Page 1: Good Shepherd Parish · 2018. 4. 29. · Mailing address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM -4:30 PM, Fridays until 12:00

Mailing address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Fridays until 12:00 noon E-mail: [email protected] •

Good Shepherd Parish Biddeford, Lyman, Old Orchard Beach, Saco

(Church physical addresses listed inside)

April 29, 2018

Page 2: Good Shepherd Parish · 2018. 4. 29. · Mailing address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM -4:30 PM, Fridays until 12:00

Message from Monsignor René Mathieu: (1) Bishop Deeley visited St. James School last Monday. After a prayer service led by students, he visited individual classrooms and then enjoyed lunch with the faculty, thanks to parents who volunteered to care for students during mealtime and recess. (2) We continue to sponsor a variety of small group encounters of every kind for parishioners. These are opportunities to meet with like-minded people interested in topics that

touch upon ways that disciples of Jesus Christ can grow in the knowledge of the faith, explore helpful prayer methods, or reflect on issues of concern in our time. I am grateful to parishioners who help organize these events and urge parishioners to take advantage. You can find regularly updated information about these activities in our weekly bulletin and on our parish website (3) A brochure I read recently outlined ten good reasons to go to Mass: (a) God asks us to make one day holy to refocus physically, mentally and spiritually. We can let go of our own agenda because we know that God will inspire us, guide us and strengthen us for the week ahead. (b) Jesus gives us the gift of himself in the Word of God and in Holy Communion. (c) We need to be part of a community, a reminder that we are all part of the Body of Christ. Even if we don’t know all of them, other Mass goers help us to see that we are not alone in trying to be faithful Christians. (d) God has a special message for each of us; God speaks to us in the readings, the homily and the prayers of the Mass. (e) We need to talk to God. At Mass, we have the opportunity to ask God for what we need, to promise God that we will do His will, and thank God for blessings received. (f) People need our prayers. It doesn’t matter whether those people are living or dead; the Mass unites heaven and earth in a special way by reaching across time and space. (g) We need to stand up for what we believe. Our public worship done in common is a powerful statement to others of our allegiance and an opportunity to recommit ourselves. (h) We need to acknowledge that we make mistakes; going to Mass helps us to strengthen our commitment to live moral lives. (i) We need ritual in our lives; the “sameness” of the ritual allows us to be transformed on a soul level, even if we are unaware of what is happening or if we don’t “feel” like praying. (j) We need to experience something bigger than ourselves; the Mass helps us develop a sense of wonder and awe (excerpted from “Why do we “have to” go to Mass?” by Lorene Hanley Duquin, Our Sunday Visitor). (4) A possible “Joy in Action” for this week based on Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on the joy of the family, Amorus Laetitiae: Share your favorite Scripture passage with your loved one or read the Song of Songs in the Old Testament and pick out a favorite passage to share. (5) The General Instruction of the Roman Missal directs that money or other gifts collected during Mass should be “put in a suitable place but away from the Eucharistic table.” Nonetheless, the American Bishops’ Introduction to the Order of Mass (which is kind of a detailed commentary on the General Instruction) states that these offerings are “deposited near the altar or in another suitable place.” Whenever possible, it is my preference to place the money underneath the altar, as close as possible to the bread and wine placed atop the altar. I find this helpful to symbolize how all the gifts offered at Mass by the faithful represent our labor, our good will and our gratitude. During the liturgy, we pray that the Holy Spirit will transform all these gifts into something better and beautiful – transforming the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, but also transforming the sign of our work in the world (money) into good works of every kind. (6) Thank You of the Week: To parishioners returning from winter months in more temperate climates who do not forget the financial needs of Good Shepherd Parish while they are away. We deeply appreciate your ongoing support. Thank you Snowbirds!

