"'--'--b,le IInrl th(:y 'yill "dviso ns, to the 'SPRING REMINDERS I roper ApphcnLlOn of the Murtne Eye TI,·ntedills in your SllCcinl Cnee. Your OF RHEUMATISM drug,:ist will tell you Mmino re-liOI'('g Sore gyes, Strengthens 'Venll E~'eHJ Doesn't, Slllurt, ~oothcl\ ]~yc Pllin, find sells lor 50e, Try it in your ey('s uud haby's eves lor Seuly Eye­Ilds and GrnuulnUon.

Raw. Damp Weather. Starts the , Pain. But t.he· Trouble lies in

1\111<1 l.nlly - \"h~' 1I0ll't you work?

'frlllllp-T wonld if T h~d the l{ind LncJy-Whnt SOl't of

YOll.wnnt.? Trnmp-A kuiln und fork.

go to

SKIN BEAUTY PROMOTED. 111 tho trc-.... 1IJTlcnt 01 uffecUoTl:l of tltO· eM''''''

. tile Blood.

"kiln .'U/ld HOlilp which tOTt.uru, I ~~~S~b,l:f!?~i~,~ urc, Itch, bur-n,' seAle nm<1 dC'Sotroy t,ho L huh', lit< well .IS fOI plooorvhltg, purify­ing Ilnd bo:tutIlying tho complexiQn Frl.·iv~", h~U/ld." .LIllI hoAr, Cut:curn SC4Iol1 lL'llo<i rhlrul'ni'l,ie'r: CuLicurn OLntlllont /lrc wcll-niS1i1 in· ""n.t"","",l il11l~plici~,U(m~ f.lllible Millio:ns <>1 women throu~hol1t tho world rely 0111 th('so Sl\rcet umd p;~'I/lUe emolllenLs [or 01 the toil<lt. hlll.ll .Llld nursery, for tho Iloulllntivc, ILltrLisoptic clollilling ul-

• cerated, itu1umed mUl'Ons PoMer Drng & Chcm. Corp., U.S,A" role proprietors of Lhe Ourt.iellTa lwme<1i().~, will llluil fr~" 0'11 requl'St Uleir laLest :12-pllgc. Cutioura Boolt --""'_.-. tho skin lind hui,. ,.

"1"1' ' n ., Ie spnng n young mun'lI f.moy H"Mly turns to ~houghtg. Qf love." ,

"Yes," Hllid the Slll'Cll17tic dllmscl, ·'u.fl~r tho time lor Olll'deLm'l<l presents ,,"1Nttine~ nnd En~tcr flowers hilS pn..~.

scd,"-,Wm!lhington' Herald. ,

• A Remedy for Earache. -':To'"hnve tho cllrnchc is to endure torture· 'l'he enr is a dp.licnte orgnn nnd Ie,; cnre to doul with iI cotlAiderin<:( iL work fnr .0 doctor. Dr. TltomllK' Eclectrio Oil offers II simplll romedy. A few dorops on a piece of lin.t or monr'1 no t;a.-l Ih,~","" .,.' ", .. j' eotto'I'I\II,l ph'end in t.l1(l (lllr wll! \\'oll!wrs in relieving pnin.

Thn \Vomlln-'l1ho lax officc )vh;dl J. &Imoly'love W go to. "

'l'h~ lIf~n-yory few people do. Why do V<."ll ilke It>

T'lC "'nm""n-neMtlSC it;' nll'lolllw­Iv;\thr> 0111)' !llnee \\'h'>re 1''1 ('csel~a".imlfl­tJion is ronde n .. nin!>t m'.) b<>enl1M I PIIll l\ \I'o(\IjHllt. T.h"y lrot. we Lhorc poy J,,~t ItA wern n InUIl.-Bnlt4-marc ' , .I0001(!'ll!

~ ~ .... Bread baking is. merely putting fl~ur in

appetizing form. .. Flour is merely putting wheat ,in ,shape fpr bread making. \

"Blil(l!in~ says hip V! boy is b'<lin.v. to mnke a rliploinnt,"

"Whnt mnl<es him ,hid n k 50?" "He nsl{s nil llinds of questions bul

ncvp,r lllHlert.qdws lo nnAWel' nllY"­Wlthinglon Slnr. ------Minnr'!" Linimont Cures Burns, Etc.

The! w1li ... h .needs reforming m~5't. is the rc.foTmere.

