Page 1: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose



^ J


• !



Kt2§ .(1 0-46545 4-16-6 3

0 -44423 . 7-27-6X -

F-X03X36 X

D-49817 10 -25 -63 F-104364 •\

D-52796 8-27-64 FI20396

0-44707 9-29-6X F-67630

D-5255? 8-20-64 F103366

DeHorro ld Raymond H e tux D-4645X Q u l t e i o l n Deed-Woodmon 6-4-62 Ave-3hermon Woy t o V i o t o r y ^

DeHaven Avenue D-49731 Por L 1 4 2 4 , Tr 25807 10-11-63 F u t u r e S t r e e t ( R e s o l ) PIO3696

D e f t y E s t e l l e Easrat Deed- Gage Ave Son ' ' e d r o St t o Bdwy

Def ty E s t e l l e Agrmt- Gage Ave-San i-edro S t t o Bdwy

De^ Oarmo Aye L o t s i n Tr 22489-2098X-X9xl8 - ' ' u t u r e S t Oed

De Garmo AveK^ Lot 1 Tr 21058-F u t u r e S t D e d i c a t i o n

De Caiino Avenue^ r o r Lo'.-. 15 T r 1S972 F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

DeGerrao Avo Lot 49 Tr 16475 F u t u r e S t D e d i c a t i o n

Do Garmo Avenue Por Lot 49 T r 13475 Futui^o S t r o o t DcU

Del la'.'en Ave .iuc • 1-or Lo-cs 244 Tr 25504

Fu'l-U 10 S t r e e t Ded

De Haven Ave Lot 23 Tr 2098X F u t u r e S t D e d i c a t i o n

De Haven Avenue Por Lot 14 T r 18972 F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

30 Hovon Avo (NE/s) SS/o Paddock St Pu tu ro S t dad

D-52796 I 8-27-64 • Fl 20396 -.

D-44423 ! 7 - 2 7 - 6 1 P-X03X36 -.

D-52483 8-21-64 • ! FI20320 - '

D-47082 I 3 - 1 1 - 6 3 -P-1057C8 - '

De Heao Ce l so e t a l Agrmt-Gage Ave-Son Pedro S t t o Bdwy

0-47969 2-22-63 I

de Hesa C r l s o eastnt f o r Gage Ave i;na I d r o t o Brdwy

aoKorne Johannes H e t u x A g r m t - P a c l f i c lne C t /Zoohyr Ct

D-47968 4 -5 -63

D-48379 10-30-62 P-76733

D e l a g e s s y Evelyn D-52762 Easement Deed 9 -3 -64 LaTuna Cyn Rd b e t Wheat l a n d fc Glenoaks

Delano S t r e e t D-51623 Por Lot 1374137 5-21-64 '•

T r a c t 13989 F8OO83 I'Xiture S t r e e t Ded

DeLara Mario 4 Nedra E D-45667 Ensn t Daed-Na t l ck Ave- 1-25-62 K o r t e n s e / V a l l e y h e a r t Dr

De La n e s e Je s ' j s e t u x 0-46120 Of fe r t o Ded-Lot 203 6-11-62 Washington Park

Delco Ave D-49178 Lot 158 4 137 T r 21244 8 -2 -63 F u t u r e St d e d i c a t i o n P-106464

De Leva Anr.elo o t -.,u: D-50ii33 O f f e r t o Ded - 985 V/ 2 -24-64 -9 t h 3 t

Dol F a n t e V e n e r l o e t a l 0-47558 Of fe r of d e d - P t n Lot 262 2 - 6 - 6 3 ' Tr 1000 ,N/3 Oxnard St Wly Senu lveda Blvd

D e l f l n o St 0-46807 Lot 4 Tr 19076 6 -12-63 F u t u r e St D e d i c a t i o n F-92229 I

Oelgado Manuel B D-5003d Easmt O e e d - S p r i n g v a l e 11-20-63 r Dr b e t H i r i e / O l e a n d e r F-1C9932 ^'

"De l igeann i s B a r b a r a D-47673 Easement Deed- 2 - 1 3 - 6 3 Beseda Blvd 4 Vanowen S t I D ^

J O e l l s i o Cjirmlne e t u x _ 0-45x82 Easmt Deed-Art S t fc 1-4-62 D r o n f l e l d Ave I 0

O e l i t a D r i v e J"!}^^?^ var l o t s TP 20679 9 - 2 6 - 6 1 ' F u t u r e S t D e d i c a t i o n F-978o8

D e l i t a Dr ive D-52078 Lots 7 4 3 T r a c t 24802 7 - 1 - 6 4 Fu tu re S t r e e t Ded F I I9649

— D e l l n e r C F 4 Diane D-49238 Easmnt Deed 8-63 Nassau k v )

De l lo rco r ' r a n c i s e t a l D-5C255 r- ,^uitcjaira Deed-San Sen U-27-o3 ' . ,

L i t r o b e Av Nly K c n t e c l t o 4 SF.1v Senova P.l i^r .H'j

Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- H i l l r o s e S t 3 -25 -63 4 Oro V i s t a Avo I 0

D e l o z l e r E d i t h S D-51515 Easmnt Deed El Segundo 4 -7 -64 F igue roa t o Vermont

DeLoz ie r , E d i t h S . D-5I516 Agrmnt - El Segundo, 4 - 7 - 6 4 F i g u e r o a 3 t t o Verraont.

D e l t a Pl Bldg Co D-53213 909 W Adams- Blvd 12-11-64 -Fu tu r e S t r e e t Ded

DelVecchio Carmela D-44469 Easmt Deed-Runnymeds S t 8 -4 -61 k P a i r Ave SD P-96460

D e l z e l l R L e t u x D-47285 Easmt Deed-Sherman Way 12-3-62 N/S i^ly H a z e l t i n e Ave

' Je l Zoppo G r a t i a e t u x 0-4784E Offer t o Oed- Lot l 8 l 3 -11 -63 Tr IOOO

)e M e r c e l d a D-56308 Q u i t c l a i m Deed- Commerce Avc 4 o t h e r R/,-; »U" Valmont 4 - 2 3 - 6 4

Oe Marco F-ank J r e t a i D-46149 o f f e r ded Lot 4 Tr 1167 6-19-62 Temple S t

DeMarco Sara e t a l D-45722 Easmt Deed-Al ley Sly 3 -7 -62 Sherman Way 4 Wly P u l t o n Ave

OeMet P e t e r 0-45069 Easrat Deed.^ufflatpa DP 1 2 - 6 - 6 1 Nly t o Mulhoi lond Dr F-6382I

de Moss George J T5-46294 Eoamt Deed-Oxnard S t b e t 7 - 3 - 6 3 W h i t s e t t Ave 4 Wiy P-95008

Derapaoy Avo 0-53234 Por Lo t s 243 Bl 28 12-3 -54 T r a c t 2955 PI21143 F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Dempsey Ave D-43762 Lot 3 Tr 16365 .* -3x-6 l P u t u r e a t D e d i c a t i o n F- iOxxx8

Dempsey Ave D-45559 Lots 3 4 5 TP 19487 3 -23-62 Puturo s t r e e t d e d l c a t l o n P - 6 1 7 5 2

Oerapsey Ave 0 - 4 6 7 x 5 Lot 3 T P X8365 •• 10 -2 -62 Fu tupe S t D e d i c a t i o n P -10 i783

Dempsey Avenue D-50OIO Por Lot 3 , T r a c t I8365 1 2 - 3 - 6 3 fc Por Lot 1 3 , T r 26OO6 F111309#S P u t u r e S t r e e t

^ )

Page 2: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

1 Dempsey Ave . 0-53235 : r Por Lot 3 Bl 28 Tr 2955 12-3-64 / Future Street Ded F121143

Jempsey Avenue D-53106 Lot 4 Tract 19487 & 10-29-64 Por Lot 19 Tract 24130 F109566 Puture Street Ded

Dempsey Ave IM;9133 Ptn Lots 43-44 Tr 18136 7-22-63 ' ptn lots 5-9 Tr 21160 P-111259 Futuro St dedication . , ' '

Den Adel Stanley P et ux 0-45966 Easement Deed- 5-9-62 • Lessen St-Louise Ave to F-99899 Ely Encino Aye

, Oenison Karry E et ux 0-44815 Police Dept-Bampart 9-1-61 Statn-Temple St 4 Benton Way

Denker Ave - . IM;9024 Ptn Lot 20 Tr 19439- 7-15-63 Puture St dedloation F-114262

Denker Ave Ely of 0-50292 2l8th St Sly of 12-31-63 •

Puture Street Ded P111309#4

Denker Ave E/o D-52372 224th St S/o 8-13-64

Future Street Ded

Denker Ave Ely/o 0-53256 224th St Sly/o 12-14-64 Future Street Ded FU1309#5

Denni, Jos.A. et ux, et al D-51313 , Agrmnt - Broad Ave(W/S) 2-18-64 Lomita to Q Street,

Denni St H 100 Putui-e Streot Ded

Dennis Oront E etol Orant Deed-Bur Sonit WLA Dist Yard

D-52260 8-4-64 P109506#l

D-46348 4-11-62

0-48717 Dennison Eleanor A _ _, Offer to Oed- Lot 42- 5-31-63 St Lobons Loke Pl- 2355 ^lendal

• Blvd Dennison Eleanor A D-49155

3169 Cheviot Vista Pl 7-29-63

,e b-

5606 Oensiy Avenue 0-49711 Puture Street (Resol) 10-15-63


Densmore Ave D-46316 Lot 82 Tr 12053 7-23-62 Future St Dedlcotion P-XOb646

Dentzel Carl .Schaefer etal D-50183 Off Ded-Lot 128 of Zelzah 18860 Nordhoff St 12-12-63

Denver Ave 17501 D-527'72 Puture Street Dcd 10-3-64

De Polo N V ft Louise 0-49820 Offer to Dad Lot 11- IO-63 Tr 12148-1360 S Bundy

Oe Pe jw H K etol 0-45290 Eosrat Deod-AUey Nly 1-10-62 Vanowen St 4 Ely Hellingham Ave

"De Pauw St 15205 D-51265 Comsnr's Deed 4-16-64 Alba Corona et al

OeHeraer Joanne etol D-436u2 Agrmt-Arcos Hr 4 2-i5-6x Yucatan Ave I D P-8629u

OeHeraer Joanne etol D-436u3 Agrmt-Arcos Dr fc 2-X5-61 Yuootan Ave I 0 F-66290

DerfXer Alfred David etux D-45262 Easrat Deed-"llsey Ave 1-29-62 Summitrose St to Apperson F-92662

. St Sewer Dist


y Oerr John F etal 0-48391 4 ' T Agrmt- 60th St fc Zayanta 4-17-6;,

/ Dr 4 othor sts imp F-IO36O2

Desmond St Lot 21 Tr 23420 Future St Dedication

0,46193 6-29-62 P-101993

Desmond Street 0-459X3 Lot 22 Tr 23420 5-3-62 Future St Oedioatlon F-X05483

Desmond Street D-50286 Por Lot 49, Tract 16122 12-30-63 Future Street (Resol) F113471

De Soto Ave Tract 23938 Puture st ded

De Soto Avenue Por Lot 19 Tr 24615 Future Street Ded

0-44911 « 11-16-61 P-104234

D-52481 8-31-64 F85146#4

De Soto Avenue D-52488 Por Lots 36-43 fc 51- 8-18-64 54 Tr 6357 4 Lots 1006 PI20293 & 1019 Tr 1000 Puture .St Ded

De Soto Ave, L o t s 97 ,98499 ,Tr 20036 L o t s l i m i i e , Tr 20037 F u t u r e S t Ded (Reso l )

Oe Soto Ave Lot l O l f Tr 1000-F u t u r e St D e d i c a t i o n

DeSoto Lassen

Avenue E ly /o St S l y / o

F u t u r e S t r e e t R e j e c t i o n



0-47669 ~ 2-26-63 P-111470

D-50825 2 -14-64

DeSoto Ave E l y / o • Lassen St S l y / o

F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

DeSoto Inves tmen t Co. Easmnt Deed-DeSoto fc Lassen S t

PII6Q67 D-52631 9 -22-64 F111309#2

0-50261 1 1 - 2 0 - 6 3



Oe Soto J o s e P e tux O-46507 Offer t o d e d - Lot 5 5 - 1 6 - 6 3 • The P a l m s - 10603 Palma B lvd -V/est Venioe

D e t w i i e r Howard F e t u x D-4357B Easmt Deed-Biy the S t 2 - 4 - 6 1 N/S E l y Benn Ave F-97449

D e t w i l e r Howard P e t u x D-43579 Grant Deed-Bly the S t 2 - 4 - 6 1 N/S E ly Ben Ave F-97449

D e t w i l e r Howard F e t u x " D-46641 Easement Deed- 7 - 2 - 6 2 B/W ( s to rm d r a i n ) S ly San J o s e St 4 Ely Genes ta Ave

Deutsch Alex e t a l Easement Deed El Segundo Blvd FlRuoroa t o Vermont

Deutsch Alex e t a l Agreement Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W, El Segundo ,F igue roa

Deutsch Alex e t a l Easeraent Deed Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W, El SeKundo.Flt tueroa

Deutsch C a r l R e t a l Easeraent Deed El Segundo Blvd FiRueroa t o Vermont

Deutsch C a r l R e t a l Agreement Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W, El SeKundo.FlKueroa.

Deutsch C a r l R e t a l Easement Deed Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W, El Sefnindo.Pltmeuva

Deutsch David Easement Deed El Segundo Blvd Pl ro ieroa t o Vermont,

Deutsch David e t a l /Vgreement Por Sec 18 T33,R13W,

D-53325 7 - 2 8 - 6 4 FIO6027

D-53327 7 - 2 a - 6 4

SBM F 1 0 ^ 2 7 t o Vermont

D-53329 7 - 2 8 - 6 4

SBM FIO6027 t o Vermont

D-5332' 7 - 2 8 - 6 I PIO6027

D-53327 7-28-64

SBM FIO6O27 .to, Vermont

D-53329 7-23-64

SBM FIO6027 to Vermont

D-53325 7-28-64 FIO6027

D-53327 7-2a-64

SBM F10B027



r a ^

Page 3: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose





,-s 7,




D-53325 7-28-64 PIO6027


Deutsch David et al D-53329 ~ Easement Deed 7-28-64

Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W,SBM PIO6027 El ScKundo.FlEueroa to Vermont

Deutsch Lester et al Easement Deed El Segundo Blvd Fl;-:;ueroa to Verraont

-Deutsch Lesteret-al. Agivement 1 -..-i - . Por Sec 18 T33,R13W,SBM P10K)2T El Segundo,Plgueroa to,Vermont

Deutsch Lester et al D-53329 Eaaement Deed 7-28-64 Por Sec la T3S,R13W,SBM Pio6027 El SeKundo.Pli-ueroa .Kn.Vprannt-.

Oeutsch Maurice E D-53421 Right of Entry 12-22-64 ' Hayvenhurst Ave Magnolia to Ventura Deutscher Hospital Verein 0-49019

Offer to Oed- Lot I 7-16-63 Roi oook Survey -4i43 o oto St

D-47790 j-11-63 F-96848

D-4377X 3-24-6X

D-49158 7-25-63 P-107359

0-47316 12-20-62 F-96ei8

0-46748 XO-9-62 P-96279

D-50270 12-20-63

Devonshire St 1970O Future S t ree t Ded

D-52642 ,9-22-64 PIO9506

Devonshire a t Eton (SW) Por Lot 7 1 , Sec I 8 ,

Chatsworth Park Puture S t r e e t Ded.

DeVrles Ralph etux Eii3mt Deed-Langmulr Avo 2-15-62 fc G-aystone St I D F,-98946

0-52113 7-28-64

D-4 5411

Severon iliuge Rd rtocol accei-t lots

257-8 260 Tr 26298

Devine Michael Robert Quitclaim Deed-Barnsdull fark

Devonshire St Lot 1 Tr 19771-Puture St dedication

Devonshire St Lot 11 Tr 25243 Future St Dedication

Devonshire St Lot 38 Tr 22065 Future St Dedleatlon

Devonshire St Por L 40 Tract 22372 Puture Street Ded

Devonshire" Street D-52758 For Lot 72 Tr 16331 10-5-64 • Puture Street Res P117474#l

Devonshire Ave D-47405 Lot 62 Tr 12053 ^-^S-^L Future St Dedication F-111350

Devonshire St D-45962 Ptn Lot 82 Tr 18699 * 5-10-62 others-Future St Ded F-100990

DovonPhlro 17000 D-509U Future Stroot Ded Z-Z^-bk


19700 Devonshire St. 0-51271 Por Sec 16, T2N, RI6W, 4-I-64 Rancho-ExMljsion de San Fernando Future Street ded.

DeVrles Raloh etux D-45412 Gront Deed-Langmulr Ave 2-15-62 4 Graystone St I D P-69e46

Oew Corp a Corp 0-44215' ' Kasmt Doed-Denrvale Pl 5-4-61

k Pa-rfndale Pl ID

OoWool Antone 0 0-46476 Offer to Ded-Lot 56 6-11-6;. Tr lOoO

Dewitt Merle B D-46019 offer to Ded- 5-24-62 ptn Rancho Ex-Mlsslon da San Fernando

Dewitty Helea D-50169 . Off Ded-Lot 156 Tr 4796 12-11-63 i

2210 So Hauser Blvd

Oeyhie Luise-by H Luckert 0-464x6 Offer to ded-x754 Siouson Ave-


Dionond Donald etal D-45669 - ETsmt Deed- Woodman- Ave-3-2l-62- ,

Shorraan V.'y/Victory

Uiamond Donald etal D-49944 Offer to Ded-Woodman II-I8-63 Ave 'rf/s S/o Gault St

Diamond Donald et al O-52976 ' Por Lot 95 Tr 1000 11-4-64 Puture street 4 alley P120118 ded

Diamond Hy et al DJ+9253 Condemnation Deed- 7-I6-63 • Parcel ^l-A-interseotn Castle Hpt.n Avn 4 National Blvd

Dl Bernardo Antonio etux 0-46725 Offer to Ded- Lot I 6-10-63 Vlsto Del "ro- 626 3 Walker Ave


Oickens St lot 7 Tr 21260 Puture st ded

Oickens S t r ee t Por L 14, Tract 23108 & Lot 7, Tract 2096O Puture S t r ee t Ded, '

Dickens S t ree t • Por L 69, Tr 20254

Por L 34, Tr 2605 Future S t ree t (Resol)

Dickey lewis P et a l D-51724 Quitclm Deed f/sewer 5-29-64 Nly/o itoscoe Ely/o Balboa

Hie Cast Prods Inc D-48 974 Easmt Deed 7-63 Rosecrans Ave

Ole Cast i 'roducts Ino 0-49160 Condemnation Deed- 7-9-63 Parcel ;r2-A-wlden Rosecrans Ave

0-44262 6-27-61 F-76571

tmi FU1309#7

0-49902 11-12-63


Die Cast Prod Inc Cond Deed Pir 1-A

D-49174 7-10-63

Die CiSt Products Inc D-50171 Cond-Deed Par 6A,7A fc 9A10-2-63 Roaecr«n.i Avft/Vnrmont Av«»

Bt»"'0i«fTi'i9aii9t& ifte *' tf-JO'i?! Opnd ^Duea Paro V"" 7-24»65 Ro'secrinu Aye/V rin'ont Ave

Die Cast Pi-oducts, Inc. D-50174 Condemn Parcel 6-A 8-l3r63 'for public street


D-52595 6-3-,64

Die Cast Products Inc Conderanation Parcel 4-A Street Easeraent

Die' Cist t roducts Inc Final Cruer Conuemn Parcel 5-A - Hosecrans Vermont to E City Bdry

Dl leo Joseph et al D-53214 431 Avalon Blvd 12-11-64 ' Future Street Ded

XI Leva Anthony etal D-47752 Cond Deed-par 1-2-3 Veh 2-11-63 T)l t No 110 Sun P«»I1PO

OlUender James C etux D-46076 Easrat Deed-Strothern St 5-17,-62 , S.'S lankershlm Blvd to More Lin Ave

Oilier Stanley etux D-46l40 Offer to Ded- Lot 42 4-30-62 Tr 1000

DlWorth Marie A 0-47598 , Grant Deed-Exposlt'on 1-16-63 Blvd-Norraondie Ave to Oramercy Pl

Page 4: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

pinos Jones P e t a l 0-47128 J l i Qul tc lo in Oeed-LonkershimlO-19-6;.

Blvd fc Troost Ave Nly Homlln St \ P-108740

Dlmmlck, Marjorie G. D-50756 Easmnt Deed-Storm Drain 1-17-64 R/W-vay Roslyndale Ave at. Jouett .St. . , ..

Dinner Marguerite et al D-51184 Offer Ded-Lot 12 Blk B 4-3-64 • 6205 Willoughby Ave .

01 Nuzzi Louis et al 0-44239 ,-• c> Easmt Deed-Cedros Ave 6-7-61 '<•

fc Magnolia Bl(S/a)lD P-86591


Dl Prezzio Julseppe etux 0-47574 Eosmt Deed-Oro Grande St 1-23-63 nr Ralston Ave Imp

Dismuke Willis etux Easmt Deed- Gage Ave-Pedro St to Bdwy

Dismuke V/lllis etux r Agrrat-Gage Ave- Son

Pedro St to Bdwy

Dismuke Willis etax Quitclaim Deed- Goge Ave- Son Fedro St to

Ditmore R W & Lucille Easmnt Deed Wilkinson Ave

DlTomaso Domenico O-'iSSS? et ux-Easement Deed 5-2-62 Oro Orende St & Paddock St

Dittnuir George B ot a l D-4C934 Agrmt-Alloy W/o Cahuonga 5-27-63

•Blvd 4 Coll ins St I D

Livsn Land l-'ia; 854 D-53386 aarah St Ely Cahuenga 11-2-64 Resol ded property F-111309

0-48648 . San4-10-63

0-46649 4-10-63

0-48781 4-10-63 P-110699

0-49216 7-63

"Divsn Land Man II89 '252nd St Ely Western Ave-resol accept ded

Division Street 3356 Future Street Ded

Division St 3369 Future Street Ded

D-53253 12-14-64 111309 #9

D-50890 2-25-64 P109506#3

D-52267 8-4-64

P109506#l Doair Realty" Coyp6ratibn"D''.^C"783 Offer to Ded- 1-22-64 21405 Saticoy Street

Itobkln Lawrenoe etol 0-48086 offer t o ded-Lot 374-Tr 1000 SllSSSli'll^ '^y 3-14-63

Dobkln Lawrenoe etol D-48087 Offer to ded- Lot 324- 3-14-63' Tr lOOO-Kester Ave V S Nly MotmoXla Rlvd

Dooter Rlohord P etux 0-45927 Eosmt Oeed-Soitillo St 4-28-62 fc Escondido St I 0

Dooter Rlohord P etal 0-46502 Agrmt-Saltillo St fc 7-28-62 Escondido St I D

Dodds Helen WUlioms 0-44462 Grant Deed-Llbrory Dept 6-6-61 Polms-Roncho

Dodson Wra 3 etux O-45084 Eosmt Deed-Tolond Woy- 11-25-61 Ave 42 to Wly Ave 42 F-96X14

Dix Harmon 4 Cecily D-46680 & Badley H S & Charlene 9-24-62 Offer to ded-13851 Foothill Blvd

Dix St 4 Vine St D-51563 Por Lots 1 thru 5 4-16-64 Longview Tract

. Puture Street Ded

Olx St 4 Vine St O-5239O -f Por Lots 1-5 8-12-64 -Longview Tract P103320#l Future Street Ded

Dixon OrtlB DePriest ?r*?55Z ; Ptn Lot 363 Tr 57'*5- 9-11-62

Puture St Dedication

Doe Mary 0-44899 Easrat Oeed-Vanowen St 10-20-61 Vpn WiiTii BlvH tn Ke»ti»p P-90332

Doelker" j" Philip 0-45656 Easmt Doed-Natlck Avo- 3-13-62 ... Hortense/Valleyheart Dr

Doelker J Philip 0-47366 Eaarat Deed-Natlek Ave- 12-27-62 Hortense St fc Volleyheort F-

Doheny Dr Wly/o D-53026 J. Robin Drive Sly/o 11-17-64 ;.

Puture Street Ded P111309

Doheny Wm D D-48269 Easmt Hazeltine Ave 4-17-63 bet Archwood 4

Doizaki George Jojl D-46631 et ux-Easement Deed 4-3-62 Woodraan Ave-Victory Blvd to Oxnard St

Dolce Stephen D-50775 Easrat Deed-Alley E/O 2-2-64 Rem-net Ave nr Wyandotte St

Dolinko Sam 0-49157 Offer to ded- 7-29-63 11920 Montana Ave

Sly Dolorosa St. D-52004 Ely Woodlake Ave. 6-23-64

Puture Street Ded. P111309#6

Dolorosa St Sly/o 0-52974 Woodlake Ave Ely/o 10-13-64 '

Por Lot 46 Tr 9545 Puture Strpftt Ded . ...

Domestic Hand Laundr*y of Sonto Monico-Del Hoy Ave

D-4949Y 4-19-63 P-93793 Washington Bl/Allay S/o

Beach Ave Domestic Hand Laundry D-49498

Agrrant 4-63 Del Rey Ave F-93793

Ooraicoli-hosario etux 0-45363 Agrmt- Alley Wiy Aima St 2-13-62 llth St to i2th St F-99341

Oono Lolo Drive 0-46256 Lot 367 Tr 25056 7-12-62 Future St Dedication F-66216

Oonodio Albertlno C eto 0-46723 Oulteiolra Deed-Woodnen ^-9-62 Ave-Shemon Woy to Vlotoyy 8ivd

P-i046li: Donaldson Davl.-l 0 et ux D-'10Pl6 Grant Deod-Van Nuys Alr- 10-23-6i Port Donaldson Olon D etal 0-49746 "• Wly Wall St 4 Niy 50th 10-17-63 St- Offer ded-pub ot pupp

Donally I-Iarlon B 0-48695 Easmt Doed- Canoga Avo- 5-7-63 Devonshire St to Lassen St

Donally, Marion B P-44296 -Easmt Deod-Dovonshire 6-21-61 St-DoSoto to Varlol Av

"oncilff Propart'les D-'44B5« Orant Deed-Volley Admin 3-20-61 ' Center-Van Nuys

The Dondur Corp D-51174 Offer Ded-Lot 18 4-2-64 11668 Idaho Ave

"Oonhill Dr • . li.l^i^JSb ' ., Lot 51 T P 25195 10-9-61

Puture St Dedication P-99637

Page 5: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

D-48494 11 . . 5 -13 -63 1 '

Nwly Bran fo rd 3 t - N e l y San Fndo fid\i

Don! eu ian ,T H Offer to dedicate

Donlan Timothy etal 0-47424 Offer ded-ptn Lot 17 1-25-63 Tr 1336 -13031 Oxnard 3t

Donlan-Timothy C "J ^ "0^50307^ Easmt Deed-Woodman Ave 9-19-63 yicotry Blvd/Oxnard St

Donlan, Tim C. D-51141 Easrant Deed - Alley,term. 3-18-64. S/o Kraft,Sly/o Dilling St.

"Jonley Oilbept Cline 0-47616 Easmt Deed-Densmope Ave. 1-19-63' 4 All«y Hly Satlooy St P-95«;37

Donley James P et ux D-45786 Agrrat-SaltlUo St fc 3-21-62 ). Hscondldo St ID

"lonmetz Street Lot 419-418 Tr 18700 Fnti in* n t nnd lnBt lnn

Donna Ave Lots 26 4 27 Tr 17417 F u t u r e s t d e d i c a t i o n

Donna Avonue For Lot 26 T r 24670 4 Por Lot 2 T r 16636 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Donnaly Marlon 3 Eaamnt Deed Eton Avc 4 Devonsh i re

0-46397 7-24-62

D-45625 3-29-62 F-106882

D-53103 10-28-64 P121283

Dow Roy e t u x 0 -47425 " Lot 1 U Land fc Water 1-25-63 i;

Co-11914 She ldon S t

Downey Janes T e t u x 0-47774 Easnt Deed-Dorg S t & 2 -25 -63 Kiamet A-/e(4 o t h e r RnAf) ira,

Downs • -ha r l e s E e t ux b -44824~ ' - 'Qui tc la im Deed- - - - 1 1 - 3 - 6 1 - ^

Wheeler Ave-Hubbard S t P - e 9 l 0 5 t o Lazard S t

Doyle tc .'.ons P l d r s I n c D-/,9796 . e t a l 1-3-63 Grant Doed - Nordhoff r t 4

Drareg Co a Corp D-4?169 e t a l - O f f e r t o d e d l o a t e 12-10-62 1020 Crenshaw Blvd P -

D r e l l S t r e e t Por Lot 22 T r a c t 19273 Fu tu re S t r e e t Ded

O r e s s e l H e r b e r t T e t ux Aijrmt-Alley VTly Resado-Bryont/Nopo S t s

T)royer Mobel L Easmt D e e d - E x p o s i t i o n " I - - ' - " - — n n f i e Ave t o Gramercy P l

r>reyer Mobel L ,. Agrmt- E x p o s i t i o n Blvd

D-52036 6-15-64 P I I4592

D-45796 1-29-62

D-47390 12-12-62

0 - 4 7 3 9 1 12-12-62



51779 13-64

itnrnarAi.o Av» ti> rtr»>iii«»i?nT ? 1

D r o U l n R e r Lelond J e t o l D-45306 Easmt Deed-Chase St 12 -18 -61 Burnet Ave t o Columbua Ave


\ • I .


" ^

Don Plo Dr E/o D-52991 M a r t i n e z S t E / O 11-9 -64

F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded F111309#7

Dora St tlWly/o D Lehigh Ave SWly/o 6

F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded ni'-

Doran E o r l R e t u x 0-44751 Easrat Deed-Vanowen S t - 1 0 - l ' 7 - 6 l H a z e l t i n e Ave to Van Nuys Blvd

Doran John Leroy D-50184 Easmt Deed-Oro Grande S t l O - 1 4 - 6 3 Nr R i l i i t o n Ava

Dor ran Al ton P o t ux 0-45726 , ( r rant Daad-Brad lay A-,-e 4 - 2 7 - 6 1 \: Bromwich St ID . F-76330

Dorman Al ton P e t a l 0-45727 AfTmt-Bradley a t 4 - 2 7 - 6 1 Bromwich St I 0 F-76330

Dot t a Jol-n etu.'-. D-43671 Ensmt Deed-DovonEhlre S t 3 -2 -61 I>s S o t o Ajco t o V a r i e l A„e

D o t t e r s Rose Mary Eaomnt Deed f / s ewer 1-17 l l a c F a r l a n e 25O' E / O Cass


Doty Donald P Easmt Deed-Rlm Cyn Rd

D-50101 11-21-63

*. Denivelle Rd Sewer Dist

Douglas A i r c r a f t Co 0-46054 Agrmt-Del Rey-Washington5-28-62 Bivd t o A l l e y S iv Rennh P-O-3703

Douglas O i l Co of C a l i f D-46063 Of fe r t o d e d i c a t e - p o r t n 5 -28-62 L o t s 18-19 4 20 Tr 162

Douglas O l i Co 0-46766 Easmt D e e d - F o o t h i l l Bivd l u - 4 - 6 2 P ivd & Amanita Ave S 0 F-92229 "v

Doung Do'ih Yea e t u x 0 -4^414 Gran t Ooed-Gage Ave - 3 -12 -63 San Pedro St /Broadway F-110699 -,'

Dow Har ry C e t u x 0 - 4 9 9 2 1 Grant Doed- Van Nuys 10-7-6B " Grade Sep Roymar St F -

O r o n f l e l d Ave SWly/o B ledsoe S t SE ly /o

Future S t r e e t Ded

SV/ly of D r o n f i e l d Ave. NV/ly of Hubbard S t .

Fu tu r e St Ded ( R e s o l )

0-53260 12-14-64


D-51484 5-4-64 , '


SWly Dronf ie ld ,NWly Hubbar^^

F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

D r o n f l e l d Ave SWly/o Hubbard S t NUly/o

Fu tu re S t r e e t Dod

D r o n f i e l d Ave SWly/o Hubbard S t NWly/o

P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

SWly D r o n f i e l d Ave. NWly Wicks S t r e e t

P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded.

-Jrusch A r t h u r John e t u x Eosmt Deed-Moyoll S t fc Aldea Ave, I D

D-soo-rs 1 2 - 9 - 6 3 F109506#l

D-53252 12-15-64 '

F l 11309^6

D-53137 , 11-23-64 P111309//'8 '

D-52002 6-23-64 P111309i)'6

D-43959 3 - 6 - 6 1

Dubbs Clyde A D-53897 Easement Deed 10-6-54 Argonaut St Convoy StF104635 Esplanade St 4 Alleys

Dubin Martin P et ux Easmnt Deed Sunswept Dr 4 Falriifay Ave nr Ventura Blvd

DuBois B P e t u x Eaant D e e d - H o x e l t l n e Ave w/fl Wflwt Rt t o Vanowen St

D-51672 4-25-64


D-49799 6 - 7 - 6 3

1.. y n

D-49800 6 - 7 - 6 3

Dubos',:! P h U U o J e t ux Sas.-nt D-iert Nordhoff ."t tf. '.-/•InroMrn

Ouboskl P h i l l i p J Agrmt- Nordhoff S t fc Wiiuietka Ave I 0

Juckwltz Normun P e t u x D-44945 ' Easmt Deed - C a t a l o n Av 8 - 1 4 - 6 1 4 M r t l n e « 3 t Sewor ^ P-Sl5,24

Duckworth John W e t n l D-49724 S ly Gau l t S t E ly Woodmon 1 0 - 9 - 6 3 Ave - o f f e r ded pub s t purp

il I

Page 6: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

,' Dugan Joseph L etux 0-47560 1 I Offer to ded- Ptn Lot 20 2-14-63 / Tr 2864-Wly Calhoun Ave Nly

( Vanowen St Oukler Joel etux D-46121

Offer to Ded-Lot 8 6-15-62 7 Hollywood Rosetta Tract

"bulce Ynez Lond 0-45535 • . Lot 10 4 11 Tr25322 3-15-62 Puture street dedicatn P-100954

Dulcet Ave ' 0-47484 Lots 40-45-47-46 Tr 26234 1-29-63 Future St Dedlcotion F-105360

Dull Veino L etol 0-43576 Agpnt-pacifio Ave-Morine 2-10-61 Ct to 'Zephyr Ct F-76733

Dumos Jomea P etol 0-47127 Eosmt Deed-Lankershim 10-19-62

j - Blvd fc Troost Ave Nly Homlln 3t

Duncan, Charlotte S. et al 15-50990 Easrant Deed-C9.-timerce 2-20-64 4 other R/y'8(nr Valmont

' St) Imp. Duncan Chester M D-47139 et ux-Orant Deed- 8-14-62

'- Orant Deed-Ooss St- P-71574 ' Herrick Ave to,Oienoaks Blvd

Duncan Chester M D-47140 ot ux-Agreement 8-14-62 Ooss St-Herrick Ave to P-71574

/ Oienoaks Blvd Oundan Harold R et ol 0-45817

I Off to ded - 636 W 5th 4-18-62 i.- St San Pedro

Dunham Else 0-47268 Offer to Oed-Lot 3 1-2-63 Tr-6262-1449 Carson 3t

Dunhill Financial Corp » -51179 Offer Ded-Lot 239 Tr 3598 4-3-o4 •

L ' 361-363 E 120th St .t .

