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E n I n t E r n at I o n a l S t u d E n t E r E k S a m E n I k o l d I n g

På Kolding Gymnasium tilbyder vi The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, forkortet IB.

IB er en international studentereksamen, der nyder stor interna-tional anerkendelse og giver adgang til de store universiteter i udlandet. I Danmark anerkendes den på linje med en almindelig dansk studentereksamen.

Undervisningen foregår på engelskPå verdensplan er der over 2000 skoler fordelt på 129 lande med et samlet elevtal på ca. 500.000. Hver enkel skole skal godkendes af den internationale IB-organisation. Uddannelsens opbygning og faglige krav er internationalt fastlagt, og der er et tæt samarbejde mellem de forskellige IB-skoler. Kolding Gymnasium indgår derfor i et omfattende internationalt netværk.

IB består i Danmark normalt af et 3-årigt forløb. Det første år kaldes ”Pre-IB” eller ”Pre-DP” og består af et efterårssemester, der svarer til grundforløbet i gymnasieskolen og et forårssemester, med en fagrække, der er en forberedelse til det egentlige Diploma Programme (IB) Al undervisningen foregår som nævnt på engelsk.

Efter Pre-IB følger “IB Diploma Programme”, som er 2-årigt.

Det er dog muligt at skifte over i en dansk gymnasieklassse efter grundforløbet på Pre-IB.

Optagelse på IB forudsætter gennemført 1. g eller tilsvarende baggrund.

Elever med 10. eller 11. klasse fra en udenlandsk skole kan optages direkte på det 2-årige IB Diploma Programme.

Indholdet i Pre-IB (1. år):Fagrækken består af følgende fag:Fysik, matematik, engelsk, dansk*, tysk, historie, samfundsfag, billedkunst, idræt, kemi, biologi.

* Dansk for elever med dansk som modersmål eller med danskkundskaber, der kvalificerer til optagelse i en dansk 1. g.

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Indholdet i IB Diploma Programme (de følgende 2 år):I det egentlige IB program vælger eleverne selv deres fag fra 6 faggrupper. Man kan vælge fag på “standard level”, svarende til 150 undervisningstimer, eller på “higher level”, svarende til 240 undervisningstimer.

FagrækkenDer skal vælges ét fag fra hver faggruppe. Mindst tre og højst fire vælges på “higher level”*. Følgende fag forventes tilbudt på Kolding Gymnasium.

Højt niveau Standard niveau

Sprog A1 Dansk Dansk Engelsk Engelsk

Andet sprog A2 Engelsk Engelsk

Sprog B Tysk Tysk Dansk Dansk Engelsk Engelsk

Begyndersprog Fransk Spansk

Individ og samfund Historie Historie Økonomi Økonomi Filosofi Filosofi

Naturvidenskab Kemi Kemi Fysik Fysik Biologi Biologi Matematik Matematik Matematik højt niveau Matematiske studier Kreative fag Billedkunst Musik

* I stedet for at vælge et fag i gruppe 6, kan man vælge et ekstra fag i grupperne 2 til 4.

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I IB programmet indgår, som et særligt element, “Theory of Knowledge”, forkortet TOK. Det er et tværfagligt undervisnings-program, som belyser grundlaget for den viden, eleverne tilegner sig i de forskellige fag.

Et andet særkende for IB-programmet er det element, der kaldes Creativity, Action, Service, forkortet CAS. Det indebærer, at eleverne i løbet af IB skal deltage i kreative aktiviteter, sport, sociale aktiviteter eller foreningsaktiviteter i eller uden for skolen.

EksamenEksamen er international. Det vil sige, at eksamens-opgaverne i de fleste tilfælde stilles af den internationale IB-administration. De fleste eksaminer er skriftlige.

