Page 1: How does science correspond with the Bible?

How does the Bible Correspond

With Science?

Page 2: How does science correspond with the Bible?



He set the earth on its found-ations, so that it should never be moved.

Psalm 104:5

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All Christians believe that God is

the creator . . .


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. . . but we don’t all agree on what that



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No Christian would dare say that the narrative must not be take in a figurative sense.

Augustine (AD 391)

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Young Earth Special


Old Earth Special


Evolutionary Creationists

Young Earth

Old Earth

Creation through miracle

Creation through process

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Controversy divides Christians

and alienates everyone else

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Evolution stops some people taking the

Bible seriously . . .


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. . . but special creation stops others

taking the Bible seriously


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Evolution is one of the big stumbling blocks to people today being receptive to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis

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I’ve seen too many students who’ve had their faith wrecked . . . [because] people have said to them, ‘Unless you toe this line, you’re not truly a Christian.’ . . .

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. . . Then when they have found that the scientific evidence they’re faced with means they cannot toe that line, they can often flip over into a rebellion against their background and that often means a rebellion against God and Christianity. That’s tragic.

Ernest Lucas

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There are good reasons for believing special creation . . .


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. . . but there are good reasons for believing evolutionary creation


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My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato’s Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads.

Antony Flew, former atheist philosopher

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Where does the evidence lead?

• Fine-tuning of the universe

• Unique positioning of Earth

• Fine-tuning of chemistry for life

• Extraordinary complexity of DNA and protein-building mechanisms

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If the rate of expansion of the universe one second after the Big bang was smaller by 1 part in 100,000,000, 000,000,000, it would have re-collapsed into a hot fireball.

Stephen Hawking

© NASA. Used by permission

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1 1,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

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Odds against the initial conditions being suitable for star formation: 1 followed by a thousand billion billion zeroes at least

Paul Davies

© A

rs Electron

ica, used


der a C

reative Co



s licence

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Even if there is only one unique set of possible laws, it is only a set of equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to govern? . . .

© NASA. Used by permission

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. . . Although science may solve the problem of how the universe began, it cannot answer the question: Why does the universe bother to exist? I don’t know the answer to that.

Stephen Hawking© NASA. Used by permission

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The amazing complexity of even the simplest cell; the information-bearing properties of DNA; the exquisite fine-tuning of the laws and constants of physics that make organic life possible . . .

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. . . these signs of intelligence do not compel our belief in a God who thundered from Mount Sinai, lay in a manger or hung from a cross . . .

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. . . But the evidence does have metaphysical implications, drawing us to a still place of wonder where such notions can be reasonably entertained.

Jonathan Witt

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We need to focus on the Bible’s primary



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Science Bible

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Understanding Genesis




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Five perspectives• Literal approach

• Gap Theory

• Days = Ages

• Days of Revelation

• Days = Literary structure

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The issue is not belief, but interpretation

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We must respect those with whom we disagree

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The message of Genesis 1-3

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God is the creator of everything

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There is only one God

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The world reflects its creator

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God is the law-giver

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Humans are God’s image-bearers

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We are machines built by DNA whose purpose is to make more copies of the same DNA . . . That is exactly what we are here for. We are machines for propagating DNA . . . It is every living object’s sole reason for living.

Richard Dawkins

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made in God’s image?

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Human beings are rebels against God

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