JOKES PRIESTS CAN TELL, Vol. 9 - Msgr. Tonne: Two brothers were punching each other when their father unexpectedly walked into the room. After breaking up the fight, he sat the two boys down for a chat. “Now, what started this?” he asked. “Well,” said one boy, “it all started when he hit me back.” -Catholic Digest

Good Shepherd Parish Fifth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2018

Most Holy Trinity Church St. Joseph Church & Ste. Anne Chapel St. Margaret Church St. Philip Church 271 Main St 178 Elm St (Rte 1) 6 Saco Ave 404 Goodwins Mills Rd Saco, Maine 04072 Biddeford, Maine 04005 Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064 Lyman, Maine 04002

St. Brendan Chapel (seasonal; closed for the season) 40 Lester B. Orcutt Blvd, Biddeford Pool, Maine 04006

Rev. Msgr. René T. Mathieu, Pastor Rev. Brad Morin, Parochial Vicar Rev. Dominic Tumusiime, AJ, Parochial Vicar Deacon Robert Parenteau Deacon Kevin Jacques Deacon Rick Huot

Easter Communion: In the USA, the obligation to receive Holy Communion at least once a year may

be satisfied from the first Sunday of Lent to Most Holy Trinity Sunday (May 27).

For a just cause, this “Easter Duty” may be fulfilled at some other time of the year.

Confessions on Saturdays (or by appointment): 3:00 pm at Most Holy Trinity, St. Joseph and St. Margaret ; 3:30 pm at St. Philip

The Presence Radio Network is 106.7 FM in Greater Portland,, on the app, or dial 605-475-8037 and listen on phones with unlimited minutes.

Women’s Discernment Group: FIAT is a women’s discernment group for high

school juniors & seniors, college students and beyond who want to know more about religious Sisters, and may be questioning this vocation for themselves. All meetings are on the 2nd Friday/month,

6:00–8:00 pm at St. Joseph Convent 409 Pool St., Biddeford. Next meeting: May 11.

Thank you for all of your support of local Catholic Radio!

SAVE THE DATE: May 20th, 3 pm – 5 pm Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul

Fr. Francis Hoffman, aka, Fr. Rocky, Executive Director of Relevant Radio

will be visiting with us in May. We will be gathering the Presence Radio family on May 20th,

from 3 pm – 5 pm, at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Lewiston.

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information. Let’s welcome Fr. Rocky with open arms and hearts as he visits with us May 20th.

We hope to see you all there!! RSVP at [email protected].

Apostolate of Prayer for Priests - Apr. - May ‘18 29. Rev. Rene Lavoie, Rev. Matthew Gregory 30. Rev. David Schlaver CSC, Rev. Ralph Boisvert May 1. Rev. Alfred Irving, Rev. Reginald Brissette 2. Rev. Innocent Okozi SMA, Rev. Hubert Paquet 3. Rev. Stephen Mulkern, Rev. C. Lee Gilbertson 4. Rev. Roland Nadeau, Rev. Maurice Lebel 5. Rev. John Feeney, Rev. Robert Pecoraro SJ

Let us also pray for our Deacons & Seminarians.

Vocations: “Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” Are you being called to love the

Lord and His people as a priest, brother, or sister? Love demands truth and action.

Contact Fr. Seamus Griesbach: 207-773-6471; email: [email protected];

Website: www.portlanddiocese/vocations; Facebook: VocationsME.

Intercessions: That Catholic mothers will abide in the Lord as branches on His vine, cultivating in their children the desire to love Him in truth and action, especially should He honor them with vocations to

the priesthood or consecrated life, we pray to the Lord.

Page 3: Good Shepherd Parish · 2018. 4. 29. · Mailing address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM -4:30 PM, Fridays until 12:00

