Page 1: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we


Lenten Devotional Booklet

“Moving Toward the Cross”

Written by Lutheran Campus Ministry Students at Arizona State University and the community of University Lutheran Church

Page 2: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Preparing for Lent

Lenten Journey Dear Travel Partner, Thank you for your willingness to trek along with us in thought, prayer, and devotion this Lenten season. It is the hope of our community and those who spent time creating these devotions that our writings will add to your experience of Lent. It is also our hope that, as you travel with us along this path, a feeling of partnership in ministry is created and deepened. In fact, we have a request for you: each week in Lent would you please lift up a prayer for our students and ministry involved in Lutheran Campus Ministry? We would greatly appreciate such support. As you may notice, at the bottom of each devotion we have included a hunger fact and/or activity. Lent seems like such an appropriate time to strengthen our commitment to fighting hunger in our community and in our world. This year’s hunger facts relate to local hunger issues.* Perhaps an additional meal-time prayer for the hungry would add to our Lenten pilgrimage. Thank you for traveling with us this Lent. We look forward to seeing you in Jerusalem! Gratefully in Christ, Gary N. McCluskey Campus Pastor, Arizona State University & Amy Gauthier Campus Ministry Associate, Arizona State University   


*Thank you to Barb Harris for providing us with these local hunger facts. 

Page 3: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Ash Wednesday Psalm 51:17 "Sacrificial Love" We begin Lent with a text about sacrifice. Truly Lent can be just that: a time of sacrifice. We give something up that we enjoy for Lent or we take something on that is challenging. We do it as a discipline for Lent, for faith, and as a reminder of what Lent is most about: the sacrifice of Jesus. As we journey through Lent, always we do so under the shadow of the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus. Gary N. McCluskey Lutheran Campus Pastor, ASU

Gracious God, with ashen foreheads we begin this Lent reminded what we are and more importantly whose we are. Keep us mindful of your love throughout as we travel the path to the cross and empty tomb. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: United Food Bank’s history is deeply-rooted in the East Valley and dates back to July of 1983 when it began operations as United Food Distribution Center, Inc.

Page 4: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Thursday: Luke 9:51-56 “Moving Toward the Cross" He set his face to go to Jerusalem." Facial expressions can be so revealing. Comedians like Robin Williams, Jonathan Winters, Carol Burnett and so many others made a living, in part, because of their facial expressions accompanying their comedic actions and words. Setting his face to go to Jerusalem, Jesus too was being very revealing. The picture here is not one of Jesus happily skipping off to the Holy City and what was to befall him here. The picture here is a more determined, perhaps even grim decision to be true to his mission and not back down. There was still teaching to be done, good news to be preached. If it meant heading to Jerusalem, so be it. We Lenten pilgrims too can have a determined look on our face. It is not something about which to be giddy or even happy that Jesus marched on to Jerusalem to meet his fate. We can be grateful in our response, determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we thank you for your determination to be faithful to the God whom you knew and loved and to the followers whom you loved also. May we find strength from your life, death, and resurrection to follow you along the difficult paths that come our way in life. In Jesus' determined name we pray. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: United Food Bank started as a nonprofit joint venture among East Valley cities and their respective United Ways to gather and distribute food to East Valley organizations that were helping feed those in need.

Page 5: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Friday: Matthew 16:24-26 “Take up your Cross” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? I think it is safe to assume we are all familiar with the story behind the cross which Jesus alludes to in this passage - the story of a man who dedicated his time on Earth to helping those in need and ended up paying with his life on a cross. It is often said that Jesus died so humanity's sins could be forgiven, and if that is the case then the cross is the symbol of the sacrifice required to make that progress possible. However, this passage introduces the idea that this sacrifice is actually much larger than the scope of the Jesus story, and that each person in society has their own metaphorical cross which they must bear the burden of in order to make the world a more welcoming place. This cross, whether it be spending time to help a friend, showing kindness to a stranger, or forgiving another's mistakes, is not an easy one to carry. It requires a great deal of time and effort that could otherwise be used to advance one's own assets, hence the text describing it as "a denial of themselves". However, there is a duality to these crosses, since the very burden that accompanies them also gives meaning to our lives and builds upon our souls. By taking on the challenge of being better people and putting others before ourselves, we inadvertently give our own lives a very rewarding purpose that they did not have before. This idea that sacrifice can simultaneously be gratifying is what the phrase "whoever loses their life for me will find it" is referring to. Of course, we don't need to go to extremes to achieve this goal, but if we each just spend a little extra time to do a good deed then the world will be a much better place. Ryan Normand Prayer: Dear God, please give us the courage to take up our own crosses, and through the acceptance of these challenges let us help others and grow our souls. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: The Food Bank assisted 28 different community partners their first year in 1983, and some are still partners today like the Mesa Senior Center, The Apache Junction Food Bank and the Chandler Christian Community Center.

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Saturday: I Corinthians 1:18-25 “We Preach Christ Crucified” Knowledge is knowing facts. Wisdom, it might be said, is knowing what to do with them. We might also say wisdom is the proper way of living and operating when facts are elusive. In this text Paul tells us wisdom can be found exactly where the world says it cannot: in weakness and in suffering. How strong does one have to be to turn the other cheek? How powerful and wise must a God be who is willing to lower God's self to be found and to be active exactly in those places where the world would scoff and the world would see defeat? We preach Christ crucified! We proclaim a God so great that God is unafraid to be seen or to work in anything or anywhere. Those death experiences in life? Those loses and defeats in life? Humiliation in life? For us they are not without our God. We preach Christ crucified! Isaak Lehnhardt Crucified Jesus, you are also the risen Jesus. Remind us of this and remind us of the new life you can bring in our painful and low moments. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: In 1985, United Food Bank’s service geography expanded to its current area of Gila, Pinal and southern Apache and Navajo Counties along with the original service area in the East Valley of Maricopa County.

