  • 7/27/2019 InfoPack for a Language is a Culture


    Denizli Municipality City Council Facebook:

    Youth Assembly Twitter :

    Tel : +90 258 264 32 12

    Fax : +90 258 264 50

    Youth Exchange Project

    1.1 - Abstract Of The Project :

    In every country, there is any foreign languages to be taught at the schools but we

    know that is never enough to speak it well. The Foreign Language ( English) education

    method in Turkey is not more about grammer. Most of the time, our education system

    doesnt let our students speak English. It is mostly focused on writing or reading. We

    know that if somebody wants to learn a foreign language for example English- s/he

    must expose to speak it. But here in Turkey, the chance to speak a foreign language is

    very low.

    With this Project One Language is A Culture we aim to improve the speaking

    skills in foreign language for the youngsters. We will choose a group of young

    participants from local level ( Denizli ) for our training course. On the other hand, we

    will choose 15 voluntary trainers from 15 countries from 5 different continents. Theese

    15 voluntary trainers will lead the students in the speaking lessons.

    Moreover, these trainers will stay at theirs students homes. By doing this, the

    voluntary trainers will have the chance to explore Turkish traditions and culture by

    feeling it and on the other hand the Turkish participants will improve their knowledgeabout the culture of the foreign trainers. Thats why we choosed the name of the Project

    like this; A Language is A Culture.

    At the same time you will find a lot of cultural visits, city tours, picnics,

    competitions etc. While you are helping the students to improve their English language

    skills , you will learn Turkish in our course programme. This Project is not only a

    training course but also an intercultural meeting programme , a cultural learning

    programme , a brotherhood Project

    1. About Project

  • 7/27/2019 InfoPack for a Language is a Culture


    Denizli Municipality City Council Facebook:

    Youth Assembly Twitter :

    Tel : +90 258 264 32 12

    Fax : +90 258 264 50

    1.2 - Dates : 17-18 / 08 /2013 --- 28-29 / 09 / 2013 ( Total 6 weeks )

    1.3 - Location : Denizli / Turkey

    1.4 - Working Language : English

    1.5 - Participants : Look into the chart below

    Participants From Number Gender Age

    Europe Continent 7 4 F + 3 M

    Between 20-30

    Asia Continent 2 1 F + 1 M

    Africa Continent 2 1 F + 1 M

    South America Continent 2 1 F + 1 M

    North America Continent 2 1 F + 1 M

    (Only one participant from each country )

    Note : It doesnt matter wheter you are a student or not. We dont want any professors or

    teachers. We just want some volunteers

    1.6 - Costs : Please read carefully

    For Travel Costs you will buy your tickets by your own and we will reimburse

    your ticket by 80% in Denizli by cash. Dont forget that you can use only economy class

    flight , train and bus tickets. We will not pay taxi costs and your own car costs.

    In need ofvisa and insurance , We will reimburse %100 of your costs in Denizli

    by cash.

    Accomodation and food costs will be absorpted by us. That means you dont have

    to pay for anything except your special needs.

  • 7/27/2019 InfoPack for a Language is a Culture


    Denizli Municipality City Council Facebook:

    Youth Assembly Twitter :

    Tel : +90 258 264 32 12

    Fax : +90 258 264 50

    1.7 - Time Schedule For Project : (Draft Version )

    1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6. Week



    Arrivals Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time

    Meeting Dinner Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time



    City Tour Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time Training Course

    Road Map Meeting Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time Training Course



    Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course

    Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course



    Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course

    Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course


    Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course

    Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course



    Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Final Exams

    Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course Final Exams



    Cultural Visit Picnic Cultural Visit Cultural Visit Global Village Evaulation Party

    Cultural Visit Picnic Cultural Visit Cultural Visit Global Village Departures

    1.8 - Your Role in the Project :

    Being amiable Being talkative Being avid to learn Turkey and Turkish To Enjoy your time and Turkish Cuisin To feel relax.

    1.9 - Methodology :

    o We will choose the participants of the project before the course starts.o We will choose 15 voluntary trainers from different countries before the


    o After we determine the 15 trainers from different countries , we will send themlast info pack.

    o We have places like school classes for our training course in Denizli to be used inthe Project. We will use them.

    o We have a basic curriculum to do the training course. You will learn it in the lastinfo pack.

    o We will use non formal education techniques during the training course.