~ADIES'!' HANC·YOUR OWN SKIRTS A' new invention, The Hang-Alone

rt Marker, will secure for you an llbsolutely accurnte and even bottom line for .dresses, without 'lmy asSISt­ance. Invllluuble to women who mllke their' own clothes nnd to profession III

;.;..: ;;:;.' .... _.".; dressmakers, llS well. Simple in con­"ItructiorC'· :AnY"llerson. can use it. Costs One Dollar-Lads a Lifetime. Send for Iree descriptive circulllr.

I Address P.·O. BOY. 1497,"WINNIPEG MAN. .; ,


• 6< '~ ... ' • . ..

Spring Tonic'for· I ,

'~~Ii Down People Arc you feeling t1red, weary, mi~erablo oud rUll down 1

Is it hard for you to get up in the morning feeling rested , I • --

.. nd refreshed' The winter months have tried you Borely

and robbed you of more vitA.lity than your system hos been

a.ble to replenish. Your blood ill slu~~iflh and must bo

purified and revived. You are io need of PSYCHINE, the

Orea~t of &11 Spring Tonicl, and Blood Purifier. It clcl\l'S

the lIyst.em of all traces of winter colde. DaniflheR t.hnt tired,

weary feeling. Restorea yourappctite and bringR youthfl1l­

neM, vigor Bod hOBlth to you Take PSYOJ:lINE

to-day. For 8ale by all druggists and dealerll. 50e. Bnd $1,

Dr, T. A, SLOCUM, Limited



-,--- -----_.

Seeds That Satisfy Tho exccllence of our stocks, our

lonll eXJlerienee nnd eonneclion with the bcst"growers of tho world, uml the grcat'ellre cxercised in c'r­ery detnll of' our bUSllloss is the secret of our success. All wo ask from tltoso who Itave not used our Seeds is a trial.

, SPECIAL OFFER. Bruce's Royal Nosegay CollecjJlIn

Sweet Peas-l pkl, elleh 01 to all-. perb sorts, sepllTILlo colors, for 25c_ '

Bruce's Peerless Collection Dwarf ' Nnsturtium-l pItt. oneh of 7 flllesL sorLs, seplLrat. colors, for 26c.

Bruce's Empire Collection Asters -1 pkt. eueh of 5 mngnifleent var-

Cornflower, Pkt. Be;: ioties, sepllrnte, for 25c. Bruce'. ""''' Vegetable CDllectiDn-l0 pkts., different varieties, our

selection, for 25c. ' Bruce's "B" Vegetable Colloctlon-17 pkts" different vurie~ies, our

sele.ctlon, for 6Oc. ALL POSTPAI D. Send fOT our handsomely illustrated 104 palle cutalogue of Veget.a­

ble, Farm am F]Qwer Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Poultry Supplios, Gar­dell Implements, et.c .. 10r 1910, FREE.

Bruce'., Seeds are the Chellpe.t, becau.e they are the Best.

, JOHN 1. BRUCE & Co., Limited, Seed Mercbants Established 1860. HAM,ILTON, ONT.


Plrk., Parmi and :aaUroads. U.ooa mllu of .... Caoad.. Our lUlU Penco are better than ncr. ~

FENCE'.um ,.. & .......

j ,



" • I

. ,

Page 8: Gee. - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · of heating !Ippcal~ ngninst the ns~e:;5ntent roll [or 1910. No oppeals werc registered, hOll'el'cr, Dnd the conrt of revision W:l~ mI·

. -., '::'N '11 }i e ,US"!'5 H?StQn?M'1QSd$l1imu:m:;s:i& ;ifri$'''~'"3rr'WD1E'V9'iHR'

, ,

'1' ," I '. ... • ~ "Ii", t' .., •

~=~. ~~~~~'"=-~;.;",,;....;~~~~ .. , -

lhe -Times, Deallg Bureau -:;iff::;~ BUY,a farm in this district-a land flowing·, "illl IIlill: nll<1 hOlley, )io heller Ialld fill' wheat hnd mixed farming in the \Vest. \Ve h:l\'e !lel'eral splendid farms listed ,and can fix yO\l up. The price;;; nre moder.ate and the terllls easy. Atso tpwll properties,

HERE ARE A FEW OF 'raE BARGAINS WE HAVE To OFFER: 1.-Hnlf Section, " mile's Ilorllvof

Holland, lUll nco broken, ,100 niore easily broken, staule and

I' 3.- QlIarter Section, ,( ~ Illiles I I rom Somerset.