Ouniap J P etux 0-45643 Agreemt-Coldwater Cyn 4-6-62 Ave-Chondler Bivd to F-92666 MoiTnoll a BJ,vd

Dunlap J F etux 0-45844 Easrat Deed-Coldwater Cyn 4-6-62 Ave-Chondler Bivd to P-92686 Marnnlla Rjvd

Ouniop Mortgoge Co 0-45839 Easnt Deed- Coldwoter Cyn4-6-62 Ave-Chondler Bivd to P-92686 Mnirnnl l n R I vd

Dunlap Mortgage Co 0-45640 Agreemt-Coldwater Cyn 4-6-62 Ave-Chondier Bivd to P-92666 MH^nollB Rlvd

Ouniop Kobt A etux D-44602 Eusmt Deod-Vanowen St - 8-30-61 Koster Ave to Sepulvedo Bivd

Dunlap Willa M D-49287 Easeraent Deed- 6-26-63 Coldwater Cyn Ave-Chandler Blvd

/ & Magnolia Blvd Dunlap V/illa H D-49288

Agrmt r e l ease uamage 8-21-63 Coluwtr Cyn Ave

(• Chandler to i-asnolia , I Dunlap Willa M o t a l 0-49988 [ Cond Deed- Pnr No 9-C IO-30-63

Coldwater Cyn Ave fr Chondlor f n l v d t n ."51V f Ounman Ave 0-47347 I Lot 84 TP 23600 1-9-63

Futupe St Dedication P-IO6367

f DunmEui Avenue Por L 1 Tr 2186O fc L 84 Tr 23600 fc 1 169 Pl12999

/ Tr.26895 Fu ture 'S t ree t Dod I Ounn Investment Co 0-45745> \ Off t o Oed-Adoms Blvd Wly4-ll-62

Maple Ave P-104637

J) \


Dunn Rlchord C e t a l D-49541 s /o North Broadway fc 9-25-63 V/o Eostlake Ave


Dunn Richard H et al I Offer to dedicate-^ 8230 Haskell Ave

DuPont Financial Corp Offer to Ded-9319 Compton Ave

D-49414 9-4-63 .4

D-50422 1-20-64

Duque Sarah M Admin Estate R 0 Millholland Vernon Ave-Centrol Ave/ Broadway - Gront Deed

Duran Jesua Offer to Ded Lot 28 of Metropolitan Tract

Ourant Elden F etux Easmt Deed-Parthenia St fr to Winnetka Ave

D-44894 10-3-61

D-46058 6-7-62 P-

O-46037 5-17-62

Durant Elden P et ux D-51755 Easrant Deed 5-26-64 • Saticoy St nr Llndley Ave

Durazo Ralph et al 0-51043 Easrat Deed-Lots 51-2-3-4 3-11-64 • Tr. 5909 Oro Grande St nr F-103382 -Ralston Ave - Imp

Durobaut Corip 0-49678 1225 S Soto St 10-1-63 Offer ded pub st purp

Ourat H R fc Carol 0-49127 Offer to Ded Lot 120- 7-o3 Tr ICOO-Cumpston St

Durst Harry R D-46914 Offer to Ded-ptn Hancho XO-3X-62 San Antonio -29x5 E Woshlngton BXVv

Dusseau, August R. et al D-51294 Easmnt Deed - Oswego St. 3-21-64 k R/W's V//o McVine Ave.

Dusseau, Leonard M. et al D-51294 . Easmnt Deed - Oswego St. 3-21-64'

4 R/W's V//o McVine Ave. ,

Dutcher, Gene C. et ux D-50249 Easmnt Deed-Scoville 12-6-63 Ave-Eldora Ave 4 R/W»s nr V/entworth St.

Dutra Donald et ux D-47812 Yolanda Ave 3-19-63 nr Strathern St-easirt

Dutton, Elsie E. et al 0-52046 Agrmnt-La Tijera Bl. 6- 24-64 bet. 74th StfcManchester

FIO8053 Duvall Georee D-48302

Easii.t Deed - Gage Ave 5-6-63 i;an Pedro to Broadway

Duvall Oeorge 4 Creeslo D-48303 Agreement- 3-8-63 -Qage Ave-San Pedro to P-UO699 Broadway

Duyan Helen 0-45841 Eaarat Deed-Coldwater Cyn 4-11-62' • " "' " P-92686

0-45642 4-U-62 P-92666


Ave-Chandlor Bivd to Maimolla Rjvd

Duyan Helen Agreemt-Coldwater Cyn Ave-Chandlor Bivd to Mairnoila Bivd

Owlggins L W J r etux Eeamt Deed-Newcastle Ave 1-12.^61 SWly 7elzah Ave Nly P-97263 Rinaldi

Dye Dallas Orvi l le e t o l ' D-45354 Agrmt- Palms Bivd fc 12-21-61 Kelton Ave I 0 F-82544

Dyer John R etux 0-46025 Eosmt Oeed-PoothlU 5-18-62 Bivd fc Amanita Ave 3 0 p.oyspo

Dyer St NWly/o Fellows Ave NEly/o

Puture S t ree t Oed

Dylan S t ree t Por Lot 182 Tr 28661 Future S t r ee t Ded

D-53261 12-14-64


D-53406 12-16-64 PII5147

Page 7: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose





Dyson, Thelma Lee Easmnt Deed-Vemon, C e n t r a l t o Avalon

"E" S t r e e t N l y / o Bay View Ave E l y / o

P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

"E" St N ly /o . ' r i e s Aiire E l y / o

F u t u r e Al ley Ded

i t N l y / o e E l y / o

" E " ' S t r e e t P r i e s Ave

P u t u r e S t r e ' e t Ded

Eagon S t r e e t Lo t s 3-4 Tr 24556 F u t u r e S t D e d i c a t i o n


D-53254 12-14-64


D-52479 8 -20 -64

D-53120 11-20-64 F111309#l

B-46257 7-12-62 F - 6 e 2 l 6

Eag le Rock Blvd 4470 D-53265 Por Lot 11 B l U T r 2565 12-10-54 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

D-51350 I 4-20-64 1

SS Cor Eag le Rbck /E l Paso

F u t u r e S t Ded ( R e s o l ) F109506

E ^ g l e Spr ier s Co 0-46278 Eosmt Deed-Housor Bivd 7-17-62 W/a 6 t h S t t o W i l s h i r e P-105795

E o g l e a , P r a t O r d e r , A e r i e O-51693 No 2310 Van Nuys 5-26-64 Easmnt Deed-Burbank ^ - i - m i i - y f ^ i b e t Woodman fc H a z e l t i n e

E a r h a r t W R e g i n a l d D-50264 Off Ded-Lot 39-Lander3hira Ranch Land 4 'n/tr Subdiv - S l y of S a t i c o y ; K l v n r R-lv«nt-,nn Av 11 _rt-A1

E a r l O r r i n K J r e t u x D-43465 Easmt Deod-Ke^en Ave 1-23-61 W l y to Lankershlm Blvd F-98269

E a r l e Theodore e t a l D-52945 -Conderanation F i n a l 10-8-64 Por Lot 7 Tr 10426 f / p u b l l c g rounds

l a r l e y '.-/ra D e t ux D-53336 Agreeraent 12-23-64 102nd St f r E Cty Bndry P I I9761 t o llai-varu Bl

E a r l y Zo la 0-48838 Eosmt Deed- Oage Ave- 4 - 1 7 - 6 3 San Pedro S t t o Bdwy P-110699

E o r l y Zo la e t a l 0-48839 Agrmt- Cage Ave- San 4 - 1 7 - 6 3 Pedro St t o Bdwy F-110699

E a s t o r n Ava 2460 N D-49258 Grayhaad C o n s t Co o f f e r 8 -5 -63 ded f u t u r a s t

'2460 No, E a a t e m Ave , IV50224. P u t u r e S ta l e s t ( R e s o l ) 12 -20 -63

P 1 0 9 5 0 6 , # 2 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 fc 10

E a s t l a k e Ave 1906 Pu tu ro S t r e e t Ded


0-52422 8-17-64

Easy St Lot 66 Tr 25730 f u t u r e s t ded

0-44325 7 - 1 4 - 6 I P-97439

Saton Melvin H e t u x D-44487 Easmt Deed-Raven St 6 - 7 - 6 I D r o n f i e l d t o Borden Av P-95548

E c c l e s S t r e e t D-51590 Por Lo t s 245 T r I9317 5-13-64 22423 of T r 27921 F110684#l . F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

E c c l e s S t - D-46627 L o t s 4 Tr 26490- 9 -21-62 L o t s 61-62 T r 22784- P-102259 Lot 122-Tr 2 1 7 9 0 - F u t u r e S t ded

E c c l e s St D-48896 Lot 4 Tr 18459 6-25-63 F u t u r e St D e d i c a t i o n F-105015


E c c l e s S t - Por Lot 5 T r 18459

P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Eeo le s S t

D-50765 ^ > 2 -10 -64 - • PIO8796

0-44263 t o t s 14 -15 -25 Tr 22150 6 - 3 0 - 6 1 ' P u t u r e s t ded P-61974

E c o i e s S t " - - - -D-4.8622 Lot 2 1 Tr 22627 5-2 3 -63 P u t u r e S t O e l i o o t i o a P-107779

Eehevepp io Leo e t u x 0-46272 Offer t o d e d - 442 No 7-X2-62 Eve rg reen Ave

Eck Jaraes T e t ux 0-53773 Temp Right o / E n t r y 11-27-64 , So lano Ave t o J a r v i s ID •v

Eck Jaraes T e t ux D-53772 Easeraent Deed- , l l -2 ' i ' - 64 Solano 4 J a r v i s I 0

Edexmon Max M e t u x 0 - 4 4 3 3 2 Eosmt Deod - F o l l b r o o l t ATe7-6-6X Vlo topy Bivd t o V e n t u r a P

Eden Dr ive E l y / o D-52405 F u t u r e S t r e o t Ded 8-24-64

Ediane Corp D-49449 Q u i t c l a i m Deed- 6- " V i c t o r y Blvd & TSampa Ave I D

Edleen Dr ive D-51593 Por Lots 5418 Tr 19784 5-15-64 Puture Street Ded

Edmond John V Easrat Deed-254th St & Petroleura Ave I D

Edmonds Matilda Easmt Deed-Cedros Ave Magnolia Blva I 0

Edraore Place Lot 60 Tract 26275 Puture S t r ee t Ded

Edmore Pl Lot 64 Tr 19991 Puture s t dedication

Ednoff Dorothy J" e t o l Rec 4 Pks Dopt- Boyle

D-50745 1-16-6 4 • F-101688

0-44X23 fc 5-22-6X

P-6659X D-53088 9-25-64 F94157 F10107Q 0-45702 V 4-5-62 P-94157 0-45369 7-31-61

Egbert Street Por Lots 101 & 113 of Tract 19230 Puture Street Ded

D-52079 7-6-64 FII3653

D-49449 I 6-18-63 I D .1

Hgta Sports Center-Grant Deed

Edwards Alex 0 etux 0-48952 Easmt Deed- Alondra Blvd 1-23-63 S/S bet Harbor Frwy 4 "rchard Ave

Edwards Henry etux D-43417 Easmt Deed-Oxnard St Ely 1-19-61 Costello Ave to Van Nuys P-76011 Bivd

Edwards John H A etux D-47343 off to Ded- Lots 23-24 1-11-63 Tr 1038- 15430 3 Vermont Ave

Edwards Jonenh 0 etux 0-43468 Fnsrat Deed-Kewen Ave NWlyl-i8-6l to Lankerahim Blvd F-98269

Edwards Mack Henry et ux D-46852 Grant Deed- 10-1-62 Exposition Blvd- P-90744 Normandie Ave to Orameroy Pl

Edwards Mack Henry et ux D-46853 Agreement- 10-1-62 Exposition Blvd-Normandie Ave to Gramercy Pl

Edwards Tnomas M etnl O-46758 Offer t o Ded-Lot 60 10-9-62 j29b Inglewood Bivd-Westchester-venlce

Edwin Drive D-5I4I5 Lots 37^38,Tract 25690 4-22-64 Future St Ded (Resol) F118589

Page 8: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose


Egertoa Fronces E I Eosmt Deed-Rodford Ave

* Vanowen 8 t -

Egremont A Collf Corp Eoamt Deed-Louise Ave-S/o Venture Prwy

Bgremont A Collf Corp Agrmt-Louise Ave Sly Ventura Freeway

Egremont Off to ded- Oakdale Ave fc Devonshire St

- . . \ 0-45589 6-10-59 .

0-45591 3-8-62

0-45774 12-8-61

Sth Avenue Puture Street Ded

Ehlers John J et ux O-51076 Offer to Ded-Lot l4 Tr9l55 3-32-64 Ely Forbes Nly Cantloy St

Ehnsrt Roy 0 Jr etux - 0-44529 Eosmt Deed-Cotolon Ave 7-26-61 fc Martinez St SO

Ehretz John E D-51782 Easmnt Deed 4-2-64 Eton Ave 4 Devonshire ID

Ehrman Lillian Molso IM;8631 Quitclaim Deed- 5-17-63 Ptn Lot 222 Western Empire Tract

0-51939 7-7-64

aisninh "Saul Corp 0-43936 41 , • Offer dod - 6535 Pulton 6-28-63


Elsman" S'aul' " " ' •"^b'^505'i9" •' Offer to Ded 1-30-64 ' : 6116 Fulton Ave '

Eklund Grace 0-45229 Easement Deed-Vanowen St 8-3-61-Sepulveda Blvd to P-88346 Haskell. Ave

Eklund 0 Woodard etux 0-46904 Eosmt Deed-Vonowen St- 10-22-62 Hesedo Blvd to Systone Ave

Elam Liilie M u-50070 Off Ded-lot 67 Tr 1081 12-10-63 13541 Vanowen St

Sl Caballero Dr D-49159 Lot 71 Tr 23907- 7-29-63 Future St dftdioqtlon P-A6754

El Caballero Drive D-51593 • Por Lots 1470 Tr 13907 5-15-64

Puture Street Ded

El Canon Ave Wly/o D-52480 Calabasas Rd Nly/o 8-25-64 Puture Street bed

ElCanon Ave Wly/o D-53121 •Calabasas Rd Nly/o 11-20-64

Future Street bed F111309#l

Sth Avenue- D-46674 6019 - Lots 6 & 7 of 9-25-62 Hyde Park - Puturo P-IO906O" at ded

Eighth Avenue 6U3 0-53321 Por Lots 15 4 18 Hyde Pk 12-30-64 Puture Street Ded

8th Ave 6323 Puture S t ree t Ded

8th S t ree t 1352 East Future S t ree t Ded

8th- S t ree t 3033 East Puture S t ree t Ded

Sth S t ree t • 6209- Besol 6562

acc ded prop

80th St 7101 West Puture S t ree t Ded

82nd Pl 253 E Futuro Street Ded

D-52146 7-30-64


D-50912 2-25-64 P109506#4

D-50921 2-25-64 P109506#4

0-48239 4-26-63 P-111309

D-51679 5-6-64

D-52243 8-12-64

( •

605 East 85th Street D-506I8 Future Street (Resol) 2-4-64


89th St 101 West 0-51942 Puture Street Ded ,7-9-64

Ellat Street D-53271 Lot 136 4 Por Lot I69 12-14-64 Tract 26727 P106641, Future Str Dert lOP fil fc ll4im

Elmers Oeorge M etux D-46499 Grant Oeed-Satlcoy St- 6-21-62 Bellaire Ave Ely Coldwater Cyn Ave

Einstoss J P 4 Mari-oret 0-49737 Offer to Dod Lots 1V2- 10-63 Tr 2395-7104 3 Son Pedro St

Slsendrath Philip S etux D-46489 Offer to Oed-Lot 469 6-23-62 Du Roy PXaoe

Elsman Evelyn et al 0-52536 Easmnt Deed 8-21-64 , Lennox Ave-Sherman Wy fc 300' s/o Voae St

Elder, Olive F. Easrant Deed-Rim Cyn Rd 4 Denevelle Rd S.D.

El Dorado Avenue , Per Lot 2 Tr 20050

Puture S t ree t Res

£1 Dorado Avenue Por Lot 13 Tr 19179 Puture S t ree t Res

El Dorado Ave Lot 15 Tr 15931-19179 Future St Dedication

Eldridge A ve Lot 75 Tr 25146-Future St Dedication

Eldrldge Emest B et ux Easmnt Deed f/sewer In Casa Drive

Electronic Specialty Co Easement Deed Sewer E/o Colorado Bl 4 W/o San Femando Rd

El Escorpion Bd Ptn Lot 137 Tr 21747 Puture St Dedication

Elfman Som etux Orant Deed- Woodnan Ave - Alhars St to LA

Elfman Sara 4 Rose Agmt - Woodman Ave -t Albers St to LA River

D-50747 12-ll-6i

D-52953 10-19-64 PIO4385

D-52954 10-19-64 ' PIO4385

D-44i56 6-9-61 P-87727

0-47345 1-9-63 P-69619

0-51467 2-27-64

0-52110 7-8-64 FII8202

0-46544 9-4-62 F-95332

D-44895 -5-5-61 River P-96934 0-44896 " 5- 5-61


Ellnda Place 0-44952 Lot 24 Tract 19064 11-28-61 Future s t r e e t dedlcotn P-I04644.

Elkwood St 0-46177 Lot 1 Tr 16406 6-27-62 Future 3t Dedication P-965bu

Elkwood S t ree t D-52300 Por Lot 5 Tr I585O 9-3 5-64 Future S t ree t Ded FII5/152

Elkwood St 0-4j6l3 LOt 7 Tr 23357 3-24-61 Puture at Dedication P-9041)7

Elkwood St 0-49190"" Ptn Lots 125 & 126 Tr 8-5-63 19126-Puture St dedicatn P-IO909I

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1 I I

i f '.is



Elkwood Street D-52952 Por Lot 131 Tr 19126 10-9-64 Puture Street Res PIOO802

^^inn^ '•''nter C et ux 0-48905 Off dad - 7319 Canoga AvBg-30-63"

Elllas Victor Y et al D-53967 Easeraent Deed 8-13-64 S/o Nordhoff 4 W/o Topanga Cyn

":iliott Edwin P etal D-49648 Nly Haynoa St 4 Wly 10-q-6T Sunnyslope Ave - offer do" ^

"Elliott Helen J fc D-48989 Barbara 3111ott Weeden 3-63 Easmt Deed-Burbank Blvd

F-108162 Elliott Samuel E et ux D-51464

Easmnt Deed f/sewer 3-5-64 In Casa Drive

Ellis Ave 3917 D-52240 Future Street Ded 7-31-64

Elm Dr W/o 250' S/o 0-52774 Whitworth , , „ 9-29-64 Por Lots 1634-1638 P99874#2 Tr 6380 Future Alley Ded

'r.ini.-in I : Kloir, nartncr D-50g84 Offer to Dod - 13561 3-3-64 i Shorr.i.un '.•/a-/

' Elmendorf Charles D-49390~ Offer to Ded- 9-3-63 803 Figueroa St

SE Cor El Paso/Eagle Rock D-51350 4-20-64

Future 3t Ded (Resol) F109506

El ."i.iguntio Bl 816-W Future Street Dod

D-51812 6-17,-64

El Segundo Bl 830i-832-J D-5O966 Futui^e Street Ded 2-25-64


•;i9ey Jospeh etux D-45074 Easmt Deed-Rarbara Ann St 2-17-61

V/n Wlv Rni 1,»1n» Avp F-07h7n

Klsey Joseph etux D-45o75 Grant Deed-Barbara Ann 2-17-61 • St W/S Wiy Be l la i re Ave P-97670

Elswick Wm R etux 0-46479 Grant Deed-Aiieys Wiy 4th 2-13-61 Ave & Niy Rose ID F-64I89

Eiswlck Wra R e t o l D-46460 Agrnt- Alley Wly-4th 2-13-62 Ave & Niy "ose Ave I 0 P-84I89

Eranlre Sav 4 Loan Assoc D-45163 Ensrat Dood- Vanowen St- lS-20-bl Hur.oitlne Avv to Ven Nuya Olvd

,vn.y of Empress Avenue D!?51210 Sly of Oak View Drive 4-2-64

Por L 3 , 31 6, t r 2955 Piitiirp n t roo t . AoA .

Empress of Windsor- 0-44409 Easnt Oeed-n/W Lassen St 6-22-6X Aides Ave to Wiy

Enadla •', ay 0-44495 t o t 1 Tr 19351 8-7-61 Put l •e st dedication P-98251

Enadla V/ay Lot 1 Tract 21094 4 Por Lot 199 Tr 14756 Plir,ll*..'> ,^t-,nniaj- H o H

Enodlo Way Lot 7-12 Tr 19247, Future St Dedlcotion

Enadia 'Way Lots 11426,Tract 23329 Future St Ded (Resol)

D-54738 u - 1 9 - 6 4 PII94IO

D-46353 I 7-24-62 I

D-51104 2-28-64


^ a d l a Way - Lot 65 Tr 23061

Puture s t ded

Snadia Way Lot 199 Tr X4756 Future St Dedication

Enadia Way .. -Por- Lots -3fc4- Tr_19351

' 4 Lot 5 Tr 19584 Puture Street,Ded

Enchanted Way Lot l l TP 25473 Puture St Dedlcotion

Encino Ave . ^^ Lot 2 - 1 6 2 - T P li;362 Future St Oedleation

Encino Avo ,, Lot 4-3 TP 22906

Future St Dedleatlon

Encino Avo Lot X7 TP X7679 Futupe 3t Dedication re Trent 9<iifl0

bnclno Ave Lots 20-30-31 Trocta 20326 fc 25865 Puture s t ded

Encino Ave Lot 64-2-66-52-63 Tr Future St Dedication

0-44960 ' U 11-30-61 r F-75767 \

. .102963 \ 0-43527 2-2X-6X • P-9U227 \


0-47950 3-19-63 P-112420 -,

1 ^56 I -63'

D-47656 2-21-'" F-6072i V

D-46243 7-10-62 F-73X7X \

D-4648X 8-17-62 F-1093X6 - '

0-44959 11-29-61 . P-99311

D-4400U 1 23253 i.-xiJ> 1

F-94i i0 -

D-53286 12-16-64 P111309#2

D-46363 7-30-62 P-

0-46165 6-13-62

r-^^itif JnGOglio John D-4B423 Easmt Doed-Porthenlo St 3-22-63 Burnet Ave/Columbua Ave

Jngogllo Josaph'M " 0-43422 Eosmt Deed-Parthenla St 3-20-63 Burnet Ave/Colunbus Ave

Enke 'fheodore A 0-47150 Offer to Ded-E Otie Ave 12-4-62 fc No Wells Or-Lot lOl T P 5475

Enriquez Gregory etux D-47758 Offer to ded-pop 25 - 3-5-63 Ely Fulton Ave Sly Sherman Way

Entrekln C W et al 0-53883 Easement Deed 10-19-64 Argonaut St Conveoy St F104635 Esplanade St 4 Alleys

" I

\ Encino Ave Wly/o Lahey St Sly/o

Puture Street Ded

Encino HIils Drive Lots 65-69-70 Tr I836I Future St Dedication

3hcino Land Co Eosmt Deed-Amestoy Ave )U, V-n«;n —1^ ,RlmlR T>

Endure of Collf D-46872 , Offer to Ded-Lot 16-19 10-26-62 .

TP Dickinson Woodlawn

Engel Marion G u-50022 , Off Ded-Lot 97 Tr 597 11-26-63

838 No Normandie Av

Sngle Joe etux • • D-494BV Easmt Deed-Wilkinson Ave 9-4-63 (nr Wrwin St)Inip

Engle Joe et ux 11-50531 Quitclaira Deed-Lot 31 2-4-04 Tr 10242 City owned F-U6677 AsseSHment Liens

English Wra K etux D-46163 Offer to Dod-l8l^l 6-26-62 Parthenlo St

bigoglio Ben D-46424 Eosmt Doed-Parthenla St 3-22-63

Durnct Avo/Ooluffibua Ave

Qtgojjlia Carmen Easrat Doed-Parthenio St Burnet to ^olumbus Ava

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( Enzer M i l t o n e t u x 0-47982 • 1 Ot toT t o d e d - L o t s 769 -7708-4 -63 ' y i b i s W S l a u s o n

r Epperson Kenneth A D-44972 \ Eosn t D e e d - F u l t o n Ave E/s 1 2 - 6 - 6 1 ' 1,- S/o Hor t S t


i Epstein Burton I et ux D-52549 Easement Deed 8-19-64 Alleys W/o Laurel Cyn Bl P114632

_ n r Vnnowon .St E p s t e i n Ez ra o tux 0-53302

Eaarat Deed -AUey E l y 11 -30 -64 Genesee Ave nr Whitworth F-114370 TVn THt-«

E p s t e i n ' i 'heodore e t u x 0-45287 Eosrat Deed-Ven Nuys Blvd 1-29-62 4 Nordhoff S t I 0

E r a l d i Del f lno , 4 Mary - Macy S t Sunse t -Alameda S t easmt

Srdniann Edward D Easmnt Deed Yates 4 Apperson ID

D-47834 3-20-63

0-52102 7-8-64

Ervln E Manning , Off to Ded-Lots 27-26

Tr Dalton Ave Sq-l471 Barbara Ava

• Erwin Street Lot 7,„Tr 17874 & For Lot 118 of Lankershlm Ranch Land fc Water Co Oll«-1tvwk n,4-*w»r*l- V I A A

Erwln St/Clcon Ave Por Lot 118 Lanker

. shim Land 4 Water Co • Puture Street Ded Sly of Erwln St. • Ely of Whitsett Ave.

Puture Street Ded.

Sly Erwin/^ly Woodman Por Lot 43, Tr 1000' Future Alley Ded.

Erwin St S/o Woodman Ave E/o

Puture Alley Ded

Escalon Drive Lot 14-15 Tr 22300 Puture St Dedieation

D-47234 12-13-62


D-52017 7-16-64 PII563O

• D-50935 2 -18 -64 F I I5630

0-52006 6 -23-64 P111309#6

0-52064 6 -2 -64

D-52064 6 - 2 - 6 4 PI14516

0 - 4 7 3 3 1 1-3-63 F-66113

Erdmann Edward 0 e t a l , 0-52531 Agreement 7 - 8 - 6 4 Y a t e s & Apperson Imp D i s t

E r i e O r l v e 0 -46752 Lot 49 T r 23094 10 -9 -62 F u t u r e S t O e d i o o t i o n F-1U9965

E r i c k s o n Agnes D-46411 Eusmt Oeed-Vanowen S t - 10-25-6X HBTflitlnn Ave t o Van Nuys Rlwl

E r i c k s o n K G 4 D R D-48869 EasmrtDeed 6-63 Oswego S t

E r i c k s o n V e m i e H e t a l D-53072 Agreement 10 -14-64 8 0 t h S t fc H u l b e r t Ave P1030l8

E r i c s o n Thure E e t ux 0-52756 Oran t Deed 5-13-64 Rytmymede Park

E r l i c h I r v i n g L e t a l D-53069 Agreeraent 10 -16-64 8 0 t h S t 4 H u l b e r t Ave PIO8OI8

Ermlni Eugene e t u x 0-49992 O f f e r t o Ded- 4629 P u l t o n Ave

11 -29 -63

arnsdorf Anton 0 D-49555 Ely Clybourn Ave Sly 9-16-63 Longford St - Offer.ded

/ pub st eosmt



Esca rcega J o a q u i n B e t ux D-50103 J 7 Agermt l C - 4 - 6 3 f

'.v'rlghtwood Ln 4 Fredonia Dr I . D . ^ •- . ., •. • - F-107376, E s p i n o s a Lola " p-4Ll ; l l ; - -

Easmt Deed-Canoga Avo U - 2 7 - 6 i W/S Hxy B o s s c t t S t

" E s q u i r e Hold ing Co D-54159 , Gran t Deed 9 -23 -64 S t a Monica Highland Pkng D i s t r

E s t e p a Dr ive O-44587 L o t s U - x 2 - 7 5 - T r 15453- 9-i.-6X F u t u r e St D e d i c a t i o n P-682X6 -

•Js tes E L M D-46407 Eaarat Deed-Woodman Ave- 4 - 1 9 - 6 2 VlP.toi"v BlvA t n Oxnisril S t

Sstrada Lino etux 0-47587 '< Offer to ded-Lots 25-26 2-6-63 •

Han Pmrnando Miaaion Blvd SElv hat nineon fc Laurel Cvn Blvd

Estrada Refugio etux 0-43367 ,' Easmt Deed-Correntl St 1-13-61

Haddon Ave to Rincon Ave F-91699 -


E s t r o n d o P l Lot 2 Tr 25719 F u t u r e St D e d i c a t i o n

Ethel Ave lot 2 Tr 15650 ^uture St Dedication

Ethel Avenue Tract 27000 fc Por 1 4 Tract 19252 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded,

E t h e l Ave lot 9 Tr 17549 Future St Dedication

Ethel Ave lot 13 Tr 17288 I-'uture St Dedication

Ethex Ave lot 21 Tr 2u479 Future St Dedication

Ethel Ave lot 27 Tr 21723

f Future St Dedicaion

Ethel Ave Lot 30 Tr 20143 Future St Dedication

Ethel Avenue lots 47443 Tract 16484 Puture Street Ded

Ethel Avenue Por l o t 60 Tr 1031 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

E t h e l Ave l o t 118 Tr 20479 Pu tu re St D e d i c a t i o n

Ely E t h e l Avenue S l y H a r t l a n d S t r e e t

P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded, /

D-44819 1 0 - 2 7 - 6 1 P-104605

0-46970 7 - 8 - 6 3 F-1114.72

D-50321 1-7-64 P111309#l

0 -45912 4 - 3 0 - 6 2 P-85975

D-45351 2 - 2 7 - 6 2 F-97271

D-45055 1 2 - 1 2 - 6 1 F-65975

0 -47330 1-2-63 F-110589

0-46786 10-17 -62 P-105552

D-53091 1 0 - 8 - 6 4 FI20955

0-51269 4 - 1 0 - 6 4 • F I I5937

D-44848 1 0 - 3 0 - 6 1 F-85975

D-52003 6 -23 -64 P111309#6

tm P1U309/?1

D-53173 10-15-64

Bsca reega J o a q u i n B 0-50102 Easmt Deed--rfrightwood 10-4-63 Ln k F r e d o n i a Or ID F-107376


Wly of Ethel Ave Sly of Magnolia Blvd

Par B Futre St Ded (Resol)

Ethel Ave at Vanowen Por lot 66 Tr 1081 Puture Street Ded

Etiwanda Avenue D-51224 Por lot 7 Tr 20645 4-2-64 Puture Street Ded PII788O

Etiwanda Avo D-43248 Lots 9-10-Tr 20224 I-I0-6I Future St Dedication P-99735

Etiwanda Avenue D-52076 lots 19 4 20 Tr 23207 7-6-64 Puture Street Ded F115l47#l

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1 I i"

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h t


Etiwanda & Rayen (SW) D-5l6l4 - Por 1 20 Tract 2114 5-16-64

Puture Street Oed

Etiwanda Avenue 0-5326-3 Por Lot 20 Tract 2114 12-16-S4 Puture Street Oed P110072

Etiwanda Ave 0-44818 " Lots^ 21-4 30 Tr 23388 - 10-27-

Future 3t Dedication F-9c521

Etiwanda Ave Por Lot 22 T r 2114 F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Et iwanda Ave Lot ?.k Tr 25668 P u t u r e St D e d i c a t i o n

0-50405 -15-64

P113724#l 1-J

l l J C I ^ f f l •!

0-47387 ~ 1 1-17-63 " -106460 ^ '

0-49041) I 7-18-63 I

Stiwanda Ave (W/s) S/o Rayon S t -Lo t s 2 0 / 2 1 Tr 2114 - Raso l f u t u r e s t P-110b72 • '

E t o , K e l j i e t ux D-44249 - \ Grant Doed-Lomlta Bl 4 - 2 0 - 6 1 1 Bndry W/o Frampton Ave v t o B e l l e p o r t a Ave \

S to K e l J i 4 Jane R 0-44250 - | Grant Deed-Roc 4 Pks 4 - 2 0 - 6 1 i H-irbor C i t y D ia t

E'joi'. Avenue D-52799 ' Por Lot 11 T r 21369 4 9 -16-64

Por Lot .'10 T r 26991 F112345 -! . Putur.-; S-;ree'v. Ded Eton Ave 0-47951

Lot 40 Tr 26991 3-29-63 Future St Dedication F-108573

Eton Avenue 0-51045 Por lot 58, Sec 18 of 3-10-64 Chataworth Park FU5148 Futui^e Str-eet Ded

Eton Ave D-m^lO LOt 86 Tr 17872 4-i>-6i Future at Dedication F-98l20

Eton at Devonshire (SW) D-52113 Por Lot 71. Sec 18, 7-28-64

Chatsworth Park Puture Street Ded.

610 So. Euclid Avenue D-51446 For Lot 2, Groats 4-30-64 Euclid Heights

Future Street ded. Euclid Ave 610 So D-52fa64

itesol-ued future st 10-16-64 -F-109506

Eureka Iron fc Metal Co , 0-46720 Orunt Deed-Alpine 8t- 4-4-62 Aloraeda St to No Main P-107436 ,<Nt

Evens Dorothy W 0-46293 Easmt D e e d - F o o t h i l l Blvd 7 -11-62 4 "man i t a Ave S 0 F-92229

Ev.ins Jacl ; Tance e t ux D-496:,4 • of E n t r y 9-19-ii3

./ildwood Av .'.-, LaTuna Cyn ?.d In t - j r c f%.ewer

Evans Pau l H e t a l D-44B67 Easement Deed- 10 -21 r61 Vanowen •= t -Haze l t i ne Ave t o Van Nuys Dlvd

Evana Vernon S e t a l D-50941 Cond Dee. i -Par !;A/B 5A/B 2 -13-64 P o o t h l U Blvd b e t F i l raore

St 4 Vau'thn St Evornkos W l i l l a m e t a l 0-45009 ' '

G.i'.'int Dood-Woodraan Ave 5-.?3-61 Albors St/LA R ive r F» 7I4.76

?;. 'orakes Wra e t a l -Ai;rmt - Woodman Ave • A l h e r s St/LA R l v i r

E x c e l s i o r S t Reso l 5901 F u t u r e S t d e d i c a t n T -V no t r ^ 1 POO/i

Exhibit ' oulit Lot 81 Tr 25947 Future St Dedication

D-45010 •,'-23-61 F-71476

D-48334 5-3-63 P-109524

0-44589" 9-S-6X P-I0o98x ->


Exhibit Pxaee Lot 81 Tr 259B7 Future St Dedlootlon

9820 Exposition Blvd. Puture Street (Resol)

D-U4S89 »"> 9-5-61 r ' P-X0u98x\

D-49717 ] 10-15;63 I Pa09506#2 '.^

Exposition Bl NW cor D-51774 - Plgueroa Por Lots -1 &-6-12-64 —

2 £ 31 Bl E of W.L.A. -> Future Street Ded

Eyraud Lucille M etal D-47463 Cond easrat-Lot 24 1-14-63 Tr 3621-Veh Pkg Sly WUshlre Blvd^ W v Cnnh'»«n Av«

Ezeklel Andre S et ux 0-53166 Agreement 8-31-64 U TlJera Blvd bet P105226 74th St 4 Manchester


Fobrl zlo Don P etux D-44704 Easnt Deed-Fulrfox Ave 9-26-61 E/3 Sxy Sunset Bivd to P-99X55 Fountain Ave

Fadel John A etux D-46180 Offer to Ded-i36l6 Sherman Woy Lot 74 Tr 1081 7-1-62

Folrbonks Len C etux 0-45968 Grant Deed-Rec 4 lk 1-5-61 j'allsades riayground oddtn

Fairchild Cecil R et ux D-51550 . Kasmnt Deod . 5-6-64

Hubbard St Imp nr Herrick

Fairfax Ave 121 No Future Street Ded

Fairfax Ave -I65 S hesol acce; t dedication

F a i r f a x Ave 166 South P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

731J N. Fairfax Avenue Por Lot 21, Tr 489I Future Street ded.

