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Number of journal : 2/12

Week of practicum : Second Week

Date : 9th February 2015 13th February 2015

Title : Classroom Management


Pupils getting restless as time goes by

Fighting and shouting in the class to answer teachers questions


Pupils getting restless as time goes by

One of main problems I have encountered so far has been little attention span during my teaching and learning process in the class. As I move on to the next stage of activity, some of the pupils became less attentive and started to do their own work including disturbing other pupils. There are a few of the pupils having problems in getting focused. These pupils are largely boys as they are the majority gender in the class. Since they are active, they tend to move about and most of the times, they are almost restless. I have to stop for several times in my lesson, call out their names just to drag them back into the lesson which I think is quite wasting my time.

Fighting and shouting in the class to answer teachers questions

Some of the pupils fight with each other just to answer my questions. This has caused my class to be out of control and very noisy at the same time. The pupils also blamed me for not choosing them to answer the questions and will shout the answers just to get my attention.

Inner voice

I find it hard for me to control a class with the majority of boys. I encountered the same problem in my previous school as boys are always the ones making noise and disrupting the class.

New awareness

I really hope I can handle them better in the next class. Reward system is very crucial in improving my classroom control because younger pupils enjoy being rewarded.

Future action plan

Children are active and that is a fact that I must duly absorb. I should exploit this by having a physical activities in the class in which they can run but in a controlled manner. Apart from that, I also will always keep an eye on those boys who keep on misbehaving and find some activity that might attract them to enjoy the lesson that I teach on that day.

I will try to memorise their name so that I do not have to ask who wants to answer my question to the pupils. I also will give opportunity to the pupils who are quite in the class so that they realised that I noticed them in the class.

Time period for future action plans

I will try to solve these issue or at least prepare myself with any unexpected situations or upcoming issues within one week. I need to keep my teaching and learning skills at lower level to keep up with their progression and always monitor the pupils, and not to mention, be friendly but firm at the same time towards the pupils so that they are open to me and willing to discuss their problems to me. I also should give more attention to the misbehave pupils by observing their work to make sure they still in the same pace as their friends.

Checked by mentor Approved by supervisor


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