Page 7: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Sunday: 2 Corinthians 5:6-8

“Walk by Faith”

6 So we are always confident; even though we know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord— 7 for we walk by faith, not by sight. 8 Yes, we do have confidence, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 (NRSV)  Each week we confess in the Apostles’ Creed that we believe in “the communion of saints,” but how often do we think about what that means? Luther’s Small Catechism defines the communion of saints as “the whole number of believers in Christ” – past, present, and future. The older I become the more I find myself thinking about those who have gone on before me: my grandmother, friends and colleagues, so many brothers and sisters in Christ. Each memorial service marks the passing of another beloved saint into eternal life.   We walk by faith, not by sight. What we each see is an earthly body, perhaps one needing new parts and repairs, like mine. I’m still my young self in my mind, so who is that wrinkled face in the mirror, staring back at me? What we see is the natural process of earthly things, as we move through the seasons of life. Our faith calls us to be confident in God’s promise that every day we are closer to going home to be with our Lord.   When my Dad died, I was much comforted by going through the family photo albums and seeing him as a young man, long before I ever knew him. None of us can know what eternal life at home with the Lord will be. I like to imagine that we all will be at our best age; that I will see my Dad, aunts and uncles, all my Christian sisters and brothers, as young and vibrant again. That our voices will all be strong again and we will all sing together in one incredible choir. The communion of saints is the past, present, and future of us. Let us be consoled and have faith that we are headed home.                    Kim Savage  Dear God, help us to walk by faith every day of our lives, knowing that the comfort we experience now in earthly community will pale in comparison to the eternal joy of the grand reunion that awaits us. Amen.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: United Food Bank’s service area is more than 19,600 square miles and includes some of the most remote areas in the state. Places like Sanders, Arizona, where there are only a couple places to purchase food, and the next town is 40 miles away.

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Monday: Ephesians 2:8-20 “Saved by Faith”  God is rich in love and mercy. We are saved by God’s grace, not though good works. It’s pointless to boast about our good works, because we aren’t saved through good works. God knows that we are all sinners and can’t (or won’t) follow the Old Testament laws. So, he sent his son Jesus, who died to pay the price for our sins, so that we could be saved by faith alone in accepting Jesus Christ as our savior. “It is by grace you have been saved.”  Katherine Stevens Prayer: Let us give thanks and praise to the Lord. 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: To serve the most people possible, United Food Bank collaborates with more than 200 partner agencies that operate more than 260 separate programs helping feed families, children and seniors.

Page 9: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Tuesday: John 3:16-17 “Believe in Jesus” The Lord God so eternally loves the world and its people that God was willing to send his Son, Jesus to live a lifetime of persecution and eventual crucifixion for and by the very people he came to save and the very people whom God so loves. God didn't send Jesus to accuse the world but to liberate it. What God liberates most is the world from itself and us from ourselves. Christian Benell God who loves the world, thank you for loving what I too often cannot love. May we learn from your love and find the faith to see in the world what you see and to love it as you do. In Jesus' saving name we pray. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: In 2015/2016 fiscal year, United Food Bank distributed 26,047,312 pounds of food totaling 21,706,093 meals to hungry people.

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Wednesday: Galatians 2:15-16  “Justified by Faith” 

There was a division within the early church on whether Gentiles needed to become Jews and follow Jewish customs in order to be saved. When Peter came to Antioch, Paul opposed Peter on this issue saying, “Know that man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Christ Jesus.”   Katherine Stevens Prayer: We are all sinners. May we recognize and reflect God’s love for all people. 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: 1 in 4 children will go to bed hungry in Arizona.

Page 11: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Thursday: Romans 5:1-5 “Peace Through Faith”  By the grace of God we received a gift which Jesus Christ fulfilled. It goes for anyone and everyone willing to accept it in their own life. When we're feeling caught up in our own minds, we can remember that God has a plan and his gift over us can help heal us from anything. Marci Strane Giving God, we thank you for all that we have and all that we are. May we be found grateful for your gifts and especially for your grace. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: 1 in 5 adults struggle with hunger in your community.

Page 12: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Friday: Philippians 1:27-30 “Stand Firm in Faith” 

   Upon reading this passage, the first that comes to mind is the parable Jesus tells about the wise and foolish builders‐especially in the tail end of verse 27. “Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one spirit...”.  How does one stand firm? One can stand firm on a solid foundation by trusting in it. When the wise builder built his house upon the rock (another reference, Psalm 18:2 to be exact), his house was able to stand through the many storms. When we all trust on God, we can be assured—that even in the hardest of times—that God will keep us safe and help us to withstand our trials, whatever they may be.   Sophie Lott  Prayer: Dear Lord, may you lift us up and keep us safe and standing firm in your arms. Amen.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: 1 in 7 seniors are food insecure in Arizona.

Page 13: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Saturday: Hebrews 11:1-3 “The Assurance of Faith”  “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”   Faith is trusting in the unseen. But it’s not trusting in the unknown because we can know by faith what we cannot see.   Every day we trust in things that we cannot see and don’t totally understand from gravity to medicine to technology. I can see the impact and the results so I know they exist. I think the same of faith. I can see it’s power and impact, so I know it’s real.  Katherine Stevens  Prayer: God grant us patience when we are troubled and frustrated at the events in the world and cannot see the future you have envisioned. Let us find assurance through trust in our faith. 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: In 2017, we distributed 22.5 million meals to 431,000 individuals.

Page 14: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Sunday: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 “Strength in Weakness”  “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”   This writing stresses the weakness present in all humans, in all living things. There is strength in being vulnerable and trusting in God to carry you through. The truth is, we are all weak and making mistakes. We can’t really have control over our lives, and sometimes it is even difficult to control our personal thoughts and actions. When we let God pull us through our weakness, we let God fill us with the kind of strength that doesn’t come from our human nature; the strength that comes from the spirit of God. What is one area of your life that you could let God fill your weakness today? What is an area that you can be totally vulnerable in? Try to relish in your vulnerability today, because “God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.”   Julie Gerrish  Prayer: God, we know that we are weak. You give us strength when we let you. Please help us today to give up the illusion of control. Thank you for guiding us through life. Please help us to accept your guidance and strength today. Amen.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: We distribute 59,000 meals daily in Arizona.

Page 15: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Monday: John 13:1-5

"Love to the End" It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. There is an uncanny sense of calm to the night before Jesus' death. The clock is ticking, and yet there is no sense of urgency, no panic in the air - there are only the humble but confident actions of a man who knows his fate is sealed. It is through this clarity that we, the readers, get a glimpse of the most essential components of human life. In this passage, that core message is love. Jesus knows that his death is inevitable and rapidly approaching, as "the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus", and as a result his remaining time on earth is very precious and in extremely short supply. The fact that he chooses to spend it taking care of those he loves reveals his values and speaks to the values of humanity as a whole. The positive impact that we can have on the lives of others is truly a gift in and of itself. It is something that we should take advantage of throughout our entire lives, not only in our last hours. Gestures of kindness and love, like Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, contribute to the bigger picture of society and create a positive ripple that can last much longer than one lifespan, just as the story of Jesus' love continues to guide millions of people today. Ryan Normand Prayer: God, we thank you for your guiding words and ask for your help in our quest to show others love. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: 40 United Food Bank staff members and 20 Board of Directors.

