

MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am, 11:00 am , 5:00 pm Monday: Morning Prayer with Communion, 8:30 am Tuesday: Morning Prayer with Communion, 8:30 am Wednesday: Morning Prayer, 8:30 am Mass, 6:00 pm Thursday: 8:30 am Friday: 8:30 am Adoration: Wednesday: 7:30 - 8:30 am First Friday: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm

SACRAMENTAL NEEDS Confessions: Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment.

Sacrament of the Sick: Available after any Mass by appointment or call the Parish Office.

Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals and Pastoral Care: Call the Parish Office at 360-695-1366

STAFF Pastor: Fr. Woody McCallister Deacon: Tim Shamrell Deacon: David Robinson Faith Formation: Katelyn Greenlee Music Director: Teresa Dody Youth Minister: Matt Nelson Volunteer Coordinator: Mary Hernandez Business Manager: Jim Potter Principal: Holly Rogers: 360-696-2301 Facilities Supervisor: Randy Askman

Catholic Community Services Volunteer Services: Carolyn Brown: 360-213-2403

4723 NW FRANKLIN ST * VANCOUVER, WA 98663 * 360-695-1366 * WWW.OLLPARISH.ORG

June 23, 2019 | The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

MISSION Encounter Christ by living our faith, serving the community,

and supporting each other.




We are currently at 99% of our goal with 39% of our families participating. Turn in your pledge en-velope today or donate at All money received over this goal will be rebated back to us and used to

replace our organ.

Called & Gifted If any parishioners, or group of parishioners, would be interested in studying and discerning your God given spiritual gifts over the summer, resources are now avail-able as a follow up to the Called & Gifted seminar host-ed at Our Lady of Lourdes. For those who did not have a chance to attend the seminar, introductory materials and videos (along with participant guides) are available for check out and study. If you DID attend Called & Gift-ed, but wish to further discern and study your spiritual gifts, "Discernment in Depth" materials are available for check out. If you have questions about this opportunity you may contact Mary Hernandez in the Parish Office or Sean Denniston at [email protected] (916) 599-2327. We have only one set of materials and videos for each study, so please call ahead to ensure materials are available in the Parish Office.

Valley Homestead Volunteer Opportunity If you would like to sign up for a shift to serve at the Val-ley Homestead Emergency Housing shelter, contact Mary Hernandez in the Parish Office. We will soon have access to the online calendaring program through Share, but for now we ask you to contact Mary to sign up for a Monday in July or August. Also, if you returned a form indicating you would like to help but have not been contacted, call Mary 360-695-1366 ext. 301 or [email protected].

Vacation Bible School VBS runs from July Your children won’t want to miss out on this fun event! Register online at Teen volunteer applications are available in the Parish Office and on the bulletin board in the hallway. Adult volunteers, contact Katelyn in the Parish Office.

Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. At one time, this day was called Corpus Christi, Latin for “the Body of Christ.” In the most recent revision of the lit-urgy, the name for this day is ex-panded to be a more complete reflec-tion of our Eucharistic theology. The feeding of the 5,000 is the only one of Jesus' miracles to appear in all four Gospels. Luke places it be-

tween Herod's question, “Who is this about whom I hear such things?” and Peter's response to Jesus' question about who he thought Jesus was: “You are the Messiah of God.” In Luke the feeding is not the result of Jesus' com-passion for the crowd but is instigated by the disciples. They wanted Jesus to send the crowd away to town. In-stead Jesus tells the disciples to give them some food on their own. The passage is meant to remind us of two feedings in the Old Testament: the feeding of the Israelites in the desert and Elisha's feeding of 100 people with 20 loaves in 2 Kings 4:42-44. It is also connected to the institution of the Eucharist. As in the Last Supper accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Luke and in Paul's account in 1 Corinthians 11:23-24, Jesus takes bread, looks up to heaven, blesses the bread, breaks it, and then gives it to the disciples. In using this exact language, Luke is reminding his readers that in this miracle Jesus is doing more than feeding hun-gry people as God did for the Israelites and the prophet Elisha did as well. The bread he gives is his body, which he will continue to give as often as the community breaks bread in remembrance of him in the Eucharist. In our age of fast food and eating on the go, families often find that they are not eating meals together at a dinner table. As a family, look back over the past week and recall how many meals were eaten together and how many meals were eaten alone or on the run. Today I invite you to talk about the kinds of hungers that people have in ad-dition to physical hunger. Describe the hungers that a family nourishes (love, compassion, forgiveness, laughter, and so on). Together give thanks for the food that Jesus gives us that we celebrate on this Sunday's feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus.