Et tilbud til danskere og udlændingeIB er et glimrende tilbud til unge udlændinge,hvis familier opholder sig i Danmark i en kortere eller længere årrække, og til unge danskere med en international baggrund. Flytter ens forældre til udlandet under IB-forløbet, vil man kunne fortsætte sin ungdomsuddannelse på en IB-skole i det land, man rejser til; forudsat at der er en IB-skole i nærheden og at skolen vil optage eleven. Man skal her være opmærksom på, at mange IB-skoler i udlandet er private og derfor kræver betaling for undervisningen. Man kan orientere sig om IB-skoler over hele verden via IBO’s Webside:

IB er også et spændende tilbud til andre unge danskere,der har mod på at begynde en krævende ungdomsuddannelse af internationalt tilsnit, en uddannelse, der netop er blevet skabt som et svar på nutidens globaliseringstendenser.

E n I n t E r n at I o n a l S t u d E n t E r E k S a m E n I k o l d I n g

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OrienteringsmødeDatoer for orienteringsmøder på Kolding Gymnasium

Tirsdag den 26. januar 2010 kl. 19.00-21.00 Lørdag den 30. januar 2010 kl. 13.00-15.00

Optagelse på Pre-IBMan kan søge om optagelse på Pre-IB, hvis man opfylder kravenetil optagelse på gymnasiets 1. g eller har tilsvarende kvalifikationer.Ansøgning om optagelse foregår via Du skal desuden udfylde en særlig blanket, som hentes på skolens hjemmeside,, hvor der også findes vejledning til ansøgning.

Optagelse på IB DiplomaOptagelse på IB forudsætter gennemført 1. g eller tilsvarende baggrund.Optagelse forudsætter normalt, at ansøgeren kommer til samtale på skolen.Du skal udfylde en særlig blanket, som hentes på skolens hjemmeside,, hvor der også findes vejledning til ansøgning.

StartPå Kolding Gymnasium Pre-IB og IB i august 2010.Ansøgningsfristen for Pre-IB og IB er den 15. marts 2010.

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a n I n t E r n at I o n a l P r E - u n I v E r S I t y E d u c at I o n P r o g r a m m E I n k o l d I n g

Kolding Gymnasium offers The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, IB for short.

IB is an international pre-university education programme, which enjoys widespread international recognition and respect and can give access to the major universities of the world. In Denmark, IB is recognised as being equivalent to the Danish Upper Secondary School Diploma (studentereksamen).

Teaching is in EnglishThere are more than 2000 schools in over 129 participating countries encompassing around 500,000 students. Each of these schools has to be officially approved by the International Baccalaureate Organisation. The teaching curriculum and subject syllabi are laid down internationally and there is close co-operation between IB schools.

So Kolding Gymnasium is part of a widespread international network.

In Denmark , IB is offered as a three-year course. The first year is called “Pre-IB” or “Pre-DP” and in the autumn term corresponds with the foundation programme for the ordinary gymnasium,

whereas the spring term consists of a subject programme that is designed to prepare students for beginning the IB Diploma proper. All teaching is conducted in English.

Following the “Pre-IB” year comes the main “IB Diploma Programme”, which is a two-year course. It is also still possible to transfer to the ordinary gymnasium at the end of the foundation programme in ”Pre-IB”

Students who have completed 10 or 11 years of basic education in another country may be admitted directly to the IB Diploma Programme.

The Pre-IB course programme (1st year):The foundation programme consists of the following subjects:Physics, Mathematics, English, Danish*, German, History, Social Science, Art, PE, Chemistry, Biology

* For students with Danish as their first language or with Danish at the necessary level for admission to the first year of the Danish Gymnasium.

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The IB Diploma Programme (the next two years):In the IB Diploma programme students choose their subjects from each of 6 subject groups. A subject may be taken at standard level (recommended minimum 150 hours), or higher level (recommended minimum 240 hours). One subject must be chosen from each subject group. At least three, and no more than four, must be taken at higher level. Kolding Gymnasium expects to offer the subjects shown on the right.*

An important feature of the IB programme is Theory of Knowledge, or TOK for short. This is an inter-disciplinary course which encourages students to reflect critically on the systems of knowledge used in their various subjects.