Page 16: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Tuesday: Ephesians 6:10-18 “Put on the Armor of God” I first thought that this passage would be easy to comment on. Then I did some online research and soon found out that various church leaders have created Bible study workshops on these nine verses. Instead of focusing the individual attributes such as the “belt of truth,” “breastplate of righteousness,” or “shield of faith,” etc.; I decided to focus on the fact that God has given great gifts to reinforce our faith when we struggle. A close friend of my family continuously struggles with mental health issues. She sometimes views herself as the cartoon character, “Felix the Cat.” She has learned through years of therapy, various mental health techniques she calls her “bag of tricks.” Similar to the character “Felix” she pulls out her “bag” whenever she feels overly stressed about a situation. As Christians we must rely on the armor of God to help overcome our adversities whether they are situational, human or even Supernatural created. Kenneth Overturf Prayer: Dear Lord; Let us never forget that despite our adversities you have given us friends, family and faith which creates an Armor of protection. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: Nearly 2,000 volunteers in 2017 that gave more than 25,000 hours of service. That is equivalent to 11 full time employees.

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Wednesday: Psalm 27:1-4

“The Lord Is My Salvation”  “The Lord is my light and my salvation.”   This is the only time in the New Testament that the Lord is to referred to as my light. Because the Lord is light, salvation, and a stronghold there is no need to be afraid. Instead of languishing in fear, focus your attention on the Lord and his promises to you, through his word.  Katherine Stevens  Prayer: Banish my fears and worries. As the psalm says, “May I dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. For in the day of trouble, he will keep me safe in his dwelling.” 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: 220,000 people in United Food Bank’s service area are food insecure, including more than 85,000 children.

Page 18: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Thursday: Exodus 15:1-6

“The Lord is Mighty” Who doesn't like to triumph over one's enemies? Who doesn't like to gloat over a victory following a contest that produced many anxious moments? For a guy who stuttered, Moses seemed to be quite a song leader in this text. It is easy to think that all this is about a smashing victory over bad guy Pharaoh. Yet in its context this is really about God following through on God's promise to deliver Israel from tyranny and bring them to a land long promised. God's might is less displayed in armies and victories and more displayed in keeping promises. So Moses and his people can do a song and dance, but God's real might is in staying true to God's promises.

Nicholas Cota II

God of promises. In our baptism you claimed us as your own and you made that claim eternal. As we strive to keep our promises to you, we are grateful for your continued presence and for you always keeping your promise to love us. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Our mission is to stabilize the lives of hungry, low-income people within Eastern Maricopa, Gila and Pinal, and Southern Navajo and Apache Counties of Arizona by actively acquiring, storing and distributing large quantities of wholesome and nutritious foods to our network of community and strategic partners, combined with advocacy and educational initiatives that enhance lives.

Page 19: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Friday: Ephesians 3:14-21

“A Prayer for Strength”

Here it is said that Paul is praying as a prisoner and praying for the Gentiles. That is, Paul is praying for "outsiders" and naming them "insiders" for the church. As we read this we think nothing of Paul being described as kneeling in prayer. People often use such a description for sincere prayer. Yet in Paul's day, Jews stood for prayer. Kneeling was the Gentile posture for prayer. So Paul is praying as a Gentile for the Gentiles. As those who follow Jesus to the cross each Lent we are reminded we have one leading us as one of us. Paul's prayer was for strength. Our prayer can be one of gratitude for the strength of one among us who leads us as one of one who knows truly what it is like to be us.

Walter G. Johnson, Jr.

God who hears our prayers, we thank you for Paul who served to bring all into Christ's church. We thank you especially for Jesus our Savior and our companion on life's journey. In Jesus' name we gratefully pray. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Food comes to United Food Bank from many sources. It comes from the Federal Government through The Emergency Food Assistance Program, a Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost.

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Saturday: Psalm 28:8-9 “God is my Strength” David was the most powerful ruler in Israel's history. He is also the reputed author of many psalms including this text. Some of his psalms (23rd) portray God as a wonderful caretaker. Some, like today's, see God as a refuge and help. None of us are too powerful or strong that we do not need God. Not of us are so mighty that we do not need each other. The strong and powerful really are those unafraid to reach out. And in such reaching out one can truly be made strong. Phillip Schwarzerd O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. Be our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: United Food Bank receives millions of pounds of food each year through our retail partnerships that allow us to rescue food from grocery retail stores and distribute it to our community partners.

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Sunday: I John 4:7-10 “This is Love” Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God—for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. 

Do you remember the love story of Carl and Ellie Frederickson, the couple featured in the opening  minutes  of  the  2009  movie  “Up”?    The  two meet  as  children,  become  best friends,  and  later  fall  in  love, marry,  and  spend  years  together,  dream  of  trekking  to Paradise  Falls,  until  Ellie  grows  ill  and  dies.    After  his  wife’s  death,  Carl  withers—emotionally and physically. It takes an accidental adventure, a young lad named Russell, and a grape soda cap badge to lift Carl out of his self‐absorbed grief into a more joyous, radiant and wiser life. Just about every adult I’ve talked to about the film has admitted 

tearing up during those opening minutes, because love like that cuts all of us to our core. Of  course,  this  “Hollywood”  depiction  of  love  focuses  primarily  on  Love’s  emotional connection.  But  Love  is  not  simply  an  emotion;  it  is  also  a  decision.    As  anyone  in  a marital/committed relationship will  tell  you, what keeps  them  in  that  relationship  is a choice they make every day.  Some days are easy; others are not.   My husband and I have good friends who raised three wonderful children.  When they were young, their kids would ask to do many things that their parents refused to allow.  The kids would kind of whine and ask, “Wwwwwhhhhhyyyyy?”  Their parents would reply, “What’s your last name?” When the child(ren) responded, they would say, “That’s right.  If your name wasn’t ____ then perhaps the answer would be different, but I’m afraid since your last name is ______   that’s the answer.”  All three children now have youngsters of their own, and I don’t doubt they have precisely the same conversations with their own children now!  God might answer us this way as well.  We love because loving others is what members of God’s family do! It’s part of our genetic make‐up, buried deep in our chromosomes.  A few verses later, the author of this passage of scripture writes: “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them” (v.16b). 