Fairfax Ave 73ii N Uesol-ded future st

F a i r f a x Ave No 732-754 F u t u r e S t r e e t Dod

1236 So. Fairfax Avenue Future Street (Resol)

D-50967 2-25-64 F1095O6#4

D-49147 3-26-63

tnv P109506#8

D-51404 4-20-64

' U-52429 6 -26-64 F-109506


D-52325 • 8-4-64


D-50621 2-4-64 '


PaJardo Anthony ot ux 0-518-70 • Easmnt Deed 5-21T64

Walgrove Ave reallgnraent at Duwey 4 23i d St

PaJardo Anthony et al 0-518-71 Agrmnt 5-21-64 Walgrove reallgnrant at •. Dnwev fc P.'^rd St _ I

Palclnella Emilio et al 0-51138 j Easrant Deed North 2-15-64 11 Outfall Sewer Unit "C" -,

Palclnella Oscar et al D-51138 Easmnt Doed No Outfall 2-l5-o4 Sewer Unit "C"

Falclnella Oscar et al D-51139 Agrrat-Tr 165S6 North Out- 3-3O-64 fall Sewer Blanketing Unit C Sewer

Fallbrook Avenue 0-53277 Por Lot 121 Tract 19479 12-3-54 Puture Street Ded

Pallbrook Estates 0-47072 Easrat Deed-Erwln St fc 10-23-62 Fenwood Ave Sewep Dist

- ^


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( Falmouth Ave 0-46473 31 I Lot 4O-41-42 TP 24036 6-14-62^ '

/ *utupe St Dedication P-838O4 "\

I Popbep Irving etux 0-45572 ' I• Grant Deed-Llbrapy Dept X-3X-62

FolrBox Branch

Porber Snrauel etux 0-44987 Easmt Deed-Sylvan. St 56 12-5-61 Wly fr Beck Ave P-102164

Forber Sora etux 0-47454 Eosmt Deed-Archwood St 11-20-62 S/S Wly Whitsett Ave

Popber Sam etux 0-47457 Qultolaim Oeed-Apchwood 11-20-62 SAs Wi ir Wm.»j!,«tt .Ave

' Parcou Geo R etux ' D-4413f Easrat Deed-Moorpark St 5-25-61 • N/.>* n«n«lU»i AVI- tn n»ek P - 9 U 7 i

Fargo Frank K et ux D-47868 r- Radford Ava 4 3-.26-63

Vanowen St - Easmt

Farley, James et al D-50345 Easrant Deed - 254th St. 12-29-63 t Petroleum Ave. I.D. FIOI688

Foriey Hobt L etux 0-45127 Eosrat Deed-Kewen Ave fc 12-19-61 Torre Bella St NW/S I 0 F-92124

Pormep Paul N etux 0-48790 Lot 18 Innep Harbor Tr 5-29-63 703 W Anaheim St - Offer t o ded

Fornlond Enterprises Ine O-47062 Offer to Ded-Lot 564- 11-26-62 Tr IOOO- 6826 Kester Ave

Pomsworth/Cronus SW Cor D-52965 Por Lot 10 Bl U 11-3-64 Navarro Tract F u t u r e . • I t r e e t Dprt

Paron John E 0-49455 Off ded- 602 Figueroa Pl 9-13-63

Farralone Ave D-46610• Lots 1 Tr 20664 9-18-62 Lot 146 Tr 21556 P-75445 Puture St dedicat ion

Farralone Ave D-46611 Lota 5-24-25 Tr 22014 9-18-62 Putupe St dedicat ion P-75445

Farralone Ave 0-44326 Lot 7 Tr 2144J; 7-14-6I Futura at dad P-102770

Forrolone Ave 0-48667 ,- Lots 10-11-24 Tr 20046 6-25-63

Futurr. St dedication F-109022

Forrolone Ave D-47365 Lot 30 Tr 22060-Lot 61 1-15-63 Tr 14392- ''uturo St Ded F-101928'

Porroione Ave 0-46521 lot 50 Tr 22481 6-27-62 Puture St Oediootion F-6x9X2

Farralone Avenue D-52489 Por Lot 146 Tr 21556 8-14-64 Puture Street Ded PIIII89

Farralone Avenue D-51638 Por Lots 426 Tr 21733 5-25-64 & 2i* Tr 24332 FII5550 Puture Street Ded _

Farralone Ave N/o Hart D-52020 Por Lot 5, Block 75, 6-30-64 Owensmouth P117044 Puture Street Ded.

Farralone Ave Ely/o D-52711 Lassen St Sly/o 9-30-64 Future Street Ded

Farralone Avenue 0-51270 Por Lot 5 Block 75 4-13-64 Owensraouth P117044 Future Street Ded

Farralone Avenue D-51667 - Por Lot 3 Block 1 of 6-3-64

OWfiOsmouth P110410&#1 Future Street Ded

Farralone Avenue Por Lot 3 Block 1 of Owensmouth Puture Street Ded

Fassino Robert et ux Rigl-.t of Entry •rfildwood Av 4 LaTuna Cyn Kd Intiirc .Sewer

Favorite James C etal Offer to ded-Lot 403


0-53123 11-20-64


D-49690 • 9-13-03

D-47751 3-1-63

Tr IOO0-146OO Magnolia Blvd

Pay Rlmmon C et ux , D-52547 Easmnt Deed 8-6-64 Alleys W/o Washington P St nr Marr St

Feamster Elizabeth D-49805 Agrrant 9-12-63 Chats-worth

Feamst"e"r" Eir6aFe"tTi"'E~ ot~iil-49dl0 Easmt Deod-Chatoworth 9-12-63 s Santa Susanna Ave to F-115638 1900' 'j/est

' Feder Benjamin et ux D-49918 Off Ded-Lot 7 Tr 7 9 U 11-12-63' 121 No Fairfax Av

Peeser Anna A 0-48526 Eosmt Deed- Gage Ave 4-24-63 Son Pedro St to Bdwy

Feeser Anno A 0-46529 Agrmt-Gage Ave-San 4-24-63 Pedro St to Bdwy

Feichter Robert R et ux D-52825 Easement Deed 8-23-64 Alley S.o Chatsworth no.fir Triijl no —

Feichter Robert R e t a l Agreement Alley S/o Chatsworth

_ near, leiu l a e , Peigenboum MonnlA etux

Grant Deed-Reo fc fka- 6-29-6X K«nm<ir Fiavi>:round Addtn

D-53220 11-19-64


Fein, Samuel, e t ux D-5182O Grant Deed-Laurel Cyn IO-I6-63 fc Sherman Way-S.P.R.R. P/V

Fein, Samuel e t al Agrmnt-Laurel Cyn &

0-51821 10-16-63

Sherman Way, S.P.R.R. R/^

Fein, Samuel, e t ux D-51823 Easmnt Deed-Laurel Cyn 16-16-63 & Sherman Way -S.P.R.R. R/W

Fein, Samuel, et ux 0-51824 Easmnt Deed-Laurel CynlO-16-63 Bl. fc Sherman Way S.P.R.R. R/W

Peln Samuel et ux D-51324 Easrant Deod IO-I6-63 ' Laurel Cyn Blvd fc Sher Han Wy (SSPRR R/H

Weinberg David a t iuc D-4B880 Off ded -Lot 62 Tr 6027 6-26-63 13530 I-loorpork St

• Pelnberg Oscor J e t a l D-46155 Agrrat-Dol Rey Ave- 6-4-62 Washington Blvd to Alley F-93793 Slv Beach Avo , , „ . ^

Feiner Hobert L D-45980 Offer t o Ded- 5-17-62 Lot 42 Tr 1081

Peiner '^obt L e to l D-46169 Offer to Ded-Lot 42- 6-29-62

jr Tr 1081

11 f

Peiner Robert L , Easmnt Deed

•' Lennox Ave-Sherman Wy 4 300' S/o Vose St

Feiner Robert L Orant Deed -Lennox Ave-Sherman Wy 4 300' S/o Vose St

D-5253t 8-24-64

D-52535 8-24-64

Page 13: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose


l i




I ^


i l '


h--"i . 'V


Peiner Robert L - , Eacmnt Deed

Lennox Ave-Sherman Wy 4 300' S/o Vose St

Peiner Robert L Eaomnt Deed LennoB Ave-Shermsui Wy 4 ,300' S/o Vose St

Feiner Rober t -L- ._ _ Easmnt Deed Lennox Ave-Sherman Wy 4 300' S/o Vose St

Feiner Robert L Easrant Deed Lennox Ave-She rman Wy 4 ',00' S/o Vose St ,

Peiner Robort L , Easmnt.Deed Lennox Ave-Sherman Wy 4 ,^00' S/o Vose St

Feldman Investraents Offer toOedeLots 1-2

0-52537 8-24-64

D-5253? 8-24-64

D-52540 8-24-64

D-52541 8-24-64

D-52542 3-24-64

imt Holland Tract-5066 Franklin Ave

Fellov.-r. .Avenue D-52338 Por tot 2 Tr 20724 8- i l -64

Futuri; Streot Dod F1113e9//4

Feiiows Ave D-44092 Lots 23-24 Tr 223OX i)-3l-bi Puture St Dedication F-96729

Pcllowa Avenue D-53102 Lot 58 Tract 28363 10-28-64 Puture Street Ded P121144

Fellows Ave 0-44668 Lot 69 Tr 16894 9-26-6x Puture St Dedleatlon F-56600

Fellows Ave NEly/o 0-53261 , Dyer St NWly/o 12-14-64

Puture Street Ded P111309#7

Follows Ave SWly/o 0-51317 Tyler St SEly/o 6-23-64

Futuro Street Ded

Feltensteln ^Idonla Eosmt Deed- Reseda Blvd 4 Vanowen St Imp Dist

Peits Frederick 0 etol Eaant Deed^^-AUey Nly '.•/ashlnAton St-Ciune Ave fc' Sanborn Avo

Penn Al et ux Agrmt-Alley Sly Lomlta Bl-/d 4 ?r3a 'dent St ID

0-46035. 3-25-63

D-46b68 9-12-62 F-101948

0-45625 3-28-62 P-101566

Fenster Emmo J etol D-46707 Offer to Ded-Lot 3 Tr 1336 6-4-63 6617 Fulton Avo

Fenton Ave D-45829 . lots 36 k 66 Tr 25146 4-20-62 Puture St dedication P-78002

Fenton Ave 0-47345 lot 52 Tr 25146 1-9-63 Futuro St Dedication F-69819

Fenton Sylvia" ' D-5O408 Offer to Ded- I-I7-64 1521 Adams Blvd

PerRUson M Richard etux 0-46093 Easmt Deed-R/W El Medio 5-3-62 Pl NEly - Privoto St P-107630

Fernandez Elvira •i}-49311 Offer ued jrop 8-23-63 5116 Avalon Blvd

Perro Anthony etux 1^-47414 Eosmt Deed-Woodnon Ave 3-28-62 Shernon Way to Victory F-104611 Blvd

.'erroro Evelyn M 0-47279 , Ecsnt Deed-Mountain Ave 12-12-6!. f.nnormnn. n t tr W n n t h l U Rl^i^

F e r r e l l Joaeph B etux 0-46582 Offer t o Ded- Lot 36-37 5-22-63 Tr 2605 - Wly Shir ley Ave Sly Venturo Blvd

Forrin R fc 'Sdna Easmnt Deed Belle Porte Ave

D-49397 7-63


, Fe r r i s John E e t ux D-52748 f Easement Deed 8-20-64

Prop Alley S.o Chats

Ferr is John E e t a l D-53116 - ' . Agreement- ^ - — - 8-20-64

Alley S/o Chatsworth n r Louise

Ferrul lo Domenlca 0-44304 Eoamt Deed-Olenooks Bl 6-28-61 H ibbsrd to Foo th i l l Bl

Pea St Lot 18 Tract I8676 Puture st dedication

Fevers Beatrice Agrmnt Walkway S/o 4l3t St bet Hooper fc 135' W/o Naomi Ave

Pick Talli B Offer to ded-5722 Tujunga Ave

Fickes Donald C Etux Dr50610 Offer to Ded-Sly of 2-7-64 Tareco Dr/./ly ';/onder View Dr

0-45642 I 3-30-62 P-106883

D-51661 5-26-64 FIO9429

D.4785I 3-20-63

Fielding S t ree t Lot 3 Tr 4278 Future St Dedication

Fields Sarah Easmt Oeed-Ooge Ave-San Pedro to Bdwy

Fie lds Soroh Agrmt- Oage Ave-San Pedro to Bdwy

D-48332 4-29-63 P-78158 0-47411


0-47412 12-28-62

Fields Walter etux 0-44x66 Grant Deed-Exposition 2-16-61 Bivd-Vermont Awe to F-90744 Wnnmpn/^^A AvA

Fields Walter etui Agrmt-Exposltlon Bivd Vermont Ave to Normandle F-90744 Ave

Fifer Joseph H 1918 Son Pedro St Offer dod pub st purp

D-44x67 2-16-6X

D-49597 10-2-63

5th St 636 W-Offer Ded Ptn Lots 22 4 21 Arcadia Park Traot

iSth st West 1503 Future Street Dod

Fifteenth St 3103 W Future Street Ded

50th St Nly/o Wall St Wly/o

Future S t ree t Ded

5l3t St 366 E Future S t r e e t Ded

5l8t St 657i East Future S t r e e t Ded

D-47195 12-10-62 P-109506

0-52118 7-30-64


D-50956 2-25-64 P109506#4

D-52456 8-14-64 P111309#7

D-51816 6-23-64 '

D-51686 6-4-64


5040 Tujunga Co Db.50431 Offer to ded- 1-14-64 5050 Tujunga Ave


5l3t St E 1424 ' 0-53294 Por Lot 5 Compton Villa 12-16-64 Tract Puture Street Ded

I43O-30J East 51st Street D-51427 Por Lot 6, Compton Ave. 4-24-64 Villa Tract

' _ PiitnrA .Atroot, AoA . -54th St 2301 West Future Street Oed

Page 14: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Figueroa X I 802 , "J Puture S t ree t Ded

Plgueroa S t r ee t P o r L o t s 1,2 fc 31 Bl "E" WLA Puture S t ree t Ded

719 Figueroa S t ree t Por var l o t s In Mar Vista Tract 1iSiVii..A Q^vvoA^ AoA . .

Figueroa St 719 Resol-ded future st

Figueroa St 803 Puture Street Ded

Figueroa St So 920-offer dedicate Korohak Ino a Corp

D-52476 3 I 8-21-64 ', PIO9506 \

D-52551 9-14-64 PU2502#2

D-51571 5-18-64 •

D-52854 10-16-64 F-10950e

"D-50734 2-6-64 P109506#2

• D-46 531 e-13-62

Figueroa St- 920 S ^ Z ^ W l . , offer of ded ptn Lots 12-19-62 6-9 Eugene Meyers Subdivion

Plgueroa St 925-7 So Puture Street Ded

Figueroa St So 1201 Puture Street Ded

Figueroa St - 4403 So

D-51920 7-7-64

D-53203 12-8-64 PIO9506

m D-469i>6 11-2-62

Offer t o Oed-Lot 49 Bradford fc Espes Figueroa St fc Vernnn Ave Tract . . , „ , „ _ - . *

i'igueroa St 0-46203 4403 S - Lot 49 Bradford 4-23-63 ) fc Epso' Tract - fu ture s t P-109S06 - ' ded

Figueroa St No 5028 Puture S t r ee t Dcd

D-52656 9-22-64 FIO9506

5100 No. Plgueroa St. D-49883 Puture Street (Resol) 11-6-63


Figueroa St No 5133 Puture Street Ded

Plgueroa St No 513'' Puture Street Ded

Figueroa St 5319 So Puture Street Ded

D-5250O 5-13-64

D-52132 7-30-64 F109506#4

0-50923 2-25-64 F109506#4

6303 So. Figueroa S t . 0-50117 Puture S t ree t ( r e so l ) 12-12-63


Figueroa St No 6316-28 0-53205 - Por Lots 14 fc 15 of Live

Oak Tract 11-20-64 Puture S t r ee t Ded

Plgueroa St No 6505 D-53125 Por Lots 5.6&7 Base 11-10-64 Line Tract Puture S t r ee t Ded

6607 No. Plgueroa S t . Puture S t ree t (Resol)

i Figueroa St 6655 No

Puture Street Ded

D-49878 11-7-63


D-51808 6-17-64

7107 No. Figueroa St. D-5146I For var Lots, Annandale 5-1-64 View Terr. P l l t l i r o .Sfr,roof, AoA _

Plgueroa St So I6503 D-52585 Fu tu re 'S t r ee t Ded 3-20-64

Plgueroa St Wly/o l84th St 31y/o

Puture. Street ,Ded

D-53255 12-14-64



Figueroa St NW cor Exp. ' Por Lota 1, 6 4 31 Bl E

of W.L.A. Futur<i S t r ee t Ded

P l i i p p i n l Lucy e t a i Agrmt- Coidwater Cyn aherman Woy to Vanowen

D-51774 _^: 6-12-64 -

0-44625 6-3O-61 P-92666

Flllppini Lucy D-49728 Offer to Ded-Tuxford St 10-7-63 E/o Glenoaks Blvd

Flllppini, Lucy D-51492 Easmnt Deed - Van,Noord 3-19-64 4 Hartland St. Imp.

Filmore St SEly/o Norris St NEly/o

Future Street Ded

D-52995 11-9-64 P111309#7

Plrtber Anna 0-45413 Quitclaim Oeed-Ungmulr 2-7-62 4 Graystone St I D P-98946

F inke l , Belle D-50340 Easmnt Deed - Vanowen l l - l l - 6 i S t . nr.Canoga Ave.

Finlan Cleo Lyle et ux U-50372 Off Ded-Lot 1 1-11-64 Ely Remmet Av - Sly Cohasset St

Pinlay Betty H 0-46106 Easrat Oeed-Burbonk Blvd 5-24-62 S/3 "ly Elmer Ave

Finley Buford et ux D-48O56 Kasmt Gage Ave - San 4-15-63 Pedro to Broadway

Finley Buford D-48057 et a l - Agrmt re lease /»-17-63 City from damages imp Gage Ave

Finn Howard A etux 0-43905 " Grant Deed-Suniand Blvd 3-1-61 Underhil l Rd to Womom Avo

Finn Howard A e t a l 0-43906 Agrrat- Suniand Blvl - 3 - I -6I Underbil l Rd to Womom Ave

Finn Howard A e to l 0-46468 Eosnt Deed-Shadow Is land 6-1-62 Or Ely '•unlond '^ivd

Finn Howord A etux D-46469 Easrat Deed-Shadow Islond 6-24-62 Or Nly 4 Ely iiunlond Bivd

Plnn Hov/ard A ot a l D-)iG330 Ar;rmt - Sunland Dlvd- 6-7-63 Tuxford St/Undorhill Rd

Finn Howard A et a l D-49935 Off Ded-Lot 82 Hansen Heights Wentworth W/o Marybell 11-15-63 to 235' s /o lantworth

Pinney Howord W etux 0-447X3 Eosmt Deed-Sotiooy St 9-2X-bx fc Oso Ave I 0

F i r s t Bapt is t Church of Gronodo Hiilis-Eosmt

D-44638 9-4-61

Peed-Hoyvenhurst Ave W/s aon ernandb Mlaslon Bivd to TuXsa St First Notl Finance Corp O-46332

Easmt Deed-Lomlta Blvd 7-16-62 Wilmington Ave to Avaion P-59865

1st Presbyterian Church 0-44385 of No Hwd -E.'ismt Deed- 7-13-61 Colfax Ave fc Addison (SE cor)

Xst So Baptist Church SF O-44590 Eaarat Doed-Adeiphio Ave 8-9-6X fc Brand Bivd 3 D F-92688

Ist Baptist Church D-48564 of Van Nuys - Offer ued 5-22-63 Kester Ave/Sherni..n V/ay

First Baptist Churoh, 0-52026 Westchester 6-12-64

Easmnt Deed-La Tijera FIO8053 bet. 74th StfcManchester

Page 15: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

i ^


' i

1st Lutheran Church of No Los Angeles Roscoe Blvd

let St West 1238 & 1244 Future Street Dcd

D-49503 / I 8-23-63 ' ,

0-52135-7-30-64 F109506#4

1936 East Plrat Streat _ D-50218 puture Street (Resol) 12-20-63

Pl09506„i»2,5,7.8,9 fc 10

Flrat St East 2525 Future Street Ded

2926 E. First Street For Lot 76. Davin & Jullien's Subdiv. Future Street ded,

3479 East First Street Future Street (Resol)

4100 West First Street Future Street (Resol)

0-52576 9-17-64

0-51544 5-8-64

D-50447 1-20-64


D-50385' 1-14-64


' % c IS-

t> •':

.4 , f

1st Natl Bk-Boston, D-50310 Off Ded-Lot 1C51 Tr IOOO 22800 Saticoy St 12-23-63

Kischei^ Arthur A et al D-50089 Cond Deed Pare 2-A 11-21-03 , Pico bet Rexford/Glenville Dr

Fischer Bernard ^ D-50393 Off Ded-Lot 20 -rfestfields Tr 4620 W Beverly Blvd 11-6-63

Fischer Emil Paul D-45926 Agrmt-Saltillo St fc 4-4-62 Escondido St Imp Dist

Plscli-.r Juno 0 0-43965 Arrrmt-Lan Alturas Stbot 6-25-'i3 ' 1150' :;/o 4 Kulholland DrP-9646l

Fisher Deri et ux B-46163 Ledlcate [rcierty 4-25-63 1257 No lJorn:andie Ave

Fisher Eugene etal D-45613 Agrmt-Coldwater Cyn A-/e-l-21-62 C'randl ir/Magnolla Blvds P-92636

.'inhor Philip 0-48837 Grant Dood-.' ac 4 Pks 3-11-63 DeptrDo ;kor Playftrnd Addn

Plsher Rovraond E etuX D-455i8 AKrmt-79th St-7ayonta Dr \ - 2 -b2 to Gulano Ave F-94570 \

Fisher Wm D-4704b Eaamt Deed-Mountalr Ave 11-1-62 • Appe nsori St fc PoothlU Blvd -v

Fishman Hyman ct ux D-52567 Easement Deed 8-13-64 Alleys W.O laurel Cyn Bl F114632

I Fitzgerald Joseph J etux D-45650-' Easnt Dead-Notlck Ave- 1-24-62 -'• Hortense/Valleyheart Dr

Pltz-Oerald 4 lltrov D-47920 a Corp-Easement Deed 3-19-63 Reseda Blvd 4 Vanowen St I D

Flaherty .Inmes .! ot ux D-49320 .;aDnt Deed ?-llr63 HMIrc^e ,-:t 4 CUva C.-ov.j Av Se-rfcr Di.-t F-9S329

Plelacher-Roen D-48364 Properties-Offer to ded 4-26-63 5432-36 Franklin Ave

Fleming Howard A etux 046134 Easmt Deed-lossen St N/S 6-4-62 louise Ave to Ely Enolno F-99899

Pleralng leonare C D-48592 Agrmt- 80th St fc Zoyanto 5-10-63 Dr 4 other sts imp F-103602

Fletcher Albert et ux D-47927 Big Tujunga Cyn Blvd 10-1-63 Mt Gleason Ave to F-86700 P-r..>V.^I 1 1 D l . t r l _ _ . , - - - 0

Fletcher Albert P e t ux D-47928 Agrmt-Blg Tujunga Cyn 10-1-62 Blvd-Mt Gleason Ave to Foo th i l l Blvd

F le t che r ' s Chevrolet Inc D-44305' Subord Agrmt-Ventura-Bl 7-26-61 Hayvenhurst Ave ID

P lo tche r ' s Chevroletlno 0 - 4 ^ 6 0 16425 Ventura Blvd 9-.:6-oj nrrav rtnd oub s t purp

Fle tcher Drive 2672 Future S t ree t Ded

Fle tcher Dr 3207 Puture S t ree t Ded

Fle tcher Or 3385 For l o t s 94 & 95 Tract 3122 Puture S t ree t Dpd

Fle tcher Drive 3501 Future S t r ee t Ded

?letcher Drive 3536 Puture S t ree t Ded

Fle tcher Or 3575 Puture S t ree t Ded

Fletcher Luci l le L i ab i l i t y re lease

Lot 8 Big Tujunga n.^. Dl.^.1 L:^ r . lA. iDnn.

I'llppon Jay C otux Easmt Doed-linda Flora Dr S/o Orun Rd

D-51355 4-20-64 PIO95O6

D-52720 10-1-64

0-53184 12-3-64

0-52923 9-29-64

D-50887 2-25-64 F109506#3

D-50656 2-4-64 F1095O6#8

D-48169 4-26-63 F-86700

0-49438 9- 3-63



Flippen, Jay C, et ux D-51072 Easmnt Deed-Linda Flora 2-28-64 ' bet. 400' S 4 600» S/o F111873 Drum Rrt. , ..,_

Ploercky Bartel H et ux D-46608 Easement Deed- 4-4-62 • '/Ioodman Ave-Sherman Way to Victory Blvd

Florentine St 0-44285 Lot 52 Tr 24956 7-5-61 Putura 3t ded P-96174

Fiores Jo'-n etux T>-43646 EftSmt Deed;Remick Ave 2-24-61 4 Jouott Sf I D F-93V51

Florea Manuel B et ux 0-44276 3:ismt Daed-Pallbrook Av 6-13-61 Victory to '/entura Bl

Fiores Manuel v et ux D-50146 Off Ded-Lot 5 Bl 149- LA Olive Growers Assoc Land 12-14-63 Selv of Roxford .«5t - Molv ef

Fiores P 4 Mary D-49400 Easmnt Deed 8-63 Herron St

Ploria P 4 Mary D-4' 468 Offer to Ded Herron St 6-63

Flower Oqoar E etux 0-45390 Faamt Deod-Llndiey Ave fc 2-12-62 Napa St N'.il cor

7823-25 S. Flower St, D-51607 Port of Lots 96, 97 of Peckham'3 Moneta Ave 5-20-64 Future Street ded. Flowerdale Court 0-44506 Lots 299 to 306 Tr I6046 8-21-61 Puture St Ded F-96651

?iowera Marlon L 0-46x95 Easmt Deed-'Woodman Ave 6-X5-62 ShAnmcin Upw t n V4e-n»w» Wiw<<

Page 16: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Flynn H a r r y C e t a l 0 -44269 3 > Condemn-AUey NWly 5 - 2 9 - 6 1 ''

Cologne St & KE La P-74696 ^ Cinnena nivd

, PXynn Wm J e t u x 0-44126 Easmt Deed- Vono..'en S t 5 - 2 4 - 6 1 Hayvenhurst Ave to BaXboo Bivd

Flynn Wn P etux 0-47647 Easmt Deed-Linnet St fc 1-28-63 1i«lvln fVA Tpn Dist "v

Plynn Wn P etal D-47648 Agrmt-Llnnet St & Calvin 1-28-63 • Ave Imp Olst \

Foerster, Marie Louise .D-51495 Agrmnt - Montalvo St. 1-20-64 • k Lotus St. I.D. F99262 -v,

Polb Stanley 0-48076 , Offer to Dad- Lots 1-2 4-18-63 Frank&ln Pl-N/S Ely Highland Ave

Foley Edward K et ux D-44841 Easement Deed- 10-13-61-Valley Vista Blvd bet P-103260 -Stansbury Ave 4 Camino DeLa Cumbre

Foley Maurice i'" et al D-49486 Offer to Ded Lot 100 9-63 Tr 1624-Third St

Foley Tim J etux D-45070 Eosmt Deed-Perry Or fc 12-13-61 Decente Court 3 D F-67923

Pollnsky Robert et ol D-49241 Offer to Dod Lot 193- 6-63 Tr lOOO-Huston St

Folker 0 S etux 0-46879 Easmt Oeed-Woodnan Ave 4-5-62 Sherman Way to Viotory P-104611 Blvd

Poise John R et ux D-52554 Easmnt Deed 6-1-62 Herron St-I-IW side N/E DeFoe Avo

Fonfaro Edward etux 0-47692 Easrat Beed-Guge Ave-San 3-5-63 Pedro St to Bdwy Ponfara Edward et ux 0-47893

Agreement- 3-5-63 Oage Ave-San Fedro St to

.Broadway, , . . _.. . Fong Lois Lew D-49897

Cond-Deed Pare 11 2-'7-63 • Wall St NEly 25th St

Fong Lois Lew ' 0-49898 Cond Deed Pare 13 7-19-63 • Wall St N/E 25th St

e Poothlll Blvd 0-48344 ^ ] ' - 7073-7075 - Hesol 5911 5-2-63 -

acc ded prop as pub st F-109506 ^


7415 Poothlll Blvd. Puture Street (resol)

PoothlU Blvd 7671 Puture Street Ded

Poothlll Blvd 8220 Future Street Ded

Poothlll Blvd 8409 - Besol 6566 aoc ded prop

Foothill Blvd 8510 Puture Street Ded

Foothill Blvd 86l4 Future Street Ded

0-50120 12-12-63


D-52873 8-26-64

D-52667 9-22-64 PIO9506

D-48243 4-26-63 P-111309

D-50866 2-24-64 F109506#5

D-50790 ' 2 - 1 8 - 6 4 P1095O6#l

D-52202 8 - 4 - 6 4

0-53187 1 2 - 4 - ' •64

11901 P o o t h l l l B lvd . Easmnt -Por Block 58< Maclay Rancho P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded.

P o o t h l l l Blvd 13800 For Lot 3 Block 70 o f O l i v e Growers Assoc Leuids F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

F o o t h i l l Blvd D-48247 13820 - Heso l 6570 4 - 2 6 - 6 3 aco ded p r o p P-111309

F o o t h i l l Blvd 13864 D-53210 Por Lot 3 Block 70 of 11 -3 -64 L A O l i v e Grxjwers Assoc Lands

. P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded P o o t h l U Blvd 13871 D-52669

P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded 9 -22-64 ^ PIO9506

Poothlll Blvd 13883 Puture Street Ded


14021 Foothill Blvd. 0-51611 Maclay Rancho-Por Bl 47 5-13-64 Future Street ded.

Foothill Blvd 14021 "esol-ded future st

Foothill Blvd 14467 Future Street Ded

D-52b67 10-16-64• F-109506

0-52726 10-2-64

Fong Lois Lew Cond Deed-Par Nunc Pro Tunc


Fong P h i l i p H e t o l

0-49697 1-6-64 '

B-49895 Off t o Ded- 995 N Bdwy 10 -30 -63

7oo Jong Ah e t o l D-46264 Cond pa r 39-A fc 39B- 6 - 2 2 - 6 2 wn->-Bi>tillA ^v« h e t Sunto RBrhnT'e Ave fc Vernon Ave

Poo Jong Ah D-47566 , Cond Deed- Por 4 4 - A - 3 - 1-14-63 .

45 -A-B- 46-A-D-Horraandie Ave b o t S o n t a B a r b a r a Ave 4 Vernon Ave

Poo Jong Ah e t a l C o n d e m o t i o n Deed

,D-47785 2-19-63

Pars 1-A 4 1-B Fire Station Site

Foo Jong Ah etol 0-46015 Cond Deed-Por 3-A-B- 3-15-63 Normandie Ave bet Sonto Borbara Ave & Vprnon Ave .. _ .,

Poo Jong Ah b-46413 Cond Deed- Par 43-A-B- 4-3-6ft Normandle Ave bet Sonto Barbara Ave & Vernon Ave

Foothill Blvd. 0-52019 Por Lot 1, Tr 7826 6-30-64 Future Street Ded. P116462


NEly of Foothill Blvd. D-51447 W'/ly of Astoria Street 2-24-64

Por Bl 47 Maclay Rancho Fiit.iirn, .St-.rppt. t ^p .A . _

Poothlll Blvd SWly/o D-52423 Brand Blvd SEly/o 8-22-64

Future Street Ded

Sly, Poothlll,Ely Christy Puture Street Ded

D-50082 12-9-63 . P111309#l

Nly of Foothill Blvd. D-51272 Wly of Orcas Avenue 4-13-64

Por L 16 of Tujunga Ranch Future Street ded.

Nly of Foothill Blvd. 'VO.y of Orcas Avenue

L 16, Tujunga Ranch Fnt-,ti.. n r r a o * . AoA

Forbes Ave Lots 5-iS>-22 Tr 23625 Tr 16239 Future at Ded

0-51421 4-11-64

0-43944 4-26-61 P-96395

Foreler Joseph W etux 0-45507 Easmt Deed-Poothlli Blvd 2-19-62 4 Amanita Ave S D F-92229

Ford Ann H 0-45l65 - Easrat Deed-Sherman Way- 12-20-61 •

/ Topanga Cyn Blvd to Forrolone Ave

Page 17: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Ford Churies etux " - Offer to Ded-Lot 22

Tr 4449 -146 E lOSth St

Forest Lawn Co Offer to Dod-Lot 6 Tr 3210

0-470x0 / I 11-11-62 < I

0 -46146 ' 6 -20 r62 1

P o s t e r Donald E a s n t Deed •

E e t ux 0 -48533 B i g Tujunga 5 - 3 - 6 3

F o r e s t Lawn Company D-51323 Easmnt Deedf / s to rm d r 4 - 1 - 6 4 E l y / o F o r e s t LaWn Dr F113380 \ t o L A R i v e r ^

F o r e s t Lown Mortgage k , 0 - 4 4 7 6 5 Inves tn i t Co-Easement D 1 0 - 1 7 - 6 1 a/w San Se^jer-'rf/o Orchard P-101603 -., Avo 4 Redondo Bch Blvd ID

Fonn i sano e t a l 13-47894 I r r e v o f f e r ueu C a n t l a y 3 -22-63 • S t V//0 A U o t t Ave -

F o r s t J a c o b e t a l D-53433 F i n a l Conderan P a r c e l 70 1 2 - 3 - 6 4 r / a l o p e s , c u t s 4 f i l l s •

F o r s t J a c o b D-53439 F i n a l Conderan P a r c e l 6C 12 -3 -64 f / s l o p e s , c u t s 4 f i l l s -

Por thmann E s t a t e Co O-44184 Deed-LA T r a n s i t L ines 4 - 2 8 - 6 1 ' Vermont Avo-Floronco Ave t o P.<rA n t

Porthmann Maneioine e t a l D-i4;i87 U u l t c i a l m Deed-LA T r a n s i t 4 -28-6 ; ' Llnes-Verraont Ave-F lo renoe Ave t o ^ e3 rd 3 t

F o r t a o n Minnie B Agrmnt Walkway S/o 4 l 3 t S t b e t Hooper 4 l^'^< W/o Naomi Ave

F o r t u n e Way D-47124 Loto SZ k 53 T r 25687 11 -30-62 F u t u r e S t D e d i c a t i o n F-97439

0-51659 5-27-64 PIO9429

43th St West 3010 Future Street Ded

D-52917 9 -9 -54

4 l 3 t Church C h r i s t D-45798 S c i e n t i s t LA C a l i f - 2 - 6 - 6 2 i^fismt Doed-Whl teOokAve 3 3 0 ' Nlv t o S u p e r i o r S t

4 l E t Church of C h r i s t D-45799 S c i e n t i s t LA C o l l f - 2 - 8 - 6 2 Gran t Doed-V/hiteOok Ave 3 3 0 ' N t o S u p e r i o r S t

1412 E a s t 4 1 s t S t r e e t D-50543 F u t u r e S t r e e t ( R e s o l ) 2 - 3 - 6 4

F109506#3 43rd Avonuo 4 D-l|5o53

. lo ross P a c i f i c Ava - 1 2 - 2 1 - 6 1 Tr':i-!S p l p o l l n a C-intury OU Co -O-.iltclalm D-ied -

Poss F l o r e n c e E D-45379 Easrat Deed-Lodr iXio S t 5 - 9 - 6 1 "•"l- ' • ' -n- ' l -ke .«.-c

Poss F l o r e n c e E D-45360 Grant D e e d - L a d r l i l o St 5 - 9 - 6 1 ' . r^w W o n i * l - V p *—n

Posson C o n d i t A e t u x D-47573 E a s n t Deed-Oro Oronde S t 1 - 2 3 - 6 3 . n r R n l s t o n Ave Irap

P o s t e r C W Co D-51970 F u t u r o S t r e e t Ded 4 - 9 - 6 3 P r i a t r N/o Al to Cedro Dr

F o o t e r C W Co, Ino D-52191 Easeraent Deed f / p r l v 4 - 1 1 - 6 3 s t r Illy A l t o Cedro Dr 3 2 5 - 1 5 6 3 ' t o A l t o Cedro Dr

F o s t e r e h a r l e y D-49998 Sasmt Head . K - l - o 3 -/ernon Av Le t Cent . -a l Av 4 rtvalon Dlvd

F o s t e r C h a r l e y e t a l Agrmt- -Vernon Ave b e t

D-49999 1 0 - 1 - 6 3

C e n t r a l Avc 4 Avalon Blvd

Foste-^ Donald E e t o l 0 - 4 6 7 3 1 Gran t Deed- Big Tujunga 5 - 3 - o 3 Cyn B l v d - Mt G lea son F-86700

. Ave t o F o o t h i l l Blvd

P o s t e r James T e t ux 0-53508 Gran t Deed 1 0 - 1 9 - 6 4 -Van Nuys A i r p p r t

Pouch , J u l i a K. e t a l D-50822 Easmnt Deed-Rim Cyn Rd. 2 - 5 - 6 4 4 D e n i v e l l e Rd S.D.

4 t h S t 1919 E a s t D-51950 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded 6 -12 -64

4 t h S t r e e t - 262X E D-4680y Lot 12 B lancha rd s u b d l v a n x o - x 6 - 6 c F u t u r e S t D e d l c o t i o n

l»th S t r e e t 3210 E a s t P u t u r e S t r e e t Oed

4 th 4 W e s t e m HW c o r F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

0-51370 4 - 2 0 - 6 4 PIO9506

0-52424 7-6-64

umi P106027

D-53327 r -28 -64

Fov/ler John 0 e t a l Easeraent Deed El Segundo Blvd Pl m i o n n n t o Vnminnf.