Saturday, April 28 4:00 pm St. Joseph: (Fr. Joseph Manship) Roger Paquette / Edgar Perreault 4:00 pm Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Dominic Tumusiime) Lorraine Boutet (3rd Ann.) / Therese Giguere (2nd Ann.) 4:00 pm St. Margaret: (Msgr. René Mathieu) Joanne Wynne (3rd Ann.) / Denis B. Collins (6th Ann.) 4:30 pm St. Philip: (Fr. Brad Morin) Dorothy Baillargeon / Michelle (Baillargeon) Marraty (2nd Ann.) Sunday, April 29, Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00 am St. Joseph: (Fr. Brad Morin) Eudore Deschênes / Messe d’action de grace 8:30 am St. Margaret: (Msgr. René Mathieu) R. Richard Roy / Joan 8:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Dominic Tumusiime) Irene Madore / Paul & Anita Labonte (1st Ann.) 9:00 am St. Philip: (Fr. David Schlaver) Carmen Janson / Bob Atkins 10:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Dominic Tumusiime) Flore Provencher / Norman “Richard” Poirier 10:30 am St. Margaret: (Msgr. René Mathieu) Carmen Croteau (10th Ann.) / For All People in Good Shepherd Parish 11:00 am St. Joseph: (Fr. Brad Morin) Charles & Simonne Cantara / Joseph Leopold LaBrecque (23rd Ann.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Monday, April 30 9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Rachel Boutet / Favor granted from Fr. Zenon Tuesday, May 1 7:00 am Ste Anne Chapel: Sylvie Duclos / Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Picard 9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Elaine Brady / Maurice Guay (2nd Ann.)

Wednesday, May 2 8:30 am St. James School: Laurette Neault (1st Ann.) 9:00 am St. Philip: Dorothy Baillargeon Thursday, May 3 8:00 am St. Margaret: St. Anthony for favor received / Mary Mae Oakes 9:00 am St. Philip: Dorothy Baillargeon / James Legg Friday, May 4 7:00 am Ste Anne Chapel: Dec members of the Picard Family / Pauline Duprey 9:00 am Most Holy Trinity: Memorial Book Names / In thanksgiving to St. Anthony & St. Jude Saturday, May 5 4:00 pm St. Joseph: (Msgr. René Mathieu) Guy Fecteau (19th Ann.) / Dorilas Roy 4:00 pm Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Brad Morin) Robert (3rd Ann.) & Jocelyn (9th Ann.) Gosselin / Keith Provencher 4:00 pm St. Margaret: (Fr. Dominic Tumusiime) Madlyn McPherson / Pauline Dinwiddie 4:30 pm St. Philip: (Msgr. Charles Murphy) Dorothy Baillargeon / Paul & Denise Lavigne Sunday, May 6, Sixth Sunday of Easter 8:00 am St. Joseph: (Fr. Joseph Manship) Barry Murphy, Sr. (2nd Ann.) / Concisa, Wilfredo, & Nono Garcia 8:30 am St. Margaret: (Fr. Dominic Tumusiime) Fred D. Carey / Jonathan Gilman 8:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Brad Morin) Annie Cote (6th Ann.) / Leonard Wood (20th Ann.) 9:00 am St. Philip: (Msgr. René Mathieu) Carmen Janson / Bob Atkins 10:30 am Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Brad Morin) Norman Bouchard (2nd Ann.) / Leo Paul Michaud 10:30 am St. Margaret: (Fr. Dominic Tumusiime) Roger Patnaude (2nd Ann.) / Elsa Beauchaine 11:00 am St. Joseph: (Msgr. René Mathieu) Joseph Schissler / For All People in Good Shepherd Parish 5:30 pm Most Holy Trinity: (Fr. Brad Morin) In gratitude to Blessed Marie Riviere


Good Shepherd Parish Fifth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2018

Raymond H. Perreault (born 1929) * Robert Millette (born 1949) Jonathan Gilman (born 1947) * Paul Gagnon (born 1929) Claire Blank (born 1947) * Bonita Edgerton (born 1948)

Pauline Cloutier (born 1931) * Elsa Beauchaine (born 1945)

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

Please pray for the following couple scheduled to marry soon: Alexander Swetz & Hillary Cusack

We try to list the name of the priest who will cele-brate every scheduled weekend Mass. However, this schedule may be changed without notice.

Donations to food pantries at all our churches: This week: cereal / powdered milk

A process through which Adults become members of the Catholic Church.

Would you or someone you know like to be one of them?

Are you or someone you know interested in learning about the Catholic faith?

Join us today for Inquiry and come investigate what it means to be Catholic.

Please call the office of Faith Formation at 282-4812 for more information.

Congratulations and much joy: to Sr. Ann Boyle who made her Perpetual Profession as a Sister of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Sun., Apr. 15.

Read more at:

Congratulations & God’s Profound Blessings Upon You Newlyweds

Erik & Stephanie (Nowicki) Richard on 4/28

NOTE: Saco Food Pantry welcomes all egg cartons once again. Thanx!