     Val Rehrer  Loving Lord, help us to live the love that you have placed within us, even when we would like to respond to people or events with anger, hostility and vengeance. Remind us that we are your children, and that Jesus is both our Savior and our brother. We love because it is in our nature—just as it is in yours. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: We are a member of Feeding America, a nationwide network of 200 food banks that leads the fight against in the United States.

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Monday: John 13:1-5 “Love til the End” In this chapter of John, Jesus knows his time is growing short and that he will soon be passing to the Father. Unknown to the disciples, they have gathered for their final meal with Jesus. He fills a basin and begins washing the feet of the disciples as an example of his love for them, for He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end. When we love someone, we love them until the end of our time together. Through the ups and downs of life, when we disagree, when they put the toilet paper roll going the wrong direction, and when they drink the orange juice directly from the bottle, we still love them. And, while Jesus knows that He will be betrayed by someone He loves, He loves them to the end. Deb Hull Prayer: Loving God, help us to acknowledge that your love never dies and by showing our love for others we honor You. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: Through our partnership with Feeding America, we have access to donations from corporations like ConAgra, Kraft, and General Mills & Kelloggs.

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Tuesday: I Corinthians 13:4-7

“Love Bears all Things”  The movie “Mr. Church” is based on the book written by Susan McMartin entitled “The Cook Who Came To Live With Us” and stars Eddie Murphy. The cook ends up bonding with three generations of white women: Marie Brooks who is dying of cancer and lives longer than anticipated; her daughter “Charlie” who struggles with her mom’s lengthy illness and death but goes on to Boston University with financial assistance from the cook, returning home to Mr. Church pregnant with Izzy.   Three women, one cook and three high school friends. They are all wounded, yet all supporters of each other.  Owen took Charlie to prom and became a doctor. Eddie is an alcoholic without a driver’s license who drives pregnant Charlie to the hospital after a parking lot accident injures her, thus saving Charlie and Izzy and leads him to recovery or sobriety.  Poppy who marries up to wealthier men hoping to find happiness.  Wounded healers who illustrate the truth that love bears all things. Each of them is healthier because of the relationships with others who love and accept them.  Carl Mangold  Prayer: O Loving One who first loved us before we could show you how we could be lovable, we thank you for bearing with us when we do not reflect your love for others in our lives.  Inspire us to love more deeply, more people, more often as did Jesus Our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: United Food Bank receives a lot of food from the community that engages in food drives throughout the year.

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Wednesday: Romans 5: 6-9 “God Shows His Love”  Do you have someone or something you would die for?  Parents often say they would die for their children.  Family member and friends say, “I would give my life for you.”  Activists, of many kinds, have causes they would, and sometimes do, give their lives for.  Passion, love, and boldness drive our human relationships.  These three things also drive God’s divine relationship with us, God’s people.  God loves us boldly and passionately enough to give God’s only son to die for us.  God has shown us God’s love through Jesus in the most selfless and giving way.  In turn, we can try to do the same, love each other with passion, kindness, compassion, and grace.   Amy Gauthier  Prayer: God of love, thank you for your unending and powerful love.  Empower us to love one another as you love us. Amen. 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Businesses and governments entities hold annual food drives every year.

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Thursday: I John 4:18-21

“God First Loved Us”  

18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love. 19 We love because he first loved us. 20 Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen. 21 The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also.  There is no fear in love.   Really? I disagree. There’s plenty of fear when you love someone‐‐fear of rejection, fear that they may leave you, fear that they might disappoint you, fear that you might disappoint them.  But maybe the “brothers and sisters” referred to in this passage aren’t limited to the people who come immediately to mind—fathers, mothers, children, extended family, spouses, significant others, and close friends. Maybe we’re being called to something much harder: to love people who are different from us, people who make us uncomfortable, people who—let’s admit it—we’re afraid of.   What do we fear from showing love to people who are marginalized, who are poor, who are homeless, who look different than us?  We fear they may take our jobs. We fear they may steal from us. We fear that their religious beliefs may cause them to be violent. We fear them because we don’t understand them.  God asks us to cast out that fear and love because God first loved us.  How do we show our love to God? By loving all our fellow humans, even the ones who are difficult to love.  If we act in ways that further marginalize these sisters and brothers, we don’t really love God. We must let go of our fear to love as God does.  

 Aiko Yamada Mancini 

 Loving God, help me to love and serve all my sisters and brothers, especially those who are pushed to the boundaries of society. Give me courage to put aside my fear and love them as you love them.  


Hunger Fact/Challenge: Some of the largest food drives include Scouting for Food, the National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive and our Christmas in July food drive that partners with business that are members of the Chambers of Commerce in Mesa, Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert and Queen Creek.

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Friday: I John 3:1-3

“Called Children of God”  

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called Children of God!

This passage along with much of the New Testament shows us a loving God, a God of Grace. We are children of God whether we like it or not, or deserve it or not. God does not love one more than another. As children, we are all loved equally. So what does it mean to be a Child of God?

John later goes on to remind readers of Jesus’ original message: that we should love one another. As children of a loving God, do you wonder how well we are doing? If we are so loved and accepted, shouldn’t loving others be pretty simple? Why is it so hard sometimes? Despite, our own struggles, the times we don’t act like appreciative children, when we ignore our neighbor or get wrapped up in ourselves, it is good to know we are still beloved children of God and Grace Abounds!  

Beth Wootten 

Loving Creator, Thank you for your continuing love even when I do not deserve it or recognize it. Remind me of your love and your faith in me so I may be bold in my faith in you. Hunger Fact/Challenge: Through our partnership with the Association of Arizona Food Banks and other food banks in Arizona, we are able to secure large donations through the statewide produce rescue program.

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Saturday: Psalm 6:1-5 "God's Steadfast Love"  The speaker in this psalm is in a bad place‐‐languishing, their bones shaking and soul stricken with terror. We know how that feels. We have been sick, grieving, tired, afraid, or broken. But when the darkness seems to be too much, when we are overwhelmed and can't make it much longer, we can turn, as the psalmist does, to God. We can ask for God's mercy, and remember and hold onto God's presence in our lives.   Sheol, in the Hebrew bible, is where people go in death‐‐a place of darkness and stillness, cut off from God. Although our lives can sometimes feel like that darkness, maybe it helps to remember that even in our languishing, God's steadfast love is there with us. We are never cut off from God.  

