Page 1: How To Keep Your Job During a Recession
Page 2: How To Keep Your Job During a Recession

A slow economy often leads to mass layoffs, victimizing workers ofall collar colors and salary levels. Your best self-protective movescan also help you get ahead when times are good, so there's noharm in getting ready-just in case. In fact, preparing for the worstis sound career advice even if everything turns up rosy.

Times are hard-hitting in late 2008 and likely to get tougher. Regardless of the financial bailout and some likely federal supportfor the every industry. It was a fun ride but we've lived beyond ourmeans for quite some time, and now it's time to start paying offsome of that debt.

As the economy slows, firms will be taking into considerationseveral methods to reduce costs: cut raw material and sourcingcosts, cut labour costs, cut advertising, marketing and sales costs,or perhaps all of these. In the labour cost category is somethingspecial called "your job". Here's what to think about as you try toprove your worth.

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Page 3: How To Keep Your Job During a Recession

Being valuable is more important than being important. It doesn't reallyMatter where you sit in the organization in tough times, being a contributorwho can be counted on to do the important work is more important than being"important". Signifying that you can help right the ship, through insights intonew products or services, cutting costs or an understanding of market trends is

much more valuable at this point. When you get into the lifeboat, peopleWill want to know if you know how to handle an oar.

First and foremost, make sure that you're doing your job-and doing it well. Astressful work environment often follows when business isn't good, but thatshouldn't be an excuse for giving up on your duties. Ignore the rumour mill asmuch as you can, and focus on taking care of your responsibilities.

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Page 4: How To Keep Your Job During a Recession

Show up on time, or even early. Dress and groom yourself like a professional, and keep your chin up. If the

rest of the office is slouching, unshaven, or sloppy, your efforts will stand out more as a good example for

others. After all, you're doing your job as well as anyone, and you'd be missed if you weren't there. The better

your performance, the more likely you'll get to keep doing what you do.

Be visible at the right times and places. In a fast moving economy, being seen at the right places may be a

career enhancer, but in a slow moving economy where cuts are likely, you need to be demonstrating your

value and people need to know your name to retain you. If your great work is unnoticed or you are not

connected with something important, or worse, there's no one to stand up for you in the meeting where the cuts

happen, it won't matter if you are valuable. Make sure people understand what you do and how you add value.

Pitch in and pull together. Now is not the time to remind the boss that you had a great idea that wasn't

implemented that would have saved the company. It's also not a time to refuse to do what is necessary to

succeed. As the firm gets smaller - and most firms probably will - there's still a significant amount of work to

do. People who are willing to pitch in, to stretch themselves and get involved to help out, are the ones who

will be retained. People who have a very narrow skill set that seemed valuable in the run-up but can't help

beyond their current role will be the likely first candidates to go.For Details visit:

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Ma na ge wh a t you c a n a nd ke e p your s kills up t o d a t e . I n t h e e nd , t h e r e a r e s ome t h ings you c a n c ont r ol – wh a t

you a r e willing t o wor k on, h ow h a r d you' ll wor k, wh o you know a nd wh o knows you. Th e r e a r e a ls o s ome

Th ings you c a n' t c ont r ol. Pe r h a ps t h e f ir m s h ould h a ve inve s t e d in

your id e a , or la unc h e d t h a t ne wpr od uc t or s e r vic e . Pe r h a ps t h e y s h ould h a ve lis t e ne d t o

you a b out t h e nor t h e a s t e x pa ns ion.B ut a ll t h a t is out of your c ont r ol. I f you wor k h a r d a t

point s 1-4 a nd r e c og niz e t h e t h ing s youc a n c ont r ol, a nd t h e t h ing s you c a n' t , t h e n r e g a r d le s s of

t h e out c ome you c a n h old your h e a dh ig h . I n a n e c onomy like t h is , g ood pe ople wit h g ood

s k ills will e nd up out of wor k j us t a sof t e n a s pe ople wh o ne ve r a d d e d muc h va lue .

. Keep your skills and resume up to date Stay active . ,in your networks I f the worst happens' . ' , don t take it too hard Usually it s just business

. nothing personal To solve employer problem

who loses job during recession period Education Activities INC lunches Getting a J ob or Keeping Your

J ob . DVD Getting a J ob DVD will teach to employee how to keep your job during a recession or how

. to get your job back Fromthis DVD youwill learn howto boost Your Skills and Reputation during

- .Recession Slack TimeI n a h umor ous , f a s t -pa c e d g a me s h ow f or ma t t h e s e t wo vid e os

b r ing vie we r s up t o d a t e on wh a t

e mploye r s wa nt a nd wh a t pr os pe c t ive e mploye e s ne e d t o know t o ge t a nd ke e p a j ob .

Page 6: How To Keep Your Job During a Recession

Getting a Job DVD employee or job seeker learn aboutappropriate clothing, cleanliness, hair styles, makeup, fillingOut applications, proper conduct during an interview, handlingdifficult questions and much more - from making backup plansfor child care to preparing a resume and writing a follow-upnote.

To solve employer problem who loses job during recession period Education Activities INC lunches Getting a Job or

Keeping Your Job DVD.

Getting a Job DVD will teach to employee how to keep yourjob during a recession or how to get your job back. FromthisDVD you will learn how to boost Your Skills and ReputationDuring Recession Slack-Time.

Keeping Your Job DVD employee or job seeker learn theimportance of punctuality, consistent attendance, timemanagement, honesty, problem solving and organizationalskills.

They'll laugh at the game scenarios presenting proper andImproper work attitudes and handling irritable customers. Theywill see the importance of getting along with co-workers andsupervisors, setting goals, and self discipline, and they will findthat gossip is dangerous in the workplace.

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