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 NB 205 Course Career Path B

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 NB 205 Entire Course (UOP)

• INB 205 Wee ! ChecPoint "oreign In#estment Presentation

• INB 205 Wee ! $%s

• INB 205 Wee 2 &ssignment "oreign E'change aretsummar*

• INB 205 Wee 2 ChecPoint Internationa+ ,e+ationshi-s.ab+e (&--endi' B)

• INB 205 Wee ChecPoint outh orea ocio cu+tura+,e-ort

• INB 205 Wee $%s

• INB 205 Wee 1 &ssignment Introduction to Internation

a+ abor emo•

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 NB 5 Wee ! ec Po nt "

oreign n#estment Presentati

on (UOP)• 3 $ue $ate4 $a* 5 -ost to the Indi#idua+ 6orum73 Consider the 6o++o8ing scenario4 9ou 8or 6or a com-an* that manu6acturers sateboards: Unti+ no8 *our com

-an* has on+* so+d their sateboards domestica++*; butno8 the CEO is interested in e'-orting the sateboardsto &ustra+ia: .he CEO ass *ou to design a icroso6t< Po8erPoint< -resentation to -resent at the ne't board o6 directors= meeting: .his -resentation 8i++ ser#e to educ

ate the directors in the matters o6 6oreign in#estment and internationa+ in#estment theor*: &t the end o6 the -resentation; *ou must

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 NB 205 Wee ! $%s

• $iscussion %uestion !3 $ue $ate4 $a* 2 -ost to the ain 6orum73 Post *our res-onse to the 6o++o8ing4 $escribe the dri#i

ng business 6orces in both the 6oreign and domestic en#ironment: In 8hat 8a*s do the* o-erate di66erent+*> Wh*>Pro#ide an e'am-+e:?: $iscussion %uestion 2

3 $ue $ate4 $a* 1 -ost to the ain 6orum73 Post *our res-onse to the 6o++o8ing4 What are some o6the common arguments 6or and against trade restrictions> Choose a -osition and describe 8h* *ou thin it is #


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 NB 5 Wee ss gnment

"oreign E'change arets u

mmar*• 9ou ha#e no8 +earned about the 8or+d=s ma@or 6oreign e'change marets (ondon; Ne8 9or; .o*o; and inga-ore) and read about the histor* o6 the go+d standard: Be

cause 6+uctuating currenc* rates are an im-ortant as-ect o6 internationa+ dea+ings; no8ing ho86oreign e'change marets 6unction 8i++ he+- ensure *our success in the internationa+ business maret:3 $ue $ate4 $a* A Indi#idua+ 6orum7

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 NB 5 Wee ec Po nt

nternationa+ ,e+ationshi-s .a

b+e (&--endi' B)• 3 ,esources4 &--endi' B; 888:un:org; 888:8to:org

3 $ue $ate4 $a* 1 Indi#idua+ 6orum73 Com-+ete the tab+e and 6o++o8 u- uestions in &--end

i' B:3 Post the a--endi' as an attachment:

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 NB 5 Wee ec Po nt

outh orea ociocu+tura+ ,e-

ort (UOP)• 3 $ue $ate4 $a* 5 Indi#idua+ 6orum73 Consider the 6o++o8ing scenario4 9our com-an* 8antsto begin e'-orting to outh orea:

9our boss has ased *ou to do some research regardingthe +oca+ customs; cu+ture; and business habits o6 the countr*:3 $e#e+o- a 5 to As+ide icroso6t< Po8erPoint< -resentation addressing sociocu+tura+ di66erences bet8een th

e United tates and outh orea:

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 NB 205 Wee $%s

• $iscussion %uestion !3 ,esources4 -: !02 in Internationa+ Business:3 $ue $ate4 $a* 2 ain 6orum7

3 Choose one o6 the ne8+* industria+iDing countries mentioned in the te't (-: !02 Internationa+ Business)3 Choose a -roduct *ou thin 8ou+d be suitab+e to e'-ort to the countr* *ou chose based so+e+* on that countr*=s +ocation; c+imate; to-ogra-h*; and natura+ resources:

3 Post *our ans8ers to the 6o++o8ing uestions4 What e66 ect might the economic and socioeconomic 6orces 8ithin that countr* ha#e on the -roduct=s -otentia+> E'-+ain the rationa+e behind *our decisions:

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 NB 5 Wee ss gnment

ntroduction to nternationa+

abor emo• &ssignment4 Introduction to Internationa+ abor emo3 $ue $ate4 $a* A Indi#idua+ 6orum73 Consider the 6o++o8ing scenario4 9our com-an* se++s it

s -roducts in man* di66erent countries: .he $irector o6E'-orting and .rade has decided to tae on a number o6interns o#er the summer to he+- the com-an* communicate 8ith its out+ets 8ithin the #arious 6oreign countries: .he interns; 8ho are stud*ing to get their &ssociates $

egree in Business; are going to need an introduction to internationa+ +abor i6 the* are going to be ab+e to communicate 8ith the #arious countries:

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 NB 205 Wee 1 ChecPoint E

'change ,ates ,esearch

• 3 ,esource4 "igure !!:! on -: 2 and -: 1F in Internationa+ Business:3 $ue $ate4 $a* 1 Indi#idua+ 6orum7

3 Com-+ete ,esearch .as G! on -: 1F using the in6ormation in "igure !!:! on -: 2:3 $escribe *our 6indings in a 200 to 008ord res-onse:

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 NB 5 Wee 5 ec Po nt P

o-u+ation Hro8th ,ates ,e-o

rt (UOP)• 3 ,esources4htt-4//888:-rb:org/-d605/05Wor+d$ataheetEng:-d6  

(Po-u+ation Hro8th Inde');

htt-4//888:atearne*:com/sharedres/-d6/"$ICIOct2001:-d6  ("$I Con6idence Inde')3 $ue $ate4 $a* 5 Indi#idua+ 6orum73 Consider the 6o++o8ing scenario4 EureaJ 9our com-an

* has de#e+o-ed a -roduct that is a++ but guaranteed tobe success6u+ in an* countr* that has a substantia+ -o-u+ation: .he sa+es and mareting de-artment 8ou+d +ie *ou to do some research and 6ind out 8hat

countries 8ou+d be the most idea+ marets 6or *our ne8

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 NB 205 Wee 5 $%s

• $iscussion %uestion !3 $ue $ate4 $a* 2 ain 6orum73 Post *our res-onse to these uestions4 E'-+ain 8h* *o

u thin internationa+ strateg* is im-ortant: What is the di66erence bet8een domestic and internationa+ strategic-+anning> Be sure to res-ond to *our c+assmates= thoughts as 8e++ as -osting *our o8n:: $iscussion %uestion 2

3 $ue $ate4 $a* 1 ain 6orum73 Post *our ans8er to these uestions4 $escribe t8o criteria used to assess a maretKs -otentia+ 6or a ne8 -roduct: Based on these criteria; 8hat are the ste-s the mana

gers o6 a g+oba+ com-an* 8i++ need to tae in order to decide

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 NB 5 Wee ss gnment

Wa+art .aes on the Wor+d

inicase (UOP)• ,esources4 Internationa+ Business --: 10A10F; 12?12A;and Ch: !1

• 3 $ue $ate4 $a* A Indi#idua+ 6orum7

3 ,ead --: 10A10F; Wa+art .aes on the Wor+d:3 Consider the 6o++o8ing scenario4 9our boss; the CEO o6Wa+art; is interested in e'-anding o-erations into India: 9ou ha#e been ased to -re-are a -resentation 6or the com-an* staeho+ders that 8i++ in6orm them o6 the status o6 the maret in India:

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 NB 5 Wee ec Po nt

aret creening 6or "ina+ Pr

o@ect• 3 ,esources4htt-4//888:mhhe:com/business/management/int+on+in


 and &--endi' &3 $ue $ate4 $a* 1 Indi#idua+ 6orum73 Lisithtt-4//888:mhhe:com/business/management/int+on+in


 to se+ect a region and countr* to re#ie8 6or *our 6ina+ -ro@ect:3 In6orm *our instructor o6 the countr* and -roduct *ouchose 6or the 6ina+ -ro@ect:

3 Com-+ete the maret screening -ortion o6 *our 6ina+ -ro ect usin the sources o6 in6ormation that re+ate to o

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 NB 5 Wee A ec Po nt E

'-ort $ocumentation atri'

(&--endi' C)• 3 ,esources4 &--endi' C; Ch: !? in Internationa+ Business3 $ue $ate4 $a* 5 Indi#idua+ 6orum7

3 Com-+ete the documentation 6orms and 6unctions matri':3 Post *our matri' as an attachment:

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 NB 205 Wee A $% !

• $iscussion %uestion !3 $ue $ate4 $a* 2 ain 6orum73 Post *our res-onse to the 6o++o8ing4 Consider the mar

eting mi': Mo8 does the mareting mi' di66er in the domestic and internationa+ en#ironments> Mo8 is it the same>hou+d internationa+ mareting managers standardiDe the mareting mi'> Wh* or 8h* not>

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 NB 205 Wee A $% 2

• $iscussion %uestion 23 $ue $ate4 $a* 1 ain 6orum73 Post *our res-onse to the 6o++o8ing4 .here are man* r

easons a com-an* 8ou+d choose to e'-ort their -roducts to a di66erent countr*: ie8ise; there are a+so man* reasons a com-an* 8ou+d choose to im-ort -roducts 6rom another countr*: Imagine that *ou are themanu6acturer o6 a -roduct: What are t8o -otentia+ reas

ons *ou ma* choose to e'-ort *our -roduct rather thanse++ing it on+* in the United tates> Pro#ide a brie6 descri-tion o6 the -roduct *ou are e'-orting in *our res-onse:

When res-onding to *our c+assmates

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 NB 5 Wee ss gnment

unch and earn Presentatio

n• &ssignment4 unch and earn Presentation

• 3 $ue $ate4 $a* A Indi#idua+ 6orum73 Consider the 6o++o8ing scenario4 9ou ha#e been ased

b* the director o6 *our de-artment to -ut together a +unchand+earn 8herein *ou 8i++ gi#e *our co8orers anintroduction to the conce-ts o6 internationa+ strateg* and organiDationa+ design:3 Create a !0 to !5s+ide icroso6t< Po8erPoint< -resentation:3 &ddress the 6o++o8ing to-ics4o .he re+e#ance o6 internationa+ strateg* to business-eo-+e

o .he g+oba+ strategic -+anning -rocess

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 NB 205 Wee ChecPoint C

h 20 %uestions

• 3 ,esources4 &--endi' $3 $ue $ate4 $a* 1 Indi#idua+ 6orum73 &ns8er the uestions in &--endi' $:

3 Post *our ans8ers as an attachment

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 NB 205 Wee F Ca-stone $%

• 3 $ue $ate4 $a* ain 6orum73 Post *our res-onse to these uestions4 In 8hat 8a*s has this course changed ho8 *ou #ie8 internationa+ busi

ness dea+ings> Which to-ic 8as most re+e#ant 6or *ou; and ho8 8i++ *ou a--+* 8hat *ou ha#e +earned

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 NB 205 Wee F "ina+ Pro@ect

E'-ort Business P+an

• Pro@ect4 E'-ort Business P+an

• 3 ,esource4 &--endi' &3 $ue $ate4 $a* A Indi#idua+ 6orum7

3 Consider the 6o++o8ing scenario4 9ou o8n *our o8n com-an* and 8ou+d +ie to go g+oba+J ,esearch a -otentia+ maret and -roduct to get *our e'-ort o-erations started and -resent *our 6indings to -otentia+ in#estors:3 Create a !5 to 20s+ide icroso6t< Po8erPoint< (-+usone re6erence s+ide) -resentation 8ith detai+ed s-eaer=s notes:3 Inc+ude at +east resources besides the te'tboo and 6 ormat them using &P& guide+ines:

3 E'-+ain 8h* and ho8 *ou made *our decision to e'-or

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 NB 205 Course Career Path B

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