Maddie Shaner  God, help us to remember that you are with us, and that you love us, no matter what kind of darkness we are experiencing. Sustain us and give us hope, and help us to trust in your mercy and find peace. Amen. 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: The food United Food Bank receives has one destination: to feed hungry people in our community in Arizona.

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Sunday: John 14:27

“Jesus Gives us Peace”

“27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”


College can get tough. As a young adult, the human brain develops further, and more questions arise as to who we are or what our purpose in life is. As life moves forward, we learn to not sweat the small stuff. I know God is with me every through every struggle I face. Just like my parents, he knows my strengths and weaknesses. When I find myself in darkness, Jesus is the light that guides me to happiness. Through the gift of music, I can find peace and remember that life is beautiful.

- Jeffrey Hack

God of peace, we thank you for music which inspires, motivates, and gives us calm. Use our times of peace to think on the good things of God so that we might carry those things into our life. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: We work with community partners across our service area that operate food programs like food pantries, meal sites, after-school youth meal programs, as well as distributing food on our own through our mobile pantries and Help Yourself Program.

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Monday: John 16:33 “Peace in Times of Trouble” Jesus asked, “Do you finally believe? But the time is coming—in fact, it is already here—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone.  Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” 

In  1941,  two  men—Kurt  Hahn  and  Lawrence  Holt—opened  Outward Bound,  an educational  program  for  young  English  seamen.  Its  purpose  was  to  build  their  self‐confidence,  tenacity  and  perseverance  in  order  to  help  them  survive  in  harsh  and dangerous environments at sea in wartime. The program was so successful that  it was brought to the USA in the early 1960s and adapted for troubled adolescents, young adults seeking guidance, even children and senior adults!  The typical program involves spending several days creating a small group of people and guiding them through problem‐solving tasks  in order to build a healthy,  trusting team. Then,  the group goes on an (outdoor) “adventure,”  culminating  in  a  “solo  camp”—in  which  each  team member  establishes his/her own camp and keeps a private journal of the experience. This final “test” allows each person to discover/develop a deep sense of self‐confidence and a framework for endurance  that  transcends  personal  fears  and  uncertainties.    OB  “graduates”  often describe it as a life‐changing touchstone experience.  Here, Jesus is offering a kind of “Outward Bound” challenge to his disciples—insisting that being  on  their  own  will  deepen  their  trust  in  God,  and  create  within  them  an  inner tranquility  that  will  allow  them  to  overcome  all  their  anxieties  (“the world”).  The  term “peace” has many meanings. Often, we think of it as an end to war or hostilities, a cease‐fire, a time of reconciliation or harmony between peoples or nations.  But Jesus suggests that  the  “peace”  he  has  found—and  offers  to  his  disciples—is  less  about what’s  “out there” and more about what  lies within.    It’s easy for us to  lose sight of God’s abiding presence in our “noisy” world.   But try this:   take a breath three times the  length of a regular breath, and silently say the syllable, “Ab-” as you inhale.  Then, exhale a breath three times the length of a regular exhalation and silently say the syllable “-ba”.  The word “Abba” was Jesus’ word for God; it most closely translates as “Daddy”.   Calmly looking within ourselves—and breathing God  into us—allows us to lean into our trust (faith) in God as Jesus did, despite any uncertainty and uneasiness we may feel.                       Val Rehrer  

Abba, thank you for your unfailing presence, and for using even my fears and anxieties as tools to create peacefulness, serenity and hope. When I take a breath, remind me that you are within it. Teach me to cultivate “peace” where I live, sleep, study, work, and worship—and especially within myself. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: You can help by donating food or money. We appreciate both.

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Tuesday: Isaiah 26:2-4 “Kept in Peace”  The part of this psalm that stands out to me is, “Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you.”   When is it most difficult to trust in God? When something is over, I can see God’s presence in the outcome. When something hasn’t yet started, I tend to feel anxious about it. How can we be kept in peace, trusting in God? One way to trust the Lord is to say, “I trust you, Jesus” when you realize you are in a situation with an unsure outcome (every situation). Say it until you believe it, at least for the moment. Hey, even if it is cheesy, it’s worth a try! It has helped me to remember God’s peace and power in my life (But I took it from a different devotional, “Jesus is Calling”). “In the Lord God, you have an everlasting rock.” We humans are so temporary. Holding onto God does not show weakness; holding onto God brings strength, love, peace, joy to all. Trusting God is so wonderful, relieving and worth it!  Julie Gerrish  Prayer: Lord, keep us in your peace today. Help open our eyes and spirits to feel your presence in all situations today. Help us use the energy we could use on fear and stress and channel it into trust and hope today. Thank you for your steadfastness and love. Amen.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: We depend on many yearly food drives to replenish our shelves when donations decrease. However, with our partnerships with Feeding America and the food industry monetary donations go much further.

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Wednesday: Philippians 4:4-7  “Pray for Peace”

4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 (NRSV)

Always. Again. Everyone. Anything. Everything. All.

I once had a professor who stated on the very first day of class that she would mark points off if the word “very” ever appeared anywhere in our papers. That threat magnified many times over the difficulty of writing without using that very word.

It has been said that one should “Never say Never or Always.” We are fallible, changing our minds and our positions often, so this is probably good advice if we want to speak honestly. But God is God, so we must trust that Always, Everyone, Anything, Everything, and All are legitimate words in God’s vocabulary and valid expressions of God’s grace and generosity toward all of us.

I often think and sometimes state that peace will never come to the Middle East, or to the nation, or to planet Earth. When I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, I’m remembering all I’ve read about a violent past told in both biblical narratives and other historical documents: thousands of years of killing and conflict. The historical record does not document much gentleness, nor reason to rejoice or be thankful. How can we entertain the possibility of such a thing as peace? How can we not worry about anything?

The peace of the world may be elusive, but thankfully the peace of God is not. The peace of God far exceeds our ability to understand. God’s peace is extended to all. God’s peace is offered to everyone, again and again. God is completely approachable; we can bring anything and everything to God in prayer, knowing that our requests are heard. Thank the Lord that God’s peace exists within us and will prevail.                      Kim Savage   Lord God, keep us from being discouraged when we try to understand the ways of our world. Remind us that because you are ultimately in control, peace, joy, and gentleness will triumph. Amen.   

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Why are monetary donations imperative? We can obtain truckloads of nutritious foods for the cost of transporting it to our warehouse.