Fowler John 0 e t a l Agreement 7 -__ . -_ . Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W,3BM P10d027 El Sattundo.Plpuexwn t o Verraont

Fowle r John D o t a l D-53329 Easeraent Deed 7 - 2 o - 6 4 Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W,3BM PIO6027 E l Sec^unrto.I!'! i fueroB t n Vp-rmnnt-,

Fowler T C J r e t a l 0 -46596 Agrmt- Gago Avo-San 2 - 2 1 - 6 3 Podro St t o Bdwy

Powlor T C J r e t u x , 0 -48595 Easrat Deed- Gage Avo- 2 - 2 1 - 6 3 San Podro St t o Edwy

Pox Arnold e t a l D-l|4985 Tl-ismt Daed-r>ylvan S t 1 2 - 5 - 6 1 S / s - Wly f r Rack Ava P-102164

Pox Arnold e t n l 0-44986 , Grant Daad-Sylvan Rt 1 2 - 5 - 6 1 R/s Wl-.r fp Beck Ave P-102164

Fex bona M D-5OI8O Off Ded-Lots 4 & 5 - 12 -19-63 V i s t a Del Oro - 914 Alma St

Pox Howard M(Mrs) D-44920 Agrmt - Medina Rd fc 1 1 - 2 - 6 1 Medina Dr ID

Fox "Rowara M' i T a T i^VS9T? ' F i n a l Cond Deed 11 -6 -63 W J e f f e r s o n fc 7 t h Ave T r a c t

tint F l l 2 1 4 7

Fox, Howard M. et al . Quitclm Deed-Spring St.

Sewer Repl, 1st to 7th. (Aband. of tunnels)

Fox R H D-5O6O3 Easmt Deed-Vanowen St 8-7-62 Van Nuys Blvd to Kester

.'ox Raymond etol D-45314 Eaamt Deed-Moorpork St 1-4-62 *• A 1,1 AT K1,v lfo«r«n AVA P - Q O P O O

Ira" Dist Pox Rose M 0-48431 , Agreement- 10-26-62

Big Tujunga Cyn Blvd F-86700 Mt Gleason Ave to Foothill Blvd

Fox Wayne R et ux D-52178 Easeraent Deed 7-16-64 Saticoy St nr Llndley

Foy, Sarah King D-5II64" Easmnt Deed - Ventura- 3-11-64 Hayvenlrurst to Petit Ave,

Francisco, V.L.Jr. et ux D-51542 Agrmnt - Campo Road, 4-27-64 near Celes St.

Page 18: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

P^ank Edward etux D-48509 _3 i offer to ded- Lot 69 5-15-63 .

Westchester Pl-3325 W Ploo

Frankel, Albert «t al Grant Deed - Roscoe Bl 4 Vanalden Ave. I.D.

Frankel, Albert et al Easmnt Deed - Roscoe fc Vanalden Ave. I.D.

Frankel, Albert et al Agrmnt - Roscoe Blvd. & Vanalden Ave. I.D.

• Frankel, Emil et al Grant Deed - Roscoe Bl & Vanalden Ave. I.D.

Frankel, Emil et al Easmnt Deed - Roscoe 4 Vanalden Ave. I.D.

Frankel, Emil et al Agrmnt - Roscoe Blvd & Vanalden Ave. I.D.

Frankfort Street Var lota Tr 22150-22149 Future St Dertlcatlon

Frankhouse Aime* R Offer to Ded-48l9 Hayvenhurst Ave

Frankirst Ave Lots 24-25 Tr 17715 Future St Dedication

Franklin Ave. 1350 Resol accent ofi'er of dedication

Franklin Ave 48l0 Future Street Ded

\ D-51129 3-10-64',

D-51130 I 3-10-64 1

Prederick Rlcha'rd C J t a l D-4'^723 4-\ Ely Be l l a i r e Ava & 10-21-6;- ' Sly BIythe St - offer ded

622 \ -64 ]

' D - 5 1 1 2 9 i

3-10-64• J

D-51622 3-10: •

D-51130 ,3-10-64 j

D-51622 3-10-64

0-43185 \ 1-3-61 F-96649 - '

0-46159 J 6-22-62 i

5068 Franklin Avenue Puture S t ree t (Resol)

Frankiln Ave 5340 Future' S t ree t Ded

Franklin Ave 5340 i(esol-ded future s t

0-47404 1-18*63 F-108154 D-49145 j -23-63 F-109506

0-50716 2-6-64 F109506#2

D-50041 12-4-63 •


D-51758 6-12-64 •

D-52657 10-16-64 F-109506

5432-36 Pranklln Ave. D-49710 Future S t ree t (Resol) 10-15-63'


Pranklln Ave 6420 Future S t ree t Ded

D-52271 3-4-64 F-'109506

i l l D-53448 12-8-64

Franklin Ethel B Easement Deed Noimandic Ave bet Ex-

• Dositlon 4 Sta Barbprn Frankiln Ethel B D - 5 3 4 4 9

Agreement 12-8-64 Normandle Ave between Exposition 4 Sta Barbara

Pronklln Lome '.; Feme D-45671 Sasmt Doed-Woodman Ave- 3-13-62 Shermon Wy/Vlctory

Prazier Jock L etux 0-47212 Eosnt Deed-Oro Grande 3t 11-29-62 nr Ralaton Avo Imp

Prazln Robert B etux 0-47467 Eosnt Deed-Atoll Ave- 1-30-63 :> W/S at Hort St

Prederick Arthur A et ux D-51629 Easmnt Deed Vemon 5-1-64 Central 4 Avalon

Frederick, Arthur A et ux D-5163O Agrmnt - Vernon Ave, 5-1-64 ' Central Ave & Avalon Blvd,

i?reebalrn Wiiiord G etux Eosmt Deed-R/W Wiy Ave 52 fr Ave 51 Sly

D-46403 7-5-62 P-107876 -

~""D-5'"1152" .'reed Albert et ux . Offer Ded-Lot 9 Boulevard 3-31-64

HeiKhts-711 Crenshaw Blvd

~ 0^46662 9-26-62

Pi^ed Joseph & Benjamin Weber-Offer to ded-2939 E Washington Blvd

Freed 0 J etol Offer ded-Lots 2 to 5 1000 B Olynnln Rlvd

Freedman Louls etol Agrrat-pacific Ave-Murlne Ct to Zephyr Ct

0-47219 12-14-62

'D-43627 2-27-61 P-767J3

Freedman Paul etux D-47478 Easrat Deod-Mountoir Ave 12-29-62 . Apperson St fc Foothill

Freeman Carol etol Enarat Deed-Moorpork St

D-45439 2-9-62

4 Alley Ely Kester Ave ID P-9920y

Freeman Glenn V. et ux b-51107 ' Offer Ded-Lot 2 Tr 12464 3-20-04-Ely Rubio Ave Nly Sharman 'v/ay

Freeman Fluelling et al D-44547 Condemnation Deed- 8-10-61 -Parcel 8-Ely Compton Ave Nly 54th St

Preemon Hugh I e t ux 0-45710 Easmt Deed-Woodraan Ave- 3-20-62 SharmonWy/VlctorTT Blvd

Fregonese Fa i t h Domergue 0-49964, Quitclaim Deed-Shertaood 4-10-o3 Forest Lane 4 R/V/ Ely F-100035 Coldwater Cvn Dr

P r e l t a s Gabriel T e t o l D-50899 , Agrrat-Coss Ave 4 12-17-63 Quinta Rd

Pre l t a s Oabrlel T e t a l 0-51645 Agrmnt San Sebastian 5-8-64 4 Calderon Rd ID

French Florence e t a l 1^-45168 Grant Deed-Woodman Ave 10-24-61 " ibe r s St to LA River

••rench Florence e t o l 0-45169 , Agrrat-Woodman Ave-Albera 102-4-61 St to LA River

Franch Nels J e t s l D-46224 Cond- Lots 24 to 29-Hooverb-ii-6i' bet 4bth 4 49th-Park Purposes 573X

French NOis J e tax D-46225 Cond-Lots 24 to 29-Hoover 6 - i l - 6 t bet 48th 4 49th-Purk Purposes

•5752 Prenn Sidney A e t ux D-53027 ,, Easement Deed 3-26-64

Topham St n r Etlwamda

Prenn Sidney A e t ux D-53028 • Agreement 3-26-64 '

Tophcun St n r Etiwanda Prenn Sidney A e t a l D-53032

Agreement 10-6-64 Tophara St n r Etiwanda

Fresquez E. L, et ux D-5175I Easrant Deed 4-3-64 Capital Dr E/o Meyler F97552#l

Fresquez George E e t ux D-51753 , Easmnt Deed 3-31-64

Capital Dr E/o Meyler F97552#l

Freudiger Williom R etux D-44967 ', Eaarat Deed-Vanowon St- 12- 6-61

, Woodlay Ave to Hayvenhurst Aves

[ '

Page 19: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

• i



I .

.1 I I

'I 'I I

. • "




Friar St Lot 13 Tr 23622 Future St Dedlcotion

' P r l a r S t Lot 13 Tr 23822 F u t u r e S t D e d i e a t i o n ,

Priar St Lot 20 Tr 20990 Puture st dedloation

D-43214 / I 1-3-61 .'; F-99241 "X

0-44660 I 9-19-6X F-88342 \

0-46694 10-1-62 P-IOO7O6

P r l a r S t 4 C a r t w r i g h t 0 -52395 Por Lot 100 Lankershlm 8 - 1 9 - 6 4 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded P98439

F r i a r S t r e e t D-53228 Por Lot 100 Lankershlm 12-10-64 Land 4 Water Co F98439#l F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Fr iedman Berna rd e t u x D-45164 F.s amt Deed-buff a i o Ave o t 9 - 6 - 6 1

Deiono St

Fr iedman Bernard e t u x D-45i85 Gran t Deed-Buffu io Ave a t 9 - 6 - 6 l

Fr iedman Bernard e t u x D-i;i)i06 e r f t o Ded-Buf fa lo Ave o t 9-6-6X TlAlunn .st

'Fr iedi . .an J u l i a N D-53599 . "asement - Osbcrne S t 11-12-64 ,

San Fdo Ku t o Frwy- F-112666

Friedman J a c o b L e t a l D-5261I Easmnt Deed 8 -10-64 K e s t e r Ave Imp F I I6136 n r MooroaiHc

Friedraan S t a n l e y D-46970 Offe r t o Ded-Lots 26 -27 8 -20-62 5244 t o 5<i524 W h i t s e t t Ave

Priedrann S t a n l e y D-46971 Offer to n e d - Lots 26-27 8 -20-62 52ii4-5i^52i W h i t s e t t Ave

F r i e n d K 4 B e v e r l y D-48518 Easmt Deed 3-63 Glenavon Ave F-112842

F r i e n d Lloyd H Of fe r t o d e d l o a t e -

D-49443 9-11-63

1566-68-J W Jefferson Blvd

Frleii Ave Ely/o D-52479 "E" St Nly/o 8-20-64 Future Alley Ded

Fries Ave Ely/o D-53120 "E" Street Nly/o 11-20-64 Future Street Ded F111309#l

Frleate Ave Wly/o D-503o4 Cruces St Sly/o 2-18-64

Future Street Ded F111309#5

Frlak Frank 0 Jr D-52897 Easeraent Deed 9-30-64 Sewer Ely/o Montecitc P117632 4 Nly/o Evadale Dr

Frkovich Joseph P etux 0-47904 Eaant Deed- Kester Ave 3-12-632. E/3 Nly Burbank Blvd

Froraan Henry A etux D-49118 Off to ded- Lota 62-63- 7-24-63 1936 E Ist St

Fromer, Shirley E. et al D-50335 Easmnt Deed - Vanowen 9-9-63 St. nr Canoga Ave.

Frontino Mary et al 0-53074 Agreement 11-2-64 Solano Ave 4 Jarvis St

Froschauer, Henry B. et ux D-51059 Easrant Deed - Woodley Ave 2-26-64 nr Nordhoff St. Imp.

Prost Elbert et al D-52821 Agreement 8-12-64 Winnetka Ave Imp PIO9177 near Stagg St • •

Pry James E et ux - Eaamnt Deed

Saticoy St nr Lindley

D-52533 8 -11-64

Puca " o b o r t A e t u x D-46902 Gran t D e e d - K i t t r l d g e S t 9 - 4 - 6 2 4 Woodnan Ave- F -

KUilKa«a Masani" Jo ' hn"E tuxD-JOl f i l O f f e r t o Ded-Gardena 1 2 - 2 3 - ' Blvd b e t H o o v e r / E s t r e l l a S t

P u j i o k i Gran t e t ux 0^46573 O f f e r t o d e d - 8 -29 -62 16104 3 Vermont Ave

P u j i t a Mi t suo c t ux D-516OO Easrant Deed Haddon 5 -8 -64 Irap n r Jerome 4 O'Melveny

Fukuraoto Joe T e t u x 0-43405 Ensmt Deed-AUey E l y of 1-23-61 -C e n t l n e i a Ave fc Nly F-91P76 Ollmore Avc

P u l c h e r Mabel C 0 -45093 ' 4 u l t c l a i n D e o d - L a u r e l C l O - 2 5 - o l Canvon Bivd 4 a h e r n a n Wa» Grade Sep r /w . .

Pu ld P red J r e t a l 0 -48521 Agreement- 3 - 2 1 - 6 3

•" A l l e y Wly Gaffey S t P-IO3698 n e a r 3 rd S t

Puld P r e d e t o l D-4U935 Af.Trat - A l l a y W/o Gaffey 1-30-63 S t n r 3 rd S t P-103698

F u l l b r i g h t Ave 0-49030 P t n Lo t s 62 4 63 6 -28 -63 Tr 27061-Fu tu re S t dod F-104642

P u l l e r Ronig C e t o l D-47419 Cond por 23-A-B-C-Tr 1-2-63 6170-L lano Dr b e t Coss Ave fc RimnnvAntiira 3 t fc C l a v e l Ct

F u l l e r Ronig C e t o l Cond Deed-Par 1 9 - o -Llono Dr b e t Coas Ave RnAnot-AntimQ .*t

Fulton Ave lots 9-13 Tr 20127 Future St Dedication

Fulton Avenue Por l o t 92 Tr 20312 F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

P u l t o n Ave 4502 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

P u l t o n Ave 4629 F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

D-47567 1-14-63

B-4 5912 4 - 3 0 - 6 2 F-85975

D-50851 2 -20 -64 F102226

0-52909 10-27-64 •

0-51374 4-20-64 PIO9506

6060 Pulton Avenue D-49708 Puture Street (Resol) 10-15-63


Fulton Ave 6116 Kesol-ded public st

Pulton Ave 6l26 Lot 3 Tract 206l5 Puture Street Ded

D-52293 8- 4-64 ' F 109506

0-50669 2-4-64 P109506#10

Pulton Ave 6l33 5-52436 Future street or alley 8-26-64 ded P109506#2

Pulton Avenue 6136 Puture Street Ded

.'ulton Ave 6312 Hesol-ded future st

6535 Fulton Avenue Future Street (Resol)

.»ulton Avo 6553 R'-issell Yea^or e t o l Of fe r ded f u t u r e s t

t-ttr F109506#10

D-52305 t;- 4-64 • F-10950f

D-50642 2-4-64 ;


D-49264 8-14-63

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Pulton Ave 6553 ' Future Street Ded

Fulton Ave 656I Future Street Ded

Fulton Ave 6617 Future Street Oed

Fulton Avo - 6858 Resol accept dedication

Pulton Ave 69OO Future Street Ded

Fulton Ave 6920 - Besol 6568 aoc ded prop

Fulton Ave 6950 Puture S t ree t Ded

Fulton Ave 7020 Puture S t ree t Ded

Pulton Ave Ely/o • Sherman Way Sly/o

Puture S t ree t Ded

Pulton Ave Wly/o Sylvan St Sly/o

Puture S t ree t Oed

Funlf'L irf " Crant Deed-Van Nuys Airport

0-50657 2-4-64 * P109506#10

. D-52145 7-30-64


D-50791 2-18-64


D-49148 " 4-15-63 F-109506

. D-51878 6-23-64

D-48245 4-26-63 F-111309

0-52294 3-4-64


0-50644 2-4-64 P109506#10

' 0-51742 6-10-64

D-53249 12-15-64 F111309#6

""D-5Ci353 ' 12-10-63

Furnish Vera O-44745 I Easnt Deed-Crespl 3t fc 9-il-6x.,

HigoXetto St 3 D F-93209 "'

Pusano Nick etux 0-47084 Offer to Ded-Lot 5 11-27-62

S5i5^B?JSSSe°irfigSy*3!88olei°'- " Futuro Alley i>-45y9b

Lot 1 Tr I6309 5-14-62 Puture Alley dedloation P-102142 . .

"Future Alley D-49191 " Lot I Tr 27235- 8-6-63 ' Future alley dedicatn P-106055

Future Alley D-4919I' Lots 1-2-3 Tr 19641- 8-6-63 Puture alley dedloation P-IO6055

Future Alley 0-43^94 LOts 3 to 8 Tr 12656 i - t i - b l Future St Dedication F-XOU262

"Future Alley D-44906 Lots 13/14 Tr 19690 11-16-61 Puture alley ded P-104321

Putura Alloy 0-44443 , Lot 19 Tr 19242 8-4361 Puture alley dedlcotion

Future Streets D-47520 Resol 5024 thru 5034- thru-

• -r-r lota i i t-rcts aee i;-!'753Q. 08.ats fc Rwy P-I095O6

Puture Streets D-47707 ,. Resol 5070 thru 5075- thru

Aco fre» noMlo etn-effer 0-47712 of ded

Puture 3t 0-48452 Accept of dedloationto 4;6484 Resol 5205 to 5237

Future St Dedication Reaol 5337 to 5344-Resol of aoceptanoe

Future St Dedloation Resol 5429 thru 5450 5-29-63


5-10^63 P-II2506

0-48991 7-12-63

t o D-/iflq<}fi 0-46678

thru 46699 F-112979


Future St Dedications I Resois 5450 & 5451


D-48316 fc 4 D-48317 P

p-108882 P-97638

IPuture Sts D-48107 Resois 5456 thru 5478 thru & Hesol 5480 - D-48130 -aoo for future sts-.offers ded

Future Sts Resois 5481 fc 5482


Future St Resol 5483 & 5484


Future Sts Resol 55D1

Future St dedications Besols #5514 thru n'5538-various streets

Future Sts Resol 5549 thru 5552 Acc for future sts-

^ offers of ded Future Sts

Resol 5591

Future St Dadioatiops Resol 5616 thru 5619 5-17-63

Puture St Dedioationa Resois 5739 thru 5749

Future Sts Resols5803 fc 58C4


Future St Resol 5838

D-49492 fc B-49493 F-111266 ,v ^ nm rtr\

D-49494 fc B-49495 '

F-110705 », i->On<^

D-49511 9-63


0-49327 thru

D-49351^ ,. P-10<)506

0-47873 thru D.47876

~""D-49564 9-6-63


""" 0-48576 •

*e6579 .. F-109506

0-49045 thru


D-49481 fc D-49482

F-107779 . i t . i f . ' i e c4 i

D-49184 7-22-63


Puture Alley D-48333 Resol 5900- 5-2-63 Lota 81 to 95 Tr 12110 P-112628 Sherbourne I^, near Sawyer St

Future St O-46350 St Accept dad - reeol 5917 to 5921

ftuture Sts Resois 6C20 thru 6023

Future St Reso 1 6048

Future St Dedications Besols ^6073 through #6082-Various Sts

Futuro St Resol 6217

.'uture Sts Reaol 6238 thrjl 6240 Vnr l o t s ,'i t r a c t s acc as s t s . .

Future S ts Resois 6491 fc 6691 9-63

•"Future S ts Resol ,6576 fc 6577 9-63

Future Sts Resois 6634 fc 6635


Future Streets ' Rgsol 6956 thru 6957

Rosol of aoceptanoe - 6-25-63 Future Sts Resois 7510 thru 7S48


to D-48353

D-49549 thru 0-49552


D-48979 7-63


D-49200 thru •

D-49209 F-109506

D-49265 8-7-63


D-48216 thru


' D-49430 ' thru D-49431

F -UI I56 D-49457 fc D-49458

F-111388 ,F-112941

D-48932 fc 0-48933

F-95332 .v-^^•^•>^i•>


48904 P-111309-

D-49372 thru D-49380 F-109506

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Future St 0-45207 I \ ' Lot 1 Tr 23687 1-18-62 i Future St Dedication F-103100 V

Future S t r ee t s 0-48898 I Lot 5 Tr 10930 - 6-25-63 | r e s o l of acceptance F-111309 ' \

Futum St Dedication 0-48605 Lota 25-32-119-120- 5-20-63 Tr 22267 - P-112672 V

/I Puture St Dedications 0-55951 I Besols 4376 th ru 4380 10-5^^62

thru D-55955 -J P-111309 \

••"utn-o St D-43213 1 Lot 77 Honcon Hgts e tc 4-23-63 ' I Resol 6235 -aer. ded P-li,1309 -SL

p-48214 { 4-23-63 J P-111309 • /

Future St Lots IJ: 2 Tr ,53l5 Rosol -6236 - acc ded

,'uturo St Lot 1 Tract 5827 nn,qnl 623?, -ncc dsd

Future St Slv Hoyvehhurst Ave Wiy Lanal Pd-Lot 2 Tr 23219-P n t i i n n S t Tlnrt

D-4C215 4-23-63 P-111309 • l l i J i . ' V \

D-45145 1 12-18-61 tl F-103897

Gob ier Pred etux D-4li682 Easnt Deod-Vanowen St- 9-2i-6i Kester Ave to aepulveda P-90724

Oabler Pred Easement Deed-Samoa Ave 4 Apperson St S D

Oadeaehl Blanche off to Dod-Lot 2 Bdwy Tract- 900 N Bdwy

laffey St So 106 Fut-.ui'C Street Ded

D-46664 8-30-62 P-7'»259

D-47388 1-16-63

D-52575 9-10-64

Oaffey St ""^T^OB 1421 N-Offer ded ica te - 12-10-62 Ptn Lot A & Lot M-Banoho P109506 Los Palos Verdes

Oaffey St 2402-10 So Puture S t r ee t Ded

D-50796 2-13-64 F109506#1

X06 East Oage Avenue D-50220 Puture Street (Resol) 12-20-63

P.l09So6,#2,5,7,b,9 * XO

334-6 East Gage Avenue D-5O63O Future Street (Resol) 2-4-64


Qage Ave D-48252 603i W-Rosol 6575 4-23-63 Aoo ded prop P-111309

Gain Street D-53101 Por Lot 2 Tract 24o64 10-28-64 Future Street Ded F105372

Oalnea Jones H e6ux 0-47941 Easnt Deed-Hillroee St 3-21-63 fc Oro Vlsto Ave Imp Olst

Oalosso Vito etux 0-43600 Easnt Deed-Osborne St fc 3-17-bi Laurol Cyn Biva I D F-e0u22

Oolosso Vito M etux 0-45753 Eaant Deed-Glenoaks Bivd 3-28-62 bot Oshorne 4 ' 'ujunt o Wash

F-10P600 ':}alatzky Alexander etol D-4J095 Cond por 8-0 4 8-B- 11-4-6O ni«nnok« Rivrt hAt Tdjnn-ij .».-e '.• Tuxford

Oaiatsky Alexander B erax O-43546 Cond ooents-Par 4-A 4 4-B X-19-6X. 1.A n i o n n n \ r - i Riwrt hAt Tujnnwa Av» fc Tuxford at ,

Oalatsky Alexander B D-45579 • Condemn Deed-Pars 15-A 3-6-62

15-B Olenoaks-Tujunga/ P-92528 Tuxford . , .

Oaxattky Alexander etax 0-46587 Cond Deed-Por i4-A-B 8-31-62 Oienoaks Bivd bet Tujungo Ave fc T>>.-rn..rt «* . . , . _..

Oolotzky Alexonder B D-46746 Cond deed- Par 3-AfcB- 6-29-62 Glenoaks Blvd bot Tujungo Avo & T-.rtford

Galotzky Alexander Betol 0-46747 • Cond par lO-o-b-ll-o-b 9-11-62

ia.»_»..rtlAnonit^ Rlvrt h«t Tiiji,in»a Ave 4 Tuxford

Ooiozon Abe etal Grant Deed--unset-Echo Park Off-St Karklng

Oolbreth R Morgon etol Quitclaim Deed-Vanowen Koster to Sepulveda


i \


D-4 7006 10-31-62 F-99676

tmi Gale Walter 0 e t a l 0-51893

Agrmnt 6-10-64 San Sebastian fc Calderon t Imo

Oalindo Charles etux 0-47349 Off to Ded- Lots 15-16 1-11-63 Lofgyette Square-4303-5 Washington"

Oollogher Samuel 3 etux D-47903 Eosmt Deed- Tinker Ave 3-6-63 prop nr Apperson St P-IOO636 "y

Gallagher Thomas M D-46661 Easeraent Deed- 9-14-62 Woodman Ave-Victory Blvd to Oxnard 3t

Oallegos Albert P D-47115 et ux-Easement Deed- 11-13-62 Oro Granda St (near Ralston Ave) Imp

Oalleher Burton 3 D-46630 Offer to ded- 9-20-62 6430 Avalon Blvd

' Gallion William et ux D-44275 Agrmt - Wheeler Ave- 5-12-61 Hubbard to Lasord Sts F-69105

Ganymede Or D-5IO65 Cleland Ave to 302'Wly3-12-64 Lot 124 Tr 7982 Lot 129 Tr 7982 0-51066

joro Matty Lnbory etal 0-45322 •tultciaira Deed-Leadweil 2-1-62 St *• VAntimn Cnn AVA W , nnv

Oarbor Abraham 3 D-44734 f- Orant Deed-Woodnan Avo i>-Xl-6l

AXbers St to LA River P-96934

' Oarber Abraham S etal D-44735 Agrnt-Woodnon Ave- 5-XX-61 Albers St to LA River

Oarber Albert C et al D-53l8l Easeraent Deed 10-6r64 La Tuna Cyn Rd between Wheatland 4 Glenoak?

Jarcia Abelardo W etux D-49424 Easmt Dead-Polm Blvd (nr 7-22-63 •

, Stewort Ave )I 0

Oarcla Abelardo W D-49425 et al-Agi^ement- , 7-31-63 falms Blvd (near Stewart Ave Imp

Oarcla Oilbert M etux 0-44556 Eosnt Deed-Roven St aE/3 8-X9-6X Dronfleld Ave to Bcrden

Oarcla Joe A D-53427 -Easeraent Doed 7-10-64 El Segundo Blvu PIO6127 -FiKueor-a uo Vermont

Oarcla Joe A et al 0-53428 Agreement 7-10-64 El Segundo Blvd PIO6127

.fJlifKero;E'-J;o. Vcjmont l i A t n s , Salvador ot ux D-50481

offer t o Ded- 1-28-64 4331 Lankershlm Blvd

Page 22: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Oard Frederick P etux -' Eosmt Deed-Hlllrose St

fc Olive Prove Ave 3 0

0-45514 3) 3-2-62 F-96329

larden Land Co Ltd 0-45760 - Subord Agrnt-Boca deCanon 3-19-62 (2nd r/w)Mandevlllo Cyn P-105775

:xA^tDrLa'nd''CO'.'Titd'" ~"~TJ-56504'" Quitclaim Deed-Lot 2975 1-7-64 Tract 6170

Qardena Blvd Por Lot 1 Cowles Tr Puture Street Ded

0-52389 8-18-64 , Pll4340#l

Oordner David 0 etux D-45l62 Easmt Deed-Vanowon St- 1-3-62 Van nuya Bivd to Kester Ave

Oardnor Olenn W etux 0-47955 Offer to Oed-Lot 94 Tr 3-29-63 1466 -Sly Slyvan St Ely Whitsett

Gardner M Uozier ' " D-50426 Offer to Ded 1-16-64 8754 W 3rd Street

Gardner St 1337 No , Puture Street Ded

Gardos Helen Marie Aggrrat Saltillo St I n

D-50959 2-25-64 F109506#4

D-50'l26~ 11-21-63

Oarrot t W E fc'-Eosnnt Dead El Poso Dr

llftdys H 0-40426 3-63


Oorret t Wllbum J e t ux D-52734 Easement Deed 9-10-64 Prop Alley S.o Chats Worth nr l/iulse

Oarre t t Wllbum J o t a l D-52735 Agreement Prop Alley S.o Chats worth nr Louise

'>arriek Ave Lot 36 Tr 20690 Put'ire st De''.leatlpn '

•Garrison Jame's A etux AgrTnt-Pnnjfic Avo-Marine Court to-Zephyro Ct



Garrison Janes A otux D-46976 Agrmt- Pocifio Ave- 19-30-62 Marine Court to Zephrr P-76733 Court

Oorritaon John G etux D-44973 . Rasmt Deed-S/e Pulton 12- 6-6I Ave fc S/o Hart St

•"Oarvin"Ooorge ot ux D-4887q~ Off ded Lots 13-14 Bl B 6-27-63 Peck's Subdiv - • 2402-10 So Oaffey St

daraa R n & C-irmen Tl D-49324 Eismnt Deed 8-63 Bsjlores St F-105079

Oargatln Maria 0-47983 Eosmt Deed- Goge Ave- San2-24-63 Pedro St to Bdwy -

Oargotin Mario D-47964 ! Agrnt-Cage Ave-San Pedro 2-24-63 j St to Bdwy

Oorr Leon 0-47271 ' Off to Ded-Lot 18 Tr 4511- i 1648 W 79th St 12-16-62

Oorr i-eon etal 0-47272 ' Off to Ded-Lot 29 Tr 4511 ! 1554 W 79th St 11-30-62

Tne Oarrett Corp D-43546 Easrat Deed-Century Bivd 2-X0-6X 4 Sepulveda Bivd «W eor F-94256

Oarrett Prederick Ellis D-49413 ot al-offer to dod- 9-4-63 2383 W 20th St-

0-47562 2-14-63 p-o<fti3



i Oosco Arnold C etux 0-43997 f J Easnt Deed-aomoo Ave fc 4-2X-61:'

y Apperson St a 0 F-74259

Gasteiger Anna Louise D-50256 Off Ded-Lot 3 Tr IOO8I 12-16-63 Sly of Index St

Uatd:'3"Wrfifa*ni "Burwell- D-47688 etux - Eosmt Deed - 2-26-63 • Mountair Ave-Apporson/ 7 o o t h l l l Blvd

Oats Henry L e t ' a l 0-45251 Easement Deed-Woodman 1-22-62-Ave-^herman '--ay to Victory Blvd

OouXt Clyde M etux O-43733 Eosrat Deed-Burbank Bxvd X-3-6X 4 Laurel Cyn Rivd I D P-94436

Oault Clyde Metux 0-43659 Agrmt-Burbonk Bivd-Coxfox i-.}0-6i-Ave to Whitsett Ave F-IOU6O6

i. Gault St Sly/o Woodman Ave Ely/o

Puture Street Ded

D-52458 8-14-54 P111309#7

Gault Street 0-47535 Var lots Tr 24753-20919 2-6-63 Future St Dedication F-99234

Gault St D-47993 Resol accej-t future 3-28-63 st dedication

Oault St ' 0-45853 Lots 3 & 4 Tr 12631 4-23-62 • Puture st dedication P-71634

Oault St 0-44663 Lots 3-254 Tr X3569 etc 9-X9-61 Future St Dedication P-99217

Oault St 0-47317 Lot 8 Tr 20393-Lot 7 12-26-62 Tr 16056-future St Oed F-111021

Oault St Lot 13 Tr 20x05 Future St Dedication

Oault Street Lot 33 Tr 20663 Piit.irA St Dedloation

Oault St 4 Remmett Ave Cl SE Comer For Lot 1

- Bl 81 of Owensraouth / Puture Street Ded

Gavina Avenue Lots 3 & 4, Tr 27891 Future St Ded (Resol)

Oavlota Ave Lots 94-95 Tr 16630

/ Future St Dedication

Oavlota Ave Lot 267-268 Tr 18290 Future at Dedication

Gaviota Ave Wly/o Ventura Blvd Nly/o

Future Street Ded

Ely Gaviota,Sly Ventura Future Street

D-45208 1-19-62 F-92734

D-47142 12-3-62 P-107430

0-50905 2-4-64 P116465

0-51416 1-27-64 F97152#5

0-34725 5-22-56 p-73109

0-33473 6-10-55 F-67469

D-51557 5-14-64 F1U309#7

0-49740 " 10-22-63 F111309#5

r Ga^me Evan etux D-47020

Easnt Deed-Parthenla St 4-20-62 S/S ^umet Ave to Columbus Ave

Gay.Cornet L etal 0-43576 Agrrat-pacific Avo-Horlne 2-IU-6X Ct to Zephyre Ct F-76733

Gazette Ave D-47895 Lots 31 4 48 Tr 22403 3-21-63 Puture St dedication P-IO8515

Gearhart Wn R etux 0-45129 ' Easnt Deed-Terra Bella 12T16-61 at Golden Stote Prwy to P-83094 Pacoima Diversn Cn

Page 23: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose




.1 -IS

• : ^




Gear ron C h a r l i e e t a l 5-52377 Ensrant Deed 6 -15-64 Vemon Ave C e n t r a l & Avalon

Gear ron C h a r l i e e t a l D-523'78 Agrmnt 6 -15 -54 Vor-non Ave C e n t r a l t f L i r a l n r

Oeber Edwin M e t ux 0-44317 • Woodnan AvorAlbers S t 5 -12 -61 To LA H i i e r - Oran t Deod p-96934

Oeber Edwin M e t ux 0-44318 A.;rmt - 'rf-iodman Ave C 5 -12 -61 A l b e r s S t t o LA R ive r F-96934

Gebo George e t u x D r 4 6 l 9 l Offer t o Ded- Lot 9 7 -2 -62 Tr 10860- 7625 *ep u l v e d a Bivd

G e n e r a l Te lephone Co D-5l8'72 - Agrmnt Rea l ignment 6 - 1 - 6 4

Walgrove a t Dewey & 23ra St . .