G.-Qutlrtcl' Sectioll, :) IlJiI, S 1\

of Rnthw!!!" .L', acres under cultivatioll, . GU moreeasy to clear, balanr:e wood; granary.

I - -----_ • • -r i w'NN'PI!Q


I '. g~ann:Yi chcap. and easy terms. 4.-Half Section, d miles from

1'n!herne: 2nO ac under culti­valion, good I.mildiugs. plenty of stunding wood, besl water, a first c1ns!; fnrm.

• • P. O. ~OX ." • •


* J. G. Mcuow·ati 'l"

fRATH\VELL ~ --------~--------~~--~~~~~~~~ ; t

* ... "'" t-4-.. " "'" . '. • ,. +

SHOES FOR SPRING WEAR· 0111' stock of Men', Shoes is :;0 v.tried that \\C' (:;111

snpply ),onr cI'er\, \\,:lnt. Light ~hoeR for fine w. nr. heal'lt:r one': to r.:eep oul the mllld :lllel water, or pntcllt enther fur I he ~ll(:cin t nct:n,ions.

WORK SHOES . . . . .

FINE SHOES l'r ice.;. . . , . . . . . . 3.00 1.0 j.oo

;-;: LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR *' The !.lock of Ltldie~ nnd Childrcns Shots is •• Bluchers, nnl~, OxfordR or 'J'ics, -! .. t \ . 8 .:. Consiclerin g qll:lliL),,,the values :1l'C~ the best to be had :C nllywhere. r\~ we buy in connection with our 'l're

lherne . + ~l(lr .. , Ilie ()fcler~ ~re alwo\'s large nnd \\'e cOllsequent )' get

•• - the 11l·);t vhli,es ohtainable. Come in nnd SCI! them. ± . .' t.' ...... H .. '.++.H .. r . .,-r-r • ., ..... I+.' .. J.., •• , ·t·-I··:··, .. '··'··H-f+f··!·"· ... " ... ··!·>J.·r .. ,.."· .. ..


0fhe Medical Hall , '.


Stationery Fancy Goods

Cir<;ulating: Library in 'Connection

~-~-=-===DRUGS··~~~· ,

" AMI!.RICAtw OITlftS •

----_ .... ---• .. " j •

~\ large numher of Amencnns nre c9Jl1l1lg ill lhis year. We wilt el1(\en\'or tri'calch n few,iqr our district:. . /' . . " . . .

2. -Quarter Section, 211liles from Rathwell, all under cultivntion gqon water, 110 buihlings. ,



F'noM ]llf\'fltll'T CnnKF.~rOSOF.STA.


"Scotty" Culvert, of Ro~selldalt', is recru}ting,up hi.s (arm. " ,

A sp!end id Percheron cuI t from n, rising 3 years, alHl weigh­

ng uet\\'cen I i(;O nnd r80C'l Ills., is uow at George Mulholland's. It wo . ''fI'orth while for those ill Iteireste~ to call and ha\'e a look lit

G. ~IeCreHrY 111111 (1. English is anir;lal. visitcrl lit /lir Cllrtl!r's last Frida)'.

L Sl'nrhng: uf Nlllq\~a\', \~'R~ ~I:" lle\\,ll1){ ut:C]llaintlll1CeS III tlll!l diS trict Olt SUllduy.

\\'. J Chnmlttil S rdllTllcd I;onl(' last I\llllldny. aftt'r spcllding a fel\' da)'~ II t Port:lgl'.

. I\li~s Chamhers returned hOllll:' 011 Wl'dllc,day nfters[Jl:'l1d:l1j{ n few ddys ot the ],01111:. of I\lr nllll :-'Ir~ Spalling, <If ;\'orquuy.


'I', J Ilk'krord vi!:itl'rl hi~ chullI lit Bethel on SundllY IIl~t.


Jol1l1ston TIc:r)"s 5,11\' milJ is still bu~y.

'I'here is talk of moving tile Or­ange hall this \\'c!ek from it!l pre~ent position' about a mile enst of Ln\'en~ hnm iuto the \'illage . . ,

A locill implement agent appar­ently enjoys prosperit\', liS he sports II 'coachman these days. No livery i~ worn as yet, howe\·er.

Mr Poynter is getting building material on the ground to build a new ho~se i 11 Lavenhan!, 'l'h building,will be l.loG storey, and 18X24 feet in sige. '

ell Rumors J uturo5t.htR hUIII8 "hunt p,.nplo 11111) 1~ ....

cotA lu ltuthwl'lIlHl11 lJlltLrlcL.