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Thursday: Romans 15:12-13 “Filled With Peace” 

 When we trust in God, we can be filled with hope as we know that God will keep us protected as we travel through the hardships of life. Sometimes this can be difficult when in the middle of it all. When reading the first line, “The Root of Jesse will spring up,” look at the word “spring.” The season of spring can be both a hopeful time and a frustrating time. For Arizonians, it's mostly frustrating because we are dreading the intense summer heat waves as temperatures climb. But, for now, let's focus on a Oregon‐typical spring as told by a Oregonian herself. We see the sun starting to peek about early March and we long for the upcoming summer. However, the rain is not done with us yet (about until July). It can be easy to be downcast with weeks upon weeks of downpour, but we can look at the rain as the catalyst for growth for many plants. Same with our trials, we can look at our struggles as a catalyst for our spiritual and personal growth. I will leave a few words from the song “A Little Drop of Rain” from the musical Les Miserables.     

“Don't you fret...   I don't feel any pain   A little fall of rain    Can hardly hurt me now   You're here, that's all I need to know.      And you will keep me safe.   And you will keep me close.   And rain will make the flowers grow.”     Amen!  Sophie Lott  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Fact, for every $1 donated we can distribute four meals to hungry people.

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Friday: I Thessalonians 5:12-14 “At Peace With Others” 

This passage comes from a section close to the end of a letter written (most 

people think) by Paul to a community of Christians in Greece. In the letter, Paul is 

encouraging the community to stay hopeful for the return of Christ, and gives 

them some advice about how to live in the meantime. We can use this advice, 

too, in our lives today.  

We can respect those who labor, whether their work is caregiving, teaching, 

harvesting produce, tech support, or something we've never heard of or even feel 

embarrassed by. We can respect those who can't work in the ways the world 

expects them to, acknowledge their contributions, and support our brothers and 

sisters who need help. We can all work together and be patient with each other. 

We're waiting a lot longer for Jesus than Paul thought we would‐‐so we might as 

well do our best for each other while we're here, right? 

Maddie Shaner 

God, thank you for giving us the opportunity to work in community with those 

around us. Give us patience, wisdom, and strength to work together and do our 

best for one another. Help us to find peace in knowing that everything we have 

comes from and belongs to you. Amen. 


Hunger Fact/Challenge: Monthly donors are instrumental in helping United Food Bank have a sustainable source of income.

Page 34: Lenten Devotions 2018 - · determined in our countenance, and faithful in our service. Anika Lehnhardt Jesus, our Savior, our friend, our fellow traveler in Lent; we

Saturday: 2 Thessalonians 3:16 “Lord of Peace” Paul writes to the community of Thessalonians requesting prayers for those who have not accepted the ways and beliefs of the early Christian community. And while he encourages the early Christians to not associate with the non-believers, Paul admonishes the Christians to not see the non-believers as enemies but to admonish them as they would a brother. Paul then ends his letter to the community with “May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” In our current climate of constant change and mistrust, it is especially important to find a community of believers that will welcome others of like minds and to be at peace with ourselves and with others. Those who believe differently are not necessarily our enemies. We must continue to follow the Lord of Peace. Deb Hull Prayer: Loving Lord, we look to you to bring peace in our hearts when we are surrounded by hateful words and actions, when we do not know whom to trust, and when we begin to lose faith. Hold us in your loving arms and grant us peace, now and forever. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: $500 monthly donor could provide 872 cases of turkey breast and provide 24,000 meals!

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Sunday: I Peter 2:21-25  

“Following in Christ’s Step”  

To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.  

Some examples are illustrated in the verses that follow:

22 He never sinned,

nor ever deceived anyone.

23 He did not retaliate when he was insulted,

nor threaten revenge when he suffered.  

This sounds like a daunting task. The Prayer of St Francis, reminds me of the ways I can follow in Christ’s steps. Ways that I can make a difference. As I implore “lord, make me an instrument of your peace”, I remember that where there is hatred, doubt and fear I can help to sow love and faith and hope. These seem like things I can do. Certainly, today, if I look beyond myself and outside of my comfort zone, I can offer acceptance and understanding to at least one person I see. One person a day, 365 people a year.

Beth Wootten  

Loving Creator, be with me today. Take away my fear and worry and self doubt and embolden me to be courageous and step out into a world that needs me to bring light and joy. Help me to know my worth, and that no matter how small, I can make a difference. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: $250 monthly donor would provide 12,000 meals!

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Monday: Hebrews 12:1‐3  “The Joy Set Before You”  A cloud of witnesses, a supportive community, University Lutheran Church.  As we 

travel through our life, we need support, kindness, and love.  When we are 

surrounded by a strong community, we are able to share our sorrows and joys 

with an understanding community.  University Lutheran is that community.  As 

students and congregation members come together, we share in a sacred 

relationship.  Even in the most hopeless of times, our community does not lose 

hope.  Our faith, love, and support carry us through the hardest times of our lives.  

Our sorrows are our shared sorrows, in turn, our joys are our shared joys.  So 

don’t lose hope, don’t grow weary, our community is there to surround you with 

strength, joy, and love. 

Amy Gauthier 

Prayer: God of Joy, thank you for giving your people a community.  A sacred 

community full of love, sorrow, joy, and understanding. Amen. 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: $100 monthly donor would provide 4,800 meals and help nearly 530 families through emergency food services.

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Tuesday: I Peter 4:12-17 "The Fiery Trial"  This reading sounds a little harsh to me. “The Fiery Trial.” oOoOoOoh. Well, it says we should rejoice as we share Christ’s suffering, so that we can be happy when Christ’s Glory is revealed. Maybe this can also be likened to times in life when we know we are trying to do a good thing, but we are suffering for it. Maybe a diet, maybe a healthier lifestyle choice, maybe trying to make positive change in workplace systems in your community. We know this new thing we are doing is good, but change is resisted by ourselves and our peers. It is so difficult to get through, but it is not all for naught. Someday, maybe little by little, good things will come out of this hard work. God’s glory will be revealed. God’s glory is revealed some, every day. Sometimes it just seems so small with everything else going on around us. Think about how we even came to be. Tiny microorganisms kept evolving and changing. Some didn’t make it, but God knew that this life was good and it kept going. It took a long time and hard work to make us into what we are. It makes sense that we suffer some for good things; it’s God’s way. Today, try to rely on God and trust in God. Be as Christ‐like as you can, without expecting something in return. At the end of the day, reflect. Did you feel like you suffered? Did you feel blessed?   Julie Gerrish  Prayer: Lord, be with us as we suffer in our human life, trying to be like you. We fail often, but not always. Thank you for blessing us, and please show us some light at the end of the tunnel as we walk through difficult situations, trying to do our best. Amen.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: $20 monthly donor would provide food for a whole year to a student who goes home hungry every day.