Katelyn Greenlee

Faith Formation



14th Annual Lourdes Legacy Golf Tournament Registration

Save your spot for the 14th Annual Lourdes Legacy Golf Tournament, Friday, August 23, 2019, 1:00pm at Camas Mead-ows Golf Course! Sponsorship opportuni-ties are available. To learn more, contact [email protected]! Enrolling Now for 2019-2020 If you are considering a Catholic education, we would love to show you around the school, please contact Vikki Pynenburg at [email protected]. With high academic standards and dedicated teachers, our small school leads the way in teaching to the whole child from preschool through 8th grade.

Scrip News · Please note that 5pm Masses may not be covered

June - August. Scrip Team will be covering 9am and 11am Masses until school comes back into session Fall 2019. We are also currently looking for new sellers. If you would like to help your parish with this ministry or are new to Our Lady of Lourdes School, please note that the SCRIP TEAM NEEDS YOU! We will start summer training June 23rd, 2019. See Marcela Mahoney, Scrip Coordinator, if interested.

· See’s Chocolates are available now year long through our SCRIP PROGRAM. Email Marcela ([email protected]) to see what she has availa-ble. Limited to items on hand until September 2019.


Help is Here! A free presentation on “What You Need to Know When Family or Friends Have Dementia” will be held on Thurs-day, June 27th, at the Providence Benedictine Nursing Center Orchard House Community Room in Mt. Angel, Oregon from 7-8:30 pm. RSVP to 503-845-6841.

Grief to Grace Grief to Grace Oregon Inc. is a nonprofit, nonpartisan ministry dedicated to bringing healing and reclaiming hu-man dignity for survivors of childhood, adolescent or adult traumatic sexual, physical, domestic or ritual abuse. For more information or to register for the next retreat go to

Married Couples Take the best summer vacation you could have by attending a Worldwide Mar r iage Encoun te r Weekend! Spend quality time with the person you vowed to love for a lifetime. Sign up to-day to renew and enrich your marriage on a WWME Weekend on July 19-20, in Boise, ID. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.

Natural Family Planning Do you want to learn a natural method of family planning either to avoid or achieve pregnancy? Are you interested in a method that is in line with Church teaching and works with your body? The Creighton Model FertilityCare System helps couples understand and manage their fer-tility together. Husbands play a key role in the process, learning to read the couple’s chart and understand days of fertility. The “issue” of fertility is no longer on one spouse’s shoulders, but the couple uses the program together, motivating each other to bring about success. Contact Erin Welsh, CFCP at: holyfamilyferti l i ty@gmail .com or check out for more information.

Ad of the Week

Salmon Creek Oral Surgery

& Periodontics

Craig Wm. Wong, DMD

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Dental Implants 360-695-2400

June 15 & 16, 2019

Sunday: $12,566

Children’s Collection: $1.79

Father’s Day $355


Stewardship From a Heart

of Gratitude Free Organ Concert Internationally-acclaimed Austrian organist, Lukas Has-ler, will perform a concert featuring works by Bach, Mo-zart and Mendelssohn on the historic pipe organ at the Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater on June 30th at 7pm. The concert is free to all, although free-will of-ferings will be accepted. A reception will follow the con-cert.