The GSP Community Concert Sun., May 6, The Good Shepherd Parish Community

Concert will be held at St. Joseph Church on Elm Street in Biddeford on Sunday, May 6, at 1:00 pm. The 90 Minute concert will be

organized by Church Music Director, Helene Fortier, and all the pieces will be performed by locally talented musicians. There is no charge for the concert, but free-will donations will be accepted. Any funds raised

will be used towards St. James School Scholarships and other local charitable efforts. This is also in conjunction with the

25th Anniversary of St. James School. A reception with hors d'oeuvres and a free raffle will follow with 4

local businesses providing food. Sponsored by the St. Joseph Council, Knights of Columbus. For more information or to help sponsor this event, contact Dan Bedard at 229-4650 or [email protected].

Please join us in congratulating the following individuals: Antonio Arturo

Cynthia Cyr Heather Flint Kyleigh Katon

Augustine Martel Eric Morrison

Andrea Pillsbury Brittany Wheeler

who have celebrated Sacraments of Initiation this Easter Season. We invite you to offer encouragement and fellowship

as they continue their faith journey.

Page 4: Good Shepherd Parish · 2018. 4. 29. · Mailing address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM -4:30 PM, Fridays until 12:00


25 Graham Street Phone 207-282-4084 Biddeford, ME 04005 FAX 207-286-3693 E-mail [email protected] Website

Good Shepherd Parish Fifth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2018



Jesus said to his disciples: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch

in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes

so that it bears more fruit.”

Jesus, prune us and shape us. Clear away those things that prevent us from bearing much fruit.

Grant us the graces we need to unite our sufferings to Yours!

FMI regarding Youth Ministry events/programs, contact youth minister, Josh Houde, 282-4812 x117 or [email protected].



Youth Ministry Calendar – Sunday Meetings, 5:30 pm at MHT

Apr. 29 - Edge: Special Service Project & Life Teen: Regular Life Night May 6 –Youth Mass * May 13 – NO SESSION (Mothers’ Day)

May 20 – End of Year Excursion

May 6 (Sun): Youth Mass – All parishioners are welcome to the 5:30 pm Youth Mass at Most Holy Trinity Church in Saco on Sunday, May 6.

As we prepare for the future, we build upon the faith and sacrifice of our ancestors creating hope for the future.

Now there is a special opportunity for all parishioners to strengthen our parish and to ensure that our legacy of faith will continue in perpetuity.

St. James School Endowment Fund

with the Catholic Foundation of Maine

For more information on how you can build this important fund for our parish, contact Elizabeth Badger, Executive Director, the Catholic Foundation of Maine, 207-321-7820 or [email protected].

July 13-15 (Fri-Sun): Steubenville East Youth Conference - is a dynamic weekend conference for Catholic high school youth featuring

powerful music, presentations and the sacraments. Approximately 3,000 participants attend each summer in Lowell, MA. We brought 13 youth &

4 adults last year. While the conference is this summer, registration is now open! Youth minister, Josh Houde, has reserved a dozen youth spots and will distribute them on a first-come, first-serve basis. All that is required

now is a $50 deposit to reserve your spot. Please let Josh know if you would like to join us as soon as possible and reserve your spot. We hope to

fundraise most (or all) of the remaining cost as the event approaches.

Thank you to all who continue to donate Box Top coupons & money in the Box Top collection bins in the hallways at St. Joseph and Most Holy Trinity, as well as to those who

send them directly to St. James School. Thanks in part to your generosity, we've already collected almost

$1,000 in monetary donations and Box Tops for the 2017-2018 school year. With your help, we are almost 2/3 of the way to our goal for the

year. Please keep sending in your Box Tops! Please note that Campbell's Soup is no longer doing their program,

so we no longer need Campbell's soup labels. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christina Shea,

St. James Box Top Coordinator, at [email protected].