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Wednesday: Matthew 5:10-12 "Persecuted for Christ's Sake" Christians who think they are being persecuted for their faith because we hear "Happy Holidays' instead of "Merry Christmas" or because prayer is left out of public schools don't know what persecution is really like. Those hearing Matthew's gospel for the first time understood. Leaders were being arrested and, in some cases, tortured and killed for their faith. They weren't losing some privilege in their land, they were losing lives. We are fortunate in that such persecution does not happen to us. Yet we can be "persecuted for righteousness sake" when we put our reputation or even our jobs on the line by standing against prejudice, sexual harassment, or some injustice in our workplace, neighborhood, or social club. We can be so persecuted when we follow Jesus in places and among those who go against the grain of Christian love and justice for all. Jesus tells us, "Hang in there". With some we may be rejected. With God we will be okay. Martin Luther O God, we pray for courage and strength to be your servants and your heralds in times and places where your love needs to be known. In Jesus' strong name we pray. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: A $10 monthly donation can help provide 480 meals a year and feed 53 families.

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Thursday: Isaiah 53:4-6 “Christ Suffered for Us” 4Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

When we read these verses from Isaiah, we are reminded that Jesus loves us so much. This is exemplified through his willingness to die in such a horrible way to forgive us of our imperfect human nature. This should be comforting to all of us, because we all fall short of the grace of God. As a community, we should pass on Jesus’ love to our neighbors, through our words and actions, because that is what we are called to do.

Andrew Tadlock

Dear Jesus, thank you so much for showing us your love, by dying for us so we can live with you forever in heaven. Help us to act more like you, and show your love to the world around us. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Last year, United Food Bank fed more than 3,000 children by providing 31,169 back pack buddy bags and more than 309,000 afterschool meals and snacks.

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Friday: Acts 5:38-42 "The Disciples Suffer"  

Enough with talk about suffering! Lent can sometimes feel like one long parade of misery. And we know what is yet to come with Good Friday. " Enough!" we say! One suspects there have been times in life we have said this too. Enough with things going wrong in my life! Enough with illness or the struggling of loved ones! Enough with terror, war, and violence! Enough!! We would be right to cry "Enough." It is not God's will for such suffering in our lives or the lives of any. Yet, clearly suffering comes. In Acts we see even the disciples were not spared suffering or injustice. Lent is to be a time that is not depressing, but serious. Lent is to be an honest time where we can call things what they are. Evil is evil. Suffering is painful. Injustice is not the will of God. Lent is also a time we can above all times call God who God is: Just, loving, compassionate and one in whom we can place all hope. Lent might indeed mimic some part of life. It can also point us to the one to deliver us from that part and take us above and beyond it. Katie von Bora Luther Loving God, you are a God willing to suffer for us and even with us. From your suffering give us hope and peace in our suffering. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: In 2016-17, United Food Bank provided more than 22,500,000 meals to hungry children, families and seniors across five Arizona counties.

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Saturday: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7

“Comfort for the Suffering” The Bible commentary I reviewed claims that Apostle Paul is “not promised release from trouble but help in the midst of trouble.” Or as I have heard fellow Christians state; “God does not give us more discomfort than we can handle.” Even in the midst of some tragic situations there is a possible hope in the future. I recall a story told by a former college student church member. “Ed’s” family suffered the loss of an infant child due a rare genetic condition. Despite the best available medicine at the time, the child died at only a few weeks. Ed’s family was emotionally drained and plagued by the tormenting question, “Why did this precious child die.” Fortunately through relatives, friends, and their faith, Ed’s family slowly recovered after two years. Two years later Ed’s parents took the bold leap to adopt a new child. Ed’s family was delighted and astonished at the deep gratitude they had at the moments they spent with their new family member. Ed states that his family’s faith in Christ was strengthened due to the fact that the loss of the previous child made them realize the priceless nature the new child. Kenneth Overturf Prayer: Lord, we pray for peace, courage, and strength to help us realize that our Christian lives are intertwined. Hopefully by overcoming current difficulties we can have a new appreciation of your wonders, Lord.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: How you can help? Donate or volunteer with us, by visiting

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Palm Sunday: Luke 19:28-40 “Jesus Enters Jerusalem”  Palm Sunday is the epitome of Lent: a day of great celebration, and a day of deep mourning.  These two feelings have been interconnected for my last couple of years.  On September 18, 2016, my father passed away unexpectedly.  Being around the holidays, I struggled to hold the joy of the holidays the surrounding world was exploding with and my personal sorrow about losing a father, best friend, and confidant. We all encounter sorrow and joy throughout our lives; most of the time those feelings are connected.  Just as we experience joys and sorrows, Jesus felt these too.  As he was entering Jerusalem, there were loud shouts and adoration; however, he was holding the knowledge of unexpected sorrows his disciples will soon face.  I assume he struggled to hold the joy of this celebration and the sorrow of the upcoming events at the same time.  However, as we journey through life, we know many feelings will ebb and flow, but take comfort there are many places to find joy.    Amy Gauthier  Prayer:  Gracious God, help us to find peace in sorrow, love and laughter in joy, and to seek comfort in you and your people.  Help us to understand the highs and lows are interconnected in all of our journeys through life.  Amen. 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Follow us on social media and help us fight hunger by sharing our story. We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Just search United Food Bank and #wefeedAZ.

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Monday: Psalm 49:7-8,15  “The Price of Sin”  Most hostages will tell you that no one can buy their own freedom. Someone else must pay the price for our lives to be ransomed from a kidnapping which could end in our deaths In 1973 wealthy J. Paul Getty’s grandson John Paul Getty III who was 16 years old at the time was kidnapped. The kidnappers demanded $17M and the grandfather refused to pay and did not negotiate. Eventually the kidnappers cut off one of the young boy’s ears. John Paul Getty, Jr., son of J. Paul and father of John III, was able to scrape up $2.2M and was a given a loan for $800,000 by J. Paul, his dad, so he could ransom his son for $3M. This is also true biblically where the message is clear that only God can pay the price of our ransom, redeeming us from sin, evil and death. We mere humans are not able to rescue ourselves. It is delusional to think otherwise.  Carl Mangold  Prayer: Dispel the delusion we so often cling to, O God, that we can pull ourselves up by our own boot straps. Help us to see that we are unable to save ourselves from earthly messes.  Lead us to cling to you in earthly crises and even more so for our eternal life with you. In Jesus name. Amen.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Arizona is tied as the 5th worst state in the United States for overall food insecurity.