Emmy White, Megan Wood, Christel Greer, Kandy Thomas, Betty Lillard, Terry Thomas, Stephanie Hollmer, Amanda Okazaki, Ross Rubbelke, Dorothy Erickson, Cheryl Beck, Rita Ulrich, Mary Vavrosky, Lois Gar-wood, Virginia Barber, Bill Gruber, Payton Desormeaux, Elija Amies,

Donna Brooks, Joan Blair, Fred and Brad Walker, Dave Grove, AJ Schiefelbein, Katie King, Rose Ridgik, Claire Quero, JoJo Chavez, Betty Brusseau, Lisa Wheatley, Don & Karen Rose, Ryan Evans, Debbie Connell, Mary Crosley, Wayne & Carol Anderson, Elizabeth Van-deberg, Mary Lois Damm, Paul O’Neil, Jackie Stephens, Joe Crowley, Sharon Rollins, Mary Franck, Roberta Kof-fler, Leslie Josephson, Mike Lyons, Bill Stricker, Lucy Miller, Arden Manning, Jim McClafferty, Bob Kuzma, Brysen Tyler Kubat, Liam Daily, Shirley Pratka, Arlene Klobucnik, McKinsey Boyer, Ray Schmidt, Josh Sulli-van, David Beamguard, Adam & Anthony Morison, Bob Valley, Joe Rigney, Lois Bourinskie, John Hudert, Doro-thy Helley, Lisa Bayautet, Matt Wood, Phillip Lundy, Marion Kanthak, Don & Donna Mattes, Becky Mowdy, Ann & Gerald Kiely, Brady Gordon & Family, Josh Lin-go, Dennis Meade, Sharon Telkamp. Jim Horn, Cecilia Rutledge, Eunice Bailey, Bob & Aida Leverman, Jan Repman, Regan Smith, Barbara Kilpatrick, Bob Madison, Dennis Zoet, Evelyn Allen and Family, To-ny Malone, Richard Gregory, Margaret Deacon, Kathleen Rigney, Jon & Kathy Rawitzer and all in need of our prayers. Call extension 360-695-1366, ext.102 to add someone to the prayer list.

Summer Music Camp OLL will be hosting a summer music camp -- FREE!! This is a chance to get your feet wet and try singing or experiencing music in a different way. There is something for everyone. Classes are July 8-13th here at OLL Monday-Friday as follows: 9:30-10:30 Beginning Voice class 11:00-12:30 Intermediate Voice/Rhythm Reading 1:00 - 2:30 Youth music camp - Topic: Jesus' life as a kid (looking at Jewish customs, music, games, etc.) 2:45-3:15 Prayer and song - a time to pray and experience sacred music from various traditions 6:30-8:30 Choir rehearsal. This is for new and experienced. We will work on sacred as well as non-sacred music. Fun times!! On Saturday July 13th we will sing for Mass at 5pm and then present a short concert in the gym with an ice cream social! To register or inquire with questions email [email protected].


Jun 27 School Office Closes

Jun 28-29 Peter’s Pence Collection

Jun 30 St. Vincent de Paul Breakfast

Jul 8-12 Vacation Bible School

Aug 23 Golf Tournament

Contact the Parish Office or the parish website calendar for

detailed information on these events.


Jun 24 AM Prayer & Communion, 8:30am Jun 25 AM Prayer & Communion, 8:30am Jun 26 Mass, 6:00pm Jun 27 Mass, 8:30am Jun 28 Mass, 8:30am Jun 29 Mass, 5:00pm Jun 30 Mass for Barbara Bayautet, 9:00am Jun 30 Mass, 11:00am Jun 30 Mass for OLL Community, 5:00pm

Friends of the Poor® 5K Walk/Run Saturday, September 28th

Help others by: Sponsoring this event; creating a team; participating as a walker. Register and select Washington and the Vancouver/Brush Prairie event. Once registered, start collecting pledges. If you would like to learn more about sponsor-ing, please visit or Questions: Call 360-694-5388 x101.

Peter’s Pence Collection The Peter’s Pence Collection has ancient roots that reach all the way back to New Testament times. The early Christians provided material support that the disci-ples - those preaching the Gospel - could distribute to those in need (see Acts 4:34-35, 11:29). Today, the Peter’s Pence Collection is the way we, as members of the Catholic church, untie ourselves to the concerns fo the Holy Father. Donations to this collection support the charitable works of Pope Francis for the relief of those most in need around the world. Use the envelopes in the pews or donate on our website:

Traveling this summer?

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