Gee Gamey Q a t ux "asmt Deed-Van Nuvs & N r d h o f f S t ID '


Genarai Design Inc Quitclaim D :Qd-Tuxford-Talfalr/r.ankipahlm Bl

tm^ D-4<870 4-16-62

G e n e r a l Motors Corp 0-52632 Qrant Deed 7 -22 -64 Van Nuys Grade Sep FIO7886 a t Raymer 4 SPRR

G e n e r a l Motors Corp Easrant Deed Van Nuys Grade Sep a t Raymer 4 SPRR

Gene ra l Motors Corp Agreement Van Nuys 4 SPRR Sep at Raymer St

General Motors Corp Easmnt Deed Von Nuys Orade Sep at Ra.vmer 4 SPRR

General Motors Corp Easmnt Deed Van Nuys Orade Sep n t Ra.vmer & SPRR

Gon T t i e Co of C o l l f 3ub Agrmt-Oakmont D r i v e R/W Nly

Oea Teie Co of Calif Sub ARrmt-Stone Cyn Rd fc Llndamore Drive I D

0-52633 7-22-64

D-52634 7-22-64

0-52635 7-22-64 FIO7886

D-52636 7-22-64 FIO7886

0-43796 3-IO-6X F-XO0384

D-43909 4-6-61 P-92396

Gen Teie Co of Calif D-44O4O Suo Agrmt-H/W sewer Ely b-J-6l Lincoln Bivd-sunset Ave F-96i93 • to Vernon Avo

Oen Tel Co of Cnllf 0-1(4336 Subord Agrmt-Kenter A.'e 7^20-61 Tuallitan Rd to Sunaet Bl

General Telephone Oo of D-44376 Calif a Corp-Sub .'.grmt- 10-5-61 '/.'estgate Ave Nly San F-100243 Vloente Blvd

Gen Tele Co of Calif D-46157 Sub Agrnt-R/W El Medio Pl«5-23-6l. NEly to El Vedlo Ave- P-107630

General Telephone Co D-46849 of Calif a Corp- 10-8-62 Sub Agrmt-a/W (Storm Dr) P-104546 S/o Gallaudel Pl to Sunaet Blvd \

Oen Tole Co D-49017 I Sub Agrmt- Wade St -W/S 2-4-68 I Terminus Sly Rose Ave P-106550\ Gen Telephone Co D-49453 |

Agrmnt of Subordlnation8-63^ I ° .. n,^». .. I Stewart Ave F-86742

Gen Te lephone Co D-4947 9 Agrmnt of S u b o r d l n a t i o n 8 - 6 3 Bundy Dr F-111814 \

Oen T e l Co C a U f D-;,9727 • ;u i tc la i ;n Diied lC-11-63 Rec & i^ks 'Jept Penmar Pk Add \

G e n e r a l T e l e Co D-51143 Sub Agrmt-Lot B Tr 7257 3-30-04

' W e s t r i d g e Rd 4 Mango Rd F-104/ '^; . \

Oeneata Ave D-49951 Lot 1 Tr 21203• 11-18-63' Future St Dedieation P-114942

Genesta Ave D-45330 Lot 6 Tr 22571 Lot 2 2-19-62

Genesta Ave 0-45330 Lot 6 Tr 22571-Lot 2 2-19-61 Tr 2i203-*uture at Ded P-X062O9

Genesta Avenue U Lot 13 Tr 24194 12 Future St Dedication F 111260

Gerald Ave Var acts Tr 25590-22646 26532-Future St Dedication

Gerald Ave Lot 2 rr 16127 Lot 149

?5t5^23§t''B?3rcM{oS"' Gerald Ave lota 4 4 5 Tr 12631 Puture St Dedication

Oera ld S t l o t 7 T r a c t 25590 •"uturo s t r o o t ded

Ceroid Ave Lots 17-77 Tr 26050 Future at Dedication

Gerald Ave • lot 50-79 Tr 18699 Future St Dedication

Gerald Ave lots 61 4 114 Tr 26051 Puture st ded

Garber Robert H etal Basmt Deod-Vanowen St

0-45259 2-6-62 • F-102533

0-43933 4-2U-61 F-97ob3

0-45853 4-23-62 1 P-71634

O-4J;950 11-22-61 P-100287

D-44OUX 5-XX-6X P-97063

D-43411 2-6-61 P-9P347

0-44360 7-20-61 F-97063

0-44461 8-3-61

George B A e t ux 0-45806 Agrmt-Medina Rd 4 Medina 4 -10-62 Dr I 0

Oeoreie D a n i e l fc J e t o l D-46445 Gran t Doed-PE Rwy r / w X-X9-62

Oeorge J u l i a n C e t u x D-4368O Easmt Deed-Mt n o y a l Dr 4 - 1 0 - 6 1 a t Nly T e r m i n a t i o n F-720X0 -

O e o r g l o - P o e l f l c I n v e s t Co 0-4$358 Easmt Deed-Alonedo S t - 4 - l l - 6 c , 9 Niy 24 th S t F-94030 \

Sepulveda Bi t o H o b k o l l ' s t

Gerbe r S o l e t u x 0-45096 Eosn t Deed-Vsnowen S t 1 2 - 1 1 - 6 1 . K e s t e r Ave to Seou lveda P-90724 Blvd

Oerber S o l e t u x 0 -45097 E a a n t Deed-Vonowen S t X2-X2-6X K e s t e r Ave t o Sepu lveda P-90724 B l v l

Oermain M a r g u e r i t e e t a l D-52531 Agreement 7 - 8 - 6 4 Y a t e s fc Apperaon Imp D i s t

( Jerna ln Roger A 0 -47719 Gran t Deed-Rose Ave fc 4 - 2 6 - 6 2 C o h f l l l o Rlvd Imn D i o t F - I 0 | i l l | 4 -

Oermain Roger A 0 -47720 A g r n t - Rose Ave fc 4 - 2 6 - 5 2 , C o b r i l i o Blvd I 0 - F-104144 -

Germoin S t 0 -45734 - l o t 105 Tr26373 4 - 9 - 6 2

F u t u r e s t d o d l c a t i o n P-IO7042 •

Oermain S t r e e t 0-51221 Por Lot 31 Tr 26373 3 -31-64 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded F112342

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Uertz Hilton et ux' '" " D-46869 y Off Ded - Lot 2 Stewarts 6-26-63 V^ Subdiv - 204 E Vornon Ave 'V

Gertz Milton etal 0-46951 Eosmt Deed- Vernon Ave- 5-24-63' Avalon Blvd fc Bdwy \

Oetty Oil Corp. D-51890 Easmnt Deed-El Segpindo 5-15-64 Figueroa to Vermont -,

Oetty Oil Corp D-519OO Agrmtnt 5-15-64 ' El Segundo Bl, Figueroa ^ to Vermont ,. ,.

Getty Oil Conpany D-5190I Easmnt Deed-El Segundo,5-15-64 Figueroa to Vermont FIO6027

Oetty Oil Co Agrmnt El Segundo Bl Pltrueroa tn Vermont

Oeyser Ave Lot 72 Tr 20976 Future St Oedioatlon

0-51988 5-15-64 F106C27

0-46316 4-24-63 P-97638

Ghent **obert 0 etux 0-47262 Easrat Deed-Ave 63 Nly 10-9-62 of Church St P-69556

Ohent Robert 0 etux 0-4'?263 Agrmt- Ave 63 Nly of 10-9-62 Church St F-e9556

•OhLfjlia, Matteo 4 Karia- D-50332 ; Offer to Ded - Sly Las3en2-24-64 Ely Etiwanda Ave

Oiaoopuzrl Antonio etux 0-46311 I, Essmt Doed-Vanowen St- 7-13-62

Corbin Ave fc LA River

Olocopuzzi Llndo Eosmt Oeed-Vanowen S t -Ctrbln Ave fc LA River

Olaoopuzzl Hosle Easnt Deod-Vanowen St Corbin Ave to LA River

0-46267 5-25-62 F-IO5406



Olaimo Mal et al D-47884 Big Tujunga Cyn Blvd 2-4-63 iit lileason Ave to P,-86700 Fnothi11 RIvri-naRrat

Olaimo Mal et al O.47885 Agreement- 2-4-63 Big Tujunga Cyn Blvd P-867OO Mt Gieaaon Ave to Foothill Blvd

Olarapletro Vito D-46527 Oront Deed-Van Nuys Airport

Gibraltar Savings 0-46047 & Loan Assoc-Agrmt 5-28-62 Woodman Ave-Albers St F-96934 L A Biver

Oibson James B etux O-4463O Easnt Deed-Soxoa Dr-NEly 9-6-61 Cunard St P-100283

Oibscn Mark E etux Eosmt Deed- Gage Ave-San Pedro to Bdwy

Oibson Mark E etal Agrnt- Gage Ave-San Pedro to Bdwy

Gibson Ursula G Mandel Easeraent Deed Normandle, bet Expooltlor

_ & Sta Barbara Gibson Ursula 0 M Right Entry - Normandie Ave hot Exposition Blvd Ro—Ko —0 A irA ,.,.

Oibson Wn B etux Oront Deed-Hesby 3t Ely Bellaire Ave

0-48593 3-8-63

0-46594 3-8-63

D-53520 12-16-64

0-53534 12-16-24

& aanta

D-45951 5-1-62 P-97356

Giddens Gerald E et ux D-53314 ^ I • Agreement 11-23-64 v

White Oak Ave 4 Lahey St

Oiogerieh Louis E etux 0-45371 ' .' Grant Deed-Laurei Cyn X-31-62 '. i Rivrt A-, .ShAnmon Way i-Rile Sen •

D fr04"I"" 3-20-o4^

Giegerlch Louis" Eugene et ux->^uitclaim Deed

. ' Lot 66 Tr 2755 Lot 34 Laurel Cyn Blvd 0 Sherman ./ay

Gierson Avenue 0-53084 c Lots 8 & 20 Tract 22630 11-4-64

Future Street Ded

Oifford Geraldine etal Eaant Deed-Tinker Ave nr Apperaon St

Oifford Robt S etal Offer to Ded- Ptn Lot 2-

FII5674 0 1 oi-ini'aO

0-46776 • 9-25-62 F-100635

D-49028 6-12-63

Glib Albert C etux D-46372 Eaamt Deed- Gage Avo- 4-4-63 San fedro St to Bdwy

Oilb Albert C et ux Agreement

D-48373 ..„ , 4-4-63 Gage Ave-San Pedro St to Broadwfiv. _ . , - . ,

Gilbert 3 Clifford etux D-46465 Easmt Deed-Tampa Ave 5-24-52

Llir'et St to aenta Rita St

Gllchlld Flnonolol Co 0-47327 . Offer to Ded-Lot 1-3 12-27-62 .. . Tr 10066 -2300 E Olynpie Blvd

Gildart Fred etux 0-49995 Offer to Ded- 13625 11-29-63 Moorpark St

bill Julian Rlchelea et ux D-53340 Easement Deed 11-16-64 Thames Pl 4 Thames St

0111 Julian Rlchelea et ux 0-53341 • Agreeraent 11-16-64

Tharaes Pl 4 Thames St

OlUand 'willard D-51111; Quitclaim Deed I-I7-64• Vai Huys Airport

Gillespie J 1 Inc 0-4706? Easement Deed- 4-5-52

Mvill"sl«»S?3^''"^*^. ^.-^°^^^^ Gil lesp ie J I Inc D-47324

Offer to ded-R/V sewer 4-10-62 A.^mt Pnlvi»tA .St No ?73

Gillett Horace F D-47863 Boca Ave bet Valley 3-25-63 Blvd 4 'A'orth St - 2-4-63 ea.imt rinnrt,

Gillette Noeth B et ux D-49933 . Off Ded-Lot 70 Tr 1983 11-14-63

3536 Fletcher Dr

Gilmore Co A P D-43960 Off ded - 166 SQ Fairfax 7-3-63 Ave

Olddens Oerald E et ux 0-53313 . Easement Deed 11-23-64

White Oak Ave & Lahey St

Ollmore Jonn E etux 0-43626 , ' Ebsmt Deed-Oakmont Dr , 3-26-61 . R/W Nly F-XOO364

Gilmore St 0-46687 Lot 19 Tr 20045 5-25-63 Futuro Steeet Dedloation F-109022

Gindi Jack D-48063 Offer ued property 4-17-63 1554 S Gramercy Pl

Unsburg Benjomin e t ux 0-45663 Eosnt Deed-Von Nuys Blvd 3-20-62 fc Nordhoff St ID

Ginsburg Herbert D-49359 ' Offer ded property 8-27-63

7555 Winnetka Ave

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• «





•-'S ; I

Ginsburc Herman et ux D-50389 / ) • Off Ded-Lot 1 Tr 5252 1-13-64 »' '

7555 Winnetka Av X

Girazian Vaughn et al D-50274 Off Ded-Lot 27 Tr 3598 12-23-63 | 4-24 E Imperial Hghwy \

Cluilano Nicholas J etux D-4388x Easnt Deed-Mt Royal Dr 4-7-61 at Niy Termination F-720iO ,

Olullono Paul S/Lols M " D-45538 , Off to Ded -Lot 19 Tract 3-27-62


'livens John W etol D-45275 Easrat Deed-Ventura Blvd 1-18-62 N/s Enrinn Awe tn «h'l,tA Omy ..

Olnde Ave D-45733 ^ lots 96 4 97 Tr 19854 4-9-62 Puture St Dedication F-103633

aindstone Albert 1 et ux D-50977 Easmnt Deed laurel Cyn 1-30-64 Bl bet Mereer 4 Van Nuys

Giadatone Ave SWly/o D-5^139 Polk Street SEly/o 11-23-64

Future Street bed F111309#8

Gia-lwell Chaa R etux D-46963 Kiisnf Deed-Mountalr Ave 10-29-62 Aoperaon St 4 Foothill Bivd

Claiiii;; St Oly/o D-52342 Haddc-.n Avu Ely/o 9-23-64

I'-utui e S'ii-cet Ded

Glanourettes Corp 0-47466 Easmt Deed-Bothwell Rd 1-3-53 4 Redwing St

Glamourettes, a Cal, Corp. D-50251 Easniit Deed-San.Sew.Sly 10-18-63 of Land Dr 4 V/ly of Clavel Ct.

Glarsoe Paul E etux 0-43952 Grant Deed- Palras Blvd 7-5-62 nr Stewart Ave Imp Dist P-104145

Olar.-ioe Paul E ot ol D-4U963 A.-^rmt - Palma Bl(nr Stewart Ave)irap '.'ist 7-5-62

P-10:;ll|5 D-52042 7-10-6-'l F130-'ir!5

D-47094 11-13-62^ l^onax-d ot ux Ai_ii:inl; Alley 3/0 V':!ntufa )ir HidL;i.'iiioof Di^

Glasgow James P et al-Agreement-Nordhoff St (near Noble Ave) I 0

Oiasaexx Wm M etaX D-44657 Grant Dood-Cypross Avo 8-X8-5l • 4 Eagle Rock Bivd I 0 P-XO2O37

OiasseiX Wm N etal ^-44658 Wultcialn Deed-Cypress 6-I8-61 Ave 4 Eogie Rock Bivd ID F-IO2O37

Olaasnan Sanuel C etux 0-46901 offer of ded- lot 2 11-2-62 Hancock Survey- 2517 Temple St

Glatir.i.n Bruce et ux D-48075 Oiler uedic-Jte prop 4-18-63 12142 Burbank Blvd

Glotman Bruce R 0-49476 Off ded -4227 Whltsott 9-63 Ave

Glatraan Joyce M D-49770 ~ J Offer to Ded-AUey Nly 10-26-63 A of Valley Heart Wly/Whitsett Ave \'

lledhiU St 0-47459 lots 37-60 Tr 25275 , 1-25-63 | '='utiire "t '^e--^lcat!on "-?"re6 \

Gleichen Kaye D-45770 I Sasmt Deed-'Voodman Ave 3-21-62 I V'ctory Bl/Oxnard St •'

Ely of Glen Iris Avenue D-51302 - Nly of Hontiflora Avenue 4-11-64

Per L 4, Tract 989 ,Future Street,ded.

Oxen Terrace Apartments D-46768 Easmt Deed-R/W Niy Mulholland Dr to Royal HI 1,1 a DnTve

Olen Wm Y et ux Easement Deed-Orion Ave 4 Hosooe Blvd (NE corner)

lO-i-52 F-102518

>46583 9-14-62

Olendale Blvd No 147 Puture Street Ded

Olendale Blvd 2226 Future Street Ded

Olendale Blvd 2355 Future Street Ded

2375 N. Olendale Blvd. Por lot 38,St Albans lake Pl.

Puture Street Ded. Olendale Blvd 2420 Future Street Ded

0-52648 I 9-22-64 • I FIO9506 \

D-52651 9-22-64 FIO9506 \

0-50718 2-6-64 F109506#2 s

D-52230 8-11-64

0-50722 2-6-64 F109506#2

2659 OXendaxe BXvd. Puture Street (Reaol)

P109505,#2,5,7,8,9 ' Olendale City of

Quitclaim^ 0 ilancno Providenc 80 itanc

Scott Tract

Glendale Fed Sv 4 Loan Agrmnt - 80'th St, t Zayanta Dr (4 other streets) Imp.

Glendale Federal Savgs ^ Loan Assn 80th St/llulbert Ave for Humme Jr

D-50211 12-20-63

fc 10 D-49559 "


] ] ]

0-50530 1-15-61 F10560; ^k

D-53171 11-16-64

Imp F-108018

D-51662 5-26-64 FIO9429

Glenn Amanda V Agrmnt Walkway S/o 4l3t St bet Hooper fc l ' ' W/o Naomi Ave

S\n .y of Glenoaks Blvd, D-5165I NWly of Roxford Street 5-18-64

Por L 2, Bl 148, L.A.Olive Growers Future Street ded.

Oienoaks Bl NEly/o 0-53134-• Tyler St NWly/o 11-24-64-

Por Lot 7 Bl 121 LA Olive Growers Lands. Future Str Ded.

axlever Anthony R etux D-4468I Eaamt Deed-Vanowen St- 6-30-61 Kester Ave to Sepulveda Bxvd

Globe Oil Co D-50153 Off Ded-lots 143, 144 12-13-63 8750 3. ftvalon Blvd -;

Gloria Ave D-49759 Vor lots Tr 15376-17820 10-16-63 Future lit Dedication F-133232 '

Oiorio Ave D-46344 Lots 15-16-25 Tr 22996- 7-26-62 Tr 23024-FutuDe St Ded

D-52347 24 5-5.6/1

Gloria Avenue Por l o t s 23426 Tr 23024 5-4-64 Future S t ree t Ded F120039

Gloria Ave 0-49626 Lot 27 Tr 15413 10-7-53 Future St Dedication P-103413

Gloria Avenue D-52795 • Por Lot 27 Tr 15413 9_io-64

Puture S t ree t Dod F74'I79

Olorla Avenue 0-51267 Por Lots 70471 Tr 22880 4-10-64

Future S t r ee t Ded P113233 P113723

Olorla Ave Ely/o D-52926 Sherman Way Nly/o 10-23-64 •

Por Lot 2 Tract 24551 F103413 Future sewer

Page 26: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

f Gloria Ave Ely/o ! Vanowen St Nly/o '/' Putura Street Ded

0-52460 8-20-64

Wly of Oioria Avenue O-51967 Sly of Ventura Blvd. 7-7-64

Por L 3, Bl 13, Tr 2955 Futura Street Ded.

.Oiory Avo • Lots 7-8

Furure St

Oiory Ave Lot 75 Tr Future at

Tr 84558 Oedioatlon

22563 Dedioutlon

D-45257 7-12-52 F-68215

D-44u57 5-2>-6l F-

0-44587 9-5-6X F-682X6

D-53215 , 11-23-64

0-43216 1-4-61 • F-e7406

D-50291 12-31-63 P111309#4

• D-5CS671 11-6-62 -

Oiory Ave Lot 76 Tr 22563 Future St Dedication

Oluck Mareell Agreement Thames Pl & Thames St

Olyndon Ave Lot 12 Tr 14430 {''uture St Dedication

Olyndon,Ave SWly of Morningside Way SEly of

Future Street Ded

Onakdw'Ma'rIe F a/'J Easmt Deed-Vanowen St Van Nuys Blvd/Kester Ave

Ooddard Robt F of Olenvldw D-44666 111 - Easrat Deed - 10-25-61 , Vanowen 3t(N/8) Haskell P-86144 to Woodley Ave

Ooemans Eva Helen,at al D-44350 Condomn -st wlden-Rlverton 4 Magnolia 6-23-61

Goerz Emanuel et ux D-53884 Easement Deed 11-4-64 Argonaut St Convoy St F104635 Esplanade St 4 Alleys

Ooetz Roland 0 etux D-44901 Easrat Deed-Vanowen St- 10-24-61 Ven Nuvs Rixtrt to KAster p-on3^]j

iJoff Edward C etux D-46035 Easmt Deed-Tinker Ave- 5-17-52 ., nnnnn^Art vio Anner-Hon St F-IO11636

Ooland, Helen S et al D-44277 ' Agrmt - Pacific Ave- 5-17-61 ' Marino Ct to Zaphar Ct P-76733

Goldberg Jack G etal D-45601 Easmt Dejd-Coldwtr Cyn- 1-19-52 Chandler/Magnolia P-92685

Ooldbarg Jack 0 etal D-45603 Agrmt-Coldwater Cyn Ave-1-19-62 Chandler/Magnolia Blvds P-92666

Ooldberg Jack G etal D-45505 1 Agrmt-Coldwator Cyn Avo-1-19-62 Chandler/Magnolia Bl P-92535

Ooldberg J-ack 0 etol 0-45610 Agrmt-Coldwater Cyn Ave 1-19-62

'^'^ndier/Magnollo Blvds F-92685

Goldberg Rae D-52550 Easc.ient Deod 3-21-64 ' Alleys W.O Laurel Cyn Bl P114632 nr Vanowen St, .

Ooldberg Sarah D-45932 Agrnt- Nordhoff St fc 10-9-62 Winnetka Ave I D

Golden Eogle Refining Co 0-44963 Qultelolra Deed -Plgueroa 10-5-61

' St-ElSegundo Bl to 190th St

Oolden Oary at al 0-52538 * Easement Deed 6-18-64 Commeree Ave nr Valmont

Oolden Oate Constr Co D-47909 Offer to Ded- ptn Lot 3-21-63 222 Tr 2334-Plummer St R/S Wly

. Wilbur Ave 1

•fl Oolden L Blchard ot ux 0-46652 ^1 " r- Slattery John H ot ux 9-20-62 >

Offer to ded-4202 Beverly Blvd

Oolden State 8idg Co D-47348 offer ded- Lot 10- 1-11-63 Westboro-4711 Beverly Blvd

Golden State Lands Inc D-51549 Easmr,t Deed 4-23-64 Hubbaixi St Imp nr Herrlok

Goldman Arnold A ot al 0-50996 • Offer to Ded-Nly Hatteras 2-24-64' St Wly Sale Ave

Goldrich Jona et al D-46589 Easement Deed- 8-23-62-Coldwater Cyn Avo-Sly Erwin St

'loldaehraidt Adxai etal D-4395f Grant Deed-Victory- 4-25-51 Vanowen Addtn-Whltsett Ave-!<5 Cor '

Goldsmith Mox 0-46323 ,, Offer to Oed-l865l Cxork 7-25-52.

St , -



Goldsmith Robert S D-51050 Offer to Dod-Wly Mountain 3-7-64 View Ave Nly Charnock Rd

D-51994 .Goldstein Leo et ux Easement Deed Prop sew fc st dr S/o Nordhoff & W/o TooanKa Cvn Blvd

Goldstone Ardls et ux D-52928 Easement Deed 8-26-64 Vemon Ave from Central to Avalon

Goldstone Ardls et al Agreeraent Vemon Ave - Central Ave and Avalon Rivrt

•lolsen Sam e t a l ., . , Easrat Doed-S/s Washlngten 7-6-63

Blvd E/O Itorvln Ava F-109259


D-52929 8-26-64


Oomaz Aurelio etux Grant Deed-Boyle Hgts Sport Ctr

tmi Gomez El ias otux D-49437

Asrmt-3rd St nr Woodland 9-5-63 D" P-107521

Gomez ^incente Z etux 0-4459X aub Agrmt-^delphia ^«e 3-15-6X * Brond Bivd 3 0 F-92666

Oonzaies Ismael etux 0-4884.0 Eosmt Deed- Goge Ave 4-l7-o3 San Pedro St to Bdwy

Oonzaies Ismael etol D-48641 Agrrat- Goge Ave- Son Pedro4-17-63

/ St to Bdwy

Oonzaies Manuel 0 0-47389 Grant Deed-Bur Sanit 12-4-62

/ WLA Dist Yard

Jonzalez Fernando ct ux 0-52100 • Easmnt Deed 7-10-64 ,,Saticoy St nr llndley

Oonzaies Francisco P otux 0-45399 Rec fc Pks Dept-Boyle 1-11-62 Hgte Sports Ctr

Gonzalez Reinaldo et ux 0-53110 Easement Dead 10-14-64 Tujunga Cyn Bl fc -Tu.'unca Cvn PI

Ooodiond Ave 0-45923 Lots X-9-2X-24 Tr 27250 5-4-62 'uture St Dedlcotion P-X0245X

OoodXand Ave 0-43993 Lot 5 Tr i9i62 5-9-51 Future at Oedlcotlon F-97773

Ooodiand Ave D-43934 , Lot i4 Tr 239V4 Lot ;>9 4-25-61

Tr 22260 F-95534 , Future St Dedlcotion

Page 27: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Ooodiand Ave 0-46008 I Lot 15 Tr 19737 5-22-62 »' Future St Dedication F-97863 ""

Ooodiand Ave 0-47953 lots 19 thru 22 Tr 19152 4-1-63 Future St Dedication F- 96941

Goodland Ave D-4J925 Lot 2i Tr x6468-Lot 46 4-17-61 Tr 12963 - F-67407 Future St Dedication

Goodland Ave D-45247 Lots 26-4 27 Tr 19157 1-30-62 Lots 22 A 23 Tr 19162- F-S5915 Future 3t Dedication -84591

Goodman A-^rltn B Stal 0-46978 Agrnt-Nordhoff St fc 9-28-62 • Winnetka Ave I D Goodman Henry etux D-49393 Easrat Deed - Vanowen St 8-16-63-nr Parrolono Avo

Goodman I r v i n g o t o l Hnrmt Deod-Halbren t Ave 4 Kar tha S t

Goodman I r v i n g e t a l Grant Doed-Halbren t Avo a t Mnrtha St

Cioodnow Marc N Easmnt Deed Eton Ave 4 Devonsh i r e

Goodwin Floi^ence Easement Deed

D-I|I|?15 6 -21 -61

0-44217 6 -21-61

D-51784 4 - 7 - 6 4


D-53509 12 -9 -64

Gordon Oscar et ux Easement Deed Alley NE/o Jasmine near Palms Rl

Gordon Ray E/Carole Quitclaim Deed-Mason Ave 4 Pluraraer St S D

Cordon Stanley J • Off Ded-Lot 24 1252 W 25th St

0-52890 6-22-64

D-45863 4-12-62

D-5OO6O 12-11-63

K'ormaiidie Ave bet Exposition 4 Sta Barbara,

Ooodwln Rhonle etai D-43957 Cond Deed- Par 1-15- 4-19-6X Lot X22-X2X Hafen Traot

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co 0-45554 Easmt Deed- Oage Avo Ely 2-1-62 , McKlnley Avo P-70510

Gordon, Alan B. et al D-51521 Easrant Deed - Cahuenga 3-20-64 Blvd, nr Chandler, Imp. F10599d

Gordon Alan 3 et al D-51738 Agreement 3-20-64 Cahuonga Blvd Imp F-IO5998 nr Chnndler

Gordon Aiex J etus D-45430 En,imt ^eed-Hoscoe Bivd fc 2-19-62 Cnnop.a Ave SW cor

Oordm Alex J ist al 0-45801 Easmt Daad-Woodran Ava- 1-2.+-62 SEly Van Nuys Blvd

Gordon, Asunta Kary D-51531 Easrant Deed - MacPorlone 1-3-64 Dr 25O' E/o Case Ave. Vnr .Son. SAW.

Gordon Bread Co 0-47585 Offer to ded -Ptn Lots 2-13-63 40-48-44 Mettler Tr -457 B Sente Bnrharo Ay" .. . _-_-

Oordon David B D-47O78 Easement Deed- l0-29r62 Vanowen St-Hayvenhurst Ave to Balboa Blvd

Gordon Michael D-4594X Ap;r'eemt-Medina Rd fc 4-30-62 Medina Dr I D

06 I 62

Gordon Wilrao Martin 0-440X2 Eoarat Deed-Vonowen St 4-24-61 Kester Ave to aepuXveda Bivd

Gorman Irene 3 D-49409 Easmnt Deed 8-63 Vanowen St

TOorowits Bernard et ux D-50314 Off Ded-Parcol 36 1-8-64 6561 Fulton Av

Oorwar Dave otux 0-45528 A,^mt - Alleys Wly 4th 10-5-61 Ave fc Nly Rose Ave I 0

Ooss Gerald M 0-45506 Agrmt-Hargrave Or NXy to 7-26 "inconi0 Dr P-94565

Goss John R etal 0-43501 Grant Deed-Veh Porklgg 1-30-51 Diat #103 V

Goss St D-44279 Lots 20 fc 21 Tr 2l5l8 6-27-61 • Puture st ded P-71574 '

Oosslck 0 3 & Steel 0-46909 Offer to Ood Lot 34- 7-63 Tr 2605-Dickens St

Oosslck Gustov 3 0-47307 Off to Ded-Lot 14 Owensmouth R/W Sly Sherman Woy Ely 12-7-62 ' Tonanca Blvd . ^. .

Gosaick Gustav S otux D-46614 Ensmt DoadaWoodman Ave- 4-24-63

fe^t^^F¥r*§0^?"'"'^ ^^^ Oothio Ave ^ ?"^Z^f? Vor lots Tr 20752 2-25-61 Future 3t Dedlootlon P-10478S.

Gothic Ave D-4J945 .; Lots 1-21-22-23 Tr 22394 5-X-61

Tr 23732 Future St Ded F-95647

Oothlc Ave 0-44x54 Lot 8 Tr 20729 6-7-6X Future St Dedication F-97775

Gothic Avo 0-44360 Lots 28 4 77 Tr 26050 7-20-61 Future at ded P-97053

Oothlc Ave 0-45027 lots 42 TR 21662 4 lota 12-11-61 48-49 4 50 Tr 17923 - P-101382 Futu-;a straoh dnd

'3othic Ave D-43222 Lot 46 Tr 17923 1-9-61 'uture St Dedication F-t>?t^\7

Oothio Ave 0-46523 c. lot 74 Tr 20755 5-23-63 .-

Future St Dedication P-109765

Oothlc Ave 0-47396 Lot 76 Tr 26050 8-6-62 Future St Dedication P-97o53

Oothio Ave 0-44588 Lots 76-77 Tr 25050 9-5-6X Future St DedleatUn F-97063

'Oothle'Ave D-43933 Lot 99 fr 2jx99-L0t iOX 4-2O-6X Tr 23066 F-97063 Future St Dedication

:}othibr Goorgo J at ux D-43154 Easat Dood- Gar;o AvOr 3-2-7-63 San Pedro St/Broadway

Gothier Katherine A D-48155 Release from uamages 4-25-63 imp Gage St-£an I-earo t o Rrnariwav

Gotta Louis e t a l D-44519 Agrmt-Chavoz Ravine 7-17-61 Accass Rds-Park Row F-99633

Oottfr iad Oeo J etux D-49579 Agrmt-Walk Easmt Ely 10-2-63 frlAn ii»Aen

Ootts Ethex M 0-45731 Easnt Deed-Big i'ujunga 9-X7-62 Cyn Bivd-Mt Oieoson Ave F-65' OO

, to FoothliX Bivd

Page 28: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Ootts Ethel M •' Agrnt- Big Tujungo Cyn

Bivd-Mt Gieoson Ave to • PnnthfI 1 Rivrt

.Cough Robert A et ux Easnt Dead

D-45732 9-17-62 E-66700

D-5C134 1C-3C-63.

Burbar.k El-/d V.t 0 4 E/o ,De?cto Av -.

Oould DePorrest J D-47879 Offer to ded- 3-25-63 1550 Sawtelle Blvd

Oow Yet Loe et al D-49429 Offer to dedicate- 5-18-63 2330 Cahuenga Blvd

Oowan Thoraas R et ux O-53038 Agreement - 10-27-64 182nd St fr E Cty Bndry P119761 to Harvard Blvd

Ooyer Oeorge D etux D-4672X Eosnt Deed-Woodmon Ave 3-28-52 ' Sherman Way to Victory F-X045XX

_ Bivd Oraber Avenue D-5I416

Lots 5 & 6, Tr 27891 1-27-64 Future StT)ed (Resol) F97152iS'5

jOrady C N etux 0-46421 Agreemt-Bxposltlon Bivd 6-8-62 Vermont Ave to Norraandie Ave

Grady C N etux 0-46422 Quitciaim Oeed-Exposltlon6-8-52 Bivd-Vormont Ave to Nomandle Ave

Graf Edwin A etux D-4346X Eosnt-Deed-aaticoy at 1-26-6 x «/a Wly Louise Avo

Oraf Sonuel 4 Beverly D-49675 14814 Vanowen St - 10-15-53 Offer ded oub ot nurp •

Oraf ton .•/IITI.11T, D et ux D-4' 4C1 E--».--rat Deed ;^-:?,-63 -I't/-// (San ." cw) ' : l / 0 Bundy Dr

. ,4 Benraoru Terrace , F-Ulfll4 Graham Ave 9520 D-51069

Comsnr's Deed 3-I3-64 Cormie Jarez Cabral etal

Oraham Helen Bury 0-457fi4 ~ • Eosmt Deed-DePouw St 2-1-62

Sly Rodeliffe Ave S 0 P-

Oromonz Rudolph etux 0-47294 Eosnt Deed-OeHaven Ave 10-5-62 NE/s SBJy Berg St

Oramercy Pl 0-127345 S of 2nd St-Quitclalm 12-23-64

stormdrain easmt to F-II4366 record owners

1554 So. Orameroy Plaoe D-50202 Puturo Street (Resol) 12-20-53

P109505,#2,5,7,6,9 * xO

Granada Hills I-'ethodist D-/. 1=^50"" Chu.-ch -1/0 3-2o-63 Balboa Blv'd ' /S nr Jose St

Oranado Mills Post #2323 D-47042 t Easmt Deed-Chot3worth St 7-27-62 .

,Nr LneIno Ave


1001 South Grand Ave. 1 "Capt Haley", Bl 71

of Ord Survey. / _ Fut.iirn .Strnnt rtnrt.

Grand Ave So 1001 Future Street Ded

D-51342 12-16-63

D-52443 8-26-64


Ironde John P etux 0-47434 off ded-ptn Lot U - L A 1-27-63 Tionrt f: WetA- Oo-weeley P9n"ho-ll62L S'lAl-lon St ,

Oroner WoXlaoe H 0-46778 Offer to Ded-Lots X5-16- XO-17-62-17-3ixver strand-3805 Pacific Ave WAMtnhAMter-Venloa

Orant B F etux D-44340 Eosmt Doed- Palma Bxvd fc 7-5-61 Kelton Ave I D F-82544

g Grant Cameron B atal D-45538 ^1 •I - Condemn Deed-Par 390 1-23-62 " r Ela View Tract ",

"orant Cameron B etol ^"IjI^fC ''' Cond deed-par 121-Lot 31 1-17-63 .; Elo ^iew Troct

Grant Cameron B etdl 0-48881• Cond deed Par 571- Lot N 6-6-63 Tr 2304

Orant '^omeron B Etol Cond Deed- Par 466

0-49529 9-10-63


! Grant Cameron B D-49542 cond Deed Pars 7 fc 30 8-27-63

: OfaHnjaraerotTt^fal ^D-5^67 ' 1 Cond-Deed Pare 200 12-5-63

Lot 19 Blk J Eia Viow Tract

Grant, Cameron B. e t a l D-51289 „ Condemn Deed-Pare 315 3-26-64 ,

Lota 10,11,12,Block N of Eln VIBW Tract, for oub. bides. .

Orant, Cameron B. D-51541 Condemn Deed - Pare 360 4-22-64 Lots 7,8 Block Q of V.I D V-l AW Tnon,.,. fnn niiK. hirtera.. —

Grant Caraeren B et al D-52754 Final Judgement 9-18-64 Parcel 424 f/ pub pldRS & Kreunds

Orant David etol 0-44X21 Agrmt-paciflc Ave-Marine 5-1B-6X Ct to Zephyr Ct F-76733

Grant John W etol D-44xll 1 Agrmt-Normondie Ave-aanto4-26-6X

Barbara Ave to Vernon Ave

Oronville Onle B etal 0-49553 2651 3 Westem Ave 9-23-53 Offer ded pub st piir

Gravellne George W 0-52749 Easmnt Deed 1-29-64 Saticoy St - Winnetka F74679 to Oso Ave

Gravellne George W D-52750 Easmnt Deed 1-29-64 Saticoy St - Winnetka P74679 to Oso Ave

Gravellne George W • Easmnt Deed Saticoy St Winnetka to Oso Ave

Graves D P etux Easrat Deed-Will Rogers Stato fork Rd 4 Villa View Dr S D

Gravett Joseph ^ et ux Off Ded-Lot 15 Tr 6109 1651 Wilaington Blvd

0-52351 7-16-64

0-43404 1-24-61 F-95085

b-50054 12-7-63

/ •


Gray Frederick Curtis etux D-47937 Easrat Deed- R/V droin 1-19-63 Wly "oslyndole Ave at Jouett St

Graystone St D-46650 Lot 9 Tract 15599- 9-24-62 Future St Ded P-97454

Orayatone St 0-45676 Lots 21-4.3-49 4 52 4-23-62 Putui'e Bt dedication P-98945

Great Bldf; Corp D-49769 Offer to Ded Lot 210- IO-63 Tr 1000-4209 Whltsott Avo

Great Bldg Corp of Araerica" D-49771 Offer to Ded-Alley Nly/,olO-24-63 Valley Heart Wly/o 'Whitsett Ave

Great-West Life Assurance D-51335 Easmnt Deed - Ventura 3-19-64

y nr Oak Park Ave.

Great Westetnor Homes D-49166 Easmnt Deed 5-63

y . Ostronic Dr F-9069O






' .

t. -1,'-




Page 29: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose




I . J Hf.