April 29 (Sun): Edge Service Project: “Guest Chef” Program at Ronald McDonald House – On Sun., Apr. 29, junior high youth are invited to serve

as “guest chefs” at the Ronald McDonald house in Portland, which pro-vides lodging for families whose children are in the hospital. We will bring our own ingredients and prepare a meal for the guests, as well as tend to

some housecleaning tasks that they will have for us. Participants will meet at MHT in Saco at 1 pm for a gathering, orientation, & departure. Our shift

in Portland will run from 2 to 4 pm, and we will return to MHT in Saco around 4:30. To RSVP for this special service excursion (which will take

the place of our usual Sun. night meeting), please contact Josh (info above). This will be a great way to put our faith into action! We hope many junior

high youth can join us; however, please note that this excursion will be capped at around 20 people due to limited space at the facility, so please reply as soon as possible if you would like to join us.

Looking for a facilities person at Saint James School: This is a year-round position to help with the upkeep of the school and the gym. The job can be

tailored to meet the needs of the ideal candidate. Please send letter of interest, resume and the names of three references to Nancy Naimey,

Saint James School, 25 Graham Street, Biddeford, ME 04005.

April 29/30 – FINAL Classroom Sessions

May 6 – ALL families invited to our

May Crowning and End of Year Celebration 9:45 am at Most Holy Trinity

What Family Means to Me, that was the title of the

Rotary Essay Contest, and Chloe was our eighth grade winner. She did a

great job and represented Saint James well. Congratulations!

An impromptu casual day was held for victims of the Hill Street fire. Students brought in non-perishable items or toiletries,

which were donated to the town for the displaced families.

Student council members packed up the

goods for easier transport.

Way to care Saint James!

May 4 (Fri): Monthly Potluck for Young Couples – Young married & engaged couples are invited to our monthly

potluck on Fri., May 4, beginning at 5:30 pm. Your children are welcome to join you! The evening will include a potluck dinner and a brief discussion on marriage & family. This month’s potluck will be

hosted by Bill & Joanna Martel at their home in Saco. For directions or to RSVP, please contact Josh at 282-4812 (x117),

or [email protected]. Please join us for great fellowship with other couples!

Page 5: Good Shepherd Parish · 2018. 4. 29. · Mailing address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM -4:30 PM, Fridays until 12:00

Good Shepherd Parish Fifth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2018

Good Shepherd Parish 50/50 Club Name_______________________________________________




Please detach and return to Good Shepherd Parish, 271 Main St, Saco, ME 04072, or you can drop it in the collection basket at Mass in an envelope marked "50/50 Club." $5 a month, $30 for 6 months, $60 for a year.

Healing Service at the Little House of Prayer: Sun., May 6, at 1 pm. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary at 2:30, a teaching by

Bernadette Cyr, and laying on of hands for prayers of healing. FMI call 284-6286 or visit

Also, all are welcome to come recite the Rosary, daily at 10 am.

Second Collection This weekend - Catholic Home Missions: Many dioceses here in the United States do not have enough priests to

serve poorer parishes. These dioceses, classified as home missions, cannot provide for the unique needs of their parish communities. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal supports these dioceses by

funding essential ministries, including seminary education and lay ministry training. Please help strengthen the Church at home through

your generosity to this Diocesan appeal.

Second Collection Next weekend - Religious Education Programs: This parish collection supports our Faith Formation programs by

providing books, supplies and refreshments for classes and meetings that help educate children, youth and adults, Catholics and

non-Catholics in the teachings of our Faith.

A Protecting GOD’S CHILDREN CLASS: will be offered @ Most Holy Trinity Church Hall

on Tues., May 22, 6-9 pm. Please RSVP to Rene: 229-4403;[email protected].

Good Shepherd Parish Christmas Fair 2018: Nov. 9-11

Our next Christmas Fair meeting will be May 22nd at 6:30 pm in the St. Joseph Church Hall. All are welcome to attend.

Crafters are encouraged to begin working on their crafts now. Need some ideas, contact Barbara at: 229-5580. Also, spring & summer present great opportunities for knitting. Please keep the Christmas Fair

in mind while doing your handwork. Enjoy your week. For more information on our Christmas Fair,

contact Dan or Denise at 284-5195.

Saco Meals Program still is in need of a Thursday Cook. FMI: Jacqueline Newport; [email protected]; 604-0985.