Another special element in the IB programme is what is known as Creativity, Action, Service, or CAS for short. This involves students participating in creative activities, sport, community service projects and clubs or associations during the IB course, within or outside of school.

ExaminationsThe examinations are administered internationally. This means that, in most cases, examination tasks are set centrally by the international IB Organisation. The majority of examinations are written.

Higher Level Standard Level

Language A1 Danish Danish English English

Language A2 English English

Language B German German Danish Danish English English

Language ab initio French Spanish

Individuals and History HistorySocieties Economics Economics Philosophy Philosophy

Experimental Sciences Chemistry Chemistry Physics Physics Biology Biology Mathematics and Maths High Maths Standard Computer Science Maths Studies The Arts Visual Arts Music

* Instead of choosing a subject in group 6 (The Arts), students may choose an additional subject from groups 2 to 4.

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An opportunity for both Danish students and students from abroadIB is obviously not only a wonderful opportunity for young students from abroad whose families are based in Denmark in the short or long term, but also for Danes with an international background. Furthermore, if the parents of a student move abroad during the IB course, he or she will be able to continue studying in an IB school in the new country. Many IB schools outside of Scandinavia are private, where you must pay a tuition fee. You can find a directory of all IB schools on IBO’s website:

IB is also an exciting opportunity for other young Danes who have the will to embark upon a demanding education programme with an international dimension, a programme that has been purpose-built to meet the challenges of today’s global society.

In August 2010 we will be offering both the 2-year IB Diploma Programme and Pre-IB. Applications must be received no later than 15th March 2010.

Admission to Pre-IBYou can apply for admission to Pre-IB, if you fulfil the requirements for admission to the first year of the general gymnasium, or have equivalent qualifications. Applications should be made through . You should also fill in a special school application form that is available on the school’s web-site,, where you can also find further guidance on applying.

Admission to IB DiplomaTo be admitted to the Diploma programme, you should have completed 1g of the Danish Gymnasium, Pre-IB or have an equivalent level of education. Admission will normally require an interview at the school. Applications are made on the application form that is available on the school’s web-site,, where you can also find further guidance on applying.

Information MeetingsThe following information meetings will be held at Kolding Gymnasium: Tuesday 26th January 2010 at 7.00 - 9.00 pmand Saturday 30th January 2010 at 1.00 - 3.00 pm

a n I n t E r n at I o n a l P r E - u n I v E r S I t y E d u c at I o n P r o g r a m m E I n k o l d I n g

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a n I n t E r n at I o n a l P r E - u n I v E r S I t y E d u c at I o n P r o g r a m m E I n k o l d I n g

After an amazing year In the US, as an exchange student, the last thing I wanted to do was to go back to the old routines and same well-known people. I wanted to experience something new. My mom knew and was the one who told me about IB.IB is not the same old routines and every person you meet is so different. In IB people are hard working individuals with a goal, all with different personalities and from different cultures. IB is challenging and different. I like it.Kathrine Henneberg 3.i

I was born in Ireland by Danish parents and lived in Dublin until I was 16. Luckily, I found IB at Kolding Gymnasium where I jumped straight into 2i and never looked back! IB is very demanding and brings out the best in you. Students have to be very determined and focused in order to achieve satisfactory results. There are many interesting subjects to choose from, and as IB students come from many different backgrounds, there is never a dull moment!. IB is a challenge which makes going to school a lot more interes ting. Finally, with an IB diploma it is easier to get into a university abroad.Thomas Juhl Jensen 3.i

One of the reasons I chose IB was, that I was attracted to the idea of an international school full of people with different backgrounds. The other one was that, I thought it would be exciting and practical for me to have lessons in English, since I want to study English in the future along my German and Bosnian. I have not regretted choosing it, even though it sometimes is hard work. I know it is going to pay off in the end. Besides, I like being challenged every day with different things that IB has to offer. Enisa Zukanovic 3i

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