Oreater Bethlehem Temple D-47290 | - Grant Deed- Wotts Area 7-16-62'

Poriclng s i t e - ^

Ireon E i i i o t t A etux 0-45396 Easrat Deed-'rfoils Dr fc 5-11-62 C n n h n Avn S T) i?_o(iC]^i^ '

Green Max e t ux D-52181 Easeraent Deed 7-18-64 ., Saticoy St nr Llndley -•

Green, Rayraond R, e t ux D-50415 Easrant Deed - 254th S t . I -6-64 -4 Petroleum Ave. I .D. FIOI688 v

' Green Huth S D-48166 i 'eaicate ; rc i .e r ty 4-25-63

Nly Burbank Dlvd Oreen Vlsto Drive 0-45245

Lots 37-38 Tr 18351 7-9-52 Future St Dedlcotion P-IO6669

jroonborR AlbQrt/!>elma 0-411946 C-iint Di-iad -V',irnon Ava- 10-21-61 C ntri i l Ava/Broadway

Greenberg Albert etux D-46405 Offer to Ded-Lot 24 3outh6.-6-62 Woodiawn-4376 3 Main St

Greenberg, Earl e t a l 0-52037 Agrmnt-Vemon Ave. 6 7 1 6 T 6 4 Central and Avalon

Oresnberg, e a r l e t a l D-52038 Quitclm Deed-Vemon, 6r22-64 Central and Avalon

Greonborr' Pay D-44992 Pacific Avo-Kurlne Ct 3-17-61 ' .o Z ' j p h y r C t

Greenberg J B e t a l 0-46443 Offer to Ded-Lot i Tr 6-15-62 5609-2304 Westwood Blvd

Greenberg Jeffrey 0-46700 Of I'or to Oed- Lot 9 6-5-o3 Tr 230 - 111 No Nornandlo Ave

Greenberg Jeff rey etux 0-49293 4100 W F i r s t St - Offer 7-24-!63 dod future s t

Greenberg L H/Clalra C 0-45687 . Off to ded -Lots 5 4 7 4-5-62

„_ Hvde Park - 6019-8th Ave

Greenberg, Myron e t a l Agrmnt-Vemon Ave, Central and Avalon

Greenberg, Myron e t a l Quitclm Deed-Vemon, Central and Avalon

Greenbush Avenue Lot 2 Tract 17552 I'ljture S t reot Ded

D-52037 6-16-64

D-52038 6-22-64

D-31730 5-2Q-64 F108428

Oreene Harry W etux D-454O9 Eaamt Deed-Vhnowen S t - l 2 - l - 6 l Hazelt ine Ave to Van Nuvs Rinrt

Greene Horry e t ol D-49412 Offer to Ded Lot 35- 8-63 Tr565lj-Burbank Blvd

Oreene Henry 4 Annabelle D-46567 Offer to ded 9-17-62 4701 W Adams Blvd

Oreene Lawrence A e t a l D-45859 Off to Ded-3960 In,-;lewood BJ -.'d 4-24-62

Greenfield Irwln I e t a l D-52198 Agreement 3-24-64 Vermont Ave f r Central PIO8638 to Avnion

Greenstone Leonard etux 'D-46281 Offer to Ded-2330 Beveriy7-16-62 givd-Lots 87-68 N Knob

Greer LaVerno e t a l D-46239 >\ Quitclaim Deed-'-'inker 5-1-62 i Ave vie Apperson St P-X00536\

Gregg J Lee etux D-43459 I ,, Eaant Deed-Kewen Ave 1-16-51 1 I

NWly to Lankershlm Blvd P-96269 V

' Oronadlar Dr ' D-44282 1 Lots 66-57-56 Tr 25550 6-26-51 Puture s t ded P-96951 \

Gresham S t ree t D-47458 Vor l o t s Tr 25614-23076 1-24-53 Tr 2lil-<0-'utiirA ,St Dert ^ . jcynp -.'

•Oreshom St ree t • Lot 5 Tr 224.19

Future St Dedlootlon

Gresham S t ree t


0-5234; Por Loto 6,W4 Tr 25401 7-30-64 Puture St reot Ded

Gresham S t r ee t Por Lot 14 Tr 27282 Future S t ree t Ded

Gresham S t r ee t Lot 35-36 Tr X7652 FuDure a t Dedication

Gresham St

D-51699 5-28-64 FII2347

0-438X4 4-3-6X F-931X5




Lots 138 4 137 Tr 21244-8-2-63 Future St dedicat ion P-106464'

Grldley St D-48084 Resol 5842- 4-16-63 Acc offer ded F-78002

Gridiey St 0-45294 Lot 65 Tr 25146 2-14-62 Future St Dedication F-96719

Orldley S t ree t D-52033 Lot 72 Tract 20632 6-24-64 F u t u r e S t r e e t Dcd F119243

Orldley St 0-47345 Lot 91-92 Tr 19909 l-?**? Future 8t Dedleatlon P-69819

Grier Frank P ot ux D=-49647 Right of Entry 9-16-63 'i/ildwood Av 4 LiTuna Cyn Rd

In te rc Serine Orior Thelma Cotton D-43539

Eaamt Dood-Vinedale St 4-25-63 H/s-S / o Whontlnnrt Ave Lot 13 Tr 432

Grier Thelma Cotton C-i-fer ded 4 access Vinedale Ct E/O V/hfiatl-inri AVO

Oriess Milton etux Agrmt- Del Rey Avo-Washlnpton Plvd t o *lleyF-93793 Slv RflBch Avn

Orloss Hilton e t ux D-51'788 Agrmnt 6-8-64 Abrigo Ave Irap FIO5899 nr Prewett

42x9 Orlf f ln Avenuo O-Soiioft Future S t r e e t (Resol) 12-2U-b.

Plo95o6,#2,5 ,7 ,8 ,9 & 10 t j

11-48540 5-21-63

D-46026 5-22-50

Griff in Ave 2605 Puture S t ree t Ded

Or l f f ln , Ethel Easmnt Deed-Vemon, Central to Avalon

Orlffln Ethel Agrmnt• Vemon Ave Central and Avalon

G r i f f i t h Paul P etux Easnt Deed-Art St fc Dronfleld A'.'e I D

0-51964 7-13-64

D-51917 5-26-64

0-51918 5-26-64

0-45161 1-4-62

Gr i f f i th Pk Blvd Wly/o 0-53025 Angus S t r ee t Nly/o 11-17-64

Puture S t r ee t Ded P111309#4

Page 30: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

"Orlgsby Helen D-49175 v5 I Final Order condemn 7-10-63 i

sewer easmt Lassen St \ Par 2-S. ^ , _ ,_ .

Lots 9-10- Tr 22117 t^}ytl» Puturo St Oedlcatlwi F-11195Z -

Orlraea Place 0-46787 , c Lot 20 Tr 22117 10-17-52

Future St Dedieation F-109634

Orispino Joseph J etux D-4696V Grant Dee* - Coldwater CyniO-5-62 Ave-Shernan Way to Vonowen

Orispino Joseph J otux 0-46990 Agrmt-CclHwuter Cyn Ave 10-5-62 ahernan Way to Vanowen St

Grlr.zlo UrV M etux 0-45066 Eosmt Deed-Lev Ave- 11-29-51 NWly Coin St F-96390

Orlzfiie Leon e t o l 0-46423 Cond deed-NEly Tel fo i r 7-11-62 Ave NWly Poxton St

Oroork John L/Rapp MOITT D - 4 5 6 5 1 Easnt Deod-Notlck Ave- 1-25-62 , Hortense/Valleyheart Dr

Orobstein "enry M e t a l 0-45398 Easnt Deed-Burbank Blvd 3-1-62 3/3 Ely Yftianda Ave

Orobstein Henry M etux 0-46110 Easnt Deed-Burbank Blvd 4-1-62

• Ely Yoxando Ave fc Ely

Oronon Mortuory Ino 0-46016 Eosnt Deed-Olynplo BXvd 5-U;-52 fc Corinth Ave NE oor P-102550

Gross Al^ierto 0-45276 Easrat Deed-Wllsey Ave- 1-29-62 Summitrose St to Apperson F-92S62 St Sewer Dist

Gross Walter Clifford 0-45652 Eosnt Deed-Notlck Ave- 1-30-52 Hortense /Volleyheort

S Grow Corp a corp ' - Agrnt

Orossi Pred fc Saroh Off to Ded-5825 Crenahaw Bl

Grossman I'nrvln Eaarat Doed Sherwood f' ,Ln 4 P./-I C-.n Dr

0t*o88man Maurioe M et ux-Easement Deed

D-45735 4-9-52

D-49963 6-24-63 F-10CC35

D-45958 5-1-62

Aqueduct Ave-Nly Mooz>park

Orossman Maurioe M et al-Offer to Ded Aqueduct Ave Nly Noorcark St

Grove Street Por lots in Tract 15291 Future Street (Resol)

Orove St Ptn Lot 41 Tr 17345 Future St dedication

Grove 3t Lot 5X Tr X5291 Future St Dedloation

Orover Percy Easnt Oeed-Colllns at Eiy Fal Ibr ook Ave

Grover percy Grant,Deed-Colllns St

D-45959 5-1-62

0-50750 2-4-64 FIO6192

D-48288 4-26-63 F-104636

D-44155 6-7-51 F-97775

D-44174 5-2-61

0-44x75 5-2-61

N/3 Eiy Fallbrook Ave

Grover hichard D c';ux D-45436 Eosnt Deed-Van Nuys Bivd 2-27-52 fc Nordhoff St I D

Orow Corp o corp D-44330

.[• Eosnt Doed- 'imeoler Ave 7-3-61 Hubbard to Lazard Sts F-69105

Wheeler Ave-Hubbard to Lazard Sts

0-44331 7-3-61 P-89105

".f "'

Orow Frank T etux D-44464 Gront Deed-Cohasset St- 5-14-51 Son Fernondo Rd to Lockheed Dr

Orow Pronk T et ux 0-44465 Agmt-Cohosset St- 6-4.-61 San Fernando Rd to Lockheed Dr

Orubb Paul C etux . D-47782 Offer to Ded-ptn Lot 40 3-4-63 Lankershlm Ranoh Land-Ely Vineland

3rubb Paul C/Rosena D-49653 Ely Vineland Ave 10-2-63 Nly Sharman Way - offer ded - pub st puiT>

"Oruneck Prederick et al 0-51780 Easmnt Deed 4-13-64 Eton Ave 4 Devonshire ID

Oruneck Frederick et ux D-51786 Easmnt Deed 4-9-54 Eton Ave 4 Devonshire ID

Ouordion Moteriol Co D-43952 Eosmt Oeed-Albers St 4-25-61 4 Uozextine Ave Dedication

Guerra Frank D-'J0776 c Easmt Deed-Croner Ave nr 1-13-64'«•

Maf^nolia Blvd

Oulremand Mogdaleno 0-47070 Easnt Deed-Mountiin Ave 11-9-62 Apperson St fc Foothill Blvd

Guleserian Vahan Y et ux D-49645 Right of Entry 9-16-u3 Wildwood Av .k LaTuna Cyn Rd Interc Sewer

Gulf O U Corp 0-45304 Sub Agrmt- Vunowen St 1-30-62 Hazeltine Ave to Van Nuys Bivd

Gulf O U Corp of Calif D-50021" Off Ded-Lot 1 11-29-63 302 So Pacific Av

Gulf Oil Corp D-46915 Offer to Ded-Lots 5-6-7 11-5-62 6 Tr 1388- 1020 W Anoheim St

Gulf Oil Co 0-47555 Offer ded-Ptn Lot 5 Tr 3563 4580 York Blvd- 2-6-63

Gulf o n Corp 0-46417 Offer to ded-Lots 5-0-7-6-9-Tr 6IIO-IO716 So Vermont A^g^^n

Gulf Oil Corp 0-49643 Offer to Ded- ptn Lot 5 10-6-53 5319 Figueroo St

Gulf Oii Corp of Calif D-46j64 Offer to Dod-lOt 21-22-23 8-6-62

/' 258 E Adoras Blvd-

Oulf Oil Corp D-45734 Lots 43-44 Oiorietta Tr xO-4-52

/ 5x36 Hoxxywood Bxvd

Gulf Oil Co of Collf 0-49020 Offer to ded- Lots 57-58-59 Three "0" Tract-6121 7-16-63 So Vermont Avti . •"^•»

Gulf Oil Oorp Calif D-5C315 . Off Ded-Lots 63 69 70 12-31-63

Tr 971 - 5102 S Western Av

Guillngsrud Otto etol Cond par 6-A- Lot 5 Tr 13673

Guillngsrud Otto etol Cond Deedr Par 6-A- Lot

0-45172 7-3-61

Tr .13673-Sly Rancho St Bet l' ' '^„il.J073-Sly Rancho St /.elzah Ave 4 Lindiey Ave Ouiiiban Tong G etux

Grant Deed- Reo 4 Pks

0-45246" 1-17-62

J Dept -Ardmore Playgrd Addtn

D-49015 5-2-63

Page 31: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Junther St Lot 45-77 Tr 22589 Future St Dedieation

Ourrolo "odrlgo etol Easrat Doed-R/W Ely Lincoln, Bivd-aunset Ave

Oustafson ^eonord etux Ensrat Deed-Vanowen St-

D-87791 / 3-13-63, ' • P-10860f*-

0-43724 X-13-6X F-96193

Resedo BXvd to Wystcne Ave

0-459x6 4-7-52

0-45034 t- 3-21-61

Guthrie Joraes P etux Easnt Deed-Vanowen St- 3-Kestor Ave to epulveda F-90724

Gutierrer Wn R- D-47158 Offer To ded-Lot 10 11-26-62 Tr 1424-3561 Centinela Ave

Outos N T etux D-45187 Ensmt Deed-Vunowen St 12-29-61 ' . /nnH lA-v AifA t n H A w i r A n h n — « t V^nf l l^U^

Gutzman Paul Chas et al 0-52822 c Agreeraent 9-18-64 I

Alley S.o Chatsworth npp,n Tnn 1 nn

Gyulla Theresa D-44868 Easexent Deed- 10-27-61, Vanowen St-Hazeltlne Ave to Van Kuys Blvd


'IRH Building Co D-45030 Grant Deed-Fire Oept - 5-29-6X vin RMlhnA Rivrt *• Vnniiunnrt Tyn

H H li Building Co Easement Deed Storm Drain in Tr 26053 and 25716 H S R Inc i'edicate iro;;erty

- 6303 a Kain St

H S R Inc a Corp Easeraent Deed-Gage Ave-San Pedro St to Broadway

Heberlock Edward J etel Easrat Deed-PhiUipi Ave 10-3-52 4 Tyler St Imp

Hackley Bartlett M et ux D-53306 Easeraent Deed 12-7-54 Vanowen St nr Ranchito

Hackney Street 0-51625 Por Lot 2 Tr 20357 5-20-64 Future Street Ded P114071

D-50937 1-31-64

D-48254 4-30-63

D.47922 2-20-63


\ Haddad A 0 etal D-46l6l

Easmt Deed-VonturaBlvd N/S ^ • Densmcre Ave to Oioria 3-11-57 , Ave P-63129

Haddlcton Halph L et al 0-45252 E.;ise-nent Deed-Vanowen St 11-3-61 Sepulveda Blvd to Haskell P-68346 . Ave

ll.-addon Ave Ely/o D-'"i2342 jlamis St Sly/o 9-23-64 Future Sti-cct Dcd

NEly Haddon Avenue D-52005 NWly Kagel Cyn St. 6-23-64

Puture Street Oed. F111309#6

Hafco Incorp D-46251 Grunt Deed-Bur Sanlt 4-6-62 WLA "ist Yord

Hafco Incorporated 0-464x6 Grant Deed-Bur Sanlt 4-i0-52 WLA Dist Yard

Hagenbuck Rayraond et al D-53332 Agreement 10-23-64 Vemon Ave fr Central to Avalon . .

Hoger Fred W 0-46061 'Easmt Deed-Hoyvenhurst Ave E/S Nly Vanowen St 5-31-62


] )

D-52984 >^ 12-9-63 T •

0-49129 \

Hagstoh Tom et al Quitclaim Deed Vanoweh St fr Reseda

_ toWeystone Eahn Barbara E & Henry

Offer to ded- Lots 375-376 IJ Mettlers Main St So Pk Tr 7-19-63-, 105 E Gase Avo

Halbrent Ave 0-44541 tots 14-15 Tr 15749 6-23-61 ' Public st dedication F-989S2 "

Halbrent Ave Lot 15 Tr 15749 Future St Dedication

Halbrent Ave Lot 4 Tr 23669 Lot 25

yutuf4^:5t Dedication

Halbrent Ave Lot 46 Tr 14222 Future St Dedication



0-43587 3-I-6X ' P-89027

D-45205 l-X6-e2 F-53309

Halbrent Avenue 0-52490 Por Lota 48 Tr 14222 8-11-64 1 Tr 25561 4 1 Tr 25561 Puture S t ree t Ded Pli-^flSQ

Halferty Raymond E D-43784 Easmt Doed-aanoa Ave fc 3-17-5X Aoperson a t a 0 P-74259

itoifhiXX Rose E etax D-45955 Agrmt-Llndiey Ave- XO-2-62 Nordhoff St to f a r then ia St

Hohn Henry B e t o l 0-47973 Agrmt-Gage Ave- Son Pedro 3-1-63 St to Bdwy

Hahn Henry B D-47972 • asmt deed-Cage Ave 4-5-63 dage Ave-San Fedro

HaiifuHri'^fa"'"' D-50411 Grant Deed-Van Nuys 8-2-63 Airport

Haines Canyon Ave D-4l;587 Lot 77 Tr 22563 9-i>-61 Futuro St Dedication F-86215

Haines Cyn Ave 0-46257 Lots 77-76 Tr 22553 7-12-52 Puture St Oedlcotlon P-88216

Koines Cyn Ave Wly/o D-52978 Beckett St Sly/o 11-5-64

Future Street Ded Holl Ralley 0-47604 Eosmt Deed-DeOerrao Ave 1-24-53' nr Judd St F-103655 -

Hall Dovld 3 0-45314 1 Easrat Deed-R/W Niy 7-13-62 • Bemice Ave Ely MonteoitoF-lu5l35 • "

Hall James 3 et ux D-52366 • Agrmnt , , 7-15-64 182nd St (s/s} Eaat FII976I City Bndry to Harvard Bl

Hall Jamea R etux D-4633X Easmt Deed-Lomita Bivd 7-16-62 Wllmlnp;ton Ave to Avalon F-59865 Rivd

Hall Robort ? ot ux D-47799 Eaarat Dead-Poothill 31 2-21-63 4 Amanita Ave RO P-92229

Hall Robert et ux 0-53030 Easement Deed 10-20-64' Tujunga Cyn Bl fc Tu lunca Cvp Pi Tmn

HaUara urnes M et a l ' U-50265 Orant 5e-id 9-4-63 nec ''. ?kj Dejit-Tujunga City HaU

Hal lcraf t Construction CoD-50253 Easmnt Deed for San 11-5-53 Sew Latrobe Ave PII6083

Hail lgon Kotrino etux D-43967 Grant Deed-Coldwuter Cyn i -x2-6 i Ave-Sherman Way to VanowonF-754y4

I .1

Page 32: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

I Halligan Kotrino etax .1 Agrmt-Coxdwoter Cyn Ave

\ / aherman Way t o Vonowen

'flaXsted Strtet I x«t 19 Tr X9634 |/ Piitiire st D#rt,ie«tlon

0-43968^1 X-12-6X. P-926e6 \

0-43526 2-2X-5X j P-7?«0«> \

ux, D-50162 -f) -270 . 12-12-$3C

Farrls Tr - 10501 uliljU.niton A T ^V.

f Handy Wendell T et ti -T. Off Ded-Lots 269-2

Halsted St 0-47486 :. Lot 12-16 Tr 22462-19834 1-29-63 «"^

Future St Dedication F-106676 '",

Halter Charles M. et ux Easmnt Deed Capital Dr E/o Meyler

0-51752 4-1-64 F97552#l

D-45772 • Halter E L et al Easmt Dead-Strlckler Pl 4-2-62 • at Witzel Dr

Hamamoto Joel Ke tal 0-48497 Agrmt- ExposlMon Blvd- 2-21-63 Normandie Ave to Orameroy Fl

Hamamoto Joel K etal D-48498 •Qultolaim Deed-Exposition Blvd -Normandie Ave to 2-21-53 Grenerov Pl

Haner Jones A etux 0-45407 Eosnt Deed-Van Nn rs Bivd2-20-62 fc Nordhoff St I D

Hamilton John 0 0-46656 Offer to ded- Lot 33 6-4-63

Highland Pk Tr- 5100 No Figueroa

"Hamlett Joffle D-45322 Qultolalm decd-Leodwell 2-1-62 St 4 Ventura Cvn Ave NE oor

Hamlin Mae Etta 4 uyron 0 D-47854 Offer to ded- 3-21-63

'' 611 S Adams Blvd

-.laralln St (3*) 0-47749 E/o Buffolo Ave 2-26-63 Futuro et ded P-103606

Hammer V H 4 Dorthy 0-46672 Offer to Oed Lot 428- 5-63 Tr 2699-Orion Ave

Haihmbh'a" Carl'*15V6Vi'T:tU3f U^UZ^uy -Offer to Ded- 1-17-64 * 6551 Woodley Ave

Honnond'Edith L otol 0-46290 Eosnt Doed-Ailoy ^ly Los 7-5-52 ., Fiores Dr-Eogle Vlsto Dr F-XOX517 4 Wiv

Hammond Emily M 4 V MoniqueD-48616 Hammond - Easnt Deed- 5-17-63 Alley(lst) H3/o Jasmine Avo (nr Palraa 31vd) Imp-

Hammond Paul H ot al D-47036 Agreement- 10-20-62 Sawtelle Blvd bet Palms P-88530 • Blvd & Charnock Bd

Hamro Oseor D-47069 Easmt Deed-Mountain Ave 11-9-62 Apperson St fc Poothlll Blvd

Haa aher Robt W etux 0-46692 Eeamt Daed-Benedtot Cyn 10-8-62 Ch-Par 11 betterments F-I0772f

Hancock Charles L D-49487 Quitclaim Deed 9-63 Dolores St F-1C5079

Hancey Cnrl etal 0-45668 Agrmt- Parmouth Or Wly 3-17-62 Amesbury Rd F-100605

Hancz Emest D-53245 n o W Imperial Highway 11-30-64 Puture Street Ded

Handley June E D-51979 Easement Deed 4-29-64 El Segundo Blvd Plgueroa F106027

_ to .Vermont ,, Randy Ralph L otux D-44417

Easmt 0«ed-Vano*on 8t 7-2id-6x N/S Hayvenhurst Ave t o Balboa BXvd

Hanna Avenue D-51625 Por Lots 51 Tr 21513 5-20-64 . fc 2 Tract 20857 F114071 Puture S t ree t Ded -

Hannah «obt L etux D-46313 Orant Deed-Goult St N/S 7-7-62 Wiy Sunnyslope Ave

Hnnnoh Hobt L e tux 0-45312 Eosmt Deed-Gault St N/3 7-7-62 Wxy Sunnyslope Ave

: Horuion Realty Co D-48395 Agrmt- 60th St fc Zayanta 4-17-63 Dr 4 other s t s imp F-103602

D.|j37l jHonseth Martin A etux j.,. Eosmt Deed-R/V storm 1-2-63 drain Ely Norman Pl Nly F-104504 Norway

HanzUk Jamoo P et ux D-54073 Saticoy 4 Valjean 10-5-64 Puturo Streot Dcd P113755.

Harada Kokuji etol 0-46695 Offer to Ded-vlo Missouri 11-1-62 Aye 4 SowtelleBlvd-por A-B

Horado Kakujl etol 0-46895 offer ded-Par 23 Barrett 11-1-62 ViUo Tract -NE Sawtelle Blvd fc SE Missouri Ave

Harbor Dept 0-45937 Deed fr LA Co ptns I St 4-4-62 kno Electric Ave Tr 20x6

Horbor Dept D-45779 Quitcialra Deed-Lots 5-x7 2-14-62 Tr 2016-Gront St oto

Horbor Dept " 0-45780 Quitoioim Deed-Lots 5-17 2-14-52 Tr20 16 Orant at-aoutheriond Ave

Harbour Rental Properties D-51074 Easmnt Deed-Drain & Sew. 3-2-64 N/o Park Western Or & Fil2872 E/o Western, Ave.

Harcourt Ave 2544 Future Street Ded

0-50929 2-25-64 P109506#4

Harding John P et al , D-52350 - Quitclm Deod 7-10-64 • Burbank Bl bot Wood- Fll4375#l man 4 Hazeltine

Harding St-Hontero Ave D-46522 4 Pernmont St-Ftna Lots 8-27-62 '

. 2 i 4 Tr 25068 P-103929 Puture St Dedication

Hardy Karry C ,"0-49929 Easmt Deed-Springvale Dr 11-6-63 N/o bet Marie/Oleander

Hardy Thomas et ux D-48258 Easement Deed 3-13-63 Gage Ave-San Fedro to Broadway

Hardy Thos et al D-48259 Agreement- 3-13-63 • Gage Ave-San Fedro to Broadway

Hargrave"Ur " U-525y2 Rlnconla Or 435' Nly 9-t3-64 -Condemn Par 5-S-Kary F PatttUofi etal -R/W 25519

Hargrove James 0 et al D-45240 , Agreement-Pullerfarm St 1-14-62 & White Oak Ave I 0

Harker Development Corp D-53212 . 10732 So Main St 12-10-64' Puture Street Ded

Harlan Stanley 0 etal D-44970 Sasmt Daed-Poothlll Bl 12- 6-61 ' (NEi:) 4 Pl (NW*) I,D

Inore St

Harlow James M et ux Easeraent Deed Topham St nr Etiwanda


D-53041 3-25-64



I 'C:




P •.t



5 't.



Page 33: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose



Harlow James M et al 0-53042 ) - Agreement 3-25-64 '

Topham St nr Etiwanda

•lamoa Llllle Mae D-49696 Agrnt -Vernon Avo- 9-10-63 Central Ave/Avalon Blvd

Harmom Llllle Mae D-".li.'r.nt. Deed 9' Vernon Ave

Harms Dale J Offer to Ded- Lot 20 Owensmouth- 7339 Canoga './ost Valley , .

Harner Helvln E et al-Offer to Ded prop Wly Sunland Blvd *

Johanna Pl Harne r Melv in E

Of fe r t o d e d i c a t e 11030 Moorpark St

H a r o l d , K e i t h B. e t a l Easmnt Deed - Monta lvo S t . 4 L o t u s S t . I . D .

H a r o l d , Ke i th B. e t a l A,!jrrant - Montalvo S t 4 L o t u s S t . I . D .

•49695 •10-63

0-48719 6-3-63 Ave-

D-47I83 11 -30 -62 Nly

D-48365 5 - 8 - 6 3

D-50343 12-19-63 F-99262

D-50470 1 2 - 1 9 - 6 : F99262

^-49135 7-63

Harold M A 4 Ruth I Easmnt Deed D r o n f l e l d

Harper H M Co D-47801 Sub A g r m t - C e n t l n e l a Crk 3 -1 -63 Ch Wly Alve rn St

H a r p s t e r Harold A e t us - Agrmt of a c c e p t

r e l e a s e of l i a b i l i t y Lot 207 ' . / a l t e r s Tr i?2 Hari s t e r Harold

Kasmt Ga,;;e Ave-San Pearo t o Broad'ijay

Harr iman Ave T r e a s u r e r ' s Deed 1 7 ^ , " 55. 37 P.-^s*'<er,s

D-51262 4 - 1 5 - 6 4

F-109802 \

D-48O48 1 4 - 1 6 - 6 3 i

D-43047 4 -15 -63

/J l l f i T r a c t H a r r i s Don C h a r l e s e t a l 0 -45725

Off t o Ded-4727 Beve r ly 4 -3 -62 Bl-/d

H a r r i s Edward e t o l 0 -47100 Of fe r t o Ded- 14335 Burbonk Blvd - t e t 16 Tr 1021 11-12-62 \

H o r r l s Edword 0 -47075 Offer t o Ded- Lot 5 11-12-62 Tr 5472 -6922 H a z e l t i n e Ave

H a r r i s F r a n c e s e t o l D-46575 Agrmt- Gage Ave-Son 3 -19 -63 Pedro St t o Bdwy

H a r r i s F r a n c e s F e t a l D-48574 Easrat Deed- Goge Ave- 3 -19-63 Sah Pedro St t o Bdwy

H a r r i s Heni^y G o t u.-'. D-53563 Easement Deod 1-213-64 El Seiiundo Blvd FIO6027 l ' ' i i ;ucroa t o Vermont

H o r r l s Jaraes S e t o l D-49735 5237 Cahuenga Blvd 10-21-63 , Of f o r dnd - ni,ih s t n>,irp

H a r r i s Lloyd W e tux 0-45264 Eosrat Deed-Van Nuys Blvd 1-19-62 4 Nordhoff S t I D P-95oe4

H a r r i s P h i l i p O f f e r t o Ded-917 So Vermont Ave

D-50535 2-4-64

Harrison Arnoldus et ux 0-49306 Grant Deed- 5-9-63 Bee 4 Parks Dept-Ardmore Playgrd Addition

Harrison Hyman etal D-45620 - Easmt Deed-Moorpark St 1-22-26

4 Alley Ely Kester Ave , P-99200 Imp Dist

Harrison James H etux Easmt Deed-Osborne S t

L o u r e l C-*n "x-^- I ^

D-43964 > ) 4 - 2 ; > - 5 i r P-fl" .««022 \

45578 j 1-23-62 j

H a r r i s o n John 0 J r e t a l D Ensmt Oeed-Vanowen S t E l y 3 Voodman Ave

H a r r i s o n Wtn A e t u x D-4842U Easrat D o e d - A l l e y ( l s t ) N V o 4 - 2 9 - 6 3 Jn.imine Avo(nr Palms B l ) P -107685 \ imps \

Harrod S h i r l e y C D-4832C Agreement 3 -27 -63 OABti Ave ( n « « r Avnnida Del S o l )

Harrod Shi r ty Easrat Deed

, Oeste Ave

D-48319 3-63

H a r t S t r e e t For Lot 21 T r 14833 4 Lot 34 T r a c t 17009

Har t S t r e e t Por Lot 35 Tr 14669 P u t u r e S t r e e t Res

H a r t a t r e e t l o t 96-95 Tr 13358-Lot 163 Tr i5620 P u t u r e s t D e d i c a t i o n

H a r t S t Lo t 193 T r a c t l i ;106 Pu tu re s t ded

Hart St 21411 Kesol-ded future st

D-53411 12-22-64 • FI21868

0-52704 9-14-64 •

0-43568 2-21-61 F-94634

D-44907 11-17-61' p-79499

D-52323 6-4-64 F-inQSQ<

Supifl D-51334 4 -16 -64

S l y of H a r t S t r e e t V/ly of Calhoun Avenue

For L 2 4 , T r a c t 2864 F u t u r e S t r e e t d e d .

H a r t S t r e e t S l y / o Callloun Ave Wly/o

F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Hart Street Lot 64 E / O Lankershlm Future St Dedication

Sly of Hart Street Ely of Laurel Grove Ave.

For Lot 10, Tract 25I4 Futuro Strnfit rtnrt.

Hart Street Sly/o Mamraoth Ave Ely/o , Puture Street Ded

Nly of Hart Street vay-of St. Clair Ave.

Lot 7, Tract 2514 F u t u m Strp,At rtprt. _ Hart St Sly/6 D-53061 St Clalr Ave Wly/o 11-16-64 '

Por Lot 9 Tr 2514 Future R t r p o t Tiort

Hart Street Nly/o D-51228 Tujunga Ave Wly/o 4-3-64

Puture Street Ded F111309#4


Harshman Victor Allan 0-49970 Offer ded- Lot 86- Nly 11-18-63 Hood Dr Ely Winnetka Ave \

Hart Edward P etol D-47954 Offer t o Ded-Lot 4 4-2-63 5526 Figueroo St

.lort' Henry 3 etol 0-48956 Alley E/o Beeman Ave 6-27-63 Sly Moorpark St -offer • ded -

Hart Kenneth B etux D-43406 Easrat Deed-Hlllrose St 1-27-61 4 Oswego St I D F-95459

Hart, Russell, et ux D-51231 Grant Deed - Sunset VlnelO-10-6; Off Street Parking F109026

Hart Street D-50084 Por Lots 13414,Tr 14190 12-10-63 Puture Street Ded F111309#5

D-52879 10-3-64

U-50176 12-19-63 F-111775

D-51511 2-24-64

0-51229 4-3-64 P111309#2 -

D-51575 5-19-64

; J

Page 34: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

f Hart St & Woodley Ave


0-52234 : Por Lots 1 & 2 Bl C 8-10-64 7 Tract 6l48 PIO9076 ' Puture Street Ded

Hart Viola D-45333 Grant Deed-Library Dept U-27-61. Palrfox Branch

Harte nelvln H etux D-44724 Easmt Deed-Amigo Ave- 9-28-6X Hort St to LeMoy St ID F-66225

Harte Melvin R etux Agrmt-Amlgo Ave-Hart St to Lemay St I 0

-44725 9-28-61 F-85225

Harte Melvin H et ux D-52845 • Easement Deed 12-2-64 ' Vanowen St fr Reseda to Wystone Ave _

Horter Morria S etux D-4VV74 Offer to, Ded-' 7349 Woodley Ava


Harter, Morris S. et ux D-5IO58 Easemnt Deed-SE/s Sheldon2-20-64 St. bet. Haddon 4 Laurel Cvn Blvd. .. . , Hartfield, Daniel D-51199

Agrmnt - Cudahy St. 3-20-64' nr Locke Ave. FIO9O84

Hartford Hills Corp D-44367 ' Asrmt-Wheoler Ave- 7-3-61 Hubbard to Lozord St P-69105

Hartford Kills Corp a/e D-50063 ::-if;nt Deed 4-i'2-63 Day "t k Amanita Av I D

Hartford Hills Corp a/c D-5CO64 Grant Deed ',-22-63 Day St 4 Amanita Av I D

Hartford Hills vJorp a/c D-5C065 Crant Disd 4-22-63 Day St 4 Amanita Av I D

Hartford HlUs Corp a/c D-5CC'J6 Aggrmt 4-22-63 Day St 4 Amanita Av I D

Hartland Street Por Lot 2 Tr 23576 Puture Street Ded

Hartiond St Lots 6-7-Tr 2J92I Future bt Dedloation

Hartland St Lot 19 Tr 18276 Putura s t ded

- • • • • • ^ •

' ier t land S t ree t Lot 4 Tr 19252 Future St Dedication

D-52937 10-20-64 F111309#5

D-44O02 5-11-61 F- 9560J

0-44196 5-14-61 P-97674

' 0-45109 12-19-51

( •

Hartland St D-46009 Lots 11 & 12 Tr 14486 5-22-62 Puture St Dedloation P-100468

Hartland Street D-46668 Lot 11 Tr 14486- 9-27-62 Puture St dedloation P-100468

3artlond St D-46096 Lot 1-33 Tr 23136 • 6-11-62 Future St Dortleatlori P-in^o^i

Hortiond atreet • D-43569 Lot 24 Tr 22614 2"?°"?r/. Future at Dedlcotion F-x0o556

Hartland St D-47333 Lot 4 Tr 19252 l-Q-63 'uture St Dedication F-77560

Hartland St D-48274 Besol 5583 4-26-63 aoc Lot 19 Tr 18276 as F-109506 Dublio et

Hartland St 0-48552 Lot 1-9 Tr 20822-23053 5-17-53 Future St Oediootion F-113353

Hartland St T Ptn Lot 3 Tr 19252-

Futuro St dedicatn

Hartland St Lot 2 Tract 23576-Future st dedication

Hartland Street Lot 2, Tract 23576 Puture St Ded (Resol)

f l

l a r t l and S t ree t Por Lot 2, Tr 23576 Future S t r ee t Ded

Hartland S t r ee t Future S t i « e t Ded Lot 1, Tract 26671

Sly Hartland S t r ee t Ely Ethel Avenue

Puture S t r ee t Ded.