OFFERTORY COUNTING: Each Monday and Tuesday morning volunteers donate their time to sort and count for deposit our weekend collections. In order to expedite this process and make the work easier we would greatly appreciate your cooperation with the following:

• please avoid the use of scotch tape, stickers and staples on the offertory envelopes.

• please do not roll, fold, twist or otherwise distort your bills or envelopes.

• please keep all Diocesan & National second collection donations separate from all Parish second collections to ensure a more accurate and streamlined administrative process (i.e. use separate checks/envelopes when designating your gift).


Esther Residence is having a fund raising brunch, May 6 at noon at Joseph's by the Sea -- speakers,

raffle--all to help women who used opiates who want to change their lives to sober, productive lives.

To register, call Esther Residence: 283-0323.

The Culture of Life committee has prepared for this year’s Baby Bottle Drive which will again commence on Mothers’ Day.

In anticipation of questions regarding how we will use this collection, we have decided to help ALPHA’s Expansion Project in Sanford. ALPHA is another Pregnancy Resource Center where women from the Bidd.-Saco area can more conveniently choose

where they want to go for help. Having an alternative site will also help those who are south of us to have better access to free care at a “closer to home” location. ALPHA’s expansion is

necessary prior to obtaining an ultra-sound machine. Help yourself to letters being distributed

after Masses in all churches this weekend. You will also see other materials available to help you under-stand the abortion issue and what it ultimately does,

not only to the mother but to society as a whole.

All men are welcome to join us for the TMIY! pro-gram, "Catholicism: The Pivotal Players” w/ Bishop Robert Barron this Sat., May 5. In this presentation

you’ll accompany Bishop Barron on a journey to unlock the truth behind the Catholic Church’s most influential people. We look forward to seeing you. **Meetings: Sat. AM in the youth room downstairs at MHT; begins w/

prayer at 6:30; program at 7:00. FMI: Ken, 590-5805; or Dave, 590-5198.

WeShare, our Online Giving Service, is easy to use! Go to, and under the "About Us" tab, click Online Giving. You can make a one-time or recurring

donation using a checking/savings account or credit/debit card.

K OF C TURKEY SUPPER ON SAT., MAY 5th, 4:30 to 6:30 pm, AT ST. MARGARET HALL. To benefit Hill Street Biddeford fire victims. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, buttermilk squash, corn, peas,

carrots, cole slaw, pasta salad, gravy, soup, desserts & drinks. ALL YOU CAN EAT. Adults & teens: $8; Children 6-12: $5;

Children 5 and under: free. Take-out available.

~ The Annual Indoor Yard Sale at St. Philip Church ~ will be held July 14 & 15 ~

While spring cleaning, please keep this upcoming event in mind. We are able to start receiving donations of clean, saleable items.

Please note: we cannot accept large appliances, TVs, computers or mattresses. For more information, call Donna Bilodeau, 499-7490

or Gisele Lynes, 499-7453.

Retreat at Marie Joseph Spiritual Center:

The Word of God Abiding in You ~ Wed., May 9, with Ann Boyle, RSR: 10:00 am – 3:30 pm: God’s Word is blossoming everywhere. It is at our fingertips, spoken in our world, in persons we encounter and in

our own being. To discover God’s Word in our daily quest requires a special kind of presence and openness. Come, experience God’s Work in you. The day will include a short presentation on prayer, scripture, time for personal reflection and sharing. Cost: $50; includes hot meal.

Arrival 9:45 am. Bring a Bible/journal if you wish. FMI/to register, call 207-284-5671 ;

An outdoor Rosary procession & May Crowning sponsored by the Secular Franciscans will be held Sat, May 5 at 10 am at the Franciscan Monastery in Kennebunk, ME. It will be preceded by Mass at 8 am and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 10 in the Chapel. Join us with your family & friends! Will be rain or shine! FMI: Lu Nulton, 205-7110.

The 7th Annual Women’s Conference: Sat., May 5, 8 am - 4:30 pm, at the Holiday Inn By The Bay, Portland.