••••••••••••••••••• 4 ••••• '.

i\lissJefln For he.;, who hnshe .. n \'i-itillg friend ... in tht' cilr. n:llIll,­cd un ThlllMluy,

COllllei IIms \\'OUc!IIt:III :1 II <1 Sharpe nllenocd lllllct"tin~ of (·(,nll­cil in 'rrehtrllc Oil \\'t'dncscluy,'

Johll P~ort:·th. who hn!' IiCt'1l I'i~iting l;n'at Bl'tnln t1ll1illg the witHer, has rt'tlllllt!d I" R.lthwdl, uCt:ol~II'[lIliccl hy hiS hriri~.

W, T. MacClbhnm has I'Il'l'('Jltetl a po!itioll with th ... Mallitohn Gov· enut!ut 'l'elephollc ~cl'\·ice. rind IHl~ gone in 10 t hI:! city to Il~SIlIl1C his dntic~.

, In the report ill 111,1 \\·e ... k's paper of .the Prt'~h)'tt'llIl1l hox social (111

ellor :;tntt'o that tltt· h,)xe, wcnt high'll~ 75c. 'I'his shnllld hOI·t'

rend $3 75·

A tit:kling or (It \' congh can be


\Ve lui.\'e lI1nn~ others on 0\11' Ii~t lhat me equally- a~ good bargains . \Vrile or call in and see us,

~ ......... ee •••••• ~~**~ .......... ee.e •• ~


.. . .......... t. Tln.hop In Con,'-c,',on'" .............. ,..... .. .,. H" ..... ,., ._.,.... ......... .... ...... . , J -

! Call and ·See Our Lines .. • \ B ' i lue ~tone

! Inte.rnational DrilJs I Kentucky Drills

..'s Medicine and

'I< : I-Iarrows!

~ flo

I: Stach-food i A~~nt for ..... _'1_ .,. .. ! Adam Forbes ~

• RAT H W E. L L , -1- MAN 1 T 0 B A ... · ~ · . ~" .~~~ •• ~~ •• ~~ •••• ~ .... ~ ••• ~~~~~~.~ ••• ¥. W. D. McClelHighnn, of Bethune

Snsk., is visiting at the hOllle of Dunnld Cnmeroll.

S,eding, is 1101\' the order qf the <Ill\' fnr and wid.... The land i~ \'ery clry in some plnce!;.

The ~iver is c1ellr and ice is flonting ,down. Harland's ferry started fjlll l\~ollda}', M&rch 28th. The mela,liolls voice of Harrv Cooper is again heard. 'Phis is an unusually early start for the ferry,

qnickl" loosened with ])1'. Shoop's :====================--=-=-=-==-=-=-=

i\1 is, Bella Cnmeral! luts heen vi>i:ing al tht! home of Janle~ SJlillk~ for a fl:w dny~.

, Farme'~s in the'district ure busy preparing the land for seeding bu t they calculate the bcginning of

pril is 'plentv Roon p.l1ough to seed grllin, althollgh the weallier is \'~ry tempting',' as cold waves nre pre­dicted,yet: . , .,,~

The bdckynrd formerly conduct­ed hy A)'Dykeman has bee""""''': :?ed into,n company, :Iud wi carried on on a Inrger scale. Messrs.

ollsser, nml Armstrong, lumber' merchnnts, of Portnge'ln Prnirle,nre

ndersto8d 10 be new mel1lber~ ill fi ., " urn." I.

CO\1gh Remcdy. Nil OpiUlll, no chloroform. lIothing nn!lnfe n I' hursh. Sold hy P R. McJ.llchl:ln, Rnthwell. .

MrH A. H,lwflrt!): ha~ relnrncd fTl)lil her tlip tn El1g11l11(1. II'here she went to hrin){ out her SOll who had heen I\tt~l1dil1l: fchonl tht're dnring the pn-t yenr. "II' Edwards went in to Winnipeg to 1Ill!et the tl a\'ellerfi,

The Opening of Sprini!

Home Fixings If you are in heed of new House Furnishings, we invite you to inspect our stock. For instance :==

6 LI1VOLE UlllfS

ft. '\vidths, per .60

ft. widths, per . . . . . . . . , . ·3.S Q1LG:LO T l-lS ,

. . . . '~5

I crenu) Oil olle 011 tbl! otht:r,

• • • [. 10

, ,