  • 7/27/2019 InfoPack for a Language is a Culture


    Denizli Municipality City Council Facebook:

    Youth Assembly Twitter :

    Tel : +90 258 264 32 12

    Fax : +90 258 264 50

    o In the first week our trainers will stay in a hotel in the city center. In the next 5weeks , they will stay with the students who are participating the training course

    and with their family in their own house. Every 7 days we will change their

    positions with other trainers. By this way , Trainers will meet a lot of local

    families. ( Female trainers will stay with female participants , Male trainers will

    stay with male participants)

    o During the programme we will pay all breakfast , lunch and dinner costs fortrainers.( There is a limit for this cost.You will see the details in the last info pack)

    2.1 - Organizer ( Who We Are ): Denizli Municipality City Council Youth Assembly

    This organization was founded in 2006. The name of our organization in previous years

    was local Agenda 21 Youth Assembly. And our council has made many successful projects over

    the years. n 2006, our council in accordance with article about the law of municipalities under

    the new name, Denizli municipality City Council Youth Aseembly. Civil society organizations,

    political parties, high schools, universities in representatives of our council construct. General

    Board elections are done on a regular basis every year. 16 people are elected to the Executive

    Board and This new Executive Board make their activities with 250-300 young people. All

    representatives of voluntary and age ranges are between 16-26.

    In addition we also pay attention to equality between women and men consistently and

    on a regular basis. Our goal is to raise awareness of all young people living in the city and to

    ensure the active participation of young people in the mechanisms of local governance. It also is

    one of the objectives is to raise awareness of social enterprise projects among young people.

    The main aims of the Denizli City Council Youth Assembly;

    To ensure active participation of young people in decision making at Local and nationaldemocratization process.

    Take an active role in resolving the issues related to youth and city. To represent city youth national, international and relevant organizations city level. Within the framework of national and international conventions protect the rights of youth

    and develop local and national level.

    Develope a sense of urban identity and belonging of young people.

    2. About Organizer and Application

  • 7/27/2019 InfoPack for a Language is a Culture


    Denizli Municipality City Council Facebook:

    Youth Assembly Twitter :

    Tel : +90 258 264 32 12

    Fax : +90 258 264 50

    2.2 - How you can apply ? :

    1. Step = Read info pack carefully2. Step = Use this link to view(Application Form )3. Step = Answer all questions in the form, fill it and send it online.4. Step = Well Done Mission accomplished5. Step = For further questions, dont hesitate to contact us.([email protected])

    2.3 Weather in Denizli and special places :

    Denizli is located in Aegean Region of Turkey, but the climate is not uniformly

    Aegean throughout the whole province. A terrestrial climate may be felt in the center

    of the province, because the area is like a pathway from the seaside to inland areas.

    The inland area is cooler than the seaside because of these climatic differences. The

    land is open to winds coming from the Aegean Sea because the mountains are

    perpendicular to the sea. Winters are rainy or sometimes snowy, but generally mild.

    The weather will be quiet hot in Denizli during the Project time, we guess But

    you dont have to be worry about that, because we will especially enjoy the


    The most special place is Pamukkale in Denizli. You can kindly check this link for

    further information about it:

    Beside this, we will Show you other places to have some rest or some fun

    You can find some information about Denizli in Google

    Deadline To Apply

    27 July 2013Saturday-5:00pm

    Note : We will announce the application results on 30. July 2013 (9

    pm) in our official At the same time

    you will receive an e-mail about your application result.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/27/2019 InfoPack for a Language is a Culture


    Denizli Municipality City Council Facebook:

    Youth Assembly Twitter :

    Tel : +90 258 264 32 12

    Fax : +90 258 264 50

    Come, come, whoever you are,Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving,Ours is not a caravan of despair.Even if you have broken your vows a thousand timesIt doesnt matterCome, come yet again, come

    Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi

    This Project is supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports

    under the programme of youth projects in Year 2013