It will feature dynamic speakers, the "His Own" music ministry, Mass, adoration, & vendors. This year's keynote speaker is Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, who has

traveled throughout the world inviting others to deepen their relationship with God. The conference will also feature a talk by

Colleen Stratton, a victim-survivor of human trafficking. Cost includes continental breakfast & lunch: $60.

FMI/to register: ; call 321-7898 ; or on Twitter (@mainecwc).

Page 6: Good Shepherd Parish · 2018. 4. 29. · Mailing address: 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 • Tel: 207-282-3321 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM -4:30 PM, Fridays until 12:00

Good Shepherd Parish Fifth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2018

CCME: General Mtg: Sun, May 6 Holy Martyrs Parish Hall – Route 88, Falmouth, 1:00 pm: Social Hour/Potluck; 1:30 pm:

Business Mtg; 2:15 pm: Program: “Nursing and the Older Population”.

Dining Out Luncheon: 1:00 pm, Sat., May 12 at Louie’s Grille: 319 Main St in Cumberland. FMI/to reserve, contact Eileen Letiecq

(829-6951). Game Day to follow: 10 Meadowview Rd in Cumberland. Connected Catholics is a group of single, widowed, separated, &

divorced Catholics, who gather to share their faith journey and celebrate life, who want to participate in their church, grow in faith, and build a

better life in their community. The purpose of Connected Catholics is to offer a variety of programs, experiences and opportunities that enrich

members socially, educationally and spiritually.

The Good Shepherd Parish Endowment Fund is for all parishioners who wish to make a lasting legacy that will benefit our parish and its mission. Anyone can

make a gift, in any amount, to our endowment. Gifts can be of cash, stock, insurance, or property. Your gift will make a difference, and assist the parish

needs in perpetuity. The Foundation makes distributions annually, to the parish as directed, and the funds used for a variety of parish projects.

For more information about how you can leave a legacy through a gift to our parish endowment, contact Elizabeth Badger at the Catholic Foundation of Maine, 207-321-7820 or [email protected].

Explore ways to give wisely at

Good Shepherd Parish

Endowment Fund with the Catholic Foundation of Maine

Job Posting: Good Shepherd Parish is seeking to hire a dynamic individual to

become our parish Youth and College Minister. This position is first and foremost a relational ministry that invites youth grades 6-12, and

college students at UNE Campus, into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. The successful candidate will have a solid

background in catechetics, preferably with a BA in religious studies, theology, pastoral ministry or related field. A good rapport with youth and college age young adults as well as excellent interpersonal skills

are a must, as is the ability to work evenings and weekends. Lifeteen & Focus experience a plus. Job description available for

viewing at Please send cover letter and resume to Liz Williams,

Good Shepherd Parish, 271 Main Street, Saco, ME 04072 or email [email protected].

Fr. Scahill’s 2018 Memorial Pilgrimages

Sat., May 12th National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA: A one day pilgrimage of reconciliation & prayer. Come join us as we celebrate the anniversary of the first apparition of OUR LADY OF FATIMA and the DIVINE MERCY. Included are a Celebration of Our Lady of Fatima, prayer in the Divine Mercy Shrine, Holy Hour, Rosary,

Divine Mercy Chaplet, Confession & Holy Mass. There will be an oppor-tunity to shop at the Shrine gift store. On the bus we can watch a movie, sing, pray and of course, fellowship & meet new friends. Cost: $50 pp. Please bring your own lunch. Bus departs at the Biddeford Park & Ride

(across from Walmart) at 6:45 am.

Wed-Fri, June 20 - 22 Pilgrimage to Canadian Shrines: This is a 3 day pilgrimage that you won’t want to miss and one I’m sure you will repeat year after year. Highlights of this pilgrimage include: Shrine of Our Lady

of the Cape (Notre Dame du Cap), the Basilica of Sainte Anne de Beaupre, Tomb of Blessed Fr. Frederic, Visit to Old Quebec City and as time permits some optional visits to other small churches in the region. Our Lady of the Cape includes breakfast & supper. We will be staying

both nights at the Cape. All other meals are at your own expense. Lodging cost: Single: $345; Double: $275; Triple: $265. Please note:

You must bring current and valid passport to enter Canada. FMI call Sal Raia at 207-408-9226 or email [email protected].