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Tuesday: Romans 6:3-5  “Buried with Jesus in Baptism”  Hmm. “Buried with Jesus in Baptism.” Doesn’t sound pleasant at first glance, but maybe it is meant to keep our attention, so we go, “Wait, what??.” A little deeper into the reading, Paul’s letter to the Romans says, “Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” So this is what it’s getting at. Newness in life because there is nothing to fear. Death is nothing to fear now. “If we have been united with him in a death like this, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” Is this talk of resurrection talking about afterlife? Is this talk of resurrection talking about saving us from the death/general brokenness of this world? Either way, this reading isn’t in the Bible to give us a warning, it’s there to give us a hope. Hope of life without fear, reassurance in being taken care of by God. It is also there to remind us of Jesus’ solidarity with us, broken as we are. God cared enough about us crazies that Jesus came to live in solidarity with us. How wonderful to have solidarity with an awesome God who cares about all things and who made the wonderful and weird things we see every day. There is nothing to fear, we can walk in newness of life & a fresh spirit, we have solidarity with Jesus, people!  Julie Gerrish  Prayer: God, thank you for seeing our brokenness and sending Jesus to experience all the things that make human life what it is. Thanks for sending Jesus to calm us down and stir us up. Help us to walk in the newness and freshness of life that you give to us every day and moment we live. Amen.  

Hunger Fact/Challenge: 888,100 unduplicated Arizonans received emergency food assistance in 2009, an 85% increase from the 2006 study.

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Wednesday: Philippians 2:5-11

“Obedient to the End”

Some scholars think this text might be part of an ancient Christian hymn. Certainly, it is poetic. Over the centuries it has even found its way into some liturgies for Lent. Paul uses this to encourage an imitation of Christ's humility. Humility for the Christian is not the same as shyness. Humility can be an understanding of who one is as a loved and gifted Child of God and, at the same time who one is as a sinful being falling short of that love and misusing one's gifts. Humility for followers of Jesus is continuing to plod along in following Jesus knowing and trusting that the goodness that does come from following comes from the one whom we follow.

Walter G. Johnson, Jr.

O God, in Jesus you have revealed true humility to us. May we find strength and courage in the humility and obedience of Jesus to follow similarly. In Jesus' humble and strong name we pray. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: SNAP (aka Food Stamps)—49.4% of households receiving these benefits have children.

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Maundy Thursday: Luke 22:14-22  “The Lamb of God” 

These are the verses that tell of Jesus breaking the bread at the Last Supper, giving thanks, and saying “This is my body given for you; do this in remember of me.” And of taking the cup and saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” Jesus is the body and blood of a lamb to be sacrificed for the new covenant. He was crucified, died, and descended into hell to pay the price for our sins. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God.  Katherine Stevens  Prayer: Let us remember and give thanks to Jesus Christ, our savior. 

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Economists estimate that every dollar an Arizona household redeems through SNAP generates about $1.70 in economic activity.

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Good Friday: John 19:28-30 “Jesus Dies on the Cross” This is a sad day. It ought to be. Sin is a sad thing. It has often tragic consequences. This is a day that calls us to call things as they are. We need not cover up sin nor ignore what is painful. This is a day of honesty. We are who we are. Sin is what sin is. No spin. No hiding. This is a sad day. Yet, stay tuned...the story has not ended. Even sad days need not be without hope. Martin Luther Campus Pastor, Wittenberg University God, you see us as we are. You sent Jesus to us knowing fully who we are. Jesus did not abandon us or abandon hope in you. Give us the faith to have hope enough to look above and beyond sadness about who we are and the sadness that comes from painful times. Amen.

Hunger Fact/Challenge: Food banks are now reporting a greater demand for their food. They are noticing that some people now in line to receive food once formerly donated and/or volunteered to those food banks.

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Holy Saturday: John 19:38-42 "A New Tomb" Yesterday was the worst. Good Friday is depressing. It was for the disciples and it is for us. Sometimes depression can be a bit useful. It can help us appreciate those joyful moments. It can help us focus and realize life can hurt. Today, the day after can be a kind of hangover. Reality is beginning to set in. The disciples are beginning to grapple with life without Jesus and the apparent failure of their movement and its mission. We begin to think what life might be like without the kind of God we have known in Jesus. Serious thinking indeed. Yet already there is a hint of what is to come in the morrow. A new tomb. Is something new about to happen? Ponder the events of yesterday. Think of the possibility of tomorrow. Like life being lived between good and bad times, we are living in that time between Good Friday and Easter. Think about all these things today. Bertha Paulson Heavenly God, you are unafraid to come to our earth. You are unafraid to live as one of us and die as one of us. In all of this you work to make us and all things new. Hold us fast to the faith that trusts this to be true. Amen. Hunger Fact/Challenge: More than 623,300 (16.5%) of people in Maricopa County live in poverty. Nearly 1,138,000 (29%) are “working poor.”

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Easter Sunday: Matthew 28:1-10 “Jesus has Risen!” Something first has to die for new life to come. In the forest a tree falls to the ground and dies. Over time it provides a type of natural fertilizer for a seed to sprout and a new tree to grow. In our life difficult things happen. Painful events occur. Easter reminds us that if God could raise Jesus from the dead, God can raise us from those experiences that could cause us to stagnate in our pain. God sees a possibility for new life where we might see only an ending. Easter is not simply a message of hope for some time after this life it is for now in this life. "Go quickly, and tell!" Gary N. McCluskey Lutheran Campus Pastor, ASU Thank you, God for raising Jesus from the dead! Thank you, God for your forgiveness for the sin which crucified Jesus. Thank you, God for the new life you give us now and always. May we live in the joy of Easter and share this news with others. Amen.  








Hunger Fact/Challenge: Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Phoenix has weekly opportunities to volunteer with the poor and homeless. The contact information for Grace Lutheran Church is [email protected]; phone number: 602-258-3787.

ULC is always receiving offerings of money for world hunger.

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Lutheran Campus Ministry

at Arizona State University   

340 E. 15th Street ~ Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 [email protected]