D-49168 7-31-63 P-111309 \

D-49303 ~ 8-19-63 P-998I7 -

D-51413 4-17-64 F99B17 "

D-52083 6-24-64 FII9243 -

D-50083 — 12-10-63 F111309#5 -

D-52003 6-23-64 • P111309#6 -

Hartland St D-47095 (3 1/2) Whitman Ave t o 11-19-62 Gloria Ave-Offer ded P-99817

„ .T/^to » * S rPn 2S«i7A. .,.-Hartsook St(N/S) 0-50436

Por Lot 177 Tr IO78O 1-20-64 Puture S t r ee t Deed P114426

Hartsook S t r ee t 0-50323 Por L 16 Tract 21148 1-7-64 Puture S t ree t Ded P1U309#1

D-51478 Hartsook S t ree t Por Lot 177 Lankershlm Ranch of S F Mission Future S t ree t Ded

Harvard School Orant Deed-Coldwater Cyn Ave-Van Noord Ave/ Avenida Dal Sol

Horvard School Coldwater Cyn Ave-Van Nood Ave to Avenida Del Sol Af^reement

Harvard School Coldwater Cyn Ave-Von Noord Ave to Avenida Del Sol - Agreeraent

Harvey i^iurainum Incorp 0-45536 Offer to Oed- Lot 28 8-3i-62 McDonald Troot -x5ux W i90th St

64 P114426

0-44915 10-2-61

0-44916 11-28-51

D-44917 ' 11-28-61

Harvey Edmund P etux D-4703X Quitcialra Deed-Woodraan, 7-26-62 Ave-Vlctory Bivi to Oxnard St

Haache Carl H c t a l D-53447 Agreeraent 10-21-64 El Segundo Blvd Figueroa to Vermont

Haskell Avenue Por Lots 1.2,3fc4 of Tract 15298 Restriction Release

Haskell Avenue Por Lots 6 Tr 18234 4 31 Tr 22504 Future S t ree t Dod

Haskell Avenue '• Por Lot 28 Sec 20 of Subd 1 Por ter Land fc Water Co Puture S t ree t Ded

Haskell Avenue Por Lot 28 Sec 20 Sub div 1 of Por ter Land Future S t ree t Ded

Haskell Ave 6911-offer dedicate Georgia E MoDonald & W J fc MarRaz*et McDonald-Queens Invest Co

Haskell Ave 73^7 D-52295 Future S t ree t Ded 3-4-64

FIO9506//I 8019 Haskell Avenue 1^50203

Futuro S t r ee t (Resol) 12-2U-63 F109506,#2,5,7,8,9 & 10

0-50850 2-18-64 PIO5307

D-52303 9-14-64

0-52705 6-23-64

D-51907 6-23-64 PII5881

D-46554 9-8-62

Haskell Ave 8230 Future S t ree t Ded

D-50660 204064 P109506#10tib



'f % •




Page 35: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

' i

• 2



Haskell Ave Wly/o •Ventura Blvd Sly/o

Puture S t r e e t Ded

Hatch Budd e t a l Agmt- Arcos Dr 4 Yuootan Ave Irap Dist

Hat teras St Lot 41 Tr 27262 Future St Dedication

Hat teras S t r ee t Por Lots 1,67^83.84 fc 02 of Tract 26845 I'\iture S t ree t Dcd

Nly Hatteras,Wly Al lo t t Puture S t r ee t

Haueter Prank W et a l D-53896 Easeraent Deed 9-24-64 Argonaut St Convoy St F104635

Esplanade St 4 Alleys Hauler Blvd 2109 D-5l3l3

Future St reot Dod 6-23-64

Hauser Blvd 2109 Putur-e S t r ee t Ded

D-52862 10-16-64 FIO9506

2010 Hauser Boulevard 0-50575 Future S t ree t (Resol) 2-3-64


2201 Hauser Blvd. D-51391 Por 1 98, Tr 4796 4-22-64 Future S t ree t ded.

. Hauser Jlvd 2201 kesolrDed future s t

Hauser Blvu 2210 Future S t ree t Ded.

Hauser Blvd 2215 Puture S t r e e t Ded

D-52446 £-26-64

, p-inqsn6 3u - 'iZ. D-52119

7-30-64 F109506?/4

D-52755 9-29-64

2532 So, Hauser Blvd. Por l o t 53, Tr 5565 Puture S t r e e t Ded.

Hauser Blvd 2915 Future S t r ee t Ded

:tnu.ior Dlvd 2934 ncsol-Acc ded as pub 3 t or hii;hv;Qy

0-52070 7-16-64

0-50786 2-13-64 P109506#1

D-4ol36 4-23-63 p-id95o6

D-51227 I) 4-3-64 1 ' P111309#4 "V

0-48325 3-22-53

0-48870 7-21-63 P-98995,

tm F1025S1

0-50073 12-9-63 F109506#;

33"Tr sS r 'B i lS 'S Avalon BlyS' ' -.,

Haverlin Carl e t ux D-53967 Easement Deed ' 8-13-64

- S/o Hordhoff 4 W/o Topanga Cyn , \

Hnvll.ih Joromo H e t a l D-lj4991 A-rmt- Medina Hd 4 1177-61 M--'idlnn Dn I D ' ••

Hawksworth Jonas A etux 0-47323 Agrmt- McBroora S t - 12-28-62, .TnhnnnA ftvo t n Wlw p , 0 A | i ? O -;

Huy Lorothy L ot a l \i-5ZZ2'i Final oraer Coiiuei.m 7-22-64 , Par 3-A -San Vicente Blvd ., beveriy Blvu to burton V/ay

Hay Dorothy L D-57305 e t a l - P l n a l Order 5-29-64 re Parcel li'5-A

Hoy Hurb.irt R etux 0-44467 Eaamt Deed-Vanowon St- 8-1-61 Sepulveda to Haskell

Hayden P M e tux D-442l2 Agrmt-257th St 4 Froiptonb-'7-6l Ave I D P-91763

Hayes Gertrude Anaa D-51697 Easmnt Deed 5-21-54 Woodley Ave Imp nr Nordhoff

Hayes W Ray ot ux 0-48027 Sasnt Deed-Big Tujunga 9-28-62 Cyn Bl-Ht Gieoson Ave P-86700

_ to Poo th l l l Blvd Haynes S t r ee t D-51998

Lot 1, Tract 25434 6-12-64 Puture S t r ee t Ded. P111309#5

Haynes St Nly/o Sunnyslope Ave Wly/o

Puture S t ree t Ded

D-52997 11-9-64 ' F111309#7

Haynes St a t Sylmar D-52581 NE comer 9-6.64 Por Lot 13 Bl 21 Tr 1200 Puture S t r ee t Ded PI ifll ifi

Haynes S t ree t 0-43655 Lots B4-55 Tr X6662 3-9-6X Futuro 3t Dodieotlon F-93xll

Haynes St a t Sylmar D-5258O NE c o m e r 9-16-64 Por Lot 24 Bl 21 Tr 1200 Future S t r ee t Ded Plifliifi Hayvenhurst Ave Lot I Tr 19924 Future St Dedication

Hayvenhurst Ave Lots 55-57 Tr X8361 Fututre St Dedication

1 0-45897 4-30-62 P-103717 ',

D-46245 I 7-9-62 1 F-106659 V

0-1,4948 I 11-20-61 ia_-7l, ' . .Rn . I

Hayvonhurnt Ave , ' Lota 59r60-6l 4 62

Tl- 16531 -Puture at dod P-74487 74175

Hayvenhurst Ave 0-43411 Lot 85 Tr 16699 2-6-61 Future St Dedication F-96347

Hayvenhurst Avenue D-5I619 Por Lot 201 Tr 7167 5-14-64 Future Alley Ded P1135l84#2

Hayvenhurst Avenue D-51620 Por Lot 201 Tr 7167 5-14-64 Puture Drainage Ded P1135l84#2

Hayvenhurst Avenue D-51618 Por Lot 202 Tr 7167 5-14-64 Puture Alley Ded P1135l84#2

Hayvenhurst Avenue O-51616 Por lot 203 Tr 7167 5-14-64 Puture Alley Ded F1135l84#2

Hayvenhurst Avenue D-51617 Por Lot 203 Tr 7167 5-14-64 Puture Alley Ded P1135l84#2

iiRP to t aell Tn 9iflv Future Alloy Ded

Hayvenhurst Avo D-47197 4819-Offer to dedloate 12-10-62 Ptn Lot I Blk 22 F-109506 Tr 2955 , '

Hayvenhurst Avo 0-46553 6706-offer dedicate 8-29-62 Mary Ellen King

Hayvenhurst Avo D-48343 6706 - Hesol 5910 5-2-63 aco dod prop F-109506

Hnyvi.'nhui'Ut. Avo (JO'lO T)-'j^^1>Ci • Future Street Ued 9-9-54


Fil3518 ArM^ t . 2 o ,

D-53132 11-11-64 FII3518

Hayvenhurst Ave E/o Vanowen St 31y/o 7-30-6-

Por Lots 201-204 Tr 7167 Future Allnv Dort

Hayvenhurst Ave E/o Vanowen St S/o

Por Lot 200 Tract 7167 Future Dralnar.e Ded _ K

Hayvenhurst Ave E/o O-53133 ; /anowen St S/o 11-11-64 ;

Por Lot 200 Tract 7167 FII3518 1 Puture Alley Ded , K

Page 36: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

i Haywood St • 1 Lots 1-5-5 Tr 20925 /' Future St Oedioatlon

f Hazeltine Ave Lot 5 Tr 17758

(-/ Future St Dedication Hazeltine Avc : Por Lot 20 Tr 17911

;,- Future Street Ded

I Hazeltine Ave 4851 - Bead 5902

I . aco ded prop

Hazeltine Ave 6942 Hesol-ded future st

Hazeltine Ave 6621 Por Lot 5 Bl 1 Tr 1200 Future Street Ded

Hazeltine Ave 6840-Besol 6572 Acc ded prop

6942 Hazeltiiie Avenue Por L 3, Tract 5472 Future Street ded.

' 7251 Hazeltine Avenue Port Lot 222, Tr 1000

'• Future Street ded.

Sly Hazen Dr.Ely Bowmont Future Street

• 0-45341' 3 \ ' 2-13-52 ( F-93532 \

0-47772 2-27-63 F-94248

0-52302 9-15-64 PII9402

0-48335 5-2-63 , F-109506

0-52666 10-16-64• F-109506

D-53244 12-14-64

0-48249 4-26-63 F-111309

D-51287 4-10-64

D-51564 5-13-64 •

D-49744 10-22-63' F111309#5

Hazenbush Thomas 0 etal 0-46557 Offer t o Ded- Lots 16-17 5-17-63 Tr 6841- Sly Hazen Dr Ely Bovimont Drive

, Heaton James E etux 0-44466 Eosmt Deed-Ro-;en St 6-7-61 Dronfield to Borden P-95548

Hebner, Rita D-50501 Agrmnt - Montalvo St. I-9-64 4 Lotus St. I.D. F99262

Heesy Corp D-49613 Basrant Deed 8-3-63 Unior Ave

Heldt Horace D-43564 Easmt Deed-Magnolia Bivd2-15-6l bet Hazeltine Ave 4 •rvnnn« five

Kellbrun Lothar et ux Easmt Leeu-Osborne St San Fdo Ud tc Golden Ltate Frwv

Helm Floyd L etal Dond par ptns 1 2 3


D-53360 10-27-64 F-112666

O-459O8 _ ,,_. ,,,.._ - ^ ., 3-1-62 vio 54th St 4 Crenshow Bivd-,

Heimberg Paul A ertux D-4J9l5 Eosrat Deed-Alto Cedro 3-21-61

' ' Or Ely Meredith PX a 0 F-95307

Eela Ave 0-49562 Lot 11 Tr 21778 10-10-53 Futuro St Dedication P-77415

Helbush Corp D-50844 Easmnt Deed-Storm D m 12-17-63 W/o Paso Robles Ave at Superior St

Hold Kenneth W etux 0-45557 Eosmt Deed-CedaredgeAve 2-5-62 ot Hillmont Ave S O

Helen Ave Wly/o 0-52806 Art Street Nly/o 10-6-64 , Puture Street Ded

Ely Helen, Sly Penrose . Future Street

Heller Brian L Single Offer to Ded - Ely Llano Dr Sly Capuiin Ct

D-49743 10-22-53 P111309#5

D-50972 , 3-2-64 '

Heller Dora Agrmt-Paclfic Ave-Morine fit to 7.enhvr Ct' P-76733 " >

Heller Lito W etol 0-43455 1 Easnt Oeed-Canoga Ave X-XX-5X fc Burbonk Bivd SE eor F-93679

"Heller Stephen et ux " O-52356 " Easmnt Deed 6-27-64 Rubio Ave (E/S) bet Valerio & Wyandotte

Jlelm Ira Walter et ux D-50: Right of Entry Baldwin 12 Hills Disaster Area

m.. Helmon Cecelia etol D-45063 Gront Deed-7eizah Ave 11-8-51 Pullerfarm St to Lassen St

Helmon Martin etux D-44621 Eosmt Deed-Vonowen St- 9-5-bx

/- Kester Ave to aepuxveda Bxvd-

, Holman Martin D-49930 Easmt Deed-Leraarsh St 9-IO-63 Bet Lurllne fc Oklahoma

f Helmiek Paul A etux D-48820

Easmt Deed-Vfhitsett Ave 5-26-53 Vanowen St t o Victory Blvd




Helzer Larry L Orant Deed-Van Nuys Airport-Lot 323 Tr 6872

Henderson Donald E et ux Easement Deed-Johanna Ave-Sunland Blvd 3 0

D-4«569 7-18-62

Henderson Evelyn J Orant Deed-Watts Parking Site-


D-44829 10-19-61 F-92112 4 92295 0-47494 6-10-62 F-106974

0-46624 X0-X9-52 F-97025

HenkeX Norman H Agrmt- 5lst Ave-bet Pacific Ave fc Speedway

Henney Foul K etal 0-45468 Eosmt Deed-Shadow Island6-l-52 Dr-Eiy Sunland Bxvd

Hennlngsen Alice V /Agreement Soth St 4 Hulbert Ave

Hennlngsen Herbert etux Eaamt Daed-Nntlck Ava-Hortense-Volleyheart Dr

0-53072 10-14-64 FIO8018

D-45646 1-25-62

Henry Lenay e t a l D-49936 ' Off Ded-Orijler fc 10-18-63 Hamilton's "ernondale #2 5516-l6i Comoton Av

Hensel Robert et ux D-51806 Easmnt Deed 5-14-64 Santa Susanna Ave I'ir Devonr.hlne

Herbert Resale P D-46993 Offer to Ded-Lots 234-236 11-15-4 2601 So Central Ave

Herbst "Ichard etux , D-47044 Easmt Deed-Mountalr Ave ii-5-62

/ Apoorson St 4 Foothill Bivd

Herley Blanche et al Quitclaim Deed El Segundo Blvd FlKueroa to Vermont H-irraan Stan

Offer to Dod Lot 31 Coldwater Cyn Dr

D-53425 10-30-64 FIO6027

0-49794 10-63

Hernandez August 0-47569 Offer to^ded-Lots 23-24 2-11-63 Son Perndo Mission Blvd SEly

, bet Rincon 4 Laurel Cyn Blvd Hemandez Henry D-52874

Grant Deed 7-23-63 Pecan Playground Add.

Hernandez Julian V D-49996 ~ Offer to Ded- 1064 9th II-27-63 St



Page 37: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Hernonder Julion V et ux D-,51066 Offer to Oed-Lot 6 Sly 3-4-64 1072 W. 9th Street

Herrera Antonio otux D-45o65 Grant Deed-Rec 4 Pk 2-10-62 Boyle Hgta Sport Center

Herrera Joe A etux Eosrat Deed-Gage Ave-San Pedro St to Bdwy

Herrera Joe A etol Agrnt Gage Ave- San Podro St to Bdwy

Herrera Theresa et al ,Agrmnt Montalva St 4 Lotus St S..D,

Herrick Ave Lot 11- Tr 20791 Puture st dod

Herrick Ave NEly/o Roxford St SEly/o

Future Street Ded

D-48756 4-29-53 F-110599

D-46757 4-29-53 F-110699

0-51635 5-7-64 ,F99262

D-44279 6-27-61 • F-71574

D-53259 12-14-64


Hesby St Resol accept dedication

Honby S t 5iS0' t o 3 0 0 ' 3 / o B o l l a i Avo-Off dod f u t u r o s t

Hesby St Lot 5 Tr 10930 Future St Dedication

Hewitt Ruth H et al 5417 S. Westem Ave Puture Street Ded

D-53182 ^ 11 -16-641

H e r r i n g Nelson L e t ux D-4S617 E a s n t Dood-V/oodman Avo- 4 - 1 6 - 6 3

fe'^t''23-Tr''Vos?'''"' -'-'"''•'- ' H e r r o n S t D-t;375X

Lot 30-3X Tr X'/495 3 - 2 2 - 5 1 F u t u r e 3 t D e d i c a t i o n P-91O84

Herron S t r e e t D-51013 Lot 3 0 , T r a c t 17495 2 - I 7 - 6 4 F u t u r e S t Ded ( R e s o l ) F101961

H e r r o n , Wi l l i am S . e t ux D-50456 Agrrant - A l l e y E/o V i s t a I - I 3 - 6 4 Del Mar ( n r Ocean V i s t a F10e598 S t ) Imo. P10ft360

i- ' .- . lu l l i i s e t u l n-5'C151 ,-;-i .r.t De-;.-i -. 9-5-i>3 Vano'.-.'en - t :ir fia:ioga Av

Herzog P a u l e t a l D-45875 A g r n t - s a t i c o y 3 t fc 2 -22 -62 Oso Ave Irap D i s t

Her rog Pou l e t u x D-46674 Gran t D e e d - S e t i o o y St fc 1-12-62 Oso Ave Inp D i s t

Hesby S t 0-1(4947 Lot 2,i|, T rno t 13281 • 11 -21 -61 , P' l tuno s t ded - P-97538

Hesby S t D-46557 Lot 7 T r 17324- 9 - 4 - 6 2 P u t u r e S t d e d i c a t i o n P-108024

Hesby S t r e e t P o r : L 4&5 Por:L_4&5_Trgct 10930,

l e s t r i n E a r l A e t u x ras ra t Deed-Woodnan Ave !ilr.ny»mmn IJow t O V^.f.tnr—

Heuboch R o b e r t W e t u x Of fe r t o Ded-Lot 21 Tr 1485

Heuschke i Jo'-,n L e t u x G-ant Deed-Van Nuya A i r p o r t

H e w l e t t Ralph M e t ux Easement Deed Hordhoff S t n r K e s t e r

D-48232 4 -25-63 F-97368

D-!;36);L. r e 5-17-63


D-48698 6-25-63 ' F-111309

0-50024 12-4-63 F1U309

D-46406 5-3-62

0-47076 11-23-62 •

D-47151 9-26-62

0-53366 12-21-64

Heyda Alfred F etol 0-47338 Agrmt- Lindley Ave- 12-5-62 Nordhoff 3t to Porthenla St

Heyda Alfred F etol 0-47337 Grant Deed-Lindley Ave 6-19-52 Nordhoff St to Parthenia St

Heynemann Bonnie 0 .-Juitclaim Deed Chits-rforth St

Heywood Ralph M et al 13800 Foothill Blvd Puture Street Ded

Hlowotho Street Lot 30 Tr 25194 Future St Dedlcotion

Hlawotho St Lot 5 Tr 24094 Futum St Dedloation

Hlawotho St Lot 4 Tr 24065 Future St Dedleatlon

Hlawotho St L o t s 24-25 Tr 24094 F u t u r e St D e d l o o t l o n

Hiawatha St Ftn Lot 63 Tr 27061-Puture St dedication

D-49807 9-20-63


0-43263 1-12-61 F-93292 v'

D-47153 I 11-30-52 F-107256 v

0-47316 12-20-52 F-96ei8 .-.

0-48646 6-17-63 P-105024 •;.

0-49030 ) 6-28-63 P-104642 .'

Hiawatha St 0-49725 Lot 43 Tr 21168 10-16-63 Futuriv St Dedication F-IO7IOO

Hibler Julius L & Co D-49402 Offer to dod- 7-26-63 4309 3 Westem Ave

Hlckerson .•/iUiara --i ct ux D-5C130 Sas.-nt D'2':d lC-2?-63,'iJlvd !,',. o 4 '.i/o De-T.oto "venue

Hlckerson William C D-50130 Easrat Deed-Burbank Blvd 10-28-63 fc Ely DeSoto Avu

Hickman Cedric A etal D-4j667 Easmt Deed-Woodman Ave fc 3-l2-6l 4 Snerman Way I D

Hicks Charies W etai 0-43622 Agrmt-Arcos Dr 4 Yucatan 3-X6-5X Ave I D F-66290

Hicks Chas et al "grmt release from daraage Arco* pr fc

Hicks R H fc Eva Agrmnt Riirhanlr Rlvd

Hicks H H fc •zva Easmnt Deed Burbank Blvd

D-48060 4-17-63

D-49298 8-63

Uf 297

H i c k s Ronald B 0-52186 f Gran t Deed 6 -9 -64

Walgrove Ave a t Dewey S t 4 ?.^rcl sn Hieb Ed./ard W D-47741

Cohasse t S t ( n r H o l l y - 2 -20 -63 wood V.'ay) Imp - easmt

' l i gbey Guy e t a l D-45275 Easmt Deed-Ventura BXvd 1-18-52 K/S Ennino A"<" t o Wh1t» ri«k

Higgins-Thoma.^j i' ot al D-4<5u'84 J. C.-ant D.-ed 9-.5-62

Nordhoff St 4 '.•/irnetka A'/ _ I. D High Jess F et ux D-52357

Easmnt Deed 6-25-64 Rubio Ave (E/3) bet Valerio 4 Wyabdotte

Page 38: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

I I Highland Ave 805 North

Puture Street Ded

Hightree Rd NWly/o Brooktree Rd SWly/o

Por Lot 8 Tr 13557 Future Street Ded

'Hilands Martha L Easrant Deed R/rf (San Sewer) W/o

0-50678 2-6-6-4 1 FIO9506

0-52906 10-28-64 •

D-49370 8-63


0-50903 . 1-17-64 Vose St.

H'lTgen or.'f " et Right ofEntry

ux I en

.Wildwood Av Int ore ."ewer


Hill Dr Sly of Loleta Ave Wly of Puture Street Ded

D-49784 ^ 9-24-63 . Cyn Rd

" D-50317 12-31-63 . P111309#4

Hill George B etux J(-43522 Eosmt Deed-Mognolio I-3O-6I • Blvd bet Hazeltine 4 F-60623 \ Tyrone Ave . \

Hill James A et al D-52384 Pinal Order Condemn, 8-3-64 Parcel No 1-A-Colllns -. ' St-Varna to Greenbush Aves \

Hill Lola B 0-52919 ] Easement Deed 7-31-64 ' j Orion Ave bet Gault -, St 4 Sherman Wv \

Hill Lola B 0-52920 Agreement 8-18-64 j Orion Ave bet Gault St 4 Sherman Wv ^

Hill Sam Realty Co 0-52044 Easement Deed 6-11-64 Glasgow Ave bet 83rd St PIOI262 & Santa Pe RR \

,Hill Sam Realty Co 0-52045 i' Easeraent Deed 6-11-64 ; Glasgow Ave bet 83rd St F101262 4 Santa Pe RR , ,

Hill Thomas W etux 0-47243 Eosrat Deed-Strathern St 11-20-62 Sly Lankershlm Blvd to Morella Ave'

Hlllord Lorraine V 0-.';5656 Easmt Dead-Natlck Ave- 2-1-62 Hortense/Valieyhaort Dr

Hillcrest Country Club D-51253 Easmnt Deed - Motor Ave,1-13-64 Pico to Konte Mar Dr. F11317'7

Hillcrest Country Club D-51254 Easmnt Deed- Motor Ave, I-I3-64 Pico to Monte Kar Dr. F113177

Hlllcrest Country Club D-51255 Agrmnt - Motor Ave - I-13-64 Pico to Konte Mar Dr. F113177

Hlllery fc 0^4 Eleanor A D-),25l3 Easmnt Dead 4-63 Woodman Ave

Hlllhurst Ave I536 Puture Street Ded

Hlllhurst Ave 1620 Future Street Oed

D-50953 2-25-64 F109506#4

0-52942 10-26-64

1650 Hlllhurst Avenue 0-49891 Puture Street (Resol) II-6-63


Hlllhurst Ave 208o D-51352 Future Street Ded 4-20-64


Hlllview Ave D-46627 Ptn Lot 122-Tr 21790- 9-21-62 Future St Ded P-102259

Hlllyer Wm H etux D-49021 Offer to Ded- Lot 5 6-19-63 Highland Park Eieotrio Traot-4918 . York Blvd

Hilton Donald E etux 0-47256 Easmt Deed-Rayen St 9-1-59 N 1/2 Bolboa Blvd to Wly F-65100

- ^

Hindman, Dorothy al * Easrant Deed-Lennox Ave

Sherman Vily fc 300'S/o

Hinds Edward W et ux 0-52381 Easmnt Deed 7-7-64 El Segundo Figueroa P106027 tb Vermont _ *

; Hlnda Edward W et al 0-52382 : Agrmnt 7-7-64

El Seguhdo Bl Plgueroa FIO6027 to Vermont

Hines Gertrude 0-52030 Easeraent Deed 5-18-64 Sepulveda Blvd Imp near Parthenia

Hinshaw Wm A etal 0-45092 Agrmt- Medina Rd fc Medina4-l7-62 Dr I D

' Hinton Ave " ' 0-43381 Lots 60-61 Tr 23055 1-30-51 Future St Dedication F-95572

Hirsch Development Co D-44759 " Ensmt Oeed-R/H{3unltory 10-17-61 Sewer)E/O Shoup Ave fc N/O Schoolcraft St

Hlrsoh Joseph A ot ux D-46043 Easement Deed- 11-17-61 Hossmore Ave Nly to F-96257 Wilahire Blvd

; Hirsch Robt B et ux D-48292 Easmt Deed-Hazeltlne 5-3-63 bet 4rchwood 4 Kittridge

Hirschfleld A N 0-47313 Quitclaim Deed-Palrfax 8-27-62 Ave het Woshlngt-n Blvd 4 P-109926-loClennffO Blvd

Hirschman Charies A etux 0-4455X Easmt Deed-Vanowen St 5-l5-6l Kester Ave to Sepuxveda Bivd

Hir-Twoed Corp ' 0-49448 ^litclaim Deed- 6-24-63 Viotory Blvd & Tampa Ave I 0

Hlshlkl Bessie 0-44463 Grant Deed-Temple St 4-14-61 •fc S,in Pedro St ID F-71702

Hite Arthur et ux D-46604; Easement Deed- 8-25"62 Canby Ave E side Nly Valerio St a. I.»1 «. T i r . . - y . . . An.. ,

Hittleman C Wynn 0-47312 Easmt Deed-Mountain Ave- 12-20-6Z Apperson St 4 Foothill Blvd

1639 So. Hobart Blvd. D-50369 Future Street (Resol) I-I3-64

F109506#12 •

Hobbs Horace B et al D-51736 Agrmnt 3-24-64 Broad Ave (W/S) Lomita and Q St

Robar Oric S ebux D-47311 Off to ded-Lots 20;21/22/24 Tr 3647-6253 Foothill Bl'd 12-5-52

Hobgood Richard 0 etux D-45456 Agrmt-Fnrraouth Dr Wiy 2-13-62 Amesbury Rd P-IOO805

Hochman tugene etux D-45425 Easrat Deed-R/W "ly Densmore Ave-Chase St to Community 2-2i-5&"

Hochman Eugene D-47S39 Halbrent Ave (Vf/S) 3-21-63 Martha St

Hooker Don B ,et al D-51780 Easrant Deed 4-13-64 Eton Ave 4 Devonshire ID

dodges Calvin C et uz D-46005 Easement Deed- 5-14-62 Poothlll Blvd & F-92229 Amanita Ave S.D

Hodson "i/UHam L et a l D-49562 iiiarit Deed 9-13-63 Quitclaim 4 Ded Lot i ' l

,, Tr #24010' ,

ff •* X




t t-




Page 39: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

Hoefke Ecatrice C' 0-46952 [ Ap:rnt- Nordhoff St nr 10-19-62 i Noble Ave I D N,

Hoel, Paul G. et ux D-51522 Easmnt Deed - V/estridge 4-24-64 ' Rd 4 K.ango Wy, Inp. F104402 \

Hoorr Ellen 0-45193 I Eaamt Deed-Moorpork St fc 1-4-62 Allev Ely Kester Ave ID P-OQ;>00 i.

Hoen^P Eobert "R Jr D' 50'782 I Offer to Ded» • 2-18-64 -13029 Vanowen Street " , '

Hoffnan Florence B 0-50350 1 ,. Off Ded-Lot " C DeCantillon Tr

6604 S. Avalon Blvd 1-9-64 \'

•loffnan Oeorge etux 0-45050 I Easrat Deed-''Uey Nly 4th 12-4-51 het Presnn ,St 4 Wl-w- Pri><inoP-oL'P75 \

•doffman Harold etal 0-49510 Off ar dad NWly Wicks St 9-19-63 SWly Dronfield Ave

HolXoway Hoyd F et ux ' D-50699 ; Easmt Deed-Vanowen St 8-6-62 i Van Nuys Blvd to Kester F-90,33?

Hollyhock Pl Sly/o D-53285 •Mandeville Cyn Rd Wly/o 12-16-64 '•

Puture Street Ded F111309#2

Wly Holly Oak Drive Puture Street Oed.

Holly Oak Dr Sly/o Valley Oak Dr Wly/o

Future Street Ded (

4503 Hollywood Blvd. Eor L 58, Tract 7199 Future Street ded.

Hollywood Blvd 4503 Future Street Ded

0-52007 6-23-64 P111309#6

D-52703 9-28-64 .


D-51273 " 4-1-64

D-52653 9-22-64 FIO9506


1 Hollywood Blvd 4693 D-53017

Por Lots 1 fc 2 Tr 3774 11-13-64 Future Street Ded

Hoffman Jacob H etux D-43793 F.asmt Deod-Mosecrans Ave 3-27-61' bet E C B 4 Vermont Ave F-95859

•Hoffman Ruth D-43857 Off ded lot 24 Bl 56- 6-21-63 Artosion Tr -1410 3 RnrTlngton •

Hoffman Samuel 1 et al D-45729 A(;rmt- Bradloy A.e at 2-7-51 Bromwlxh St ID P-76330

Hoffman Samuel 1 et ux D-45'728 Grant Daed-Bradlav Ava 2-7-61 a: Bromwich St 1 D P-76330

Hogan Goo J et ux D-45231 Easexent Deed-Shfitnan 1-15-62 Viay-Topanga Cyn Blvd to Farralone Ave

Hog(r,s James L etux D-43903 Grant, Deed-Normandie 2-11-61 Ave-Santa Barbara Ave to Vernon

Hoggs James L etal D-43904 Agrnt-Mormandle Ave- 2-I1-6X Santa Barbara Ave to Vernon


HogXe CharXes A e t u x Eaamt Deed-H/W Wiy Densmore Ave-Chase S t Communitv S t

Hohman Wm 1 e t a l 4156 Inglewood Blvd -F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Hol land B R e t ux Agreement 3rd St

Holden John K e t u x AKrrat-5l3t Ave b e t

D-44680 7-26-6X

t o

D-53189 12 -1 -64

0-49273 8-63 P-107521

D-44999 1 0 - 4 - 6 1

P'lClflc Avo 4 Speedway P-97025

Hollnnrt Mlehnal J etux D-43670 Ltisrat Deed-Devonshire St 3-2-61 De Soto Ave to Variel A„e >

Holland Philip C D-50430 Offer to Dod 1-21-64 4508 N Verdugo Ave ' .

Hollander Anne 0-46136 Easmt Deed-Tinker Ave 5-26-62 prop near Apperson St F-100636 •-

Hollinger Joseph K et ux D-5U0C Agrmt-Variel Ave nr 3-20-64 Chatsworth St - Irap Tr 7754 Lots 105-6-7

Hollister Dorris B etol D-45146 '•lultcioln Deed-Fulton F-103569 Ave 4 Wiiiord St a D -ll-20-6X-\

Hollister Dorris B et al 0-46659 Quitclaim Deed- 8-30-62 Satlooy St-Bellalro Avo to 650' Ely Coldwator Cyn Ave ^

Hollywood Blvd 4830 D-50711 Puture Street Ded 2-6-64


5106 Hollywood Blvd. 0-52397 Por Lots 3fc4,C.A.Smith'B„ Subd. Lot 42 Lick Tract 8-5-64 Future S t r ee t Ded.

Hollywood Blvd 5138 " D-48197 Ro3ol-acc offer dod ao 4-23-63 pub 3t or hi-rr P-109,506

Hollywood Blvd 5431 Future S t r ee t Oed

D-50798 2-18-64 F109506#l

Hollywood Blvd 54^4 D-Putui-e S t ree t Dod 9-

52722 23-64

\ Hollywood Blvd. 5753 \ Puture Street Ded

5858 Hollywood Blvd. Future Street (Resol)


Hollywood Blvd 5951 Future Street Ded

D-50723 2-6-54 P109506#2

D-50217 12-20-63

fc 10

0-50933 2-25-54 P109506#4

Hollywood Blvd 7300 Future S t r ee t Ded

D-52426 8-26-64 P109506#2

7501 Hollywood Blvd. D-51278 Lots in Lillian Tract 4-10-64 Future Street ded.,

Hollywood Blvd 7501 Future Street Ded

Hollywood Blvd 7767 Puture Street Ded'

0-52427 8-26-64 P109506#2

D-50725 2-6-64 F109506#2

Hollywood V/ay Portn Lots 61-62-57-63

D-53088 9-25-64 P94157 F10107Q D-45702 4-5-52 Tr 19991 -Puturo st ded P-94157

Hollywood Way D-4403U Lots 76-79 Tr x92e8 5-X6-6X Future at Dedication F-94x57

Hollywood Way D-48632 Lot 81 Tr -19268 5-24-53 Future St Dedication F-107383



Hollywood Presbyterian Ho3p-D-51l63 ital-Olmatead Kemorial I-29-64 Easmnt Deed-for San.Sew. F99918 in Karina Indust, Area Pi03064_

Hollywood Way Lots 61 & 62 Tr 26275 Future Street Ded

Page 40: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose


0-51910 -3 . 6-17-64 I. .

D-52987 11-9-64 • P1U309#7

Hollywood Way Wly/o / San Pemando Rd Nly/o

Future Street Ded

Hollywood Way Wly/o San Femando Rd Nly/o

Future Street Ded

Holm, Adolf, et al 0-50360 Easmnt Doed - Hoover St- U-7-53 Washington to Sta Monica Fwy.

Holm, Louisa et al D-5036O Easmnt Deed-Hoover St- 11-7-63 ' Washington to Sta Monica Pwv.

Holman H. E. et ux 0-53145 Agreeraent 11-9-64 Hayvenhurst Ave Magnolia to Ventura

Holt Herman et al 0-49619 Offer to Oed Lots 112- IO-63 ' 113 Tr 4028 N'ly of Wentworth

.Holt* Oaorge 0/Jane 0-45771 • Basmt Deed-Kewen Ave fc 4-5-62 Terra Bella St F-92124

Holve Wlxllam L etux 0-46456 Sub Agvmt-Woodnon Ave 6-6-62 fc Oxnard St I O

Holzman PhlUp E et al D-53325 Easement Deed/i 7-28-64 El Segundo Blvd. F106027 Plgueroa to Vermont

Holzman Phlilp E et al D-5' ' /Agreement 7 - 2 l .

Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W,SBM P10tf027 El Segundo ,P lgue roa t o Vermont ,\

Holzman P h l i l p E e t a l D-53329 ,; Easement Deed 7 -28 -64 • \ Por Sec 18 T3S,R13W,SBM FIO6027 El S c w n d o . F l K u e r o a t o Vermont

' Home Sav fc Loan Assoo e t o l D-44074 __j Eosmt U e e d - a t r u d e i l o Rd b-12-6X

fc Sovono Rd I 0 P-98736 " '

Home aov 4 Loan Assoc e t a l O-44O75 Easmt D e e d - a t r o d e i l o Rd b - l 2 - 5 x j fc Sovono Rd I 0 F-96738 -

Home Snvings 4 Loon As8oc0-44520 Easrat Deed-Dono p e q i t o fc 8 -3 -61 L a u r e l Cyn Blvd ID P-101856

Home Savings 4 Loan Assoc 0-44933 Ensrat Doed -Robor to L a n e l l - 7 - 6 l ' Nly Somera Rd P-9'?744

Home Sovlngs 4 Loon Assoo 0-45672 Eosrat Oeed-Araeatoy Ave & 4 - 1 6 - 6 2 Ven tu ra Bivd Sewer D i s t


Home Savings fc Loan D-48956 Easmt Deed 6-63 Woodlake Ave

Horae Savings 4 Loan Assn. D-51217 Quitclm Deed - Fire Sta. 4-23-6* ff97, w/s Kulholland Dr. N/O Briar Summit Dr.

Home Savings fc Loan et al 0-51389 Agmnt - Broad Ave(W/S) 3-16-64' Lomita to Q Street.

Home Sav 4 Loan Aosoc D-51008 Easmnt Dced-Vlewcrest 12-30-63 Rd 580' NW/o to 310' NW/o

Homes yoionda Ino 0-46959 Ensmt Deed-Laurel Cyn i2-12-6x' Bivd 4 Hubbord St

Homiiia'Rudolf "'D'-50698 Easmt Deed-Vanowen St 8-7-62 Van Nuya Blvd to KesterF-90332

Honerkamp Leo R et al 0-53312 Agreement 11-30-64 . Alley S.o Chatsworth near Louise

Honeywell Ruth 0 0-44x37 Easmt Deed-Canoga Ave 5-23-6X

: Devonshire st to Lassen P-87x7v - at

Honig'Lbuis ' Etux ~ll"-'50608 Offer to Ded 2-7-64 732-754 N. Fairfax Ave

Hood Drive Nly/o Winnetka Ave Ely/o

Puture Street Ded

D-53000 11-9-64 F111309#7 " D-48448

3-21-63 P-123655


Hood Ethel Agreement-Gage Ave-San Pedro St to Broadway .. ,.

Hood Ethel t^o^A Easement Deed- 3-2X-63 Gage Ave-San Pedro St F-123655 ^ n Rnno r t v f ov Hood Marion M 0-27929

Quitclaim Deed- 10-18-62 Big Tujunga Cyn Blvd-Mt; Gleason. Ave to Foothill Blyd Hood I'larioii M D-47926 Big 'i'ujunga Cyn Blvd 10-18-62 Mt Gleason Ave to ri---U411 Ol.rH ., .--...

Hook Pamela et al D-49254 Condemnation Deed- 7-12-63 Pareel #80-imp Beverly Olen Blvd bet Crater Lane 4 Mont.Hno Lane

Hook, Pamela et al 0-51429 Condemn Deed - Pare 6-C 4-8-64 " NEly Bev. Olen Blvd, NWly Ar-lmn T.n - r n r I r an . Rov R l o n

Hook, Pamela c t a l P i n a l Order Condemn' P a r o o l s 3C 4 3F For rfttfllnlncr wftl 1

Hook Pamela e t a l F i n a l Order Condemn Par-cols 4A 4 4 B

Hook Pamela et al-Final Order Condemnation re Parcels 5_A 5-B & 5-C

Hooker "'aving Katerials . Co a/c

D-51764 5-13-64

D-51765 5-12-64

D-57304 5-27-64

Easmt Deed - Penrose Telfair Av T D

1451 Hooper Avenue i' Future Street (Resol)

D-49776 1 0 - 8 - 6 3

Hooper Ave 2507 So P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

5t 4

D-50587 2-3-64 .


D-50934 2-25-64 P109506#4

Hooper Huleen Loo o tux 0 -45077 Easmt Deed-Oarber 3 t SW 11-29-6X T e l f a t r Ave t o Kewln P-97201

Hoover S t r e e t 0-53232 Por Lots 2,3&4 Bl A 6 . fU-64 Subd H a l l ' s of Freeman Tr F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Hoover S t So 2815 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Hoover St South 2821 F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Hoover S t r e e t 3036 So F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

Hoover S t So 13233 F u t u r e S t r e e t Ded

D-52284 3 - 4 - 6 4


D-52341 8 -13 -64

D-50889 2 -25 -64 F109506#3

D-52127 7-30-64


Hoover St(El Segundo to D-51032 Rosecrans)

Lots 163-157, Tr 14' M 2-26-64 F104885#l Lots 173-178, Tr 14|

Hoover St E/o D-52224 ' San Marino Ave N/o 8-10-64

Por Lots 1414142 West FII9178 End T e r r F u t u r e a l l e v d e d .

Hope S t 1306 So 0-52950 P u t u r e S t r e e t Ded 10-27-64

Hopp Samuex e t a l 0-46X27 Cond Deed- r a r 2-A- 5 - 2 2 - 6 2

/ K l v e r s i d e Dr Wiy W h i t o e t t Ave

./c i: .••1



1. i" r

? •

Page 41: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose


Hoppe Allen M Agreeraent Tharaes Pl & Thames St

0-53194 11-18-641

Hopper 0 E et ux D-43871 Off ded-Lots 13-4-5 6-25-63' Tr 2095 - 3434/3440 Slauson A_e

iii..r.,, .

5705 I 14-61- I

Horace Street 0-43221 Lota l84-ie5Tr i876l 1-9-61 Lot 22 Tr 15012 P-QliOf.), Future st Ded.icatlnn

Horany Oscar L et al , 0-45705 • 0;^ant Deed-Hozeltlne 12

Ave 4 Hort St{SV cor)

Horony Oscor etol 0-45335 Offer to Ded- 11605 So 7-27-62 Verraont Ave

Horizon Horaes Investmt Co 0-47406 Off to Ded- Lot 14 1-16-53 ' Tr 5446-11413-19 Oxnord St

Horlick Chariea etal D-46354 Offer to Ded-3940 Inglewood Bivd 7-31-62

Horlick, Charles et ux D-5133£ Easmnt Deed - Alleys E/o 4-9-64 Inglewood Blvd.(nr 'Wash- F 1 U 7 5 0 inrton Pl)

Horn John A et ux D-52132 •, ' Easement Deed 7-21-64 •

Hordhoff St nr Kester

H o m Mary Easeraent Deed Thames Pl 4 Theunes St

H o m Mar y Agreement Thames Pl 4 Thames St

D-53221 11-18-64

D-53364 11-18-64

Hornik, Joseph et ux D-51261 Easrant Deed - Van Noord 3-27-64' 4 Hartland St, Imp.

rornir;.-: P.alnh A et ux • D-49967 E-.Jrar. Deed 11-12-63' Ttin Cyn Rd 4 Denivelle Rd ^ Q - r U : : - Dj,:3t

Horowitz George et al 0-44210 -Easmnt Deed-Woodmon Ave 3-21-61 Albors St-to3 Angelas Rvr

llorowl tz George et ux D-44378 Grant Daad-Coldwater Cyn 7-24-61 Ave-Ohandler to Ma ;nollo P-3787I Blvds

Horowitz George etol 0-46165 Offer to Ded- 8409 6-25-52 Foothill Blvd var lots Tr 3976

Horowitz George etux 0-46645 Eaarat Deed- R/W NWly 12-21-63 Tuxford St 4 Wly Oienooks Blvd

Horowlts; Ro:ie .latner D-50l91 . nif'.Kt cf -.intry- •,•;•; ld.;oodlC-29-63

Av'.'.- t x T - . ' . - i Cy." F.d T-.-t.-.:- S-^.i^jr

Horowitz Ror-e -i-atner Right of 'r:ntry '••/-: Idwood Av .'•, Laiiina "y Tiv p r "i.WMr Itril t •'•1

Korton Oladya 0/Russell S Ensnt Deed-Vanowon Dt-Ha^/vonhurst/Balboa Bl

Sorton Joon Ely WJodloko Avo 4 Nly C0III.-1S St - Offer dod fut'ore 3t

Horton Wilfred J etux Eosmt Deed- Continela Ave E/3 Nly Palms Blvd

D-50C93 lC-29-63

n T'.d --

0«49264 8-19-63

0-47916 .-3-12-63 F-52572 -.

Hospital Designing fc Bldg 0-47970 Offer to ded- Lot 47 4-1-63

Hospital service of So C Grant Deed-Burnsdall Park

D-43772 2-9-61 -


Hostrop Wlnfred 0 et ux D-4^297 Easmt Oeed-LomlU Blvd- 6-29-62 , W I U Ave to Avalon Blvd F-59865

Hotel Kingsway Dr48034 Oi-erating Co - easmt 4-15-63

- Newcastle Ave Sly RiirhnnW Rl'rri

Houff D a t l s e t o l 0 - 4 7 1 8 1 Grent D e e d - E x p o s i t i o n 10 -13-62 Blvd-Normandle Ave t o F-90744 Gromercv P l

Hour.hton P K & Mori^oret 0 -Offor t o Ded Lot 1 0 - fi Tr 9317-Lahey S t

Houston M 0 fc Sharon 0-^8957 Of fe r t o Ded Lot 7 6 - 4 - 6 3 Tr l o S l - V e n t u r o Cyn Ave

: Ho-rfird -1-3•? K D-495'' ' ' ' S,.i ,rat Deed 9-14-62 r.'ordhoff 3 t ,'.-. V/ lnr j tka Av I D'


Howard Chas M Agrnt- Nordhoff St & '•/<nnot!« Av^ T D

fc}J?g Howard David 0-439x6

E o s n t Deed-Al to Cedro Or 3 - 2 8 - 6 1 R/W E l y Mered i th PX 3 0 F-95307

Howard E i l e e n D-51089 O f f e r Ded-Lot 4 Blk D 4 - 1 9 - 6 4 Palm3-3372 Over l and Ave

Howard E s t a t e 0 -44x52 Easmt Deed-Al to Cedro Dr 5-3X-5X fc Mered i th Pl I 0 F-97262

Howard F ran .Us J D-49570 EaJ.Tit D-ied lC-24-62 Nordhoff .':t 4 . nnne t l . a Av 1 D


Howard P r o n c i s J o s e p h A.ijrmt -Nordhoff S t 4 Winnetka Ava I 0

Howard J r , Geo A J Sasmt Deed Nordhoff J t 4 ;li

D-49575 10-24-62

D-49568 , 5 -23 -63

m e t k a Av I D

Howard George A J ( J r ) Agrmt - Nordhoff S t 4 Winnetka Ava I D

Howard G e r t r u d e o/l» Q u l t o l a l m Deed-Burbank Bivd-Radford Ave to V n n t n i T n A v n

Howard John Andrew Agrmt - S t fc Wirmotka Ave I 0

Howard John A Easrat Deed :;crdho.*'f Av 4 './Inr.-dtKa

mm D-43521 2 - 6 - 6 1 F-68268

D-49576 4-22-6i

D-49571 4 - 2 2 - 6 3 I D

ttowara Haquei etc D-51094 Agrrat-Tr 8608 Northridge 3-20-64 Chatsworth Industrial Drainage Systera Line D,

Howard Raquel Guardian D-51095 Ouitclaim Deed-Kordhoff 4-2O-64 • St k Winnetka Ave I D

tm Howord, Rnquel o t o l Esamnt O o e d - K o r t h r l d s o * Cha t swor th I n d u s t r i a l D r a i n a g e System L i n e " 0 " .

Howei l *homas J 0 -45428 ~ Of fe r t o Ded-Lots 61-62 8 -6-62 6 5 l 7 i So Ayalon Blvd

Howion a Mer le A e t o l D-46756 Offer t o Ded-Lot 21 Tr X06X

X2727 Vanowen S t - XO- l l -62

Hoy J o s e p h W e t o l 0 -47718 Agrn t -Wash lng ton Blvd 1-16-53 b e t L i n c o l n Blvd fc Wash ing ton St

,Toy J o s e p h W e t o l Eosmt Deed-Washington n i - r t h . t Mr ipn ln Rivrt fr, WoshinRton St

D-47717~ 1-16-53

Page 42: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

I Hoyt a t D-44056 J ^ ' ) Lots 320-321 Tr 18O64 5-22-61 --/ Future ot Dedication F-96965 X

: Hronadko Kuiph J etux 0-44075 1 Aftrnt-AUeys a ly 3on . 5-10-5X j Vicente fc Wiy Darlington F-9649X \ Ave . \

Hubbard, Audrene M. D-51922 j Easmnt Beed-Vemon, 5-19-64 { Central to Avalon PII3869 -, i Hubbard Audrene H e t a l O-51923

Agrmnt 5-19-64 Veroon Ave, Central PII3869

_ to Avalon Hubbard, Ida Mae 0-51922

Easmnt Deed - Vemon, 5-19-64 Central to Avalon FI13869

Hubbard Ida Mae e t a l D-51923 Agrmnt 5-19-64 Vemon Ave, Central PII3869 to Avalon

Hubbord St 0-46966 Lots 5-59 Tr 19827 I I - I -62 Future St Dedication F-9905X

Hubbard S t ree t Ext D-51250 Por Lots 25,26 & 27 2-19-64 Tract 24745 F97152#l,2,3fc4 Puture S t ree t Oed

/ -

Hubbard S t ree t Por Lots 25,26427 Tract 24746 Future S t ree t Dcd

N'rfly of Hubbard S t . SWly of Dronfield Ave.

Future St Ded (Resol) Hubbard St NWly/o Dronfield Ave,SWly/o

Puture S t ree t Ded

Hubbard St NWly/o Sproule Ave NEly/o

Puture S t ree t Ded

D-52601 7-17-64 -F97152

D-51484 5-4-64 '


D-53137 . 11-23-64 F111309#8

t im •


NWly Hubbard, SWly Dronfield D-500'j8

Future S t r ee t Ded

Hubbard St NV/ly/o Dronfield Ave SWly/o

Future S t ree t Ded

12-9-63 . F109506#l

D-53252 12-15-64•


Hubert Prank D Easement Deed 7-14 Yates St 4 Apperson St ID

°-^ 'lt Hudson, Earl D e t ux O-5O856

Agnnnt-Wildwood 4 La 1-24-64 Tuna Cyn Sewer Rifcht of Entry

Hudson Michael 3 e t ux D-52813 Agreement 8-17-64 Primrose Ave 4 Aleyona Tfr nt.cirm ntvi niRtn

Hudson Jarvaio J ot ux D-48769 Agrrat - Yucatan Ave 4 6-4-63 Salamanca Ave Lot 2879-Tr 6170

D-48 788 6-4-63

D-48356 3-12-63


Hudson Jnrvais J ot ux Aprmt-Yucatan Ave 4 Salamanca AvO Lot 2876 Tr 6170

Hudson Wm 4 Catherine Agreement-Oage Ave-San Pedro St to TImaAwav

Hudson Wm fc C D-48355 Easmt Deed- Oage Ave- 3-12-63 San Fedro St to Bdwy

Huffman Eola B 0-44314 ' Easmt Deed-Vanowjn St- 5-29-51 ' Hcfj^mhurst to Balboa Bl

Huffmon Robt G etux 0-43421 Eosmt Deed-Oxnord St Ely l - U - 5 1 Coatollo Ave to Von P-76011 Nuvs BJvd _

Hug, Orien e t ux D-53514 Eaaement Deed 12-7-64 Torrance Blvd

. Normandie to Denker

f-Hugenberger Arthur E et ux 0-51505

Easmnt Deed Santa 4-29-64 Susanna nr Devonshire

.'f' .h


Hughes Harvey S etux D-51694 Easmnt Deed 5-22-64 Saticoy St nr Llndley Ave

I Hughes Mike et ux 0-53442 Orant Deed 9-22-64 6th St 4 Concord ID

Hughes Mike et ux D-53668 ' Quitclaim Deed 12-15-64

bth St 4 Concord St ID

Hughes Robt etux 0-46287 ' Off to Ded-9809 So Main 7-i7-62

Hughes Tool Co D-45002 ' Af;rmt-5lst Ave bet 10-5-61 Pacific Ave 4 Speedway P-97025

Hughes Tool Co D-45942 Eosrat Deed-Centlnela Crk 1-24-62. Channel Sewer Rexoootion

Hughes Wm E e t ux D-46582 Easement Deed- 9-14-62 , Orion Ave & Boscoe Blvd (NE obrrier) _ ,,

Hunibie Oil fc He' lnlng Co 0-46352 Sub Agrmt-"M" fc "N" Sts 2-9-62 Brood Ave to Wiy P-96477


Huraraa Elmer Bernard etux 0-46227 Eosrat Deed-Loraoy St 5-1P-62 N half Orion Ave to P-95o8o Firmanent Ave ,, ,

Humt^ Einer Bernord etux D-46226 Grant Deed-Lenoy St NX/2 5-X6-62 Orion Ave t o Firnonent P-95080

D-53171 11-16-64 F-108018

Ave Hummer Chas Jr Slope Easmt - 80th St Hulbert Ave Imp

Humphrey, Guy B. et ux Easmnt Deed - Vanowen nr Canoga Ave.

D-50332 9-4-63

Hunt Dcnald 0 Offer to Dod Lot 7 Will C. Prother Tr

3unter Lois etal 1 Easmt Deed-Vanowen St

Vfln Nuyn Bivrt to f-ste - P-'>0332 Ave

Hunter Russell R etux Easmt Deed-Woodman Ave Sherman Way to Victory

D-4V470 9-63

D-54375 2-2-62

0-46642 5-8-63 P-99921


Blvd Huntcon Ross A D-44147 Grant Deed-Normondie Ave 5-i,-61 ,>jBnt» Rnnhnrn Av« to VomoiV Avo

3untoon HodS A D-4414f Grant Deed-Normandie Avo >-5-6l , Snnta RHrboro Ave to Vernon Ave

Huntoon «os3 A For 0 Hilts 0-44149 Agrrat-Horraandie Ave 5-5-51 .

/ aonto Barbaro Ave to Vernon

Huntoon Ross A for Grace Hllts-Agrmt-

0-44150 5-5-61


Normandle Ave-Santa Barbara Ave to Vernon

Hurd Prank E O-46296 Eaarat Deod-H/W Nly 7-9-62 Mulholland Dr to RoyoX F-X02516 HlUs Dr.

Hurrel Anita J D-48435 Agreement- 3-6-63 Oage Ave-San Fedro to Broadway

Hurrel AnitoJ D-46434 Eosmt Deed-Goge Ave- 3-6-63

/ Son Pedro St fc Bdwy

Hurrell Anlto J 0-46800 Qultolaim Deed- Goge 3-8-63

/ Ave- Son Pedro to Bdwy







1 I'




f I

t .


7 •5

Page 43: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose


t I

1 i

Huse, James C. et ux 0-51126/ | • Easmnt Deed - V/oodley Ave, 3-8-641 ]

nr Nordhoff St, Imp. \

Huston St 0-45112 I Lot 1-2 Tr 20776 12-20-61 Future St Dedication , F-101354 V

Huston St D-46265 Lot 2 Tr 25436 7-12-62 Furtnre St Dedloation F-10762X -

Huston St (N/S) E/o Haskell D-51292 Por L 3, Bl 27. Tr 2955 2-IO-64 | Future Street ded. \

Huaton Street D-4J955 1 Lot Xb Tr 20603 4-26-61 I Futuro St Dedication F-69V17 v

Huston Street 0-52233 I . Por Lot 16 Tract 20603 7-30-64 .

Future Street Ded P108497#l '\

Huston Street D-52083 I Lot 19 Tract 15226 & 6-24-64 I Lots 14,15 Tract 17632 F119243 \

Huston Wilbert Floyd D-50601 I Easmt Deed-Vanowen St 1-10-63 I Van Nuys Blvd/Kester Ave -.-!

Hutchinson Clyde Aotal 0-48563 I Cond Doed- Par 7-8 - 3-29-63 | lot 19 Tr 2617 & Lot 20 V

Hyatt Corp 0-46296 Easmt Deed-Century Blvd 11-27-53 I Ln Cienega Blvd to Aviation Blvd -,

Hyatt Corp D-46295 Grant Deed-Century Blvd 11-27-63 , La Cienega Blvd to Aviation Blvd -.

Hyatt Corp. of America . D-5I456 . Easrant Deed - Sepulveda 4-13-64 I Blvd (nr Parthenia) Imp. \

Hyatt Corp of Araerica D-52815 Easement Deed 6-23-64 Sepulveda Bl Imp \

Hyatt Howard 0 etux 0-46131 Easnt Deed-bxnord St 3-7-52 bet Whitsett Ave Wly P-950o8 \

3421 Hyde Park Blvd. D-50366 Future Street (Resol) 1-13-64 .

FIO95O6//I3 \

Hyers Frank Orant Deed-Lot 232 Tr 667Z Van Nuys Airport ^



Hyland 1 B D-I1-7O56 Easmnt Deed 6-63 Berry 'c Dona Lola Or P-102057

Hyland 1 B 0-1(9057 Easrant Deed 6-63 Berry .% Dona Lola Dr P-102')57

Hylnnd, Goorgo B. D-50259 Easrant Deod-R/'i'/ Str Ltg 10-'7-63 along Berry Dr.

Hymes Bennett J et al D-49167" Quitclaim Deed- 5-20-63 Ostronic Dr 4 Valley Clrole Blvd 30

Hysco Inc 0-447x7 Eoant de d-Bovorxy Orove7-25-6X Dr fc i'ower Grove Dr Storm Drain

lonnetta Antonio atux 0-44864 Eaarat Deed-Vanowen St 11-13-61 Woodley Ave to Hoyven- F-66643 hurst Aves

Ibarra Hlcai-do et ux Easmnt Deed 254th St 4 Petroleum Ave ID

D-51791 6-1-64 F101683

rbbotson Jones A etux D-43683 > ) , Eosnt Deed-Bolboa Bivd- X-x6-6x r SXy Parthenlo St bo Roseoe BXvd >.

0-46223 I 7-7-52 I

Iborrl Alfred etux Offer to Oed-4258 3 Westem Ave


Idaho Ave II668 Puture Street Ded

0-52448 8-26-64 P109506#2

12122 Idaho Avenue D-5056O Future Street (Resol) 2-3-64


Ike Kazuo et ux 0-52506 Agrmnt 8-17-64 182nd St (S/S) East FI19761 City Bndry to Harvard ,

Ilex Ave D-45213 Lot 7 Tr 24779 1-22-52 ' Future Rt Dedication F-72276

Imbach Alber et ux 0-53029 Easement Deed 10-28-64 Nordhoff St Imp near Kester

Immaculate Heart College 0-45611 Griint Deed-Rec 4 Pk Dept 6-20-58 Cabr i l lo Playground-Bluff Lots

Imperial Highway Por Lot 13 Bl 38 Tract 3212 Future S t ree t Ded

Impoi'lal HlEhway W UO Por Lota 12 to 16 Bl Tr,act 3039 Puture S t r ee t Ded

Iraperlal Hwy E 424 Future S t ree t Ded

529 W. Iraoerial Highway Por L 418, Tract 2273 Future S t r ee t ded.

D-51477 3-5-64 Pl l6 i47#l

0-53245 11-30-64

726 W. Imperial Highway D-52214 Por Lot 6, Vermont V i l l a

Tract No. 2 8-6-64 Puture S t r e e t Ded,

Iraperlal Hwy West 738 Puture S t ree t Dod

Imperial Hwy West 824 Puture S t ree t Ded

Imperial Highway 849 W Puture StiKset Oed

D-52370 8-16-64

D-52392 8-21-64

p-51351 4-20-64 FIO9506

Imperial Highway (3/S) D-50490 Por L 13 Bl 38 Tr 3212 1-22-64 Puture S t r e e t Ded P116147

Independence Ave Lot 3 Tr 24765 Future St Dedleotlon ,

Independenoe Ave Lot 3 Tr 24755 Future St Dedieation

Independence Ave ' Por Lot 3 Tr 24765 &

Lot 3 Tract 22395 Puture S t r ee t Oed

Independence Avenue For Lot 3 Tract 24765 Puture S t r ee t Ded

Index St Lot 34 Tr 20868 Future St Oediootion

Index St Lot 17 Tr X7679 Puturo St Dedication

Index St Lot 18-19 Tr 17679 Future St Dedieation




D-52164 7-30-64 F109506#4 .,

D-5l655~ I 5-29-64 '

0-47314 12-16-52 P-104556

F-108797 •

D-53089 9-30-64 FII4583

D-53096 10-23-64 FII4583

0-44797 10-19-61 P-103252

0-46461 8-17-62 P-XO9316

O-I18684 5-7-63 P-113655


Page 44: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose

( Indian iiiiisRd b-45641 I I t o t 2 Troct 24664 3-29-62

Future s t dedication P-107003

Indiana S t ree t 805 0-50958 Future S t ree t Ded 2-25-64


Indletor Alon I et ol Eosmt Daed-Alto Cedro DP 5-. E y Meredith Pl SD P-9,

0-44214 ' "-51


Indovlno Frank J etux 0-47278 Eosmt Deed-Volley Vista 12-6-62 { Blvd fc R/W Ely Woodley AveF-l04272\

"Indovlna Frank J at al " D-49630" . Ely Woodley Ava Sly 9-30^63 ) j Ventura Blvd -offer ded -.

,. ,r)ub at oum _ _ ^ ,rngaiabe Wn E etal 0-45052 ]

Offer ded-Rubbard St at 10-4-61 | Fenton Ave F-IOI760 \

Inglewood Blvd 3717 Future Street Ded

Inglewood Blvd 3900 Puture Street Ded

Inglewood Blvd 3906 Puture Street Ded

Inglewood Blvd - 3935 Lot 62 Tr .3842 Future St Oedioatlon

D-52314 8-4-64


D-50792 2-18-64 F109506#l

tllUl 0-46797 10-X5-62

Inglewood Blvd 3940 Ro3ol-accept offor ded OS pub st or hwy

Lot 106 Dl "C" future ot dod

D-43207 Tr 3042 4-23-63 •


Inglewood Blvd 4l06 Future Street Ded

D-50964 2-25-64 P109506#4

Inglewood Blvd 4156 D-53189 Por Lot 122 Bl "C" of 12-1-64 • Tract 3842

Puture Street Ded

Inglewood Blvd 4170 D-53008 Por L 125 Bl C Tr 3842 11-12-64 Puture Street Oed

4176 Inglewood Boulevard D-50588 Future Street (Resol) 2-3-64



F-109506 -Sui .i?3

Ingxewood Bivd - 3944 D-46937 Resol aoc prop as pub st 9-14-52 jjTit BII Tr ;HA||J» F-IO9506 •

.Inglewood Bivd - 3950 D-46798 . Lot 85 Tr 3842 10-15-62 .

Future at Dedieation

'3956 Inglewood Blvd. D-52063 Por Lot 86, Block C, 7-21-64 Tract 3842

Future Street Ded. Ingxewood Bivd - 3950 0-45799

Lot 67 Tr 3842 XO-15-52 Future St Dedlootlon

Inglewood Bivd - 3976 0-46604 Lot 90 Tr 3642 X0-X6-62 Future St Dedication

Inglewood Blvd 4020 0-50947 Future Street Ded 2-25-64


Inglewood Blvd-4032 D-49146 Kesol accept 3-26-63 ' dedication P-109506

Inglewood Blvd 4036 O-53126 Por Lot 103 Bl C 11-19-64 Tract 3842 Puture Street Ded

Inglewood Bl 4056 Tnt inA m " r " I

( Ingxewood Bxvd- 4I8O -r Lot I Tr 928- Rosol

, /" aeo nron as nub sts or

D-46926 " f i 9-14-52 ,

.. '. '1?Xl09505 \ Ihgxowood Bxvd - 4321 D-46934 \

Resol acc prop as pub St 9-14-62 ' . . i Lot ?o Culvfir Onrrtens F-X09506 ..'


4327 Inglewood Blvd. D-50555 Future Street (Resol) 2-3-64


4415 Inglewood Blvd. D-51190 ' Por Lot 33 of Culver 4-3-64

Gardens . Future Streot dod. ,, ,. Inglewood Blvd 4415 0-52646 Puture Street Ded 9-22-64


Inglewood Blvd 4433 O-51743 Puture Street Oed 6-5-64

4580 Inglewood Blvd. D-51519 ' Por L 43, Tract 12496 5-8-64

Future Street ded.

I Inglewood Unified Sch Dist 0-46427 Eosnt Deed-LoCienega 5-15-62 Bldd -fc LaTijera Blvd P-X04033

Ingomar St D-47895 Lot 34 Tr 18211- 3-21-63 Lot 173 Tr 19946- P-IO8515 Puture St Dedication

Ingonor St D-54154 Lot 51 Tr 2x733 1-4-62 Pntimi. ,St D«rtlo«t1.on P-*A«10







Ingonor st 0-43223 • Lot 156 Tr 19621 1-9-61 •.

Future Streot Dedication F-e4724

, Ingoraar St 0-436x6 :. LOts 87-88-Tr i7872 Lot 4-i>-6l .,

175 Tr 224O1 P-9bi20 _ Future St Dedication Ingomar Street D-43935

Lot 163-162 Tr 24IO4 4i?25-6X Future a t Dedication F-96345

Ingram Marvin'Hayie D' 56lf59 i Offer to Ded-Nly Sarah 12-30-63 St Ely Cahuenxa Blvd

Inland Development Co D-47615 • Offer to ded-Lot 4 Tr 2-21-63 •

12164 -13952 Moorpark St

Cntmtl Ch 4 Sq Gospel D-52101 Easmtn Dood 6-16-64 7145 Lennox Ave f/curb 4 sidewalk

I n t n a t l Che of Foursquare 0-50400 Gospel Easmnt Deed 12-17-63 Woodley bet Rinaldi fc 670' 3 Rinaldi

Intntl Chch 4-Sq Gospel 0-50857 Agrmnt-WUdwood 4 La 1-28-54 Tuna Cyn Sewer Right of Entry

Internat'l. Color Studios D-505I6 Easmnt Deed-R/W bet.Elvira Rd 4 Tendilla Ave.(San. II-I4-63 S6W )

Inter^national Diversified D-48328 Inc-Offer to dedicate- 4-15-63 Ptns Lots 14-15 4 16 Tr 9422

Inter-Scott Realty Co " D-49779 """ Easmt Daed-U/'rf Sewer IO-I5-63 'rf 'Westridge Rd F-114943

Inter-Scott Realty Co" D-A9589 Easmt Deed-R/rf Sewer 8-9-63 W Westridge Hd F-114943

loppolo Gaetano etux 0-45422 Eosmt Deed-DeOorno Ave 12-7-61 NWiy to Dorion St P-9l437

Irvln Wilbur C etux 0-47847 Offer to ded-Lot I Tr 3-13-63

/ 2075 -1303 ,N Oaffey St

{ •


\ IT

\ L f'


Page 45: Kt2§ .( · 2012-12-10 · Litrobe Av Nly Kcnteclto 4 SF.1v Senova^r.H'j Deloach Lacy L D-47959 Sasmt Doed- Hillrose


-1 -i .'I; i


-1 1



I ^



Irving E V et ux D- 48042 /) Offer of dedication 4-2-63 i Hly Valley Vista Blvd Elv Camino De L H Ciimbre

Isa Henry Y et ux 0-51647 Easmnt Deed Haddon Or 5-15-64 Imp nr Jerome 4 O'Melveny . , , , , , ,

. Isaacs Arnold D-5C138 Easmt Deed-Burbank Blvd 10-28-© N/E DeSoto Ava



saac 'rfllllom 0 Ensmt Deed - Vanowen St Van Nuys/Kester Avo

Isaac William 0 Quitclaim Deed-Vanowen St-Van Nuye Blvd to Kester Avo

Isaacson John et ux Easmnt Deed El Segundo Blvd -Plgueroa to Vermont

Isabel'St " Bank St 4 530' NEly Lot 9 Tr 6385

Isenberg Morle Eismnt Deed • El Paso Dr

Ishlbaahl Tadao Grant Deod-Laurel Cyn

0-45553' - 2-26-62


D-45983 5-21-62 F-90332

D-51721 5-1-64

"D-51064 3-12-64

D-1,; 8643 5-63 p-112605

D-45346 1-22-62



Blvd 4 Sherraan Way Grode Sep SPRwy

Ishlboshl Tadao D-4W47 Aprrat- Laurel Cyn Bl^/d 1-22-62 i^herraen Way Grade Sep SPRwy

Ivan Hi l l Terr 2663-5 Future S t ree t Ded

D-50'Z26 2-6-64 F109506#2

Ivanoff John D-46712 Offer to ded-ptn Lot 3O 9-26-62

"Ivanhoe" 2725 Griffith Park Ej.vd

Iversen Albert E D-45952 et ux-Easement Deed 5-2-62 . Topanga Cyn Blvd-Bosooe Blvd to Vanowen St

Ivey, L . O . i ^ D-51295 Easmnt Deed-El 'Segundo,"~2-24-64_ Fi,"^ieroa to Verraont. F106027

Ivey, L. 0. D-51296 Agrmnt - El Segundo- 2-24-64 Figueroa to Vermont. F106027

Ivy Golden K ct al D-':;iC22 Offer to Dod 3-9-64 2657 Redondo nivJ

Isnirian Boizar etal DJ44422 Plnai Cond -par 2 Wilshire Divsn u n l * r o Innt - 6-2n-hi

Isnlrlon Bal«ar etol D-4529X Final Cond-correetlng x2-X3-6x . Ttum Juno 2fl-hX bk li25x-no: 1O4 733.3H9

Izzo Joseph 0 etol D-49111 Offer of ded-Lot 3-4 7-24-63 Tr 2955-Nly Ventura Blvd Wly GpvlntB Avn




] \

Jock flcrald A etux 0-44177 Qul tc loin Deed-Dupolnt a t 6 - 2 - 5 l Jordon Ave 9 Toponga Cyn Bivd

Jocks I rene L 0-43558 Eosnt Oeed-San Ferndo Rd 2-1-6X S/rf side Oro Gronde St F-695U2 T.n Antnnla St

Jocks on Deirnoll R etux 0-45152 Offer to Ded-5071 So 5-22-52 Verraont Ave

Jackson Elliot et al D-51666 Agrmnt Walkway S/o 5-27-64 41st St bet Hooper 4 F109429 135' w/o Naoral Ave




Jackson Lee Jomes ' Offer to Oed-Lot

617i W 63rd Pl 12

Jackson Mary et al Agrmnt Walkway 3/o 4lst St bet Hooper fc 135' W/o,Naomi Ave Jackson Odessa Liability release Lot 330 Mettler'8 l.:r>-ln Cfr.Un Pl/- T..,

Jackson Odessa Eosmt Deed-Goge Ave-Pedro to Bdwy

Jackson Willie et ux Agrmnt Walkway S/o 4l3t bet Hooper fc 135' W/o Naomi Ave

Jackson Willie L Agrmnt Walkway S/o 4lst St bet Hooper fc 135', W/o.Naoral Ave ..

Jacky Lea M Agrmt Montalvo St & Lotus St

Jacobi H J 4 Audrey Grant Deed Van Nuys Airport

D-47949 4-2-63

D-51660 5-27-64 FIO9429

0-51658 5-27-64 P109429

D-51681 5-30-64 FIO9429

u-50036 11-21-63 I D P-4Q262

D-48985 5-53

D-51669 3-21-64

Jacobs Bemard et ux Easeraent Deed 5-Cahuenga Blvd, Impr FIO5998 nr Chpndler

Jacobs Irwtn A etux 0-45850 Easmt Deed-Valley Vi8tai0-9-62

Bivd 4 Ely Woodloy Ave F-XO4272

Jacobs, Leo H. D-51385 Easrant Deed - Ventura 8-5-63 (s/s) Petit Ave to Balboa

Jacobs, Leo H. D-51386" Agrmnt - Ventura (S/3) 8-5-63 Petit Ave to Balboa Ave,

] 1

D-53063 3-24-64 8-_ PIII866


Jacobs Maria Lulsa Agreeraent Parker St 4 Alleys nr 171 -pal- <5I-,

Jacobs Simeon 3 Easmt Deed-Chatsworth St 7-3-62 • vio Encino Ave P-103509

Jacobson Leonard J - D-49722 Offer to Ded-Centlnella 10-19-63 Blvd E/S N/o Palras Blvd

jocobson-Mcone Co 0-43532 Quitclaim Deed-Burbank 2-7-61 Bivd-Radford Ave t o P-88266 VantaRe Ave

, Jacobson 3irah et al 0-45633 Sasmt Deed-Woodraan Ave-.;-10-52 Sharman 'rfy/Victory Blvd

Jadestone Dr 0-43932 Lot X Tr 2x446 4-XV-6X Puture St Dedication F-73059

Jaeger Josepfi" et al D. '56472 Offer to Ded-Sly l84st 1-20-64 Wly Figueroa St

Jaeger Joseph et al 0-51488 Easrant Deed f/aewer 4-17-64 Sly/o l84th St & Wly/o PII398I Figueroa

Jaeger Thomas et al 0-51488 Easmnt Deed f/sewer 4-17-64 Sly/o l84th St & Wly/o FII3981 Figueroa

Jamb Ino 0-47777 Quitclaim Deed-Hayvenhurst Ave fc Escalon Or- 2-10-53

Janes David 3 etal D-45945 Offer to Ded-Lot 143 5-13-62 Tract 3901

Janal Const Co D-49432 • Offor ded -7556 Kester 8-3i;r63 •

